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                                    Price and Revenue
                                    Driving profits with the science of optimization

                                           Issue 1
                                       2   Welcome
                                       3   Introduction to Price and Revenue Management (PRM)

                                       4   Emerging Technology Analysis: Price Optimization and Management
                                           Software for Business-to-Business Boosts Margins in a Down Economy
                                       8   Price and Revenue Management Practice
                                       12 Pricing is a journey not a destination
                                       13 About L&T Infotech

                                                                                                        Featuring research from

                                Your Business is now, more than ever, facing fierce competition in all
                                geographies. Your distribution channels are more complex than they used
                                to be, and you have to be more transparent with your clients than you used
                                to be. Therefore, maintaining your competitive edge is not only difficult
                                but is also a key factor for the success of your business. In these times,
                                businesses are going back to their drawing boards to bring out a sustainable
                                and competitive strategy.

                                 It is in keeping with these market realities that your strategy has to be
    dynamic. Successful strategies are the ones that can predict consumer (market) behavior in order to
    maximize the revenue or profit. You need a strategy that can predict the behavior before your peers
    do and that can allow your business to adapt to these changes quicker than your peers. In doing so,
    you have to ensure that the change percolates to every client-facing aspect of your business, be it
    your website or your distribution partner. Every client-facing aspect has to reflect the change that you
    wish to implement. Thus, it is clear that a great strategy is incomplete without an agile process to
    implement it.

    Price and Revenue Management practice, which is now being imbibed as a discipline across all
    industries that face a dynamic market, serves as the key differentiator in a fiercely competitive
    environment. Price and Revenue Management helps develop an internal strategy which is hard to
    replicate. Design, development and execution of such a management practice calls for framing of
    robust processes and selection of appropriate tools that seamlessly integrate within the existing
    system. Needless to say, effective change management is a crucial element for effective ‘migration’ to
    a new set of tools embodying the practice.

    In order to achieve pricing power, it is imperative to discover the improvements required in the current
    process and technology, evaluate the right solution to achieve the identified improvements and finally
    implement the analyzed solution to gain a competitive edge. L&T Infotech, with its team of experienced
    pricing professionals, industry experts, IT integration experts, professionals with implementation
    experience on different vendor tools and rich partner network spanning across the globe, offers
    unparalleled and complete end-to-end support in your pricing journey.

    This report features research from Gartner on the topic ‘Emerging Technology Analysis: Price
    Optimization and Management Software for Business-to-Business Boosts Margins in a Down Economy’
    and gives L&T Infotech’s perspective on ‘Price and Revenue Management’ subject.

    Price and Revenue management is an ever-evolving field that has some elements of art, science and
    economics. We hope this report will bring some new insights in your business.

    Warm Regards,

    Kavindra Sharma,
    Head of Consulting, L&T Infotech

Introduction to Price and Revenue
Management (PRM)
There is always a need for companies globally        Going beyond the traditional measures of cutting
to continuously increase revenues while              cost to boost volumes, pricing strategy and
maintaining and improving profit margins.            corresponding scientific analytics implemented
Keeping in mind the competitive landscape in         using tools (off-the-shelf or home grown) are
which companies operate, a careful analysis          being increasingly looked upon by companies to
of discount policies, product pricing, revenue       plug revenue leakages and make faster pricing
leakage, market segmentation and cost-to-serve       decisions. This is because improvements in
for clients needs to be carried out.                 price have far better impact on bottom line as
                                                     compared to improvements in volume. The most
Also, pre-deal and post-deal analytics needs to      effective way for many companies to optimize
be done so that deal negotiations are profitable     profitability is to get their pricing strategy right -
and assessment of historical deals could be used     a concept that has been proven in all sectors of
to develop future strategy. Price and Revenue        business.
management helps an organization in solving
these aforementioned issues.                         Effective price and revenue management
                                                     practices incorporated by companies help them
In the B2B industry, pricing decisions are           in developing pricing as an internal strategy to
subject to complex array of environmental and        outweigh competition. This can be successfully
competitive forces. A company sets not a single      accomplished by:
price, but rather a pricing structure that covers
different items in line. This pricing structure      • Developing price and revenue management as
changes over a period of time, factoring in the        a strategic function
lifecycle of the product. The price is adjusted to
reflect changes in cost, demand and variations in    • Making the practice seamlessly integrate with
buyer behavior.                                        relevant departments

With the change in competitive environment           • Assessing the maturity of existing pricing
companies consider price change initiatives.           process and system landscape with reference
Thus, pricing decisions are critical for an            to best practices
organization to achieve favorable output in both
supplier side and demand side negotiations.          • Creating and enforcing processes which
Better visibility of historical data, margin and       would help in effective pre-deal and post-deal
profitability view coupled with intelligence of        analytics
deal negotiators can help a company to tie up
these crucial ends of supply chain efficiently.      • Adoption of technology which would
                                                       introduce mature pricing practices

                                                                                           Source: L&T Infotech

    From the Gartner Files:

    Emerging Technology Analysis: Price Optimization
    and Management Software for Business-to-Business
    Boosts Margins in a Down Economy
    This research profiles the technological rising      • Both entrants and incumbents should consider
    adoption and impact of price optimization and          hosting capabilities to facilitate initial
    management software for business-to-business           implementation work as well as to extend
    (B2B) commercial relationships. This segment           their reach into midmarket organizations of
    is gaining popularity because solutions assist         $300 million to $500 million in revenue.
    enterprises in identifying shortcomings in pricing
    policies and practices that erode revenue and        STRATEGIC PLANNING ASSUMPTION
    margins, and more intelligently discern prices       Through 2010, price optimization technology will
    that target markets will bear.                       have a more-direct impact on increasing revenue
                                                         or margins than any other CRM technology.
    Key Findings
    • Adoption of price optimization and                 ANALYSIS
      management solutions has been growing in           1.0 Technology Description
      organizations with more than $500 million
                                                         Price optimization and management software
      in revenue, particularly in industries with
                                                         offers the promise of helping firms better identify
      complex pricing requirements.
                                                         underlying shortcomings in pricing practices that
    • The greatest interest in these technologies is     erode revenue and margins, more intelligently
      primarily from manufacturing and distribution      discern prices that target markets will bear,
      and logistics organizations, although              as well as realize efficiencies in deploying,
      awareness is growing in a diverse mix of           administering, and enforcing prices and pricing
      vertical industries such as medical devices,       policies. The price optimization and management
      business services and consumer goods.              software market for B2B commercial
                                                         relationships encompasses three segments that
    • Market growth is accelerated by growing            can help organizations implement or improve
      expertise within professional service              closed-loop pricing processes supporting sales
      organizations, more efficient implementation       activities between businesses. These segments
      cycles, maturing software offerings, as well as    are price analytics, price optimization and price
      widespread concern among enterprises over          execution.
      managing margins and costs.
                                                         • Price analytics supports discovery processes
    Recommendations                                        to identify and explain historical trends in
                                                           realized pricing (typically from transactional
    • As a new entrant to the market, choose a             data), the impact of market dynamics and
      specific vertical or functional area of emphasis     pricing anomalies.
      such as analytics, optimization or execution
      as your initial focus to develop and productize    • Price optimization is primarily concerned
      expertise and differentiate your offering.           with supporting modeling and forecasting
                                                           requirements to identify and define optimal
    • As an incumbent, focus on developing                 pricing strategies and price bands.
      solutions further to comprehensively
      address the three pricing segments –               • Price execution focuses on functionality
      analytics, optimization and execution – and          that supports the dissemination of pricing
      support greater flexibility in satisfying            information and guidance on pricing practices
      different vertical industry practices through        and deal development, the defining of pricing
      configuration.                                       rules and models for ordering and quoting
                                                           systems, and the automation of approval

