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She was abducted by three gunmen. (taken away illegally, using force)
We have got to abide by the rules. (do what the rules say)
Stories abound about when he was in charge. (there are a lot of stories)
Two prisoners absconded from jail yesterday. (escaped from it)
The announcement absolved the minister of all blame in the incident. (stated that he is not to blame)
The best thing to do is to abstain from alcohol, smoke and drugs. (do not do it)
She complained to the policeman that the man had accosted her in the street. (stopped and spoken in a threatening
I owed 7,000 Euros-part of this was accrued interest. (accumulated)
Mr. Smith was acquitted of disorderly behavior. (declared not to have committed the crime)
She adhered to the dress code. (acted in the way that the dress code said one should)
Glue the vase with a strong adhesive. (substance such as glue)
Photographic evidence is admissible in a court of law. (is allowed)
They admonished me for taking risks with my health. (rebuked, explained I have done something wrong)
Several magnificent paintings adorn the walls. (make the walls more beautiful, decorate)
His political adversaries created lots of problems. (people you are competing with)
He will remain affiliated with the firm as a consultant. (officially connected)
They asked what my political affiliations were. (official connection)
People have been afflicted by unemployment nowadays. (have been affected and suffer)
Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate your situation. (worsen)
We should never aggregate votes to predict results. (add together)
There has been a long list of alleged criminals. (been stated but not been proved to be true)
We must do something to alleviate his pain. (make less intense)
The seats are allotted to the potential buyers. (given )
Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle states. (occurred one after the other)
She remained ambivalent about her son-in-law. (uncertain whether she approves of him or not)
My instinct warned me something was amiss. (there was something wrong)
A cry of anguish burst from her lips. (great pain)
There are lots of ways of annihilating the planet. (destroying)
He was furious but we tried to appease him. (to stop him from being angry)
The experts are focused on apportioning blame among governments. (deciding how much blame people deserve)
Arbitrary arrests are common in this country. (not based on any plan, system ā€“therefore unfair)
John is an ardent supporter of Olympiakos. (passionate, fervent)
The project was more arduous than I had expected. (difficult and tiring)
The police didnā€™t manage to rescue the injured girl from her assailant. (attacker)
His words should not necessarily be taken at face value. (you should not accept and believe his words without
serious thinking)
Police records attest to his long history of criminality. (prove that it is true)

I donā€™t think he is the best choice; he is bashful and awkward in front of people. (shy)
He beckoned to the waiter to ask for the bill. ( signalled)
He bequeathed his son an enterprise that is doing quite well. (left it for his son to develop)
Greece is beset by an economic crisis. (is affected severely)
The selection of pupils for this school was biased in favor of the rich. (prefer a certain group and behave unfairly)
Her hair has been bleached by the sun. (the color has got paler)
The politicians predicted a bleak future. (bad and unlikely to improve)
I believe he made a blunder by announcing the scheme so far ahead of time. (careless mistake)
She is blunt about her partners. (says exactly what she thinks without trying to be polite)
In the darkness I saw a blur of movement. (a shape I couldnā€™t see clearly)
He bolted down two burgers during the break. (ate so quickly that he hardly chewed)
It is known that the opposition parties are boycotting the elections. (refusing to be involved)
There was a breach in relations between the two countries. (serious disagreement)
We believe that the Germans will not budge. (refuse to change their minds)
He was burdened with the upbringing of five children. (caused him lots of hard work)
The roads are bustling with people. (full of people)

She described the death of her husband as the greatest calamity. (disaster)
As far as I know several clandestine meetings have been held. (secret)
The old woman was clipping the hedge in the morning. (cutting small pieces from it in order to shape it)
The doctor said aspirin thinned his blood and inhibited clotting. (becoming thick and forming a lump)
Empty cups clutter the desks and piles of books are all over the floor. (fill it in in an untidy way)
Employees were compelled to work overtime . (forced)
After the strike the government conceded some of the workersā€™ demands. (gave them, allowed them to have)
Smoking is conducive to his bad health. (makes it likely to happen)
The police entered the building and confiscated weapons and propaganda material. (took away)
He refused to conform to the rules that applied to new members of the club. (behave accordingly)
Each one of us is learning how to confront death. (deal with it)
He managed to find a congenial company. (pleasant)
I am afraid that was a conjecture, not a fact. (information that is not certain)
Thomas was conscripted in July. (officially made to join the army)
There has been a consensus to cease fire. (general agreement)
Her father never gave his consent to her marriage. (permission to do it)
For decades the artistā€™s works were consigned to the National museum. (sent)
The only consolation for the old woman was her daughter. (comfort)
People had lots of money. It was an age of conspicuous consumption. (that easily could be seen)
There have been several meetings, but they havenā€™t been able to consummate a deal. ( complete it)
He stayed in his office and contemplated the future prospects of the company. (thought about it carefully)
Getting married is a common subject of contention between them. (cause of argument)
Old age will certainly curtail her activities. (limit)

Nothing can scare that dauntless young man. (fearless)
Nothing but debris remained after the earthquake. (ruins)
The password is encrypted. I have to decipher. (decode)
He declined the invitation to the party. (denied)
He has deferred joining the army due to his studies. (has postponed)
The ship sank because the captain defied the weather warning. (ignored)
He is an eleven-year-old delinquent. (usually a young person who commits minor crimes)
You are deluding yourself if you believe heā€™s going to support you. (believe something is true although it is not)
I have always denounced violence. (rejected and criticized)
The historian deplored the loss of local dialects. (considered to be wrong or immoral)
Unemployment has been designated as the state of not having a job. (defined)
Iā€™m afraid itā€™s a desolate area as it has been destroyed by the army. (empty of people and frightening)
He felt despondent after being dismissed. (desperate)
He was detained at the police station for further interrogation. (kept, delayed)
The strict new law should act as a deterrent for enterprises. (something that prevents people from setting up
businesses and business deals)
Heā€™s such a diligent student. (hard-working)
The paint should be diluted in three liters of water. (made thinner)
Thereā€™s a discrepancy between what you say and what actually happened. (big difference)
Itā€™s at the teacherā€™s discretion what to include in the course. (judgement)
To find the problem, he dismantled the engine. (took to pieces)
All the goods have been dispatched. (sent)
To disperse the crowd, the police used tear gas. (scatter)
Listening to music is my favorite diversion. (amusement)
In my country, capital punishment has been done away with. (abolished)
ā€˜If you do that again, Iā€™ll do you in.ā€™ (kill you)
ā€˜I got drenched in the rain.ā€™ (soaked to the skin)
At first I was a bit dubious about it but later I was convinced that it was the right thing to do. (uncertain)
Hopes are dwindling as to the missing climbers. (becoming fewer/less)

