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Term: Autumn                       Year Group: 13
Lesson   Content & Learning Objectives          Learning Outcomes           Activities                                                        Resources         Key Words
   1     Attraction & Formation of              - To be able to describe    - Starter: Students complete key word and picture on top of       - W/S 1.1         - Proximity
         relationships: Why do people form      what physical               W/S 1.1. Students are given a checklist for the unit.             - OHT
         relationships with those who they      characteristics people      - Main: - Students highlight the top of W/S 1.1
         live closest to?                       look for in a partner.                - Students draw the zones for personal space, add
                                                - Describe & evaluate the   labels and colour in ffrom OHT.
                                                Proximity theory of                   - Students use a photocopy from Gross and Rolls on
                                                relationships               the research into Festinger and Felipe et al. which they will
                                                - Describe and evaluate     summarise on the W/S 1.1
                                                research into Proximity               - Students take notes from OHT, where they will
                                                                            evaluate the research, either adding the JAM or top and
                                                                            bottom layer of bread
                                                                            - Plenary: Why do we begin to dislike people when we
                                                                            spend too much time together?

  2      Attraction & Formation of              - Describe the Matching     - Starter: Students who completed the Matching hypothesis         - W/S 1.2         - Matching
         relationships: Gain an                 Hypothesis                  for C/W inform the rest of the class about the Matching           - Photos of gay   Hypothesis
         understanding into why humans          - Evaluate the Matching     hypothesis.                                                       men
         look for a partner who is similar to   Hypothesis                  - Main: Students complete the first half of W/S 1.2, filling in   - Matching grid
         themselves in regards to physical      - Describe research to      the characteristics of the Matching Hypothesis, e.g., small       - Bag of
         attractiveness.                        support the Matching        nose, etc, square jaw, etc.                                       criticisms
                                                Hypothesis                          - Students complete a Matching Hypothesis
                                                                            investigation, where they have to match up gay couples
                                                                            (men/women). The reason for this is because students
                                                                            have done heterosexual Matching Hypothesis experiments
                                                                            for C/W.
                                                                                    - Students take notes from OHT about Murstein,
                                                                            Walster and Silverman, as a gap filling exercise.
                                                                                    - Students have to put a selection of criticisms in the
                                                                            right order from a bag of criticisms they received from the
                                                                            - Plenary: Students are asked to re-design the Matching
                                                                            Hypothesis, but the focus will be on cultures. Students are
                                                                            given 3 photographs of couples, students have to match
                                                                            them up.

  3      Attraction & Formation of              - Describe the              - Starter: Hang Man EVOLUTIONARY APPROACH                         - W/S 2.1         - Evolution
         relationships: Gain an                 evolutionary approach       - Main: Students have to complete a content analysis on           - News papers     - Halo effect
         understanding into how                 - Evaluate the              personal ads in newspapers. They will work in pairs, and          - OHT
         relationships are formed from an       evolutionary approach       complete a content analysis for heterosexual couples and
         evolutionary approach.                                             homosexual couples. Pairs will provide to the rest of the
                                                                            class one similarity and one difference between
Term: Autumn                        Year Group: 13
                                                                              heterosexual and homosexual characteristics.
                                                                                    - The teacher talks through the W/S 2.1, and students
                                                                              have to highlight key words.
                                                                                    - Students have to take notes from OHT in order to
                                                                              evaluate the Matching Hypothesis
                                                                              - Plenary: Students plan a question on Interpersonal
                                                                              Attraction (24 Marks).
  4      Attraction & Formation of              - To be able to describe      Starter: Re cap Classical and Operant conditioning,                - W/S 2.2   -
         relationships: Gain an                 and evaluate                  teacher provides feedback from students on the W/B. Think          - OHT       Reinforcement
         understanding into the formation of    reinforcement and need        about what rewards and costs are associated with best                          and need
         relationships (Reinforcement and       satisfaction theory.          friend, parent, child and lover.                                               satisfaction
         Need Satisfaction).                    - Students complete a 24      Main: Students describe the RNS theory of the formation of
                                                mark question on the          relationships from OHT on W/S 2.2
                                                formation of relationships.          - Students fill in the table about the different kinds of
                                                                              needs that can act as reinforcement from OHT
                                                                                     - Students draw a picture to represent the different
                                                                              types of reinforcement, add detail and colour.
                                                                                       - Evaluate reinforcement and need satisfaction
                                                                              theory from OHT
                                                                              - Plenary: Students complete a question on the formation
                                                                              of relationships worth 24 marks.