Vendors offering price optimization and              Discussions with Gartner clients and input
management solutions for B2B include:                from vendor references indicate four common
                                                     objectives drive technology adoption:
• Model N
                                                     • Defend and improve profitability (across
• Oracle E-Business Suite                              product lines and on a deal-by-deal basis)

• Oracle-Siebel                                      • Defend and grow revenue

• PROS                                               • Improve governance and consistency in
                                                       pricing practices and realized prices (such as
• Servigistics                                         eliminating rogue discounting)

• SignalDemand                                       • Increase agility in tailoring pricing for specific
                                                       markets or sales cycles
• Symphony Metreo
                                                     2.1 Factors That Will Drive Adoption
• Vendavo
                                                     Supply- and demand-side factors driving adoption
• Vistaar Technologies
                                                     • Economic uncertainty and volatility encourage
• Zilliant
                                                       interest within firms struggling to manage
2.0 Technology Adoption                                costs, defend margins and determine what
                                                       prices their target markets will bear.
The price optimization and management software
market is gaining traction with enterprises          • The widespread use of spreadsheets for
in increasingly varied B2B vertical industries         analyzing and managing prices is increasingly
such as distribution, electronics, industrial          viewed as inadequate and error-prone,
manufacturing, high-technology manufacturing           demanding more technically-robust solutions.
and chemicals. Gartner inquiries for price
optimization and management in 2009 indicates        • Many software offerings currently satisfy
that, as of August 2009, approximately 30% of all      about 70% of common customer requirements
inquiries originate from manufacturing firms, with     out-of-the-box or through the configuration
distribution and logistics as the next highest at      of software features, decreasing the need for
just under 20%. Growing interest has also been         custom code extensions or integration with
observed in industries such as medical devices,        other software add-ons.
business services and consumer goods. Sectors
showing more-limited activity include industries     • Vendors’ professional service organizations
based on intangibles or with a high services           are acquiring greater experience in supporting
focus such as software, banking, insurance,            projects of varying scope and complexity in
communications and media.                              various B2B segments in different regions of
                                                       the world.
This market is earning increasing recognition
because defining and defending optimal prices        • Third-party external services providers are
are fundamental imperatives for enterprises that       increasing their focus on this subject, growing
are responsible for producing shareholder returns.     available expertise, raising awareness and
Gartner estimates that the total worldwide             legitimizing solution adoption.
revenue from software vendors’ product sales
and services to the B2B market reached               • Many vendors are launching programs to
approximately $180 million in 2008, or about           decrease implementation cycle times and
2% of the worldwide CRM market based on total          requirements for specific capabilities, often
software revenue, after growing about 20% year         based on a temporarily hosted software
over year. Based on the “Forecast: Enterprise          solution.
Software Markets, Worldwide, 2008-2013, 3Q09
Update,” Gartner expects price optimization and
management to represent from 3.5% to 4% of the
CRM market by 2013, or more than $425 million.

    2.2 Factors That Will Inhibit Adoption                Pricing is a significant variable that directly
    Factors inhibiting adoption reflect solution          impacts a company’s revenue, profitability
    complexity and a developing supplier base:            and customer relationships. With the
                                                          appropriate consultancy and pricing expertise,
    • The number of installations remains modest,         price optimization software offers strategic
      and the market is distinguished by small            opportunities to companies with acquiring
      vendors concentrating on specific vertical          insights into underlying relationships that can
      industries.                                         substantially improve efforts to win more-
                                                          profitable business more consistently. This often
    • Most of the vendors offering software and           entails helping firms with transitioning pricing
      services for this market are small and may          and selling methodologies that are based on
      not be able to scale up quickly to satisfy rapid    cost-plus or match-the-competition practices, to
      increases in customer demand.                       ones supporting effective value-based pricing, or
                                                          pricing that accounts for relationships.
    • Many vendors’ software offerings are still
      maturing, often by productizing work from           This market differs from most other application
      client engagements.                                 segments because it offers strategic benefits
                                                          in helping organizations grow revenue and
    • Sales cycles tend to be long because                margins, as well as operational efficiencies
      investments are significant, in many cases          (helping companies save time and cut costs).
      approaching or exceeding $2 million for             Many software segments emphasize the latter
      agreements for both licenses and services.          – helping organizations cut costs. Results from
                                                          implementations during the past four years
    • Long implementation cycles (more than 18            have been dramatic, with cases of gross margin
      months) are common for acquiring a broad set        increases of 2% to 5% being commonly achieved
      of pricing capabilities.                            with revenue under management. This typically
                                                          has been accomplished through more-accurate
    • Substantial organizational change may               forecasting and planning of prices for specific
      be required within buying centers,                  segments, as well as the elimination of revenue
      including winning acceptance of new price           leakages, particularly damaging discounting
      recommendation practices from sales,                practices. There have also been instances of
      acquiring necessary analytic skill sets and re-     projects driving gross margin increases that
      engineering processes across departments.           exceeded 15% for specific product lines and
                                                          divisions. The value of this segment continues to
    3.0 Technology Impacts                                be substantiated by conversations with leading
    3.1 Which Markets and Users Will Be                   firms in various industry vertical markets in
    Affected                                              which projects have successfully maintained or
                                                          increased gross profit margins by 50 basis points
    This technology emphasizes support for B2B
                                                          or more in the face of a down economy.
    commercial relationships because requirements
    can substantially differ from business-to-
                                                          3.2 What Actions to Take Now
    consumer (B2C) models with respect to
    managing pricing for sales cycles with corporate      For vendors entering the market:
    buying centers, negotiated agreements and
    implications of pre-existing account relationships.   • Choose an area of emphasis such as analytics,
    For example, formal bidding processes and               optimization or execution as your initial focus
    securing approval from multiple stakeholders            to develop expertise and differentiate your
    within prospective firms are common. Typically,         offering.
    transaction costs can be high, and the duration
    of sales cycles longer. In addition, more-defined     • Focus solutions selectively on a key vertical
    deal management processes are required to               or two to gain experience with solution
    communicate and enforce pricing policies,               development and validate internal capabilities
    especially with high-value deals or agreements          (professional services, sales and marketing,
    that encompass complex combinations of items,           technical skills, and so forth).
    options and terms. More complex internal
    process requirements create the need for more
    coordination between the sales and marketing
    departments to provide support for external field
    sales forces.

