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Unique	Agri-Business	Opportunity	
East	Indonesia	
August	2016
•  FAC	Consul)ng	(the	“Founder”)	is	seeking	equity	investor	partners	for	“Project	Tambora”,	
a	greenfield	agriculture	project	in	Indonesia	(NTB	);	
•  Despite	an	abundance	of	water	and	fer)le	land,	Indonesia	remains	a	net	importer	of	
many	food	crops	and	is	far	from	achieving	its	long-stated	goal	of	food	self-sufficiency;	
•  The	Project	aims	to	take	advantage	of	the	chronic	undersupply	of	domes)cally	produced	
vegetables	by	producing	staple	vegetable	crops	throughout	the	year;	and	
•  Export	quality	sweet	corn,	shallots	and	chilli	will	be	retailed	within	Indonesia,	primarily	
Java	and	regional	export	markets.
“Equity	partners”	share	common	objec)ves	and	vision	
Commercial	objecHves	
•  Develop	the	business	to	achieve	+	100%	IRR	over	10	years,	producing	export	quality	staple	
vegetable	crops	throughout	the	year	-	thus	taking	advantage	of	the	the	chronic	undersupply	
of	domes)cally	produced	vegetables.	
Environmental	and	Sustainability	policy	
•  Implement	sustainable	Good	Agricultural	Prac)ces	(GAPs)	aimed	at	pes)cide-free	produce		
and	avoiding	prac)ces	that	may	impact	the	environment;	and	
•  Where	possible,	fossil	fuel	systems	will	be	replaced	with	clean	or	renewable	energy	systems	
to	minimize	our	carbon	foot	print.		
Corporate	and	Social	responsibility	
•  We	aim	to	provide	at	least	150	full	)me	jobs	to	the	surrounding	community;	
•  We	recognize	the	need	to	develop	local	smallholder	capacity	and	produc)vity	and	support	
our	communi)es	in	delivering	smallholder	export	quality	produce	to	high	end	markets;	and		
•  By	demonstra)ng	our	commitment	to	Corporate	Social	Responsibility	we	aim	to	align	our	
business	values,	purpose	and	strategy	with	the	needs	of	our	clients,	whilst	embedding	such	
responsible	and	ethical	principles	into	everything	we	do.
Indonesians	consider	chili	and	shallots	as	staple	foods	and	demand	for	
sweet	corn	is	increasing	
•  More	than	80%	of	Indonesia’s	vegetable	produc)on	originates	from	Java;	
•  Short	rota)on	vegetable	crops	are	produced	in	rota)on	with	rice,	the	main	crop;	
•  Java	climate	is	“wet-tropical”	–	typically	unpredictable	prolonged	wet	and	dry	periods;	
•  Adverse	site	condi)ons	(Soils	and	climate)	in	Java	result	in	limi)ng	yield	by	at	least	50%.				
The	Founder	iden)fied	significant	opportunity	to	produce	high	value	and	high	demand		
vegetables	(sweet	corn,	shallots	and	chili)	in	East	Indonesia,	and	have	developed	a	
cap)ve	logis)c	solu)on	that	should	address	transporta)on	challenges
Java	is	the	main	vegetable	producer	and	market	for	vegetables	
Vegetable	crops	require	well	drained	soils		-	whereas	rice	thrives	in	saturated	soils	
•  Mechanized	land	prepara)on	is	not	possible	on	paddy	fields.	Consequently	poor	quality	
seedbed	prepara)on	affects	yield	and	high	labor	cost	for	manual	land	prepara)on;	and	
•  Unseasonal	heavy	rain	affects	Indonesian	Chili,	Shallot	and	sweet	corn	supply	(higher	prices)	
because	of	these	site	condi)ons	
Conclusion:		Vegetable	yield	potenHal	is	limited	by	“rice	paddy”	site	condiHons
Adverse	weather	(rainfall	distribu)on)	is	another	key	limi)ng	factor	for	
chili,	shallot	and	sweet	corn	produc)on	in	Java		
Java	is	located	in	wet-tropical	climate	
•  Prolonged	wet	season	(7-8	months)	and	dry	season	(3-4	months);	
•  Very	wet	periods	(+200mm/month)	are	common	for	4	to	5	months	in	a	year;			
•  Prolonged	wet	weather	(+	150mm/month)	+	cloudy	condi)ons	affect	yield	and	quality;	and	
•  Prolonged	dry	weather	(without	irriga)on)	also	result	in	reduced	yields.	
Java		 Malang	–	East	Java	
Under	supply	of	staple	food	and	poor	quality	are	the	main	
drivers	of	supply	fluctuaHons	&	volaHle	prices
Dry	sub-tropical	climate	is	beger	suited	to	year-round	vegetable	
East	Sumbawa	rainfall	distribu)on	is	
more	predictable:		
•  ±	150mm/month	over	4	months	and	
only	1	very	wet	month	in	a	year	
•  Minimal	interference	is	an)cipated	
to	the	plan)ng	and	harves)ng	
schedules	therefore	minimal	impact	
on	supply	and	quality	is	expected;	
•  Dry	month	rainfall	distribu)on	
ranges	from	0	to	60mm	per	month;	
•  With	irriga)on,	dry	sub-tropical	
climate	of	Sumbawa	is	beger	suited	
for	year-round	vegetable	
East	Sumbawa	-	Indonesia	
Dompu	–	Dry	Sub-tropical	Climate	
•  Main	rainfall	distribu)on	over	6	mths:	±	1,100mm	
•  Greater	levels	of	solar	radia)on	(less	cloud	cover)	
Private	owned	land	(HGU	1,142	Ha)	located	in	Dompu			
is	ready	to	be	acquired
Market	Research
Tradi)onal	wet	markets	and	small	stalls	account	for	85%	of	retail	trade		
Ministry	of	Trade	(the	MOT)	Regula)on	No.	70	of	2013:		
•  80	%	of	all	goods	sold	at	each	“Modern	Store”	must	comprise	locally	produced	goods;	
•  The	regula)on	favors	local	producers	of	high	quality	produce	to	access	modern	stores;	
•  Modern	retailers	account	for	15%	of	the	retail	market;	
•  Super	and	hypermarkets	represented	60%	of	modern	retail	outlets		and	retail	market	
share	con)nues	to	increase;	and	
•  “Modern	Stores”	do	not	offer	favorable	payment	terms	(+	60	days)	for	producers.
