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Marline ALBERT
Marketing Group M1
Skema Business School

Christina PHAN
Ludivine PIERRE
Winhan WEI

New service
How I Met…
Throughout this case we have taken conscience that create a new product, provide a
new service, make innovation, it is not something easy. There is a lot of thing to take in
account. Share idea and share knowledge is the key to be successful. Connect ideas, be
critical allow us to find the right idea. To transform, our knowledge into an idea, therefore
into an innovation and then into a real service or product, is not an easy task and we need to
go throughout a lot of process and reflection. We need to know for Who? When? Where?
And Why? We will start this crazy adventure. After we can build our study and make the
idea come true.

Part 1: Innovation
Create a new service was the rule of the game. To innovate on a service we used the funnelshaped method, consist to make a list of all the idea and confront them to the group and
after the potential client. Take three ideas, describe them to a focus group and at the end
make an analysis of each and select one. The next step will be to build our marketing study.
We started by formed a group of 5 students. And the adventure start.

I. Brainstorming
We decided two lead our brainstorming in two parts. In a first time each of us took a
paper. We started to enumerated different ideas; each idea was interpretive by members
differently. We found 4-6 ideas. Member should write down what they will do with this idea
how they will arrange it. After 2-3min each of us started to inform other about what they
thought on this idea how to remove it… and news ideas just pop-up in our list. We ended up
with 10 ideas:
Skema society laundry: Skema has different societies to help the student’s
life. So in order to follow this concept we decided to create a society to help student, who
haven’t the founding, to do their laundry more easily and cheaper than to buy a machine.
Our service include to pick up your laundry at home or to skema, to watch it in one of our
student’s machine, and to give you back where you want. If you want to join our society you
should have a laundry machine, however for thus who require only the service you should
pay only 8 euros by month.
Bakery delivery: In front of your door each morning that you wish you could
have ready breakfast. You just have the day before call us to book you breakfast. Just in
time breakfast we will promess the best quality and hot croissant.
Cleaner supermarket car: Our Company will provide you to have a clean car
after your shopping. You haven’t time to clean your car, we will do it for you when you are
busy to do your shopping. Throughout an application on your smartphone you could book a
cleaner. Will just have to tell us where you are going to do your shopping and when. You
could pay on your smartphone or in cash an amount of 3euros.
Book your trend: it’s an application on your phone that you can get for
5euros by month to know where latest trendy restaurants or bars are. You will get some
discount if you have our application. In the other hand restaurant and bar will pay us a
certain amount to figure in our book. We will help you to not lose a good opportunity to
spend your lunch or dinner time in a nice restaurant and we will provide more customers to
the restaurant.
Just in time cook restaurant: don’t tell that you never ask yourself about
what you have in your plat when you are going to the restaurant. If it is legitimate to pay
this price for what you eat. Our restaurant will provide you the certitude to know what you
are eaten. And to teach you how to prepare it. You always ask yourself how the cooker
made it, we will answer it now. Each Tuesday you can come to our restaurant to try our new
recipe with our “chef” and degusted after it. The price will be around 80euros by person and
it will be provide for only 15 people.

Born card iphone: in the city of Cannes you will find small born where you
could recharge your smartphone or iphone. You will just need to buy a card in order to
replace your “heavy” charger. And clip it to the born, place your phone on it and wait. You
will find that kind of born in restaurant, pubic place, pub… you could buy this card in our
store and we will provide an application to find easily a born near your area.
Supermarket pack-man: Everybody have experimented the huge queue on
the supermarket after the work. Our company will provide pack-man in some of our retailer
partner (Carrefour, leclere…) to help the flux of people. No need any more to be in rush to
pack, just need to pay your shopping. And the best it’s this service will be for free. Our client
will be the retailer. We will provide them a better flow of client and reduce the wait.
Over those 10 ideas three get all off our attention. And after a vote this following
ideas where, in our point of view the best:
Transporter: SAM who is the employee of our company. SAM is the person
who is waiting for you call. You could check the list of our employee throughout an
application on your smartphone. He is the person who does not drink and the person who
drive you back home with your own car after the party. Like this you can go to the party
when you want with your car and come back safely, and you and your entire friend could
enjoy dance and drink.
SAM is known from all french people because the french government did a campaign
against drunk drivers , “the one who drives , is the one who does not drink” , and in the ad
the driver name was SAM. The price it’s fix 15euros no matter how many you will be.
We decided to select this one because we where agree that taxi in France are really
expensive and the common transport not really often. As student we will agree that if that
possibility exists we will take it.

Platform: we will put in relation person who produce fruits and vegetable in
their garden for their personal consumption with local restaurant. In fact if there is an
overproduction they can sell to local restaurant. It is a way to make money easily. Our
company has a website where you can check which restaurant can be interested in your
product. In other hand restaurant can be part of it but should pay to appear in our website.
We will provide them to find what they need near to their location and cheaper than in
supermarket. Moreover we will provide them a free promotion throughout the producer
and, a better image with local and, fresh products.
We chose this idea since the beginning we where an exact idea of what will be the
concept. For other supermarket pack-man this idea exists already in India, China, Uk, so we
decided to avoid it. Same for clean your car and book your trend. For recharge born this idea
was eliminated because we already make our choice with the three other.
CallEating: restaurant where you can go with your friend for a dinner before
going out to nightclub. You will seat on a table with a phone place in the center. Each table
has a number and with the phone of your table you can call other table. Nobody know that
it is you, you will reveal your identity if you wish. Our restaurant provide you a nice dinner
and to have the chance to meet new friend or more.
Most of our ideas were focus on restaurant or place to eat. So we decided to select
only one of these. Just in time was a good idea but we should deal with too much “technical”
element as the kitchen, the place… so we prefer to chose the funny one.
II. Our three ideas
People have their own car and go party in Juan Les Pins. They are with friends and
have a lot of fun. However everybody get drunk in the process and forgot to select the “nondrinking-guy” before the party. So they have their car but cannot drive back home because
it's dangerous. They can also be controlled by the law enforcement and lose their driving
To resolve this problem, they could call one of our members. This member could be
student who also lives in the same area. So this driver would come to the place where the
partiers are and drive them back home with their own car. He would after go back on his
We are a company which hires people who want to make money and who do not
mind working at night. How does it work for the partiers? You can charge an application on
your Smartphone which provide our service, where we can book our driver and even maybe
make a contact before leaving to the party so that will be sure to have someone picking us
up. Partiers contact us or send a request on the application, before their party and indicate
to us the night club, around when they think come back home, how many, and where they
live. They can also send us a message in our Facebook page.
This service will have a fix cost of 15 euros each time they would use it. It is cheaper
than a taxi and if there are several people they can share the charges. The plus point is that
when they go to party, they can use their own car so move around freely.

The Platform is a company that connects producers and restaurants via a platform
on Internet.
On one hand there is a person who has a garden and cultivates fruits and vegetables.
The goal of our company is, if the producer overproduces and
does not know what to do with this excess he can contact us to
find buyers exclusively restaurant from the area where he lives.
On the other hand, restaurateurs are used to buy in
supermarkets products which are from different country.
Nowadays restaurants should deal with a new trend which is to
“eat product what are produce in France or in your region”.
People ask themselves about what they eat and if they pay the
right price of what they have in their plat. They look for the best
value; make the best profit, but also for practicality and image. Indeed, they get some food
by habit but also because they do not know or do not have time to explore other options.
Through our website, we want to connect these two parts. Restaurateurs would pay
us for searching for small producers that want to sell their surplus. We would also be
responsible for prospecting, linking and delivering the food to the restaurants.
For the producers, these services would be free of charge and they could fix the price of
their food as they like. After we will see which restaurant would pay this price. Other
benefits from our company it’s that the entire producer will promote “indirectly” the
restaurant where they sold their product. It is a free way to promote the restaurant.
We want to change habits and educate people by showing that local/natural foods
are not necessarily more expensive than the others. Restaurants win on all fronts: quality,
image and customers. As individuals, they could make a profit by selling their
overproduction and avoid waste. In conclusion, The Platform is part of an ecological,
economic and social dimension.

The CallEating restaurant is a nightly restaurant for students that want to enjoy
more than a diner, a place to have fun and to try to escape the daily stress of life. It is a nice
restaurant to come with friends and meet people. With the growing demand from students
for always trying something new and innovative, we decided to connect two services: find a
date and have an enjoyable diner.
Our uniqueness would be to create a place where customers can socialize with each
other in a comfortable and relaxing environment. All the tables would be provided with a
phone. People who eat on a table could call other tables in the restaurant and knowing each
other. Store design will be both visually attractive to customers, and designed for fast and
efficient operations. The design will be unique and original. We will have an inside only. In
global we could receive 55 seats. We will be in the business of helping our customers to
relieve their daily stresses around a diner and by providing dating and meet other boys or
To build a strong base of loyal customers, The CallEating restaurant will capitalize on
its proximity to the high schools and universities. Indeed, market studies showed that
students are most likely to spend in a good diner and have fun with friends. Proximity to city
center and to university campus would provide access to the targeted customer audience.
Our market research shows that these are discerning customers that gravitate around 18 to
27 years old.
As restaurant we will provide diner only with two sets, however we will provide
another service that is to find a partner and meet good friend. We would offer a fixed and
quick 12 euros menu of different kinds: Asian, Spanish, etc. For the single drinks/dishes, the
prices would be the following;
Starters: 5 to 8 euros
Drinks: Around 3.50 to 8 euros
Main courses: 10 euros
Desserts: 5 euros
III. Focus Group
When you go to a party and you are too much drunk to drive yourself back home, a driver
comes to you and drive you back home with your own car.