Negotiating will begin in earnest about burning issues. (to a greater extent)
ā€˜Why are you so edgy this morning?ā€™ (touchy, easily irritated)
The professor elaborated on the theory of relativity. (provided more details for)
How quickly time elapses! (passes, goes by)
It took the detective three days to elicit a confession from the suspect. (extract)
Our students are eligible to discounts. (have the right to)
You should eliminate chocolate from your diet if you want to lose weight. (remove completely)
His speech was not good. He doesnā€™t have the eloquence of his father. (effectiveness in persuading people)
His name eludes me. (I cannot remember it)
Plumbers are elusive and expensive these days. (difficult to find)
The new law has been embraced by the unions. (accepted)
Soon the swimmer was encompassed by sharks. (surrounded)
He is an eminent doctor. (well-known and respected)
The law has not been enacted yet. (not been made into a law)
The speaker endeavored to get his message across. (tried hard to)
Violence is something I cannot endorse. (approve of)
She is endowed with kindness and interpersonal skills. (has by birth)
It was an enormously enlightening seminar. (giving knowledge)
He was enlisted to fight in the war. (joined the army)
Thereā€™s enmity between them. They donā€™t speak to each other. (hostility, animosity)
When he heard the news, he became enraged. (furious)
The music enraptured him. (captivated)
Panic ensued due to the fire. (came as a result)
I wonā€™t accept that job because it entails night shifts. (involves)
He became entangled in the scandal. (deeply involved)
The salesperson did everything to entice me to buy the car. (persuade, lure)
The woman entreated him not to leave her. (begged)
They didnā€™t have money to pay the rent; therefore they were evicted from their flats. (forced to leave)
Such scenes evoke laughter. (cause)
The noise is so exasperating. (irritating, annoying)
Heā€™s exempted from paying taxes as he has three children. (excluded)
He exerted great effort to meet the deadline. (used in a determined way)
They were exonerated of all blame. (shown they were not responsible for)
The house was on sale at an exorbitant price. (unreasonably high)
Exposure to chemicals can damage your health. (being in a situation chemicals can affect you)
His wifeā€™s extravagant spending habits turned the man into a beggar. (wasteful)

Iā€™d like to fathom the mysteries of the universe. (investigate, explore deeply)
She is suffering from fatigue and depression. (feeling of extreme tiredness)
He is so old and feeble that he cannot walk. (weak)
He feigned being ill so as not to go to work. (pretended)
The convict remained fettered in his dark prison cell. (chained, in chains)
Once sunshine and then rain! What fickle weather! (unstable, unsteady)
Waiting at the doctorā€™s surgery, the man kept fidgeting. (moving his hands/feet slightly)
The Queen has no real political power. Sheā€™s just a figurehead. (leader who has little real power)
He always wore a filthy old coat. (dirty)
Heā€™s got a flair for cooking. (talent)
ā€˜Nobodyā€™s perfect! We all have our flaws.ā€™ (defects)
Candles flicker in the wind. (tremble)
Iā€™ll have to forego the tennis game. (do without it, part with it)
The beggar sat forlorn on the pavement. (alone and unhappy)
He has fostered ten children so far. (taken into his family for a period of time without becoming their legal father)
He fractured three ribs in the accident. (cracked)
ā€˜Donā€™t believe what he says! Heā€™s such a fraud.ā€™ (someone who deceives people)
He frowned when he heard he had to work overtime. (his eyebrows became drawn together showing disapproval)
She crept from the bed and fumbled for her cigarettes. (tried and reached in a clumsy way)
All his efforts proved futile. She was beyond convincing. (useless, fruitless)

I canā€™t stand her; she is such a garrulous woman. (she talks too much about unimportant things)
Being a heavy smoker makes me gasp for breath. (have difficulty in breathing)
ā€˜I couldnā€™t gauge the oncoming carā€™s speed.ā€™ (measure, assess)
Heā€™s got a wide social circle because of his being genial. (kind, friendly)
Get a grip on yourself! (Have some control, calm down)
The young man made a bet for kicks. (for fun)
The moon glimmers through the mist. (produces a faint light)
The sea glinted in the sun. (produced a quick flash of light)
The mouse gnawed at the cheese. (ate in small bites)
Cattle were quietly grazing in the field. (eating the green)
Thereā€™s nothing you can do! Youā€™ll have to grin and bear it. (accept it without complaining)
The patient began to groan with pain. (moan)
He still bears a grudge against me for putting him down. (is unforgiving because of what I have done to him)
He grudgingly agreed to do the shopping. (reluctantly, unwillingly)
Being so gullible, she fell for him. (naive, easily cheated, deceived)
She quickly gulped her soup. (ate by swallowing large quantities)

Lack of money hampered my buying a car. (prevented me from)
The recession has resulted in people being hard up. (being broke)
The government must harness inflation. (control)
ā€˜To meet the demand, we must hasten production.ā€™ (hurry)
He ran headlong for the exit. (went there quickly)
ā€˜Being heedless accounts for your essay errors.ā€™ (careless)
A sudden hitch stopped me from being on time. (slight problem which caused delay)
Heā€™s been hoarding gold bars. (gathering)
Horses have to jump over hurdles in this race. (obstacles)
ā€˜Hush! The babyā€™s sleeping.ā€™ (Be quiet)

His handwriting is illegible. (impossible to read)
He is one of the most illustrious scientists of the century. (distinguished)
He is immune to all disease. (unaffected by)
A judge has to be impartial. (objective)
It was impetuous of him to speak like that. (thoughtless)
She was implicated in the scandal. (became involved in)
Are you aware of the implications? (repercussions of)
She implored him not to leave her. (begged)
Jazz musicians often improvise. (do things without previous preparation)
The new President will be inaugurated in September. (will be appointed to a position at an official ceremony)
He has an inbred talent for drawing. (inborn, inner)
Bonuses constitute an incentive for improving productivity. (a motive)
I canā€™t stand that incessant noise. (continuing without stopping)
He has incurred debts as a result of the recession. (gathered, acquired)
Iā€™m indebted to you for your help. (obliged to)
Tattoos are made by indelible ink. (impossible to erase)
I would do anything to induce him to buy the estate. (persuade)
I indulge in a glass of wine from time to time. (enjoy the luxury of)
Jack the Ripper is an infamous criminal. (notorious)
The house is infested with cockroaches. ( full of-negatively used)
Ī¤he damage being inflicted by the earthquake was unbelievable. (caused upon)
Many times reporters infringe on peopleā€™s privacy. (intrude)
My upbringing inhibits me telling you what I think. (prevents)
They read the words inscribed on the stone. (written/carved)
He insinuated that the boy had stolen the money. (said in an indirect way)
He is the one who instigated the revolution. (caused to happen)
The police intercepted the bomb in the mail. (stopped while on the way)
How do you interpret his behavior? (perceive, understand)
The police interrogated the suspect for three hours. (questioned)
The police had to intervene to stop the fight. ( come in between)
He felt intimidated at the huge task. (scared)
Too much whisky makes you intoxicated. (drunk)
I find advanced maths an intricate subject. (complicated)
Iā€™m intrigued by this mystery. (very interested and want to know more)
Politicians should use their intuition as to future developments. (6th sense)
Vitamins invigorate oneā€™s organism. (strengthen, boost)

