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Lyrical Expressions of
Mark Cropsey's
Stewardhship of Seva
A Shared Copyright Between Mark Cropsey, United
Centers for Spritual Living, as well as all Music
Ministries throughout all Science of Monid
An Offering of Seva From Mark Cropsey to All Music
Ministries Throughout All Science Of Mind Communities
• Opening with the poem entitled Doggie Doormat which would in fact
be very well recieved by all animal ministries throughout the Science
of Mind communities this written work was very well recieved by my
fellow students in my Beyond Limits class. As a member of of the
Science of Mind communities it is my realization that these written
works would resonate indigenously with the Science of Mind
philosophy bound to musical ministries extremely talented in
enlinvening the written word in acknowledgement of song the
midway point whereby music and poetry meet in graditude to of a
community with deep appreciation for beauty and symmetry I Mark
Cropsey release these written works to be available strictly to the
benefit of the Musical Mininistries throughout all Science of Mind
Mark Cropsey' Agreement
• Mark Cropsey's Stewarship of Seva
endows one fourth of the copyright of
these written works to the Science of
Mind Foundation and one fourth to a very
talented artist from any of the musical
ministries throughout the Science of Mind
Communties whom perseveres to enliven
any one of these written works musically
Table of Contents
• 1 Doggie Doormat
• 2 From Trees to Macrocosms
• 3 Carninals and Club Cultues
• 4 Four Faces of His Holiness
• 5 From the Lost to the Infrindeg Upon
• 6 Tree of Puppy Love
• 7 Planets are Round, Worlds are Flat
• 8 My Love Between the Cracks
• 9 Earthly Shining North Star
• 10 Tunnels
• 11 Dead Weight Feet in the Land of Opportunity
• 12 Knuckle Heads
• 13 Ghostly Circuitbreaker
Doggie Doormat
• He was a real fun loving, friendly, easy going kind of a guy. He was a real amiable kind of a
guy. To everyone whom came through the door he would give to them a warmhearted
salutation. Everyone whom came through the door he was thrilled and atwittered to see
• Peering through the window as someone came up the walkway bouncing and screaming
for joy upon entry without any doubt be was included. Every gethering he took the initiative
to be present yet the one occlusion which held him back he was a dog.
• Next time around Doggie Doormat soul of dogs resolved to take on a new accouterment the
soul of man. First time around he layed recumbant to get his bearings, a special man of
special craft, residing within serene dwellings whereby his mentors he strived to become.
• Deathbed and asunder Doggie Doormat returned to that very dwelling himself a mentor.
He sally forthed upon a trajectoryof deterrents to reach his dreams which gleamed in the
distance mastering the contingencies of sinking ships
• Doggie Doormat a doormat no longer
From Trees to Macrocosms
• Above the vegetation which blooms and wilts the redwoods spire in a timelass ashram of stationay
existence. From an altitudinous height they watch the world go by. Throughout the amalgamation of plants
the tree observe man and sasquatch do circles areound each other. In the salmugundi of the plant kingdom
trees pay a closed fidelity to the cotilion between the mountain and the deer, the terpishore between the
wolf and the rabbit, the shindig between the bear and the fish.
• At the foot of the redwood the natives dance as pioneers pass by in stage coaches. Upon the substatum of
the redwood a campfire is built as the visitors from the edge of the world express their fervency.
• In the stillness of noumenon the tree conjure from one delirium to the next dreaming of a tribe, of
leaving the forest on a sailing ship, of a big city, of leaving the conurbation, then drivign down the road to
return to the forest. Like the river which canters to the seaway the consciousness of the redwwods billow
unto the universal life force.
• Trees like unto the viabilities which hower within the periphery of divine providence. Above the
conservatory of noesis they fly with the grace of eagles with the spryness of the raven, the caliber of the
hawk, the phylums and taxonomies, the flora and fauna of kamavachara. With the bravura and wizardry of
Brahma they share the same thoughts of the redwoods.
