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Celas Maya
More personal, more effectiv!.

Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, Central América
 Celas Maya is a school with Spanish and K’iche classes located in Xela and
San Pedro La Laguna, and offers on Online Program as well.

 We offer lessons one-on-one or in small groups with a high quality standard,
language classes combined with other courses.
 The school also provides opportunities for volunteer work, internship and
professional practice.

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 The Celas Maya language school is located in a 19th century building,
originally a residency with rooms, and has a beautiful garden that holds a
fountain in the center. The school is only 3 blocks away from the Central
Park in the city of Quetzaltenango.

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 Guatemala is located in the
America, with a population of almost
14 million inhabitants.
 It is a multicultural country with 24

different languages and 4 ethnic
groups living together.
 This multiculturalism is part of the
wealth of the country and you can
see it tangibly in the colors, flavors





expressions which are so present in
the daily life.
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Quetzaltenango, the city
 Quetzaltenango is the second biggest city in
Guatemala and the name is derived from the
Nahualt language and means “land of the
 In the language K’iche (Quiché), the name of the
city is “Xe Llajú Nooj” and stands for the ten ideas








 The city has a population of 225’000 people of
different ethnic origins.

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Around Quetzaltenango
 The city is 205 kilometers away from the Guatemala City on the
Interamericana Highway, and 225 kilometers from the South Coast. It takes
only 2-3 hours to Panajachel (Lake Atitlán) and 45 minutes to the waterpark

Xocomil, the biggest in Central America. Within 2 hours you are at the
Pacific coast.

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Celas Maya’s Vision

 Celas Maya is recognized for its high quality educational services, our social
and environmental responsibility, and our innovative spirit. Our focus is on
attaining successful results and offering valuable cross-cultural experiences
to our students

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Celas Maya’s Mission
 The mission of Celas Maya is to create, develop and maintain a high
standard of quality in our

Spanish and K’iche language immersion

programs. Our focus is on achieving successful outcomes and providing a
valuable and rich experience to our students in a multicultural environment.

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Celas Mayas History

 Celas Maya was founded in 1999, by Federico Velásquez and Leslye Rivera.
 The objective was to teach the Spanish language to foreign students who
want to learn Spanish as second language, through the 1-on-1 methodology.
 Celas Maya has always distinguished itself through its leadership in
innovation of methodologies and didactics, as well as the teaching quality.

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Spanish Programs

 Our Spanish programs are designed to be developed in the 1-on-1
methodology, or in small groups until 6 students, at the school or through
classes online.
 The academic contents are based on the Common European Framework of
Reference for Language, and the Plan Curricular of the Cervantes Institute.
These were adapted into the Curricular Plan of Celas Maya, in such way
that it fits the methodologies that we offer and the needs of our students.

The DELE program is organized in 6 levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2,
which gives us a total of 20 courses covering from basic to fluent level.

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Spanish for Medical Professionals
 The course Medical Spanish or Spanish for Healthcare Providers is directed
at physicians, nurses and students preparing to work in the healthcare field.
 This course offers specialized training in:
 -Medical terminology , patient reception and interviewing, diagnosis,
prescription medical treatment.

 This course also utilizes a library of specialized texts like "Spanish for
Health Care Professionals,” and "Communicating in Spanish for Medical
 Spanish for Healthcare Providers is coordinated by Dr. Luis Angel, who is
also the medical official of Celas Maya and a medical internist at the
University of San Carlos in Guatemala.
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Spanish for Lawyers

Spanish for Lawyers is a course specifically designed for lawyers who work with clients
or defendants who have Spanish as their first language.
Spanish for Lawyers caters to the needs of the different sectors including:
 Business law
 Public sector
 Criminal defense
 Human rights law
 Labor rights.

 This course is under the direction of Professor Byron Ixcayau, who finished his
studies in law at the University of San Carlos in Guatemala, and the University of the
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Spanish for Spanish teachers

 A special Spanish course, just for people who teach Spanish as a foreign or

second language!
 This course is heavily influenced by the grammatical analysis and visions of
distinctive authors including but not limited to: Luis Onieva Morales, Gill
yGalla and the Spanish Royal Academy.