Unfortunately the whole project has been put in jeopardy. (in a dangerous situation)
They were in a jam; they didnā€™t know what to do. (in a very difficult situation)

Being in a dark cell, he couldnā€™t keep track of what day it was. ( be accurate)
After the accident the police notified his next of kin. (closest relatives)

She whispered something and lapsed into silence. (stopped talking)
Many of us have latent talents. (inactive, inert)
His efforts were laudable. (praiseworthy)
We had a lavish meal last night. (luxurious, rich)
He leased a house in central London. (rented)
For those under age, parents have the liability if they make trouble. (the responsibility for)
God created man in his likeness. (similar in appearance)
The girl was limping after the accident. (walking with difficulty)
Rather than go home after school, he loitered in the streets. (stayed behind, delayed)
The angry mob looted the supermarket. (attacked and removed goods from it)
Heā€™s got a lucrative business. (profitable)
In the jungle, thereā€™s lush vegetation. (having healthy grass, plants, trees)
The police lashed out with clubs to disperse the demonstrators. (attempted to hit violently with clubs)
He decided to have a lavish party to celebrate his daughterā€™s engagement. (impressive)
Leave out the details! Come to the point. (omit)
No need to cook today. Weā€™ve got leftovers from last night. (food remaining from the night before)
Thanks to his auntā€™s legacy, he bought a car. (inheritance)
My grandmotherā€™s handwriting is not very legible. (clear enough to read)
ā€œWait for the rain to let up and then go out.ā€ (decrease in force)
The taste of coffee lingered on his tongue. (stayed behind, delayed)
Iā€™ve always looked up to my father for his being so cool. (admired)

Being magnanimous, he forgave his attacker. (forgiving, generous)
He examined the stamp with his magnifying glass. (glass which makes objects bigger)
Maladjusted children go to special schools. (children who have psychological problems and cannot adjust in society)
Heā€™s got such a malicious character. (evil, nasty)
Itā€™s mandatory that you be properly dressed. (obligatory)
He had a meager meal, simply bread and cheese. (simple)
Stop meddling in my affairs. (interfering with)
Heā€™s a mediocre student. (average)
God is merciful. (forgiving)
The lecturer touched upon miscellaneous subjects. (various, several)
He had (some) misgivings about taking the exam. ( doubts about)
He had to mitigate his expenses. (reduce, decrease)
Children muffled in scarves were playing on the ice. (wearing a lot of)
He is of murky origins. No one knows where he comes from. (dark, morally wrong)
He sat mute staring in the darkness. (silent)

His wife keeps nagging him all the time. (keeps on complaining)
The money he received was negligible. (not worth considering)
The baby nestled in his motherā€™s arms. (found warmth in)
The child nibbled at his food having lost his appetite. (ate in small bites)
Heā€™s a man of noble origins. (gentle, aristocratic)
He nodded his head in agreement. (agreed by giving a sign)
ā€œYouā€™ll be notified of the results.ā€ (informed)
He achieved such notoriety through his crimes. (bad reputation)
Iā€™m a novice in computers. ( beginner, learner)
The phone is out of order, which is a nuisance. (troublesome)
My leg felt numb after being in the same position for too long. (not feeling it)
The baby needs the proper nutrition. (dieting habits)
I do object to your being alone all the time. (be against, disagree with, disapprove of)
Iā€™m oblivious to the circumstances during which it happened. (unaware of)
Record players have now become obsolete. (old-fashioned, archaic)
ā€œThe heavy rain obstructed my going out.ā€ (prevented, stopped)
He was offended by her comments. ( her comments hurt his pride)
To offset their disappointment, he bought the kids ice-cream. (balance)
Due to the recession, people are out on a limb. (in a difficult position)
ā€œPlease forgive my outburst yesterday.ā€ (fig. an ā€œexplosionā€ of feeling, nerves, etc)
Bob Dylan was an outspoken singer in the 60ā€™s. (sincere, straight)

Being on parole, he presented himself twice a month at the police station. (out of prison under police surveillance)
Correcting essays is part and parcel of a teacherā€™s job. (two things going together with each other)
Upon hearing the ā€œnewsā€ she passed out. (fainted, lost consciousness)
The earth is in perpetual motion around the sun. (continuous, eternal)
Though she repeatedly failed, she perseveres with taking the exam. (refuses to give up)
Algebra pertains to the field of maths. (belongs to)
Local shops are being phased out. (become less and less)
The tired soldiers plodded across the muddy fields. (slow, heavy walking)
The angry mob plundered the neighbourhood shops. (loot)
She knows what to do. Sheā€™s so poised. (well-balanced)
Traditions should be handed down to posterity. (the oncoming generations)
This is a potent medicine. (strong, effective)
Ours is a precarious existence. (uncertain)
ā€œWhat you did is without precedent.ā€ (never to have happened before)
His heavy drinking precipitated his death. (hastened)
He tends to procrastinate all the time. (postpone, put sth off)
I donā€™t profess to be an expert. (claim)
Animals donā€™t proliferate in zoos. (multiply (fig.))
Drug abuse has propagated through the ages. (continued to multiply)
To become a fashion model, you have to have the required proportions. (analogy)
My salary is not proportionate to the amount of work that I do. (equivalent to)
He was the shop proprietor. (owner of)
Heā€™s a prospective customer of ours. (likely, probable)
Despite difficulties, he pulled it off and passed the exam. (managed to accomplish a difficult task)
ā€œYouā€™re pulling my leg of course.ā€ (making fun of)
ā€œPull out here. I want to get off.ā€ (stop the car)
The operation was difficult but he pulled through. (survived)
ā€œHeā€™s in the cemetery, pushing up daisies. (dead)

The man has a radiant personality. (shiny (fig.))
He rambled on about this and that. (spoke incoherently, went off the subject)
Gypsies ramble on and on.(drift from place to place)
What a rash thing to do. (thoughtless)
ā€œThe baby has come out in a rash, again.ā€ (allergic reaction with red spots on oneā€™s skin)
His inviting her to dinner was met with a cold rebuff. (rejection)
The teacher rebuked him for his inconsistence. (told him off, reprimanded)
Parliament is having its summer recess. (a pause of activity)
Having sent him flowers, he reciprocated by sending her a bunch of roses. (responded in the same way, returned a
At the sight of the snake, he recoiled. (retreated, stepped back)
He has fully recuperated and is back at work. (got over an illness)
ā€œIā€™ve had this recurring dream.ā€ (happening repeatedly)
When the business folded, 300 workers were made redundant. (lost their job)
Keep it steady. Donā€™t regress. (step back)
He regulated the volume of the stereo. (adjusted)
Prison sentences are supposed to help rehabilitate offenders. (get them back to society as law-abiding citizens)
Vitamins reinforce oneā€™s organism. (strengthen)
His colleagues demanded that he be reinstated. (restored to a former position)
Being remorseful, he apologized for his rude behavior. (regretful)
The accident rendered him unable to work. (made)
Due to public outcry, the government repealed the law. (took it back, withdrew)
This lotion repels mosquitoes. (pushes back)
The shop replenished its stock. (refilled)
He reposed in the armchair and started reading. (rested)
It is a reputable university. (having a good reputation)
Drink the coffee but not its residue. (what stays at the bottom)
Thanks to his resilience, he was back at work in no time. (ability to recover quickly, made a speedy recovery)
He made a firm resolution to quit smoking. (decision)
When all else failed, he resorted to calling the police. (sought help from, used as his last option)
The resurrection of Christ. (rise from the grave)
His memory retains even the smallest details. (keeps)
He retaliated by sending an anonymous letter to her husband. (paid ill-treatment with ill-treatment)
ā€˜I asked how he was doing.ā€™ ā€˜Fineā€™, he retorted. (answered back)
I went to the police station to retrieve my stolen wallet. (get it back, reclaim)
He reverted to smoking after having quit for 10 years. (restarted an old habit)
I am aware of his revulsion at insects. (aversion, strong dislike)
Thereā€™s rivalry between these two companies. (competition)
ā€œI wouldnā€™t rule out his getting the job.ā€ (reject the possibility of)
ā€œI ran into an old friend, yesterday.ā€ (came across)
My dog was run over by a car. (knocked down)