• Hikers continue to pass by the redwoods of the grande wilderness. Against the river of knowledge,
flowing through the trees, we are like the salmon in the river throughout their vagrancy to the ocean.
Ferris Wheels to Club Cultures
• With his mother and father a child walks through the carnival as the college student gallivanted through city streets and city
parks as the working man sultanates himself upon a night club
• With his parents the boy comes upon the ferris wheel as the college student comes upon a train station as seated by himself the
working man turns his head
• Alongside his progenitors the exiguous child discerns all the children up high on the ferris wheel as on the subway train the
collegiate notices all the persons sheathed in suits and ties as within his solitary space the working man observes all the
mannerisms by which patrons socialize
• Perusing up high on the children on top the juvenescant boy stands perplexed with regards to the ferris wheel in awe of how
those children manage to find their way on top as leaving the subway station the seminarian ponders whatever may be with all
of the pendatic garmeture as the solitary prolitarian within the club grows dumfounded as to how these persons became such
close confidantes
• Alas the youngling approaches the platform whereby the children get on and off the ferris wheel as the pundit bedrapes himslf
for victory as this clubs solitary artisian contemplates global harmony as well as the serenity between individuals
• Within this mastodonic park of joviality the moppet attains the canival effect knowing his way to every roller coaster and
carousel as the savante becomes a working man as the working man makes many firends within the bar
Four Faces of His Holiness
• Thy old man, man of many mood swings many seasons self the center selves of the greater self multiple
personae of the psyche
• Enlightenment the state of understanding all sides to a dillemna, the four faces of his holiness the supreme
shaman, the all resourceful craftsman, the warden of the underworld, and the cosmic clown
• Labor of the all resourceful craftsman in the name of one's inherent thrones awaiting all spirits, all
resourceful craftsman on burnout fatigue of the all resourceful craftsman, all resourceful craftsman on a
bad day
• The failed strivings, the campfires turned loose on the forest along comes the warden of the underworld,
warden of the underworld whom pulls the all resourcefull craftsman up from the ashes, warden of the
underworld not in any hurry not in any hurry, council of lost souls, calling all souls yet to be found on their
failed strivings as the warden of the underworld inquires of the all resourceful craftsman of hindrances
• Cosmic clown whom consoles the all resourceful craftsman guided from one heaven to the next as
envisioned of the supreme shaman, all resourceful craftsman as he competese his work as he completes his
work as the cosmic clown hands out the tokens to the party everlasting
Lost to the Infinged Upon
• A moment of frenzy, this moments celebration as yet another bird flys within the bounds of this workshop
• Flutering amongst the wood worker and crafts men bird which plummets into journeymen and welders
• Liquefying and shaping of metals and alloys, sandaling of wood these worker much closer to the grande
• than they would ever realize, these workers their trade their medium to that fundamental vivebrant
cognizant electricity
• Shaping of wood and raw materials puzzling together nuts and bolts in itself a meditation, a mediumdhip
lest the fallen bird flies into their midst
• To strategize guiding this flying bird within the four corners of this closed space, blind to the door through
which he came like an explorer descending into the boundless cavern and losing he way , whereas guiding
this fallen bird would be a mediumship in itself a mediumship
• As these workers take a moments celebration in speculation from which egg may have this bird hatched,
from which nest has this embeautied beloved taken flight
• Wherefore from that very turbulence emerges yet another youngling spirit
Tree of Puppy Love
• Rabinate within the basilica of juvenility, locale upon which friction of gods and goddesses interlace
• Brotherhoods and sisterhoods within the conventicle of florescence place of thy majesties eternal
• Brotherhoods and sisterhoods infusing their the visages of holy blood
• Sanctified sisters and brothers within interjecting trajectories, sudarium which comes like the tide, puppy
love crush of this moment
• This moments puppy love crush, crushes like unto waves which brush along the shore, waves of interjecting
puppy love crushes
• Puppy love crushes enshrouding hidden verities, puppy love in its thamaturgy signposts of souls yet to be
• Sortilege of puppy love as these morsels branch from these interjecting spirits, as brances bristle to eternal
heights like volcanoes from the depths of the earth in beautiful rdiating eminence
Planets are Round,
Worlds are Flat
• At one time people swore upon all four corners that the world was the center of the
universe. Then along came a time whereby it was learned that the Earth actually orbited the
sun. Then it turns out that the sun is actually one in billions orbiting the center of the galaxy.
