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- Getting All Your Needs and Desires
Met, One Time.
Francis Egbhatse Bossey
Copyright © 2013 Apst. Francis Egbhatse.
ISBN: 978-978-935-862-5
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be used without the written Permission of
the author or publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts in
magazines, articles, reviews, etc.
Phone: 234 802 886 7663
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from
the King James Version (Easy Reading Edition) of the Bible.
Thank you precious Holy Spirit; my Instructor and
Teacher, by whose knowledge and inspiration this book
has been produced.
To God be ALL the Glory!
From the Author’s Desk
To the glory of God and with a gladdened heart I
present to you this amazing self help book for your
spiritual illumination and enablement. It reveals simple
step by step principles on how to quickly take hold of
your expectations and desires in accordance with God’s
will, with such dexterity and simplicity in the place of
This book will enlighten you on how to change that
situation you don’t like; revealing how you can “Press”
for that change in the Spirit. It would challenge and stir
you to ensure that change in the place of prayer. It will
inspire you to claim your desires quickly.
You can change your story. You can change your
situation. Take Responsibility. Take action. Decide to
Apostle Francis
August, 2013.
From The Author’s Desk……………………………………………….v
WHAT IS PRAYER…………………………………………………….11
 Defining of Prayer…………………………………………….11
 Prayer Is Communion With God……………………………12
 When Should We Pray……………………………………….13
 Listening Prayer (Listening To God’s voice During Prayer)….14
 Take Action (You Must Decide To Pray To bring About
That Change) …………………………………………………15
 Take It Violently……………………………………………....19
 How Do You Press To Take Delivery…………………....…20
 Jacob Pressed For Change………………………………...….20
 Hannah Pressed For Change……………………………......23
 Jabez Pressed For Change…………………………………...25
 Daniel Pressed For Change………………………………….27
 Elijah Pressed For Change…………………………………...31
 YOU Must Press For Change………………………………...35
HOW TO “PRESS” FOR CHANGE………………………………….37
 Take Responsibility…………………………………………...38
 Outline The Issues…………………………………………….39
 Search Out Areas In The Word Relating To The Issues You
Outlined. So, You Can Bring Forth Your Strong Reasons...40
 Address The Situation You Want Changed….…………….42
 Take Delivery………………………………………………….45
 Receiving – An Important Aspect Of Prayer……………….45
PRAYER AND FASTING……………………………………………..49
 Prayer And Fasting – A Veritable Instrument For Change…...51
 Triumph Over The Prince Of Persia………………………...54
 Celebrating Your Victory…………………………………….60
Prayer Of Salvation…………………………………………………...66
Prayer is
approaching God’s
demanding for the
manifestation of
His will in our
Prayer is a major key if you want God’s visitation in your life as
regards any issue. However, there are well analysed patterns in
which prayer should be done that would guarantee its efficacy and
effectiveness for our benefit and the benefit of others that have
been discussed in this text. We would be revealing some insights
by God’s Spirit, all geared towards understanding and making
sure we receive our desires in accordance with God’s word
speedily as we engage in this act.
As new creations in Christ Jesus we
need to build the consciousness of the
personality we are in Christ when we
come before our heavenly father in the
place of prayer. However, prayer has
to do with consciously approaching
the Lord with your desires and
expectation for which you seek His
Prayer is storming God’s headquarters to take delivery of what
His word says belong to you in Christ.
Prayer is approaching God’s presence demanding for the
manifestation of His will in our lives.
Prayer is storming
headquarters to
take delivery of
what His word
says belong to you
in Christ.
Prayer involves consciously
approaching the presence of the
Lord for a change in your
Prayer is a major key if you want
to see change in any situation.
When there is a problem or
challenge, you can cry if you like,
complain if you want, but for you
to see a definite change you must
consciously and strategically pray to command results. Prayer will
not only change the situation, it will also change you for the better.
By engaging
truly in the act of
praying we are
communing with
Chapter One
Defining Prayer
Prayer is basically communication with God. It is man having
communion with divinity. Prayer is
about fellowshipping with God. Prayer
is a conversation between man and
God. It is about communing with Him.
Prayer is not just about talking to God,
but communicating with Him. It is a
conversation between man and God. It is not meant to be a
monologue as practiced by a lot of Christian folks today; it is
supposed to be a dialogue. And a dialogue is usually between two
or more people. So, prayer is a dialogue between man and God.
When we use the word(s) “communication” or “communicating”,
what do we mean?
Communication takes place between two or more persons. It is
not just an individual thing. There are at least two or more parties
involved when we are communicating anything, whether vocally
You don’t wait
for things to go
bad before you
or in writing. In the case of prayer, you are making a verbal
communication with God. You are either making requests to God
or you are giving thanks to Him, or offering praises to Him, etc,
however the case may be.
Prayer Is Communion With God: That is, it is an act in which
we commune with God. Meaning there is an interaction and
intimacy in this art of prayer.
Through the art of prayer we have the privilege of communing
with our heavenly father. To commune with Him refers to the fact
that you are intimately in close touch with someone. By the art of
prayer and act of praying we are in close touch with God. By
engaging truly in the act of praying we are communing with
Prayer is actually a discussion taking
place between our heavenly father and us
His kids. A lot of times when you see or
hear people pray, it’s like they are just
throwing words at God without seeking to
get to know what His responses are as
regards what they are requesting or demanding. We talk to Him
and He talks back to us. He responds to what we are saying.
Since prayer brings us into close touch with God, it is therefore a
basic necessity for every Christian.
Prayer makes power available to the Christian. It strengthens us.
As the saying goes, “a prayerless Christian is a powerless
Christian”. When prayer is done in the proper way it brings us in
weakens the
believer but being
oneness with God. Prayer emboldens the Christian. It enhances our
confidence in God.
Prayer is an art. It is also an act. Everything about the concept of
prayer is what we are talking about when we refer to it as an art.
While the action of praying, the practice of praying is what we are
talking about when we talk about prayer as an act.
When Should We Pray?
…men ought always to pray, and not to faint:
- Luke 18:1
We are enjoined to pray always. So, there is no special time to
pray or not to pray. We are meant to pray all the time. It is
common for people to pray in the mornings, evenings or night time
as the case may be. Although, it is necessary to pray at these times
but prayer should not be limited to these times alone.
The Bible says pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Prayerlessness weakens the believer but being prayerful definitely
empowers and strengthens the
There is no limit to the number of
times that we should pray. In fact,
prayer should become a habit. It
should become our normal lifestyle.
We shouldn’t wait for negative
situations before we put up an active prayer life. You don’t wait for
things to go bad before you pray. For instance, every responsible
government would prefer to work on its roads during the dry
seasons. Why? Apart from the reason of having pliable roads, most
of the roads are done in the dry seasons, in preparation for the
rainy seasons. They don’t wait for the rainy season before they
We must seek to
hear the Lord’s
voice while we
start doing the roads. So, your prayer life is meant to prepare you
ahead of time.
The sad truth is that many Christians would rather be busy doing
other things than spend time to pray. They ignore their prayer life
and expect things to work. Jesus is the son of God. In fact, He was
God Himself. When He was on the earth, as busy as He was, He
still made out time to pray. In the day, he would teach, heal the
sick and regularly encountered the Pharisees and Sadducees who
confronted Him with a lot of questions. But after all these, Jesus
would still make out time to pray. The Bible records that He would
seek secret places, solitary places to pray. We must seek to pray at
all times.
Listening Prayer (Listening To God’s voice In Prayer)
Our master loves to communicate with us; He loves to respond to
us when we pray. So it’s not just about speaking many words to
Him without listening to hear His voice for instruction or direction
as the case may be. He said, My sheep hear my voice, and I know
them, and they follow Me (John 10:27). Listening to God’s voice
should be a practice that we must learn and develop. We must
learn to be still and listen during prayer. Listening prayer requires
full attention from us.
We need quietness of our entire being
(spirit, soul & body) in order to hear
God’s voice. The Bible says, “Be still
and know that I am God.” (Psalm
46:10). We must seek to hear the Lord’s voice while we pray. That
is why we should make it a habit to invite the Holy Spirit to help
us in our prayers.
We need to build up that expectation in our hearts that God wants
to speak to us. Sometimes, we may not hear His voice during our
period of listening but we must patiently build our intimacy with
God by this act. Desiring to hear His voice during prayers is an
expression of faith in your part that you believe He wants to speak
to you. So, when you consciously develop this relationship, your
communing with Him becomes enjoyable. Although God is not
limited to only speak while we wait at these times of prayer, but it
is during this act that you could consciously learn to recognize His
voice. Most importantly and notably, the words He communicates
to us do not disagree with His written word. That is how to discern
if the voice you are hearing is truly the Lord. Measure the
information you are receiving with God’s written word. As we
form the habit of listening to hear His voice, we start experiencing
the joy of hearing Him regularly; even per second, per second.
Also, we must know that God speaks to us via His word a lot of
times. So, we should consciously seek to meditate on his written
word (the Bible), and hear Him inform our spirits via His written
word as regards whatever issue we are bringing before Him in
Take Action (You Must Decide To Pray To Bring
About That Change)
When you read about the parable of the unjust judge Jesus talked
about in Luke 18:1-8, you will see it clearly depicted the
importance of praying consistently to bring about God’s visitation
to your situation. You can change any situation, you can bring
about transformation; this will happen when you decide to pray to
enforce your demands based on God’s word. Until you decide to
take action the status quo remains. You want to see change in that
Until you decide
to take action the
status quo
long standing problem or situation? Then you must pray. You
want revival? Then you must pray. You want all your needs in
accordance with God’s word to be met? Then you must pray.
Jesus emphasized at the beginning of that chapter that men ought
always to pray and not slack in any way. Men must continually
pray; men must diligently seek for change in every situation or
challenge by consciously praying to
bring about that change. Christ
painted the picture of an unjust judge
who didn’t regard God or man, but at
the consistent pressing of that widow
he succumbed to her request. The
unjust judge gave his submission as regard the unrelenting widow.
The unjust judge said …Though I fear not God; yet because this
widow troubles me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming
she weary me. (Luke 18:4-5). Then Jesus pointed out: …Hear what
the unjust judge says. And shall not God avenge His own elect,
which cry day and night to Him, though He bear long with them? I
tell you He will avenge them speedily… (Luke 18:6-8). We have the
ability to effect changes in whatever situation we desire, but we
must insist by standing on God’s word; declaring God’s word back
to Him until we see the manifestations as regards the changes we
desire. We must be persistent; unrelenting in demanding the
change we desire in prayers until it comes to full manifestation.
Don’t worry, don’t complain just take action; take the right actions
and celebrate your testimonies.
When God
declares His
word it is your
responsibility to
take delivery.
Chapter Two
The law and the prophets were until John: since
that time the kingdom of God is preached, and
And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than
one title of the law to fail.
- Luke 16:16-17
God’s purpose for declaring His word any time and any day is for
its fulfillment. He is not test running
His word; rather He sees its
accomplishment even from the
beginning, right from the time He
declared it.
When God declares His word it is
your responsibility to take delivery.
The above scripture makes us know it is the responsibility of every
man to press into it. Verse 17 of the above scripture further makes
it clear that it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for
one title of the law (i.e. God’s word) to fail. That is to tell you how
infallible God’s word is. God is not a joker, when He declares His
word He means it from start to finish.
God has predetermined every single word He has declared for
fulfillment. God’s word is constant. It cannot be broken.
The Bible states:
God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the
Son of man, that He should repent; has He said, and
shall He not do it? Or has He spoken, and shall He
not make it good?
Behold, I have received a commandment to bless:
and He has blessed; and I cannot reverse it.
- Numbers 23:19-20
When God speaks, He has the ability to bring it to pass. If He has
said it, He will surely make it good. God’s word is irreversible. It is
not negotiable. It is only when you begin to negotiate for the less
that you get less than what it stipulates. God has said it, He will do
it. However, there are several forces that are ready to resist you
from taking delivery of the words God has spoken concerning you.
So, you must press to take delivery.
Whenever God speaks, He releases His power to bring it to pass
on your behalf, but there are forces that are ready to resist you and
contend your faith. So, you must take your stand. Paul said, for a
great and effectual door is opened to me, and there are many adversaries
(1 Corinthians 16:9). You must rise up to resist those adversaries
and take delivery of the promises and prophecies God has released
concerning you.
Get to work;
make the move to
take delivery of
what God has
said concerning
you in His word,
and birth it in the
place of prayer.
Jesus said:
And from the time of John the Baptist until now the
kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent
take it by force.
- Matthew 11:12
Whatever is your prayer topic or project, there are stipulated rules
on how you can receive it’s manifestations in your life. There are
multiplied blessings and benefits accruing to us as God’s children.
God’s word is “take-able”. Whatever God has said concerning you,
whether in His written word,
through His Prophets or by His
audible voice to you personally; you
must wake up and take it violently.
Don’t fold your hands. Prove that
you believe it. You must believe it.
You must receive it. Take it at face
value (i.e. without any logical or
illogical analysis based on your
senses but receive it with faith and
absolute trust in God because you
believe He is able to do what His word has said He will do). Prove
that you believe His word by pressing to ensure its full
manifestation in your life by birthing it in the labour room of
Get to work; make the move to take delivery of what God has said
concerning you in His word, and birth it in the place of prayer. In
the school of prayer violent men take it by force.
Say this: Lord, strengthen me by the power of your Spirit and by
the revelations of your word to take delivery of everything that
belongs to me as stipulated in your word in the name of Jesus.
You must gather the spiritual muscle to confront all those forces
both spiritual and physical that is militating against your enjoying
all the benefits God has packaged for you in His word. You must
resist all those negative forces in the place of prayer, and also by
dinning with the word to stir up your faith. You must resist them.
You must put on the whole armour of God and resist them by
engaging in spiritual warfare to take full delivery of what belongs
to you. So you must “Press”.
Concerning Jacob it was said,
And the Lord said to her, two nations are in your womb,
and two manner of people shall be separated from your
bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the
other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.
- Genesis 25:23
We know Jacob, that he was a trickster. But I will like us to note
here that the above scripture was a prophecy by God, and it was in
favour of Jacob. The Bible says, …Jacob have I loved but Esau have I
hated. (Romans 9:13). From the scriptures above we can see that
these prophecies were in favour of Jacob but if we go back to the
book of Genesis and see how Jacob toiled and toiled in his life, he
suffered things he ought not to have suffered. He went through
In the school of
prayer violent
men take it by
hard labour in Laban’s house. He was deceived by his uncle after
working seven years to marry his daughter, Rachael. Laban, a
more experienced trickster, tricked him by giving him Leah instead
of Rachael and made him to work another seven years before he
was eventually given Rachael. After
which he worked another additional
six years. He went through a lot in the
house of Laban. His wage was cut ten
times (Genesis31:7). Jacob went
through a serious ordeal in his life
while with his uncle, Laban. It was after all these terrible hurdles
with Laban, he had decided to separate himself and go back to his
people. Now he remembered Esau, his brother who had vowed to
kill him. He actually fled from home because of Esau’s threats.
When he remembered all these and his previous experiences in life,
and the fact that he was still going to come again before Esau, his
sworn enemy, he desperately wanted a change. Then the Bible tells
us …And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until
the breaking of the day. (Genesis 32:24). Despite earlier prophecies by
God in His favour, things didn’t just fall into place until Jacob
pressed. Let’s see the scriptures:
24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with
him until the breaking of the day.
25 And when He saw that He prevailed not against him, He
touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s
thigh was out of joint, as He wrestled with him.
26 And He said, Let Me go for the day breaks. And he
said, I will not let you go, except you bless me.
27 And He said to him, What is your name? And he said, Jacob.
…the encounter
Jacob had with
God changed
things in the realm
of the Spirit that
manifested in the
physical the next
28 And he said, your name shall be called no more Jacob, but
Israel: for as a prince have you power with God and with
men, and have prevailed.
29 And Jacob asked Him, and said, Tell me, I pray You, Your
name. And He said, Wherefore is it that you do ask after
My name? And He blessed him there.
- Genesis 32:24-29
After this great experience of wrestling with God in prayer, and
he violently got his blessing, change had come for Jacob. His name
was changed. He was visited by God.
The Lord said “your name shall be
called no more Jacob, but Israel for as
a prince have you power with God
and with men, and have prevailed.”
God had favoured him. He had found
favour before God, and the Lord had
also caused him to find favour before
men. Jacob prevailed. The effect of
that change was well reflected in
Genesis 33:14: “And Jacob lifted up
his eyes, and looked, and behold, Esau came, and with him four
hundred men…And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and
fell on his neck, and kissed him: and they wept.” (Genesis 33:1&4).
Jacob had been afraid of Esau before he had that encounter of
wrestling with the angel of the Lord and received that blessing.
When he heard Esau was coming to meet him, and with four
hundred men, he feared greatly. But after that encounter with God,
the Bible tells us that the same Esau whom Jacob had been running
from for over twenty years ran to meet him, and embraced him.
That was supposed to be the sworn enemy. But change had taken
place when Jacob had an encounter in the presence of God. Do you
think Esau was going with four hundred men to meet with Jacob
for fun? Off course not. But the encounter Jacob had with God
changed things in the realm of the Spirit that manifested in the
physical the next day. Or do you think Esau was coming with four
hundred men just because he wanted to embrace Jacob? Sure not.
Jacob was been embraced by someone who had earlier vowed to
take his life. That could only have happened by the Spirit. Jacob
took charge in the place of prayer and fellowship with God. He
was left alone. He prayed and encountered God for a permanent
change in his life. And his expectation wasn’t cut short. If Jacob
who had God’s prophecy over his life, even before he was born
had to seriously take charge from the realm of the Spirit to effect a
change against what looked contrary to what things should have
been, then you must also take charge violently for a change too.