Chili	Market
Indonesia	fresh	chili	produc)on	is	limited	to	4-5	months	in	a	year	
(avoiding	wet	and	very	dry	seasons)	
•  The	main	chili	produc)on	period	is	tradi)onally	during	wet	&	marginally	dry	periods								
(May-June	and	Sept-Oct);		
•  Under	op)mum	cold	storage	condi)ons,	Chili	shelf	life	is	limited	to	2-3	weeks	and	less	than	3	
days	without	post	harvest	pre-cooling	and	cold	storage	(tradi)onal	produc)on);		
•  Project	Tambora	intends	to	produce	chili	all	year	round	and	the	cold	chain	will	be	developed	
targe)ng	maximum	shelf	life;	and	
•  Addi)onal	area	will	be	developed	to	take	advantage	of	tradi)onal	low	supply	periods		
©	Document	copyright	of	FAC		
Java'Rainfall Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Sumbawa'Rainfall Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Higher'Price Lower'Price Higher'Price Lower'Price Higher'Price
Rainfed'Crops Irrigated'Crops'
Limted'Production Harvest'Peak Limited'Production Harvest'Peak Limited'Production
Higher'Price Lower'Price Higher'Price Lower'Price Higher'Price
Very'Wet'Months Wet'Months Marginal'Dry'Months Very'Dry'Months
Over'200mm'Rain 100'L'200mm'Rain 50'L'100mm'Rain <'50mm'Rain
Project	Tambora	Base	Case	model	is	based	on	Indonesian	chili	market	
demand	and	tradi)onal	(wet)	market	prices	for	Java	
•  The	market	prefers	fresh	chili	(80%)	
compared	to	dried	chili	(20%);		
•  Three	types	of	chili	are	consumed:		
-  Red	Chili	(50%)	
-  Bird’s	Eye	Chili	(42%)	
-  Green	chili	(8%);	
•  Small	(Birds	Eye	Chili)	retail	price/kg	
is	higher	compared	to	large	and	
green	chili;	
•  Large	red	chili	is	in	greatest	
demand	during	religious	fes)ve	
seasons;	and	
•  Tradi)onal	wet	market	prices										
(Jan-Feb	2015)	range	from														
Rp	15,000	–	Rp	40,000/Kg					
(variable	quality)		
Red	Chili	harvested	area	2001	-	2011	
Project	Tambora	revenue	for	export	
quality	chili	is	conservaHvely	based	
on		Rp	17,000/kg
High-end	market	opportuni)es	will	be	explored	to	increase	revenue	
based	on	superior	quality	and	regular	supply	
•  Small	(Birds	Eye	Chili)	is	typically	more	expensive	than	large	chili	and	red	chili	is	more	
expensive	than	the	green	chili	varie)es;	and	
•  Jan-Feb	2015	Jakarta	supermarket	prices	range	from	Rp	99,000	to	Rp	159,000	per	Kg.		
Project	Tambora	aims	to	retail	+	50%	export	quality	chili		
to	local	high-end	wholesalers	and	export	markets
Shallots	produced	in	Java	are	tradi)onally	harvested	from	May	to	July	
(avoiding	very	wet	and	very	dry	seasons)	
Java	shallots	are	typically	planted	in	wet	months	(February	to	April)	on	ex-paddy	sites	and	
harvested	from	May	to	July	(marginally	dry	months).	
•  Shallots	have	low	tolerance	to	prolonged	wet	soil	condi)ons	(not	suited	to	very	wet	months)	
and	during	the	drier	months	requires	irriga)on	(500-600mm);	and	
•  Shallots	produc)on	will	target	periods	of	reduced	supply	(September	to	April).	
©	Document	copyright	of	FAC		
Java'Rainfall Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Sumbawa'Rainfall Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Java'Shallot'Prices Higher'Price Lower'Price Higher'Price
Limted'Production Harvest'Peak Limited'Production
Medium'Price Lower'Price Higher'Price
Very'Wet'Months Wet'Months Marginal'Dry'Months Very'Dry'Months
Over'200mm'Rain 100'K'200mm'Rain 50'K'100mm'Rain <'50mm'Rain
Project	Tambora	model	for	shallot	produc)on	is	also	based	on	Java	
market	demand	and	Java	tradi)onal	market	prices	
•  Wet	Market	average	prices	range	from	Rp	15,000	to	Rp	40,000/kg	over	the	year.	During	
periods	of	cri)cal	shortage,	tradi)onal	wet	prices	exceed	Rp	40,000/Kg;		
•  Government	controls	import	permits,	and	in	recent	years	allowed	imports	of	60,000	Mt;	and	
•  Feb	2015	supermarket	price	for	Shallots	averaged	Rp	75,000/Kg	(retailed	in	500g	bags)	
Project	Tambora	revenue	for	export	
quality	shallot	is	conservaHvely	
based	on	Rp	18,500/kg
Indonesia	sweet	corn	is	mostly	grown	on	ex-paddy	sites	avoiding	
extremely	wet	and	extremely	dry	seasons	
•  East	West	seeds	report	total	sweet	corn	
acreage	in	Indonesia	at	75,000	Ha												
(yields	average	<	10	Mt/	Ha);	
•  Most	sweet	corn	is	planted	as	a	short	
season	crop	prior	to	rice	or	arer	rice	
coinciding	with	drier	months;	and	
•  Significantly	less	sweet	corn	is	produced	
from	July	to	January		resul)ng	in	20-30%	
higher	prices	
East	Java	
Malang	Indonesian	wet	tropical	regions	have			
3	corn	produc)on	seasons:	
-  1st	crop	November	to	February	(49%)	
-  2nd	crop	March	to	June	(37	%)	
-  3rd	crop	July	to	September	(14%)
Java	sweet	corn	is	typically	grown	in	rota)on	with	rice	during	very	wet	
and	wet	seasons	
•  Java	sweet	corn	(ex-paddy	sites)	produc)on	and	prices	are	affected	by	adverse	rainfall;	
•  Sweet	corn	yields	are	retarded	by	heavy	and	prolonged	rain	(poor	drainage	condi)ons)	
that	combine	with	prolonged	cloudy	condi)ons.	
Project	Tambora	aims	to	produce	export	quality	sweet	corn	throughout	the	year,	
taking	advantage	of	reduced	producHon	in	Java	and	NTB	from	July	to	December	
Java'Rainfall Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Smallholders'Harvesting'Plan Less'Prod. Limited'Production
Java'Sweet'Corn'Prices Medium'Price
Sumbawa'Rainfall Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Java'Sweet'Corn'Prices Medium'Price
Lower'Price Medium'Price Higher'Price
Lower'Price Medium'Price Higher'Price
Harvest'Peak Less'Production
Rainfed'Crops Irrigated'Crops' Water'limitations Rainfed'crop
Very'Wet'Months Wet'Months Marginal'Dry'Months Very'Dry'Months
Over'200mm'Rain 100'O'200mm'Rain 50'O'100mm'Rain <'50mm'Rain
©	Document	copyright	of	FAC
Compared	to	most	other	staple	vegetables	without	op)mum	cold	
storage	condi)ons,		sweet	corn	shelf	life	is	less	than	36	hours	
•  Sweet	corn	shelf	life	under	op)mum	cold	storage	condi)ons	(0-2°C)	is	limited	to	6	to	10	
days	and	less	than	36	hours	without	op)mum	cold	storage	condi)ons;			
•  For	this	reason	supply	is	limited	to	smallholder	produc)on	in	close	proximity	to	market;	and	
•  Variety	selec)on	takes	into	considera)on	Consumer	preference	(sweet	tas)ng)	and	
producer	preference	(high	yield,	disease	resistance	and	long	shelf	life);
Project	Tambora	aims	to	be	Indonesia’s	leading	producer	and	preferred	
supplier	of	affordable	super-sweet	variety		
•  Sweet	corn	is	tradi)onally	retailed	in	wet	markets	(with	
husk	on)	in	open	containers	or	by	weight	whereas	in	
supermarkets,	sweet	corn	is	usually	retailed	in	vacuum	
packed	containers	without	the	husk;	
•  Tradi)onal	wet	market	prices	are	driven	by	local	supply	
and	quality:		
Prices	range	from		Rp	1,500	to	Rp	2,500	per	cob	equal	to					
Rp	9,000	–	Rp	25,000	/	kg	
•  During	Jan-March	2015	(tradi)onally	peak	supply	period),	
Jakarta	supermarkets	were	retailing	pre-packed	sweet	
corn	at	Rp	19,900/Kg;	and	
•  Project	Tambora	recognize	an	export	market	opportunity	
for	processed	sweet	corn	products		-	our	land	capacity	
and	capability	suits	large	scale	sweet	corn	produc)on		
Project	Tambora	revenue	for	export	
quality	sweet	corn	is	conservaHvely	
budgeted	at	Rp	9,000/kg
Project	Tambora	budgeted	price/kg	for	export	quality	produce	to	bulk	
wholesalers	and	traders	is	considered	“conserva)ve”		
Fresh 	 	Rp	Price/kg	 	 	 			Rp	Price/kg 	 	 						Rp	Price/kg	
Produce 	 	Wet	Market					 	 	Supermarket 	 	 	Project	Tambora	
Chili	 	 	15,000-	50,000 	 	75,000	–	150,000 	 	 	14,0000	
Shallots 	 	20,000-	50,000 	 	50,000	–	85,000 	 	 	18,500	
Sweet	corn 	9,000	–	25,000 	 	20,000-	30,000 	 	 	9,000
AlternaHve	Crops	
Export	Market	–	Snack	Food	
Indonesia	imports	>	100,000	Mt/Ann
Alterna)ve	high	value	vegetable	crops	will	be	produced	on	a	smaller	
scale	to	evaluate	feasibility	and	market	demand		
Edamame	(Vegetable	Soybean)	
•  Vegetable	soybean	(Edamame)	is	an	ideal	crop	
rota)on	op)on	(adds	nitrogen	to	the	soil)	and	is	
grown	on	a	large	scale	in	East	Java	for	Asia’s	high-
value	export	market	(snack	food);	and	
•  Produce	that	do	not	meet	export	quality	
standards	is	oren	retailed	in	supermarkets	at	
Rp30,000	to	Rp	40,000/kg.	