The film star had a face lifting to restore her sagged cheeks. (hanging loose)
The Titanic couldnā€™t have been salvaged. (rescued)
He had to be given sanctuary from the cold outside. (shelter, asylum)
The market is saturated with clothes shops. (full of)
He scanned the candidates one by one. (examined closely)
Girls in beauty contests are scantily-dressed. (wear few clothes)
Heā€™s got a scarred face. (thereā€™s a deep cut on his skin)
I passed by a scented garden (perfumed)
Caesarā€™s enemies schemed against him. (conspired against him)
Being rich, she was scornful of the poor. ( contemptuous of)
He has no scruples about stealing from anyone he can. (having a guilty conscience)
He seemed to be a gentleman but I saw through him. (understood the real person behind the mask)
In U.S. blacks used to be segregated from whites. (kept apart)
Iā€™m trying not to cry but itā€™s a very sentimental play. (involving feelings, emotions)
He set about drawing plans for the new mall. (started serious work)
Winter has set in. (started and is likely to continue)
I set off at 8.00 this morning. (started my day)
His winning the lottery was sheer luck. (complete)
He shuddered at the thought of the criminal. (trembled due to fear)
People shun the house as it is supposed to be hunted. (avoid, steer clear of)
ā€œSuch behavior!ā€ ā€œWhat does it signify?ā€ (declare, symbolize)
The hot, summer weather made him feel sluggish. (lazy, inactive)
He couldnā€™t breathe in the smothering smoke from the burning house. (suffocating)
You should snap up golden opportunities. (seize)
A splinter got into his finger while chopping wood for the fireplace.( tiny piece of wood)
We had a dancing spree till 3.00 last night. (party)
Being heavily drunk, he staggered. (walked unsteadily)
The floor was full of coffee stains. ( dirty marks on its surface)
Heā€™s a person with steadfast beliefs. (steady, stable)
ā€œThough I tried to dissuade him, he stack to his guns. (defended his opinion)
A piece of apple stack in his throat and stifled him. (suffocated)
He is a man of a stout organism. (strong, enduring)
ā€œIā€™m under lots of strain these days.ā€ (pressure)
ā€œI was stranded on a desert island.ā€ (helpless, couldnā€™t leave the island)
Make strenuous efforts to pass the exam. (intense)
The doctor advised me to keep the stress and the strife out of my life. (conflict)
He always strived for perfection. (tried his hardest)
Being so stuck up she made no friends in her life. (terrible snob, conceited)
He stumbled on a stone and fell down. (tripped over)
He stumbled upon the solution to the problem. (discovered by chance (also: hit upon)
I was stunned at what the circus acrobats could do. (was greatly surprised)
A sturdy young man entered the room. (well-built)
The doctors kept him subdued due to his being dangerous. (sedated)
To make him confess, they subjected him to torture. (made him undergo an ordeal)
The submarine submerged to avoid the enemy attack. (went under water)
A supervisor keeps an eye on his subordinates. (people of a lower rank, position)
ā€œWait till the scandal subsides.ā€™ā€™ (becomes more quiet)
The team won 3 matches in succession. (in a row)
On the way to hospital, the man succumbed to his injuries. (gave in to)
There were sundry people at the party. (several people all different from each other)
The U.S. used to give superfluous wheat to the U.S.S.R. (in excess, unnecessary)
Canderel pills supersede sugar. (replace)
ā€œYou shouldnā€™t suppress the facts/the truth.ā€ (hide, keep under control)
Stockbrokers try to surmise the price of shares. (guess, speculate)
The unscrupulous salesman swindled the old couple out of their saving. (deceived)

He took going to the doctor in his stride. (considered it as a normal part of his life)
When things go wrong, the manager takes it out on the employees. (vents his anger/nerves on the employees)
It was plain to see that the lock had been tampered with. (somebody had tried to break in )
With the passage of time the silver candles had become tarnished. (faded)
That was a tedious task. (boring, dull)
ā€œWait for the snow to thaw and then go out. (melt)
Sheā€™s such a thrifty old lady. (manages her finances very well)
There was a throng of people. (a crowd of people)
She thwarted her sisterā€™s efforts to sell the house. (prevented her sister selling the house)
Sheā€™s a timid, young girl. (shy)
That was a transient phase in my life. (temporary)
Tears tricked down her cheeks. (rolled down)
The problem was a trifle difficult. (a little)
Letā€™s call it a truce and stop fighting. (an agreement to stop all war activities)
I donā€™t have to twist your arm to make you do it.ā€ (persuade by exerting pressure on you)

That was the ultimate solution (final)
There was a unanimous decision to stop negotiating. (consensus, general agreement)
An uncouth peasant shouted at me. (rude, rough-mannered)
The storm continued unmitigated. (unabated)
Heā€™s got an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. (impossible to satisfy, insatiable)
The upkeep of a building (maintenance)

He was a valiant warrior (brave)
Whenever they play live, they come up with a variation of the song. (a slight change in, a different version of)
He is a venerable old man. (deserving respect)
Vengeance isnā€™t my cup of tea. (revenge)
In the Olympics athletes vie with each other. (compete with)
You canā€™t imagine how vindictive he can be. (revengeful, mean, nasty)

He put on the table a wad of banknotes (a pack of)
The dog wagged its tail acknowledging his master. (waved its tail from side to side)
ā€œTake a painkiller and your headache will wear off.ā€ (pass)
Junk food is unwholesome. (unhealthy)
ā€œIf I were you, Iā€™d take what he says with a grain of salt.ā€ (regard his words with skepticism, be hesitant to accept
what he says)
ā€œIf you forget to water them flowers wither.ā€ (turn yellow, lose their shape and finally die.)
Withholding evidence is a serious offence. (hiding, not giving ,suppressing)
Being under age, she couldnā€™t get married as her father withheld his consent. (wouldnā€™t agree to)
That was a witty comment (clever, smart)
The patient writhed in pain in his hospital bed. (had painful convulsions)