Prayer Points
 Lord, change my name to favour in the name of Jesus.
 Lord, release your divine wisdom to function in me in the
name of Jesus.
 Lord, guide my steps and actions aright to ensure a
permanent victorious change in my life in the name of
 Lord, push me by your grace to the next level of glory in
my life in Jesus name.
When you read 1st Samuel chapter one, you will see the story of
Hannah. The Bible makes us know that her womb was shut for
sometime. Despite that, her husband Elkanah still loved her so
Hannah got her
testimony by taking a
decision not to accept
her current situation…
much. Verse 5 says, he gave her a worthy portion, but she wasn’t
satisfied with her situation. She wanted a change. And she pressed
for it violently.
While others ate she refused to eat. So, she must have been
fasting. She prayed earnestly to the Lord and wept sore. She even
made a vow to the Lord as
regards the child she was
expecting, that she would
dedicate him to the Lord.
Her prayer was so intense
that Eli the priest thought
she was drunk. She was earnestly pouring out her heart to the
Lord, she pointed out. When the priest confirmed that she wasn’t
drunk, he backed up her prayers with his blessing in verse 17:
Then Eli answered and said, Go in Peace: and the God of Israel grant
you your petition that you have asked Him. (1 Samuel 1:17). She
received that priestly and prophetic declaration in faith which is
confirmed in the next verse …so the woman went her way, and did eat,
and her countenance was no more sad. (1 Samuel 1:18). That was an
expression of faith. Her situation changed. If you read further in
the chapter, you will see that she got pregnant and gave birth to a
son whom she dedicated to the Lord. And afterwards the Lord
visited her even gave her more children; three sons and two
daughters. (1 Samuel 2:21).
Hannah got her testimony by taking a decision not to accept her
current situation, but to determinedly press for change, and her
situation changed. The stigma of barrenness was erased. God’s
word says, …Call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver you, and
you shall glorify me. (Psalm 50:15). If you will make up your mind to
earnestly demand for a change in your current challenge with
utmost determination, the Lord will visit you. But the problem is
that many of us want to complain, cry, lament or worry about the
situation instead of taking the responsibility to undo the
handwritings of the wicked one against us in the place of prayer.
And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and
his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bore
him with sorrow.
- 1 Chronicles 4:9
Going through the above verse, it stated that Jabez was more
honourable than all his brethren but the evil name given to him by
his mother withstood his progress. He was more honourable than
all his brethren but he couldn’t make any headway because his
name was Sorrow. His life had to bear the name his mother gave
him, until he acknowledged the fact that he needed a change and
pressed for it desperately and diligently. He pressed for it
diligently; he did not go about telling everyone “you know my
mother begat me in sorrow, that is why I am suffering like this.”
No! He took responsibility and went to God in prayers determined
for a change. And God visited him. Let’s see the next verse:
And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, oh that you
would bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that
your hand might be with me, and that you would keep
me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted
him that which he requested.
It was his
for change that
made him get
God’s visitation.
- 1 Chronicles 4:10
Jabez’s prayer was definite. He passionately sought for God’s
blessings. He said, “…oh that you would bless me indeed, and
enlarge my coast…” He asked for increase and enlargement of his
coast. He desired God to be with him, to keep him from evil and all
forms of trouble. He also asked that
the Lord should take away grief and
sadness from his life. And we are also
told in that verse that God granted his
request. It was his determination for
change that made him get God’s
visitation. God changed his story and
he became more honourable than all
his brethren. If Jabez pressed for change by praying, then you
should if you want a change, by praying earnestly to bring about
that change in your life and destiny. And God is faithful, what He
does for one, He will do for another under the same circumstance.
You must be ready to take responsibility in the place of prayer to
birth that lasting change you so desire.
Prayer Points
 Every suffering in my life is permanently suspended in
Jesus name, and it is replaced with divine enthronement
and unlimited breakthroughs in the name of Jesus.
 Lord, change my story to glory in the name of Jesus.
(Mention to the Lord what change you desire in any
area of your life).
 Lord, visit me and enlarge my coast in the name of
 Restore my dignity oh Lord in any way I am living less
than your true quality of me, in the name of Jesus
 Let Honour and Beauty reign in my life in Jesus name.
 Pray further any other prayer point(s) you are led by
the Spirit of God to pray.
When you go through the book of Daniel, you will discover that
there were a number of times Daniel diligently pressed for change
or to get a response as regards an issue of concern in the place of
prayer, but we would discuss a few of them.
In Daniel chapter 2, you will see the story of how
Nebuchadnezzar dreamed a dream that was too wonderful for
him. He called for all the wise men and astrologers, and told them
he had forgotten the dream but they should tell him the dream and
the interpretation. He was a smart king. He knew that if he told
these wise men and astrologers the dream, they could come up
with any interpretation. And he put that question before them and
threatened to take their lives if they didn’t tell him the exact dream
he had, and the interpretation. But Daniel asked for more time
from the king, which he got. Let’s see Daniel 2:16-23:
16 Then Daniel went in, and desired of the king that he
would give him time, and that he would show the
king the interpretation.
17 Then Daniel went to his house, and made the thing
known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah,
his companions:
18 That they would desire mercies of the God of heaven
concerning this secret; that Daniel and his fellows should
not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.
19 Then was the secret revealed to Daniel in a night
Daniel brought
change to the
kingdom with the
instrument of his
vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven.
20 Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God
for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are His:
21 And He changes the times and the seasons: He removes
kings, and sets up kings: He gives wisdom to the wise,
and knowledge to them that know understanding:
22 He reveals the deep and secret things: He knows what
is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.
23 I thank You, and praise You, O You God of my fathers,
who has given me wisdom and might, and has made
known to me now what we desired of You: for You
have now made known to us the king’s matter.
From the verses above we can see that Daniel went home and told
his companions. Together they prayed and sought for these secrets
in the presence of God. And the Lord revealed the entire dream to
Daniel, and also its interpretation. Apart from the fact that this
situation posed a threat to the lives of Daniel and all the other wise
men in the land, it was also an
opportunity Daniel had to shine
out of obscurity. Before then he
may have been seen to be like any
other wise man or astrologer, or
perhaps a captive from Judah. But
when this opportunity posed itself
Daniel and his companions rose up
to the challenge. He could have resigned to fate, but he made up
his mind to “press” for change with his companions. And he was
handsomely rewarded, along with his companions. He also saved
the lives of the other wise men.
Another situation Daniel faced was recorded in chapter 6 of the
book of Daniel. It was recorded that all the presidents, governors
and princes conspired together to make a decree that was anti-
Daniel. They said, a law should be enacted that no one should pray
or ask petition from any other god except the king for the next
thirty days. What kind of a law was this; it’s obvious there was a
hidden agenda to it. This was the strategy they came up with, to
get rid of Daniel since he was the most preferred among the
presidents, and an excellent spirit was found in him. That was his
offense; being preferred by the king and because an excellent spirit
was found in him.
This did not make Daniel relent in his prayers. As a matter of fact,
that was the main strategy he knew. As you would see in verse ten
of chapter 6, he prayed three times a day irrespective of the
obnoxious decree that was meant to entrap him. Daniel was
thrown into the Lion’s den but he came out unhurt. Why? Because
God was with him. He had the presence of God with him.
Note that he didn’t contact the presence of God by sitting down
and wishing that the decree was never made. He consciously spent
time in prayers. That was where he registered himself in God’s
mind. That was where he made his petition known. His prayer
deposits in the realm of the Spirit before he was thrown into the
lion’s den stood for him. The Lord sent His angel, he said, to shut
the mouths of the lions and ensured nothing happened to Daniel in
the den.
Daniel was preferred by the king. The king even regretted signing
this decree into law because he didn’t realise that Daniel was going
to be the victim. And according to the law of the Medes and the
Persians; you cannot alter the decree once it has been made. But I
love the testimony the king gave of Daniel when he commanded
that he should be thrown into the lion’s den. It reads, …Now the
king spoke and said to Daniel, your God whom you serve continually. He
will deliver you. (Daniel 6:16). And sure he was delivered by His
God. To let you know that Daniel’s regular prayer deposits of the
past were seriously in force, which favoured him before the king;
the king commanded that those men which had accused Daniel be
thrown into the lion’s den, even with their families. (Daniel 6:24).
And there is no record of any other particular offence they
committed apart from the fact that they accused Daniel of
disobeying the decree that the king himself signed into law.
Not only that, something else which was vital also happened:
Because of Daniel change took place in the kingdom; a new decree
was made by king Darius. It states: I make a decree, That in every
dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel
for He is the living God, and steadfast forever, and His kingdom that
which shall not be destroyed, and His dominion shall be even to the end.
He delivers and rescues, and He works signs and wonders in heaven and
in earth, who has delivered Daniel from the power of the lions. (Daniel
6:26-27). When you read through the book of Daniel, you will see
more cases in which Daniel affected the lives of the people and the
kingdom with his prayers.
Daniel brought change to the kingdom with the instrument of his
prayers to God and you too can cause changes in any situation by
your earnest, continuous and persistent prayers about that issue of
Elijah took charge
of Israel on his
knees in prayer.
Say this to yourself: By the instrument of my prayers I am
changing my world in the name of Jesus. My life is transformed;
destinies are transformed in the name of Jesus.
Elijah was an exceptional prophet of God whose impact in the
prophetic ministry speaks volumes even today. I would like us to
see this testimony Apostle James gave of him:
Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he
prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the
earth by the space of three years and six months
- James 5:17.
As we were made to understand in the book of Kings, there were
over seven thousand who had not bowed to worship Baal but
Elijah outshined them all. He stood out. In the above scripture,
James is telling us how that he
was like every one of us. He was
subject to the same passions we
are subjected to but with his
earnest prayers he maintained
dominance and relevance in
The vast population of Israel under Ahab the king had begun to
worship the idol, Baal, against the commandment of God and His
laws. Elijah, moved by the Spirit of God expressed God’s
displeasure by pronouncing a punitive decree on Israel. He said,
…As the LORD GOD of Israel lives, before whom I stand,
there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according
You want to see a
change in any area of
your life? Then you
must wake up and take
charge in the labour
room of prayers to
birth your miracle.
to my word.
- 1 Kings 17:1
He made this declaration against Israel because of his love for
God. So, I would say that he stood on the Lord’s side against the
rebelling Ahab the king and the people of Israel. His word stood;
God honoured it and there was no rain in Israel by the space of
three and half years. He was able to achieve this with earnest and
persistent prayers. He took charge of Israel on his knees in prayer.
By the time you read the book of Kings and also the testimony of
James, it is clearly depicted that he prayed earnestly to achieve this.
Furthermore, the Bible makes us know in 1 Kings that God said to
Elijah “…Go show yourself to Ahab; and I will send rain upon the
earth.”(1 Kings 18:1). When you read through the entire chapter of
I Kings 18, you will see how Elijah flawed all the prophets of Baal
on Mount Carmel; the prophets
of Baal were unable to call down
fire to consume their sacrifice as
agreed even after spending the
whole day. But Elijah prayed,
and called on the Lord to
consume the sacrifice with fire
after the prophets of Baal had
spent the whole day calling on
their god for fire to no avail.
Elijah turned the people’s hearts back to God by this act on Mount
Carmel. After the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal had been
slain, Elijah said to Ahab “…Get you up, eat and drink; for there is
a sound of abundance of rain.”(1 Kings 18:41).
Take charge of your
life from the realm of
the Spirit by
activating your
prayer life.
Then as you read further from verses 42-45 you will see what
Elijah did after declaring those authoritative words to Ahab. He
didn’t fold his hands; rather he went into persistent prayers. He
called forth the rain by his persistent prayers. He cast himself
down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees. (1 Kings
18:42). And he kept on praying; he sent his servant to keep
checking the clouds for the sign, even up to the seventh time. The
Bible makes us understand that at the seventh time there arose a
little cloud out of the sea. And that was it. The Bible didn’t inform
us how long Elijah must have spent praying and calling forth the
rain. But I think it must have taken a great deal of time, as he kept
sending his servant to go check the clouds for a sign of rain, up till
the seventh time.
Our emphasis here about Elijah is that he didn’t just make a
declaration but backed it up by praying earnestly for the
manifestation of his declaration. Christianity is not a way of life
that promotes laziness. You want to see a change in any area of
your life? Then you must wake up and take charge in the labour
room of prayers to birth your miracle.
Do you want to cause positive changes in your life, in your
family, in your business, in your
career, in your community or
even in your nation, then you
must pray. With prayer, you can
take decisions from the Spirit
realm that even the President,
Prime Minister or Governor of
your nation can not take
because you have prevailed in the place of prayer. Take charge of
your life from the realm of the Spirit by activating your prayer life.
Pray without ceasing, that was Paul’s recommendation to the
Christian. Good things don’t just happen by accident; they are
prayed into existence. The Bible says, you shall decree a thing, and it
shall be established. (Job 22:28). At will, Elijah shut the heavens from
giving rain upon the earth, and I think he pocketed the keys in the
place of prayer. And when he was satisfied under God that Ahab
and the people of Israel had learnt their lessons, again at will, he
prayed, and the heavens were opened and it gave rain.
You can control the circumstances of your life and destiny from
the altar of prayer.
When you have understood how to take charge of your life from
the Spirit realm via the altar of prayer then you are fully in charge.
Don’t sit there and complain about all the problems confronting
you, instead pray.
Prayer is a major instrument for the Christian to take delivery of
things in his/her life. Determine the outcomes in your life from the
place of prayer. Be in charge; run the show. Don’t let the devil run
it for you.
You must be ready to “press” for change. You must be ready to
contend with the forces that are militating against you; against
your business, against your job, against your promotions, against
all your breakthroughs. You must take a deliberate spiritual action
to enforce that change in the place of prayers. Begin Now.
Declare these words below in prayer:
Father Lord, by your power and wisdom grant me the grace and
faith to command the kind of miracles and results Elijah
commanded, and even much more in the name of Jesus.
Whatever the
challenge, whatever
the situation, you
can decide to
change it whenever
you want.
Whatever the challenge, whatever the situation, you can decide to
change it whenever you want. You must make deliberate effort to
cause those changes. It is your duty to search out from God’s word;
all His statements and promises as regards your life and destiny.
Then take delivery from the labour room of prayers.
God said, you are the head and not the tail, above only and not
beneath. (Deuteronomy 28:13). He has said, the path of the just is
like a shinning light, that shines more and more unto that perfect
day. (Proverbs 4:18). And there are several more scriptures that
points out the blessings and promises God has in store for His
saints. God’s word is constant. It can not be broken. If you find
things going contrary to these blessings and promises you must
take responsibility; go into the
place of prayers, decree and
declare your stand based on
God’s word.
Elijah didn’t like the situation
of Israel, and he arose, boldly
took his stand; by both
declaring God’s word against
the people in their evil act of
idolatry. And he went further to take delivery in the place of
prayer. He changed Israel for good.
Jabez didn’t like his situation; he took responsibility. He cried to
God for a change. God heard him and changed his situation. He
restored him and honoured him with greatness. As the scripture
puts it, he was more honourable than all his brethren. (1 Chronicles
4:9). God changed his story, after he prayed.
Jacob realised at a point in his life how terrible things had being.
He thought of how he laboured so much in the house of Laban. He
thought of how desperately his brother Esau had wanted him
dead, and he cried to God for change. The Bible makes us know:
And Jacob was left alone (Genesis 32:24-30). That’s when and where
he started getting it right. He wrestled with God in the place of
prayers. He desperately craved for change, and he got it.
You know the way things may have been in your life, in your job,
in your business, in your career, in your family, etc. There are
forces that are bent on withholding all the benefits God has
packaged for you. There are forces bent on making sure you do not
walk in the victory God has programmed for you to walk in. You
must wake up and take the right steps to ensure maximum
delivery of your expectations. God has predetermined His words
to come to pass in your life, but you must rise up to take hold of
You want a turnaround in that situation? Then you must “PRESS”
for change.
 Start effecting changes in your life in the place of
prayer from NOW.
You have to tell
yourself change
is a must, and be
ready to make
the right moves.
Chapter Three
We have talked about a number of persons in scriptures who
commanded changes in their situations.
There are steps to take in the realm of the Spirit to ensure a
change of level in your Christian
walk. You want to overcome that
challenge you are going through?
Then you must make the right
moves. You want to break off from
the limits the enemies have set for
you? Then you must be ready to
take action. For the purpose of this
study I have broken down the steps you may need to take in order
to cause changes in that situation in your life (destiny,
business/career, marriage, etc) into five steps. If you follow them
consciously, you will indeed activate a change in your life and take
full delivery of what truly belongs to you in whatever area you
intend to effect that change.
1. Take Responsibility.
2. Outline the Issues.
You must Pray
Until Something
3. Search Out Areas in The Word of God Relating to Those
Issues you Have Outlined, so You Can Bring Forth Your
“Strong Reasons”.
4. Address The Situation You Want Changed.
5. Take Delivery (Receive).
Now you don’t have to complain anymore. No more shedding of
tears about that situation. No more pity partying. You have to
decide now whether you are comfortable with that situation or not.
You have to tell yourself change is a must, and be ready to make
the right moves. You must be ready to apply “Operation PUSH”:
Pray Until Something Happens.
The devil has molested you enough. He has no power to impose
sicknesses and diseases on you and your family. He has stagnated
your business enough. He has
caused enough troubles in your
marriage. The devil has caused
enough failures in your life. You
must “Press” for change. You
either press for change or you remain under his oppression. Satan
has no legal right to hold you bound as a new creation in Christ
God’s word has declared His agenda for your life but it is your
responsibility to “press” into it.
