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हरिबोधिनी एकादशी 2075को सफलकोलागी
उधित फोहोिमैला व्यवस्थापनको
जिल्ला समन्वय सममतत
JICA स्वयंसेवक:वातविण प्रशासन
आिुसी ताकाहासी
गएको सालको एकादसीकोअवस्था
संगीत मन्ि ि दशशक
िेस्टोिेन्ट नजिकको फोहोिहरु
पोखिी नजिकको फोहोिहरु
दशशक ि गाडी / मोटि-साइककल
दशशक ि गाडी / मोटि-साइककल
सुझाव ववषय वस्तु
 दर्शकहरुको सम्झनामा रही राख्नेगरी,
हामीले सफा र सुन्दर पर्श आयोजना गरौं !
1. फोहोरमैला व्यर्स्थापन को संचालन ननकाय, रुल / सुवर्धाहरुको
2. पसल खोल्ने मान्छेहरुको सहयोग र मागशदर्शन
3. दर्शकहरुमा सूचना
4. आर्श्यक संक्याको तोइलेटको सुरक्षित र स्र्स्थकर संचालन
 दर्शकहरुको सुरिाको सुरक्षित
 अझै दर्शकहरुलाई आकवषशत गने
 संचालनको ननम्म्त धनको सुरक्षित 12
दशशकहरुको सम्झनामा िही िाख्नेगिी,
हामीले सफा ि सुन्दि पवश आयोिना गिौं !
फोहोिमैला व्यवस्थापन को संिालन तनकाय, रुल / सुवविाहरुको प्रबन्ि
 र्ातार्रण व्यर्स्था म्जम्मेदारको ननयुम्क्त
• The organizer set up the environmental act representative.
• Roles of the environmental act representative: coordinating plans and operations that are
environmentally conscious in all aspect.
 रेस्टोरेन्ट र पसलहरुको िेत्रीकरण
 फोहोरमैला व्यर्स्थापन रुलको प्रबन्ध
• The organizer prepare waste management rules and establish facilities necessary for
• आयोजकले बैठक आयोजना गरेर, सचालन को कमशचारीहरु, पसल खोल्ने मान्छेहरु लाई फोहोरमैला व्यर्स्थापन रुल र
फोहोर घटाउने तररका कोबरेमा बबस्तृत र्णशन ददन्छ l
• सर्ै जना आ-आफ्नो गनश पने कु रा पुम्टट गछशन l
 संकलन ठाउँ, डस्ट बबन र र्ातार्रण संबंधी सूचना बैनरको स्थापन र
• The organizer establish and maintain the collection places, dust bins and environmental
awareness banners.
 र्ातार्रण संबंधी सूचना ददने कमशचारी
• The organizer arranges environmental observers (2 people) . Environmental observers patrol
the venue and give the instructions to visitors and store openers to properly manage waste.
The organizer provide stuff number or को कमशचारी name card.
िेस्टोिेन्ट ि पसलहरुको क्षेत्रीकिण(Draft)
िेस्टोिेन्ट क्षेत्र
संगीत मन्ि
पाककिं ग
दशशक क्षेत्र
पसलहरु क्षेत्र
िेस्टोिेन्ट क्षेत्र
फोहोिमैला व्यवस्थापन को रुल (draft)
अज्योजक र पसल खोल्ने मान्छेहरूको म्जम्मेर्ारी
आयोजक Use reusable containers ahead of use of disposable containers such as
box lunches and paper cups.
पसल खोल्ने
Dust bins or bags are installed in each shop, garbage discharged from the
shop are collected in dust bins or bags, the shop opener discharges
garbage to the collection place, penalty provision is set for the shop who
violated the garbage management rules, appropriate garbage discharge
after festival, use reusable containers ahead of use of disposable
containers such as box lunches and paper cups
संकलन तरीका
संकलन ठाउँ संकलन स्टेर्न स्थापन गछश
(The establish plan is shown on the next page.)
