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“Prepare against them whatever arms and cavalry you can muster,
that you may strike terror in the enemies of Allah.”
“Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.”
Coveting what belonged to others, Muhammad gave us another glimpse
into his soul. Tabari VII:26 “When the Prophet came to Yathrib he saw the Jews fasting on
Ashura day. He questioned them, and they told him that it was the day upon which God
drowned Pharaoh and saved Moses from the Egyptians. He said, ‘We have a better right
to Moses than you do.’ He fasted and ordered his fellow Muslims to fast with him. When
the fast of Ramadhan was prescribed, he made Ashura optional.”
The Bible’s Messianic message—past, present, and future—revolves
around the Seven Festivals of Yahweh. When the pretend Messiah asked the
Jews why they were fasting, Muhammad proved he was a phony. What’s
more, he got it wrong. There is only one fast on the Jewish religious calendar,
Yom Kippur—known as the Day of Atonement. But it’s celebrated in the fall,
and it has nothing to do with Pharaoh. The spring Feast of Passover com-
memorates freedom from Egyptian bondage. And it took the Jews more like
six days, not six months, to elude his army. (As an interesting aside, in 1978
Ron Wyatt discovered Pharaoh’s graveyard in the Gulf of Aqaba branch of
the Red Sea—proving once again that the Bible’s chronology was accurate.)
When Muhammad said that he had a better right to Moses than did the
Jews, his counterfeit religion became as obvious as a pink six-dollar bill with
a turbaned president. Needing to corrupt all things Biblical to please his dark
spirit, Muhammad told his fellow terrorists that they should take a break
from raiding civilians. But it wouldn’t last. Stealing a ritual was insufficient.
Muhammad needed to own everything the Jews possessed and held sacred.
In actuality, both Ashura and Ramadhan honor false gods. The spring fast
being erroneously observed was “Crying for Tammuz,” a legacy of Jewish cap-
tivity. It honors the Babylonian sun god. Catholic Lent is derived from the same
rite. And Muhammad reestablished the pagan Tahannuth fasts of Ramadhan
saying that they commemorated his wrestling match with the cave spirit.
Returning to Muhammad’s scheme: Tabari VII:26 “In this year Muhammad ordered
people to pay the zakat tax. It is said that the Prophet commanded them to do this.”
Allah and Muhammad spoke with one voice. Paying the zakat became an
order and then a pillar. The political manifesto was ushered in with these
words: Ishaq:235 “When the Apostle was settled in Medina and his comrades were gathered
to him, the affairs of the workers were arranged, and Islam became firmly established.
Prayer was instituted [the prostration was the sign of his power], the zakat tax was pre-
scribed [dictators thrive on money], legal punishments were fixed, as were all things per-
mitted and forbidden [as a confirmation of the tyrant’s supreme authority].”
A benevolent dictator, however, he was not. Ishaq:280 “When Allah’s Apostle came
to Medina it was the most fever-infested place on earth. It smote Muslims to such a degree
they could only pray sitting. Muhammad came out when they were praying thus and said,
‘Know that the prostration of the sitter is only half as valuable as that of the stander.’ The
Muslims painfully struggled to their feet despite their weakness, seeking a blessing.”
This is followed by: “Then the Apostle prepared for war in pursuance of Allah’s
command to fight his enemies and to fight the infidels who Allah commanded him to fight.”
Fighting was such an essential part of Islam’s formation that Tabari devoted
the next sixty pages to a single conflict—the Battle of Badr. It gets five times
more attention than Abraham’s pilgrimage to the Ka’aba—the establishment
of Islam. It gets ten times more ink that the first revelation—Muhammad’s
call to prophethood. It garners twenty times more coverage than Muham-
mad’s migration to Yathrib—the Hijrah that instigated the Islamic Era. How
is it that a battle became the centerpiece of a religion?
The initial salvo of the battle to resurrect Islam nearly crucified it. We are
told that Muhammad led his militants on a terrorist raid designed to rob
another caravan in of all months, Ramadhan. Tabari VII:26 “In this year the great
battle of Badr took place between the Messenger of Allah and the Quraysh Unbelievers in
the month of Ramadhan.” Since fasting was required in the sacred month, since
the observance of Ramadhan was a religious obligation, a pillar of Islam,
why were the first Muslims and their prophet on the prowl during their most
holy time? Do you suppose money was more important than piety?
At Badr, Muhammad was the aggressor, just as he was on seventy-three of
his seventy-five raids. The prophet got to choose the time, place, and victim.
So he elected to terrorize money-laden civilians during Ramadhan. Reason
would thus dictate that the “prophet” had discarded his original calling and
become a pirate.
As you contemplate what motivated Islam’s bad boy, consider this: Tabari VII:28
“Abd al-Rahman said, ‘Muhammad celebrated the night of 17 Ramadhan. In the morning
traces of sleeplessness would be on his face. He would say, “On this morning Allah distin-
guished between truth and falsehood, revealing the Qur’an. On this morning he made Islam
mighty, humbling the leaders of unbelief at Badr.”’” Submission was made mighty
because the Quraysh were humbled. Allah distinguished between truth and
falsehood by having Muslim militants murder Meccan merchants.
But violence isn’t cheap. Like today’s terrorists, the first Muslims needed
338 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
money. Tabari VII:29/Ishaq:289 “The Apostle heard that Abu Sufyan [a Meccan merchant] was
coming from Syria with a large Quraysh caravan containing their money and their mer-
chandise. He was accompanied by only thirty men.” The Meccans were going about
their lives, working to make a living, something Muslims were unwilling to
do. So Islam was about to rob them.
“This was after fighting had broken out between them, and people had been killed and
taken captive at Nakhlah.” If you were reading this out of context you might
assume that these parties were in a state of war, and that both were to blame
for escalating hostilities. But you know better, because the Islamic Hadith has
shown that only the Muslims were militants. They had set out on a dozen ter-
rorist raids. They had ventured out as far as two hundred miles to rob Meccan
civilians. They were the sole perpetrators, having killed the Meccan, Hadrami,
in cold blood. They kidnapped his companions and held them for ransom.
Ever inclined to put the best possible spin on their violent beginnings, the
first Muslims claimed: Tabari VII:29 “This incident had provoked a state of war between
the Prophet and the Quraysh and was the beginning of the fighting in which they inflicted
casualties upon one another.” In other words, before the Islamic raid, there was
no fighting. Not a single Muslim had been killed. In fact there were no
armies. The Muslims had raiders—terrorists, in our parlance. The Meccans
had merchants—businessmen, in today’s vernacular.
But if pirates are shady entrepreneurs, Muhammad was a businessman par
excellence. Ishaq:288 “Allah divided the booty stolen from the first caravan after he made
spoils permissible. He gave four-fifths to those He had allowed to take it and one-fifth to
His Apostle.” Not one to miss another opportunity: Ishaq:289 “Muhammad sum-
moned the Muslims and said, ‘This is the Quraysh caravan containing their property. Go
out and attack it. Perhaps Allah will give it to us as prey.” These lines forever damn
Islam’s pretense of religiosity. They bear repeating: “This is the Quraysh caravan
containing their property. Go out and attack it. Perhaps Allah will give it to us as prey.”
The motivation was piracy—not religion. The historian reports: Tabari VII:29
“Abu Sufyan and the horsemen of the Quraysh were returning from Syria following the
coastal road. When Allah’s Apostle heard about them he called his companions together
and told them of the wealth they had with them and the fewness of their numbers. The
Muslims set out with no other object than Sufyan and the men with him. They did not think
that this raid would be anything other than easy booty.” These armed raiders wanted
to steal assets and kidnap folks. Since the prophet’s sole motivation was piracy,
not piety, Islam cannot be a religion. And if it is, we need to canonize Black
Beard and call him a prophet.
The very fact the first adherents of this perverse doctrine recorded this
stunning admission of guilt reminds me of the Nazis and the way they chron-
icled their atrocities in World War II. Immoral, hateful, and violent doctrines
like Islam and Nazism corrode men’s minds and consciences to the point they
become unable to differentiate right from wrong. Ridding the world of those
339WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
they view as inferior, stealing their possessions, becomes part of their mission
and thus becomes good—deeds worthy of heroic lore and scripture.
As further proof that the Badr raid was an act of terrorism, another
Hadith reports: Bukhari:V5B59N702 “Allah did not admonish anyone who had not partici-
pated in the Ghazwa [raid] of Badr, for in fact, Allah’s Apostle had only gone out in search
of the Quraysh caravan so that he could rob it. But Allah arranged for the Muslims and
their enemy to meet by surprise. I was at the Aqabah pledge with Allah’s Apostle when we
gave our lives in submission, but the Badr battle is more popular amongst the people. I
was never stronger or wealthier than I was when I followed the Prophet on a Ghazwa.’”
That pretty much sums up Islam.
Upon hearing that Muhammad was on the prowl, the Quraysh sent a del-
egation out to protect their people and business assets. This explains why the
Qur’an said Muslims were contemplating a “choice” between taking “easy
booty” and fighting for doctrinal supremacy. “They did not suppose that there would
be a great battle. Concerning this Allah revealed a Qur’an: ‘And you longed that other than
the armed one might be yours.’” [Qur’an 8:7]
Before I comment, I’d like you to have the benefit of the entire verse: 008.007
“Behold! Allah promised you that one of the two parties would be yours. You wished for the
unarmed one, but Allah willed to justify His truth according to His words and to cut off the
roots of the unbelievers.” To “cut off the roots” is to kill. This makes Allah a mur-
derer and Muhammad a pirate. One was after booty, the other blood. But it
was worse than that. They inspired a gang of armed men to attack a defense-
less civilian enterprise, one owned by a rival. As such, they were terrorists.
And there is no way to discount the source of this condemning scripture as
it’s confirmed in all three Hadith collections and in the Qur’an.
The Traditions report: Ishaq:289 “The people answered the Prophet’s summons;
some eagerly, some reluctantly.” Tabari VII:29 “When Abu Sufyan heard that Muhammad’s
Companions were on their way to intercept his caravan, he sent a message to the Quraysh.
‘Muhammad is going to intercept our caravan, so protect your merchandise.’ When the
Quraysh heard this, the people of Mecca hastened to defend their property and protect
their men as they were told Muhammad was lying in wait for them.”
The Sira suggests that they weren’t quite so hasty: Ishaq:290 “Some of the Mec-
cans got up to circumambulate the Ka’aba…. Sitting around the mosque, they wondered
why they had allowed this evil rascal to attack their men.” The pagans were being reli-
gious, worshiping Allah in his mosque. The Muslims had abandoned religion,
setting out on a terrorist raid in the holy month of Ramadhan.
Ishaq:292 “Setting out in Ramadhan, Muhammad was preceded by two black flags. His
companions had seventy camels on which men rode in turns.” It’s interesting: the
white battle flags of the Maghazi raids inspired by Muhammad turned black
when the “prophet” personally led the parade. Tabari VII:38 “I have been informed by
authorities that Muhammad set out on 3 Ramadhan at the head of 310 of his companions.
The Emigrants on the day of Badr were 77 men, and the Ansar were 236. The war banner
340 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
of the Messenger was carried by Ali. The banner of the Ansar was carried by Sa’d.”
Back in Ka’abaVille: Tabari VII:30 “A body of Meccan men was drawn from the clans.
Neither the Prophet nor his Companions heard about this force until they reached Badr,
which was on the coastal route the Quraysh caravan had taken from Syria.” These pas-
sages confirm that Muhammad was on the prowl. They reveal that the cara-
van was comprised of a poorly protected assemblage of businessmen. They
suggest that when Sufyan sent for help, it came in the form of townsfolk.
There was no standing army. Mecca was a tiny village of some five thousand
traders eking out a humble living. They didn’t have a police force much less
a military. Before Muhammad and Islam, they hadn’t needed one.
Ishaq:293/Tabari VII:30 “The prophet marched forward and spent the night near Badr with
his Companions. They did not know that the Quraysh had come out against them. While
the Prophet was standing in prayer [asking Allah to help him steal] some Quraysh water-
carriers came to the well. Among these was a black slave. Muhammad’s men seized him
and brought him to the Messenger’s bivouac. They ordered him to salute Allah’s Apostle.
Then they questioned him about Abu Sufyan, having no idea that he was not from the car-
avan. When the slave began to tell them about the protecting force, it was unwelcome
news, for the only object of their raid was Abu Sufyan and [the booty from] his caravan.”
Picture this scene. The founder of a “religion” is out on a terrorist mission
designed to raid a civilian business. He is praying, asking his spirit to help him
kidnap innocent people and steal their possessions. His fellow militants cap-
ture a slave and torture him, trying to solicit information. Tabari VII:30 “Meanwhile
the Prophet was praying, bowing and prostrating himself, and also seeing and hearing the
treatment of the slave. When the slave told them that the Quraysh had come to meet them,
they began to beat him and called him a liar. ‘You are trying to conceal the whereabouts
of Abu Sufyan and his caravan. They beat him severely and continued to interrogate him
but they found that he had no knowledge of what they were looking for.”
I have said that Muhammad was the most vile and immoral man to have
ever walked the earth. The first Muslims agree, although their hearts and
minds have been so corroded by Islam they don’t seem to care. They think
that they are just describing a normal day at the prophetic office. For such
immoral and barbaric acts to have been passed on as Traditions and linked to
the Qur’an, Muslims must view these terrorist raids and the ensuing crimes
favorably. They must see such ungodly behavior as a living witness of Allah’s
Cause—an example of how to be a good Muslim.
Tabari VII:31 “When the slave said, ‘I am from the Quraysh who have come out against
you,’ they beat him, but when he said, ‘I am with Abu Sufyan,’ they left him alone. When
the Prophet saw what they were doing he stopped his prayer. He said, ‘By Him in Whose
hand my soul rests, you beat him when he tells the truth and leave him alone when he
lies.’” Muhammad wasn’t bothered by Muslims beating the black slave, just by
their inept interrogation technique.
And he was nervous. Mercenaries can be an unruly lot: Ishaq:294 “The Apostle
341WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
was afraid the Ansar would not feel obliged to help him fight without the enemy being the
aggressor and attacking in Medina.” This is further evidence Muhammad wasn’t
defending Muslims and Islam. As proof he wasn’t a prophet, the Ansar sur-
prised him: “Sa’d said, ‘We hear and obey. We are experienced in war, trustworthy in
combat. Allah will let us show you something that will bring you joy. The Apostle was
delighted at Sa’d’s words which greatly encouraged him. Muhammad shouted, ‘It is as if
I see the enemy lying prostrate.’” The founder of Islam was pleased by the prospect
of war and encouraged by the thought of his foe bowing in submission.
That’s fine if you’re Stalin, Mao, or Hitler. It’s bad if you’re Muhammad.
The Sira speaks of another interrogation. Ishaq:295 “A young man was brought to
the Apostle and beaten. When the Muslims were displeased with his answers they beat
him soundly. Watching the interrogation while performing two prostrations, the Prophet
interrupted the proceedings and said, ‘Mecca has thrown us pieces of its liver!’”
But alas, the intended target escaped the raiders’ grasp. Ishaq:295 “Abu Sufyan
changed the caravan’s direction from the shore road, traveling as quickly as possible.”
Ishaq:296 “When Sufyan saw that he had saved his caravan he sent word to the Quraysh.
‘Since you came out to save your caravan, your men, and property, go back home.’” Some
of the merchant militia left but, “Abu Jahl said, ‘Badr was the site of an Arab fair. We
are going to spend a few days, slaughter camels, feast, drink wine, and have some girls
play for us.’” The non-partiers said, “‘We came out to protect our property and defend
our men. There is no point of staying to fight.’ So they returned to Mecca.”
On the Muslim front, we discover that Muhammad wasn’t much of a gen-
eral. We are told that a man named Hubab asked him, Ishaq:297 “Did Allah order
you to occupy this place so that we have no choice, or was this position chosen as a mat-
ter of opinion for military tactics?” When Muhammad said that Allah had not
spoken to him about it the Ansar chief saved the day and ruined the world:
“‘This is not the proper place.’ Hubab said, ‘We should go to the well nearest the enemy,
stop up all other wells, and deprive them of water.’ Then Sa’d said, ‘Prophet, let us build
you a booth of palm fronds from which you can watch the battle safely.’ The Apostle
thanked and blessed them.”
So let the battle begin: Tabari VII:32 “When the Quraysh advanced, Muhammad threw
dust in the direction of their faces, and Allah put them to flight.… The Meccan [merchant]
force and the Prophet’s [pirates] met and Allah gave victory to His Messenger, shamed the
unbelievers, and satisfied the Muslims’ thirst for revenge on them.” To think that these
delusional and immoral boys started a religion is beyond belief.
Ishaq:297 “When the Apostle saw them he cried, ‘Allah, they called me a liar. Destroy
them this morning.’” Jeremiah, he was not. The Meccans, however, were civilized:
Ishaq:298 “Utba rose to speak. ‘Let us turn back and leave Muhammad to the rest of the Arabs.
If we fall upon him, we will be haunted for having slain the son or brother of our kin.’”
Tabari VII:52 “The Prophet said to his companions, ‘You are the same number as the peo-
ple of Saul on the day he met Goliath.” Actually, Saul and his men were far more
numerous. Yet they refused to fight the Philistines, which is why David was
342 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
given the opportunity to sling himself into immortality. Had Muhammad
been a real prophet, he never would have quoted this story. Had he had any
faith, he would have followed David’s example.
Tabari VII:52/Ishaq:299 “Aswad, an ill-natured man, took the field, and Hamzah came out
to meet him. In the encounter Hamzah cut off Aswad’s foot and half his leg.… Hamzah pur-
sued him and struck a blow, killing Aswad. After this, Utbah took the field and issued a
challenge to single combat. Three young Ansar Muslims came forward to meet him.” The
Emigrants had cowered, so Muhammad commanded. “‘Arise Ubaydah, Hamzah,
and Ali.’ It was no time before Hamzah had killed Shaybah and Ali had killed Walid. Ubay-
dah and Utbah each inflicted a blow upon his adversary. Hamzah and Ali then turned on
Utbah with their swords and finished him off. They lifted up their companion Ubaydah to
safety. His foot had been cut off and the marrow was flowing out. When they brought him
to Muhammad, Ubaydah said, ‘Am I not a martyr, O Messenger of Allah?’ ‘Yes indeed,’ the
Prophet replied.” We have our first entrant into Islamic paradise. Can you imag-
ine the surprise on his face when he discovered that it wasn’t as Muhammad
had described and that Allah was indeed waiting for him?
Tabari VII:54 “Muhammad turned toward his new Qiblah and said. ‘Allah, if this band
perishes today, you will be worshipped no more.’” Since Meccan Moon Gods were
in sparse demand, he was probably right. “Abu Bakr picked up his cloak and put it
onhim, graspinghim from behind.‘OProphetwhomIvaluemorethanmyfatherandmother,
this constant calling on your Lord is annoying.’ Then Allah revealed, ‘When you sought the
help of your Lord he answered you saying, “I will help you with a thousand angels, rank on
rank.”’”[Qur’an8:9]Sure, why not? Allah’s angels are so feeble it takes a thousand
of them to do battle with a few hundred intoxicated merchants. And lest we
forget, the future Caliph found prayer annoying. He was there for the booty.
Muhammad cried out, Bukhari:V5B59N330/Ishaq:300 “Here is Gabriel holding the rein of
a horse and leading the charge. He is equipped with his weapons and ready for the battle.
There is dust upon his front teeth.” Why was Muhammad’s spirit so eager to kill?
And why was he a dirty fighter? Bukhari:V5B59N327 “Gabriel came to the Prophet and
said, ‘How do you view the warriors of Badr?’ The Prophet said, ‘I see the fighters as the
best Muslims.’ On that, Gabriel said, ‘And so are the Angels who are participating in the
Badr battle.’” The “best” Muslims are warriors. And Allah’s best angels are
demons. Is this a great religion, or what?
Tabari VII:54 “The Prophet said when he was in his awning, ‘Allah, keep your contract and
your promise.’” The dark spirit’s contract with his prophet traded submission to
him for a founder’s share in the Ka’aba Inc. His promise was to make
Muhammad rich, powerful, and amply sexed. Bukhari:V5B59N289 “Abu Bakr took his
hand and said, ‘This is enough, Prophet. You have tired your Lord with your pestering.’”
The next line distinguished Muhammad from the prophets he claimed
were his peers. “Muhammad was wearing his coat of mail.” Armor was something
Noah, Abraham, Jonah, Moses, and Jesus seldom wore. Nor did they say,
“They will be routed and will turn and flee. The hour of doom is their appointed tryst, and
343WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
it will be more wretched and more bitter than this earthly failure.” [54:45] In other
words, “To hell with them.”
Thus far, from a religious perspective, the battle of Badr has been a bust.
But things were about to change: Tabari VII:55 “Mihaja, the mawla [slave] of Umar [the
future Caliph] was struck by an arrow and killed. He was the first Muslim to die.”
Mihaja’s death must have rattled the militants because Muhammad was
forced to preach a sermon that would make him the Prophet of Doom: Ishaq:300/
Tabari VII:55 “Allah’s Messenger went out to his men and incited them to fight. He promised,
‘Every man may keep all the booty he takes.’ Then Muhammad said, ‘By Allah, if any man
fights today and is killed fighting aggressively, going forward and not retreating, Allah will
cause him to enter Paradise.’” They were just words—sound waves that filtered
through the air. Yet they have reverberated for 1400 years. They echo still.
