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the way we see it

PPM solutions for
IT Governance
The user perspective
the way we see it

PPM solutions for IT Governance
The user perspective

Tjie-Jau Man
Erwin Dunnink
Table of Contents

Foreword	                                        3

1	 	 PPM	–	Achieving	Governance	                 5

2	 	 Are	users	satisfied?	                      11

3	 	 Getting	the	max	out	of	PPM	                17

4	 	 About	the	Survey	–	Intention	and	Method	   19

Appendix	A	                                     23
the way we see it


Achieving goals through       Besides adopting various methodo­           the time to share their experiences
                              logies, such as PRINCE2 and MSP,            and opinions with us. Our report
projects and business         organisations also consider the imple­      offers value to the vendors of PPM
(improvement) program-        mentation of software tools to be an        solutions (some of the functions and
                              important enabler for the improve­          features of their solutions are barely
mes is popular.               ment of their project portfolio man­        used) as well as ideas on strategies
                              agement (PPM) performance.                  which user organisations might con­
Organisations operating                                                   sider when they seek to enable their
in various industry sectors   We define PPM as the discipline             PPM processes with a supporting
                              focusing on the strategic alignment,        solution.
strive to professionalise     prioritisation and governance of
the way in which they         initiatives, projects and programmes.       The survey was conducted by Erwin
                                                                          Dunnink (erwin.dunnink@capgemini.
manage these temporary        The purpose of this survey is to explore    com) and Tjie­Jau Man (tjie­
                              the views of leading organisations on, both from
endeavours.                   the use of PPM solutions as a means         Capgemini in the Netherlands.
                              to improve their (IT) Governance.
                              How are PPM solutions used? What            We hope this publication stimulates
                              business processes are being enabled        thoughtful discussions on the usage
                              by these tools? Are the users satisfied?    of PPM solutions.
                              What are the objectives of leading
                              organisations in implementing such          Utrecht, spring 2008
                              tools? What lessons can be learned
                              from these organisations?                   Rudolf Laane
                                                                          Vice President
                              The survey is based on responses from
                              32 organisations, from 5 countries, re­
                              presenting all major industry sectors. It
                              is the latest publication in Capgemini’s
                              Project Performance Improvement series,
                              which sets out our point of view on
                              project­based management. This user
                              survey is an excellent complement to
                              our 2005 solution study, in which we
                              created transparency in the market for
                              PPM solutions.

                              In order to assist organisations with
                              the professionalisation of their PPM
                              processes and the implementation of
                              supportive tools, Capgemini offers
                              skilled support through its global
                              network of Project Performance
                              Improvement (PPI) practices.

                              We would like to express our sincerest
                              thanks to all participants for taking
the way we see it

1 PPM - Achieving Governance

PPM asks the critical     After focusing on project efficiency, it             menting software solutions to improve
question: “Are we doing   is now time for organisations to step                their PPM processes. The figure below
                          beyond it and glance at the effective­               shows that between 2004 and 2007
the right things?”        ness of the projects they are undertak­              the number of PPM implementations
                          ing and adapt a governance approach                  at our respondents has grown rapidly
                          to the complete portfolio of projects.               (Figure 1). Although they are called
                          The impact of projects has become                    PPM solutions, they also provide func­
                          enormous over time and organisations                 tionalities in support of other IT
                          cannot afford to waste any of their                  Governance processes.
                          limited resources. This is the main
                          reason why organisations must no                     Based on our experience, we have
                          longer consider ‘if’ they should apply               chosen to focus on the following pro­
                          PPM but rather ‘when’ and, most im­                  cess areas in this survey, as they are
                          portantly, ‘how’ they should do so.                  the most relevant to project­based
                          PPM is about prioritising and facilitat­
                          ing all running projects/programmes                  n	 		Portfolio management
                          to maintain their effectiveness. In order            n	 		Programme management
                          to take these decisions, organisations               n	 		Project management

                          require information. Besides the col­                n	 		Resource management

                          lection of decision­critical informa­
                          tion, organisations also have to find
                          the means to manage it.

PPM is here to stay       In recent years, organisations have
                          begun to see the benefits of imple­

                           Figure 1: PPM software implementations


                                   % of respondents




                                                             before 2000   ’00 - ’03                ’04 - ’07
Only 19% of organisations                   Portfolio management                           The majority of the organisations do
use a PPM solution to                       Portfolio management concerns the              not use software tools to support their
                                            identification, selection, prioritisation,     portfolio management processes
support portfolio                           financing, monitoring and maintenance          (Figure 2). However, around 25% of
management                                  of the desired set of projects or pro­         the respondents cited portfolio man­
                                            grammes, in order to meet organisa­            agement as one of the process areas
                                            tional goals. It is about control of in­       which they wish to support with soft­
                                            vestments (i.e. projects/programmes)           ware in the near future. This reflects
                                            to gain maximum performance.                   the increasing awareness of the impor­
                                            Portfolio management is a cyclic itera­        tance of aligning projects and pro­
                                            tive process, comprising four steps:           grammes with the business strategy
                                                                                           and goals. In 2005, PPM solutions
                                            n	 		collect all relevant project or pro­      were found to show low functionality
                                                 gramme initiatives                        coverage1 scores for some portfolio
                                            n	 		analyse the various portfolio scenarios   management processes. The studied
                                            n	 		decide which scenario to favour and       solutions scored 60% and 40% for the
                                            n	 		effectuate the decisions by adapting      ‘analyse portfolio scenarios’ and ‘adapt
                                                 the portfolio.                            the portfolio’ processes respectively,
                                                                                           which was relatively low compared to
Increased awareness                           Figure 2: Usage of portfolio                 other portfolio management processes.
of Business Strategy                          management                                   This limited functionality support may
                                                                                           be one of the reasons why organisa­
alignment                                                                                  tions seem to be slow in adopting
                                                                                           portfolio management.

                                                                                           Programme management
                                                                        19%                On a lower abstraction level than
                                                                                           portfolio management, programme
                                                                                           management focuses on the realisation
                                                                                           of the business vision and strategy,
                                                       56%                    19%
                                                                                           involving significant business and IT
                                                                                           changes, multiple projects and services
                                                                                           across various business areas.
                                                                             6%            Adopting the processes defined in
                                                                                           Managing Successful Programs
                                                           Use PPM solution                (MSP)2, programme management
                                                           Use other tool(s)               comprises the following activities:
                                                           Use combination of
                                                           PPM and other tools             n	 		identifying a programme
                                                           Don’t use tools                 n	 		defining a programme
1 A functionality coverage score is the                                                    n	 		governing a programme
  percentage of functionalities covered
                                                                                           n	 		running a programme and
  by the studied solutions on average for
  specific processes.
                                            When looking at the complete project           n	 		closing a programme.

2 Managing Successful Programmes is an      portfolio of the respondents (20,764
  approach to programme management          projects), it is found that only 25%           In contrast to portfolio management,
  developed by the Office of Government     of the projects are governed as a port­        more than half of the participating
  Commerce (OGC) in the UK.                 folio using the PPM solution.                  organisations indicated that they use

 PPM solutions for IT Governance
the way we see it

their PPM solutions to support their       most of the studied solutions offered     More than half of the
programme management processes             the basic functionalities and more for    organisations use PPM
(Figure 3). The functionality coverage     project management. They scored par­
score of the solutions for programme       ticularly high for functionalities sup­   to support programme
management was 64%.                        porting the definition of projects and    management
                                           managing project capabilities (72.5%).
  Figure 3: Programme management
  support                                  As depicted in Figure 4, most orga­
                                           nisations use their PPM solutions to
                                           support their project execution man­
                                           agement processes.

                                            Figure 4: Project execution              70% use PPM to support
                                            management support                       project execution
          35%                                                                        management


         6%                                        10%

                Use PPM solution
                Use other tool(s)
                Use combination of
                PPM and other tools
                Don’t use tools

                                                         Use PPM solution
From a solutions point of view, pro­                     Use other tool(s)
grammes and projects are very much                       Use combination of
alike. It is therefore surprising to see                 PPM and other tools
                                                         Don’t use tools
that 35% still do not use PPM to sup­
port programme management.

Project management                         The most surprising aspect of Figure
Project management in this study           4 is that 10% of the organisations
covers the processes in the following      do not use their PPM solutions to
three process areas:                       support project execution processes.
                                           Further examination showed that or­
n	 	 Project execution management          ganisations within this 10% use PPM
n	 		Project cost management               to support portfolio management,
n	 		Control  alerts management           resource allocation management and
                                           project cost management processes.
These areas are part of the core compo­
nents of a typical PPM solution. The       Tracking the progress by expenditures
solutions study in 2005 showed that        and physical scope accomplishments
PPM cost management:                is also essential. Assessing the prog­     the most suitable resources to tasks
well supported, barely              ress allows the manager to adjust the      (within the constraints of availability).
                                    project approach and the environment       Recording personnel and administer­
used                                within which the project or programme      ing their competences were processes
                                    is being conducted.                        for which the PPM solutions scored
                                                                               relatively high (70.7% and 72.9%
                                    The highest functionality coverage         respectively). Organisations in the
                                    score was found in the project cost        Manufacturing sector appear to favour
                                    component of PPM solutions (76.6%).        PPM solutions most in supporting
                                    Nevertheless, a significant number of      these two processes. 60% of the re­
                                    organisations indicate that they are       spondents in this group indicated that
                                    using other tools (in combination          these two processes are supported by
                                    with their PPM solution) to support        their PPM solution. More than 30%
                                    this process area (Figure 5). This         of the organisations use other tools
                                    could be explained by the fact that        to manage their human resources. In
                                    integrations with financial systems        many cases an interface is realised
                                    are often realised to cover functional­    with an HRM solution.
                                    ities for project cost management pro­
                                    cesses.                                    Processes relating to the allocation of
                                                                               registered resources are well support­
                                     Figure 5: Project cost management         ed by solutions. On average, more
                                     support                                   than 60% of the organisations use
                                                                               PPM solutions to support their re­
                                                                               source allocation activities (Figure 6).

                                                                                Figure 6: Resource allocation
                                                  13%                           management support

                                            23%                     48%


                                                  16%                                6%

                                                  Use PPM solution                    16%                  62%
                                                  Use other tool(s)
                                                  Use combination of
                                                  PPM and other tools
                                                  Don’t use tools

                                                                                             Use PPM solution
                                                                                             Use other tool(s)
Over 30% use multiple               Resource management                                      Use combination of
                                    From a solutions point of view, the                      PPM and other tools
solutions for resource                                                                       Don’t use tools
                                    key is being able to register the infor­
management                          mation needed to allocate and assign

 PPM solutions for IT Governance
the way we see it

When combining the figures of the                                                                       The core PPM
2005 solutions study with the 2007                                                                      functionalities are
user survey, we can see that most
participating organisations use PPM                                                                     used extensively
solutions to support project execution,
resource allocation, project cost and
programme management. As for the
remaining four areas we investigated,
few organisations appear to use PPM
solutions to support them, despite
the broad coverage of functionalities

 Figure 7: Software support usage and functionality coverage

   Project execution mgmt

       Project cost mgmt

 Resource allocation mgmt

        Programme mgmt

          Resource mgmt

           Portfolio mgmt

    Control  alerts mgmt

        Knowledge mgmt

                            0%    10%     20%    30%     40%    50%     60%   70%     80%    90% 100%

                                 Use of PPM solution to support process area (2007 user survey)
                                 Functional coverage (2005 solutions study)

This figure shows that many functions
and features available in solutions are
not used by the respondents.

On the other hand, it is interesting
to note that 43% of the organisations
indicate that they use other tools to
complement the functionalities of the
main PPM solutions.
the way we see it

2 Are users satisfied?

Top 3 PPM implementation   An important aspect in user satisfac­                     The respondents were also asked
objectives:                tion is the extent to which the objec­                    about the benefits of using PPM
                           tives of implementing a PPM solution                      solutions in terms of cost reduction.
 Planning  Control
                           were met after the implementation.                        About half of the respondents an­
n				                                                                                swered this question, and it emerged
                           When the organisations were asked                         that more than 90% of them did not
                           to state the three most important                         achieve any reduction in costs. In
                           objectives for implementing their                         addition, none of the respondents
                           PPM solutions, most of them selected                      provided precise figures. This might
                           ‘Planning  control’, ‘Standardisation’                   be due to the fact that IT investments
                           and ‘Transparency’. This corresponds                      are one of the most difficult types of
                           to a trend mentioned in 2005, where­                      investment in which to determine the
                           by organisations seek enterprise­wide                     payoff. One important reason for this
                           project transparency and control.                         is that IT investments often entail sig­
                           Aside from the ‘Other’ category, the                      nificant changes in business processes
                           achievements of these three objectives                    and communications between depart­
                           are also the highest compared to other                    ments and employees. Expressing the
                           objectives, with average percentages                      value and benefits of these changes in
                           around sixty. This category includes                      monetary terms has proved to be very
                           ‘gaining insight into supply and de­                      difficult for organisations in general.
Cost reduction is not      mand’, ‘replacing a dysfunctional solu­                   Looking at Figure 8, we see that cost
                           tion’ and ‘integrating the back­office                    reduction was not even one of the
the main reason for        teams in India with the front­offices                    most important reasons for imple­
implementing PPM           early visibility of potential overruns’.                  menting a PPM solution.

                            Figure 8: Objectives of PPM implementations and achievement after implementation

                               Planning  Control


                                  Cost reduction



                                  Quality Control

                                                    0%    10%     20%    30%     40%    50%       60%   70%   80%   90% 100%

                                                         % respondents selecting this objective
                                                         % achieved after software implementation

PPM solutions contribute             Of course, there were good reasons                                   the PPM solution itself (Figure 9). This
to organisational maturity           for the organisations to implement a                                 may explain why organisations use a
                                     PPM solution, although the benefits                                  combination of the PPM solution and
                                     were not fully quantifiable. When                                    other tools to support their PM pro­
                                     considering the professionalisation of                               cesses. The complementary tools men­
                                     project management, the concept of                                   tioned most often are Microsoft Excel
                                     maturity is often cited as an important                              and home­grown applications.
                                     benefit. The agenda of every project­
                                     based organisation includes the achieve­                             Software quality
                                     ment of higher maturity in its project                               The respondents in the user survey
                                     management processes and skills.                                     were asked to indicate the software
                                     This aim is based on the promise that                                quality as they perceive it. Three
                                     higher maturity leads to better busi­                                characteristics of software quality
                                     ness performance. In this survey,                                    were covered in the survey:
                                     respondents were asked subjectively
                                     whether they perceived any develop­                                  n	 		Functionality
                                     ments regarding maturity after the im­                                    Does the solution provide the
                                     plementation, and the majority (69%)                                      desired functionalities? Does it
                                     indicated that the use of a PPM solu­                                     perform in accordance with user
                                     tion does contribute to achieving a                                       expectations? Does it adhere to
                                     higher project management maturity                                        application standards?
                                     level. An important reason could be                                  n	 		Usability

                                     that organisations which use a PPM                                        Is it easy to learn to use the solu­
                                     solution usually have stricter gover­                                     tion? Is it easy to operate? Is it clear
                                     nance in place for projects.                                              to the user what he/she can do with
Most organisations                   Overall, respondents are satisfied with                              n	 		Maintainability

are satisfied with PPM               the support provided by the software                                      Is it easy to identify causes of fail­
                                     they are using. The respondents rate                                      ures? Is it easy to modify or clear
solutions                            their satisfaction with tools other than                                  faults? Is it easy to (re)establish its
                                     their PPM solution higher than with                                       running status?

                                      Figure 9: General satisfaction - PPM solutions and other tools


                                               % of respondents




                                                                        Very dissatisfied                                      Very satisfied

                                                                           PPM solution     Other tools

12 PPM solutions for IT Governance
the way we see it

Each respondent was asked to indicate                                   Usability and
the extent to which he/she agreed with
the statements underlying these three
aspects.                                                                need to be improved

 Figure 10: ‘PPM solutions do well in terms of...’




                     0%           20%          40%   60%   80%   100%

                          Agree     Disagree

After aggregating the results, we found
that most respondents agree that PPM
solutions fare quite well in terms of
the functionality aspect. When dis­
cussing software usability, opinions
are divided equally. Finally, it appears
that with regard to the maintainability
of PPM solutions, user organisations
believe there is a lot of room for im­
provement (Figure 10). The PPM so­
lutions have very low scores for main­
tainability. Since we have investigated
off­the­shelf solutions, the respon­
dents are partly dependent on the
vendors’ ability to solve deficiencies
in the software which affect maintain­
ability. This is because there is a de­
pendency between this aspect of soft­
ware quality and solution vendors.

Two interesting findings in this part
are the 20% of respondents stating
that their solutions do not offer the
desired functionalities and an even
higher percentage of respondents

Additional functionalities           indicating that it is not performing in                                             view of a number of the respondents
are needed                           accordance with users’ expectations. It                                             on PPM solutions. Despite the possi­
                                     is therefore not surprising that 59% of                                             bility of configuring PPM solutions to
                                     the respondents give positive answers                                               fit the situation within organisations
                                     concerning the need for additional                                                  as far as possible, more than 90% of
                                     functionality. This score seems to                                                  the respondents indicate that there are
                                     point to a well­known ‘disadvantage’                                                implemented functionalities which
                                     of off­the­shelf software: it will never                                            they do not use. There is a need for
                                     be completely aligned with the needs                                                greater adaptability in existing solu­
                                     and wishes of every individual organi­                                              tions. One way to do this is by devel­
                                     sation.                                                                             oping a ‘light’ version of a PPM solu­
                                                                                                                         tion, as was requested by one of the
Complexity undermines                The purpose of introducing PPM solu­                                                respondents.
maintainability                      tions is to provide an integrated soft­
                                     ware solution for the different yet                                                 The implementation process
                                     related processes underlying project­                                               Most of the respondents indicated
                                     based management. A certain degree                                                  that achieving the objectives is to a
                                     of complexity in these solutions is                                                 large extent related to how the imple­
                                     therefore inevitable. However, not all                                              mentation of the software was han­
                                     organisations are ready or find it nec­                                             dled. An interesting coherence was
                                     essary to implement the full­blown                                                  found when we examined the rela­
                                     offering of functionalities embodied                                                tionship between the scores given
                                     by PPM solutions. The well­known                                                    for the support provided after imple­
                                     phrase ‘Less is More’ appears to be ap­                                             mentation and satisfaction with the
                                     propriate to describe the present­day                                               software in general.

                                      Figure 11: Importance of support after implementation
                                               Implementation support rating

                                                                                           Very dissatisfied                              Very satisfied
                                                                                                               Software satisfaction

14 PPM solutions for IT Governance
the way we see it

A significant, positive correlation was                                                Do not underestimate the
also found between the rating given for                                                implementation process
the quality of support after implemen­
tation and the contribution of the soft­
ware to achieving the objectives of the
implementation. This clearly shows
that managing the organisational
change is an important factor for the
success of the implementation. The
respondents also indicated that support
by a third party is seen as highly valu­
able in this regard (Figure 12).

 Figure 12: Implementation satisfaction - by support party

                            Implementation         Organisational      Support after
                               support                change          implementation

                           By software suppplier     By third party   By both

the way we see it

3 Getting the max out of PPM

The findings show a       Most users do not require broader             n	 		Success of the implementation
                          functionality but are looking for an               depends to a large extent on sup­
gap between users’        improvement in existing functionality              port of end­users during and after
expectations of PPM       and usability. The users’ message to               implementation.
                          the vendors is clear: they must make          n	 		Implementing a PPM solution

solutions and the func-   sure that:                                         improves the PPM maturity of
                          n	 		user­friendliness is improved by              an organisation.
tionality offered. This        offering user­focused functionality;
creates an opportunity    n	 		clients must be able to use modules      PPM is a business area that is impor­
                               without having to implement the          tant in today’s business. Many efforts
to bridge this gap over        full­blown functionality;                are managed in a project­based way.
the next few years.       n	 		project management methods are           Alignment of approaches, setting up
                               clearly supported by offering solu­      a supporting organisation and imple­
                               tions with the appropriate termino­      menting a solution are equally impor­
                               logy on the screens;                     tant to enable an organisation to im­
                          n	 		core functionality must be suppor­       prove on its project­based management.
                               ted in greater depth before additio­
                               nal (non­core) functionality is con­     This survey again stresses the impor­
                               sidered. The respondents indicated       tance of a well thought­out approach
                               that they primarily use the core         to implementing PPM solutions.
                               functionality and are not (yet)          The solutions available offer a broad
                               interested in other functionality.       range of functionality. The challenge
                                                                        in implementation projects is how to
                          Where the vendors have one item to            make the best use of the possibilities
                          focus on, i.e. functionality, the user        offered. A combined approach of
                          survey presents a more varied picture         processes, organisation, people and a
                          of users. The main topics are:                supporting PPM solution are essential
                          n	 		Not all functional areas are imple­      in this regard.
                               mented, although the functionality
                               is present. This offers a big opportu­
                               nity for users to extend the existing
                               implementation focused on project
                               and cost management and resource
                               allocation to other adjacent areas
                               such as portfolio management and
                               resource management. In this way
                               additional benefits will be achieved.
                          n	 		PPM implementation offers broader

                               benefits than anticipated by many
                               users. The main goals defined prior
                               to implementation are planning 
                               control, transparency and standar­
                               disation. In most cases these three
                               goals are attained, together with
                               goals in other areas such as cost
                               reduction, quality and control and

the way we see it

4 About the Survey - Intention and

                         When conducting a study of the use                Telco  Consulting

                         of PPM solutions, it is important to              This group consists of telecommu­
                         explore first the backgrounds of the              nications organisations and those
                         user organisations. We therefore col­             operating in the consultancy sector.
                         lected some key figures relating to the
                         characteristics of projects and the allo­     Some of the results in this report are
                         cation of resources at the participating      presented on the basis of these four
                         organisations.                                sectors. The distribution of respon­
                                                                       dents among these industry sectors is
                         The participants in the user survey are       shown below (Figure 13).
                         classified into four industry sectors.
                         These are:                                    We trust the information presented in
                         n	 		Public services                          this paper will provide effective sup­
                              This group comprises governmental        port for organisations planning to im­
                              organisations such as tax authorities,   plement a PPM solution from scratch
                              ministries and local government.         or those who are planning to optimise
                         n	 		Manufacturing                            the implementation and extend the
                              Manufacturing companies and retail       support of the solution to other pro­
                              companies belong to this group.          cesses.
                         n	 		Financial services

                              This group covers banks and insu­        This report contains the results of the
                              rance companies.                         user survey, which was based on an
                                                                       online questionnaire containing 51
                          Figure 13: Number of respondents by          questions. It provides insights into the
                          industry                                     satisfaction with and use of PPM solu­
                                                                       tions. A total of 32 user organisations
                                                                       (one participant each) were willing to
                                                                       share their experiences.

400 new projects are                   13%
                                                                       On average, the participating organi­
initiated each year on                                                 sations initiate around 400 projects
                                                           25%         each year. However, when looking at
average                                                                the individual amounts, we observe
                                                                       large differences, with one organisa­
                                                                       tion initiating only five projects and
                                                                       another up to 2,500 projects per year.

                                         Public Services
                                         Financial Services
                                         Telco  Consulting

650 active projects on               In addition to the number of projects
average                              initiated each year, it is also interest­
                                     ing to consider the number of projects
                                     that are active at a certain moment in
                                     time. The total amounts to 20,764,
                                     which is on average around 650 pro­
                                     jects per respondent. This number in­
                                     cludes the projects which continue for
                                     more than one year.

Most projects are                    A closer examination of the project
completed within a year              duration shows that in all four sectors
                                     the majority of projects are completed
                                     within a year (Figure 14). This is not
                                     surprising, since a shorter duration
                                     makes projects more manageable.
                                     It also reflects a trend we have identi­
                                     fied among our clients, who wish to
                                     define projects with clear objectives to
                                     be achieved in a short time period in
                                     order to optimise the manageability of

                                      Figure 14: Average project duration by industry

                                              Public Services

                                           Financial Services

                                           Telco  Consulting


                                                            0%           20%        40%           60%   80%   100%
                                                                                      % of projects

                                                                 Less than 1 year   More than 1 year

20 PPM solutions for IT Governance
the way we see it

The participating organisations were                                           40% of resources work
                                           Figure 15: Average number of
asked to provide the percentages                                               part-time in projects
                                           employees in a project
of employees working part­time in
projects. It emerged that fewer than
50% of employees are allocated part­
time to projects in all four sectors.
With regard to the number of emplo­                                13%         Project team consists
yees usually participating in a project,           13%
                                                                               most often of 5-25
the Public Services and Telco 
Consulting sectors are the two sectors                                         resources
in which organisations allocate more                                     29%
than fifty employees to a project. On
average, most of the organisations al­               39%

locate between five and 25 employees
to a project (Figure 15).

                                                         5 - 10
                                                         10 - 25
                                                         25 - 50

the way we see it

Appendix A

             About Capgemini PPI                         n	 		PPI Solutions is focuses on
             Capgemini’s Project Performance                  optimising the Project Portfolio
             Improvement (PPI) practices are                  Management (PPM) processes in
             globally present in the Netherlands,             an organisation with the support
             Belgium, Germany, Austria, Sweden,               of the right tools. PPI Solutions has
             Poland, Spain, France, the UK, India             thorough implementation know­
             and the US. These practices serve                ledge of the PPM solutions available
             project­based organisations with the             in the market.
             professionalisation of executing and        n	 		PPI Global Services Centre is a

             governing projects, programmes and               highly industrialised delivery centre
             portfolios. PPI is a full service provid­        for PPM­application management
             er in this market space: Consulting,             and PPM reports and interface
             Technology, Outsourcing.                         development.

             The main business issue addressed           For more information on PPI see
             by PPI involves organisations that are (in
             not in control of the execution of their    Dutch)
             projects, programmes and portfolios.
             n	 		PPI Consulting offers services such

                  as project managers’ assessments,
                  organisation assessments (OPM3,
                  CMMI), setting up or running
                  Project Management Offices, imple­
                  menting PRINCE2, MSP and Project
                  Portfolio management (PPM).

About Capgemini

                                                      Capgemini, one of the         and through a global delivery model
                                                     world’s foremost providers     called Rightshore®, which aims to offer
                                      of consulting, technology and outsourc-       the right resources in the right location
                                      ing services, enables its clients to trans-   at competitive cost. Present in 35 coun-
                                      form and perform through technologies.        tries, Capgemini reported 2006 global
                                      Capgemini provides its clients with           revenues of EUR 7.7 billion and employs
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                                      through a unique way of working               More information is available at
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                                     Copyright © 2008 Capgemini. No part of this document may be modified, deleted or
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24 PPM solutions for IT Governance

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Ppm Solutions For It Governance, The User Perspective

  • 1. the way we see it PPM solutions for IT Governance The user perspective
  • 2.
  • 3. the way we see it PPM solutions for IT Governance The user perspective Tjie-Jau Man Erwin Dunnink
  • 4. Table of Contents Foreword 3 1 PPM – Achieving Governance 5 2 Are users satisfied? 11 3 Getting the max out of PPM 17 4 About the Survey – Intention and Method 19 Appendix A 23
  • 5. the way we see it Foreword Achieving goals through Besides adopting various methodo­ the time to share their experiences logies, such as PRINCE2 and MSP, and opinions with us. Our report projects and business organisations also consider the imple­ offers value to the vendors of PPM (improvement) program- mentation of software tools to be an solutions (some of the functions and important enabler for the improve­ features of their solutions are barely mes is popular. ment of their project portfolio man­ used) as well as ideas on strategies agement (PPM) performance. which user organisations might con­ Organisations operating sider when they seek to enable their in various industry sectors We define PPM as the discipline PPM processes with a supporting focusing on the strategic alignment, solution. strive to professionalise prioritisation and governance of the way in which they initiatives, projects and programmes. The survey was conducted by Erwin Dunnink (erwin.dunnink@capgemini. manage these temporary The purpose of this survey is to explore com) and Tjie­Jau Man (tjie­ the views of leading organisations on, both from endeavours. the use of PPM solutions as a means Capgemini in the Netherlands. to improve their (IT) Governance. How are PPM solutions used? What We hope this publication stimulates business processes are being enabled thoughtful discussions on the usage by these tools? Are the users satisfied? of PPM solutions. What are the objectives of leading organisations in implementing such Utrecht, spring 2008 tools? What lessons can be learned from these organisations? Rudolf Laane Vice President The survey is based on responses from 32 organisations, from 5 countries, re­ presenting all major industry sectors. It is the latest publication in Capgemini’s Project Performance Improvement series, which sets out our point of view on project­based management. This user survey is an excellent complement to our 2005 solution study, in which we created transparency in the market for PPM solutions. In order to assist organisations with the professionalisation of their PPM processes and the implementation of supportive tools, Capgemini offers skilled support through its global network of Project Performance Improvement (PPI) practices. We would like to express our sincerest thanks to all participants for taking
  • 6.
  • 7. the way we see it 1 PPM - Achieving Governance PPM asks the critical After focusing on project efficiency, it menting software solutions to improve question: “Are we doing is now time for organisations to step their PPM processes. The figure below beyond it and glance at the effective­ shows that between 2004 and 2007 the right things?” ness of the projects they are undertak­ the number of PPM implementations ing and adapt a governance approach at our respondents has grown rapidly to the complete portfolio of projects. (Figure 1). Although they are called The impact of projects has become PPM solutions, they also provide func­ enormous over time and organisations tionalities in support of other IT cannot afford to waste any of their Governance processes. limited resources. This is the main reason why organisations must no Based on our experience, we have longer consider ‘if’ they should apply chosen to focus on the following pro­ PPM but rather ‘when’ and, most im­ cess areas in this survey, as they are portantly, ‘how’ they should do so. the most relevant to project­based management: PPM is about prioritising and facilitat­ ing all running projects/programmes n Portfolio management to maintain their effectiveness. In order n Programme management to take these decisions, organisations n Project management require information. Besides the col­ n Resource management lection of decision­critical informa­ tion, organisations also have to find the means to manage it. PPM is here to stay In recent years, organisations have begun to see the benefits of imple­ Figure 1: PPM software implementations 100% 80% % of respondents 60% 40% 20% 0% before 2000 ’00 - ’03 ’04 - ’07
  • 8. Only 19% of organisations Portfolio management The majority of the organisations do use a PPM solution to Portfolio management concerns the not use software tools to support their identification, selection, prioritisation, portfolio management processes support portfolio financing, monitoring and maintenance (Figure 2). However, around 25% of management of the desired set of projects or pro­ the respondents cited portfolio man­ grammes, in order to meet organisa­ agement as one of the process areas tional goals. It is about control of in­ which they wish to support with soft­ vestments (i.e. projects/programmes) ware in the near future. This reflects to gain maximum performance. the increasing awareness of the impor­ Portfolio management is a cyclic itera­ tance of aligning projects and pro­ tive process, comprising four steps: grammes with the business strategy and goals. In 2005, PPM solutions n collect all relevant project or pro­ were found to show low functionality gramme initiatives coverage1 scores for some portfolio n analyse the various portfolio scenarios management processes. The studied n decide which scenario to favour and solutions scored 60% and 40% for the n effectuate the decisions by adapting ‘analyse portfolio scenarios’ and ‘adapt the portfolio. the portfolio’ processes respectively, which was relatively low compared to Increased awareness Figure 2: Usage of portfolio other portfolio management processes. of Business Strategy management This limited functionality support may be one of the reasons why organisa­ alignment tions seem to be slow in adopting portfolio management. Programme management 19% On a lower abstraction level than portfolio management, programme management focuses on the realisation of the business vision and strategy, 56% 19% involving significant business and IT changes, multiple projects and services across various business areas. 6% Adopting the processes defined in Managing Successful Programs Use PPM solution (MSP)2, programme management Use other tool(s) comprises the following activities: Use combination of PPM and other tools n identifying a programme Don’t use tools n defining a programme 1 A functionality coverage score is the n governing a programme percentage of functionalities covered n running a programme and by the studied solutions on average for specific processes. When looking at the complete project n closing a programme. 2 Managing Successful Programmes is an portfolio of the respondents (20,764 approach to programme management projects), it is found that only 25% In contrast to portfolio management, developed by the Office of Government of the projects are governed as a port­ more than half of the participating Commerce (OGC) in the UK. folio using the PPM solution. organisations indicated that they use PPM solutions for IT Governance
  • 9. the way we see it their PPM solutions to support their most of the studied solutions offered More than half of the programme management processes the basic functionalities and more for organisations use PPM (Figure 3). The functionality coverage project management. They scored par­ score of the solutions for programme ticularly high for functionalities sup­ to support programme management was 64%. porting the definition of projects and management managing project capabilities (72.5%). Figure 3: Programme management support As depicted in Figure 4, most orga­ nisations use their PPM solutions to support their project execution man­ agement processes. Figure 4: Project execution 70% use PPM to support management support project execution 35% management 53% 10% 6% 10% 6% 10% Use PPM solution Use other tool(s) 70% Use combination of PPM and other tools Don’t use tools Use PPM solution From a solutions point of view, pro­ Use other tool(s) grammes and projects are very much Use combination of alike. It is therefore surprising to see PPM and other tools Don’t use tools that 35% still do not use PPM to sup­ port programme management. Project management The most surprising aspect of Figure Project management in this study 4 is that 10% of the organisations covers the processes in the following do not use their PPM solutions to three process areas: support project execution processes. Further examination showed that or­ n Project execution management ganisations within this 10% use PPM n Project cost management to support portfolio management, n Control alerts management resource allocation management and project cost management processes. These areas are part of the core compo­ nents of a typical PPM solution. The Tracking the progress by expenditures solutions study in 2005 showed that and physical scope accomplishments
  • 10. PPM cost management: is also essential. Assessing the prog­ the most suitable resources to tasks well supported, barely ress allows the manager to adjust the (within the constraints of availability). project approach and the environment Recording personnel and administer­ used within which the project or programme ing their competences were processes is being conducted. for which the PPM solutions scored relatively high (70.7% and 72.9% The highest functionality coverage respectively). Organisations in the score was found in the project cost Manufacturing sector appear to favour component of PPM solutions (76.6%). PPM solutions most in supporting Nevertheless, a significant number of these two processes. 60% of the re­ organisations indicate that they are spondents in this group indicated that using other tools (in combination these two processes are supported by with their PPM solution) to support their PPM solution. More than 30% this process area (Figure 5). This of the organisations use other tools could be explained by the fact that to manage their human resources. In integrations with financial systems many cases an interface is realised are often realised to cover functional­ with an HRM solution. ities for project cost management pro­ cesses. Processes relating to the allocation of registered resources are well support­ Figure 5: Project cost management ed by solutions. On average, more support than 60% of the organisations use PPM solutions to support their re­ source allocation activities (Figure 6). Figure 6: Resource allocation 13% management support 23% 48% 16% 16% 6% Use PPM solution 16% 62% Use other tool(s) Use combination of PPM and other tools Don’t use tools Use PPM solution Use other tool(s) Over 30% use multiple Resource management Use combination of From a solutions point of view, the PPM and other tools solutions for resource Don’t use tools key is being able to register the infor­ management mation needed to allocate and assign PPM solutions for IT Governance
  • 11. the way we see it When combining the figures of the The core PPM 2005 solutions study with the 2007 functionalities are user survey, we can see that most participating organisations use PPM used extensively solutions to support project execution, resource allocation, project cost and programme management. As for the remaining four areas we investigated, few organisations appear to use PPM solutions to support them, despite the broad coverage of functionalities offered. Figure 7: Software support usage and functionality coverage Project execution mgmt Project cost mgmt Resource allocation mgmt Programme mgmt Resource mgmt Portfolio mgmt Control alerts mgmt Knowledge mgmt 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Use of PPM solution to support process area (2007 user survey) Functional coverage (2005 solutions study) This figure shows that many functions and features available in solutions are not used by the respondents. On the other hand, it is interesting to note that 43% of the organisations indicate that they use other tools to complement the functionalities of the main PPM solutions.
  • 12.
  • 13. the way we see it 2 Are users satisfied? Top 3 PPM implementation An important aspect in user satisfac­ The respondents were also asked objectives: tion is the extent to which the objec­ about the benefits of using PPM tives of implementing a PPM solution solutions in terms of cost reduction. Planning Control n were met after the implementation. About half of the respondents an­ Standardisation n swered this question, and it emerged Transparency n When the organisations were asked that more than 90% of them did not to state the three most important achieve any reduction in costs. In objectives for implementing their addition, none of the respondents PPM solutions, most of them selected provided precise figures. This might ‘Planning control’, ‘Standardisation’ be due to the fact that IT investments and ‘Transparency’. This corresponds are one of the most difficult types of to a trend mentioned in 2005, where­ investment in which to determine the by organisations seek enterprise­wide payoff. One important reason for this project transparency and control. is that IT investments often entail sig­ Aside from the ‘Other’ category, the nificant changes in business processes achievements of these three objectives and communications between depart­ are also the highest compared to other ments and employees. Expressing the objectives, with average percentages value and benefits of these changes in around sixty. This category includes monetary terms has proved to be very ‘gaining insight into supply and de­ difficult for organisations in general. Cost reduction is not mand’, ‘replacing a dysfunctional solu­ Looking at Figure 8, we see that cost tion’ and ‘integrating the back­office reduction was not even one of the the main reason for teams in India with the front­offices most important reasons for imple­ implementing PPM early visibility of potential overruns’. menting a PPM solution. Figure 8: Objectives of PPM implementations and achievement after implementation Planning Control Transparency Standardisation Coordination Communication Cost reduction Time-to-market Other Quality Control 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% % respondents selecting this objective % achieved after software implementation 11
  • 14. PPM solutions contribute Of course, there were good reasons the PPM solution itself (Figure 9). This to organisational maturity for the organisations to implement a may explain why organisations use a PPM solution, although the benefits combination of the PPM solution and were not fully quantifiable. When other tools to support their PM pro­ considering the professionalisation of cesses. The complementary tools men­ project management, the concept of tioned most often are Microsoft Excel maturity is often cited as an important and home­grown applications. benefit. The agenda of every project­ based organisation includes the achieve­ Software quality ment of higher maturity in its project The respondents in the user survey management processes and skills. were asked to indicate the software This aim is based on the promise that quality as they perceive it. Three higher maturity leads to better busi­ characteristics of software quality ness performance. In this survey, were covered in the survey: respondents were asked subjectively whether they perceived any develop­ n Functionality ments regarding maturity after the im­ Does the solution provide the plementation, and the majority (69%) desired functionalities? Does it indicated that the use of a PPM solu­ perform in accordance with user tion does contribute to achieving a expectations? Does it adhere to higher project management maturity application standards? level. An important reason could be n Usability that organisations which use a PPM Is it easy to learn to use the solu­ solution usually have stricter gover­ tion? Is it easy to operate? Is it clear nance in place for projects. to the user what he/she can do with it? Most organisations Overall, respondents are satisfied with n Maintainability are satisfied with PPM the support provided by the software Is it easy to identify causes of fail­ they are using. The respondents rate ures? Is it easy to modify or clear solutions their satisfaction with tools other than faults? Is it easy to (re)establish its their PPM solution higher than with running status? Figure 9: General satisfaction - PPM solutions and other tools 50% 40% % of respondents 30% 20% 10% 0% Very dissatisfied Very satisfied PPM solution Other tools 12 PPM solutions for IT Governance
  • 15. the way we see it Each respondent was asked to indicate Usability and the extent to which he/she agreed with maintainability the statements underlying these three aspects. need to be improved Figure 10: ‘PPM solutions do well in terms of...’ Functionality Usability Maintainability 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Agree Disagree After aggregating the results, we found that most respondents agree that PPM solutions fare quite well in terms of the functionality aspect. When dis­ cussing software usability, opinions are divided equally. Finally, it appears that with regard to the maintainability of PPM solutions, user organisations believe there is a lot of room for im­ provement (Figure 10). The PPM so­ lutions have very low scores for main­ tainability. Since we have investigated off­the­shelf solutions, the respon­ dents are partly dependent on the vendors’ ability to solve deficiencies in the software which affect maintain­ ability. This is because there is a de­ pendency between this aspect of soft­ ware quality and solution vendors. Two interesting findings in this part are the 20% of respondents stating that their solutions do not offer the desired functionalities and an even higher percentage of respondents 1
  • 16. Additional functionalities indicating that it is not performing in view of a number of the respondents are needed accordance with users’ expectations. It on PPM solutions. Despite the possi­ is therefore not surprising that 59% of bility of configuring PPM solutions to the respondents give positive answers fit the situation within organisations concerning the need for additional as far as possible, more than 90% of functionality. This score seems to the respondents indicate that there are point to a well­known ‘disadvantage’ implemented functionalities which of off­the­shelf software: it will never they do not use. There is a need for be completely aligned with the needs greater adaptability in existing solu­ and wishes of every individual organi­ tions. One way to do this is by devel­ sation. oping a ‘light’ version of a PPM solu­ tion, as was requested by one of the Complexity undermines The purpose of introducing PPM solu­ respondents. maintainability tions is to provide an integrated soft­ ware solution for the different yet The implementation process related processes underlying project­ Most of the respondents indicated based management. A certain degree that achieving the objectives is to a of complexity in these solutions is large extent related to how the imple­ therefore inevitable. However, not all mentation of the software was han­ organisations are ready or find it nec­ dled. An interesting coherence was essary to implement the full­blown found when we examined the rela­ offering of functionalities embodied tionship between the scores given by PPM solutions. The well­known for the support provided after imple­ phrase ‘Less is More’ appears to be ap­ mentation and satisfaction with the propriate to describe the present­day software in general. Figure 11: Importance of support after implementation Excellent Implementation support rating Poor Very dissatisfied Very satisfied Software satisfaction 14 PPM solutions for IT Governance
  • 17. the way we see it A significant, positive correlation was Do not underestimate the also found between the rating given for implementation process the quality of support after implemen­ tation and the contribution of the soft­ ware to achieving the objectives of the implementation. This clearly shows that managing the organisational change is an important factor for the success of the implementation. The respondents also indicated that support by a third party is seen as highly valu­ able in this regard (Figure 12). Figure 12: Implementation satisfaction - by support party Satisfied Dissatisfied Implementation Organisational Support after support change implementation By software suppplier By third party By both 1
  • 18.
  • 19. the way we see it 3 Getting the max out of PPM The findings show a Most users do not require broader n Success of the implementation functionality but are looking for an depends to a large extent on sup­ gap between users’ improvement in existing functionality port of end­users during and after expectations of PPM and usability. The users’ message to implementation. the vendors is clear: they must make n Implementing a PPM solution solutions and the func- sure that: improves the PPM maturity of n user­friendliness is improved by an organisation. tionality offered. This offering user­focused functionality; creates an opportunity n clients must be able to use modules PPM is a business area that is impor­ without having to implement the tant in today’s business. Many efforts to bridge this gap over full­blown functionality; are managed in a project­based way. the next few years. n project management methods are Alignment of approaches, setting up clearly supported by offering solu­ a supporting organisation and imple­ tions with the appropriate termino­ menting a solution are equally impor­ logy on the screens; tant to enable an organisation to im­ n core functionality must be suppor­ prove on its project­based management. ted in greater depth before additio­ nal (non­core) functionality is con­ This survey again stresses the impor­ sidered. The respondents indicated tance of a well thought­out approach that they primarily use the core to implementing PPM solutions. functionality and are not (yet) The solutions available offer a broad interested in other functionality. range of functionality. The challenge in implementation projects is how to Where the vendors have one item to make the best use of the possibilities focus on, i.e. functionality, the user offered. A combined approach of survey presents a more varied picture processes, organisation, people and a of users. The main topics are: supporting PPM solution are essential n Not all functional areas are imple­ in this regard. mented, although the functionality is present. This offers a big opportu­ nity for users to extend the existing implementation focused on project and cost management and resource allocation to other adjacent areas such as portfolio management and resource management. In this way additional benefits will be achieved. n PPM implementation offers broader benefits than anticipated by many users. The main goals defined prior to implementation are planning control, transparency and standar­ disation. In most cases these three goals are attained, together with goals in other areas such as cost reduction, quality and control and time­to­market. 1
  • 20.
  • 21. the way we see it 4 About the Survey - Intention and Method When conducting a study of the use Telco Consulting n of PPM solutions, it is important to This group consists of telecommu­ explore first the backgrounds of the nications organisations and those user organisations. We therefore col­ operating in the consultancy sector. lected some key figures relating to the characteristics of projects and the allo­ Some of the results in this report are cation of resources at the participating presented on the basis of these four organisations. sectors. The distribution of respon­ dents among these industry sectors is The participants in the user survey are shown below (Figure 13). classified into four industry sectors. These are: We trust the information presented in n Public services this paper will provide effective sup­ This group comprises governmental port for organisations planning to im­ organisations such as tax authorities, plement a PPM solution from scratch ministries and local government. or those who are planning to optimise n Manufacturing the implementation and extend the Manufacturing companies and retail support of the solution to other pro­ companies belong to this group. cesses. n Financial services This group covers banks and insu­ This report contains the results of the rance companies. user survey, which was based on an online questionnaire containing 51 Figure 13: Number of respondents by questions. It provides insights into the industry satisfaction with and use of PPM solu­ tions. A total of 32 user organisations (one participant each) were willing to share their experiences. 400 new projects are 13% On average, the participating organi­ initiated each year on sations initiate around 400 projects 25% each year. However, when looking at average the individual amounts, we observe large differences, with one organisa­ tion initiating only five projects and 40% 22% another up to 2,500 projects per year. Public Services Manufacturing Financial Services Telco Consulting 1
  • 22. 650 active projects on In addition to the number of projects average initiated each year, it is also interest­ ing to consider the number of projects that are active at a certain moment in time. The total amounts to 20,764, which is on average around 650 pro­ jects per respondent. This number in­ cludes the projects which continue for more than one year. Most projects are A closer examination of the project completed within a year duration shows that in all four sectors the majority of projects are completed within a year (Figure 14). This is not surprising, since a shorter duration makes projects more manageable. It also reflects a trend we have identi­ fied among our clients, who wish to define projects with clear objectives to be achieved in a short time period in order to optimise the manageability of projects. Figure 14: Average project duration by industry Public Services Financial Services Telco Consulting Manufacturing 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% % of projects Less than 1 year More than 1 year 20 PPM solutions for IT Governance
  • 23. the way we see it The participating organisations were 40% of resources work Figure 15: Average number of asked to provide the percentages part-time in projects employees in a project of employees working part­time in projects. It emerged that fewer than 50% of employees are allocated part­ time to projects in all four sectors. 6% With regard to the number of emplo­ 13% Project team consists yees usually participating in a project, 13% most often of 5-25 the Public Services and Telco Consulting sectors are the two sectors resources in which organisations allocate more 29% than fifty employees to a project. On average, most of the organisations al­ 39% locate between five and 25 employees to a project (Figure 15). 5 5 - 10 10 - 25 25 - 50 50 21
  • 24.
  • 25. the way we see it Appendix A About Capgemini PPI n PPI Solutions is focuses on Capgemini’s Project Performance optimising the Project Portfolio Improvement (PPI) practices are Management (PPM) processes in globally present in the Netherlands, an organisation with the support Belgium, Germany, Austria, Sweden, of the right tools. PPI Solutions has Poland, Spain, France, the UK, India thorough implementation know­ and the US. These practices serve ledge of the PPM solutions available project­based organisations with the in the market. professionalisation of executing and n PPI Global Services Centre is a governing projects, programmes and highly industrialised delivery centre portfolios. PPI is a full service provid­ for PPM­application management er in this market space: Consulting, and PPM reports and interface Technology, Outsourcing. development. The main business issue addressed For more information on PPI see by PPI involves organisations that are (in not in control of the execution of their Dutch) projects, programmes and portfolios. n PPI Consulting offers services such as project managers’ assessments, organisation assessments (OPM3, CMMI), setting up or running Project Management Offices, imple­ menting PRINCE2, MSP and Project Portfolio management (PPM). 2
  • 26. About Capgemini Capgemini, one of the and through a global delivery model world’s foremost providers called Rightshore®, which aims to offer of consulting, technology and outsourc- the right resources in the right location ing services, enables its clients to trans- at competitive cost. Present in 35 coun- form and perform through technologies. tries, Capgemini reported 2006 global Capgemini provides its clients with revenues of EUR 7.7 billion and employs insights and capabilities that boost their over 83,000 people worldwide. freedom to achieve superior results through a unique way of working More information is available at - the Collaborative Business Experience - Colophon Capgemini Nederland B.V. Postbus 2575 - 3500 GN Utrecht Tel. + 31 30 689 76 25 dr/8F-093.27/1000 Copyright © 2008 Capgemini. No part of this document may be modified, deleted or expanded by any process or means without prior written approval from Capgemini. 24 PPM solutions for IT Governance
  • 27.
  • 28. Capgemini Nederland B.V. Papendorpseweg 100 Postbus 2575 - 3500 GN Utrecht Tel. 030 689 33 66