She yielded to the chocolate cake even though she was on a diet. (gave in to, surrendered to, was unable to resist)
Being abroad for so long, he began to yearn for his homeland. (want sth badly)

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Pr2 sos voc from a z (10-2013)

  • 1. PR2 EXTRA MATERIAL SOS VOC FROM A-Z A She was abducted by three gunmen. (taken away illegally, using force) We have got to abide by the rules. (do what the rules say) Stories abound about when he was in charge. (there are a lot of stories) Two prisoners absconded from jail yesterday. (escaped from it) The announcement absolved the minister of all blame in the incident. (stated that he is not to blame) The best thing to do is to abstain from alcohol, smoke and drugs. (do not do it) She complained to the policeman that the man had accosted her in the street. (stopped and spoken in a threatening way) I owed 7,000 Euros-part of this was accrued interest. (accumulated) Mr. Smith was acquitted of disorderly behavior. (declared not to have committed the crime) She adhered to the dress code. (acted in the way that the dress code said one should) Glue the vase with a strong adhesive. (substance such as glue) Photographic evidence is admissible in a court of law. (is allowed) They admonished me for taking risks with my health. (rebuked, explained I have done something wrong) Several magnificent paintings adorn the walls. (make the walls more beautiful, decorate) His political adversaries created lots of problems. (people you are competing with) He will remain affiliated with the firm as a consultant. (officially connected) They asked what my political affiliations were. (official connection) People have been afflicted by unemployment nowadays. (have been affected and suffer) Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate your situation. (worsen) We should never aggregate votes to predict results. (add together) There has been a long list of alleged criminals. (been stated but not been proved to be true) We must do something to alleviate his pain. (make less intense) The seats are allotted to the potential buyers. (given ) Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle states. (occurred one after the other) She remained ambivalent about her son-in-law. (uncertain whether she approves of him or not) My instinct warned me something was amiss. (there was something wrong) A cry of anguish burst from her lips. (great pain) There are lots of ways of annihilating the planet. (destroying) He was furious but we tried to appease him. (to stop him from being angry) The experts are focused on apportioning blame among governments. (deciding how much blame people deserve) Arbitrary arrests are common in this country. (not based on any plan, system ā€“therefore unfair) John is an ardent supporter of Olympiakos. (passionate, fervent) The project was more arduous than I had expected. (difficult and tiring) The police didnā€™t manage to rescue the injured girl from her assailant. (attacker) His words should not necessarily be taken at face value. (you should not accept and believe his words without serious thinking) Police records attest to his long history of criminality. (prove that it is true) B I donā€™t think he is the best choice; he is bashful and awkward in front of people. (shy) He beckoned to the waiter to ask for the bill. ( signalled) He bequeathed his son an enterprise that is doing quite well. (left it for his son to develop) Greece is beset by an economic crisis. (is affected severely) The selection of pupils for this school was biased in favor of the rich. (prefer a certain group and behave unfairly)
  • 2. Her hair has been bleached by the sun. (the color has got paler) The politicians predicted a bleak future. (bad and unlikely to improve) I believe he made a blunder by announcing the scheme so far ahead of time. (careless mistake) She is blunt about her partners. (says exactly what she thinks without trying to be polite) In the darkness I saw a blur of movement. (a shape I couldnā€™t see clearly) He bolted down two burgers during the break. (ate so quickly that he hardly chewed) It is known that the opposition parties are boycotting the elections. (refusing to be involved) There was a breach in relations between the two countries. (serious disagreement) We believe that the Germans will not budge. (refuse to change their minds) He was burdened with the upbringing of five children. (caused him lots of hard work) The roads are bustling with people. (full of people) C She described the death of her husband as the greatest calamity. (disaster) As far as I know several clandestine meetings have been held. (secret) The old woman was clipping the hedge in the morning. (cutting small pieces from it in order to shape it) The doctor said aspirin thinned his blood and inhibited clotting. (becoming thick and forming a lump) Empty cups clutter the desks and piles of books are all over the floor. (fill it in in an untidy way) Employees were compelled to work overtime . (forced) After the strike the government conceded some of the workersā€™ demands. (gave them, allowed them to have) Smoking is conducive to his bad health. (makes it likely to happen) The police entered the building and confiscated weapons and propaganda material. (took away) He refused to conform to the rules that applied to new members of the club. (behave accordingly) Each one of us is learning how to confront death. (deal with it) He managed to find a congenial company. (pleasant) I am afraid that was a conjecture, not a fact. (information that is not certain) Thomas was conscripted in July. (officially made to join the army) There has been a consensus to cease fire. (general agreement) Her father never gave his consent to her marriage. (permission to do it) For decades the artistā€™s works were consigned to the National museum. (sent) The only consolation for the old woman was her daughter. (comfort) People had lots of money. It was an age of conspicuous consumption. (that easily could be seen) There have been several meetings, but they havenā€™t been able to consummate a deal. ( complete it) He stayed in his office and contemplated the future prospects of the company. (thought about it carefully) Getting married is a common subject of contention between them. (cause of argument) Old age will certainly curtail her activities. (limit) D Nothing can scare that dauntless young man. (fearless) Nothing but debris remained after the earthquake. (ruins) The password is encrypted. I have to decipher. (decode) He declined the invitation to the party. (denied) He has deferred joining the army due to his studies. (has postponed) The ship sank because the captain defied the weather warning. (ignored) He is an eleven-year-old delinquent. (usually a young person who commits minor crimes) You are deluding yourself if you believe heā€™s going to support you. (believe something is true although it is not) I have always denounced violence. (rejected and criticized) The historian deplored the loss of local dialects. (considered to be wrong or immoral) Unemployment has been designated as the state of not having a job. (defined) Iā€™m afraid itā€™s a desolate area as it has been destroyed by the army. (empty of people and frightening) He felt despondent after being dismissed. (desperate) He was detained at the police station for further interrogation. (kept, delayed)
