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The History of the Internet
        Internet Timeline 1837
 Samuel Morse Invents
  The Telegraph
 In 1837, Samuel Morse
  invented the original
  telegraph transmitter
  and receiver. This
  invention was the
  foundation which led to
  the information age as
  we know it today.
The History of the Internet
           Internet Timeline 1858
 The First Trans-Atlantic
  Cable Attempt
 In 1858, the Atlantic cable
  was established to carry
  instantaneous                 Atlantic Cable Sample
  communications across the
  ocean for the first time.
  Although the laying of this
  first cable was seen as a
  landmark event, it only
  remained in service a few
The History of the Internet
             Internet Timeline 1866
 The Next Trans-Atlantic Cable Is
  A Success
  On the next attempt, cables                    Atlantic Cable Buoys
  which were laid in 1866 were a
  complete success. This event, in
  its time, would compare to
  events like the moon landing of
  a century later. The cable of 1866
  remained in service for the next
  100 years.

                                       Cable buoys were used to mark the
                                       location of cables. The largest of the
                                       buoys used on the Atlantic telegraph
                                       cable of 1865-66 could carry a cable
                                       weight of 20 tons.
The History of the Internet
           Internet Timeline 1876
 Alexander Graham Bell
  Invents the Telephone
 The concept of
  communicating voice over
  large distances was the
  foundation for the
  backbone of Internet
  connections today. Many
  of the same principles that
  defined the phone system
  were later adapted to
  create the first data
                                Alexander Graham Bell
The History of the Internet
             Internet Timeline 1945
 The Concept of HyperText is
 Vannevar Bush was an electrical
  engineer at MIT and an influential
  science adviser to President
  Roosevelt and the federal
  government during and after
  World War II. Bush was the
  originator of the concept of
  hypertext. In 1945, Bush proposed
  MEMEX, a conceptual machine
  that could store vast amounts of
  information. Users had the ability
  to create information trails, links
  of related texts and illustrations,
  which could be stored and used        Vannevar Bush (1908-1974)
  for future reference.
The History of the Internet
                    Year 1950
 The first portable, personal, digital computer is
  invented by Edmund C. Berkeley. It’s called Simon. As
  you know, the digital computer becomes an essential
  part of using the Internet. (The first mechanical
  computer was invented much earlier: in the 1800s,
  with the first working model being rolled out in
The History of the Internet
                  Internet Timeline 1957
 Sputnik Launches ARPA
 USSR launched Sputnik, the first
  artificial Earth satellite. In response,
  President Dwight Eisenhower
  created the Advanced Research
  Projects Agency (ARPA) within the
  Department of Defense to establish
  a US lead in science and technology
  applicable to the military.
 Sputnik 1, launched on Oct. 4, 1957,
  became the first artificial satellite to
  successfully orbit the Earth. It was a
  metallic sphere about 2 feet across,
  weighing 184 lbs (84 kg), with long
  "whiskers" pointing to one side, and
  stayed in orbit for 6 months before
  falling back to Earth. Its rocket
  booster, weighing 4 tons, also
  reached orbit and was easily visible
  from the ground.
The History of the Internet
               Internet Timeline 1960
 Ted H. Nelson Coins "hypertext"
  and "hypermedia"
 Ted H. Nelson is the inventor of
  many common ideas related to
  hypertext, including the words
  "hypertext" and "hypermedia."
  Nelson defined hypertext as "a
  body of written or pictorial
  material interconnected in
  [such] a complex way that it
  could not be conveniently
  represented on paper." The
  principle of hypertext is to
  associate information through
  "links" into a coherent
  organization.                      Ted H. Nelson
The History of the Internet
             Internet Timeline 1961
 Packet-Switching Theory
  Is Created
 Leonard Kleinrock of
  MIT wrote "Information
  Flow in Large
  Communication Nets."
  This was the first paper
  on packet-switching (PS)
  theory, the foundation of
  how all data is packaged
  on the Internet today.
The History of the Internet
            Internet Timeline 1962
 Mouse inventor Douglas Englebart writes a paper titled “Augmenting
  Human Intellect : A Conceptual Framework” about networking
 JCR Licklider writes a series of memos envisioning a global system of
  interconnected computers whileDonald Davies, Paul Baran, and others
  theorize packet-switched networks. Together they create
  ArpaNet which is the precursor to the Internet. The first nodes are
  established at UCLA, the Stanford Research Center at UCSB, and UofU.
 Me 1.0 is launched by my mother, though this has nothing to do with
  the web at this point. Me version 44.3 is in use today and remains fairly
The History of the Internet
           Internet Timeline 1963
 Douglas Englebart tries
 to turn his theories into
 reality with the first
 implementation of
 hypertext. By 1968, he’s
 ready to present it to the

                              Douglas Englebart
The History of the Internet
                  Internet Timeline 1964
 A Network That Could
  Withstand A Nuclear Bomb
 In 1964, the RAND
  Corporation sought to design
  a communications network
  that could link cities, states,
  and military bases and
  withstand an atomic bomb.
  Paul Baran of RAND put
  forth a proposal entitled “On
  Distributed Communication
  Networks." This new network
  would have no central
  authority and was thus
  designed from the beginning
  to be more fail-proof.
The History of the Internet
                    Internet Timeline 1967
 NPL Tests The First Packet-
  Switching Network
 ARPA was renamed to DARPA
  to reflect its sponsorship by the
  Department of Defense. The
  National Physical Laboratory
  (NPL), in England created the
  NPL network to experiment
  with packet switching using
  768Kbps (Kilobits per second)
  lines. Later that year the first
  meeting of the three
  independent packet network
  teams (RAND, NPL, ARPA)
  was held.
The History of the Internet
              Internet Timeline 1968
 ARPANET Is Proposed and
  Contracted Out
 In 1968 DARPA sent out a Request
  for Proposals for a network project
  called ARPANET. The project was
  awarded in three parts:

1.   UCLA was awarded a contract to
     create a Network Measurement
2.   Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc.
     (BBN) was awarded the packet
     switching contract to build
     Interface Message Processors
3.   Network Working Group (NWG)
     had the task of developing
     protocols to communicate over
     the ARPANET.
The History of the Internet
               Internet Timeline 1969
 The 50Kbps ARPANET Is Tested
  With 4 Nodes
 ARPANET was configured with
  four IMP network nodes
  running at 50Kbps connecting
  four universities using the
  Network Control Protocol (NCP)
  to transfer data. This allowed
  communications between hosts
  running on the same network.
  The first packets sent by Charley
  Kline at UCLA as he tried           UCLA   -   Univ. of Calif. at Los Angeles
  logging on, resulted in the         UCSB   -   Univ. of Calif. at Santa Barbara
  system crashing as the letter G     UTAH   -   Utah University
  of LOGIN was entered.               SRI    -   Stanford Research Institute
The History of the Internet
                  Internet Timeline 1971
 First Email / First eBook / ARPANET
 First Email
  Ray Tomlinson of BBN invented an email
  program to send messages across a
  distributed network. The email program
  was derived from two others: an intra-
  machine email program (SENDMSG)
  and an experimental file transfer
  program (CPYNET).
 First eBook
  Michael S. Hart creates the first eBook
  by typing the US Declaration of
  Independence into a computer. During
  the same year he also founded Project
  Gutenberg, the first digital library to
  create and house electronic copies of
  Also in 1971, ARPANET had grown to 15
  nodes with 23 hosts. The original IMPs
  were limited to 4 host connections, and
  so BBN developed a terminal IMP (TIP)
  that supported up to 64 hosts.
The History of the Internet
                 Internet Timeline 1972
 ARPANET Is Publicly
 Ray Tomlinson (BBN) modified his
  email program for ARPANET and it
  became an instant hit. The Telnet
  specification was defined. The first
  public demonstration of ARPANET
  was held in the basement of the
  Washington Hilton Hotel. The
  demonstration allowed the public to
  come in and use the ARPANET,
  running applications all over the
  Much to the surprise of the people
  at AT&T who were skeptical about
  whether it would work, the demo
  was a booming success.
The History of the Internet
                     Internet Timeline 1973
 International ARPANET Connections/
  Ethernet Is Created in 1973, an ARPA
  study showed that email accounted for
  75% of all the traffic generated by the
  estimated 2,000 users. 1973 also saw the
  first international connections to
  ARPANET, when the University College
  of London and Norway's Royal Radar
  Establishment signed on. The File
  Transfer specification was defined for
  transporting files.
  Bob Metcalfe's Harvard Ph.D. Thesis
  outlined the idea for Ethernet. The
  concept was tested on Xerox PARC's Alto
  computers, on the first Ethernet network
  called the Alto Aloha System. Below is a
  diagram of the original Ethernet design.
 Metcalfe later went on to form one of the
  largest networking companies in the
  world, 3COM. The name was derived             Bob Metcalfe
  from the prefixes of three terms:           Ethernet Creator
  computer, communication, and
The History of the Internet
                  Internet Timeline 1975
 Vinton G. Cerf "Father of the
 In 1974, the term Internet was first
  used by Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn
  in a paper on Transmission Control
  Protocol. Commercial interests hit
  in 1974 when BBN developed a
  commercial version of ARPANET
  called Telenet. It was the first
  commercially available packet-
  switching network and was widely
  used by early online services like
  Compuserve and GEnie. Becuase of
  Cerf's contributions, he is            Vinton G. Ceft
  considered by many as the Father of
  the Internet.
The History of the Internet
              Internet Timeline 1975
 First Public Internet
  Service Provider (ISP)
 The World
  In 1989 a company called
  "The World" was the first
  internet service provider
  (ISP) to offer dial-up access
  to the general public. As of
  October 2011 The World is
  still offering dial-up
  services via
The History of the Internet
               Internet Timeline 1976
 UUCP Copy Protocol / Royal
 UUCP Copy Protocol
  The UUCP (Unix-to-Unix CoPy)
  program was developed at AT&T
  Bell Labs. UUCP is a collection
  of computer programs and
  protocols allowing remote
  execution of commands and
  transfer of files, email and
  netnews between computers.
  AT&T Bell Labs distributed
  UUCP with the UNIX operating
  system one year later.
 Royal Email
  Elizabeth II, Queen of the
  United Kingdom, sent out the
  first royal email.
The History of the Internet
                        Internet Timeline 1978
   First Spam Email / PC Modem
   First Spam Email
    On May 3, 1978, Gary Thuerk sent the first spam
    email ever. A marketer for the Digital Equipment
    Corporation "DEC", blasted out his message to
    400 of the 2600 people on ARPAnet to promote
    DEC's new range of mini-computers. Naturally he
    annoyed a lot of people, but he also had some
    success, with a few recipients interested in what
    he was pushing.
   PC Modem
    In April of 1977, Dennis C. Hayes developed the
    first personal computer modem on his dining
    room table, establishing the critical technology
    that allowed today's online and Internet industries
    to emerge and grow. A modem converts the digital
    signals of the sending computer to analog signals
    that can be transmitted through telephone lines.
    When the signal reaches its destination, another
    modem reconstructs the original digital signal,
    which is processed by the receiving computer. In
    January 1978, Hayes Corp. was founded, and by
    1985 Hayes' annual sales hit $120 million. In fact,
    Hayes modems were so popular that other
    competitors would sell their modems as Hayes-
    compatible modems.
The History of the Internet
             Internet Timeline 1979
 Usenet Newsgroups
  Created / BITNET Created
 Usenet, a decentralized
  news group network, was
  created by Steve Bellovin.
  It was based on UUCP. The
  creation of BITNET,
  "Because it's Time
  Network," by IBM,
  introduced the "store and
  forward" network. It was
  used for email and
The History of the Internet
             Year 1980
 Philips invents the CD but users don’t see these things for a
 Tim Berners-Lee, IT consultant for CERN, writes
  the Enquire cross-linking database that relies on the notion
  of hyperlinking between network nodes. This forms the
  very foundation of the World Wide Web (still not an
  established name at this point in time, though). For the
  record, Tim Berners-Lee denies that he invented the web as
  many claim. He’s adamant about it in fact. (I think he’s
  being humble and was instrumental in making all of this
The History of the Internet
             Internet Timeline 1981
 NSF Creates The 56 Kbps
 National Science
  Foundation created a
  backbone called CSNET 56
  Kbps network for
  institutions without access
  to ARPANET. Vinton Cerf
  proposed a plan for an
  inter-network connection
  between CSNET and the
The History of the Internet
                     Internet Timeline 1983
 Internet Is Born / America Online              Internet Is Born
 America Online                                  On January 1st, every machine connected
  Founded in 1983 as Control Video                to ARPANET had to switch from the
  Corporation, Steve Case rebranded it as         Network Control Protocol (NCP) to the
  America Online in February 1991, thus           Transmission Control Protocol TCP/IP.
  AOL was born. Steve Case positioned             By TCP/IP replacing NCP entirely, the
  AOL as the online service for people            foundation for the Internet as we know it
  unfamiliar with computers, in particular        today was born.
  contrast to CompuServe, which had long
  served the technical community. AOL
  was the first online service to require use
  of proprietary software, rather than a
  standard terminal program; as a result it
  was able to offer a graphical user
  interface (GUI) instead of command
  lines, and was well ahead of the
  competition in emphasizing
  communication among members as a
  feature. Many consider AOL to be the
  first successful online social network.
The History of the Internet
                 Internet Timeline 1984
 The Internet Gets Fast / DNS Created
 The Internet Gets Fast
  Upgrade to CSNET was contracted to
  MCI. The new circuits would be T1
  lines, 1.544 Mbps (Million bits per
  second) which is twenty-five times
  faster than the old 56 Kbps lines. The
  new network was to be called NSFNET
  (National Science Foundation
  Network), and old lines would
  continue to be called CSNET.
  DNS Created
  1984 also saw the introduction of the
  Domain Named Server (DNS). Before
  the DNS existed users were required to
  enter a IP address to reach a web site
  such as to access the
  amazon web site. Using the domain
  name server, users were able to use the
  domain name instead of
  the IP address
The History of the Internet
               Internet Timeline 1985
 NSF Deploys The 1.544
  Mbps(T1) NSFNET
 In 1985 a number of
  agreements were in place to
  connect networks, such as the
  academic CSnet (Computer
  Science Network), to the
  ARPANET. To increase the
  speed on the net, the
  National Science Foundation
  began deploying its new T1
  lines (1.544Mbps), which
  would be finished by 1988.
The History of the Internet
               Internet Timeline 1986
 PERL Scripting Language is
 Larry Wall developed PERL, a
  powerful programming
  language optimized for text
  processing and available as
  freeware. PERL later became
  very popular for building
  WWW server-side scripts.
  Wall developed PERL in 1986
  when he worked at Unisys.
                                   Larry Wall
  "PERL" is short for "Practical
  Extraction and Report
The History of the Internet
                Internet Timeline 1988
 45 Mbps (T3) Approved / IANA
 45 Mbps (T3) Approved
  In 1988 the T1 NSFNET backbone
  was completed. Traffic increased so
  quickly that plans immediately
  began on upgrading the network
  again. NSF approves upgrades for
  NSFNET To 45 Mbps (T3), A high-
  speed network using T3, a 45 Mbps
  line. The new network would be
  complete by the end of 1991.
  IANA Created
  1988 also brought the creation of the
  Internet Assigned Numbers
  Authority (IANA) to hand out
  network addresses. Jonathan B.
  Postel, creator of the Internet's       Jonathan B. Postel
  address system, ran the IANA for
  many years.
The History of the Internet
                    Internet Timeline 1990
 ARPANET Terminated
  While the T3 lines were being
  constructed, the Department of
  Defense disbanded the ARPANET
  and it was replaced by the NSFNET      ARPANET Terminated / MP3 Is Born
  backbone. The original 50Kbps lines
  of ARPANET were taken out of           Tim Berners-Lee coins the phrase
  service.                                World Wide Web (WWW) in
                                          reference to a browser built for the
                                          NeXTstep platform. He launches
                                          the first web browser and first web
                                          page (the killer app of the era), then
                                          at, but now at
 MP3 Is Born
  The Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG) in conjunction with a German
  company Fraunhofer-Gesellshaft implements MP3 audio compression. During
  the 1980s, MPEG had worked to develop a compression method to transmit
  high-quality audio files. Different amounts of compression were represented by
  "layer" algorithms, where the best quality was a compression ratio of 1:4, known
  as Layer 1. The most efficient ratio was Layer 3, compressing sound 1:12, or
  reducing the size of the audio file 12 times compared with the original CD
  standard. This compression became known as MPEG Layer 3, or MP3.
The History of the Internet
             Internet Timeline 1991
 CSNET Is Taken Out Of
                               Tim Berners-Lee
 In 1991, the CSNET           makes WWW files
 (which consisted of           publicly available
 56Kbps lines) had             on the
 fulfilled its role. It was    Internet. This
 discontinued and sold         marks the
 off to private business.      official birth of
                               the Internet.
The History of the Internet
             Internet Timeline 1992
 Tim Berners-Lee Creates
  the WWW
 Internet Society was
  chartered. Tim Berners-
  Lee published a paper
  proposing a "world wide
  web" which was released
  by CERN, and Jean Armour
  Polly coined the phrase
  "surfing the Internet." Web
  sites showed up on the
  Internet for the first time
  for a grand total 26 Web      Tim Berners-Lee
  sites by year end.
The History of the Internet
               Internet Timeline 1993
 InterNic / Mosaic / 10 Million

 InterNIC
  InterNIC was created by NSF to
  provide specific Internet
  services: directory and database
  services (by AT&T), registration
  services (by Network Solutions
  Inc.), and information services
  (by General Atomics/CERFnet).
 Mosaic - Marc Andreessen and NCSA and the University of Illinois
  developed a graphical user interface to the WWW, called "Mosaic," the
  first Web browser. The growth rate of the Internet was an incredible

 10 Million Users
  1993 marks the year where the Internet reached 10 million users.
  According to Google stats, this number doubled by 1994, doubled again
  by 1995, reached 1 billion by 2005 and exceeded 2 billion by 2010.
The History of the Internet
                 Internet Timeline 1994
 Yahoo / Pizza Hut / Gore / NSF
 Yahoo
  Yahoo, the first Internet search
  engine, was created in April 1994 by
  David Filo and Jerry Yang at
  Stanford University where Yahoo
  itself first resided on Yang's student
  workstation. Currently Yahoo
  provides over 167 million search
  results per day.
 Pizza Hut
  Pizza Hut's offers first online pizza
  service on August 22nd, 1994. Well...
  almost. The Web site let you submit
  a form which took your order, name,
  address, and phone number, and
  then the restaurant would call you
  back to verify.
   Gore
    Vice President Al Gore, coined term "Information Superhighway." He became the point
    man in the Clinton administration's effort to build a national information highway, much
    as his father, former Senator Albert Gore, was a principal architect of the interstate
    highway system a generation or more earlier.
   NSF Upgrades
    In 1994 NFS installed an ATM (Asynchronous Transmission Mode, 145Mbps) backbone on

 The White House goes online.

 The WWW beats out telnet to become the second most popular Internet service. FTP is
 The Netscape Navigator Browser is released.

 Federal Express launches its online package tracking service.

 Database software MySQL, co-founded by Michael “Monty” Widenius and David Axmark,
  changes the way data is stored, organized, and delivered to web pages. This was the
  culmination of work that really began in 1978.

 The word spam is coined in relation to unsolicited email, but the term really spans all the
  way back to 1937.