“Umayr, who was holding some dates in his hand and eating them, said, ‘Fine, fine.
This is excellent! Nothing stands between me and my entering Paradise except to be killed
by these people!’ He threw down the dates, seized his sword, and fought until he was
slain.” The means behind the madness had finally materialized. Muhammad
told his fellow militants that their reward was Allah’s paradise. All they had
to do to earn their prize was to die murdering others in pursuit of booty.
This Muslim militant, this disciple of Muhammad, this misguided youth
who had gone off on a terrorist raid to kidnap defenseless civilians and steal
their possessions, died shouting these words: Ishaq:300 “I am fighting in Allah’s service.
This is piety and a good deed. In Allah’s war I do not fear as others should. For this fight-
ing is righteous, true, and good.” Consider the number of times the Qur’an has
spoken of “righteous, true, and good deeds.” Now you know Allah’s defini-
tion of “piety,” and what a “good deed” actually represents. You also learned
Muhammad’s definition of a good Muslim.
In a way, Muhammad may have been right. If he was speaking on behalf
of Lucifer, not Gabriel, as I suspect, “fighting aggressively” for “booty”
would have earned a murdering thief direct admission into Satan’s paradise.
As for Muslim martyrs finding virgins—I wouldn’t bet my life on it.
But Muslim lives were meaningless to Muhammad; just as Islamic clerics
find suicide bombers expendable. In that light, Muhammad issued the “Sui-
cide Bomber Creed” (not for himself, mind you): Ishaq:300/ Tabari VII:56 “‘O Messen-
ger of Allah, what makes the Lord [Lucifer] laugh with joy at his servant?’ He replied, ‘When
he plunges his hand into the midst of an enemy without armor.’ So Auf took off the coat of
mail he was wearing and threw it away. Then he took his sword and fought the enemy until
he was killed.” It was the seventh century version of today’s boy bombs.
While that’s clear, I am perplexed by what Muhammad said. It’s odd that
he didn’t need an angelic revelation to know what made Allah “laugh with joy.”
And it sounds as if Allah likes to do the plunging and killing. Further, can
you fathom a “religion” built around a spirit who prefers death to salvation?
Then in a tone as demented as the spirit guiding him: Ishaq:301/Tabari VII:56
344 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
“Muhammad picked up a handful of pebbles and faced the Quraysh. He shouted, ‘May
their faces be deformed!’ He threw the pebbles at them and ordered his companions to
attack. The foe was routed. Allah killed Quraysh chiefs and caused many of their nobles to
be taken captive. While the Muslims were taking prisoners, the Messenger was in his hut.”
Whether you are Biblically grounded and see Muhammad and his spirit as
demonic, or just the personification of evil, there is no way to see them as good.
While it’s subtle, there is a bit of psychological gamesmanship going on
here. Allah was credited with the killing and kidnapping—it wasn’t Muham-
mad or his militants. No. They weren’t murdering thieves. Their god was.
Bukhari:V5B59N290 “The Prophet said, ‘The believers who failed to join the Ghazwa of Badr
and those who took part in it are not equal in reward.” Muhammad loved murderers.
He even loved their weapons: Bukhari:V5B59N333 “Az-Zubair said, ‘I attacked him with my
spear and pierced his eye. I put my foot over his body to pull the weapon out, but even then
I had to use great force. Later on Allah’s Apostle asked me for that spear and I gave it to
him.’” Show me your treasure and I will reveal your soul.
Ishaq:301/Tabari VII:56 “As the Muslims were laying their hands on as many prisoners as
they could catch, the Prophet, I have been told, saw disapproval in the face of Sa’d. He
said, ‘Why are you upset by the taking of captives?’ Sa’d replied, ‘This was the first defeat
inflicted by Allah on the infidels. Slaughtering the prisoners would have been more pleas-
ing to me than sparing them.’” Remember these hateful words and who spoke
them. We have not heard the last of Sa’d.
In a long Hadith from Abd Al-Rahman, one of the butchers of Nakhlah,
we hear: Ishaq:302/Tabari VII:60 “Umayyah [a merchant] was a friend of mine in Mecca. My
name was Abd Amr, but when I became a Muslim I was called Abd al-Rahman.” This mil-
itant was renamed after the first Islamic god. As such, this is a stinging repu-
diation of Islam’s first pillar. “Umayyah used to meet me when we were in Mecca and
would say, ‘Abd Amr, do you dislike the name your father gave you?’ I would reply, ‘Yes.’
Umayyah would then say, ‘I do not recognize Ar-Rahman [as a god], so adopt a name that
I can call you by when we meet.’”
After some chatter the friends turned enemies by Islam settled on a name.
“‘Well then, you are Abd al-Ilah [Slave-to-the-God].’ I agreed.” This line confirms the
single most fatal charge that can be leveled against Islam. The Arabic word for
God is “Ilah” not “Allah.” Like Ar-Rahman, Allah was the personal name of
a rock idol that became one of the Islamic gods. This simple conversation
obliterates Muhammad’s credibility, the Qur’an’s authority, and Islam’s legit-
imacy. Since Ar-Rahman and Allah are names of gods used throughout the
Qur’an and Hadith, Islam’s central claim is bogus. Neither Allah nor Ar-Rah-
man are Yahweh or Yahshua. And since the Islamic duo are incompatible by
name and character with Yahweh and Yahshua, all Biblical references are just
crass plagiarism—inspired by a man’s lust for money, sex, and power.
The Tradition continues, giving us an up close and personal insight into
what Islam did to a man’s mind and soul. Fair warning, this isn’t pretty: Tabari
345WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
VII:59/Ishaq:303 “On the day of Badr I passed Umayyah as he was standing with his son Ali,
holding his hand. I had with me some coats of mail which I had taken as plunder. Umayyah
said, ‘Abd al-Ilah, would you like to take me as a prisoner? I will be more valuable to you
as a captive to be ransomed than the coats of mail that you are carrying.’ I said, ‘Yes.
Come here then.’ I flung away the armor and bound Umayyah and his son Ali, taking them
with me.” According to Muhammad and his god, kidnapping for ransom was
a legitimate religious practice—one more profitable than stealing armor.
And in case you’re wondering, the Meccan surrendered because he didn’t
want the Muslim raiders to kill his son. But it didn’t work out that way. “People
[Muslim militants] encircled us [Abd al-Rahman and his captives]. Then they restrained us
physically. One of the Muslims drew his sword and struck Ali in the leg, severing it so that
he fell down. Umayyah gave a scream the like of which I have never heard. I said, ‘Save
yourself, for there is no escape for your son. By Allah, I cannot save him from these men.’
Then the Muslims hacked Ali to pieces. Abd al-Rahman used to say, ‘May Allah have mercy
on Bial [a former slave turned Muslim marauder]! I lost my coats of mail, and he deprived
me of my captives.’” In trying to hype the religion of war, the practitioners har-
pooned it. They not only demoted their gods to pagan status, they exposed
their immoral motives. Islam was all about money. And while that should
have been enough to impugn the doctrine, the fatal blow was in the last para-
graph. Muhammad so corrupted these men that they mutilated a child in
front of his father. And there was no sense of guilt, no glimmer of humanity.
Their only remorse was over lost booty.
Islam is an evil curse that must be dispelled: Bukhari:V5B59N297 “The Prophet faced
the Ka’aba and invoked evil on the Quraysh people specifically cursing: Shaiba, Utba,
Walid and Abu Jahl. I bear witness, by Allah, that I saw them all dead, putrefied by the sun,
as Badr was a very hot day.” Lucifer and his demons must have been in paradise:
evil curses were being invoked, people were dying, bodies were putrefied, and
it was hot. Moreover, their favorite prophet was on duty: Bukhari: V5B59N397 “Allah’s
Apostle raised his head after bowing the first Rak’a of the morning prayer. He said, ‘O
Allah! Curse so-and-so and so-and-so.’ After he had invoked evil upon the Quraysh, Allah
revealed: ‘Your Lord will send thousands of angels riding upon chargers sweeping down as
a form of good tidings to reassure you that victory comes from Him. He will cut off parts of
the unbelievers, overthrow them, and turn them back in frustration. For Allah is forgiving
and kind.’” [3:124] The “kind” mutilator is telling us: Islam was a team effort.
Ibn Ishaq tells us: Tabari VII:60/Ishaq:303 “A cousin of mine and I mounted a hill from
which we could overlook Badr and see who would be defeated, so that we could join in the
plundering afterwards.” “I was pursuing one of the Meccan polytheists in order to smite
him, when his head suddenly fell off before my sword touched him. Then I knew that some-
one other than I had killed him.” The implication is that one of Allah’s angelic
brigades did the dastardly deed. “My son, I saw Muslims on the day of Badr, and saw
that one of us would wave his sword at a polytheist, and the man’s head would fall from
his body before the sword touched him.” “The sign of the angels on the day of Badr was
346 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
white turbans which trailed down their backs, and on the day of Hunayn it was red turbans.
The angels did not fight on any day except the battle of Badr; on the other days they were
reinforcements, assistants, and helpers, but they struck no blows.” It was another
Islamic first: killer angels wielding swords. Either way Islam loses. If there
were no angels, then Muhammad and his disciples were liars. If an angelic
horde was out chopping off the heads of merchants so militants could rob
them, they were demons.
For those familiar with the Bible, you may recall that over the course of
4,000 years, angels caused men to die on only two occasions. Both were in
self defense and no one got rich. The Egyptians lost their first-born sons so
that the Jewish slaves might be freed, and the Assyrians who were besieging
Jerusalem were foiled.
Confirming that the Badr terrorist campaign was personal and political,
not religious, we read: Tabari VII:61/Ishaq:304 “When the Prophet had finished with his
enemy, he gave orders that Abu Jahl should be found among the dead. He said, ‘O Allah,
do not let him escape!’ The first man who encountered Jahl yelled out and I made him my
mark. When he was within my reach, I attacked him and struck him a blow which severed
his foot and half his leg. By Allah, when it flew off I could only compare it to a date-stone
which flies out of a crusher when it is struck. Then Jahl’s son hit me on the shoulder and
cut off my arm. It dangled at my side from a piece of skin. The fighting prevented me from
reaching him after that. I fought the whole day, dragging my arm behind me. When it
began to hurt me, I put my foot on it and stood until I pulled it off.’” Consider the indoc-
trination and the motivation required to inspire such devotion. And contem-
plate how the same prophet and doctrine arouse the same hateful passions
today—passions capable of toppling economies and nations.
“Then Mu’awwidh passed by Abu Jahl, who was now crippled and laying there help-
less. He hit him until he could no longer move, leaving Jahl gasping for his last breath. But
then Mu’awwidh was killed. Abd Allah bin Mas’ud passed by Jahl right when the Messen-
ger ordered us to search for him among the corpses. The Prophet said, ‘If you cannot iden-
tify him, look for the mark of a wound on his knee, for I jostled against him when we were
boys. I pushed him so that he fell and scratched one of his knees.’” Translated: “I may
be a cowardly slithering snake of a man now, but I wasn’t always a weasel.”
Ishaq:304 “Abd Allah bin Mas’ud said, ‘I found Abu Jahl in the throws of death. I put my
foot on his neck because he had grabbed me once at Mecca and had hurt me. Then I said,
Has Allah disgraced you and put you to shame, O enemy of Allah?’ ‘In what way has he dis-
graced me?’ he asked. ‘Am I anything more important than a man whom you have killed?
Tell me, to whom is the victory?’ I said, ‘To Allah and his Messenger.’” Bukhari:V5B59N298 “Abu
Jahl said, ‘You should not be proud that you have killed me.’” It was the Muslims who
had disgraced themselves. A few hundred militants had gone out to rob some
merchants, yet god and prophet declared a glorious victory. Even the pagan
Abu Jahl knew that it was a meaningless skirmish, an embarrassment.
Ishaq:304/Tabari VII:62 “I cut off Abu Jahl’s head and brought it to the Messenger. I said,
347WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
‘O Allah’s Prophet, this is the head of the enemy of Allah.’” God doesn’t have enemies;
only men and demons do. “Muhammad said, ‘Is this so, by Allah, than whom there is
no other deity?’ This used to be the Messenger of Allah’s oath. [The vengeful Muhammad
was no more articulate than the inspired one.] I said, ‘Yes.’ Then I threw down his head
before the Prophet’s feet. He said, ‘Praise be to Allah.’”
Bukhari:V5B59N572 “O Muslims, take not My enemies as friends, offering them kindness
when they reject Allah, the Prophet Muhammad, and his Qur’an. And whoever does that,
then indeed he has gone (far) astray. You have come out to fight in My Cause, seeking My
acceptance so do not be friendly with them, even in secret.” [60:1]
It’s hard to imagine men writing this down as if it were “religious.” Ishaq:305
“Ukkasha fought until he broke his sword. He came to the Apostle who gave him a wooden
cudgel telling him to fight with that. He brandished it and it became a brilliant weapon.
Allah gave him victory while he wielded it. He took that weapon with him to every raid he
fought with Allah’s Apostle until he was killed in the rebellion [the War of Compulsion].
These were his dying words: ‘What do you think about when you kill people? Are these not
men just because they are not Muslims?’” Sobering, isn’t it?
According to Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad’s quota on paradise was proclaimed
at Badr. Ishaq:306 “When Allah’s Apostle said, ‘70,000 of my followers shall enter Paradise
like the full moon,’ Ukkasha asked if he could be one of them. Then a lesser Ansari asked
to be included, but the Prophet replied, ‘Ukkasha beat you to it and my prayer is now
cold.’” At this point in his “mission,” Muhammad’s vision was no greater than
the conquest of Mecca and central Arabia. Inciting 70,000 fools to die for
what he coveted seemed sufficient at the time. Little did he know that his
scam would live on, infecting billions, and sending millions to their death.
Second, the “like a full moon” was an acknowledgement of Allah’s lunar geneal-
ogy. Third, to “earn” Allah’s paradise one has to be a big-time murderer. And
fourth, imagine risking your soul on a man who said: “my prayer is cold.”
Both prophet and god loved it when men sacrificed their lives for them.
Bukhari:V5B59N379 “When we wrote the Holy Qur’an, I missed one of the verses I used to hear
Allah’s Apostle reciting. Then we searched and found it. The verse was: ‘Among the Believers
are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah. Of them, some have fulfilled their
obligations to Allah (i.e. they have been killed in Allah’s Cause), and some of them are
(still) waiting to be killed.’ (Surah 33.23) So we wrote this in its place in the Qur’an.”
According to the Qur’an, all good Muslims fall into one of two categories:
those who have died killing infidels, and those who will die killing infidels.
The Badr raiders failed as pirates. The caravan they went out to plunder
got away. Yet the skirmish that ensued between militants and merchants res-
urrected a dying doctrine and ultimately reshaped the world. The Islamic lore
that emerged that spring morning in 623 from the blood-soaked sands near
348 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
the eastern shore of the Red Sea, serves as the only report of what happened
at Badr. Here are some of the most insightful lines spoken that day:
The Muslim Abdallah recited this poem: Ishaq:315 “It was so criminal, men could
hardly imagine it. Muhammad was ennobled because of the bloody fighting. I swear we
shall never lack soldiers, nor army leaders. Driving before us infidels until we subdue them
with a halter above their noses and a branding iron. We will drive them to the ends of the
earth. We will pursue them on horse and on foot. We will never deviate from fighting in our
cause. We will bring upon the infidels the fate of the Ad and Jurhum. Any people that dis-
obey Muhammad will pay for it. If you do not surrender to Islam, then you will live to regret
it. You will be shamed in Hell, forced to wear a garment of molten pitch forever!” Second
only to the Qur’an, this may be the nastiest, meanest, most intolerant, violent,
and sadistic poem ever recited.
Fulfilling prophecy, a Muslim, speaking of the sons of Ishmael, said, Ishaq:316
“In peace you are wild asses—rough and coarse. And in war you are like women wearing
corsets. But I care not so long as my hand can grasp my trusty blade.”
Ishaq:310 “A Meccan said, ‘As soon as we were confronted by the raiding party, we turned
our backs and they started killing and capturing us at their pleasure. Some of our men
turned tail humiliated. Allah smote some of us with pustules from which we died.’” Ishaq:311
“When the Quraysh began to bewail their dead, consumed in sorrow, one said, ‘Do not do
this for Muhammad and his companions will rejoice over our misfortune.’”
Hamzah recited: Ishaq:340 “SurelyBadrwasoneoftheworld’sgreatwonders.Theroads
to death are plain to see. Disobedience causes a people to perish. They became death’s
pawns. We had sought their caravan, nothing else. But they came to us and there was no
way out. So we thrust our shafts and swung our swords severing their heads. Our swords
glittered as they killed. The banner of error was held by Satan. He betrayed the evil ones,
those prone to treachery. He led them to death crying, ‘Fear Allah. He is invincible!’ Satan
knew what they could not see. On that day a thousand spirits were mustered on excited
white stallions. Allah’s army fought with us. Under our banner, Gabriel attacked and killed
them.” I agree; Satan was there.
Ali recited: Ishaq:341 “Have you seen how Allah favored His Apostle and how He humil-
iated the unbelievers? They were put to shame in captivity and death. The Apostle’s victory
was glorious. Its message is plain for all to see. The Lord brought repeated calamities
upon the pagans, bringing them under the Apostle’s power. Allah’s angry army smote
them with their trusty swords. Many a lusty youngster left the enemy lying prone. Their
women wept with burning throats for the dead were lying everywhere. But now they are all
in Hell.” It’s hard to believe. Violence and pain begat a religion.
One of the Meccan merchants said in response: Ishaq:342 “I wonder at foolish
men like these who sing frivolously and vainly of the slain at Badr. This was nothing more
than an impious and odious crime. Men fought against their brothers, fathers, and sons.
Any with discernment and understanding recognize the wrong that was done here.” Al-
Harith was right. I find his words rational and sobering—foreboding.
Ka’b, a Muslim commander, recited: Ishaq:344 “I wonder at Allah’s deed. None can
349WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
defeat Him. Evil ever leads to death. We unsheathed our swords and testified to the unity
of Allah, and we proved that His Apostle brought truth. We smote them and they scattered.
The impious met death. They became fuel for Hell. All who aren’t Muslims must go there.
It will consume them while the Stoker [Allah] increases the heat. They had called Allah’s
Apostle a liar. They claimed, ‘You are nothing but a sorcerer.’ So Allah destroyed them.”
As you read these words, remember, this day made Islam. On it, Hassan
proclaimed: Ishaq:348 “They retreated in all directions. They rejected the Qur’an and called
Muhammad a liar. But Allah cursed them to make his religion and Apostle victorious. They
lay still in death. Their throats were severed. Their foreheads embraced the dust. Their nos-
trils were defiled with filth. Many a noble, generous man we slew this day. We left them as
meat for the hyenas. And later, they shall burn in the fires of Hell.” A terrorist raid
designed to loot a caravan had become a noble crusade. These men who had
come to protect their property and family were butchered. Their only crime
was calling a sorcerer a liar.
Pirates and mercenaries fight for booty, not piety. Ubayda was no excep-
tion: Ishaq:349 “The battle will tell the world about us. Distant men will heed our warning.
The infidels may cut off my leg, yet I am a Muslim. I will exchange my life for one with vir-
gins fashioned like the most beautiful statues.”
A Muslim recited these lines: Ishaq:357 “Their leaders were left prostrate. Their
heads were sliced off like melons. Many an adversary have I left on the ground to rise in
pain, broken and plucked. When the battle was joined I dealt them a vicious blow. Their
arteries cried aloud, their blood flowed. That is what I did on the day of Badr.”
At the end of the fighting: Ishaq:306/Tabari VII:62 “Allah’s Apostle ordered the dead to
be thrown into a pit. All were thrown in except Umayyah. He had swollen up in his coat of
mail and filled it. They went to move him, but he fell apart, so they left him where he was
and flung some rocks over him. As the dead were being thrown in, Muhammad stood over
them and said, ‘O people of the pit, have you found what your Lord promised you to be
true? For I have found what my Lord promised me to be true.’ The Muslims said to him. ‘O
Allah’s Messenger, are you speaking to dead people who have been putrefied?’ He replied,
‘They know what I promised them is the truth.’ You hear what I say no better than they, but
they cannot answer me.” This is almost as sick as the Islamic god gloating over
the new arrivals to hell. It’s almost as if Muhammad’s warped character
rubbed off on Allah. (Did I say almost?) They became twins. Muhammad was
the first prophet to promise his people slaughter rather than salvation. It was
one prophecy he got right.
Bukhari:V5B58N193 “The Prophet cursed those that had teased him. He said, ‘O Allah!
Destroy the chiefs of Quraysh, Abu Jahl, Utba, Shaba, Umaiya, and Ubai.’ I saw these peo-
ple killed on the day of Badr battle and thrown in the pit except Ubai whose body parts
were mutilated.” He was putrid, possessed, and pathetic, not prophetic.
