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“Me in 30 Seconds“
People find me to be an upbeat, self-motivated team player with excellent communication skills; I am a dedicated
person, and hard working ambitious individual with an outgoing attitude. I am very keen in learning new things
and gain as much knowledge I can. I have a huge desire in learning marketing and constantly growing in the field.
What does disciple leadership mean to me and what am I doing to continue the process of becoming a disciple leader?
Becoming a disciple of Christ is the very reason of attending this university. The spirit and honor code motivates our divine
mission through disciple preparation, leadership development and inspired learning and teaching. Becoming a disciple
leader means everything to me, I would follow any direction which I am asked to follow for getting this. “A disciple of Christ
is one who is following and learning to be like Christ learning to think, to feel, and to act as he does. He or she is striving to
gain “…The mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). Keeping the lords commandments and standards that define the framework
of student honor is fundamental to discipleship. Living and creating an environment around you of obedience is crucial to
the development of disciples. We have wonderful wards and stakes on campus, we have devotionals every week, which
allow us to gather and be instructed by the spirit. Living by the temple is another advantages for students studying here for
disciple leadership preparation it allows the spirit to be with us at all times. They are a lot of things taught in the university
to gain leadership qualities and follow the paths of our savior and become more like him; leadership that serves and
ministers, loves and supports, and blesses other people.
Learning by faith and teaching by the spirit complete and perfect the circle of disciple and leadership. I am going to follow
the spirit and abide and obey the student honor, which includes every standard required to attend the lord’s wonderful
university and become a disciple of Christ. Obey, care, listen , follow, ask and get blessed. Become a disciple of Christ and
influence others through out your life.
What matters most to me and why?
I have certain life goals in life, which I want to accomplish. My life goals matter to me most after my Family and my Heavenly
father. I want to accomplish these goals to prove me to myself and then others. My many life goals are highly ambitious and
are considered life obstacles by me before I reach the celestial kingdom. I faced many trials in life and know about a lot of
life. For me having done my graduation and then my masters with a work experience of 3 years is one of my primary goals,
with having all knowledge of the business world and how it works. I am a very hard working person and if I want something
I always tend to get it in the end. After that getting a nice job in a highly reputed company is one of my next goals. Gaining
the respect of my community and society is one of the most important things which matters to me. Being well settled and
paying my parents back every penny they have spent on my education is the next most important things to me, so they can
have a nice and peaceful future. I have a high desire to improve and make myself more and more disciplined and obedient. I
want to gain a lot of knowledge in life. I want to know all I can know about business and marketing, it’s been my desired
field since I was little as I always saw my father run a construction company with an unorganized manner but he was still
very successful at it. I have always thought he could do so much more if everything was organized and expand his business.
After working for a couple of years at a multinational company I want to expand my father’s business the most and to the
fullest, this would be my most important goal while living a righteous life and reaching the celestial kingdom.
What are your three most substantial accomplishments and why do you view them as such?
My passion and commitment for education motivated me to walk 5 miles a day to attend primary school. Living in rural
India in a two-room flat with 8 family members for five years of my high school because of my fathers transfer to a rural
part of India gave me many challenges. I spent long nights studying by lantern with a determination to make it to the best
college. Getting a high GPA of 3.85 in high school portrays my desire in studies. One of my most substantial achievements
was clearing the Symbiosis (which is a big university in India) entrance examination in the top 0.15% of 250,000 applicants.
I knew that if I wanted to give back to society, I needed a world-class education and a brand name – IIPM would have given
me both but I wanted different goals in life, I wanted to attend the lord’s university and then get my masters from BYU
which would also help me become a disciple of Christ and a successful man. It matters to me a lot and I would consider
attending this university an accomplishment as I left behind many less important opportunities and decided to come here.
Attending school here is a dream come true for me.
My experiences in rural India reinforced my belief that every child should have access to quality education and motivated
me to do something for my society. I believe that children just need a push and a ray of hope, and then there is no stopping
them from achieving their goals. Another of my substantial accomplishments occurred when I successfully helped the NGO
“ABC NGO” in 2010. ABC NGO has given many children this gentle push and hope, providing access to education for the
most neglected parts of India through volunteer teachers. Teaching these poor and helpless children in rural parts of India
has given me a sense of deep satisfaction and pride. “ABC NGO” has presented challenges and associated learning as well,
since I being a urbanely-educated and raised up had to travel to rural areas to teach children. I look forward to having an
even greater impact as I will help ABC NGO and as I want launch my successful virtual education company in the future.
Why do you want to study business and why at BYU‐Idaho?
I have had the desire to learn business since I was in high school. I have always seen my father organize his business in an
unorganized manner; I want to grow his business in an organized manner.
I want to learn about all aspects of running a successful business, and then eventually focus on Microeconomics and
Marketing, and do a Master in International Marketing.
With the endless possibilities, a business degree at postgraduate level will give me an excellent grounding on what to base
your business career. Gaining a qualification in BYU will have me exposed. I will have the intricacies of global business and
encounters with people from all over the world.
Indeed this contact with international colleagues and students is a key benefit to studying business abroad. Experiencing
how people from different cultural backgrounds approach and solve problems is an important part of my learning. It is also
this melting pot of cultures that makes studying abroad so stimulating and rewarding. The understanding you gain from
such diversity will be invaluable in my working life and will help me clinch that vital first role.
BYU was my first choice of going to school. It is the lord’s university and always wanted to come here for my schooling. My
parents were very comfortable sending me here even though it is thousands of miles away from home. I was accepted in
very big business universities in India but that’s not what I wanted. I want to come closer to God and enter the celestial
kingdom, attending BYU will not only transform me as a person but will also help me become a disciple of Christ.
Key Insights gained from reading the assigned chapters in “Return”.
One of the greatest insights I received from this book was the experience Elder Hale had when he was in the Air force and how they had to do
drills to be prepared for emergencies. He shared an experience about one of his companions who had to react fast in one occasion, they were
going to crash and Elder Hale reacted quickly and managed to get out, while his friend didn’t. He shared that his companion was not prepared
for doing drills and had to face consequence where he didn’t know how to react and lost his life. That helped me understand the important thing
is to be prepared, that reading the scriptures, going to church, saying my daily prayers are preparing me to know what to do in a moment of
despair or when a conflict comes up, I would know how to react to it.
Sometimes I tend to forget that the savior walked the path before me. But now I focus more on the problems and perfect the purpose why I’m
here and Elder Hale said “But to know the path itself — that winding lane through the valley, the bridge across the stream, the narrow trail
leading to the rugged mountain peak, the sweeping vista — requires a friend who has walked the path before. As I have had such friends in my
life, this book is an expression of my friendship for you. It provides an eternal perspective of this journey." I feel that our friends and older people
guide us so we don’t have to make the same mistakes and learn how the savior went before us.
The other insight that I received from his book was the time where Elder hales had to decide from getting a Master degree or to serve as the
president to the Elders quorum. I loved what Sister Hale said “I’d rather have an active priesthood holder than a man who holds a master’s
degree from Harvard. We’ll do them both.” (Mary Hale) sometimes it’s hard to make those decisions, you know that getting a master’s degree is
important, and that it is a hard work and sometimes at least for me I would put more effort on school than my spiritual life. Elder hale and Sister
Hale taught me a lesson, and it touched my heart in seeing that when we put the Lord first he will always provide the best for us. Later, Elder
Hale left his business career and accepted to be an Assistant to the twelve Apostles. I related to this because I work, go to school and try to be
involved with school activities. I really don’t have a day off and Sunday is not a day you can rest, and we should keep the day holy and take Gods
name and read scriptures this day. I was called by the temple president and asked me if I had the time to work in the temple. I knew it was
coming, and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to commit, and if I did I wouldn’t have an idea how would I handle all my responsibilities. I
accepted and felt the sensation that as long as I put the Lord first it will all fall in to place.
I like how Elder Hale often reminded us to keep the Holy Ghost with us. How we need to be clean from inside and outside. Reminded us the
body being a temple of god. How it’s important to pray daily morning and night to be honest in your dealings, keep commitments, study the
scriptures, set and achieve goals, and follow a schedule. When I read about following a schedule it reminded me something that my branch
presidents would have said to us. The importance to plan effectively in detail the night before so that Heavenly Father would know our plans and
would place the people that where ready to hear the gospel. It was a truly inspiring book, which touches your subconscious mind waking your
spiritual side and showing the important things, which should be considered first in life.
Disciple Preparation Center: Elder David A. Bednar
Elder David A.Bednar gives a very inspirational talk. He first identifies the similarities between the MTC with BYU-I and
teaches us the importance of this university. He tells us BYU-I is a disciple preparation center of Christ, Which was made and
changed from Ricks College for this purpose. He reminds us that BYU-I is the temple of learning, in this temple of learning—
disciples can follow the Savior and learn of and from Him the lessons that will prepare them for effective service in their
homes, in the Church, and in their communities and careers. We are the most gifted generation we have the house of the
lord just by the university, which takes a big part in this university in being a disciple of Christ and also holds the spirit strong
always. We have devotional talks every Tuesday many of whom are general authorities or Brethren who have been released
after serving in the Second Quorum of the Seventy. Strong stakes located in Idaho also surrounds us. There are 70 wards
and 7 stakes in total. This is also one of the reasons for the spirit to abide with us always. We will be prepared to become a
disciple leader. A disciple’s faith is focused upon the Son of God. Brothers and sisters, the first principle of the gospel is not
simply faith; rather, the first principle of the gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. A disciple’s faith is focused upon the Son
of God. Brothers and sisters, the first principle of the gospel is not simply faith; rather, the first principle of the gospel is faith
in the Lord Jesus Christ. we are blessed to be in a special place—a Disciple Preparation Center—and to be engaged at a
pivotal time in an essential work. As disciples we have important lessons to learn; we have an eternally important work to
do. And in these tumultuous times, we will follow the Master.
Steady Upward Course: President Henry B. Eyring
Elder Eyring begins his talk by appreciating the choir and said this spirit which we feel today will be felt in this university
always. Then he mentions the importance of reading and studying the scriptures regularly. He promised the student that if
they read their scriptures use them as the voice of the Lord it will have God to help your needs and know your concern. The
Lord will give us personal experience, which will help and comfort our needs.
This message was presented in the Ricks college on the 18th of September,2001. Few days before the terrorist attack in the
country which made the country silent and scared. Elder mentioned of these activities brought about a change in the lives
of people. Big changes were made like the National Guard and the Reserves may have been called off from their families
and their normal lives elder adds.
Elder says we all want changes in life for good, but they are always not good. For instance web technology few years back
didn't change but now it has changed. Many students take classes through web technology. But he tells us that world is full
of changes which can be both; increase in opportunity or decrease, which will bring a tremendous change.
He tells us to remember who we are always. We may think we are some mixed up teenagers. But remember who we are
and that will give us a sense of identity, which will help us to make good choices.
