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Brand & new category design
consistency in brand extensions
Jessy Schott
April 17, 2015 Arizona State University
Wil Heywood, Ph.D
Committee Member
Visual Communication
John Takamura
Committee Member
Industrial Design
Mookesh Patel
Visual Communication
Al Sanft
Committee Member
Visual Communication
Al Sanft
Committee Member
Visual Communication
Literature Review
Data Analysis
Literature Review
Data Analysis
Literature Review
Data Analysis
Literature Review
Data Analysis
Literature Review
Data Analysis
Conceptual Framework
Research Questions
Scope & Limitations
Google Glass
Brand extension strategy leverages the equity of an
established brand name to increase consumer
acceptance of a new extension product that carries the
same brand’s attributes and character (Keller, 1993).
US brand extension failure rate is reported to be 84%
in many consumer good categories
(Ernst & Young, 2009).
Overarching purpose
to examine the impact of BDC and CDC on
consumers’ attitudes and purchase intensions
toward brand extensions, and to provide insight on
the design elements and how they should be
implemented with the understanding of processing
fluency method.
Brand extension:
Leveraging a well-known brand name in one
category to launch a new product in a different
category is known as “brand extension”.
Parent brand:
The definition of “parent” as the product that
originally used the brand name is similar to the
definition of “core” brand.
Brand design consistency (BDC):
The design consistency between the concept of a
parent brand and the extension product as perceived
by the consumer.
Category design consistency (CDC):
The degree to which the design of an extension
product is prototypical of its category exemplar.
The form of recognition-based processing – processing
related to the perception of the parent brand.
Processing fluency theory (PFT):
The theory that asserts that “aesthetic pleasure is a
function of the perceiver’s processing dynamics”.
Hypothetical brands/products
A study conducted by Page and Herr (2002) found that
product aesthetics have greater impact than brand
strength on consumer liking based off memorization of
parent brand descriptions.
Processing fluency tells us a consumer’s purchase
Goh et al. (2013) also found that when prototyping,
both BDC and CDC significantly had impact effects on
new product attitude in brand extensions.
Test existing products in existing marketplaces
Aaker, Fournier, and Brasel (2004) call for research that
is able to test products that already existing in the
marketplace and see the connection to consumers
using different parent brand standards.
Why research is needed:
•	 distinguish consumer values on design
elements in extended products
•	 prototype of the actual extension product is
•	 better understanding of consumer decision
•	 brand extension attitudes
•	 purchase intentions
Conceptual Framework
parent brand strength
BDC strength
CDC strength
consumer attitude
toward brand extension
Research Questions
Should an extension into a new consumer category be
consistent with the parent brand image?
According to Goh et al. (2013), consumer purchase
intention significantly increases when the BDC and
CDC are easily recognizable to the consumer.
Consumers being able to connect the extended
product to the parent brand by brand description and
description of hypothetical category extensions by
aesthetics and design (Sood and Keller, 2012).
Research has found that brand loyalty is a direct
correlation of trustworthiness and has the greatest
impact on consumer choice (Erdem and Swait, 2004).
What design features are critical in consumer
evaluations of design between brand extension and
the parent brand?
How does the BDC and CDC affect brand loyalty?
Scope and Limitations
The parent brands that will be used are Google and
Apple. These brands are international technology
companies with huge consumer bases and brand
This study is only is concerned with two brands in a
single consumer category.
Time and sample size.
Undergraduate students who are consumers of the
mentioned brands studying in the Herberger Institute
for Design and The Art and W.P. Carey School of
Business at Arziona State University in the Spring
semester of 2015.
They will be between the ages of 18-23. Both male and
females will be surveyed.
Voluntary basis and include approximately 100
undergraduate student participants in the disciplines of
design and business.
Google Glass
In 2014,Google was ranked third on Forbes “World’s
Most Valuable Brands”, bringing in over 380 billion
dollars in revue annually (Forbes, 2014).