•  Indonesia	meets	90	percent	of	its	garlic	demand	
from	imports,	with	domes)c	produc)on	standing	
at	13,000	tons	per	year;	
•  Market	prices:	Rp	50,000	–	Rp	100,000/kg		
Soybean	and	garlic	will	be	produced	
on	small	scale	(trial	crops)	to	evaluate	
site	suitability,	varie)es	and	to	
demonstrate	supply	capability	for	
poten)al	local	and	export	markets.
•  Project	Tambora’s	marke)ng	strategy	is	based	on	retailing	sweet	corn,	chili	and	shallots	
in	bulk	to	wholesalers	and	traders	from	cold	storage	warehouse	facili)es	in	Java;	
•  Small	volumes	(non-export	quality)	may	be	retailed	from	farm	gate	to	local	traders	for	
retailing	to	local	markets	(Sumbawa,	Lombok	and	Bali);	and	
•  Medium	and	long-term	objec)ve	aim	to	secure	regular	orders	from	high-end	markets.		
Export	market	opportuni)es	for	processed	sweet	corn	(canning	and/or	frozen)	and	
edamame	(frozen	products)	would	be	explored	(to	u)lize	all	available	land)
Privately	owned	land	suitable	for	year-round	irrigated	cash	cropping	is	
available	for	acquisi)on	
•  There	is	an	opportunity	to	acquire	a	local	company		located	on	the	island	of	
Sumbawa,	Nusa	Tenggara	Barat	(NTB)	Indonesia;	
•  The	Company	owns	two	adjoining	HGU’s	measuring	a	total	of	1,142	Ha;	and	
•  At	least	70%	of	the	HGU	area	(800	Ha)	is	considered	suitable	for	irrigated	cropping;	
Our	Base	Case	model	is	based	on	developing	irriga)on	on	120	Ha,	
providing	significant		opportunity	for	expansion
Landscape	and	topography	is	comparable	to	temperate	savannah	and	
desirable	for		intensive	mechanized	agriculture	
•  Approximately	70%	(800	Ha)	is	considered	arable	and	these	soils	comply	with	Soil	Class	I	
characteris)cs	(Australian	standards);	
•  Our	Base	Case	model	assumes	the	development	of	120	Ha	for	irrigated	cash	crops;	
•  The	remaining	arable	land	(680	Ha)	will	be	developed	based	on	market	demand;	and	
•  Infrastructure	will	be	developed	on	non-arable	land.	
Site	suitability	assessment	was	conducted	in	2014	
Site	Assessment	concluded:	
ü  Site	is	located	in	a	sub-tropical	climate	and	with	approximately	800	Ha	arable	land;	
ü  Climate,	soils	and	topography	suits	sweet	corn,	chili	and	shallots	all	year	round	(all	
three	crops	are	common	to	this	region);	
ü  Soils	are	favorable	for	repeated	irrigated	cropping	(virgin	and	deep	sandy	loam);	
ü  Presence	of	a	large	under-ground	aquifer	(water	source	for	irriga)on);	
ü  No	occupa)on	by	communi)es	(no	access	to	water),	the	area	is	sparsely	
populated;	and		
ü  More	than	2km	of	deep-water	coastline	offers	opportunity	to	establish	a	deep	
water	port.
The	dry	sub-tropical	climate	is	well	suited	to	year	round	produc)on	of	
Chili,	shallots	and	sweet	corn		
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Kempo:Rainfall 220 225 220 190 100 0 0 0 0 85 155 140
Min:Temp 21 21 21 21 20 18 18 19 20 20 21 21
Max:Temp 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 30 30
Rain:days 22 20 18 19 13 0 0 0 0 5 14 23
Eto 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5
Key	Climate	Indicators	
•  Annual	Rainfall	
Sub-tropical	rainfall:	1,300mm	
Wegest	months:	December	–	February		
(20-	23	rain	days)	
Dry	months	(no	rain):	Jun	–	Sept	
•  Temperature	
-	Summer	Temperatures	
			Max	31°C	/	Min	21°C	
-		Winter	Temperatures	
			Max	31°C	/	Min	18°C		
			Mean	Daily	Temp:	24°C			
Key	Site	Indicators	
•  Well	drained	soils	
•  Slight	slope	
Site suitability
Dompu / Kempo Data Sweet corn, Chili & Shallot
Summer Temp Range
Winter Temp Range
Mean Daily Temp
Summer: Max 31°C / Min 21°C
Winter: Max 31°C / Min 18°C
Mean Daily Temp: 24°C
Maximum: 30-32
Minimum: 10-18
Optimal: 20 -30
Seasonal Rainfall
Annual Rainfall
Summer: 1,200 – 1,250 mm
Winter: 100- 150 mm
1,335 mm
3.5 to 4 Ml/Ha (Drip irrigation)
Frequent applications
Susceptible to water logging
Solar radiation %
Jan- Feb: 42% - 49%
Mar- Dec: 69% - 93%
Maximum solar radiation required
Relative humidity %
Jan- May: 79% - 84%
June - Dec: 66% - 77%
High humidity increases the
incidence of fungal disease
Wind Speed (Knots) Ranges from 1 – 7 Knots Susceptible to strong winds
Evaporation (mm/day)
Jan- May: 5 mm (Summer)
June - Dec: 6 mm (Winter)
Sufficient supplementary irrigation
at various stages of growth
Sandy loam (well drained)
Virgin soil (pH to be tested)
Well drained loam - sandy loam
Ph range 5.8 to 7.5
Topography 0 to 2% Slight slope is preferred
The	proposed	East	Sumbawa	site	is	suitable	for	year	round	cash	
Shallots,	chili	and	sweet	corn	
are	common	smallholder	
crops	in		Sumbawa	(Bima,	
Dompu	and	Sumbawa	Besar).	