At first, when we presented the concept, people were
very interested and delighted by the service. Initially they like
the idea that somebody will come to pick them up, mainly
because this service was cheaper than taking a taxi. Moreover,
they thought this service will be a good idea, it will allow them to
have some freedom, because it’s their own car so they can move
around (changing nightclub, go to the restaurant before…)
wherever they want to.
However, then when we got into the details, with more
specifics questions, they started to become sceptical.
Firstly they wanted to know more about the driver, on
how will he come, how will he go back, and could they trust him
with their car.
Because it was quite difficult for some of them to understand how the driver will go back
one’s that he drop them in their home.
Also, some of them realized that they won’t trust a stranger to drive their car.
Moreover, with their inputs we realized that they were some tricky problems in the
realization of the concept. When the people leave for the party, if there is five persons
leaving for the party then at the end the 5 of them can’t go back because with the driver
place, one person will be left alone.
Secondly, there are some legal problems, because the rules for the workers at night
are very strict and regulated in France. So we may face some legal problem on employing
young drivers who might be students at night. And the wages for the people who work at
night is quite high, so we need to take in to account that factor of cost too.
In addiction if this service is solicited a lot then we might become competitors for the
taxi service, so we might have some obligations to pay taxes and respect some regulations.
And last but not least, we might have some major issue with insurance.
Because in France when you take an insurance policy for a car then only the persons who are
insured with this car are allowed to drive that car. So the driver that we provide cannot drive
the car of the customers without a special insurance policy which will be quite expensive.
In conclusion this idea seems to be a good concept which could have interested a lot
of people, but when we do a deep analysis we realize that we have to confront a lot of legal
and feasibly and cost related problems.
Put in link local restaurants and people who have too much fruits or
vegetables in their garden in order to sell them.
If people have too much fruits in their garden, they said that they
would probably give it to someone for free. A participant said that she would sell it in front
of her house even before we told her our concept. She nevertheless insisted on the fact that
she would do it only if she really has too much fruits, which means that we probably cannot
target any customer who has fruits in his garden but people who really have a big quantity
of extra. At that moment, we directly realized that it was a good idea, people could be
interested in. However, even if people are interested in selling their surplus, they are afraid
it would take too much time. So if we want our project to be functional, we have to be well
organized in the food collection.
During the tutorial session, we were concentrated on the good and innovative parts
of the project and forgot a big point. Indeed, two interviewees highlighted a problem of
security: If the quality of the owner’s fruits or vegetables is not good, it can have a problem
of responsibility for the restaurant who bought it. Inasmuch as they are not professional we
do not know if they have treated their fruits or vegetables with chemical product or if the
fruits are really fresh. It is an aspect we completely did not think about. Finally, that is not so
easy to deal with food.
To resolve this issue, an interviewee gave the idea to work with a health professional
that could control the food with standards. In this case, the price would really be higher than
what we expected at the first place. We asked if working with non-professional producers
could be another alternative to the sanitary problem but most of people disagreed. In their
opinion, our uniqueness is to work with people like them. If we change this point, we would
not be innovative anymore or different from another company. Moreover, this option would
also increase the restaurant prices. About this point, not all the participants would be willing
to pay more; even if the meal is fresh and local. With this concept in its present state, there
is also a problem of quantity. The stock of fruits and vegetables would not be the same from
a month to another. To avoid that, we should be careful not to rely only on these small
producers to get the food. We could for example create a website, in order to allow people
who want to sell their extras fruits or vegetables to order it on the website, or to call us as
they prefer.
It is a very good point for the restaurants to cook with local and natural products
since they have not been treated with chemicals. Some people are interested in this aspect.
They asked several times how they could be sure to eat those natural products. We
suggested writing it on a sign but we have to admit that it is not enough to guarantee
In conclusion, this idea interests people. Giving the opportunity to people to sell
their surplus in order to earn money and avoid waste is an innovative concept. However, it is
not enough to run the business. There are many costs to take into account such as the
control of quality of fruits, the price of transport… So, to be bankable and feasible, we need
to be more realistic and change a lot of things.
In our restaurant each table is equipped of a number and a phone. You can have a dinner and
enjoy meeting people calling other table with your phone table.

In general, people like restaurants and go there about once per month. Participants
want to eat something different and share a good moment with friends and family. Actually,
they never go to the restaurant alone.
This is our first obstacle because we wanted to create a place where people can meet
other people. Someone said that the aim of going to the restaurant is to be in group, not to
meet new people. For other people, meeting new friends is a good idea. However, name it
“Call-eating” or “speed dating” is not a good thing.
The second problem was about the phone. We thought that putting a phone on each
table would be the most amazing part of the project. We imagined that people would come
to our restaurant for this “Call-eating”…The discussion showed us that the phone cannot be
our uniqueness. The phone sounded like a gadget, it is not enough to attract people over
the long term. Some people prefer going to the restaurant at lunch and for other people for
the dinner. Since we thought about being a nightly restaurant, we realized that being
opened during the day could be interesting. However, according to other participants, we
should not be a restaurant anymore but a kind of events organizer. They think we could
develop a website. And some of them suggested making contact with people on this
website. For them, it can be easier to meet people, rather than going somewhere and not
being sure about finding someone. So if we base our activity on the Internet, it will decrease
some costs such as rent, waiters, cookers…
This point seems well matched with the fact that all those interviewees are
changeable. They can eat pizzas today and sushi the next week. They can go far but also
stay close to their home. After the meal, they can go out or go back home. A participant
submitted the idea of working with existing restaurants instead of having our own. Since
people are not fixed, it could be the opportunity to offer changing food in different places,
so maybe a way to attract people from different cities. This option would also be a way not
to be bored by our services, like a constant innovation.
Last but not least, participants did not see the interest of being between students,
young people only. They are opened to meet new people whatever their occupation
because it is just about having fun and enjoying a good meal. And, why do not develop their
social network?
In conclusion, this idea seems promising but we have to change a lot of things too.
We also have to reach an agreement on the place, the target or the media used to run the
business because at the moment this concept is wobbly.
IV. Birth of our new service

During the focus group we received many comments and advices from the
interviewees. What they said made us realize that we have to adapt our three ideas if we
want them to work. Nevertheless we chose to work on the CallEating restaurant, a place
where people can meet other people.
Indeed, we would not work on The Transporter project
because there is mainly an ethical problem. People have a lot
of problems to assess the fact that the drive one’s he drop the
customer goes back by is on mean. Also during this discussion
we discover that this kind of concept already exists in Asian
countries but the laws and regulation in France are very
different and strict from the political regulations in those
countries, therefore it turn out that realizing this kind of
service will be difficult in France. The other major problem is
this insurance policy for the car and the driver must have a very
special insurance to drive the customer’s car and the wages for
people who work at night are quite high. And finally even
tough people think positively about this concept they are skeptical, because they are not
ready to trust a stranger to drive their car. Therefore is concept seems to be pretty difficult
to be realized.

About the second idea of connecting restaurants to
small producers, we thought that eating a fresh meal at the
restaurant was the most important and attractive point but
actually the interviewees were much more concerned by the
sanitary aspect of the concept. They felt suspicious about what
could be on their plate. If we think about working with
somebody from the health department, we have the raise our
tariffs. At the same time, not everybody is ready to pay more
since going to the restaurant is already expensive, even if the
food is natural. We would also have many costs like transport. So it seems that we are stuck
in this concept.

Therefore, we decided to work on the third idea: the CallEating restaurant. By
choosing it, we would have less disadvantages and so, more freedom. Nevertheless, this is
not the only reason. Indeed, after the focus group, we talked together and noticed that the
conversation about this idea was the longest. Participants were more involved in this
project and gave pieces of advice. This talk engendered a lot of comments; negative
comments but also positive. This decision was also comforted by the fact that five
interviewees out of six chose this idea. The discussion opened numerous possibilities such
as being an event organizer. We could also move from a restaurant to another and enlarge
out target of customers for example.
Before the focus group, we thought that our three ideas were innovative enough and
that they could work in the raw. However, we learned a lot from the discussion with the
participants. All the criticisms are useful. They made us see the advantages and drawbacks
of each idea. They also helped us to see larger and to imagine things we never thought
It happened that the interviewees answered and asked questions between each other, as if
we do not exist. It was interesting because they made the concepts alive and they
submitted new possibilities.

When the problems were point out in the focus group for each idea, the problems
were some majors issues for the idea of the Transporter and The platform. Indeed, for the
first idea it involved the laws and regulations but also some insurance policy issues which
are really tricky and expensive. And for the second idea it involved the sanitary measures
which are really big issue in France. In our position, dealing with those kind of problems
was not realistic. However, the idea of Call-eating restaurant seems to interest much more
and with the inputs we were able to think about adjustment at alternative to sort out the
problems which were pointed out. So since we have chosen this idea, we will think about
developing it by taking the comments in consideration.
So the main concept remains the same: create a space to make people meet each other. It
could be any kind of meet, and the idea of the restaurant it’s because it’s a place related to
relaxation and having a good much to relive the everyday life stress.
In the upcoming development of our project, the concept of our service will follow
the directive which consists of creating platforms for people to meet each other, have a
good time together and enjoy good food. This could be any form of connection:
professional, emotional, friendship...any kind of relationship is possible and we called it:

[FIRST IDEA: The Transporter, drive you home safely with your car]
QUESTIONER: Hello guys, thanks for coming today! Make yourself at home, take some
candies and have a drink! .. So shall we start?
Let’s start with something related to fun!
Since you are students and young adults I assume that you guys like to go out and have
fun right?
- Yes you can say that! (Laugh)
- Of course we have to enjoy our youth and our life right.
With whom do you usually go party?
- Actually I don’t go that much often.. but generally it’s with my best friend.
- Me with my friends, we love to go out and we are a gang.. we go in groups
- I go with my boyfriend
- I also go with some of my friends
- Me too
When we talk about party we can’t avoid one of the main elements : alcohol.
Do you guys often get drunk?
- Yes you can say that .. Sometimes I can’t remember anything the next morning
- Me too I have some pretty good stories about what happens is parties
- No I don’t get drunk because I don’t drink alcohol actually
- Me neither
- Something I can’t because I have to be SAM*
- Yes I also like to get drunk in parties
And so how do you get back home when you go to party?
- By foot when it’s not too far
- With my friends by car
- With my bike
- Me too with my friends something we take the first train or bus the next morning (laughs)
- I also go back by car with my car.
- Call a taxi sometimes .. but it’s expensive!
And ..When you are drunk, how do you do it?
- I don’t drink alcohol
- Usually we choose a SAM* between us before leaving for the party
- We also choose a SAM before the party
- Sometime I sleep in my car because I can’t drive
- My boyfriend drives me back home.
So some of you said that your pick a SAM before leaving for the party
is it sometime hard to choose a SAM ? Do you guys fight with your friends about this ?
- Since I don’t drink I am usually SAM
- I don’t have a car and don’t have a driving licence yet so ..
- Yes we had some discussion about this that didn’t end well with my friends sometimes.
- We play rock paper scissors to choose the SAM
- Yes with my friends to fight each other because everybody wants to enjoy the party and
nobody wants to be SAM !
Well ! There is a concept that we imagined and this idea will maybe interest some of you
and we called it the TRANSPORTER.
You go to the party that you want to with everybody you want too. Everyone can enjoy
the party and get drunk. No one has to be SAM.
Our company provides you a driver service.
So basically, at the end of the party you want to get back home but nobody is feet to drive
the car … so you call us and we send you a driver who comes and drives you back you and
your friends home with your own car.
In that way everybody can enjoy the party .. no more discussion .. no more fight between
To have access to the service you can make a reservation before leaving for the party. For
example you already know that tonight even before leaving that is party is going to be
huge and that everybody is going to get drunk in that case, you can tell us by posting a
message on our facebook pages or by calling us that you are probably going to need
someone to get you back home tonight.
Or the other scenario is: you are already at the party and didn’t predict that everybody
will get drunk and you are stuck there because nobody is able to drive and you can leave
the car there.
In any case you can call us and we will try to provide you a driver.
The price will be 15 euros for each time to ask for this service and it may go above 15 euros
if the ride is too long.
- Oh I like it!! (laughs)
- This could be interesting
- But how will the driver come to us?
He will come by his own mean. We will try to find some drivers who are near the place
where the party is happening.
- 15 euros. Does it cover everything?
Yes 15 euros is the starting price because we have to cover our charges + the salary of the
driver. And when the price goes above .. it will always be less than if you have had to call
a cab.
- And we use our own car right?
Yes the main point is that the driver will drive back you and your friends home safely and
get also your car home without a scratch.
And since it’s your car you can move wherever to want for example you can start your
evening in a restaurant and drive freely to the party, you are free of your movements.
What do you think about the price? Would you use this service?
- I think that the price is attractive and if this service is really well organized then I would
probably use this service.
- Yes i think 15 euros is not that much excessive .. and since we are girls this could really be
- I will be interested too .. but we could have some problems because for x reason the driver
doesn’t come to pick us up.
- I wouldn’t because I don’t think that I can trust a stranger with my car.
- Oh ya ! me too .. I love my car so I just cannot let anybody drive it.
- … But won’t this service rise some issues?
What do you mean.. can you elaborate about this? And you guys do you find any problems
with this concept?
- I mean if this service is really successful and you have a lots of demands then you won’t be
able to satisfy everybody and some might get stuck at the party.
- Also I just thought about this .. imagine I have a car with only 2 seats and I want to go to the
party with my girl friend .. then I can’t use your service to return home.
- Yes he is right .. and even if we have a car with 5 seats and we are a group of 5 friends leaving
for the party .. at the end we can’t leave one alone.. it won’t be fair for him.
Ok! And you guys?
- I think they’re can be some legal problem .. because if the service is used a lot then you have
some problems with taxes and in france working at night has some pretty strict regulations so
you need to be careful … also because paying employees who are working at night might turn
out to be really expensive. I know someone who have a nightclub and he told me that the
wages of his employes was something important for him.
- And talking about taxes .. do you guys think about the insurance.
Usually in france you can’t drive somebody else car if you are not insured with their car.
So, I will be problematic because the driver can’t be insured with all the car that he is going to
So! Thank you guys for your inputs .. this is really helpful for us! we will try to discuss all
the problems that you have pointed out.
Last question: What would you conclude about this concept?
- Personally , I think the idea is really interesting
- Me too, but I am a bit doubtful about the feasibility.
- I think this kind of thing exist in China .. but I don’t know if the laws in France will permit to do
the same here.
- I am a bit sceptical too .. because trust a stranger with your car and your life .. I don’t know if I
really would.
- Yes me neither.
Okay ! Thank you everyone!

[SECOND IDEA: The Platform, connecting local producers to restaurants]
Questioner: Ok so now, forget everything about car drivers and parties. (laughs)
Imagine that you have your own garden where you cultivate fruits and vegetables. One
day, you have more carrots and tomatoes than expected. What do you do with this
- I sell it.
- I give it to someone.
- If I can I sell it.
- Give it to restaurant or sell it.
- I’ll give it to my friends.
- Yes or to neighbours.
Q: Ok. As some of you just said, you would sell it. So where and how would you do that?
- It depends but I think I don’t have many foods to sell…
- Maybe in shops or restaurants.
- I don’t know.
- I ask people in my neighbourhood.
- I ask my neighbours or friends for example if they want my tomatoes.
- I just sell it in front of my house.

Q: Like make a shop in front of your house?
- Not like a shop but, how to explain…
Q: Do you think people would come?
- Yes! In Nice or cities like La Gaude or Saint Paul de Vence, there are many, many people who
sell vegetables.
Q: How?
- In front of their house. People write the hour on a sign and promote it in a bus stop for
Q: It’s interesting! Some of you would give the surplus for free to neighbours, but what do
you think about selling it? To make more money.
- Why not!
- I never have too much money so it’s good! (laughs)
- Yes but I don’t know how to sell it.
- Hum, I need to say, if…I mean, if it’s in my garden, I would eat it because I cultivated for me.
Q: Yes, but if you have an extra? You have too much to eat, you can’t eat it alone.
- I mean for me, there is no rent of selling it, because it’s possible that I have another activity, I
mean, I work…
- For me, I don’t have time to go and sell it.
- Yes, me too.
Q: If we provide you the service that makes into contact with the buyer, what do you
think? You are the seller, and we arrange, you have nothing to do except to tell us “I have
more tomatoes, can you come and take it?”
- Take it for what?
Q: Take it to the restaurant, the local restaurants that want to attract customers with
local products.
- Why not…
- Can I ask you not to sell it and give it for free?
- I don’t see your point… If you have your own garden, you cultivate what you need so why
selling it?
- Can I just call you and ask you to come and pick it up? Only to give, not to sell my veggies?
Q: Yeah, you can do that. But for example you know a restaurant on your local area and
you have no time to meet the owner and give him your fruits. We can do that. You have
nothing to pay. The restaurant will pay you. But if you want to give for free it’s your
- Ah ok.
Q: Now only consider that the restaurant gives you money in exchange of your fruits, they
buy it, what do you think?
- Yeah…
- It’s a good idea.
- For me if I can make money why not.
- Yes if we don’t have to pay.
- Yes but I think it’s complicated.
- But how do you make money? I mean, your company.
Q: We’re the contact link between the client and the buyer. You call us, you say “I have 10
tomatoes, can you sell it at that price?”, and we contact all of the local restaurants who
need tomatoes. We do all of the things and we will give you money after it.
- Yeah but where is your profit in there?
Q: The restaurant pays us to have contact with the producer. If restaurants are not able
to have that kind of contacts, of clients, they pay us to find the producers.
- So the price is high.
Q: Not necessarily, because for you, it’s like an extra salary. We work with the
restaurants that can’t do that. We work with restaurants who want to use local products
not like just profit.
- What’s about the traceability of the products?
- I see… There is a big problem. A problem of security, we don’t know if the vegetable or food is
safe… I can put some poison in the food!

Q: Would you want to kills us? (Laughs)
- Maybe I’m mad!
- Finally it’s the same problem as in normal restaurant, sometimes you have good food,
sometimes not.
- Yes, and sometimes you have a stomach ache.
- For me I think it’s more difficult for the truth, the quality...the size...or the weight of the
vegetables. Because for example I have so many foods in my garden. But maybe there are
some foods that are not good. Maybe some are not beautiful, so I want to sell it… it’s like
Q: Oh ok.
- Yeah I agree, maybe some people don’t care about the quality and just want to make money.
Q: So what improvements can we make to avoid that?
- One of the solutions for that is to call a professional from the health department, I mean, he
can control the food.
- Or maybe you can give some standards to the owners, like you work with natural, products.
So you can be sure that you will never have sanitary problems. It’s cheaper than if someone
from the health department comes to control.
- Yeah and you can do like a list of requirements for the restaurateur? You can put “local fruits”
or “no chemical fertilisers in the food”.
- Yeah and for the private individual you can do the same. For example if someone calls you
and says he wants to sell something, you show him the list of criteria.
Q: Ok, we take notes! And what do you think if we work with professional producers? Like
B to B.
- No because the originality is to work with small producers.
- For me I think it can be better, for the quality, safety of product or its size.
- Yes, it’s safer.
- I disagree because for me, the concept is to work with people like us, normal people, not
professional people.
- If you work with professional producers I think the price would be very high.
- No, I prefer working with non-professional people…
- Just one thing, how would you do? Your company would have many costs like transport.
Q: No because actually with local people, it’s not far.
- Yeah but it’s not only one person. You have to go into many houses. And if you want the
quality control of product, it’s expensive.
Q: I understand your point but at the restaurant are you ready to pay more to have these
products? Which are local and natural. And knowing that it comes from single person,
not professional.
- If the veggies are natural yes.
- Why not!
- Yes, but you say your food is natural, how do we know that?
The products come from local and non-professional people. They cultivate product for
themselves, not like a mass production. So the fruits are good.
- What I mean is, how do we know that this potato or this fruit in particular comes from local
Q: The restaurant would tell you. If the restaurant is used to cook with natural or local
products, it won’t change anything for them.
- And for the other restaurants?
Q: They can say on the menu “the products from this menu are natural and local”. Or not
only on the menu; they can say “all our fruits and veggies come from local people”.
- If it’s the case, ok.
Q: So in that case are you willing to pay a higher price? Comparing to a normal restaurant.
- Yes!
- I don’t think so because going to restaurant is expensive already. So I can’t pay more.
- Yeah, in theory I like the concept but maybe I will do it just one time to see. I’m afraid the price
is too high.
- Honestly your idea is good but I don’t really care about natural or organic foods… When I go to
the restaurant I just want to enjoy my dinner, I don’t ask questions about the food!
- For me it’s ok I can pay more.
-A little thing, but…I don’t know if all the restaurants around your area would be interested.
Maybe some of them for their image. Maybe one restaurant out of one hundred you know.

Q: Oh ok. Well, do you have something to add?
- I like your idea but you have to change a lot of things.
- Like the sanitary problems.
- Excuse me but I have a doubt in your project, because in the side of the restaurant, they all
think about the quality of the product. For example, this month I buy 200 kilos of good
tomatoes from people and the next month I have no enough quality tomatoes, so it’s the
problem for me, for the restaurant. I’m not sure to have the same quality of tomatoes
- It’s not stable for the supplier, maybe this month I have vacation, I will go to China! (laughs)
- Yes, every month you won’t have the same amount of tomatoes.
Q: Hum, ok guys, thanks for your enthusiasm! Now let’s go to the last idea.