संकलन समय पसल खोल्ने मान्छेहरू ले आ-आफ्नो फोहोरहरु संकलन ठाउँमा ● pm सम्म
ल्याउनु पयो l
छु ट्टाछु ट्टै
संकलन गने
Those that can be collected as resources from the garbage component
survey are cardboard, paper, plastic bags, glass, cans. They are collected
संकलन स्टेशन को स्थापन (draft)
संकलन स्टेशन को स्थापन (image)
स्टील पाइप अथवा काठ ले फ्रे म बनाउछ l
ZERO Waste Station
Others Plastics Cardboard Glass / Can
पसल खोल्ने मान्छेहरुको सहयोग ि मागशदशशन
फोहोरमैला व्यर्स्थापनको म्जन्म्मेर्ाररको स्पटटीकरण
• The store openers are responsible for the management of the garbage discharged
from the shop.
फोहोरमैला व्यर्स्थापन को रुल मान्नु
• The store openers use reusable containers ahead of use of disposable containers
such as box lunches and paper cups.
• The store openers establish dust bin or bag, and gather the garbage discharged
from the shop in dust bin or bag.
• The store openers ask visitors to gather garbage in dust bin or bag.
• The store openers curry the garbage discharged from the shop to the collection
• The organizer discusses the waste management rules (waste collection station,
collection time, segregation method) and explains to the store openers the rules.
The shop opener discharges the garbage according to the waste management
rules determined by the organizer.
• Provide penalties (If the shop opener do not follow the waste management rules,
the shop opener can not participate in the festival from the next time on)
र्ातार्रण संबंधी सूचना ददने मान्छेहरू को मागशदर्शन
• The organizer arranges two environmental observers. Environmental observers
patrol the venue and instruct visitors and store openers to properly manage
garbage. The store openers follow the instructions by environmental observers.
दशशकहरुमा सूिना
Before the festival
On the festival
After the festival
 Carry out clean-up activities in the bazaar and the venue.
• Promote participation of volunteers such as local residents, students, red cross junior and scout clubs, Youth club, eco
club in the cleaning activities.
 Open to the public about the content of clean-up activity
• Open to the public about the content of clean-up activity (cleaning situation, amount of rubbish collected in
the clean-up activity, participating organization, number of participants etc.) by using mass media, SNS etc.
 Establish a waste station / environmental awareness banners
• Establish a waste station and operating को कमशिािी / volunteers urge segregation of garbage.
• Establish environmental awareness banners about bring rubbish home, using waste station and forbidding
 Environmental awareness with announcement
• Regular announcement about bring garbage home etc. by using venue broadcasting (before start of music
stage, after music stage, once every hour etc.).
 Patrol and instructions by environmental observers
 Carry out clean-up activities in the bazaar and the venue.
• Promote participation of volunteers such as local residents, students, red cross junior and scout clubs, Youth
club, eco club in the cleaning activities.
 Communication with Mass media, SNS etc.
• With mass media, SNS etc., it is clearly indicated that this festival aim to reduce the amount of garbage
generated and maintain a clean venue. It is clearly stated that this festival ask visitors to bring garbage home,
use waste station, and forbid littering. Suppress use of private bike, Promote use of bus / jeep.
Waste Station आदद को स्थापन(draft)
पसलहरु क्षेत्र
िेस्टोिेन्ट क्षेत्र
Waste Station
दशशक क्षेत्र
वाताविण संबंिी सूिना बैनि
िेस्टोिेन्ट क्षेत्र
entranceमा दशशकहरुलाई
प्रभाबकािी सूिना ददन सककन्छ l
दशशक क्षेत्र ि पसल क्षेत्र दशशकहरुलाई प्रभाबकािी
सूिना ददन सककन्छ l
वाताविण संबंिी सूिना बैनि
िेस्टोिेन्ट क्षेत्रमा दशशकहरुलाई प्रभाबकािी सूिना ददन सककन्छ l
डस्ट बबन
पूिाको सामानहरू को लाधग
Waste Station आदद को स्थापन (image)
स्टील पाइप अथवा काठ ले फ्रे म बनाउछ l
ZERO Waste Station
Others Plastics
आयोिक ि स्वयंसेवक / सेववकाहरु (red cross junior, scout club, Youth club, eco club आदद) ले
छु ट्टाछु ट्टै संकलन गनेगिी मागशदशशन गछश l
Waste Stationको स्थापन (case in Japan)
Waste Stationको स्थापन (case in Japan)
संगीत मन्ि मा सूिना (case in Japan)
आवश्यक संक्याको तोइलेटको सुिक्षक्षत ि स्वस्थकि संिालन
 तोइलेट मरम्मत
• Repair toilets and establish an appropriate capacity toilet according to the
number of expected visitors.