Apostle Paul said, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high
calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14). God’s plan for you is
to live in excellence, victory and glory everyday of your life.
Anything that is contrary to that must be discarded. Take
responsibility for change now if you truly want it. You must Pray
Until Something Happens. You must release all the arsenals
available to you from God’s word in the place of prayer against
that challenge or situation and against all the forces behind them.
You must make up your mind like Jacob to wrestle in the place of
prayers and take full delivery of what belongs to you in Christ
Jesus. If you don’t like that situation then you must change it. It’s a
choice. And you must make that choice to fight for what belongs to
you according to the word.
Now you have to identify the issue in which you need that
particular change you desire. When we talk about prayer, we are
not just talking about praying generally without a focus. We are
not just beating the air or shadow boxing as Paul puts it. (1
Corinthians 9:26). Identify the issue or issues of concern. Itemize
them if more than one, and be ready to demand your expectations
and you will surely see its realization. You must carefully
recognize and analyze your situation and the kind of changes you
really want to see. You must know in clear terms where you desire
a change or what you desire a change for and prepare for the next
stage. Now you have to stop wishing for change and start making
spiritual strategic moves to enforce your true expectation in
accordance with God’s intent for you in His word.
This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to
the prophecies which went before on you, that you by
Even the forces of
darkness will not
bow if you are
ignorant. They will
mock you for your
them might war a good warfare;
- 1Timothy 1:18
This was a charge Paul the apostle was giving to Timothy his
beloved son in the faith. He was reminding Timothy of the words
of prophecy which were declared upon him. Paul was telling him
to take note of those words of
prophecies, and that they were
instruments for him to make war
with, against anything contrary to
them militating against him.
Now, there are several words of
prophecy God has given us by His
word to enjoy in our Christian
walk. There are scriptures backing
each and every one of these prophecies, blessings and promises.
Search them out from the Bible; God’s written word. They are your
Prayer Bullets. They are your instruments to fight against the
enemy. They are your instruments to claim what belongs to you.
Study Christian materials that relate to your issue(s) of concern and
get divine inspiration that will boost your faith.
For instance;
God has revealed in His word the blessings of Divine Health
which is antidote to Sicknesses and Diseases – Isaiah 53:5, Exodus
23:25; 15:26, 1 Peter 2:24.
He has also revealed the secret for Financial Breakthroughs and
the Doorway to Wealth – Luke 6:38, Malachi 3:10-12.
God has also revealed in His word the antidote to Poverty, and
the Doorway to Wealth, Business and/or Career Breakthroughs –
Deuteronomy 8:18, Isaiah 48:17, Luke 6:38, Malachi 3:10-12.
He has also revealed about how to receive the Blessing/Fruit of
the womb in His word – Exodus 23:26, Songs of Solomon 4:2.
He has also revealed truths as regards Marriage Success – Psalm
128:3-4, Hebrews 13:4, Ephesians 5:21-31, 1 Peter 3:1-7.
Marital Breakthroughs/Seeking of Life Partner and every other
issue in general – John 14:13-14, Jeremiah 32:27.
You must recognize the power in the revelation of those
scriptures. You must recognize the power in the name of Jesus and
the authority of God’s word at your disposal to make war with, in
the place of prayer. (See Philippians 2:9-11, John 14:13-14, 1
Thessalonians 5:17).
We can go on and on from scriptures to see various blessings and
promises of God accruing to the Christian. You have to gather all
those scriptures relating to your case in order to be able to present
your case before the Lord, and also to make war with against all
the forces militating against your walking in the fullness of God’s
blessings meant for you. God’s word says, “Produce your Cause
says the Lord; bring forth your strong reasons says the King of
Jacob” (Isaiah 41:21).
God already knows what the matter is in your life, but you must
come before Him presenting your case (the issue) and reminding
Him of His word relating to that issue. You must produce those
reasons from His word that shows that what you are demanding
rightly belongs to you by His word.
You must decree and
declare what you
want that situation to
turn out to become.
Even the forces of darkness will not bow if you are ignorant. They
will mock you for your ignorance. Proverbs 11:9 says, but through
knowledge shall the just be delivered. Search the word; find the right
nugget that bequeaths to you
that expectation you so desire.
Then with it you also confront
the forces of wickedness
militating against your destiny
in Christ.
With His word, put God to remembrance. Plead your cause
before Him (Isaiah 43:26) and take what rightfully belongs to you.
It is a habit many have learnt to just keep talking to God about
issues in prayer without reminding Him about His word. But His
word says, put me in remembrance, plead your cause. That’s
Now that you have studied God’s word, you have discovered
your heritage in His word. Knowledge has been quickened in you.
Faith has been energized or activated by the knowledge of His
word you have received from your searching. Then its time to
make your request before God, declare your position from the
standpoint of His word and also contend with opposing forces.
You must confront and defeat the oppressor.
Remember, the revelations you discovered in your searching of
the word as regards your situation. You are now swimming in
those revelations – ready to go. You come to God by faith. Present
the issues on ground before Him, reminding Him of His word.
Now you are pleading your cause before Him. You are presenting
your case. You are producing your strong reasons; why you
demand a change. (Isaiah 41:21; 43:26). After you have done all
these you will have to contend with the situation.
In addressing your situation in prayers, now you have discovered
God’s word concerning you, you have to declare war against that
challenging situation. It’s no longer business as usual. With the
word you have received, your faith declarations, you have to
decide to “press” for immediate change on the altar of prayer.
PUSH – Pray Until Something Happens. You have to decide that.
Prayer and fasting may be necessary. Praying all night long may be
necessary. You have to confront the oppressor, the strongman and
take delivery of what rightfully belongs to you. (Luke 11:21-22).
You should know that God will not address the issue for you; He
has released all the arsenals you need to do that via His word.
Jacob took charge and changed his destiny by praying all night
long. He was desperate for change and he got it. His destiny and
that of his offspring was changed forever.
Jesus often prayed all night long even though He was the son of
God. He took charge from the realm of the Spirit all night long, and
we read of Him perform great and amazing miracles in the day. He
also fasted, the Bible recorded that he even had to fast for forty
days at the beginning of His ministry.
Daniel prayed and fasted for twenty one days until his answer
came on that twenty first day. He persisted in prayers until he got
his answer. You must persistently crave for change in your life in
the place of prayer by engaging all the instruments available to you
from the word.
 The name of Jesus is our stronghold (Proverbs 18:10,
Philippians 2:9-11).
 The power of the blood of Jesus is also available.
(Zechariah 9:11-13, Revelations 12:11).
 Releasing words of faith is also very vital. (Mark 11:23-
24, Job 22:28). Talk to the mountain; tell it to go, and
declare what you want to see.
* All the arsenals available to you must be unleashed to cause your
permanent desired change.
You must decree and declare what you want that situation to turn
out to become. Let us read Mark 11:22-24 where Jesus spoke:
22 And Jesus answering said to them, Have faith in God.
23 For verily I say to you, That whosoever shall say to this
mountain, Be you removed, and be you cast into the sea;
and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that
those things which he says shall come to pass; he shall
have whatsoever he says
24 Therefore I say to you, What things soever you desire,
when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you
shall have them.
If you will talk to the mountain, that is, address it; give it a
command, an instruction. Tell it to move to yonder place. Then call
forth what you want for its replacement, and it shall be so. God
will not address the mountain for you because he has already
given you the power to address it and cause a change with your
words. Your words are creative, so you should learn to speak those
creative words of faith that will ensure a change in that situation.
Learn not to make
your prayers void
with wrong
confessions, rather
declare God’s word.
After you have prayed and declared your desired expectation,
believe you have received; disregard anything contrary that
surfaces against your expectation.
RECEIVING – An Important Aspect Of Prayer:
Knowing how to receive after we have prayed about our desires is
a major factor if we must see speedy manifestation of our desires
from the Lord. The issue of receiving is a critical issue many
Christians are suffering for its ignorance. They have prayed to
God. They have asked Him what they want but do not know how
to receive. They are struggling to get what God has released or
given them because they don’t know how to receive those things
according to Christ’s prescription. He says:
Whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe
you have received them, and you shall have them.
- Mark 11:24.
Christ says, the key to your
receiving when you pray is that
you believe. Not just believing
or trying to believe, but believe.
He says believe that you have
received those things you asked
from the Lord in prayer, and
you shall have them. Meaning, when you ask for anything in
prayer, you should believe that your heavenly father hears you and
grants your request. Therefore, celebrate and thank Him for doing
it for you.
Faith is the key to receiving. Faith is not just believing. It is a
combination of your believing, your confessions backed up with
corresponding actions that is equal to faith. God’s word is of no
effect in your life unless it is backed by your faith. You must trust
the word of God. When you receive God’s word, you must confess
and declare it and then back it up with corresponding actions.
If you believe you have received when you pray then you must be
at rest after presenting your request before the Lord. And your rest
is born out of your faith and trust in God and His word. Let’s see
this scripture:
For to us was the gospel preached, as well as to them but
the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed
with faith in them that heard it.
- Hebrews 4:2
What the word of God produces in your life is a product of the
level of faith you function with. The level of results you command
in the place of prayer is a function of the level of revelation and
faith you are walking in at the moment. The word of God is only
profitable to those who mix it with faith. Prayer is only effective
when faith is released along with it. Also, prayer and fasting can
only be effective when faith is backing it, the number of days
notwithstanding. That is, whether you decide to fast and pray for
three days, seven days, twenty one days, forty days or even a
hundred and fifty days, the scripture can not be broken; without
faith it becomes ineffective. Therefore, the effectiveness of your
prayer(s) is determined by the quality of faith released upon it.
You should also show by the kind of expression you make after
praying that you truly believe. To ensure you receive your desires,
after spending time in prayers backed by faith, you should learn to
confess Faith filled words. Don’t talk negatively after praying
to God about an issue. When you do such you are actually
weakening the effect of your prayers. By that, you are actually
voiding the action of praying about that issue. You must express
your confidence in the fact that your heavenly father has heard
your prayer by declaring the true position of your expectation as
stipulated in God’s word. Learn not to make your prayers void
with wrong confessions, rather declare God’s word.
Also, to ensure your receiving; You must not be moved by
sight. The Bible says, for we walk by faith and not by sight. (2
Corinthians 5:7). You must disregard negative happenings contrary
to your prayers. Rather keep declaring the true position of God’s
word regarding your situation.
To also ensure your receipt after praying about an issue, you
must start taking the right actions toward your
expectation. That is what I mean by Corresponding actions.
After prayers, you must demonstrate that you believe God has
heard your prayers by taking the right actions toward your
expectations. For instance, a brother may be having a fever. He
prays and asks God to heal him. After he had done that, he still lay
down on his bed covering himself with a big blanket like a
pregnant old woman. You meet him in that condition perhaps
shivering and he tells you “I have prayed and told God to heal
me.” He may even tell you I believe He has healed me. Yes he has
prayed. God has really heard him but he is not taking his healing.
He ought to put his faith to work by demonstrating his healing;
getting up declaring the word in affirmation and going about with
his normal life.
You may have been praying to God for a business breakthrough
or maybe a job; instead of getting up and taking the right action(s)
to get that job or business breakthrough, you are there folding your
hands doing nothing; planning nothing, having no strategies and
expecting things to happen without taking the right actions. I
remember the story of a dear sister in the Lord. She was trusting
God for a job. After she had prayed, she walked up to an
establishment of her choice around her environment, convinced in
her spirit she asked to see the managing director and demanded
for a job in his establishment that she felt she was qualified for. The
managing director told her there was no vacancy, and by
implication no job available for her. She did not give up. She was
indeed a daughter of Abraham. She offered to work for free; telling
the M.D. that if he wasn’t satisfied with her services at the end of
the month she would go. That was a good challenge, and the M.D.
was willing to try it out.
She started work in that establishment that day. She was fully
employed in that company before the end of the month by the
same managing director that had told her there was no vacancy.
Her salary was fully paid, and she was recognized as an
outstanding staff of that firm after a certain period. She was indeed
a true daughter of Abraham; an outstanding one too.
That sister did not just pray and folded her hands, but she went
all out for it, seeking for it diligently. And putting her faith work,
she found it. Glory to God.
Don’t stay there folding your hands and complaining. Take action.
If you want to see your desired change in that situation you are in
then you must systematically and strategically pray to enforce that
Take God’s word at face value. Believe what it says and place a
demand for your expectation in prayer trusting those words God
has spoken for your benefit. Then declare these right words,
backed up with corresponding actions. That’s how to take hold.
That’s how to receive the benefits God has spoken concerning you
in His word. God’s word is indeed a never failing remedy.
Fasting disciplines
your flesh from
natural or physical
influences, then
helps your spirit
man connect with
God in fellowship
Chapter Four
Fasting has to do with denying your flesh the pleasure it naturally
desires, and then you concentrate on communicating with your
heavenly father and consciously
address whatever situation of
concern you have in prayers. Apart
from going without food, it
involves fully consecrating yourself
to God by engaging in spiritual
activities and consciously focusing
on the issues you are dealing with
while studying God’s word for His
Fasting is not necessarily a tactics
for bribing God to meet our needs. Rather it is a way to
communicate with God through our spirits in order to get things
done in the physical.
Fasting disciplines your flesh from natural or physical influences,
then helps your spirit man connect with God in fellowship easily.
Fasting, when properly done, puts your body under. It kills your
desire for sin or any form of gratification of the flesh.
However, fasting is incomplete if it is done without prayers. It is
not just fasting but fasting and prayer. Fasting without prayer is
equal to hunger strike; punishing your body for nothing. Fasting
without prayers would be fruitless. We must make out time to
pray when ever we decide to engage ourselves in the act of fasting
before the Lord. Particularly in our world today, with all the hustle
and bustle where it is almost impossible for people to give time to
prayers, when we are fasting we must create time to pray. In a
situation when you are working or you are very busy; maybe a
career or business person or even a student that has to leave home
very early and retire late in the evening or even at night. Whenever
you are fasting, you must spend quality time to pray as regards
issues of concern before leaving home, and then also consciously
pray in between your working hours.
Also, fasting could become very frustrating without the word.
You must practically engage yourself in the study of the word
during fasting in order stir yourself and build up your faith to
receive from the Lord.
Jesus made us understand that there are some peculiar situations
that require prayer and fasting for change to take place. (Mark
God has chosen
fasting and
prayer as a
instrument for
turn around.
6 Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of
wickedness, to do the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed
go free, and that you break every yoke?
7 Is it not to deal your bread to the hungry, and that you bring
the poor that are cast out to your house? When you see the
naked, that you cover him; and that you hide not yourself
from your own flesh?
- Isaiah 58:6-7
God has chosen fasting and prayer as a veritable instrument for
supernatural turn around. In the above scripture, the Lord is
saying He has chosen the fast to loose
the bands of wickedness, to remove the
heavy burdens. He said He has chosen
to let the oppressed go free through
the medium of fasting and prayer, and
to break every yoke the enemy has laid
on anyone.
In verse 7 of the above chapter of the
book of Isaiah, the Lord further
recommends that you sow into the
lives of the poor. He says, Is it not to deal your bread to the hungry,
and that you bring the poor that are cast out to your house? When you see
the naked, that you cover him; and that you hide not yourself from your
own flesh? (Isaiah 58:7). When you engage in the above acts; feeding
the hungry, clothing the naked, and much more in addition to your
fast as the Lord recommends, the subsequent verses of Isaiah 58
gives the amazing picture of the blessings that will follow. Apart
from the fact that burdens will be removed, loosening of the bands
of wickedness and yokes broken, it says:
8 Then shall your light break forth as the morning, and your
health shall spring forth speedily: and your righteousness
shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your
9 Then shall you call, and the LORD shall answer; you shall cry,
and He shall say, Here I am. If you take away from the midst
of you the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking
10 And if you draw out your soul to the hungry, and satisfy the
afflicted soul; then shall your light rise in obscurity, and your
darkness be as the noon day:
11 And the LORD shall guide you continually, and satisfy your
soul in drought, and make fat your bones: and you shall be
like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose
waters fail not.
- Isaiah 58:8-11
So, apart from fasting and praying, you are also enjoined to sow
into the lives of the less privileged around you; particularly those
of the household of faith (i.e. less privileged Christians around us)
and other less privileged persons, as the Lord leads us. Make sure
you are being led by the Spirit in your almsgiving. The scripture
above outlines some of the things that should be done in your fast
as regards your almsgiving during a fast. The amazing benefits in
fasting and prayer plus alms giving can not be over emphasized.
They are well enumerated in the above verses of scriptures. It says,
your light will break forth as the morning. That is, you will come to
limelight. Your health will be guaranteed. He says, your
The amazing
benefits in fasting
and prayer plus
alms giving can
not be over
righteousness will speak. The glory of the Lord shall ensure your
security. Then shall you cry unto the Lord in your prayers and He
will answer you.
He says, if you will lend a helping hand to the poor, if you will
satisfy the hungry and afflicted, that you will shine even out of
obscurity. Even in a place where it would have been impossible for
you to make impact, maybe because of the presence of giants or
over qualified folks, the Lord will still cause your light to shine
forth out of that obscurity. He says, He will bring you to limelight.
He will turn your darkness into the noonday. You know the day is
usually very bright at noon; that’s the picture He is trying to make
you see, that He would take you to, by your indulging faithfully in
fasting and prayers plus almsgiving.
Furthermore, He says that the
Lord will continually be your
guide. He says, you will be
satisfied even in the season of
drought or a negative economic
circumstance, or a prevailing
negative circumstance of any kind.