Previous competition: Yahoo, Bing
Current competition: Apple, Amazon, Facebook
April 2012
Google announced they were going to be venturing into
a new consumer category with “Project Glass”.
June 2012
Google Glass Explorer edition was released to
consumers who could purchase the product for $1,500
and provide feedback on the product on a weekly basis.
January 2015
Google announced they were shutting down their
“explorer program” and will be going through a “transition”.
2Literature Review
Brand Experience
Brand Extension
Processing Fluency
Brand Experience
Brand identity and image
Brand identity and brand image are related as they are
essential ingredients for a strong brand (Nandan, 2005).
Identity represents the company while image
represents the consumer (Srivastava, 2011).
The development of brand image, while attempting to
present brand identity to the consumers, enhances the
position of a company and opens up room for brand
extensions (Vytautas, Aiste, and Regina, 2007).
Components of brand image:
•	 brand vision
•	 brand culture
•	 positioning
•	 personality
•	 relationship
•	 presentation
Chernatony (2001), de Charlatony (1999)
Brand Experience
Brand personality
Five dimensions of the brand personality scale:
•	 sincerity
•	 excitment
•	 competence
•	 sophistications
•	 ruggedness
Brand personality can be defined as attributing
human characteristics to brands (Aaker, 1997;
Keller & Richey, 2006).
Brand Experience
Brand strength
Brand strength is a heuristic “short cut” that forms
consumer’s attitudes towards products (Goh et al., 2013).
Extension product success will depend on the
accessibility oft he parent brand (Keller & Aaker, 1992).
Brand strength effects on consumer responses in:
•	 advertising context (Dahlen & Lange, 2005)
•	 product quality judgement (Page & Herr, 2002)
•	 retailing context (Woodside & Walser, 2007)
•	 brand extension strategy/pricing (DelVecchio & Smith, 2005)
Brand Extension
Effect of perceived fit
Gives extensions credibility, which in turn creates a
more willingness to buy (Buil et al., 2009).
Perceived fit between the parent brand and the
extension is one of the major determinants of brand
extension success (Volckner & Sattler, 2006).
Important factors:
•	 weight in the evaluation of extension brands
and products (Aaker & Keller, 1990)
•	 feedback effect on the parent brand (Smith &
Park, 1992)
Brand Extension
Common brand extension approaches
Risks diluting the core brand image built within the
parent brand name (Aaker, 1990).
Brand extension must create its own niche within the
company’s brand-mix (Chen and Liu, 2004).
Current brand extension strategy:
•	 horizontal: new product in a new category
•	 vertical: same category with different price point &
quality level
Processing Fluency
Product attitude & Purchase intention Processing Fluency
Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA): person’s overall
attitude towards an object and their intention to
perform a behavior (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980).
How a person’s attitude toward a product is influenced
by the ease with which he/she identifies and
recognizes the product (Reber et al., 2004).
Kids, Fun, Family
Social Involvement
Happy Meal Toys
Birthday Parties
Ronald McDonald
Portion Size
Good Tasting
Big Mac
Ronald McDonald House
Research Design
Literature Review
Pre-Test Study & Findings
Data Analysis Methods & Procedures
Research design
Mixed methods approach with quantitative & qualita-
tive data collected through:
100 undergraduates between the ages of 18-23 in the
Herberger Institute for Design and The Arts and W.P.
Carey School of Business during the spring 2015
•	 literature review
•	 case study (Apple & Google)
•	 pre-test
•	 survey
Case Study
Inspired by bold color statements with
muted environments, taking cues from 	
contemporary architecture, road signs,
pavement marking tape, and sports courts.
Illustration and photography enhances the
user experience, choose images that
express personal relevance, information,
and delight.
Roboto has been refined extensively to work
across the wider set of supported
plaforms. It is slightly wider and rounder,
giving it greater clarity.
Family of pure, clean and neutral colors that
look great individually and in combination, 	
and on both light and dark backgrounds.