• Leverage existing vertical market expertise     • Focus on rounding out solutions to
  in other solution areas to complement and         comprehensively address the three pricing
  differentiate product development and             segments – analytics, optimization and
  marketing of new price optimization and           execution.
  management tools.
                                                  • Invest in greater product flexibility to more
• In turn, view the addition of a price             easily apply existing functionality to different
  optimization and management suite as              vertical industries, as well as to accommodate
  strategic, for the deal sizes are substantial     a wider range of requirements through
  (often reaching or exceeding $2 million),         configuration (employing rules editors,
  initiatives within corporate buying centers       libraries of templates and mathematical
  often have C-level executive mind share, and      functions, selections of features without
  the impact of successful implementations can      coding, and so forth).
  be substantial to clients.
                                                  • Consider hosting capabilities to facilitate
3.3 What Actions to Take During the Next Six        initial implementation work, acquire
to 18 Months                                        efficiencies in delivering services and
For incumbent price optimization and                acclimating clients to new pricing
management vendors:                                 technologies, as well as to extend reach into
                                                    midmarket organizations of $300 million to
• Focus on developing well-honed processes,         $500 million in revenue.
  more packaged capability and hosting
  support to extend market reach downward         4.0 References
  into organizations with $300 million to $500    “Hype Cycle for CRM Sales, 2009”
  million in revenue.
                                                  Source: Gartner RAS Core Research Note G00172349, Sharon A. Mertz,
                                                                                   Michael Dunne, 17 November 2009

                                 Price and Revenue Management Practice
                                 The B2B industry has always operated in a very       grows beyond the existing features that the tool
                                 challenging environment characterized by fierce      provides. There is a need to enhance & modify
                                 competition and extremely competitive prices.        the tool to make it more relevant to current
                                 As a result, the focus on margin and profitability   business dynamics.
                                 has traditionally been quite high. To add to this
                                 highly charged business scenario are the difficult   While organizations grapple with these strategic
                                 market conditions experienced by the industry in     and tactical challenges, they cannot afford to
                                 the past few quarters. Organizations have been       lose sight of the opportunity in horizon. As the
                                 through elaborate corporate and departmental         global recovery from financial crisis is underway,
                                 cost cutting measures.                               most companies are clearly beginning to focus
                                                                                      on positioning themselves for an economic
                                 Many companies in the B2B segment are                upturn. This provides an opportune time for
                                 highly decentralized, which means the sales          corporations to see beyond the traditional cost
                                 organization has a large role to play in major       cutting measures and look for the “perfect” price
                                 pricing decisions. Companies are increasingly        level, pushing decision makers to assess if their
                                 feeling the need to enable their sales force,        business has the appropriate pricing strategy and
 “Pricing is a significant       to make informed pricing decisions through           execution capabilities to respond to the market.
     variable that directly      appropriate data availability and price guidance.    Pricing clearly is one lever that most companies
    impacts a company’s          This is to ensure that the quoted price leaves       are focusing on.
     revenue, profitability      the office on time and, while doing so, is both
             and customer        competitive and profitable.                          According to Gartner’s research featured in this
 relationships. With the                                                              newsletter, “Pricing is a significant variable
appropriate consultancy          Key business drivers for embarking on a pricing      that directly impacts a company’s revenue,
   and pricing expertise,        journey are as follows:                              profitability and customer relationships. With the
        price optimization                                                            appropriate consultancy and pricing expertise,
            software offers      • Manage a complex portfolio of product and          price optimization software offers strategic
  strategic opportunities          prices                                             opportunities to companies with acquiring
       to companies with                                                              insights into underlying relationships that can
                                 • Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) proliferation             substantially improve efforts to win more-
  acquiring insights into
underlying relationships                                                              profitable business more consistently.”
                                 • Need for market-based price guidance for
   that can substantially
                                   improved negotiation                               L&T Infotech believes that in order to calibrate
        improve efforts to
      win more profitable                                                             this significant pricing variable, a structured
                                 • Manage list price at a granular level              methodology needs to be followed which would
            business more
             consistently.”                                                           result in attainment of client’s pricing goals. L&T
                                 • Central repository of information for near real    Infotech thinks that it is important to:
 Source: Gartner Inc, Research     time data availability for data driven decision
  Note G00172349, Sharon A.
    Mertz, Michael Dunne, 17
                                   making                                             • Carefully assess client’s current process and
              November 2009                                                             system landscape to discover improvements
                                 • Measure profitability                                required in process and technology
                                 • Ensure customers/transactions are profitable       • Meticulously evaluate the best-fit vendor
                                   at the operating margin level                        tool or identify the improvements required
                                                                                        in existing system which can deliver the
                                 • Measure and manage the cost-to-serve                 maximum benefit; and finally
                                   elements to avoid margin erosion
                                                                                      • Integrate the solution to realize client’s
                                 • Need for differentiated pricing for better           pricing goal
                                   customer connect
                                                                                      In order to do so, L&T Infotech leverages
                                 In order to achieve the aforementioned business      collective intelligence of its experienced pricing
                                 drivers, L&T Infotech observes that companies        professionals, industry experts, system integration
                                 today use spreadsheets, databases, paper reports     specialists, tool experts and rich partner network
                                 and team of analysts to help drive pricing           across the globe.
                                 decisions. Often the organizations build a custom
                                 tool to suit their business needs. But business

Source: L&T Infotech

Clients can use our Discovery, Evaluation and       • Identified improvements are prioritized taking
Implementation services to gain the pricing           into account industry best practices
advantage. These services can be selected
individually or all together, based on client’s     • Waterfall analysis which helps in identifying
convenience and requirements.                         key discount components, including both
                                                      on-invoice and off-invoice items, is carried out
Elaboration on these services is as follows:          and potential revenue leakage is detected

1. Discovery Phase                                  Benefits
In order to commence the journey it is imperative
to analyze the current pricing process and system   • Discovery of hidden opportunities for process
landscape. The Discovery phase does the same          improvements
by viewing the current pricing process from
the perspective of marketing, sales, finance, IT    • Predictive and data driven decision making
and other relevant stakeholders. This provides a      through enhanced analytics
strong foundation to the entire analysis. Before
                                                    • Short term and long term recommendations to
the Discovery phase, clients can take L&T
                                                      address problems and seek opportunities
Infotech’s pre-Discovery assessment ‘Price Sense’
to get a first-cut opinion on ‘as-is’ practices.
                                                    Before moving to the value proposition of the
This assessment sets the tone for the actual
                                                    ‘Evaluation’ phase, let us look at how the MIMA
‘Discovery’ phase. During the Discovery phase,
                                                    framework helps in the discovery phase.
L&T Infotech uses its proprietary Multi Index
Maturity Assessment (MIMA) framework (refer         1.1. Multi Index Maturity Assessment (MIMA)
section 1.1 for details) to perform a structured
analysis.                                           L&T Infotech uses its proprietary MIMA
                                                    framework (Figure 1) developed in-house, to take
Highlights of the process adopted by L&T            a snapshot of current practices adopted by the
Infotech and subsequent benefits to clients for     organization impacting the pricing and revenue
the discovery phase are:                            management area. It takes into account strategy,
                                                    process, organization and technology level
Process                                             inputs from client team. MIMA which has inputs
                                                    from management science pertaining to price
• Existing pricing processes are analyzed using     and revenue management embedded in it also
  Multi Index Maturity Assessment (MIMA)            uses best-in-class practices and L&T Infotech’s
  framework                                         knowledge repository to report on the current
                                                    state of the organization.
                                 Figure 1: Multi Index Maturity Assessment (MIMA) Framework

        “The widespread
    use of spreadsheets
       for analyzing and
     managing prices is
    increasingly viewed
      as inadequate and
error-prone, demanding
more technically-robust
 Source: Gartner Inc, Research
  Note G00172349, Sharon A.
    Mertz, Michael Dunne, 17     Source: L&T Infotech
              November 2009