Smallholder	produc)vity	is	
limited	by	inadequate	access	
to	water	for	irriga)on	and	
distance	to	the	main	markets	
in	Java	(high	cost	and	high	
losses	of	perishable	produce).	
Founders	have	developed	
solu)ons	that	address	cold	
supply	chain	and	logis)c	
Site suitability criteria Proposed
Sub-tropical dry climate. ✔
Climate is not considered extreme for the
proposed cropping program. Adverse
(high rainfall) conditions are not frequent
Virgin, deep sandy loam soils
Chili, shallots and sweet corn require well-
drained soil – ideally sandy loam.
Irrigation potential:
The property is located above a large
aquifer – reported ground-water
potential 8-15 liters per sec (borehole
potential 800m3/day)
Approximate 3,500m3/Ha water is
required to produce one crop. Maximum
requirement for 120 Ha estimated at
4,700m3/day from boreholes during dry
season (peak demand).
Community conflict:
Low risk of community conflict or
illegal occupation (limited access to
Good potential to support surrounding
community farmers through out-grower
Existing access & infrastructure:
Nearest town is 50km away, nearest
Port is 30km away and both are
connected by new asphalt road.
Reliable and good mobile
telecommunication services are
available but no access to state
electricity supply.
Basic services and all-weather access is
On site power generation options include
solar, gas (LPG) and diesel power
Cold supply chain logistics:
No available cold supply chain
Propose to establish our own cold supply
chain (farm to warehouse)
Market access:
Long distance by road to the main
market (Java). Sea freight options are
limited. Nearest Port is 30km away
Sea freight is potentially cheaper and
quicker than road transport.
Propose long term charter of a suitable
vessel - weekly service to / from Java
Opportunity to develop a deep water jetty
on site
The	property	has	unlimited	access	to	ground	water	(produc)ve	aquifer)	
Reference:		Sumbawa	Hydrogeological	map	(2001)		
The	proposed	property	is	located	in	an	area	defined	as	“Moderate	
Produc)ve	Aquifer”	(Light	Blue)	yielding	5	to	10	liters	per	second”		
(Poten)al	=	800	m3/day)
Modern	drip	irriga)on	systems	op)mize	water	u)liza)on	and	allows	
fer)lizer	applica)on	via	irriga)on	at	any	)me	
•  Peak	water	requirement	for	120	Ha	is	es)mated	at	8,400	m3	
per	day,	based	on	evapora)on	of	7	mm/day,	no	rainfall	and	
100%	of	plant	water	requirement;	
•  10-12	boreholes	may	be	required;	
•  The	proposed	irriga)on	system	is	designed	in	30	Ha	Blocks	(4);	
•  Each	block	will	have	its	own	water	storage	and	water	supply	
infrastructure	(boreholes,	borehole	pumps,	irriga)on	pumps,	
fer)ga)on	injectors	and	backup	generator);	and	
•  Solar	powered	pumps	will	be	used	to	minimize	pumping	costs.	
Project	Tambora	intends	to	design	rainwater	harvesHng	
system	that	includes	construcHon	of	a	large	storage	dam	to	
reduce	the	requirement	for	groundwater	extracHon
Year	1	Development	ac)vi)es	include:	
•  Land	Acquisi)on	
•  Site	development	and	planning	
•  Temporary	accommoda)on	&	offices	
•  Boreholes	and	tes)ng	
•  Irriga)on	storage	dam	construc)on	
•  Installa)on	of	drip	irriga)on	systems	
•  Buildings	&	infrastructure	construc)on		
•  Equipment	purchases	
•  Container	jegy	construc)on	
•  Pack	house	and	cold	storage	construc)on	
•  Security	infrastructure	
•  Java	Warehouse	setup	
•  Phased	vegetable	produc)on
The	startup	development	schedule	is	aimed	at	achieving	full	produc)on			
(2.5	Ha	per	week)	commencing	Q4	
•  1st	commercial	crop	may	exclude	sweet	corn	(not	viable	to	ship	small	quan)ty	to	Java);	
•  1st	crop	revenue	is	expected	commencing	Q3;	
•  Full	produc)on	(2.5Ha/week)	is	set	to	commence	in	Q4	/	retailing	in	Q1	of	year	2;	
•  Flexible	produc)on	scale	–	adjusted	to	suit	site	development	progress	and	market	demand;	
•  Ini)al	accommoda)on	and	office	infrastructure	will	be	containerized	(quick	and	easy);	and	
•  The	container	jegy	should	be	ready	for	use	by	Q4.					
Quarter Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1st%Crop%(1%Ha/week)%E%%Chili%&%Shallots 1st%Crop
2nd%Crop%(2%Ha/week)%E%Sweet%corn,%Chili%&%Shallots 2nd%Crop
Full%Production%(2.5%Ha/week)%E%%Sweet%corn,%Chili%&%Shallots Full%Prod.
Plant%Trial%Crops%E%Garlic%&%Soybean 1st 2nd 3rd
Retail%1st%Crop%E%%Chili%&%Shallots 1st%Crop
Retail%2nd%Crop%Sweet%corn,%Chili%&%Shallots 2nd%Crop
Retail%Trial%Crops%E%Garlic%&%Soybean 1st 2nd
Acquisition/DD HGU/Extension
The	2	year	development	schedule	is	aimed	at	comple)ng	construc)on	
and	building	a	large	storage	dam	for	irriga)on	
•  Arer	Year	1		the	farming	opera)on	needs	to	have	iden)fied	full	)me	staff	and	field	
workers	who	will	require	on	site	accommoda)on	and	facili)es	that	include	medical	and	
educa)onal	facili)es	for	their	immediate	families;	
•  A	large	water	storage	dam	will	be	constructed	on	the	property	to	capture	rainwater	runoff	
(reduce	dependence	on	boreholes);	and	
•  By	year	2,	the	farm	is	ready	to	increase	produc)on	scale	to	suit	local,	regional	and	export	
market	demand	and	establish	livestock	enterprise	(beef	feedlot	&	abagoir)	to	u)lize	crop	
residue	and	processed	waste.	