Icons and photography are unique,
uncluttered, engaging, and memorable.
Imagery should never be used
more than once.
Helvetica Neue is used across all interfaces
for readability, sharpness, and unity through
all interfaces and marketing.
10 questions that gathered information on brand
image, experience with the brand, brand strength,
perceptual characteristics of the brands, and best-fit
consumer category for Apple and Google.
Which brand do you favor more?
Which brand do you think is stronger?
•	 participants favored Google over Apple in
•	 Apple was rated as a stronger brand than Google
due to brand image
•	 Google best fit into the technology services and
news and information cateogry
19 questions that gathered information on brand
image, experience with the brand, brand strength,
perceptual characteristics of the brands, and best-fit
consumer category for Apple and Google.
3 products were shown where participants were asked
questions directly relating to BDC and CDC of each
•	 MacBook with “Siri” search engine on screen
•	 “GoogleBook” with Google search engine on screen
•	 Google Glass
100 undergraduates between the ages of 18-23 in the
Herberger Institute for Design and The Arts and W.P.
Carey School of Business during the spring 2015
4Data Analysis
Brand Experience & Familiarity
BDC & CDC in Extension Products
Participant Demographics
Brand Experience & Familiarity
Best-Fit Consumer Category
Apple Google
News or Information
Mobile Applications
Mobile Connected
Technology Services
Consumer Electronics
News or Information
Mobile Applications
Mobile Connected
Technology Services
Consumer Electronics
BDC and CDC in Extension
MacBook with “Siri”
CDC specific attributes:
product feel
device mobile electronic
BDC specific attributes:
color palette
clean design
clean branding
negative space
simple design
BDC and CDC in Extension
GoogleBook with Google Search Engine
CDC specific attributes:
search engine
search bar
google docs
“not actually a product
Google would make because
they are an information
technology company.”
BDC specific attributes:
image placement
saturated color palette
BDC and CDC in Extension
Google Glass
“It looks like an Apple product, but I know the technology
function is more information based like Google.”
“Clean, but Apple should be producing because they are a
tech product company and Google is search based.”
“No brand attributes of Google, but I know it is Google Glass
because I have seen it before.”
“The subtle design of the glasses resembles Apple. Also,
Apple is an electronics company.”
“I know it’s Google, although it has Apple branding elements.”
“I do not recognize anything related to Google.”
“I have seen Google Glass before, but if I had not, I would
think Apple made the product.”
“Very little brand attributes relate to Google. If I did not know
what it was [Google Glass] I would think it belonged to Apple,
being an electronic product and sophisticated design.”
Implications for Google Glass
Implications for Brand
Extension Strategies
Implications for Google Glass
From the data in this study, it can be concluded that
there is a disconnect between potential consumers of
Google Glass due to BDC and CDC elements not being
consistent with the parent brand, Google.
Participants were able to identify the product being
under the Google parent brand only due to previous
exposure to the product.
Redesign or rebrand the Glass to connect more
with their parent brand.
Reconsider if the product even makes sense for
them to be exploring and investing in .
Implications for Brand Extension Strategies
This study concludes that a brand extension is most
successful when both BDC and CDC are predictable
and consistent with the parent brand. It also concludes
that an extension could be successful with just one
element, BDC or CDC, aligning with the parent brand.
However, there is a greater chance that it will fail
because consumers have a much harder time
connecting the extension to the parent brand.
The BDC and/or CDC of an extension product
should be consistent with the parent brand
image and consumer category.
The more consistent these two elements are,
the more consumers will connect the extension
product to the parent brand, which leads to
higher trust and ultimately to more favorable
purchase intentions.
Summary of Conclusions
Aaker, D.A. (1990). Brand extensions: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Sloan 	
	 Management Review, 31(4), 47-56.
Aaker, J., Fournier, S., & Brasel, S.A. (2004). When good brands do bad.
	 Journal of Consumer Research, 31(4), 1-17.