• Establish a water tank so that the toilet user can drain the human waste with
• Establish toilet सूचना-पाटी(near the entrance, several places in the hall)
 तोइलेट व्यर्स्थापन गने मान्छे
• Arrange one toilet cleaning and clean the toilet periodically (once a hour as a
तोइलेट ि सूिना-पाटीको स्थापन (draft)
दशशकहरुको सुिक्षाको सुिक्षक्षत
 गाडी / मोटर-साइककल मनाही गररएको िेत्रको स्थापन
• Creating a space where visitors can walk with confidence
• Preventing contact between visitors and vehicles / motorcycles
• Prevent occupation of space by vehicles / motorcycles, securing walking space
for visitors
• Temporary acceptance of entrance vehicles / motorcycles of store openers
 मोटर-साइककल पाककिं ग ठाउँको स्थापन
• Prevent occupation of space by motorcycles, securing walking space for visitors
 पाककिं ग र्ुल्क
• Promotion of use of bus / jeep for nature conservation
• Ensuring operating funds
• See parking fee in bazaar
• Traffic association, communication to visitors before festival
 पाककिं ग को कमशचारी
• गाडी / मोटर-साइककलको मागशदर्शन (2 people),
• पाककिं ग र्ुल्क उठाउने
गाडी / मोटि-साइककल मनाही गरिएको क्षेत्र को स्थापन (draft)
गाडी / मोटि-साइककल मनाही गरिएको क्षेत्र
पाककिं ग
पाककिं ग ठाउँ
पस्न मनाही गने बाड
अझै दशशकहरुलाई आकवषशत गने
 पर्शको अगाडी को दर्शकहरूमा सूचना
• Provide information on mass media, SNS, FM radio, cable TV
• Provide information on web pages such as Facebook
• Festival holding schedule, parking fee, request for use of bus / jeep,
request for donation, request for cooperation for environment
consideration, waste management rules, etc.
 दर्शकहरूको िमता बदाई
• Review the placement of the music stage, expand the audience zone
 पर्शको पनछ को दर्शकहरूमा सूचना
• Provide information on web pages such as Facebook
• Number of visitors, number of shops, festival’s contents, state
→ Making fans = Visitors will come next time.
→ Creating a mechanism to increase the number of visitors each year
संगीत मन्ि प्रकियाको सुिाि (draft)
संगीत मन्ि
दशशक क्षेत्र
संगीत मन्ि
दशशक क्षेत्र
संगीत मन्ि
संिालनको तनजम्त िनको सुिक्षक्षत
 वर्ज्ञापन र्ुल्क
• Designation of advertisement location, setting advertisement fee based on advertisement area
• Advertise on web pages, Provide information such as advt fee, Recruit company wanting advertisement
 दान
• Invite donation on web pages
• Making donor visible (Announcement the donor’s name on the festival, posting of donor’s name and donation
amount )
 पसल खोल्ने र्ुल्क
• Setting of store opening fee based on store opening space
• Information how to open a store and how much store opening fee is etc. on web pages, recruitment of store
 पाककिं ग र्ुल्क
वर्ज्ञापन स्थान
दान ददएको मान्छेको नाम ि िकमको सूिना (case in Japan)
With Wood board
With Paper
Donation amount
Donor’s name

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Lessons from operationalizing integrated landscape approaches
RoHS stands for Restriction of Hazardous Substances, which is also known as t...