A big change happened to the Ricks College from being a 2 year college to a 4 year BYUI. This is a very big thing and changes
many life's, as it is also an internationally recognized and reputed university now.
we should be self-reliant, obey the dressing and honor code standards, read our scriptures and follow the counsel given at
How Will You Measure Your Life: Clayton M. Christensen
This short article written by Clayton M. Christensen is very intense and brain washing. It tells and a wares us of the bad
economy and uncertainties which can come in life. We need to plan certain things in life, which can completely shape our
life in future. Creating strategies in life for a safer and happier future. Learning from your experiences is important. Our
decisions about allocating your personal
time, energy, and talent ultimately shape our life’s strategy. We’re taught in finance and economics that in evaluating
alternative investments, we should ignore sunk and fixed costs, and instead base decisions on the marginal costs and
marginal revenues that each alternative entails. Also When we see people acting in an abusive, arrogant, or demeaning
manner toward others, their behavior almost always is a symptom of their lack of self-esteem. They need to put someone
else down to feel good about themselves.
Think about the metric by which your life will be judged, and make a resolution to live every day so that in the end, your life
will be judged a success.
Making a Living and a Life: Elder Lynn G. Robbins
Elder Lynn G. Robbins teaches us pride is the universal proud make every man their adversary by pitting their intellects,
opinions, works, wealth, talents, or any otherworldly measuring device against others. He teaches about the four level
grades, which show interplay between a love of God and our fellowmen on the one hand, and the need to make a living on
the other. The interesting insight with this model is that all professions, businesses, and services can be found at all levels or
grades A – D. mid-term tests and final exams as indicators of your progress in preparing for a profession, but said they pale
in comparison and importance to the celestial tests the Lord will be monitoring as He observes your daily behavior in your
dealings with your fellowmen. In your pursuit of an income, may you remember, as Marley stated, that mankind is your
true business. You should be congratulated if you earn “A” grades here at BYU-Idaho, but they are meaningless if you don’t
achieve the more important “A” grade in life. The Savior is your example in becoming an A-level individual. We learn in
Alma 34:24-25 that you can pray for success in your labors -- “over the crops of your fields, that ye may prosper in them . . .
over the flocks of your fields, that they may increase.” The Church Handbook of Instruction
In conclusion, we must ask the spirit to guide us in all your employment decisions -- in finding A-level employment and in
being an A-level employee, May all of us use our God-given talents in the service of our fellowmen and making our
communities and world a better place to live.
Whole Soul as an Offering: Elder David A. Bednar
Elder David A.Bednar on 5th January,1999 addressed BYUI Then formally know as Ricks college. His main focus of this talk
was to discuss the relationship between the doctrine of Christ and the academic duties we hold attending this College. He
wanted to discuss it because of doctrinal and spiritual reasons behind being a diligent student.
Elder David A.Bednar tells us that we should be both faithful and competent in our academic life. We should have a balance
in our spiritual growth and doing good in our academics. I feel the same at times when i give more preference to things,
which should not be given importance over our academic life, but we fail to do so by distraction and a weak will power. He
tells us college is not a game but" a college experience is a period of development in one’s life to be prized and prospered."
He then Reminds us of the Mission of Ricks College.
The first element of the mission statement is to build testimonies of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. The second and
third elements of the statement focus upon providing a quality education and preparing students for future responsibilities.
The fourth element of the statement relates to the type of environment in which both faithfulness and competence can be
cultivated. Elder adds these in this message.
He then gives examples of apostles who where both Faithful and competent. Before his call to the Quorum of the Twelve
Apostles, Elder Russell M. Nelson was a world-renowned heart surgeon. Elder Dallin H. Oaks was a respected lawyer, judge,
and constitutional scholar. And Elder Richard G. Scott was a highly skilled engineer who played a key role in the
development of the nuclear navy. These men are truly called of God. Their faithfulness and diligence did make them special
witnesses of God and in fulfilling their callings.
Elder A.Bednar then quotes scriptures to help us know that scriptures too emphasis and being both diligent and faithful. It
says we will gain victory and glory if we are faithful and diligent in D&C 103:36. He tells us we don't have to be a bookworm
to get A's but to be persistent and enjoy the process of learning. I find this very impressive. I feel, doing well in your classes
and not learning and gaining any knowledge is of no use. Learning with faithfulness and enjoying will learning helps us
concentrate and be diligent in our academic life. Sacrifice is another topic Elder spoke about. He tells us we should sacrifice
a little of our time in studying. Especially paying our tithing. I think as students this is one of the greatest sacrifice. It shows
our love to our father in heaven and also helps our budget our money. Consecration is a little higher than Sacrifice.
Although this may be hard, it is an eternal principle and blessings will come to those who are obedient in following it.
Charity the pure love of Christ helps us to follow this principle.
Elder advised the young people to use their time wisely in developing skills and in being both faithful and competent.
Career Leader
Summary describing what you found useful/not useful and other highlights in the Career Leader assessments.
Career leader is a great and very expressive tool. It helps students learn about their personal skills, interest and motivations.
Provides expert assessments of one's unique pattern of business-relevant interests, motivators and skills. Matches an
individual to specific business-related careers. It helps one understand what organizational cultures will be the best fit for
them. Interests are given strong consideration not skills, which should be the foundation of your career. One of the most
common, though, is someone making career choices because they're good at something -- regardless of how interested
they are in the work. Of course, your skill level has to exceed some minimum level to be competent at anything. But, it is
our interest in what we are doing that is our "competitive advantage". Career Leadership Academy is an exciting
opportunity for us to develop our leadership and professional skills – those same skills that employers have told us they’re
looking for in new employees
I felt while doing career leader; Combination of our interests, motivators, and skills that is the "hidden key" often
overlooked in setting our career course. Our motivators (financial gain, security, etc.) and your skills (communication,
quantitative analysis, etc.) are very important as modifying influences to your interests. But, it is our unique profile of all
three factors that should drive how we approach our career in business.
Several aspects of career satisfaction have more to do with our employer's organizational culture than with the industry or
functional role you have. The work culture may be critical in determining which company or business unit is best for you,
even though it was all three factors (your interests, motivators and skills) which led your search to that industry or
functional role in the first place.
Recognizing our strengths and weaknesses, and knowing when and where to utilize them, is essential for avoiding obstacles
in our career progression.
I think career leader helps greatly in an increasingly competitive global economy, crafting a career path and vision that will
meet our needs over the long term is essential for maximizing our success and happiness. As well as minimizing any detours
on our journey. CareerLeader is instrumental in helping us achieve this objective.
As a key tool in your career development process, CareerLeader provides actionable information that we can use to identify
the career paths and work cultures that will suit us the best by uncovering your deeply embedded life interests, skills, and
motivators. When our career allows us to maximize the expression of our interests, skills and motivators, we'll find our work
more engaging and interesting. Resulting in our increased productivity and success on the job. Compiled from all three tests
and 26 different major business career paths in the database, CareerLeader results are highly detailed and unique to you.
Resume review
Commercial building (Construction)
Commercial banking (Finance and insurance)
Casino hotels (Accommodations and food services)
Select one: Commercial banking (Finance and insurance) (U.S)
The commercial Banking industry is comprised of banks regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the
Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Banks generate the majority of their revenue
by accepting customer deposits and then lending these deposits out to individuals and businesses at a higher interest rate.
In the five years to 2012, industry revenue is expected to grow 2.0% annually on average. According to the FDIC, commercial
banks are starting to return to pre-recession profit levels with industry net income increasing at an annualized rate of 2.3%
in the four years to 2011 with much of that growth taking place over 2011 (latest available data). However, this growth rate
hides huge losses experienced on home-loan defaults that cut industry net income by $12.3 billion at the height of the crisis
in 2008. On the other hand, loan and lease losses have not recovered at the same rate as industry net income and have
actually increased at an annualized rate of 42.7% over the same four-year period to $216.6 billion. This trend is expected to
stay consistent with a continued poor housing market. Despite deposit growth and high corporate profit, flat-lined
commercial and retail loan demand coupled with rising loan write-offs are projected to hinder 2012 industry revenue. It is
only expected to increase 0.5% to $613.5 billion by year-end
Revenue: $613.5bn
Growth: 2.0%
Projected growth: 5.2 %
Businesses: 6,320
Profit: $120.9bn
Major Companies/ Market Share:
Wells Fargo & company 12.8%
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. 10.0%
Bank of America 6.1%
Citigroup Inc. 5.3%
Other. 65.8 %
Industry Life Cycle: Mature
Revenue volatility: Medium
Capital intensity: Medium
Industry assistance: High
Concentration Level: Low
Reputation Level: Heavy
Technology Change: Medium
Barriers to Entry: Medium
Industry Globalization: Low
Completion level: High
Key external factors-
Prime rate
Aggregate household dept
Corporate profit
External competition for the commercial Banking industry
Regulation for the banking sector
Wells Fargo & Company
J.P Morgan Chase & Co.
Bank of America corporation
Citigroup Inc.
Wells Fargo & company
Market Share: 12.8%
Wells Fargo is a diversified financial services company that provides banking, insurance, investment, mortgage and
consumer finance. It is headquartered in San Francisco. The firm separates its businesses into three main segments:
community banking, wholesale banking, and Wells Fargo Financial. Wells Fargo has 6,650 retail branches, 12,260 ATMs,
276,000 employees and more than 48 million customers.
Like many of the other major players, Wells Fargo revenue growth was bolstered by external acquisition. In 2008, Wells
Fargo acquired Wachovia and, as a result, became the nation's largest mortgage lender and the second-largest
diversified services firm in the United States in term of deposits.
Similar to virtually all major banks, Wells Fargo has been negatively impacted by the credit crunch and subsequent
recession, with revenue and profit declines. However, these declines should be taken in context because they are not
extraordinarily large compared to other banks. Wells Fargo has not been forced to write down large losses on its assets
compared to the other four large banks. Over the five years to 2017, Wells Fargo is the best-positioned bank to pick up
market share while growing revenue and net income due to its limited exposure to risky investments and the financial
strength of its parent company, Berkshire Hathaway.
During the five years to 2012, Wells Fargo's commercial banking revenue is expected to increase at an annualized rate of
18.3% to $78.7 billion. This growth is misleading, though, because revenue jumped 122.8% in 2009 due to newly
acquired Wachovia. In 2012, Wells Fargo revenue is projected to increase 10.2% in line with increasing commercial and
consumer demand for loans. IBISWorld projects Wells Fargo's net income grew 18.0% annually over the five-year
period, with a 14.5% increase in 2012 to $17.4 billion
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
Market Share: 10.0%
JPMorgan Chase & Co. is one of the largest financial institutions in the world. After the second quarter of 2011, it became
the largest bank in the United States by assets with about $2.2 trillion, and second in revenue behind Bank of America.
JPMorgan's activities are organized into six business segments: investment banking, retail financial services, card services,
commercial banking, treasury and security services, asset management and corporate. It operates in the US with about
5,300 branches (third-largest nationally), 16,400 ATMs (second-largest nationally), and online and mobile banking
The most relevant business segments for this industry are retail financial services, card services, and commercial banking.