 Finding jobs online gets its real start as Monster Worldwide Inc., founded in 1967,
The History of the Internet
                 Internet Timeline 1995
 eBay
 In the summer of 1995, Pierre Omidyar      Amazon
 was having dinner at home in Campbell      Amazon, launched in Seattle by Jeffrey
 with his fiancée, Pam Wesley. Wesley       Bezos, was the first online bookstore and
 collected PEZ dispensers, and she          now the world's largest online-only retailer.
 mentioned that she was having trouble      Amazon's initial business plan was unusual
 finding fellow collectors to trade with.   in that the company did not expect to turn a
 He came to Wesley's rescue by writing      profit for four to five years after it was
 the code for what would one day become
                                            founded. In retrospect the strategy was
 eBay. The domain name was
 registered in August 1995, the beginning   sound, despite the dotcom collapse of 2000.
 of the largest online person-to-person
 trading community.
 Netscape
  Marc Andreessen, the mastermind of Mosaic, founded his own company,
  Mosaic Communications Corporation, which is now known as Netscape.
  Netscape took a 70% market share of the browser market virtually

 RealAudio
  Rob Glaser released RealAudio, the first Internet audio streaming
  software. This was later followed by RealVideo and RealPlayer.

 Domain Fees
  In 1995, a $50 annual fee was imposed on domains, excluding .edu and
  .gov domains, which were still funded by the NSF. NSF announced that it
  would no longer allow direct access to the NSF backbone and contracted
  with four companies that would provide access to the NSF Backbone for a
The History of the Internet
                   Internet Timeline 1996
 Internet Explorer / Java / Flash
 Internet Explorer
  Most Internet traffic was carried
  by backbones of independent
  ISPs for a fee. Microsoft saw this
  gigantic potential for the
  Internet and soon released its
  own browser, the MS Internet
  Explorer, for free.
 Flash
  In December 1996, FutureWave
  Software was sold Macromedia,
  and FutureSplash Animator
  became Macromedia Flash 1.0.
  Flash would become
  synonymous with animation on
  the Internet. Macromedia was
  later purchased by Adobe who
  continues to produce Flash.
 Java
  1996 also saw the release of Sun Microsystems' Java
  programming language. Java 1.0 was released to the public
  in January 1996. It provided more interactivity with users
  by giving developers a way to produce more interactive web
  pages. Over the years it has evolved as a successful language
  for use both on and off the Internet. A decade later, it’s still
  an extremely popular language with over 6.5 million
  developers worldwide.
The History of the Internet
                 Internet Timeline 1975
 Blog
  The term "weblog" was coined by Jorn
  Barger in December 1997, while the
  shorter version, "blog," was coined by
  Peter Merholz in 1999. Blogging has
  emerged as a popular means of               
  communication, affecting public opinion
  and mass media around the world. It
                                                The domain name
  wasn't until 2004 that the role of blogs, originally
  became increasingly mainstream as             registered for $50 in 1995, sold
  political consultants, news services, and     for $150,000 in 1997. It would
  candidates began using them as tools for
  outreach and opinion formation.
                                                later be sold again in 1999 for
  Webster's Dictionary declared "blog" as       $7,500,000.
  the word of the year in 2004, and by
  February 2011 there were more than 156
  million active blogs.
Winamp, the first popular MP3 music
player, boosted the success of MP3 virtually
overnight. It was developed by college
dropout Justin Frankel at his parents' home
in Sedona, Arizona.

Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11, codenamed Wi-Fi, is a
wireless local area network (WLAN)
standard first released in June 1997. Wi-Fi
connects electronic devices wirelessly across
short distances, roughly 150-300 ft. A Wi-Fi
enabled device, such as a personal computer,
video game console, or smartphone, can
connect to the Internet via a wireless
network access point, or "hotspot". Wi-Fi
enabled devices came slow in the early years,
with only 7.5 million units shipped in 2001.
Units shipped increased exponentially over
the next ten years, reaching 41 million units
by 2003, 300 million units by 2007, and over
1 billion units in 2011.
The History of the Internet
                      Internet Timeline 1998
   Google
    Co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin,
    brought Google to life in September 1998,
    answering roughly 10,000 search queries a day.
    By 1999 it was handling 500,000 queries per
    day, and by 2000 it was up to 100 million
    queries a day. Currently Google indexes over
    4.28 billion web pages and provides over 250
    million search results per day.

   PayPal
    founded in December 1998 by Peter Thiel and
    Max Levchin, is an Internet business which
    allows the transfer of money between email
    users and merchants, avoiding traditional
    paper methods such as checks/cheques and
    money orders. PayPal also performs payment
    processing for e-commerce vendors, auction
    sites, and other corporate users, for which they
    charge a fee. Paypal quickly became the most
    common method of paying for eBay auctions.
Netflix, the first to offer online movie
rentals, started offering pay-per-rental
movies online at $4 per rental plus $2 in
postage. It wasn't until 1999 that they
introduced the monthly subscription
concept with no due dates, late fees,
shipping or handling fees.
eBook Readers
The first eBook readers or eReaders were
also released in 1998. One was called Rocket
eBook, with a 4.5 x 3 inch two color B/W
touch screen, which could hold up to 4000
pages (about 10 books). The other was called
SoftBook, with a 6 × 8 inch grayscale touch
screen, which could hold 1500 pages (about
4 books).
Electronic postal stamps became a reality,
with the US Postal Service allowing stamps
to be purchased and downloaded for
printing from the Web.
The History of the Internet
 Internet 2
                    Internet Timeline 1999
  Internet 2 (exceeding 8GBps), led by
  over 170 U.S. universities working in
  partnership with industry and
  government, developed and deployed
  advanced network applications and
  technologies, accelerating the creation of
  tomorrow's Internet. MCI/Worldcom,
  the vBNS provider for NSF, began
  upgrading the US backbone to 2.5GBps
  The world feared the unknown Y2K
  effects on the Internet, which never
  materialized. Computers were free with a
  3-year network service agreement.
 Napster
  In mid-1999, the laid-back, 18-year-old
  Northeastern University dropout Shawn
  Fanning – nicknamed "Napster" for the
  nappy hair – developed Napster, the first
  popular peer-to-peer file sharing
  platform. Napster, a free software
  program, allowed people to easily
  exchange recordings via the Net, cutting
  out stores and music publishers. Within
  a year Napster would upend music's
  business model.
 Domain Name Sales
  Multi-million dollar domain name sales were the poster child of
  the dot-com excess, with the most infamous being,
  which was purchased by ECompanies Venture Group, headed by
  former Disney executive Jake Weinbaum. The following domain
  name purchases were realized in 1999 alone:

 - $7.5 million
 - $3.3 million
 - $3.25 million
 - $2.2 million
 - $2.2 million
 - $2 million
 - $1.5 million
 - $1.03 million
 - $1 million
 - $824,000
The History of the Internet
                      Internet Timeline 2000
 Internet Appliances
  Led by 3Com's Palm Pilot, handheld
  devices with Internet connectivity began
  to become a reality. These devices
  allowed users to view news, sports, stock      Web Attacks
  quotes, weather, road conditions, and          A massive denial of service (DoS) attack was
  much more. They could also purchase
  stock, place online bids, send and receive     launched against major Web sites, including
  email, book flights, and perform online        Yahoo, Amazon, and eBay in early February.
  banking, with more features arriving
  daily.                                         Various domain name hijackings took place
 COPPA                                          in late May and early June, including
  The United States Children's Online  ,, and
  Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) became
  effective April 21, 2000, and is an act that
  applies to commercial web sites and
  online services that collect information
  and could be used by children under the
  age of 13. COPPA helps protect an
  underage child's privacy by either
  restricting the child's access to the site
  without a parent's permission or not
  allowing that child to access the page
  because it collects data.
The History of the Internet
                 Internet Timeline 2001
 Wikipedia - launched on
  January 2001 as a free online
  English-language encyclopedia
  project. It now contains over 19
  million articles. Almost all of its
  articles can be edited by anyone
  with access to the site, and it has
  about 90,000 active
  contributors. As of July 2011,
  there were editions of Wikipedia
  in 282 languages. As for its
  accuracy, a peer-review
  comparison of selected science
  articles in the printed
  Encyclopedia Britannica with          New TLDs
  the online user-edited                ICANN selected new top level domains
  Wikipedia, conducted by the           (TLDs) .aero, .biz, .coop, .info, .museum,
  journal Nature, rates the             .name, .pro.
  Wikipedia nearly as accurate as
 Radio Silence
  Radio stations broadcasting over the Web went silent over artist royalty
  disputes. About the same time a federal judge ruled that Napster must
  remain offline until it could prevent copyrighted material from being
  shared by its users.

 Tech Stock Blues
  Many high tech stocks including the big boys like CSCO, ORCL, and
  SUNW saw 2-year lows as investor confidence dove due to massive dot
  com failures in 2000 and below-estimate returns in 2001.
The History of the Internet
                  Internet Timeline 2002
 eBay and Paypal Merge
  July 2002, online auction giant eBay
  Inc. bought Internet payment
  provider PayPal Inc. in a $1.3 billion   Amazon Grows
  stock deal that would unite the          In October 2002, Amazon added hundreds
  Web's arguably most successful           of new partnerships with reatailers
  business with one of the few             including The Gap, Nordstrom, Land's End,
  companies that had been giving it        Target, Borders, and Toys R Us. At the same
  any trouble. eBay executives said        time, Amazon launched an online sporting
  they hoped acquiring PayPal would        goods store, which offered 3,000 different
  make the trading site faster, easier,    brand names. By the end of 2003, Amazon
  safer and give eBay a significant        would enjoy its first full-year profit and
  chunk of e-commerce action that it       annual sales of over $5.25 billion, an increase
  had been missing.                        of more than a third over 2002.
The History of the Internet
                      Internet Timeline 2003
 Myspace
  Myspace was the first major social
  networking web site. It allowed users to
  create profiles, add photos, add music,
  personalize their page, list personal
  interests, and more. Myspace had
  100,000,000 active users by August 2006
  and doubled to 200,000,000 by
  September 2007. From 2003-2007
  Myspace was the most popular social
  networking site, only to be overtaken by
  Facebook in mid 2008.