Quarter Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Full%Production%(2.5%Ha/week)%I%%Sweet%corn,%Chili%&%Shallots Y2%I%Q1 Y2%I%Q2 Y2%I%Q3 Y2%I%Q4
Plant%Trial%Crops%I%Garlic%&%Soybean Y2#$#Q1 Y2#$#Q2 Y2#$#Q3 Y2#$#Q4
Retail%2.5%Ha/WeekI%%Sweet%corn,%Chili%&%Shallots Y1%I%Q4 Y2%I%Q1 Y2%I%Q2 Y2%I%Q3
Retail%Trial%Crops%I%Garlic%&%Soybean Y1#$#3rd#crop Y2#$#Q1 Y2#$#Q2 Y2#$#Q3
Our	“Base	case”	assumes	year-round	produc)on	of	sweet	corn,	chili	and	
shallots	of	equal	area		
Sweet%Corn Chili Shallots Soybean Garlic
Weekly&Planting 2.5&Ha 2.5&Ha 2.5&Ha
Weekly&Harvesting 2.5&Ha 2.5&Ha 2.5&Ha
Budget&Yield 18&Mt/Ha 14&Mt/Ha 15&Mt/Ha
Potential&Yield 22>25&Mt/Ha 20&Mt/Ha 25>30&Mt/Ha
Budget&Weekly&Production&(Mt) 45 35 37.5
Potential&Weekly&Production&(Mt) 55 50 62.5
Budget&Weekly&Shipments 45 35 37.5
Potential&Weekly&Shipments 55 50 62.5
Budget&Weekly&Retail 45 35 37.5
Potential&Weekly&Retail 55 50 62.5
Main%Crops Trial%Crops
Land%Use%/%Crop%Options Sweet%Corn Chilli Shallots
Variety Golden%Sweet Birds%Eye%&%Large SAREN%TSS
Growing%Days% 80#$#85#Days 110$120#Days 70#$#90#Days
Stocking 75,000#/#Ha 30,000/Ha 160,000/Ha
Water%Requirement 3,500#m3/Ha 3,500#m3/Ha 3,500#m3/Ha
Cold	supply	chain	must	include	post-harvest	pre-cooling	and	op)mum	
cold	storage	from	farm	to	retail				
Temperature	Control	
Cold	Chain	
Logis)cs	+	 =	
Cold	Storage	
Pack	house	
Cold	Storage	
• Farm	
• Pack	house	
• Pre-Cooling	
• Grading	
• Packing	
• Container	Trucks	
• Reefer	Containers	
• Cold	Storage	
Road	Transport	
to	Local	Port	 • Loading	
• Shipping	
• Off-Loading	
Sea	Freight	to	
Java	Port	
• Transfer	to	Cold	rooms	
• Delivery	to	Warehouse	
• Road	Transport	
Road	Transport	to	
Java	Warehouse	 • Produce	retailed	
to	Wholesalers	
and		Traders	
collected	from	
the	Warehouse	
Java	Cold	Storage	&	
Fresh	Produce	 	 	Op)mum	Temp		 	Maximum	Shelf	Life	
Sweet	Corn 	 							0	–	2°C		 	 	 	6	–	8	Days	
Chili 	 	 	 							7	–	10	°C 	 	 	14	–	21	Days	
Shallots 	 	 							0	–	2°C		 	 	 	+	6	months		
©	Document	copyright	of	FAC
Cold	supply	chain	requirements	include	post-harvest	pre-cooling,	pack	
house	cold	storage,	reefer	cold	storage	and	warehouse	cold	storage			
Hydro-chiller	 Cold	Rooms		
Reefer	Containers			 Swap	Body	Reefer	Container
Example:	140	TEU	Vessel	(20	Reefer	points)
Example Vessel:
SHIFlag: Faeroe Islands
Built: Orskov Staalskibsverft AS, Denmark 1989.
Class: Bureau Veritas 1A1 Ice B, E0, KMC.
Deadweight: 3,223 Mt
Gross tonnage: 2,469 Mt
Loa: 87,05 m
Beam: 14,50 m.
Draught: 6.1 m
Container capacity: 140 TEU capacity 20 reefer plugs
Project	requires	long	term	)me	charter	of	a	small	reefer	vessel	that	is	
geared	with	side-thrust	capability		
•  Cargo cranes: 2 x 15Mt Maritime hydraulic cranes 1 Maritime hydraulic crane of 50Mt
•  Hatch covers: 2 hatches type Kvaerner folding type each 20.70 x 10m / 4 x 2.50m
•  Flush steel pontoons on deck 2 and 3 Box hold.
•  Frozen cargo capacity: 2200 tons of frozen fish (can be used for other frozen product).
•  Refrigerator equipment: Sabroe refrigerating plant -27 C Tropic, 80m3/Hr air circulation.
•  Main engine: MAK type 8MU 453 C, 2400 kw/3260 bhp at 560 rpm
•  Service speed: 12.5 knots
•  Fuel oil consumption: 6,6 tons of MDO per 24 hours.
•  Shaft generator: Stamford MHC 434 E, 255 kva.
•  Require tub boat support when docking (no side –thrust capability)
Shipping	costs	(long	term	)me	charter)	es)mated	at	US$	25,271	per	trip				
•  Time	charter	quote	received	from	a	local	shipping	agent;	
•  Interna)onal	)me	charter	rates	for	<	200	TEU	Vessel	=	US$	20/TEU/Day;		
•  Our	Base	Case	Time	Charter	cost	(shipping	12	x	20r	Reefer	Containers)	=	US$	55/TEU/day;	
•  Significant	cost	saving	opportunity	by	increasing	the	number	of	containers	per	shipment.	
Shipping'Cost'Criteria Rp'Costs
Re0flagging'Cost'(Rp) 420,000,000''''''''''''
Monthly'Time'Charter'Costs'(Rp) 850,000,000''''''''''''
Bunker'Cost '''at'1,500L'per'Day'@'Rp'12,000/L'
Port'Charges '''at'Rp'5'million'/'Loading'or'Discharge
Time'Charter'Rp'Costs/Trip 221,250,000'''''''''''' (4#Trips/Month)
'Bunker'Cost'(Rp)' 72,000,000'''''''''''''' 4#Shipping#Days/Trip
Port'Charges'(Rp) 10,000,000'''''''''''''' Per#Trip
Total'Costs'per'Trip'(Rp) 303,250,000'''''''''''' USD#25,271
Estimated'Rp'Cost'per'Kg 3,032.50'''''''''''''''''' (based#on#10,000kg#Container)
Monthly'Costs'(Rp) 1,213,000,000''''''''
Time%Charter%Cost%US$%per%TEU%per%day 59.03%%%% 10#Containers#per#trip#
Time%Charter%Cost%US$%per%TEU%per%day 19.68%%%% 30#Containers#per#trip
Time%Charter%Cost%US$%per%TEU%per%day 11.81%%%% 50#Containers#per#trip
Time%Charter%Cost%US$%per%TEU%per%day 5.90%%%%%% 100#Containers#per#trip
Our	Base	Case	assumes	no	3rd	party	cargo	is	included	in	
shipments	to	and	from	Java				
Project	Tambora	-	Base	Case	freight	costs	
@	Startup	Phase	1:		 	Rp	7,500	/	Kg	(4	Reefer	containers/week)	
@	Startup	Phase	II:		 	Rp	3,192	/	Kg	(10	Reefer	containers	/	week)	
Full	Produc)on	(1	year):	Rp	2,554	/	Kg	(12	reefer	containers	/	week)	
Phase&1 Phase&II Full&Operation
Time%Charter,%Bunker,%Port%Costs%(USD/trip) $25,271 $25,271 $25,271
ATI%Containers%per%Week 4 10 12
ATI%Weekly%Fresh%Produce%(Kgs) 40,000%%%%%%%%% 95,000%%%%%%%% 118,750%%%%%%%%%%
ATI%Produce%Budget%Cost%per%Kg Rp7,581 Rp3,192 Rp2,554
Business%Plan%Budget%(Rp/Kg) Rp7,581 Rp3,192 Rp2,554
Additional%Container%Space%Available%to%SBY 94 90 85
Inclusion	of	3rd	Party	cargo	would	reduce	transport	costs	to	<	Rp	500/kg	
•  Commodity	road	transport	from	Dompu	to	East	Java	cost	Rp	850	–	Rp	1,200/kg	(1	way);	
•  3rd	Party	dry-bulk	cargo	commodi)es	includes	100,000	Mt	animal	feed	corn	(May	–	Sept);		
•  Other	commodi)es	(10,000	–	20,000	Mt/Ann)	include	coffee,	cashew	and	rice;	and	
•  Return	cargo	from	East	Java	include	cement,	sugar,	fer)lizer,	seed	and	common	goods.	