[THIRD IDEA: The Calldating restaurant]
Q: Ok, so for the last idea, how often do you go to restaurant?
Food again! (laughs)
Q: Yes but this idea is different! (laughs) So?
- Twice a month.
- One per month.
- Three times per month, I love restaurants.
- One per month.
- Maybe three per year.
- One per month.
Q: With whom do you go to restaurant?
- With my family, my friends.
- Me too, in group.
- More with my friends.
- With my family, friends or boyfriend it depends on the occasion.
- I don’t have girlfriend so just with my friends. (laughs)
- With friends.
Q: Why do you go to the restaurant?
- Because I’m bored to cook! (laughs)
- Because I want to eat something new, something different from my daily cuisine.
- The same.
- Me too and also for a special occasion like birthdays.
- Yes, me too, to have fun with people around a good dinner.
- No reason, just I want to go to the restaurant.

Q: In general how far is the restaurant?
- In the city centre.
- I think it will depend, it depends… For example, in Cannes, there is a good restaurant of
pizzas… So when I go to Cannes I will eat a pizza… It depends on where I am. And what I want.
It changes all the time.
- It depends also on what you do after. For example if you go to the cinema, the restaurant will
be close to it.
- For me it’s in the centre of the city.
- For me I don’t have the driving licence so it’s not far, I can go by walk or with my friends car.
- I don’t know it depends on so many things. But if it’s a very good restaurant I can go far for
Q: Great. What kind of food do you eat the most when you go out? Any kind but like… the
more often.
- It’s very simple; if I want Italian I go to the Italian restaurant. If I want sushi I go to the
- I don’t know it depends. I like to change.
- Sushi.
- I change so I don’t know. Actually everything! Sushi, Seafoods, French, Pastas, I don’t like to
eat always the same thing.
- For me it’s Italian restaurants like the pizzas in Cannes. (laughs)
- ...Excuse me but for me, pizza is not restaurant, you can it pizzas at home.
I see your point but you have Italian restaurants serving pizzas and pastas, or homemade
burgers restaurants. They are not fast food like McDonalds but restaurants. You have a
- Oh ok, so we talk about real food, I mean, for me Fast food is not real food. It’s not restaurant.
I think it depends, because you know, sometimes you want to eat something like junk food. But
sometimes you feel like you want to eat light, for the health.
Q: Ok, how much do you usually pay at the restaurant?
- Maybe 15, 20 euros.
Q: For a menu.
- No, for a menu it’s maybe 20, 25.
- 15, 20 euros
- 18 euros
- 10 euros. I’m sorry but when I go to restaurant it’s 10 euros maximum because in my country
it’s very cheap. So in France I never pay more than 10 euros.
- Maximum 25 euros.
- 15 to 30 euros. It depends on the restaurant. For example Japanese is more expensive.
Q: What do you do after going to the restaurant?
- I take a nap! (laughs) No… maybe I will have an ice cream and I will go shopping.
- I can go to the cinema.
- If it’s light food, I go out after, like party or cinema.
- It depends because sometimes I stay in the restaurant until 23 o’clock or midnight, for special
occasion for example. So in this case after I go home.
- Sometimes parties, sometimes I just go home. It’s 50-50.
- Me too.
Q: And do you go more often for the dinner or the lunch?
- Both.
- More at lunch.
- For the dinner with my friends, for the lunch with my family, it depends.
- It depends on what you do after, and the time you have.
- Yes, if you want to go to party it’s for dinner, if you go to shopping it’s for the lunch
- For the dinner, I prefer the atmosphere… with the light and candles. (laughs)
Q: Ok! If we propose you to enjoy a dinner and to meet people… You enjoy your dinner and
you can meet people at the same time.
- Like dating?
Q: Yes, a kind of.
- That’s a good idea.
- But alone to find a boyfriend?
Q: You can come with your friends, but you have the opportunity to meet other people in
the restaurant.
- If I’m not alone it’s a good idea…
- So it’s between a restaurant and a club dating?
Q: Yes!
- I think it’s a little bit… not weird but complicated. Because the goal of going to the restaurant
is to be with your friends, not to meet new friends.
- Yeah but if it’s between a bar and restaurant, you can go with your best friend for example,
maybe you want to meet other people to join their party after… So for me it’s a good idea,
maybe one time per month.
Q: Ok! And if the people in the restaurant are only young people?
- I don’t understand.
- We are not supposed to be with our own friends?
Q: Like you are not just going to eat and enjoy with your friends. You can also meet other
young people. It’s an extra!
- Ok but how do you meet people? You just walk to their table and talk to them? It’s strange…
For me, I’m shy, I would never do that.
- I agree.
- Yeah and if I’m with my friends I don’t want to quit the table and leave them. Or maybe I
would be afraid of disturbing the other table.
Q: We understand, that’s why we want to put a phone on each table. So from your place
you can call another table.
- It’s strange, it’s like I’m asking for a friend!
Q: No because you are already with your friends at the restaurant. It’s just that if you
want you can meet other people.
- I would do this but not for a restaurant, more for a pub.
Q: Ok, so if it’s just a normal restaurant, not classy, like young and quick foods like pizzas
or pastas.
- Can you remember one moment where you ate in a pizza restaurant and you met people
Q: No, that’s why we thought of this concept. It’s an original concept where only young
people can come to have a drink or to eat. You have a phone on your table and you can
call another table if you want.
Q: For example, at the restaurant you see some guys on another table, you call them and
say “hi”!
- Ok, but call it a restaurant it’s… You should find another name for that. Even if it’s for young
people… restaurant is not the good word for that.
Q: It can be a pub if you prefer. Actually you can do what you want, just have a drink or
- Even for a pub, I don’t think in France we have this mentality.
- Yeah, here we are more nightclubs.
- I think she is right; we don’t have this state of mind.
Q: Ok but here, it’s young people, it’s particular. Imagine, the restaurant, pub or whatever
is close to your university. You go there, and if you are shy and don’t want to talk face-toface, you can talk to the phone. They don’t know that is you.
- I think it’s really weird!
- You can maybe change your concept, this kind of service. For example, you have a seat, there
are so many choices for restaurants, for example, today I want to go to the pizza in Cannes. I’m
lonely, I’m single, I want to find a single person to eat with me, so I will register in this
restaurant, in your website. I… I fill in a form, like I create a profile. I say what I want to eat and
what I want to do after.
Someone sees my profile and maybe he says “oh it sounds great”. Maybe I can find someone
who wants to do the same thing! And your company makes the reservation for us.
Q: So we’re a kind of event, meal organisers?
- Yeah!
- When you are in groups, and you go to the restaurant, it’s easier than if you go alone. When
you are in groups, with your friends, it can be one of your friends that connects you to another
boy. So you don’t really need a phone for that.
- And with the food, I think the main point is that the food can be anything else. It’s not very
important to have a real menu, a big menu. But just appetizers, tapas…
Q: Ok.
- The purpose is for people to meet other people?
Q: Yes!
- So I think what you can do is… not really having a restaurant, but you can create a website
and work with existing restaurants. On this website, you say “you are alone, you want to eat
but you don’t want to eat alone” So on this website, the alone people can register to find
someone to eat with. And your company, your website put these people in contact. So they can
have a little bit of chatting on the website.
- And maybe the restaurant you work with can propose a special menu or just a main course.
People can apply, subscribe for this. And you say for example “it’s 8 people maximum”.
- And people can chat together before going to restaurant. Maybe they can go there together.
Because if you go to a restaurant alone, and you don’t know anybody, it’s a little bit difficult to
meet someone. It’s like you’re desperate (laughs). That’s why before, on the website, you can
chat, to make the first contact like “what’s your name, what’s your occupation, what kind of
food do you like?”. It’s easier for you to invite this person you already know a little bit. Because I
think it’s very difficult if someone goes and meet directly the other person in the restaurant.
- I agree. Or Maybe there is not client in the restaurant at that moment so you really eat alone
and you wait for someone. And maybe, I mean… would you like to go to the restaurant and
while you’re eating, someone just comes to your table, sit there and say “hello blah blah blah”.
Maybe I’m very hungry I don’t want to!
Q: You sit on the table with your friends, and you can just call another table where people
are with friends. So if you don’t want to talk face-to-face or sit with them, you don’t.
- Maybe you are eating, and imagine the other table is eating too, you want to talk with them,
but they are eating. You don’t want to annoy them.
Q: If you are going in this restaurant, with the phone, you know you are going to call
between each table. So you already know, you are not going to just eat, you won’t feel
bad because all the people are there for the same thing.
- Ok.
Q: If you already know the concept, you know you’re not here to sit. For example before
going to a party, you go to someone’s flat and have an aperitif. You know all the people
there. With our concept, you can have a “before” and meet people.
- Ok, but you have to explain very well the concept.
- And don’t call it like speed dating or just a restaurant because it’s weird.
Q: Ok. And how many tables do you like in restaurants, how many people?
- I don’t know.
- It depends because sometimes the crowded restaurants take a long time to serve your meal.
- Yes and it depends on the occasion.
- Maybe 35, 40.
- I don’t really care! If I don’t want to wait I take away or go to fast food it’s simple.
- Yeah but it’s always good to be in a restaurant with people, not obviously a lot, but enough.
Because an empty restaurant is like sad… you feel alone. Restaurants with people mean that
your food is good.
Q: And how much time do you stay in the restaurant?
- Maybe 2, 3 hours.
- It doesn’t matter the time I spend in the restaurant. Actually for me, I would be more
interested to go at lunch, to have a real break in my day, and enjoy something with my friends.
During the break you forget the stress, your job. You just enjoy your lunchtime. Even if you only
have 2 hours, it’s always great. And maybe there, you can talk with strangers. And I think if the
price is not too high it’s perfect.
Q: So if the restaurant is very close to your school, would you be interested to go there for
lunch, between 12-14?
- Even when you have long break like you know on Monday (laughs), yes. In a school like
SKEMA, there are thousands of people, so I think it’s a good point. If the restaurant is not far
from the school, you can go at lunch or for the afternoon tea. Maybe you can also go there only
to drink something and meet people.
- It’s true, I like it.
- But why not also doing it for companies? Because In Sophia Antipolis there are thousands of
workers. I think it’s better for workers than for students. For students it’s easy to meet people.
You never eat alone. But, if you are an intern in a company, or a new employee, maybe you
want to eat with someone and meet colleagues. I lived that. Last summer I was in a company, I
was the youngest, nobody wanted to eat with me, so I was eating every time alone. So that
can be good for that kind of people. I mean… I don’t like eating alone but you know… when
everybody is older than you, you feel… it’s strange.
- I agree. But if you are in Sophia and you know there are a lot of students, so why not meeting
- Actually we don’t care about being an employee or a student, why not just mix people
Q: Ok, we take notes. Do you have something to add?
- Yes. Maybe you shouldn’t focus on companies, or students, but only on people who want to
eat together, to meet people.
- And also they can build their own network.
- Yes.
Q: Ok, we finished with this idea. So now, what kind of idea is the best for you?
- The last one.
- The last one, it’s a good idea.
- Me too.
- The second one, the local food.
- I think the last one is the best.
- The last one.
Q: Great! Thank you guys!

