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How to WalkWithGod
Genesis 5:21-24
Enoch's walk with the Lord was so close that Scripture tells us, “God took him” (Gen. 5:24).
This implies Enoch didn’t die but was taken directly into the presence of God. What a wonderful
As we seek to follow God with this same passion, let’s review some specific steps to help us
keep up in our walk with the Lord.
Reconciliation. This concept carries the sense of God moving toward us. We can be joyful
because the responsibility is all His. Through the cross of His Son Jesus Christ, God has already
made His move in our direction. Scripture says, “Now all these things are from God, who
reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18).
When we trust in Christ, we immediately take part in that reconciliation.
Trusting God. We must have faith, not only that God is concerned with our walk, but that He
has, through Jesus Christ, provided all we need to walk intimately with Him anytime.
Agreement. To appreciate the closeness God longs to have with us, we must agree with what
Scripture teaches about His Son, His Word, the church, and our problem with sin.
Fellowship. Just as human relationships fall apart without regular contact, our intimacy with
God weakens when we don’t spend time with Him.
Walking with God is not an impossible mission, but it does require careful attention to the details
of our Christian lives. When we set our course for God, He’ll always be there to direct our paths
(Prov. 3:5-6).
Bible in One Year: Exodus 28-30
KeepingYourEye onthe Lord
Psalms 25:15
Have you ever tried to make a perfectly straight line of footprints in the snow? It’s not as easy as
you might think! Most people would tread slow and steady, heads down, focusing intensely on
their feet. Whenever someone faces this challenge with their eyes turned downward, you can be
sure that they’ll fail. Those footprints will be as crooked as can be.
When you’re walking with your eyes on your feet, you have no idea where you’re going. The
experience is entirely self-centered. There’s no perspective, because you can’t see how you fit
into the larger landscape. Genuine focus is missing, since every step treads over the last step’s
focal point. You haven’t envisioned yourself as part of a bigger picture. So you simply plod
through the snow aimlessly.
The only way to make a straight line of footprints in the snow is to ignore your feet. Instead, look
directly ahead and find a fence post, street sign, or tree in the distance. Then, with your eyes
fixed on that target, start to walk towards it. If you’ve locked your focus on something other than
yourself, the path will be straight every time.
The same is true in our spiritual lives. If we walk through life concentrating inwardly, we’ll fail
to see the bigger picture and likely go off course. But when we focus beyond ourselves, fixing
our thoughts and spiritual eyes on Jesus Christ, we can trust our path will be straight and
trustworthy every step of the way (Isa. 26:3 NLT).
Bible in One Year: Exodus 25-27
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The Lord’s Great Power
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Proverbs 19:21
I was signing books one day when a young man came forward and told me a story as I
autographed his copy. “I put a gun to my chest and was going to kill myself,” he began. “For
some reason, I turned on the television, and there you were, talking about suicide. After listening
for a while, I knew the Lord was speaking to me, so I laid the gun down and gave my life to
Jesus Christ.”
I have heard similar stories too many times to count—someone in despair turns on the TV or
radio and hears a sermon speaking directly to his or her need. I don’t believe for one second that
I’m responsible. Our all-powerful Lord intercedes in people’s lives. Sometimes He does this by
leading them to turn on a program that can help. What’s more, only a God who can control all
things could change a lost and scared young man into a willing and excited servant—exactly the
kind of person standing in front of me that day at the book table.
The world talks about accidents, luck, and good fortune, but all of these terms imply that we are
victims of circumstance. The truth is, our heavenly Father is sovereign; the entire world is under
His full control. Anything that enters our life—whether it is a blessing or a trial—comes because
the Lord allows it.
When we encounter evil, we often wonder why God doesn’t end it, because we know He can.