Now to up the ante our very galaxy with a name which founded a candy bar itself orbits
around an even greater center along billions of other galaxies. So where is the center. As it
turns out the self is the center.
• Now around the fifteenth century that famous spaniard whom stumbled upon the new
world only to misrepresent the natives was forwarned about sailing off the edge of the world.
There would in fact be edges of the world. Just drive to the beach or to the airport. Go to
China for it may very well be the same planet yet a different world.
• Now about whether or not the world is flat from where I'm standing it can be rather
mountainous or with manmade structures briming to the skies to the unfathomable blue yet
always embedded along a flat surface.
• Planets are round. Worlds are flat
My Love Betwen the Cracks
• Variety of apples of arusty crisp, the peel of the apple, a ripe smooth apple, pulp below
anhydrous parched, and crackly
• Faultlines of this land, this land none other than the peel, faultline which snaps, land which
trembles, dwellings demolished, the cracks of the produce
• Now for the cracks amongst the fruit which is harvested by the barrel as well as the sodbuster
whom falls within the cracks as many agronomists have seen within the cracks, cultivator
whom has a view between the cracks
• As many yoeman have no view nor are in any hurry to see betwn the cracks lest he who lends
a helping hand between the crack would be forordained to fall between the cracks himself
• Across this paulous orchard of fruit trees the cracks plentiful as the ripened fruit, as having
seen within the cracks while failing to entirely fathom the culture between the cracks
wherefore prayers are enabled to reach to places I can't, cracks irrigated with prayer and
Earthly Shining North Star
• Earthly shining north star as we are nihl other than mere epemeral mortals bristling in our world
• Earthly shining north star to many you are a countenance blended into the crowd, a steak in the infinite
population of souls
• Earthly shining north star yet you are a cannized beacon to the heavens
• Earthly shining north star in the continuum of probabilities we've our many probable consorts and
• Earthly shining north star at times within the masjid of juvenescence of incarnations previous we walked
and ran together along seashores through crowded cities and civilization as our worlds embraced
• Earthly shining north star at times within well cultivated canonicity se decamped and begoned ourselves
along separate paths
• Earthly shining north star unfathomable benthos to my soul my best wishes as my ethereal self shines upon
• You've got to leave those tunnels alone for cars are going through them. Do not pester the
tunnels they are part of the freeway. You are to respect those tunnels for tunnels without
reverence are subject to traffic jamns.