While some of this material is redundant, it’s important to see how the
four prime Islamic sources work together to provide us with a portrait of this
man, his spirit, and religion. Every word devastates Muhammad’s character;
350 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
every stroke reveals his motives. The battle of Badr resurrected the fledgling
political doctrine of Islam. Yet the motive was greed. The means was terror.
The reason was Muhammad. He had come full circle. The abused child was
now an empowered, demented, and vicious abuser.
This Hadith is telling: Bukhari:V5B59N314-7 “At Badr, the Prophet ordered the corpses
of twenty-four Quraysh leaders to be thrown into a pit. It was a habit of the Prophet that
whenever he conquered people, he used to stay at the battlefield for three nights [to gloat].
So, on the third day he ordered his she-camel saddled and he set out. His Companions fol-
lowed, saying: ‘The Prophet is proceeding for some great purpose.’ When he halted at the
edge of the pit, he addressed the corpses of the Quraysh infidels by their names, ‘O so-
and-so, son of so-and-so! Why didn’t you obey Allah’s Apostle? I have found true what my
Lord promised me. Have you found true what your Lord promised you?’ Umar said, ‘O Apos-
tle! You are speaking to the dead!’ Muhammad said, ‘Allah brought them to life (again) to
let them hear me, to reprimand them, to slight them, and so that I might take my revenge
over them.’ Then he quoted the Holy Verse out of the Qur’an: ‘You cannot make the dead
listen or the deaf hear your call…until they believe Our Signs and come into submission.”
[30:52] Both prophet and his spirit needed men to obey; they required full and
unquestioned submission. That, in a nutshell, was what Islam was all about.
The first Muslim historian covers the despicable dialog in a manner that
nails Muhammad’s motives: Tabari VII:63 “The Messenger uttered these words: ‘O peo-
ple of the pit, you were evil fellow tribesmen to your Prophet! You disbelieved me when
other people believed me. You drove me out when other people gave me shelter. You
fought me when other people came to my aid.’”
This sorry excuse for a man wasn’t finished gloating. Ishaq:306 “The Apostle’s
Companions heard him get up in the middle of the night. He went to the pit and said, ‘O
people of the pit,’ enumerating all who had be thrown into the dirty well. ‘I have found what
my Lord promised me to be true.’” Normal men would have been repulsed by the
sight and smell of rotting corpses. But not this man, he was inspired. So was
his spirit, the Lord of the Pit.
This next vignette is equally disturbing. The foolishness of Islam is behind
us. All that remains is tragic. Tabari VII:63/Ishaq:307 “Utbah was dragged to the well.
Muhammad looked into the face of his son Abu, who was dejected. ‘I fear perhaps some
sadness has entered you on account of your father.’ ‘No, by Allah, O Prophet of Allah,’ Abu
replied. ‘I had no misgivings about my father, nor about his death. But I knew my father to
be a judicious, wise, forbearing, cultured, and virtuous man. I used to hope that these
qualities would lead him to Islam.’” No. These qualities kept him from Islam.
The skirmish over, it was time to divvy up the spoils. The next section of
al-Tabari begins under the headline: “The Division of the Booty.” Tabari VII:64/Ishaq:307
“The Messenger of Allah gave orders concerning the contents of the camp which the people
had collected, and it was all brought together. Among the Muslims, however, there was a
difference of opinion concerning it. Those who had collected it said, ‘It is ours. Muham-
mad promised every man that he could keep the booty he took.’ Those who were fighting
351WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
said, ‘If it had not been for us, you would not have taken it. We distracted the enemy from
you so that you could take what you took.’ Those who were guarding the Prophet for fear
the enemy would attack him said, ‘By Allah, you have no better right to it than we have. We
wanted to kill the enemy when Allah gave us the opportunity and made them turn their
backs, and we wanted to take property when there was no one to protect it; but we were
afraid that the Meccans might attack the Prophet. We protected him so you have no bet-
ter right to it than we have.’” These covetous and militant marauders were the
antithesis of Christ’s disciples.
According to Muhammad’s gospel: it’s good to kill for money, but it’s bad
to argue about it later. “When we quarreled about the booty we became very bad tem-
pered. So Allah removed it from our hands and handed it over to His Messenger. He divided
it equally among the Muslims. In this matter there can be seen fear of Allah, obedience to
his Messenger, and the settling of differences.” This was the proposition and the
conclusion. Islam was about money. Islam made men mad. Muhammad and
Allah were partners. Muhammad was to be obeyed. Allah was to be feared.
Muslims were enticed into submission: Bukhari:V5B59N360 “The total number of
Muslim fighters from Mecca who fought at Badr and were given a share of the booty, were
81. When their shares were distributed, their number was 101. But Allah knows it better.”
And the great deceiver was ever ready to help his pal pile up the booty.
Ishaq:307 “The ‘Spoils of War’ Surah came down from Allah to His Prophet concerning the
distribution of the booty when the Muslims showed their evil nature. Allah took it out of
their hands and gave it to the Apostle.”
Tabari VII:65 “Allah’s Messenger came back to Medina, bringing with him the booty which
had been taken from the polytheists.... There were forty-four captives in the Messenger of
Allah’s possession. There was a similar number of dead.”
Ishaq:308 “Muhammad halted on a sandhill and divided the booty Allah had given him
equally. Then Muslims from Medina met him at Rauha. They congratulated him on the vic-
tory Allah had granted. But one of the warriors replied, ‘What are you congratulating us
about? We only met some bald old women like the sacrificial camels who are hobbled,
and we slaughtered them!’ The Apostle smiled because he knew that description fit .” By
any historical or rational criterion, the battle of Badr was meaningless—a tus-
sle between militants and merchants. And yet Muhammad turned it into a
miracle from Allah. And he used it to resurrect his dying doctrine.
The prophet’s blood lust led to these chilling lines…Ishaq:308/Tabari VII:65 “When
the Apostle was in Safra, Nadr was assassinated. When Muhammad reached Irq al-
Zabyah he killed Uqbah. When the Holy Prophet ordered him to be killed, Uqbah said,
‘Who will look after my children, Muhammad?’ “Hellfire,’ the Apostle replied, and he was
killed.” No Geneva Convention here.
Ishaq:312 “Umar said to the Apostle, ‘Let me pull out Suhayl’s two front teeth. That way
his tongue will stick out and he will never be able to speak against you again.’”
Tabari VII:66/Ishaq:309 “Sawdah [the prophet’s second wife] said: ‘I went to my house, and
the Messenger was there with Abu Yazid [a Meccan prisoner]. His hands were tied to his
352 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
neck. I could not restrain myself when I saw Yazid like that and I shouted out to him. So
Muhammad asked, “Sawdah, are you trying to stir up trouble against Allah’s Messenger?”
This brought me back to my senses.’”
Ishaq:309 “‘Bind Abu Aziz tight for his mother is rich and she may ransom him for a great
deal of money,’” Allah’s Profit proclaimed.
Confirming that Islam was all about the money: Tabari VII:71/Ishaq:311 “Among
the captives was Abu Wada. Muhammad said, ‘He has a son who is a shrewd merchant
with much money.” The son “slipped away at night, went to Medina, ransomed his father
for 4,000 dirhams.” There was no preaching, no Qur’an recitals, no message of
salvation. Just: “Gimme da money.”
Tabari VII:71/Ishaq:312 “The Prophet said, ‘Abbas, you must ransom yourself, your two
nephews, Aqil and Nawfal, and your confederate, Utbah, for you are a wealthy man.’
‘Muhammad,’ Abbas said, ‘I was a Muslim, but the people compelled me to fight against
my will.’ Allah knows best concerning your Islam,’ Muhammad said. ‘If what you say is true,
Allah will reward you for it. As for your outward appearance, you have been against us, so
pay to ransom yourself.’ The Messenger had previously taken [stolen] twenty ounces of
gold from him following the battle. So Abbas said, ‘Credit me with this amount towards my
ransom.’ ‘No,’ Muhammad replied. ‘That money Allah has already taken from you and
given to us.’” Islam equals money, not souls. The Hadith remains transparent.
Ishaq:313 “The Muslims told Abu Sufyan to pay them a ransom to free his son, Amr. He
replied, ‘Am I to suffer the double loss of my blood and my money? After you have killed
my son Hanzala, you want me to pay you a ransom to save Amr?’” How on earth do
Muslims see this behavior as “religious,” or even “good?”
Bukhari:V5B59N357 “The Badr warriors were given five thousand dirhams each, yearly.
Umar [the future Caliph] said, ‘I will always give them more than what I will give to others.’”
And while money was good, Muhammad craved more…Bukhari:V5B59N342 “Umar
said, ‘When my daughter Hafsa lost her husband in the battle of Badr, Allah’s Apostle
demanded her hand in marriage and I married her to him.’”
The battle over, the booty collected, the ransoms negotiated, it was time
for some situational scriptures. Most religions considered murder, piracy, kid-
napping, and terrorism bad, so Muhammad needed a special dispensation.
As before, I will weave the Hadith into the fabric of the Qur’an to give
Allah’s scriptures the context of time, circumstance, and place they otherwise
lack. Tabari VII:80 “When the events of Badr were over, Allah revealed the 8th surah, ‘The
Spoils of War,’ in its entirety. The two armies met [there were no armies—just merchants
and militants] and Allah defeated the Meccans [with Muslim swords]. Seventy of them
were killed, and seventy were taken captive.” The previous death toll was forty-four
killed and an equal number brought back for ransom. The lower number is
also in line with Ishaq’s meticulously documented total of fifty dead, and
353WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
forty-three taken hostage. “Abu Bakr said, ‘O Prophet of Allah, these are your people,
your family; they are your cousins, fellow clansmen, and nephews. I think that you should
accept ransoms for them so that what we take from them will strengthen us.’” Yes, it’s
true: Islam was financed by kidnapping ransom. The wealth of pagans was
forged into the sword of Islam. And Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s bloodsucking
promoter, was only interested in the money—never religion.
Tabari VII:81 “‘What do you think Khattab?’ Muhammad asked. ‘I say you should hand
them over to me so that I can cut off their heads. Hand Hamzah’s brother over to him so
that he can cut off his head. Hand over Aqil to Ali so that he can cut off his brother’s head.
Thus Allah will know that there is no leniency in our hearts toward the unbelievers.’ The
Messenger liked what Abu Bakr said and did not like what I said, and accepted ransoms
for the captives.” Bloodshed was good; money was better.
This Tradition continues to pull back the veil on Islam. It was a perform-
ance, one in which a pagan god played a staring role. Tabari VII:81 “The next day I
went to the Prophet in the morning. He was sitting with Abu Bakr, and they were weeping.
I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, tell me, what has made you and your companion weep? If I
find cause to weep, I will weep with you, and if not, I will pretend to weep because you are
weeping.’ The Prophet said, ‘It is because of the taking of ransoms which has been laid
before your companions. It was laid before me that I should punish them instead.’ Allah
revealed: ‘It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he has made slaughter in the
land.’ After that Allah made booty lawful for them.” Because money enabled slaughter,
Muhammad would have both.
Ishaq:316 “Following Badr, Muhammad sent a number of raiders with orders to capture
some of the Meccans and burn them alive. But on the following day he sent word to us, ‘I
told you to burn these men if you got hold of them. But I decided that none has the right to
punish by fire save Allah. So if you capture them, kill them.’”
The Hadith report on the battle of Badr ends with these words: “On the Badr
expedition, the Messenger took the sword of Dhu al-Faqar as booty. It had belonged to
Munabbih. On that day he also took Abu Jahl’s camel as booty. It was a Mahri dromedary
on which he used to go on raids.” Nothing but the best for Muhammad—after all,
he was a prophet. “It is said that he wrote ‘Ma’aqil’ [Blood-Money] on his sword.”
Blood still dripping from the implements of war, the dark spirit of Islam
revealed a surah that made killing a religious duty and thievery a sacred rite:
“The Spoils of War.” 008.001 “They question you about (windfalls taken as) spoils of war.
Say: ‘Booty is at the disposal of Allah and the Messenger; they belong to Us and are for
Our benefit. So fear Allah, and adjust your way of thinking in this matter. Obey Allah and
His Messenger.’” How convenient. But this was crass, even for Muhammad. His
propensity to steal was obviously being questioned. So he claimed that his
god said: “The booty is ours—it belongs to us.”
Some might think being a pirate would be a great gig if you could get
“god” to sponsor your raids. But for Muhammad, that wasn’t enough. He
was after more than money. He coveted power, too. So he had his god say:
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“Obey Allah and the Messenger.” Then, for those who were squabbling over the
prophet’s new career path, he professed: “Adjust your way of thinking and fear me.”
The Communists used to call it “re-education.” But no matter how you inter-
pret this, it isn’t religious. It’s disgusting.
Muhammad’s Companions agree with my assessment: Ishaq:321 “The Spoils of
War surah was handed down because we quarreled about the booty. So Allah took it away
from us and gave it to His Apostle. When He did, we learned to fear Allah and obey his Mes-
senger.” The Hadith goes on to report: “For in truth, our army had gone out with the
Prophet seeking the caravan because we wanted its booty.”
The Qur’an’s attempts at religion were overt efforts to control people
through fear, ritual, indoctrination, and taxation: 008.002 “The only believers are
those who feel fear and terror when Allah is mentioned. When His [Qur’an] revelations [like
this one focused on killing and stealing] are recited to them it increases their faith. Mus-
lims establish regular prayers and pay out of the booty We have given them.” Muslims
who fear will obey—and they will pay.
Conditioning men to be submissive through the implementation of reli-
gious rituals was good; motivating them to loot was better. 008.004 “These are true
Muslims. For them are exalted grades (of honor) with their Lord, and pardon, and a boun-
tiful provision.” Who gets the exalted grades of honor, the bountiful provision,
you ask? Muslim militants who leave their homes to rob caravans and mur-
der their kin, that’s who! 008.005 “Your Lord ordered and caused you [the good Muslims]
out of your homes to fight for the true cause, even though some Muslims disliked it, and
were averse (to fighting). They argued with you concerning this matter [of piracy] even after
it was made clear to them. It was as if they were being driven to their death.” This verse
is speaking to the rift between the “good,” warlike, Muslims and the “bad,”
peaceful ones. Good Muslims were ready, willing, and able to plunder and
kill—just as they are today. The bad, peaceful Muslims just wanted to live and
let live. But peace was something Allah couldn’t tolerate.
008.007 “Behold! Allah promised that one of the two parties would fall and become
yours. You (Muhammad) coveted (the caravan,) the one which was not armed.” This
verse confirms that Muhammad was a pirate, not a general or a prophet. It
devastates Islam’s credibility. Yet it is often missed because the passage goes
on to proclaim the most fearsome words every spoken: “Allah wished to confirm
and justify the truth by His words. Wipe the infidels out to the last.”
The confirmation is clear. It is the justification that’s muddled. Muhammad
left Medina with his militants for the express purpose of robbing an unarmed
caravan. He wanted money. His god wanted war. The dark spirit of Islam
wanted to slaughter and humiliate all those who didn’t bow to his authority.
Lucifer enticed men to do his bidding. His goal was to cloud men’s minds
so that they would no longer recognize truth. 008.008 “That He might justify Truth
and prove Falsehood false, distasteful though it be to the disbelievers who oppose.” The
writing quality is dreadful so let me translate this for you. The verse says: the
355WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
people whose conscience had not yet been eroded opposed terror. That made
them “guilty.” From Lucifer’s perspective, truth could only be justified by
killing men with a conscience—men with the ability to discern right from
wrong. You are witnessing spiritual warfare of the highest order. And the
stakes in this game are men’s souls.
Muhammad made a deal with the Devil: 008.009 “(Remember,) you implored the
assistance of your Lord, and He heard what you requested: ‘I will assist you with 1,000
angels, ranks on ranks.’” If ever a verse proved that the Qur’an was as false as its
deity, this is it. It is beyond comprehension that the creator of the universe
would send his angels to help a pirate. Moreover, can you imagine angels so
impotent it takes 1,000 of them to kill fifty merchants?
There is more to this demonic assistance than I have shared thus far.
According to both the Hadith and Qur’an, Allah used rain and wind to foil
the merchants. Rain was said to have secured the gravel under the militants
and undermined the sandy slopes beneath the merchants’ feet. And a wind
from behind the militants’ backs blew coarse sand in the merchants’ faces,
impairing their vision. The Bible calls Lucifer “the prince of the power of the
air.” He was given control over weather. In the book of Job, Satan uses wind
and a thunderstorm to try and lure a man of God away from the truth. He
also incites men to kill and steal on his behalf. That is precisely what hap-
pened at Badr and for the same reasons. Is it a coincidence or not?
The Hadith and Qur’an reveal something more sinister than just a bad
man who craved power, sex, and money. To understand what was at stake, we
need to expose the spirit that inspired Islam. And to accomplish this, we must
turn to the same place Muhammad turned for enlightenment—the Hebrew
Bible. By lifting the majority of the Qur’an from its pages, he left the honest
searcher with no option but to compare where they agree and where they
conflict. And what we find is that spirit of Islam is identical to that of a fallen
angel, Lucifer, or Satan. Allah’s nature, character, motivations, means, and
limitations are a carbon copy of the Devil’s. He deceives men and leads them
astray. He enjoys torment, killing, and death. He entices lost souls.
For the purpose of this book, it matters not if you view the Bible as
inspired or Satan as real. If you do, you will see Allah more nearly and under-
stand the significance of the problem currently facing our world. If not, it is
sufficient that you see Muhammad’s words and behavior as deceitful and
demented. Either way, the greatest service we can render Muslims is to free
them from Islam. In so doing we will free ourselves from the terror this man,
his spirit, and doctrine inspire.
Reading on we discover that Muhammad was no better at piracy than he
was at prophecy. 008.010 “Allah made the victory [killing, kidnapping, and stealing] but a
message of hope, a glad tiding, to reassure you. Victory [of this kind] comes only from
Allah [Lucifer]. Lo! Allah is Almighty. (Remember) He covered you with slumber, as a security
356 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
from Him. He sent down rain to clean you of the plague of evil suggestions of Satan, that you
might plant your feet firmly.” Satan’s plague was being cast out of heaven for dis-
obedience. His cure was to bring mankind down to his level.
A Hadith says: Ishaq:321 “Allah sent down water from the sky at night and it prevented
the polytheists from getting to the well before us.” This Tradition is followed by a
hellish one, suggesting the source of the inclement nocturnal weather. Ishaq:322
“I will cast terror into the hearts of those who reject Me. So strike off their heads and cut
off their fingers. All who oppose Me and My Prophet shall be punished severely.”
Then from the Qur’an: 008.012 “YourLordinspiredtheangels[fellowdemons]withthe
message: ‘I am with you. Go and give firmness to the Believers. I will terrorize the unbeliev-
ers. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off
their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes.” Allah is calling himself a ter-
rorist. He is ordering his fellow demons to decapitate and mutilate men so that
their fathers, sons, and brothers might rob them. Islam has sunk to a new low.
Ah, but it was justified, according to the spirit of Islam: 008.013 “This because
they rejected Allah [The Meccans invented Allah; they never rejected him. So this was all
about:] and defied His Messenger. If anyone opposes Allah and His Messenger, Allah shall
be severe in punishment. That is the torment: ‘So taste the punishment. For those infidels
who resist there is the torment of Hell.’” While Allah’s command to fight is new, as
is his bribe of booty, his character hasn’t changed. He is the same ol’
demented fellow we grew to despise in Mecca. Surrender and obey, or die.
008.015 “Believers, [Muslims] when you meet unbelieving infidels in battle while you are
marching for war, never turn your backs to them. If any turns his back on such a day, unless
it be in a stratagem of war, a maneuver to rally his side, he draws on himself the wrath of
Allah, and his abode is Hell, an evil refuge!” This is like the pseudo-religious Teu-
tonic Oath of the Nazi S.S. It’s identical to the mindset of the Kamikaze
Divine Wind. Not only are Muslims ordered to attack, they are condemned
if they retreat. Islam is a fight to the death.
And lest we forget: Allah hates peaceful Muslims. If you know one, you
ought to share this verse with them. They could do better than to follow a god
who hates them for doing the right thing.
The following verse is one of many that is meaningless outside of the con-
text the Hadith provides. As you recall, Muslims claimed that Allah’s angels
severed men’s heads before their swords reached them. And we learn: Ishaq:322
“Allah said concerning the pebbles thrown by the Apostle, ‘I threw them not you. Your toss-
ing them would have had no effect without My help. But working together, We terrorized
the enemy and put them to flight.” In that context, I present the Qur’an: 008.017 “It is
not you [Muslims] who slew them; it was Allah who killed them. It was not you (Muham-
mad) who threw (a handful of dust), it was not your act, but it was Allah who threw (the
sand into the eyes of the enemy at Badr) in order that He might test the [Muslim] Believ-
ers by doing them a gracious favor of His Own: for Allah is He Who hears and knows.”
By adding the words inside the parenthesis, the Islamic scholars who
357WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
translated the Qur’an have admitted two things: the Qur’an is senseless with-
out the Sira, and the Sira is scripture. Furthermore, the passage is worse in
context, not better. Allah is confessing to a crime. The men that he claimed
he killed were neither warriors nor criminals. They were businessmen trying
to keep Muslims from stealing their wares. By any sane definition, when he
pursued and killed these men he committed an act of first-degree murder—a
capital offense. In all civilized societies, murderers are either put to death or
separated for life. Shouldn’t Allah receive the same sentence?