But He has a purpose, and history has proven He produces good from even the ugliest of human
Bible in One Year: Exodus 22-24
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God’sGreatness—A Source of Comfort
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Psalms 89:1-10
David’s cries for help fill the pages of the Psalms. His prayers are a blend of requests and
worship recalling God’s greatness, love, power, and protection. Praying with recognition of
God’s amazing attributes reminds us He has the wisdom, strength, and compassion to meet all
our needs. Here are examples of this type of prayer:
• “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?” (Ps. 139:7). God
is everywhere. He’s not limited by time or space—we are never away from His awareness for a
single moment. So, even when we feel isolated or friendless, we’re not alone.
• “Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite” (Ps. 147:5). God
knows everything. When we bend our knees to pray to Him, He’s already aware of the feelings
and needs we’re about to mention. So we can be certain that when we ask for direction, He’ll
provide clear guidance if we’re submitted to His will.
• “As for me, I shall call upon God ... the one who sits enthroned from of old ... with whom there
is no change” (Ps. 55:16, 19). God’s character is constant. Since we can always trust He’ll be
faithful, reliable, and merciful, we can place our confidence in Him no matter the situation.
When believers recall an attribute of God that meets their needs, they place the focus of their
prayers on the Lord rather than on the request. By mixing praise into our prayers, we end up
asking for less, worshipping better, and receiving more because our emphasis is in the right
Bible in One Year: Exodus 19-21
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Timesof Trouble
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Psalms 46:2-11
During this life, hard times are inevitable. Some watch a loved one suffer and die; others are
wrongly accused or mistreated. People endure crippling ailments. The range of human pain is
broad, but there is only one place of true comfort.
Today’s passage speaks of great calamities, some from natural causes and some caused by men
(Ps. 46:2, 6). Such trials often bewilder us, but verse 10 tells us where to turn: God’s followers
should be still and remember He’s the sovereign Lord of the universe. In our world of smart
phones and deadlines, it’s sometimes hard to stop even for a moment. But the key to dealing with
difficulty lies in trusting the One who is in control of all things.
Instead of trying to manage the situation or pointing a finger in blame, we should actively wait,
watching for God to move and trusting He will act on our behalf (Isa. 64:4). This involves taking
time to be alone with our Father—crying out to Him, meditating on His truth, and listening to
Human instinct urges us to take control ourselves; in contrast, the Lord requires that we patiently
and expectantly wait upon Him. He also tells us to surrender what we think is right and instead
submit to His plan. Unless our focus remains steady on Jesus, circumstances can overwhelm us.
What’s your response when trouble arises? You can choose to accept difficulty as a blessing by
letting it deepen your relationship with Christ. Whether your current circumstances are good or
painful, take time to be still before the Lord.
Bible in One Year: Exodus 4-6
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How to Serve God
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Titus 3:5-8
When we encounter opportunities to serve God, we don’t always respond in the way He desires.
Perhaps we think we can’t because our schedule is too busy or we don’t feel qualified.
Those knee-jerk reactions slam a door closed before we’ve discovered whether or not the Lord
wants us to go through it. You’ve probably never thought of a refusal to serve God as a type of
idolatry, but that’s what it is—bowing down to self instead of submitting to Him.
The Lord desires that His servants be willing to do anything—and that they will seek His specific
plan for them. He uniquely gifts followers to serve according to His will. But when we’ve
already decided what we can’t do, won’t do, or are ill-equipped to do, then we’re acting by our
own will. That doesn’t work.
You may serve the Lord as a godly parent, as a factory worker who shares the gospel with
coworkers, or as a friend who takes time to listen to the hurting. No restriction exists on what
God can do through the life of a willing helper. The strength of His Spirit overcomes human
limitations. Don’t have enough courage? God can fix that. Don’t have the right skills? God can
fix that.
Laying down our excuses is the wisest thing to do when serving the Lord. Trust that He will
empower you to do whatever He calls you to do—and will see to it that you’re properly equipped
and trained to do it (Eph. 2:10; 2 Tim. 3:16-17). All He asks is that you say yes.
Bible in One Year: Exodus 16-18
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Jeremiah 17:5-8
An acorn needs nutrients and time to grow into a tall oak tree. Likewise, men and women of
conviction develop gradually through committed Bible study and prayer. Ready to get planted
firmly in biblical truth? It can help to make a list of issues for which you need to form a
conviction. Here are questions to get you started:
 Do you consider the Bible true and trustworthy?
