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Compare and Contrast Lesson Plan
Teacher Candidate:
Grade Level:
Instructional Plan Title
Grace Hernandez
8th grade
14 April 2016
Instructional ELA
Transition Words
Compare and Contrast Sleep Articles
I. Planning
Lesson Summary and Focus
Today students will start the class by using transition words in
sentences. This will be done with a short fill-in-the-blank
sentence worksheet to be done independently. After this,
students will write sentences using their vocabulary words in an
around-the-room activity. Lastly, as a class we will work on
starting to compare and contrast two articles we have read.
Classroom and Student Factors
This is an eighth grade instructional special education
classroom with eight students; three boys and five girls. All
students have IEPs, a majority of the students have increased
their reading skills to be at sixth to seventh grade level. I have
only two students who are below a sixth grade reading level. I
also have one student who is very private and shy about
participating in the classroom; she is on anxiety medication to
help her relax in the school environment. Students are in their
last quarter before they become freshman in high school.
Currently the school is also taking the state’s assessment which
requires all computers in the building to be used for only this
purpose for the month of April.
There are a lot of factors that come into play when creating
lessons for my classroom. It is nearly impossible to have
students be able to work with computers in the classroom since
our state assessment is done on the computers. I can still
introduce students to new types of technology by projecting
images and Prezi’s on the whiteboard for students to see. Using
the smartboard, students can actively participate with notes and
online games as a class.
Another factor that I have to consider is to provide appropriate
readings for all my students to comprehend. My Cooperating
Teacher told me that the students can read a higher level article
at a slower pace and done so as a class rather than as an
individual. When picking my articles for students to do their
compare and contrast unit I picked a topic that would be
interesting to them.
Another factor that needs to be addressed is that students are
not able to have access to any technology resources in the
building due to our state assessment is currently using all of
them to complete PARCC testing for the month at our building.
Comment by Valerie Denny: This is a duplication of a
previous statement. Is it needed?
Students may also be a bit more distracted today because they
are visiting their future high school (“Step Up Day”) after this
period. Their minds may not be focused in the classroom right
now, but I will do my best to push for engagement.
National/State Learning Standards
Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and
roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., precede, recede,
Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis
of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from
the text.
Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions
between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through
comparisons, analogies, or categories).
Analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text,
including the role of particular sentences in developing and
refining a key concept.
Use a variety of transition words, phrases, and clauses to
convey sequence, signal shifts from one time frame or setting to
another, and show the relationships among experiences and
Specific Learning Targets/Objectives
Students will know how to compare and contrast the articles, “Is
It Time to Start School Later?” by Dr. Michael Breus and
“Sleep for Success: Why Teens Need to Start School Later” by
Dr. Gail Gross. Also at the end of today’s lesson students will
also apply their vocabulary words to their own creative
Teaching Notes
Today’s lesson falls into our compare and contrast unit study,
our class writing project - working on transition words, and
vocabulary unit on prefixes hydro-, bi-, mono-, and com-.
To begin today’s class, students will independently work on
their transition words review worksheet (10 minutes). Once they
are done, students will gather their class materials from their
yellow in-class folder, blue vocabulary list, and both sleep
articles. In the next activity, students will be working on their
vocabulary words through an around-the-room activity (25
minutes). After the vocabulary activity we will transition to
starting to compare and contrast the two sleep articles that
students have already read. This will be done as a whole group
and with partners (45 minutes). This will conclude today’s 80
minute class session.
Formative Assessment
To measure today’s learning students will be graded on their
transition worksheet and their written vocabulary sentences.
Both of these sheets will be turned in at the end of each
activity. Students will also receive participation points for
working collaboratively with their partners on the compare and
contrast activity.
Academic Language
Key Vocabulary
The students will be continuing to work on comprehending their
vocabulary unit, 23 words, today in class.
Bivalve- a shell with two parts hinged together
Biannual - twice a year
Commiserate - feel sorrow or pity for someone
Compile - collect
Illegal - against the law
Illiterate - someone who cannot read or write
Hydroplane - land or take off from water
Hydroelectric - generate electricity by using water
Monotone - same tone
Monosyllable - a word with one syllable
Students will demonstrate their understanding of their
vocabulary words by creating a sentence for each vocabulary
word. This will provide practice for the student’s
comprehension and application of these new words.
In order for the students to comprehend the depth meaning of
each word, students will be rotating to 10 stations. Each station
will have one vocabulary word, the definition of the word, and
pictures that symbolize the vocabulary word. This will help
students better understand the meaning of each word. After
having a better understanding of each word, students will be
writing a sentence using the vocabulary word.