He says, you will be like a watered
garden whose water is ever
flowing. No dry seasons at all.
In the book of Esther, when Haman, an aid to the king plotted
against the Israelites, to eliminate them, the instrument of fasting
and prayer was used. Esther the queen went to see the king against
the custom of the day, yet her request was granted even before she
was done mentioning it; far beyond her expectation. Haman the
enemy was sentenced to death and killed in the gallows he had
prepared for Mordecai and the other Israelites because they
decided to fast and pray asking the Lord to come to their rescue.
When Daniel, his friends, all the other wise men & astrologers had
the sentence of death over their lives from the king, Daniel and his
friends sought the Lord in prayers and He came to their rescue.
When Daniel persistently sought from the Lord the restoration of
Judah in Daniel chapter 10, he did it chastening himself with
fasting and prayers. The Lord responded and ensured his answer
came to him. He was in a fast.
Jesus even categorically made it clear that there are certain issues
that must be addressed by fasting and prayer. (See Mark 9:29).
Therefore, you must fast and pray to effect that long standing
change you so desire.
You have prayed and worried about a matter for so long, but have
you applied the weapon of fasting and prayer?
When you read through Daniel 10:1-13, you will discover that
Daniel fasted and prayed for about 21 days about a particular
issue. It was on the twenty first day that he got the response. An
angel showed up with Daniel’s answer. He revealed unto Daniel
that from the first day he made up his mind to fast and pray;
chastening himself before the Lord that he (the angel) was
dispatched, but the prince of Persia withstood him for twenty one
days, until Michael, one of the chief princes came to his rescue.
11 And he said to me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved,
understand the words that I speak to you, and stand
upright: for to you am I now sent. And when he had
As new creations
in Christ Jesus,
we are not as
limited as Daniel
was. There are
several laws in
force for our
favour. There are
several laws
suspended in our
spoken this word to me, I stood trembling.
12 Then said he to me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first
day that you did set your heart to understand, and to
chasten yourself before your God, your words were
heard, and I am come for your words.
13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me
one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief
princes, came to help me; and I remained there with
the kings of Persia.
- Daniel 10:11-13
One remarkable thing is that Daniel persisted in his prayers for
that number of days, until the answer showed up on the twenty
first day. The angel could have
returned back into heaven without
delivering Daniel’s package if he
had stopped praying. But thank
God he persisted in his prayers.
The prince of Persia the angel
referred to was a satanic
environmental spiritual force in
charge of the kingdom of Persia.
That demon, a fallen angel
withstood that angel from heaven,
but Daniel continued in his
prayers until he prevailed; and a
senior angelic force was
Daniel wasn’t born again like we have been privileged to
experience today in the new covenant because of the sacrifice of
our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. He didn’t have the name of
Jesus to use as we are also privileged to use today. But with his
persistence in prayers he prevailed against that prince of darkness,
how much more today we who are new creations in Christ Jesus.
We are new super beings in Christ. We are unstoppable. We can’t
be limited by any demon or any devil of any class. The only
limitation we could have today is our ignorance of the word;
ignorance of the depth of the riches we have in Christ. When we
lack the full knowledge of the word of God as regards the details of
our rights and privileges in Christ we could be molested by the
tricks of the devil. When we talk about spiritual warfare today, it
has a lot do with our knowledge of the revelation of God’s word;
that is what we use to wage the war in the Spirit realm. Not
necessarily just fighting with demons. We have won the fight
already. With the revelation of God’s word in you and a prevailing
faith your prayers are undeniable.
As new creations in Christ Jesus, we are not as limited as Daniel
was. There are several laws in force for our favour. There are
several laws suspended in our favour. This is because as new
creations in Christ Jesus we are new beings, special beings, super
humans, carriers of the divine nature, and super spirits in Christ.
That’s who we are. We don’t operate with our own righteousness;
rather we operate in the righteousness that is in Christ Jesus. (2
Corinthians 5:21).
You can make a demand in the name of Jesus and it comes to pass
unhindered. It can even happen immediately. Even while all those
elemental and/or environmental forces are operating or trying to
operate. Didn’t you read about what Jesus said? He said …these
signs shall follow those who believe: In my name shall they cast out devils;
they shall speak with new tongues: They shall take up serpents; and if
they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them… (Mark 16:15-18).
Do you know Jesus was referring to starters; those who have
believed on the word of Christ unto salvation: They are meant to
have supremacy over demons. Demons are supposed to be
tormented by your presence; they should be on the run at your
sight because you are greater. So, you have to update your
knowledge with the word of God. Don’t let the devil play on your
ignorance or begin to create doubts in your heart as regards your
prayers. You are not at the same level with him as a new creation
in Christ Jesus.
Note this: There is never going to be a struggle between light and
darkness. Light and darkness never struggle for space. When light
comes, darkness give way. Darkness gives way at the appearance
of light.
As the ones who have been reborn in Christ, we have the
personality of Christ vested in us. We can do the same things Jesus
did, and even greater. (John 14:12). When Christ died, He went to
hell, and held captivity captive. He subdued Lucifer himself, Satan
the devil himself; the head of the kingdoms of darkness. The Bible
records in the book of Revelations that Christ collected the keys of
Hell and death from the devil. And I am a new creation in Christ
Jesus: So, which devil can stand on my way successfully when
Christ Himself lives in me. They failed even before they started.
You may say: How come I have so many unanswered prayers?
Ask the Holy Spirit. That is why you should have a relationship
with Him. Pray enquiry prayers; Ask Him why things are the way
they are. And He will respond to you; He will tell you what to do.
You say: I can see that the devil is blocking all my prayers.
What you need is
more spiritual
influence; more
grace, more
power, more fire
activated in you.
Oh yeah! Then you have little or no problem at all. Use your
authority in Christ Jesus. Jesus said, Behold I give to you
power…over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any
means hurt you. (Luke 10:19). Address the devil now. Tell him to
get out of your way. Give him a command; you have authority
over him. Tell him to take his hands off what belongs to you. You
may say you have been trying to do that, but things seem the same.
In such situation, what you need is more spiritual influence; more
grace, more power, more fire activated in you. What you need is
more Light; more Revelation from God’s word and by His Spirit.
As you walk in those revelations you have received, you flow in
more grace; more power and more fire that will extinguish the
enemy even before you give the command. Revelation empowers
you to see the word of God in
action while you pray. Revelation
helps you to see the true position of
things from your spirit man.
You must also be consistent in
your prayers. Never give up. Daniel
persisted in his prayers under the
old covenant and he got a desired
response. How much more you and I, who are in the new
covenant, who have received Christ Jesus into our beings. You are
a new creation. You have a regenerated human spirit; empowered
to knock the devil down any day.
One major thing you also must know is that you should rely on
the person of the Holy Spirit and involve Him in all your prayers.
Prayer is having a conversation with God. If you are truly having
a conversation with God then He will give you directions and
directives. There would be responses; He would talk to you.
We have triumphed over the prince of Persia or any other satanic
spirit. We have authority in Christ over the prince of Persia and
every other existing demon. Never bring yourself under the
powers of any of those evil and satanic spirits.
According to Ephesians 1:21-22, He Christ Jesus is “far above all
principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name
that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to
come. And has put all things under His feet…” So, we are in Christ
Jesus as new creations with all the power, might and dominion
accorded Him. We should operate thus as well.
The Bible says:
And has raised us up together, and made us sit
together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
- Ephesians 2:6
We are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, operating with
power and dominion. We have no limitation as far as we are truly
in Christ Jesus. We can do all things in Christ Jesus. If no devil
could resist Jesus, then they can’t resist us. We have the greater one
living inside of us. (1 John 4:4).
We have been ordained as kings and priests. (Revelations 5:10).
We do not only offer up spiritual sacrifices as priests but we also
issue decrees as kings.
We have the ability to create, command and demand whatever we
desire to see and how we want it to manifest through the agency of
our prayers.
No dark power can comfortably stand where you stand; just make
sure you are not living a double standard lifestyle. You can’t be
trying to bind the devil when you are doing his works.
No dark power can survive the presence of the true anointing we
have received in Christ Jesus.
Declare these words below in absolute confidence of your
personality in Christ:
 I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; greater is He that
is in me than he that is in the world.
 I function with the spirit of dominion in my world. I
have the life and nature of God in my spirit. Therefore
I am superior to the devil and all his works.
 My words and prayers are potent, creative and
unstoppable in the matchless name of Jesus.
God’s word says: And this is the confidence that we have in
Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us:
And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know
that we have the petitions that we desired of Him. (1 John 5:14-
The Lord does not only hear us when we pray but also grants our
petitions. You must express this confidence by celebrating what
God has done. So, having prayed we must trust God and express
that faith and trust we have in Him. We express our faith by taking
the right steps, making the right moves and declaring the right
words, which also involves our celebrating what we trust that the
Lord has done as a result of our prayers.
Now its time to celebrate, because certainly the Lord has moved
on your behalf particularly if you have consciously been praying
all your prayers as recommended in this book, and also making
bold declarations. Change has taken place in the realm of the Spirit.
Do not be perturbed by some seemingly standing structures that
make things to be looking as though nothing has happened. It is
done. Celebrate! When Jesus cursed the fig tree in Mark 11, it was
as though nothing had happened but on the next day it was Peter
who drew His attention, telling Him of the changes that had taken
place in the tree that He cursed the previous day. The truth is that
you have won. Let’s see this Bible verse from the second letter of
Peter the apostle to the Church:
We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereto
you do well that you take heed, as to alight that shines
in a dark place, until the day star arise in your hearts:
- 2 Peter 1:19
This scripture is pointing to something as regards seeing the
picture of the word; the true picture of the word in your life. Yes,
you have prayed, you have called forth. You have spoken as you
desired. Now, this scripture is saying, keep on focusing on the
word, keep on accepting what the word says. Keep on declaring
what the word says. Expect the manifestation. Keep on seeing the
manifestation from your spirit, don’t accept anything less.
Anything that looks contrary is not worth your attention.
He says, we have a more sure word of prophecy; he is referring to
those words of scripture that were spoken ahead of time for your
benefit, they are the more sure word of prophecy to take hold unto
Celebrate the
celebrate the
Celebrate the
word of God that
says that thing
you have desired
is yours.
even at the appearance or presence of that seemingly impeding
circumstance that you have gone through or have been going
through. Now keep on celebrating the truth about the word. Now
you have prayed; you have talked to your heavenly father about it,
you have spoken forth your desire as regards the situation. Just
keep thanking Him. Keep celebrating
the fact that He, the Lord has done it.
Make the right moves; no wrong
moves anymore.
Do not begin to doubt. Don’t begin
to say: “Why is it delaying? Why has
it not happened?” Don’t talk like
that. Celebrate the prophecy;
celebrate the word that says you are
healed. Celebrate the word that says
your desire has been delivered to
you. Celebrate the word of God that
says that thing you have desired is yours. Celebrate the word that
says you are rich. You are no longer living in lack; you are no
longer living in squalor. Celebrate the word of God that says you
have all things in Christ Jesus. Celebrate the word that says you
can do all things through Christ that strengthens you. Hallelujah!
Just like the Bible talks about Abraham in Romans 4:19-21:
19 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his
own body now dead, when he was about a hundred
years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb:
20 He staggered not at the promise of God through
unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
21 And being fully persuaded that, what He had
promised, He was able also to perform.
Our emphasis here is that Abraham staggered not at the promise
of God in unbelief but giving glory to God. Giving glory; giving
adoration to God. Abraham was seeing what God has spoken to
him about bringing forth a son from his loins coming to pass. He
was fully persuaded, that is why he was giving glory to God. He
was seeing the manifestation of the words spoken by God coming
to pass. He didn’t consider the deadness of His physical body, or
even the deadness of Sarah’s womb. He only saw the word of God
that has been spoken coming to pass. That is how you too should
see your miracle. Start seeing your expectation. Anything looking
contrary to it is not worth your attention. Consciously spend time
to praise God. Be Praiseful. Be Praise-full. Praise and worship Him;
adore and reverence Him for whom He is. Praise and thank Him
for what He did for you in the past. Praise and thank Him for what
He has done. Praise and thank Him for what He will do. He is
faithful. Spend time to praise God. Praise is the secret gateway we
have to the realm of the Spirit which unlocks closed doors or
seemingly closed doors and enhances our speedy reception of our
expectations from the Lord. Praise will arouse your faith and
confidence in God.
Focus on what the word of God is saying, celebrate it. Celebrate
your miracle. Keep thanking God; keep glorifying Him. Keep
saying thank you Jesus, my miracle is here. Thank you Jesus, I’ve
got it; I’ve gotten my expectation (name it). Say thank you Jesus, I
live in my testimony. The testimony I have desired is here.
Blessed be your name oh most high. I know it is done. Just let
that be the kind of words coming from your mouth.
It is done. God’s word is a never failing remedy. Trust it, Believe
it, Pray it and Do it. It is ever true.
As we read in 2 Peter 1:19: We do have a more sure word of
prophecy. What the word of God says is more true than that
seemingly undesirable happening around your life. So, disregard
that negative circumstance, disregard that negative situation. See
the day dawning as that scripture recommends. He says you
should take heed as a light that shines in a dark place. It means,
you are allowing the light of the word of God to take over you;
shinning against that contrary situation, against that challenging
situation, against that seemingly harassing situation. Beam it
toward that dark situation. He says, let that light which you have
received from the word, let it shine out of that dark place; that dark
situation until there is a dawning of the day star. Let the day star
arise in your heart: the day star of your expectation, the day star of
your miracle, the day star of your desires; let it arise from your
heart via the revelation of God’s word you have received. God’s
word has the ability to produce what it says. It makes no difference
what the issues in your life are, whether it is or was joblessness,
marital problems, sickness, bankruptcy, etc. As you have prayed,
God has visited you. His word is indeed a never failing remedy.
You are blessed knowing the word alone and standing with it in
faith. Praise the Lord. Say it: Hallelujah!
Let’s see this scripture verse in the amplified version:
And we have the prophetic word [made] firmer still.
You will do well to pay close attention to it as to a
lamp shinning in a dismal (squalid and dark) place,
until the day breaks through [the gloom] and the
Morning Star rises (comes into being) in your hearts.
- 2 Peter 1:19 (Amp.)
Disregard and denounce anything contrary to your expectations.
They are enemies to the manifestation of your miracle. God has
heard your prayer; now claim only the truth about that issue which
you have addressed in prayers. Some miracles can manifest
instantly, some may require a process. Meanwhile, don’t get
distracted by any impeding symptoms against your desired
expectation. Rather hold unto the more sure word of prophecy;
that scripture that bequeaths to you that desired expectation you
seek. You must pay close attention to it (the word) as a shining
light in a dark place until the day breaks through the gloom in that
situation. And the morning star shows up brightening your heart,
brightening your being; bringing forth. Don’t let your focus shift
from the word even for a second, to begin to believe any contrary
manifestation after you have prayed but keep declaring what you
have seen in the word and believed in your heart which is
therefore the truth which brings forth the day star rising in your
heart. God’s word is God’s revelation of His will to you. It is full of
power with inherent ability to produce what it talks about. His
word can not return void, it must accomplish what it talks about.
(Isaiah 55:11).
God’s word is true. His word concerning you is true. It has been
designed for your benefit. Don’t accept anything less. It is His will
for you. You have prayed. Know it is done. This is the set time for
your miracle. Testify of the Lord’s goodness. Tell every one about
what He has done. Don’t hide the miracle. Share it.
Jesus is Lord!
Oh Lord God my Father, I come to you in the name of
Jesus Christ.
Lord Jesus, come into my heart.
I declare you as Lord over my life.
I believe that you died for the remission of my sins and
rose up for my justification.
I receive Eternal life into my spirit.
I declare that I am a child of God.
I’m not a property of the devil.
I am saved. I am born again.
I begin to walk in the consciousness of my new life in
Christ Jesus. Amen.
* Hallelujah! Congratulations!
 Don’t just be a Churchman. Be a Christian. Live the
true Christian life. (To solidify your salvation and
faith in Christ spend time to study the Bible, but more
on the books of the New Testament). Start Today.
Study God’s word and be full of it. Then you will
naturally exude Him.
If you have been blessed, or received a miracle while reading this
book, or as a result of reading this book, share your testimonies
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172 pages
 SHEPHERD OF MY SOUL; Downloading Divine
Mysteries From The Realm Of The Spirit For The Now.
This Book will Reveal several insights to you about victorious
Christian living. It is an ALL IN ONE package.
 It deals on topics like:
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Fear No Evil, Blessings Overflow, Fellowship With God,
Dwelling in the Presence of the Lord, Goodness and Mercy
Follow Me.
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* Also available in Leading Christian Bookstores and Online
By the anointing and calling of the Holy Spirit
into the ministry; Apst. Francis Egbhatse.
teaches and preaches the message of Jesus in
its entirety and simplicity with provoking
infallible proofs. Called to reach the nations of
the earth with the gospel and teaching of our
Lord Jesus Christ with healings, miracles, signs
and wonders following.
He functions with the apostolic and prophetic
unction upon him; an apostle of God with the
mandate of imparting the Church and mankind in general with the
revelation of the God-life in man, liberating them through the power
and presence of the Holy Spirit from all oppressions of the devil
thereby positioning them into God’s place for their lives. He has
ministered for about two decades, from his teens progressively at
different levels. He ministers in conferences, conventions,
crusades, and the likes.
He has held meetings, crusades & outreaches with thousands in
attendance even in a single night’s event.
Apostle Francis is the President & Pastor of the Global Christian
Network of The Holy Spirit a.k.a. Francis Egbhatse Ministries,
presently in the city of Lagos, Nigeria. A ministry called to raise an
end time army of Champions to reach all the nations of the earth.