 Skype
  Skype, lauched in August 2003, is a
  software application that allows users to
  make free voice and video calls and chats
  over the Internet. Skype was purchased
  by Microsoft in May of 2011 for $8.5
  Billion. For a monthly fee, traditional
  landline telephones and mobile phones
  can be made, and users can have real
  phone numbers attached to their Skype
• 3Gor 3rd generation mobile
                                           • iTunes StoreAlthough iTunes was
telecommunications, was first
                                           introduced by Apple, Inc. January 2001 in
commercially available in the United
States in July 2003. Both 1G and 2G        conjunction with the release of the Apple
exists, but the data download rate was a   iPod later that year, the release of the iTunes
mere 9.6kbs and not very effective for     store in April 2003 brought iTunes to the
mobile purposes. 3G Technology             forefront. iTunes is a media player computer
marked the first time that cellular        program, used for playing and organizing
phones could directly connect to the       digital music and video files on desktop
internet and provide mobile broadband      computers. It can also manage contents on
access to smartphones as well as laptop
                                           iPod, iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. iTunes
mobile modems. 3G data rates can reach
384kbps download, which is comparable      can connect to the iTunes Store to purchase
to home broadband connections.             and download music, music videos,
Typical uses include mobile web            television shows.
browsing, mobile application
downloads,and mobile access for laptop
The History of the Internet
                     Internet Timeline 2004
 Facebook like Myspace, is a social
   networking web site, but it was originally
   limited to college students. In mid 2008,
   Facebook opened the doors to anyone ages
   13+ to join. Within a year, Facebook had
   twice as many members as Myspace, and
   with the addition of new features over the
   next few years, Facebook had five times as
                                                • Firefox Mozilla Firefox 1.0 Internet
   many active users as Myspace. As of July
   2011, Facebook had more than 800 million     browser was released in September 2004.
   users, making it by far the most popular     With over 25 million downloads in the 99
   social networking web site.                  days after the initial 1.0 release, Firefox
                                                became one of the most downloaded free
                                                and open source applications. On October
                                                19, 2005, Firefox had its 100 millionth
                                                download, just 344 days after the release. It
                                                has already grabbed over 10% of the browser
                                                market share and is growing rapidly.
Internet Speed record was broken this year.
Researchers successfully sent data using a 10
Gigabit Ethernet link between the
University of Tokyo and the CERN research
center in Geneva, Switzerland. The T110
delivered sustained 7.57 Gbps throughput
running standard 1500-byte Ethernet
packets over a single TCP connection across
an 11,490 mile (18,500 km) link. That's
enough speed to transfer a full-length DVD
anywhere in the world in less than five
The History of the Internet
                    Internet Timeline 2005
 TiVo Internet Access, the most popular
  personal video recorder, added new
  features this year that made it possible for
  users to exchange shows with other users
  and schedule recordings remotely online.
  TiVo now says it is also working to allow
  movies and music from the Internet to be
  downloaded to TiVo, similar to how pay-
  per-view is offered by cable and satellite
 VOIP Soars Voice Over IP (VOIP), the
  technology for using a standard phone
  across the Internet, more than doubled its
  subscriber base this year. Reasons? Calls to
  other VOIP users are typically free
  anywhere in the world, while calls to and
  from traditional land line phones or cell
  phones cost a few pennies a minute.
  Typically, VOIP plans cost $25 a month for
  unlimited dialing,
Before the launch of YouTube in 2005, there were
few easy methods available for ordinary computer
users who wanted to post videos online. YouTube
made it possible for anyone with an Internet
connection to post a video that a worldwide
audience could watch within a few minutes. In
November 2006 Google purchased YouTube for
$1.65 billion in Google stock. As of May 2010,
YouTube was serving more than two billion videos
a day to over 100 million viewers, which is nearly
double the prime-time audience of all three major
US television networks combined.

Google Earth
The release of Google Earth in June 2005 to the
public caused a more than tenfold increase in
media coverage on virtual globes, driving public
interest in geospatial technologies and
applications. Google Earth lets you fly anywhere
on Earth to view satellite imagery, maps, terrain,
3D buildings, from galaxies in outer space to the
canyons of the ocean.
The History of the Internet
                   Internet Timeline 2006
                                              Standards Awareness
                                               This year also saw a much improved
 Web 2.0 is a term often applied to a         awareness of Web standards with
  perceived ongoing transition of the          more and more Web Professionals
  World Wide Web from a collection of          looking to meet XHTML/CSS
  web sites to a full-fledged computing        Standards and ensure web sites
  platform serving web applications to end
  users. Ultimately Web 2.0 services are       meet Accessibility requirements.
  expected to replace desktop computing           Twitter
  applications for many purposes. This            Twitter is a social networking and
  year there was an explosion of Web 2.0
  applications. This includes improved            microblogging service that enables its
  calendar services, blogs, newsfeeds,            users to send and read other users'
  upgraded map services, dynamic Web              messages called tweets. Twitter came
  content that needs no page reloads, and         to life in July 2006 when @jack sent
  an overhaul to the look and feel of Web
  sites to make them cleaner and easier to        the first Tweet to his seven followers
  use, making Web 2.0 the much                    and by 2007 Twitter had 5,000 tweets
  improved, user-friendly Internet.               per day. This quickly grew to 300,000
                                                  per day in 2008, 2,500,000 per day in
                                                  2009, and 50,000,000 per day in 2010.
                                                  As of 2011, there were over 100 million
                                                  Twitter users worldwide.
The History of the Internet
  Internet Timeline 2007
              Android In November 2007, Google
               released Android, an operating system for
               mobile devices such as smartphones and
               tablet computers. Android is the only direct
               competitor to Apple's iPhone and is raising
               the bar daily. For example, unlike the
               iPhone, Android phones can swap batteries
               when power is low, upgrade memory when
               storage is low, run Adobe Flash, and Google
               never charges for Google-created Android
               Apps. As of May 2011 there were more than
               100 million activated Android devices.

              Google Docs
               In February 2007, Google Docs was made
               available to Google Apps users. Google
               Docs is a free, Web-based office suite, and
               data storage service offered by Google. It
               allows users to create and edit documents
               online while collaborating in real-time with
               other users.
•Kindle Although the first eReaders were
available in 1998, consumer interest did not peak
until Amazon launched Kindle. In November
2007, Amazon offered the Kindle eReader for sale
for the first time, which sold out in less than six
hours and would remain out of stock for the next
five months. The First Kindle's cost US$399 and
could hold about 200 eBooks. In September 2011,
Amazon released a base Kindle, costing a mere
US$79, with a capacity of 1500 eBooks. Free Kindle
software apps are also available for the iPad,
Windows and Mac computers, as well as Apple
iPhone and Google Android and BlackBerry
cellphones.                                        •iPhone/iOS Apple's iPhone, running on
                                            Apple's iOS operating system, were both
                                            released in June 2007, making available a
                                            line of Internet and multimedia-enabled
                                            smartphones with a virtual keypad and a
                                            virtual keyboard that would set the standard
                                            for smartphones going forward. As of June
                                            2011, Apple's iOS operating system was
                                            installed on over 200 million devices.
The History of the Internet
                        Internet Timeline 2008
   Netflix Streaming Although Netflix was first
    introduced in 1998 as an online movie rental        Cloud Computing In early 2008, Eucalyptus
    company, it wasn't until January 2008 that the       introduced the first open source Cloud
    company launched unlimited streaming of              computing platform, and the concept has been
    movies and TV shows online for as little as          growing exponentially ever since. Cloud
    $9.99 a month. Originally these would only           computing is a hardware independant method
    stream on personal computers, but device-            providing of computing where users are billed
    specific support quickly became available.           for software usage, cpu usage, and memory
    Today these devices include game consoles            usage as if it were a utility. This avoids the
    such as Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox 360,            need to purchase hardware and software, and
    and PlayStation 3, plus stand-alone devices          eliminates the need to migrate to newer
    such as Google TV, Apple TV, Blu-ray players,        computers every few years.
    DVRs, handheld devices and more.
•Tethering Mid-2008 saw the rise of tethering, a
means of sharing the Internet connection of an
Internet-capable mobile phone with other devices
such as a laptop. Although mobile consumers rave
about free interent for their laptops via their
phones, the phone companies are, as one can
imagine, not as pleased. Some carriers, such as
AT&T, have gone as far as to ban tethering, which
                                                      •App Stores (Google) In October 2008, Google
affects almost all iPhone users. It is assumed that
                                                      released Android Market, Google's app store. By
market pressure will force AT&T and others alike
                                                      March 2009, Android Market had 2,300 Apps.
to offer tethering for free at some point if they
                                                      One key advantage to the Android Market is that
plan to keep their customer base.
                                                      57% of the apps are free, compared to 28% at
                                                      Apple's App Store. More important, Apple charges
•App Stores (Apple) In July 2008, the Apple App
                                                      for premium apps that Apple creates, whereas
Store went live with 522 apps, including 135 free
                                                      Google has yet to charge for any Google-created
apps. The App Store is a service that allows iPhone
                                                      apps. In July 2011, 4.5 billion apps had been
users to browse and download applications from
                                                      downloaded from Android Market, and Google
the iTunes Store directly to their iPhone.
                                                      had approved its 250,000th app.
Depending on the application, they are available
either for free or at a cost. In January 2011, the 10
billionth app was downloaded and on May 2011,
Apple approved its 500,000th app.
The History of the Internet
                   Internet Timeline 2009
 Google Voice, a telecommunications           Mobile Data Milestone
  service offered by Google, was launched       Mobile data traffic surpassed voice traffic
  in March 2009. By October 2009, Google        on mobile devices for the first time in
  Voice had 1.4 million users. Google Voice     2009 and has consistently topped mobile
  is used for placing free voice calls over     voice traffic ever since. Total mobile data
  the internet to landline telephones and       traffic across the world now exceeds 1
  mobile phones. Google will also provide       exabyte, which is 1 billion gigabytes. The
  you a real phone number attached to           data explosion should come as no
  your Google Voice account free of charge.     surprise with the increased popularity of
  You can then go anywhere in the world         text messages, Twitter, Facebook, and
  and make free calls to the United States      other Internet-related apps being used
  from your Google voice account. Calls to      via smartphones.
  other countries from your Google Voice
  account cost mere pennies per minute.
 4G or 4th generation mobile telecommunications, network allows
  mobile device data downloads at up to 100Mbs, whereas 3G offer data
  speeds of only 3.84Mbs. Like 3G, typical uses include mobile web
  browsing, mobile application downloads, and mobile access for laptop
  computers. However, 4G would allow for real-time movie streaming
  and other high bandwidth activities not possible with 3G. The world’s
  first 4G network went live in Stockholm, Sweden and Oslo, Norway at
  the end of 2009. It wasn't until 2010 that Sprint took the first 4G
  network live in United States. By September 2010, Sprint had deployed
  4G in 55 cities.
The History of the Internet
                Internet Timeline 2010
 iPad Released In April 2010 Steve
  Jobs, co-founder of Apple, unveiled
  the Apple iPad tablet, which is a
  platform for audio-visual media
  including books, periodicals,
  movies, music, games, and web
  content. Its size and weight falls
  between smartphones and laptop
  computers. The iPad will run the
  same applications as iPod and
  iPhone as well as its own
  applications. Without modification,
  the iPad will only run programs
  approved by Apple and distributed
  via the Apple App Store. Apple sold
  3 million iPads in the first 80 days
  and sold over 15 million iPads
  worldwide within the year.
    eBooks Dominate while the eReader market was seemingly still in its
    infancy, the sales of eBooks showed otherwise. Starting April 2010,
    Amazon reported that eBooks consistently outsold hardcover books
    every month. As of January 2011, Amazon reported that eBooks were
    now outselling paperbacks. In June 2011, Barnes & Noble reported that
    eBooks now outsell all print formats combined by a factor of three to
    one at Officially, December 25, 2009 was the first day that
    eBooks ever outsold print books, according to Amazon, but these sales
    were skewed because print book sales are generally down on Christmas
    day, and eBook sales were significantly higher than normal because of
    all the new Kindle eReaders received as Christmas gifts.
The History of the Internet
• Internet World Stats counts over 1.9 billion web surfers worldwide
as of June, 2010.