 Do you think that believing in Jesus is the only way to be saved?
 What is the Holy Spirit’s role in the lives of believers and unbelievers?
 Are we to forgive others in every situation?
 How should Christians approach finances?
 What’s your purpose in life?
 What is your role in the church and at work?
 How should you think about social issues like abortion and racism?
It’s my hope these questions will open the eyes of those who haven’t considered how their
personal philosophies developed. It’s time to change that. Study the Bible and make God’s Word
the cornerstone of your thinking. A concordance will point you to scriptures that relate to the
above topics. Evaluate what the Bible says instead of forming conclusions based on personal
preference. Ask, What does God say? rather than What does this mean to me?
Once you know what God says, you have a choice: Believe Him and commit to living according
to your conviction, or continue being tossed by waves of doubt and indecision (James 1:6). Root
yourself in God’s Word, and be called one of His oaks of righteousness (Isa. 61:3).
Bible in One Year: Exodus 13-15
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Our Convictions—OurDefense
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Romans 14:20-23
A person of conviction has become convinced, by either evidence or argument, that his or her
beliefs are true. Today, most people would rather live by preferences than by convictions. They
choose to believe something based on conditions and circumstances. When situations change, so
does their loyalty. Many people vacillate on issues that require a firm resolve.
Contrast this wishy-washy approach with the mindset of the great men and women depicted in
Scripture. Despite years of unfair treatment, Joseph never wavered in his commitment to godly
principles. As a result, he was in the right place at the right time to ensure the survival of Israel
(Gen. 50:20). Daniel, another righteous man living in an idolatrous land, earned the trust of
foreign kings by standing firm in his beliefs (Dan. 1:19-20). When his friends Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abed-nego also refused to compromise their beliefs, they influenced a king to
recognize Jehovah as the one true God (Dan. 3:29).
As these biblical heroes show, godly convictions withstand the changing winds of opinion and
the persuasive arguments of opponents. If we’re grounded in the Word and trust what God has
said, we can stand firm in our beliefs. Confidence breeds the courage to remain strong amid the
conflicts entering our lives.
Instead of following your own preferences, choose to live a life ruled by godly convictions.
Scripture says much about what’s most important in life. See if God’s principles and promises
hold true. Through prayer and study, allow the heavenly Father to firmly root you in solid
biblical convictions.
Bible in One Year: Exodus 10-12
The Promise of Eternal Life
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1 John 5:5-12
Our culture is obsessed with longevity. While the desire for a lengthy existence of good quality
is natural, it’s also shortsighted. The Bible does emphasize living a godly life now. But it also
contains numerous reminders that believers will remain after this old world is gone.
No pill or diet can extend our days on earth beyond the number God has willed. But we can live
forever in a flawless home with a perfected body, doing soul-satisfying work. When we believe
Jesus Christ is God’s Son and trust Him as our Savior, we receive the gift of eternal life.
Believers get to spend eternity serving and fellowshipping with the Lord.
Although followers of the Son of God are promised a place in heaven, eternal life isn’t really
about location. The true value of having a soul that never dies is that we are always in the
presence of God. For those who reject the offer of everlasting life with the Lord, there is an
alternative. We call it hell. The souls ending up there suffer a terrible fate—agony and complete
separation from the living God. After death, no mercy or grace can bridge the gap between hell
and heaven. The matter must be settled while we are on earth (Heb. 9:27).
Eternal life is irrevocably linked to the person of Jesus Christ. As John wrote, “He who has the
Son has the life” (1 John 5:12). Reaching a healthy old age is a laudable goal, but nothing’s more
important than receiving the Savior and the gift of eternity in His presence.