RoHS stands for Restriction of Hazardous Substances, which is also known as t...RoHS stands for Restriction of Hazardous Substances, which is also known as t...
RoHS stands for Restriction of Hazardous Substances, which is also known as t...

Proposal of appropriate waste management for 'Haribodhini Ekadashi' 2075 success

  • 1. हरिबोधिनी एकादशी 2075को सफलकोलागी उधित फोहोिमैला व्यवस्थापनको सुझाव जिल्ला समन्वय सममतत JICA स्वयंसेवक:वातविण प्रशासन आिुसी ताकाहासी 2075.07.101
  • 10. दशशक ि गाडी / मोटि-साइककल 10
  • 11. दशशक ि गाडी / मोटि-साइककल 11
  • 12. सुझाव ववषय वस्तु  दर्शकहरुको सम्झनामा रही राख्नेगरी, हामीले सफा र सुन्दर पर्श आयोजना गरौं ! 1. फोहोरमैला व्यर्स्थापन को संचालन ननकाय, रुल / सुवर्धाहरुको प्रबन्ध 2. पसल खोल्ने मान्छेहरुको सहयोग र मागशदर्शन 3. दर्शकहरुमा सूचना 4. आर्श्यक संक्याको तोइलेटको सुरक्षित र स्र्स्थकर संचालन  दर्शकहरुको सुरिाको सुरक्षित  अझै दर्शकहरुलाई आकवषशत गने  संचालनको ननम्म्त धनको सुरक्षित 12
  • 13. दशशकहरुको सम्झनामा िही िाख्नेगिी, हामीले सफा ि सुन्दि पवश आयोिना गिौं ! 13
  • 14. फोहोिमैला व्यवस्थापन को संिालन तनकाय, रुल / सुवविाहरुको प्रबन्ि  र्ातार्रण व्यर्स्था म्जम्मेदारको ननयुम्क्त • The organizer set up the environmental act representative. • Roles of the environmental act representative: coordinating plans and operations that are environmentally conscious in all aspect.  रेस्टोरेन्ट र पसलहरुको िेत्रीकरण  फोहोरमैला व्यर्स्थापन रुलको प्रबन्ध • The organizer prepare waste management rules and establish facilities necessary for management. • आयोजकले बैठक आयोजना गरेर, सचालन को कमशचारीहरु, पसल खोल्ने मान्छेहरु लाई फोहोरमैला व्यर्स्थापन रुल र फोहोर घटाउने तररका कोबरेमा बबस्तृत र्णशन ददन्छ l • सर्ै जना आ-आफ्नो गनश पने कु रा पुम्टट गछशन l  संकलन ठाउँ, डस्ट बबन र र्ातार्रण संबंधी सूचना बैनरको स्थापन र संचालन • The organizer establish and maintain the collection places, dust bins and environmental awareness banners.  र्ातार्रण संबंधी सूचना ददने कमशचारी • The organizer arranges environmental observers (2 people) . Environmental observers patrol the venue and give the instructions to visitors and store openers to properly manage waste. The organizer provide stuff number or को कमशचारी name card. 14
  • 15. िेस्टोिेन्ट ि पसलहरुको क्षेत्रीकिण(Draft) िेस्टोिेन्ट क्षेत्र संगीत मन्ि पोखिी पाककिं ग दशशक क्षेत्र पसलहरु क्षेत्र िेस्टोिेन्ट क्षेत्र मजन्दि 15
  • 16. फोहोिमैला व्यवस्थापन को रुल (draft) अज्योजक र पसल खोल्ने मान्छेहरूको म्जम्मेर्ारी आयोजक Use reusable containers ahead of use of disposable containers such as box lunches and paper cups. पसल खोल्ने मान्छे Dust bins or bags are installed in each shop, garbage discharged from the shop are collected in dust bins or bags, the shop opener discharges garbage to the collection place, penalty provision is set for the shop who violated the garbage management rules, appropriate garbage discharge after festival, use reusable containers ahead of use of disposable containers such as box lunches and paper cups संकलन तरीका संकलन ठाउँ संकलन स्टेर्न स्थापन गछश (The establish plan is shown on the next page.) संकलन समय पसल खोल्ने मान्छेहरू ले आ-आफ्नो फोहोरहरु संकलन ठाउँमा ● pm सम्म ल्याउनु पयो l छु ट्टाछु ट्टै संकलन गने तररका Those that can be collected as resources from the garbage component survey are cardboard, paper, plastic bags, glass, cans. They are collected separately. 16
  • 17. संकलन स्टेशन को स्थापन (draft) 17
  • 18. संकलन स्टेशन को स्थापन (image) स्टील पाइप अथवा काठ ले फ्रे म बनाउछ l ZERO Waste Station Others Plastics Cardboard Glass / Can 18