Retail financial services grew 16.2% annually over the past five years to an estimated $38.4 billion in 2012. This was driven
by JP Morgan Chase's acquisition of Washington Mutual and aggressive West Coast expansion increasing deposits to $1.2
trillion, making it the largest deposit holder in the US. The bank's card services segment is also one of the nation's largest
credit card issuers with over 65 million accounts and $125.0 billion in loans. Commercial banking is a small but strong
component of JPMorgan's business, serving more than 260,000 clients throughout the United States. This division provides
a range of services to corporations, government agencies, nonprofits and other financial institutions.
Similar to BofA and Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase grew through external acquisition during the recession. On September 25,
2009, JPMorgan acquired Washington Mutual for $1.9 billion from the FDIC. The acquisition of Washington Mutual gave
JPMorgan its first significant presence in the West Coast, which will help boost revenue into the future.
In relation to other commercial banks, JPMorgan Chase was able to operate smoothly through the recession. In June 2009,
the firm announced that it had received permission to repay the $25.0 billion in TARP funds it had received from the
government. As a result of its strong financial position, it was one of the first financial institutions able to repay TARP funds.
During the five years to 2012, JPMorgan revenue is estimated to increase at an annualized rate of 10.8% to $61.2 billion.
Strong growth from its westward retail banking expansion and increased profitability is expected to drive growth in 2012.
With the exception of a 2009 net income loss due to bad loan write-offs, JP Morgan increased its net income 9.0% annually
to $10.6 billion over the previous five year period. Much of this increased profitability can be attributed to cross-selling
banking products to Washington Mutual clients after the merger. IBISWorld projects that Bank of America's downsizing
plans, including branch closures in California, will give JP Morgan Chase the opportunity to pick up market share over the
next five years to 2017.
Bank of America Corporation
Market share: 6.1%
Bank of America (BofA), headquartered in Charlotte, NC, is the world's largest holding-backed company in terms of revenue,
but lost the title of largest US bank by assets to JPMorgan Chase & Co. after the second quarter in 2011. After a 2009
reorganization following the Merrill Lynch merger, the company operates through six business segments: deposits, global
card services, consumer real estate services, global commercial banking, global banking & markets, and global wealth &
investment management. The company's retail banking operations cover 58 million customers in 50 states with about 5,700
banking centers, 18,000 ATMs, national call centers, and online and mobile banking platforms.
BofA conducts commercial and retail banking activities primarily through its deposits, global card services, consumer real
estate services, and global commercial banking segments. Report estimates also include corporate lending through its
global banking and markets division. Deposit products include traditional savings accounts, money market savings accounts,
CDs and IRAs, checking accounts and debit cards. Deposits provide a stable source of funding and liquidity. The company
earns net interest-spread revenue from investing this liability in interest-earning assets. The bank also generates revenue
through various account fees, such as insufficient-fund fees, overdraft charges and account service fees, and interchange
fees from debit cards. Loan payments from businesses, credit cards, and home loans make up the largest share of
commercial banking revenue.
Retail deposits experienced gains over the past five years as investors pulled their money from capital markets and sought
the safety of checking and savings accounts. However, flat-lined corporate and retail loan demand could not offset losses
from massive home-loan defaults and declining asset values in the housing market. In 2012, losses from home-loan defaults
are expected to decline slightly, while deposits are forecast to continue increasing, which will help BofA achieve 1.6%
revenue growth in 2012.
BofA's net income, or bottom line, offers a glimpse at how bad the housing crisis affected commercial banking. In the four
years from 2009 through 2012, it experienced estimated net income losses of $6.9 billion, $10.9 billion, $16.8 billion and
$5.3 billion, respectively. As a result of its struggles and exposure to bad mortgages, BofA received $45.0 billion in
government loans under TARP in 2009. BofA fell to third behind JPMorgan Chase & Co. in US commercial banking market
share after disastrous results through 2011. IBISWorld projects BofA will continue to lose market share over the next five
years as it implements downsizing plans.
Citigroup Inc.
Market Share: 5.3%
Brand Names: Citibank
Citigroup has the world's largest financial services network, spanning 140 countries with about 16,000 offices worldwide.
The company employs about 300,000 staff members around the world and holds more than 200 million customer accounts.
Citigroup operates four business segments: consumer banking, institutional clients group, global wealth management and
global cards. The consumer-banking segment is most relevant to this industry and includes the retail bank of Citigroup's
global branch network, branded Citibank. Citibank is the fourth-largest retail bank in the United States based on deposits.
Out of the four biggest banks in the United States, Citigroup suffered the most during the recession. The firm faced huge
losses during the crisis and was rescued by a massive bailout by the US government in 2008. Since the government took an
ownership stake, they demanded Citigroup downsize. As a result, Citi reorganized its primary banking businesses into
Citicorp, while the rest of its businesses are included in Citi Holdings, which will be sold off in the future. Citigroup's
downfall came because of its large exposure to collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). The firm ran risk models to look at
mortgages in a particular area but never included the possibility of a national housing downturn. As a result, Citigroup
realized net losses from 2007 to 2012.
During the five years to 2012, industry revenue is estimated to increase 4.3% annually to $32.4 billion. However, these
results are indicative of strong performance at the beginning of the performance period rather than the end. Net Income
offers a better picture of Citigroup's problems. Citi recorded net losses from 2007 through 2012 with a huge $38.2 billion
loss in 2008 and projected losses of $4.2 billion and $2.5 billion in 2011 and 2012, respectively. Poor performance,
government mandated downsizing, and acquisitions by industry competitors greatly hurt Citibank's market share, which is
expected to be 5.3% in 2012 and decline further in the future.
Understand the 5 Key Business Areas and 50 Business Terms
(Write out Definitions in the 5 Business Areas)
Accounting: Understand the Role of Accounting in Business
1.Basic Accounting Equation: The 'basic accounting equation' is the foundation for the double-entry book keeping system
for each transaction, the total debits equal the total credits.
Assets = liabilities + capital
2. Financial Statements: statement: a document showing credits and debits.
3. Asset: are economic resources. Anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce
value and that is held to have positive economic value is considered an asset. Simply stated, assets represent ownership of
value that can be converted into cash (although cash itself is also considered an asset.
4. Liability: a liability is defined as an obligation of an entity arising from past transactions or events, the settlement of
which may result in the transfer or use of assets, provision of services or other yielding of economic benefits in the future
5. Accounts Payable: Money owed by a company to its creditors
6. Accounts Receivable: Money owed to a company by its debtors
7. Fixed Costs: Business costs, such as rent, that are constant whatever the amount of goods produced
8. Variable Costs: Variable costs are expenses that change in proportion to the activity of a business
9.CPA: Certified public accountant
10.Equity: A branch of law that developed alongside common law in order to remedy some of its defects in fairness and
justice, formerly administer
Computer Information Technology: Understand the Role of CIT in Business
1. Network: A computer network, often simply referred to as a network, is a collection of computers and other hardware components
interconnected by communication channels that allow sharing of resources and information.Where at least one process in one device is able to
send/receive data to/from at least one process residing in a remote device, then the two devices are said to be in a network. Simply, more than
one computer interconnected through a communication medium for information interchange is called a computer network
2. Relational Database: A relational database is a collection of data items organized as a set of formally described tables from which data can be
accessed easily. A relational database is created using the relational model. The software used in a relational database is called a relational
database management system (RDBMS). A relational database is the predominant choice in storing data, over other models like the hierarchical
database model or the network model
3. Internet/ Intranet: A network based on TCP/IP protocols (an internet) belonging to an organization, usually a corporation, accessible only by
the organization's members, employees, or others with authorization. An intranet's Web sites look and act just like any other Web sites, but
the firewall surrounding an intranet fends off unauthorized access.
Like the Internet itself, intranets are used to share information. Secure intranets are now the fastest-growing segment of the Internet because
they are much less expensive to build and manage than private networks based on proprietor protocols.
4. HTML/ JAVA: A scripting language developed by Netscape to enable Web authors to design interactive sites. Although it shares many of the
features and structures of the full Java language, it was developed independently. JavaScript can interact with HTML source code, enabling Web
authors to spice up their sites with dynamic content. JavaScript is endorsed by a number of software companies and is an open language that
anyone can use without purchasing a license. It is supported by recent browsers from Netscape and Microsoft, though Internet Explorer supports
only a subset, which Microsoft calls Jscript.
5. Firewall: A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from private network. Firewalls can be implemented in
both hardware and software, or a combination of both. Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing
private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets. All messages entering or leaving the intranet pass through the firewall, which
examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria
6. Enterprise Resource Planning: systems integrate internal and external management information across an entire organization, embracing
finance/accounting, manufacturing, sales and service, customer relationship management, etc. ERP systems automate this activity with an
integrated software application. The purpose of ERP is to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries
of the organization and manage the connections to outside stakeholders
7.Customer Relationship Management: describes the strategy that a company uses to handle customer interactions.
8.Bandwidth: the amount of data that can be carried from one point to another in a given time period (usually a second)
9.WiFi: a local area network that uses high frequency radio signals to transmit and receive data over distances of a few hundred feet; uses
Ethernet protocol
10.Web Engineering: The World Wide Web has become a major delivery platform for a variety of complex and sophisticated enterprise
applications in several
Marketing: Understand the Role of Marketing in Business
1.4 P's of marketing: Production, Price, Place and Promotion.
2. Target market: is a group of customers that the business has decided to aim its marketing efforts and ultimately its
3.Product mix: A range of associated products that yields larger sales revenue when marketed together than if they were
marketed individually or in isolation from others.
4.Promotion: Any form of communication a business or organization uses to inform, persuade, or remind people about its
5.Promotion mix: is a combination of the different types of promotion.
6.Segmentation: involves finding out what kinds of consumers with different needs exist.
7.Positioning: Market commitment or exposure of an investor or trader in commodities or securities, expressed as the
amount of owned items (long position) or owed items (short position).
8.Integrated Marketing Communication: An approach to achieving the objectives of a marketing campaign, through as well-
coordinated use of different promotional methods that are intended to reinforce each other.
9.Price Skimming: Price skimming is a pricing strategy in which a marketer sets a relatively high price for a product or service
at first, and then lowers the price over time.
10.Brand Equity: Brand equity refers to the marketing effects or outcomes that accrue to a product with its brand name
compared with those that would accrue if the same product did not have the brand name Keller, Kevin Lane (2003)
Finance: Understand the Role of Finance in Business
1. ROI: Return on investment. A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the
efficiency of a number of different investments.