                                 2. Evaluation Phase                                          the platform for an appropriate tool selection
                                 This phase looks at various options available in             from functional and technical perspective. L&T
                                 front of business to tackle some of the tactical             Infotech has been part of such journeys and has
                                 and strategic problems related to price and                  helped clients select the best-tool leading to
                                 revenue management. The solution could be to                 substantial business benefits.
                                 implement a best-fit tool, customize the existing
                                 system or re-engineer some of the key processes.             Highlights of process adopted by L&T Infotech
                                 Based on unique business environment and                     and subsequent benefits to clients for the
                                 company needs, solutions are logically derived               evaluation phase are as follows:
                                 after taking into account all the relevant aspects.
                                 There are sizable number of vendors in the
                                                                                              • Various tool options are explored using P-SAT
                                 market which offer price optimization and
                                                                                                (refer section 2.1 for details)
                                 management solutions. Some of the vendors offer
                                 services encompassing different sectors whereas
                                                                                              • Implementation roadmap and detailed roll out
                                 others specialize only in a particular industry. For
                                                                                                strategy is formulated
                                 a company which needs to adopt a new vendor
                                 tool, it becomes essential to identify the right
                                                                                              • Existing pricing processes are benchmarked
                                 vendors, screen them on requirements, measure
                                                                                                against industry best practices
                                 their experience in similar situations and ensure
                                 that requirements cover industry best practices.             Benefits
                                 (Refer the Gartner report for in-depth insight
                                 into various price optimization and management               • Tool-based approach captures inputs from
                                 software’s in the B2B segment).                                various stakeholders
                                 Product vendors come with their own                          • Structured evaluation process takes emotions
                                 specialization to address specific business areas              out of decision making
                                 and industry segment. L&T Infotech uses its
                                 proprietary Pricing Solution Assessment Toolkit              • Objective analysis of vendors is carrier out to
                                 (P-SAT) in the selection process to ensure                     access fulfillment of client requirements
                                 that strategic objectives of the client are met.
                                 We engage in a structured manner to provide                  Let us look at the contribution of P-SAT, which is
                                                                                              an integral part of the entire evaluation phase.
Figure 2: Pricing Solution Assessment Toolkit (P-SAT)

Source: L&T Infotech

2.1. Pricing Solution Assessment Toolkit                integrating it with client’s current IT landscape.
(P-SAT)                                                 L&T Infotech engages with its clients to manage
In the entire evaluation process, P-SAT (Figure         the implementation risk from a timeline and
2) is used as a mechanism to rate all the tools         budget perspective and also draws experience
under consideration in a structured fashion thus        of handling large-scale enterprise-level
keeping emotions out of the selection process.          implementations to ensure that transition to the
                                                        new environment is handled smoothly.
Steps involved in the Evaluation process are as
follows:                                                Highlights of process adopted by L&T Infotech
                                                        and subsequent benefits to clients for the
• Pre-qualification of vendors and de-brief to          implementation phase are mentioned below;
  selected vendors on the client RFP
• P-SAT customization based on client
  requirements                                          • Make current processes and system ready for
                                                          the ‘to-be’ state
• P-SAT workshop for client
                                                        • Facilitate smooth integration of the selected
• Process of gathering all the essential inputs to        pricing tool with the current system landscape
  P-SAT (refer diagram below)
                                                        • Support client in training exercises and
• Report on entire evaluation process and                 workshops
  outcome of P-SAT with recommendation
• Discussions on tool Implementation
                                                        • Team of tool and integration experts provide
3. Implementation Phase                                   complete solution
This phase involves realizing the identified            • Proven implementation experience with
potential and management of related risks and             different tools
change. Identification and tracking of the right key
performance indicators (KPIs) is vital to success.      • Mitigate risks through effective change
During this phase, L&T Infotech assists the
client in implementing the shortlisted tool                                                 Source: L&T Infotech
or customization of homegrown system and

                             Pricing is a journey not a destination
                             L&T Infotech created a pricing blueprint for one       A technology roadmap was developed to
                             of the world leaders in high-tech assembly and         introduce technology and tools to support the
                             test services industry. It helped in drawing out       business process, bring in enhanced decision-
                             a refined process landscape and facilitated the        making capability and aid in improving the
                             selection and implementation of the right toolset      quote cycle time. The P-SAT framework was
                             to realize these processes.                            used to evaluate various vendor tools to identify
                                                                                    the most appropriate.
                             The client
                             One of the world’s largest suppliers of outsourced     Taking an end to end system view, a tool was
                             semiconductor assembly and test services with          selected for implementation that was aligned
                             revenues of USD 3 billion.                             with the organizational strategy. Some of the
                                                                                    key considerations for the tool selection are
                             The challenge                                          highlighted below:
                             The client’s business required a quick turnaround      • Move from Cost Plus to Value-Based Pricing
                             of quotes. These often had to be customized
                             to meet the requirements of key customers.             • Introduce a collaborative deal management
 Client Testimonial
                             Considering the competitive environment, the             environment
                             quotes were required to be positioned at an
       “L&T Infotech’s
                             attractive price point while ensuring sufficient       • Quote cycle time reduction
     performance has
                             level of granular details. Due to the lack of an
   been outstanding,
                             integrated system, the business processes were         • Efficient Reconciliation with Backend
        leading to the
                             broken and operated out of multiple systems.
        community of
                             This lead to duplication of efforts and did not        The implementation of the tool ensured all
  business users and
                             provide an inclusive view of the quote process.        product prices were available in the system.
      IT looking up to
                             With these limitations, it was difficult to track      The pricing team worked on near real time data
 them for continuing
                             and measure the profitability of the transaction.      coming from the external systems. The pricing
     leadership. Their
                             Lack of appropriate data points was an inhibitor in    tool provided the metrics relevant to the team to
    knowledge, skill,
                             handling special scenarios like rush orders, volume    ensure there is a continuous check and measure
                             discounts, long term preferential rates, change        on prices of the product. The sales team was
      and persistence
                             orders, etc.                                           empowered with data that enabled them to place
   during our journey
                                                                                    competitive quote and provide a better platform
to pricing excellence        The as-is process state for pricing did neither        for deal negotiation. A workflow system was
       were critical to      effectively manage margins nor detect revenue          developed to ensure all pricing processes are
   the success of the        leakage. This was due to inadequate visibility to      adhered to and enable future audits. This provided
              project.”      total cost-to-serve, key pricing attributes, metrics   an integrated view of the quote process from the
 – Director Pricing, North
                             on volume and competitors, disparate execution         point where a request for a quote comes in to the
 American Semiconductor      of approvals and final prices issued to clients.       point where it is dispatched to the end customer.
         Packaging Major
                                                                                    To manage the entire business process, the tool
                             The solution                                           was configured to provide a comprehensive
                             L&T Infotech worked with key stakeholders              dashboard of performance metrics.
                             from the client side to carry out an exhaustive
                             study of the current business processes and            Benefits
                             cycle times. Though intense workshops and              Business benefitted immensely from an
                             one on one interviews, the pain points were            integrated view of the complete process.
                             brought out across different functions like sales,     Business processes were streamlined, automated
                             pricing, operations and marketing. Process and         and standardized in order to derive maximum
                             technology gaps were identified and plugged.           value from the IT investment. The pricing team
                                                                                    got access to relevant data to set the product
                             Through a comprehensive plan encompassing              prices. The tool provided advanced analytics and
                             various departments, the business processes            dashboards. A collaborative deal environment
                             were aligned to make them more relevant to             ensured improved turnaround time for quotes. The
                             the needs of current environment and prepare           sales force got a better platform to negotiate on
                             them for future growth. All major processes were       prices to ensure the margins are intact. Improved
                             documented, shared and published to make               deal analysis led to differentiated pricing.
                             sure they are well understood by all entities
                             participating in the process.                                                             Source: L&T Infotech