• Please do not perturb the tunnel there is a subway train down there. Be on with the tunnel for
people must get to work. You may commute through the tunnel for it coheres to cities and
suburbs. Never impede the tunnel it is a detriment to shoppers on the barter and metier of
enterprisign individuals
• Take great solicitude in regard to the tunnel for there would be people sauntering to the
center of the earth. From all over the world people swarm this tunnel in endless plebians for
that cavern down below conceals momentous wonders and clandenstine secrets
• Please do not ravage or otherwise bring calamity to thos tunnel for those tunnels are
bounteous with opulent riches, sedulous places foundation of industry driving to the next
town to commute through the tunnel to the next city on a subway train. Stroll these caverns
promenandes oor go mining in the tunnel. Just leave those tunnels alone
Dead Weight Feet in the Land of
• My leisurely ride on the bus to the subway station in passage a city park with which I
associate childhood memories, easter egg hunt of the church of the Nazarine the children
whom persevered as I stood in paralysis my sobly dememeanor that I didn't find any easter
• Unbeknownst that moment of paralysis would mold the state of affairs for my life to come,
late one night waiting frantically for the bus, bus which drops me off at BART at twelve AM
sharp, making my mad dash down the steps below the city a loitering indivudal announces no
more metros, down the next flight of stairs my train at my service
• Dreaming at night of a train station off in the distane as my train arrives myself in a frantic
rush yet with feet heavy as steel bairly able to move, this blessed land where trains come and
go, wherefore if you never find your way to the train station you can never board the metro,
wherefore when vigourous forward motion is applied one may make it to that mythical train
station station and board the train, yet be forwarned at every train station stands the buffoon
whom perseverates no more metros
Knuckle Heads
• This jovial days end at the playground I would tell my daughter the knuckleheads are coming
• Sun setting the knucke heads are coming
• Knuckle knuckle knuckle the knuckle heads will be chanting as they mosey up the street
• Knuckle knuckle the knuckleheads will be chanting as they shoot us with their knuckle head
• Hurry we must get home for the knuckle heads are coming to shoot us with their knuckle
head guns and make us into knuckleheads
• Daughter dearest I reassure you the knucke heads werent after you the knuckleheads were
after me
• Nineteen ninety three knuckle heads made a knuckle head out of me
• Ninety ninety nine knuckle heads set me free
Ghostly Circuit Breaker
• Two Sunday strollers my daughter and I
• Along one of our Sunday strolls my daughter comes upon the circuit breaker proclaiming
there is a ghost in there
• Yes electricity does have its' ghostly qualities
• All which is manifested of muti verse originates from that far greater electrical cognizance
• Dream state spectrum in proportion to biological continuum as well as multi verses there of
• The infinitie countlesss ways by which the infinite cognizant electricity molds itself
• Which means ghost in a conventional sense of the word would be displaced electrical
• Electricity which electrifies all of our houses a whole new meaning to haunted house

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  • 1. Lyrical Expressions of Mark Cropsey's Stewardhship of Seva A Shared Copyright Between Mark Cropsey, United Centers for Spritual Living, as well as all Music Ministries throughout all Science of Monid Communities
  • 2. An Offering of Seva From Mark Cropsey to All Music Ministries Throughout All Science Of Mind Communities • Opening with the poem entitled Doggie Doormat which would in fact be very well recieved by all animal ministries throughout the Science of Mind communities this written work was very well recieved by my fellow students in my Beyond Limits class. As a member of of the Science of Mind communities it is my realization that these written works would resonate indigenously with the Science of Mind philosophy bound to musical ministries extremely talented in enlinvening the written word in acknowledgement of song the midway point whereby music and poetry meet in graditude to of a community with deep appreciation for beauty and symmetry I Mark Cropsey release these written works to be available strictly to the benefit of the Musical Mininistries throughout all Science of Mind Communities
  • 3. Mark Cropsey' Agreement • Mark Cropsey's Stewarship of Seva endows one fourth of the copyright of these written works to the Science of Mind Foundation and one fourth to a very talented artist from any of the musical ministries throughout the Science of Mind Communties whom perseveres to enliven any one of these written works musically