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Spanish for Teachers

It is organized as follows:
 Didactic teaching
 Course content
 Vocabulary for giving instructions
 Social sciences, natural sciences, mathematics and language.

The Coordinator of this course is Professor Gladis Carolina Pérez, a coded
DELE examiner who has served as a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language
for many years.

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Spanish Courses for University Credits

Celas Maya can provide transferable university Credits by the Rural University
in Guatemala.
To obtain the credits, the students must
 study a minimum of three weeks
 make a total of 75 hours of one-on-one Spanish classes
For course in the social sciences, alongside Spanish, we have various
professors also working in our school.

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Tuition and Fees for Spanish Programs
With home stay

Without home stay







25 hours Spanish



€ 162



€ 126

20 hours Spanish



€ 154



€ 118

15 hours Spanish



€ 147



€ 110

With professional practice
With home stay

Without home stay







25 hours Spanish



€ 204



€ 168

20 hours Spanish



€ 196



€ 159

15 hours Spanish



€ 189



€ 152

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Study Spanish & Volunteer

At Celas Maya it is possible to combine Spanish classes with volunteer work
without losing any study time. The combination of Spanish classes, volunteer
work and living with a host family is the best opportunity to immerse oneself
not only in Spanish language but also in cultural experiences that will enrich
your understanding of the environment.
Our volunteer coordinator has knowledge of the organizations and can advise
the student in finding the best possible volunteer placement.

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Tuition and Fees: Spanish and Volunteering
With home stay




Without home stay



25 hours Spanish



€ 162 Q1,200


€ 126

20 hours Spanish



€ 154 Q1,122


€ 118

15 hours Spanish



€ 147 Q1,052


€ 110

With professional practice
With home stay




Without home stay



25 hours Spanish and practice



€ 204 Q1,600


€ 168

20 hours Spanish and practice



€ 196 Q1,522


€ 159

15 hours Spanish and practice



€ 189 Q1,452


€ 152

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K'iche´ Instruction at Celas Maya

 The structure for K'iche´ classes is similar to that for Spanish instruction.
That is, students enjoy four and a half hours of study each day with a halfhour break.
 Students have the opportunity to participate in activities and live with a host
 The weekly cost for the K'iche´ program is US $185 from September
through May and US $200 from June to August.

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University Programs at Celas Maya

Celas Maya works alongside several universities in the USA and Europe,
organizing student, teacher and professional groups that have come to realize
Spanish study and courses in anthropology, research, human rights and Latin
America Studies, among others.
These universities include:
University of Virginia
University of St. John’s
University of Colorado
Duke University
Clark University

…and growing!!

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University programs vary depending on the needs and design of the
exchange. For each school, the program differs slightly and caters to
the needs of the University students.
Although our main methodology is the one-on-one teaching, in some
cases and sometimes by requirement, we also organize group
lessons, with groups between 3 and 6 students.

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Program Examples:
 Extended Spanish/Credit Study
 Some students come for extended periods of

time, individually or in small groups, in order to
study Spanish over 6-20 weeks (sometimes
 These students aim to earn various levels of

credits toapply to their studies in the United
States or Europe
 These credits can be for Spanish language or
various credits offered through our relationships
with universities here in Guatemala
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Program Examples:
 Limited Spanish Study
 Students come in this program with the intention of improving or adding to
an existing program of study in Spanish language. For example, they may
come for just 2-10 weeks and only plan to study Spanish, with the intent of
improving their language skills rather than earning official credits through
their university.

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Program Examples:

*Study Abroad Courses
 In these types of programs studys come in large groups with two intentions:
 to earn university credits taking Spanish classes

 to earn university credits taking Spanish and other types of classes
(history, politics, culture, etc.)
Additionally many of these students also participate in various service-learning or
research projects as part of their program.

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Program Examples:

*Medical/Nursing/Dentistry Courses
 Students in these programs often come to Guatemala as part of an elective
or rotation in their respective programs
 These students usually take Spanish classes and may or may not have a
mentor here at Celas Maya to assist with their learning process
For example: A medical student may take Skype Spanish classes with their
mentor, after which they come to Guatemala to continue studying.