ROI= Gain of Investments - Cost of Investments/Cost of investment
2. Time Value (NPV, PV, FV): The time value of money is the value of money is the value of money figuring in a given
amount of interest earned over a given amount of time
3. Stocks: Also know as Capitol Stock, its helps as a reserve or security since its what the founders put in, and creditors can't
really deal with it. It can't be withdrawn
4. Budgeting: an estimate, often itemized, of expected income and expense for a given period in the future or a plan of
operations based on such an estimate
5. EBITDA: income before interest and taxes and depreciation and amortization have been subtracted; an indicator of a
company's profitability
6. SEC: A government commission created by Congress to regulate the securities markets and protect investors. In addition
to regulation and protection, it also monitors the corporate takeovers in the U.S. The SEC is composed of five commissioners
appointed by the U.S. President and approved by the Senate. The statutes administered by the SEC are designed to promote
full public disclosure and to protect the investing public against fraudulent and manipulative practices in the securities
markets. Generally, most issues of securities offered in interstate commerce, through the mail or on the internet must be
registered with the SEC
7. Initial Public Offering: Is the first sale of stock by a company to the public
8. Venture Capital: Money provided by investors to start up firms and small businesses with perceived long-term growth
9. Interest Rate: Its the rate at which interest is paid by a borrower for the use of money that they borrow from lender.
10.Dow Jones Industrial Average: Is a price-weighted average of 30 significant stocks traded on the New York Stock
exchange and the NASDAQ.
Supply Chain/ Operations: Understand the Role of Supply Chain Management/Operations in Business
1. Lead Time: The amount of time that elapses between when a process starts and when it is completed
2. Cycle Time: The period required to complete one cycle of an operation; or to complete a function, job, or task from start
to finish.
3. JIT: “Just in Time” An inventory strategy that companies use to increase efficiency and decrease waste by receiving goods
only as they are needed in the production process there by reducing inventory costs. They need to predict the demand
4. Quality Systems: (Lean Production, Six Sigma): A quality management system (QMS) can be expressed as the
organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources
5. SPC: a method of monitoring, controlling and, ideally, improving a process through statistical analysis. Its four basic steps
include measuring the process, eliminating variances in the process to make it consistent, monitoring the process, and
improving the process to its best target value.
6. Logistics: he detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies
7. Forecasting: The use of historic data to determine the direction of future trends. Companies to determine how to allocate
their budgets for an upcoming period of time use forecasting. This is typically based on demand for the goods and services
it offers, compared to the cost of producing them. Investors utilize forecasting to determine if events affecting a company,
such as sales expectations, will increase or decrease the price of shares in that company. Forecasting also provides an
important benchmark for firms, which have a long-term perspective of operations.
8. Vender Managed Inventory: Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is a family of business models in which the buyer of a
product provides certain information to a supplier
9. Bull‐whip Effect: Tendency of consumers of a material or product in short supply to buy more than they need in the
immediate future.
10. Sourcing: the buying of components of a product from an outside supplier, often one located abroad: Foreign sourcing
in the auto industry has eliminated jobs.
Engineer Ken McDonald
Jerome Cheese Factory Product Engineer.
What are your projections for this type of work or industry? Is it stable, growing, declining? It’s stable and growing if you
can make it. You can either make it or break it. You work with high companies like GIT and sometimes products that are
better economically in Japan. The US is working on producing the highest level and that includes other industries as well are
following that path. For example Toyota is stable until someone else steps in with the better product. But it’s not growing.
What are the key trends or issues? New developments? Key challenges? Key Challenges are Scheduling portion, the
handling part. Science not Black art is required. You need to get the science down the rest works around it.
What and where are the opportunities? Logistics analyst is growing. Its big in the food industries. Fedex, etc. are behind
the science.
What are typical salaries in this job, entry-level to experienced? What are the opportunities for career growth? That goes
with the industry and how advance you are in Logistics. When I worked in the auto industry it started from 60,000 to
When and how did you get involved in this work?
I started as a Product engineer. I worked over 20 years in re arranging plants and worked temporally at auto industry, I had a
lot of customers and employees that created bills and shipments ahead of time. Sometimes I had to shut down plants by
working close to the logistics analyst.
What was training and background?
Graduated as a Mechanical Engineer at Miami State. I worked over 20 years in a Wheat construction plant.
Important experiences and knowledge?
I work close with Logistic analyst I can’t do anything without talking with them. For example sometimes I had to shut down
the plant and you can’t let the customers find out. So you work close with the analyst. If they do they charge you a lot of
money per minute. Logistic analyst job is how can we do it, how can we make it work out so you can have enough
product to be eligible to close the plant for that certain time for 3 weeks. Another example is overseas. One time I shipped
a lot of product overseas to Japan and the packaging had a lot of air, I shipped anyway abut at the end I didn’t make enough
profit, because I could have used the space more wisely, but couldn’t completely fell the cubic and I lost a lot of money, so
much money that it would have been easier to pay higher labor in the USA and would have gotten a better profit. Rather
than the Logistic analysis could have been look you can do it this way, and work it out so we can get a better
use. Sometimes as Engineers we just see the tunnel and Logistic analyst are open, they are essential to me.
How important are specific credentials for entry or success?
If you think you can work yourself up from the bottom you can’t. If someone comes to me that have 15 years of experience
in working with small companies and I have a fresh graduate from a University I prefer the graduate because I know he has
knowledge of science. Understand the science.
What talents or skills do you think are the most crucial to success in this work? If you don’t like multi task, then it’s not for
you. You have to be on your feet at all times. If you like the same routine, one example if you like coming to work expecting
to do the same thing, this is not for you. If you like building puzzles you would do a great job.
What’s a typical day for you or someone in this field? In the Supply chain field or at least the 3 questions I ask my Logistic
Analyst are 1. What’s your plan for today? How did you do yesterday? And how can you change them today?
What do you like most about of your job?
Solving solutions.
Who doesn’t do good in this types of work? People that like to do the same routine daily, someone who doesn’t like to
solve problems.
Mr. Tony - Accounting
What are your projections for this type of work or industry? Is it stable, growing, declining? It’s stable now, growing slowly.
We are optimist but it’s really unknown what could happen, a lot of it is out of our control. Banks have a lot of Federal
regulations. It cost millions for banks last year with the regulations on debit card charges. They set a price ceiling where you
can charge that amount. The stores are not going to lower their prices, so the bank loses a lot of money. He gave a example
about if Freddie and Fannies collapsed it would hurt the market. Small banks will be hurt. The larger banks are save, and
eventually could be that we only have 5 most popular banks, and the government will be happy with that, because it will be
easier to control 5 banks.
What are the key trends or issues? New developments? Key challenges?
Federal Regulations, tarp funds. Example of the debit card price ceiling se from the government from Washington. Also how
the banks are regulated to death through Auditing, and how the extra money that the banks have, they have to trap the
funds and banks get some for it but, most of it goes wherever they decide it should go.
What and where are the opportunities?
Depends, Commercial lending is good, not investment loss. Salary is the number one expense.
What are the opportunities for career growth ?
Commercial lenders are managing over 30 million businesses, new loans etc. such as the new Willows, new medical across
from Walgreens and also what they are building next to Maverick.
What are the typical salaries in this type of job, entry-level to experienced? What are the opportunities for career growth?
just Branch managers: up to 40,000 -60,000 and Commercial Lenders and Branch Manager up to 50,000- 80,000. Depends
also if they are large or small branches
What was training and background?
I started as Bio chemo major and went into banking and graduating with a Business degree. I’m working on getting my BM
on Finance or accounting I started as a consumer lender and mortgage, then I worked in wells Fargo as a personal lender,
then commercial lender for 7-8 years and then from Branch manager.
What talents or skills do you think are the most crucial to success in this work ?
Smart, experienced, intrapersonal and communication skills, they don’t want grumpy people.
What do you like most about of your job?
Building relationships with customers and employees and seeing a business grow.
Who doesn’t do good in this types of work?
People that can’t handle stress, complex situations. Needs to be integrated in problems and responsible.
How do you advance or get promoted in this type of work ?
Working, start from bottom and work to the top. Do your job well, go above and beyond. Ask for promotions. Ex. I want to
more, how I can help. Also ask for a raise.
What would your recommend I do if I want to go into this type of work?
Get a teller position, work for a bank, insurance, etc and getting experience is most important. One position opened I got 40
people I needed to interview and 8 had teller experience, of course it cut it down to those 8 people.
Can you recommend other people I can talk to, or other resources I can check out?
Shane from Beehive Union and Julie from Zions bank
Knowing what you know, would you approach this career or job in the same way? If not, what would you do differently,
and why ?
Focusing more on commercial Lending, probably I would focus more on classes that I really needed and getting work
experience at an earlier time.
3) Tim Kershaw Rexburg's Beehive Financial Chief
What do you do day by day?
Different thing’s each day. I do different things than a Financial Chief than other Chiefs would do in a position as. I usually
supervise the employees and the overall investments.
How did you get to your position?
I worked myself up. I worked at a bank for 3 years. Then a worked as a Chief lender at a mortgage and my sister in law
recommended me here at the Beehive. I have been her for 14 years.
What do you like most of your jobs?
Analyzing numbers and doing reports. Also, the intrapersonal aspect and dealing with the hiring.
What do you like least about your job?
Doing the schedule and dealing with the employees personal issues of getting along with each other.
What characteristics are needed to succeed in this type of career?
Dealing with different characteristics, be able to impose to change, update to the environment quickly.
What the difference from a Bank and a Credit Union?
The difference is that the credit Union is made of LDS members and you need to be LDS to be part of it. Credit Unions don't
have stockholders. We give loans through what the members provide, to be a member you need 25. 00 dollars and you
have to have that amount in your account until you stop being a member. It’s the credit union’s choice who gets hired.
Beehive is one of the top 10 out 27 Credit Unions that are in Idaho.
What are your projections for this type of work or industry? Is it stable, growing, declining?
Its stable and growing, there’s 27 in the state of Idaho, and many people are getting educated about Credit Unions, many
banks argue that we should be fined and taxed, but that’s the advantage, it all comes out of the members.
Academic graduation planner
Additional work
Workshop 1 Experience:
I enjoyed doing the Career workshop. I learned the importance of setting goals, and how we have to make goals for
the rest of our life. I liked how President Hinckley used the word invigorating and to grapple. Grapple is to hold on, to
find a solution, and invigorating is fill life with energy. Those two words basically outline the quote. How we need to
hold onto trails, to our goals to have a satisfactory filling at the end.
I enjoyed doing my armor but I enjoyed getting feedback from my friends. My friends said that I have one of the best
personalities they have seen. Also, others said I was smart, mature, fun, creative, loving, good listener, sincere,
compassionate, and friendly and that I have a strong testimony and love for the gospel.
I also repeated to myself these words. I am Smart, I have Potential, I can accomplish anything I set myself to do.