Happy Reading! And please endeavour to catch it: Plenty of
 SHEPHERD OF MY SOUL; Downloading Divine Mysteries
From The Realms Of The Spirit For The Now.
 PRAYER IS KEY: Understanding God’s Principles In
Prayer, Getting Divinity To Act On Your Behalf In Prayer;
Growing Up Spiritually And Getting All Your Needs Met.
- A Quick Assessment Of Your Heaven-Bound Status.

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  • 2. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 2 PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION Copyright © 2013 Apst. Francis Egbhatse. ISBN: 978-978-935-862-5 All rights reserved No part of this book may be used without the written Permission of the author or publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts in magazines, articles, reviews, etc. Email:, Phone: 234 802 886 7663 Cover Design: FEEBBOSS CONCEPTS Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the King James Version (Easy Reading Edition) of the Bible.
  • 3. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 3 Acknowledgement/Dedication Thank you precious Holy Spirit; my Instructor and Teacher, by whose knowledge and inspiration this book has been produced. To God be ALL the Glory!
  • 5. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 5 From the Author’s Desk To the glory of God and with a gladdened heart I present to you this amazing self help book for your spiritual illumination and enablement. It reveals simple step by step principles on how to quickly take hold of your expectations and desires in accordance with God’s will, with such dexterity and simplicity in the place of prayer. This book will enlighten you on how to change that situation you don’t like; revealing how you can “Press” for that change in the Spirit. It would challenge and stir you to ensure that change in the place of prayer. It will inspire you to claim your desires quickly. You can change your story. You can change your situation. Take Responsibility. Take action. Decide to pray. Love, Apostle Francis August, 2013.
  • 7. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 7 CONTENTS Acknowledgement/Dedication………….…………………………...iii From The Author’s Desk……………………………………………….v Introduction………………………………………………….................ix CHAPTER ONE WHAT IS PRAYER…………………………………………………….11  Defining of Prayer…………………………………………….11  Prayer Is Communion With God……………………………12  When Should We Pray……………………………………….13  Listening Prayer (Listening To God’s voice During Prayer)….14  Take Action (You Must Decide To Pray To bring About That Change) …………………………………………………15 CHAPTER TWO YOU MUST “PRESS” TO TAKE DELIVERY……………………….17  Take It Violently……………………………………………....19  How Do You Press To Take Delivery…………………....…20  Jacob Pressed For Change………………………………...….20  Hannah Pressed For Change……………………………......23  Jabez Pressed For Change…………………………………...25  Daniel Pressed For Change………………………………….27  Elijah Pressed For Change…………………………………...31  YOU Must Press For Change………………………………...35
  • 8. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 8 CHAPTER THREE HOW TO “PRESS” FOR CHANGE………………………………….37  Take Responsibility…………………………………………...38  Outline The Issues…………………………………………….39  Search Out Areas In The Word Relating To The Issues You Outlined. So, You Can Bring Forth Your Strong Reasons...40  Address The Situation You Want Changed….…………….42  Take Delivery………………………………………………….45  Receiving – An Important Aspect Of Prayer……………….45 CHAPTER FOUR PRAYER AND FASTING……………………………………………..49  Prayer And Fasting – A Veritable Instrument For Change…...51  Triumph Over The Prince Of Persia………………………...54  Celebrating Your Victory…………………………………….60 Prayer Of Salvation…………………………………………………...66 Categories………………………………………………………………68
  • 9. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 9 Prayer is approaching God’s presence demanding for the manifestation of His will in our lives. INTRODUCTION Prayer is a major key if you want God’s visitation in your life as regards any issue. However, there are well analysed patterns in which prayer should be done that would guarantee its efficacy and effectiveness for our benefit and the benefit of others that have been discussed in this text. We would be revealing some insights by God’s Spirit, all geared towards understanding and making sure we receive our desires in accordance with God’s word speedily as we engage in this act. As new creations in Christ Jesus we need to build the consciousness of the personality we are in Christ when we come before our heavenly father in the place of prayer. However, prayer has to do with consciously approaching the Lord with your desires and expectation for which you seek His visitation. Prayer is storming God’s headquarters to take delivery of what His word says belong to you in Christ. Prayer is approaching God’s presence demanding for the manifestation of His will in our lives.
  • 10. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 10 Prayer is storming God’s headquarters to take delivery of what His word says belong to you in Christ. Prayer involves consciously approaching the presence of the Lord for a change in your situation. Prayer is a major key if you want to see change in any situation. When there is a problem or challenge, you can cry if you like, complain if you want, but for you to see a definite change you must consciously and strategically pray to command results. Prayer will not only change the situation, it will also change you for the better.
  • 11. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 11 By engaging truly in the act of praying we are communing with divinity. Chapter One WHAT IS PRAYER? Defining Prayer Prayer is basically communication with God. It is man having communion with divinity. Prayer is about fellowshipping with God. Prayer is a conversation between man and God. It is about communing with Him. Prayer is not just about talking to God, but communicating with Him. It is a conversation between man and God. It is not meant to be a monologue as practiced by a lot of Christian folks today; it is supposed to be a dialogue. And a dialogue is usually between two or more people. So, prayer is a dialogue between man and God. When we use the word(s) “communication” or “communicating”, what do we mean? Communication takes place between two or more persons. It is not just an individual thing. There are at least two or more parties involved when we are communicating anything, whether vocally
  • 12. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 12 You don’t wait for things to go bad before you pray. or in writing. In the case of prayer, you are making a verbal communication with God. You are either making requests to God or you are giving thanks to Him, or offering praises to Him, etc, however the case may be. Prayer Is Communion With God: That is, it is an act in which we commune with God. Meaning there is an interaction and intimacy in this art of prayer. Through the art of prayer we have the privilege of communing with our heavenly father. To commune with Him refers to the fact that you are intimately in close touch with someone. By the art of prayer and act of praying we are in close touch with God. By engaging truly in the act of praying we are communing with divinity. Prayer is actually a discussion taking place between our heavenly father and us His kids. A lot of times when you see or hear people pray, it’s like they are just throwing words at God without seeking to get to know what His responses are as regards what they are requesting or demanding. We talk to Him and He talks back to us. He responds to what we are saying. Since prayer brings us into close touch with God, it is therefore a basic necessity for every Christian. Prayer makes power available to the Christian. It strengthens us. As the saying goes, “a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian”. When prayer is done in the proper way it brings us in
  • 13. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 13 Prayerlessness weakens the believer but being prayerful… oneness with God. Prayer emboldens the Christian. It enhances our confidence in God. Prayer is an art. It is also an act. Everything about the concept of prayer is what we are talking about when we refer to it as an art. While the action of praying, the practice of praying is what we are talking about when we talk about prayer as an act. When Should We Pray? …men ought always to pray, and not to faint: - Luke 18:1 We are enjoined to pray always. So, there is no special time to pray or not to pray. We are meant to pray all the time. It is common for people to pray in the mornings, evenings or night time as the case may be. Although, it is necessary to pray at these times but prayer should not be limited to these times alone. The Bible says pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Prayerlessness weakens the believer but being prayerful definitely empowers and strengthens the believer. There is no limit to the number of times that we should pray. In fact, prayer should become a habit. It should become our normal lifestyle. We shouldn’t wait for negative situations before we put up an active prayer life. You don’t wait for things to go bad before you pray. For instance, every responsible government would prefer to work on its roads during the dry seasons. Why? Apart from the reason of having pliable roads, most of the roads are done in the dry seasons, in preparation for the rainy seasons. They don’t wait for the rainy season before they
  • 14. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 14 We must seek to hear the Lord’s voice while we pray. start doing the roads. So, your prayer life is meant to prepare you ahead of time. The sad truth is that many Christians would rather be busy doing other things than spend time to pray. They ignore their prayer life and expect things to work. Jesus is the son of God. In fact, He was God Himself. When He was on the earth, as busy as He was, He still made out time to pray. In the day, he would teach, heal the sick and regularly encountered the Pharisees and Sadducees who confronted Him with a lot of questions. But after all these, Jesus would still make out time to pray. The Bible records that He would seek secret places, solitary places to pray. We must seek to pray at all times. Listening Prayer (Listening To God’s voice In Prayer) Our master loves to communicate with us; He loves to respond to us when we pray. So it’s not just about speaking many words to Him without listening to hear His voice for instruction or direction as the case may be. He said, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me (John 10:27). Listening to God’s voice should be a practice that we must learn and develop. We must learn to be still and listen during prayer. Listening prayer requires full attention from us. We need quietness of our entire being (spirit, soul & body) in order to hear God’s voice. The Bible says, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10). We must seek to hear the Lord’s voice while we pray. That is why we should make it a habit to invite the Holy Spirit to help us in our prayers.
  • 15. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 15 We need to build up that expectation in our hearts that God wants to speak to us. Sometimes, we may not hear His voice during our period of listening but we must patiently build our intimacy with God by this act. Desiring to hear His voice during prayers is an expression of faith in your part that you believe He wants to speak to you. So, when you consciously develop this relationship, your communing with Him becomes enjoyable. Although God is not limited to only speak while we wait at these times of prayer, but it is during this act that you could consciously learn to recognize His voice. Most importantly and notably, the words He communicates to us do not disagree with His written word. That is how to discern if the voice you are hearing is truly the Lord. Measure the information you are receiving with God’s written word. As we form the habit of listening to hear His voice, we start experiencing the joy of hearing Him regularly; even per second, per second. Also, we must know that God speaks to us via His word a lot of times. So, we should consciously seek to meditate on his written word (the Bible), and hear Him inform our spirits via His written word as regards whatever issue we are bringing before Him in prayer. Take Action (You Must Decide To Pray To Bring About That Change) When you read about the parable of the unjust judge Jesus talked about in Luke 18:1-8, you will see it clearly depicted the importance of praying consistently to bring about God’s visitation to your situation. You can change any situation, you can bring about transformation; this will happen when you decide to pray to enforce your demands based on God’s word. Until you decide to take action the status quo remains. You want to see change in that
  • 16. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 16 Until you decide to take action the status quo remains. long standing problem or situation? Then you must pray. You want revival? Then you must pray. You want all your needs in accordance with God’s word to be met? Then you must pray. Jesus emphasized at the beginning of that chapter that men ought always to pray and not slack in any way. Men must continually pray; men must diligently seek for change in every situation or challenge by consciously praying to bring about that change. Christ painted the picture of an unjust judge who didn’t regard God or man, but at the consistent pressing of that widow he succumbed to her request. The unjust judge gave his submission as regard the unrelenting widow. The unjust judge said …Though I fear not God; yet because this widow troubles me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. (Luke 18:4-5). Then Jesus pointed out: …Hear what the unjust judge says. And shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night to Him, though He bear long with them? I tell you He will avenge them speedily… (Luke 18:6-8). We have the ability to effect changes in whatever situation we desire, but we must insist by standing on God’s word; declaring God’s word back to Him until we see the manifestations as regards the changes we desire. We must be persistent; unrelenting in demanding the change we desire in prayers until it comes to full manifestation. Don’t worry, don’t complain just take action; take the right actions and celebrate your testimonies.
  • 17. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 17 When God declares His word it is your responsibility to take delivery. Chapter Two YOU MUST “PRESS” TO TAKE DELIVERY The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man PRESSES INTO IT And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one title of the law to fail. - Luke 16:16-17 God’s purpose for declaring His word any time and any day is for its fulfillment. He is not test running His word; rather He sees its accomplishment even from the beginning, right from the time He declared it. When God declares His word it is your responsibility to take delivery. The above scripture makes us know it is the responsibility of every man to press into it. Verse 17 of the above scripture further makes
  • 18. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 18 it clear that it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one title of the law (i.e. God’s word) to fail. That is to tell you how infallible God’s word is. God is not a joker, when He declares His word He means it from start to finish. God has predetermined every single word He has declared for fulfillment. God’s word is constant. It cannot be broken. The Bible states: God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the Son of man, that He should repent; has He said, and shall He not do it? Or has He spoken, and shall He not make it good? Behold, I have received a commandment to bless: and He has blessed; and I cannot reverse it. - Numbers 23:19-20 When God speaks, He has the ability to bring it to pass. If He has said it, He will surely make it good. God’s word is irreversible. It is not negotiable. It is only when you begin to negotiate for the less that you get less than what it stipulates. God has said it, He will do it. However, there are several forces that are ready to resist you from taking delivery of the words God has spoken concerning you. So, you must press to take delivery. Whenever God speaks, He releases His power to bring it to pass on your behalf, but there are forces that are ready to resist you and contend your faith. So, you must take your stand. Paul said, for a great and effectual door is opened to me, and there are many adversaries (1 Corinthians 16:9). You must rise up to resist those adversaries and take delivery of the promises and prophecies God has released concerning you.
  • 19. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 19 Get to work; make the move to take delivery of what God has said concerning you in His word, and birth it in the place of prayer. TAKE IT VIOLENTLY Jesus said: And from the time of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. - Matthew 11:12 Whatever is your prayer topic or project, there are stipulated rules on how you can receive it’s manifestations in your life. There are multiplied blessings and benefits accruing to us as God’s children. God’s word is “take-able”. Whatever God has said concerning you, whether in His written word, through His Prophets or by His audible voice to you personally; you must wake up and take it violently. Don’t fold your hands. Prove that you believe it. You must believe it. You must receive it. Take it at face value (i.e. without any logical or illogical analysis based on your senses but receive it with faith and absolute trust in God because you believe He is able to do what His word has said He will do). Prove that you believe His word by pressing to ensure its full manifestation in your life by birthing it in the labour room of prayer. Get to work; make the move to take delivery of what God has said concerning you in His word, and birth it in the place of prayer. In the school of prayer violent men take it by force.
  • 20. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 20 Say this: Lord, strengthen me by the power of your Spirit and by the revelations of your word to take delivery of everything that belongs to me as stipulated in your word in the name of Jesus. HOW DO YOU “PRESS” TO TAKE DELIVERY? You must gather the spiritual muscle to confront all those forces both spiritual and physical that is militating against your enjoying all the benefits God has packaged for you in His word. You must resist all those negative forces in the place of prayer, and also by dinning with the word to stir up your faith. You must resist them. You must put on the whole armour of God and resist them by engaging in spiritual warfare to take full delivery of what belongs to you. So you must “Press”. JACOB “PRESSED” FOR CHANGE Concerning Jacob it was said, And the Lord said to her, two nations are in your womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from your bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger. - Genesis 25:23 We know Jacob, that he was a trickster. But I will like us to note here that the above scripture was a prophecy by God, and it was in favour of Jacob. The Bible says, …Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated. (Romans 9:13). From the scriptures above we can see that these prophecies were in favour of Jacob but if we go back to the book of Genesis and see how Jacob toiled and toiled in his life, he suffered things he ought not to have suffered. He went through
  • 21. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 21 In the school of prayer violent men take it by force. hard labour in Laban’s house. He was deceived by his uncle after working seven years to marry his daughter, Rachael. Laban, a more experienced trickster, tricked him by giving him Leah instead of Rachael and made him to work another seven years before he was eventually given Rachael. After which he worked another additional six years. He went through a lot in the house of Laban. His wage was cut ten times (Genesis31:7). Jacob went through a serious ordeal in his life while with his uncle, Laban. It was after all these terrible hurdles with Laban, he had decided to separate himself and go back to his people. Now he remembered Esau, his brother who had vowed to kill him. He actually fled from home because of Esau’s threats. When he remembered all these and his previous experiences in life, and the fact that he was still going to come again before Esau, his sworn enemy, he desperately wanted a change. Then the Bible tells us …And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. (Genesis 32:24). Despite earlier prophecies by God in His favour, things didn’t just fall into place until Jacob pressed. Let’s see the scriptures: 24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. 25 And when He saw that He prevailed not against him, He touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as He wrestled with him. 26 And He said, Let Me go for the day breaks. And he said, I will not let you go, except you bless me. 27 And He said to him, What is your name? And he said, Jacob.
  • 22. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 22 …the encounter Jacob had with God changed things in the realm of the Spirit that manifested in the physical the next day. 28 And he said, your name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince have you power with God and with men, and have prevailed. 29 And Jacob asked Him, and said, Tell me, I pray You, Your name. And He said, Wherefore is it that you do ask after My name? And He blessed him there. - Genesis 32:24-29 After this great experience of wrestling with God in prayer, and he violently got his blessing, change had come for Jacob. His name was changed. He was visited by God. The Lord said “your name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel for as a prince have you power with God and with men, and have prevailed.” God had favoured him. He had found favour before God, and the Lord had also caused him to find favour before men. Jacob prevailed. The effect of that change was well reflected in Genesis 33:14: “And Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold, Esau came, and with him four hundred men…And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him: and they wept.” (Genesis 33:1&4). Jacob had been afraid of Esau before he had that encounter of wrestling with the angel of the Lord and received that blessing. When he heard Esau was coming to meet him, and with four hundred men, he feared greatly. But after that encounter with God, the Bible tells us that the same Esau whom Jacob had been running from for over twenty years ran to meet him, and embraced him.