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Group Programs at Celas Maya

Previous Groups Include:
 Dentistry Volunteers
 Nursing Volunteers
 Medical Volunteers
 PA Volunteers

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Group Programs at Celas Maya
Program Examples:

 Service-Learning Groups
Groups such as these from high school – to adult aged, have come to the
school in the past to prepare a bit in Spanish before going to a community but
have also worked through the school in order to work with clinics and schools.

 Volunteer Groups
Volunteers groups have come through Celas Maya to work with our existing
community partners, to prepare to go to more rural communities and to
generally improve their Spanish before doing volunteer work

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Group Programs at Celas Maya

Program Examples:
 High School Groups
high school age groups have come to Celas Maya in the past in order to work
on Spanish language skills but also to provide high school students with the
opportunity to see another world.

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Internet café: El Guru
 El Gurú offers:

55 different coffees, fresh fruit juices, cake, snacks and soft drinks


lending library of movies in English and Spanish


laptop portals


WiFi *photocopying


computer use laser printing (black & white, and color)


international calls (1Q (US$0.12) per minute to the US and 2Q to Europe)


lending library of books in English and Spanish


online music library with 100's of songs


Video conference system.


*fax services

*-scanning of photos and text

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Travel Agency Icaro Tours
Celas Maya has a travel agency attached to the
school and they organize a variety of excellent, safe

and well organized trips to various locations in and
around Xela, as well as to more exotic locations both
in Guatemala and in Latin America generally.

Trips include: Tikal, Semuc Champey, Rio Dulce and Livingston,
Lake Atitlán and Antigua in Guatemala, as well as Copán,
Honduras and San Cristobal, México.

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The school offers:
 indoor and outdoor studying spaces
 a movie room
 a café with lending libraries, tables, couches and drink/food service

 movie library

-novel/reading library -grammar/practice library

 a kitchen with free access to tea and coffee in the mornings and afternoons
and regular access to drinkable water (including ability to fill water bottles)
 a tele-conference capable room
 rooms for online Spanish classes and skype appointments

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Services for students
 Optional participation in the weekly, morning and/or afternoon
 Free coffee, tea, and water is available for students during class.
 Five free hours of internet access in our own Internet café from
Monday through Friday.

 Access to our library and video café.
 Photocopies and printing
 International Calls
 Laundry Service (25Q for a bag of about a week of clothes)

 Homestay Arrangements
 Volunteer Opportunities Arrangements
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 Cooking classes
 Conferences on Maya Cosmology, marimba and other Guatemala cultural.
 Dancing Classes
 Weekly Dinners/Talent Shows/Expositions for Graduation of students
 Trips to Fuentes Georginas, Las Vahos and other Natural Springs/Saunas
 Trips to Chocolate and Coffee Making Shops
 Trips to local weaving, textile and artisan goods cooperatives and stores
Trips to local sites: cemetery, musuems, local vistas
 Movie Nights with hot chocolate
 Trips to local markets, churches, and tourist sites and local towns
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 Trips to Tikal, Semuc Champey, Rio
Dulce, Livingston, Lake Atitlan
 Hikes to Santa Maria, La Laguna
Chicabal, Santiaguito (volcano), El
Baul y La Muela (local hills with
beautiful lookouts of the city),
Tajumulco (largest volcano in Central

 Trips to the beach on the Pacific
Coast, the biggest water park in
Central America

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Online Classes
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 An evaluation form is used on a weekly basis, the students fill these in to
express their opinion about the program, teacher, school administration,
Internet service, host family and activities.
 The permanently employed international coordinator(s) is an important
part of the team in the office. She is in the office to help translate for
students when they need to explain something to the members of the staff
who only speak Spanish.
 Celas Maya will accept tuition payment in either Quetzals, US Dollars,
with credit card (VISA, Mastercard, Discovery, American Express) or
travelers checks. For payment with credit card, there is an 8% fee on the

total price.
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Celas Maya:
The Team
Celas Maya counts with a great team, with a lot of enthusiasm, skills and
professional qualities.