Instructional Materials, Equipment and Technology
Students will need:
Pens/ pencils/ highlighters
Notebook paper
Handouts of: Transition worksheet, reading articles, blue
vocabulary list
Teacher will need:
Transition worksheet and classroom copies
Vocabulary – Around-the-Room station vocabulary sheets
Vocabulary - Blue vocabulary list and classroom extra copies
Reading articles and classroom copies
Whiteboard and dry erase markers
Colored chart paper (green, red, yellow)
Colored construction paper (green, red, yellow)
Today’s lesson will be based on individual work, working with
partners, and whole group work. Students will be working
independently on their bellwork, transition words, and will have
the option of doing their vocabulary activity independently, if
they choose to. As mentioned students have the opportunity to
work with a partner for their vocabulary activity. They will be
required to work with a partner when writing contrast details
about their assigned reading article. Students may choose their
partners since we have a very small class, or I will choose for
them if they cannot make a decision. The whole-group (teacher-
led) will be done for the beginning of our compare and contrast
II. Instruction
A. Opening
Prior Knowledge Connection
Students will have to have background knowledge of their
vocabulary words in order to write stronger sentences for our
vocabulary activity, and to complete their bellwork on transition
words. For our compare and contrast learning activity, students
will have to have read both articles on sleep in order to be able
to fully participate in this activity.
Anticipatory Set
Students can relate to today’s compare and contrast lesson
because we will be comparing and contrasting two articles that
discuss the important issue of how students need more sleep and
why schools should start later to ensure an increase of sleep
patterns. This study is proven for teens sleep patterns. Students
can relate to this topic and use this information to help them see
the difference in each article and what information both articles
B. Learning and Teaching Activities (Teaching and Guided
I Do
Students Do
Bold every example of modeling;
italicize every formative assessment.
1. After greeting the students, I will inform students to pick up
their bellwork worksheet on transition words and to do their
best. I will inform them that they cannot use their “cheat sheet”
of transition words.
2. While students are filling out their vocabulary worksheets, I
will take attendance. I will also use this time to finish up any
last touches that are needed for the next activity.
3. After 10 minutes students will be informed to turn in their
bellwork worksheet. Students will be instructed to get their
sleep articles from their folders, along with their notes on both
articles, and their blue vocabulary list.
4. Once students are back in their seats, I will introduce our
next activity by starting a brief discussion about some of our
vocabulary words from unit 23. This will help the students
recall some of their words and definitions by discussing them
before doing their activity.
5. After briefly reviewing our words, I will introduce our
vocabulary learning activity. I will ask students what they
notice by looking around the room.
6. After hearing their observations, I will explain the instruction
of what it is students are expected to be doing for this activity:
“Students are instructed to take these steps at each Vocabulary
Sign: 1. Identify the vocabulary word on the sign, 2. Read the
definition. 3. Look at the pictures that are on this sign. After
taking these steps, take a minute to let this information sink into
your brain. The next step at this Vocabulary Word station, you,
the student will create your own sentence using the assigned
vocabulary word. There will be a total of 10 sentences. One
sentence for each vocabulary word.”
7. After explaining to the students the instructions for this
activity, I will demonstrate/work with the students on station
#1’s vocabulary word.
8. I will read station #1’s word aloud, monosyllable. I will then
read station #1’s definition, words with only one syllable. I will
verbally say what the pictures are on station #1’s sign; heart,
king, world. I will ask the students to think about this
information that was just read/said to them.
9. I will then ask the students “what do all the pictures have in
common?” After a response from a student, I will then ask
students “how do we create a sentence using the word
monosyllable based on the information on this sheet?”
10. After students have brainstormed this, I will call on a
student to provide their example. I will take the student’s input
to help them create a solid constructive sentence using the word
11. Our sentence will be written on the front whiteboard, which
is where station #1 is located. I will write “The word king is a
monosyllable word.” On the whiteboard for our vocabulary
sentence. I will underline the word monosyllable so it is clear
what vocabulary word is used at this station.
12. Students are instructed to write this same sentence on their
blank notebook paper for station #1 as I write it on the
13. I will then tell the students that this is what they are to do at
the remaining nine stations set up in the classroom. Think about
the word and use the pictures and definition as clues to help
them write their own sentence using the assigned vocabulary
word. I will also inform them that they may use their blue
vocabulary list during this activity. Students may also work
with partners, or do this activity independently. I will verbalize
and write a stop time on the front board. Students are to have 15
minutes to work on this activity.