  5      Attraction & Formation of              - To describe and             - Starter: Ask students what are the rewards and costs of a        W/S 3.1     - Social
         relationships: Be able to apply        evaluate Social Exchange      relationship? Costs: effort, money, missed opportunities;          Small W/B   exchange
         Social Exchange Theory to the          Theory                        Rewards: compassion, sex, money. This needs to be drawn                        Theory
         maintenance of relationships                                         on the board as a see-saw. Emphasise the idea of equality                      - CL
                                                                              and an unbalanced relationships leads to dissolution.                           CL alt
                                                                              - Main: - Describe Social exchange theory using the OHT.
                                                                              Students need to make notes on the Comparison Level
                                                                              (CL) and the Comparison Level Alternative (CL alt).
                                                                                      - Students complete notes on the four stages of SET:
                                                                              Sampling, Bargaining, Commitment and Institutionalisation.
                                                                                      - Students need to draw pictures to represent SBCI –
                                                                              using colour.
                                                                                        - Students Evaluate Social exchange theory using
                                                                              the OHT, they will have to fill in the JAM.
                                                                              - Plenary: Students are tested on the 3 theories of
                                                                              formation/maintenance of relationships. Students will use
                                                                              small W/B’s

Home work: Outline and Evaluate theories relating to the formation/maintenance of relationships (e.g., reward/need satisfaction theory, social exchange theory) 24 mks.
  6     Love & Breakdown of relationships:      - Describe Duck’s theory   - Starter: Students have to write down the factors that         - W/B            - Intrapsychic
       Why do relationships breakdown?          of the breakdown of        cause the breakdown of relationships. Each student should - W/S 4.0/4.1          - Dyadic
Term: Autumn                       Year Group: 13
     Describe Duck’s theory of the        relationships, including the   come up with 4 factors each. Each student then comes              - Text book   - Social
     dissolution of relationships.        4 stages: Intrapsychic,        up to the white board and writes down their responses.                          - Grave
                                          Dyadic, Social and             - Main: Students read through W/S 4.1 regarding                                 dressing
                                          Grave-dressing.                predisposing factors and precipitating factors. Students
                                                                         need to read through the maintenance difficulties and rule
                                                                         violations. Students need to highlight key words and topics.
                                                                                - Students fill in the table about the four stages of
                                                                         Duck’s model IDSG from their text book Pg.29.
                                                                                - Students use the Key Topics Dwyer and Charles
                                                                         book Pg. 30, where students need to look at the pictures
                                                                         and then draw their own cartoons to represent each stage
                                                                         in the model.
                                                                          - Plenary: Why do open relationships work?

7    Love & Breakdown of relationships:   - Be able to describe          - Starter: Re-cap Duck’s theory of dissolution                    - W/S 4.1     - Dissatisfa –
     Describe Lee’s theory of the         Lee’s theory of the break      - Main: - Students read through the W/S 4.1, where                              Ction
     dissolution of relationships.        up of relationships            students complete the stages of Lee’s model using their                         - Exposure
                                          - Describe research into       text books PG.29 from Dwyer and Charles.                                        - Resolution
                                          the breakdown in                        - Students read through W/S 4.1. and teacher talks                     - Negotiation
                                          relationships.                 through the research, students highlight key terms.                             - Termination
                                          - Evaluate Duck and Lee’s                - Students evaluate the theories using their text
                                          theory.                        books (both Cardwell and Dwyer and Charles)
                                                                         - Plenary: Teacher to draw a table on the W/B, looking at
                                                                         similarities and differences between Duck and Lee’s
8    Love & Breakdown of relationships:   - Apply knowledge of           - Starter: Re-cap Duck and Lee’s theory of dissolution                          - Lee’s stage
     Why do relationships breakdown?      theories of relationship       - Main: - Students watch a video ‘The Breakup’. They                            model
                                          breakdown to a novel           make notes identifying the stages of Duck and Lee’s                             - Duck’s stage
                                          situation.                     models.                                                                         model
                                                                         - Plenary: Talk through the movie so far and what has
                                                                         happened, and which stages have been passed through.
9    Love & Breakdown of relationships:   - Describe 3 Factor theory     - Starter: Ask students to write their answers to the following   - W/S 5.0     - Cultural
     Why do we love other people?         of love                        questions~ why do we love others, What is love, how do we                       exposure
     Theories into love                   - Evaluate 3 Factor theory     know when we’re in love and what types of love are                              - Physiological
                                          of love                        there?                                                                          arousal
                                                                         - Main: - Students takes notes from OHT about the three                         - Appropriate
                                                                         factors that in involved in love, physiological, love object                    love object
                                                                         and culture.