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Teachers Team
 Our teachers have experience in teaching Spanish to foreign students
between 3 and 20 years. Celas Maya holds regular trainings and
workshops to keep our teachers up to date. Of all our teachers, 35% of
our teachers have the title of Official Examiner for the DELE-exams,
issued by the Cervantes Institute.
 They have received trainings in teaching, and they all hold a diploma of
the San Carlos University, certifying them as teachers of Spanish as a
second language.

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 Celas Maya holds regular trainings and workshops to keep our teachers up
to date. Of all our teachers, 35% of our teachers have the title of Official
Examiner for the DELE-exams, issued by the Cervantes Institute.
 All these achievements contribute to the great job the teachers do at Celas
Maya, and being the most competent teachers by teaching Spanish in an
effective manner.

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Recognition and Accreditation
 The institutions we are related with are the Guatemalan Institute of
Tourism (INGUAT), the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) and the
Cervantes Institute in Spain, by providing D.E.L.E.-exams (Diploma de
Español como Lengua Extranjera or Diploma in Spanish as Foreign
Language) and preparation courses in the school, among many others.

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Celas Maya Online

Interested in Learning Spanish Online via Skype?

Advancements in technology have made it possible to get you as close as
possible to our great culture, the smile of our people and of course, the beauty
of our language! With our Spanish classes online you will get to enjoy the

richness of the Spanish language in all of its facets!

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*Group Experiences and Uses of Skype Classes:

 We have had groups in the past use Skype classes as a pre-departure
requirement for students coming abroad to study here at Celas Maya or as
part of a school’s study abroad program.

 Some groups use the Online program as a way to encourage students to
maintain their Spanish level or achieve a certain language level before

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Celas Maya
Uno a uno más humano, más efectivo.

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Celas Maya
6ª calle 14-55, zona 1, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Tel. (502) 77658205

*While the majority of our images come from our personal libraries, some come from our websites, the websites of our accrediting
organizations or from Google image searches