14. I will be walking around the room to observe and assist any
student who has a question or concern about a specific station.
Towards the last 2 minutes, I will tape the class’s compare and
contrast chart on the front board.
15. Once students are done at all 10 (really nine since we did
the first one together) stations, they are to turn in their sheets to
my desk. They will be instructed to highlight 3 facts from each
sleep reading article that we have already read. They are to look
back at their annotations and highlight what they believe are the
three most important facts from each article.
16. Once I have everyone’s vocabulary sentences collected, I
will ask students “what have we learned from either sleep
reading article?” “What do both these articles have in
common?” After hearing from a few students, I will then ask the
students “What do you notice on the board?”
17. After hearing from students, I will then inform the students
of exactly what my color chart is. “This chart is a compare and
contrast chart. My yellow stands for contrasting the “Sleep for
Success” article. My green stands for contrasting the “Is It Time
to Start School Later” article. And lastly, my red stands for
what both articles have in common and how they are the same.”
18. As a whole group, students will tell me what to write in the
red chart. I will ask questions to help prompt students to think
about what both of these articles have in common. I will write
what they have in common on the chart big enough for all
students to see.
19. Now that our red chart is filled out, I will explain to
students that they are to fill out the yellow and green charts by
working with their partner.
20. Students will be given the opportunity to pick their partners,
if they do not seem that they are engaging for this, I will assign
21. After students are with their partners and have their articles
with them, I will provide further instructions. Students will be
assigned to either “Is It Time to Start School Later?” or “Sleep
for Success.” They are to write two facts from their assigned
article onto their colored construction paper. If they have
finished with two facts, they may add more. I will also inform
students that they are not to write any of the information that is
already written on the red chart on the board. “You are looking
for information that is different from the red chart” I will say to
the students. Students will also be given a stop time verbally
and written on the board (10 minutes).
22. As students work with their partners, I will walk around the
room observing, or assisting those who have questions or
concerns regarding this activity.
23. Once their time is up, I will instruct students to go back to
their original seats, and for one student from each partnership to
tape their construction paper to the proper chart on the board.
24. The person who did not tape their paper on the board, will
come up to the board to read aloud what he or she wrote with
their partner.
25. After each student has spoken, I will review what we have
just done in class. To check for understanding, I will ask the
students “What did we just examine about each sleep article?” A
student will answer this and I will clarify the student’s answer.
I will then ask “Where do we write the differences on each
article?” The class will answer as a whole group and I will
clarify the answer. I will then ask “Where do we write what the
two articles have in common?” The class will answer as a whole
group and I will clarify the answer.
26. To end the compare and contrast activity, I will inform
students that they will be writing their own compare and
contrast chart individually on . . . SUPERHEROES! The details
will be discussed at the next class period, but I will inform
students that they need to be thinking about two superheroes
that they like.
27. In the last 5 minutes of class, I will ask students if they
have any questions about today’s vocabulary activity or
compare/ contrast activity. Questions will be answered, and
then students will be instructed to start cleaning up the area
around them.
28. The last 2 minutes of class, I will ask the class “What is
your homework tonight?” and remind them that their narrative
rough draft is due April 21. If this is not written in their agenda
books already, this is their opportunity to do so.
1. Students will enter the class.
2. After everyone is in the classroom, students will be
instructed to pick up their transition words bellwork worksheet.
3. Once students have their bellwork worksheet and are back in
their seats, they can begin to work independently on this
worksheet without the use of their “cheat sheet” of transition
4. Once they have finished the entire bellwork worksheet,
students will turn this in and retrieve their folders from the
classroom bin. They are to have out on their desks both reading
articles and their notes from them, and their blue vocabulary
5. Students will actively engage in the classroom discussion
about recalling some of their vocabulary words that they have
been learning from unit 23.
6. After this brief discussion recalling and reviewing some of
the vocabulary words, students will listen to the next set of
directions from the teacher. Students will be facing towards the
board to follow along with the verbal directions for the next
7. Students will observe the room to see that there are stations
located in the room. After observing this, students will raise
their hands to vocalize their observations.
8. After stating their observations, students will be listening to
the directions of what they are to do at each station, per the
teacher’s instruction.
9. Students will follow along and actively engage in completing
the first station with the teacher. Students will be following
along to station #1 from their seats.