And as is often the case, the murdering spirit is insane. He said that his
rage was a “a gracious favor.” So why would Allah confess to such a heinous
crime and why did he elect to gloat about his outing with the pirates? The rea-
sons are threefold. First, Lucifer had done all he could. He had manipulated
the weather and induced men to behave badly. He was proud of himself—the
failing that got him into trouble in the first place. Second, Muhammad was a
coward in battle. He hunkered down in his palm-frond hut a safe distance
behind the battle lines. He needed to revise history so that his militants would
believe that by tossing pebbles he was actually fighting with god. Third,
Muhammad took twenty percent of the spoils, a hundred times larger share
than any of the combatants. If Allah was the most vicious and prolific killer
rather than the pirates, he deserved the largest share.
008.018 “This and surely; Allah weakens the deceitful plots of unbelieving infidels.” In
order to justify this excrement, Muhammad and Allah had to stupefy their
militants first. Good must be made to appear bad, and bad must become
good. The “unbelieving infidels” were at Badr to defend their people and protect
their property from the bad militants, and yet this good motive is twisted into
a “deceitful plot.” It’s but another Qur’anic lie.
008.019 “(Quraysh Unbelievers!) You asked for a judgment so the judgment came to you.
If you desist, it will be best for you. If you return (to the attack), so shall We. And your
forces, no matter how large, will fail. For verily Allah is with those who believe Him!”
Unable to deliver the threatened Day of Doom, Allah is suggesting that this
sandlot skirmish is its equivalent. It is also interesting that this spirit’s “judg-
ment” renders booty to criminals. Further, the defensive tactics of the mer-
chants were wrongly twisted into looking like an attack by the delusional
spirit. Yet the Meccans were merely safeguarding their wares. The Muslims
were on the prowl trying to steal them. This convoluted reasoning is the same
strategy modern Muslims foist on an ignorant media. Thus when the Israelis
defend themselves from Islamic terror they are recast as the aggressors.
With situational scriptures issued and history twisted, it was time to reinforce
the purpose of Islam: 008.020 “O you who believe! Obey Allah and His Messenger. Do not
turn away from him when you hear him speak. Do not be like those who say, ‘We hear,’ but
do not listen. Those who do not obey are the worst of beasts, the vilest of animals in the
sight of Allah. They are deaf and dumb. Those who do not understand are senseless. If
358 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
Allah had seen any good in them, He would have made them listen. And even if He had made
them listen, they would but have turned away and declined submission.” When you
consider the audience and the circumstance, this is transparent. Muhammad
was lashing out against the good people of Medina and calling them bad
Muslims for not following his orders to fight. The bad Muslims still knew
right from wrong. Their consciences told them that piracy, terrorism, murder,
kidnapping, ransom, and thievery were evil. As such, they were “good” people.
When the “prophet” spoke to them, commanding them to become pirates,
they turned away and did not listen to him.
The good Muslims, however, like their counterparts today, had been cor-
rupted by Islam. They could no longer distinguish between right and wrong
so they zealously followed the profiteer on raids to pillage and plunder.
While it is obvious that this demented doctrine needs to be exposed and
exterminated—sentenced to die for its crimes—bad Muslims should be leading
the parade. Their faux deity just called them the vilest of creatures. Yes, any
Muslim who does not follow Muhammad’s orders to murder infidels, to pil-
lage and plunder them is deaf and dumb, senseless, the worst of beasts. Allah
hates, above all else, peace-loving Muslims (even more than he hates Jews).
I beg any Muslim reading these words to let them sink in. Your god con-
demns you if you to not lash out in Jihad, if you do not fight to the death for
his demented cause. If the Qur’an is true, if Allah is God, if Muhammad was
a prophet—and you are a peaceful, loving Muslim—you are destined for a
hell even more torturous than that prepared for the hospitality of the infidels.
It’s a lose-lose game, with your soul at stake. If Islam is true, you’re toast. If
Islam is a lie, you live in the poverty of a delusional doctrine and will spend
eternity separated from Yahweh, your creator. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Before we leave this stunning indictment of Islam, I’d like to address the
opening salvo of the 20th verse. Muhammad said that any time he speaks he
must be believed, followed, and obeyed. Not Allah, him. Even Ishaq agrees:
Ishaq:322 “Allah said, ‘Do not turn away from Muhammad when he is speaking to you. Do not
contradict his orders. And do not be a hypocrite, one who pretends to be obedient to him
and then disobeys him. Those who do so will receive My vengeance. You must respond to
the Apostle when he summons you to war.” Technically, one cannot be a bad Muslim.
A peaceful, loving person is either a non-Muslim or a hypocrite. Therefore,
all true Muslims obey Islam’s dictates and are bad people!
Muhammad’s summons was to raid civilians and steal their property. This
wasn’t holy war; it was terrorism. Also, to follow Muhammad’s orders, as
Allah is compelling, one must understand the Sunnah and comply with its
Hadith. That is the only place the prophet’s commands and terrorist example
can be found. (Unless you see Muhammad as Allah and in that case the
Qur’an is just a redundant Sunnah.) Either way, from this point forward
Islam is a terrorist manifesto. Its creed is: obey Muhammad, fight for
359WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
Muhammad, and pay Muhammad.
Since the last Qur’anic pronouncement was too transparent even for Islam’s
prophet, the megalomaniac stepped aside momentarily and placed himself
back on equal footing with his god: 008.024 “O Believers! Answer Allah and (His) Mes-
senger when he calls you to that which will give you life [martyrdom]. And know that Allah
comes in between a man and his heart. To Him you shall be gathered. Fear the affliction and
trial that awaits those who do not obey. Allah is severe.” Yes, all Muslims will meet
Allah, the demonic spirit of Islam. Their affliction at his hands will be severe.
Ever deceitful, Muhammad and Allah are calling Muslims to fight to the
death for their benefit, yet they say they are being called to life. This reminds
me of Satan’s temptation in the Garden. The apple represented death yet
Lucifer called that choice immortality—life.
008.026 “And remember, when you were a small band [i.e., bandits] and reckoned feeble
and despised in the land, and were afraid that men might despoil and kidnap you, carry-
ing you off by force, how He provided a safe asylum for you, strengthened you with His aid.
He gave you refuge, and gave you the good [stolen] things, that haply you might be thank-
ful. O you that believe, don’t betray Allah and the Messenger, nor misappropriate things
entrusted to you.” Gloating is unseemly. Muhammad’s militants had won a skir-
mish against some poorly equipped and out-of-shape businessmen. The Mus-
lims were a small band of bandits, feeble and despised before Badr, and they
remained so after the battle. No Muslim was carried off by force. They were
the kidnappers. As for an asylum, I would be happy to recommend one.
008.028 “And know that your property and your children are just a temptation, and that
Allah has the best rewards.” The idea that “children are just a temptation” is telling.
Is Muhammad suggesting that men might be tempted to abuse their sons as
he himself was abused as a child? Or is he asking parents to sacrifice their
children and their money on Jihad’s altar, as so many Muslims do today?
While perverse, neither is as twisted as the notion that god’s “best reward” is an
inebriated stay in his whorehouse. Nor are they any more evil than an Islamic
imam seducing mercenary militants to murder innocents to gain entry.
008.029 “O you who believe! If you obey and fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion to
judge between right and wrong, or a way to overlook your evil thoughts and deeds.” If you
are a good Muslim and obey out of fear, Allah will grant you a new “criterion
to judge between right and wrong.” And that is because all other religions, moral
codes, and societal mores define piracy, murder, plunder, terrorism, kidnap-
ping, thievery, and ransom as evil. But not to worry, O Islamic terrorist,
because Allah will forgive your crimes, corrode your mind, and rid you of the
pangs of conscience.
008.030 “Remember how the unbelievers [Meccan merchants] plotted against you (O
Muhammad), to keep you in bonds, or slay you, or get you out (of your home). They plot-
ted, and Allah too had arranged a plot; but Allah is the best schemer.” Because you
have read the Hadith and studied the Qur’an in context, you know that
360 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
Muhammad claimed he “received” this verse two years earlier. And you know
that the kidnappers and the slayers were Muslims. As for Allah being the best
plotter, a world-class schemer, I couldn’t agree more. He is the best in the
world at what he does.
Prince Charming says: Ishaq:323 “I am the best of plotters. I deceived them with My
guile so that I delivered you from them.” Webster defines “guile” the way the Bible
defines Satan: “insidious and cunning, a crafty or artful deception, duplicity.”
008.031 “When Our Verses are rehearsed to them, they say: ‘We have heard this (before)
[i.e., it’s plagiarized]. If we wished, we could say (words) like these. These are nothing but
stories of the ancients.’” The reason the local Arab population in Yathrib was
questioning the prophet’s credentials was that he had already trotted out the
2nd surah. It was filled with convoluted stories lifted from the pages of the
Torah. This verse confirms that bad Muslims were smart enough to recognize
a false prophet.
In the next passage we find Muhammad sidestepping the “no miracles-no
prophet” and “no signs-no god” criticisms. It’s as feeble as ever. 008.032 “Remem-
ber how they said: ‘O Allah, if this (Qur’an) is indeed the Truth (revealed) from You, rain
down on us a shower of stones from the sky, or send us a painful doom!’ But Allah was not
going to send them a penalty while you (Muhammad) were among them. But what plea
have they that Allah should not punish them; what makes them so special? They
obstructed (men) from the Holy Mosque, though they were not its fitting and appointed
guardians? Its custodian can only be one who keeps his duty to Allah. Their prayer and
worship at the House of Allah (the Ka’aba) is nothing but whistling and clapping of hands.
They will have to taste the punishment because they disbelieved.’” This passage says
that pagans believed Allah was God; they prayed to him and worshiped at his
House. As such, it destroys Muhammad’s justification for killing them.
These verses also contain lies and a confession. The Meccans never
restricted access to the mosque. The Ka’aba was the centerpiece of Qusayy’s
religious scam. It was their meal ticket. The more pilgrims the better. It was
Muhammad and his Muslims who were intolerant. They would ultimately
restrict access, prohibiting all non-Muslim from entering Mecca. The confes-
sion provides additional support for the Profitable Prophet Plan. Muhammad
was claiming ownership of the Ka’aba Inc. because he deemed himself more
deserving than the rightful owners. He had made a deal with the Devil. Cus-
todianship of Allah’s House was to be his reward.
008.036 “The unbelievers spend their wealth to hinder (man) from the Way of Allah, and
so will they continue to spend; but in the end they will have intense regrets and sighs. It
will become an anguish for them, then they will be subdued. The unbelievers shall be
driven into hell in order that Allah may distinguish the bad from the good and separate
them. Allah wants to heap the wicked one over the other and cast them into Hell. They are
the losers.” The Meccan merchants promoted the “way of Allah.” Allah’s
House was all the Quraysh had going for them. But that lie isn’t the problem
361WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
with this verse. Muhammad, on behalf of his spirit, is telling non-Muslims
that anguish awaits them, that they will be subdued, forced into submission
and then driven into hell. Terror, a living hell, is the legacy of Muhammad.
Even Ishaq sees Allah as demonic: Ishaq:324 “Allah said, ‘Leave Me to deal with
the liars. I have fetters and fire and food which chokes. I will smote the Quraysh at Badr.”
The hateful and violent message of the Qur’an is as clear as Mein Kampf.
008.039 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit
to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world). But if they cease, Allah is Seer of what they
do.” In or out of context, this is unequivocal. The Islamic war machine must
continue to roll until every soul on earth “submits to the religion of Allah.” There
will be no understandings, no appeasements, no compromises, no treaties. It
is surrender or die. And this verse cannot be misinterpreted, corrupted, or dis-
missed. The order is clear: “Fight until the whole world is in submission to Islam.”
But should you want confirmation, Ishaq, the first imam to record the
message of fundamental Islam interprets the verse this way: Ishaq:324 “He said,
Fight them so that there is no more rebellion, and religion, all of it, is for Allah only. Allah
must have no rivals.” This verse should be hung in every church, in every syna-
gogue, in every school, and statehouse. It ought to be plastered on the front
door of the State Department, Pentagon, Capitol, and White House.
Incidentally, there are two wars being announced here, not one. The first is
religious; the second is spiritual. Submission to the religion of Islam is entirely
political, a war designed to suppress and plunder. That battle is being fought
with swords, guns, and bombs. It destroys physical things including the flesh.
The spiritual war is being waged for souls. Allah, as Satan, will not tolerate a
rival. “Allahu Akbar,” (Allah is Greater) is the battle cry. Lucifer wants us to
worship him. Islam is simply his most effective and deadly scheme.
Unfortunately, the Qur’an’s dark spirit knew how to motivate a merciless
band of religious fanatics. Ishaq:324 “Allah taught them how to divide the spoil. He made
it lawful and said, ‘A fifth of the booty belongs to the Apostle.’ This is confirmed in the
surah: 008.040 “If people are obstinate, and refuse to surrender, know that Allah is your
Supporter. And know that one fifth of all the booty you take belongs to Allah, and to the
Messenger, and for the near relatives (of the Messenger), orphans, and the needy wayfarer
[we’ve heard this before]. Believe in Allah and in what We sent down to Our slave on the
Day of victory over the infidels when the two armies clashed. And Allah has the power to
do all things.” Fortunately, all Allah/Satan can do is play with the weather and
tempt men to do his bidding. Unfortunately, all too many are willing. The
temptation in this case was money. Muslim militants got rich [by Arab stan-
dards] robbing Muhammad’s enemies. Of course, they had to give the
prophet a fifth of the spoil, yet that was no more onerous than what Black
Beard required. But since Badr was only a ragtag mob of mercenary misfits
against a bunch of camel-driving merchants, you have to wonder about the
inadequacy of a spirit who called them “armies” and required a thousand
362 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
demonic angels to carry the day. I wouldn’t bet my life on Team Islam.
You may have picked up on it already, but if not, Muhammad had a little
problem. He and his raiders had gone after a merchandise-laden caravan. The
money they sought eluded them. So while they stole some swords and coats
of mail, and kidnapped some men for ransom, the expedition was a bust. The
caravan got away. 008.042 “(Remember) you were on the hither side of the valley, and they
were on yonder bank. The caravan was on lower ground still (by the coast). Even if you had
made a mutual appointment to meet, you would certainly have declined to fight and failed
to achieve your goal because Allah needed to accomplish a different matter. Those who
were destroyed had to perish as a clear demonstration [of Allah’s seductive control]. And
those who lived survived as a positive proof (of His authority). Allah is He Who hears and
knows.” In other words, Allah won the coin toss. His lust for murder took
precedence over Muhammad’s yearning for money. As for the dark spirit of
Islam hearing and knowing; it’s true. Lucifer is able to maneuver in time and
travel unseen. He listens and learns how to best tempt his stooges. Everyone
has a soft spot, a longing, a desire, something that they crave.
008.045 “O believers! When you meet an army, be firm, and think of Allah’s Name much;
that you may prosper.” It was a hellish bargain they made for money. “Obey Allah
and His Messenger; and do not dispute [with them], lest you lose courage and your power
departs; persevere!” The Hadith says: Ishaq:325 “Muslims, fight in Allah’s Cause. Stand
firm and you will prosper. Help the Prophet, obey him, give him your allegiance, and your
religion will be victorious.”
But not everyone had joined the party. So the bad Muslims had to be
rebuked. There was no room in Islam for a second leader or for peace: 008.047
“Be not as those who came from their homes full of their own importance, trying to turn
men away from [fighting in] Allah’s Cause. Allah is encircling them. Satan made their acts
seem alluring to them, and said: ‘No one can conquer you this day, while I am near you.’
But when the two armies came in sight of each other, he turned on his heels, and said: ‘Lo!
I am not with you. I see what you cannot. Verily, I fear Allah: for Allah is severe in punish-
ment.’” Ishaq tells us: “Umayr saw Satan at Badr. When the Devil turned, a surah was
handed down concerning him.” Then describing Allah, Umayr says: Ishaq:319 “Satan
made their deeds seem good to them and said that they would be victorious because he
was their protector. But the Devil deceived them.” And he continues to do so.
Following the Satanic interlude, Allah calls bad Muslims “diseased.”
Their peaceful nature evidently irked the spirit of war. 008.049 “The hypocrites [bad
Muslims] and those in whose hearts is a disease said: ‘The religion has deceived and misled
them.’” Bad Muslims could be good people, discerning people. They recog-
nized that fundamental Islam was deceitful. And they knew Islam, Muham-
mad, and Allah better than anyone.
If this is “God” speaking, I move that we elect a new one. 008.050 “If you could
have seen the infidels when the angels drew away their souls, striking their faces and smit-
ing their backs. The angels said: ‘Taste the penalty of the blazing Fire.’”
363WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
008.052 “They [Meccans] brought this on themselves. Their case is like that of Pharaoh
and of those before them. They denied and rejected the revelations of Allah, and Allah
destroyed them, punishing them for their crimes: for Allah is strict, severe in punishment.”
And what bears saying bears repeating…008.054 “This was the case with Pharaoh
and those before them: They denied and rejected the revelations of their Lord: so We
destroyed them.” This wasn’t a second translation; it was a “senior moment.”
The war surah marches on with these lovely words: 008.055 “Verily the worst of
creatures, the vilest of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him and will not
believe. They are those with whom you make an agreement, but they break their covenant
every time, and they keep not their duty [to fight].” The bad Muslims are being ham-
mered again. Muhammad is miffed that they reneged on the Pledge of
Aqabah. Muslims agreed to protect the prophet like they did their women
and to fight whomever he fought. They didn’t figure on that including terror-
ism and piracy, so they bailed on him. As a consequence, the bad peace-lov-
ing Muslims were labeled the “worst of creatures.”
Enough Mr. Nice Guy. It was time to go back on the warpath. These are
some of the most chilling words ever uttered in the name of god: 008.057 “If you
gain mastery over them in battle, inflict such a defeat as would terrorize them, so that they
would learn a lesson and be warned.” It’s pretty hard to reconcile these words with
the Islam-is-a-peace-loving-religion myth. This sounds like one of al-Qaeda’s
speeches to me. The Sira presents the “Terror Manifesto” this way: Ishaq:326 “If
you come upon them, deal with them so forcibly as to terrify those who would follow them
that they may be warned. Make a severe example of them by terrorizing Allah’s enemies.”
Before anyone puts their trust in the “peace process” or supports a treaty
with an Islamic organization or nation, they should consider Allah’s admo-
nition: 008.058 “If you apprehend treachery from any group on the part of a people (with
whom you have a treaty), retaliate by breaking off (relations) with them: for Allah loves not
the treacherous. The infidels should not think that they can bypass (the law or punishment
of Allah). Surely they cannot get away.” A second translation reads: “The unbelieving
infidels should not think that they can bypass Islam; surely they cannot escape.”
Now that Islam has our undivided attention, it’s time for Allah to scare us
to death. 008.060 “Prepare against them whatever arms and cavalry you can muster that you
may strike terror in the enemies of Allah, and others besides them not known to you.” This
is a call for all good Muslims to amass their weapons of mass destruction. The
Noble Qur’an even adds “tanks, planes, missiles, and artillery” to the text. Allah
is ordering Muslims to terrorize his enemies, their enemies, and enemies yet
unknown. This is as purposeful as a panzer tank, as unyielding as a kamikaze.
It explains why Muslims are terrorists. And it foretells our future if we fail to
expose this doctrine, if we fail to annihilate it before it annihilates us.
This is a matter of life and death, so I want to give you the benefit of
another translation: “Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your
power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the enemies of Allah and your enemies,
364 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
and others besides, whom you may not know. Whatever you spend in Allah’s Cause will be
repaid in full, and no wrong will be done to you [for killing others].”
If you were ignorant of verses 57 through 60, you might be suckered by
the 61st. 008.061 “But if the enemy inclines toward peace, do you (also) incline to peace,
and trust in Allah.” However…“Should they intend to deceive or cheat you, verily Allah
suffices: He strengthened you with His aid and with the Believers.” The small print here
is real important. “Should they intend to deceive or cheat” is an open invitation to
invoke 8:57 to 60. It presupposes a hypothetical before anything occurs. And
Muhammad knew it. Within days he would claim that he “feared” the Jew-
ish Qaynuqa. He broke the treaty he had formed with them, besieged them,
exiled them, and stole their homes, property, and businesses.
The first to interpret this surah said: Ishaq:326 “If they ask you for peace on the
basis of Islam (submission), make peace on that basis. Be of one mind by His religion.”
The next two verses, which speak of cementing love in the midst of a killing
spree, are incomprehensible. This odd segue brings us to one of Allah’s most
ominous lines. 008.065 “O Prophet, urge the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty among
you with determination they will vanquish two hundred. If a hundred, they will slaughter a
thousand of the unbelieving infidels: for these are a people devoid of understanding.”
This is the math of terror. On September 11th nineteen “good” Muslims fol-
lowed Allah’s instructions and murdered 3,000 innocent men, women, and
children, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. They
snuffed out their lives because we were a people devoid of understanding.
I know that the temptation is to read on. But please, before you do, pon-
der the implications of this surah. This is the spirit of Islam speaking directly
to Muslims. It is why they are terrorists.