About L&T Infotech
Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd. (L&T Infotech), one of the fastest growing
IT Services companies, is ranked by NASSCOM among the top software &
services exporters from India in 2009. Ranked among 2009 ‘Leaders’ in
the prestigious Global 100 list by International Association of Outsourcing
Professionals (IAOP), and a wholly-owned subsidiary of US $ 9.8 billion
Larsen & Toubro, India’s leading engineering, manufacturing and financial
services organization, L&T Infotech is differentiated by its unique
Business-to-IT Connect, which is a result of its rich corporate heritage.
                                                                                                                                    Colours :

Ranked No. 5 globally among the Best IT Services Providers by Global Services in 2009, we offer                                     L&T Yellow Pantone 1235C
                                                                                                                                    L&T Black Pantone Process Black C

comprehensive, end-to-end software solutions and services in the following industry verticals: Banking
& Financial Services; Insurance; Energy & Petrochemicals; Manufacturing (Consumer Packaged Goods/
Retail, High-tech, Industrial Products, Automotive) and Product Engineering Services (Telecom). Our
new emerging verticals include Media & Entertainment and Life Sciences & Healthcare. We also deliver
business solutions to our clients in the following horizontals/Service Lines: SAP, Oracle, Infrastructure
Management Services, Testing, Consulting and Business Process Services. Our other Service offerings
are: Business Analytics, Legacy Modernization, Applications Outsourcing, Architecture Consulting, PLM
and Service Oriented Architecture.

For more information please contact us at

Price and Revenue Management is published by L&T Infotech. Editorial supplied by L&T Infotech is independent of Gartner analysis. All Gartner research is
© 2010 by Gartner, Inc. and/or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. All Gartner materials are used with Gartner’s permission and in no way does the use or publication of Gartner
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Price & Revenue Management at L&T Infotech