10. Students will think about the information that was read
aloud to them at station #1. After reflecting on this information,
students will actively engage by raising their hand to share what
they have concluded from the information given to them.
11. Students will then brainstorm on creating a sentence using
the vocabulary word, monosyllable. Once they have created one,
students will raise their hand to share their creative sentence.
12. Students will then take out a sheet of notebook paper.
13. Students will write down the vocabulary sentence for the
word monosyllable, written on the whiteboard, on their
notebook paper. Students will also underline the vocabulary
word, monosyllable, to show that they have identified what
vocabulary word is being used in this sentence.
14. Students will then get up from their desks, to start moving
around the room to complete each vocabulary station.
15. At each station students will be reading the vocabulary
word, the definition that goes along with that word, and looking
at the pictures that go along with the vocabulary word. Once
they have observed and read all of this information, students
will take a minute to brainstorm how to write a sentence using
the vocabulary word at their station.
16. Students will repeat step 15, for each vocabulary station.
There are 10 stations: however, as a class we did station #1
together. Students should be completing stations #2-10 on their
own or with a partner.
17. Once students have started to finish their 10 sentences; one
for each word, students will turn in their sentences to the
teacher and will be instructed to go back to their annotated
notes on each of the sleep articles.
18. Students will work silently to highlight what they believe to
be important facts from the articles.
19. After highlighting, students will be instructed to follow
along with the verbal instructions at the front board.
20. Students will use their articles to help create some
similarities between the two articles. Students will be figuring
this out independently, and raising their hand to share their
21. After sharing, students will be given the opportunity to pick
their own partners for this next activity. (If students do not start
to move, they will be assigned partners.) Students will then sit
next to their partners.
22. Sitting next to their partners, students will listen for the
next set of instructions; which is to create two bullet points of
information that states what makes their article unique.
23. Students will brainstorm and discuss with their partners
what information from their assigned article is worth knowing.
24. After concluding this information students will be writing
their facts/ information on their colored (green or yellow)
paper. Comment by Valerie Denny: Construction or chart
25. After the teacher instructs that the activity is over, students
will go back to their seats and hang up their color sheets on the
appropriate colored charts at the front board.
26. Towards the last 5 minutes of class, students will check in
with the teacher showing their progress on the graphic
27. Lastly, students will write in their agenda book their
homework to have their rough draft finished by Thursday, April
Students will be given the opportunity, if they have finished
their vocabulary worksheet early, and while they are waiting for
their classmates to finish the vocabulary activity to continue
annotating each section of the articles; “Is It Time to Start
School Later?” and “Sleep for Success.”
Differentiated Instruction:
1. To differentiation instruction to my students, we will be
working together in a whole group activity to figure out what
both articles have in common. By working on this as a whole all
students can actively participate and visually see our classroom
chart where we write our similarities.
Summative Assessment
Students will be assessed on their transition worksheet that is
done independently. They are to fully finish this worksheet in
class without using their “cheat sheet” on transition words.
Students are to fill in the blanks using the word bank provided.
There are 10 fill in the blank questions, making this assessment
worth 10 points.
Students will also be assessed based on their own sentences that
they have written during the vocabulary activity. Students will
be graded on their ability to correctly use their vocabulary word
in each sentence. This is worth 10 points.
Students will also earn participation points based on how well
they work with their partners during the compare and contrast
activity. This will be a total of 10 points to be given out for
those students staying on task, cooperating with their partners,
and being respectful of one another.
When students finish their vocabulary worksheet early, and
while they are waiting for their classmates to finish the
vocabulary activity, the students may continue annotating each
section of the articles “Is It Time to Start School Later?” and
“Sleep for Success.”
To differentiate instruction, we will be working together in a
whole group activity to figure out what both articles have in
common. By working on this as a whole group, all students can
actively participate and visually see our classroom chart where
the similarities were written. This also will clarify what a
similarity chart looks like when comparing and contrasting two
To wrap up today’s lesson I will ask students to go back to their
original seats and start collecting today’s handouts and notes to
be put in their classroom folder. After this is cleaned up and we
are ready to move on, I will remind students of their homework,
and when it is due. Students will be writing this in their agenda
books at this time. Lastly, I will reflect with the students for the
last 3 minutes about what we learned today. Students will think
about the compare and contrast activity, and ask any questions
about this activity or anything else so far. I will announce to
students to think about two of their favorite superheroes.
Students will be comparing and contrasting two of their favorite
superheroes at the next class we have together.