  • 19. पसल खोल्ने मान्छेहरुको सहयोग ि मागशदशशन फोहोरमैला व्यर्स्थापनको म्जन्म्मेर्ाररको स्पटटीकरण • The store openers are responsible for the management of the garbage discharged from the shop. फोहोरमैला व्यर्स्थापन को रुल मान्नु • The store openers use reusable containers ahead of use of disposable containers such as box lunches and paper cups. • The store openers establish dust bin or bag, and gather the garbage discharged from the shop in dust bin or bag. • The store openers ask visitors to gather garbage in dust bin or bag. • The store openers curry the garbage discharged from the shop to the collection station. • The organizer discusses the waste management rules (waste collection station, collection time, segregation method) and explains to the store openers the rules. The shop opener discharges the garbage according to the waste management rules determined by the organizer. • Provide penalties (If the shop opener do not follow the waste management rules, the shop opener can not participate in the festival from the next time on) र्ातार्रण संबंधी सूचना ददने मान्छेहरू को मागशदर्शन • The organizer arranges two environmental observers. Environmental observers patrol the venue and instruct visitors and store openers to properly manage garbage. The store openers follow the instructions by environmental observers. 19
  • 20. दशशकहरुमा सूिना Before the festival On the festival After the festival  Carry out clean-up activities in the bazaar and the venue. • Promote participation of volunteers such as local residents, students, red cross junior and scout clubs, Youth club, eco club in the cleaning activities.  Open to the public about the content of clean-up activity • Open to the public about the content of clean-up activity (cleaning situation, amount of rubbish collected in the clean-up activity, participating organization, number of participants etc.) by using mass media, SNS etc.  Establish a waste station / environmental awareness banners • Establish a waste station and operating को कमशिािी / volunteers urge segregation of garbage. • Establish environmental awareness banners about bring rubbish home, using waste station and forbidding litter.  Environmental awareness with announcement • Regular announcement about bring garbage home etc. by using venue broadcasting (before start of music stage, after music stage, once every hour etc.).  Patrol and instructions by environmental observers  Carry out clean-up activities in the bazaar and the venue. • Promote participation of volunteers such as local residents, students, red cross junior and scout clubs, Youth club, eco club in the cleaning activities.  Communication with Mass media, SNS etc. • With mass media, SNS etc., it is clearly indicated that this festival aim to reduce the amount of garbage generated and maintain a clean venue. It is clearly stated that this festival ask visitors to bring garbage home, use waste station, and forbid littering. Suppress use of private bike, Promote use of bus / jeep. 20
  • 21. Waste Station आदद को स्थापन(draft) पसलहरु क्षेत्र िेस्टोिेन्ट क्षेत्र Waste Station दशशक क्षेत्र वाताविण संबंिी सूिना बैनि िेस्टोिेन्ट क्षेत्र entranceमा दशशकहरुलाई प्रभाबकािी सूिना ददन सककन्छ l दशशक क्षेत्र ि पसल क्षेत्र दशशकहरुलाई प्रभाबकािी सूिना ददन सककन्छ l वाताविण संबंिी सूिना बैनि िेस्टोिेन्ट क्षेत्रमा दशशकहरुलाई प्रभाबकािी सूिना ददन सककन्छ l डस्ट बबन पूिाको सामानहरू को लाधग 21