• Twitter and Facebook are the primary
means of communication for the Middle
East revolts.

• Internet users scored an important victory
in the battle to defeat the Stop Online
Piracy Act (SOPA)/Protect IP Act (PIPA)
and to maintain Internet freedom.
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  • 3. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1837  Samuel Morse Invents The Telegraph  In 1837, Samuel Morse invented the original telegraph transmitter and receiver. This invention was the foundation which led to the information age as we know it today.
  • 4. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1858  The First Trans-Atlantic Cable Attempt  In 1858, the Atlantic cable was established to carry instantaneous Atlantic Cable Sample communications across the ocean for the first time. Although the laying of this first cable was seen as a landmark event, it only remained in service a few days.
  • 5. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1866  The Next Trans-Atlantic Cable Is A Success On the next attempt, cables Atlantic Cable Buoys which were laid in 1866 were a complete success. This event, in its time, would compare to events like the moon landing of a century later. The cable of 1866 remained in service for the next 100 years. Cable buoys were used to mark the location of cables. The largest of the buoys used on the Atlantic telegraph cable of 1865-66 could carry a cable weight of 20 tons.
  • 6. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1876  Alexander Graham Bell Invents the Telephone  The concept of communicating voice over large distances was the foundation for the backbone of Internet connections today. Many of the same principles that defined the phone system were later adapted to create the first data networks. Alexander Graham Bell
  • 7. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1945  The Concept of HyperText is Conceived  Vannevar Bush was an electrical engineer at MIT and an influential science adviser to President Roosevelt and the federal government during and after World War II. Bush was the originator of the concept of hypertext. In 1945, Bush proposed MEMEX, a conceptual machine that could store vast amounts of information. Users had the ability to create information trails, links of related texts and illustrations, which could be stored and used Vannevar Bush (1908-1974) for future reference.
  • 8. The History of the Internet Year 1950  The first portable, personal, digital computer is invented by Edmund C. Berkeley. It’s called Simon. As you know, the digital computer becomes an essential part of using the Internet. (The first mechanical computer was invented much earlier: in the 1800s, with the first working model being rolled out in 1876.)
  • 9. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1957  Sputnik Launches ARPA  USSR launched Sputnik, the first artificial Earth satellite. In response, President Dwight Eisenhower created the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) within the Department of Defense to establish a US lead in science and technology applicable to the military.  Sputnik 1, launched on Oct. 4, 1957, became the first artificial satellite to successfully orbit the Earth. It was a metallic sphere about 2 feet across, weighing 184 lbs (84 kg), with long "whiskers" pointing to one side, and stayed in orbit for 6 months before falling back to Earth. Its rocket booster, weighing 4 tons, also reached orbit and was easily visible from the ground.
  • 10. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1960  Ted H. Nelson Coins "hypertext" and "hypermedia"  Ted H. Nelson is the inventor of many common ideas related to hypertext, including the words "hypertext" and "hypermedia." Nelson defined hypertext as "a body of written or pictorial material interconnected in [such] a complex way that it could not be conveniently represented on paper." The principle of hypertext is to associate information through "links" into a coherent organization. Ted H. Nelson
  • 11. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1961  Packet-Switching Theory Is Created  Leonard Kleinrock of MIT wrote "Information Flow in Large Communication Nets." This was the first paper on packet-switching (PS) theory, the foundation of how all data is packaged on the Internet today.
  • 12. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1962  Mouse inventor Douglas Englebart writes a paper titled “Augmenting Human Intellect : A Conceptual Framework” about networking information.  JCR Licklider writes a series of memos envisioning a global system of interconnected computers whileDonald Davies, Paul Baran, and others theorize packet-switched networks. Together they create ArpaNet which is the precursor to the Internet. The first nodes are established at UCLA, the Stanford Research Center at UCSB, and UofU.  Me 1.0 is launched by my mother, though this has nothing to do with the web at this point. Me version 44.3 is in use today and remains fairly reliable.
  • 13. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1963  Douglas Englebart tries to turn his theories into reality with the first successful implementation of hypertext. By 1968, he’s ready to present it to the world. Douglas Englebart
  • 14. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1964  A Network That Could Withstand A Nuclear Bomb  In 1964, the RAND Corporation sought to design a communications network that could link cities, states, and military bases and withstand an atomic bomb. Paul Baran of RAND put forth a proposal entitled “On Distributed Communication Networks." This new network would have no central authority and was thus designed from the beginning to be more fail-proof.
  • 15. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1967  NPL Tests The First Packet- Switching Network  ARPA was renamed to DARPA to reflect its sponsorship by the Department of Defense. The National Physical Laboratory (NPL), in England created the NPL network to experiment with packet switching using 768Kbps (Kilobits per second) lines. Later that year the first meeting of the three independent packet network teams (RAND, NPL, ARPA) was held.
  • 16. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1968  ARPANET Is Proposed and Contracted Out  In 1968 DARPA sent out a Request for Proposals for a network project called ARPANET. The project was awarded in three parts: 1. UCLA was awarded a contract to create a Network Measurement Center. 2. Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc. (BBN) was awarded the packet switching contract to build Interface Message Processors (IMP). 3. Network Working Group (NWG) had the task of developing protocols to communicate over the ARPANET.
  • 17. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1969  The 50Kbps ARPANET Is Tested With 4 Nodes  ARPANET was configured with four IMP network nodes running at 50Kbps connecting four universities using the Network Control Protocol (NCP) to transfer data. This allowed communications between hosts running on the same network. The first packets sent by Charley Kline at UCLA as he tried UCLA - Univ. of Calif. at Los Angeles logging on, resulted in the UCSB - Univ. of Calif. at Santa Barbara system crashing as the letter G UTAH - Utah University of LOGIN was entered. SRI - Stanford Research Institute
  • 18. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1971  First Email / First eBook / ARPANET Grows  First Email Ray Tomlinson of BBN invented an email program to send messages across a distributed network. The email program was derived from two others: an intra- machine email program (SENDMSG) and an experimental file transfer program (CPYNET).  First eBook Michael S. Hart creates the first eBook by typing the US Declaration of Independence into a computer. During the same year he also founded Project Gutenberg, the first digital library to create and house electronic copies of eBooks.  ARPANET Grows Also in 1971, ARPANET had grown to 15 nodes with 23 hosts. The original IMPs were limited to 4 host connections, and so BBN developed a terminal IMP (TIP) that supported up to 64 hosts.
  • 19. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1972  ARPANET Is Publicly Demonstrated.  Ray Tomlinson (BBN) modified his email program for ARPANET and it became an instant hit. The Telnet specification was defined. The first public demonstration of ARPANET was held in the basement of the Washington Hilton Hotel. The demonstration allowed the public to come in and use the ARPANET, running applications all over the U.S. Much to the surprise of the people at AT&T who were skeptical about whether it would work, the demo was a booming success.
  • 20. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1973  International ARPANET Connections/ Ethernet Is Created in 1973, an ARPA study showed that email accounted for 75% of all the traffic generated by the estimated 2,000 users. 1973 also saw the first international connections to ARPANET, when the University College of London and Norway's Royal Radar Establishment signed on. The File Transfer specification was defined for transporting files. Bob Metcalfe's Harvard Ph.D. Thesis outlined the idea for Ethernet. The concept was tested on Xerox PARC's Alto computers, on the first Ethernet network called the Alto Aloha System. Below is a diagram of the original Ethernet design.  Metcalfe later went on to form one of the largest networking companies in the world, 3COM. The name was derived Bob Metcalfe from the prefixes of three terms: Ethernet Creator computer, communication, and compatibility.
  • 21. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1975  Vinton G. Cerf "Father of the Internet"  In 1974, the term Internet was first used by Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn in a paper on Transmission Control Protocol. Commercial interests hit in 1974 when BBN developed a commercial version of ARPANET called Telenet. It was the first commercially available packet- switching network and was widely used by early online services like Compuserve and GEnie. Becuase of Cerf's contributions, he is Vinton G. Ceft considered by many as the Father of the Internet.
  • 22. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1975  First Public Internet Service Provider (ISP)  The World In 1989 a company called "The World" was the first internet service provider (ISP) to offer dial-up access to the general public. As of October 2011 The World is still offering dial-up services via
  • 23. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1976  UUCP Copy Protocol / Royal Email  UUCP Copy Protocol The UUCP (Unix-to-Unix CoPy) program was developed at AT&T Bell Labs. UUCP is a collection of computer programs and protocols allowing remote execution of commands and transfer of files, email and netnews between computers. AT&T Bell Labs distributed UUCP with the UNIX operating system one year later.  Royal Email Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, sent out the first royal email.