Today’s homework is to have students continue working on
their narrative writing. Students should have a rough draft
written by Thursday, April 21. This is based on helping students
practice their writing skills by using the graphic organizer to
help them write complete structured organized paragraphs.
© 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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Compare and Contrast Lesson PlanTeacher CandidateGrade Le.docx

  • 1. Compare and Contrast Lesson Plan Teacher Candidate: Grade Level: Date: Unit/Subject: Instructional Plan Title Grace Hernandez 8th grade 14 April 2016 Instructional ELA Transition Words Vocabulary Compare and Contrast Sleep Articles I. Planning Lesson Summary and Focus Today students will start the class by using transition words in sentences. This will be done with a short fill-in-the-blank sentence worksheet to be done independently. After this, students will write sentences using their vocabulary words in an around-the-room activity. Lastly, as a class we will work on starting to compare and contrast two articles we have read. Classroom and Student Factors This is an eighth grade instructional special education classroom with eight students; three boys and five girls. All students have IEPs, a majority of the students have increased their reading skills to be at sixth to seventh grade level. I have only two students who are below a sixth grade reading level. I also have one student who is very private and shy about
  • 2. participating in the classroom; she is on anxiety medication to help her relax in the school environment. Students are in their last quarter before they become freshman in high school. Currently the school is also taking the state’s assessment which requires all computers in the building to be used for only this purpose for the month of April. There are a lot of factors that come into play when creating lessons for my classroom. It is nearly impossible to have students be able to work with computers in the classroom since our state assessment is done on the computers. I can still introduce students to new types of technology by projecting images and Prezi’s on the whiteboard for students to see. Using the smartboard, students can actively participate with notes and online games as a class. Another factor that I have to consider is to provide appropriate readings for all my students to comprehend. My Cooperating Teacher told me that the students can read a higher level article at a slower pace and done so as a class rather than as an individual. When picking my articles for students to do their compare and contrast unit I picked a topic that would be interesting to them. Another factor that needs to be addressed is that students are not able to have access to any technology resources in the building due to our state assessment is currently using all of them to complete PARCC testing for the month at our building. Comment by Valerie Denny: This is a duplication of a previous statement. Is it needed? Students may also be a bit more distracted today because they are visiting their future high school (“Step Up Day”) after this period. Their minds may not be focused in the classroom right now, but I will do my best to push for engagement. National/State Learning Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.8.4.B Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., precede, recede,
  • 3. secede). CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.8.1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.8.3 Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories). CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.8.5 Analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text, including the role of particular sentences in developing and refining a key concept. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.3.C Use a variety of transition words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence, signal shifts from one time frame or setting to another, and show the relationships among experiences and events. Specific Learning Targets/Objectives Students will know how to compare and contrast the articles, “Is It Time to Start School Later?” by Dr. Michael Breus and “Sleep for Success: Why Teens Need to Start School Later” by Dr. Gail Gross. Also at the end of today’s lesson students will also apply their vocabulary words to their own creative sentence. Teaching Notes Today’s lesson falls into our compare and contrast unit study, our class writing project - working on transition words, and vocabulary unit on prefixes hydro-, bi-, mono-, and com-. Agenda To begin today’s class, students will independently work on their transition words review worksheet (10 minutes). Once they are done, students will gather their class materials from their yellow in-class folder, blue vocabulary list, and both sleep
  • 4. articles. In the next activity, students will be working on their vocabulary words through an around-the-room activity (25 minutes). After the vocabulary activity we will transition to starting to compare and contrast the two sleep articles that students have already read. This will be done as a whole group and with partners (45 minutes). This will conclude today’s 80 minute class session. Formative Assessment To measure today’s learning students will be graded on their transition worksheet and their written vocabulary sentences. Both of these sheets will be turned in at the end of each activity. Students will also receive participation points for working collaboratively with their partners on the compare and contrast activity. Academic Language Key Vocabulary The students will be continuing to work on comprehending their vocabulary unit, 23 words, today in class. Bivalve- a shell with two parts hinged together Biannual - twice a year Commiserate - feel sorrow or pity for someone Compile - collect Illegal - against the law Illiterate - someone who cannot read or write Hydroplane - land or take off from water Hydroelectric - generate electricity by using water Monotone - same tone Monosyllable - a word with one syllable Function Students will demonstrate their understanding of their vocabulary words by creating a sentence for each vocabulary word. This will provide practice for the student’s comprehension and application of these new words.