Workshop 2 Experience:
What I learned about the workshop, is the importance of first impressions. I learned how important is to have your 30
second statement memorized and being prepared with power statements to be capable of answering any possible
question that our future Boss could ask. I learned how important it is to use every resource we have here at BYU
Idaho, and as well outside BYU I. We need to use our own abilities to help ourselves out and as well of our
experienced networks we have around us. We need to make sure we leave a good impression on our friends, family
friends, relative's and former bosses, so they can be able to give us good references in the future. I also learned a lot
from hearing the talk of Thomas L. Friedman The World is Flat and how the global economic playing field is being
leveled. I thought it was very interesting how technology is advancing and how it is flattening the world, and how it’s
true that the largest known companies sometimes don't get involved with any of their products or services it’s all
through other businesses. I'm experiencing how that works in my current job.
Presentation: portfolio

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Presentation: portfolio

  • 1.
  • 2. “Me in 30 Seconds“ People find me to be an upbeat, self-motivated team player with excellent communication skills; I am a dedicated person, and hard working ambitious individual with an outgoing attitude. I am very keen in learning new things and gain as much knowledge I can. I have a huge desire in learning marketing and constantly growing in the field.
  • 3. Essays What does disciple leadership mean to me and what am I doing to continue the process of becoming a disciple leader? Becoming a disciple of Christ is the very reason of attending this university. The spirit and honor code motivates our divine mission through disciple preparation, leadership development and inspired learning and teaching. Becoming a disciple leader means everything to me, I would follow any direction which I am asked to follow for getting this. “A disciple of Christ is one who is following and learning to be like Christ learning to think, to feel, and to act as he does. He or she is striving to gain “…The mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). Keeping the lords commandments and standards that define the framework of student honor is fundamental to discipleship. Living and creating an environment around you of obedience is crucial to the development of disciples. We have wonderful wards and stakes on campus, we have devotionals every week, which allow us to gather and be instructed by the spirit. Living by the temple is another advantages for students studying here for disciple leadership preparation it allows the spirit to be with us at all times. They are a lot of things taught in the university to gain leadership qualities and follow the paths of our savior and become more like him; leadership that serves and ministers, loves and supports, and blesses other people. Learning by faith and teaching by the spirit complete and perfect the circle of disciple and leadership. I am going to follow the spirit and abide and obey the student honor, which includes every standard required to attend the lord’s wonderful university and become a disciple of Christ. Obey, care, listen , follow, ask and get blessed. Become a disciple of Christ and influence others through out your life.
  • 4. What matters most to me and why? I have certain life goals in life, which I want to accomplish. My life goals matter to me most after my Family and my Heavenly father. I want to accomplish these goals to prove me to myself and then others. My many life goals are highly ambitious and are considered life obstacles by me before I reach the celestial kingdom. I faced many trials in life and know about a lot of life. For me having done my graduation and then my masters with a work experience of 3 years is one of my primary goals, with having all knowledge of the business world and how it works. I am a very hard working person and if I want something I always tend to get it in the end. After that getting a nice job in a highly reputed company is one of my next goals. Gaining the respect of my community and society is one of the most important things which matters to me. Being well settled and paying my parents back every penny they have spent on my education is the next most important things to me, so they can have a nice and peaceful future. I have a high desire to improve and make myself more and more disciplined and obedient. I want to gain a lot of knowledge in life. I want to know all I can know about business and marketing, it’s been my desired field since I was little as I always saw my father run a construction company with an unorganized manner but he was still very successful at it. I have always thought he could do so much more if everything was organized and expand his business. After working for a couple of years at a multinational company I want to expand my father’s business the most and to the fullest, this would be my most important goal while living a righteous life and reaching the celestial kingdom.
  • 5. What are your three most substantial accomplishments and why do you view them as such? My passion and commitment for education motivated me to walk 5 miles a day to attend primary school. Living in rural India in a two-room flat with 8 family members for five years of my high school because of my fathers transfer to a rural part of India gave me many challenges. I spent long nights studying by lantern with a determination to make it to the best college. Getting a high GPA of 3.85 in high school portrays my desire in studies. One of my most substantial achievements was clearing the Symbiosis (which is a big university in India) entrance examination in the top 0.15% of 250,000 applicants. I knew that if I wanted to give back to society, I needed a world-class education and a brand name – IIPM would have given me both but I wanted different goals in life, I wanted to attend the lord’s university and then get my masters from BYU which would also help me become a disciple of Christ and a successful man. It matters to me a lot and I would consider attending this university an accomplishment as I left behind many less important opportunities and decided to come here. Attending school here is a dream come true for me. My experiences in rural India reinforced my belief that every child should have access to quality education and motivated me to do something for my society. I believe that children just need a push and a ray of hope, and then there is no stopping them from achieving their goals. Another of my substantial accomplishments occurred when I successfully helped the NGO “ABC NGO” in 2010. ABC NGO has given many children this gentle push and hope, providing access to education for the most neglected parts of India through volunteer teachers. Teaching these poor and helpless children in rural parts of India has given me a sense of deep satisfaction and pride. “ABC NGO” has presented challenges and associated learning as well, since I being a urbanely-educated and raised up had to travel to rural areas to teach children. I look forward to having an even greater impact as I will help ABC NGO and as I want launch my successful virtual education company in the future.
  • 6. Why do you want to study business and why at BYU‐Idaho? I have had the desire to learn business since I was in high school. I have always seen my father organize his business in an unorganized manner; I want to grow his business in an organized manner. I want to learn about all aspects of running a successful business, and then eventually focus on Microeconomics and Marketing, and do a Master in International Marketing. With the endless possibilities, a business degree at postgraduate level will give me an excellent grounding on what to base your business career. Gaining a qualification in BYU will have me exposed. I will have the intricacies of global business and encounters with people from all over the world. Indeed this contact with international colleagues and students is a key benefit to studying business abroad. Experiencing how people from different cultural backgrounds approach and solve problems is an important part of my learning. It is also this melting pot of cultures that makes studying abroad so stimulating and rewarding. The understanding you gain from such diversity will be invaluable in my working life and will help me clinch that vital first role. BYU was my first choice of going to school. It is the lord’s university and always wanted to come here for my schooling. My parents were very comfortable sending me here even though it is thousands of miles away from home. I was accepted in very big business universities in India but that’s not what I wanted. I want to come closer to God and enter the celestial kingdom, attending BYU will not only transform me as a person but will also help me become a disciple of Christ.
  • 7. Return Key Insights gained from reading the assigned chapters in “Return”. One of the greatest insights I received from this book was the experience Elder Hale had when he was in the Air force and how they had to do drills to be prepared for emergencies. He shared an experience about one of his companions who had to react fast in one occasion, they were going to crash and Elder Hale reacted quickly and managed to get out, while his friend didn’t. He shared that his companion was not prepared for doing drills and had to face consequence where he didn’t know how to react and lost his life. That helped me understand the important thing is to be prepared, that reading the scriptures, going to church, saying my daily prayers are preparing me to know what to do in a moment of despair or when a conflict comes up, I would know how to react to it. Sometimes I tend to forget that the savior walked the path before me. But now I focus more on the problems and perfect the purpose why I’m here and Elder Hale said “But to know the path itself — that winding lane through the valley, the bridge across the stream, the narrow trail leading to the rugged mountain peak, the sweeping vista — requires a friend who has walked the path before. As I have had such friends in my life, this book is an expression of my friendship for you. It provides an eternal perspective of this journey." I feel that our friends and older people guide us so we don’t have to make the same mistakes and learn how the savior went before us. The other insight that I received from his book was the time where Elder hales had to decide from getting a Master degree or to serve as the president to the Elders quorum. I loved what Sister Hale said “I’d rather have an active priesthood holder than a man who holds a master’s degree from Harvard. We’ll do them both.” (Mary Hale) sometimes it’s hard to make those decisions, you know that getting a master’s degree is important, and that it is a hard work and sometimes at least for me I would put more effort on school than my spiritual life. Elder hale and Sister Hale taught me a lesson, and it touched my heart in seeing that when we put the Lord first he will always provide the best for us. Later, Elder Hale left his business career and accepted to be an Assistant to the twelve Apostles. I related to this because I work, go to school and try to be involved with school activities. I really don’t have a day off and Sunday is not a day you can rest, and we should keep the day holy and take Gods name and read scriptures this day. I was called by the temple president and asked me if I had the time to work in the temple. I knew it was coming, and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to commit, and if I did I wouldn’t have an idea how would I handle all my responsibilities. I accepted and felt the sensation that as long as I put the Lord first it will all fall in to place. I like how Elder Hale often reminded us to keep the Holy Ghost with us. How we need to be clean from inside and outside. Reminded us the body being a temple of god. How it’s important to pray daily morning and night to be honest in your dealings, keep commitments, study the scriptures, set and achieve goals, and follow a schedule. When I read about following a schedule it reminded me something that my branch presidents would have said to us. The importance to plan effectively in detail the night before so that Heavenly Father would know our plans and would place the people that where ready to hear the gospel. It was a truly inspiring book, which touches your subconscious mind waking your spiritual side and showing the important things, which should be considered first in life.
  • 8. Disciple Preparation Center: Elder David A. Bednar Elder David A.Bednar gives a very inspirational talk. He first identifies the similarities between the MTC with BYU-I and teaches us the importance of this university. He tells us BYU-I is a disciple preparation center of Christ, Which was made and changed from Ricks College for this purpose. He reminds us that BYU-I is the temple of learning, in this temple of learning— disciples can follow the Savior and learn of and from Him the lessons that will prepare them for effective service in their homes, in the Church, and in their communities and careers. We are the most gifted generation we have the house of the lord just by the university, which takes a big part in this university in being a disciple of Christ and also holds the spirit strong always. We have devotional talks every Tuesday many of whom are general authorities or Brethren who have been released after serving in the Second Quorum of the Seventy. Strong stakes located in Idaho also surrounds us. There are 70 wards and 7 stakes in total. This is also one of the reasons for the spirit to abide with us always. We will be prepared to become a disciple leader. A disciple’s faith is focused upon the Son of God. Brothers and sisters, the first principle of the gospel is not simply faith; rather, the first principle of the gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. A disciple’s faith is focused upon the Son of God. Brothers and sisters, the first principle of the gospel is not simply faith; rather, the first principle of the gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. we are blessed to be in a special place—a Disciple Preparation Center—and to be engaged at a pivotal time in an essential work. As disciples we have important lessons to learn; we have an eternally important work to do. And in these tumultuous times, we will follow the Master.
  • 9. Steady Upward Course: President Henry B. Eyring Elder Eyring begins his talk by appreciating the choir and said this spirit which we feel today will be felt in this university always. Then he mentions the importance of reading and studying the scriptures regularly. He promised the student that if they read their scriptures use them as the voice of the Lord it will have God to help your needs and know your concern. The Lord will give us personal experience, which will help and comfort our needs. This message was presented in the Ricks college on the 18th of September,2001. Few days before the terrorist attack in the country which made the country silent and scared. Elder mentioned of these activities brought about a change in the lives of people. Big changes were made like the National Guard and the Reserves may have been called off from their families and their normal lives elder adds. Elder says we all want changes in life for good, but they are always not good. For instance web technology few years back didn't change but now it has changed. Many students take classes through web technology. But he tells us that world is full of changes which can be both; increase in opportunity or decrease, which will bring a tremendous change. He tells us to remember who we are always. We may think we are some mixed up teenagers. But remember who we are and that will give us a sense of identity, which will help us to make good choices. A big change happened to the Ricks College from being a 2 year college to a 4 year BYUI. This is a very big thing and changes many life's, as it is also an internationally recognized and reputed university now. we should be self-reliant, obey the dressing and honor code standards, read our scriptures and follow the counsel given at devotionals.