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Projet marketing final

  • 1. Marline ALBERT Marketing Group M1 Skema Business School Christina PHAN Laura ROSENBERG Ludivine PIERRE Winhan WEI New service How I Met…
  • 2. Throughout this case we have taken conscience that create a new product, provide a new service, make innovation, it is not something easy. There is a lot of thing to take in account. Share idea and share knowledge is the key to be successful. Connect ideas, be critical allow us to find the right idea. To transform, our knowledge into an idea, therefore into an innovation and then into a real service or product, is not an easy task and we need to go throughout a lot of process and reflection. We need to know for Who? When? Where? And Why? We will start this crazy adventure. After we can build our study and make the idea come true. Part 1: Innovation Introduction Create a new service was the rule of the game. To innovate on a service we used the funnelshaped method, consist to make a list of all the idea and confront them to the group and after the potential client. Take three ideas, describe them to a focus group and at the end make an analysis of each and select one. The next step will be to build our marketing study. We started by formed a group of 5 students. And the adventure start. I. Brainstorming We decided two lead our brainstorming in two parts. In a first time each of us took a paper. We started to enumerated different ideas; each idea was interpretive by members differently. We found 4-6 ideas. Member should write down what they will do with this idea how they will arrange it. After 2-3min each of us started to inform other about what they thought on this idea how to remove it… and news ideas just pop-up in our list. We ended up with 10 ideas: o Skema society laundry: Skema has different societies to help the student’s life. So in order to follow this concept we decided to create a society to help student, who haven’t the founding, to do their laundry more easily and cheaper than to buy a machine. Our service include to pick up your laundry at home or to skema, to watch it in one of our student’s machine, and to give you back where you want. If you want to join our society you should have a laundry machine, however for thus who require only the service you should pay only 8 euros by month. o Bakery delivery: In front of your door each morning that you wish you could have ready breakfast. You just have the day before call us to book you breakfast. Just in time breakfast we will promess the best quality and hot croissant.
  • 3. o Cleaner supermarket car: Our Company will provide you to have a clean car after your shopping. You haven’t time to clean your car, we will do it for you when you are busy to do your shopping. Throughout an application on your smartphone you could book a cleaner. Will just have to tell us where you are going to do your shopping and when. You could pay on your smartphone or in cash an amount of 3euros. o Book your trend: it’s an application on your phone that you can get for 5euros by month to know where latest trendy restaurants or bars are. You will get some discount if you have our application. In the other hand restaurant and bar will pay us a certain amount to figure in our book. We will help you to not lose a good opportunity to spend your lunch or dinner time in a nice restaurant and we will provide more customers to the restaurant. o Just in time cook restaurant: don’t tell that you never ask yourself about what you have in your plat when you are going to the restaurant. If it is legitimate to pay this price for what you eat. Our restaurant will provide you the certitude to know what you are eaten. And to teach you how to prepare it. You always ask yourself how the cooker made it, we will answer it now. Each Tuesday you can come to our restaurant to try our new recipe with our “chef” and degusted after it. The price will be around 80euros by person and it will be provide for only 15 people. o Born card iphone: in the city of Cannes you will find small born where you could recharge your smartphone or iphone. You will just need to buy a card in order to replace your “heavy” charger. And clip it to the born, place your phone on it and wait. You will find that kind of born in restaurant, pubic place, pub… you could buy this card in our store and we will provide an application to find easily a born near your area. o Supermarket pack-man: Everybody have experimented the huge queue on the supermarket after the work. Our company will provide pack-man in some of our retailer partner (Carrefour, leclere…) to help the flux of people. No need any more to be in rush to pack, just need to pay your shopping. And the best it’s this service will be for free. Our client will be the retailer. We will provide them a better flow of client and reduce the wait. Over those 10 ideas three get all off our attention. And after a vote this following ideas where, in our point of view the best: o Transporter: SAM who is the employee of our company. SAM is the person who is waiting for you call. You could check the list of our employee throughout an application on your smartphone. He is the person who does not drink and the person who drive you back home with your own car after the party. Like this you can go to the party when you want with your car and come back safely, and you and your entire friend could enjoy dance and drink.
  • 4. SAM is known from all french people because the french government did a campaign against drunk drivers , “the one who drives , is the one who does not drink” , and in the ad the driver name was SAM. The price it’s fix 15euros no matter how many you will be. We decided to select this one because we where agree that taxi in France are really expensive and the common transport not really often. As student we will agree that if that possibility exists we will take it. o Platform: we will put in relation person who produce fruits and vegetable in their garden for their personal consumption with local restaurant. In fact if there is an overproduction they can sell to local restaurant. It is a way to make money easily. Our company has a website where you can check which restaurant can be interested in your product. In other hand restaurant can be part of it but should pay to appear in our website. We will provide them to find what they need near to their location and cheaper than in supermarket. Moreover we will provide them a free promotion throughout the producer and, a better image with local and, fresh products. We chose this idea since the beginning we where an exact idea of what will be the concept. For other supermarket pack-man this idea exists already in India, China, Uk, so we decided to avoid it. Same for clean your car and book your trend. For recharge born this idea was eliminated because we already make our choice with the three other. o CallEating: restaurant where you can go with your friend for a dinner before going out to nightclub. You will seat on a table with a phone place in the center. Each table has a number and with the phone of your table you can call other table. Nobody know that it is you, you will reveal your identity if you wish. Our restaurant provide you a nice dinner and to have the chance to meet new friend or more. Most of our ideas were focus on restaurant or place to eat. So we decided to select only one of these. Just in time was a good idea but we should deal with too much “technical” element as the kitchen, the place… so we prefer to chose the funny one.
  • 5. II. Our three ideas IDEA 1: THE TRANSPORTER People have their own car and go party in Juan Les Pins. They are with friends and have a lot of fun. However everybody get drunk in the process and forgot to select the “nondrinking-guy” before the party. So they have their car but cannot drive back home because it's dangerous. They can also be controlled by the law enforcement and lose their driving license. To resolve this problem, they could call one of our members. This member could be student who also lives in the same area. So this driver would come to the place where the partiers are and drive them back home with their own car. He would after go back on his own. We are a company which hires people who want to make money and who do not mind working at night. How does it work for the partiers? You can charge an application on your Smartphone which provide our service, where we can book our driver and even maybe make a contact before leaving to the party so that will be sure to have someone picking us up. Partiers contact us or send a request on the application, before their party and indicate to us the night club, around when they think come back home, how many, and where they live. They can also send us a message in our Facebook page. This service will have a fix cost of 15 euros each time they would use it. It is cheaper than a taxi and if there are several people they can share the charges. The plus point is that when they go to party, they can use their own car so move around freely. IDEA 2: THE PLATFORM The Platform is a company that connects producers and restaurants via a platform on Internet. On one hand there is a person who has a garden and cultivates fruits and vegetables. The goal of our company is, if the producer overproduces and does not know what to do with this excess he can contact us to find buyers exclusively restaurant from the area where he lives. On the other hand, restaurateurs are used to buy in supermarkets products which are from different country. Nowadays restaurants should deal with a new trend which is to “eat product what are produce in France or in your region”. People ask themselves about what they eat and if they pay the right price of what they have in their plat. They look for the best value; make the best profit, but also for practicality and image. Indeed, they get some food by habit but also because they do not know or do not have time to explore other options. Through our website, we want to connect these two parts. Restaurateurs would pay us for searching for small producers that want to sell their surplus. We would also be responsible for prospecting, linking and delivering the food to the restaurants.
  • 6. For the producers, these services would be free of charge and they could fix the price of their food as they like. After we will see which restaurant would pay this price. Other benefits from our company it’s that the entire producer will promote “indirectly” the restaurant where they sold their product. It is a free way to promote the restaurant. We want to change habits and educate people by showing that local/natural foods are not necessarily more expensive than the others. Restaurants win on all fronts: quality, image and customers. As individuals, they could make a profit by selling their overproduction and avoid waste. In conclusion, The Platform is part of an ecological, economic and social dimension. IDEA 3: THE CALLEATING The CallEating restaurant is a nightly restaurant for students that want to enjoy more than a diner, a place to have fun and to try to escape the daily stress of life. It is a nice restaurant to come with friends and meet people. With the growing demand from students for always trying something new and innovative, we decided to connect two services: find a date and have an enjoyable diner. Our uniqueness would be to create a place where customers can socialize with each other in a comfortable and relaxing environment. All the tables would be provided with a phone. People who eat on a table could call other tables in the restaurant and knowing each other. Store design will be both visually attractive to customers, and designed for fast and efficient operations. The design will be unique and original. We will have an inside only. In global we could receive 55 seats. We will be in the business of helping our customers to relieve their daily stresses around a diner and by providing dating and meet other boys or girls. To build a strong base of loyal customers, The CallEating restaurant will capitalize on its proximity to the high schools and universities. Indeed, market studies showed that students are most likely to spend in a good diner and have fun with friends. Proximity to city center and to university campus would provide access to the targeted customer audience. Our market research shows that these are discerning customers that gravitate around 18 to 27 years old. As restaurant we will provide diner only with two sets, however we will provide another service that is to find a partner and meet good friend. We would offer a fixed and quick 12 euros menu of different kinds: Asian, Spanish, etc. For the single drinks/dishes, the prices would be the following; Starters: 5 to 8 euros Drinks: Around 3.50 to 8 euros Main courses: 10 euros Desserts: 5 euros