The Sira proclaims: Ishaq:326 “O Prophet exhort the believers to fight. If there are
twenty good fighters they will defeat two hundred for they are a senseless people. They do
not fight with good intentions nor for truth.” Such could be said for America. The
U.S. State Department has managed to lose the peace because they are igno-
rant of the truth. Believing that the “enemy of my enemy is my friend,” we
fight with less than ideal intentions. As a nation we have partnered with the
wrong people and thereby created our next foe. We liberated China and they
slaughtered us in Korea. We supported Stalin and it killed us in Vietnam. We
funded the Mujahidun and they became al-Qaeda. We furnished biological
weapons to Saddam and Americans died to keep him from using them. Not
to be outdone, we have formed alliances with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Syria
against Israel so that our friend might be victimized.
Allah wasn’t finished motivating his terrorists to attack us. 008.066 “Now Allah
has lightened your (task), for He knows that there is a weak spot in you [which is precisely
what he is exploiting]. So if there are a hundred of you with determination they will van-
quish two hundred, and if a thousand, they will kill two thousand by the will of Allah. For
Allah is with those who are determined.” It’s true. Letters taken from the cars the
365WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
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Prophet of doom_15_war_made_a_profit_and_a_prophet

  • 1. 15 WAR MADE A PROFIT “Prepare against them whatever arms and cavalry you can muster, that you may strike terror in the enemies of Allah.” “Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.” Coveting what belonged to others, Muhammad gave us another glimpse into his soul. Tabari VII:26 “When the Prophet came to Yathrib he saw the Jews fasting on Ashura day. He questioned them, and they told him that it was the day upon which God drowned Pharaoh and saved Moses from the Egyptians. He said, ‘We have a better right to Moses than you do.’ He fasted and ordered his fellow Muslims to fast with him. When the fast of Ramadhan was prescribed, he made Ashura optional.” The Bible’s Messianic message—past, present, and future—revolves around the Seven Festivals of Yahweh. When the pretend Messiah asked the Jews why they were fasting, Muhammad proved he was a phony. What’s more, he got it wrong. There is only one fast on the Jewish religious calendar, Yom Kippur—known as the Day of Atonement. But it’s celebrated in the fall, and it has nothing to do with Pharaoh. The spring Feast of Passover com- memorates freedom from Egyptian bondage. And it took the Jews more like six days, not six months, to elude his army. (As an interesting aside, in 1978 Ron Wyatt discovered Pharaoh’s graveyard in the Gulf of Aqaba branch of the Red Sea—proving once again that the Bible’s chronology was accurate.) When Muhammad said that he had a better right to Moses than did the Jews, his counterfeit religion became as obvious as a pink six-dollar bill with a turbaned president. Needing to corrupt all things Biblical to please his dark spirit, Muhammad told his fellow terrorists that they should take a break from raiding civilians. But it wouldn’t last. Stealing a ritual was insufficient. Muhammad needed to own everything the Jews possessed and held sacred. In actuality, both Ashura and Ramadhan honor false gods. The spring fast being erroneously observed was “Crying for Tammuz,” a legacy of Jewish cap- tivity. It honors the Babylonian sun god. Catholic Lent is derived from the same rite. And Muhammad reestablished the pagan Tahannuth fasts of Ramadhan saying that they commemorated his wrestling match with the cave spirit. Returning to Muhammad’s scheme: Tabari VII:26 “In this year Muhammad ordered people to pay the zakat tax. It is said that the Prophet commanded them to do this.”
  • 2. Allah and Muhammad spoke with one voice. Paying the zakat became an order and then a pillar. The political manifesto was ushered in with these words: Ishaq:235 “When the Apostle was settled in Medina and his comrades were gathered to him, the affairs of the workers were arranged, and Islam became firmly established. Prayer was instituted [the prostration was the sign of his power], the zakat tax was pre- scribed [dictators thrive on money], legal punishments were fixed, as were all things per- mitted and forbidden [as a confirmation of the tyrant’s supreme authority].” A benevolent dictator, however, he was not. Ishaq:280 “When Allah’s Apostle came to Medina it was the most fever-infested place on earth. It smote Muslims to such a degree they could only pray sitting. Muhammad came out when they were praying thus and said, ‘Know that the prostration of the sitter is only half as valuable as that of the stander.’ The Muslims painfully struggled to their feet despite their weakness, seeking a blessing.” This is followed by: “Then the Apostle prepared for war in pursuance of Allah’s command to fight his enemies and to fight the infidels who Allah commanded him to fight.” Fighting was such an essential part of Islam’s formation that Tabari devoted the next sixty pages to a single conflict—the Battle of Badr. It gets five times more attention than Abraham’s pilgrimage to the Ka’aba—the establishment of Islam. It gets ten times more ink that the first revelation—Muhammad’s call to prophethood. It garners twenty times more coverage than Muham- mad’s migration to Yathrib—the Hijrah that instigated the Islamic Era. How is it that a battle became the centerpiece of a religion? The initial salvo of the battle to resurrect Islam nearly crucified it. We are told that Muhammad led his militants on a terrorist raid designed to rob another caravan in of all months, Ramadhan. Tabari VII:26 “In this year the great battle of Badr took place between the Messenger of Allah and the Quraysh Unbelievers in the month of Ramadhan.” Since fasting was required in the sacred month, since the observance of Ramadhan was a religious obligation, a pillar of Islam, why were the first Muslims and their prophet on the prowl during their most holy time? Do you suppose money was more important than piety? At Badr, Muhammad was the aggressor, just as he was on seventy-three of his seventy-five raids. The prophet got to choose the time, place, and victim. So he elected to terrorize money-laden civilians during Ramadhan. Reason would thus dictate that the “prophet” had discarded his original calling and become a pirate. As you contemplate what motivated Islam’s bad boy, consider this: Tabari VII:28 “Abd al-Rahman said, ‘Muhammad celebrated the night of 17 Ramadhan. In the morning traces of sleeplessness would be on his face. He would say, “On this morning Allah distin- guished between truth and falsehood, revealing the Qur’an. On this morning he made Islam mighty, humbling the leaders of unbelief at Badr.”’” Submission was made mighty because the Quraysh were humbled. Allah distinguished between truth and falsehood by having Muslim militants murder Meccan merchants. But violence isn’t cheap. Like today’s terrorists, the first Muslims needed 338 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
  • 3. money. Tabari VII:29/Ishaq:289 “The Apostle heard that Abu Sufyan [a Meccan merchant] was coming from Syria with a large Quraysh caravan containing their money and their mer- chandise. He was accompanied by only thirty men.” The Meccans were going about their lives, working to make a living, something Muslims were unwilling to do. So Islam was about to rob them. “This was after fighting had broken out between them, and people had been killed and taken captive at Nakhlah.” If you were reading this out of context you might assume that these parties were in a state of war, and that both were to blame for escalating hostilities. But you know better, because the Islamic Hadith has shown that only the Muslims were militants. They had set out on a dozen ter- rorist raids. They had ventured out as far as two hundred miles to rob Meccan civilians. They were the sole perpetrators, having killed the Meccan, Hadrami, in cold blood. They kidnapped his companions and held them for ransom. Ever inclined to put the best possible spin on their violent beginnings, the first Muslims claimed: Tabari VII:29 “This incident had provoked a state of war between the Prophet and the Quraysh and was the beginning of the fighting in which they inflicted casualties upon one another.” In other words, before the Islamic raid, there was no fighting. Not a single Muslim had been killed. In fact there were no armies. The Muslims had raiders—terrorists, in our parlance. The Meccans had merchants—businessmen, in today’s vernacular. But if pirates are shady entrepreneurs, Muhammad was a businessman par excellence. Ishaq:288 “Allah divided the booty stolen from the first caravan after he made spoils permissible. He gave four-fifths to those He had allowed to take it and one-fifth to His Apostle.” Not one to miss another opportunity: Ishaq:289 “Muhammad sum- moned the Muslims and said, ‘This is the Quraysh caravan containing their property. Go out and attack it. Perhaps Allah will give it to us as prey.” These lines forever damn Islam’s pretense of religiosity. They bear repeating: “This is the Quraysh caravan containing their property. Go out and attack it. Perhaps Allah will give it to us as prey.” The motivation was piracy—not religion. The historian reports: Tabari VII:29 “Abu Sufyan and the horsemen of the Quraysh were returning from Syria following the coastal road. When Allah’s Apostle heard about them he called his companions together and told them of the wealth they had with them and the fewness of their numbers. The Muslims set out with no other object than Sufyan and the men with him. They did not think that this raid would be anything other than easy booty.” These armed raiders wanted to steal assets and kidnap folks. Since the prophet’s sole motivation was piracy, not piety, Islam cannot be a religion. And if it is, we need to canonize Black Beard and call him a prophet. The very fact the first adherents of this perverse doctrine recorded this stunning admission of guilt reminds me of the Nazis and the way they chron- icled their atrocities in World War II. Immoral, hateful, and violent doctrines like Islam and Nazism corrode men’s minds and consciences to the point they become unable to differentiate right from wrong. Ridding the world of those 339WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
  • 4. they view as inferior, stealing their possessions, becomes part of their mission and thus becomes good—deeds worthy of heroic lore and scripture. As further proof that the Badr raid was an act of terrorism, another Hadith reports: Bukhari:V5B59N702 “Allah did not admonish anyone who had not partici- pated in the Ghazwa [raid] of Badr, for in fact, Allah’s Apostle had only gone out in search of the Quraysh caravan so that he could rob it. But Allah arranged for the Muslims and their enemy to meet by surprise. I was at the Aqabah pledge with Allah’s Apostle when we gave our lives in submission, but the Badr battle is more popular amongst the people. I was never stronger or wealthier than I was when I followed the Prophet on a Ghazwa.’” That pretty much sums up Islam. Upon hearing that Muhammad was on the prowl, the Quraysh sent a del- egation out to protect their people and business assets. This explains why the Qur’an said Muslims were contemplating a “choice” between taking “easy booty” and fighting for doctrinal supremacy. “They did not suppose that there would be a great battle. Concerning this Allah revealed a Qur’an: ‘And you longed that other than the armed one might be yours.’” [Qur’an 8:7] Before I comment, I’d like you to have the benefit of the entire verse: 008.007 “Behold! Allah promised you that one of the two parties would be yours. You wished for the unarmed one, but Allah willed to justify His truth according to His words and to cut off the roots of the unbelievers.” To “cut off the roots” is to kill. This makes Allah a mur- derer and Muhammad a pirate. One was after booty, the other blood. But it was worse than that. They inspired a gang of armed men to attack a defense- less civilian enterprise, one owned by a rival. As such, they were terrorists. And there is no way to discount the source of this condemning scripture as it’s confirmed in all three Hadith collections and in the Qur’an. The Traditions report: Ishaq:289 “The people answered the Prophet’s summons; some eagerly, some reluctantly.” Tabari VII:29 “When Abu Sufyan heard that Muhammad’s Companions were on their way to intercept his caravan, he sent a message to the Quraysh. ‘Muhammad is going to intercept our caravan, so protect your merchandise.’ When the Quraysh heard this, the people of Mecca hastened to defend their property and protect their men as they were told Muhammad was lying in wait for them.” The Sira suggests that they weren’t quite so hasty: Ishaq:290 “Some of the Mec- cans got up to circumambulate the Ka’aba…. Sitting around the mosque, they wondered why they had allowed this evil rascal to attack their men.” The pagans were being reli- gious, worshiping Allah in his mosque. The Muslims had abandoned religion, setting out on a terrorist raid in the holy month of Ramadhan. Ishaq:292 “Setting out in Ramadhan, Muhammad was preceded by two black flags. His companions had seventy camels on which men rode in turns.” It’s interesting: the white battle flags of the Maghazi raids inspired by Muhammad turned black when the “prophet” personally led the parade. Tabari VII:38 “I have been informed by authorities that Muhammad set out on 3 Ramadhan at the head of 310 of his companions. The Emigrants on the day of Badr were 77 men, and the Ansar were 236. The war banner 340 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
  • 5. of the Messenger was carried by Ali. The banner of the Ansar was carried by Sa’d.” Back in Ka’abaVille: Tabari VII:30 “A body of Meccan men was drawn from the clans. Neither the Prophet nor his Companions heard about this force until they reached Badr, which was on the coastal route the Quraysh caravan had taken from Syria.” These pas- sages confirm that Muhammad was on the prowl. They reveal that the cara- van was comprised of a poorly protected assemblage of businessmen. They suggest that when Sufyan sent for help, it came in the form of townsfolk. There was no standing army. Mecca was a tiny village of some five thousand traders eking out a humble living. They didn’t have a police force much less a military. Before Muhammad and Islam, they hadn’t needed one. Ishaq:293/Tabari VII:30 “The prophet marched forward and spent the night near Badr with his Companions. They did not know that the Quraysh had come out against them. While the Prophet was standing in prayer [asking Allah to help him steal] some Quraysh water- carriers came to the well. Among these was a black slave. Muhammad’s men seized him and brought him to the Messenger’s bivouac. They ordered him to salute Allah’s Apostle. Then they questioned him about Abu Sufyan, having no idea that he was not from the car- avan. When the slave began to tell them about the protecting force, it was unwelcome news, for the only object of their raid was Abu Sufyan and [the booty from] his caravan.” Picture this scene. The founder of a “religion” is out on a terrorist mission designed to raid a civilian business. He is praying, asking his spirit to help him kidnap innocent people and steal their possessions. His fellow militants cap- ture a slave and torture him, trying to solicit information. Tabari VII:30 “Meanwhile the Prophet was praying, bowing and prostrating himself, and also seeing and hearing the treatment of the slave. When the slave told them that the Quraysh had come to meet them, they began to beat him and called him a liar. ‘You are trying to conceal the whereabouts of Abu Sufyan and his caravan. They beat him severely and continued to interrogate him but they found that he had no knowledge of what they were looking for.” I have said that Muhammad was the most vile and immoral man to have ever walked the earth. The first Muslims agree, although their hearts and minds have been so corroded by Islam they don’t seem to care. They think that they are just describing a normal day at the prophetic office. For such immoral and barbaric acts to have been passed on as Traditions and linked to the Qur’an, Muslims must view these terrorist raids and the ensuing crimes favorably. They must see such ungodly behavior as a living witness of Allah’s Cause—an example of how to be a good Muslim. Tabari VII:31 “When the slave said, ‘I am from the Quraysh who have come out against you,’ they beat him, but when he said, ‘I am with Abu Sufyan,’ they left him alone. When the Prophet saw what they were doing he stopped his prayer. He said, ‘By Him in Whose hand my soul rests, you beat him when he tells the truth and leave him alone when he lies.’” Muhammad wasn’t bothered by Muslims beating the black slave, just by their inept interrogation technique. And he was nervous. Mercenaries can be an unruly lot: Ishaq:294 “The Apostle 341WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
  • 6. was afraid the Ansar would not feel obliged to help him fight without the enemy being the aggressor and attacking in Medina.” This is further evidence Muhammad wasn’t defending Muslims and Islam. As proof he wasn’t a prophet, the Ansar sur- prised him: “Sa’d said, ‘We hear and obey. We are experienced in war, trustworthy in combat. Allah will let us show you something that will bring you joy. The Apostle was delighted at Sa’d’s words which greatly encouraged him. Muhammad shouted, ‘It is as if I see the enemy lying prostrate.’” The founder of Islam was pleased by the prospect of war and encouraged by the thought of his foe bowing in submission. That’s fine if you’re Stalin, Mao, or Hitler. It’s bad if you’re Muhammad. The Sira speaks of another interrogation. Ishaq:295 “A young man was brought to the Apostle and beaten. When the Muslims were displeased with his answers they beat him soundly. Watching the interrogation while performing two prostrations, the Prophet interrupted the proceedings and said, ‘Mecca has thrown us pieces of its liver!’” But alas, the intended target escaped the raiders’ grasp. Ishaq:295 “Abu Sufyan changed the caravan’s direction from the shore road, traveling as quickly as possible.” Ishaq:296 “When Sufyan saw that he had saved his caravan he sent word to the Quraysh. ‘Since you came out to save your caravan, your men, and property, go back home.’” Some of the merchant militia left but, “Abu Jahl said, ‘Badr was the site of an Arab fair. We are going to spend a few days, slaughter camels, feast, drink wine, and have some girls play for us.’” The non-partiers said, “‘We came out to protect our property and defend our men. There is no point of staying to fight.’ So they returned to Mecca.” On the Muslim front, we discover that Muhammad wasn’t much of a gen- eral. We are told that a man named Hubab asked him, Ishaq:297 “Did Allah order you to occupy this place so that we have no choice, or was this position chosen as a mat- ter of opinion for military tactics?” When Muhammad said that Allah had not spoken to him about it the Ansar chief saved the day and ruined the world: “‘This is not the proper place.’ Hubab said, ‘We should go to the well nearest the enemy, stop up all other wells, and deprive them of water.’ Then Sa’d said, ‘Prophet, let us build you a booth of palm fronds from which you can watch the battle safely.’ The Apostle thanked and blessed them.” So let the battle begin: Tabari VII:32 “When the Quraysh advanced, Muhammad threw dust in the direction of their faces, and Allah put them to flight.… The Meccan [merchant] force and the Prophet’s [pirates] met and Allah gave victory to His Messenger, shamed the unbelievers, and satisfied the Muslims’ thirst for revenge on them.” To think that these delusional and immoral boys started a religion is beyond belief. Ishaq:297 “When the Apostle saw them he cried, ‘Allah, they called me a liar. Destroy them this morning.’” Jeremiah, he was not. The Meccans, however, were civilized: Ishaq:298 “Utba rose to speak. ‘Let us turn back and leave Muhammad to the rest of the Arabs. If we fall upon him, we will be haunted for having slain the son or brother of our kin.’” Tabari VII:52 “The Prophet said to his companions, ‘You are the same number as the peo- ple of Saul on the day he met Goliath.” Actually, Saul and his men were far more numerous. Yet they refused to fight the Philistines, which is why David was 342 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
  • 7. given the opportunity to sling himself into immortality. Had Muhammad been a real prophet, he never would have quoted this story. Had he had any faith, he would have followed David’s example. Tabari VII:52/Ishaq:299 “Aswad, an ill-natured man, took the field, and Hamzah came out to meet him. In the encounter Hamzah cut off Aswad’s foot and half his leg.… Hamzah pur- sued him and struck a blow, killing Aswad. After this, Utbah took the field and issued a challenge to single combat. Three young Ansar Muslims came forward to meet him.” The Emigrants had cowered, so Muhammad commanded. “‘Arise Ubaydah, Hamzah, and Ali.’ It was no time before Hamzah had killed Shaybah and Ali had killed Walid. Ubay- dah and Utbah each inflicted a blow upon his adversary. Hamzah and Ali then turned on Utbah with their swords and finished him off. They lifted up their companion Ubaydah to safety. His foot had been cut off and the marrow was flowing out. When they brought him to Muhammad, Ubaydah said, ‘Am I not a martyr, O Messenger of Allah?’ ‘Yes indeed,’ the Prophet replied.” We have our first entrant into Islamic paradise. Can you imag- ine the surprise on his face when he discovered that it wasn’t as Muhammad had described and that Allah was indeed waiting for him? Tabari VII:54 “Muhammad turned toward his new Qiblah and said. ‘Allah, if this band perishes today, you will be worshipped no more.’” Since Meccan Moon Gods were in sparse demand, he was probably right. “Abu Bakr picked up his cloak and put it onhim, graspinghim from behind.‘OProphetwhomIvaluemorethanmyfatherandmother, this constant calling on your Lord is annoying.’ Then Allah revealed, ‘When you sought the help of your Lord he answered you saying, “I will help you with a thousand angels, rank on rank.”’”[Qur’an8:9]Sure, why not? Allah’s angels are so feeble it takes a thousand of them to do battle with a few hundred intoxicated merchants. And lest we forget, the future Caliph found prayer annoying. He was there for the booty. Muhammad cried out, Bukhari:V5B59N330/Ishaq:300 “Here is Gabriel holding the rein of a horse and leading the charge. He is equipped with his weapons and ready for the battle. There is dust upon his front teeth.” Why was Muhammad’s spirit so eager to kill? And why was he a dirty fighter? Bukhari:V5B59N327 “Gabriel came to the Prophet and said, ‘How do you view the warriors of Badr?’ The Prophet said, ‘I see the fighters as the best Muslims.’ On that, Gabriel said, ‘And so are the Angels who are participating in the Badr battle.’” The “best” Muslims are warriors. And Allah’s best angels are demons. Is this a great religion, or what? Tabari VII:54 “The Prophet said when he was in his awning, ‘Allah, keep your contract and your promise.’” The dark spirit’s contract with his prophet traded submission to him for a founder’s share in the Ka’aba Inc. His promise was to make Muhammad rich, powerful, and amply sexed. Bukhari:V5B59N289 “Abu Bakr took his hand and said, ‘This is enough, Prophet. You have tired your Lord with your pestering.’” The next line distinguished Muhammad from the prophets he claimed were his peers. “Muhammad was wearing his coat of mail.” Armor was something Noah, Abraham, Jonah, Moses, and Jesus seldom wore. Nor did they say, “They will be routed and will turn and flee. The hour of doom is their appointed tryst, and 343WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