  • 5. Form In order for the students to comprehend the depth meaning of each word, students will be rotating to 10 stations. Each station will have one vocabulary word, the definition of the word, and pictures that symbolize the vocabulary word. This will help students better understand the meaning of each word. After having a better understanding of each word, students will be writing a sentence using the vocabulary word. Instructional Materials, Equipment and Technology Students will need: Pens/ pencils/ highlighters Notebook paper Handouts of: Transition worksheet, reading articles, blue vocabulary list Teacher will need: Transition worksheet and classroom copies Vocabulary – Around-the-Room station vocabulary sheets Vocabulary - Blue vocabulary list and classroom extra copies Reading articles and classroom copies Highlighters Whiteboard and dry erase markers Colored chart paper (green, red, yellow) Colored construction paper (green, red, yellow) Grouping Today’s lesson will be based on individual work, working with
  • 6. partners, and whole group work. Students will be working independently on their bellwork, transition words, and will have the option of doing their vocabulary activity independently, if they choose to. As mentioned students have the opportunity to work with a partner for their vocabulary activity. They will be required to work with a partner when writing contrast details about their assigned reading article. Students may choose their partners since we have a very small class, or I will choose for them if they cannot make a decision. The whole-group (teacher- led) will be done for the beginning of our compare and contrast activity. II. Instruction A. Opening Prior Knowledge Connection Students will have to have background knowledge of their vocabulary words in order to write stronger sentences for our vocabulary activity, and to complete their bellwork on transition words. For our compare and contrast learning activity, students will have to have read both articles on sleep in order to be able to fully participate in this activity. Anticipatory Set Students can relate to today’s compare and contrast lesson because we will be comparing and contrasting two articles that discuss the important issue of how students need more sleep and why schools should start later to ensure an increase of sleep patterns. This study is proven for teens sleep patterns. Students can relate to this topic and use this information to help them see the difference in each article and what information both articles share. B. Learning and Teaching Activities (Teaching and Guided
  • 7. Practice): I Do Students Do Differentiation Bold every example of modeling; italicize every formative assessment. 1. After greeting the students, I will inform students to pick up their bellwork worksheet on transition words and to do their best. I will inform them that they cannot use their “cheat sheet” of transition words. 2. While students are filling out their vocabulary worksheets, I will take attendance. I will also use this time to finish up any last touches that are needed for the next activity. 3. After 10 minutes students will be informed to turn in their bellwork worksheet. Students will be instructed to get their sleep articles from their folders, along with their notes on both articles, and their blue vocabulary list. 4. Once students are back in their seats, I will introduce our next activity by starting a brief discussion about some of our vocabulary words from unit 23. This will help the students recall some of their words and definitions by discussing them before doing their activity. 5. After briefly reviewing our words, I will introduce our vocabulary learning activity. I will ask students what they notice by looking around the room. 6. After hearing their observations, I will explain the instruction of what it is students are expected to be doing for this activity: “Students are instructed to take these steps at each Vocabulary Sign: 1. Identify the vocabulary word on the sign, 2. Read the definition. 3. Look at the pictures that are on this sign. After taking these steps, take a minute to let this information sink into your brain. The next step at this Vocabulary Word station, you, the student will create your own sentence using the assigned vocabulary word. There will be a total of 10 sentences. One sentence for each vocabulary word.”