Aaker, J.L. (1997). Dimensions of Brand Personality. Journal of Marketing 		
	 Research, 34(3), 347-356.
Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1980). Understanding attitudes and predicting social
	 behavior. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Buil, I., de Chernatony, L., & Hem, L.E. (2009). Brand extension strategies: 		
	 Perceived fit, brand 	 type, and culture influences. European Journal of 	
	 Marketing, 43(11), 1300-1324.
Chen, K.J & Liu, C.M. (2004). Positive brand extension trial and choice of 		
	 parent brand. Journal of Product & Brand Management 13(1), 25-36.
Dahlen, M. & Lange, F. (2005). Advertising weak and strong brands: Who 		
	 gains? Psychology and marketing, 22(6), 473-488.
DelVecchio, D., & Smith, D. C. (2005). Brand-extension price premiums: The 	
effects of perceived fit and extension product category risk. Journal of
the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(2), 184-196.
Erdem, T. & Swait, J. (2004). Brand creditability, brand consideration, and 	
choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 31(1), 191-198.
Ernst & Young (2009). New product successful innovation: A fragile
boundary. New York: Ernst & Young Global Client Consulting.
Forbes lists. (2014, May). World’s most value brands. Retrieved 	
February 25 2015, from
Goh, Y.S., Chattaraman, V., & Forsythe, S. (2013). Brand and category design 	
	 consistency in brand extension. Journal of Product & Brand
	 Management, 22(4), 272-285.
Keller, K.L. (1993). Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing
	 customer-based brand equity. Journal of Marketing, 57, 1-22.
Keller, K.L., & Aaker, D. (1992). The effects of sequential introduction of 		
	 brand extensions. Journal of Marketing Research, 29(1), 35-50.
Keller, K.L., & Richey, K. (2006). The importance of corporate brand
	 personality traits to a successful 21st century business. Brand
	 Management, 25(6), 740-759.
Nandan, S. (2005). An exploration of the brand identity-brand image linkage: 	
	 A communication perspective. Brand Management, 12(4), 264-78.
Page, C. & Herr, P. (2002). An investigation of the process by which product 	
	 design and brand strength interact to determine initial affect and 		
	 quality judgments. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 12(2), 133-147.
Smith, D.C. & Park, C.W. (1992). The effects of brand extensions on market 	
	 share and advertising efficiency. Journal of Marketing Research, 		
	 10(1), 296-313.
Srivastava, R.K. (2011). Understanding brand identity confusion. Marketing 	
	 Intelligence & Planing, 29(4), 340-352.
Volckner, F. & Sattler, H. (2006). Drivers of brand extension success. Journal 	
	 of Marketing, 70, 18-34.
Vytautas, J., Aiste, D. and Regina, V. (2007). Relationship of brand identify 		
	 and image. Engineering Economics, 5(1), 69-79.
Woodside, A.G., & Walser, M.G. (2007). Building strong brands in retailing. 		
	 Journal of Business Research, 60(1), 1-10.

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  • 1. GOOGLE TO GLASS: Brand & new category design consistency in brand extensions Jessy Schott Commitee April 17, 2015 Arizona State University Wil Heywood, Ph.D Committee Member Visual Communication John Takamura Committee Member Industrial Design Mookesh Patel Chair Visual Communication Al Sanft Committee Member Visual Communication Al Sanft Committee Member Visual Communication
  • 8. GOOGLE TO GLASS INTRODUCTION Purpose Brand extension strategy leverages the equity of an established brand name to increase consumer acceptance of a new extension product that carries the same brand’s attributes and character (Keller, 1993). US brand extension failure rate is reported to be 84% in many consumer good categories (Ernst & Young, 2009). Overarching purpose to examine the impact of BDC and CDC on consumers’ attitudes and purchase intensions toward brand extensions, and to provide insight on the design elements and how they should be implemented with the understanding of processing fluency method.
