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排名不分先后理事委员会 Directors Committee
法兰克福展览 ( 上海 ) 有限公司
地址:上海市浦东世纪大道 211 号
地址:北京市朝阳区东土城路 13 号金孔雀大厦 A 座 908 室
地址:上海市黄浦区盛泽路 8 号
泰国 IMPACT 展览管理有限公司
韩国 KINTEX 国际会展中心
励展博览集团国际销售部(中国 )
地址:北京市朝阳区新源南路 1-3 号平安国际金融
中心 A 座 15 层 01-03,05
俄罗斯 EXPOFORUM 封闭式股份公司
地址:北京东三环中路建外 SOHO6 号楼 2706
杜塞尔多夫展览 ( 中国 ) 有限公司
上海公司总经理:Axel Bartkus
地址:上海市浦东新区张江高科技园区科苑路 88 号
地址:北京市朝阳区朝阳门外大街 20 号
慕尼黑展览 ( 上海 ) 有限公司
地址:上海市浦东新区源深路 1088 号葛洲坝大厦 11 楼
地址:北京市朝阳区农展馆南路 13 号瑞辰国际中心 606 室
地址:杭州市延安路 470 号
地址:香港西环干诺道西 188 号香港商业中心 4114 室
地址:北京丰台区南方庄 1 号安富大厦 1602 室
地址:福州市鼓楼区铜盘路软件大道 89 号软件园
A 区 22 幢
地址:中国上海市浦东新区川沙路 6999 号 A 区 5 号
地址:北京市西城区南菜园街 88 号北区 1 层
副会长 : 周卫东
地址 : 北京西城区三里河路 46 号
电话 :010-68594986
传真 :010-68594995
总经理 : 黄梅城
地址:北京市海淀区三里河路 9 号院住房与城乡建设部
地址:北京市西城区月坛北街 26 号恒华国际商务中心
C 座 809 室
Pattaya Exhibition and Convention Hall (PEACH)
常务董事:Mrs. Panga Vathanakul
地址:353 Phra Tamnuk Rd. Pattaya Chonburi 20150
电话 : +66 38 250421
传真 : +66 38 250732
地址:北京市海淀区中关村丹棱街 3 号 A 座 5 层
地址:杭州市艮山支三路聚落五号创意园 2 号楼 2 楼
地址:北京东城区彭庄 60 号 YOLO 文化
产业园 21 号楼
电话:010-8310 0751
地址:北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路 4 号凯富大厦
802 号
电话:010-6562 3333
传真:010-6562 3322
地址:上海市静安区南京西路 1333 号上海展览中心
电话:021-6195 6088
传真:021-6195 6099
Vice Editor-in-Chief
Editorial Director
English Editor
Chinese Editor
Graphic Designer
Network Department
Operation Director
International Marketing
Domestic Marketing
Advertising Department
New Media Department
文 峰
陈 猛
夏 雪
果 然
赵 伟
孙 辉
陈 冬
Sun Yonghong
Wen Feng
Chen Meng
Celion Su
Snow Xia
Zhang Guanyong
Guo Ran
Sui Zhenying
Zhao Wei
Jenny Chen
Summer Zhao
Sun Hui
Dong Chen
总 编:
主 编:
电话:86-10-51654839 传真:86-10-51654839转815
单册定价:¥20.00  $15.00
即刻下载《中外会展》ipad 版
广告索引 >>
扉 1:嘉诺展览集团有限公司
扉 3:在路上
扉 5:南京软博会
扉 6:万耀企龙
扉 7:澳门车展
卷首语 Preface
9 合作——永久的话题	
资讯  News
10 印度国际媒体展将于钦奈举行
UFI 可持续发展大奖获奖名单公布
特别策划 Special Focus
18 中国展览业国际化再定义
环球视点 Viewpoints
28 德国展会数据统计 50 年
使馆访谈 Embassy Interview
32 活力、本色魁北克
访谈  Interview
36 会展中心驱动亚太区经济发展
——访国际会议中心协会主席 Geoff Donaghy、
        副主席 Aloysius Arlando
40 2016 年中国汽车零部件(泰国)品牌展览会
全球第一展 World No.1 Exhibition
42 纽伦堡国际有机食品博览会和纽伦堡天然
46 科隆国际牙科展 : 开拓欧盟牙科市场
报道 Report
50 融合行业力量 开拓新兴市场
数据 Data Analysis 
54 《国际展览业协会全球展览市场晴雨表
第 17 次调查报告》
经典服务案例 Service Case
56 国际参展礼仪
国际场馆 Exhibition Venues
58 夏威夷会议中心
59 巴西圣保罗博览中心
会展信息  Exhibition Plans
60    会展信息
3418 37
在 5 月底举行的京交会上,中国会展业出展交流会作为亮点板块,再次汇聚数百名业内
度和土耳其举办、厦门佛事展今年 11 月将首次落地泰国。主办方的合作意识也越来越鲜明。
面就是中国展览业与国际同行互相交流借鉴的过程。7 月 27-28 日,第六届中外会展项目合
卷首语 / Preface
9 月 2-5 日在南京国际
主 办, 南 京 市人民 政
家、省、市“十三五”发展规划,以“贯彻落实‘中国制造 2025’
和‘互联网 +’国家战略”为主题,为软件企业搭建国际化的新品
吸引我国及海外1,200 家左右软件企业参展参会。
Meetings Industry States its Position
on Terrorism Incidents
On 25 May, the Joint Meetings Industry Council released a statement
regarding the reaction of Meetings Industry leaders to recent terrorism
incidents and the position the industry is encouraging in terms of
responding to their potential effects on ongoing event activities.
Along with deploring such acts as contrary to fundamental
industry objectives of enhancing global knowledge, exchange and
understanding, the statement calls for perspective, vigilance and
resolve as means of perpetuating industry values and demonstrating
solidarity through supporting destinations that have been impacted.
“It is important for our industry to take a clear position on this
issue, as there are clear responsibilities to deal with here”, said
JMIC President Joachim Konig.
Nanjing International Software
Product  Information Service
trade Fair promotes internet
The 12th China (Nanjing) International Software
Product  Information Service Trade Fair will
be held in Nanjing, Jiangsu province from 2 to 5
Hosted by People’s government of Jiangsu, the fair
this year will be serving the 13th Five Year Plan, and
Made-in-China Programme, Internet Plus National
Strategy. It is aimed to be a platform for new product
release, project cooperation and talents recruitment.
About 1,200 exhibiting companies are expected.
南京软博会:贯彻“互联网 +”国家战略
Mathias Küpper promoted to managing
director of the Kölnmesse Singapore
Mathias Küpper (40) joined the management of Kölnmesse
Singapore on June 1, 2016, when he was appointed to the
subsidiary’s board of directors. The main focus of his management
tasks is on the execution of Kölnmesse events in South-East Asia
and expansion of its business activities in that market.
Küpper started his career at Kölnmesse in 2002. His job has
resulted in sojourns at Kölnmesse’s representative offices in Hong
Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. He moves up to managing director of
the Kölnmesse Singapore subsidiary from his previous position of
general manager of the same organisation.
日前,科隆展览公司宣布,从今年 6 月1日起,
现年 40 岁的 Mathias Küpper 将加入科隆展览新
地区的展会项目以及业务扩张。他将接替 Michael
Dreyer 作为新加坡公司的董事总经理。后者从
2002 年担任该职,目前升至科隆展览亚太区副总
Mathias Küpper 于 2002 年加入科隆展览,本次
Mathias Küpper
10 出展世界 2016.7-8
5 月 31 日,国际展览业协会宣布了今年可持
为“全美绿色会展”,而 TAITRA 的获奖项目为“绿
UFI 可持续发展大奖评审团主席兼多伦多展
览中心首席执行官 Dianne Young 表示,“今年的
7 月 3-6 日,国 际 会 议中 心 协 会(AIPC)
2016 年年会在法国南特举办。全球顶级场馆管理
AIPC 主席 Geoff Donaghy 表示,“我们的年
AIPC 会员面对的最大挑战是:如何增强场馆的竞
UFI 可持续发展大奖获奖名单公布
2016 UFI Sustainable Development Award
goes to American Chemical Society and
Taiwan External Trade Development
On 31 May, UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry,
has announced the winners of its annual Sustainable Development
Award. This year’s competition theme was “Best actions to engage
participants around sustainability” and the jury selected two winners:
the American Chemical Society (ACS) for its National Meetings 
Expositions, and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council
(TAITRA) for MEET TAIWAN’s “Green MICE Project”.
Dianne Young, President of the UFI Sustainable Development
Award jury and CEO of the Exhibition Place (Toronto, Canada),
said: “Both entries deserve to win given the scope of their actions
and the scale of their results.
AIPC 2016 Annual Conference Outcomes
Underline Key Centre Issues
A wide range of speakers and sessions addressed the key issues of
diversification and adaptation at the 2016 edition of the International
Association of Convention Centres (AIPC) Annual Conference
last week in Nantes, France. The program brought together both
industry expertise and a range of related speakers who collectively
offered insights into both industry-specific topics as well as how
other business sectors are dealing with similar issues in an effort to
encourage the widest possible spectrum of thinking.
5 月 28 日,泰国会议展览局
泰国会展局局长 Nopparat Maythaveekulchai 表示:“中泰
两国有超过 40 年的睦邻友好关系,两国之间每年的贸易额超过了
630 亿美元。泰国会议展览局作为泰国政府官方的旗舰活动机构,
TCEB signed MOU with CCIOC
to strengthen Thailand’s MICE
presence in China
On 28 May, 2016, during the fourth CIFTIS in
Beijing, Thailand Convention and Exhibition
Bureau signed a Memorandum of Understanding
with the China Chamber of International
Commerce (CCIOC) with the objective of
enhancing MICE cooperation between the
two nations. The MOU will further strengthen
Thailand’s leadership position as a premier
destination at the heart of the fast-growing
ASEAN region for MICE travellers from China,
which is the Kingdom’s No. 1 source market.
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 11
6 月 8 日,由 浙 江省
球 展 览 浙 江 论 坛”于第
行业媒体及行业协会等代表近 350 人齐聚论坛,共话会
Zhejiang Forum of Global
Exhibition: Zhejiang Made, Global
On 8 June, hosted by the People’s Government of
Zhejiang Province and organized by the Department
of Commerce of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Forum
of Global Exhibition as one of the important events
of the Eighteenth China Zhejiang Investment  Trade
Symposium, themed by “Zhejiang Made, Global
Sharing”, took place in Ningbo, Zhejiang. About 350
guests from notable international exhibition firms,
commercial senior departments, as well as experts and
scholars, representatives of entrepreneurs in Zhejiang,
media and industry associations in the exhibition circle
China Commodities Fair held in
From 6-8 June, the first China Commodities Fair
was held in Russia. The fair was jointly hosted by
MOFCOM, China Chamber of Commerce for Import
and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products,
CCPIT Jiangsu and CCPIT Shandong, Russian
partners include Russian Chamber of Trade and
Commerce and Frankfurt Messe Russia. The
exhibition space was nearly 9,000 square meters,
exhibiting companies was 240. About 200 B2B
sessions was hosted during the fair.
6 月 6 - 8 日,由商务部外贸发展事务局、中国机电产品
五大展区,展出面积 8806 平方米,参展企业近 240 家。展会
200 多场企业与买家配对对接活动。
此 次 展 会 面 积 达
中国汽车及船舶用品(澳门)展在澳门成功开幕 Reaching out to Latin American
China (Macao) Automotive and Shipping Equipment
Fair 2016 was opened in Macao. The three-day
exhibition was aimed to connect Chinese market
and Latin American markets under the One Belt
One Road initiative. The exhibition space reached
6,000 square meters, 150 exhibitors from Fujian,
Guangdong, Zhejiang,Jiangsu, Hong Kong, Macao
and Taiwan participated, and trade buyers mainly
came from Brazil, Portugese, Japan, Korea and
12 出展世界 2016.7-8
6 月中旬,法兰克福展
孟买印度 - 德国工商会的
域 215 家企业约 500 人参加了论坛,并围绕“把握机遇、传承合
Messe Frankfurt expanded
greatly in India over last
Messe Frankfurt has revealed growth metrics
that indicate its growing market position in India.
Messe Frankfurt Exhibition subsidiary Messe
Frankfurt Trade Fairs India has introduced some
of its parent company’s trade fairs to India.
The company started from a small office within
the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce
in Mumbai to a workforce of more than 100
employees managing 22 B2B trade fairs in India
over the last decade.
China-Greece Maritime
Cooperation Forum held in
On 4 July, the second China-Greece Maritime
Cooperation Forum was held in Beijing. The forum
was co-organized by CCPIT and Greek Cooperate
Bureau. Premiers from both countries attended
and gave keynote speeches.
About 500 participants from the the sectors of
maritime, electricity, energy, finance, real estate
and tourism attended. Though over 100 B2B
negotiations, deals of about 200 million USD was
2016 年 韩 国 物 联 网 展(IoT
Korea2016)将于 10 月 12-14 日在韩国首
尔世界贸易展览中心 (COEX) 举办。
IoTKorea 创办于 2005 年,距今已举
办 10届。展会由韩国著名展览公司 K.Fairs
网行业盛会。 2015 年该展共有 156 家企业参展,展出面积达 7,000 多平米,
较 2014 年展出面积增加 26%,观众 20000 余人次,吸引了来自日本、马来
西亚、新加坡、中国、北美、欧洲等 45 个国家和地区的专业人士前来参观,买
家满意度高达 90%。
韩国最大物联网展展示前沿的物联网技术IoT Korea2016 to be
held in COEX
IoT Korea2016, the leading trade fair of
the Internet of things in Korea, will be
held in COEX from 12-14 in October.
Established in 2005, IoT Korea is jointly
organized by K.Fairs and Korea Internet
of Things Association. In 2015, there
was 150 companies participating in a
total exhibition space of 7,000 square
meters. Over 20,000 trade visitor from
45 countries including Japan, Malaysia,
Singapore and China.
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 13
Prowine now also in Hong
Prowine Asia, which was launched in Singapore this
April and initially scheduled by its makers to take
place every two years, has been so successful and
so much in demand by exhibitors that it will now take
place annually, alternating between Singapore and
Hong Kong. The first edition of Prowine Asia in Hong
Kong will take place from May 8 to 11, 2017.
With the expansion of this B2B trade fair, Messe
Düsseldorf is continuing its cooperation with the
international Allworld Group, with which it has hosted
Prowine China in Shanghai since 2013.
Innovation and join expo spur
for a better expo era
On 8 June, on the first Global Exhibition Day, JR
Exhibition Company in Hangzhou launched the
opening ceremony of JR design competition and the
first incubation base Join Expo.Members from local
exhibition association, culture and creative industries
associations, science bureaus, and exhibition
colleges attended.
Mr. Well Chan, General Manager of JR Exhibgion
Company observed, “ companies in the exhibition
industry chain, be they organizers or service
suppliers, must adhere to the direction of
professionalism, internatonalization, branization and
informationlization. ”
近日,亚洲葡萄酒与烈酒贸易展览会(Prowine Asia)主办
在香港举办子展。第一届展会将于 2017 年 5 月 8-11 日在香港
6 月 8 日,全球首个展
公司举办“未来 E 来”——
嘉诺“未来 E 来”: 科技 + 众创助力大会展生态
Nerd's heaven
The International interactive entertainment exhibition
IgroMir, a significant event for the Russian world
of computer and video games, will be held from
September 29 to October 2, 2016 in Crocus Expo
IEC. It is a long-awaited event for all gamers, cyber
sportsmen and cosmo players. IgroMir Expo is the
first and biggest Russian computer and video games
consumer exhibition. In 2015, it welcomed more than
162,000 people. More than 200 companies showed
off their entertainment products on more than 25,000
square meters of exhibition space.
2016 年俄罗斯 IgroMir
国 际 游 戏 展 将 于 9 月 29
日 至 10 月 1 日 在 俄 罗 斯
Crocus Expo IEC 展览中心
举 行。IgroMir 展会是 俄 罗
斯首个以及最大型的消费电子游戏展览会。2015 年展会共迎来观
众162,000 人,大约 200 家公司展出电子娱乐产品,展会总面积达到
25,000 平米。据悉,本届展会仍将继续与俄罗斯最大的流行文化节
日 Comic Con Russia 同期举行。
14 出展世界 2016.7-8
China Textile  Apparel
Trade Show (New York) :
textile go out
On 12 July, the 17th China Textile  Apparel
Trade Show (New York) was opened in New
York. The three day exhibition was sponsored
by China National Textile And Apparel Council,
and organized by CCPIT Textile Sub-council
and Messe Frankfurt US. About 800 companies
from China, US, Britain, Pakistan, and other
countries exhibited latest products and discuss
industry trends.
Brisbane Convention 
Exhibition Centre Wins
2016 AIPC Apex Award
A highlight of the 2016 Annual Conference
of the International Association of
Convention Centres (AIPC) held last week
in Nantes, France was the presentation
of the 2016 AIPC Apex Award made in
recognition of the highest client rating
received by a convention centre to the
Brisbane Convention  Exhibition Centre
of Australia.
7 月 12 日,第 17 届中国纺织
走过了17 个年头的纽约展见证
为期 3 天的第 17 届中国纺织品服装贸易展览会由中国纺织工业
(美国)公司共同承办,共有 800 多家来自中国、美国、英国、巴基斯
心由于高度的客户满意度被授予 Apex 大奖。该奖项的候选机构为 15 家
会展中心总经理 Bob O’Keeffe 表示,这个奖项是会展中心荣获的第
158 个行业奖项,也是业内最高的国际褒奖。他说,这是极大的荣誉,也非
常感谢 AEG Ogden 管理团队在过去 21 年对场馆的卓越运营。
Master plan for Expo 2020 Dubai
The site for Expo 2020 Dubai was unveiled with the use of
augmented reality and leading-edge digital technology. The entire
site will span over two square kilometres, centred on the Al Wasl
meeting plaza, the heart of Expo 2020. Spreading out from Al
Wasl will be the three districts corresponding to the subthemes,
which will each have their own unique pavilion. The Expo
pavilions will be dedicated to the subthemes Opportunity, Mobility
and Sustainability under the main theme ‘Connecting Minds,
Creating the Future’. Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemi, Minister
of State for International Cooperation, Director-General of Expo
2020 Dubai, said: “The Expo 2020 Dubai’s master plan truly
reflects the theme of ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’,
and aims to seamlessly integrate the three subthemes into the
urban design, infrastructure, delivery, operations, and legacy
of the mega-event.” Expo 2020 Dubai will take place between
October 20, 2020, and April 10, 2021, with approximately 25
million visitors expected.