  • 24. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1978  First Spam Email / PC Modem  First Spam Email On May 3, 1978, Gary Thuerk sent the first spam email ever. A marketer for the Digital Equipment Corporation "DEC", blasted out his message to 400 of the 2600 people on ARPAnet to promote DEC's new range of mini-computers. Naturally he annoyed a lot of people, but he also had some success, with a few recipients interested in what he was pushing.  PC Modem In April of 1977, Dennis C. Hayes developed the first personal computer modem on his dining room table, establishing the critical technology that allowed today's online and Internet industries to emerge and grow. A modem converts the digital signals of the sending computer to analog signals that can be transmitted through telephone lines. When the signal reaches its destination, another modem reconstructs the original digital signal, which is processed by the receiving computer. In January 1978, Hayes Corp. was founded, and by 1985 Hayes' annual sales hit $120 million. In fact, Hayes modems were so popular that other competitors would sell their modems as Hayes- compatible modems.
  • 25. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1979  Usenet Newsgroups Created / BITNET Created  Usenet, a decentralized news group network, was created by Steve Bellovin. It was based on UUCP. The creation of BITNET, "Because it's Time Network," by IBM, introduced the "store and forward" network. It was used for email and listservs.
  • 26. The History of the Internet Year 1980  Philips invents the CD but users don’t see these things for a while.  Tim Berners-Lee, IT consultant for CERN, writes the Enquire cross-linking database that relies on the notion of hyperlinking between network nodes. This forms the very foundation of the World Wide Web (still not an established name at this point in time, though). For the record, Tim Berners-Lee denies that he invented the web as many claim. He’s adamant about it in fact. (I think he’s being humble and was instrumental in making all of this happen.)
  • 27. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1981  NSF Creates The 56 Kbps CSNET  National Science Foundation created a backbone called CSNET 56 Kbps network for institutions without access to ARPANET. Vinton Cerf proposed a plan for an inter-network connection between CSNET and the ARPANET.
  • 28. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1983  Internet Is Born / America Online  Internet Is Born  America Online On January 1st, every machine connected Founded in 1983 as Control Video to ARPANET had to switch from the Corporation, Steve Case rebranded it as Network Control Protocol (NCP) to the America Online in February 1991, thus Transmission Control Protocol TCP/IP. AOL was born. Steve Case positioned By TCP/IP replacing NCP entirely, the AOL as the online service for people foundation for the Internet as we know it unfamiliar with computers, in particular today was born. contrast to CompuServe, which had long served the technical community. AOL was the first online service to require use of proprietary software, rather than a standard terminal program; as a result it was able to offer a graphical user interface (GUI) instead of command lines, and was well ahead of the competition in emphasizing communication among members as a feature. Many consider AOL to be the first successful online social network.
  • 29. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1984  The Internet Gets Fast / DNS Created  The Internet Gets Fast Upgrade to CSNET was contracted to MCI. The new circuits would be T1 lines, 1.544 Mbps (Million bits per second) which is twenty-five times faster than the old 56 Kbps lines. The new network was to be called NSFNET (National Science Foundation Network), and old lines would continue to be called CSNET. DNS Created 1984 also saw the introduction of the Domain Named Server (DNS). Before the DNS existed users were required to enter a IP address to reach a web site such as to access the amazon web site. Using the domain name server, users were able to use the domain name instead of the IP address
  • 30. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1985  NSF Deploys The 1.544 Mbps(T1) NSFNET  In 1985 a number of agreements were in place to connect networks, such as the academic CSnet (Computer Science Network), to the ARPANET. To increase the speed on the net, the National Science Foundation began deploying its new T1 lines (1.544Mbps), which would be finished by 1988.
  • 31. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1986  PERL Scripting Language is Created  Larry Wall developed PERL, a powerful programming language optimized for text processing and available as freeware. PERL later became very popular for building WWW server-side scripts. Wall developed PERL in 1986 when he worked at Unisys. Larry Wall "PERL" is short for "Practical Extraction and Report Language."
  • 32. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1988  45 Mbps (T3) Approved / IANA Created  45 Mbps (T3) Approved In 1988 the T1 NSFNET backbone was completed. Traffic increased so quickly that plans immediately began on upgrading the network again. NSF approves upgrades for NSFNET To 45 Mbps (T3), A high- speed network using T3, a 45 Mbps line. The new network would be complete by the end of 1991. IANA Created 1988 also brought the creation of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) to hand out network addresses. Jonathan B. Postel, creator of the Internet's Jonathan B. Postel address system, ran the IANA for many years.
  • 33. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1990  ARPANET Terminated While the T3 lines were being constructed, the Department of Defense disbanded the ARPANET and it was replaced by the NSFNET  ARPANET Terminated / MP3 Is Born backbone. The original 50Kbps lines of ARPANET were taken out of  Tim Berners-Lee coins the phrase service. World Wide Web (WWW) in reference to a browser built for the NeXTstep platform. He launches the first web browser and first web page (the killer app of the era), then at, but now at http[://
  • 34.  MP3 Is Born The Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG) in conjunction with a German company Fraunhofer-Gesellshaft implements MP3 audio compression. During the 1980s, MPEG had worked to develop a compression method to transmit high-quality audio files. Different amounts of compression were represented by "layer" algorithms, where the best quality was a compression ratio of 1:4, known as Layer 1. The most efficient ratio was Layer 3, compressing sound 1:12, or reducing the size of the audio file 12 times compared with the original CD standard. This compression became known as MPEG Layer 3, or MP3.
  • 35. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1991  CSNET Is Taken Out Of Service  Tim Berners-Lee  In 1991, the CSNET makes WWW files (which consisted of publicly available 56Kbps lines) had on the fulfilled its role. It was Internet. This discontinued and sold marks the off to private business. official birth of the Internet.
  • 36. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1992  Tim Berners-Lee Creates the WWW  Internet Society was chartered. Tim Berners- Lee published a paper proposing a "world wide web" which was released by CERN, and Jean Armour Polly coined the phrase "surfing the Internet." Web sites showed up on the Internet for the first time for a grand total 26 Web Tim Berners-Lee sites by year end.
  • 37. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1993  InterNic / Mosaic / 10 Million Users  InterNIC InterNIC was created by NSF to provide specific Internet services: directory and database services (by AT&T), registration services (by Network Solutions Inc.), and information services (by General Atomics/CERFnet).
  • 38.  Mosaic - Marc Andreessen and NCSA and the University of Illinois developed a graphical user interface to the WWW, called "Mosaic," the first Web browser. The growth rate of the Internet was an incredible 341%.  10 Million Users 1993 marks the year where the Internet reached 10 million users. According to Google stats, this number doubled by 1994, doubled again by 1995, reached 1 billion by 2005 and exceeded 2 billion by 2010.
  • 39. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1994  Yahoo / Pizza Hut / Gore / NSF Upgrades  Yahoo Yahoo, the first Internet search engine, was created in April 1994 by David Filo and Jerry Yang at Stanford University where Yahoo itself first resided on Yang's student workstation. Currently Yahoo provides over 167 million search results per day.  Pizza Hut Pizza Hut's offers first online pizza service on August 22nd, 1994. Well... almost. The Web site let you submit a form which took your order, name, address, and phone number, and then the restaurant would call you back to verify.
  • 40. Gore Vice President Al Gore, coined term "Information Superhighway." He became the point man in the Clinton administration's effort to build a national information highway, much as his father, former Senator Albert Gore, was a principal architect of the interstate highway system a generation or more earlier.  NSF Upgrades In 1994 NFS installed an ATM (Asynchronous Transmission Mode, 145Mbps) backbone on NSFNET.  The White House goes online.  The WWW beats out telnet to become the second most popular Internet service. FTP is first.  The Netscape Navigator Browser is released.  Federal Express launches its online package tracking service.  Database software MySQL, co-founded by Michael “Monty” Widenius and David Axmark, changes the way data is stored, organized, and delivered to web pages. This was the culmination of work that really began in 1978.  The word spam is coined in relation to unsolicited email, but the term really spans all the way back to 1937.  Finding jobs online gets its real start as Monster Worldwide Inc., founded in 1967, launches
  • 41. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1995  eBay In the summer of 1995, Pierre Omidyar Amazon was having dinner at home in Campbell Amazon, launched in Seattle by Jeffrey with his fiancée, Pam Wesley. Wesley Bezos, was the first online bookstore and collected PEZ dispensers, and she now the world's largest online-only retailer. mentioned that she was having trouble Amazon's initial business plan was unusual finding fellow collectors to trade with. in that the company did not expect to turn a He came to Wesley's rescue by writing profit for four to five years after it was the code for what would one day become founded. In retrospect the strategy was eBay. The domain name was registered in August 1995, the beginning sound, despite the dotcom collapse of 2000. of the largest online person-to-person trading community.
  • 42.  Netscape Marc Andreessen, the mastermind of Mosaic, founded his own company, Mosaic Communications Corporation, which is now known as Netscape. Netscape took a 70% market share of the browser market virtually overnight.  RealAudio Rob Glaser released RealAudio, the first Internet audio streaming software. This was later followed by RealVideo and RealPlayer.  Domain Fees In 1995, a $50 annual fee was imposed on domains, excluding .edu and .gov domains, which were still funded by the NSF. NSF announced that it would no longer allow direct access to the NSF backbone and contracted with four companies that would provide access to the NSF Backbone for a fee.
  • 43. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1996  Internet Explorer / Java / Flash  Internet Explorer Most Internet traffic was carried by backbones of independent ISPs for a fee. Microsoft saw this gigantic potential for the Internet and soon released its own browser, the MS Internet Explorer, for free.  Flash In December 1996, FutureWave Software was sold Macromedia, and FutureSplash Animator became Macromedia Flash 1.0. Flash would become synonymous with animation on the Internet. Macromedia was later purchased by Adobe who continues to produce Flash.