  • 7. III. Focus Group ANALYSIS OF THE DISCUSSION IDEA 1: THE TRANSPORTER When you go to a party and you are too much drunk to drive yourself back home, a driver comes to you and drive you back home with your own car. At first, when we presented the concept, people were very interested and delighted by the service. Initially they like the idea that somebody will come to pick them up, mainly because this service was cheaper than taking a taxi. Moreover, they thought this service will be a good idea, it will allow them to have some freedom, because it’s their own car so they can move around (changing nightclub, go to the restaurant before…) wherever they want to. However, then when we got into the details, with more specifics questions, they started to become sceptical. Firstly they wanted to know more about the driver, on how will he come, how will he go back, and could they trust him with their car. Because it was quite difficult for some of them to understand how the driver will go back one’s that he drop them in their home. Also, some of them realized that they won’t trust a stranger to drive their car. Moreover, with their inputs we realized that they were some tricky problems in the realization of the concept. When the people leave for the party, if there is five persons leaving for the party then at the end the 5 of them can’t go back because with the driver place, one person will be left alone. Secondly, there are some legal problems, because the rules for the workers at night are very strict and regulated in France. So we may face some legal problem on employing young drivers who might be students at night. And the wages for the people who work at night is quite high, so we need to take in to account that factor of cost too. In addiction if this service is solicited a lot then we might become competitors for the taxi service, so we might have some obligations to pay taxes and respect some regulations. And last but not least, we might have some major issue with insurance. Because in France when you take an insurance policy for a car then only the persons who are insured with this car are allowed to drive that car. So the driver that we provide cannot drive the car of the customers without a special insurance policy which will be quite expensive. In conclusion this idea seems to be a good concept which could have interested a lot of people, but when we do a deep analysis we realize that we have to confront a lot of legal and feasibly and cost related problems.
  • 8. ANALYSIS OF THE DISCUSSION IDEA 2: THE PLATFORM Put in link local restaurants and people who have too much fruits or vegetables in their garden in order to sell them. If people have too much fruits in their garden, they said that they would probably give it to someone for free. A participant said that she would sell it in front of her house even before we told her our concept. She nevertheless insisted on the fact that she would do it only if she really has too much fruits, which means that we probably cannot target any customer who has fruits in his garden but people who really have a big quantity of extra. At that moment, we directly realized that it was a good idea, people could be interested in. However, even if people are interested in selling their surplus, they are afraid it would take too much time. So if we want our project to be functional, we have to be well organized in the food collection. During the tutorial session, we were concentrated on the good and innovative parts of the project and forgot a big point. Indeed, two interviewees highlighted a problem of security: If the quality of the owner’s fruits or vegetables is not good, it can have a problem of responsibility for the restaurant who bought it. Inasmuch as they are not professional we do not know if they have treated their fruits or vegetables with chemical product or if the fruits are really fresh. It is an aspect we completely did not think about. Finally, that is not so easy to deal with food. To resolve this issue, an interviewee gave the idea to work with a health professional that could control the food with standards. In this case, the price would really be higher than what we expected at the first place. We asked if working with non-professional producers could be another alternative to the sanitary problem but most of people disagreed. In their opinion, our uniqueness is to work with people like them. If we change this point, we would not be innovative anymore or different from another company. Moreover, this option would also increase the restaurant prices. About this point, not all the participants would be willing to pay more; even if the meal is fresh and local. With this concept in its present state, there is also a problem of quantity. The stock of fruits and vegetables would not be the same from a month to another. To avoid that, we should be careful not to rely only on these small producers to get the food. We could for example create a website, in order to allow people who want to sell their extras fruits or vegetables to order it on the website, or to call us as they prefer. It is a very good point for the restaurants to cook with local and natural products since they have not been treated with chemicals. Some people are interested in this aspect. They asked several times how they could be sure to eat those natural products. We suggested writing it on a sign but we have to admit that it is not enough to guarantee anything. In conclusion, this idea interests people. Giving the opportunity to people to sell their surplus in order to earn money and avoid waste is an innovative concept. However, it is not enough to run the business. There are many costs to take into account such as the control of quality of fruits, the price of transport… So, to be bankable and feasible, we need to be more realistic and change a lot of things.
  • 9. ANALYSIS OF THE DISCUSSION IDEA 3: THE CALLEATING In our restaurant each table is equipped of a number and a phone. You can have a dinner and enjoy meeting people calling other table with your phone table. In general, people like restaurants and go there about once per month. Participants want to eat something different and share a good moment with friends and family. Actually, they never go to the restaurant alone. This is our first obstacle because we wanted to create a place where people can meet other people. Someone said that the aim of going to the restaurant is to be in group, not to meet new people. For other people, meeting new friends is a good idea. However, name it “Call-eating” or “speed dating” is not a good thing. The second problem was about the phone. We thought that putting a phone on each table would be the most amazing part of the project. We imagined that people would come to our restaurant for this “Call-eating”…The discussion showed us that the phone cannot be our uniqueness. The phone sounded like a gadget, it is not enough to attract people over the long term. Some people prefer going to the restaurant at lunch and for other people for the dinner. Since we thought about being a nightly restaurant, we realized that being opened during the day could be interesting. However, according to other participants, we should not be a restaurant anymore but a kind of events organizer. They think we could develop a website. And some of them suggested making contact with people on this website. For them, it can be easier to meet people, rather than going somewhere and not being sure about finding someone. So if we base our activity on the Internet, it will decrease some costs such as rent, waiters, cookers… This point seems well matched with the fact that all those interviewees are changeable. They can eat pizzas today and sushi the next week. They can go far but also stay close to their home. After the meal, they can go out or go back home. A participant submitted the idea of working with existing restaurants instead of having our own. Since people are not fixed, it could be the opportunity to offer changing food in different places, so maybe a way to attract people from different cities. This option would also be a way not to be bored by our services, like a constant innovation. Last but not least, participants did not see the interest of being between students, young people only. They are opened to meet new people whatever their occupation because it is just about having fun and enjoying a good meal. And, why do not develop their social network? In conclusion, this idea seems promising but we have to change a lot of things too. We also have to reach an agreement on the place, the target or the media used to run the business because at the moment this concept is wobbly.
  • 10. IV. Birth of our new service During the focus group we received many comments and advices from the interviewees. What they said made us realize that we have to adapt our three ideas if we want them to work. Nevertheless we chose to work on the CallEating restaurant, a place where people can meet other people. Indeed, we would not work on The Transporter project because there is mainly an ethical problem. People have a lot of problems to assess the fact that the drive one’s he drop the customer goes back by is on mean. Also during this discussion we discover that this kind of concept already exists in Asian countries but the laws and regulation in France are very different and strict from the political regulations in those countries, therefore it turn out that realizing this kind of service will be difficult in France. The other major problem is this insurance policy for the car and the driver must have a very special insurance to drive the customer’s car and the wages for people who work at night are quite high. And finally even tough people think positively about this concept they are skeptical, because they are not ready to trust a stranger to drive their car. Therefore is concept seems to be pretty difficult to be realized. About the second idea of connecting restaurants to small producers, we thought that eating a fresh meal at the restaurant was the most important and attractive point but actually the interviewees were much more concerned by the sanitary aspect of the concept. They felt suspicious about what could be on their plate. If we think about working with somebody from the health department, we have the raise our tariffs. At the same time, not everybody is ready to pay more since going to the restaurant is already expensive, even if the food is natural. We would also have many costs like transport. So it seems that we are stuck in this concept. Therefore, we decided to work on the third idea: the CallEating restaurant. By choosing it, we would have less disadvantages and so, more freedom. Nevertheless, this is not the only reason. Indeed, after the focus group, we talked together and noticed that the conversation about this idea was the longest. Participants were more involved in this project and gave pieces of advice. This talk engendered a lot of comments; negative comments but also positive. This decision was also comforted by the fact that five interviewees out of six chose this idea. The discussion opened numerous possibilities such as being an event organizer. We could also move from a restaurant to another and enlarge out target of customers for example.
  • 11. Before the focus group, we thought that our three ideas were innovative enough and that they could work in the raw. However, we learned a lot from the discussion with the participants. All the criticisms are useful. They made us see the advantages and drawbacks of each idea. They also helped us to see larger and to imagine things we never thought about. It happened that the interviewees answered and asked questions between each other, as if we do not exist. It was interesting because they made the concepts alive and they submitted new possibilities. When the problems were point out in the focus group for each idea, the problems were some majors issues for the idea of the Transporter and The platform. Indeed, for the first idea it involved the laws and regulations but also some insurance policy issues which are really tricky and expensive. And for the second idea it involved the sanitary measures which are really big issue in France. In our position, dealing with those kind of problems was not realistic. However, the idea of Call-eating restaurant seems to interest much more and with the inputs we were able to think about adjustment at alternative to sort out the problems which were pointed out. So since we have chosen this idea, we will think about developing it by taking the comments in consideration. So the main concept remains the same: create a space to make people meet each other. It could be any kind of meet, and the idea of the restaurant it’s because it’s a place related to relaxation and having a good much to relive the everyday life stress. In the upcoming development of our project, the concept of our service will follow the directive which consists of creating platforms for people to meet each other, have a good time together and enjoy good food. This could be any form of connection: professional, emotional, friendship...any kind of relationship is possible and we called it: HOW I MET...!
  • 12. Appendix [FIRST IDEA: The Transporter, drive you home safely with your car] QUESTIONER: Hello guys, thanks for coming today! Make yourself at home, take some candies and have a drink! .. So shall we start? Let’s start with something related to fun! Since you are students and young adults I assume that you guys like to go out and have fun right? - Yes you can say that! (Laugh) - Of course we have to enjoy our youth and our life right. With whom do you usually go party? - Actually I don’t go that much often.. but generally it’s with my best friend. - Me with my friends, we love to go out and we are a gang.. we go in groups - I go with my boyfriend - I also go with some of my friends - Me too When we talk about party we can’t avoid one of the main elements : alcohol. Do you guys often get drunk? (Laughs) - Yes you can say that .. Sometimes I can’t remember anything the next morning - Me too I have some pretty good stories about what happens is parties - No I don’t get drunk because I don’t drink alcohol actually - Me neither - Something I can’t because I have to be SAM* - Yes I also like to get drunk in parties And so how do you get back home when you go to party? - By foot when it’s not too far - With my friends by car - With my bike - Me too with my friends something we take the first train or bus the next morning (laughs) - I also go back by car with my car. - Call a taxi sometimes .. but it’s expensive! And ..When you are drunk, how do you do it? - I don’t drink alcohol - Usually we choose a SAM* between us before leaving for the party - We also choose a SAM before the party - Sometime I sleep in my car because I can’t drive (laughs) - My boyfriend drives me back home.