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Presentacion de Celas Maya

  • 1. Celas Maya More personal, more effectiv!. Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, Central América
  • 2. Introduction  Celas Maya is a school with Spanish and K’iche classes located in Xela and San Pedro La Laguna, and offers on Online Program as well.  We offer lessons one-on-one or in small groups with a high quality standard, language classes combined with other courses.  The school also provides opportunities for volunteer work, internship and professional practice. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 3. Location  The Celas Maya language school is located in a 19th century building, originally a residency with rooms, and has a beautiful garden that holds a fountain in the center. The school is only 3 blocks away from the Central Park in the city of Quetzaltenango. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 4.
  • 5. Guatemala  Guatemala is located in the northernmost part of Central America, with a population of almost 14 million inhabitants.  It is a multicultural country with 24 different languages and 4 ethnic groups living together.  This multiculturalism is part of the wealth of the country and you can see it tangibly in the colors, flavors and the cultural and spiritual expressions which are so present in the daily life. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 6. Quetzaltenango, the city  Quetzaltenango is the second biggest city in Guatemala and the name is derived from the Nahualt language and means “land of the Quetzal”.  In the language K’iche (Quiché), the name of the city is “Xe Llajú Nooj” and stands for the ten ideas referring to the political system and the government.  The city has a population of 225’000 people of different ethnic origins. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 7. Around Quetzaltenango  The city is 205 kilometers away from the Guatemala City on the Interamericana Highway, and 225 kilometers from the South Coast. It takes only 2-3 hours to Panajachel (Lake Atitlán) and 45 minutes to the waterpark Xocomil, the biggest in Central America. Within 2 hours you are at the Pacific coast. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 8. Celas Maya’s Vision  Celas Maya is recognized for its high quality educational services, our social and environmental responsibility, and our innovative spirit. Our focus is on attaining successful results and offering valuable cross-cultural experiences to our students Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 9. Celas Maya’s Mission  The mission of Celas Maya is to create, develop and maintain a high standard of quality in our Spanish and K’iche language immersion programs. Our focus is on achieving successful outcomes and providing a valuable and rich experience to our students in a multicultural environment. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 10. Celas Mayas History  Celas Maya was founded in 1999, by Federico Velásquez and Leslye Rivera.  The objective was to teach the Spanish language to foreign students who want to learn Spanish as second language, through the 1-on-1 methodology.  Celas Maya has always distinguished itself through its leadership in innovation of methodologies and didactics, as well as the teaching quality. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 11.
  • 12. Spanish Programs  Our Spanish programs are designed to be developed in the 1-on-1 methodology, or in small groups until 6 students, at the school or through classes online.  The academic contents are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Language, and the Plan Curricular of the Cervantes Institute. These were adapted into the Curricular Plan of Celas Maya, in such way that it fits the methodologies that we offer and the needs of our students. The DELE program is organized in 6 levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2, which gives us a total of 20 courses covering from basic to fluent level. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 13. Spanish for Medical Professionals  The course Medical Spanish or Spanish for Healthcare Providers is directed at physicians, nurses and students preparing to work in the healthcare field.  This course offers specialized training in:  -Medical terminology , patient reception and interviewing, diagnosis, prescription medical treatment.  This course also utilizes a library of specialized texts like "Spanish for Health Care Professionals,” and "Communicating in Spanish for Medical Personnel”  Spanish for Healthcare Providers is coordinated by Dr. Luis Angel, who is also the medical official of Celas Maya and a medical internist at the University of San Carlos in Guatemala. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 14. Spanish for Lawyers Spanish for Lawyers is a course specifically designed for lawyers who work with clients or defendants who have Spanish as their first language. Spanish for Lawyers caters to the needs of the different sectors including:  Business law  Public sector  Criminal defense  Human rights law  Labor rights.  This course is under the direction of Professor Byron Ixcayau, who finished his studies in law at the University of San Carlos in Guatemala, and the University of the West. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 15. Spanish for Spanish teachers  A special Spanish course, just for people who teach Spanish as a foreign or second language!  This course is heavily influenced by the grammatical analysis and visions of distinctive authors including but not limited to: Luis Onieva Morales, Gill yGalla and the Spanish Royal Academy. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 16. Spanish for Teachers It is organized as follows:  Didactic teaching  Course content  Vocabulary for giving instructions  Social sciences, natural sciences, mathematics and language. The Coordinator of this course is Professor Gladis Carolina Pérez, a coded DELE examiner who has served as a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language for many years. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 17. Spanish Courses for University Credits Celas Maya can provide transferable university Credits by the Rural University in Guatemala. To obtain the credits, the students must  study a minimum of three weeks  make a total of 75 hours of one-on-one Spanish classes For course in the social sciences, alongside Spanish, we have various professors also working in our school. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 18. Tuition and Fees for Spanish Programs With home stay **US$ Without home stay Package GTQ **Euros GTQ **US$ **Euros 25 hours Spanish Q1,550 $201 € 162 Q1,200 $156 € 126 20 hours Spanish Q1,472 $191 € 154 Q1,122 $146 € 118 15 hours Spanish Q1,402 $182 € 147 Q1,052 $137 € 110 With professional practice With home stay **US$ Without home stay Package GTQ **Euros GTQ **US$ **Euros 25 hours Spanish Q1,950 $253 € 204 Q1,600 $208 € 168 20 hours Spanish Q1,872 $243 € 196 Q1,522 $198 € 159 15 hours Spanish Q1,802 $234 € 189 Q1,452 $189 € 152 Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 19. Study Spanish & Volunteer At Celas Maya it is possible to combine Spanish classes with volunteer work without losing any study time. The combination of Spanish classes, volunteer work and living with a host family is the best opportunity to immerse oneself not only in Spanish language but also in cultural experiences that will enrich your understanding of the environment. Our volunteer coordinator has knowledge of the organizations and can advise the student in finding the best possible volunteer placement. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 20. Tuition and Fees: Spanish and Volunteering With home stay Package GTQ US$ Euros Without home stay GTQ US$ Euros 25 hours Spanish Q1,550 $201 € 162 Q1,200 $156 € 126 20 hours Spanish Q1,472 $191 € 154 Q1,122 $146 € 118 15 hours Spanish Q1,402 $182 € 147 Q1,052 $137 € 110 With professional practice With home stay Package GTQ US$ Euros Without home stay GTQ US$ Euros 25 hours Spanish and practice Q1,950 $253 € 204 Q1,600 $208 € 168 20 hours Spanish and practice Q1,872 $243 € 196 Q1,522 $198 € 159 15 hours Spanish and practice Q1,802 $234 € 189 Q1,452 $189 € 152 Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 21. K'iche´ Instruction at Celas Maya  The structure for K'iche´ classes is similar to that for Spanish instruction. That is, students enjoy four and a half hours of study each day with a halfhour break.  Students have the opportunity to participate in activities and live with a host family.  The weekly cost for the K'iche´ program is US $185 from September through May and US $200 from June to August. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 22. University Programs at Celas Maya Celas Maya works alongside several universities in the USA and Europe, organizing student, teacher and professional groups that have come to realize Spanish study and courses in anthropology, research, human rights and Latin America Studies, among others. These universities include: University of Virginia University of St. John’s University of Colorado Duke University Clark University …and growing!! Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 23. University programs vary depending on the needs and design of the exchange. For each school, the program differs slightly and caters to the needs of the University students. Although our main methodology is the one-on-one teaching, in some cases and sometimes by requirement, we also organize group lessons, with groups between 3 and 6 students. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 24. Program Examples:  Extended Spanish/Credit Study  Some students come for extended periods of time, individually or in small groups, in order to study Spanish over 6-20 weeks (sometimes more).  These students aim to earn various levels of credits toapply to their studies in the United States or Europe  These credits can be for Spanish language or various credits offered through our relationships with universities here in Guatemala Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 25. Program Examples:  Limited Spanish Study  Students come in this program with the intention of improving or adding to an existing program of study in Spanish language. For example, they may come for just 2-10 weeks and only plan to study Spanish, with the intent of improving their language skills rather than earning official credits through their university. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 26. Program Examples: *Study Abroad Courses  In these types of programs studys come in large groups with two intentions:  to earn university credits taking Spanish classes  to earn university credits taking Spanish and other types of classes (history, politics, culture, etc.) Additionally many of these students also participate in various service-learning or research projects as part of their program. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 27. Program Examples: *Medical/Nursing/Dentistry Courses  Students in these programs often come to Guatemala as part of an elective or rotation in their respective programs  These students usually take Spanish classes and may or may not have a mentor here at Celas Maya to assist with their learning process For example: A medical student may take Skype Spanish classes with their mentor, after which they come to Guatemala to continue studying. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 28. Group Programs at Celas Maya Previous Groups Include:  Dentistry Volunteers  Nursing Volunteers  Medical Volunteers  PA Volunteers Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 29. Group Programs at Celas Maya Program Examples:  Service-Learning Groups Groups such as these from high school – to adult aged, have come to the school in the past to prepare a bit in Spanish before going to a community but have also worked through the school in order to work with clinics and schools.  Volunteer Groups Volunteers groups have come through Celas Maya to work with our existing community partners, to prepare to go to more rural communities and to generally improve their Spanish before doing volunteer work Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 30. Group Programs at Celas Maya Program Examples:  High School Groups high school age groups have come to Celas Maya in the past in order to work on Spanish language skills but also to provide high school students with the opportunity to see another world. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 31.