Project	Tambora	aims	to	partner	with	a	local	shipping	agent	to	achieve	freight	
costs	<	Rp	500/kg	(50%	Capacity	to	Java	and	20%	capacity	from	Java).	
3rd	party	cargo	can	be	loaded	/	discharged	at	Kempo	&	Calabai	(public	ports).	
ATI$to$Surabaya 30%$Capacity 50%$Capacity 80%$Capacity
Surabaya$to$ATI 20%$Capacity 20%$Capacity 20%$Capacity
Time$Charter,$Bunker,$Port$Costs$(USD/trip) $25,271 $25,271 $25,271
ATI$Containers$(TEU)$per$Week 12 12 12
3rd$Patty$Containers$per$week 38 58 88
Weekly$Fresh$Produce$(Kgs) 118,750$$$$$$$$$$ 118,750$$$$$$$$ 118,750$$$$$$$$$$$$$
3rd$Party$Dry$Cargo 380,000$$$$$$$$$$ 580,000$$$$$$$$ 880,000$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Total$Payload$per$Shipment$(2Iway) 498,750$$$$$$$$$$ 698,750$$$$$$$$ 998,750$$$$$$$$$$$$$
ATI$Produce$Cost$per$Kg Rp608 Rp434 Rp304
Additional$Container$Space$Available$to$SBY 70 50 20
Ini)ally	fresh	produce	will	be	shipped	via	Kempo	port	to	a	cold	storage	
warehouse	in	Java		
To	minimize	transport	costs	and	minimize	supply	chain	losses,	Project	Tambora	intends	to	
develop	a	cold	supply	chain	from	farm	to	the	Java	warehouse	(point	of	retail).	
Loading	port	op)ons	were	evaluated:		
•  The	nearest	ac)ve	container	port	is	located	at	Badas	in	Sumbawa	Besar	(55	Nm	from	
Kempo).	This	op)on	would	incur	addi)onal	transport	costs	and	longer	)me	to	market;	and	
•  The	nearest	seaport	(inac)ve)	is	located	at	Kempo	(the	immediate	preferred	op)on)
Project	Tambora	plans	to	develop	a	cold	supply	chain	that	includes						
on-site	port	infrastructure	
To	control	transport	costs	and	to	ensure	regular/scheduled	weekly	shipments	to	Java,	the	cold	
supply	chain	will	be	developed	from	pack	house	to	the	Java	warehouse		
•  Bathometric	chart	illustrates	a	deep	water	coastline	suitable	for	deep-water	port;	
•  On-site	port	infrastructure	eliminates	the	reliance	on	public	road	and	public	port	
infrastructure	and	road	transport	costs	will	be	reduced;	and	
•  The	deep-water	jegy	must	be	capable	of	loading	and	off-loading	vessels	requiring	berthing	
depth	of	7-10	m
To	achieve	6	day	turn-around,	Gresik	Port	(Surabaya)	was	iden)fied	as	
the	preferred	discharge	port		
•  Gresik	–	Small	local	port	is	considered	most	suitable	for	discharging	container	cargo	
from	geared	vessels	(less	possibility	of	port	conges)on);	
•  It	is	located	in	close	proximity	(10km)	to	JIIPE	Industrial	Complex	(ATI	Cold	Storage	
Warehouse	op)on);		
•  Export	shipments	can	be	redirected	via	TJ	Perak	(10	km	away);	and	
•  Air	freight	exports	are	possible	(Surabaya	Interna)onal	Airport)	(30km	from	JIIPE).
GAP	requirements	to	achieve	budgeted	produc)on	and	export	quality	include:	
•  Scheduled	plan)ng,	irriga)on,	fer)liza)on,	IPM,	weed	control		and	harves)ng;	
•  Expert	management		is	required;	
•  Adequate	labor	supply	for	field	ac)vi)es	(150-160	per	day);	and	
•  Stand	–	alone	logis)cs	and	cold	supply	chain	to	achieve	weekly	shipments	to	Java
Mechanized	harves)ng	provides	opportunity	to	reduce	labor	
requirements	and	harves)ng	costs
Mechanized	harves)ng	prac)ces	would	reduce	labor	requirements	and	
harves)ng	costs	
Processing	Industry	
Fresh	Market
Management	team	would	include	experts	in	vegetable	
produc)on,	logis)cs		and	marke)ng	
More	than	50%	of	required	CAPEX	(US$	2.9)	is	required	for	land	
acquisi)on	and	infrastructure	development	
Note:	Current	owner	is	willing	to	consider	outright	sale	or	an	Equity	posi)on	in	the	Company
•  10	Year	Arer	Tax	Cashflow	
•  Tax	@	28	%	
•  Discount	Rate	@	10%	
•  Overheads	=	22%	of	total	costs
Budgeted	investment	returns	(IRR	40%)	are	based	on	conserva)ve	
market	prices	and	abnormally	high	shipping	costs		
©	Document	copyright	of	FAC		
USD 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
P&L Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5
Revenue 1,780,333 8,352,785 8,603,369 8,861,470 9,127,314 9,401,133 9,683,167 9,973,662 10,272,872 10,581,058
Crop%input%and%marketing%costs (2,328,469) (4,572,121) (4,705,289) (4,838,458) (4,971,627) (5,104,795) (5,237,964) (5,371,132) (5,504,301) (5,637,469)
SG&A (852,247) (1,241,595) (1,276,239) (1,311,922) (1,348,676) (1,386,532) (1,425,525) (1,465,687) (1,507,053) (1,549,661)
EBITDA (1,400,383) 2,539,070 2,621,840 2,711,090 2,807,011 2,909,806 3,019,679 3,136,843 3,261,518 3,393,928
Depreciation (229,947) (229,947) (241,065) (243,196) (245,327) (247,458) (105,777) (105,777) (105,777) (105,777)
ProfitBbeforeBtax (1,630,330) 2,309,123 2,380,776 2,467,894 2,561,684 2,662,348 2,913,901 3,031,066 3,155,740 3,288,150
Tax%@ 28% 456,492 (646,554) (666,617) (691,010) (717,272) (745,457) (815,892) (848,698) (883,607) (920,682)
ProfitBafterBtax (1,173,837) 1,662,568 1,714,159 1,776,884 1,844,413 1,916,890 2,098,009 2,182,367 2,272,133 2,367,468
EBITDA (1,400,383) 2,539,070 2,621,840 2,711,090 2,807,011 2,909,806 3,019,679 3,136,843 3,261,518 3,393,928
Income%tax 456,492 (646,554) (666,617) (691,010) (717,272) (745,457) (815,892) (848,698) (883,607) (920,682)
Working%capital 0
Purchase%of%land (834,242)
Other%capex (1,689,936) (235,642) (49,634) (49,973) (50,322) (50,682) (51,053) (51,434) (51,828) (52,233) (52,233)
CashflowBbeforeBfinancing (2,524,178) (1,179,532) 1,842,881 1,905,250 1,969,757 2,039,057 2,113,295 2,152,352 2,236,317 2,325,678 2,421,013
Equity%financing 3,600,000
CashflowBafterBfinancing 1,075,822 M1,179,532 1,842,881 1,905,250 1,969,757 2,039,057 2,113,295 2,152,352 2,236,317 2,325,678 2,421,013
Opening%cash%balance 1,075,822 1,075,822 T103,710 1,739,171 3,644,421 5,614,178 7,653,235 9,766,530 11,918,882 14,155,200 16,480,878
Retained%cash 1,075,822 T1,179,532 1,842,881 1,905,250 1,969,757 2,039,057 2,113,295 2,152,352 2,236,317 2,325,678 2,421,013
Closing%cash%balance 1,075,822 M103,710 1,739,171 3,644,421 5,614,178 7,653,235 9,766,530 11,918,882 14,155,200 16,480,878 18,901,890
Equity%investment (3,600,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Free%cashflow%after%financing 1,075,822 (1,179,532) 1,842,881 1,905,250 1,969,757 2,039,057 2,113,295 2,152,352 2,236,317 2,325,678 2,421,013
CashflowBavailableBtoBs'holders (2,524,178) (1,179,532) 1,842,881 1,905,250 1,969,757 2,039,057 2,113,295 2,152,352 2,236,317 2,325,678 2,421,013
EquityBIRR 40%
NPV $7,229,845
Three	“upside	opportuni)es”	have	been	iden)fied	that	would	
poten)ally	increase	IRR	in	excess	of	150%										
Three	priority	upside	opportuni)es	excluded	from	the	budgeted	“Base	Case”	model	include:	