  • 9. GOOGLE TO GLASS INTRODUCTION Brand extension: Leveraging a well-known brand name in one category to launch a new product in a different category is known as “brand extension”. Parent brand: The definition of “parent” as the product that originally used the brand name is similar to the definition of “core” brand. Brand design consistency (BDC): The design consistency between the concept of a parent brand and the extension product as perceived by the consumer. Category design consistency (CDC): The degree to which the design of an extension product is prototypical of its category exemplar. Prototypicality: The form of recognition-based processing – processing related to the perception of the parent brand. Processing fluency theory (PFT): The theory that asserts that “aesthetic pleasure is a function of the perceiver’s processing dynamics”. Definitions
  • 10. GOOGLE TO GLASS INTRODUCTION Significance Hypothetical brands/products A study conducted by Page and Herr (2002) found that product aesthetics have greater impact than brand strength on consumer liking based off memorization of parent brand descriptions. Processing fluency tells us a consumer’s purchase intentions Goh et al. (2013) also found that when prototyping, both BDC and CDC significantly had impact effects on new product attitude in brand extensions. Test existing products in existing marketplaces Aaker, Fournier, and Brasel (2004) call for research that is able to test products that already existing in the marketplace and see the connection to consumers using different parent brand standards. Why research is needed: • distinguish consumer values on design elements in extended products • prototype of the actual extension product is needed • better understanding of consumer decision making • brand extension attitudes • purchase intentions
  • 11. GOOGLE TO GLASS INTRODUCTION Conceptual Framework parent brand strength BDC strength CDC strength consumer attitude toward brand extension
  • 12. GOOGLE TO GLASS INTRODUCTION Research Questions Should an extension into a new consumer category be consistent with the parent brand image? According to Goh et al. (2013), consumer purchase intention significantly increases when the BDC and CDC are easily recognizable to the consumer. Consumers being able to connect the extended product to the parent brand by brand description and description of hypothetical category extensions by aesthetics and design (Sood and Keller, 2012). Research has found that brand loyalty is a direct correlation of trustworthiness and has the greatest impact on consumer choice (Erdem and Swait, 2004). What design features are critical in consumer evaluations of design between brand extension and the parent brand? How does the BDC and CDC affect brand loyalty? 1 2 3
  • 13. GOOGLE TO GLASS INTRODUCTION Scope and Limitations Scope The parent brands that will be used are Google and Apple. These brands are international technology companies with huge consumer bases and brand loyalists. Limitations This study is only is concerned with two brands in a single consumer category. Time and sample size. Participants Undergraduate students who are consumers of the mentioned brands studying in the Herberger Institute for Design and The Art and W.P. Carey School of Business at Arziona State University in the Spring semester of 2015. They will be between the ages of 18-23. Both male and females will be surveyed. Voluntary basis and include approximately 100 undergraduate student participants in the disciplines of design and business.
  • 14. GOOGLE TO GLASS INTRODUCTION Google Glass Forbes In 2014,Google was ranked third on Forbes “World’s Most Valuable Brands”, bringing in over 380 billion dollars in revue annually (Forbes, 2014). Competition Previous competition: Yahoo, Bing Current competition: Apple, Amazon, Facebook April 2012 Google announced they were going to be venturing into a new consumer category with “Project Glass”. June 2012 Google Glass Explorer edition was released to consumers who could purchase the product for $1,500 and provide feedback on the product on a weekly basis. January 2015 Google announced they were shutting down their “explorer program” and will be going through a “transition”.