  • 10. How Will You Measure Your Life: Clayton M. Christensen This short article written by Clayton M. Christensen is very intense and brain washing. It tells and a wares us of the bad economy and uncertainties which can come in life. We need to plan certain things in life, which can completely shape our life in future. Creating strategies in life for a safer and happier future. Learning from your experiences is important. Our decisions about allocating your personal time, energy, and talent ultimately shape our life’s strategy. We’re taught in finance and economics that in evaluating alternative investments, we should ignore sunk and fixed costs, and instead base decisions on the marginal costs and marginal revenues that each alternative entails. Also When we see people acting in an abusive, arrogant, or demeaning manner toward others, their behavior almost always is a symptom of their lack of self-esteem. They need to put someone else down to feel good about themselves. Think about the metric by which your life will be judged, and make a resolution to live every day so that in the end, your life will be judged a success. Making a Living and a Life: Elder Lynn G. Robbins Elder Lynn G. Robbins teaches us pride is the universal proud make every man their adversary by pitting their intellects, opinions, works, wealth, talents, or any otherworldly measuring device against others. He teaches about the four level grades, which show interplay between a love of God and our fellowmen on the one hand, and the need to make a living on the other. The interesting insight with this model is that all professions, businesses, and services can be found at all levels or grades A – D. mid-term tests and final exams as indicators of your progress in preparing for a profession, but said they pale in comparison and importance to the celestial tests the Lord will be monitoring as He observes your daily behavior in your dealings with your fellowmen. In your pursuit of an income, may you remember, as Marley stated, that mankind is your true business. You should be congratulated if you earn “A” grades here at BYU-Idaho, but they are meaningless if you don’t achieve the more important “A” grade in life. The Savior is your example in becoming an A-level individual. We learn in Alma 34:24-25 that you can pray for success in your labors -- “over the crops of your fields, that ye may prosper in them . . . over the flocks of your fields, that they may increase.” The Church Handbook of Instruction In conclusion, we must ask the spirit to guide us in all your employment decisions -- in finding A-level employment and in being an A-level employee, May all of us use our God-given talents in the service of our fellowmen and making our communities and world a better place to live.
  • 11. Whole Soul as an Offering: Elder David A. Bednar Elder David A.Bednar on 5th January,1999 addressed BYUI Then formally know as Ricks college. His main focus of this talk was to discuss the relationship between the doctrine of Christ and the academic duties we hold attending this College. He wanted to discuss it because of doctrinal and spiritual reasons behind being a diligent student. Elder David A.Bednar tells us that we should be both faithful and competent in our academic life. We should have a balance in our spiritual growth and doing good in our academics. I feel the same at times when i give more preference to things, which should not be given importance over our academic life, but we fail to do so by distraction and a weak will power. He tells us college is not a game but" a college experience is a period of development in one’s life to be prized and prospered." He then Reminds us of the Mission of Ricks College. The first element of the mission statement is to build testimonies of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. The second and third elements of the statement focus upon providing a quality education and preparing students for future responsibilities. The fourth element of the statement relates to the type of environment in which both faithfulness and competence can be cultivated. Elder adds these in this message. He then gives examples of apostles who where both Faithful and competent. Before his call to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder Russell M. Nelson was a world-renowned heart surgeon. Elder Dallin H. Oaks was a respected lawyer, judge, and constitutional scholar. And Elder Richard G. Scott was a highly skilled engineer who played a key role in the development of the nuclear navy. These men are truly called of God. Their faithfulness and diligence did make them special witnesses of God and in fulfilling their callings. Elder A.Bednar then quotes scriptures to help us know that scriptures too emphasis and being both diligent and faithful. It says we will gain victory and glory if we are faithful and diligent in D&C 103:36. He tells us we don't have to be a bookworm to get A's but to be persistent and enjoy the process of learning. I find this very impressive. I feel, doing well in your classes and not learning and gaining any knowledge is of no use. Learning with faithfulness and enjoying will learning helps us concentrate and be diligent in our academic life. Sacrifice is another topic Elder spoke about. He tells us we should sacrifice a little of our time in studying. Especially paying our tithing. I think as students this is one of the greatest sacrifice. It shows our love to our father in heaven and also helps our budget our money. Consecration is a little higher than Sacrifice. Although this may be hard, it is an eternal principle and blessings will come to those who are obedient in following it. Charity the pure love of Christ helps us to follow this principle. Elder advised the young people to use their time wisely in developing skills and in being both faithful and competent.
  • 12. Career Leader Summary describing what you found useful/not useful and other highlights in the Career Leader assessments. Career leader is a great and very expressive tool. It helps students learn about their personal skills, interest and motivations. Provides expert assessments of one's unique pattern of business-relevant interests, motivators and skills. Matches an individual to specific business-related careers. It helps one understand what organizational cultures will be the best fit for them. Interests are given strong consideration not skills, which should be the foundation of your career. One of the most common, though, is someone making career choices because they're good at something -- regardless of how interested they are in the work. Of course, your skill level has to exceed some minimum level to be competent at anything. But, it is our interest in what we are doing that is our "competitive advantage". Career Leadership Academy is an exciting opportunity for us to develop our leadership and professional skills – those same skills that employers have told us they’re looking for in new employees I felt while doing career leader; Combination of our interests, motivators, and skills that is the "hidden key" often overlooked in setting our career course. Our motivators (financial gain, security, etc.) and your skills (communication, quantitative analysis, etc.) are very important as modifying influences to your interests. But, it is our unique profile of all three factors that should drive how we approach our career in business. Several aspects of career satisfaction have more to do with our employer's organizational culture than with the industry or functional role you have. The work culture may be critical in determining which company or business unit is best for you, even though it was all three factors (your interests, motivators and skills) which led your search to that industry or functional role in the first place. Recognizing our strengths and weaknesses, and knowing when and where to utilize them, is essential for avoiding obstacles in our career progression. I think career leader helps greatly in an increasingly competitive global economy, crafting a career path and vision that will meet our needs over the long term is essential for maximizing our success and happiness. As well as minimizing any detours on our journey. CareerLeader is instrumental in helping us achieve this objective. As a key tool in your career development process, CareerLeader provides actionable information that we can use to identify the career paths and work cultures that will suit us the best by uncovering your deeply embedded life interests, skills, and motivators. When our career allows us to maximize the expression of our interests, skills and motivators, we'll find our work more engaging and interesting. Resulting in our increased productivity and success on the job. Compiled from all three tests and 26 different major business career paths in the database, CareerLeader results are highly detailed and unique to you.
  • 13.
  • 15. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Commercial building (Construction) Commercial banking (Finance and insurance) Casino hotels (Accommodations and food services) Select one: Commercial banking (Finance and insurance) (U.S) The commercial Banking industry is comprised of banks regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Banks generate the majority of their revenue by accepting customer deposits and then lending these deposits out to individuals and businesses at a higher interest rate. In the five years to 2012, industry revenue is expected to grow 2.0% annually on average. According to the FDIC, commercial banks are starting to return to pre-recession profit levels with industry net income increasing at an annualized rate of 2.3% in the four years to 2011 with much of that growth taking place over 2011 (latest available data). However, this growth rate hides huge losses experienced on home-loan defaults that cut industry net income by $12.3 billion at the height of the crisis in 2008. On the other hand, loan and lease losses have not recovered at the same rate as industry net income and have actually increased at an annualized rate of 42.7% over the same four-year period to $216.6 billion. This trend is expected to stay consistent with a continued poor housing market. Despite deposit growth and high corporate profit, flat-lined commercial and retail loan demand coupled with rising loan write-offs are projected to hinder 2012 industry revenue. It is only expected to increase 0.5% to $613.5 billion by year-end Revenue: $613.5bn Growth: 2.0% Projected growth: 5.2 % Businesses: 6,320 Profit: $120.9bn
  • 16. Major Companies/ Market Share: Wells Fargo & company 12.8% J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. 10.0% Bank of America 6.1% Citigroup Inc. 5.3% Other. 65.8 % Industry Life Cycle: Mature Revenue volatility: Medium Capital intensity: Medium Industry assistance: High Concentration Level: Low Reputation Level: Heavy Technology Change: Medium Barriers to Entry: Medium Industry Globalization: Low Completion level: High Key external factors- Prime rate Aggregate household dept Corporate profit External competition for the commercial Banking industry Regulation for the banking sector
  • 17. COMPANY ANALYSIS Wells Fargo & Company J.P Morgan Chase & Co. Bank of America corporation Citigroup Inc. Other Wells Fargo & company Market Share: 12.8% Wells Fargo is a diversified financial services company that provides banking, insurance, investment, mortgage and consumer finance. It is headquartered in San Francisco. The firm separates its businesses into three main segments: community banking, wholesale banking, and Wells Fargo Financial. Wells Fargo has 6,650 retail branches, 12,260 ATMs, 276,000 employees and more than 48 million customers. Like many of the other major players, Wells Fargo revenue growth was bolstered by external acquisition. In 2008, Wells Fargo acquired Wachovia and, as a result, became the nation's largest mortgage lender and the second-largest diversified services firm in the United States in term of deposits. Similar to virtually all major banks, Wells Fargo has been negatively impacted by the credit crunch and subsequent recession, with revenue and profit declines. However, these declines should be taken in context because they are not extraordinarily large compared to other banks. Wells Fargo has not been forced to write down large losses on its assets compared to the other four large banks. Over the five years to 2017, Wells Fargo is the best-positioned bank to pick up market share while growing revenue and net income due to its limited exposure to risky investments and the financial strength of its parent company, Berkshire Hathaway. During the five years to 2012, Wells Fargo's commercial banking revenue is expected to increase at an annualized rate of 18.3% to $78.7 billion. This growth is misleading, though, because revenue jumped 122.8% in 2009 due to newly acquired Wachovia. In 2012, Wells Fargo revenue is projected to increase 10.2% in line with increasing commercial and consumer demand for loans. IBISWorld projects Wells Fargo's net income grew 18.0% annually over the five-year period, with a 14.5% increase in 2012 to $17.4 billion
  • 18.