  • 23. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 23 That was supposed to be the sworn enemy. But change had taken place when Jacob had an encounter in the presence of God. Do you think Esau was going with four hundred men to meet with Jacob for fun? Off course not. But the encounter Jacob had with God changed things in the realm of the Spirit that manifested in the physical the next day. Or do you think Esau was coming with four hundred men just because he wanted to embrace Jacob? Sure not. Jacob was been embraced by someone who had earlier vowed to take his life. That could only have happened by the Spirit. Jacob took charge in the place of prayer and fellowship with God. He was left alone. He prayed and encountered God for a permanent change in his life. And his expectation wasn’t cut short. If Jacob who had God’s prophecy over his life, even before he was born had to seriously take charge from the realm of the Spirit to effect a change against what looked contrary to what things should have been, then you must also take charge violently for a change too. Prayer Points  Lord, change my name to favour in the name of Jesus.  Lord, release your divine wisdom to function in me in the name of Jesus.  Lord, guide my steps and actions aright to ensure a permanent victorious change in my life in the name of Jesus.  Lord, push me by your grace to the next level of glory in my life in Jesus name. HANNAH “PRESSED” FOR CHANGE When you read 1st Samuel chapter one, you will see the story of Hannah. The Bible makes us know that her womb was shut for sometime. Despite that, her husband Elkanah still loved her so
  • 24. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 24 Hannah got her testimony by taking a decision not to accept her current situation… much. Verse 5 says, he gave her a worthy portion, but she wasn’t satisfied with her situation. She wanted a change. And she pressed for it violently. While others ate she refused to eat. So, she must have been fasting. She prayed earnestly to the Lord and wept sore. She even made a vow to the Lord as regards the child she was expecting, that she would dedicate him to the Lord. Her prayer was so intense that Eli the priest thought she was drunk. She was earnestly pouring out her heart to the Lord, she pointed out. When the priest confirmed that she wasn’t drunk, he backed up her prayers with his blessing in verse 17: Then Eli answered and said, Go in Peace: and the God of Israel grant you your petition that you have asked Him. (1 Samuel 1:17). She received that priestly and prophetic declaration in faith which is confirmed in the next verse …so the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad. (1 Samuel 1:18). That was an expression of faith. Her situation changed. If you read further in the chapter, you will see that she got pregnant and gave birth to a son whom she dedicated to the Lord. And afterwards the Lord visited her even gave her more children; three sons and two daughters. (1 Samuel 2:21). Hannah got her testimony by taking a decision not to accept her current situation, but to determinedly press for change, and her situation changed. The stigma of barrenness was erased. God’s word says, …Call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me. (Psalm 50:15). If you will make up your mind to
  • 25. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 25 earnestly demand for a change in your current challenge with utmost determination, the Lord will visit you. But the problem is that many of us want to complain, cry, lament or worry about the situation instead of taking the responsibility to undo the handwritings of the wicked one against us in the place of prayer. JABEZ “PRESSED” FOR CHANGE And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bore him with sorrow. - 1 Chronicles 4:9 Going through the above verse, it stated that Jabez was more honourable than all his brethren but the evil name given to him by his mother withstood his progress. He was more honourable than all his brethren but he couldn’t make any headway because his name was Sorrow. His life had to bear the name his mother gave him, until he acknowledged the fact that he needed a change and pressed for it desperately and diligently. He pressed for it diligently; he did not go about telling everyone “you know my mother begat me in sorrow, that is why I am suffering like this.” No! He took responsibility and went to God in prayers determined for a change. And God visited him. Let’s see the next verse: And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.
  • 26. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 26 It was his determination for change that made him get God’s visitation. - 1 Chronicles 4:10 Jabez’s prayer was definite. He passionately sought for God’s blessings. He said, “…oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast…” He asked for increase and enlargement of his coast. He desired God to be with him, to keep him from evil and all forms of trouble. He also asked that the Lord should take away grief and sadness from his life. And we are also told in that verse that God granted his request. It was his determination for change that made him get God’s visitation. God changed his story and he became more honourable than all his brethren. If Jabez pressed for change by praying, then you should if you want a change, by praying earnestly to bring about that change in your life and destiny. And God is faithful, what He does for one, He will do for another under the same circumstance. You must be ready to take responsibility in the place of prayer to birth that lasting change you so desire. Prayer Points  Every suffering in my life is permanently suspended in Jesus name, and it is replaced with divine enthronement and unlimited breakthroughs in the name of Jesus.  Lord, change my story to glory in the name of Jesus. (Mention to the Lord what change you desire in any area of your life).  Lord, visit me and enlarge my coast in the name of Jesus.  Restore my dignity oh Lord in any way I am living less than your true quality of me, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • 27. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 27  Let Honour and Beauty reign in my life in Jesus name. AMEN.  Pray further any other prayer point(s) you are led by the Spirit of God to pray. DANIEL “PRESSED” FOR CHANGE When you go through the book of Daniel, you will discover that there were a number of times Daniel diligently pressed for change or to get a response as regards an issue of concern in the place of prayer, but we would discuss a few of them. In Daniel chapter 2, you will see the story of how Nebuchadnezzar dreamed a dream that was too wonderful for him. He called for all the wise men and astrologers, and told them he had forgotten the dream but they should tell him the dream and the interpretation. He was a smart king. He knew that if he told these wise men and astrologers the dream, they could come up with any interpretation. And he put that question before them and threatened to take their lives if they didn’t tell him the exact dream he had, and the interpretation. But Daniel asked for more time from the king, which he got. Let’s see Daniel 2:16-23: 16 Then Daniel went in, and desired of the king that he would give him time, and that he would show the king the interpretation. 17 Then Daniel went to his house, and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions: 18 That they would desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning this secret; that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. 19 Then was the secret revealed to Daniel in a night
  • 28. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 28 Daniel brought change to the kingdom with the instrument of his prayers. vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven. 20 Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are His: 21 And He changes the times and the seasons: He removes kings, and sets up kings: He gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: 22 He reveals the deep and secret things: He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him. 23 I thank You, and praise You, O You God of my fathers, who has given me wisdom and might, and has made known to me now what we desired of You: for You have now made known to us the king’s matter. From the verses above we can see that Daniel went home and told his companions. Together they prayed and sought for these secrets in the presence of God. And the Lord revealed the entire dream to Daniel, and also its interpretation. Apart from the fact that this situation posed a threat to the lives of Daniel and all the other wise men in the land, it was also an opportunity Daniel had to shine out of obscurity. Before then he may have been seen to be like any other wise man or astrologer, or perhaps a captive from Judah. But when this opportunity posed itself Daniel and his companions rose up to the challenge. He could have resigned to fate, but he made up his mind to “press” for change with his companions. And he was handsomely rewarded, along with his companions. He also saved the lives of the other wise men.
  • 29. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 29 Another situation Daniel faced was recorded in chapter 6 of the book of Daniel. It was recorded that all the presidents, governors and princes conspired together to make a decree that was anti- Daniel. They said, a law should be enacted that no one should pray or ask petition from any other god except the king for the next thirty days. What kind of a law was this; it’s obvious there was a hidden agenda to it. This was the strategy they came up with, to get rid of Daniel since he was the most preferred among the presidents, and an excellent spirit was found in him. That was his offense; being preferred by the king and because an excellent spirit was found in him. This did not make Daniel relent in his prayers. As a matter of fact, that was the main strategy he knew. As you would see in verse ten of chapter 6, he prayed three times a day irrespective of the obnoxious decree that was meant to entrap him. Daniel was thrown into the Lion’s den but he came out unhurt. Why? Because God was with him. He had the presence of God with him. Note that he didn’t contact the presence of God by sitting down and wishing that the decree was never made. He consciously spent time in prayers. That was where he registered himself in God’s mind. That was where he made his petition known. His prayer deposits in the realm of the Spirit before he was thrown into the lion’s den stood for him. The Lord sent His angel, he said, to shut the mouths of the lions and ensured nothing happened to Daniel in the den. Daniel was preferred by the king. The king even regretted signing this decree into law because he didn’t realise that Daniel was going to be the victim. And according to the law of the Medes and the
  • 30. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 30 Persians; you cannot alter the decree once it has been made. But I love the testimony the king gave of Daniel when he commanded that he should be thrown into the lion’s den. It reads, …Now the king spoke and said to Daniel, your God whom you serve continually. He will deliver you. (Daniel 6:16). And sure he was delivered by His God. To let you know that Daniel’s regular prayer deposits of the past were seriously in force, which favoured him before the king; the king commanded that those men which had accused Daniel be thrown into the lion’s den, even with their families. (Daniel 6:24). And there is no record of any other particular offence they committed apart from the fact that they accused Daniel of disobeying the decree that the king himself signed into law. Not only that, something else which was vital also happened: Because of Daniel change took place in the kingdom; a new decree was made by king Darius. It states: I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel for He is the living God, and steadfast forever, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and His dominion shall be even to the end. He delivers and rescues, and He works signs and wonders in heaven and in earth, who has delivered Daniel from the power of the lions. (Daniel 6:26-27). When you read through the book of Daniel, you will see more cases in which Daniel affected the lives of the people and the kingdom with his prayers. Daniel brought change to the kingdom with the instrument of his prayers to God and you too can cause changes in any situation by your earnest, continuous and persistent prayers about that issue of concern.
  • 31. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 31 Elijah took charge of Israel on his knees in prayer. Say this to yourself: By the instrument of my prayers I am changing my world in the name of Jesus. My life is transformed; destinies are transformed in the name of Jesus. ELIJAH “PRESSED” FOR CHANGE Elijah was an exceptional prophet of God whose impact in the prophetic ministry speaks volumes even today. I would like us to see this testimony Apostle James gave of him: Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months - James 5:17. As we were made to understand in the book of Kings, there were over seven thousand who had not bowed to worship Baal but Elijah outshined them all. He stood out. In the above scripture, James is telling us how that he was like every one of us. He was subject to the same passions we are subjected to but with his earnest prayers he maintained dominance and relevance in Israel. The vast population of Israel under Ahab the king had begun to worship the idol, Baal, against the commandment of God and His laws. Elijah, moved by the Spirit of God expressed God’s displeasure by pronouncing a punitive decree on Israel. He said, …As the LORD GOD of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according
  • 32. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 32 You want to see a change in any area of your life? Then you must wake up and take charge in the labour room of prayers to birth your miracle. to my word. - 1 Kings 17:1 He made this declaration against Israel because of his love for God. So, I would say that he stood on the Lord’s side against the rebelling Ahab the king and the people of Israel. His word stood; God honoured it and there was no rain in Israel by the space of three and half years. He was able to achieve this with earnest and persistent prayers. He took charge of Israel on his knees in prayer. By the time you read the book of Kings and also the testimony of James, it is clearly depicted that he prayed earnestly to achieve this. Furthermore, the Bible makes us know in 1 Kings that God said to Elijah “…Go show yourself to Ahab; and I will send rain upon the earth.”(1 Kings 18:1). When you read through the entire chapter of I Kings 18, you will see how Elijah flawed all the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel; the prophets of Baal were unable to call down fire to consume their sacrifice as agreed even after spending the whole day. But Elijah prayed, and called on the Lord to consume the sacrifice with fire after the prophets of Baal had spent the whole day calling on their god for fire to no avail. Elijah turned the people’s hearts back to God by this act on Mount Carmel. After the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal had been slain, Elijah said to Ahab “…Get you up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain.”(1 Kings 18:41).
  • 33. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 33 Take charge of your life from the realm of the Spirit by activating your prayer life. Then as you read further from verses 42-45 you will see what Elijah did after declaring those authoritative words to Ahab. He didn’t fold his hands; rather he went into persistent prayers. He called forth the rain by his persistent prayers. He cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees. (1 Kings 18:42). And he kept on praying; he sent his servant to keep checking the clouds for the sign, even up to the seventh time. The Bible makes us understand that at the seventh time there arose a little cloud out of the sea. And that was it. The Bible didn’t inform us how long Elijah must have spent praying and calling forth the rain. But I think it must have taken a great deal of time, as he kept sending his servant to go check the clouds for a sign of rain, up till the seventh time. Our emphasis here about Elijah is that he didn’t just make a declaration but backed it up by praying earnestly for the manifestation of his declaration. Christianity is not a way of life that promotes laziness. You want to see a change in any area of your life? Then you must wake up and take charge in the labour room of prayers to birth your miracle. Do you want to cause positive changes in your life, in your family, in your business, in your career, in your community or even in your nation, then you must pray. With prayer, you can take decisions from the Spirit realm that even the President, Prime Minister or Governor of your nation can not take because you have prevailed in the place of prayer. Take charge of
  • 34. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 34 your life from the realm of the Spirit by activating your prayer life. Pray without ceasing, that was Paul’s recommendation to the Christian. Good things don’t just happen by accident; they are prayed into existence. The Bible says, you shall decree a thing, and it shall be established. (Job 22:28). At will, Elijah shut the heavens from giving rain upon the earth, and I think he pocketed the keys in the place of prayer. And when he was satisfied under God that Ahab and the people of Israel had learnt their lessons, again at will, he prayed, and the heavens were opened and it gave rain. You can control the circumstances of your life and destiny from the altar of prayer. When you have understood how to take charge of your life from the Spirit realm via the altar of prayer then you are fully in charge. Don’t sit there and complain about all the problems confronting you, instead pray. Prayer is a major instrument for the Christian to take delivery of things in his/her life. Determine the outcomes in your life from the place of prayer. Be in charge; run the show. Don’t let the devil run it for you. You must be ready to “press” for change. You must be ready to contend with the forces that are militating against you; against your business, against your job, against your promotions, against all your breakthroughs. You must take a deliberate spiritual action to enforce that change in the place of prayers. Begin Now. Declare these words below in prayer: Father Lord, by your power and wisdom grant me the grace and faith to command the kind of miracles and results Elijah commanded, and even much more in the name of Jesus.
  • 35. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 35 Whatever the challenge, whatever the situation, you can decide to change it whenever you want. YOU MUST “PRESS” FOR CHANGE Whatever the challenge, whatever the situation, you can decide to change it whenever you want. You must make deliberate effort to cause those changes. It is your duty to search out from God’s word; all His statements and promises as regards your life and destiny. Then take delivery from the labour room of prayers. God said, you are the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. (Deuteronomy 28:13). He has said, the path of the just is like a shinning light, that shines more and more unto that perfect day. (Proverbs 4:18). And there are several more scriptures that points out the blessings and promises God has in store for His saints. God’s word is constant. It can not be broken. If you find things going contrary to these blessings and promises you must take responsibility; go into the place of prayers, decree and declare your stand based on God’s word. Elijah didn’t like the situation of Israel, and he arose, boldly took his stand; by both declaring God’s word against the people in their evil act of idolatry. And he went further to take delivery in the place of prayer. He changed Israel for good. Jabez didn’t like his situation; he took responsibility. He cried to God for a change. God heard him and changed his situation. He
  • 36. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 36 restored him and honoured him with greatness. As the scripture puts it, he was more honourable than all his brethren. (1 Chronicles 4:9). God changed his story, after he prayed. Jacob realised at a point in his life how terrible things had being. He thought of how he laboured so much in the house of Laban. He thought of how desperately his brother Esau had wanted him dead, and he cried to God for change. The Bible makes us know: And Jacob was left alone (Genesis 32:24-30). That’s when and where he started getting it right. He wrestled with God in the place of prayers. He desperately craved for change, and he got it. You know the way things may have been in your life, in your job, in your business, in your career, in your family, etc. There are forces that are bent on withholding all the benefits God has packaged for you. There are forces bent on making sure you do not walk in the victory God has programmed for you to walk in. You must wake up and take the right steps to ensure maximum delivery of your expectations. God has predetermined His words to come to pass in your life, but you must rise up to take hold of them. You want a turnaround in that situation? Then you must “PRESS” for change.  Start effecting changes in your life in the place of prayer from NOW.
  • 37. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 37 You have to tell yourself change is a must, and be ready to make the right moves. Chapter Three HOW TO “PRESS” FOR THAT CHANGE We have talked about a number of persons in scriptures who commanded changes in their situations. There are steps to take in the realm of the Spirit to ensure a change of level in your Christian walk. You want to overcome that challenge you are going through? Then you must make the right moves. You want to break off from the limits the enemies have set for you? Then you must be ready to take action. For the purpose of this study I have broken down the steps you may need to take in order to cause changes in that situation in your life (destiny, business/career, marriage, etc) into five steps. If you follow them consciously, you will indeed activate a change in your life and take full delivery of what truly belongs to you in whatever area you intend to effect that change. 1. Take Responsibility. 2. Outline the Issues.