日 前 ,
2020 年迪拜世
博 会总体 计 划
会将大 量 使 用
虚 拟 现实和顶
阿联酋国际合作国务部长、迪拜 2020 世博会总
干事 Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemi 表示,“世博会
之中。”本届世博会将于 2020 年 10 月 20 日至 2021
年 4 月10 日举行,参观者预计将达 2500 万人次。
布里斯班国际会展中心荣获 AIPC 大奖
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 15
2015 年,毛里求斯进出口总额 74.91 亿美元,同
比下降 1.73%,其中进口额 48.02 亿美元,同比
下降 2.3%,出口额 26.89 亿美元,同比下降 0.7%。
毛里求斯自中国进口约 8.66 亿美元,中国超过印
2015 年,科隆国际展览有限公司营业额创
纪录达 3.15 亿欧元,超出原计划 1000 万欧元,
并且比 2013 年的历史峰值超出 3500 万欧元。
2015 年的利润额也大大超出预期,突破性地获
得 3000 万欧元,超额完成利润指标 1000 万欧
元,接近 2013 年历史峰值的两倍。科隆自办展以
In 2015, total import volume of Mauritius was 4.802 billion USD,
decreasing 2.3%, total export volume of the country was 2.689
billion USD, decreasing 0.7% than previous year. China’s export to
Mauritius was 866 million USD, surpassing India to be its Mauritius’s
number one import source country.
On 2015, the total turnover of Koelnmesse reached 315 million
euros, which was 35 million euros more than the peak number in
2013. The total profit reached 30 million, which was two times that of
2013. Exhibitions mainly contributed to the huge growth of turnover.
根据 AUMA 统计,2015 年,德国共举办 164
个展览会,参展商共 173,000 名,会展业务比前
一年增长 2%。售出展位总面积为 625 万平米,
增长率为 1.1%,展会观众比前一年增长 2.6%,
达到 980 万名。
German trade fairs continued to grow in 2015. Almost 173,000
exhibitors participated in the 164 international and national fairs that
form the basis for the calculations of Auma (the Association of the
German Trade Fair Industry). The figure is 2% higher than for the
previous events. 1.1% more stand space was booked, covering a
total of 6.25 million sqm. The number of visitors rose by 2.6% to just
under 9.8 million.
980 万名
2019 年为止,德国场馆将投资 9 亿欧元用于修
New trade fairs are being developed, as are new business fields,
in particular, in digital services. Moreover, up to 2019, German
exhibition locations are investing around 900 million euros in
modernising and expanding their locations.
9 亿欧元
16 出展世界 2016.7-8
5 月 26 日 -29 日,全球规模最大的宠物和
览面积约 11.5 万平方米,吸引超过 1,800 家企业
参展。中国是除德国外最大的参展国家,共 340
未来几年,墨尔本会展中心将增加 20,000
竣工后,墨尔本会展中心的总面积将达到 70,000
平米。这些额外的空间每年预计吸引 74,000 名
国际访客,每年多拉动消费 1.67 亿美元。
6 月 9-12 日,日本国内最大的专业玩具展
会——2016 年东京玩具展在日本东京国际展示
场举行。160 多家国内外玩具厂商带来了 3 万多
东京电玩展 TGS 2016 作为亚洲最大的国
际性游戏展览,将于今年 9 月 15 日 -18 日在千
Twitch 等 45 家与游戏相关的厂商会参加大展。
今年的热点是 VR 游戏,将会有 28 款 VR 游戏提
供试玩,独立开发商的参加数量达到 30 个。
From 26 to 29 May, the Interzoo, the biggest Gathering of the global
pet supplies market in the world, was held in Exhibition Centre
Nuremberg. The total exhibition space was 115,000 square meters,
covering 1,800 exhibiting companies. With 340 exhibitors, China was
the second largest exhibitor country, only after Germany.
The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre’s (MCEC)
upcoming expansion will add nearly 20,000 square meters of
flexible, multi-purpose event space including new exhibition halls and
additional meeting and banquet rooms. It will be fully connected and
integrated with the existing Melbourne Convention and Exhibition
Centre, increasing its total size to over 70,000 square meters.
Once completed, the additional space is anticipated to generate
an additional 74,000 international visitors annually, who spend on
average $693 each day while in Melbourne, resulting in an annual
$167 million boost to Victoria’s economy.
On 9 to 12 June, the biggest toy fair in Japan, Tokyo Toy Fair was
held in Tokyo Big Sight. About 160 companies showcased about
30,000 latest toys with applied sensor technology and photography
TGS 2016 as the biggest international games expo in Asia will
be held from 15 to 18 September in Chiba-ken. The hot point at
the expo will be VR games, independent games developers will
reach 30.
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 17
□本刊记者 / 苏希玲
Redefining internationalism of global exhibition industry
2015 年 4 月,国务院《关于进一步促进展览业改革发展的若干意见》中提出,中国展览业要坚持专业
In 2015, the Several Opinions of the State Council on Further
Promoting the Reform and Development of the Exhibition Industry
proposed internationalism as one of the development goals of
the exhibition industry. Under the background of globalization, the
Chinese exhibition industry is communicating more frequently and
more in-depth with global peers.
18 出展世界 2016.7-8
1. 会展经济研究会对展会国际化是否有明确定义(例
如国际展商与买家比例等 ) ?
How does China Convention and Exhibition
Societ y def ine whether an exhibition is
“international” or not (eg. percentage of
international exhibitors or trade visitors)?
2005 年,时任国务院副总理吴仪提出展览业发展目标
之一为“国际化”。2015 年,国务院《关于进一步促进展览
In 20 05, the then Vice Premier of the Chinese
Government Ms. Wu Yi proposed internationalism as one
of the development of the exhibition industry.
Ten years later, in 2015, the Several Opinions of
the State Council on Further Promoting the Reform
and Development of the Exhibition Industry again
proposed internationalism as one of the development
goals of the exhibition industry. I think the emphasis of
internationalization is for strengthening discourse power.
2 . 您认为中国展览业国际化可以从哪些方面努力?
How can we raise the level of internationalization
Deputy Executive Director,Academic Committee, China
Convention / Exhibition / Events Society (CCEES)
Chen Zeyan
in exhibition industry in China?
多年以前,国家颁布的相关行业标准提出与 UFI 等国际
会总面积的 10% 以上,国际买家人数超过 5% 以上,即可称
As early as many years ago, the industry standards put
forward by the Chinese National State was already in
accordance with international standards: an exhibition
must have a portion of 10% and above international
exhibitors and at least 5% of international trade visitors
to be called international. On the other hand, I think that
internationalization is a dynamic process of the Chinese
exhibition industry meeting international standards. More
specifically, I think this regard includes internationalization
of the exhibition projects and the international operation of
exhibition companies.
In terms of outbound exhibitions, the Chinese companies
now not only organize Chinese exhibitor to attend
overseas exhibitions, but they are also organizing their
own exhibition brands, this also signifies higher level of
3. 会展经济研究会做了哪些工作,促进中国展览业的
国际交流?2016 年 UFI 年会将在中国举行,这对中国会
What is the role of CCEES in promoting
international exchange of the exhibition
industry? The UFI Congress 2016 will be held in
Shanghai, China. What does this mean for the
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 19
1. 贵国对展会国际化是否有明确定义(例如国际展
商与买家比例等 ) ?政府对提升展会国际化程度有哪些
In your country/region, how do you define
whether an exhibition is“international”or not (eg.
percentage of international exhibitors or trade
visitors)? Does the government or industrial
associations have supporting policies to raise
the level of internationalization in exhibitions?
从 2008 年开始,俄罗斯制定《展览会与展销会:条款
与定义》,设立了符合 ISO 国际标准的展会标准,规定在展
会上国际展商占展商总数的 10% 以上,以及国际买家人数
占总买家人数超过 5% 的展会为国际性展会。同时,展会的
设施和服务要达到国际标准。RUEF 会员举办的展会中,有
Liudmila Smorodova
30.7% 达到以上标准。
俄罗斯工商会、RUEF 及其他协会等涉及出国展览的机构提
展会名单,并提供一定数额的资金支持。不少 RUEF 会员机
构都设有海外办事处,而 RUEF 也一直与境外的俄罗斯商业
Since 2008 in Russia there is a standard Exhibition and
trade fair activities. Terms and definitions, harmonized
with international ISO standard. According to the standard
international exhibition/trade fair is an exhibition event with
foreign companies making at least 10% of total amount of
exhibitors or with at least 5% of foreign visitors; exhibition
facilities and services should meet globally recognized
standards. Among the exhibitions held by RUEF members
30.7% of the events meet the above requirements.
As for supporting policies of internationalization of
exhibitions in Russia, there is a Joint Committee on
exhibition and trade fair activities under the Ministry of
Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, which
annually collects proposals from government authorities,
Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Russia, RUEF
and other associations, concerning participation in
foreign exhibitions. Basing on the collected information
the Committee compiles a List of foreign exhibitions for
organizing Russian expositions with partial budgetary
funding. A number of RUEF members have offices
abroad. RUEF constantly keeps in touch with Russian
commercial agencies abroad.
Chinese exhibition industry?
会展经济研究会多年来与 UFI、IAEE、AUMA 等知名国
体系。目前,中国成为 UFI 最大的会员来源国和认证项目来
源国。今年,UFI 年会将在上海举行,这是十年后再次回到中国,
CCEES has been exchanging industry resources
and visitors for many years with leading exhibition
associations including UFI,IAEE and AUMA. Today, China
is the largest source country for UFI members and UFI
approved events.This year, the UFI Congress will be held
in Shanghai, ten years from last time. I think this will surely
deepen the communication of the Chinese exhibition
industry and international peers.
Executive Director, Russian Union of Exhibitions and
20 出展世界 2016.7-8
2. 贵机构做了哪些工作,促进本国展览业的国际交流?
What role does your organization play in
promoting international communication of local
exhibition industry with the rest of the world?
RUEF 在促进俄罗斯会展国际化合作方面发挥重要作
用。1994 年,RUEF 成为 UFI 会员,并一直积极利用会员身
份在 UFI 内部对 RUEF 成员的业务进行推广。去年,尽管地
缘政治冲突和国际制裁对俄罗斯经济带来冲击,RUEF 主席
Sergey Alekseev 先生成为第一位来自俄罗斯的 UFI 主席。
们相信 Sergey Alekseev 先生的 UFI 主席身份一定会进一
此外,RUEF 办公室会定期将行业信息与相关出版物发送
得到相关反馈。RUEF 与 IAEE 签订了合作协议,并与 AUMA
RUEF plays a significant role in this issue. In 1994 RUEF
became UFI member, and since then we use all the
advantages of our membership in the global association
to promote exhibition companies - RUEF members.
Last year despite the existing geopolitical situation and
sanctions imposed on Russia representative of our
country-RUEF President Sergey Alekseev became first-
ever Russian UFI President. Certainly, we do not think
that this fact will attract thousands of new exhibitors to
Russia. Yet we are sure that Sergey Alekseev’s work as
UFI President will contribute much to further integration of
Russian exhibition industry into the global community and
its promotion, and that is what we already witness.
RUEF executive office sends topical information and its
publications to the global exhibition associations, Russian
commercial agencies abroad and always gets feedback.
There is a cooperation agreement between RUEF and
IAEE. We work closely with AEFI and AUMA, and take
part in their General meetings.
On the occasion of the first-ever Global Exhibitions Day
we got congratulations from SCEIA President CHEN
Xianjin. We are very grateful to him and consider this
as one more step towards extending relations between
Russian and Chinese exhibition industries.
3. 您参加过中国的哪些展览会或会展论坛?您认为中
Have you participated in any trade fairs or
exhibition seminars in China? Do you have
any proposals to deepen cooperation with the
Chinese exhibition industry?
RUEF 会员经常参加中国的展览会,尤其是哈尔滨省的
展览会。此外,RUEF 还在中国的各类展览会和商务活动中
2015 年,RUEF 在俄罗斯贸易促进处成功举办了会员
直不断增长。2015 年,这一数字下降了 30.3%。为了帮助外
国企业更好地了解俄罗斯市场情况,RUEF 出版了《欢迎您
览会的信息,帮助参展商做出明智的参展决策。该手册可在 官网下载。在这里,我衷心祝愿中俄两国展览业
RUEF members regularly participate in exhibitions and
fairs in China. Primarily it is Harbin international economic
and trade fair. Besides, RUEF members take part in
collective stands and business missions at different
One of the most perspective trends at modern exhibitions
is matchmaking. Russian companies aim not only at
exhibiting themselves but also at negotiating and building
relations with potential partners. This reduces the
companies’ expenses and allows them to benefit from
the trip to the utmost.
In 2015 RUEF hold successful presentation of its
members in the Russian trade promotion office in Beijing.
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 21
的 760,000 名买家,其中 55% 来自海外和中国内地。因此,
5 小时的飞机航程内可接触到全球近一半人口。此外,香港
港口以及便利的通关流程。此外,全球近 170 个国家的居民
In a nutshell, internationality of an exhibition is interpreted
from the presence of international exhibitors and trade
visitors. Last year, HKTDC hosted 35 international
exhibitions and conferences in Hong Kong with 37,000
participating exhibitors from more than 86 countries and
regions, and among them 63% are from overseas and the
Chinese mainland. The exhibitions attracted over 760,000
buyers from 199 countries and regions and among them,
55% are from overseas and the Chinese mainland. Thus,
a strong presence of international exhibitiors and buyers
is the core strength of HKTDC fairs over the years.
Hong Kong, endowed with different advantages, has
1. 香港对展会国际化是否有明确定义(例如国际展商
与买家比例等 ) ?特区政府对提升展会国际化程度有哪些
In Hong Kong, how do you define whether
an exhibition is“international”or not (eg.
percentage of international exhibitors or trade
visitors)? Does the government or industrial
associations have supporting policies to raise
the level of internationalization in exhibitions?
去年,香港贸发局在香港本地举办了 35 个国际展览和会
议,共有来自 86 个国家和地区的 37,000 名展商参加,其
中 63% 来自海外和中国内地;以及来自 199 个国家和地区
China, in its turn, ranks first as to the amount of exhibitors
taking part in Russian exhibitions. For the last few years
this figure was constantly growing though in 2015 the
number of Chinese exhibitors reduced by 30.3%.
To help foreign companies understand Russia and its
regions better, RUEF publishes “We welcome your
cooperation” brochure which you may find on our
website ( It includes reference information on
Russian Federation Regions’ economy in regards to the
leading exhibitions to help foreign exhibitors in selecting
right events to participate in.
To conclude I would like to wish Chinese and Russian
exhibition industries effective cooperation and success in
internationalization of exhibitions!
Director, Exhibitions Market Development, Hong Kong
Trade Development Council (HKTDC)
Johnny Wan
22 出展世界 2016.7-8
evolved to become an international trade and business
hub serving the entire region. Thanks to its strategic
location between East and West, Hong Kong can reach
out to almost half the world’s population in less than 5
hours’flying time. Hong Kong has been awarded as the
world’s freest economy for many years, with its free port
policy and simple customs procedures encouraging free
flow of products and materials. And the government’s
liberal visa policy ensures visa-free entry to nationals of
around 170 countries. Our efficient airport, seaport and
transport systems also facilitate connecting other parts of
the world to Hong Kong. Furthermore, Hong Kong enjoys
a sophisticated legal system which strongly protects
copyrights and encourages freedom of information.
In addition, an international exhibition should also cater
to high and world-class service standards. For HKTDC
fairs, we provide a lot of added-value service to our
exhibitors and buyers. Apart from the usual meeting
lounge with computer and internet service, networking
opportunities, guided tours, business matching meetings
etc, we also provide special services like prayer room
and halal food for fair attendees of various cultures and
There are many industry associations in Hong Kong and
most of them work closely with HKTDC over the years to
promote their industries in Hong Kong. Together, we work
to strengthen the credibility of our trade fairs and to reach
target exhibitors and buyers from worldwide.
2. 贵机构做了哪些工作,促进本地展览业的国际交流?
What role does your organization play in
promoting international communication of local
exhibition industry with the rest of the world?
香港贸发局是香港的法定机构,成立于 1966 年,是助
我们每年在全球举办超过 330 项贸易展览及推广活动、590
个交流会或外访团,以及接待约 640 个访港贸易团,协助
设立了46 个办事处,其中有 13 个在中国内地,深入各个行
会以提升展览行业在全球的形象为宗旨,现有 600 多家会员
策略为亚洲、非洲、欧洲的 65 个沿线国家市场带来巨大发
今年 5 月 18 日,由香港贸发局组织的首届“一带一路
40 多位政府高官,香港、内地与东南亚地区的多位商界领
袖出席。参会代表共有 2,400 多名。
A statutory body established in 1966, the Hong Kong
Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is the international
marketing arm for Hong Kong-based traders,
manufacturers and services providers. Each year, we
organise a broad spectrum of more than 330 trade fairs
and promotional activities, 590 networking and outreach
events, and receives some 640 trade missions, helping
Hong Kong’s small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) connect with business clients and partners
around the world.
To further raise the level of internationalization in
exhibitions, HKTDC has 46 offices around the world
including 13 on the Chinese Mainland to do different
industry outreaches, exhibitors and buyers recruitment for
our trade shows and liaison with worldwide trade media.
Our council is a member of Board of Director of the
Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI), an
internationally recognised association with over 600
member organisations around the globe that promotes
and supports the exhibition industry worldwide. Besides,
we also organise roadshow and visits in different markets
regularly to promote our trade fairs to industry audience
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 23
as well as international media.
The HKTDC responds to latest global and regional
economic developments and policies to help Hong Kong
SMEs capture new opportunities. With China’s Belt and
Road Initiative presenting tremendous potential across
Asia, Africa and Europe, notably 65 countries, the HKTDC
provides Belt and Road related market intelligence and
creates business opportunities to help Hong Kong and
nearby regions navigate a world of new opportunities
through Hong Kong.