                                                                                 - Students draw a love heart and add labels to it
                                                                                 - Students evaluate 3 factors theory using their text
                                                                         books pg. ().
                                                                         - Plenary: Students complete a love quiz
10   Love & Breakdown of relationships:   - Students describe            - Starter: Students complete a different type of love quiz.       W/S 5.1       - Intimacy
Term: Autumn                      Year Group: 13
         Theories into love – Triangular theory   Triangular Theory of Love  - Main: - Students take notes from OHT about Intimacy,                       - Passion
                                                  - Students evaluate        Passion and Commitment.                                                      - Commitment
                                                  Triangular Theory of Love           - Students copy from W/B Sterberg’s love triangle,                  - Romantic
                                                  - Students can draw and    emphasising the different types of relationships that can                    -
                                                  label Sterberg’s LOVE      develop                                                                      Companionate
                                                  TRIANGLE                            - Students fill gaps on Typology of love and Love as                - Fatuous
                                                  - Students can name        a story from OHT                                                             - Empty love
                                                  different types of love,            - Students evaluate the theory. They will be given                  - Liking
                                                  e.g., romantic,            an A4 sheet with the A02 points jumbled up on it, they will                  - Infatuation
                                                  companionate and           have to cut them out and stick them on their W/S.
                                                  fatuous                             - Ask individual students to read out the evaluation
                                                                             - Plenary: Ask students to give similarities and differences
                                                                             between the two theories of love.
Homework: Describe and evaluate two theories into the dissolution of relationships (24 marks)
  11   Cultural & Sub-cultural differences:   - Describe the differences     - Starter: Traffic light quiz of 15 questions about what           W/S 6.0   - Voluntary
       Why are there cultural differences in between voluntary and           students have covered so far on formation/love/dissolution.                  - Involuntary
       regards to forming a relationship?     involuntary relationships.     - Main: - Students read through the W/S 6.0, highlighting
                                              - Describe Western and         relevant pieces of information
                                              Non-Western types of                   - Students evaluate the research
                                              relationships                          - Students have to write a detailed essay plan on
                                              - Evaluate voluntary and       voluntary and involuntary relationships.
                                              involuntary types of           - Plenary: Round robin of the class – ask each student to
                                              relationships.                 give a paragraph of their plan, teacher writes plan on
  12   Cultural & Sub-cultural differences:   - Describe differences         - Starter: Ask students if individualistic or collectivist would   W/S 6.1   - Temporary
       Why are some relationships             between individualistic        be temp. or perm. And ask them why?                                          - Permanent
       permanent and others temporary?        and collectivist societies     - Main: - Students takes notes from OHT about temporary
                                              - Describe the differences     and permanent relationships, emphasising the differences
                                              between permanent and          between individualistic and collectivist societies.
                                              temporary relationships                - Students evaluate the cultural research providing
                                              - Evaluate temporary and       the top and bottom layers.
                                              permanent relationships.       - Plenary: Small white boards, quiz the students about the
                                                                             topic of cultural differences, with true or false questions.
  13   Cultural & Sub-cultural differences:   - Describe homosexual          - Starter: What are the main differences between                   W/S 6.2   - Homosexual
       Why and how are homosexual and         relationships                  heterosexual and homosexual couples? Students provide                        - Gay
       heterosexual relationships different?  - Describe heterosexual        feedback and teacher writes on board in two columns.                         - Lesbian
                                              relationships                  - Main: - Teacher emphasises, that students cannot just
                                              - Describe the differences     write anything about gay men/women in the exam.
                                              between the both                       - Emphasise sensitive topic, confidentiality when
                                              - Evaluate research into       talking to students in room, think of other people’s feelings.
                                              homosexual relationships.              - Students read through the W/S 6.2 with teacher
                                                                             pulling out information form them. Students will each read
Term: Autumn                     Year Group: 13
                                                                              a section of the W/S.
                                                                                     - Students will evaluate homosexual relationships
                                                                              using the OHT.
                                                                              - Plenary: Think about gay people in the media, how are
                                                                              there relationships compared to a heterosexual couple?
                                                                              Think about Elton John, Will Young, Graham Norton,
                                                                              George Michael.