  • 4. Table of Contents • 1 Doggie Doormat • 2 From Trees to Macrocosms • 3 Carninals and Club Cultues • 4 Four Faces of His Holiness • 5 From the Lost to the Infrindeg Upon • 6 Tree of Puppy Love • 7 Planets are Round, Worlds are Flat • 8 My Love Between the Cracks • 9 Earthly Shining North Star • 10 Tunnels • 11 Dead Weight Feet in the Land of Opportunity • 12 Knuckle Heads • 13 Ghostly Circuitbreaker
  • 5. Doggie Doormat • He was a real fun loving, friendly, easy going kind of a guy. He was a real amiable kind of a guy. To everyone whom came through the door he would give to them a warmhearted salutation. Everyone whom came through the door he was thrilled and atwittered to see them. • Peering through the window as someone came up the walkway bouncing and screaming for joy upon entry without any doubt be was included. Every gethering he took the initiative to be present yet the one occlusion which held him back he was a dog. • Next time around Doggie Doormat soul of dogs resolved to take on a new accouterment the soul of man. First time around he layed recumbant to get his bearings, a special man of special craft, residing within serene dwellings whereby his mentors he strived to become. • Deathbed and asunder Doggie Doormat returned to that very dwelling himself a mentor. He sally forthed upon a trajectoryof deterrents to reach his dreams which gleamed in the distance mastering the contingencies of sinking ships • Doggie Doormat a doormat no longer
  • 6. From Trees to Macrocosms • Above the vegetation which blooms and wilts the redwoods spire in a timelass ashram of stationay existence. From an altitudinous height they watch the world go by. Throughout the amalgamation of plants the tree observe man and sasquatch do circles areound each other. In the salmugundi of the plant kingdom trees pay a closed fidelity to the cotilion between the mountain and the deer, the terpishore between the wolf and the rabbit, the shindig between the bear and the fish. • At the foot of the redwood the natives dance as pioneers pass by in stage coaches. Upon the substatum of the redwood a campfire is built as the visitors from the edge of the world express their fervency. • In the stillness of noumenon the tree conjure from one delirium to the next dreaming of a tribe, of leaving the forest on a sailing ship, of a big city, of leaving the conurbation, then drivign down the road to return to the forest. Like the river which canters to the seaway the consciousness of the redwwods billow unto the universal life force. • Trees like unto the viabilities which hower within the periphery of divine providence. Above the conservatory of noesis they fly with the grace of eagles with the spryness of the raven, the caliber of the hawk, the phylums and taxonomies, the flora and fauna of kamavachara. With the bravura and wizardry of Brahma they share the same thoughts of the redwoods. • Hikers continue to pass by the redwoods of the grande wilderness. Against the river of knowledge, flowing through the trees, we are like the salmon in the river throughout their vagrancy to the ocean.
  • 7. Ferris Wheels to Club Cultures • With his mother and father a child walks through the carnival as the college student gallivanted through city streets and city parks as the working man sultanates himself upon a night club • With his parents the boy comes upon the ferris wheel as the college student comes upon a train station as seated by himself the working man turns his head • Alongside his progenitors the exiguous child discerns all the children up high on the ferris wheel as on the subway train the collegiate notices all the persons sheathed in suits and ties as within his solitary space the working man observes all the mannerisms by which patrons socialize • Perusing up high on the children on top the juvenescant boy stands perplexed with regards to the ferris wheel in awe of how those children manage to find their way on top as leaving the subway station the seminarian ponders whatever may be with all of the pendatic garmeture as the solitary prolitarian within the club grows dumfounded as to how these persons became such close confidantes • Alas the youngling approaches the platform whereby the children get on and off the ferris wheel as the pundit bedrapes himslf for victory as this clubs solitary artisian contemplates global harmony as well as the serenity between individuals • Within this mastodonic park of joviality the moppet attains the canival effect knowing his way to every roller coaster and carousel as the savante becomes a working man as the working man makes many firends within the bar