  • 15. 2Literature Review Brand Experience Brand Extension Processing Fluency
  • 16. GOOGLE TO GLASS LITERATURE REVIEW Brand Experience Brand identity and image Brand identity and brand image are related as they are essential ingredients for a strong brand (Nandan, 2005). Identity represents the company while image represents the consumer (Srivastava, 2011). The development of brand image, while attempting to present brand identity to the consumers, enhances the position of a company and opens up room for brand extensions (Vytautas, Aiste, and Regina, 2007). Components of brand image: • brand vision • brand culture • positioning • personality • relationship • presentation Chernatony (2001), de Charlatony (1999)
  • 17. GOOGLE TO GLASS LITERATURE REVIEW Brand Experience Brand personality Five dimensions of the brand personality scale: • sincerity • excitment • competence • sophistications • ruggedness Brand personality can be defined as attributing human characteristics to brands (Aaker, 1997; Keller & Richey, 2006).
  • 18. GOOGLE TO GLASS LITERATURE REVIEW Brand Experience Brand strength Brand strength is a heuristic “short cut” that forms consumer’s attitudes towards products (Goh et al., 2013). Extension product success will depend on the accessibility oft he parent brand (Keller & Aaker, 1992). Brand strength effects on consumer responses in: • advertising context (Dahlen & Lange, 2005) • product quality judgement (Page & Herr, 2002) • retailing context (Woodside & Walser, 2007) • brand extension strategy/pricing (DelVecchio & Smith, 2005)
  • 19. GOOGLE TO GLASS LITERATURE REVIEW Brand Extension Effect of perceived fit Gives extensions credibility, which in turn creates a more willingness to buy (Buil et al., 2009). Perceived fit between the parent brand and the extension is one of the major determinants of brand extension success (Volckner & Sattler, 2006). Important factors: • weight in the evaluation of extension brands and products (Aaker & Keller, 1990) • feedback effect on the parent brand (Smith & Park, 1992)
  • 20. GOOGLE TO GLASS LITERATURE REVIEW Brand Extension Common brand extension approaches Risks diluting the core brand image built within the parent brand name (Aaker, 1990). Brand extension must create its own niche within the company’s brand-mix (Chen and Liu, 2004). Current brand extension strategy: • horizontal: new product in a new category • vertical: same category with different price point & quality level
  • 21. GOOGLE TO GLASS LITERATURE REVIEW Processing Fluency Product attitude & Purchase intention Processing Fluency Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA): person’s overall attitude towards an object and their intention to perform a behavior (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980). How a person’s attitude toward a product is influenced by the ease with which he/she identifies and recognizes the product (Reber et al., 2004). Kids, Fun, Family Value Meals Service Social Involvement Friendly/Warm Happy Meal Toys Birthday Parties Playground Ronald McDonald Consistent Convenient Hassle-Free Fast Pricing Portion Size Promotions Products Breakfast Burgers Fries Drinks Quality Fresh Consistent Good Tasting Brands Big Mac McMuffin Charities Ronald McDonald House
  • 22. 3Methodology Research Design Literature Review Pre-Test Study & Findings Survey Data Analysis Methods & Procedures
  • 23. GOOGLE TO GLASS METHODOLOGY Methodology Research design Participants Mixed methods approach with quantitative & qualita- tive data collected through: 100 undergraduates between the ages of 18-23 in the Herberger Institute for Design and The Arts and W.P. Carey School of Business during the spring 2015 semester. • literature review • case study (Apple & Google) • pre-test • survey
  • 24. GOOGLE TO GLASS METHODOLOGY Case Study Google Color Inspired by bold color statements with muted environments, taking cues from contemporary architecture, road signs, pavement marking tape, and sports courts. Imagery Illustration and photography enhances the user experience, choose images that express personal relevance, information, and delight. Typography Roboto has been refined extensively to work across the wider set of supported plaforms. It is slightly wider and rounder, giving it greater clarity.
  • 25. GOOGLE TO GLASS METHODOLOGY Apple Color Family of pure, clean and neutral colors that look great individually and in combination, and on both light and dark backgrounds. Imagery Icons and photography are unique, uncluttered, engaging, and memorable. Imagery should never be used more than once. Typography Helvetica Neue is used across all interfaces for readability, sharpness, and unity through all interfaces and marketing.