  • 38. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 38 You must Pray Until Something Happens. 3. Search Out Areas in The Word of God Relating to Those Issues you Have Outlined, so You Can Bring Forth Your “Strong Reasons”. 4. Address The Situation You Want Changed. 5. Take Delivery (Receive). TAKE RESPONSIBILITY Now you don’t have to complain anymore. No more shedding of tears about that situation. No more pity partying. You have to decide now whether you are comfortable with that situation or not. You have to tell yourself change is a must, and be ready to make the right moves. You must be ready to apply “Operation PUSH”: Pray Until Something Happens. The devil has molested you enough. He has no power to impose sicknesses and diseases on you and your family. He has stagnated your business enough. He has caused enough troubles in your marriage. The devil has caused enough failures in your life. You must “Press” for change. You either press for change or you remain under his oppression. Satan has no legal right to hold you bound as a new creation in Christ Jesus. God’s word has declared His agenda for your life but it is your responsibility to “press” into it. Apostle Paul said, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14). God’s plan for you is to live in excellence, victory and glory everyday of your life. Anything that is contrary to that must be discarded. Take responsibility for change now if you truly want it. You must Pray Until Something Happens. You must release all the arsenals
  • 39. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 39 available to you from God’s word in the place of prayer against that challenge or situation and against all the forces behind them. You must make up your mind like Jacob to wrestle in the place of prayers and take full delivery of what belongs to you in Christ Jesus. If you don’t like that situation then you must change it. It’s a choice. And you must make that choice to fight for what belongs to you according to the word. OUTLINE THE ISSUES Now you have to identify the issue in which you need that particular change you desire. When we talk about prayer, we are not just talking about praying generally without a focus. We are not just beating the air or shadow boxing as Paul puts it. (1 Corinthians 9:26). Identify the issue or issues of concern. Itemize them if more than one, and be ready to demand your expectations and you will surely see its realization. You must carefully recognize and analyze your situation and the kind of changes you really want to see. You must know in clear terms where you desire a change or what you desire a change for and prepare for the next stage. Now you have to stop wishing for change and start making spiritual strategic moves to enforce your true expectation in accordance with God’s intent for you in His word. SEARCH OUT AREAS IN THE WORD OF GOD RELATING TO THOSE ISSUES YOU HAVE OUTLINED, SO YOU CAN BRING FORTH YOUR “STRONG REASONS” This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on you, that you by
  • 40. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 40 Even the forces of darkness will not bow if you are ignorant. They will mock you for your ignorance. them might war a good warfare; - 1Timothy 1:18 This was a charge Paul the apostle was giving to Timothy his beloved son in the faith. He was reminding Timothy of the words of prophecy which were declared upon him. Paul was telling him to take note of those words of prophecies, and that they were instruments for him to make war with, against anything contrary to them militating against him. Now, there are several words of prophecy God has given us by His word to enjoy in our Christian walk. There are scriptures backing each and every one of these prophecies, blessings and promises. Search them out from the Bible; God’s written word. They are your Prayer Bullets. They are your instruments to fight against the enemy. They are your instruments to claim what belongs to you. Study Christian materials that relate to your issue(s) of concern and get divine inspiration that will boost your faith. For instance; God has revealed in His word the blessings of Divine Health which is antidote to Sicknesses and Diseases – Isaiah 53:5, Exodus 23:25; 15:26, 1 Peter 2:24. He has also revealed the secret for Financial Breakthroughs and the Doorway to Wealth – Luke 6:38, Malachi 3:10-12.
  • 41. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 41 God has also revealed in His word the antidote to Poverty, and the Doorway to Wealth, Business and/or Career Breakthroughs – Deuteronomy 8:18, Isaiah 48:17, Luke 6:38, Malachi 3:10-12. He has also revealed about how to receive the Blessing/Fruit of the womb in His word – Exodus 23:26, Songs of Solomon 4:2. He has also revealed truths as regards Marriage Success – Psalm 128:3-4, Hebrews 13:4, Ephesians 5:21-31, 1 Peter 3:1-7. Marital Breakthroughs/Seeking of Life Partner and every other issue in general – John 14:13-14, Jeremiah 32:27. You must recognize the power in the revelation of those scriptures. You must recognize the power in the name of Jesus and the authority of God’s word at your disposal to make war with, in the place of prayer. (See Philippians 2:9-11, John 14:13-14, 1 Thessalonians 5:17). We can go on and on from scriptures to see various blessings and promises of God accruing to the Christian. You have to gather all those scriptures relating to your case in order to be able to present your case before the Lord, and also to make war with against all the forces militating against your walking in the fullness of God’s blessings meant for you. God’s word says, “Produce your Cause says the Lord; bring forth your strong reasons says the King of Jacob” (Isaiah 41:21). God already knows what the matter is in your life, but you must come before Him presenting your case (the issue) and reminding Him of His word relating to that issue. You must produce those reasons from His word that shows that what you are demanding rightly belongs to you by His word.
  • 42. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 42 You must decree and declare what you want that situation to turn out to become. Even the forces of darkness will not bow if you are ignorant. They will mock you for your ignorance. Proverbs 11:9 says, but through knowledge shall the just be delivered. Search the word; find the right nugget that bequeaths to you that expectation you so desire. Then with it you also confront the forces of wickedness militating against your destiny in Christ. With His word, put God to remembrance. Plead your cause before Him (Isaiah 43:26) and take what rightfully belongs to you. It is a habit many have learnt to just keep talking to God about issues in prayer without reminding Him about His word. But His word says, put me in remembrance, plead your cause. That’s wisdom. ADDRESS THE SITUATION YOU WANT CHANGED Now that you have studied God’s word, you have discovered your heritage in His word. Knowledge has been quickened in you. Faith has been energized or activated by the knowledge of His word you have received from your searching. Then its time to make your request before God, declare your position from the standpoint of His word and also contend with opposing forces. You must confront and defeat the oppressor. Remember, the revelations you discovered in your searching of the word as regards your situation. You are now swimming in those revelations – ready to go. You come to God by faith. Present the issues on ground before Him, reminding Him of His word. Now you are pleading your cause before Him. You are presenting
  • 43. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 43 your case. You are producing your strong reasons; why you demand a change. (Isaiah 41:21; 43:26). After you have done all these you will have to contend with the situation. In addressing your situation in prayers, now you have discovered God’s word concerning you, you have to declare war against that challenging situation. It’s no longer business as usual. With the word you have received, your faith declarations, you have to decide to “press” for immediate change on the altar of prayer. PUSH – Pray Until Something Happens. You have to decide that. Prayer and fasting may be necessary. Praying all night long may be necessary. You have to confront the oppressor, the strongman and take delivery of what rightfully belongs to you. (Luke 11:21-22). You should know that God will not address the issue for you; He has released all the arsenals you need to do that via His word. Jacob took charge and changed his destiny by praying all night long. He was desperate for change and he got it. His destiny and that of his offspring was changed forever. Jesus often prayed all night long even though He was the son of God. He took charge from the realm of the Spirit all night long, and we read of Him perform great and amazing miracles in the day. He also fasted, the Bible recorded that he even had to fast for forty days at the beginning of His ministry. Daniel prayed and fasted for twenty one days until his answer came on that twenty first day. He persisted in prayers until he got his answer. You must persistently crave for change in your life in the place of prayer by engaging all the instruments available to you from the word.
  • 44. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 44  The name of Jesus is our stronghold (Proverbs 18:10, Philippians 2:9-11).  The power of the blood of Jesus is also available. (Zechariah 9:11-13, Revelations 12:11).  Releasing words of faith is also very vital. (Mark 11:23- 24, Job 22:28). Talk to the mountain; tell it to go, and declare what you want to see. * All the arsenals available to you must be unleashed to cause your permanent desired change. You must decree and declare what you want that situation to turn out to become. Let us read Mark 11:22-24 where Jesus spoke: 22 And Jesus answering said to them, Have faith in God. 23 For verily I say to you, That whosoever shall say to this mountain, Be you removed, and be you cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he says 24 Therefore I say to you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them. If you will talk to the mountain, that is, address it; give it a command, an instruction. Tell it to move to yonder place. Then call forth what you want for its replacement, and it shall be so. God will not address the mountain for you because he has already given you the power to address it and cause a change with your words. Your words are creative, so you should learn to speak those creative words of faith that will ensure a change in that situation.
  • 45. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 45 Learn not to make your prayers void with wrong confessions, rather declare God’s word. After you have prayed and declared your desired expectation, believe you have received; disregard anything contrary that surfaces against your expectation. TAKING DELIVERY (RECEIVING) RECEIVING – An Important Aspect Of Prayer: Knowing how to receive after we have prayed about our desires is a major factor if we must see speedy manifestation of our desires from the Lord. The issue of receiving is a critical issue many Christians are suffering for its ignorance. They have prayed to God. They have asked Him what they want but do not know how to receive. They are struggling to get what God has released or given them because they don’t know how to receive those things according to Christ’s prescription. He says: Whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe you have received them, and you shall have them. - Mark 11:24. Christ says, the key to your receiving when you pray is that you believe. Not just believing or trying to believe, but believe. He says believe that you have received those things you asked from the Lord in prayer, and you shall have them. Meaning, when you ask for anything in prayer, you should believe that your heavenly father hears you and grants your request. Therefore, celebrate and thank Him for doing it for you. Faith is the key to receiving. Faith is not just believing. It is a combination of your believing, your confessions backed up with corresponding actions that is equal to faith. God’s word is of no
  • 46. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 46 effect in your life unless it is backed by your faith. You must trust the word of God. When you receive God’s word, you must confess and declare it and then back it up with corresponding actions. If you believe you have received when you pray then you must be at rest after presenting your request before the Lord. And your rest is born out of your faith and trust in God and His word. Let’s see this scripture: For to us was the gospel preached, as well as to them but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. - Hebrews 4:2 What the word of God produces in your life is a product of the level of faith you function with. The level of results you command in the place of prayer is a function of the level of revelation and faith you are walking in at the moment. The word of God is only profitable to those who mix it with faith. Prayer is only effective when faith is released along with it. Also, prayer and fasting can only be effective when faith is backing it, the number of days notwithstanding. That is, whether you decide to fast and pray for three days, seven days, twenty one days, forty days or even a hundred and fifty days, the scripture can not be broken; without faith it becomes ineffective. Therefore, the effectiveness of your prayer(s) is determined by the quality of faith released upon it. You should also show by the kind of expression you make after praying that you truly believe. To ensure you receive your desires, after spending time in prayers backed by faith, you should learn to confess Faith filled words. Don’t talk negatively after praying to God about an issue. When you do such you are actually weakening the effect of your prayers. By that, you are actually voiding the action of praying about that issue. You must express
  • 47. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 47 your confidence in the fact that your heavenly father has heard your prayer by declaring the true position of your expectation as stipulated in God’s word. Learn not to make your prayers void with wrong confessions, rather declare God’s word. Also, to ensure your receiving; You must not be moved by sight. The Bible says, for we walk by faith and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7). You must disregard negative happenings contrary to your prayers. Rather keep declaring the true position of God’s word regarding your situation. To also ensure your receipt after praying about an issue, you must start taking the right actions toward your expectation. That is what I mean by Corresponding actions. After prayers, you must demonstrate that you believe God has heard your prayers by taking the right actions toward your expectations. For instance, a brother may be having a fever. He prays and asks God to heal him. After he had done that, he still lay down on his bed covering himself with a big blanket like a pregnant old woman. You meet him in that condition perhaps shivering and he tells you “I have prayed and told God to heal me.” He may even tell you I believe He has healed me. Yes he has prayed. God has really heard him but he is not taking his healing. He ought to put his faith to work by demonstrating his healing; getting up declaring the word in affirmation and going about with his normal life. You may have been praying to God for a business breakthrough or maybe a job; instead of getting up and taking the right action(s) to get that job or business breakthrough, you are there folding your hands doing nothing; planning nothing, having no strategies and expecting things to happen without taking the right actions. I remember the story of a dear sister in the Lord. She was trusting
  • 48. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 48 God for a job. After she had prayed, she walked up to an establishment of her choice around her environment, convinced in her spirit she asked to see the managing director and demanded for a job in his establishment that she felt she was qualified for. The managing director told her there was no vacancy, and by implication no job available for her. She did not give up. She was indeed a daughter of Abraham. She offered to work for free; telling the M.D. that if he wasn’t satisfied with her services at the end of the month she would go. That was a good challenge, and the M.D. was willing to try it out. She started work in that establishment that day. She was fully employed in that company before the end of the month by the same managing director that had told her there was no vacancy. Her salary was fully paid, and she was recognized as an outstanding staff of that firm after a certain period. She was indeed a true daughter of Abraham; an outstanding one too. That sister did not just pray and folded her hands, but she went all out for it, seeking for it diligently. And putting her faith work, she found it. Glory to God. Don’t stay there folding your hands and complaining. Take action. If you want to see your desired change in that situation you are in then you must systematically and strategically pray to enforce that change. Take God’s word at face value. Believe what it says and place a demand for your expectation in prayer trusting those words God has spoken for your benefit. Then declare these right words, backed up with corresponding actions. That’s how to take hold. That’s how to receive the benefits God has spoken concerning you in His word. God’s word is indeed a never failing remedy.
  • 49. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 49 Fasting disciplines your flesh from natural or physical influences, then helps your spirit man connect with God in fellowship easily. Chapter Four PRAYER AND FASTING Fasting has to do with denying your flesh the pleasure it naturally desires, and then you concentrate on communicating with your heavenly father and consciously address whatever situation of concern you have in prayers. Apart from going without food, it involves fully consecrating yourself to God by engaging in spiritual activities and consciously focusing on the issues you are dealing with while studying God’s word for His revelation. Fasting is not necessarily a tactics for bribing God to meet our needs. Rather it is a way to communicate with God through our spirits in order to get things done in the physical.
  • 50. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 50 Fasting disciplines your flesh from natural or physical influences, then helps your spirit man connect with God in fellowship easily. Fasting, when properly done, puts your body under. It kills your desire for sin or any form of gratification of the flesh. However, fasting is incomplete if it is done without prayers. It is not just fasting but fasting and prayer. Fasting without prayer is equal to hunger strike; punishing your body for nothing. Fasting without prayers would be fruitless. We must make out time to pray when ever we decide to engage ourselves in the act of fasting before the Lord. Particularly in our world today, with all the hustle and bustle where it is almost impossible for people to give time to prayers, when we are fasting we must create time to pray. In a situation when you are working or you are very busy; maybe a career or business person or even a student that has to leave home very early and retire late in the evening or even at night. Whenever you are fasting, you must spend quality time to pray as regards issues of concern before leaving home, and then also consciously pray in between your working hours. Also, fasting could become very frustrating without the word. You must practically engage yourself in the study of the word during fasting in order stir yourself and build up your faith to receive from the Lord. Jesus made us understand that there are some peculiar situations that require prayer and fasting for change to take place. (Mark 11:29).
  • 51. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 51 God has chosen fasting and prayer as a veritable instrument for supernatural turn around. PRAYER AND FASTING – A VERITABLE INSTRUMENT FOR CHANGE 6 Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to do the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke? 7 Is it not to deal your bread to the hungry, and that you bring the poor that are cast out to your house? When you see the naked, that you cover him; and that you hide not yourself from your own flesh? - Isaiah 58:6-7 God has chosen fasting and prayer as a veritable instrument for supernatural turn around. In the above scripture, the Lord is saying He has chosen the fast to loose the bands of wickedness, to remove the heavy burdens. He said He has chosen to let the oppressed go free through the medium of fasting and prayer, and to break every yoke the enemy has laid on anyone. In verse 7 of the above chapter of the book of Isaiah, the Lord further recommends that you sow into the lives of the poor. He says, Is it not to deal your bread to the hungry, and that you bring the poor that are cast out to your house? When you see the naked, that you cover him; and that you hide not yourself from your own flesh? (Isaiah 58:7). When you engage in the above acts; feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and much more in addition to your fast as the Lord recommends, the subsequent verses of Isaiah 58
  • 52. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 52 gives the amazing picture of the blessings that will follow. Apart from the fact that burdens will be removed, loosening of the bands of wickedness and yokes broken, it says: 8 Then shall your light break forth as the morning, and your health shall spring forth speedily: and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rearward. 9 Then shall you call, and the LORD shall answer; you shall cry, and He shall say, Here I am. If you take away from the midst of you the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity; 10 And if you draw out your soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall your light rise in obscurity, and your darkness be as the noon day: 11 And the LORD shall guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and make fat your bones: and you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. - Isaiah 58:8-11 So, apart from fasting and praying, you are also enjoined to sow into the lives of the less privileged around you; particularly those of the household of faith (i.e. less privileged Christians around us) and other less privileged persons, as the Lord leads us. Make sure you are being led by the Spirit in your almsgiving. The scripture above outlines some of the things that should be done in your fast as regards your almsgiving during a fast. The amazing benefits in fasting and prayer plus alms giving can not be over emphasized. They are well enumerated in the above verses of scriptures. It says, your light will break forth as the morning. That is, you will come to limelight. Your health will be guaranteed. He says, your
  • 53. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 53 The amazing benefits in fasting and prayer plus alms giving can not be over emphasized. righteousness will speak. The glory of the Lord shall ensure your security. Then shall you cry unto the Lord in your prayers and He will answer you. He says, if you will lend a helping hand to the poor, if you will satisfy the hungry and afflicted, that you will shine even out of obscurity. Even in a place where it would have been impossible for you to make impact, maybe because of the presence of giants or over qualified folks, the Lord will still cause your light to shine forth out of that obscurity. He says, He will bring you to limelight. He will turn your darkness into the noonday. You know the day is usually very bright at noon; that’s the picture He is trying to make you see, that He would take you to, by your indulging faithfully in fasting and prayers plus almsgiving. Furthermore, He says that the Lord will continually be your guide. He says, you will be satisfied even in the season of drought or a negative economic circumstance, or a prevailing negative circumstance of any kind. He says, you will be like a watered garden whose water is ever flowing. No dry seasons at all. In the book of Esther, when Haman, an aid to the king plotted against the Israelites, to eliminate them, the instrument of fasting and prayer was used. Esther the queen went to see the king against the custom of the day, yet her request was granted even before she was done mentioning it; far beyond her expectation. Haman the enemy was sentenced to death and killed in the gallows he had
  • 54. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 54 prepared for Mordecai and the other Israelites because they decided to fast and pray asking the Lord to come to their rescue. When Daniel, his friends, all the other wise men & astrologers had the sentence of death over their lives from the king, Daniel and his friends sought the Lord in prayers and He came to their rescue. When Daniel persistently sought from the Lord the restoration of Judah in Daniel chapter 10, he did it chastening himself with fasting and prayers. The Lord responded and ensured his answer came to him. He was in a fast. Jesus even categorically made it clear that there are certain issues that must be addressed by fasting and prayer. (See Mark 9:29). Therefore, you must fast and pray to effect that long standing change you so desire. You have prayed and worried about a matter for so long, but have you applied the weapon of fasting and prayer? TRIUMPH OVER THE PRINCE OF PERSIA When you read through Daniel 10:1-13, you will discover that Daniel fasted and prayed for about 21 days about a particular issue. It was on the twenty first day that he got the response. An angel showed up with Daniel’s answer. He revealed unto Daniel that from the first day he made up his mind to fast and pray; chastening himself before the Lord that he (the angel) was dispatched, but the prince of Persia withstood him for twenty one days, until Michael, one of the chief princes came to his rescue. 11 And he said to me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak to you, and stand upright: for to you am I now sent. And when he had
  • 55. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 55 As new creations in Christ Jesus, we are not as limited as Daniel was. There are several laws in force for our favour. There are several laws suspended in our favour. spoken this word to me, I stood trembling. 12 Then said he to me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that you did set your heart to understand, and to chasten yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I am come for your words. 13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. - Daniel 10:11-13 One remarkable thing is that Daniel persisted in his prayers for that number of days, until the answer showed up on the twenty first day. The angel could have returned back into heaven without delivering Daniel’s package if he had stopped praying. But thank God he persisted in his prayers. The prince of Persia the angel referred to was a satanic environmental spiritual force in charge of the kingdom of Persia. That demon, a fallen angel withstood that angel from heaven, but Daniel continued in his prayers until he prevailed; and a senior angelic force was unleashed. Daniel wasn’t born again like we have been privileged to experience today in the new covenant because of the sacrifice of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. He didn’t have the name of
  • 56. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 56 Jesus to use as we are also privileged to use today. But with his persistence in prayers he prevailed against that prince of darkness, how much more today we who are new creations in Christ Jesus. We are new super beings in Christ. We are unstoppable. We can’t be limited by any demon or any devil of any class. The only limitation we could have today is our ignorance of the word; ignorance of the depth of the riches we have in Christ. When we lack the full knowledge of the word of God as regards the details of our rights and privileges in Christ we could be molested by the tricks of the devil. When we talk about spiritual warfare today, it has a lot do with our knowledge of the revelation of God’s word; that is what we use to wage the war in the Spirit realm. Not necessarily just fighting with demons. We have won the fight already. With the revelation of God’s word in you and a prevailing faith your prayers are undeniable. As new creations in Christ Jesus, we are not as limited as Daniel was. There are several laws in force for our favour. There are several laws suspended in our favour. This is because as new creations in Christ Jesus we are new beings, special beings, super humans, carriers of the divine nature, and super spirits in Christ. That’s who we are. We don’t operate with our own righteousness; rather we operate in the righteousness that is in Christ Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5:21). You can make a demand in the name of Jesus and it comes to pass unhindered. It can even happen immediately. Even while all those elemental and/or environmental forces are operating or trying to operate. Didn’t you read about what Jesus said? He said …these signs shall follow those who believe: In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues: They shall take up serpents; and if
  • 57. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 57 they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them… (Mark 16:15-18). Do you know Jesus was referring to starters; those who have believed on the word of Christ unto salvation: They are meant to have supremacy over demons. Demons are supposed to be tormented by your presence; they should be on the run at your sight because you are greater. So, you have to update your knowledge with the word of God. Don’t let the devil play on your ignorance or begin to create doubts in your heart as regards your prayers. You are not at the same level with him as a new creation in Christ Jesus. Note this: There is never going to be a struggle between light and darkness. Light and darkness never struggle for space. When light comes, darkness give way. Darkness gives way at the appearance of light. As the ones who have been reborn in Christ, we have the personality of Christ vested in us. We can do the same things Jesus did, and even greater. (John 14:12). When Christ died, He went to hell, and held captivity captive. He subdued Lucifer himself, Satan the devil himself; the head of the kingdoms of darkness. The Bible records in the book of Revelations that Christ collected the keys of Hell and death from the devil. And I am a new creation in Christ Jesus: So, which devil can stand on my way successfully when Christ Himself lives in me. They failed even before they started. You may say: How come I have so many unanswered prayers? Ask the Holy Spirit. That is why you should have a relationship with Him. Pray enquiry prayers; Ask Him why things are the way they are. And He will respond to you; He will tell you what to do. You say: I can see that the devil is blocking all my prayers.