  • 13. So some of you said that your pick a SAM before leaving for the party is it sometime hard to choose a SAM ? Do you guys fight with your friends about this ? - Since I don’t drink I am usually SAM - I don’t have a car and don’t have a driving licence yet so .. - Yes we had some discussion about this that didn’t end well with my friends sometimes. - We play rock paper scissors to choose the SAM - Yes with my friends to fight each other because everybody wants to enjoy the party and nobody wants to be SAM ! Well ! There is a concept that we imagined and this idea will maybe interest some of you and we called it the TRANSPORTER. You go to the party that you want to with everybody you want too. Everyone can enjoy the party and get drunk. No one has to be SAM. Our company provides you a driver service. So basically, at the end of the party you want to get back home but nobody is feet to drive the car … so you call us and we send you a driver who comes and drives you back you and your friends home with your own car. In that way everybody can enjoy the party .. no more discussion .. no more fight between friends. To have access to the service you can make a reservation before leaving for the party. For example you already know that tonight even before leaving that is party is going to be huge and that everybody is going to get drunk in that case, you can tell us by posting a message on our facebook pages or by calling us that you are probably going to need someone to get you back home tonight. Or the other scenario is: you are already at the party and didn’t predict that everybody will get drunk and you are stuck there because nobody is able to drive and you can leave the car there. In any case you can call us and we will try to provide you a driver. The price will be 15 euros for each time to ask for this service and it may go above 15 euros if the ride is too long. - Oh I like it!! (laughs) - This could be interesting - But how will the driver come to us? He will come by his own mean. We will try to find some drivers who are near the place where the party is happening. - 15 euros. Does it cover everything? Yes 15 euros is the starting price because we have to cover our charges + the salary of the driver. And when the price goes above .. it will always be less than if you have had to call a cab. - And we use our own car right? Yes the main point is that the driver will drive back you and your friends home safely and get also your car home without a scratch. And since it’s your car you can move wherever to want for example you can start your evening in a restaurant and drive freely to the party, you are free of your movements. What do you think about the price? Would you use this service?
  • 14. - I think that the price is attractive and if this service is really well organized then I would probably use this service. - Yes i think 15 euros is not that much excessive .. and since we are girls this could really be interesting. - I will be interested too .. but we could have some problems because for x reason the driver doesn’t come to pick us up. - I wouldn’t because I don’t think that I can trust a stranger with my car. - Oh ya ! me too .. I love my car so I just cannot let anybody drive it. - … But won’t this service rise some issues? What do you mean.. can you elaborate about this? And you guys do you find any problems with this concept? - I mean if this service is really successful and you have a lots of demands then you won’t be able to satisfy everybody and some might get stuck at the party. - Also I just thought about this .. imagine I have a car with only 2 seats and I want to go to the party with my girl friend .. then I can’t use your service to return home. - Yes he is right .. and even if we have a car with 5 seats and we are a group of 5 friends leaving for the party .. at the end we can’t leave one alone.. it won’t be fair for him. Ok! And you guys? - I think they’re can be some legal problem .. because if the service is used a lot then you have some problems with taxes and in france working at night has some pretty strict regulations so you need to be careful … also because paying employees who are working at night might turn out to be really expensive. I know someone who have a nightclub and he told me that the wages of his employes was something important for him. - And talking about taxes .. do you guys think about the insurance. Usually in france you can’t drive somebody else car if you are not insured with their car. So, I will be problematic because the driver can’t be insured with all the car that he is going to drive. So! Thank you guys for your inputs .. this is really helpful for us! we will try to discuss all the problems that you have pointed out. Last question: What would you conclude about this concept? - Personally , I think the idea is really interesting - Me too, but I am a bit doubtful about the feasibility. - I think this kind of thing exist in China .. but I don’t know if the laws in France will permit to do the same here. - I am a bit sceptical too .. because trust a stranger with your car and your life .. I don’t know if I really would. - Yes me neither. Okay ! Thank you everyone! [SECOND IDEA: The Platform, connecting local producers to restaurants] Questioner: Ok so now, forget everything about car drivers and parties. (laughs)
  • 15. Imagine that you have your own garden where you cultivate fruits and vegetables. One day, you have more carrots and tomatoes than expected. What do you do with this surplus? - I sell it. - I give it to someone. - If I can I sell it. - Give it to restaurant or sell it. - I’ll give it to my friends. - Yes or to neighbours. Q: Ok. As some of you just said, you would sell it. So where and how would you do that? - It depends but I think I don’t have many foods to sell… - Maybe in shops or restaurants. - I don’t know. - I ask people in my neighbourhood. - I ask my neighbours or friends for example if they want my tomatoes. - I just sell it in front of my house. Q: Like make a shop in front of your house? - Not like a shop but, how to explain… Q: Do you think people would come? - Yes! In Nice or cities like La Gaude or Saint Paul de Vence, there are many, many people who sell vegetables. Q: How? - In front of their house. People write the hour on a sign and promote it in a bus stop for example. Q: It’s interesting! Some of you would give the surplus for free to neighbours, but what do you think about selling it? To make more money. - Why not! - I never have too much money so it’s good! (laughs) - Yes but I don’t know how to sell it. - Hum, I need to say, if…I mean, if it’s in my garden, I would eat it because I cultivated for me. Q: Yes, but if you have an extra? You have too much to eat, you can’t eat it alone. - I mean for me, there is no rent of selling it, because it’s possible that I have another activity, I mean, I work… - For me, I don’t have time to go and sell it. - Yes, me too. Q: If we provide you the service that makes into contact with the buyer, what do you think? You are the seller, and we arrange, you have nothing to do except to tell us “I have more tomatoes, can you come and take it?” - Take it for what? Q: Take it to the restaurant, the local restaurants that want to attract customers with local products.
  • 16. - Why not… - Can I ask you not to sell it and give it for free? - I don’t see your point… If you have your own garden, you cultivate what you need so why selling it? - Can I just call you and ask you to come and pick it up? Only to give, not to sell my veggies? Q: Yeah, you can do that. But for example you know a restaurant on your local area and you have no time to meet the owner and give him your fruits. We can do that. You have nothing to pay. The restaurant will pay you. But if you want to give for free it’s your choice. - Ah ok. Q: Now only consider that the restaurant gives you money in exchange of your fruits, they buy it, what do you think? - Yeah… - It’s a good idea. - For me if I can make money why not. - Yes if we don’t have to pay. - Yes but I think it’s complicated. - But how do you make money? I mean, your company. Q: We’re the contact link between the client and the buyer. You call us, you say “I have 10 tomatoes, can you sell it at that price?”, and we contact all of the local restaurants who need tomatoes. We do all of the things and we will give you money after it. - Yeah but where is your profit in there? Q: The restaurant pays us to have contact with the producer. If restaurants are not able to have that kind of contacts, of clients, they pay us to find the producers. - So the price is high. Q: Not necessarily, because for you, it’s like an extra salary. We work with the restaurants that can’t do that. We work with restaurants who want to use local products not like just profit. - What’s about the traceability of the products? - I see… There is a big problem. A problem of security, we don’t know if the vegetable or food is safe… I can put some poison in the food! Q: Would you want to kills us? (Laughs) - Maybe I’m mad! - Finally it’s the same problem as in normal restaurant, sometimes you have good food, sometimes not. - Yes, and sometimes you have a stomach ache. - For me I think it’s more difficult for the truth, the quality...the size...or the weight of the vegetables. Because for example I have so many foods in my garden. But maybe there are some foods that are not good. Maybe some are not beautiful, so I want to sell it… it’s like lavish.
  • 17. Q: Oh ok. - Yeah I agree, maybe some people don’t care about the quality and just want to make money. Q: So what improvements can we make to avoid that? - One of the solutions for that is to call a professional from the health department, I mean, he can control the food. - Or maybe you can give some standards to the owners, like you work with natural, products. So you can be sure that you will never have sanitary problems. It’s cheaper than if someone from the health department comes to control. - Yeah and you can do like a list of requirements for the restaurateur? You can put “local fruits” or “no chemical fertilisers in the food”. - Yeah and for the private individual you can do the same. For example if someone calls you and says he wants to sell something, you show him the list of criteria. Q: Ok, we take notes! And what do you think if we work with professional producers? Like B to B. - No because the originality is to work with small producers. - For me I think it can be better, for the quality, safety of product or its size. - Yes, it’s safer. - I disagree because for me, the concept is to work with people like us, normal people, not professional people. - If you work with professional producers I think the price would be very high. - No, I prefer working with non-professional people… - Just one thing, how would you do? Your company would have many costs like transport. Q: No because actually with local people, it’s not far. - Yeah but it’s not only one person. You have to go into many houses. And if you want the quality control of product, it’s expensive. Q: I understand your point but at the restaurant are you ready to pay more to have these products? Which are local and natural. And knowing that it comes from single person, not professional. - If the veggies are natural yes. - Why not! - Yes, but you say your food is natural, how do we know that? The products come from local and non-professional people. They cultivate product for themselves, not like a mass production. So the fruits are good. - What I mean is, how do we know that this potato or this fruit in particular comes from local people? Q: The restaurant would tell you. If the restaurant is used to cook with natural or local products, it won’t change anything for them. - And for the other restaurants? Q: They can say on the menu “the products from this menu are natural and local”. Or not only on the menu; they can say “all our fruits and veggies come from local people”. - If it’s the case, ok. Q: So in that case are you willing to pay a higher price? Comparing to a normal restaurant.