  • 8. it will be more wretched and more bitter than this earthly failure.” [54:45] In other words, “To hell with them.” Thus far, from a religious perspective, the battle of Badr has been a bust. But things were about to change: Tabari VII:55 “Mihaja, the mawla [slave] of Umar [the future Caliph] was struck by an arrow and killed. He was the first Muslim to die.” Mihaja’s death must have rattled the militants because Muhammad was forced to preach a sermon that would make him the Prophet of Doom: Ishaq:300/ Tabari VII:55 “Allah’s Messenger went out to his men and incited them to fight. He promised, ‘Every man may keep all the booty he takes.’ Then Muhammad said, ‘By Allah, if any man fights today and is killed fighting aggressively, going forward and not retreating, Allah will cause him to enter Paradise.’” They were just words—sound waves that filtered through the air. Yet they have reverberated for 1400 years. They echo still. “Umayr, who was holding some dates in his hand and eating them, said, ‘Fine, fine. This is excellent! Nothing stands between me and my entering Paradise except to be killed by these people!’ He threw down the dates, seized his sword, and fought until he was slain.” The means behind the madness had finally materialized. Muhammad told his fellow militants that their reward was Allah’s paradise. All they had to do to earn their prize was to die murdering others in pursuit of booty. This Muslim militant, this disciple of Muhammad, this misguided youth who had gone off on a terrorist raid to kidnap defenseless civilians and steal their possessions, died shouting these words: Ishaq:300 “I am fighting in Allah’s service. This is piety and a good deed. In Allah’s war I do not fear as others should. For this fight- ing is righteous, true, and good.” Consider the number of times the Qur’an has spoken of “righteous, true, and good deeds.” Now you know Allah’s defini- tion of “piety,” and what a “good deed” actually represents. You also learned Muhammad’s definition of a good Muslim. In a way, Muhammad may have been right. If he was speaking on behalf of Lucifer, not Gabriel, as I suspect, “fighting aggressively” for “booty” would have earned a murdering thief direct admission into Satan’s paradise. As for Muslim martyrs finding virgins—I wouldn’t bet my life on it. But Muslim lives were meaningless to Muhammad; just as Islamic clerics find suicide bombers expendable. In that light, Muhammad issued the “Sui- cide Bomber Creed” (not for himself, mind you): Ishaq:300/ Tabari VII:56 “‘O Messen- ger of Allah, what makes the Lord [Lucifer] laugh with joy at his servant?’ He replied, ‘When he plunges his hand into the midst of an enemy without armor.’ So Auf took off the coat of mail he was wearing and threw it away. Then he took his sword and fought the enemy until he was killed.” It was the seventh century version of today’s boy bombs. While that’s clear, I am perplexed by what Muhammad said. It’s odd that he didn’t need an angelic revelation to know what made Allah “laugh with joy.” And it sounds as if Allah likes to do the plunging and killing. Further, can you fathom a “religion” built around a spirit who prefers death to salvation? Then in a tone as demented as the spirit guiding him: Ishaq:301/Tabari VII:56 344 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
  • 9. “Muhammad picked up a handful of pebbles and faced the Quraysh. He shouted, ‘May their faces be deformed!’ He threw the pebbles at them and ordered his companions to attack. The foe was routed. Allah killed Quraysh chiefs and caused many of their nobles to be taken captive. While the Muslims were taking prisoners, the Messenger was in his hut.” Whether you are Biblically grounded and see Muhammad and his spirit as demonic, or just the personification of evil, there is no way to see them as good. While it’s subtle, there is a bit of psychological gamesmanship going on here. Allah was credited with the killing and kidnapping—it wasn’t Muham- mad or his militants. No. They weren’t murdering thieves. Their god was. Bukhari:V5B59N290 “The Prophet said, ‘The believers who failed to join the Ghazwa of Badr and those who took part in it are not equal in reward.” Muhammad loved murderers. He even loved their weapons: Bukhari:V5B59N333 “Az-Zubair said, ‘I attacked him with my spear and pierced his eye. I put my foot over his body to pull the weapon out, but even then I had to use great force. Later on Allah’s Apostle asked me for that spear and I gave it to him.’” Show me your treasure and I will reveal your soul. Ishaq:301/Tabari VII:56 “As the Muslims were laying their hands on as many prisoners as they could catch, the Prophet, I have been told, saw disapproval in the face of Sa’d. He said, ‘Why are you upset by the taking of captives?’ Sa’d replied, ‘This was the first defeat inflicted by Allah on the infidels. Slaughtering the prisoners would have been more pleas- ing to me than sparing them.’” Remember these hateful words and who spoke them. We have not heard the last of Sa’d. In a long Hadith from Abd Al-Rahman, one of the butchers of Nakhlah, we hear: Ishaq:302/Tabari VII:60 “Umayyah [a merchant] was a friend of mine in Mecca. My name was Abd Amr, but when I became a Muslim I was called Abd al-Rahman.” This mil- itant was renamed after the first Islamic god. As such, this is a stinging repu- diation of Islam’s first pillar. “Umayyah used to meet me when we were in Mecca and would say, ‘Abd Amr, do you dislike the name your father gave you?’ I would reply, ‘Yes.’ Umayyah would then say, ‘I do not recognize Ar-Rahman [as a god], so adopt a name that I can call you by when we meet.’” After some chatter the friends turned enemies by Islam settled on a name. “‘Well then, you are Abd al-Ilah [Slave-to-the-God].’ I agreed.” This line confirms the single most fatal charge that can be leveled against Islam. The Arabic word for God is “Ilah” not “Allah.” Like Ar-Rahman, Allah was the personal name of a rock idol that became one of the Islamic gods. This simple conversation obliterates Muhammad’s credibility, the Qur’an’s authority, and Islam’s legit- imacy. Since Ar-Rahman and Allah are names of gods used throughout the Qur’an and Hadith, Islam’s central claim is bogus. Neither Allah nor Ar-Rah- man are Yahweh or Yahshua. And since the Islamic duo are incompatible by name and character with Yahweh and Yahshua, all Biblical references are just crass plagiarism—inspired by a man’s lust for money, sex, and power. The Tradition continues, giving us an up close and personal insight into what Islam did to a man’s mind and soul. Fair warning, this isn’t pretty: Tabari 345WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
  • 10. VII:59/Ishaq:303 “On the day of Badr I passed Umayyah as he was standing with his son Ali, holding his hand. I had with me some coats of mail which I had taken as plunder. Umayyah said, ‘Abd al-Ilah, would you like to take me as a prisoner? I will be more valuable to you as a captive to be ransomed than the coats of mail that you are carrying.’ I said, ‘Yes. Come here then.’ I flung away the armor and bound Umayyah and his son Ali, taking them with me.” According to Muhammad and his god, kidnapping for ransom was a legitimate religious practice—one more profitable than stealing armor. And in case you’re wondering, the Meccan surrendered because he didn’t want the Muslim raiders to kill his son. But it didn’t work out that way. “People [Muslim militants] encircled us [Abd al-Rahman and his captives]. Then they restrained us physically. One of the Muslims drew his sword and struck Ali in the leg, severing it so that he fell down. Umayyah gave a scream the like of which I have never heard. I said, ‘Save yourself, for there is no escape for your son. By Allah, I cannot save him from these men.’ Then the Muslims hacked Ali to pieces. Abd al-Rahman used to say, ‘May Allah have mercy on Bial [a former slave turned Muslim marauder]! I lost my coats of mail, and he deprived me of my captives.’” In trying to hype the religion of war, the practitioners har- pooned it. They not only demoted their gods to pagan status, they exposed their immoral motives. Islam was all about money. And while that should have been enough to impugn the doctrine, the fatal blow was in the last para- graph. Muhammad so corrupted these men that they mutilated a child in front of his father. And there was no sense of guilt, no glimmer of humanity. Their only remorse was over lost booty. Islam is an evil curse that must be dispelled: Bukhari:V5B59N297 “The Prophet faced the Ka’aba and invoked evil on the Quraysh people specifically cursing: Shaiba, Utba, Walid and Abu Jahl. I bear witness, by Allah, that I saw them all dead, putrefied by the sun, as Badr was a very hot day.” Lucifer and his demons must have been in paradise: evil curses were being invoked, people were dying, bodies were putrefied, and it was hot. Moreover, their favorite prophet was on duty: Bukhari: V5B59N397 “Allah’s Apostle raised his head after bowing the first Rak’a of the morning prayer. He said, ‘O Allah! Curse so-and-so and so-and-so.’ After he had invoked evil upon the Quraysh, Allah revealed: ‘Your Lord will send thousands of angels riding upon chargers sweeping down as a form of good tidings to reassure you that victory comes from Him. He will cut off parts of the unbelievers, overthrow them, and turn them back in frustration. For Allah is forgiving and kind.’” [3:124] The “kind” mutilator is telling us: Islam was a team effort. Ibn Ishaq tells us: Tabari VII:60/Ishaq:303 “A cousin of mine and I mounted a hill from which we could overlook Badr and see who would be defeated, so that we could join in the plundering afterwards.” “I was pursuing one of the Meccan polytheists in order to smite him, when his head suddenly fell off before my sword touched him. Then I knew that some- one other than I had killed him.” The implication is that one of Allah’s angelic brigades did the dastardly deed. “My son, I saw Muslims on the day of Badr, and saw that one of us would wave his sword at a polytheist, and the man’s head would fall from his body before the sword touched him.” “The sign of the angels on the day of Badr was 346 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
  • 11. white turbans which trailed down their backs, and on the day of Hunayn it was red turbans. The angels did not fight on any day except the battle of Badr; on the other days they were reinforcements, assistants, and helpers, but they struck no blows.” It was another Islamic first: killer angels wielding swords. Either way Islam loses. If there were no angels, then Muhammad and his disciples were liars. If an angelic horde was out chopping off the heads of merchants so militants could rob them, they were demons. For those familiar with the Bible, you may recall that over the course of 4,000 years, angels caused men to die on only two occasions. Both were in self defense and no one got rich. The Egyptians lost their first-born sons so that the Jewish slaves might be freed, and the Assyrians who were besieging Jerusalem were foiled. Confirming that the Badr terrorist campaign was personal and political, not religious, we read: Tabari VII:61/Ishaq:304 “When the Prophet had finished with his enemy, he gave orders that Abu Jahl should be found among the dead. He said, ‘O Allah, do not let him escape!’ The first man who encountered Jahl yelled out and I made him my mark. When he was within my reach, I attacked him and struck him a blow which severed his foot and half his leg. By Allah, when it flew off I could only compare it to a date-stone which flies out of a crusher when it is struck. Then Jahl’s son hit me on the shoulder and cut off my arm. It dangled at my side from a piece of skin. The fighting prevented me from reaching him after that. I fought the whole day, dragging my arm behind me. When it began to hurt me, I put my foot on it and stood until I pulled it off.’” Consider the indoc- trination and the motivation required to inspire such devotion. And contem- plate how the same prophet and doctrine arouse the same hateful passions today—passions capable of toppling economies and nations. “Then Mu’awwidh passed by Abu Jahl, who was now crippled and laying there help- less. He hit him until he could no longer move, leaving Jahl gasping for his last breath. But then Mu’awwidh was killed. Abd Allah bin Mas’ud passed by Jahl right when the Messen- ger ordered us to search for him among the corpses. The Prophet said, ‘If you cannot iden- tify him, look for the mark of a wound on his knee, for I jostled against him when we were boys. I pushed him so that he fell and scratched one of his knees.’” Translated: “I may be a cowardly slithering snake of a man now, but I wasn’t always a weasel.” Ishaq:304 “Abd Allah bin Mas’ud said, ‘I found Abu Jahl in the throws of death. I put my foot on his neck because he had grabbed me once at Mecca and had hurt me. Then I said, Has Allah disgraced you and put you to shame, O enemy of Allah?’ ‘In what way has he dis- graced me?’ he asked. ‘Am I anything more important than a man whom you have killed? Tell me, to whom is the victory?’ I said, ‘To Allah and his Messenger.’” Bukhari:V5B59N298 “Abu Jahl said, ‘You should not be proud that you have killed me.’” It was the Muslims who had disgraced themselves. A few hundred militants had gone out to rob some merchants, yet god and prophet declared a glorious victory. Even the pagan Abu Jahl knew that it was a meaningless skirmish, an embarrassment. Ishaq:304/Tabari VII:62 “I cut off Abu Jahl’s head and brought it to the Messenger. I said, 347WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
  • 12. ‘O Allah’s Prophet, this is the head of the enemy of Allah.’” God doesn’t have enemies; only men and demons do. “Muhammad said, ‘Is this so, by Allah, than whom there is no other deity?’ This used to be the Messenger of Allah’s oath. [The vengeful Muhammad was no more articulate than the inspired one.] I said, ‘Yes.’ Then I threw down his head before the Prophet’s feet. He said, ‘Praise be to Allah.’” Bukhari:V5B59N572 “O Muslims, take not My enemies as friends, offering them kindness when they reject Allah, the Prophet Muhammad, and his Qur’an. And whoever does that, then indeed he has gone (far) astray. You have come out to fight in My Cause, seeking My acceptance so do not be friendly with them, even in secret.” [60:1] It’s hard to imagine men writing this down as if it were “religious.” Ishaq:305 “Ukkasha fought until he broke his sword. He came to the Apostle who gave him a wooden cudgel telling him to fight with that. He brandished it and it became a brilliant weapon. Allah gave him victory while he wielded it. He took that weapon with him to every raid he fought with Allah’s Apostle until he was killed in the rebellion [the War of Compulsion]. These were his dying words: ‘What do you think about when you kill people? Are these not men just because they are not Muslims?’” Sobering, isn’t it? According to Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad’s quota on paradise was proclaimed at Badr. Ishaq:306 “When Allah’s Apostle said, ‘70,000 of my followers shall enter Paradise like the full moon,’ Ukkasha asked if he could be one of them. Then a lesser Ansari asked to be included, but the Prophet replied, ‘Ukkasha beat you to it and my prayer is now cold.’” At this point in his “mission,” Muhammad’s vision was no greater than the conquest of Mecca and central Arabia. Inciting 70,000 fools to die for what he coveted seemed sufficient at the time. Little did he know that his scam would live on, infecting billions, and sending millions to their death. Second, the “like a full moon” was an acknowledgement of Allah’s lunar geneal- ogy. Third, to “earn” Allah’s paradise one has to be a big-time murderer. And fourth, imagine risking your soul on a man who said: “my prayer is cold.” Both prophet and god loved it when men sacrificed their lives for them. Bukhari:V5B59N379 “When we wrote the Holy Qur’an, I missed one of the verses I used to hear Allah’s Apostle reciting. Then we searched and found it. The verse was: ‘Among the Believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah. Of them, some have fulfilled their obligations to Allah (i.e. they have been killed in Allah’s Cause), and some of them are (still) waiting to be killed.’ (Surah 33.23) So we wrote this in its place in the Qur’an.” According to the Qur’an, all good Muslims fall into one of two categories: those who have died killing infidels, and those who will die killing infidels. The Badr raiders failed as pirates. The caravan they went out to plunder got away. Yet the skirmish that ensued between militants and merchants res- urrected a dying doctrine and ultimately reshaped the world. The Islamic lore that emerged that spring morning in 623 from the blood-soaked sands near 348 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
  • 13. the eastern shore of the Red Sea, serves as the only report of what happened at Badr. Here are some of the most insightful lines spoken that day: The Muslim Abdallah recited this poem: Ishaq:315 “It was so criminal, men could hardly imagine it. Muhammad was ennobled because of the bloody fighting. I swear we shall never lack soldiers, nor army leaders. Driving before us infidels until we subdue them with a halter above their noses and a branding iron. We will drive them to the ends of the earth. We will pursue them on horse and on foot. We will never deviate from fighting in our cause. We will bring upon the infidels the fate of the Ad and Jurhum. Any people that dis- obey Muhammad will pay for it. If you do not surrender to Islam, then you will live to regret it. You will be shamed in Hell, forced to wear a garment of molten pitch forever!” Second only to the Qur’an, this may be the nastiest, meanest, most intolerant, violent, and sadistic poem ever recited. Fulfilling prophecy, a Muslim, speaking of the sons of Ishmael, said, Ishaq:316 “In peace you are wild asses—rough and coarse. And in war you are like women wearing corsets. But I care not so long as my hand can grasp my trusty blade.” Ishaq:310 “A Meccan said, ‘As soon as we were confronted by the raiding party, we turned our backs and they started killing and capturing us at their pleasure. Some of our men turned tail humiliated. Allah smote some of us with pustules from which we died.’” Ishaq:311 “When the Quraysh began to bewail their dead, consumed in sorrow, one said, ‘Do not do this for Muhammad and his companions will rejoice over our misfortune.’” Hamzah recited: Ishaq:340 “SurelyBadrwasoneoftheworld’sgreatwonders.Theroads to death are plain to see. Disobedience causes a people to perish. They became death’s pawns. We had sought their caravan, nothing else. But they came to us and there was no way out. So we thrust our shafts and swung our swords severing their heads. Our swords glittered as they killed. The banner of error was held by Satan. He betrayed the evil ones, those prone to treachery. He led them to death crying, ‘Fear Allah. He is invincible!’ Satan knew what they could not see. On that day a thousand spirits were mustered on excited white stallions. Allah’s army fought with us. Under our banner, Gabriel attacked and killed them.” I agree; Satan was there. Ali recited: Ishaq:341 “Have you seen how Allah favored His Apostle and how He humil- iated the unbelievers? They were put to shame in captivity and death. The Apostle’s victory was glorious. Its message is plain for all to see. The Lord brought repeated calamities upon the pagans, bringing them under the Apostle’s power. Allah’s angry army smote them with their trusty swords. Many a lusty youngster left the enemy lying prone. Their women wept with burning throats for the dead were lying everywhere. But now they are all in Hell.” It’s hard to believe. Violence and pain begat a religion. One of the Meccan merchants said in response: Ishaq:342 “I wonder at foolish men like these who sing frivolously and vainly of the slain at Badr. This was nothing more than an impious and odious crime. Men fought against their brothers, fathers, and sons. Any with discernment and understanding recognize the wrong that was done here.” Al- Harith was right. I find his words rational and sobering—foreboding. Ka’b, a Muslim commander, recited: Ishaq:344 “I wonder at Allah’s deed. None can 349WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
  • 14. defeat Him. Evil ever leads to death. We unsheathed our swords and testified to the unity of Allah, and we proved that His Apostle brought truth. We smote them and they scattered. The impious met death. They became fuel for Hell. All who aren’t Muslims must go there. It will consume them while the Stoker [Allah] increases the heat. They had called Allah’s Apostle a liar. They claimed, ‘You are nothing but a sorcerer.’ So Allah destroyed them.” As you read these words, remember, this day made Islam. On it, Hassan proclaimed: Ishaq:348 “They retreated in all directions. They rejected the Qur’an and called Muhammad a liar. But Allah cursed them to make his religion and Apostle victorious. They lay still in death. Their throats were severed. Their foreheads embraced the dust. Their nos- trils were defiled with filth. Many a noble, generous man we slew this day. We left them as meat for the hyenas. And later, they shall burn in the fires of Hell.” A terrorist raid designed to loot a caravan had become a noble crusade. These men who had come to protect their property and family were butchered. Their only crime was calling a sorcerer a liar. Pirates and mercenaries fight for booty, not piety. Ubayda was no excep- tion: Ishaq:349 “The battle will tell the world about us. Distant men will heed our warning. The infidels may cut off my leg, yet I am a Muslim. I will exchange my life for one with vir- gins fashioned like the most beautiful statues.” A Muslim recited these lines: Ishaq:357 “Their leaders were left prostrate. Their heads were sliced off like melons. Many an adversary have I left on the ground to rise in pain, broken and plucked. When the battle was joined I dealt them a vicious blow. Their arteries cried aloud, their blood flowed. That is what I did on the day of Badr.” At the end of the fighting: Ishaq:306/Tabari VII:62 “Allah’s Apostle ordered the dead to be thrown into a pit. All were thrown in except Umayyah. He had swollen up in his coat of mail and filled it. They went to move him, but he fell apart, so they left him where he was and flung some rocks over him. As the dead were being thrown in, Muhammad stood over them and said, ‘O people of the pit, have you found what your Lord promised you to be true? For I have found what my Lord promised me to be true.’ The Muslims said to him. ‘O Allah’s Messenger, are you speaking to dead people who have been putrefied?’ He replied, ‘They know what I promised them is the truth.’ You hear what I say no better than they, but they cannot answer me.” This is almost as sick as the Islamic god gloating over the new arrivals to hell. It’s almost as if Muhammad’s warped character rubbed off on Allah. (Did I say almost?) They became twins. Muhammad was the first prophet to promise his people slaughter rather than salvation. It was one prophecy he got right. Bukhari:V5B58N193 “The Prophet cursed those that had teased him. He said, ‘O Allah! Destroy the chiefs of Quraysh, Abu Jahl, Utba, Shaba, Umaiya, and Ubai.’ I saw these peo- ple killed on the day of Badr battle and thrown in the pit except Ubai whose body parts were mutilated.” He was putrid, possessed, and pathetic, not prophetic. While some of this material is redundant, it’s important to see how the four prime Islamic sources work together to provide us with a portrait of this man, his spirit, and religion. Every word devastates Muhammad’s character; 350 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