  • 32. Internet café: El Guru  El Gurú offers:  55 different coffees, fresh fruit juices, cake, snacks and soft drinks  lending library of movies in English and Spanish  laptop portals  WiFi *photocopying  computer use laser printing (black & white, and color)  international calls (1Q (US$0.12) per minute to the US and 2Q to Europe)  lending library of books in English and Spanish  online music library with 100's of songs  Video conference system. *Skype *fax services *-scanning of photos and text Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 33. Travel Agency Icaro Tours Celas Maya has a travel agency attached to the school and they organize a variety of excellent, safe and well organized trips to various locations in and around Xela, as well as to more exotic locations both in Guatemala and in Latin America generally. Trips include: Tikal, Semuc Champey, Rio Dulce and Livingston, Lake Atitlán and Antigua in Guatemala, as well as Copán, Honduras and San Cristobal, México. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 34. Facilities The school offers:  indoor and outdoor studying spaces  a movie room  a café with lending libraries, tables, couches and drink/food service  movie library -novel/reading library -grammar/practice library  a kitchen with free access to tea and coffee in the mornings and afternoons and regular access to drinkable water (including ability to fill water bottles)  a tele-conference capable room  rooms for online Spanish classes and skype appointments Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 35. Services for students  Optional participation in the weekly, morning and/or afternoon activities  Free coffee, tea, and water is available for students during class.  Five free hours of internet access in our own Internet café from Monday through Friday.  Access to our library and video café.  Photocopies and printing  International Calls  Laundry Service (25Q for a bag of about a week of clothes)  Homestay Arrangements  Volunteer Opportunities Arrangements Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 36. Activities Weekly  Cooking classes  Conferences on Maya Cosmology, marimba and other Guatemala cultural.  Dancing Classes  Weekly Dinners/Talent Shows/Expositions for Graduation of students  Trips to Fuentes Georginas, Las Vahos and other Natural Springs/Saunas  Trips to Chocolate and Coffee Making Shops  Trips to local weaving, textile and artisan goods cooperatives and stores Trips to local sites: cemetery, musuems, local vistas  Movie Nights with hot chocolate  Trips to local markets, churches, and tourist sites and local towns Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 37. Weekend  Trips to Tikal, Semuc Champey, Rio Dulce, Livingston, Lake Atitlan  Hikes to Santa Maria, La Laguna Chicabal, Santiaguito (volcano), El Baul y La Muela (local hills with beautiful lookouts of the city), Tajumulco (largest volcano in Central America)  Trips to the beach on the Pacific Coast, the biggest water park in Central America Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 38. Logistics  An evaluation form is used on a weekly basis, the students fill these in to express their opinion about the program, teacher, school administration, Internet service, host family and activities.  The permanently employed international coordinator(s) is an important part of the team in the office. She is in the office to help translate for students when they need to explain something to the members of the staff who only speak Spanish.  Celas Maya will accept tuition payment in either Quetzals, US Dollars, with credit card (VISA, Mastercard, Discovery, American Express) or travelers checks. For payment with credit card, there is an 8% fee on the total price. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 39. Celas Maya: The Team Celas Maya counts with a great team, with a lot of enthusiasm, skills and professional qualities. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 40. Teachers Team  Our teachers have experience in teaching Spanish to foreign students between 3 and 20 years. Celas Maya holds regular trainings and workshops to keep our teachers up to date. Of all our teachers, 35% of our teachers have the title of Official Examiner for the DELE-exams, issued by the Cervantes Institute.  They have received trainings in teaching, and they all hold a diploma of the San Carlos University, certifying them as teachers of Spanish as a second language. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 41.  Celas Maya holds regular trainings and workshops to keep our teachers up to date. Of all our teachers, 35% of our teachers have the title of Official Examiner for the DELE-exams, issued by the Cervantes Institute.  All these achievements contribute to the great job the teachers do at Celas Maya, and being the most competent teachers by teaching Spanish in an effective manner. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 42. Recognition and Accreditation  The institutions we are related with are the Guatemalan Institute of Tourism (INGUAT), the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) and the Cervantes Institute in Spain, by providing D.E.L.E.-exams (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera or Diploma in Spanish as Foreign Language) and preparation courses in the school, among many others. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 43.
  • 44. Celas Maya Online Interested in Learning Spanish Online via Skype? Advancements in technology have made it possible to get you as close as possible to our great culture, the smile of our people and of course, the beauty of our language! With our Spanish classes online you will get to enjoy the richness of the Spanish language in all of its facets! Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 45. *Group Experiences and Uses of Skype Classes:  We have had groups in the past use Skype classes as a pre-departure requirement for students coming abroad to study here at Celas Maya or as part of a school’s study abroad program.  Some groups use the Online program as a way to encourage students to maintain their Spanish level or achieve a certain language level before arriving Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes Thank you!
  • 46. Celas Maya Uno a uno más humano, más efectivo. Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes
  • 47. Thank you! Celas Maya 6ª calle 14-55, zona 1, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Tel. (502) 77658205 E-mail: *While the majority of our images come from our personal libraries, some come from our websites, the websites of our accrediting organizations or from Google image searches Introduction Services Team Spanish Programs K’iche Programs University/Group Programs Immersion Experience Online Classes