1.  Reduce	shipping	costs	by	including	3rd	party	cargo	with	ATI	cargo	(+	30%	IRR);	
2.  Premium	prices	(25%)	are	achievable	for	export	quality	produce	(+26%	IRR);	
3.  Increased	farm	produc)on	from	120	Ha	to	240	Ha	in	Year	3	(+50%	IRR).		
to	240	Ha	
Target	25%	price	
premium	for	export	
quality	produce	
Include	3rd	Party	dry	bulk	
containerized	cargo	with	fresh	
Base	Case:	120	Ha	+	High	Shipping	Cost	+	below	average	price	
for	export	quality	sweet	corn,	chili	and	shallots	IRR	40	%	
IRR	74	%	
IRR	100	%	
IRR	150	%	
By	including	3rd	party	dry	bulk	cargo,	IRR	can	be	increased	by	30%	
(based	on	conserva)ve	market	prices)	from	120	Ha			
©	Document	copyright	of	FAC		
USD 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Revenue 1,780,333 8,352,785 8,603,369 8,861,470 9,127,314 9,401,133 9,683,167 9,973,662 10,272,872 10,581,058
Crop%input%and%marketing%costs (1,166,483) (2,479,799) (2,479,799) (2,479,799) (2,479,799) (2,479,799) (2,479,799) (2,479,799) (2,479,799) (2,479,799)
SG&A (852,247) (1,241,595) (1,276,239) (1,311,922) (1,348,676) (1,386,532) (1,425,525) (1,465,687) (1,507,053) (1,549,661)
EBITDA (238,397) 4,631,391 4,847,331 5,069,749 5,298,839 5,534,802 5,777,843 6,028,177 6,286,020 6,551,598
Depreciation (229,947) (229,947) (241,065) (243,196) (245,327) (247,458) (105,777) (105,777) (105,777) (105,777)
ProfitAbeforeAtax (468,344) 4,401,445 4,606,266 4,826,553 5,053,512 5,287,344 5,672,066 5,922,399 6,180,242 6,445,820
Tax%@ 28% 131,136 (1,232,404) (1,289,755) (1,351,435) (1,414,983) (1,480,456) (1,588,178) (1,658,272) (1,730,468) (1,804,830)
ProfitAafterAtax (337,207) 3,169,040 3,316,512 3,475,118 3,638,529 3,806,887 4,083,888 4,264,127 4,449,774 4,640,991
EBITDA (238,397) 4,631,391 4,847,331 5,069,749 5,298,839 5,534,802 5,777,843 6,028,177 6,286,020 6,551,598
Income%tax 131,136 (1,232,404) (1,289,755) (1,351,435) (1,414,983) (1,480,456) (1,588,178) (1,658,272) (1,730,468) (1,804,830)
Working%capital 0
Purchase%of%land (834,242)
Other%capex (1,689,936) (235,642) (49,634) (49,973) (50,322) (50,682) (51,053) (51,434) (51,828) (52,233) (52,233)
CashflowAbeforeAfinancing (2,524,178) (342,903) 3,349,353 3,507,603 3,667,991 3,833,173 4,003,293 4,138,231 4,318,077 4,503,319 4,694,536
Equity%financing 3,600,000
CashflowAafterAequityAfinancing 1,075,822 (342,903) 3,349,353 3,507,603 3,667,991 3,833,173 4,003,293 4,138,231 4,318,077 4,503,319 4,694,536
Drawdown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Repayment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CashflowAafterAfinancing 1,075,822 N342,903 3,349,353 3,507,603 3,667,991 3,833,173 4,003,293 4,138,231 4,318,077 4,503,319 4,694,536
Opening%cash%balance 1,075,822 1,075,822 732,919 4,082,272 7,589,876 11,257,867 15,091,040 19,094,333 23,232,563 27,550,640 32,053,960
Retained%cash 1,075,822 V342,903 3,349,353 3,507,603 3,667,991 3,833,173 4,003,293 4,138,231 4,318,077 4,503,319 4,694,536
Closing%cash%balance 1,075,822 732,919 4,082,272 7,589,876 11,257,867 15,091,040 19,094,333 23,232,563 27,550,640 32,053,960 36,748,495
Equity%investment (3,600,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Free%cashflow%after%financing 1,075,822 (342,903) 3,349,353 3,507,603 3,667,991 3,833,173 4,003,293 4,138,231 4,318,077 4,503,319 4,694,536
CashflowAavailableAtoAs'holders (2,524,178) (342,903) 3,349,353 3,507,603 3,667,991 3,833,173 4,003,293 4,138,231 4,318,077 4,503,319 4,694,536
EquityAIRR 74%
NPV $17,570,383
Achieving	25%	premium	on	market	price	for	export	quality	produce	
shipped	with	3rd	party	cargo	would	increase	IRR	by	26%	
©	Document	copyright	of	FAC		
USD 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Revenue 2,225,417 10,440,981 10,754,211 11,076,837 11,409,142 11,751,416 12,103,959 12,467,078 12,841,090 13,226,323
Crop%input%and%marketing%costs (1,166,483) (2,479,799) (2,479,799) (2,479,799) (2,479,799) (2,479,799) (2,479,799) (2,479,799) (2,479,799) (2,479,799)
SG&A (852,247) (1,241,595) (1,276,239) (1,311,922) (1,348,676) (1,386,532) (1,425,525) (1,465,687) (1,507,053) (1,549,661)
EBITDA 206,686 6,719,588 6,998,173 7,285,116 7,580,667 7,885,085 8,198,635 8,521,592 8,854,238 9,196,862
Depreciation (229,947) (229,947) (241,065) (243,196) (245,327) (247,458) (105,777) (105,777) (105,777) (105,777)
Profit?before?tax (23,260) 6,489,641 6,757,108 7,041,920 7,335,340 7,637,627 8,092,858 8,415,815 8,748,460 9,091,085
Tax%@ 28% 6,513 (1,817,099) (1,891,990) (1,971,738) (2,053,895) (2,138,536) (2,266,000) (2,356,428) (2,449,569) (2,545,504)
Profit?after?tax (16,747) 4,672,541 4,865,118 5,070,183 5,281,445 5,499,091 5,826,858 6,059,387 6,298,891 6,545,581
EBITDA 206,686 6,719,588 6,998,173 7,285,116 7,580,667 7,885,085 8,198,635 8,521,592 8,854,238 9,196,862
Income%tax 6,513 (1,817,099) (1,891,990) (1,971,738) (2,053,895) (2,138,536) (2,266,000) (2,356,428) (2,449,569) (2,545,504)
Working%capital 0
Purchase%of%land (834,242)
Other%capex (1,689,936) (235,642) (49,634) (49,973) (50,322) (50,682) (51,053) (51,434) (51,828) (52,233) (52,233)