  • 15. every stroke reveals his motives. The battle of Badr resurrected the fledgling political doctrine of Islam. Yet the motive was greed. The means was terror. The reason was Muhammad. He had come full circle. The abused child was now an empowered, demented, and vicious abuser. This Hadith is telling: Bukhari:V5B59N314-7 “At Badr, the Prophet ordered the corpses of twenty-four Quraysh leaders to be thrown into a pit. It was a habit of the Prophet that whenever he conquered people, he used to stay at the battlefield for three nights [to gloat]. So, on the third day he ordered his she-camel saddled and he set out. His Companions fol- lowed, saying: ‘The Prophet is proceeding for some great purpose.’ When he halted at the edge of the pit, he addressed the corpses of the Quraysh infidels by their names, ‘O so- and-so, son of so-and-so! Why didn’t you obey Allah’s Apostle? I have found true what my Lord promised me. Have you found true what your Lord promised you?’ Umar said, ‘O Apos- tle! You are speaking to the dead!’ Muhammad said, ‘Allah brought them to life (again) to let them hear me, to reprimand them, to slight them, and so that I might take my revenge over them.’ Then he quoted the Holy Verse out of the Qur’an: ‘You cannot make the dead listen or the deaf hear your call…until they believe Our Signs and come into submission.” [30:52] Both prophet and his spirit needed men to obey; they required full and unquestioned submission. That, in a nutshell, was what Islam was all about. The first Muslim historian covers the despicable dialog in a manner that nails Muhammad’s motives: Tabari VII:63 “The Messenger uttered these words: ‘O peo- ple of the pit, you were evil fellow tribesmen to your Prophet! You disbelieved me when other people believed me. You drove me out when other people gave me shelter. You fought me when other people came to my aid.’” This sorry excuse for a man wasn’t finished gloating. Ishaq:306 “The Apostle’s Companions heard him get up in the middle of the night. He went to the pit and said, ‘O people of the pit,’ enumerating all who had be thrown into the dirty well. ‘I have found what my Lord promised me to be true.’” Normal men would have been repulsed by the sight and smell of rotting corpses. But not this man, he was inspired. So was his spirit, the Lord of the Pit. This next vignette is equally disturbing. The foolishness of Islam is behind us. All that remains is tragic. Tabari VII:63/Ishaq:307 “Utbah was dragged to the well. Muhammad looked into the face of his son Abu, who was dejected. ‘I fear perhaps some sadness has entered you on account of your father.’ ‘No, by Allah, O Prophet of Allah,’ Abu replied. ‘I had no misgivings about my father, nor about his death. But I knew my father to be a judicious, wise, forbearing, cultured, and virtuous man. I used to hope that these qualities would lead him to Islam.’” No. These qualities kept him from Islam. The skirmish over, it was time to divvy up the spoils. The next section of al-Tabari begins under the headline: “The Division of the Booty.” Tabari VII:64/Ishaq:307 “The Messenger of Allah gave orders concerning the contents of the camp which the people had collected, and it was all brought together. Among the Muslims, however, there was a difference of opinion concerning it. Those who had collected it said, ‘It is ours. Muham- mad promised every man that he could keep the booty he took.’ Those who were fighting 351WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
  • 16. said, ‘If it had not been for us, you would not have taken it. We distracted the enemy from you so that you could take what you took.’ Those who were guarding the Prophet for fear the enemy would attack him said, ‘By Allah, you have no better right to it than we have. We wanted to kill the enemy when Allah gave us the opportunity and made them turn their backs, and we wanted to take property when there was no one to protect it; but we were afraid that the Meccans might attack the Prophet. We protected him so you have no bet- ter right to it than we have.’” These covetous and militant marauders were the antithesis of Christ’s disciples. According to Muhammad’s gospel: it’s good to kill for money, but it’s bad to argue about it later. “When we quarreled about the booty we became very bad tem- pered. So Allah removed it from our hands and handed it over to His Messenger. He divided it equally among the Muslims. In this matter there can be seen fear of Allah, obedience to his Messenger, and the settling of differences.” This was the proposition and the conclusion. Islam was about money. Islam made men mad. Muhammad and Allah were partners. Muhammad was to be obeyed. Allah was to be feared. Muslims were enticed into submission: Bukhari:V5B59N360 “The total number of Muslim fighters from Mecca who fought at Badr and were given a share of the booty, were 81. When their shares were distributed, their number was 101. But Allah knows it better.” And the great deceiver was ever ready to help his pal pile up the booty. Ishaq:307 “The ‘Spoils of War’ Surah came down from Allah to His Prophet concerning the distribution of the booty when the Muslims showed their evil nature. Allah took it out of their hands and gave it to the Apostle.” Tabari VII:65 “Allah’s Messenger came back to Medina, bringing with him the booty which had been taken from the polytheists.... There were forty-four captives in the Messenger of Allah’s possession. There was a similar number of dead.” Ishaq:308 “Muhammad halted on a sandhill and divided the booty Allah had given him equally. Then Muslims from Medina met him at Rauha. They congratulated him on the vic- tory Allah had granted. But one of the warriors replied, ‘What are you congratulating us about? We only met some bald old women like the sacrificial camels who are hobbled, and we slaughtered them!’ The Apostle smiled because he knew that description fit .” By any historical or rational criterion, the battle of Badr was meaningless—a tus- sle between militants and merchants. And yet Muhammad turned it into a miracle from Allah. And he used it to resurrect his dying doctrine. The prophet’s blood lust led to these chilling lines…Ishaq:308/Tabari VII:65 “When the Apostle was in Safra, Nadr was assassinated. When Muhammad reached Irq al- Zabyah he killed Uqbah. When the Holy Prophet ordered him to be killed, Uqbah said, ‘Who will look after my children, Muhammad?’ “Hellfire,’ the Apostle replied, and he was killed.” No Geneva Convention here. Ishaq:312 “Umar said to the Apostle, ‘Let me pull out Suhayl’s two front teeth. That way his tongue will stick out and he will never be able to speak against you again.’” Tabari VII:66/Ishaq:309 “Sawdah [the prophet’s second wife] said: ‘I went to my house, and the Messenger was there with Abu Yazid [a Meccan prisoner]. His hands were tied to his 352 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
  • 17. neck. I could not restrain myself when I saw Yazid like that and I shouted out to him. So Muhammad asked, “Sawdah, are you trying to stir up trouble against Allah’s Messenger?” This brought me back to my senses.’” Ishaq:309 “‘Bind Abu Aziz tight for his mother is rich and she may ransom him for a great deal of money,’” Allah’s Profit proclaimed. Confirming that Islam was all about the money: Tabari VII:71/Ishaq:311 “Among the captives was Abu Wada. Muhammad said, ‘He has a son who is a shrewd merchant with much money.” The son “slipped away at night, went to Medina, ransomed his father for 4,000 dirhams.” There was no preaching, no Qur’an recitals, no message of salvation. Just: “Gimme da money.” Tabari VII:71/Ishaq:312 “The Prophet said, ‘Abbas, you must ransom yourself, your two nephews, Aqil and Nawfal, and your confederate, Utbah, for you are a wealthy man.’ ‘Muhammad,’ Abbas said, ‘I was a Muslim, but the people compelled me to fight against my will.’ Allah knows best concerning your Islam,’ Muhammad said. ‘If what you say is true, Allah will reward you for it. As for your outward appearance, you have been against us, so pay to ransom yourself.’ The Messenger had previously taken [stolen] twenty ounces of gold from him following the battle. So Abbas said, ‘Credit me with this amount towards my ransom.’ ‘No,’ Muhammad replied. ‘That money Allah has already taken from you and given to us.’” Islam equals money, not souls. The Hadith remains transparent. Ishaq:313 “The Muslims told Abu Sufyan to pay them a ransom to free his son, Amr. He replied, ‘Am I to suffer the double loss of my blood and my money? After you have killed my son Hanzala, you want me to pay you a ransom to save Amr?’” How on earth do Muslims see this behavior as “religious,” or even “good?” Bukhari:V5B59N357 “The Badr warriors were given five thousand dirhams each, yearly. Umar [the future Caliph] said, ‘I will always give them more than what I will give to others.’” And while money was good, Muhammad craved more…Bukhari:V5B59N342 “Umar said, ‘When my daughter Hafsa lost her husband in the battle of Badr, Allah’s Apostle demanded her hand in marriage and I married her to him.’” The battle over, the booty collected, the ransoms negotiated, it was time for some situational scriptures. Most religions considered murder, piracy, kid- napping, and terrorism bad, so Muhammad needed a special dispensation. As before, I will weave the Hadith into the fabric of the Qur’an to give Allah’s scriptures the context of time, circumstance, and place they otherwise lack. Tabari VII:80 “When the events of Badr were over, Allah revealed the 8th surah, ‘The Spoils of War,’ in its entirety. The two armies met [there were no armies—just merchants and militants] and Allah defeated the Meccans [with Muslim swords]. Seventy of them were killed, and seventy were taken captive.” The previous death toll was forty-four killed and an equal number brought back for ransom. The lower number is also in line with Ishaq’s meticulously documented total of fifty dead, and 353WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
  • 18. forty-three taken hostage. “Abu Bakr said, ‘O Prophet of Allah, these are your people, your family; they are your cousins, fellow clansmen, and nephews. I think that you should accept ransoms for them so that what we take from them will strengthen us.’” Yes, it’s true: Islam was financed by kidnapping ransom. The wealth of pagans was forged into the sword of Islam. And Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s bloodsucking promoter, was only interested in the money—never religion. Tabari VII:81 “‘What do you think Khattab?’ Muhammad asked. ‘I say you should hand them over to me so that I can cut off their heads. Hand Hamzah’s brother over to him so that he can cut off his head. Hand over Aqil to Ali so that he can cut off his brother’s head. Thus Allah will know that there is no leniency in our hearts toward the unbelievers.’ The Messenger liked what Abu Bakr said and did not like what I said, and accepted ransoms for the captives.” Bloodshed was good; money was better. This Tradition continues to pull back the veil on Islam. It was a perform- ance, one in which a pagan god played a staring role. Tabari VII:81 “The next day I went to the Prophet in the morning. He was sitting with Abu Bakr, and they were weeping. I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, tell me, what has made you and your companion weep? If I find cause to weep, I will weep with you, and if not, I will pretend to weep because you are weeping.’ The Prophet said, ‘It is because of the taking of ransoms which has been laid before your companions. It was laid before me that I should punish them instead.’ Allah revealed: ‘It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he has made slaughter in the land.’ After that Allah made booty lawful for them.” Because money enabled slaughter, Muhammad would have both. Ishaq:316 “Following Badr, Muhammad sent a number of raiders with orders to capture some of the Meccans and burn them alive. But on the following day he sent word to us, ‘I told you to burn these men if you got hold of them. But I decided that none has the right to punish by fire save Allah. So if you capture them, kill them.’” The Hadith report on the battle of Badr ends with these words: “On the Badr expedition, the Messenger took the sword of Dhu al-Faqar as booty. It had belonged to Munabbih. On that day he also took Abu Jahl’s camel as booty. It was a Mahri dromedary on which he used to go on raids.” Nothing but the best for Muhammad—after all, he was a prophet. “It is said that he wrote ‘Ma’aqil’ [Blood-Money] on his sword.” Blood still dripping from the implements of war, the dark spirit of Islam revealed a surah that made killing a religious duty and thievery a sacred rite: “The Spoils of War.” 008.001 “They question you about (windfalls taken as) spoils of war. Say: ‘Booty is at the disposal of Allah and the Messenger; they belong to Us and are for Our benefit. So fear Allah, and adjust your way of thinking in this matter. Obey Allah and His Messenger.’” How convenient. But this was crass, even for Muhammad. His propensity to steal was obviously being questioned. So he claimed that his god said: “The booty is ours—it belongs to us.” Some might think being a pirate would be a great gig if you could get “god” to sponsor your raids. But for Muhammad, that wasn’t enough. He was after more than money. He coveted power, too. So he had his god say: 354 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
  • 19. “Obey Allah and the Messenger.” Then, for those who were squabbling over the prophet’s new career path, he professed: “Adjust your way of thinking and fear me.” The Communists used to call it “re-education.” But no matter how you inter- pret this, it isn’t religious. It’s disgusting. Muhammad’s Companions agree with my assessment: Ishaq:321 “The Spoils of War surah was handed down because we quarreled about the booty. So Allah took it away from us and gave it to His Apostle. When He did, we learned to fear Allah and obey his Mes- senger.” The Hadith goes on to report: “For in truth, our army had gone out with the Prophet seeking the caravan because we wanted its booty.” The Qur’an’s attempts at religion were overt efforts to control people through fear, ritual, indoctrination, and taxation: 008.002 “The only believers are those who feel fear and terror when Allah is mentioned. When His [Qur’an] revelations [like this one focused on killing and stealing] are recited to them it increases their faith. Mus- lims establish regular prayers and pay out of the booty We have given them.” Muslims who fear will obey—and they will pay. Conditioning men to be submissive through the implementation of reli- gious rituals was good; motivating them to loot was better. 008.004 “These are true Muslims. For them are exalted grades (of honor) with their Lord, and pardon, and a boun- tiful provision.” Who gets the exalted grades of honor, the bountiful provision, you ask? Muslim militants who leave their homes to rob caravans and mur- der their kin, that’s who! 008.005 “Your Lord ordered and caused you [the good Muslims] out of your homes to fight for the true cause, even though some Muslims disliked it, and were averse (to fighting). They argued with you concerning this matter [of piracy] even after it was made clear to them. It was as if they were being driven to their death.” This verse is speaking to the rift between the “good,” warlike, Muslims and the “bad,” peaceful ones. Good Muslims were ready, willing, and able to plunder and kill—just as they are today. The bad, peaceful Muslims just wanted to live and let live. But peace was something Allah couldn’t tolerate. 008.007 “Behold! Allah promised that one of the two parties would fall and become yours. You (Muhammad) coveted (the caravan,) the one which was not armed.” This verse confirms that Muhammad was a pirate, not a general or a prophet. It devastates Islam’s credibility. Yet it is often missed because the passage goes on to proclaim the most fearsome words every spoken: “Allah wished to confirm and justify the truth by His words. Wipe the infidels out to the last.” The confirmation is clear. It is the justification that’s muddled. Muhammad left Medina with his militants for the express purpose of robbing an unarmed caravan. He wanted money. His god wanted war. The dark spirit of Islam wanted to slaughter and humiliate all those who didn’t bow to his authority. Lucifer enticed men to do his bidding. His goal was to cloud men’s minds so that they would no longer recognize truth. 008.008 “That He might justify Truth and prove Falsehood false, distasteful though it be to the disbelievers who oppose.” The writing quality is dreadful so let me translate this for you. The verse says: the 355WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
  • 20. people whose conscience had not yet been eroded opposed terror. That made them “guilty.” From Lucifer’s perspective, truth could only be justified by killing men with a conscience—men with the ability to discern right from wrong. You are witnessing spiritual warfare of the highest order. And the stakes in this game are men’s souls. Muhammad made a deal with the Devil: 008.009 “(Remember,) you implored the assistance of your Lord, and He heard what you requested: ‘I will assist you with 1,000 angels, ranks on ranks.’” If ever a verse proved that the Qur’an was as false as its deity, this is it. It is beyond comprehension that the creator of the universe would send his angels to help a pirate. Moreover, can you imagine angels so impotent it takes 1,000 of them to kill fifty merchants? There is more to this demonic assistance than I have shared thus far. According to both the Hadith and Qur’an, Allah used rain and wind to foil the merchants. Rain was said to have secured the gravel under the militants and undermined the sandy slopes beneath the merchants’ feet. And a wind from behind the militants’ backs blew coarse sand in the merchants’ faces, impairing their vision. The Bible calls Lucifer “the prince of the power of the air.” He was given control over weather. In the book of Job, Satan uses wind and a thunderstorm to try and lure a man of God away from the truth. He also incites men to kill and steal on his behalf. That is precisely what hap- pened at Badr and for the same reasons. Is it a coincidence or not? The Hadith and Qur’an reveal something more sinister than just a bad man who craved power, sex, and money. To understand what was at stake, we need to expose the spirit that inspired Islam. And to accomplish this, we must turn to the same place Muhammad turned for enlightenment—the Hebrew Bible. By lifting the majority of the Qur’an from its pages, he left the honest searcher with no option but to compare where they agree and where they conflict. And what we find is that spirit of Islam is identical to that of a fallen angel, Lucifer, or Satan. Allah’s nature, character, motivations, means, and limitations are a carbon copy of the Devil’s. He deceives men and leads them astray. He enjoys torment, killing, and death. He entices lost souls. For the purpose of this book, it matters not if you view the Bible as inspired or Satan as real. If you do, you will see Allah more nearly and under- stand the significance of the problem currently facing our world. If not, it is sufficient that you see Muhammad’s words and behavior as deceitful and demented. Either way, the greatest service we can render Muslims is to free them from Islam. In so doing we will free ourselves from the terror this man, his spirit, and doctrine inspire. Reading on we discover that Muhammad was no better at piracy than he was at prophecy. 008.010 “Allah made the victory [killing, kidnapping, and stealing] but a message of hope, a glad tiding, to reassure you. Victory [of this kind] comes only from Allah [Lucifer]. Lo! Allah is Almighty. (Remember) He covered you with slumber, as a security 356 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
  • 21. from Him. He sent down rain to clean you of the plague of evil suggestions of Satan, that you might plant your feet firmly.” Satan’s plague was being cast out of heaven for dis- obedience. His cure was to bring mankind down to his level. A Hadith says: Ishaq:321 “Allah sent down water from the sky at night and it prevented the polytheists from getting to the well before us.” This Tradition is followed by a hellish one, suggesting the source of the inclement nocturnal weather. Ishaq:322 “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who reject Me. So strike off their heads and cut off their fingers. All who oppose Me and My Prophet shall be punished severely.” Then from the Qur’an: 008.012 “YourLordinspiredtheangels[fellowdemons]withthe message: ‘I am with you. Go and give firmness to the Believers. I will terrorize the unbeliev- ers. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes.” Allah is calling himself a ter- rorist. He is ordering his fellow demons to decapitate and mutilate men so that their fathers, sons, and brothers might rob them. Islam has sunk to a new low. Ah, but it was justified, according to the spirit of Islam: 008.013 “This because they rejected Allah [The Meccans invented Allah; they never rejected him. So this was all about:] and defied His Messenger. If anyone opposes Allah and His Messenger, Allah shall be severe in punishment. That is the torment: ‘So taste the punishment. For those infidels who resist there is the torment of Hell.’” While Allah’s command to fight is new, as is his bribe of booty, his character hasn’t changed. He is the same ol’ demented fellow we grew to despise in Mecca. Surrender and obey, or die. 008.015 “Believers, [Muslims] when you meet unbelieving infidels in battle while you are marching for war, never turn your backs to them. If any turns his back on such a day, unless it be in a stratagem of war, a maneuver to rally his side, he draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and his abode is Hell, an evil refuge!” This is like the pseudo-religious Teu- tonic Oath of the Nazi S.S. It’s identical to the mindset of the Kamikaze Divine Wind. Not only are Muslims ordered to attack, they are condemned if they retreat. Islam is a fight to the death. And lest we forget: Allah hates peaceful Muslims. If you know one, you ought to share this verse with them. They could do better than to follow a god who hates them for doing the right thing. The following verse is one of many that is meaningless outside of the con- text the Hadith provides. As you recall, Muslims claimed that Allah’s angels severed men’s heads before their swords reached them. And we learn: Ishaq:322 “Allah said concerning the pebbles thrown by the Apostle, ‘I threw them not you. Your toss- ing them would have had no effect without My help. But working together, We terrorized the enemy and put them to flight.” In that context, I present the Qur’an: 008.017 “It is not you [Muslims] who slew them; it was Allah who killed them. It was not you (Muham- mad) who threw (a handful of dust), it was not your act, but it was Allah who threw (the sand into the eyes of the enemy at Badr) in order that He might test the [Muslim] Believ- ers by doing them a gracious favor of His Own: for Allah is He Who hears and knows.” By adding the words inside the parenthesis, the Islamic scholars who 357WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
  • 22. translated the Qur’an have admitted two things: the Qur’an is senseless with- out the Sira, and the Sira is scripture. Furthermore, the passage is worse in context, not better. Allah is confessing to a crime. The men that he claimed he killed were neither warriors nor criminals. They were businessmen trying to keep Muslims from stealing their wares. By any sane definition, when he pursued and killed these men he committed an act of first-degree murder—a capital offense. In all civilized societies, murderers are either put to death or separated for life. Shouldn’t Allah receive the same sentence? And as is often the case, the murdering spirit is insane. He said that his rage was a “a gracious favor.” So why would Allah confess to such a heinous crime and why did he elect to gloat about his outing with the pirates? The rea- sons are threefold. First, Lucifer had done all he could. He had manipulated the weather and induced men to behave badly. He was proud of himself—the failing that got him into trouble in the first place. Second, Muhammad was a coward in battle. He hunkered down in his palm-frond hut a safe distance behind the battle lines. He needed to revise history so that his militants would believe that by tossing pebbles he was actually fighting with god. Third, Muhammad took twenty percent of the spoils, a hundred times larger share than any of the combatants. If Allah was the most vicious and prolific killer rather than the pirates, he deserved the largest share. 008.018 “This and surely; Allah weakens the deceitful plots of unbelieving infidels.” In order to justify this excrement, Muhammad and Allah had to stupefy their militants first. Good must be made to appear bad, and bad must become good. The “unbelieving infidels” were at Badr to defend their people and protect their property from the bad militants, and yet this good motive is twisted into a “deceitful plot.” It’s but another Qur’anic lie. 008.019 “(Quraysh Unbelievers!) You asked for a judgment so the judgment came to you. If you desist, it will be best for you. If you return (to the attack), so shall We. And your forces, no matter how large, will fail. For verily Allah is with those who believe Him!” Unable to deliver the threatened Day of Doom, Allah is suggesting that this sandlot skirmish is its equivalent. It is also interesting that this spirit’s “judg- ment” renders booty to criminals. Further, the defensive tactics of the mer- chants were wrongly twisted into looking like an attack by the delusional spirit. Yet the Meccans were merely safeguarding their wares. The Muslims were on the prowl trying to steal them. This convoluted reasoning is the same strategy modern Muslims foist on an ignorant media. Thus when the Israelis defend themselves from Islamic terror they are recast as the aggressors. With situational scriptures issued and history twisted, it was time to reinforce the purpose of Islam: 008.020 “O you who believe! Obey Allah and His Messenger. Do not turn away from him when you hear him speak. Do not be like those who say, ‘We hear,’ but do not listen. Those who do not obey are the worst of beasts, the vilest of animals in the sight of Allah. They are deaf and dumb. Those who do not understand are senseless. If 358 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