  • 8. Four Faces of His Holiness • Thy old man, man of many mood swings many seasons self the center selves of the greater self multiple personae of the psyche • Enlightenment the state of understanding all sides to a dillemna, the four faces of his holiness the supreme shaman, the all resourceful craftsman, the warden of the underworld, and the cosmic clown • Labor of the all resourceful craftsman in the name of one's inherent thrones awaiting all spirits, all resourceful craftsman on burnout fatigue of the all resourceful craftsman, all resourceful craftsman on a bad day • The failed strivings, the campfires turned loose on the forest along comes the warden of the underworld, warden of the underworld whom pulls the all resourcefull craftsman up from the ashes, warden of the underworld not in any hurry not in any hurry, council of lost souls, calling all souls yet to be found on their failed strivings as the warden of the underworld inquires of the all resourceful craftsman of hindrances untold • Cosmic clown whom consoles the all resourceful craftsman guided from one heaven to the next as envisioned of the supreme shaman, all resourceful craftsman as he competese his work as he completes his work as the cosmic clown hands out the tokens to the party everlasting
  • 9. Lost to the Infinged Upon • A moment of frenzy, this moments celebration as yet another bird flys within the bounds of this workshop • Flutering amongst the wood worker and crafts men bird which plummets into journeymen and welders • Liquefying and shaping of metals and alloys, sandaling of wood these worker much closer to the grande conciever • than they would ever realize, these workers their trade their medium to that fundamental vivebrant cognizant electricity • Shaping of wood and raw materials puzzling together nuts and bolts in itself a meditation, a mediumdhip lest the fallen bird flies into their midst • To strategize guiding this flying bird within the four corners of this closed space, blind to the door through which he came like an explorer descending into the boundless cavern and losing he way , whereas guiding this fallen bird would be a mediumship in itself a mediumship • As these workers take a moments celebration in speculation from which egg may have this bird hatched, from which nest has this embeautied beloved taken flight • Wherefore from that very turbulence emerges yet another youngling spirit
  • 10. Tree of Puppy Love • Rabinate within the basilica of juvenility, locale upon which friction of gods and goddesses interlace • Brotherhoods and sisterhoods within the conventicle of florescence place of thy majesties eternal adolesance • Brotherhoods and sisterhoods infusing their the visages of holy blood • Sanctified sisters and brothers within interjecting trajectories, sudarium which comes like the tide, puppy love crush of this moment • This moments puppy love crush, crushes like unto waves which brush along the shore, waves of interjecting puppy love crushes • Puppy love crushes enshrouding hidden verities, puppy love in its thamaturgy signposts of souls yet to be met • Sortilege of puppy love as these morsels branch from these interjecting spirits, as brances bristle to eternal heights like volcanoes from the depths of the earth in beautiful rdiating eminence
  • 11. Planets are Round, Worlds are Flat • At one time people swore upon all four corners that the world was the center of the universe. Then along came a time whereby it was learned that the Earth actually orbited the sun. Then it turns out that the sun is actually one in billions orbiting the center of the galaxy. Now to up the ante our very galaxy with a name which founded a candy bar itself orbits around an even greater center along billions of other galaxies. So where is the center. As it turns out the self is the center. • Now around the fifteenth century that famous spaniard whom stumbled upon the new world only to misrepresent the natives was forwarned about sailing off the edge of the world. There would in fact be edges of the world. Just drive to the beach or to the airport. Go to China for it may very well be the same planet yet a different world. • Now about whether or not the world is flat from where I'm standing it can be rather mountainous or with manmade structures briming to the skies to the unfathomable blue yet always embedded along a flat surface. • Planets are round. Worlds are flat
  • 12. My Love Betwen the Cracks • Variety of apples of arusty crisp, the peel of the apple, a ripe smooth apple, pulp below anhydrous parched, and crackly • Faultlines of this land, this land none other than the peel, faultline which snaps, land which trembles, dwellings demolished, the cracks of the produce • Now for the cracks amongst the fruit which is harvested by the barrel as well as the sodbuster whom falls within the cracks as many agronomists have seen within the cracks, cultivator whom has a view between the cracks • As many yoeman have no view nor are in any hurry to see betwn the cracks lest he who lends a helping hand between the crack would be forordained to fall between the cracks himself • Across this paulous orchard of fruit trees the cracks plentiful as the ripened fruit, as having seen within the cracks while failing to entirely fathom the culture between the cracks wherefore prayers are enabled to reach to places I can't, cracks irrigated with prayer and meditation