HKTDC is one of the promotion bodies in Hong Kong that
help spearheading the Belt and Road initiative. HKTDC
organised the inaugural Belt and Road Summit which also
incorporated an exhibition part on 18 May 2016 to explore
business opportunities presented to the world by the Belt
and Road Initiative. The Chinese State Leader Zhang
Dejiang together with more than 40 senior government
ministers from countries located along the Belt and Road
routes as well as business leaders from Hong Kong,
the Chinese mainland, ASEAN and other regions spoke
at the summit, sharing insights from a wide range of
perspectives. The high-level event welcomed more than
2,400 participants, including investors, project owners
and services professionals.
3. 您参加过中国内地的哪些展览会或会展论坛?目前
Have you participated in any trade fairs or
exhibition seminars in China? Do you have
any proposals to deepen cooperation with the
Chinese exhibition industry?
I did attend many trade fairs and industry events
in different parts of the mainland from time to time,
exchanged professionally with our counterparts in
different parts of the mainland, for example, as speaker at
relevant exhibition-related conferences and events in the
Chinese mainland.
1. 台湾地区对展会国际化是否有明确定义(例如国际
展商与买家比例等 ) ?当地政府对提升展会国际化程度有
In Taiwan, how do you define whether
an exhibition is “international” or not (eg.
percentage of international exhibitors or trade
visitors)? Does the government or industrial
associations have supporting policies to raise
the level of internationalization in exhibitions?
会议及展览在台举办补 ( 捐 ) 助原则》( 简称《会展补捐助》),
商家数 10% 以上,或来自 6 个以上国家或地区的国外直接
Executive Vice President of Taipei World Trade Center
President of Taiwan Exhibition and Conference
Walter Yeh
24 出展世界 2016.7-8
“MEET TAIWAN”,强化国内外对台湾会展产业的认知度,
In Taiwan, the standards for international exhibitions is
at least 10% of the exhibitors must come from overseas
or from 6 countries or regions. The Bureau of Foreign
Trade (BOFT) under the Ministry of Economic Affairs
(MOEA) has been sparing no efforts to improve Taiwan's
MICE industry since 2009. For continued investment in
the industry, Taiwan's MICE Promotion Program(MEET
TAIWAN) , scheduled to run from 2013 to 2016 was
launched to steer Taiwan’s MICE industry to shine on the
global stage.
Taiwan's MICE Promotion Program is aimed at turning
Taiwan into a leader for outstanding MICE services with the
long-term objective to enhance the quality and efficiency
of services, strengthen Taiwan’s brand and sharpen the
competitive edge in the global market and make Taiwan
one of the top destinations for MICE business.
2. 贵机构做了哪些工作,促进本地展览业的国际交流?
What role does your organization play in
promoting international communication of local
exhibition industry with the rest of the world?
如 UFI、AFECA 及 IAEE 等、筹组海外推广团以推介台湾会
皆举办亚洲会展产业论坛 (AMF),该论坛今年将迈入第11届,
加入国际会展组织,如国际展览业协会 (UFI) 及亚洲展览会
议协会联盟 (AFECA),并积极参与其各项组织活动,同时鼓
In promoting the level of internationalization of Taiwan
MICE industry, we also actively participate in and
sponsor international exhibition seminars organized
by associations like UFI, AFECA and IAEE, and invite
overseas exhibition media to come to visit Taiwan.
Furthermore, each year, we organize Asian MICE Forum
(AMF). This year is the 11th session and the forum
serves as a platform for Taiwan exhibition institutions and
international peers to communicate and seek cooperation
In the same time, in my capacity as President of Taiwan
Exhibition and Conference Association, I feel fully
responsible for promoting the development of Taiwan
exhibition industry covering the whole chain. To achieve
this, Taiwan Exhibition and Conference Association has
joined UFI and AFECA and members are encouraged to
have broad communication with international peers.
3. 您参加过中国内地的哪些展览会或会展论坛?目前
Have you participated in any trade fairs or
exhibition seminars in mainland China? Do
you have any suggestions for advancing
internationalism of the Chinese exhibition
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 25
1. 作为展览主办方,您觉得国际化程度是否是衡量展
As organizer, do you think that internationalization
is an important index when assessing exhibitions?
I do think that the level of internationalization is an
important index for assessing how successful an
exhibition is. The more international an exhibition is,
the more comprehensive the business recruitment
此外,贸协自 2009 年开始,平均每年举办 5 至 8 场台
湾名品展,迄今总计到过大陆超过 21 座城市,共 2 万多名台
湾厂商参与,至今累积入场观众超过 1,041 万人,有效促进两
岸经贸合作。以今年为例,今年已于 4 月举办甘肃兰州台湾名
品展、5 月河北邯郸台湾名品展、6 月内蒙古呼和浩特台湾名
品展,下半年于 7 月举办天津名品展、8 月吉林长春及广东广
州名品展、9 月南京台湾名品展。
陆办展,例如上海 CES、深圳 IFA 及上海 MWC 等。此时中
国会展产业更须跨向国际,例如可加入国际性组织如 UFI、
AFECA 及 ICCA 等国际交流平台,借以向世界交流,创造更
Each year, based on the market development plan of
Taiwan exhibitors, TAITRA organize local companies to
participate in a variety of leading exhibitions in mainland
China, including China-ASEAN Expo in Nanning, China-
South Asia Expo in Yunnan, and China-Eurasia Expo in
Since 2009, TAITRA has been organizing 5 to 8 sessions
of Taiwan Trade Fair in mainland China each year. To this
day, we have covered about 21 cities and received over
10 million visitors and has greatly contributed to the trade
of the two sides.
I have spoken at several exhibition seminars in mainland
China including CEFCO and Global Exhibition CEO
Shanghai Summit. In recent years, with the rapid growth
of mainland’s economy, local governments also attach
importance to the exhibition industry. The organizers
of many leading trade shows have also organized their
shows in mainland China. I think this shall creates
new opportunities for the Chinese exhibition industry
towards higher level of internationalization. Again joining
international exhibition organizations can help realize this
General Manager, Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Jia Pengzhou
26 出展世界 2016.7-8
channels are. It also means that the organizer has
closer relationship with domestic and international
industry associations and chambers of commerce. Such
exhibitions enjoy good reputation and are usually more
trusted by exhibitors. International exhibition receives
more overseas exhibitions and advanced products and
technologies, and there is more information exchange
on site, which means exhibitors can meet more overseas
buyers and there is higher possibility to close deals.
2. 请您简要介绍公司旗下的 UFI 认证展会,以及在展
Please list some of the ufi-approved by your
company and what have you done to meet
international standards?
准衡量。通过国际展览联盟(UFI) 认证,达到 UFI 提出的国
振威通过 UFI 认证的展会有:中国国际石油石化技术装
业博览会、中国天津国际机床展览会、 中国天津国际机械工
In order to make an international exhibition, we must
meet international standards. Zhenwei Exhibition now
has several ufi-approved events including International
Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition
(CIPPE), China Xinjiang International Coal Industry
Exhibition, China Xinjiang International Agricultural Fair.
I n t h e p r o c e s s o f i m p r o v i n g t h e l e v e l o f
internationalism,Zhenwei Exhibition has long been in good
cooperation relationship with foreign embassies, industry
associations, and international media.We also actively
promote our exhibitions in international trade fairs, recruit
international talents,expand international business, and
deepen cooperation relationship with leading international
3. 在会展企业运营的国际化方面,例如人才国际化等,
What is your view on international talents
cultivation and company operation?
I think that the international competition in the exhibition
industry is actually the competition for talents. Therefore,
locating and training competent international talents is
an important part of the international operation of the
company. On one hand,Zhenwei Exhibition has training
bases for university graduates and on the other hand, we
have been actively recruit high-end exhibition talents and
create attractive working environment and job promotion
system for them.
internationalism of
global exhibition
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 27
□编译 / 苏希玲
德国展会数据统计 50 年
1965 年,6 家德国展览公司协商建立一个统一的展会数据统计平台。一年后,德国博览
会 和 展 览会 统 计自愿 审 核 学 会(FKM, Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and
Exhibition Statistics)成立并开始运作。
28 出展世界 2016.7-8
1965 年,杜塞尔多夫展览公司、
统计,并任命审计师 Erwin Pougin
科 隆 国 际 五 金 展 董 事 总 经 理 Carl
Ferdinand von der Heyde 被推选为
到 1974 年。早在 50 年前,即 1966
最初的一年,FKM 审计的展会就达到
22 个之多。
上说,FKM 的成立并不是完全自发,
很多怀疑。正如 FKM 创立文件中写
成 为 实 践。1970 年, 经 过 FKM 统
计 的 展会 场 次 渐 渐 达 到 45 场, 而
到 1980 年,审计场次已达 130 场。
FKM董事总经理Harald Kötter表示,
都一直是 FKM 的主要目标。现在我们
共有 54 个会员,每年由安永会计师事
务所对 200 多场展会进行审计。这家
公司于二十多年前收购了 FKM。”
为此,1973 年,相关机构召开了一场
当时 ZAW 的主席、西门子公司董事
Dankwart Rost 是德国广告业强烈要
制定了 8 个针对展会观众开展的调查
的标准问题。1975 年,FKM 首个观
就是 1980 年,虽然 FKM 审计的展会
达到 130 个之多,根据 FKM 标准进
行调查的展会仅有 27 个。稍后,在展
明显进展是在 1982 年。AUMA 展览
用。在 1983 年,AUMA 主办的讨论
的展会调查提纲。1984 年,这套新的
标准出台,并得到绝大部分 FKM 成员
的认可。在此后的第一年,大约有 50
个展会依据此标准展开调研。到 1990
年,这一数字攀升至 110 个。
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 29
Trade fair politics: Verifying
exhibition data for 50 years
By Peter Borstel
In 1965 six German trade fair companies agreed to create
uniform standards for auditing trade fair statistics. One year
later FKM started operating.
The initiators from Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hannover, Cologne,
Offenbach and Nuremberg Toy Fair let deeds follow words.
They resolved that the fulfilment of the created standards
should be audited and appointed the auditor Erwin Pougin
for this task. The Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and
Exhibition Statistics (FKM) was founded for this purpose. Carl
Ferdinand von der Heyde, then Managing Director of Cologne
Fair, was elected chairman and remained in office until late
1974. 50 years ago, in early 1966, FKM started operating. In
the first twelve months it was able to audit as many as 22 trade
With this achievement the German trade fair industry set
international standards. Similar initiatives were only being
undertaken in France at this time. The foundation of FKM
was probably not entirely voluntary. Intensified competition
between fair organisers had led to turf wars in the industry. And
there was a great deal of scepticism on the part of exhibitors.
The following comment was made in the founding documents:
“In the exhibition industry numerous domestic and foreign
organisers publish inflated figures for visitors, exhibitors, and
exhibition spaces. This circumstance contributes to making
exhibitors and visitors distrust all figures provided by fair
organisers, and obstructs the transparency of the exhibition
industry. In addition, this makes it difficult for businesses
30 出展世界 2016.7-8
who constitute potential exhibitors or visitors to come to an
objective decision.”
And hence the vision of certified trade fair statistics became
a reality: By 1970, proceeding rather slowly, 45 fairs were
being audited, and by 1980 the figure had already risen to 130.
“The aim was to gain the trust of exhibitors and visitors, and
make the industry aware of the benefits of certified fair data,”
underlines Harald Kötter. “And to promote objective exhibition
decision-making,” adds the Managing Director of FKM. “This
is still one of the major goals of the Society for Voluntary
Control of Fair and Exhibition Statistics.” It currently boasts
54 members and has 200 fairs a year audited in Germany by
the firm Ernst  Young, which had taken over the company of
the founding auditor Erwin Pougin around two decades ago.
But auditing mere visitor figures was not enough. A
standardisation of the contents and methodology of the
visitor surveys appeared to be necessary. For this purpose
a “memorable meeting” was held on 14 June 1973. The
Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA)
convened a meeting with the innocuous title “Transparency
of Fairs and Exhibitions”. In reality, its aim was to create a
standardised visitor structure test. The meeting was attended
by representatives of numerous exhibitor, visitor and organiser
interest groups – BDI, DIHT, HDE, the associations of trade
fair organisers, FKM and even ZAW, the German Advertising
Federation. Its then president, Dankwart Rost, a Siemens
director, was the key motor behind demands of the industry
for more transparent trade fair figures. After a few rounds
of negotiations the participants agreed on eight standard
questions. The first FKM visitor structure tests were conducted
and published in 1975 for a good dozen fairs.
However, the topic of visitor structure data failed to take off
in the years that followed. Five years later, in 1980, surveys
based on the FKM standards were only performed for 27 fairs
– although exhibitor and visitor figures were already being
audited for around 130 fairs. The second round came in 1982,
again on the industry’s initiative and with strong support from
Siemens. AUMA’s exhibition transparency working group
convened once again. In late 1983 the participants endorsed
an extended catalogue with more detailed questions. In 1984
the “new” visitor structure test was launched and won the
approval of the broad spectrum of FKM members. In the first
year around 50 surveys were conducted according to the new
standard, and the figure already climbed to over 110 in 1990.
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 31
本刊记者 / 苏希玲
积达 166 万平方公里。魁北克的电影、
32 出展世界 2016.7-8
魁北克省,作为加拿大最大的省,面积达 166
的版图上,魁北克人口仅有 800 多万,其中 78% 的
早在 1983 年就作为加拿大广播公司驻华记者在中国
工作数年。5 个月之前,屡新魁北克政府驻中国办事
今年 5 月份,魁北克官方展团参加第四届京交会。魁
北京代表处成立于 1998 年,其主要职责是推介魁北
淳朴风光 深厚文化
魁北克有着加拿大 85% 的枫树,也有着丰富的
球冠军。2008 年在中国举办的奥运会,魁北克方面
大力发展体育产业,他希望,2022 年的北京冬奥会,
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 33
Quebec: Dynamic and Original
Reported by Celion Su
——An Interview with Jean-François Lépine, Director of
Representation of Quebec Government in Beijing
Introduction: Quebec as the biggest province in Canada, its
territory accounts for one fifth of the total territory of Canada. The
culture industries including movie, circus, opera and music are
world famous. On the other hand, the province has also achieved
remarkable results in high-tech sectors like air purification, aircraft,
high-speed rail, medical system, green mining, and agriculture
technology. Quebec companies look forward to further cooperate
with Chinese companies during China’s 13th Five-Year Plan.
34 出展世界 2016.7-8
Though it has a large territory in Canada, Quebec possesses
a relatively small population of 8 million people. 78% of
the residents speak French as the first language, which is the
official language of the province. In order to reserve its rich
cultural heritage, Quebec people have created rich culture and
they celebrate numerous festivals and sports events, some are
world famous: International des feux Loto-Québec, Grand
Prix of Canada, Festival international de jazz de Montréal, and
many more.
Although he has only taken his place as Director of
Representation of Quebec Government in Beijing for only
four months when this interview was conducted, Mr. Jean-
François Lépine has noticed the huge demand of middle
class population in China for interesting creative culture and
entertainment contents, and expects to introduce Quebec
culture products to the Chinese market.
Apart from culture and arts industry, the province of Quebec
has also achieved remarkable results in high-tech sectors like
air purification, aircraft, high-speed rail, medical system,
green mining, and agriculture technology. As a former senior
journalist from Canada to China as early as in 1983, Mr. Jean-
François Lépine spent many years in China and witnessed
the enormous transformation of China towards power and
strength. He points out that China and Quebec each have
unique advantages for mutual cooperation and mutual
progress. During the CIFTIS (CIFTIS) at the end of May this
year, Quebec sent several leading companies from industries
like transport vehicle authentication, multimedia, logistics,
e-commerce and air purification. Mr. Jean-François Lépine
thinks that during the process of the Chinese Government’s
13th Five-Year Plan, Quebec companies can further cooperate
with Chinese companies in these fields.
Established in 1998, Representation of Quebec Government
in Beijing is dedicated to promoting Quebec trade and
culture environment. In recent years, more and more
private funds are doing diverse investments in Quebec.
Currently, Beijing-Montreal air line is the only direct flight
from Asia to Quebec. China has become the fourth largest
international tourists source country to Quebec after the
United States, France and UK. With the slogan of Quebec
Original, Quebec will further promote its diverse culture
and science strengths in China.
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 35
编译 / 苏希玲
——访国际会议中心协会主席 Geoff Donaghy、
副主席 Aloysius Arlando
导读:在本文中,国际会议中心协会(AIPC)主席 Geoff Donaghy 和副主席 Aloysius Arlando 以两种不
Geoff Donaghy Aloysius Arlando
36 出展世界 2016.7-8
AIPC 副主席、新加坡 EXPO 会展中心首席执行
官 Aloysius Arlando 表示,亚太区域的大部分会展
市作为商务 / 旅游目的地的形象,并进一步吸引企业、
Arlando 指出,很多城市的政府当局已经认识到
AIPC 主席、悉尼国际会议中心首席执行官、
AEG Ogden 集团会议中心总监 Geoff Donaghy 则
施,各地也兴建了很多会展设施。Arlando 表示,“我
中心举办。”Donaghy 也同意此观点,并补充说,“吸
Arlando 认为,虽然会展中心带来的一系列益处
带动当地经济发展的良性循环。”Donaghy 也赞道,
会展中心与 AIPC 等行业协会也做了大量的宣传工
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 37
Convention Centres – Economic
Engines in the Asia Pacific
Reported by Celion Su
——An Interview with Geoff Donaghy, AIPC President and
Aloysius Arlando, AIPC Vice President
According to Aloysius Arlando, CEO of Singapore EXPO
Convention and Exhibition Centre, such facilities are
typically built by governments to stimulate the economy
through hosting events that exchange knowledge, share
experiences, support business networking and build
business partnerships in that region. While significant
tourism receipts result, centres also help to raise the brand
profile of the destination as a business and/or tourism
destination of choice, which can help to attract companies,
think-tanks and professional bodies to establish a presence
Arlando says that many cities recognise the rich value centres
and events bring, and have developed plans to capture this.
“The kinds of events that take place in major convention
centres directly address economic and business priorities,
as they are typically in industries that drive the economy
and support the talent pool. In Singapore’s case, we attract
events relating to key sectors such as healthcare, oil and gas
and aviation, as these are aligned with Singapore’s vision of
a knowledge-based economy.”
Strong financial benefits and high spending delegates are
key to measuring the economic impacts convention centres
deliver to their host city, says Geoff Donaghy, CEO of
the International Convention Centre Sydney and Director
Convention Centres for AEG Ogden. “However, they also
provide the platform for much richer, more enduring benefits
Two different perspectives on the role of convention centres in the Asia-Pacific region yield much the same response,
further reinforcing the conclusion that centres everywhere in this area are recognized as key factors in the overall
economic and professional development of their respective communities.