  • 1. Colours : L&T Yellow Pantone 1235C L&T Black Pantone Process Black C Price and Revenue Management Driving profits with the science of optimization Issue 1 2 Welcome 3 Introduction to Price and Revenue Management (PRM) 4 Emerging Technology Analysis: Price Optimization and Management Software for Business-to-Business Boosts Margins in a Down Economy 8 Price and Revenue Management Practice 12 Pricing is a journey not a destination 13 About L&T Infotech Featuring research from
  • 2. 2 Welcome Your Business is now, more than ever, facing fierce competition in all geographies. Your distribution channels are more complex than they used to be, and you have to be more transparent with your clients than you used to be. Therefore, maintaining your competitive edge is not only difficult but is also a key factor for the success of your business. In these times, businesses are going back to their drawing boards to bring out a sustainable and competitive strategy. It is in keeping with these market realities that your strategy has to be dynamic. Successful strategies are the ones that can predict consumer (market) behavior in order to maximize the revenue or profit. You need a strategy that can predict the behavior before your peers do and that can allow your business to adapt to these changes quicker than your peers. In doing so, you have to ensure that the change percolates to every client-facing aspect of your business, be it your website or your distribution partner. Every client-facing aspect has to reflect the change that you wish to implement. Thus, it is clear that a great strategy is incomplete without an agile process to implement it. Price and Revenue Management practice, which is now being imbibed as a discipline across all industries that face a dynamic market, serves as the key differentiator in a fiercely competitive environment. Price and Revenue Management helps develop an internal strategy which is hard to replicate. Design, development and execution of such a management practice calls for framing of robust processes and selection of appropriate tools that seamlessly integrate within the existing system. Needless to say, effective change management is a crucial element for effective ‘migration’ to a new set of tools embodying the practice. In order to achieve pricing power, it is imperative to discover the improvements required in the current process and technology, evaluate the right solution to achieve the identified improvements and finally implement the analyzed solution to gain a competitive edge. L&T Infotech, with its team of experienced pricing professionals, industry experts, IT integration experts, professionals with implementation experience on different vendor tools and rich partner network spanning across the globe, offers unparalleled and complete end-to-end support in your pricing journey. This report features research from Gartner on the topic ‘Emerging Technology Analysis: Price Optimization and Management Software for Business-to-Business Boosts Margins in a Down Economy’ and gives L&T Infotech’s perspective on ‘Price and Revenue Management’ subject. Price and Revenue management is an ever-evolving field that has some elements of art, science and economics. We hope this report will bring some new insights in your business. Warm Regards, Kavindra Sharma, Head of Consulting, L&T Infotech
  • 3. 3 Introduction to Price and Revenue Management (PRM) There is always a need for companies globally Going beyond the traditional measures of cutting to continuously increase revenues while cost to boost volumes, pricing strategy and maintaining and improving profit margins. corresponding scientific analytics implemented Keeping in mind the competitive landscape in using tools (off-the-shelf or home grown) are which companies operate, a careful analysis being increasingly looked upon by companies to of discount policies, product pricing, revenue plug revenue leakages and make faster pricing leakage, market segmentation and cost-to-serve decisions. This is because improvements in for clients needs to be carried out. price have far better impact on bottom line as compared to improvements in volume. The most Also, pre-deal and post-deal analytics needs to effective way for many companies to optimize be done so that deal negotiations are profitable profitability is to get their pricing strategy right - and assessment of historical deals could be used a concept that has been proven in all sectors of to develop future strategy. Price and Revenue business. management helps an organization in solving these aforementioned issues. Effective price and revenue management practices incorporated by companies help them In the B2B industry, pricing decisions are in developing pricing as an internal strategy to subject to complex array of environmental and outweigh competition. This can be successfully competitive forces. A company sets not a single accomplished by: price, but rather a pricing structure that covers different items in line. This pricing structure • Developing price and revenue management as changes over a period of time, factoring in the a strategic function lifecycle of the product. The price is adjusted to reflect changes in cost, demand and variations in • Making the practice seamlessly integrate with buyer behavior. relevant departments With the change in competitive environment • Assessing the maturity of existing pricing companies consider price change initiatives. process and system landscape with reference Thus, pricing decisions are critical for an to best practices organization to achieve favorable output in both supplier side and demand side negotiations. • Creating and enforcing processes which Better visibility of historical data, margin and would help in effective pre-deal and post-deal profitability view coupled with intelligence of analytics deal negotiators can help a company to tie up these crucial ends of supply chain efficiently. • Adoption of technology which would introduce mature pricing practices Source: L&T Infotech
  • 4. 4 From the Gartner Files: Emerging Technology Analysis: Price Optimization and Management Software for Business-to-Business Boosts Margins in a Down Economy This research profiles the technological rising • Both entrants and incumbents should consider adoption and impact of price optimization and hosting capabilities to facilitate initial management software for business-to-business implementation work as well as to extend (B2B) commercial relationships. This segment their reach into midmarket organizations of is gaining popularity because solutions assist $300 million to $500 million in revenue. enterprises in identifying shortcomings in pricing policies and practices that erode revenue and STRATEGIC PLANNING ASSUMPTION margins, and more intelligently discern prices Through 2010, price optimization technology will that target markets will bear. have a more-direct impact on increasing revenue or margins than any other CRM technology. Key Findings • Adoption of price optimization and ANALYSIS management solutions has been growing in 1.0 Technology Description organizations with more than $500 million Price optimization and management software in revenue, particularly in industries with offers the promise of helping firms better identify complex pricing requirements. underlying shortcomings in pricing practices that • The greatest interest in these technologies is erode revenue and margins, more intelligently primarily from manufacturing and distribution discern prices that target markets will bear, and logistics organizations, although as well as realize efficiencies in deploying, awareness is growing in a diverse mix of administering, and enforcing prices and pricing vertical industries such as medical devices, policies. The price optimization and management business services and consumer goods. software market for B2B commercial relationships encompasses three segments that • Market growth is accelerated by growing can help organizations implement or improve expertise within professional service closed-loop pricing processes supporting sales organizations, more efficient implementation activities between businesses. These segments cycles, maturing software offerings, as well as are price analytics, price optimization and price widespread concern among enterprises over execution. managing margins and costs. • Price analytics supports discovery processes Recommendations to identify and explain historical trends in realized pricing (typically from transactional • As a new entrant to the market, choose a data), the impact of market dynamics and specific vertical or functional area of emphasis pricing anomalies. such as analytics, optimization or execution as your initial focus to develop and productize • Price optimization is primarily concerned expertise and differentiate your offering. with supporting modeling and forecasting requirements to identify and define optimal • As an incumbent, focus on developing pricing strategies and price bands. solutions further to comprehensively address the three pricing segments – • Price execution focuses on functionality analytics, optimization and execution – and that supports the dissemination of pricing support greater flexibility in satisfying information and guidance on pricing practices different vertical industry practices through and deal development, the defining of pricing configuration. rules and models for ordering and quoting systems, and the automation of approval processes.
  • 5. 5 Vendors offering price optimization and Discussions with Gartner clients and input management solutions for B2B include: from vendor references indicate four common objectives drive technology adoption: • Model N • Defend and improve profitability (across • Oracle E-Business Suite product lines and on a deal-by-deal basis) • Oracle-Siebel • Defend and grow revenue • PROS • Improve governance and consistency in pricing practices and realized prices (such as • Servigistics eliminating rogue discounting) • SignalDemand • Increase agility in tailoring pricing for specific markets or sales cycles • Symphony Metreo 2.1 Factors That Will Drive Adoption • Vendavo Supply- and demand-side factors driving adoption include: • Vistaar Technologies • Economic uncertainty and volatility encourage • Zilliant interest within firms struggling to manage 2.0 Technology Adoption costs, defend margins and determine what prices their target markets will bear. The price optimization and management software market is gaining traction with enterprises • The widespread use of spreadsheets for in increasingly varied B2B vertical industries analyzing and managing prices is increasingly such as distribution, electronics, industrial viewed as inadequate and error-prone, manufacturing, high-technology manufacturing demanding more technically-robust solutions. and chemicals. Gartner inquiries for price optimization and management in 2009 indicates • Many software offerings currently satisfy that, as of August 2009, approximately 30% of all about 70% of common customer requirements inquiries originate from manufacturing firms, with out-of-the-box or through the configuration distribution and logistics as the next highest at of software features, decreasing the need for just under 20%. Growing interest has also been custom code extensions or integration with observed in industries such as medical devices, other software add-ons. business services and consumer goods. Sectors showing more-limited activity include industries • Vendors’ professional service organizations based on intangibles or with a high services are acquiring greater experience in supporting focus such as software, banking, insurance, projects of varying scope and complexity in communications and media. various B2B segments in different regions of the world. This market is earning increasing recognition because defining and defending optimal prices • Third-party external services providers are are fundamental imperatives for enterprises that increasing their focus on this subject, growing are responsible for producing shareholder returns. available expertise, raising awareness and Gartner estimates that the total worldwide legitimizing solution adoption. revenue from software vendors’ product sales and services to the B2B market reached • Many vendors are launching programs to approximately $180 million in 2008, or about decrease implementation cycle times and 2% of the worldwide CRM market based on total requirements for specific capabilities, often software revenue, after growing about 20% year based on a temporarily hosted software over year. Based on the “Forecast: Enterprise solution. Software Markets, Worldwide, 2008-2013, 3Q09 Update,” Gartner expects price optimization and management to represent from 3.5% to 4% of the CRM market by 2013, or more than $425 million.