  • 13. Earthly Shining North Star • Earthly shining north star as we are nihl other than mere epemeral mortals bristling in our world • Earthly shining north star to many you are a countenance blended into the crowd, a steak in the infinite population of souls • Earthly shining north star yet you are a cannized beacon to the heavens • Earthly shining north star in the continuum of probabilities we've our many probable consorts and paramours • Earthly shining north star at times within the masjid of juvenescence of incarnations previous we walked and ran together along seashores through crowded cities and civilization as our worlds embraced • Earthly shining north star at times within well cultivated canonicity se decamped and begoned ourselves along separate paths • Earthly shining north star unfathomable benthos to my soul my best wishes as my ethereal self shines upon you
  • 14. Tunnels • You've got to leave those tunnels alone for cars are going through them. Do not pester the tunnels they are part of the freeway. You are to respect those tunnels for tunnels without reverence are subject to traffic jamns. • Please do not perturb the tunnel there is a subway train down there. Be on with the tunnel for people must get to work. You may commute through the tunnel for it coheres to cities and suburbs. Never impede the tunnel it is a detriment to shoppers on the barter and metier of enterprisign individuals • Take great solicitude in regard to the tunnel for there would be people sauntering to the center of the earth. From all over the world people swarm this tunnel in endless plebians for that cavern down below conceals momentous wonders and clandenstine secrets • Please do not ravage or otherwise bring calamity to thos tunnel for those tunnels are bounteous with opulent riches, sedulous places foundation of industry driving to the next town to commute through the tunnel to the next city on a subway train. Stroll these caverns promenandes oor go mining in the tunnel. Just leave those tunnels alone
  • 15. Dead Weight Feet in the Land of Opportunity • My leisurely ride on the bus to the subway station in passage a city park with which I associate childhood memories, easter egg hunt of the church of the Nazarine the children whom persevered as I stood in paralysis my sobly dememeanor that I didn't find any easter eggs • Unbeknownst that moment of paralysis would mold the state of affairs for my life to come, late one night waiting frantically for the bus, bus which drops me off at BART at twelve AM sharp, making my mad dash down the steps below the city a loitering indivudal announces no more metros, down the next flight of stairs my train at my service • Dreaming at night of a train station off in the distane as my train arrives myself in a frantic rush yet with feet heavy as steel bairly able to move, this blessed land where trains come and go, wherefore if you never find your way to the train station you can never board the metro, wherefore when vigourous forward motion is applied one may make it to that mythical train station station and board the train, yet be forwarned at every train station stands the buffoon whom perseverates no more metros
  • 16. Knuckle Heads • This jovial days end at the playground I would tell my daughter the knuckleheads are coming • Sun setting the knucke heads are coming • Knuckle knuckle knuckle the knuckle heads will be chanting as they mosey up the street • Knuckle knuckle the knuckleheads will be chanting as they shoot us with their knuckle head guns • Hurry we must get home for the knuckle heads are coming to shoot us with their knuckle head guns and make us into knuckleheads • Daughter dearest I reassure you the knucke heads werent after you the knuckleheads were after me • Nineteen ninety three knuckle heads made a knuckle head out of me • Ninety ninety nine knuckle heads set me free
  • 17. Ghostly Circuit Breaker • Two Sunday strollers my daughter and I • Along one of our Sunday strolls my daughter comes upon the circuit breaker proclaiming there is a ghost in there • Yes electricity does have its' ghostly qualities • All which is manifested of muti verse originates from that far greater electrical cognizance • Dream state spectrum in proportion to biological continuum as well as multi verses there of • The infinitie countlesss ways by which the infinite cognizant electricity molds itself • Which means ghost in a conventional sense of the word would be displaced electrical cognizance • Electricity which electrifies all of our houses a whole new meaning to haunted house