38 出展世界 2016.7-8
of business events to host cities such as the development
of business relationships and the innovation that stems
from the networking and connections that occur. Industry
investment and infrastructure development, knowledge
transfer and social ventures are all benefits that convention
centres and business events are able to deliver to their host
communities”, says Donaghy.
This in turn leads to many centres systematically and
preferentially going after events that support this kind
of development. “We target events in key industries and
reach deep into these verticals by working closely with
government agencies, companies, academia, trade and
professional bodies to attract these to our centre” says
Arlando. Donaghy agrees, adding “Securing events that
are aligned with the economic strategies and priorities of
Government is critical, but this only represents part of the
market venues need to pursue to achieve their economic
targets”. The result is a balanced approach that must manage
a range of potential business in order to achieve multiple
performance objectives”.
While these broader values are generally recognized by
local officials and the overall community, this appreciation
must be translated into action says Arlando. “As centres
are heavy investments, local or national governments
must first see the value the centres bring both from the
economic and community perspectives. They can then work
together to attract relevant events to support efforts to grow
the economy, based on an alignment within government
agencies on how centres can support efforts to boost the
economy”. Donaghy agrees. “We have seen significant
progress over recent years for both Government and the
broader industry to understand the role of convention
centres, and a great deal of advocacy work has been done by
both convention centres and representative industry bodies
such as AIPC to raise the profile of business events and their
Beyond Tourism benefits to host cities. There have been a
number of studies that underscore the range of intellectual,
academic and financial benefits of an operational centre to
its host city, and these can be used to reinforce the need for
an evolving view of what centres and their related business
activities achieve”.
The bottom line: centres deliver much more than just
tourism receipts - particularly to those destinations that
know how to use them strategically in support of their
overall development priorities.
Geoff Donaghy is AIPC President, CEO of International
Convention Centre Sydney and Director Convention Centres
AEG Ogden. Aloysius Arlando was elected Vice-President
of AIPC and is CEO of Singapore EXPO Convention and
Exhibition Centre and SingEx Group.
AIPC represents a global network of 180 leading centres in
57 countries with the active involvement of more than 900
management-level professionals worldwide. It is committed
to encouraging and recognizing excellence in convention
centre management, based on the diverse experience and
expertise of its international representation, and maintains a
variety of educational, research, networking and standards
programs to achieve this. AIPC also celebrates and
promotes the essential role of the international meetings
industry in supporting economic, academic and professional
development and enhancing global relations amongst highly
diverse business and cultural interests.
7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 39
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
Press results: Overseas exhibitions july-august
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  • 4. 排名不分先后理事委员会 Directors Committee 排名不分先后 法兰克福展览 ( 上海 ) 有限公司 总裁:曹建生 地址:上海市浦东世纪大道 211 号 电话:021-61608555 传真:021-58769332 北京辉煌魅力国际商务会展有限公司 总经理:段婧 地址:北京市朝阳区东土城路 13 号金孔雀大厦 A 座 908 室 电话:010-64484526 传真:64484511 上海现代国际展览有限公司 总经理:张定国 地址:上海市黄浦区盛泽路 8 号 电话:021-63288899 传真:021-63749188 香港会议展览业协会 澳门会议展览业协会 澳门展贸协会 泰国 IMPACT 展览管理有限公司 泰国驻华大使馆 捷克共和国驻华大使馆商务处 马来西亚驻华大使馆商务处 支持单位(排名不分先后) 韩国驻华大使馆 埃及驻华大使馆商务处 印尼驻华大使馆 法国驻华大使馆 意大利对外贸易促进委员会 国际会议中心协会(AIPC)秘书处 韩国 KINTEX 国际会展中心 中国国际贸易促进委员会汽车行业分会 中国国际贸易促进委员纺织行业分会 中国国际贸易促进委员会机械行业分会 中国国际贸易促进委员会建筑材料行业分会 中国国际贸易促进委员会建设行业分会 中国国际贸易促进委员会杭州市分会 出展世界 OVERSEAS EXHIBITIONS 励展博览集团国际销售部(中国 ) 地址:北京市朝阳区新源南路 1-3 号平安国际金融 中心 A 座 15 层 01-03,05 电话:010-59339288 传真:010-59339233 俄罗斯 EXPOFORUM 封闭式股份公司 北京代表处 首席代表:伊格尔 地址:北京东三环中路建外 SOHO6 号楼 2706 电话:010-58691928 传真:010-58691928 杜塞尔多夫展览 ( 中国 ) 有限公司 上海公司总经理:Axel Bartkus 地址:上海市浦东新区张江高科技园区科苑路 88 号 电话:021-50278128 传真:021-50278138 法国国际专业展促进会 首席代表:娄述渝 地址:北京市朝阳区朝阳门外大街 20 号 电话:010-65885968 传真:010-65885970 慕尼黑展览 ( 上海 ) 有限公司 高级副总裁:张树青 地址:上海市浦东新区源深路 1088 号葛洲坝大厦 11 楼 电话:021-20205500 传真:021-20205666 华毅东方展览有限公司 总经理:张岚岚 地址:北京市朝阳区农展馆南路 13 号瑞辰国际中心 606 室 电话:010-65671880 传真:010-65670361 浙江远大国际会展有限公司 董事长兼总经理:陈璀 地址:杭州市延安路 470 号 电话:0571-28939333 传真:0571-28939330 泰国会议展览局大中华区代表处 代表:李熠 地址:香港西环干诺道西 188 号香港商业中心 4114 室 电话:+852-25256165 传真:+852-25256171 北京中杰城设国际展览有限公司 总经理:张杰 地址:北京市海淀区紫竹院路31号华澳中心嘉慧苑1703室 电话:010-53579966 传真:010-58857468 北京恒立伟业国际展览有限公司 总经理:任恩杰 地址:北京丰台区南方庄 1 号安富大厦 1602 室 电话:010-67620925 传真:010-67663025 福建荟源国际展览有限公司 董事长:阮卫星 地址:福州市鼓楼区铜盘路软件大道 89 号软件园 A 区 22 幢 电话:4001865365 传真:0591-87875022 天际展具制造(上海)有限公司 总经理:王晓阳 地址:中国上海市浦东新区川沙路 6999 号 A 区 5 号 厂房 电话:021-58599900 传真:021-58593481 长城国际展览有限责任公司 董事长:程杨 地址:北京市西城区南菜园街 88 号北区 1 层 电话:010-88102221 传真:010-88102268 中国国际贸易促进会机械行业分会 副会长 : 周卫东 地址 : 北京西城区三里河路 46 号 电话 :010-68594986 传真 :010-68594995 中展世建(北京)国际会展有限公司 总经理 : 黄梅城 地址:北京市海淀区三里河路 9 号院住房与城乡建设部 电话:010-58933119 传真:010-58933930 谊和永邦(北京)会展有限公司 董事长:韩晓虹 地址:北京市西城区月坛北街 26 号恒华国际商务中心 C 座 809 室 电话:010-58566995 传真:010-58566652 芭堤雅展览会议中心 Pattaya Exhibition and Convention Hall (PEACH) 常务董事:Mrs. Panga Vathanakul 地址:353 Phra Tamnuk Rd. Pattaya Chonburi 20150 Thailand 电话 : +66 38 250421 传真 : +66 38 250732 中国汽车工业国际合作有限公司 国际展览四部总经理:黄燕 地址:北京市海淀区中关村丹棱街 3 号 A 座 5 层 电话:010-82606882 传真:010-82606790 杭州嘉诺展览有限公司 总经理:程伟 地址:杭州市艮山支三路聚落五号创意园 2 号楼 2 楼 电话:86-0571-28903259 传真:0571-28035957 圣客国际会展集团有限公司 总经理:陈曦 地址:北京东城区彭庄 60 号 YOLO 文化 产业园 21 号楼 电话:010-8310 0751 网址 英富曼会展(北京)有限公司 总经理:魏巍 地址:北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路 4 号凯富大厦 802 号 电话:010-6562 3333 传真:010-6562 3322 上海万耀企龙展览有限公司 总裁:仲刚 地址:上海市静安区南京西路 1333 号上海展览中心 商务楼 电话:021-6195 6088 传真:021-6195 6099
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  • 6. Editor-in-Chief Vice Editor-in-Chief Editorial Director English Editor Chinese Editor Graphic Designer Network Department Producer Operation Director International Marketing Domestic Marketing Advertising Department New Media Department 孙永红 文 峰 陈 猛 苏希玲 夏 雪 张冠勇 果 然 隋振英 赵 伟 陈珍妮 赵晓凤 孙 辉 陈 冬 Sun Yonghong Wen Feng Chen Meng Celion Su Snow Xia Zhang Guanyong Guo Ran Sui Zhenying Zhao Wei Jenny Chen Summer Zhao Sun Hui Dong Chen 总 编: 主 编: 编辑部主任: 英文编辑: 中文编辑: 美术编辑: 网络部: 出品人: 运营总监: 国际营销: 国内营销: 广告部: 新媒体部: 《出展世界》杂志编辑部 地址:北京市丰台区丰体南路3号丰体时代大厦309室(100166) 电话:86-10-51654839 传真:86-10-51654839转815 上海办事处:86-013916355804 邮箱 网址 单册定价:¥20.00  $15.00 出 展 世 界 OVERSEAS EXHIBITIONS 如发现印刷及装订错误,请直接与本刊发行部联系。 本刊法律顾问提示:本刊所有文章未经允许不得转载! 国际标准刊号:ISSN1001-828X 国内统一刊号:CN61-1287/T 广告代理:北京欣怡世纪广告有限公司 广告经营许可证号:京西工商广字第0016号 扫描二维码, 即刻下载《中外会展》ipad 版 阅览请登陆读览天下网站 旅游会展中外会展 主管/主办:信城国际会展投资集团有限公司 出版:现代经济信息 编辑单位:《出展世界》杂志编辑部 承办单位:北京新展国际文化传媒有限公司
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  • 10. CONTENTS目录 广告索引 >> 封二:浙江远大 封三:第十届中国国际汽车商品交易会 封底:国际会议中心协会(AIPC) 扉 1:嘉诺展览集团有限公司 扉 3:在路上 扉 5:南京软博会 扉 6:万耀企龙 扉 7:澳门车展 P45:英富曼会展 P49:圣客会展 卷首语 Preface 9 合作——永久的话题 资讯  News 10 印度国际媒体展将于钦奈举行 会议产业联席委员会发声抵制恐怖袭击 UFI 可持续发展大奖获奖名单公布 首届中国消费品(俄罗斯)品牌展举行 法兰克福展览印度业务十年间稳步扩张    特别策划 Special Focus 18 中国展览业国际化再定义 环球视点 Viewpoints 28 德国展会数据统计 50 年 使馆访谈 Embassy Interview 32 活力、本色魁北克 ——访魁北克政府驻中国办事处主任、领事雷平江 访谈  Interview 36 会展中心驱动亚太区经济发展 ——访国际会议中心协会主席 Geoff Donaghy、 副主席 Aloysius Arlando 40 2016 年中国汽车零部件(泰国)品牌展览会 全球第一展 World No.1 Exhibition 42 纽伦堡国际有机食品博览会和纽伦堡天然 化妆品及美容品展观众人数破纪录 46 科隆国际牙科展 : 开拓欧盟牙科市场 报道 Report 50 融合行业力量 开拓新兴市场 数据 Data Analysis  54 《国际展览业协会全球展览市场晴雨表 第 17 次调查报告》 经典服务案例 Service Case 56 国际参展礼仪 国际场馆 Exhibition Venues 58 夏威夷会议中心 59 巴西圣保罗博览中心 会展信息  Exhibition Plans 60    会展信息 3418 37
  • 11. 合作,是一个老生常谈的话题,也是一个历久弥新的话题。对各个行业而言,这是一个 永久的话题。在展览行业内各个论坛、交流会上,我们也经常听到“合作”的主题。对发展 中的中国出展行业来说,“合作”的精髓究竟在哪里? 在 5 月底举行的京交会上,中国会展业出展交流会作为亮点板块,再次汇聚数百名业内 精英共同探讨如何开拓新兴市场。虽然组展单位的实力与业务定位各有特色,开拓新兴市场 的策略也各有千秋,但嘉宾们在发言中都毫无例外地强调,要增强行业合作,共同推动中国 展览业“走出去”,融合产业力量成为共识。 以境外自办展为例,相比于国内办展,迈向国际市场需要面对更多未知的风险和更多陌 生的环境。但是,如果在当地争取与政府机构和展览行业的支持,对内有政府的引导和业内 同行共同招商,自办展项目就更容易邀请到优质的展商和买家,真正生根落地,持久发展, 而不是单打独斗,缺乏稳固的行业根基,只是昙花一现。 十多年来,励展、科隆、博闻、杜塞尔多夫等国际展览巨擘在中国市场的成功要素之一 是与中国机构达成广泛合作,深入开拓中国市场。同样,国内的主办方要在境外会展市场分 得一杯羹,广泛的合作亦不可少。广义来说,与当地主办方交流办展经验和商业资源,借助 行业协会力量广邀行业买家,请当地媒体配合宣传造势,都属于合作的范围。 在过去,中国出展行业基本是以代理身份组织国内企业出国参加既有的国外展览会,而 今天,中国品牌展会走出去的例子越来越多,例如中国国际印染展亚洲巡展近年来轮流在印 度和土耳其举办、厦门佛事展今年 11 月将首次落地泰国。主办方的合作意识也越来越鲜明。 在本期专题中,“中国会展业展览业国际化再定义”,我们看到,国际化的一个重要方 面就是中国展览业与国际同行互相交流借鉴的过程。7 月 27-28 日,第六届中外会展项目合 作洽谈会汇聚数百名国内外嘉宾,涵盖政府会展管理部门、主办方、代理商、服务商,究竟 会碰撞什么思想火花,达成实质合作?我们拭目以待。 编辑部   合作——永久的话题 卷首语 / Preface
  • 12. 第十二届中国(南 京)国际软件产品和信 息服务交易博览会将于 9 月 2-5 日在南京国际 博览中心举行。本届软 博会由江苏省人民政府 主 办, 南 京 市人民 政 府、江苏省经济和信息化委员会、江苏省贸促会联合承办,围绕国 家、省、市“十三五”发展规划,以“贯彻落实‘中国制造 2025’ 和‘互联网 +’国家战略”为主题,为软件企业搭建国际化的新品 发布、展览展示、项目洽谈、人才招聘平台。本届软博会预计将 吸引我国及海外1,200 家左右软件企业参展参会。 Meetings Industry States its Position on Terrorism Incidents On 25 May, the Joint Meetings Industry Council released a statement regarding the reaction of Meetings Industry leaders to recent terrorism incidents and the position the industry is encouraging in terms of responding to their potential effects on ongoing event activities. Along with deploring such acts as contrary to fundamental industry objectives of enhancing global knowledge, exchange and understanding, the statement calls for perspective, vigilance and resolve as means of perpetuating industry values and demonstrating solidarity through supporting destinations that have been impacted. “It is important for our industry to take a clear position on this issue, as there are clear responsibilities to deal with here”, said JMIC President Joachim Konig. Nanjing International Software Product Information Service trade Fair promotes internet plus The 12th China (Nanjing) International Software Product Information Service Trade Fair will be held in Nanjing, Jiangsu province from 2 to 5 September. Hosted by People’s government of Jiangsu, the fair this year will be serving the 13th Five Year Plan, and Made-in-China Programme, Internet Plus National Strategy. It is aimed to be a platform for new product release, project cooperation and talents recruitment. About 1,200 exhibiting companies are expected. 南京软博会:贯彻“互联网 +”国家战略 会议产业联席委员会发声抵制恐怖袭击 Mathias Küpper promoted to managing director of the Kölnmesse Singapore Mathias Küpper (40) joined the management of Kölnmesse Singapore on June 1, 2016, when he was appointed to the subsidiary’s board of directors. The main focus of his management tasks is on the execution of Kölnmesse events in South-East Asia and expansion of its business activities in that market. Küpper started his career at Kölnmesse in 2002. His job has resulted in sojourns at Kölnmesse’s representative offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. He moves up to managing director of the Kölnmesse Singapore subsidiary from his previous position of general manager of the same organisation. 5月25日, 针对新近在布鲁 塞尔、巴黎等地 发生的恐怖袭 击,会议产业联 席委员会(JMIC) 发表声明,表明 会议行业人士将对恐怖事件采取积极防卫的态度。 该声明不仅强调了会议行业推动全球知识交 换、促进相互理解的根本使命,也号召业内人士保 持警惕,坚定地提升会议产业的价值。声明也表达 了对受袭城市的声援。 日前,科隆展览公司宣布,从今年 6 月1日起, 现年 40 岁的 Mathias Küpper 将加入科隆展览新 加坡公司董事会担任董事,主要管理科隆在东南亚 地区的展会项目以及业务扩张。他将接替 Michael Dreyer 作为新加坡公司的董事总经理。后者从 2002 年担任该职,目前升至科隆展览亚太区副总 裁。二人将继续代理科隆展览积极扩张亚洲业务。 Mathias Küpper 于 2002 年加入科隆展览,本次 履新前担任科隆展览中国公司总经理。 Mathias Küpper 升任科隆展览新加坡公司董事总经理 10 出展世界 2016.7-8 NEWS 资讯 行业
  • 13. 5 月 31 日,国际展览业协会宣布了今年可持 续发展大奖由美国化工行业协会和台湾贸易中心 (TAITRA)获得。其中,美国化工协会的获奖项目 为“全美绿色会展”,而 TAITRA 的获奖项目为“绿 色会展计划”。 UFI 可持续发展大奖评审团主席兼多伦多展 览中心首席执行官 Dianne Young 表示,“今年的 两家单位在推行会展可持续发展方面采取了丰富 举措,并取得丰硕成果,获得认可理所应当。” 7 月 3-6 日,国 际 会 议中 心 协 会(AIPC) 2016 年年会在法国南特举办。全球顶级场馆管理 者和业内专家参会。 AIPC 主席 Geoff Donaghy 表示,“我们的年 会一直以集合会员力量以及外部利益相关者的资 源为宗旨,本次会议也成功地实现了这一点。当前, AIPC 会员面对的最大挑战是:如何增强场馆的竞 争力和满足客户的多样性需求。 UFI 可持续发展大奖获奖名单公布 国际会议中心协会年会 聚焦场馆竞争力与客户期望 2016 UFI Sustainable Development Award goes to American Chemical Society and Taiwan External Trade Development Council On 31 May, UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, has announced the winners of its annual Sustainable Development Award. This year’s competition theme was “Best actions to engage participants around sustainability” and the jury selected two winners: the American Chemical Society (ACS) for its National Meetings Expositions, and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) for MEET TAIWAN’s “Green MICE Project”. Dianne Young, President of the UFI Sustainable Development Award jury and CEO of the Exhibition Place (Toronto, Canada), said: “Both entries deserve to win given the scope of their actions and the scale of their results. AIPC 2016 Annual Conference Outcomes Underline Key Centre Issues A wide range of speakers and sessions addressed the key issues of diversification and adaptation at the 2016 edition of the International Association of Convention Centres (AIPC) Annual Conference last week in Nantes, France. The program brought together both industry expertise and a range of related speakers who collectively offered insights into both industry-specific topics as well as how other business sectors are dealing with similar issues in an effort to encourage the widest possible spectrum of thinking. 5 月 28 日,泰国会议展览局 和中国国际商会在第四届京交会 期间签署谅解备忘录,以增强中泰 两国在会展行业的相互了解与合 作。该谅解备忘录将进一步加强泰 国在会展行业的领导地位,并增强两国的人文、文化和经济交流, 并加快两国会展行业发展。 泰国会展局局长 Nopparat Maythaveekulchai 表示:“中泰 两国有超过 40 年的睦邻友好关系,两国之间每年的贸易额超过了 630 亿美元。泰国会议展览局作为泰国政府官方的旗舰活动机构, 一直积极寻找对外合作机会并发起战略合作伙伴关系。” 泰国会议展览局与中国国际商会签署合作备忘录 旨在加强两国会展行业发展 TCEB signed MOU with CCIOC to strengthen Thailand’s MICE presence in China On 28 May, 2016, during the fourth CIFTIS in Beijing, Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the China Chamber of International Commerce (CCIOC) with the objective of enhancing MICE cooperation between the two nations. The MOU will further strengthen Thailand’s leadership position as a premier destination at the heart of the fast-growing ASEAN region for MICE travellers from China, which is the Kingdom’s No. 1 source market. 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 11 NEWS 资讯