  • 18. - Yes! - I don’t think so because going to restaurant is expensive already. So I can’t pay more. - Yeah, in theory I like the concept but maybe I will do it just one time to see. I’m afraid the price is too high. - Honestly your idea is good but I don’t really care about natural or organic foods… When I go to the restaurant I just want to enjoy my dinner, I don’t ask questions about the food! - For me it’s ok I can pay more. -A little thing, but…I don’t know if all the restaurants around your area would be interested. Maybe some of them for their image. Maybe one restaurant out of one hundred you know. Q: Oh ok. Well, do you have something to add? - I like your idea but you have to change a lot of things. - Like the sanitary problems. - Excuse me but I have a doubt in your project, because in the side of the restaurant, they all think about the quality of the product. For example, this month I buy 200 kilos of good tomatoes from people and the next month I have no enough quality tomatoes, so it’s the problem for me, for the restaurant. I’m not sure to have the same quality of tomatoes - It’s not stable for the supplier, maybe this month I have vacation, I will go to China! (laughs) - Yes, every month you won’t have the same amount of tomatoes. Q: Hum, ok guys, thanks for your enthusiasm! Now let’s go to the last idea. [THIRD IDEA: The Calldating restaurant] Q: Ok, so for the last idea, how often do you go to restaurant? Food again! (laughs) Q: Yes but this idea is different! (laughs) So? - Twice a month. - One per month. - Three times per month, I love restaurants. - One per month. - Maybe three per year. - One per month. Q: With whom do you go to restaurant? - With my family, my friends. - Me too, in group. - More with my friends. - With my family, friends or boyfriend it depends on the occasion. - I don’t have girlfriend so just with my friends. (laughs) - With friends. Q: Why do you go to the restaurant?
  • 19. - Because I’m bored to cook! (laughs) - Because I want to eat something new, something different from my daily cuisine. - The same. - Me too and also for a special occasion like birthdays. - Yes, me too, to have fun with people around a good dinner. - No reason, just I want to go to the restaurant. Q: In general how far is the restaurant? - In the city centre. - I think it will depend, it depends… For example, in Cannes, there is a good restaurant of pizzas… So when I go to Cannes I will eat a pizza… It depends on where I am. And what I want. It changes all the time. - It depends also on what you do after. For example if you go to the cinema, the restaurant will be close to it. - For me it’s in the centre of the city. - For me I don’t have the driving licence so it’s not far, I can go by walk or with my friends car. - I don’t know it depends on so many things. But if it’s a very good restaurant I can go far for that. Q: Great. What kind of food do you eat the most when you go out? Any kind but like… the more often. - It’s very simple; if I want Italian I go to the Italian restaurant. If I want sushi I go to the Japanese. - I don’t know it depends. I like to change. - Sushi. - I change so I don’t know. Actually everything! Sushi, Seafoods, French, Pastas, I don’t like to eat always the same thing. - For me it’s Italian restaurants like the pizzas in Cannes. (laughs) - ...Excuse me but for me, pizza is not restaurant, you can it pizzas at home. I see your point but you have Italian restaurants serving pizzas and pastas, or homemade burgers restaurants. They are not fast food like McDonalds but restaurants. You have a waiter. - Oh ok, so we talk about real food, I mean, for me Fast food is not real food. It’s not restaurant. I think it depends, because you know, sometimes you want to eat something like junk food. But sometimes you feel like you want to eat light, for the health. Q: Ok, how much do you usually pay at the restaurant? - Maybe 15, 20 euros. Q: For a menu. - No, for a menu it’s maybe 20, 25. - 15, 20 euros - 18 euros - 10 euros. I’m sorry but when I go to restaurant it’s 10 euros maximum because in my country it’s very cheap. So in France I never pay more than 10 euros. - Maximum 25 euros.
  • 20. - 15 to 30 euros. It depends on the restaurant. For example Japanese is more expensive. Q: What do you do after going to the restaurant? - I take a nap! (laughs) No… maybe I will have an ice cream and I will go shopping. - I can go to the cinema. - If it’s light food, I go out after, like party or cinema. - It depends because sometimes I stay in the restaurant until 23 o’clock or midnight, for special occasion for example. So in this case after I go home. - Sometimes parties, sometimes I just go home. It’s 50-50. - Me too. Q: And do you go more often for the dinner or the lunch? - Both. - More at lunch. - For the dinner with my friends, for the lunch with my family, it depends. - It depends on what you do after, and the time you have. - Yes, if you want to go to party it’s for dinner, if you go to shopping it’s for the lunch - For the dinner, I prefer the atmosphere… with the light and candles. (laughs) Q: Ok! If we propose you to enjoy a dinner and to meet people… You enjoy your dinner and you can meet people at the same time. - Like dating? Q: Yes, a kind of. - That’s a good idea. - But alone to find a boyfriend? Q: You can come with your friends, but you have the opportunity to meet other people in the restaurant. - If I’m not alone it’s a good idea… - So it’s between a restaurant and a club dating? Q: Yes! - I think it’s a little bit… not weird but complicated. Because the goal of going to the restaurant is to be with your friends, not to meet new friends. - Yeah but if it’s between a bar and restaurant, you can go with your best friend for example, maybe you want to meet other people to join their party after… So for me it’s a good idea, maybe one time per month. Q: Ok! And if the people in the restaurant are only young people? - I don’t understand. - We are not supposed to be with our own friends? Q: Like you are not just going to eat and enjoy with your friends. You can also meet other young people. It’s an extra! - Ok but how do you meet people? You just walk to their table and talk to them? It’s strange… For me, I’m shy, I would never do that. - I agree. - Yeah and if I’m with my friends I don’t want to quit the table and leave them. Or maybe I would be afraid of disturbing the other table.
  • 21. Q: We understand, that’s why we want to put a phone on each table. So from your place you can call another table. - It’s strange, it’s like I’m asking for a friend! Q: No because you are already with your friends at the restaurant. It’s just that if you want you can meet other people. - I would do this but not for a restaurant, more for a pub. Q: Ok, so if it’s just a normal restaurant, not classy, like young and quick foods like pizzas or pastas. - Can you remember one moment where you ate in a pizza restaurant and you met people there? Q: No, that’s why we thought of this concept. It’s an original concept where only young people can come to have a drink or to eat. You have a phone on your table and you can call another table if you want. -… Q: For example, at the restaurant you see some guys on another table, you call them and say “hi”! - Ok, but call it a restaurant it’s… You should find another name for that. Even if it’s for young people… restaurant is not the good word for that. Q: It can be a pub if you prefer. Actually you can do what you want, just have a drink or eat. - Even for a pub, I don’t think in France we have this mentality. - Yeah, here we are more nightclubs. - I think she is right; we don’t have this state of mind. Q: Ok but here, it’s young people, it’s particular. Imagine, the restaurant, pub or whatever is close to your university. You go there, and if you are shy and don’t want to talk face-toface, you can talk to the phone. They don’t know that is you. - I think it’s really weird! - You can maybe change your concept, this kind of service. For example, you have a seat, there are so many choices for restaurants, for example, today I want to go to the pizza in Cannes. I’m lonely, I’m single, I want to find a single person to eat with me, so I will register in this restaurant, in your website. I… I fill in a form, like I create a profile. I say what I want to eat and what I want to do after. Someone sees my profile and maybe he says “oh it sounds great”. Maybe I can find someone who wants to do the same thing! And your company makes the reservation for us. Q: So we’re a kind of event, meal organisers? - Yeah! - When you are in groups, and you go to the restaurant, it’s easier than if you go alone. When you are in groups, with your friends, it can be one of your friends that connects you to another boy. So you don’t really need a phone for that. - And with the food, I think the main point is that the food can be anything else. It’s not very important to have a real menu, a big menu. But just appetizers, tapas… Q: Ok.
  • 22. - The purpose is for people to meet other people? Q: Yes! - So I think what you can do is… not really having a restaurant, but you can create a website and work with existing restaurants. On this website, you say “you are alone, you want to eat but you don’t want to eat alone” So on this website, the alone people can register to find someone to eat with. And your company, your website put these people in contact. So they can have a little bit of chatting on the website. - And maybe the restaurant you work with can propose a special menu or just a main course. People can apply, subscribe for this. And you say for example “it’s 8 people maximum”. - And people can chat together before going to restaurant. Maybe they can go there together. Because if you go to a restaurant alone, and you don’t know anybody, it’s a little bit difficult to meet someone. It’s like you’re desperate (laughs). That’s why before, on the website, you can chat, to make the first contact like “what’s your name, what’s your occupation, what kind of food do you like?”. It’s easier for you to invite this person you already know a little bit. Because I think it’s very difficult if someone goes and meet directly the other person in the restaurant. - I agree. Or Maybe there is not client in the restaurant at that moment so you really eat alone and you wait for someone. And maybe, I mean… would you like to go to the restaurant and while you’re eating, someone just comes to your table, sit there and say “hello blah blah blah”. Maybe I’m very hungry I don’t want to! Q: You sit on the table with your friends, and you can just call another table where people are with friends. So if you don’t want to talk face-to-face or sit with them, you don’t. - Maybe you are eating, and imagine the other table is eating too, you want to talk with them, but they are eating. You don’t want to annoy them. Q: If you are going in this restaurant, with the phone, you know you are going to call between each table. So you already know, you are not going to just eat, you won’t feel bad because all the people are there for the same thing. - Ok. Q: If you already know the concept, you know you’re not here to sit. For example before going to a party, you go to someone’s flat and have an aperitif. You know all the people there. With our concept, you can have a “before” and meet people. - Ok, but you have to explain very well the concept. - And don’t call it like speed dating or just a restaurant because it’s weird. Q: Ok. And how many tables do you like in restaurants, how many people? - I don’t know. - It depends because sometimes the crowded restaurants take a long time to serve your meal. - Yes and it depends on the occasion. - Maybe 35, 40. - I don’t really care! If I don’t want to wait I take away or go to fast food it’s simple. - Yeah but it’s always good to be in a restaurant with people, not obviously a lot, but enough. Because an empty restaurant is like sad… you feel alone. Restaurants with people mean that your food is good. Q: And how much time do you stay in the restaurant? - Maybe 2, 3 hours.
  • 23. - It doesn’t matter the time I spend in the restaurant. Actually for me, I would be more interested to go at lunch, to have a real break in my day, and enjoy something with my friends. During the break you forget the stress, your job. You just enjoy your lunchtime. Even if you only have 2 hours, it’s always great. And maybe there, you can talk with strangers. And I think if the price is not too high it’s perfect. Q: So if the restaurant is very close to your school, would you be interested to go there for lunch, between 12-14? - Even when you have long break like you know on Monday (laughs), yes. In a school like SKEMA, there are thousands of people, so I think it’s a good point. If the restaurant is not far from the school, you can go at lunch or for the afternoon tea. Maybe you can also go there only to drink something and meet people. - It’s true, I like it. - But why not also doing it for companies? Because In Sophia Antipolis there are thousands of workers. I think it’s better for workers than for students. For students it’s easy to meet people. You never eat alone. But, if you are an intern in a company, or a new employee, maybe you want to eat with someone and meet colleagues. I lived that. Last summer I was in a company, I was the youngest, nobody wanted to eat with me, so I was eating every time alone. So that can be good for that kind of people. I mean… I don’t like eating alone but you know… when everybody is older than you, you feel… it’s strange. - I agree. But if you are in Sophia and you know there are a lot of students, so why not meeting them. - Actually we don’t care about being an employee or a student, why not just mix people together. Q: Ok, we take notes. Do you have something to add? - Yes. Maybe you shouldn’t focus on companies, or students, but only on people who want to eat together, to meet people. - And also they can build their own network. - Yes. Q: Ok, we finished with this idea. So now, what kind of idea is the best for you? - The last one. - The last one, it’s a good idea. - Me too. - The second one, the local food. - I think the last one is the best. - The last one. Q: Great! Thank you guys!