  • 3. The strict new law should act as a deterrent for enterprises. (something that prevents people from setting up businesses and business deals) Heā€™s such a diligent student. (hard-working) The paint should be diluted in three liters of water. (made thinner) Thereā€™s a discrepancy between what you say and what actually happened. (big difference) Itā€™s at the teacherā€™s discretion what to include in the course. (judgement) To find the problem, he dismantled the engine. (took to pieces) All the goods have been dispatched. (sent) To disperse the crowd, the police used tear gas. (scatter) Listening to music is my favorite diversion. (amusement) In my country, capital punishment has been done away with. (abolished) ā€˜If you do that again, Iā€™ll do you in.ā€™ (kill you) ā€˜I got drenched in the rain.ā€™ (soaked to the skin) At first I was a bit dubious about it but later I was convinced that it was the right thing to do. (uncertain) Hopes are dwindling as to the missing climbers. (becoming fewer/less) E Negotiating will begin in earnest about burning issues. (to a greater extent) ā€˜Why are you so edgy this morning?ā€™ (touchy, easily irritated) The professor elaborated on the theory of relativity. (provided more details for) How quickly time elapses! (passes, goes by) It took the detective three days to elicit a confession from the suspect. (extract) Our students are eligible to discounts. (have the right to) You should eliminate chocolate from your diet if you want to lose weight. (remove completely) His speech was not good. He doesnā€™t have the eloquence of his father. (effectiveness in persuading people) His name eludes me. (I cannot remember it) Plumbers are elusive and expensive these days. (difficult to find) The new law has been embraced by the unions. (accepted) Soon the swimmer was encompassed by sharks. (surrounded) He is an eminent doctor. (well-known and respected) The law has not been enacted yet. (not been made into a law) The speaker endeavored to get his message across. (tried hard to) Violence is something I cannot endorse. (approve of) She is endowed with kindness and interpersonal skills. (has by birth) It was an enormously enlightening seminar. (giving knowledge) He was enlisted to fight in the war. (joined the army) Thereā€™s enmity between them. They donā€™t speak to each other. (hostility, animosity) When he heard the news, he became enraged. (furious) The music enraptured him. (captivated) Panic ensued due to the fire. (came as a result) I wonā€™t accept that job because it entails night shifts. (involves) He became entangled in the scandal. (deeply involved) The salesperson did everything to entice me to buy the car. (persuade, lure) The woman entreated him not to leave her. (begged) They didnā€™t have money to pay the rent; therefore they were evicted from their flats. (forced to leave) Such scenes evoke laughter. (cause) The noise is so exasperating. (irritating, annoying) Heā€™s exempted from paying taxes as he has three children. (excluded) He exerted great effort to meet the deadline. (used in a determined way) They were exonerated of all blame. (shown they were not responsible for) The house was on sale at an exorbitant price. (unreasonably high) Exposure to chemicals can damage your health. (being in a situation chemicals can affect you)
  • 4. His wifeā€™s extravagant spending habits turned the man into a beggar. (wasteful) F Iā€™d like to fathom the mysteries of the universe. (investigate, explore deeply) She is suffering from fatigue and depression. (feeling of extreme tiredness) He is so old and feeble that he cannot walk. (weak) He feigned being ill so as not to go to work. (pretended) The convict remained fettered in his dark prison cell. (chained, in chains) Once sunshine and then rain! What fickle weather! (unstable, unsteady) Waiting at the doctorā€™s surgery, the man kept fidgeting. (moving his hands/feet slightly) The Queen has no real political power. Sheā€™s just a figurehead. (leader who has little real power) He always wore a filthy old coat. (dirty) Heā€™s got a flair for cooking. (talent) ā€˜Nobodyā€™s perfect! We all have our flaws.ā€™ (defects) Candles flicker in the wind. (tremble) Iā€™ll have to forego the tennis game. (do without it, part with it) The beggar sat forlorn on the pavement. (alone and unhappy) He has fostered ten children so far. (taken into his family for a period of time without becoming their legal father) He fractured three ribs in the accident. (cracked) ā€˜Donā€™t believe what he says! Heā€™s such a fraud.ā€™ (someone who deceives people) He frowned when he heard he had to work overtime. (his eyebrows became drawn together showing disapproval) She crept from the bed and fumbled for her cigarettes. (tried and reached in a clumsy way) All his efforts proved futile. She was beyond convincing. (useless, fruitless) G I canā€™t stand her; she is such a garrulous woman. (she talks too much about unimportant things) Being a heavy smoker makes me gasp for breath. (have difficulty in breathing) ā€˜I couldnā€™t gauge the oncoming carā€™s speed.ā€™ (measure, assess) Heā€™s got a wide social circle because of his being genial. (kind, friendly) Get a grip on yourself! (Have some control, calm down) The young man made a bet for kicks. (for fun) The moon glimmers through the mist. (produces a faint light) The sea glinted in the sun. (produced a quick flash of light) The mouse gnawed at the cheese. (ate in small bites) Cattle were quietly grazing in the field. (eating the green) Thereā€™s nothing you can do! Youā€™ll have to grin and bear it. (accept it without complaining) The patient began to groan with pain. (moan) He still bears a grudge against me for putting him down. (is unforgiving because of what I have done to him) He grudgingly agreed to do the shopping. (reluctantly, unwillingly) Being so gullible, she fell for him. (naive, easily cheated, deceived) She quickly gulped her soup. (ate by swallowing large quantities) H Lack of money hampered my buying a car. (prevented me from) The recession has resulted in people being hard up. (being broke) The government must harness inflation. (control) ā€˜To meet the demand, we must hasten production.ā€™ (hurry) He ran headlong for the exit. (went there quickly) ā€˜Being heedless accounts for your essay errors.ā€™ (careless) A sudden hitch stopped me from being on time. (slight problem which caused delay) Heā€™s been hoarding gold bars. (gathering)
  • 5. Horses have to jump over hurdles in this race. (obstacles) ā€˜Hush! The babyā€™s sleeping.ā€™ (Be quiet) I His handwriting is illegible. (impossible to read) He is one of the most illustrious scientists of the century. (distinguished) He is immune to all disease. (unaffected by) A judge has to be impartial. (objective) It was impetuous of him to speak like that. (thoughtless) She was implicated in the scandal. (became involved in) Are you aware of the implications? (repercussions of) She implored him not to leave her. (begged) Jazz musicians often improvise. (do things without previous preparation) The new President will be inaugurated in September. (will be appointed to a position at an official ceremony) He has an inbred talent for drawing. (inborn, inner) Bonuses constitute an incentive for improving productivity. (a motive) I canā€™t stand that incessant noise. (continuing without stopping) He has incurred debts as a result of the recession. (gathered, acquired) Iā€™m indebted to you for your help. (obliged to) Tattoos are made by indelible ink. (impossible to erase) I would do anything to induce him to buy the estate. (persuade) I indulge in a glass of wine from time to time. (enjoy the luxury of) Jack the Ripper is an infamous criminal. (notorious) The house is infested with cockroaches. ( full of-negatively used) Ī¤he damage being inflicted by the earthquake was unbelievable. (caused upon) Many times reporters infringe on peopleā€™s privacy. (intrude) My upbringing inhibits me telling you what I think. (prevents) They read the words inscribed on the stone. (written/carved) He insinuated that the boy had stolen the money. (said in an indirect way) He is the one who instigated the revolution. (caused to happen) The police intercepted the bomb in the mail. (stopped while on the way) How do you interpret his behavior? (perceive, understand) The police interrogated the suspect for three hours. (questioned) The police had to intervene to stop the fight. ( come in between) He felt intimidated at the huge task. (scared) Too much whisky makes you intoxicated. (drunk) I find advanced maths an intricate subject. (complicated) Iā€™m intrigued by this mystery. (very interested and want to know more) Politicians should use their intuition as to future developments. (6th sense) Vitamins invigorate oneā€™s organism. (strengthen, boost) J Unfortunately the whole project has been put in jeopardy. (in a dangerous situation) They were in a jam; they didnā€™t know what to do. (in a very difficult situation) K Being in a dark cell, he couldnā€™t keep track of what day it was. ( be accurate) After the accident the police notified his next of kin. (closest relatives) L She whispered something and lapsed into silence. (stopped talking) Many of us have latent talents. (inactive, inert) His efforts were laudable. (praiseworthy)