  • 22. Waste Station आदद को स्थापन (image) स्टील पाइप अथवा काठ ले फ्रे म बनाउछ l ZERO Waste Station Others Plastics आयोिक ि स्वयंसेवक / सेववकाहरु (red cross junior, scout club, Youth club, eco club आदद) ले छु ट्टाछु ट्टै संकलन गनेगिी मागशदशशन गछश l 22
  • 25. संगीत मन्ि मा सूिना (case in Japan) 25
  • 26. आवश्यक संक्याको तोइलेटको सुिक्षक्षत ि स्वस्थकि संिालन  तोइलेट मरम्मत • Repair toilets and establish an appropriate capacity toilet according to the number of expected visitors. • Establish a water tank so that the toilet user can drain the human waste with water. • Establish toilet सूचना-पाटी(near the entrance, several places in the hall)  तोइलेट व्यर्स्थापन गने मान्छे • Arrange one toilet cleaning and clean the toilet periodically (once a hour as a guide). 26
  • 28. दशशकहरुको सुिक्षाको सुिक्षक्षत  गाडी / मोटर-साइककल मनाही गररएको िेत्रको स्थापन • Creating a space where visitors can walk with confidence • Preventing contact between visitors and vehicles / motorcycles • Prevent occupation of space by vehicles / motorcycles, securing walking space for visitors • Temporary acceptance of entrance vehicles / motorcycles of store openers  मोटर-साइककल पाककिं ग ठाउँको स्थापन • Prevent occupation of space by motorcycles, securing walking space for visitors  पाककिं ग र्ुल्क • Promotion of use of bus / jeep for nature conservation • Ensuring operating funds • See parking fee in bazaar • Traffic association, communication to visitors before festival  पाककिं ग को कमशचारी • गाडी / मोटर-साइककलको मागशदर्शन (2 people), • पाककिं ग र्ुल्क उठाउने 28
  • 29. गाडी / मोटि-साइककल मनाही गरिएको क्षेत्र को स्थापन (draft) गाडी / मोटि-साइककल मनाही गरिएको क्षेत्र पाककिं ग मोटि-साइककल पाककिं ग ठाउँ पस्न मनाही गने बाड सूिना-पाटी 29
  • 30. अझै दशशकहरुलाई आकवषशत गने  पर्शको अगाडी को दर्शकहरूमा सूचना • Provide information on mass media, SNS, FM radio, cable TV • Provide information on web pages such as Facebook • Festival holding schedule, parking fee, request for use of bus / jeep, request for donation, request for cooperation for environment consideration, waste management rules, etc.  दर्शकहरूको िमता बदाई • Review the placement of the music stage, expand the audience zone  पर्शको पनछ को दर्शकहरूमा सूचना • Provide information on web pages such as Facebook • Number of visitors, number of shops, festival’s contents, state → Making fans = Visitors will come next time. → Creating a mechanism to increase the number of visitors each year 30
  • 31. संगीत मन्ि प्रकियाको सुिाि (draft) संगीत मन्ि दशशक क्षेत्र संगीत मन्ि दशशक क्षेत्र 31 संगीत मन्ि
  • 32. संिालनको तनजम्त िनको सुिक्षक्षत  वर्ज्ञापन र्ुल्क • Designation of advertisement location, setting advertisement fee based on advertisement area • Advertise on web pages, Provide information such as advt fee, Recruit company wanting advertisement  दान • Invite donation on web pages • Making donor visible (Announcement the donor’s name on the festival, posting of donor’s name and donation amount )  पसल खोल्ने र्ुल्क • Setting of store opening fee based on store opening space • Information how to open a store and how much store opening fee is etc. on web pages, recruitment of store openers  पाककिं ग र्ुल्क वर्ज्ञापन स्थान 32
  • 33. दान ददएको मान्छेको नाम ि िकमको सूिना (case in Japan) With Wood board With Paper Donation amount Donor’s name 33

Editor's Notes

  1. し尿の英語 主な英訳human waste; night soil; excrement; human excreta
  2. し尿の英語 主な英訳human waste; night soil; excrement; human excreta