  • 44.  Java 1996 also saw the release of Sun Microsystems' Java programming language. Java 1.0 was released to the public in January 1996. It provided more interactivity with users by giving developers a way to produce more interactive web pages. Over the years it has evolved as a successful language for use both on and off the Internet. A decade later, it’s still an extremely popular language with over 6.5 million developers worldwide.
  • 45. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1975  Blog The term "weblog" was coined by Jorn Barger in December 1997, while the shorter version, "blog," was coined by Peter Merholz in 1999. Blogging has emerged as a popular means of  communication, affecting public opinion and mass media around the world. It The domain name wasn't until 2004 that the role of blogs, originally became increasingly mainstream as registered for $50 in 1995, sold political consultants, news services, and for $150,000 in 1997. It would candidates began using them as tools for outreach and opinion formation. later be sold again in 1999 for Webster's Dictionary declared "blog" as $7,500,000. the word of the year in 2004, and by February 2011 there were more than 156 million active blogs.
  • 46. Winamp, the first popular MP3 music player, boosted the success of MP3 virtually overnight. It was developed by college dropout Justin Frankel at his parents' home in Sedona, Arizona. Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11, codenamed Wi-Fi, is a wireless local area network (WLAN) standard first released in June 1997. Wi-Fi connects electronic devices wirelessly across short distances, roughly 150-300 ft. A Wi-Fi enabled device, such as a personal computer, video game console, or smartphone, can connect to the Internet via a wireless network access point, or "hotspot". Wi-Fi enabled devices came slow in the early years, with only 7.5 million units shipped in 2001. Units shipped increased exponentially over the next ten years, reaching 41 million units by 2003, 300 million units by 2007, and over 1 billion units in 2011.
  • 47. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 1998  Google Co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, brought Google to life in September 1998, answering roughly 10,000 search queries a day. By 1999 it was handling 500,000 queries per day, and by 2000 it was up to 100 million queries a day. Currently Google indexes over 4.28 billion web pages and provides over 250 million search results per day.  PayPal founded in December 1998 by Peter Thiel and Max Levchin, is an Internet business which allows the transfer of money between email users and merchants, avoiding traditional paper methods such as checks/cheques and money orders. PayPal also performs payment processing for e-commerce vendors, auction sites, and other corporate users, for which they charge a fee. Paypal quickly became the most common method of paying for eBay auctions.
  • 48. Netflix, the first to offer online movie rentals, started offering pay-per-rental movies online at $4 per rental plus $2 in postage. It wasn't until 1999 that they introduced the monthly subscription concept with no due dates, late fees, shipping or handling fees. eBook Readers The first eBook readers or eReaders were also released in 1998. One was called Rocket eBook, with a 4.5 x 3 inch two color B/W touch screen, which could hold up to 4000 pages (about 10 books). The other was called SoftBook, with a 6 × 8 inch grayscale touch screen, which could hold 1500 pages (about 4 books). Postage Electronic postal stamps became a reality, with the US Postal Service allowing stamps to be purchased and downloaded for printing from the Web.
  • 49. The History of the Internet  Internet 2 Internet Timeline 1999 Internet 2 (exceeding 8GBps), led by over 170 U.S. universities working in partnership with industry and government, developed and deployed advanced network applications and technologies, accelerating the creation of tomorrow's Internet. MCI/Worldcom, the vBNS provider for NSF, began upgrading the US backbone to 2.5GBps The world feared the unknown Y2K effects on the Internet, which never materialized. Computers were free with a 3-year network service agreement.  Napster In mid-1999, the laid-back, 18-year-old Northeastern University dropout Shawn Fanning – nicknamed "Napster" for the nappy hair – developed Napster, the first popular peer-to-peer file sharing platform. Napster, a free software program, allowed people to easily exchange recordings via the Net, cutting out stores and music publishers. Within a year Napster would upend music's business model.
  • 50.  Domain Name Sales Multi-million dollar domain name sales were the poster child of the dot-com excess, with the most infamous being, which was purchased by ECompanies Venture Group, headed by former Disney executive Jake Weinbaum. The following domain name purchases were realized in 1999 alone:  - $7.5 million  - $3.3 million  - $3.25 million  - $2.2 million  - $2.2 million  - $2 million  - $1.5 million  - $1.03 million  - $1 million  - $824,000
  • 51. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 2000  Internet Appliances Led by 3Com's Palm Pilot, handheld devices with Internet connectivity began to become a reality. These devices allowed users to view news, sports, stock Web Attacks quotes, weather, road conditions, and A massive denial of service (DoS) attack was much more. They could also purchase stock, place online bids, send and receive launched against major Web sites, including email, book flights, and perform online Yahoo, Amazon, and eBay in early February. banking, with more features arriving daily. Various domain name hijackings took place  COPPA in late May and early June, including The United States Children's Online,, and Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) became effective April 21, 2000, and is an act that applies to commercial web sites and online services that collect information and could be used by children under the age of 13. COPPA helps protect an underage child's privacy by either restricting the child's access to the site without a parent's permission or not allowing that child to access the page because it collects data.
  • 52. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 2001  Wikipedia - launched on January 2001 as a free online English-language encyclopedia project. It now contains over 19 million articles. Almost all of its articles can be edited by anyone with access to the site, and it has about 90,000 active contributors. As of July 2011, there were editions of Wikipedia in 282 languages. As for its accuracy, a peer-review comparison of selected science articles in the printed Encyclopedia Britannica with New TLDs the online user-edited ICANN selected new top level domains Wikipedia, conducted by the (TLDs) .aero, .biz, .coop, .info, .museum, journal Nature, rates the .name, .pro. Wikipedia nearly as accurate as Britannica.
  • 53.  Radio Silence Radio stations broadcasting over the Web went silent over artist royalty disputes. About the same time a federal judge ruled that Napster must remain offline until it could prevent copyrighted material from being shared by its users.  Tech Stock Blues Many high tech stocks including the big boys like CSCO, ORCL, and SUNW saw 2-year lows as investor confidence dove due to massive dot com failures in 2000 and below-estimate returns in 2001.
  • 54. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 2002  eBay and Paypal Merge July 2002, online auction giant eBay Inc. bought Internet payment provider PayPal Inc. in a $1.3 billion Amazon Grows stock deal that would unite the In October 2002, Amazon added hundreds Web's arguably most successful of new partnerships with reatailers business with one of the few including The Gap, Nordstrom, Land's End, companies that had been giving it Target, Borders, and Toys R Us. At the same any trouble. eBay executives said time, Amazon launched an online sporting they hoped acquiring PayPal would goods store, which offered 3,000 different make the trading site faster, easier, brand names. By the end of 2003, Amazon safer and give eBay a significant would enjoy its first full-year profit and chunk of e-commerce action that it annual sales of over $5.25 billion, an increase had been missing. of more than a third over 2002.
  • 55. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 2003  Myspace Myspace was the first major social networking web site. It allowed users to create profiles, add photos, add music, personalize their page, list personal interests, and more. Myspace had 100,000,000 active users by August 2006 and doubled to 200,000,000 by September 2007. From 2003-2007 Myspace was the most popular social networking site, only to be overtaken by Facebook in mid 2008.  Skype Skype, lauched in August 2003, is a software application that allows users to make free voice and video calls and chats over the Internet. Skype was purchased by Microsoft in May of 2011 for $8.5 Billion. For a monthly fee, traditional landline telephones and mobile phones can be made, and users can have real phone numbers attached to their Skype accounts.
  • 56. • 3Gor 3rd generation mobile • iTunes StoreAlthough iTunes was telecommunications, was first introduced by Apple, Inc. January 2001 in commercially available in the United States in July 2003. Both 1G and 2G conjunction with the release of the Apple exists, but the data download rate was a iPod later that year, the release of the iTunes mere 9.6kbs and not very effective for store in April 2003 brought iTunes to the mobile purposes. 3G Technology forefront. iTunes is a media player computer marked the first time that cellular program, used for playing and organizing phones could directly connect to the digital music and video files on desktop internet and provide mobile broadband computers. It can also manage contents on access to smartphones as well as laptop iPod, iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. iTunes mobile modems. 3G data rates can reach 384kbps download, which is comparable can connect to the iTunes Store to purchase to home broadband connections. and download music, music videos, Typical uses include mobile web television shows. browsing, mobile application downloads,and mobile access for laptop computers.
  • 57. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 2004  Facebook like Myspace, is a social networking web site, but it was originally limited to college students. In mid 2008, Facebook opened the doors to anyone ages 13+ to join. Within a year, Facebook had twice as many members as Myspace, and with the addition of new features over the next few years, Facebook had five times as • Firefox Mozilla Firefox 1.0 Internet many active users as Myspace. As of July 2011, Facebook had more than 800 million browser was released in September 2004. users, making it by far the most popular With over 25 million downloads in the 99 social networking web site. days after the initial 1.0 release, Firefox became one of the most downloaded free and open source applications. On October 19, 2005, Firefox had its 100 millionth download, just 344 days after the release. It has already grabbed over 10% of the browser market share and is growing rapidly.