  • 6. We had a lavish meal last night. (luxurious, rich) He leased a house in central London. (rented) For those under age, parents have the liability if they make trouble. (the responsibility for) God created man in his likeness. (similar in appearance) The girl was limping after the accident. (walking with difficulty) Rather than go home after school, he loitered in the streets. (stayed behind, delayed) The angry mob looted the supermarket. (attacked and removed goods from it) Heā€™s got a lucrative business. (profitable) In the jungle, thereā€™s lush vegetation. (having healthy grass, plants, trees) The police lashed out with clubs to disperse the demonstrators. (attempted to hit violently with clubs) He decided to have a lavish party to celebrate his daughterā€™s engagement. (impressive) Leave out the details! Come to the point. (omit) No need to cook today. Weā€™ve got leftovers from last night. (food remaining from the night before) Thanks to his auntā€™s legacy, he bought a car. (inheritance) My grandmotherā€™s handwriting is not very legible. (clear enough to read) ā€œWait for the rain to let up and then go out.ā€ (decrease in force) The taste of coffee lingered on his tongue. (stayed behind, delayed) Iā€™ve always looked up to my father for his being so cool. (admired) M Being magnanimous, he forgave his attacker. (forgiving, generous) He examined the stamp with his magnifying glass. (glass which makes objects bigger) Maladjusted children go to special schools. (children who have psychological problems and cannot adjust in society) Heā€™s got such a malicious character. (evil, nasty) Itā€™s mandatory that you be properly dressed. (obligatory) He had a meager meal, simply bread and cheese. (simple) Stop meddling in my affairs. (interfering with) Heā€™s a mediocre student. (average) God is merciful. (forgiving) The lecturer touched upon miscellaneous subjects. (various, several) He had (some) misgivings about taking the exam. ( doubts about) He had to mitigate his expenses. (reduce, decrease) Children muffled in scarves were playing on the ice. (wearing a lot of) He is of murky origins. No one knows where he comes from. (dark, morally wrong) He sat mute staring in the darkness. (silent) N His wife keeps nagging him all the time. (keeps on complaining) The money he received was negligible. (not worth considering) The baby nestled in his motherā€™s arms. (found warmth in) The child nibbled at his food having lost his appetite. (ate in small bites) Heā€™s a man of noble origins. (gentle, aristocratic) He nodded his head in agreement. (agreed by giving a sign) ā€œYouā€™ll be notified of the results.ā€ (informed) He achieved such notoriety through his crimes. (bad reputation) Iā€™m a novice in computers. ( beginner, learner) The phone is out of order, which is a nuisance. (troublesome) My leg felt numb after being in the same position for too long. (not feeling it) The baby needs the proper nutrition. (dieting habits)
  • 7. O I do object to your being alone all the time. (be against, disagree with, disapprove of) Iā€™m oblivious to the circumstances during which it happened. (unaware of) Record players have now become obsolete. (old-fashioned, archaic) ā€œThe heavy rain obstructed my going out.ā€ (prevented, stopped) He was offended by her comments. ( her comments hurt his pride) To offset their disappointment, he bought the kids ice-cream. (balance) Due to the recession, people are out on a limb. (in a difficult position) ā€œPlease forgive my outburst yesterday.ā€ (fig. an ā€œexplosionā€ of feeling, nerves, etc) Bob Dylan was an outspoken singer in the 60ā€™s. (sincere, straight) P Being on parole, he presented himself twice a month at the police station. (out of prison under police surveillance) Correcting essays is part and parcel of a teacherā€™s job. (two things going together with each other) Upon hearing the ā€œnewsā€ she passed out. (fainted, lost consciousness) The earth is in perpetual motion around the sun. (continuous, eternal) Though she repeatedly failed, she perseveres with taking the exam. (refuses to give up) Algebra pertains to the field of maths. (belongs to) Local shops are being phased out. (become less and less) The tired soldiers plodded across the muddy fields. (slow, heavy walking) The angry mob plundered the neighbourhood shops. (loot) She knows what to do. Sheā€™s so poised. (well-balanced) Traditions should be handed down to posterity. (the oncoming generations) This is a potent medicine. (strong, effective) Ours is a precarious existence. (uncertain) ā€œWhat you did is without precedent.ā€ (never to have happened before) His heavy drinking precipitated his death. (hastened) He tends to procrastinate all the time. (postpone, put sth off) I donā€™t profess to be an expert. (claim) Animals donā€™t proliferate in zoos. (multiply (fig.)) Drug abuse has propagated through the ages. (continued to multiply) To become a fashion model, you have to have the required proportions. (analogy) My salary is not proportionate to the amount of work that I do. (equivalent to) He was the shop proprietor. (owner of) Heā€™s a prospective customer of ours. (likely, probable) Despite difficulties, he pulled it off and passed the exam. (managed to accomplish a difficult task) ā€œYouā€™re pulling my leg of course.ā€ (making fun of) ā€œPull out here. I want to get off.ā€ (stop the car) The operation was difficult but he pulled through. (survived) ā€œHeā€™s in the cemetery, pushing up daisies. (dead) R The man has a radiant personality. (shiny (fig.)) He rambled on about this and that. (spoke incoherently, went off the subject) Gypsies ramble on and on.(drift from place to place) What a rash thing to do. (thoughtless) ā€œThe baby has come out in a rash, again.ā€ (allergic reaction with red spots on oneā€™s skin) His inviting her to dinner was met with a cold rebuff. (rejection) The teacher rebuked him for his inconsistence. (told him off, reprimanded) Parliament is having its summer recess. (a pause of activity)