Bible in One Year: Exodus 7-9

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  • 1. How to WalkWithGod Genesis 5:21-24 Enoch's walk with the Lord was so close that Scripture tells us, “God took him” (Gen. 5:24). This implies Enoch didn’t die but was taken directly into the presence of God. What a wonderful testimony! As we seek to follow God with this same passion, let’s review some specific steps to help us keep up in our walk with the Lord. Reconciliation. This concept carries the sense of God moving toward us. We can be joyful because the responsibility is all His. Through the cross of His Son Jesus Christ, God has already made His move in our direction. Scripture says, “Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18). When we trust in Christ, we immediately take part in that reconciliation. Trusting God. We must have faith, not only that God is concerned with our walk, but that He has, through Jesus Christ, provided all we need to walk intimately with Him anytime. Agreement. To appreciate the closeness God longs to have with us, we must agree with what Scripture teaches about His Son, His Word, the church, and our problem with sin. Fellowship. Just as human relationships fall apart without regular contact, our intimacy with God weakens when we don’t spend time with Him. Walking with God is not an impossible mission, but it does require careful attention to the details of our Christian lives. When we set our course for God, He’ll always be there to direct our paths (Prov. 3:5-6). Bible in One Year: Exodus 28-30 KeepingYourEye onthe Lord Psalms 25:15 Have you ever tried to make a perfectly straight line of footprints in the snow? It’s not as easy as you might think! Most people would tread slow and steady, heads down, focusing intensely on their feet. Whenever someone faces this challenge with their eyes turned downward, you can be sure that they’ll fail. Those footprints will be as crooked as can be. When you’re walking with your eyes on your feet, you have no idea where you’re going. The experience is entirely self-centered. There’s no perspective, because you can’t see how you fit into the larger landscape. Genuine focus is missing, since every step treads over the last step’s
  • 2. focal point. You haven’t envisioned yourself as part of a bigger picture. So you simply plod through the snow aimlessly. The only way to make a straight line of footprints in the snow is to ignore your feet. Instead, look directly ahead and find a fence post, street sign, or tree in the distance. Then, with your eyes fixed on that target, start to walk towards it. If you’ve locked your focus on something other than yourself, the path will be straight every time. The same is true in our spiritual lives. If we walk through life concentrating inwardly, we’ll fail to see the bigger picture and likely go off course. But when we focus beyond ourselves, fixing our thoughts and spiritual eyes on Jesus Christ, we can trust our path will be straight and trustworthy every step of the way (Isa. 26:3 NLT). Bible in One Year: Exodus 25-27 Get Involved Bookmark Share The Lord’s Great Power Reading Options Light Aa Dark Aa Font size A A A Reset View Proverbs 19:21 I was signing books one day when a young man came forward and told me a story as I autographed his copy. “I put a gun to my chest and was going to kill myself,” he began. “For some reason, I turned on the television, and there you were, talking about suicide. After listening for a while, I knew the Lord was speaking to me, so I laid the gun down and gave my life to Jesus Christ.” I have heard similar stories too many times to count—someone in despair turns on the TV or radio and hears a sermon speaking directly to his or her need. I don’t believe for one second that I’m responsible. Our all-powerful Lord intercedes in people’s lives. Sometimes He does this by leading them to turn on a program that can help. What’s more, only a God who can control all things could change a lost and scared young man into a willing and excited servant—exactly the kind of person standing in front of me that day at the book table.
  • 3. The world talks about accidents, luck, and good fortune, but all of these terms imply that we are victims of circumstance. The truth is, our heavenly Father is sovereign; the entire world is under His full control. Anything that enters our life—whether it is a blessing or a trial—comes because the Lord allows it. When we encounter evil, we often wonder why God doesn’t end it, because we know He can. But He has a purpose, and history has proven He produces good from even the ugliest of human tragedies. Bible in One Year: Exodus 22-24 Get Involved Bookmark Share God’sGreatness—A Source of Comfort Reading Options Light Aa Dark Aa Font size A A A Reset View Psalms 89:1-10 David’s cries for help fill the pages of the Psalms. His prayers are a blend of requests and worship recalling God’s greatness, love, power, and protection. Praying with recognition of God’s amazing attributes reminds us He has the wisdom, strength, and compassion to meet all our needs. Here are examples of this type of prayer: • “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?” (Ps. 139:7). God is everywhere. He’s not limited by time or space—we are never away from His awareness for a single moment. So, even when we feel isolated or friendless, we’re not alone. • “Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite” (Ps. 147:5). God knows everything. When we bend our knees to pray to Him, He’s already aware of the feelings and needs we’re about to mention. So we can be certain that when we ask for direction, He’ll provide clear guidance if we’re submitted to His will. • “As for me, I shall call upon God ... the one who sits enthroned from of old ... with whom there is no change” (Ps. 55:16, 19). God’s character is constant. Since we can always trust He’ll be faithful, reliable, and merciful, we can place our confidence in Him no matter the situation.