  • 26. 30% Apple 70% Google 75% Apple 25% Google GOOGLE TO GLASS METHODOLOGY Pre-Test Format Findings 10 questions that gathered information on brand image, experience with the brand, brand strength, perceptual characteristics of the brands, and best-fit consumer category for Apple and Google. Which brand do you favor more? Which brand do you think is stronger? • participants favored Google over Apple in experience • Apple was rated as a stronger brand than Google due to brand image • Google best fit into the technology services and news and information cateogry
  • 27. GOOGLE TO GLASS METHODOLOGY Survey Format 19 questions that gathered information on brand image, experience with the brand, brand strength, perceptual characteristics of the brands, and best-fit consumer category for Apple and Google. 3 products were shown where participants were asked questions directly relating to BDC and CDC of each product: • MacBook with “Siri” search engine on screen • “GoogleBook” with Google search engine on screen • Google Glass Participants 100 undergraduates between the ages of 18-23 in the Herberger Institute for Design and The Arts and W.P. Carey School of Business during the spring 2015 semester.
  • 28. 4Data Analysis Brand Experience & Familiarity BDC & CDC in Extension Products Participant Demographics
  • 29. GOOGLE TO GLASS DATA ANALYSIS Brand Experience & Familiarity Best-Fit Consumer Category Apple Google News or Information Mobile Applications Mobile Connected Devices Technology Services Consumer Electronics 58% 19% 22% News or Information Mobile Applications Mobile Connected Devices Technology Services Consumer Electronics 49% 44%
  • 30. BDC and CDC in Extension MacBook with “Siri” CDC specific attributes: product feel over-priced device mobile electronic computer technology BDC specific attributes: silver white minimalist typeface color palette clean design logo metal clean branding negative space simple design sleek GOOGLE TO GLASS DATA ANALYSIS
  • 31. BDC and CDC in Extension GoogleBook with Google Search Engine GOOGLE TO GLASS DATA ANALYSIS CDC specific attributes: search research search engine internet helpful navigation search bar information knowledge technology google docs gmail “not actually a product Google would make because they are an information technology company.” BDC specific attributes: round colorful image placement saturated color palette logo artwork animation free creative fun childish bubbly illustrations bright friendly
  • 32. BDC and CDC in Extension Google Glass GOOGLE TO GLASS DATA ANALYSIS “It looks like an Apple product, but I know the technology function is more information based like Google.” “Clean, but Apple should be producing because they are a tech product company and Google is search based.” “No brand attributes of Google, but I know it is Google Glass because I have seen it before.” “The subtle design of the glasses resembles Apple. Also, Apple is an electronics company.” “I know it’s Google, although it has Apple branding elements.” “I do not recognize anything related to Google.” “I have seen Google Glass before, but if I had not, I would think Apple made the product.” “Very little brand attributes relate to Google. If I did not know what it was [Google Glass] I would think it belonged to Apple, being an electronic product and sophisticated design.”
  • 33. 5Conclusions Implications for Google Glass Implications for Brand Extension Strategies
  • 34. Implications for Google Glass From the data in this study, it can be concluded that there is a disconnect between potential consumers of Google Glass due to BDC and CDC elements not being consistent with the parent brand, Google. Participants were able to identify the product being under the Google parent brand only due to previous exposure to the product. Redesign or rebrand the Glass to connect more with their parent brand. Reconsider if the product even makes sense for them to be exploring and investing in . Suggestions
  • 35. Implications for Brand Extension Strategies This study concludes that a brand extension is most successful when both BDC and CDC are predictable and consistent with the parent brand. It also concludes that an extension could be successful with just one element, BDC or CDC, aligning with the parent brand. However, there is a greater chance that it will fail because consumers have a much harder time connecting the extension to the parent brand. The BDC and/or CDC of an extension product should be consistent with the parent brand image and consumer category. The more consistent these two elements are, the more consumers will connect the extension product to the parent brand, which leads to higher trust and ultimately to more favorable purchase intentions. Summary of Conclusions
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