  • 8. 7. After explaining to the students the instructions for this activity, I will demonstrate/work with the students on station #1’s vocabulary word. 8. I will read station #1’s word aloud, monosyllable. I will then read station #1’s definition, words with only one syllable. I will verbally say what the pictures are on station #1’s sign; heart, king, world. I will ask the students to think about this information that was just read/said to them. 9. I will then ask the students “what do all the pictures have in common?” After a response from a student, I will then ask students “how do we create a sentence using the word monosyllable based on the information on this sheet?” 10. After students have brainstormed this, I will call on a student to provide their example. I will take the student’s input to help them create a solid constructive sentence using the word monosyllable. 11. Our sentence will be written on the front whiteboard, which is where station #1 is located. I will write “The word king is a monosyllable word.” On the whiteboard for our vocabulary sentence. I will underline the word monosyllable so it is clear what vocabulary word is used at this station. 12. Students are instructed to write this same sentence on their blank notebook paper for station #1 as I write it on the whiteboard. 13. I will then tell the students that this is what they are to do at the remaining nine stations set up in the classroom. Think about the word and use the pictures and definition as clues to help them write their own sentence using the assigned vocabulary word. I will also inform them that they may use their blue vocabulary list during this activity. Students may also work with partners, or do this activity independently. I will verbalize and write a stop time on the front board. Students are to have 15 minutes to work on this activity. 14. I will be walking around the room to observe and assist any student who has a question or concern about a specific station. Towards the last 2 minutes, I will tape the class’s compare and
  • 9. contrast chart on the front board. 15. Once students are done at all 10 (really nine since we did the first one together) stations, they are to turn in their sheets to my desk. They will be instructed to highlight 3 facts from each sleep reading article that we have already read. They are to look back at their annotations and highlight what they believe are the three most important facts from each article. 16. Once I have everyone’s vocabulary sentences collected, I will ask students “what have we learned from either sleep reading article?” “What do both these articles have in common?” After hearing from a few students, I will then ask the students “What do you notice on the board?” 17. After hearing from students, I will then inform the students of exactly what my color chart is. “This chart is a compare and contrast chart. My yellow stands for contrasting the “Sleep for Success” article. My green stands for contrasting the “Is It Time to Start School Later” article. And lastly, my red stands for what both articles have in common and how they are the same.” 18. As a whole group, students will tell me what to write in the red chart. I will ask questions to help prompt students to think about what both of these articles have in common. I will write what they have in common on the chart big enough for all students to see. 19. Now that our red chart is filled out, I will explain to students that they are to fill out the yellow and green charts by working with their partner. 20. Students will be given the opportunity to pick their partners, if they do not seem that they are engaging for this, I will assign partners. 21. After students are with their partners and have their articles with them, I will provide further instructions. Students will be assigned to either “Is It Time to Start School Later?” or “Sleep for Success.” They are to write two facts from their assigned article onto their colored construction paper. If they have finished with two facts, they may add more. I will also inform students that they are not to write any of the information that is
  • 10. already written on the red chart on the board. “You are looking for information that is different from the red chart” I will say to the students. Students will also be given a stop time verbally and written on the board (10 minutes). 22. As students work with their partners, I will walk around the room observing, or assisting those who have questions or concerns regarding this activity. 23. Once their time is up, I will instruct students to go back to their original seats, and for one student from each partnership to tape their construction paper to the proper chart on the board. 24. The person who did not tape their paper on the board, will come up to the board to read aloud what he or she wrote with their partner. 25. After each student has spoken, I will review what we have just done in class. To check for understanding, I will ask the students “What did we just examine about each sleep article?” A student will answer this and I will clarify the student’s answer. I will then ask “Where do we write the differences on each article?” The class will answer as a whole group and I will clarify the answer. I will then ask “Where do we write what the two articles have in common?” The class will answer as a whole group and I will clarify the answer. 26. To end the compare and contrast activity, I will inform students that they will be writing their own compare and contrast chart individually on . . . SUPERHEROES! The details will be discussed at the next class period, but I will inform students that they need to be thinking about two superheroes that they like. 27. In the last 5 minutes of class, I will ask students if they have any questions about today’s vocabulary activity or compare/ contrast activity. Questions will be answered, and then students will be instructed to start cleaning up the area around them. 28. The last 2 minutes of class, I will ask the class “What is your homework tonight?” and remind them that their narrative rough draft is due April 21. If this is not written in their agenda
  • 11. books already, this is their opportunity to do so. 1. Students will enter the class. 2. After everyone is in the classroom, students will be instructed to pick up their transition words bellwork worksheet. 3. Once students have their bellwork worksheet and are back in their seats, they can begin to work independently on this worksheet without the use of their “cheat sheet” of transition words. 4. Once they have finished the entire bellwork worksheet, students will turn this in and retrieve their folders from the classroom bin. They are to have out on their desks both reading articles and their notes from them, and their blue vocabulary list. 5. Students will actively engage in the classroom discussion about recalling some of their vocabulary words that they have been learning from unit 23. 6. After this brief discussion recalling and reviewing some of the vocabulary words, students will listen to the next set of directions from the teacher. Students will be facing towards the board to follow along with the verbal directions for the next activity. 7. Students will observe the room to see that there are stations located in the room. After observing this, students will raise their hands to vocalize their observations. 8. After stating their observations, students will be listening to the directions of what they are to do at each station, per the teacher’s instruction. 9. Students will follow along and actively engage in completing the first station with the teacher. Students will be following along to station #1 from their seats. 10. Students will think about the information that was read aloud to them at station #1. After reflecting on this information, students will actively engage by raising their hand to share what they have concluded from the information given to them. 11. Students will then brainstorm on creating a sentence using