  • 4. When believers recall an attribute of God that meets their needs, they place the focus of their prayers on the Lord rather than on the request. By mixing praise into our prayers, we end up asking for less, worshipping better, and receiving more because our emphasis is in the right place. Bible in One Year: Exodus 19-21 Get Involved Bookmark Share Comment This feature will be available soon Timesof Trouble Reading Options Light Aa Dark Aa Font size A A A Reset View Psalms 46:2-11 During this life, hard times are inevitable. Some watch a loved one suffer and die; others are wrongly accused or mistreated. People endure crippling ailments. The range of human pain is broad, but there is only one place of true comfort. Today’s passage speaks of great calamities, some from natural causes and some caused by men (Ps. 46:2, 6). Such trials often bewilder us, but verse 10 tells us where to turn: God’s followers should be still and remember He’s the sovereign Lord of the universe. In our world of smart phones and deadlines, it’s sometimes hard to stop even for a moment. But the key to dealing with difficulty lies in trusting the One who is in control of all things. Instead of trying to manage the situation or pointing a finger in blame, we should actively wait, watching for God to move and trusting He will act on our behalf (Isa. 64:4). This involves taking time to be alone with our Father—crying out to Him, meditating on His truth, and listening to Him.
  • 5. Human instinct urges us to take control ourselves; in contrast, the Lord requires that we patiently and expectantly wait upon Him. He also tells us to surrender what we think is right and instead submit to His plan. Unless our focus remains steady on Jesus, circumstances can overwhelm us. What’s your response when trouble arises? You can choose to accept difficulty as a blessing by letting it deepen your relationship with Christ. Whether your current circumstances are good or painful, take time to be still before the Lord. Bible in One Year: Exodus 4-6 Get Involved How to Serve God Reading Options Light Aa Dark Aa Font size A A A Reset View Titus 3:5-8 When we encounter opportunities to serve God, we don’t always respond in the way He desires. Perhaps we think we can’t because our schedule is too busy or we don’t feel qualified. Those knee-jerk reactions slam a door closed before we’ve discovered whether or not the Lord wants us to go through it. You’ve probably never thought of a refusal to serve God as a type of idolatry, but that’s what it is—bowing down to self instead of submitting to Him. The Lord desires that His servants be willing to do anything—and that they will seek His specific plan for them. He uniquely gifts followers to serve according to His will. But when we’ve already decided what we can’t do, won’t do, or are ill-equipped to do, then we’re acting by our own will. That doesn’t work. You may serve the Lord as a godly parent, as a factory worker who shares the gospel with coworkers, or as a friend who takes time to listen to the hurting. No restriction exists on what God can do through the life of a willing helper. The strength of His Spirit overcomes human
  • 6. limitations. Don’t have enough courage? God can fix that. Don’t have the right skills? God can fix that. Laying down our excuses is the wisest thing to do when serving the Lord. Trust that He will empower you to do whatever He calls you to do—and will see to it that you’re properly equipped and trained to do it (Eph. 2:10; 2 Tim. 3:16-17). All He asks is that you say yes. Bible in One Year: Exodus 16-18 DevelopingConvictions Reading Options Light Aa Dark Aa Font size A A A Reset View Jeremiah 17:5-8 An acorn needs nutrients and time to grow into a tall oak tree. Likewise, men and women of conviction develop gradually through committed Bible study and prayer. Ready to get planted firmly in biblical truth? It can help to make a list of issues for which you need to form a conviction. Here are questions to get you started:  Do you consider the Bible true and trustworthy?  Do you think that believing in Jesus is the only way to be saved?  What is the Holy Spirit’s role in the lives of believers and unbelievers?  Are we to forgive others in every situation?  How should Christians approach finances?  What’s your purpose in life?  What is your role in the church and at work?  How should you think about social issues like abortion and racism? It’s my hope these questions will open the eyes of those who haven’t considered how their personal philosophies developed. It’s time to change that. Study the Bible and make God’s Word the cornerstone of your thinking. A concordance will point you to scriptures that relate to the above topics. Evaluate what the Bible says instead of forming conclusions based on personal preference. Ask, What does God say? rather than What does this mean to me?