  • 58. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 58 What you need is more spiritual influence; more grace, more power, more fire activated in you. Oh yeah! Then you have little or no problem at all. Use your authority in Christ Jesus. Jesus said, Behold I give to you power…over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19). Address the devil now. Tell him to get out of your way. Give him a command; you have authority over him. Tell him to take his hands off what belongs to you. You may say you have been trying to do that, but things seem the same. In such situation, what you need is more spiritual influence; more grace, more power, more fire activated in you. What you need is more Light; more Revelation from God’s word and by His Spirit. As you walk in those revelations you have received, you flow in more grace; more power and more fire that will extinguish the enemy even before you give the command. Revelation empowers you to see the word of God in action while you pray. Revelation helps you to see the true position of things from your spirit man. You must also be consistent in your prayers. Never give up. Daniel persisted in his prayers under the old covenant and he got a desired response. How much more you and I, who are in the new covenant, who have received Christ Jesus into our beings. You are a new creation. You have a regenerated human spirit; empowered to knock the devil down any day. One major thing you also must know is that you should rely on the person of the Holy Spirit and involve Him in all your prayers.
  • 59. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 59 Prayer is having a conversation with God. If you are truly having a conversation with God then He will give you directions and directives. There would be responses; He would talk to you. We have triumphed over the prince of Persia or any other satanic spirit. We have authority in Christ over the prince of Persia and every other existing demon. Never bring yourself under the powers of any of those evil and satanic spirits. According to Ephesians 1:21-22, He Christ Jesus is “far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. And has put all things under His feet…” So, we are in Christ Jesus as new creations with all the power, might and dominion accorded Him. We should operate thus as well. The Bible says: And has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: - Ephesians 2:6 We are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, operating with power and dominion. We have no limitation as far as we are truly in Christ Jesus. We can do all things in Christ Jesus. If no devil could resist Jesus, then they can’t resist us. We have the greater one living inside of us. (1 John 4:4). We have been ordained as kings and priests. (Revelations 5:10). We do not only offer up spiritual sacrifices as priests but we also issue decrees as kings. We have the ability to create, command and demand whatever we desire to see and how we want it to manifest through the agency of our prayers.
  • 60. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 60 No dark power can comfortably stand where you stand; just make sure you are not living a double standard lifestyle. You can’t be trying to bind the devil when you are doing his works. No dark power can survive the presence of the true anointing we have received in Christ Jesus. Declare these words below in absolute confidence of your personality in Christ:  I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.  I function with the spirit of dominion in my world. I have the life and nature of God in my spirit. Therefore I am superior to the devil and all his works.  My words and prayers are potent, creative and unstoppable in the matchless name of Jesus. CELEBRATING YOUR VICTORY God’s word says: And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us: And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him. (1 John 5:14- 15). The Lord does not only hear us when we pray but also grants our petitions. You must express this confidence by celebrating what God has done. So, having prayed we must trust God and express that faith and trust we have in Him. We express our faith by taking the right steps, making the right moves and declaring the right
  • 61. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 61 words, which also involves our celebrating what we trust that the Lord has done as a result of our prayers. Now its time to celebrate, because certainly the Lord has moved on your behalf particularly if you have consciously been praying all your prayers as recommended in this book, and also making bold declarations. Change has taken place in the realm of the Spirit. Do not be perturbed by some seemingly standing structures that make things to be looking as though nothing has happened. It is done. Celebrate! When Jesus cursed the fig tree in Mark 11, it was as though nothing had happened but on the next day it was Peter who drew His attention, telling Him of the changes that had taken place in the tree that He cursed the previous day. The truth is that you have won. Let’s see this Bible verse from the second letter of Peter the apostle to the Church: We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereto you do well that you take heed, as to alight that shines in a dark place, until the day star arise in your hearts: - 2 Peter 1:19 This scripture is pointing to something as regards seeing the picture of the word; the true picture of the word in your life. Yes, you have prayed, you have called forth. You have spoken as you desired. Now, this scripture is saying, keep on focusing on the word, keep on accepting what the word says. Keep on declaring what the word says. Expect the manifestation. Keep on seeing the manifestation from your spirit, don’t accept anything less. Anything that looks contrary is not worth your attention. He says, we have a more sure word of prophecy; he is referring to those words of scripture that were spoken ahead of time for your benefit, they are the more sure word of prophecy to take hold unto
  • 62. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 62 Celebrate the prophecy; celebrate the word… Celebrate the word of God that says that thing you have desired is yours. even at the appearance or presence of that seemingly impeding circumstance that you have gone through or have been going through. Now keep on celebrating the truth about the word. Now you have prayed; you have talked to your heavenly father about it, you have spoken forth your desire as regards the situation. Just keep thanking Him. Keep celebrating the fact that He, the Lord has done it. Make the right moves; no wrong moves anymore. Do not begin to doubt. Don’t begin to say: “Why is it delaying? Why has it not happened?” Don’t talk like that. Celebrate the prophecy; celebrate the word that says you are healed. Celebrate the word that says your desire has been delivered to you. Celebrate the word of God that says that thing you have desired is yours. Celebrate the word that says you are rich. You are no longer living in lack; you are no longer living in squalor. Celebrate the word of God that says you have all things in Christ Jesus. Celebrate the word that says you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you. Hallelujah! Just like the Bible talks about Abraham in Romans 4:19-21: 19 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb: 20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; 21 And being fully persuaded that, what He had
  • 63. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 63 promised, He was able also to perform. Our emphasis here is that Abraham staggered not at the promise of God in unbelief but giving glory to God. Giving glory; giving adoration to God. Abraham was seeing what God has spoken to him about bringing forth a son from his loins coming to pass. He was fully persuaded, that is why he was giving glory to God. He was seeing the manifestation of the words spoken by God coming to pass. He didn’t consider the deadness of His physical body, or even the deadness of Sarah’s womb. He only saw the word of God that has been spoken coming to pass. That is how you too should see your miracle. Start seeing your expectation. Anything looking contrary to it is not worth your attention. Consciously spend time to praise God. Be Praiseful. Be Praise-full. Praise and worship Him; adore and reverence Him for whom He is. Praise and thank Him for what He did for you in the past. Praise and thank Him for what He has done. Praise and thank Him for what He will do. He is faithful. Spend time to praise God. Praise is the secret gateway we have to the realm of the Spirit which unlocks closed doors or seemingly closed doors and enhances our speedy reception of our expectations from the Lord. Praise will arouse your faith and confidence in God. Focus on what the word of God is saying, celebrate it. Celebrate your miracle. Keep thanking God; keep glorifying Him. Keep saying thank you Jesus, my miracle is here. Thank you Jesus, I’ve got it; I’ve gotten my expectation (name it). Say thank you Jesus, I live in my testimony. The testimony I have desired is here. Blessed be your name oh most high. I know it is done. Just let that be the kind of words coming from your mouth.
  • 64. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 64 It is done. God’s word is a never failing remedy. Trust it, Believe it, Pray it and Do it. It is ever true. As we read in 2 Peter 1:19: We do have a more sure word of prophecy. What the word of God says is more true than that seemingly undesirable happening around your life. So, disregard that negative circumstance, disregard that negative situation. See the day dawning as that scripture recommends. He says you should take heed as a light that shines in a dark place. It means, you are allowing the light of the word of God to take over you; shinning against that contrary situation, against that challenging situation, against that seemingly harassing situation. Beam it toward that dark situation. He says, let that light which you have received from the word, let it shine out of that dark place; that dark situation until there is a dawning of the day star. Let the day star arise in your heart: the day star of your expectation, the day star of your miracle, the day star of your desires; let it arise from your heart via the revelation of God’s word you have received. God’s word has the ability to produce what it says. It makes no difference what the issues in your life are, whether it is or was joblessness, marital problems, sickness, bankruptcy, etc. As you have prayed, God has visited you. His word is indeed a never failing remedy. You are blessed knowing the word alone and standing with it in faith. Praise the Lord. Say it: Hallelujah! Let’s see this scripture verse in the amplified version: And we have the prophetic word [made] firmer still. You will do well to pay close attention to it as to a lamp shinning in a dismal (squalid and dark) place, until the day breaks through [the gloom] and the Morning Star rises (comes into being) in your hearts. - 2 Peter 1:19 (Amp.)
  • 65. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 65 Disregard and denounce anything contrary to your expectations. They are enemies to the manifestation of your miracle. God has heard your prayer; now claim only the truth about that issue which you have addressed in prayers. Some miracles can manifest instantly, some may require a process. Meanwhile, don’t get distracted by any impeding symptoms against your desired expectation. Rather hold unto the more sure word of prophecy; that scripture that bequeaths to you that desired expectation you seek. You must pay close attention to it (the word) as a shining light in a dark place until the day breaks through the gloom in that situation. And the morning star shows up brightening your heart, brightening your being; bringing forth. Don’t let your focus shift from the word even for a second, to begin to believe any contrary manifestation after you have prayed but keep declaring what you have seen in the word and believed in your heart which is therefore the truth which brings forth the day star rising in your heart. God’s word is God’s revelation of His will to you. It is full of power with inherent ability to produce what it talks about. His word can not return void, it must accomplish what it talks about. (Isaiah 55:11). God’s word is true. His word concerning you is true. It has been designed for your benefit. Don’t accept anything less. It is His will for you. You have prayed. Know it is done. This is the set time for your miracle. Testify of the Lord’s goodness. Tell every one about what He has done. Don’t hide the miracle. Share it. Jesus is Lord!
  • 66. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 66 PRAYER OF SALVATION Oh Lord God my Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus, come into my heart. I declare you as Lord over my life. I believe that you died for the remission of my sins and rose up for my justification. I receive Eternal life into my spirit. I declare that I am a child of God. I’m not a property of the devil. I am saved. I am born again. I begin to walk in the consciousness of my new life in Christ Jesus. Amen. * Hallelujah! Congratulations!  Don’t just be a Churchman. Be a Christian. Live the true Christian life. (To solidify your salvation and faith in Christ spend time to study the Bible, but more on the books of the New Testament). Start Today. Study God’s word and be full of it. Then you will naturally exude Him.
  • 67. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 67 If you have been blessed, or received a miracle while reading this book, or as a result of reading this book, share your testimonies with us via: Email:,, Follow on Join us on OR Call: Apst. Francis Egbhatse. +234 802 886 7663, +2348178796537 +234 703 538 5683, +234 704 078 8610, 009234709 226 9979. Website: Follow on Join us on For PRAYER AND COUNSELLING: CALL +234 802 886 7663, +2348178796537 +234 703 538 5683, +234 704 078 8610, 009234709 226 9979. OR,, * WATCH OUT FOR THE AUDIO BOOK
  • 68. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 68 *You are encouraged to get copies of this book for your friends and loved ones. If you would like to sponsor free distribution of copies of this book to people either prison inmates, hospital patients, less privileged or the general public you can reach us with the contacts above. CATEGORIES 1 2 3 4 20 Copies 21 to 50 51 to 99 100 to 499 & Below 5 6 500 to 999 1000 & Above * TICK BOX AS APPLICABLE TO YOU Pray about your decision and expectation of harvest as result of your contribution because it’s a Seed Faith. You can call us once you are decided about any of the categories you want to get involved in so we could inform you about the cost and modalities.  The benefits of partnering with God’s vision are numerous. Key in! GOD BLESS YOU.
  • 69. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 69 172 pages  SHEPHERD OF MY SOUL; Downloading Divine Mysteries From The Realm Of The Spirit For The Now. This Book will Reveal several insights to you about victorious Christian living. It is an ALL IN ONE package.  It deals on topics like:  * I Shall Not Want, The Lord ensures our supply, Stability & Rest, Leading Us in the Path of His Righteousness, I Will Fear No Evil, Blessings Overflow, Fellowship With God, Dwelling in the Presence of the Lord, Goodness and Mercy Follow Me.  * The author by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit further reveals secrets to Walking in Financial Prosperity,  Divine Favour, Divine Health, Divine Protection,  Marriage Success, Good Success, Joy Unspeakable,  and Much more. Place Your Orders Now. Call +2348028867663, +2348178796537 * Also available in Leading Christian Bookstores and Online purchases:
  • 70. PRAYER CAN CHANGE ANY SITUATION 70 THE AUTHOR By the anointing and calling of the Holy Spirit into the ministry; Apst. Francis Egbhatse. teaches and preaches the message of Jesus in its entirety and simplicity with provoking infallible proofs. Called to reach the nations of the earth with the gospel and teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ with healings, miracles, signs and wonders following. He functions with the apostolic and prophetic unction upon him; an apostle of God with the mandate of imparting the Church and mankind in general with the revelation of the God-life in man, liberating them through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit from all oppressions of the devil thereby positioning them into God’s place for their lives. He has ministered for about two decades, from his teens progressively at different levels. He ministers in conferences, conventions, crusades, and the likes. He has held meetings, crusades & outreaches with thousands in attendance even in a single night’s event. Apostle Francis is the President & Pastor of the Global Christian Network of The Holy Spirit a.k.a. Francis Egbhatse Ministries, presently in the city of Lagos, Nigeria. A ministry called to raise an end time army of Champions to reach all the nations of the earth. Happy Reading! And please endeavour to catch it: Plenty of Revelations. OTHER BOOKS BY THE AUTHOR INCLUDE:  SHEPHERD OF MY SOUL; Downloading Divine Mysteries From The Realms Of The Spirit For The Now.  PRAYER IS KEY: Understanding God’s Principles In Prayer, Getting Divinity To Act On Your Behalf In Prayer; Growing Up Spiritually And Getting All Your Needs Met.  LORD I COME BEFORE YOUR ALTAR, BREAK ME! - A Quick Assessment Of Your Heaven-Bound Status.