  14     Cultural & Sub-cultural differences:                                 - Starter: Hangman: INTERNET RELATIONSHIPS                    W/S 6.3            - CMC
         Why do people need to use the                                        - Main: - Students take notes from OHT about the nature of                       - Internet
         internet to form relationships?                                      internet relationships, initiating elationships, sexual                          - Text messgs
                                                                              relationships, gay men and CMC.
                                                                                      - Students have a cut and stick activity, when
                                                                              evaluating the research into electronic relationships.
                                                                              - Plenary: Essay plan for this question (worth 24 marks)
  15     Revision of material:               - To produce a poster            - Starter: Students pick which topic they are going to        - A3 sheets of
                                             about:                           produce a poster on.                                          coloured paper
                                                 - Filter theory              - Main: - Students create a poster about their given topic,   - Coloured pens
                                                 - Matching Hypothesis        emphasising key words and key evaluation points. There        - Glue
                                                 - Evolution                  needs to be colour and pictures on the poster.                - Magazines
                                                 - Reward/Need                - Plenary: Students post the poster up on the wall
                                                 - Social exchange
                                                 - Duck’s model
                                                 - Lee’s model
                                                 - 3 factor theory
                                                 - Triangular theory
                                                 - Cultural
                                                 - Homosexual
                                                 - Internet/texting
Homework: Describe and Evaluate one form of understudied relationship (24 marks)
 16-20 Revision of relationships             - Be able to answer an       Students will be revising will fellow peers in lessons. There     - Students notes
                                             essay question on one        will be practice papers and essay structures given to             and W/S
                                             topic of relationships       students.

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  • 1. Term: Autumn Year Group: 13 Lesson Content & Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Activities Resources Key Words No 1 Attraction & Formation of - To be able to describe - Starter: Students complete key word and picture on top of - W/S 1.1 - Proximity relationships: Why do people form what physical W/S 1.1. Students are given a checklist for the unit. - OHT relationships with those who they characteristics people - Main: - Students highlight the top of W/S 1.1 live closest to? look for in a partner. - Students draw the zones for personal space, add - Describe & evaluate the labels and colour in ffrom OHT. Proximity theory of - Students use a photocopy from Gross and Rolls on relationships the research into Festinger and Felipe et al. which they will - Describe and evaluate summarise on the W/S 1.1 research into Proximity - Students take notes from OHT, where they will evaluate the research, either adding the JAM or top and bottom layer of bread - Plenary: Why do we begin to dislike people when we spend too much time together? 2 Attraction & Formation of - Describe the Matching - Starter: Students who completed the Matching hypothesis - W/S 1.2 - Matching relationships: Gain an Hypothesis for C/W inform the rest of the class about the Matching - Photos of gay Hypothesis understanding into why humans - Evaluate the Matching hypothesis. men look for a partner who is similar to Hypothesis - Main: Students complete the first half of W/S 1.2, filling in - Matching grid themselves in regards to physical - Describe research to the characteristics of the Matching Hypothesis, e.g., small - Bag of attractiveness. support the Matching nose, etc, square jaw, etc. criticisms Hypothesis - Students complete a Matching Hypothesis investigation, where they have to match up gay couples (men/women). The reason for this is because students have done heterosexual Matching Hypothesis experiments for C/W. - Students take notes from OHT about Murstein, Walster and Silverman, as a gap filling exercise. - Students have to put a selection of criticisms in the right order from a bag of criticisms they received from the teacher. - Plenary: Students are asked to re-design the Matching Hypothesis, but the focus will be on cultures. Students are given 3 photographs of couples, students have to match them up. 3 Attraction & Formation of - Describe the - Starter: Hang Man EVOLUTIONARY APPROACH - W/S 2.1 - Evolution relationships: Gain an evolutionary approach - Main: Students have to complete a content analysis on - News papers - Halo effect understanding into how - Evaluate the personal ads in newspapers. They will work in pairs, and - OHT relationships are formed from an evolutionary approach complete a content analysis for heterosexual couples and evolutionary approach. homosexual couples. Pairs will provide to the rest of the class one similarity and one difference between