  • 19. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Market Share: 10.0% JPMorgan Chase & Co. is one of the largest financial institutions in the world. After the second quarter of 2011, it became the largest bank in the United States by assets with about $2.2 trillion, and second in revenue behind Bank of America. JPMorgan's activities are organized into six business segments: investment banking, retail financial services, card services, commercial banking, treasury and security services, asset management and corporate. It operates in the US with about 5,300 branches (third-largest nationally), 16,400 ATMs (second-largest nationally), and online and mobile banking platforms. The most relevant business segments for this industry are retail financial services, card services, and commercial banking. Retail financial services grew 16.2% annually over the past five years to an estimated $38.4 billion in 2012. This was driven by JP Morgan Chase's acquisition of Washington Mutual and aggressive West Coast expansion increasing deposits to $1.2 trillion, making it the largest deposit holder in the US. The bank's card services segment is also one of the nation's largest credit card issuers with over 65 million accounts and $125.0 billion in loans. Commercial banking is a small but strong component of JPMorgan's business, serving more than 260,000 clients throughout the United States. This division provides a range of services to corporations, government agencies, nonprofits and other financial institutions. Similar to BofA and Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase grew through external acquisition during the recession. On September 25, 2009, JPMorgan acquired Washington Mutual for $1.9 billion from the FDIC. The acquisition of Washington Mutual gave JPMorgan its first significant presence in the West Coast, which will help boost revenue into the future. In relation to other commercial banks, JPMorgan Chase was able to operate smoothly through the recession. In June 2009, the firm announced that it had received permission to repay the $25.0 billion in TARP funds it had received from the government. As a result of its strong financial position, it was one of the first financial institutions able to repay TARP funds. During the five years to 2012, JPMorgan revenue is estimated to increase at an annualized rate of 10.8% to $61.2 billion. Strong growth from its westward retail banking expansion and increased profitability is expected to drive growth in 2012. With the exception of a 2009 net income loss due to bad loan write-offs, JP Morgan increased its net income 9.0% annually to $10.6 billion over the previous five year period. Much of this increased profitability can be attributed to cross-selling banking products to Washington Mutual clients after the merger. IBISWorld projects that Bank of America's downsizing plans, including branch closures in California, will give JP Morgan Chase the opportunity to pick up market share over the next five years to 2017.
  • 20.
  • 21. Bank of America Corporation Market share: 6.1% Bank of America (BofA), headquartered in Charlotte, NC, is the world's largest holding-backed company in terms of revenue, but lost the title of largest US bank by assets to JPMorgan Chase & Co. after the second quarter in 2011. After a 2009 reorganization following the Merrill Lynch merger, the company operates through six business segments: deposits, global card services, consumer real estate services, global commercial banking, global banking & markets, and global wealth & investment management. The company's retail banking operations cover 58 million customers in 50 states with about 5,700 banking centers, 18,000 ATMs, national call centers, and online and mobile banking platforms. BofA conducts commercial and retail banking activities primarily through its deposits, global card services, consumer real estate services, and global commercial banking segments. Report estimates also include corporate lending through its global banking and markets division. Deposit products include traditional savings accounts, money market savings accounts, CDs and IRAs, checking accounts and debit cards. Deposits provide a stable source of funding and liquidity. The company earns net interest-spread revenue from investing this liability in interest-earning assets. The bank also generates revenue through various account fees, such as insufficient-fund fees, overdraft charges and account service fees, and interchange fees from debit cards. Loan payments from businesses, credit cards, and home loans make up the largest share of commercial banking revenue. Retail deposits experienced gains over the past five years as investors pulled their money from capital markets and sought the safety of checking and savings accounts. However, flat-lined corporate and retail loan demand could not offset losses from massive home-loan defaults and declining asset values in the housing market. In 2012, losses from home-loan defaults are expected to decline slightly, while deposits are forecast to continue increasing, which will help BofA achieve 1.6% revenue growth in 2012. BofA's net income, or bottom line, offers a glimpse at how bad the housing crisis affected commercial banking. In the four years from 2009 through 2012, it experienced estimated net income losses of $6.9 billion, $10.9 billion, $16.8 billion and $5.3 billion, respectively. As a result of its struggles and exposure to bad mortgages, BofA received $45.0 billion in government loans under TARP in 2009. BofA fell to third behind JPMorgan Chase & Co. in US commercial banking market share after disastrous results through 2011. IBISWorld projects BofA will continue to lose market share over the next five years as it implements downsizing plans.
  • 22.
  • 23. Citigroup Inc. Market Share: 5.3% Brand Names: Citibank Citigroup has the world's largest financial services network, spanning 140 countries with about 16,000 offices worldwide. The company employs about 300,000 staff members around the world and holds more than 200 million customer accounts. Citigroup operates four business segments: consumer banking, institutional clients group, global wealth management and global cards. The consumer-banking segment is most relevant to this industry and includes the retail bank of Citigroup's global branch network, branded Citibank. Citibank is the fourth-largest retail bank in the United States based on deposits. Out of the four biggest banks in the United States, Citigroup suffered the most during the recession. The firm faced huge losses during the crisis and was rescued by a massive bailout by the US government in 2008. Since the government took an ownership stake, they demanded Citigroup downsize. As a result, Citi reorganized its primary banking businesses into Citicorp, while the rest of its businesses are included in Citi Holdings, which will be sold off in the future. Citigroup's downfall came because of its large exposure to collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). The firm ran risk models to look at mortgages in a particular area but never included the possibility of a national housing downturn. As a result, Citigroup realized net losses from 2007 to 2012. During the five years to 2012, industry revenue is estimated to increase 4.3% annually to $32.4 billion. However, these results are indicative of strong performance at the beginning of the performance period rather than the end. Net Income offers a better picture of Citigroup's problems. Citi recorded net losses from 2007 through 2012 with a huge $38.2 billion loss in 2008 and projected losses of $4.2 billion and $2.5 billion in 2011 and 2012, respectively. Poor performance, government mandated downsizing, and acquisitions by industry competitors greatly hurt Citibank's market share, which is expected to be 5.3% in 2012 and decline further in the future.
  • 24.
  • 25. Understand the 5 Key Business Areas and 50 Business Terms (Write out Definitions in the 5 Business Areas) Accounting: Understand the Role of Accounting in Business 1.Basic Accounting Equation: The 'basic accounting equation' is the foundation for the double-entry book keeping system for each transaction, the total debits equal the total credits. Assets = liabilities + capital 2. Financial Statements: statement: a document showing credits and debits. 3. Asset: are economic resources. Anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce value and that is held to have positive economic value is considered an asset. Simply stated, assets represent ownership of value that can be converted into cash (although cash itself is also considered an asset. 4. Liability: a liability is defined as an obligation of an entity arising from past transactions or events, the settlement of which may result in the transfer or use of assets, provision of services or other yielding of economic benefits in the future 5. Accounts Payable: Money owed by a company to its creditors 6. Accounts Receivable: Money owed to a company by its debtors 7. Fixed Costs: Business costs, such as rent, that are constant whatever the amount of goods produced 8. Variable Costs: Variable costs are expenses that change in proportion to the activity of a business 9.CPA: Certified public accountant 10.Equity: A branch of law that developed alongside common law in order to remedy some of its defects in fairness and justice, formerly administer
  • 26. Computer Information Technology: Understand the Role of CIT in Business 1. Network: A computer network, often simply referred to as a network, is a collection of computers and other hardware components interconnected by communication channels that allow sharing of resources and information.Where at least one process in one device is able to send/receive data to/from at least one process residing in a remote device, then the two devices are said to be in a network. Simply, more than one computer interconnected through a communication medium for information interchange is called a computer network 2. Relational Database: A relational database is a collection of data items organized as a set of formally described tables from which data can be accessed easily. A relational database is created using the relational model. The software used in a relational database is called a relational database management system (RDBMS). A relational database is the predominant choice in storing data, over other models like the hierarchical database model or the network model 3. Internet/ Intranet: A network based on TCP/IP protocols (an internet) belonging to an organization, usually a corporation, accessible only by the organization's members, employees, or others with authorization. An intranet's Web sites look and act just like any other Web sites, but the firewall surrounding an intranet fends off unauthorized access. Like the Internet itself, intranets are used to share information. Secure intranets are now the fastest-growing segment of the Internet because they are much less expensive to build and manage than private networks based on proprietor protocols. 4. HTML/ JAVA: A scripting language developed by Netscape to enable Web authors to design interactive sites. Although it shares many of the features and structures of the full Java language, it was developed independently. JavaScript can interact with HTML source code, enabling Web authors to spice up their sites with dynamic content. JavaScript is endorsed by a number of software companies and is an open language that anyone can use without purchasing a license. It is supported by recent browsers from Netscape and Microsoft, though Internet Explorer supports only a subset, which Microsoft calls Jscript. 5. Firewall: A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from private network. Firewalls can be implemented in both hardware and software, or a combination of both. Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets. All messages entering or leaving the intranet pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria 6. Enterprise Resource Planning: systems integrate internal and external management information across an entire organization, embracing finance/accounting, manufacturing, sales and service, customer relationship management, etc. ERP systems automate this activity with an integrated software application. The purpose of ERP is to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and manage the connections to outside stakeholders 7.Customer Relationship Management: describes the strategy that a company uses to handle customer interactions. 8.Bandwidth: the amount of data that can be carried from one point to another in a given time period (usually a second) 9.WiFi: a local area network that uses high frequency radio signals to transmit and receive data over distances of a few hundred feet; uses Ethernet protocol 10.Web Engineering: The World Wide Web has become a major delivery platform for a variety of complex and sophisticated enterprise applications in several
  • 27. Marketing: Understand the Role of Marketing in Business 1.4 P's of marketing: Production, Price, Place and Promotion. 2. Target market: is a group of customers that the business has decided to aim its marketing efforts and ultimately its merchandise 3.Product mix: A range of associated products that yields larger sales revenue when marketed together than if they were marketed individually or in isolation from others. 4.Promotion: Any form of communication a business or organization uses to inform, persuade, or remind people about its products. 5.Promotion mix: is a combination of the different types of promotion. 6.Segmentation: involves finding out what kinds of consumers with different needs exist. 7.Positioning: Market commitment or exposure of an investor or trader in commodities or securities, expressed as the amount of owned items (long position) or owed items (short position). 8.Integrated Marketing Communication: An approach to achieving the objectives of a marketing campaign, through as well- coordinated use of different promotional methods that are intended to reinforce each other. 9.Price Skimming: Price skimming is a pricing strategy in which a marketer sets a relatively high price for a product or service at first, and then lowers the price over time. 10.Brand Equity: Brand equity refers to the marketing effects or outcomes that accrue to a product with its brand name compared with those that would accrue if the same product did not have the brand name Keller, Kevin Lane (2003)
  • 28. Finance: Understand the Role of Finance in Business 1. ROI: Return on investment. A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiency of a number of different investments. ROI= Gain of Investments - Cost of Investments/Cost of investment 2. Time Value (NPV, PV, FV): The time value of money is the value of money is the value of money figuring in a given amount of interest earned over a given amount of time 3. Stocks: Also know as Capitol Stock, its helps as a reserve or security since its what the founders put in, and creditors can't really deal with it. It can't be withdrawn 4. Budgeting: an estimate, often itemized, of expected income and expense for a given period in the future or a plan of operations based on such an estimate 5. EBITDA: income before interest and taxes and depreciation and amortization have been subtracted; an indicator of a company's profitability 6. SEC: A government commission created by Congress to regulate the securities markets and protect investors. In addition to regulation and protection, it also monitors the corporate takeovers in the U.S. The SEC is composed of five commissioners appointed by the U.S. President and approved by the Senate. The statutes administered by the SEC are designed to promote full public disclosure and to protect the investing public against fraudulent and manipulative practices in the securities markets. Generally, most issues of securities offered in interstate commerce, through the mail or on the internet must be registered with the SEC 7. Initial Public Offering: Is the first sale of stock by a company to the public 8. Venture Capital: Money provided by investors to start up firms and small businesses with perceived long-term growth potential 9. Interest Rate: Its the rate at which interest is paid by a borrower for the use of money that they borrow from lender. 10.Dow Jones Industrial Average: Is a price-weighted average of 30 significant stocks traded on the New York Stock exchange and the NASDAQ.