  • 7. Once you know what God says, you have a choice: Believe Him and commit to living according to your conviction, or continue being tossed by waves of doubt and indecision (James 1:6). Root yourself in God’s Word, and be called one of His oaks of righteousness (Isa. 61:3). Bible in One Year: Exodus 13-15 Get Involved Bookmark Share Comment Our Convictions—OurDefense Reading Options Light Aa Dark Aa Font size A A A Reset View Romans 14:20-23 A person of conviction has become convinced, by either evidence or argument, that his or her beliefs are true. Today, most people would rather live by preferences than by convictions. They choose to believe something based on conditions and circumstances. When situations change, so does their loyalty. Many people vacillate on issues that require a firm resolve. Contrast this wishy-washy approach with the mindset of the great men and women depicted in Scripture. Despite years of unfair treatment, Joseph never wavered in his commitment to godly principles. As a result, he was in the right place at the right time to ensure the survival of Israel (Gen. 50:20). Daniel, another righteous man living in an idolatrous land, earned the trust of foreign kings by standing firm in his beliefs (Dan. 1:19-20). When his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego also refused to compromise their beliefs, they influenced a king to recognize Jehovah as the one true God (Dan. 3:29). As these biblical heroes show, godly convictions withstand the changing winds of opinion and the persuasive arguments of opponents. If we’re grounded in the Word and trust what God has said, we can stand firm in our beliefs. Confidence breeds the courage to remain strong amid the conflicts entering our lives. Instead of following your own preferences, choose to live a life ruled by godly convictions. Scripture says much about what’s most important in life. See if God’s principles and promises
  • 8. hold true. Through prayer and study, allow the heavenly Father to firmly root you in solid biblical convictions. Bible in One Year: Exodus 10-12 The Promise of Eternal Life Reading Options Light Aa Dark Aa Font size A A A Reset View 1 John 5:5-12 Our culture is obsessed with longevity. While the desire for a lengthy existence of good quality is natural, it’s also shortsighted. The Bible does emphasize living a godly life now. But it also contains numerous reminders that believers will remain after this old world is gone. No pill or diet can extend our days on earth beyond the number God has willed. But we can live forever in a flawless home with a perfected body, doing soul-satisfying work. When we believe Jesus Christ is God’s Son and trust Him as our Savior, we receive the gift of eternal life. Believers get to spend eternity serving and fellowshipping with the Lord. Although followers of the Son of God are promised a place in heaven, eternal life isn’t really about location. The true value of having a soul that never dies is that we are always in the presence of God. For those who reject the offer of everlasting life with the Lord, there is an alternative. We call it hell. The souls ending up there suffer a terrible fate—agony and complete separation from the living God. After death, no mercy or grace can bridge the gap between hell and heaven. The matter must be settled while we are on earth (Heb. 9:27). Eternal life is irrevocably linked to the person of Jesus Christ. As John wrote, “He who has the Son has the life” (1 John 5:12). Reaching a healthy old age is a laudable goal, but nothing’s more important than receiving the Savior and the gift of eternity in His presence. Bible in One Year: Exodus 7-9