  • 2. Term: Autumn Year Group: 13 heterosexual and homosexual characteristics. - The teacher talks through the W/S 2.1, and students have to highlight key words. - Students have to take notes from OHT in order to evaluate the Matching Hypothesis - Plenary: Students plan a question on Interpersonal Attraction (24 Marks). 4 Attraction & Formation of - To be able to describe Starter: Re cap Classical and Operant conditioning, - W/S 2.2 - relationships: Gain an and evaluate teacher provides feedback from students on the W/B. Think - OHT Reinforcement understanding into the formation of reinforcement and need about what rewards and costs are associated with best and need relationships (Reinforcement and satisfaction theory. friend, parent, child and lover. satisfaction Need Satisfaction). - Students complete a 24 Main: Students describe the RNS theory of the formation of mark question on the relationships from OHT on W/S 2.2 formation of relationships. - Students fill in the table about the different kinds of needs that can act as reinforcement from OHT - Students draw a picture to represent the different types of reinforcement, add detail and colour. - Evaluate reinforcement and need satisfaction theory from OHT - Plenary: Students complete a question on the formation of relationships worth 24 marks. 5 Attraction & Formation of - To describe and - Starter: Ask students what are the rewards and costs of a W/S 3.1 - Social relationships: Be able to apply evaluate Social Exchange relationship? Costs: effort, money, missed opportunities; Small W/B exchange Social Exchange Theory to the Theory Rewards: compassion, sex, money. This needs to be drawn Theory maintenance of relationships on the board as a see-saw. Emphasise the idea of equality - CL and an unbalanced relationships leads to dissolution. CL alt - Main: - Describe Social exchange theory using the OHT. Students need to make notes on the Comparison Level (CL) and the Comparison Level Alternative (CL alt). - Students complete notes on the four stages of SET: Sampling, Bargaining, Commitment and Institutionalisation. - Students need to draw pictures to represent SBCI – using colour. - Students Evaluate Social exchange theory using the OHT, they will have to fill in the JAM. - Plenary: Students are tested on the 3 theories of formation/maintenance of relationships. Students will use small W/B’s Home work: Outline and Evaluate theories relating to the formation/maintenance of relationships (e.g., reward/need satisfaction theory, social exchange theory) 24 mks. 6 Love & Breakdown of relationships: - Describe Duck’s theory - Starter: Students have to write down the factors that - W/B - Intrapsychic Why do relationships breakdown? of the breakdown of cause the breakdown of relationships. Each student should - W/S 4.0/4.1 - Dyadic
  • 3. Term: Autumn Year Group: 13 Describe Duck’s theory of the relationships, including the come up with 4 factors each. Each student then comes - Text book - Social dissolution of relationships. 4 stages: Intrapsychic, up to the white board and writes down their responses. - Grave Dyadic, Social and - Main: Students read through W/S 4.1 regarding dressing Grave-dressing. predisposing factors and precipitating factors. Students need to read through the maintenance difficulties and rule violations. Students need to highlight key words and topics. - Students fill in the table about the four stages of Duck’s model IDSG from their text book Pg.29. - Students use the Key Topics Dwyer and Charles book Pg. 30, where students need to look at the pictures and then draw their own cartoons to represent each stage in the model. - Plenary: Why do open relationships work? 7 Love & Breakdown of relationships: - Be able to describe - Starter: Re-cap Duck’s theory of dissolution - W/S 4.1 - Dissatisfa – Describe Lee’s theory of the Lee’s theory of the break - Main: - Students read through the W/S 4.1, where Ction dissolution of relationships. up of relationships students complete the stages of Lee’s model using their - Exposure - Describe research into text books PG.29 from Dwyer and Charles. - Resolution the breakdown in - Students read through W/S 4.1. and teacher talks - Negotiation relationships. through the research, students highlight key terms. - Termination - Evaluate Duck and Lee’s - Students evaluate the theories using their text theory. books (both Cardwell and Dwyer and Charles) - Plenary: Teacher to draw a table on the W/B, looking at similarities and differences between Duck and Lee’s model. 8 Love & Breakdown of relationships: - Apply knowledge of - Starter: Re-cap Duck and Lee’s theory of dissolution - Lee’s stage Why do relationships breakdown? theories of relationship - Main: - Students watch a video ‘The Breakup’. They model breakdown to a novel make notes identifying the stages of Duck and Lee’s - Duck’s stage situation. models. model - Plenary: Talk through the movie so far and what has happened, and which stages have been passed through. 9 Love & Breakdown of relationships: - Describe 3 Factor theory - Starter: Ask students to write their answers to the following - W/S 5.0 - Cultural Why do we love other people? of love questions~ why do we love others, What is love, how do we exposure Theories into love - Evaluate 3 Factor theory know when we’re in love and what types of love are - Physiological of love there? arousal - Main: - Students takes notes from OHT about the three - Appropriate factors that in involved in love, physiological, love object love object and culture. - Students draw a love heart and add labels to it - Students evaluate 3 factors theory using their text books pg. (). - Plenary: Students complete a love quiz 10 Love & Breakdown of relationships: - Students describe - Starter: Students complete a different type of love quiz. W/S 5.1 - Intimacy