  • 23. Allah had seen any good in them, He would have made them listen. And even if He had made them listen, they would but have turned away and declined submission.” When you consider the audience and the circumstance, this is transparent. Muhammad was lashing out against the good people of Medina and calling them bad Muslims for not following his orders to fight. The bad Muslims still knew right from wrong. Their consciences told them that piracy, terrorism, murder, kidnapping, ransom, and thievery were evil. As such, they were “good” people. When the “prophet” spoke to them, commanding them to become pirates, they turned away and did not listen to him. The good Muslims, however, like their counterparts today, had been cor- rupted by Islam. They could no longer distinguish between right and wrong so they zealously followed the profiteer on raids to pillage and plunder. While it is obvious that this demented doctrine needs to be exposed and exterminated—sentenced to die for its crimes—bad Muslims should be leading the parade. Their faux deity just called them the vilest of creatures. Yes, any Muslim who does not follow Muhammad’s orders to murder infidels, to pil- lage and plunder them is deaf and dumb, senseless, the worst of beasts. Allah hates, above all else, peace-loving Muslims (even more than he hates Jews). I beg any Muslim reading these words to let them sink in. Your god con- demns you if you to not lash out in Jihad, if you do not fight to the death for his demented cause. If the Qur’an is true, if Allah is God, if Muhammad was a prophet—and you are a peaceful, loving Muslim—you are destined for a hell even more torturous than that prepared for the hospitality of the infidels. It’s a lose-lose game, with your soul at stake. If Islam is true, you’re toast. If Islam is a lie, you live in the poverty of a delusional doctrine and will spend eternity separated from Yahweh, your creator. It doesn’t have to be that way. Before we leave this stunning indictment of Islam, I’d like to address the opening salvo of the 20th verse. Muhammad said that any time he speaks he must be believed, followed, and obeyed. Not Allah, him. Even Ishaq agrees: Ishaq:322 “Allah said, ‘Do not turn away from Muhammad when he is speaking to you. Do not contradict his orders. And do not be a hypocrite, one who pretends to be obedient to him and then disobeys him. Those who do so will receive My vengeance. You must respond to the Apostle when he summons you to war.” Technically, one cannot be a bad Muslim. A peaceful, loving person is either a non-Muslim or a hypocrite. Therefore, all true Muslims obey Islam’s dictates and are bad people! Muhammad’s summons was to raid civilians and steal their property. This wasn’t holy war; it was terrorism. Also, to follow Muhammad’s orders, as Allah is compelling, one must understand the Sunnah and comply with its Hadith. That is the only place the prophet’s commands and terrorist example can be found. (Unless you see Muhammad as Allah and in that case the Qur’an is just a redundant Sunnah.) Either way, from this point forward Islam is a terrorist manifesto. Its creed is: obey Muhammad, fight for 359WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
  • 24. Muhammad, and pay Muhammad. Since the last Qur’anic pronouncement was too transparent even for Islam’s prophet, the megalomaniac stepped aside momentarily and placed himself back on equal footing with his god: 008.024 “O Believers! Answer Allah and (His) Mes- senger when he calls you to that which will give you life [martyrdom]. And know that Allah comes in between a man and his heart. To Him you shall be gathered. Fear the affliction and trial that awaits those who do not obey. Allah is severe.” Yes, all Muslims will meet Allah, the demonic spirit of Islam. Their affliction at his hands will be severe. Ever deceitful, Muhammad and Allah are calling Muslims to fight to the death for their benefit, yet they say they are being called to life. This reminds me of Satan’s temptation in the Garden. The apple represented death yet Lucifer called that choice immortality—life. 008.026 “And remember, when you were a small band [i.e., bandits] and reckoned feeble and despised in the land, and were afraid that men might despoil and kidnap you, carry- ing you off by force, how He provided a safe asylum for you, strengthened you with His aid. He gave you refuge, and gave you the good [stolen] things, that haply you might be thank- ful. O you that believe, don’t betray Allah and the Messenger, nor misappropriate things entrusted to you.” Gloating is unseemly. Muhammad’s militants had won a skir- mish against some poorly equipped and out-of-shape businessmen. The Mus- lims were a small band of bandits, feeble and despised before Badr, and they remained so after the battle. No Muslim was carried off by force. They were the kidnappers. As for an asylum, I would be happy to recommend one. 008.028 “And know that your property and your children are just a temptation, and that Allah has the best rewards.” The idea that “children are just a temptation” is telling. Is Muhammad suggesting that men might be tempted to abuse their sons as he himself was abused as a child? Or is he asking parents to sacrifice their children and their money on Jihad’s altar, as so many Muslims do today? While perverse, neither is as twisted as the notion that god’s “best reward” is an inebriated stay in his whorehouse. Nor are they any more evil than an Islamic imam seducing mercenary militants to murder innocents to gain entry. 008.029 “O you who believe! If you obey and fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion to judge between right and wrong, or a way to overlook your evil thoughts and deeds.” If you are a good Muslim and obey out of fear, Allah will grant you a new “criterion to judge between right and wrong.” And that is because all other religions, moral codes, and societal mores define piracy, murder, plunder, terrorism, kidnap- ping, thievery, and ransom as evil. But not to worry, O Islamic terrorist, because Allah will forgive your crimes, corrode your mind, and rid you of the pangs of conscience. 008.030 “Remember how the unbelievers [Meccan merchants] plotted against you (O Muhammad), to keep you in bonds, or slay you, or get you out (of your home). They plot- ted, and Allah too had arranged a plot; but Allah is the best schemer.” Because you have read the Hadith and studied the Qur’an in context, you know that 360 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
  • 25. Muhammad claimed he “received” this verse two years earlier. And you know that the kidnappers and the slayers were Muslims. As for Allah being the best plotter, a world-class schemer, I couldn’t agree more. He is the best in the world at what he does. Prince Charming says: Ishaq:323 “I am the best of plotters. I deceived them with My guile so that I delivered you from them.” Webster defines “guile” the way the Bible defines Satan: “insidious and cunning, a crafty or artful deception, duplicity.” 008.031 “When Our Verses are rehearsed to them, they say: ‘We have heard this (before) [i.e., it’s plagiarized]. If we wished, we could say (words) like these. These are nothing but stories of the ancients.’” The reason the local Arab population in Yathrib was questioning the prophet’s credentials was that he had already trotted out the 2nd surah. It was filled with convoluted stories lifted from the pages of the Torah. This verse confirms that bad Muslims were smart enough to recognize a false prophet. In the next passage we find Muhammad sidestepping the “no miracles-no prophet” and “no signs-no god” criticisms. It’s as feeble as ever. 008.032 “Remem- ber how they said: ‘O Allah, if this (Qur’an) is indeed the Truth (revealed) from You, rain down on us a shower of stones from the sky, or send us a painful doom!’ But Allah was not going to send them a penalty while you (Muhammad) were among them. But what plea have they that Allah should not punish them; what makes them so special? They obstructed (men) from the Holy Mosque, though they were not its fitting and appointed guardians? Its custodian can only be one who keeps his duty to Allah. Their prayer and worship at the House of Allah (the Ka’aba) is nothing but whistling and clapping of hands. They will have to taste the punishment because they disbelieved.’” This passage says that pagans believed Allah was God; they prayed to him and worshiped at his House. As such, it destroys Muhammad’s justification for killing them. These verses also contain lies and a confession. The Meccans never restricted access to the mosque. The Ka’aba was the centerpiece of Qusayy’s religious scam. It was their meal ticket. The more pilgrims the better. It was Muhammad and his Muslims who were intolerant. They would ultimately restrict access, prohibiting all non-Muslim from entering Mecca. The confes- sion provides additional support for the Profitable Prophet Plan. Muhammad was claiming ownership of the Ka’aba Inc. because he deemed himself more deserving than the rightful owners. He had made a deal with the Devil. Cus- todianship of Allah’s House was to be his reward. 008.036 “The unbelievers spend their wealth to hinder (man) from the Way of Allah, and so will they continue to spend; but in the end they will have intense regrets and sighs. It will become an anguish for them, then they will be subdued. The unbelievers shall be driven into hell in order that Allah may distinguish the bad from the good and separate them. Allah wants to heap the wicked one over the other and cast them into Hell. They are the losers.” The Meccan merchants promoted the “way of Allah.” Allah’s House was all the Quraysh had going for them. But that lie isn’t the problem 361WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
  • 26. with this verse. Muhammad, on behalf of his spirit, is telling non-Muslims that anguish awaits them, that they will be subdued, forced into submission and then driven into hell. Terror, a living hell, is the legacy of Muhammad. Even Ishaq sees Allah as demonic: Ishaq:324 “Allah said, ‘Leave Me to deal with the liars. I have fetters and fire and food which chokes. I will smote the Quraysh at Badr.” The hateful and violent message of the Qur’an is as clear as Mein Kampf. 008.039 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world). But if they cease, Allah is Seer of what they do.” In or out of context, this is unequivocal. The Islamic war machine must continue to roll until every soul on earth “submits to the religion of Allah.” There will be no understandings, no appeasements, no compromises, no treaties. It is surrender or die. And this verse cannot be misinterpreted, corrupted, or dis- missed. The order is clear: “Fight until the whole world is in submission to Islam.” But should you want confirmation, Ishaq, the first imam to record the message of fundamental Islam interprets the verse this way: Ishaq:324 “He said, Fight them so that there is no more rebellion, and religion, all of it, is for Allah only. Allah must have no rivals.” This verse should be hung in every church, in every syna- gogue, in every school, and statehouse. It ought to be plastered on the front door of the State Department, Pentagon, Capitol, and White House. Incidentally, there are two wars being announced here, not one. The first is religious; the second is spiritual. Submission to the religion of Islam is entirely political, a war designed to suppress and plunder. That battle is being fought with swords, guns, and bombs. It destroys physical things including the flesh. The spiritual war is being waged for souls. Allah, as Satan, will not tolerate a rival. “Allahu Akbar,” (Allah is Greater) is the battle cry. Lucifer wants us to worship him. Islam is simply his most effective and deadly scheme. Unfortunately, the Qur’an’s dark spirit knew how to motivate a merciless band of religious fanatics. Ishaq:324 “Allah taught them how to divide the spoil. He made it lawful and said, ‘A fifth of the booty belongs to the Apostle.’ This is confirmed in the surah: 008.040 “If people are obstinate, and refuse to surrender, know that Allah is your Supporter. And know that one fifth of all the booty you take belongs to Allah, and to the Messenger, and for the near relatives (of the Messenger), orphans, and the needy wayfarer [we’ve heard this before]. Believe in Allah and in what We sent down to Our slave on the Day of victory over the infidels when the two armies clashed. And Allah has the power to do all things.” Fortunately, all Allah/Satan can do is play with the weather and tempt men to do his bidding. Unfortunately, all too many are willing. The temptation in this case was money. Muslim militants got rich [by Arab stan- dards] robbing Muhammad’s enemies. Of course, they had to give the prophet a fifth of the spoil, yet that was no more onerous than what Black Beard required. But since Badr was only a ragtag mob of mercenary misfits against a bunch of camel-driving merchants, you have to wonder about the inadequacy of a spirit who called them “armies” and required a thousand 362 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
  • 27. demonic angels to carry the day. I wouldn’t bet my life on Team Islam. You may have picked up on it already, but if not, Muhammad had a little problem. He and his raiders had gone after a merchandise-laden caravan. The money they sought eluded them. So while they stole some swords and coats of mail, and kidnapped some men for ransom, the expedition was a bust. The caravan got away. 008.042 “(Remember) you were on the hither side of the valley, and they were on yonder bank. The caravan was on lower ground still (by the coast). Even if you had made a mutual appointment to meet, you would certainly have declined to fight and failed to achieve your goal because Allah needed to accomplish a different matter. Those who were destroyed had to perish as a clear demonstration [of Allah’s seductive control]. And those who lived survived as a positive proof (of His authority). Allah is He Who hears and knows.” In other words, Allah won the coin toss. His lust for murder took precedence over Muhammad’s yearning for money. As for the dark spirit of Islam hearing and knowing; it’s true. Lucifer is able to maneuver in time and travel unseen. He listens and learns how to best tempt his stooges. Everyone has a soft spot, a longing, a desire, something that they crave. 008.045 “O believers! When you meet an army, be firm, and think of Allah’s Name much; that you may prosper.” It was a hellish bargain they made for money. “Obey Allah and His Messenger; and do not dispute [with them], lest you lose courage and your power departs; persevere!” The Hadith says: Ishaq:325 “Muslims, fight in Allah’s Cause. Stand firm and you will prosper. Help the Prophet, obey him, give him your allegiance, and your religion will be victorious.” But not everyone had joined the party. So the bad Muslims had to be rebuked. There was no room in Islam for a second leader or for peace: 008.047 “Be not as those who came from their homes full of their own importance, trying to turn men away from [fighting in] Allah’s Cause. Allah is encircling them. Satan made their acts seem alluring to them, and said: ‘No one can conquer you this day, while I am near you.’ But when the two armies came in sight of each other, he turned on his heels, and said: ‘Lo! I am not with you. I see what you cannot. Verily, I fear Allah: for Allah is severe in punish- ment.’” Ishaq tells us: “Umayr saw Satan at Badr. When the Devil turned, a surah was handed down concerning him.” Then describing Allah, Umayr says: Ishaq:319 “Satan made their deeds seem good to them and said that they would be victorious because he was their protector. But the Devil deceived them.” And he continues to do so. Following the Satanic interlude, Allah calls bad Muslims “diseased.” Their peaceful nature evidently irked the spirit of war. 008.049 “The hypocrites [bad Muslims] and those in whose hearts is a disease said: ‘The religion has deceived and misled them.’” Bad Muslims could be good people, discerning people. They recog- nized that fundamental Islam was deceitful. And they knew Islam, Muham- mad, and Allah better than anyone. If this is “God” speaking, I move that we elect a new one. 008.050 “If you could have seen the infidels when the angels drew away their souls, striking their faces and smit- ing their backs. The angels said: ‘Taste the penalty of the blazing Fire.’” 363WA R M A D E A P R O F I T
  • 28. 008.052 “They [Meccans] brought this on themselves. Their case is like that of Pharaoh and of those before them. They denied and rejected the revelations of Allah, and Allah destroyed them, punishing them for their crimes: for Allah is strict, severe in punishment.” And what bears saying bears repeating…008.054 “This was the case with Pharaoh and those before them: They denied and rejected the revelations of their Lord: so We destroyed them.” This wasn’t a second translation; it was a “senior moment.” The war surah marches on with these lovely words: 008.055 “Verily the worst of creatures, the vilest of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him and will not believe. They are those with whom you make an agreement, but they break their covenant every time, and they keep not their duty [to fight].” The bad Muslims are being ham- mered again. Muhammad is miffed that they reneged on the Pledge of Aqabah. Muslims agreed to protect the prophet like they did their women and to fight whomever he fought. They didn’t figure on that including terror- ism and piracy, so they bailed on him. As a consequence, the bad peace-lov- ing Muslims were labeled the “worst of creatures.” Enough Mr. Nice Guy. It was time to go back on the warpath. These are some of the most chilling words ever uttered in the name of god: 008.057 “If you gain mastery over them in battle, inflict such a defeat as would terrorize them, so that they would learn a lesson and be warned.” It’s pretty hard to reconcile these words with the Islam-is-a-peace-loving-religion myth. This sounds like one of al-Qaeda’s speeches to me. The Sira presents the “Terror Manifesto” this way: Ishaq:326 “If you come upon them, deal with them so forcibly as to terrify those who would follow them that they may be warned. Make a severe example of them by terrorizing Allah’s enemies.” Before anyone puts their trust in the “peace process” or supports a treaty with an Islamic organization or nation, they should consider Allah’s admo- nition: 008.058 “If you apprehend treachery from any group on the part of a people (with whom you have a treaty), retaliate by breaking off (relations) with them: for Allah loves not the treacherous. The infidels should not think that they can bypass (the law or punishment of Allah). Surely they cannot get away.” A second translation reads: “The unbelieving infidels should not think that they can bypass Islam; surely they cannot escape.” Now that Islam has our undivided attention, it’s time for Allah to scare us to death. 008.060 “Prepare against them whatever arms and cavalry you can muster that you may strike terror in the enemies of Allah, and others besides them not known to you.” This is a call for all good Muslims to amass their weapons of mass destruction. The Noble Qur’an even adds “tanks, planes, missiles, and artillery” to the text. Allah is ordering Muslims to terrorize his enemies, their enemies, and enemies yet unknown. This is as purposeful as a panzer tank, as unyielding as a kamikaze. It explains why Muslims are terrorists. And it foretells our future if we fail to expose this doctrine, if we fail to annihilate it before it annihilates us. This is a matter of life and death, so I want to give you the benefit of another translation: “Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the enemies of Allah and your enemies, 364 P R O P H E T O F D O O M
  • 29. and others besides, whom you may not know. Whatever you spend in Allah’s Cause will be repaid in full, and no wrong will be done to you [for killing others].” If you were ignorant of verses 57 through 60, you might be suckered by the 61st. 008.061 “But if the enemy inclines toward peace, do you (also) incline to peace, and trust in Allah.” However…“Should they intend to deceive or cheat you, verily Allah suffices: He strengthened you with His aid and with the Believers.” The small print here is real important. “Should they intend to deceive or cheat” is an open invitation to invoke 8:57 to 60. It presupposes a hypothetical before anything occurs. And Muhammad knew it. Within days he would claim that he “feared” the Jew- ish Qaynuqa. He broke the treaty he had formed with them, besieged them, exiled them, and stole their homes, property, and businesses. The first to interpret this surah said: Ishaq:326 “If they ask you for peace on the basis of Islam (submission), make peace on that basis. Be of one mind by His religion.” The next two verses, which speak of cementing love in the midst of a killing spree, are incomprehensible. This odd segue brings us to one of Allah’s most ominous lines. 008.065 “O Prophet, urge the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty among you with determination they will vanquish two hundred. If a hundred, they will slaughter a thousand of the unbelieving infidels: for these are a people devoid of understanding.” This is the math of terror. On September 11th nineteen “good” Muslims fol- lowed Allah’s instructions and murdered 3,000 innocent men, women, and children, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. They snuffed out their lives because we were a people devoid of understanding. I know that the temptation is to read on. But please, before you do, pon- der the implications of this surah. This is the spirit of Islam speaking directly to Muslims. It is why they are terrorists. The Sira proclaims: Ishaq:326 “O Prophet exhort the believers to fight. If there are twenty good fighters they will defeat two hundred for they are a senseless people. They do not fight with good intentions nor for truth.” Such could be said for America. The U.S. State Department has managed to lose the peace because they are igno- rant of the truth. Believing that the “enemy of my enemy is my friend,” we fight with less than ideal intentions. As a nation we have partnered with the wrong people and thereby created our next foe. We liberated China and they slaughtered us in Korea. We supported Stalin and it killed us in Vietnam. We funded the Mujahidun and they became al-Qaeda. We furnished biological weapons to Saddam and Americans died to keep him from using them. Not to be outdone, we have formed alliances with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Syria against Israel so that our friend might be victimized. Allah wasn’t finished motivating his terrorists to attack us. 008.066 “Now Allah has lightened your (task), for He knows that there is a weak spot in you [which is precisely what he is exploiting]. So if there are a hundred of you with determination they will van- quish two hundred, and if a thousand, they will kill two thousand by the will of Allah. For Allah is with those who are determined.” It’s true. Letters taken from the cars the 365WA R M A D E A P R O F I T