  • 6. 6 2.2 Factors That Will Inhibit Adoption Pricing is a significant variable that directly Factors inhibiting adoption reflect solution impacts a company’s revenue, profitability complexity and a developing supplier base: and customer relationships. With the appropriate consultancy and pricing expertise, • The number of installations remains modest, price optimization software offers strategic and the market is distinguished by small opportunities to companies with acquiring vendors concentrating on specific vertical insights into underlying relationships that can industries. substantially improve efforts to win more- profitable business more consistently. This often • Most of the vendors offering software and entails helping firms with transitioning pricing services for this market are small and may and selling methodologies that are based on not be able to scale up quickly to satisfy rapid cost-plus or match-the-competition practices, to increases in customer demand. ones supporting effective value-based pricing, or pricing that accounts for relationships. • Many vendors’ software offerings are still maturing, often by productizing work from This market differs from most other application client engagements. segments because it offers strategic benefits in helping organizations grow revenue and • Sales cycles tend to be long because margins, as well as operational efficiencies investments are significant, in many cases (helping companies save time and cut costs). approaching or exceeding $2 million for Many software segments emphasize the latter agreements for both licenses and services. – helping organizations cut costs. Results from implementations during the past four years • Long implementation cycles (more than 18 have been dramatic, with cases of gross margin months) are common for acquiring a broad set increases of 2% to 5% being commonly achieved of pricing capabilities. with revenue under management. This typically has been accomplished through more-accurate • Substantial organizational change may forecasting and planning of prices for specific be required within buying centers, segments, as well as the elimination of revenue including winning acceptance of new price leakages, particularly damaging discounting recommendation practices from sales, practices. There have also been instances of acquiring necessary analytic skill sets and re- projects driving gross margin increases that engineering processes across departments. exceeded 15% for specific product lines and divisions. The value of this segment continues to 3.0 Technology Impacts be substantiated by conversations with leading 3.1 Which Markets and Users Will Be firms in various industry vertical markets in Affected which projects have successfully maintained or increased gross profit margins by 50 basis points This technology emphasizes support for B2B or more in the face of a down economy. commercial relationships because requirements can substantially differ from business-to- 3.2 What Actions to Take Now consumer (B2C) models with respect to managing pricing for sales cycles with corporate For vendors entering the market: buying centers, negotiated agreements and implications of pre-existing account relationships. • Choose an area of emphasis such as analytics, For example, formal bidding processes and optimization or execution as your initial focus securing approval from multiple stakeholders to develop expertise and differentiate your within prospective firms are common. Typically, offering. transaction costs can be high, and the duration of sales cycles longer. In addition, more-defined • Focus solutions selectively on a key vertical deal management processes are required to or two to gain experience with solution communicate and enforce pricing policies, development and validate internal capabilities especially with high-value deals or agreements (professional services, sales and marketing, that encompass complex combinations of items, technical skills, and so forth). options and terms. More complex internal process requirements create the need for more coordination between the sales and marketing departments to provide support for external field sales forces.
  • 7. 7 • Leverage existing vertical market expertise • Focus on rounding out solutions to in other solution areas to complement and comprehensively address the three pricing differentiate product development and segments – analytics, optimization and marketing of new price optimization and execution. management tools. • Invest in greater product flexibility to more • In turn, view the addition of a price easily apply existing functionality to different optimization and management suite as vertical industries, as well as to accommodate strategic, for the deal sizes are substantial a wider range of requirements through (often reaching or exceeding $2 million), configuration (employing rules editors, initiatives within corporate buying centers libraries of templates and mathematical often have C-level executive mind share, and functions, selections of features without the impact of successful implementations can coding, and so forth). be substantial to clients. • Consider hosting capabilities to facilitate 3.3 What Actions to Take During the Next Six initial implementation work, acquire to 18 Months efficiencies in delivering services and For incumbent price optimization and acclimating clients to new pricing management vendors: technologies, as well as to extend reach into midmarket organizations of $300 million to • Focus on developing well-honed processes, $500 million in revenue. more packaged capability and hosting support to extend market reach downward 4.0 References into organizations with $300 million to $500 “Hype Cycle for CRM Sales, 2009” million in revenue. Source: Gartner RAS Core Research Note G00172349, Sharon A. Mertz, Michael Dunne, 17 November 2009
  • 8. 8 Price and Revenue Management Practice The B2B industry has always operated in a very grows beyond the existing features that the tool challenging environment characterized by fierce provides. There is a need to enhance & modify competition and extremely competitive prices. the tool to make it more relevant to current As a result, the focus on margin and profitability business dynamics. has traditionally been quite high. To add to this highly charged business scenario are the difficult While organizations grapple with these strategic market conditions experienced by the industry in and tactical challenges, they cannot afford to the past few quarters. Organizations have been lose sight of the opportunity in horizon. As the through elaborate corporate and departmental global recovery from financial crisis is underway, cost cutting measures. most companies are clearly beginning to focus on positioning themselves for an economic Many companies in the B2B segment are upturn. This provides an opportune time for highly decentralized, which means the sales corporations to see beyond the traditional cost organization has a large role to play in major cutting measures and look for the “perfect” price pricing decisions. Companies are increasingly level, pushing decision makers to assess if their feeling the need to enable their sales force, business has the appropriate pricing strategy and “Pricing is a significant to make informed pricing decisions through execution capabilities to respond to the market. variable that directly appropriate data availability and price guidance. Pricing clearly is one lever that most companies impacts a company’s This is to ensure that the quoted price leaves are focusing on. revenue, profitability the office on time and, while doing so, is both and customer competitive and profitable. According to Gartner’s research featured in this relationships. With the newsletter, “Pricing is a significant variable appropriate consultancy Key business drivers for embarking on a pricing that directly impacts a company’s revenue, and pricing expertise, journey are as follows: profitability and customer relationships. With the price optimization appropriate consultancy and pricing expertise, software offers • Manage a complex portfolio of product and price optimization software offers strategic strategic opportunities prices opportunities to companies with acquiring to companies with insights into underlying relationships that can • Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) proliferation substantially improve efforts to win more- acquiring insights into underlying relationships profitable business more consistently.” • Need for market-based price guidance for that can substantially improved negotiation L&T Infotech believes that in order to calibrate improve efforts to win more profitable this significant pricing variable, a structured • Manage list price at a granular level methodology needs to be followed which would business more consistently.” result in attainment of client’s pricing goals. L&T • Central repository of information for near real Infotech thinks that it is important to: Source: Gartner Inc, Research time data availability for data driven decision Note G00172349, Sharon A. Mertz, Michael Dunne, 17 making • Carefully assess client’s current process and November 2009 system landscape to discover improvements • Measure profitability required in process and technology • Ensure customers/transactions are profitable • Meticulously evaluate the best-fit vendor at the operating margin level tool or identify the improvements required in existing system which can deliver the • Measure and manage the cost-to-serve maximum benefit; and finally elements to avoid margin erosion • Integrate the solution to realize client’s • Need for differentiated pricing for better pricing goal customer connect In order to do so, L&T Infotech leverages In order to achieve the aforementioned business collective intelligence of its experienced pricing drivers, L&T Infotech observes that companies professionals, industry experts, system integration today use spreadsheets, databases, paper reports specialists, tool experts and rich partner network and team of analysts to help drive pricing across the globe. decisions. Often the organizations build a custom tool to suit their business needs. But business
  • 9. 9 Source: L&T Infotech Clients can use our Discovery, Evaluation and • Identified improvements are prioritized taking Implementation services to gain the pricing into account industry best practices advantage. These services can be selected individually or all together, based on client’s • Waterfall analysis which helps in identifying convenience and requirements. key discount components, including both on-invoice and off-invoice items, is carried out Elaboration on these services is as follows: and potential revenue leakage is detected 1. Discovery Phase Benefits In order to commence the journey it is imperative to analyze the current pricing process and system • Discovery of hidden opportunities for process landscape. The Discovery phase does the same improvements by viewing the current pricing process from the perspective of marketing, sales, finance, IT • Predictive and data driven decision making and other relevant stakeholders. This provides a through enhanced analytics strong foundation to the entire analysis. Before • Short term and long term recommendations to the Discovery phase, clients can take L&T address problems and seek opportunities Infotech’s pre-Discovery assessment ‘Price Sense’ to get a first-cut opinion on ‘as-is’ practices. Before moving to the value proposition of the This assessment sets the tone for the actual ‘Evaluation’ phase, let us look at how the MIMA ‘Discovery’ phase. During the Discovery phase, framework helps in the discovery phase. L&T Infotech uses its proprietary Multi Index Maturity Assessment (MIMA) framework (refer 1.1. Multi Index Maturity Assessment (MIMA) section 1.1 for details) to perform a structured analysis. L&T Infotech uses its proprietary MIMA framework (Figure 1) developed in-house, to take Highlights of the process adopted by L&T a snapshot of current practices adopted by the Infotech and subsequent benefits to clients for organization impacting the pricing and revenue the discovery phase are: management area. It takes into account strategy, process, organization and technology level Process inputs from client team. MIMA which has inputs from management science pertaining to price • Existing pricing processes are analyzed using and revenue management embedded in it also Multi Index Maturity Assessment (MIMA) uses best-in-class practices and L&T Infotech’s framework knowledge repository to report on the current state of the organization.