  • 4. Term: Autumn Year Group: 13 Theories into love – Triangular theory Triangular Theory of Love - Main: - Students take notes from OHT about Intimacy, - Passion - Students evaluate Passion and Commitment. - Commitment Triangular Theory of Love - Students copy from W/B Sterberg’s love triangle, - Romantic - Students can draw and emphasising the different types of relationships that can - label Sterberg’s LOVE develop Companionate TRIANGLE - Students fill gaps on Typology of love and Love as - Fatuous - Students can name a story from OHT - Empty love different types of love, - Students evaluate the theory. They will be given - Liking e.g., romantic, an A4 sheet with the A02 points jumbled up on it, they will - Infatuation companionate and have to cut them out and stick them on their W/S. fatuous - Ask individual students to read out the evaluation points. - Plenary: Ask students to give similarities and differences between the two theories of love. Homework: Describe and evaluate two theories into the dissolution of relationships (24 marks) 11 Cultural & Sub-cultural differences: - Describe the differences - Starter: Traffic light quiz of 15 questions about what W/S 6.0 - Voluntary Why are there cultural differences in between voluntary and students have covered so far on formation/love/dissolution. - Involuntary regards to forming a relationship? involuntary relationships. - Main: - Students read through the W/S 6.0, highlighting - Describe Western and relevant pieces of information Non-Western types of - Students evaluate the research relationships - Students have to write a detailed essay plan on - Evaluate voluntary and voluntary and involuntary relationships. involuntary types of - Plenary: Round robin of the class – ask each student to relationships. give a paragraph of their plan, teacher writes plan on board. 12 Cultural & Sub-cultural differences: - Describe differences - Starter: Ask students if individualistic or collectivist would W/S 6.1 - Temporary Why are some relationships between individualistic be temp. or perm. And ask them why? - Permanent permanent and others temporary? and collectivist societies - Main: - Students takes notes from OHT about temporary - Describe the differences and permanent relationships, emphasising the differences between permanent and between individualistic and collectivist societies. temporary relationships - Students evaluate the cultural research providing - Evaluate temporary and the top and bottom layers. permanent relationships. - Plenary: Small white boards, quiz the students about the topic of cultural differences, with true or false questions. 13 Cultural & Sub-cultural differences: - Describe homosexual - Starter: What are the main differences between W/S 6.2 - Homosexual Why and how are homosexual and relationships heterosexual and homosexual couples? Students provide - Gay heterosexual relationships different? - Describe heterosexual feedback and teacher writes on board in two columns. - Lesbian relationships - Main: - Teacher emphasises, that students cannot just - Describe the differences write anything about gay men/women in the exam. between the both - Emphasise sensitive topic, confidentiality when - Evaluate research into talking to students in room, think of other people’s feelings. homosexual relationships. - Students read through the W/S 6.2 with teacher pulling out information form them. Students will each read
  • 5. Term: Autumn Year Group: 13 a section of the W/S. - Students will evaluate homosexual relationships using the OHT. - Plenary: Think about gay people in the media, how are there relationships compared to a heterosexual couple? Think about Elton John, Will Young, Graham Norton, George Michael. 14 Cultural & Sub-cultural differences: - Starter: Hangman: INTERNET RELATIONSHIPS W/S 6.3 - CMC Why do people need to use the - Main: - Students take notes from OHT about the nature of - Internet internet to form relationships? internet relationships, initiating elationships, sexual - Text messgs relationships, gay men and CMC. - Students have a cut and stick activity, when evaluating the research into electronic relationships. - Plenary: Essay plan for this question (worth 24 marks) 15 Revision of material: - To produce a poster - Starter: Students pick which topic they are going to - A3 sheets of about: produce a poster on. coloured paper - Filter theory - Main: - Students create a poster about their given topic, - Coloured pens - Matching Hypothesis emphasising key words and key evaluation points. There - Glue - Evolution needs to be colour and pictures on the poster. - Magazines - Reward/Need - Plenary: Students post the poster up on the wall satisfaction - Social exchange - Duck’s model - Lee’s model - 3 factor theory - Triangular theory - Cultural - Homosexual - Internet/texting Homework: Describe and Evaluate one form of understudied relationship (24 marks) 16-20 Revision of relationships - Be able to answer an Students will be revising will fellow peers in lessons. There - Students notes essay question on one will be practice papers and essay structures given to and W/S topic of relationships students.