Cashflow?before?financing (2,524,178) (22,443) 4,852,854 5,056,210 5,263,056 5,476,090 5,695,497 5,881,201 6,113,336 6,352,436 6,599,126
Equity%financing 3,600,000
Cashflow?after?equity?financing 1,075,822 (22,443) 4,852,854 5,056,210 5,263,056 5,476,090 5,695,497 5,881,201 6,113,336 6,352,436 6,599,126
Drawdown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Repayment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cashflow?after?financing 1,075,822 N22,443 4,852,854 5,056,210 5,263,056 5,476,090 5,695,497 5,881,201 6,113,336 6,352,436 6,599,126
Opening%cash%balance 1,075,822 1,075,822 1,053,379 5,906,234 10,962,443 16,225,499 21,701,589 27,397,085 33,278,286 39,391,622 45,744,058
Retained%cash 1,075,822 V22,443 4,852,854 5,056,210 5,263,056 5,476,090 5,695,497 5,881,201 6,113,336 6,352,436 6,599,126
Closing%cash%balance 1,075,822 1,053,379 5,906,234 10,962,443 16,225,499 21,701,589 27,397,085 33,278,286 39,391,622 45,744,058 52,343,184
Equity%investment (3,600,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Free%cashflow%after%financing 1,075,822 (22,443) 4,852,854 5,056,210 5,263,056 5,476,090 5,695,497 5,881,201 6,113,336 6,352,436 6,599,126
Cashflow?available?to?s'holders (2,524,178) (22,443) 4,852,854 5,056,210 5,263,056 5,476,090 5,695,497 5,881,201 6,113,336 6,352,436 6,599,126
Equity?IRR 100%
NPV $26,582,970
Increasing	farm	produc)on	from	120	Ha	to	240	Ha	in	Year	3	together	
with	premium	market	prices	and	lower	shipping	costs,	provides	
opportunity	to	exceed	IRR	150%	
©	Document	copyright	of	FAC		
USD 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Revenue 4,450,833 10,440,981 21,508,421 22,153,674 22,818,284 23,502,833 24,207,918 24,934,155 25,682,180 26,452,645
Crop%input%and%marketing%costs (1,166,483) (2,479,799) (4,959,598) (4,959,598) (4,959,598) (4,959,598) (4,959,598) (4,959,598) (4,959,598) (4,959,598)
SG&A (852,247) (1,241,595) (1,659,110) (1,705,499) (1,753,279) (1,802,492) (1,853,182) (1,905,393) (1,959,169) (2,014,560)
EBITDA 2,432,103 6,719,588 14,889,713 15,488,577 16,105,408 16,740,743 17,395,138 18,069,165 18,763,413 19,478,488
Depreciation (229,947) (229,947) (241,065) (243,196) (245,327) (247,458) (105,777) (105,777) (105,777) (105,777)
Profit?before?tax 2,202,156 6,489,641 14,648,648 15,245,382 15,860,081 16,493,285 17,289,360 17,963,387 18,657,635 19,372,710
Tax%@ 28% (616,604) (1,817,099) (4,101,622) (4,268,707) (4,440,823) (4,618,120) (4,841,021) (5,029,748) (5,224,138) (5,424,359)
Profit?after?tax 1,585,553 4,672,541 10,547,027 10,976,675 11,419,258 11,875,165 12,448,339 12,933,639 13,433,497 13,948,351
EBITDA 2,432,103 6,719,588 14,889,713 15,488,577 16,105,408 16,740,743 17,395,138 18,069,165 18,763,413 19,478,488
Income%tax (616,604) (1,817,099) (4,101,622) (4,268,707) (4,440,823) (4,618,120) (4,841,021) (5,029,748) (5,224,138) (5,424,359)
Working%capital 0
Purchase%of%land (834,242)
Other%capex (1,689,936) (235,642) (49,634) 310,027 (50,322) (50,682) (51,053) (51,434) (51,828) (52,233) (52,233)
Cashflow?before?financing (2,524,178) 1,579,857 4,852,854 11,098,118 11,169,548 11,613,903 12,071,570 12,502,682 12,987,589 13,487,042 14,001,896
Equity%financing 3,600,000
Cashflow?after?equity?financing 1,075,822 1,579,857 4,852,854 11,098,118 11,169,548 11,613,903 12,071,570 12,502,682 12,987,589 13,487,042 14,001,896
Drawdown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Repayment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cashflow?after?financing 1,075,822 1,579,857 4,852,854 11,098,118 11,169,548 11,613,903 12,071,570 12,502,682 12,987,589 13,487,042 14,001,896
Opening%cash%balance 1,075,822 1,075,822 2,655,679 7,508,534 18,606,652 29,776,200 41,390,103 53,461,673 65,964,355 78,951,944 92,438,986
Retained%cash 1,075,822 1,579,857 4,852,854 11,098,118 11,169,548 11,613,903 12,071,570 12,502,682 12,987,589 13,487,042 14,001,896
Closing%cash%balance 1,075,822 2,655,679 7,508,534 18,606,652 29,776,200 41,390,103 53,461,673 65,964,355 78,951,944 92,438,986 106,440,882
Equity%investment (3,600,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Free%cashflow%after%financing 1,075,822 1,579,857 4,852,854 11,098,118 11,169,548 11,613,903 12,071,570 12,502,682 12,987,589 13,487,042 14,001,896
Cashflow?available?to?s'holders (2,524,178) 1,579,857 4,852,854 11,098,118 11,169,548 11,613,903 12,071,570 12,502,682 12,987,589 13,487,042 14,001,896
Equity?IRR 153%
NPV $56,508,037
Several	other	upside	opportuni)es	would	significantly	increase	
the	projected	investment	returns										
area		Chili	&	
On	Farm	
&	Garlic			
foods	 Crop	residue	&		processed	
waste	is	u)lized	as	low	
cost	animal	feed		
(Beef	or	Pork	Feedlot)		
Shallots	&		
6-8	months						
in	a	year	
quality	produce														
(no	shipping	cost)	
Apply	compost		
produced	on	farm		
Develop	Smallholder		
Canned	sweet	corn	
&	frozen	edamame	
for	exports	
Mechanized	harves)ng		
Sweet	corn	&	Shallots		
Addi)onal	crops	
are	good	for				

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