  • 14. 展会 6 月 8 日,由 浙 江省 人民政府主办,浙江省商 务厅承办,浙江省国际会 议展览业协会协办的“全 球 展 览 浙 江 论 坛”于第 十八届中国浙江投资贸易洽谈会期间在宁波召开。浙江省 人民政府副省长梁黎明出席论坛并发表讲话,浙江省商 务厅相关领导出席论坛,全球顶级展览公司高管及会展行 业领袖担任演讲及对话嘉宾。 论坛以“浙江制造,全球共享”为主题,全球知名展 览公司、商务主管部门、专家学者、浙江企业家代表、会展 行业媒体及行业协会等代表近 350 人齐聚论坛,共话会 展未来机遇,共谋合作发展。 Zhejiang Forum of Global Exhibition: Zhejiang Made, Global Sharing On 8 June, hosted by the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province and organized by the Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Forum of Global Exhibition as one of the important events of the Eighteenth China Zhejiang Investment Trade Symposium, themed by “Zhejiang Made, Global Sharing”, took place in Ningbo, Zhejiang. About 350 guests from notable international exhibition firms, commercial senior departments, as well as experts and scholars, representatives of entrepreneurs in Zhejiang, media and industry associations in the exhibition circle attended. 全球展览浙江论坛:浙江制造,全球共享 China Commodities Fair held in Russia From 6-8 June, the first China Commodities Fair was held in Russia. The fair was jointly hosted by MOFCOM, China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, CCPIT Jiangsu and CCPIT Shandong, Russian partners include Russian Chamber of Trade and Commerce and Frankfurt Messe Russia. The exhibition space was nearly 9,000 square meters, exhibiting companies was 240. About 200 B2B sessions was hosted during the fair. 6 月 6 - 8 日,由商务部外贸发展事务局、中国机电产品 进出口商会、江苏省贸促会、山东省贸促会、福建省商务厅等 机构联合主办,俄罗斯工商会、法兰克福展览(俄罗斯)有限 公司作为境外合作方具体承办的首届中国消费品(俄罗斯) 品牌展在莫斯科举行。 展会设厨房用品、餐厨器皿,家用电器、电子消费品,家用 纺织品、服装鞋帽,家居用品、家居饰品和家庭用品、园艺工具 五大展区,展出面积 8806 平方米,参展企业近 240 家。展会 期间举办了中俄经贸合作研讨会、俄罗斯零售市场分析会以及 200 多场企业与买家配对对接活动。 首届中国消费品(俄罗斯)品牌展举行 6月2日,由商务部 主办,外贸发展局承办 的2016中国汽车与船舶 用品(澳门)展在澳门成 功开幕。 此 次 展 会 面 积 达 6000平米,共有来自福建、广东、浙江、江苏、香港、澳门、 台湾等地的150余家展商参展。展品包括汽车零部件、改装 部件、汽车后市场用品、船舶用品等。开幕式当天,有来自巴 西、葡萄牙、日本、韩国、新加坡等100余家采购商参观。 中国汽车及船舶用品(澳门)展在澳门成功开幕 Reaching out to Latin American markets China (Macao) Automotive and Shipping Equipment Fair 2016 was opened in Macao. The three-day exhibition was aimed to connect Chinese market and Latin American markets under the One Belt One Road initiative. The exhibition space reached 6,000 square meters, 150 exhibitors from Fujian, Guangdong, Zhejiang,Jiangsu, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan participated, and trade buyers mainly came from Brazil, Portugese, Japan, Korea and Singapore. 12 出展世界 2016.7-8 NEWS 资讯
  • 15. 6 月中旬,法兰克福展 览有限公司披露的报告显 示,公司在印度市场份额不 断上升。在过去十年间,法 兰克福印度公司从最初在 孟买印度 - 德国工商会的 一个办公室扩张至当前的100多名雇员,目前举办22个B2B展会。 法兰克福印度子公司——法兰克福印度贸易展览会公司目 前已经把母公司的一些国际品牌展会项目移植到印度,目前知名 展会项目有:新德里国际汽配展、印度消费品展、印度纺织展、印 度照明展、印度汽车展等。 7月4日,第二届中国— 希腊海洋合作论坛在北京 人民大会堂举行。论坛由中 国贸促会和希腊企业局共 同主办。中国总理李克强、 希腊总理齐普拉斯在论坛 全体会议发表主旨演讲。 来自中希两国航运、电力、能源、金融、房地产、旅游等领 域 215 家企业约 500 人参加了论坛,并围绕“把握机遇、传承合 作”这一主题开展深入交流。 法兰克福展览印度业务十年间稳步扩张 第二届中国—希腊海洋合作论坛在京举行 Messe Frankfurt expanded greatly in India over last decade Messe Frankfurt has revealed growth metrics that indicate its growing market position in India. Messe Frankfurt Exhibition subsidiary Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India has introduced some of its parent company’s trade fairs to India. The company started from a small office within the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce in Mumbai to a workforce of more than 100 employees managing 22 B2B trade fairs in India over the last decade. China-Greece Maritime Cooperation Forum held in Beijing On 4 July, the second China-Greece Maritime Cooperation Forum was held in Beijing. The forum was co-organized by CCPIT and Greek Cooperate Bureau. Premiers from both countries attended and gave keynote speeches. About 500 participants from the the sectors of maritime, electricity, energy, finance, real estate and tourism attended. Though over 100 B2B negotiations, deals of about 200 million USD was reached. 2016 年 韩 国 物 联 网 展(IoT Korea2016)将于 10 月 12-14 日在韩国首 尔世界贸易展览中心 (COEX) 举办。 IoTKorea 创办于 2005 年,距今已举 办 10届。展会由韩国著名展览公司 K.Fairs 和韩国物联网协会联合主办,已成为韩国首个国家级、规模最大的国际物联 网行业盛会。 2015 年该展共有 156 家企业参展,展出面积达 7,000 多平米, 较 2014 年展出面积增加 26%,观众 20000 余人次,吸引了来自日本、马来 西亚、新加坡、中国、北美、欧洲等 45 个国家和地区的专业人士前来参观,买 家满意度高达 90%。 韩国最大物联网展展示前沿的物联网技术IoT Korea2016 to be held in COEX IoT Korea2016, the leading trade fair of the Internet of things in Korea, will be held in COEX from 12-14 in October. Established in 2005, IoT Korea is jointly organized by K.Fairs and Korea Internet of Things Association. In 2015, there was 150 companies participating in a total exhibition space of 7,000 square meters. Over 20,000 trade visitor from 45 countries including Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and China. 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 13 NEWS 资讯
  • 16. Prowine now also in Hong Kong Prowine Asia, which was launched in Singapore this April and initially scheduled by its makers to take place every two years, has been so successful and so much in demand by exhibitors that it will now take place annually, alternating between Singapore and Hong Kong. The first edition of Prowine Asia in Hong Kong will take place from May 8 to 11, 2017. With the expansion of this B2B trade fair, Messe Düsseldorf is continuing its cooperation with the international Allworld Group, with which it has hosted Prowine China in Shanghai since 2013. Innovation and join expo spur for a better expo era On 8 June, on the first Global Exhibition Day, JR Exhibition Company in Hangzhou launched the opening ceremony of JR design competition and the first incubation base Join Expo.Members from local exhibition association, culture and creative industries associations, science bureaus, and exhibition colleges attended. Mr. Well Chan, General Manager of JR Exhibgion Company observed, “ companies in the exhibition industry chain, be they organizers or service suppliers, must adhere to the direction of professionalism, internatonalization, branization and informationlization. ” 近日,亚洲葡萄酒与烈酒贸易展览会(Prowine Asia)主办 方宣布,除了举办在新加坡的母展、上海的子展以外,也将开始 在香港举办子展。第一届展会将于 2017 年 5 月 8-11 日在香港 会展中心举行,由上海展的组织机构杜塞尔多夫展览公司与奥伟 展览集团联合招商。新加坡展于双年举办,针对东南亚市场,香 港展将于单年举办,针对香港本地与整个亚洲市场。 亚洲葡萄酒与烈酒贸易展览会将在香港举办新展 6 月 8 日,全球首个展 览日上,杭州嘉诺展览有限 公司举办“未来 E 来”—— 嘉诺展示设计暨全国首个 大会展众创空间“众里展创” 开幕仪式,与省市会展行业协会、省市文化创意产业协会、科技 局等共同探讨“科技”与“众创”力量在未来大会展生态中的重 要作用。 杭州嘉诺展览总经理程伟在会上提出了建设“大会展全生 态”概念。他表示,“无论是会展服务、展示设计还是会展主办, 都要坚持‘专业化、国际化、品牌化、信息化’道路。” 嘉诺“未来 E 来”: 科技 + 众创助力大会展生态 Nerd's heaven The International interactive entertainment exhibition IgroMir, a significant event for the Russian world of computer and video games, will be held from September 29 to October 2, 2016 in Crocus Expo IEC. It is a long-awaited event for all gamers, cyber sportsmen and cosmo players. IgroMir Expo is the first and biggest Russian computer and video games consumer exhibition. In 2015, it welcomed more than 162,000 people. More than 200 companies showed off their entertainment products on more than 25,000 square meters of exhibition space. 2016 年俄罗斯 IgroMir 国 际 游 戏 展 将 于 9 月 29 日 至 10 月 1 日 在 俄 罗 斯 Crocus Expo IEC 展览中心 举 行。IgroMir 展会是 俄 罗 斯首个以及最大型的消费电子游戏展览会。2015 年展会共迎来观 众162,000 人,大约 200 家公司展出电子娱乐产品,展会总面积达到 25,000 平米。据悉,本届展会仍将继续与俄罗斯最大的流行文化节 日 Comic Con Russia 同期举行。 俄罗斯最大游戏展吸引国内外玩家 14 出展世界 2016.7-8 NEWS 资讯 展会
  • 17. China Textile Apparel Trade Show (New York) : textile go out On 12 July, the 17th China Textile Apparel Trade Show (New York) was opened in New York. The three day exhibition was sponsored by China National Textile And Apparel Council, and organized by CCPIT Textile Sub-council and Messe Frankfurt US. About 800 companies from China, US, Britain, Pakistan, and other countries exhibited latest products and discuss industry trends. Brisbane Convention Exhibition Centre Wins 2016 AIPC Apex Award A highlight of the 2016 Annual Conference of the International Association of Convention Centres (AIPC) held last week in Nantes, France was the presentation of the 2016 AIPC Apex Award made in recognition of the highest client rating received by a convention centre to the Brisbane Convention Exhibition Centre of Australia. 7 月 12 日,第 17 届中国纺织 品服装贸易展览会(纽约)开幕。 走过了17 个年头的纽约展见证 并积极推动了中国纺织企业“走 出去”。 为期 3 天的第 17 届中国纺织品服装贸易展览会由中国纺织工业 联合会主办,中国国际贸易促进委员会纺织行业分会与法兰克福展览 (美国)公司共同承办,共有 800 多家来自中国、美国、英国、巴基斯 坦等国家和地区的企业参展。 日前,在国际会议中心协会的年会上,澳大利亚布里斯班国际会展中 心由于高度的客户满意度被授予 Apex 大奖。该奖项的候选机构为 15 家 顶级国际会展中心,最终评选结果是基于场馆客户满意度和第三方国际调 查机构的调研结果。 会展中心总经理 Bob O’Keeffe 表示,这个奖项是会展中心荣获的第 158 个行业奖项,也是业内最高的国际褒奖。他说,这是极大的荣誉,也非 常感谢 AEG Ogden 管理团队在过去 21 年对场馆的卓越运营。 Master plan for Expo 2020 Dubai unveiled The site for Expo 2020 Dubai was unveiled with the use of augmented reality and leading-edge digital technology. The entire site will span over two square kilometres, centred on the Al Wasl meeting plaza, the heart of Expo 2020. Spreading out from Al Wasl will be the three districts corresponding to the subthemes, which will each have their own unique pavilion. The Expo pavilions will be dedicated to the subthemes Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability under the main theme ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’. Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemi, Minister of State for International Cooperation, Director-General of Expo 2020 Dubai, said: “The Expo 2020 Dubai’s master plan truly reflects the theme of ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’, and aims to seamlessly integrate the three subthemes into the urban design, infrastructure, delivery, operations, and legacy of the mega-event.” Expo 2020 Dubai will take place between October 20, 2020, and April 10, 2021, with approximately 25 million visitors expected. 日 前 , 2020 年迪拜世 博 会总体 计 划 公布。本次世博 会将大 量 使 用 虚 拟 现实和顶 尖数码技术。 阿联酋国际合作国务部长、迪拜 2020 世博会总 干事 Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemi 表示,“世博会 的整体规划充分反映‘心系彼此,共创未来’的主题, 并将努力将三个子主题融合到会议的设计、基础设施 建设、表现手法、整体运作以及大型活动的文化传承 之中。”本届世博会将于 2020 年 10 月 20 日至 2021 年 4 月10 日举行,参观者预计将达 2500 万人次。 迪拜世博会总体计划公布 纽约纺织服装展助力中国纺织企业“走出去” 布里斯班国际会展中心荣获 AIPC 大奖 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 15 NEWS 资讯
  • 18. 根据毛里求斯统计局最新公布的外贸数据, 2015 年,毛里求斯进出口总额 74.91 亿美元,同 比下降 1.73%,其中进口额 48.02 亿美元,同比 下降 2.3%,出口额 26.89 亿美元,同比下降 0.7%。 毛里求斯自中国进口约 8.66 亿美元,中国超过印 度成为毛里求斯第一大进口来源国。 2015 年,科隆国际展览有限公司营业额创 纪录达 3.15 亿欧元,超出原计划 1000 万欧元, 并且比 2013 年的历史峰值超出 3500 万欧元。 2015 年的利润额也大大超出预期,突破性地获 得 3000 万欧元,超额完成利润指标 1000 万欧 元,接近 2013 年历史峰值的两倍。科隆自办展以 及客座展的蓬勃发展成为公司业绩和各项数据大 幅度提升的主要原因。 In 2015, total import volume of Mauritius was 4.802 billion USD, decreasing 2.3%, total export volume of the country was 2.689 billion USD, decreasing 0.7% than previous year. China’s export to Mauritius was 866 million USD, surpassing India to be its Mauritius’s number one import source country. On 2015, the total turnover of Koelnmesse reached 315 million euros, which was 35 million euros more than the peak number in 2013. The total profit reached 30 million, which was two times that of 2013. Exhibitions mainly contributed to the huge growth of turnover. 8.66亿美元 3.15亿欧元 根据 AUMA 统计,2015 年,德国共举办 164 个展览会,参展商共 173,000 名,会展业务比前 一年增长 2%。售出展位总面积为 625 万平米, 增长率为 1.1%,展会观众比前一年增长 2.6%, 达到 980 万名。 German trade fairs continued to grow in 2015. Almost 173,000 exhibitors participated in the 164 international and national fairs that form the basis for the calculations of Auma (the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry). The figure is 2% higher than for the previous events. 1.1% more stand space was booked, covering a total of 6.25 million sqm. The number of visitors rose by 2.6% to just under 9.8 million. 980 万名 目前,在德国,在新的商业领域不断有新的 展会项目被推出,尤其是数字服务领域。而且,到 2019 年为止,德国场馆将投资 9 亿欧元用于修 缮与扩建。 New trade fairs are being developed, as are new business fields, in particular, in digital services. Moreover, up to 2019, German exhibition locations are investing around 900 million euros in modernising and expanding their locations. 9 亿欧元 16 出展世界 2016.7-8 NEWS 资讯 数字
  • 19. 5 月 26 日 -29 日,全球规模最大的宠物和 水族用品专业贸易展览会——德国纽伦堡宠物用 品展览会在纽伦堡展览中心举办。本届展会的展 览面积约 11.5 万平方米,吸引超过 1,800 家企业 参展。中国是除德国外最大的参展国家,共 340 余家中国公司亮相展会。 未来几年,墨尔本会展中心将增加 20,000 平米的多功能活动区,包括展厅、会议室、宴会厅等。 竣工后,墨尔本会展中心的总面积将达到 70,000 平米。这些额外的空间每年预计吸引 74,000 名 国际访客,每年多拉动消费 1.67 亿美元。 6 月 9-12 日,日本国内最大的专业玩具展 会——2016 年东京玩具展在日本东京国际展示 场举行。160 多家国内外玩具厂商带来了 3 万多 件新玩具,展示的玩具采用近距离无线通讯、机 器人传感器、手机指令、照相机等技术,并呈现出 成人化的流行趋势。 东京电玩展 TGS 2016 作为亚洲最大的国 际性游戏展览,将于今年 9 月 15 日 -18 日在千 叶县举行。从厂商名单来:索尼、英特尔、世嘉和 Twitch 等 45 家与游戏相关的厂商会参加大展。 今年的热点是 VR 游戏,将会有 28 款 VR 游戏提 供试玩,独立开发商的参加数量达到 30 个。 From 26 to 29 May, the Interzoo, the biggest Gathering of the global pet supplies market in the world, was held in Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. The total exhibition space was 115,000 square meters, covering 1,800 exhibiting companies. With 340 exhibitors, China was the second largest exhibitor country, only after Germany. The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre’s (MCEC) upcoming expansion will add nearly 20,000 square meters of flexible, multi-purpose event space including new exhibition halls and additional meeting and banquet rooms. It will be fully connected and integrated with the existing Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, increasing its total size to over 70,000 square meters. Once completed, the additional space is anticipated to generate an additional 74,000 international visitors annually, who spend on average $693 each day while in Melbourne, resulting in an annual $167 million boost to Victoria’s economy. On 9 to 12 June, the biggest toy fair in Japan, Tokyo Toy Fair was held in Tokyo Big Sight. About 160 companies showcased about 30,000 latest toys with applied sensor technology and photography technology. TGS 2016 as the biggest international games expo in Asia will be held from 15 to 18 September in Chiba-ken. The hot point at the expo will be VR games, independent games developers will reach 30. 11.5万平米 7.4万名 3万多件 45 家 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 17 NEWS 资讯 数字
  • 20. □本刊记者 / 苏希玲 中国展览业国际化再定义 Redefining internationalism of global exhibition industry 2015 年 4 月,国务院《关于进一步促进展览业改革发展的若干意见》中提出,中国展览业要坚持专业 化、国际化、品牌化、信息化的发展方向,加快展览业转型升级,努力推动我国从展览业大国向展览业强 国发展。国际化成为中国会展业发展的战略目标之一。经济全球化背景下,世界各国展览机构如何定义展 览“国际化”?如何提升展会国际化程度?中国展览业如何更好地融入全球?本刊邀请全球各地展览机构 进行探讨。 In 2015, the Several Opinions of the State Council on Further Promoting the Reform and Development of the Exhibition Industry proposed internationalism as one of the development goals of the exhibition industry. Under the background of globalization, the Chinese exhibition industry is communicating more frequently and more in-depth with global peers. 18 出展世界 2016.7-8 SPECIAL FOCUS 特别策划
  • 21. 1. 会展经济研究会对展会国际化是否有明确定义(例 如国际展商与买家比例等 ) ? How does China Convention and Exhibition Societ y def ine whether an exhibition is “international” or not (eg. percentage of international exhibitors or trade visitors)? 2005 年,时任国务院副总理吴仪提出展览业发展目标 之一为“国际化”。2015 年,国务院《关于进一步促进展览 业改革发展的若干意见》再次提出“国际化”为中国展览业 的发展方向之一。再次定义“国际化”,主要是为了提升中国 会展业在国际上的话语权。 In 20 05, the then Vice Premier of the Chinese Government Ms. Wu Yi proposed internationalism as one of the development of the exhibition industry. Ten years later, in 2015, the Several Opinions of the State Council on Further Promoting the Reform and Development of the Exhibition Industry again proposed internationalism as one of the development goals of the exhibition industry. I think the emphasis of internationalization is for strengthening discourse power. 2 . 您认为中国展览业国际化可以从哪些方面努力? How can we raise the level of internationalization 中国会展经济研究会学术指导委员会常务副主任 Deputy Executive Director,Academic Committee, China Convention / Exhibition / Events Society (CCEES) 陈泽炎 Chen Zeyan in exhibition industry in China? 多年以前,国家颁布的相关行业标准提出与 UFI 等国际 机构接轨的统计标准,规定:中国展会的国际展区面积占展 会总面积的 10% 以上,国际买家人数超过 5% 以上,即可称 为国际展会。但是,国际化是一个动态的过程,即中国会展行 业不断提升国际水平,与国际标准接轨的过程。我认为,展 览业态的国际化主要包括会展项目的国际化和展览企业运营 的国际化。在会展项目国际化方面,国内展的国际化包括国 际展商人数、国际买家比例、国际机构支持、国际招展招商渠 道、展会期间国际论坛举办情况、国际宣传报道、国际服务水 准、展会国际评估、国际资本投入、国际先进理念等。 出国展方面,从参加国外主办方举行的展会,到在国际 展中设立中国“展中展”,中国成为国际品牌展会“主宾国”, 到中国机构举办海外自主品牌中国展、海外国际展会,也是一 个国际化程度不断提升的过程。 As early as many years ago, the industry standards put forward by the Chinese National State was already in accordance with international standards: an exhibition must have a portion of 10% and above international exhibitors and at least 5% of international trade visitors to be called international. On the other hand, I think that internationalization is a dynamic process of the Chinese exhibition industry meeting international standards. More specifically, I think this regard includes internationalization of the exhibition projects and the international operation of exhibition companies. In terms of outbound exhibitions, the Chinese companies now not only organize Chinese exhibitor to attend overseas exhibitions, but they are also organizing their own exhibition brands, this also signifies higher level of internationalization. 3. 会展经济研究会做了哪些工作,促进中国展览业的 国际交流?2016 年 UFI 年会将在中国举行,这对中国会 展行业国际化有何推动作用? What is the role of CCEES in promoting international exchange of the exhibition industry? The UFI Congress 2016 will be held in Shanghai, China. What does this mean for the 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 19 SPECIAL FOCUS 特别策划
  • 22. 1. 贵国对展会国际化是否有明确定义(例如国际展 商与买家比例等 ) ?政府对提升展会国际化程度有哪些 支持政策? In your country/region, how do you define whether an exhibition is“international”or not (eg. percentage of international exhibitors or trade visitors)? Does the government or industrial associations have supporting policies to raise the level of internationalization in exhibitions? 从 2008 年开始,俄罗斯制定《展览会与展销会:条款 与定义》,设立了符合 ISO 国际标准的展会标准,规定在展 会上国际展商占展商总数的 10% 以上,以及国际买家人数 占总买家人数超过 5% 的展会为国际性展会。同时,展会的 设施和服务要达到国际标准。RUEF 会员举办的展会中,有 Liudmila Smorodova 30.7% 达到以上标准。 在促进展会国际化方面,俄罗斯有一个会展活动联合会, 隶属于俄罗斯联邦贸易与工业部。该协会每年收集政府部门、 俄罗斯工商会、RUEF 及其他协会等涉及出国展览的机构提 交的提案,根据收集到的情况编录俄罗斯机构在海外举办的 展会名单,并提供一定数额的资金支持。不少 RUEF 会员机 构都设有海外办事处,而 RUEF 也一直与境外的俄罗斯商业 机构保持密切联系。 Since 2008 in Russia there is a standard Exhibition and trade fair activities. Terms and definitions, harmonized with international ISO standard. According to the standard international exhibition/trade fair is an exhibition event with foreign companies making at least 10% of total amount of exhibitors or with at least 5% of foreign visitors; exhibition facilities and services should meet globally recognized standards. Among the exhibitions held by RUEF members 30.7% of the events meet the above requirements. As for supporting policies of internationalization of exhibitions in Russia, there is a Joint Committee on exhibition and trade fair activities under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, which annually collects proposals from government authorities, Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Russia, RUEF and other associations, concerning participation in foreign exhibitions. Basing on the collected information the Committee compiles a List of foreign exhibitions for organizing Russian expositions with partial budgetary funding. A number of RUEF members have offices abroad. RUEF constantly keeps in touch with Russian commercial agencies abroad. Chinese exhibition industry? 会展经济研究会多年来与 UFI、IAEE、AUMA 等知名国 际会展行业组织进行资源交流和人员互访,建立了良性交流 体系。目前,中国成为 UFI 最大的会员来源国和认证项目来 源国。今年,UFI 年会将在上海举行,这是十年后再次回到中国, 无疑将再度推动中国会展行业与国际同行的交流。 CCEES has been exchanging industry resources and visitors for many years with leading exhibition associations including UFI,IAEE and AUMA. Today, China is the largest source country for UFI members and UFI approved events.This year, the UFI Congress will be held in Shanghai, ten years from last time. I think this will surely deepen the communication of the Chinese exhibition industry and international peers. 俄罗斯会展行业协会执行董事 Executive Director, Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs(RUEF) 柳德米拉·斯莫洛多娃 20 出展世界 2016.7-8 SPECIAL FOCUS 特别策划
  • 23. 2. 贵机构做了哪些工作,促进本国展览业的国际交流? What role does your organization play in promoting international communication of local exhibition industry with the rest of the world? RUEF 在促进俄罗斯会展国际化合作方面发挥重要作 用。1994 年,RUEF 成为 UFI 会员,并一直积极利用会员身 份在 UFI 内部对 RUEF 成员的业务进行推广。去年,尽管地 缘政治冲突和国际制裁对俄罗斯经济带来冲击,RUEF 主席 Sergey Alekseev 先生成为第一位来自俄罗斯的 UFI 主席。 虽然这不会马上给俄罗斯展会带来成千上万的参展商,但我 们相信 Sergey Alekseev 先生的 UFI 主席身份一定会进一 步促进俄罗斯会展行业与全球展览行业的融合,这一点目前 已初见成效。 此外,RUEF 办公室会定期将行业信息与相关出版物发送 给世界各地的展览行业协会、俄罗斯商业机国外办事处等,并 得到相关反馈。RUEF 与 IAEE 签订了合作协议,并与 AUMA 等其他国家的展览协会相互合作。在刚刚过去的首个“国际展 览日”,我们的庆祝活动得到了上海市会展行业协会陈先进会 长的贺词,这也是加强中俄两国会展业合作的又一步。 RUEF plays a significant role in this issue. In 1994 RUEF became UFI member, and since then we use all the advantages of our membership in the global association to promote exhibition companies - RUEF members. Last year despite the existing geopolitical situation and sanctions imposed on Russia representative of our country-RUEF President Sergey Alekseev became first- ever Russian UFI President. Certainly, we do not think that this fact will attract thousands of new exhibitors to Russia. Yet we are sure that Sergey Alekseev’s work as UFI President will contribute much to further integration of Russian exhibition industry into the global community and its promotion, and that is what we already witness. RUEF executive office sends topical information and its publications to the global exhibition associations, Russian commercial agencies abroad and always gets feedback. There is a cooperation agreement between RUEF and IAEE. We work closely with AEFI and AUMA, and take part in their General meetings. On the occasion of the first-ever Global Exhibitions Day we got congratulations from SCEIA President CHEN Xianjin. We are very grateful to him and consider this as one more step towards extending relations between Russian and Chinese exhibition industries. 3. 您参加过中国的哪些展览会或会展论坛?您认为中 国展览业国际化可以从哪些方面努力? Have you participated in any trade fairs or exhibition seminars in China? Do you have any proposals to deepen cooperation with the Chinese exhibition industry? RUEF 会员经常参加中国的展览会,尤其是哈尔滨省的 展览会。此外,RUEF 还在中国的各类展览会和商务活动中 设立统一的展位。 现代展览会的特点之一是商务对接。俄罗斯公司参展的 目标不仅是展示自身产品,还包括接洽潜在客户,建立合作关 系。参加展会有利于企业减少支出,并从展会上获益良多。 2015 年,RUEF 在俄罗斯贸易促进处成功举办了会员 推介会。从参展企业数量上说,中国是俄罗斯展览会最大的 国际展商来源国。过去几年间,来俄罗斯参展的中国展商一 直不断增长。2015 年,这一数字下降了 30.3%。为了帮助外 国企业更好地了解俄罗斯市场情况,RUEF 出版了《欢迎您 的合作》手册,介绍俄罗斯联邦的经济动态,并提供知名展 览会的信息,帮助参展商做出明智的参展决策。该手册可在 官网下载。在这里,我衷心祝愿中俄两国展览业 有更多密切合作,共同推动国际化更上一层楼! RUEF members regularly participate in exhibitions and fairs in China. Primarily it is Harbin international economic and trade fair. Besides, RUEF members take part in collective stands and business missions at different exhibitions. One of the most perspective trends at modern exhibitions is matchmaking. Russian companies aim not only at exhibiting themselves but also at negotiating and building relations with potential partners. This reduces the companies’ expenses and allows them to benefit from the trip to the utmost. In 2015 RUEF hold successful presentation of its members in the Russian trade promotion office in Beijing. 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 21 SPECIAL FOCUS 特别策划
  • 24. 的 760,000 名买家,其中 55% 来自海外和中国内地。因此, 国际化成为历年来贸发局所办展会的核心竞争力之一。 香港本身有着众多独特优势,目前已成为服务整个区域 的国际商贸枢纽。香港占据连接中西的策略性地理位置,在 5 小时的飞机航程内可接触到全球近一半人口。此外,香港 多年被选为全球最自由经济体,拥有便于货品流通的开放的 港口以及便利的通关流程。此外,全球近 170 个国家的居民 可以免签入港。本地高效便捷的空港、海港以及成熟的物流 网络联通世界各地。最后,香港还有完备的法律体系,知识 产权保护举措严密,并利于信息自由。 此外,国际化的展会应该有世界级的优秀服务水准。香 港贸发局举办的展会为参展商和买家提供多种增值服务。除 了常规的配有电脑与网络的会议室、提供各种洽谈机会、引 导参观服务、商务配对服务,还有祷告室、清真食物等来满 足不同国家与文化客商的需求。 另外,香港贸发局还与多个行业协会密切合作,共同促 进相关产业的发展,增强展会公信力,并触及全球各地的展 商和买家。 In a nutshell, internationality of an exhibition is interpreted from the presence of international exhibitors and trade visitors. Last year, HKTDC hosted 35 international exhibitions and conferences in Hong Kong with 37,000 participating exhibitors from more than 86 countries and regions, and among them 63% are from overseas and the Chinese mainland. The exhibitions attracted over 760,000 buyers from 199 countries and regions and among them, 55% are from overseas and the Chinese mainland. Thus, a strong presence of international exhibitiors and buyers is the core strength of HKTDC fairs over the years. Hong Kong, endowed with different advantages, has 1. 香港对展会国际化是否有明确定义(例如国际展商 与买家比例等 ) ?特区政府对提升展会国际化程度有哪些 支持政策? In Hong Kong, how do you define whether an exhibition is“international”or not (eg. percentage of international exhibitors or trade visitors)? Does the government or industrial associations have supporting policies to raise the level of internationalization in exhibitions? 整体而言,展会的国际性表现在展商和观众两方面。 去年,香港贸发局在香港本地举办了 35 个国际展览和会 议,共有来自 86 个国家和地区的 37,000 名展商参加,其 中 63% 来自海外和中国内地;以及来自 199 个国家和地区 China, in its turn, ranks first as to the amount of exhibitors taking part in Russian exhibitions. For the last few years this figure was constantly growing though in 2015 the number of Chinese exhibitors reduced by 30.3%. To help foreign companies understand Russia and its regions better, RUEF publishes “We welcome your cooperation” brochure which you may find on our website ( It includes reference information on Russian Federation Regions’ economy in regards to the leading exhibitions to help foreign exhibitors in selecting right events to participate in. To conclude I would like to wish Chinese and Russian exhibition industries effective cooperation and success in internationalization of exhibitions! 香港贸易发展局展览市场拓展总监 Director, Exhibitions Market Development, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) 温少文 Johnny Wan 22 出展世界 2016.7-8 SPECIAL FOCUS 特别策划
  • 25. evolved to become an international trade and business hub serving the entire region. Thanks to its strategic location between East and West, Hong Kong can reach out to almost half the world’s population in less than 5 hours’flying time. Hong Kong has been awarded as the world’s freest economy for many years, with its free port policy and simple customs procedures encouraging free flow of products and materials. And the government’s liberal visa policy ensures visa-free entry to nationals of around 170 countries. Our efficient airport, seaport and transport systems also facilitate connecting other parts of the world to Hong Kong. Furthermore, Hong Kong enjoys a sophisticated legal system which strongly protects copyrights and encourages freedom of information. In addition, an international exhibition should also cater to high and world-class service standards. For HKTDC fairs, we provide a lot of added-value service to our exhibitors and buyers. Apart from the usual meeting lounge with computer and internet service, networking opportunities, guided tours, business matching meetings etc, we also provide special services like prayer room and halal food for fair attendees of various cultures and nationalities. There are many industry associations in Hong Kong and most of them work closely with HKTDC over the years to promote their industries in Hong Kong. Together, we work to strengthen the credibility of our trade fairs and to reach target exhibitors and buyers from worldwide. 2. 贵机构做了哪些工作,促进本地展览业的国际交流? What role does your organization play in promoting international communication of local exhibition industry with the rest of the world? 香港贸发局是香港的法定机构,成立于 1966 年,是助 力香港贸易商、制造商与服务商进行国际推广的中坚力量。 我们每年在全球举办超过 330 项贸易展览及推广活动、590 个交流会或外访团,以及接待约 640 个访港贸易团,协助 中小企业拓展商机。 为了进一步提高展会的国际化水平,香港贸发局在全球 设立了46 个办事处,其中有 13 个在中国内地,深入各个行 业领域,并进行展商与买家邀请,以及与全球的贸易媒体保 持联络。 香港贸发局还是国际展览业协会(UFI)的会员。该协 会以提升展览行业在全球的形象为宗旨,现有 600 多家会员 机构。香港贸发局目前也经常被邀请到全球各地演讲,分享 本地展览会的组织经验。 此外,我们还定期举办路演活动并到各地市场考察,为 贸发局的展会广泛邀请各个行业的观众和媒体。根据全球 和区域内经济发展及政策的最新趋势,香港贸发局积极协 助香港中小企业捕捉新的商机。随着中国内地“一带一路” 策略为亚洲、非洲、欧洲的 65 个沿线国家市场带来巨大发 展潜力,香港贸发局提供相关市场资讯,并建立交流平台, 让各界企业通过香港把握全新机遇。 今年 5 月 18 日,由香港贸发局组织的首届“一带一路 高峰论坛”在相关进行,中国国家领导人与来自沿线国家的 40 多位政府高官,香港、内地与东南亚地区的多位商界领 袖出席。参会代表共有 2,400 多名。 A statutory body established in 1966, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is the international marketing arm for Hong Kong-based traders, manufacturers and services providers. Each year, we organise a broad spectrum of more than 330 trade fairs and promotional activities, 590 networking and outreach events, and receives some 640 trade missions, helping Hong Kong’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) connect with business clients and partners around the world. To further raise the level of internationalization in exhibitions, HKTDC has 46 offices around the world including 13 on the Chinese Mainland to do different industry outreaches, exhibitors and buyers recruitment for our trade shows and liaison with worldwide trade media. Our council is a member of Board of Director of the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI), an internationally recognised association with over 600 member organisations around the globe that promotes and supports the exhibition industry worldwide. Besides, we also organise roadshow and visits in different markets regularly to promote our trade fairs to industry audience 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 23 SPECIAL FOCUS 特别策划
  • 26. as well as international media. The HKTDC responds to latest global and regional economic developments and policies to help Hong Kong SMEs capture new opportunities. With China’s Belt and Road Initiative presenting tremendous potential across Asia, Africa and Europe, notably 65 countries, the HKTDC provides Belt and Road related market intelligence and creates business opportunities to help Hong Kong and nearby regions navigate a world of new opportunities through Hong Kong. HKTDC is one of the promotion bodies in Hong Kong that help spearheading the Belt and Road initiative. HKTDC organised the inaugural Belt and Road Summit which also incorporated an exhibition part on 18 May 2016 to explore business opportunities presented to the world by the Belt and Road Initiative. The Chinese State Leader Zhang Dejiang together with more than 40 senior government ministers from countries located along the Belt and Road routes as well as business leaders from Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland, ASEAN and other regions spoke at the summit, sharing insights from a wide range of perspectives. The high-level event welcomed more than 2,400 participants, including investors, project owners and services professionals. 3. 您参加过中国内地的哪些展览会或会展论坛?目前 香港与中国内地展览业有哪些合作? Have you participated in any trade fairs or exhibition seminars in China? Do you have any proposals to deepen cooperation with the Chinese exhibition industry? 我本人经常参加内地各省的贸易展会和行业活动,与业 界同行广泛交流,并作为演讲嘉宾分享展览方面的心得。 I did attend many trade fairs and industry events in different parts of the mainland from time to time, exchanged professionally with our counterparts in different parts of the mainland, for example, as speaker at relevant exhibition-related conferences and events in the Chinese mainland. 1. 台湾地区对展会国际化是否有明确定义(例如国际 展商与买家比例等 ) ?当地政府对提升展会国际化程度有 哪些支持政策? In Taiwan, how do you define whether an exhibition is “international” or not (eg. percentage of international exhibitors or trade visitors)? Does the government or industrial associations have supporting policies to raise the level of internationalization in exhibitions? 为促进展览产业竞争力及国际化程度,针对具国际化程 度之展览,台湾设有《行政院观光发展推动委员会推动国际 会议及展览在台举办补 ( 捐 ) 助原则》( 简称《会展补捐助》), 其中国际展的定义是指国外直接参展厂商数达占所有参展厂 商家数 10% 以上,或来自 6 个以上国家或地区的国外直接 参展厂商。 政府颁布了推动加强本地展览国际竞争力的方案及《台 台北世界贸易中心副秘书长 台湾展览暨会议商业同业公会理事长 Executive Vice President of Taipei World Trade Center President of Taiwan Exhibition and Conference Association 叶明水 Walter Yeh 24 出展世界 2016.7-8 SPECIAL FOCUS 特别策划
  • 27. 湾会展领航计划》,以配合产业及外贸发展需要,提升现有 国际展规模并加强开发新展,提高会展服务质量效率,强化 台湾会展品牌国际形象及国际竞争力,发展台湾成为全球会 展重要目的地为长期发展目标,期望在政府政策的持续推动 下,带领会展产业航向国际。同时也加强营销台湾会展品牌 “MEET TAIWAN”,强化国内外对台湾会展产业的认知度, 进而创造台湾会展产业的国际品牌效益。 In Taiwan, the standards for international exhibitions is at least 10% of the exhibitors must come from overseas or from 6 countries or regions. The Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT) under the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) has been sparing no efforts to improve Taiwan's MICE industry since 2009. For continued investment in the industry, Taiwan's MICE Promotion Program(MEET TAIWAN) , scheduled to run from 2013 to 2016 was launched to steer Taiwan’s MICE industry to shine on the global stage. Taiwan's MICE Promotion Program is aimed at turning Taiwan into a leader for outstanding MICE services with the long-term objective to enhance the quality and efficiency of services, strengthen Taiwan’s brand and sharpen the competitive edge in the global market and make Taiwan one of the top destinations for MICE business. 2. 贵机构做了哪些工作,促进本地展览业的国际交流? What role does your organization play in promoting international communication of local exhibition industry with the rest of the world? 为协助推动台湾会展国际化,外贸协会除加强举办各项 国外营销活动,包括参加并赞助国际会展组织重要活动,例 如 UFI、AFECA 及 IAEE 等、筹组海外推广团以推介台湾会 展活动、申请国际展览认证以及邀请国外展览产业媒体来台 参访等,借此提升台湾会展产业国际竞争力。例如,贸协每年 皆举办亚洲会展产业论坛 (AMF),该论坛今年将迈入第11届, 邀请来自世界各国会展业领军人物前来共襄盛举,有效为台 湾与国际重要会展组织搭建交流桥梁,并对台湾于国际间宣 传有极大助益。 此外,本人同时也担任台湾展览会议公会理事长,身负 推动台湾会展之使命。由于该公会集合了全台展览筹组、装潢、 设计、旅行、运输、广告、饭店、公关、整合营销及会议服务之 业者,为协助台湾会展业者与国际接轨,展览会议公会积极 加入国际会展组织,如国际展览业协会 (UFI) 及亚洲展览会 议协会联盟 (AFECA),并积极参与其各项组织活动,同时鼓 励会员踊跃参加,多与国外同业交流,建立友谊关系,借由国 际会展交流平台,争取合作机会,并强化台湾会展产业国际 能见度与知名度。 In promoting the level of internationalization of Taiwan MICE industry, we also actively participate in and sponsor international exhibition seminars organized by associations like UFI, AFECA and IAEE, and invite overseas exhibition media to come to visit Taiwan. Furthermore, each year, we organize Asian MICE Forum (AMF). This year is the 11th session and the forum serves as a platform for Taiwan exhibition institutions and international peers to communicate and seek cooperation opportunities. In the same time, in my capacity as President of Taiwan Exhibition and Conference Association, I feel fully responsible for promoting the development of Taiwan exhibition industry covering the whole chain. To achieve this, Taiwan Exhibition and Conference Association has joined UFI and AFECA and members are encouraged to have broad communication with international peers. 3. 您参加过中国内地的哪些展览会或会展论坛?目前 台湾与中国内地展览业有哪些合作? Have you participated in any trade fairs or exhibition seminars in mainland China? Do you have any suggestions for advancing internationalism of the Chinese exhibition industry? 贸协每年视产业及本地商家拓展地区需求,通过组团 参加中国大陆重要的边境展览,扩大台湾产品能见度,并整 体营销台湾品牌企业,例如今年将参加广西南宁东盟博览会、 云南南亚博览会、绥芬河国际口岸贸易博览会(简称绥博会)、 新疆乌鲁木齐亚欧博览会及福州两岸经贸交易会等边境展 等,另亦组台湾馆参加中国重要展览如上海秋季食品展、中 国特许加盟展、深圳机械展及中国国际养老辅具及康复医 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 25 SPECIAL FOCUS 特别策划
  • 28. 1. 作为展览主办方,您觉得国际化程度是否是衡量展 会成功的重要指标之一? As organizer, do you think that internationalization is an important index when assessing exhibitions? 展览会是推动国际贸易和经济技术合作的重要平台,国 际化程度高的展会,拥有海外招商招展的渠道,与国内外行 业协会、商会有着密切的联系;有良好的信誉,受到参展商的 信赖,有着适合展会国际化的服务体系和流程,因此展会才 具有生命力。国际化程度越高的展会,就会有越多的海外参 展商加盟,越多的先进产品和技术参展,越多的信息参与交流, 国内企业接触的海外客户越多,贸易成交的机会就越多。因此, 国际化程度是衡量展会成功与否的一个指标。 I do think that the level of internationalization is an important index for assessing how successful an exhibition is. The more international an exhibition is, the more comprehensive the business recruitment 疗展等。 此外,贸协自 2009 年开始,平均每年举办 5 至 8 场台 湾名品展,迄今总计到过大陆超过 21 座城市,共 2 万多名台 湾厂商参与,至今累积入场观众超过 1,041 万人,有效促进两 岸经贸合作。以今年为例,今年已于 4 月举办甘肃兰州台湾名 品展、5 月河北邯郸台湾名品展、6 月内蒙古呼和浩特台湾名 品展,下半年于 7 月举办天津名品展、8 月吉林长春及广东广 州名品展、9 月南京台湾名品展。 另外,近期本人曾受邀出席中国会展经济国际合作论坛 (CEFCO)、上海会展论坛、海南省会展业创新发展高峰论坛 及广州全球会展圆桌会等活动并担任演讲嘉宾,除分享台湾 举办展览经验外,亦介绍亚洲会展产业的趋势。 中国大陆近年来经济快速成长,会展产业受到政府的重 视,在各城市发展快速,亦有许多国际性大展纷纷往中国大 陆办展,例如上海 CES、深圳 IFA 及上海 MWC 等。此时中 国会展产业更须跨向国际,例如可加入国际性组织如 UFI、 AFECA 及 ICCA 等国际交流平台,借以向世界交流,创造更 多机会。 Each year, based on the market development plan of Taiwan exhibitors, TAITRA organize local companies to participate in a variety of leading exhibitions in mainland China, including China-ASEAN Expo in Nanning, China- South Asia Expo in Yunnan, and China-Eurasia Expo in Urumqi. Since 2009, TAITRA has been organizing 5 to 8 sessions of Taiwan Trade Fair in mainland China each year. To this day, we have covered about 21 cities and received over 10 million visitors and has greatly contributed to the trade of the two sides. I have spoken at several exhibition seminars in mainland China including CEFCO and Global Exhibition CEO Shanghai Summit. In recent years, with the rapid growth of mainland’s economy, local governments also attach importance to the exhibition industry. The organizers of many leading trade shows have also organized their shows in mainland China. I think this shall creates new opportunities for the Chinese exhibition industry towards higher level of internationalization. Again joining international exhibition organizations can help realize this goal. 北京振威展览有限公司总经理 General Manager, Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co., Ltd. 贾鹏洲 Jia Pengzhou 26 出展世界 2016.7-8 SPECIAL FOCUS 特别策划
  • 29. channels are. It also means that the organizer has closer relationship with domestic and international industry associations and chambers of commerce. Such exhibitions enjoy good reputation and are usually more trusted by exhibitors. International exhibition receives more overseas exhibitions and advanced products and technologies, and there is more information exchange on site, which means exhibitors can meet more overseas buyers and there is higher possibility to close deals. 2. 请您简要介绍公司旗下的 UFI 认证展会,以及在展 会国际化方面做了哪些工作? Please list some of the ufi-approved by your company and what have you done to meet international standards? 推进展览业的国际化,必须与国际惯例接轨,按国际标 准衡量。通过国际展览联盟(UFI) 认证,达到 UFI 提出的国 际化标准,利用这个平台,打造出自身的实力和品牌。 振威通过 UFI 认证的展会有:中国国际石油石化技术装 备展览会、中国新疆国际煤炭工业博览会、中国新疆国际农 业博览会、中国天津国际机床展览会、 中国天津国际机械工 业装备博览会、中国天津国际工业自动化技术装备展览会、中 国新疆国际矿业与装备博览会。 在实现展会国际化方面,振威长期与各国大使馆,领事 馆保持合作关系;与各国商协会,行业协会建立良好的合作 关系;与国外媒体合作,使振威展会在国际媒体平台上得以 宣传;参观国际性展会并积极做国际推广,进一步建立合作 关系;吸纳国际化人才,不断开拓国际业务;跟国际同类顶级 展览公司不断加强沟通与合作。 In order to make an international exhibition, we must meet international standards. Zhenwei Exhibition now has several ufi-approved events including International Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (CIPPE), China Xinjiang International Coal Industry Exhibition, China Xinjiang International Agricultural Fair. I n t h e p r o c e s s o f i m p r o v i n g t h e l e v e l o f internationalism,Zhenwei Exhibition has long been in good cooperation relationship with foreign embassies, industry associations, and international media.We also actively promote our exhibitions in international trade fairs, recruit international talents,expand international business, and deepen cooperation relationship with leading international organizers. 3. 在会展企业运营的国际化方面,例如人才国际化等, 贵机构有哪些设想和实践? What is your view on international talents cultivation and company operation? 展览业的国际竞争实际上就是人才的竞争,吸纳、培养 高素质的国际化人才成为企业国际化运营的重要工作。我们 与高等院校合作,在振威建立会展行业的培训基地,为优秀 的毕业生提供良好的就业平台与发展空间。同时振威也在积 极招募和吸引高端的会展人才,为其创造良好的工作环境以 及上升机制,让专业的人做专业的事并在专业的领域中充分 发挥力量。 I think that the international competition in the exhibition industry is actually the competition for talents. Therefore, locating and training competent international talents is an important part of the international operation of the company. On one hand,Zhenwei Exhibition has training bases for university graduates and on the other hand, we have been actively recruit high-end exhibition talents and create attractive working environment and job promotion system for them. Redefining internationalism of global exhibition industry 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 27 SPECIAL FOCUS 特别策划
  • 30. □编译 / 苏希玲 德国展会数据统计 50 年 1965 年,6 家德国展览公司协商建立一个统一的展会数据统计平台。一年后,德国博览 会 和 展 览会 统 计自愿 审 核 学 会(FKM, Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and Exhibition Statistics)成立并开始运作。 28 出展世界 2016.7-8 VIEWPOINTS 环球视点
  • 31. 1965 年,杜塞尔多夫展览公司、 法兰克福展览公司、汉诺威展览公 司、科隆展览公司、奥芬巴赫展览公 司、纽伦堡玩具展览公司等六家展览 公司的负责人计划发起德国展览行业 统计,并任命审计师 Erwin Pougin 来制定统一的展会审计标准。时任 科 隆 国 际 五 金 展 董 事 总 经 理 Carl Ferdinand von der Heyde 被推选为 审计委员会的主席,并担任该职位直 到 1974 年。早在 50 年前,即 1966 年左右,德国博览会和展览会统计自 愿审核学会(FKM)就开始运营。在 最初的一年,FKM 审计的展会就达到 22 个之多。 此后,德国展览行业开始为德国 国内展会设置国际标准。当时,只有 法国有同样的展会统计。从某种意义 上说,FKM 的成立并不是完全自发, 一厢情愿。在当时,各大主办方之间 的竞争十分激烈。而展商层面也存在 很多怀疑。正如 FKM 创立文件中写 的:“在展览行业,很多国内和国际展 会主办方都夸大展会观众、展商人数 和展出面积等数据,导致参展商和观 众怀疑主办方提供的一切数据,也影 响了展览行业的透明度。此外,这也 阻碍了潜在观众和参展商做出客观的 决定。” 在此背景下,展会数据统计逐渐 成 为 实 践。1970 年, 经 过 FKM 统 计 的 展会 场 次 渐 渐 达 到 45 场, 而 到 1980 年,审计场次已达 130 场。 FKM董事总经理Harald Kötter表示, “进行展会统计的目的是赢得参展商 和展会观众的信任,并使展览行业意 识到展会数据统计的价值。这到今天 都一直是 FKM 的主要目标。现在我们 共有 54 个会员,每年由安永会计师事 务所对 200 多场展会进行审计。这家 公司于二十多年前收购了 FKM。” 然而,仅仅只是统计展会观众的 数量是不够的。对展会观众的统计内 容和统计方法进行规范似乎很必要。 为此,1973 年,相关机构召开了一场 “令人难忘的会议”。德国展览行业协 会(AUMA)召集了一场主题为“展览 行业透明度”的会议。就内容方面, 是为了设立标准化的访客调查框架。 参会代表包括众多参展商、展会观众、 各类主办方协会。其中协会包括德国 工业联合会(BDI)、德国工业贸易会 (DIHT)、各大德国展览主办方协会、 FKM、德国广告业联盟(ZAW)等。 当时 ZAW 的主席、西门子公司董事 Dankwart Rost 是德国广告业强烈要 求透明的展览业数据的关键人物。经 过数论商讨,参会代表们达成一致, 制定了 8 个针对展会观众开展的调查 的标准问题。1975 年,FKM 首个观 众调查框架出台,并被应用于十几个 展会的调研上。 然而,观众调查标准在此后几年 的实施情况并不理想。五年之后,也 就是 1980 年,虽然 FKM 审计的展会 达到 130 个之多,根据 FKM 标准进 行调查的展会仅有 27 个。稍后,在展 览行业自身的推动以及西门子公司的 强力推动下,制定相关标准的第二次 明显进展是在 1982 年。AUMA 展览 行业透明度工作组再次发挥了重要作 用。在 1983 年,AUMA 主办的讨论 会召开,参会代表们制定了更为详细 的展会调查提纲。1984 年,这套新的 标准出台,并得到绝大部分 FKM 成员 的认可。在此后的第一年,大约有 50 个展会依据此标准展开调研。到 1990 年,这一数字攀升至 110 个。 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 29 VIEWPOINTS 环球视点
  • 32. Trade fair politics: Verifying exhibition data for 50 years By Peter Borstel In 1965 six German trade fair companies agreed to create uniform standards for auditing trade fair statistics. One year later FKM started operating. The initiators from Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hannover, Cologne, Offenbach and Nuremberg Toy Fair let deeds follow words. They resolved that the fulfilment of the created standards should be audited and appointed the auditor Erwin Pougin for this task. The Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and Exhibition Statistics (FKM) was founded for this purpose. Carl Ferdinand von der Heyde, then Managing Director of Cologne Fair, was elected chairman and remained in office until late 1974. 50 years ago, in early 1966, FKM started operating. In the first twelve months it was able to audit as many as 22 trade fairs. With this achievement the German trade fair industry set international standards. Similar initiatives were only being undertaken in France at this time. The foundation of FKM was probably not entirely voluntary. Intensified competition between fair organisers had led to turf wars in the industry. And there was a great deal of scepticism on the part of exhibitors. The following comment was made in the founding documents: “In the exhibition industry numerous domestic and foreign organisers publish inflated figures for visitors, exhibitors, and exhibition spaces. This circumstance contributes to making exhibitors and visitors distrust all figures provided by fair organisers, and obstructs the transparency of the exhibition industry. In addition, this makes it difficult for businesses 30 出展世界 2016.7-8 VIEWPOINTS 环球视点
  • 33. who constitute potential exhibitors or visitors to come to an objective decision.” And hence the vision of certified trade fair statistics became a reality: By 1970, proceeding rather slowly, 45 fairs were being audited, and by 1980 the figure had already risen to 130. “The aim was to gain the trust of exhibitors and visitors, and make the industry aware of the benefits of certified fair data,” underlines Harald Kötter. “And to promote objective exhibition decision-making,” adds the Managing Director of FKM. “This is still one of the major goals of the Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and Exhibition Statistics.” It currently boasts 54 members and has 200 fairs a year audited in Germany by the firm Ernst Young, which had taken over the company of the founding auditor Erwin Pougin around two decades ago. But auditing mere visitor figures was not enough. A standardisation of the contents and methodology of the visitor surveys appeared to be necessary. For this purpose a “memorable meeting” was held on 14 June 1973. The Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA) convened a meeting with the innocuous title “Transparency of Fairs and Exhibitions”. In reality, its aim was to create a standardised visitor structure test. The meeting was attended by representatives of numerous exhibitor, visitor and organiser interest groups – BDI, DIHT, HDE, the associations of trade fair organisers, FKM and even ZAW, the German Advertising Federation. Its then president, Dankwart Rost, a Siemens director, was the key motor behind demands of the industry for more transparent trade fair figures. After a few rounds of negotiations the participants agreed on eight standard questions. The first FKM visitor structure tests were conducted and published in 1975 for a good dozen fairs. However, the topic of visitor structure data failed to take off in the years that followed. Five years later, in 1980, surveys based on the FKM standards were only performed for 27 fairs – although exhibitor and visitor figures were already being audited for around 130 fairs. The second round came in 1982, again on the industry’s initiative and with strong support from Siemens. AUMA’s exhibition transparency working group convened once again. In late 1983 the participants endorsed an extended catalogue with more detailed questions. In 1984 the “new” visitor structure test was launched and won the approval of the broad spectrum of FKM members. In the first year around 50 surveys were conducted according to the new standard, and the figure already climbed to over 110 in 1990. 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 31 VIEWPOINTS 环球视点
  • 34. 本刊记者 / 苏希玲 活力、本色魁北克 魁北克,作为加拿大最大的省,面 积达 166 万平方公里。魁北克的电影、 马戏、歌剧、音乐等文化产业在全球范 围都受到认可。此外,魁北克在空气净 化、航空、高铁、医疗系统、绿色矿产 技术、农产品等领域也取得了显著的 成就,并期望在“十三五”期间与中国 开拓更大的合作空间。 魁北克政府驻中国办事处主任、领事雷平江 ——访魁北克政府驻中国办事处主任、领事雷平江 32 出展世界 2016.7-8 EMBASSY INTERVIEW 使馆访谈
  • 35. 全球知名的文化产业 魁北克省,作为加拿大最大的省,面积达 166 万平方公里,占加拿大总面积的五分之一。在广袤 的版图上,魁北克人口仅有 800 多万,其中 78% 的 居民以法语为第一语言,魁北克文化完美融合了北 美原住民的淳朴自然和法国文化中对生活的美好追 求。为了传承悠久的民族文化,魁北克人民打造了 丰富的艺术、文化活动,创造出先进的技术与多彩 的内容。每年夏天,各类大型的文化和体育的赛事 纷纷拉开序幕:国际烟火节、世界一级方程式锦标赛、 蒙特利尔国际爵士节等盛事吸引成千上万的观众, 还有法国欢畅音乐节和欢笑节等。 魁北克的电影、马戏、歌剧、音乐等,在全球范 围都受到认可,加上先进的产业技术作为支撑,发 展势头迅猛,而丰富新奇的内容恰能满足中国观众 尤其是中产阶级了解不同事物的兴趣。这也是魁北 克驻华办事处的业务推广重点之一。 魁北克政府驻中国办事处主任、领事雷平江先生 早在 1983 年就作为加拿大广播公司驻华记者在中国 工作数年。5 个月之前,屡新魁北克政府驻中国办事 处主任、领事一职。他表示,多年以来,自己见证 了中国改革开放、不断富强的过程,并表示,中国 与魁北克都有各自的优势,可以互相借鉴、互相进步。 雷平江先生表示,虽然自己上任只有短短的几个月, 但已经深深地感受到中国在娱乐、艺术等领域的巨 大市场需求,令他深感激动。 期望与中国在科技产业深度合作 除了在文化领域成就斐然,魁北克在空气净化、 航空、高铁、医疗系统、绿色矿产技术、农产品等领 域也取得了显著的成就。雷平江先生认为,中国目前 正在实施“十三五”计划,在此过程中,中魁双边企 业在高科技领域、产业研发等方面有很大的合作空间。 今年 5 月份,魁北克官方展团参加第四届京交会。魁 北克方面派出交通工具认证、多媒体、物流与电子商 务、空气净化等领域的数家知名企业参会。雷平江先 生认为,这是展示魁北克的优势产业技能与服务,服 务中国市场,是双方企业加强互信与了解很好的契机。 商务投资方面,一直以来,魁北克是深受中国企 业青睐的投资目的地。雷平江先生认为,相对于中国 企业对魁北克巨大的投资热情,魁北克的投资移民政 策显得相对保守,魁北克政府应该吸纳更多受过良好 教育且能促进当地产业发展的中国投资者。他注意到, 近年来,大量中国私募基金机构尝试在魁北克进行多 样性投资,双边合作呈现良好的势头。魁北克政府驻 北京代表处成立于 1998 年,其主要职责是推介魁北 克城市形象,并协调政府关系,以及经济、科学、技 术、教育和文化方面的关系。雷平江先生表示,目前, 魁北克政府驻华办事处大部分工作人员都是在该机构 工作了多年的资深中国雇员,不仅具备跨文化意识, 而且有着对中国市场的深刻了解,他相信,这将有助 于推动双边在各领域的交流与合作。 淳朴风光 深厚文化 魁北克有着加拿大 85% 的枫树,也有着丰富的 文化和历史。魁北克首都蒙特利尔是继巴黎之后的 全球第二大法语城市,拥有近四百万人口。到魁北 克旅游,不仅可以欣赏独特的自然风光,更可以亲 身体验当地土著人如何与恶劣的自然环境作斗争, 以及原生态的渔猎生活。 魁北克冬季气候非常寒冷,当地居民喜爱滑雪、 冰球各类冬季运动。魁北克造就了多个世界级的冰 球冠军。2008 年在中国举办的奥运会,魁北克方面 除了参赛,还为中方组委会培训了一批优秀的法语 译员。雷平江先生表示,中国国家主席习近平提倡 大力发展体育产业,他希望,2022 年的北京冬奥会, 中魁双方将有更多深层合作。 目前,北京——蒙特利尔航线是蒙特利尔与亚洲 的唯一直飞航线。目前,中国已成为美国、法国、 英国之后的魁北克第四大国际游客来源国。在未来, 魁北克旅游局北京办事处将在“精彩本色魁北克” 的标语下,通过社交媒体等渠道,大力开拓北上广 等一线城市为主的中国旅游市场。 作为一名前资深记者,雷平江先生透露,之前作 为魁北克驻华记者,是为了将世界各地的情况介绍 给魁北克。而现在作为魁北克政府驻中国办事处主 任,则致力于将世界各地的商机带到魁北克当地。 他也鼓励魁北克的年轻人亲自到中国来看这个全球 第二大的经济体,并学习中国在优势领域的经验。 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 33 EMBASSY INTERVIEW 使馆访谈
  • 36. Quebec: Dynamic and Original Reported by Celion Su ——An Interview with Jean-François Lépine, Director of Representation of Quebec Government in Beijing Introduction: Quebec as the biggest province in Canada, its territory accounts for one fifth of the total territory of Canada. The culture industries including movie, circus, opera and music are world famous. On the other hand, the province has also achieved remarkable results in high-tech sectors like air purification, aircraft, high-speed rail, medical system, green mining, and agriculture technology. Quebec companies look forward to further cooperate with Chinese companies during China’s 13th Five-Year Plan. 34 出展世界 2016.7-8 EMBASSY INTERVIEW 使馆访谈
  • 37. Though it has a large territory in Canada, Quebec possesses a relatively small population of 8 million people. 78% of the residents speak French as the first language, which is the official language of the province. In order to reserve its rich cultural heritage, Quebec people have created rich culture and they celebrate numerous festivals and sports events, some are world famous: International des feux Loto-Québec, Grand Prix of Canada, Festival international de jazz de Montréal, and many more. Although he has only taken his place as Director of Representation of Quebec Government in Beijing for only four months when this interview was conducted, Mr. Jean- François Lépine has noticed the huge demand of middle class population in China for interesting creative culture and entertainment contents, and expects to introduce Quebec culture products to the Chinese market. Apart from culture and arts industry, the province of Quebec has also achieved remarkable results in high-tech sectors like air purification, aircraft, high-speed rail, medical system, green mining, and agriculture technology. As a former senior journalist from Canada to China as early as in 1983, Mr. Jean- François Lépine spent many years in China and witnessed the enormous transformation of China towards power and strength. He points out that China and Quebec each have unique advantages for mutual cooperation and mutual progress. During the CIFTIS (CIFTIS) at the end of May this year, Quebec sent several leading companies from industries like transport vehicle authentication, multimedia, logistics, e-commerce and air purification. Mr. Jean-François Lépine thinks that during the process of the Chinese Government’s 13th Five-Year Plan, Quebec companies can further cooperate with Chinese companies in these fields. Established in 1998, Representation of Quebec Government in Beijing is dedicated to promoting Quebec trade and culture environment. In recent years, more and more private funds are doing diverse investments in Quebec. Currently, Beijing-Montreal air line is the only direct flight from Asia to Quebec. China has become the fourth largest international tourists source country to Quebec after the United States, France and UK. With the slogan of Quebec Original, Quebec will further promote its diverse culture and science strengths in China. 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 35 EMBASSY INTERVIEW 使馆访谈
  • 38. 编译 / 苏希玲 会展中心驱动亚太区经济发展 ——访国际会议中心协会主席 Geoff Donaghy、 副主席 Aloysius Arlando 导读:在本文中,国际会议中心协会(AIPC)主席 Geoff Donaghy 和副主席 Aloysius Arlando 以两种不 同的视角探讨了会展中心的角色,却得出了一致的结论:亚太区会展中心在推动区域整体经济发展中扮演重要作用。 Geoff Donaghy Aloysius Arlando 36 出展世界 2016.7-8 INTERVIEW 访谈
  • 39. AIPC 副主席、新加坡 EXPO 会展中心首席执行 官 Aloysius Arlando 表示,亚太区域的大部分会展 中心都是政府为促进当地经济发展而兴建,用以举 办各类活动,以交流知识,分享经验,构建商务伙 伴关系。因此,会议中心一方面能吸引大量游客, 促进旅游业的发展,另一方面也有助于提升所在城 市作为商务 / 旅游目的地的形象,并进一步吸引企业、 专业人士与团体落户当地。 Arlando 指出,很多城市的政府当局已经认识到 了会展中心以及各类活动带来的巨大价值,并制定 了专门的规划来释放这些价值。“这些活动一般在 大型会展中心举办,一般涉及举办城市的关键产业, 吸引专业人才,因此能直接促进举办地的经济发展。 例如,在新加坡,我们承办的大部分活动都是在医 疗保健、石油与天然气、航空等领域,这与新加坡 建设知识经济之都的愿景相一致。” AIPC 主席、悉尼国际会议中心首席执行官、 AEG Ogden 集团会议中心总监 Geoff Donaghy 则 认为,会展活动带来了高消费参会代表,为主办城 市带来的直接效益是巨大的经济收入。除此之外, 他还补充说,“活动为主办城市带来的益处还可以 更多、更长久。例如,参会代表们在活动上建立的 交流和联系,可以促进主办城市的商务发展与创新 进程。从更广泛的意义上说,拉动对所在行业的投 入,完善基础设施建设、知识交流、社会参与度等 等,都是会展活动与各类商务活动带给主办城市的 益处。” 与此同时,为了提供与各类活动相匹配的硬件设 施,各地也兴建了很多会展设施。Arlando 表示,“我 们大力吸引各类与新加坡经济发展重点一致的活动, 并与政府机构、企业、学术机构、贸易机构与专业 机构深度合作,吸引相应的行业合作到我们的会展 中心举办。”Donaghy 也同意此观点,并补充说,“吸 引那些与本地政府经济发展蓝图重点相吻合的活动 非常关键,但这也只是场馆促进当地经济发展的部 分功能而已。”正是因为有了此类活动,会展中心 的发展与所在城市的发展取得了很好的平衡与互补, 并带动了一系列相关产业的发展。 Arlando 认为,虽然会展中心带来的一系列益处 一般为当地官员与社区所认可,但会展中心也必须 把这些潜在的效益实现出来。他说,“会展中心一 般是花费巨资建造而成,因此,当地政府或中央政 府必须先看到场馆带来的直接收益,才会进一步全 力配合邀请相关活动前来举办,从而实现会展中心 带动当地经济发展的良性循环。”Donaghy 也赞道, “在过去几年中,我们看到,政府以及更广泛的行 业群体对会展中心的作用有了更深刻的认识。而各 会展中心与 AIPC 等行业协会也做了大量的宣传工 作,让人们认识到会展活动对所在城市的作用不仅 仅是带动了旅游业的发展。近来也有好些相关的研 究,表明了会展中心为所在城市带来的知识交换、 学术价值与经济效益。这些研究数据可以让人们更 好地认识会展中心以及各类商务活动带来的巨大价 值。” 总而言之,会展中心为城市所带来的不仅仅是拉 动旅游业的发展。如果当局有科学、系统的策略, 会展中心将可以为所在城市的经济发展起到巨大的 推动作用。 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 37 INTERVIEW 访谈
  • 40. Convention Centres – Economic Engines in the Asia Pacific Reported by Celion Su ——An Interview with Geoff Donaghy, AIPC President and Aloysius Arlando, AIPC Vice President According to Aloysius Arlando, CEO of Singapore EXPO Convention and Exhibition Centre, such facilities are typically built by governments to stimulate the economy through hosting events that exchange knowledge, share experiences, support business networking and build business partnerships in that region. While significant tourism receipts result, centres also help to raise the brand profile of the destination as a business and/or tourism destination of choice, which can help to attract companies, think-tanks and professional bodies to establish a presence there. Arlando says that many cities recognise the rich value centres and events bring, and have developed plans to capture this. “The kinds of events that take place in major convention centres directly address economic and business priorities, as they are typically in industries that drive the economy and support the talent pool. In Singapore’s case, we attract events relating to key sectors such as healthcare, oil and gas and aviation, as these are aligned with Singapore’s vision of a knowledge-based economy.” Strong financial benefits and high spending delegates are key to measuring the economic impacts convention centres deliver to their host city, says Geoff Donaghy, CEO of the International Convention Centre Sydney and Director Convention Centres for AEG Ogden. “However, they also provide the platform for much richer, more enduring benefits Two different perspectives on the role of convention centres in the Asia-Pacific region yield much the same response, further reinforcing the conclusion that centres everywhere in this area are recognized as key factors in the overall economic and professional development of their respective communities. 38 出展世界 2016.7-8 INTERVIEW 访谈
  • 41. of business events to host cities such as the development of business relationships and the innovation that stems from the networking and connections that occur. Industry investment and infrastructure development, knowledge transfer and social ventures are all benefits that convention centres and business events are able to deliver to their host communities”, says Donaghy. This in turn leads to many centres systematically and preferentially going after events that support this kind of development. “We target events in key industries and reach deep into these verticals by working closely with government agencies, companies, academia, trade and professional bodies to attract these to our centre” says Arlando. Donaghy agrees, adding “Securing events that are aligned with the economic strategies and priorities of Government is critical, but this only represents part of the market venues need to pursue to achieve their economic targets”. The result is a balanced approach that must manage a range of potential business in order to achieve multiple performance objectives”. While these broader values are generally recognized by local officials and the overall community, this appreciation must be translated into action says Arlando. “As centres are heavy investments, local or national governments must first see the value the centres bring both from the economic and community perspectives. They can then work together to attract relevant events to support efforts to grow the economy, based on an alignment within government agencies on how centres can support efforts to boost the economy”. Donaghy agrees. “We have seen significant progress over recent years for both Government and the broader industry to understand the role of convention centres, and a great deal of advocacy work has been done by both convention centres and representative industry bodies such as AIPC to raise the profile of business events and their Beyond Tourism benefits to host cities. There have been a number of studies that underscore the range of intellectual, academic and financial benefits of an operational centre to its host city, and these can be used to reinforce the need for an evolving view of what centres and their related business activities achieve”. The bottom line: centres deliver much more than just tourism receipts - particularly to those destinations that know how to use them strategically in support of their overall development priorities. Geoff Donaghy is AIPC President, CEO of International Convention Centre Sydney and Director Convention Centres AEG Ogden. Aloysius Arlando was elected Vice-President of AIPC and is CEO of Singapore EXPO Convention and Exhibition Centre and SingEx Group. AIPC represents a global network of 180 leading centres in 57 countries with the active involvement of more than 900 management-level professionals worldwide. It is committed to encouraging and recognizing excellence in convention centre management, based on the diverse experience and expertise of its international representation, and maintains a variety of educational, research, networking and standards programs to achieve this. AIPC also celebrates and promotes the essential role of the international meetings industry in supporting economic, academic and professional development and enhancing global relations amongst highly diverse business and cultural interests. 7-8.2016 Overseas Exhibitions 39 INTERVIEW 访谈