  • 58. Internet Speed record was broken this year. Researchers successfully sent data using a 10 Gigabit Ethernet link between the University of Tokyo and the CERN research center in Geneva, Switzerland. The T110 delivered sustained 7.57 Gbps throughput running standard 1500-byte Ethernet packets over a single TCP connection across an 11,490 mile (18,500 km) link. That's enough speed to transfer a full-length DVD anywhere in the world in less than five seconds.
  • 59. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 2005  TiVo Internet Access, the most popular personal video recorder, added new features this year that made it possible for users to exchange shows with other users and schedule recordings remotely online. TiVo now says it is also working to allow movies and music from the Internet to be downloaded to TiVo, similar to how pay- per-view is offered by cable and satellite providers.  VOIP Soars Voice Over IP (VOIP), the technology for using a standard phone across the Internet, more than doubled its subscriber base this year. Reasons? Calls to other VOIP users are typically free anywhere in the world, while calls to and from traditional land line phones or cell phones cost a few pennies a minute. Typically, VOIP plans cost $25 a month for unlimited dialing,
  • 60. YouTube Before the launch of YouTube in 2005, there were few easy methods available for ordinary computer users who wanted to post videos online. YouTube made it possible for anyone with an Internet connection to post a video that a worldwide audience could watch within a few minutes. In November 2006 Google purchased YouTube for $1.65 billion in Google stock. As of May 2010, YouTube was serving more than two billion videos a day to over 100 million viewers, which is nearly double the prime-time audience of all three major US television networks combined. Google Earth The release of Google Earth in June 2005 to the public caused a more than tenfold increase in media coverage on virtual globes, driving public interest in geospatial technologies and applications. Google Earth lets you fly anywhere on Earth to view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, from galaxies in outer space to the canyons of the ocean.
  • 61. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 2006  Standards Awareness This year also saw a much improved  Web 2.0 is a term often applied to a awareness of Web standards with perceived ongoing transition of the more and more Web Professionals World Wide Web from a collection of looking to meet XHTML/CSS web sites to a full-fledged computing Standards and ensure web sites platform serving web applications to end users. Ultimately Web 2.0 services are meet Accessibility requirements. expected to replace desktop computing Twitter applications for many purposes. This Twitter is a social networking and year there was an explosion of Web 2.0 applications. This includes improved microblogging service that enables its calendar services, blogs, newsfeeds, users to send and read other users' upgraded map services, dynamic Web messages called tweets. Twitter came content that needs no page reloads, and to life in July 2006 when @jack sent an overhaul to the look and feel of Web sites to make them cleaner and easier to the first Tweet to his seven followers use, making Web 2.0 the much and by 2007 Twitter had 5,000 tweets improved, user-friendly Internet. per day. This quickly grew to 300,000 per day in 2008, 2,500,000 per day in 2009, and 50,000,000 per day in 2010. As of 2011, there were over 100 million Twitter users worldwide.
  • 62. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 2007  Android In November 2007, Google released Android, an operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Android is the only direct competitor to Apple's iPhone and is raising the bar daily. For example, unlike the iPhone, Android phones can swap batteries when power is low, upgrade memory when storage is low, run Adobe Flash, and Google never charges for Google-created Android Apps. As of May 2011 there were more than 100 million activated Android devices.  Google Docs In February 2007, Google Docs was made available to Google Apps users. Google Docs is a free, Web-based office suite, and data storage service offered by Google. It allows users to create and edit documents online while collaborating in real-time with other users.
  • 63. •Kindle Although the first eReaders were available in 1998, consumer interest did not peak until Amazon launched Kindle. In November 2007, Amazon offered the Kindle eReader for sale for the first time, which sold out in less than six hours and would remain out of stock for the next five months. The First Kindle's cost US$399 and could hold about 200 eBooks. In September 2011, Amazon released a base Kindle, costing a mere US$79, with a capacity of 1500 eBooks. Free Kindle software apps are also available for the iPad, Windows and Mac computers, as well as Apple iPhone and Google Android and BlackBerry cellphones. •iPhone/iOS Apple's iPhone, running on Apple's iOS operating system, were both released in June 2007, making available a line of Internet and multimedia-enabled smartphones with a virtual keypad and a virtual keyboard that would set the standard for smartphones going forward. As of June 2011, Apple's iOS operating system was installed on over 200 million devices.
  • 64. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 2008  Netflix Streaming Although Netflix was first introduced in 1998 as an online movie rental  Cloud Computing In early 2008, Eucalyptus company, it wasn't until January 2008 that the introduced the first open source Cloud company launched unlimited streaming of computing platform, and the concept has been movies and TV shows online for as little as growing exponentially ever since. Cloud $9.99 a month. Originally these would only computing is a hardware independant method stream on personal computers, but device- providing of computing where users are billed specific support quickly became available. for software usage, cpu usage, and memory Today these devices include game consoles usage as if it were a utility. This avoids the such as Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox 360, need to purchase hardware and software, and and PlayStation 3, plus stand-alone devices eliminates the need to migrate to newer such as Google TV, Apple TV, Blu-ray players, computers every few years. DVRs, handheld devices and more.
  • 65. •Tethering Mid-2008 saw the rise of tethering, a means of sharing the Internet connection of an Internet-capable mobile phone with other devices such as a laptop. Although mobile consumers rave about free interent for their laptops via their phones, the phone companies are, as one can imagine, not as pleased. Some carriers, such as AT&T, have gone as far as to ban tethering, which •App Stores (Google) In October 2008, Google affects almost all iPhone users. It is assumed that released Android Market, Google's app store. By market pressure will force AT&T and others alike March 2009, Android Market had 2,300 Apps. to offer tethering for free at some point if they One key advantage to the Android Market is that plan to keep their customer base. 57% of the apps are free, compared to 28% at Apple's App Store. More important, Apple charges •App Stores (Apple) In July 2008, the Apple App for premium apps that Apple creates, whereas Store went live with 522 apps, including 135 free Google has yet to charge for any Google-created apps. The App Store is a service that allows iPhone apps. In July 2011, 4.5 billion apps had been users to browse and download applications from downloaded from Android Market, and Google the iTunes Store directly to their iPhone. had approved its 250,000th app. Depending on the application, they are available either for free or at a cost. In January 2011, the 10 billionth app was downloaded and on May 2011, Apple approved its 500,000th app.
  • 66. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 2009  Google Voice, a telecommunications  Mobile Data Milestone service offered by Google, was launched Mobile data traffic surpassed voice traffic in March 2009. By October 2009, Google on mobile devices for the first time in Voice had 1.4 million users. Google Voice 2009 and has consistently topped mobile is used for placing free voice calls over voice traffic ever since. Total mobile data the internet to landline telephones and traffic across the world now exceeds 1 mobile phones. Google will also provide exabyte, which is 1 billion gigabytes. The you a real phone number attached to data explosion should come as no your Google Voice account free of charge. surprise with the increased popularity of You can then go anywhere in the world text messages, Twitter, Facebook, and and make free calls to the United States other Internet-related apps being used from your Google voice account. Calls to via smartphones. other countries from your Google Voice account cost mere pennies per minute.
  • 67.  4G or 4th generation mobile telecommunications, network allows mobile device data downloads at up to 100Mbs, whereas 3G offer data speeds of only 3.84Mbs. Like 3G, typical uses include mobile web browsing, mobile application downloads, and mobile access for laptop computers. However, 4G would allow for real-time movie streaming and other high bandwidth activities not possible with 3G. The world’s first 4G network went live in Stockholm, Sweden and Oslo, Norway at the end of 2009. It wasn't until 2010 that Sprint took the first 4G network live in United States. By September 2010, Sprint had deployed 4G in 55 cities.
  • 68. The History of the Internet Internet Timeline 2010  iPad Released In April 2010 Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, unveiled the Apple iPad tablet, which is a platform for audio-visual media including books, periodicals, movies, music, games, and web content. Its size and weight falls between smartphones and laptop computers. The iPad will run the same applications as iPod and iPhone as well as its own applications. Without modification, the iPad will only run programs approved by Apple and distributed via the Apple App Store. Apple sold 3 million iPads in the first 80 days and sold over 15 million iPads worldwide within the year.
  • 69. eBooks Dominate while the eReader market was seemingly still in its infancy, the sales of eBooks showed otherwise. Starting April 2010, Amazon reported that eBooks consistently outsold hardcover books every month. As of January 2011, Amazon reported that eBooks were now outselling paperbacks. In June 2011, Barnes & Noble reported that eBooks now outsell all print formats combined by a factor of three to one at Officially, December 25, 2009 was the first day that eBooks ever outsold print books, according to Amazon, but these sales were skewed because print book sales are generally down on Christmas day, and eBook sales were significantly higher than normal because of all the new Kindle eReaders received as Christmas gifts.
  • 70. The History of the Internet 2010 • Internet World Stats counts over 1.9 billion web surfers worldwide as of June, 2010. 2011 • Twitter and Facebook are the primary means of communication for the Middle East revolts. 2012 • Internet users scored an important victory in the battle to defeat the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)/Protect IP Act (PIPA) and to maintain Internet freedom.
  • 71. Thank you for watching our Powerpoint presentation Especially to our Computer Teacher

Editor's Notes

  1. Cable buoys were used to mark the location of cables. The largest of the buoys used on the Atlantic telegraph cable of 1865-66 could carry a cable weight of 20 tons.