  • 29. Supply Chain/ Operations: Understand the Role of Supply Chain Management/Operations in Business 1. Lead Time: The amount of time that elapses between when a process starts and when it is completed 2. Cycle Time: The period required to complete one cycle of an operation; or to complete a function, job, or task from start to finish. 3. JIT: “Just in Time” An inventory strategy that companies use to increase efficiency and decrease waste by receiving goods only as they are needed in the production process there by reducing inventory costs. They need to predict the demand needed 4. Quality Systems: (Lean Production, Six Sigma): A quality management system (QMS) can be expressed as the organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources 5. SPC: a method of monitoring, controlling and, ideally, improving a process through statistical analysis. Its four basic steps include measuring the process, eliminating variances in the process to make it consistent, monitoring the process, and improving the process to its best target value. 6. Logistics: he detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies 7. Forecasting: The use of historic data to determine the direction of future trends. Companies to determine how to allocate their budgets for an upcoming period of time use forecasting. This is typically based on demand for the goods and services it offers, compared to the cost of producing them. Investors utilize forecasting to determine if events affecting a company, such as sales expectations, will increase or decrease the price of shares in that company. Forecasting also provides an important benchmark for firms, which have a long-term perspective of operations. 8. Vender Managed Inventory: Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is a family of business models in which the buyer of a product provides certain information to a supplier 9. Bull‐whip Effect: Tendency of consumers of a material or product in short supply to buy more than they need in the immediate future. 10. Sourcing: the buying of components of a product from an outside supplier, often one located abroad: Foreign sourcing in the auto industry has eliminated jobs.
  • 31. Mentors: 1) Engineer Ken McDonald Jerome Cheese Factory Product Engineer. What are your projections for this type of work or industry? Is it stable, growing, declining? It’s stable and growing if you can make it. You can either make it or break it. You work with high companies like GIT and sometimes products that are better economically in Japan. The US is working on producing the highest level and that includes other industries as well are following that path. For example Toyota is stable until someone else steps in with the better product. But it’s not growing. What are the key trends or issues? New developments? Key challenges? Key Challenges are Scheduling portion, the handling part. Science not Black art is required. You need to get the science down the rest works around it. What and where are the opportunities? Logistics analyst is growing. Its big in the food industries. Fedex, etc. are behind the science. What are typical salaries in this job, entry-level to experienced? What are the opportunities for career growth? That goes with the industry and how advance you are in Logistics. When I worked in the auto industry it started from 60,000 to 150,000. When and how did you get involved in this work? I started as a Product engineer. I worked over 20 years in re arranging plants and worked temporally at auto industry, I had a lot of customers and employees that created bills and shipments ahead of time. Sometimes I had to shut down plants by working close to the logistics analyst. What was training and background? Graduated as a Mechanical Engineer at Miami State. I worked over 20 years in a Wheat construction plant.
  • 32. Important experiences and knowledge? I work close with Logistic analyst I can’t do anything without talking with them. For example sometimes I had to shut down the plant and you can’t let the customers find out. So you work close with the analyst. If they do they charge you a lot of money per minute. Logistic analyst job is how can we do it, how can we make it work out so you can have enough product to be eligible to close the plant for that certain time for 3 weeks. Another example is overseas. One time I shipped a lot of product overseas to Japan and the packaging had a lot of air, I shipped anyway abut at the end I didn’t make enough profit, because I could have used the space more wisely, but couldn’t completely fell the cubic and I lost a lot of money, so much money that it would have been easier to pay higher labor in the USA and would have gotten a better profit. Rather than the Logistic analysis could have been look you can do it this way, and work it out so we can get a better use. Sometimes as Engineers we just see the tunnel and Logistic analyst are open, they are essential to me. How important are specific credentials for entry or success? If you think you can work yourself up from the bottom you can’t. If someone comes to me that have 15 years of experience in working with small companies and I have a fresh graduate from a University I prefer the graduate because I know he has knowledge of science. Understand the science. What talents or skills do you think are the most crucial to success in this work? If you don’t like multi task, then it’s not for you. You have to be on your feet at all times. If you like the same routine, one example if you like coming to work expecting to do the same thing, this is not for you. If you like building puzzles you would do a great job. What’s a typical day for you or someone in this field? In the Supply chain field or at least the 3 questions I ask my Logistic Analyst are 1. What’s your plan for today? How did you do yesterday? And how can you change them today? What do you like most about of your job? Solving solutions. Who doesn’t do good in this types of work? People that like to do the same routine daily, someone who doesn’t like to solve problems.
  • 33. 2) Mr. Tony - Accounting What are your projections for this type of work or industry? Is it stable, growing, declining? It’s stable now, growing slowly. We are optimist but it’s really unknown what could happen, a lot of it is out of our control. Banks have a lot of Federal regulations. It cost millions for banks last year with the regulations on debit card charges. They set a price ceiling where you can charge that amount. The stores are not going to lower their prices, so the bank loses a lot of money. He gave a example about if Freddie and Fannies collapsed it would hurt the market. Small banks will be hurt. The larger banks are save, and eventually could be that we only have 5 most popular banks, and the government will be happy with that, because it will be easier to control 5 banks. What are the key trends or issues? New developments? Key challenges? Federal Regulations, tarp funds. Example of the debit card price ceiling se from the government from Washington. Also how the banks are regulated to death through Auditing, and how the extra money that the banks have, they have to trap the funds and banks get some for it but, most of it goes wherever they decide it should go. What and where are the opportunities? Depends, Commercial lending is good, not investment loss. Salary is the number one expense. What are the opportunities for career growth ? Commercial lenders are managing over 30 million businesses, new loans etc. such as the new Willows, new medical across from Walgreens and also what they are building next to Maverick. What are the typical salaries in this type of job, entry-level to experienced? What are the opportunities for career growth? just Branch managers: up to 40,000 -60,000 and Commercial Lenders and Branch Manager up to 50,000- 80,000. Depends also if they are large or small branches What was training and background? I started as Bio chemo major and went into banking and graduating with a Business degree. I’m working on getting my BM on Finance or accounting I started as a consumer lender and mortgage, then I worked in wells Fargo as a personal lender, then commercial lender for 7-8 years and then from Branch manager.
  • 34. What talents or skills do you think are the most crucial to success in this work ? Smart, experienced, intrapersonal and communication skills, they don’t want grumpy people. What do you like most about of your job? Building relationships with customers and employees and seeing a business grow. Who doesn’t do good in this types of work? People that can’t handle stress, complex situations. Needs to be integrated in problems and responsible. How do you advance or get promoted in this type of work ? Working, start from bottom and work to the top. Do your job well, go above and beyond. Ask for promotions. Ex. I want to more, how I can help. Also ask for a raise. What would your recommend I do if I want to go into this type of work? Get a teller position, work for a bank, insurance, etc and getting experience is most important. One position opened I got 40 people I needed to interview and 8 had teller experience, of course it cut it down to those 8 people. Can you recommend other people I can talk to, or other resources I can check out? Shane from Beehive Union and Julie from Zions bank Knowing what you know, would you approach this career or job in the same way? If not, what would you do differently, and why ? Focusing more on commercial Lending, probably I would focus more on classes that I really needed and getting work experience at an earlier time.
  • 35. 3) Tim Kershaw Rexburg's Beehive Financial Chief What do you do day by day? Different thing’s each day. I do different things than a Financial Chief than other Chiefs would do in a position as. I usually supervise the employees and the overall investments. How did you get to your position? I worked myself up. I worked at a bank for 3 years. Then a worked as a Chief lender at a mortgage and my sister in law recommended me here at the Beehive. I have been her for 14 years. What do you like most of your jobs? Analyzing numbers and doing reports. Also, the intrapersonal aspect and dealing with the hiring. What do you like least about your job? Doing the schedule and dealing with the employees personal issues of getting along with each other. What characteristics are needed to succeed in this type of career? Dealing with different characteristics, be able to impose to change, update to the environment quickly. What the difference from a Bank and a Credit Union? The difference is that the credit Union is made of LDS members and you need to be LDS to be part of it. Credit Unions don't have stockholders. We give loans through what the members provide, to be a member you need 25. 00 dollars and you have to have that amount in your account until you stop being a member. It’s the credit union’s choice who gets hired. Beehive is one of the top 10 out 27 Credit Unions that are in Idaho. What are your projections for this type of work or industry? Is it stable, growing, declining? Its stable and growing, there’s 27 in the state of Idaho, and many people are getting educated about Credit Unions, many banks argue that we should be fined and taxed, but that’s the advantage, it all comes out of the members.
  • 37. Additional work Workshop 1 Experience: I enjoyed doing the Career workshop. I learned the importance of setting goals, and how we have to make goals for the rest of our life. I liked how President Hinckley used the word invigorating and to grapple. Grapple is to hold on, to find a solution, and invigorating is fill life with energy. Those two words basically outline the quote. How we need to hold onto trails, to our goals to have a satisfactory filling at the end. I enjoyed doing my armor but I enjoyed getting feedback from my friends. My friends said that I have one of the best personalities they have seen. Also, others said I was smart, mature, fun, creative, loving, good listener, sincere, compassionate, and friendly and that I have a strong testimony and love for the gospel. I also repeated to myself these words. I am Smart, I have Potential, I can accomplish anything I set myself to do. Workshop 2 Experience: What I learned about the workshop, is the importance of first impressions. I learned how important is to have your 30 second statement memorized and being prepared with power statements to be capable of answering any possible question that our future Boss could ask. I learned how important it is to use every resource we have here at BYU Idaho, and as well outside BYU I. We need to use our own abilities to help ourselves out and as well of our experienced networks we have around us. We need to make sure we leave a good impression on our friends, family friends, relative's and former bosses, so they can be able to give us good references in the future. I also learned a lot from hearing the talk of Thomas L. Friedman The World is Flat and how the global economic playing field is being leveled. I thought it was very interesting how technology is advancing and how it is flattening the world, and how it’s true that the largest known companies sometimes don't get involved with any of their products or services it’s all through other businesses. I'm experiencing how that works in my current job.