  • 8. Having sent him flowers, he reciprocated by sending her a bunch of roses. (responded in the same way, returned a favor) At the sight of the snake, he recoiled. (retreated, stepped back) He has fully recuperated and is back at work. (got over an illness) ā€œIā€™ve had this recurring dream.ā€ (happening repeatedly) When the business folded, 300 workers were made redundant. (lost their job) Keep it steady. Donā€™t regress. (step back) He regulated the volume of the stereo. (adjusted) Prison sentences are supposed to help rehabilitate offenders. (get them back to society as law-abiding citizens) Vitamins reinforce oneā€™s organism. (strengthen) His colleagues demanded that he be reinstated. (restored to a former position) Being remorseful, he apologized for his rude behavior. (regretful) The accident rendered him unable to work. (made) Due to public outcry, the government repealed the law. (took it back, withdrew) This lotion repels mosquitoes. (pushes back) The shop replenished its stock. (refilled) He reposed in the armchair and started reading. (rested) It is a reputable university. (having a good reputation) Drink the coffee but not its residue. (what stays at the bottom) Thanks to his resilience, he was back at work in no time. (ability to recover quickly, made a speedy recovery) He made a firm resolution to quit smoking. (decision) When all else failed, he resorted to calling the police. (sought help from, used as his last option) The resurrection of Christ. (rise from the grave) His memory retains even the smallest details. (keeps) He retaliated by sending an anonymous letter to her husband. (paid ill-treatment with ill-treatment) ā€˜I asked how he was doing.ā€™ ā€˜Fineā€™, he retorted. (answered back) I went to the police station to retrieve my stolen wallet. (get it back, reclaim) He reverted to smoking after having quit for 10 years. (restarted an old habit) I am aware of his revulsion at insects. (aversion, strong dislike) Thereā€™s rivalry between these two companies. (competition) ā€œI wouldnā€™t rule out his getting the job.ā€ (reject the possibility of) ā€œI ran into an old friend, yesterday.ā€ (came across) My dog was run over by a car. (knocked down) S The film star had a face lifting to restore her sagged cheeks. (hanging loose) The Titanic couldnā€™t have been salvaged. (rescued) He had to be given sanctuary from the cold outside. (shelter, asylum) The market is saturated with clothes shops. (full of) He scanned the candidates one by one. (examined closely) Girls in beauty contests are scantily-dressed. (wear few clothes) Heā€™s got a scarred face. (thereā€™s a deep cut on his skin) I passed by a scented garden (perfumed) Caesarā€™s enemies schemed against him. (conspired against him) Being rich, she was scornful of the poor. ( contemptuous of) He has no scruples about stealing from anyone he can. (having a guilty conscience) He seemed to be a gentleman but I saw through him. (understood the real person behind the mask) In U.S. blacks used to be segregated from whites. (kept apart) Iā€™m trying not to cry but itā€™s a very sentimental play. (involving feelings, emotions) He set about drawing plans for the new mall. (started serious work)
  • 9. Winter has set in. (started and is likely to continue) I set off at 8.00 this morning. (started my day) His winning the lottery was sheer luck. (complete) He shuddered at the thought of the criminal. (trembled due to fear) People shun the house as it is supposed to be hunted. (avoid, steer clear of) ā€œSuch behavior!ā€ ā€œWhat does it signify?ā€ (declare, symbolize) The hot, summer weather made him feel sluggish. (lazy, inactive) He couldnā€™t breathe in the smothering smoke from the burning house. (suffocating) You should snap up golden opportunities. (seize) A splinter got into his finger while chopping wood for the fireplace.( tiny piece of wood) We had a dancing spree till 3.00 last night. (party) Being heavily drunk, he staggered. (walked unsteadily) The floor was full of coffee stains. ( dirty marks on its surface) Heā€™s a person with steadfast beliefs. (steady, stable) ā€œThough I tried to dissuade him, he stack to his guns. (defended his opinion) A piece of apple stack in his throat and stifled him. (suffocated) He is a man of a stout organism. (strong, enduring) ā€œIā€™m under lots of strain these days.ā€ (pressure) ā€œI was stranded on a desert island.ā€ (helpless, couldnā€™t leave the island) Make strenuous efforts to pass the exam. (intense) The doctor advised me to keep the stress and the strife out of my life. (conflict) He always strived for perfection. (tried his hardest) Being so stuck up she made no friends in her life. (terrible snob, conceited) He stumbled on a stone and fell down. (tripped over) He stumbled upon the solution to the problem. (discovered by chance (also: hit upon) I was stunned at what the circus acrobats could do. (was greatly surprised) A sturdy young man entered the room. (well-built) The doctors kept him subdued due to his being dangerous. (sedated) To make him confess, they subjected him to torture. (made him undergo an ordeal) The submarine submerged to avoid the enemy attack. (went under water) A supervisor keeps an eye on his subordinates. (people of a lower rank, position) ā€œWait till the scandal subsides.ā€™ā€™ (becomes more quiet) The team won 3 matches in succession. (in a row) On the way to hospital, the man succumbed to his injuries. (gave in to) There were sundry people at the party. (several people all different from each other) The U.S. used to give superfluous wheat to the U.S.S.R. (in excess, unnecessary) Canderel pills supersede sugar. (replace) ā€œYou shouldnā€™t suppress the facts/the truth.ā€ (hide, keep under control) Stockbrokers try to surmise the price of shares. (guess, speculate) The unscrupulous salesman swindled the old couple out of their saving. (deceived) T He took going to the doctor in his stride. (considered it as a normal part of his life) When things go wrong, the manager takes it out on the employees. (vents his anger/nerves on the employees) It was plain to see that the lock had been tampered with. (somebody had tried to break in ) With the passage of time the silver candles had become tarnished. (faded) That was a tedious task. (boring, dull) ā€œWait for the snow to thaw and then go out. (melt) Sheā€™s such a thrifty old lady. (manages her finances very well) There was a throng of people. (a crowd of people) She thwarted her sisterā€™s efforts to sell the house. (prevented her sister selling the house)
  • 10. Sheā€™s a timid, young girl. (shy) That was a transient phase in my life. (temporary) Tears tricked down her cheeks. (rolled down) The problem was a trifle difficult. (a little) Letā€™s call it a truce and stop fighting. (an agreement to stop all war activities) I donā€™t have to twist your arm to make you do it.ā€ (persuade by exerting pressure on you) U That was the ultimate solution (final) There was a unanimous decision to stop negotiating. (consensus, general agreement) An uncouth peasant shouted at me. (rude, rough-mannered) The storm continued unmitigated. (unabated) Heā€™s got an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. (impossible to satisfy, insatiable) The upkeep of a building (maintenance) V He was a valiant warrior (brave) Whenever they play live, they come up with a variation of the song. (a slight change in, a different version of) He is a venerable old man. (deserving respect) Vengeance isnā€™t my cup of tea. (revenge) In the Olympics athletes vie with each other. (compete with) You canā€™t imagine how vindictive he can be. (revengeful, mean, nasty) W He put on the table a wad of banknotes (a pack of) The dog wagged its tail acknowledging his master. (waved its tail from side to side) ā€œTake a painkiller and your headache will wear off.ā€ (pass) Junk food is unwholesome. (unhealthy) ā€œIf I were you, Iā€™d take what he says with a grain of salt.ā€ (regard his words with skepticism, be hesitant to accept what he says) ā€œIf you forget to water them flowers wither.ā€ (turn yellow, lose their shape and finally die.) Withholding evidence is a serious offence. (hiding, not giving ,suppressing) Being under age, she couldnā€™t get married as her father withheld his consent. (wouldnā€™t agree to) That was a witty comment (clever, smart) The patient writhed in pain in his hospital bed. (had painful convulsions) Y She yielded to the chocolate cake even though she was on a diet. (gave in to, surrendered to, was unable to resist) Being abroad for so long, he began to yearn for his homeland. (want sth badly)