  • 12. the vocabulary word, monosyllable. Once they have created one, students will raise their hand to share their creative sentence. 12. Students will then take out a sheet of notebook paper. 13. Students will write down the vocabulary sentence for the word monosyllable, written on the whiteboard, on their notebook paper. Students will also underline the vocabulary word, monosyllable, to show that they have identified what vocabulary word is being used in this sentence. 14. Students will then get up from their desks, to start moving around the room to complete each vocabulary station. 15. At each station students will be reading the vocabulary word, the definition that goes along with that word, and looking at the pictures that go along with the vocabulary word. Once they have observed and read all of this information, students will take a minute to brainstorm how to write a sentence using the vocabulary word at their station. 16. Students will repeat step 15, for each vocabulary station. There are 10 stations: however, as a class we did station #1 together. Students should be completing stations #2-10 on their own or with a partner. 17. Once students have started to finish their 10 sentences; one for each word, students will turn in their sentences to the teacher and will be instructed to go back to their annotated notes on each of the sleep articles. 18. Students will work silently to highlight what they believe to be important facts from the articles. 19. After highlighting, students will be instructed to follow along with the verbal instructions at the front board. 20. Students will use their articles to help create some similarities between the two articles. Students will be figuring this out independently, and raising their hand to share their answer. 21. After sharing, students will be given the opportunity to pick their own partners for this next activity. (If students do not start to move, they will be assigned partners.) Students will then sit next to their partners.
  • 13. 22. Sitting next to their partners, students will listen for the next set of instructions; which is to create two bullet points of information that states what makes their article unique. 23. Students will brainstorm and discuss with their partners what information from their assigned article is worth knowing. 24. After concluding this information students will be writing their facts/ information on their colored (green or yellow) paper. Comment by Valerie Denny: Construction or chart paper? 25. After the teacher instructs that the activity is over, students will go back to their seats and hang up their color sheets on the appropriate colored charts at the front board. 26. Towards the last 5 minutes of class, students will check in with the teacher showing their progress on the graphic organizer. 27. Lastly, students will write in their agenda book their homework to have their rough draft finished by Thursday, April 14. Students will be given the opportunity, if they have finished their vocabulary worksheet early, and while they are waiting for their classmates to finish the vocabulary activity to continue annotating each section of the articles; “Is It Time to Start School Later?” and “Sleep for Success.” Differentiated Instruction: 1. To differentiation instruction to my students, we will be working together in a whole group activity to figure out what both articles have in common. By working on this as a whole all students can actively participate and visually see our classroom chart where we write our similarities. III. ASSESSMENT Summative Assessment Students will be assessed on their transition worksheet that is
  • 14. done independently. They are to fully finish this worksheet in class without using their “cheat sheet” on transition words. Students are to fill in the blanks using the word bank provided. There are 10 fill in the blank questions, making this assessment worth 10 points. Students will also be assessed based on their own sentences that they have written during the vocabulary activity. Students will be graded on their ability to correctly use their vocabulary word in each sentence. This is worth 10 points. Students will also earn participation points based on how well they work with their partners during the compare and contrast activity. This will be a total of 10 points to be given out for those students staying on task, cooperating with their partners, and being respectful of one another. Differentiation When students finish their vocabulary worksheet early, and while they are waiting for their classmates to finish the vocabulary activity, the students may continue annotating each section of the articles “Is It Time to Start School Later?” and “Sleep for Success.” To differentiate instruction, we will be working together in a whole group activity to figure out what both articles have in common. By working on this as a whole group, all students can actively participate and visually see our classroom chart where the similarities were written. This also will clarify what a similarity chart looks like when comparing and contrasting two things. Closure To wrap up today’s lesson I will ask students to go back to their original seats and start collecting today’s handouts and notes to be put in their classroom folder. After this is cleaned up and we are ready to move on, I will remind students of their homework, and when it is due. Students will be writing this in their agenda books at this time. Lastly, I will reflect with the students for the
  • 15. last 3 minutes about what we learned today. Students will think about the compare and contrast activity, and ask any questions about this activity or anything else so far. I will announce to students to think about two of their favorite superheroes. Students will be comparing and contrasting two of their favorite superheroes at the next class we have together. Homework Today’s homework is to have students continue working on their narrative writing. Students should have a rough draft written by Thursday, April 21. This is based on helping students practice their writing skills by using the graphic organizer to help them write complete structured organized paragraphs. © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.