  • 10. 10 Figure 1: Multi Index Maturity Assessment (MIMA) Framework “The widespread use of spreadsheets for analyzing and managing prices is increasingly viewed as inadequate and error-prone, demanding more technically-robust solutions.” Source: Gartner Inc, Research Note G00172349, Sharon A. Mertz, Michael Dunne, 17 Source: L&T Infotech November 2009 2. Evaluation Phase the platform for an appropriate tool selection This phase looks at various options available in from functional and technical perspective. L&T front of business to tackle some of the tactical Infotech has been part of such journeys and has and strategic problems related to price and helped clients select the best-tool leading to revenue management. The solution could be to substantial business benefits. implement a best-fit tool, customize the existing system or re-engineer some of the key processes. Highlights of process adopted by L&T Infotech Based on unique business environment and and subsequent benefits to clients for the company needs, solutions are logically derived evaluation phase are as follows: after taking into account all the relevant aspects. Process There are sizable number of vendors in the • Various tool options are explored using P-SAT market which offer price optimization and (refer section 2.1 for details) management solutions. Some of the vendors offer services encompassing different sectors whereas • Implementation roadmap and detailed roll out others specialize only in a particular industry. For strategy is formulated a company which needs to adopt a new vendor tool, it becomes essential to identify the right • Existing pricing processes are benchmarked vendors, screen them on requirements, measure against industry best practices their experience in similar situations and ensure that requirements cover industry best practices. Benefits (Refer the Gartner report for in-depth insight into various price optimization and management • Tool-based approach captures inputs from software’s in the B2B segment). various stakeholders Product vendors come with their own • Structured evaluation process takes emotions specialization to address specific business areas out of decision making and industry segment. L&T Infotech uses its proprietary Pricing Solution Assessment Toolkit • Objective analysis of vendors is carrier out to (P-SAT) in the selection process to ensure access fulfillment of client requirements that strategic objectives of the client are met. We engage in a structured manner to provide Let us look at the contribution of P-SAT, which is an integral part of the entire evaluation phase.
  • 11. 11 Figure 2: Pricing Solution Assessment Toolkit (P-SAT) Source: L&T Infotech 2.1. Pricing Solution Assessment Toolkit integrating it with client’s current IT landscape. (P-SAT) L&T Infotech engages with its clients to manage In the entire evaluation process, P-SAT (Figure the implementation risk from a timeline and 2) is used as a mechanism to rate all the tools budget perspective and also draws experience under consideration in a structured fashion thus of handling large-scale enterprise-level keeping emotions out of the selection process. implementations to ensure that transition to the new environment is handled smoothly. Steps involved in the Evaluation process are as follows: Highlights of process adopted by L&T Infotech and subsequent benefits to clients for the • Pre-qualification of vendors and de-brief to implementation phase are mentioned below; selected vendors on the client RFP Process • P-SAT customization based on client requirements • Make current processes and system ready for the ‘to-be’ state • P-SAT workshop for client • Facilitate smooth integration of the selected • Process of gathering all the essential inputs to pricing tool with the current system landscape P-SAT (refer diagram below) • Support client in training exercises and • Report on entire evaluation process and workshops outcome of P-SAT with recommendation Benefits • Discussions on tool Implementation • Team of tool and integration experts provide 3. Implementation Phase complete solution This phase involves realizing the identified • Proven implementation experience with potential and management of related risks and different tools change. Identification and tracking of the right key performance indicators (KPIs) is vital to success. • Mitigate risks through effective change management During this phase, L&T Infotech assists the client in implementing the shortlisted tool Source: L&T Infotech or customization of homegrown system and
  • 12. 12 Pricing is a journey not a destination L&T Infotech created a pricing blueprint for one A technology roadmap was developed to of the world leaders in high-tech assembly and introduce technology and tools to support the test services industry. It helped in drawing out business process, bring in enhanced decision- a refined process landscape and facilitated the making capability and aid in improving the selection and implementation of the right toolset quote cycle time. The P-SAT framework was to realize these processes. used to evaluate various vendor tools to identify the most appropriate. The client One of the world’s largest suppliers of outsourced Taking an end to end system view, a tool was semiconductor assembly and test services with selected for implementation that was aligned revenues of USD 3 billion. with the organizational strategy. Some of the key considerations for the tool selection are The challenge highlighted below: The client’s business required a quick turnaround • Move from Cost Plus to Value-Based Pricing of quotes. These often had to be customized to meet the requirements of key customers. • Introduce a collaborative deal management Client Testimonial Considering the competitive environment, the environment quotes were required to be positioned at an “L&T Infotech’s attractive price point while ensuring sufficient • Quote cycle time reduction performance has level of granular details. Due to the lack of an been outstanding, integrated system, the business processes were • Efficient Reconciliation with Backend leading to the broken and operated out of multiple systems. community of This lead to duplication of efforts and did not The implementation of the tool ensured all business users and provide an inclusive view of the quote process. product prices were available in the system. IT looking up to With these limitations, it was difficult to track The pricing team worked on near real time data them for continuing and measure the profitability of the transaction. coming from the external systems. The pricing leadership. Their Lack of appropriate data points was an inhibitor in tool provided the metrics relevant to the team to knowledge, skill, handling special scenarios like rush orders, volume ensure there is a continuous check and measure professionalism discounts, long term preferential rates, change on prices of the product. The sales team was and persistence orders, etc. empowered with data that enabled them to place during our journey competitive quote and provide a better platform to pricing excellence The as-is process state for pricing did neither for deal negotiation. A workflow system was were critical to effectively manage margins nor detect revenue developed to ensure all pricing processes are the success of the leakage. This was due to inadequate visibility to adhered to and enable future audits. This provided project.” total cost-to-serve, key pricing attributes, metrics an integrated view of the quote process from the – Director Pricing, North on volume and competitors, disparate execution point where a request for a quote comes in to the American Semiconductor of approvals and final prices issued to clients. point where it is dispatched to the end customer. Packaging Major To manage the entire business process, the tool The solution was configured to provide a comprehensive L&T Infotech worked with key stakeholders dashboard of performance metrics. from the client side to carry out an exhaustive study of the current business processes and Benefits cycle times. Though intense workshops and Business benefitted immensely from an one on one interviews, the pain points were integrated view of the complete process. brought out across different functions like sales, Business processes were streamlined, automated pricing, operations and marketing. Process and and standardized in order to derive maximum technology gaps were identified and plugged. value from the IT investment. The pricing team got access to relevant data to set the product Through a comprehensive plan encompassing prices. The tool provided advanced analytics and various departments, the business processes dashboards. A collaborative deal environment were aligned to make them more relevant to ensured improved turnaround time for quotes. The the needs of current environment and prepare sales force got a better platform to negotiate on them for future growth. All major processes were prices to ensure the margins are intact. Improved documented, shared and published to make deal analysis led to differentiated pricing. sure they are well understood by all entities participating in the process. Source: L&T Infotech
  • 13. 13 About L&T Infotech Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd. (L&T Infotech), one of the fastest growing IT Services companies, is ranked by NASSCOM among the top software & services exporters from India in 2009. Ranked among 2009 ‘Leaders’ in the prestigious Global 100 list by International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP), and a wholly-owned subsidiary of US $ 9.8 billion Larsen & Toubro, India’s leading engineering, manufacturing and financial services organization, L&T Infotech is differentiated by its unique Business-to-IT Connect, which is a result of its rich corporate heritage. Colours : Ranked No. 5 globally among the Best IT Services Providers by Global Services in 2009, we offer L&T Yellow Pantone 1235C L&T Black Pantone Process Black C comprehensive, end-to-end software solutions and services in the following industry verticals: Banking & Financial Services; Insurance; Energy & Petrochemicals; Manufacturing (Consumer Packaged Goods/ Retail, High-tech, Industrial Products, Automotive) and Product Engineering Services (Telecom). Our new emerging verticals include Media & Entertainment and Life Sciences & Healthcare. We also deliver business solutions to our clients in the following horizontals/Service Lines: SAP, Oracle, Infrastructure Management Services, Testing, Consulting and Business Process Services. Our other Service offerings are: Business Analytics, Legacy Modernization, Applications Outsourcing, Architecture Consulting, PLM and Service Oriented Architecture. For more information please contact us at Price and Revenue Management is published by L&T Infotech. Editorial supplied by L&T Infotech is independent of Gartner analysis. All Gartner research is © 2010 by Gartner, Inc. and/or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. All Gartner materials are used with Gartner’s permission and in no way does the use or publication of Gartner research indicate Gartner’s endorsement of L&T Infotech’s products and/or strategies. Reproduction and distribution of this publication in any form without prior written permission is forbidden. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Gartner disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of such information. Gartner shall have no liability for errors, omissions or inadequacies in the information contained herein or for interpretations thereof. The reader assumes sole responsibility for the selection of these materials to achieve its intended results. The opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice.