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POWERFUL GENERIC PATTERNS Django's Content Types Framework
CONTENTTYPES An application that can track all of the models installed in your Django-powered project, providing a high-level, generic interface for working with your models
CONTENTTYPES ---------------------------------------- |   name   |   app_label   |   model   | |   post   |   blogger     |   post    | |   blog   |   blogger     |   Blog    | |   like   |   likeable    |   Like    | ----------------------------------------
PROBLEM blog = Blog.objects.get( pk = 1 ) posts = Post.objects.filter( blog = blog ) features = Post.objects.filter( feature = True ) 3+ URLs 3+ view function 3+ templates
PROBLEM blog = Blog.objects.get( pk = 1 ) posts = Post.objects.filter( blog = blog ) features = Post.objects.filter( feature = True ) {%for post in posts %} {{ post.title }} {{ post.like_set.count }} likes {%endfor%}
GENERIC VIEWS? Take certain common idioms and patterns found in view development and abstract them so that you can quickly write common views of data without having to write too much code
GENERIC VIEWS? from django.views.generic import list_detail defmy_view( request ): return list_detail.object_list(               queryset=Post.objects.all()     )
NOT SO GENERIC VIEWS from django.views.generic import list_detail defmy_view( request ): return list_detail.object_list(               queryset=Post.objects.all()     )
NOT SO GENERIC VIEWS To Use A Generic View You Need... ,[object Object]
A Model + ID
A Model + Slug
A Model + Slug Field,[object Object]
MORE PROBLEMS classFeature(models.Model):    title = models.CharField()    post  = models.ForeignKey( Post )    likers = models.ForeignKey( User )    likes = models.IntegerField()
CONTENTTYPES An application that can track all of the models installed in your Django-powered project, providing a high-level, generic interface for working with your models
CONTENTTYPES Use the ORM without knowing what kind of objects you might be working with.
CONTENTTYPES Use the ORM without knowing what kind of objects you might be working with.  EVER.
CONTENTTYPES Your Model ContentType Model A Model C Model B
GENERIC FOREIGNKEY from django.contrib.contenttypes.models importContentTypefrom django.contrib.contenttypes importgeneric classFeature(models.Model):    content_type = models.ForeignKey (ContentType)    object_id    = models.PositiveIntegerField()    content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey( 'content_type'                            ,'object_id'                                               )
MAGIC BITS classFeature(models.Model):    content_type = models.ForeignKey (ContentType)    object_id    = models.PositiveIntegerField()    content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey(    'content_type'                                            ,'object_id'                                               )
MAGIC BITS classFeature(models.Model):    content_type = models.ForeignKey (ContentType)    object_id    = models.PositiveIntegerField()    content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey( 'content_type'                                               ,'object_id'                                               )
MAGIC BITS classFeature(models.Model):    content_type = models.ForeignKey (ContentType)    object_id    = models.PositiveIntegerField()    content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey( 'content_type'                                               ,'object_id'                                               )
GENERIC FOREIGNKEY >>>  obj = Feature.objects.get( pk = 1 ) >>>  obj.content_object >>>  <Post: Hello World> >>>  obj = Feature.objects.get( pk = 2 ) >>>  obj.content_object >>>  <Blog: The Best Blog> >>>  obj = Feature.objects.get( pk = 3 ) >>>  obj.content_object >>>  <Anything: Whatever You Want>
GENERIC FOREIGNKEY classPost(models.Model):    title = models.CharField()    blog  = models.ForeignKey( Blog )    body  = models.TextField()    slug  = models.SlugField() classLike( models.Model ):   content_type   = models.ForeignKey( ContentType )   object_id      = models.PositiveIntegerField()   content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey( ... )   likers         = models.ManyToMany( User )
GOTCHA! Models are NOT aware of their Content Type
MORE PROBLEMS classLike( models.Model ):   content_type   = models.ForeignKey( ContentType )   object_id      = models.PositiveIntegerField()   content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey( ... )   likers         = models.ManyToMany( User )
MORE PROBLEMS classLike( models.Model ):   content_type   = models.ForeignKey( ContentType )   object_id      = models.PositiveIntegerField()   content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey( ... )   likers         = models.ManyToMany( User ) deflike_view( request, object_id ):     post = Post.objects.get( pk = object_id )     like = Like( object_id = post, ??? )
GENERIC GEMS from django.contrib.contenttypes.models importContentType from django.contrib.auth.models importUser >>> type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model( User ) >>> type >>> <ContentType: user > >>> model = type.model_class() >>> model >>> <class: 'django.contrib.auth.models.User'>
PATTERN #1 Self-Aware Model
SELF AWARE MODEL classSelfAwareModel(models.Model):   def get_ct( self ): ''' Returns the Content Type for this instance''' return ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self) def get_ct_id( self ): ''' Returns the id of the content type for this instance''' return self.get_ct().pk def get_app_label( self ): return self.get_ct().app_label def get_model_name( self ): return self.get_ct().model classMeta:        abstract = True
SELF AWARE MODEL classSelfAwareModel(models.Model):   def get_ct( self ): ''' Returns the Content Type for this instance''' return ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self) def get_ct_id( self ): ''' Returns the id of the content type for this instance''' return self.get_ct().pk def get_app_label( self ): return self.get_ct().app_label def get_model_name( self ): return self.get_ct().model classMeta:        abstract = True CACHED BY DJANGO
SELF AWARE MODEL classSelfAwareModel(models.Model):   def get_ct( self ): ''' Returns the Content Type for this instance''' return ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self) def get_ct_id( self ): ''' Returns the id of the content type for this instance''' return self.get_ct().pk def get_app_label( self ): return self.get_ct().app_label def get_model_name( self ): return self.get_ct().model classMeta:        abstract = True CACHED BY DJANGO self.__class__._cache[self.db][key]
SELF AWARE EVERYTHING classPost( SelfAwareModel ):    title = models.CharField()    blog  = models.ForeignKey( Blog )    body  = models.TextField()    slug  = models.SlugField()    likers = models.ForeignKey( User )    likes = models.IntegerField()
SELF AWARE EVERYTHING classPost( SelfAwareModel ):    title = models.CharField()    blog  = models.ForeignKey( Blog )    body  = models.TextField()    slug  = models.SlugField()    likers = models.ForeignKey( User )    likes = models.IntegerField() ALL MODELS SUBCLASSE SELFAWAREMODEL
SELF AWARE EVERYTHING classPost( SelfAwareModel ):    title = models.CharField()    blog  = models.ForeignKey( Blog )    body  = models.TextField()    slug  = models.SlugField()    likers = models.ForeignKey( User )    likes = models.IntegerField() @permalink def get_absolute_url( self ):       ... >>>  post = Post.objects.latest() >>>  obj.get_ct() >>>  <ContentType: post>
SELF AWARE EVERYTHING classPost( SelfAwareModel ):    title = models.CharField()    blog  = models.ForeignKey( Blog )    body  = models.TextField()    slug  = models.SlugField()    likers = models.ForeignKey( User )    likes = models.IntegerField() @permalink def get_absolute_url( self ):       ... I KNOW MY CONTENT TYPE >>>  post = Post.objects.latest() >>>  obj.get_ct() >>>  <ContentType: post>
PATTERN #2 REAL Generic Views
REAL GENERIC VIEW defobject_list( request, ct_id ... ):   type     = ContentType.objects.get( pk = ct_id )   model    = type.model_class()   obj_list = model._default_manager.all() return render_to_response( ... )
REAL GENERIC VIEW defobject_detail( request, ct_id, obj_id, template=None ):   type     = ContentType.objects.get( pk = ct_id )   model    = type.model_class()   obj      = model._default_manager.get( pk = ct_id ) if template isNone:      template = '%s_detail.html'%(type) return render_to_response( template )
REAL GENERIC VIEW defobject_detail( request, ct_id, obj_id, template=None ):   type     = ContentType.objects.get( pk = ct_id )   model    = type.model_class()   obj      = model._default_manager.get( pk = ct_id ) if template isNone:      template = '%s_detail.html'%(type) return render_to_response( template )
REAL GENERIC VIEW defobject_detail( request, ct_id, obj_id, template=None ):   type     = ContentType.objects.get( pk = ct_id )   model    = type.model_class()   obj      = model._default_manager.get( pk = ct_id ) if template isNone:      template = '%s_detail.html'%(type) return render_to_response( template ) Might Want To Cache That
REAL GENERIC VIEW defobject_detail( request, ct_id, obj_id, template=None ):   type     = ContentType.objects.get( pk = ct_id )   model    = type.model_class()   obj      = model._default_manager.get( pk = ct_id ) if template isNone:      template = '%s_detail.html'%(type) return render_to_response( template ) Might Want To Cache That ,[object Object]
cPickle & noSQL DB ( Redis ),[object Object]
MORE PROBLEMS Blog Post Post Likes Post Likers
MORE PROBLEMS Blog Post Post Likers Post Likes
PATTERN #3 Universal URLs
UNIVERSAL URLs urlpatterns = patterns( 'myproj.myapp',     url(          r'^(?P<slug>[-]+)/(?P<ct_id>+)/list/$',  'object_list', name='my_proj_content_list'        ),     url(          r'^(?P<slug>[-]+)/(?P<ct_id>+)-(?P<obj_id>+)/$', 'object_detail', name="my_proj_content_detail"        ),     url(         r'^(?P<slug>[-]+)/(?P<ct_id>+)-(?P<obj_id>+)/edit/$',         'object_edit', name="my_proj_content_edit"        )    ... )
UNIVERSAL URLs /something-here/23/list/ /some-title/23-21/ /some-title/23-21/edit/ /some-title/23-21/delete/ /some-title/23-21/blah/
PATTERN #4 Magic Forms
MAGIC FORMS defedit_object( request, ct_id, obj_id ):    obj = utils.get_object( ct_id, obj_id )
MAGIC FORMS defedit_object( request, ct_id, obj_id ):    obj = utils.get_object( ct_id, obj_id )    form = ???
MAGIC FORMS defedit_object( request, ct_id, obj_id ):    obj = utils.get_object( ct_id, obj_id )    form = ??? Can't predefine  ModelForm when you don't know what model you're working with
MAGIC FORMS defform_class_for( obj, includes=[] excludes=[] ):    modelclass = obj.get_ct().model_class() class_MagicForm(forms.ModelForm):       ... classMeta:         model= modelclass if includes:           fields = includes if excludes:           exclude = excludes  return _MagicForm
MAGIC FORMS defform_class_for( obj, includes=[] excludes=[] ):    modelclass = obj.get_ct().model_class() class_MagicForm(forms.ModelForm):       ... classMeta:         model= modelclass if includes:           fields = includes if excludes:           exclude = excludes  return _MagicForm DON'T KNOW
MAGIC FORMS defform_class_for( obj, includes=[] excludes=[] ):    modelclass = obj.get_ct().model_class() class_MagicForm(forms.ModelForm):       ... classMeta:         model= modelclass if includes:           fields = includes if excludes:           exclude = excludes  return _MagicForm DON'T CARE
MAGIC FORMS defform_class_for( obj, includes=[] excludes=[] ):    modelclass = obj.get_ct().model_class() class_MagicForm(forms.ModelForm):       ... classMeta:         model= modelclass if includes:           fields = includes if excludes:           exclude = excludes  return _MagicForm PERFECTLY LEGAL
FULL CIRCLE defedit_object( request, ct_id, obj_id ):    obj = utils.get_object( ct_id, obj_id )    formclass = utils.get_form_for( obj )    form = formclass() return render_to_response( ... {'form':form} )
FULL CIRCLE defedit_object( request, ct_id, obj_id ):    obj = utils.get_object( ct_id, obj_id )    formclass = utils.get_form_for( obj )    form = formclass() return render_to_response( ... {'form':form} ) DON'T KNOW
FULL CIRCLE defedit_object( request, ct_id, obj_id ):    obj = utils.get_object( ct_id, obj_id )    formclass = utils.get_form_for( obj )    form = formclass() return render_to_response( ... {'form':form} ) DON'T CARE
DEAD SIMPLE {%urlmy_proj_content_list ct_id=obj.get_ct_id %} {%urlmy_proj_content_detail     slug=obj.slug, ct_id=obj.get_ct_id, %} {%urlmy_proj_content_edit     slug=obj.slug, ct_id=obj.get_ct_id, %}
SCALE IT OUT Define A Model Sync DB Make A Template ( Maybe ? ) Rinse  Repeate
PATTERNS RECAP ,[object Object]

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Powerful Generic Patterns With Django

  • 1.
  • 2. POWERFUL GENERIC PATTERNS Django's Content Types Framework
  • 3. CONTENTTYPES An application that can track all of the models installed in your Django-powered project, providing a high-level, generic interface for working with your models
  • 5. CONTENTTYPES ---------------------------------------- | name | app_label | model | | post | blogger | post | | blog | blogger | Blog | | like | likeable | Like | ----------------------------------------
  • 6. PROBLEM blog = Blog.objects.get( pk = 1 ) posts = Post.objects.filter( blog = blog ) features = Post.objects.filter( feature = True ) 3+ URLs 3+ view function 3+ templates
  • 7. PROBLEM blog = Blog.objects.get( pk = 1 ) posts = Post.objects.filter( blog = blog ) features = Post.objects.filter( feature = True ) {%for post in posts %} {{ post.title }} {{ post.like_set.count }} likes {%endfor%}
  • 9. GENERIC VIEWS? Take certain common idioms and patterns found in view development and abstract them so that you can quickly write common views of data without having to write too much code
  • 10. GENERIC VIEWS? from django.views.generic import list_detail defmy_view( request ): return list_detail.object_list( queryset=Post.objects.all() )
  • 11. NOT SO GENERIC VIEWS from django.views.generic import list_detail defmy_view( request ): return list_detail.object_list( queryset=Post.objects.all() )
  • 13.
  • 15. A Model + Slug
  • 16.
  • 17. MORE PROBLEMS classFeature(models.Model): title = models.CharField() post = models.ForeignKey( Post ) likers = models.ForeignKey( User ) likes = models.IntegerField()
  • 18. CONTENTTYPES An application that can track all of the models installed in your Django-powered project, providing a high-level, generic interface for working with your models
  • 19. CONTENTTYPES Use the ORM without knowing what kind of objects you might be working with.
  • 20. CONTENTTYPES Use the ORM without knowing what kind of objects you might be working with. EVER.
  • 21. CONTENTTYPES Your Model ContentType Model A Model C Model B
  • 22. GENERIC FOREIGNKEY from django.contrib.contenttypes.models importContentTypefrom django.contrib.contenttypes importgeneric classFeature(models.Model): content_type = models.ForeignKey (ContentType) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey( 'content_type' ,'object_id' )
  • 23. MAGIC BITS classFeature(models.Model): content_type = models.ForeignKey (ContentType) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey( 'content_type' ,'object_id' )
  • 24. MAGIC BITS classFeature(models.Model): content_type = models.ForeignKey (ContentType) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey( 'content_type' ,'object_id' )
  • 25. MAGIC BITS classFeature(models.Model): content_type = models.ForeignKey (ContentType) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey( 'content_type' ,'object_id' )
  • 26. GENERIC FOREIGNKEY >>> obj = Feature.objects.get( pk = 1 ) >>> obj.content_object >>> <Post: Hello World> >>> obj = Feature.objects.get( pk = 2 ) >>> obj.content_object >>> <Blog: The Best Blog> >>> obj = Feature.objects.get( pk = 3 ) >>> obj.content_object >>> <Anything: Whatever You Want>
  • 28. GENERIC FOREIGNKEY classPost(models.Model): title = models.CharField() blog = models.ForeignKey( Blog ) body = models.TextField() slug = models.SlugField() classLike( models.Model ): content_type = models.ForeignKey( ContentType ) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey( ... ) likers = models.ManyToMany( User )
  • 29. GOTCHA! Models are NOT aware of their Content Type
  • 30. MORE PROBLEMS classLike( models.Model ): content_type = models.ForeignKey( ContentType ) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey( ... ) likers = models.ManyToMany( User )
  • 31. MORE PROBLEMS classLike( models.Model ): content_type = models.ForeignKey( ContentType ) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey( ... ) likers = models.ManyToMany( User ) deflike_view( request, object_id ): post = Post.objects.get( pk = object_id ) like = Like( object_id = post, ??? )
  • 32. GENERIC GEMS from django.contrib.contenttypes.models importContentType from django.contrib.auth.models importUser >>> type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model( User ) >>> type >>> <ContentType: user > >>> model = type.model_class() >>> model >>> <class: 'django.contrib.auth.models.User'>
  • 36. SELF AWARE MODEL classSelfAwareModel(models.Model): def get_ct( self ): ''' Returns the Content Type for this instance''' return ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self) def get_ct_id( self ): ''' Returns the id of the content type for this instance''' return self.get_ct().pk def get_app_label( self ): return self.get_ct().app_label def get_model_name( self ): return self.get_ct().model classMeta: abstract = True
  • 37. SELF AWARE MODEL classSelfAwareModel(models.Model): def get_ct( self ): ''' Returns the Content Type for this instance''' return ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self) def get_ct_id( self ): ''' Returns the id of the content type for this instance''' return self.get_ct().pk def get_app_label( self ): return self.get_ct().app_label def get_model_name( self ): return self.get_ct().model classMeta: abstract = True CACHED BY DJANGO
  • 38. SELF AWARE MODEL classSelfAwareModel(models.Model): def get_ct( self ): ''' Returns the Content Type for this instance''' return ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self) def get_ct_id( self ): ''' Returns the id of the content type for this instance''' return self.get_ct().pk def get_app_label( self ): return self.get_ct().app_label def get_model_name( self ): return self.get_ct().model classMeta: abstract = True CACHED BY DJANGO self.__class__._cache[self.db][key]
  • 39. SELF AWARE EVERYTHING classPost( SelfAwareModel ): title = models.CharField() blog = models.ForeignKey( Blog ) body = models.TextField() slug = models.SlugField() likers = models.ForeignKey( User ) likes = models.IntegerField()
  • 40. SELF AWARE EVERYTHING classPost( SelfAwareModel ): title = models.CharField() blog = models.ForeignKey( Blog ) body = models.TextField() slug = models.SlugField() likers = models.ForeignKey( User ) likes = models.IntegerField() ALL MODELS SUBCLASSE SELFAWAREMODEL
  • 41. SELF AWARE EVERYTHING classPost( SelfAwareModel ): title = models.CharField() blog = models.ForeignKey( Blog ) body = models.TextField() slug = models.SlugField() likers = models.ForeignKey( User ) likes = models.IntegerField() @permalink def get_absolute_url( self ): ... >>> post = Post.objects.latest() >>> obj.get_ct() >>> <ContentType: post>
  • 42. SELF AWARE EVERYTHING classPost( SelfAwareModel ): title = models.CharField() blog = models.ForeignKey( Blog ) body = models.TextField() slug = models.SlugField() likers = models.ForeignKey( User ) likes = models.IntegerField() @permalink def get_absolute_url( self ): ... I KNOW MY CONTENT TYPE >>> post = Post.objects.latest() >>> obj.get_ct() >>> <ContentType: post>
  • 44. PATTERN #2 REAL Generic Views
  • 45. REAL GENERIC VIEW defobject_list( request, ct_id ... ): type = ContentType.objects.get( pk = ct_id ) model = type.model_class() obj_list = model._default_manager.all() return render_to_response( ... )
  • 46. REAL GENERIC VIEW defobject_detail( request, ct_id, obj_id, template=None ): type = ContentType.objects.get( pk = ct_id ) model = type.model_class() obj = model._default_manager.get( pk = ct_id ) if template isNone: template = '%s_detail.html'%(type) return render_to_response( template )
  • 47. REAL GENERIC VIEW defobject_detail( request, ct_id, obj_id, template=None ): type = ContentType.objects.get( pk = ct_id ) model = type.model_class() obj = model._default_manager.get( pk = ct_id ) if template isNone: template = '%s_detail.html'%(type) return render_to_response( template )
  • 48. REAL GENERIC VIEW defobject_detail( request, ct_id, obj_id, template=None ): type = ContentType.objects.get( pk = ct_id ) model = type.model_class() obj = model._default_manager.get( pk = ct_id ) if template isNone: template = '%s_detail.html'%(type) return render_to_response( template ) Might Want To Cache That
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51. MORE PROBLEMS Blog Post Post Likes Post Likers
  • 52. MORE PROBLEMS Blog Post Post Likers Post Likes
  • 57. UNIVERSAL URLs urlpatterns = patterns( 'myproj.myapp', url( r'^(?P<slug>[-]+)/(?P<ct_id>+)/list/$', 'object_list', name='my_proj_content_list' ), url( r'^(?P<slug>[-]+)/(?P<ct_id>+)-(?P<obj_id>+)/$', 'object_detail', name="my_proj_content_detail" ), url( r'^(?P<slug>[-]+)/(?P<ct_id>+)-(?P<obj_id>+)/edit/$', 'object_edit', name="my_proj_content_edit" ) ... )
  • 58. UNIVERSAL URLs /something-here/23/list/ /some-title/23-21/ /some-title/23-21/edit/ /some-title/23-21/delete/ /some-title/23-21/blah/
  • 60. MAGIC FORMS defedit_object( request, ct_id, obj_id ): obj = utils.get_object( ct_id, obj_id )
  • 61. MAGIC FORMS defedit_object( request, ct_id, obj_id ): obj = utils.get_object( ct_id, obj_id ) form = ???
  • 62. MAGIC FORMS defedit_object( request, ct_id, obj_id ): obj = utils.get_object( ct_id, obj_id ) form = ??? Can't predefine ModelForm when you don't know what model you're working with
  • 64. MAGIC FORMS defform_class_for( obj, includes=[] excludes=[] ): modelclass = obj.get_ct().model_class() class_MagicForm(forms.ModelForm): ... classMeta: model= modelclass if includes: fields = includes if excludes: exclude = excludes return _MagicForm
  • 65. MAGIC FORMS defform_class_for( obj, includes=[] excludes=[] ): modelclass = obj.get_ct().model_class() class_MagicForm(forms.ModelForm): ... classMeta: model= modelclass if includes: fields = includes if excludes: exclude = excludes return _MagicForm DON'T KNOW
  • 66. MAGIC FORMS defform_class_for( obj, includes=[] excludes=[] ): modelclass = obj.get_ct().model_class() class_MagicForm(forms.ModelForm): ... classMeta: model= modelclass if includes: fields = includes if excludes: exclude = excludes return _MagicForm DON'T CARE
  • 67. MAGIC FORMS defform_class_for( obj, includes=[] excludes=[] ): modelclass = obj.get_ct().model_class() class_MagicForm(forms.ModelForm): ... classMeta: model= modelclass if includes: fields = includes if excludes: exclude = excludes return _MagicForm PERFECTLY LEGAL
  • 68. FULL CIRCLE defedit_object( request, ct_id, obj_id ): obj = utils.get_object( ct_id, obj_id ) formclass = utils.get_form_for( obj ) form = formclass() return render_to_response( ... {'form':form} )
  • 69. FULL CIRCLE defedit_object( request, ct_id, obj_id ): obj = utils.get_object( ct_id, obj_id ) formclass = utils.get_form_for( obj ) form = formclass() return render_to_response( ... {'form':form} ) DON'T KNOW
  • 70. FULL CIRCLE defedit_object( request, ct_id, obj_id ): obj = utils.get_object( ct_id, obj_id ) formclass = utils.get_form_for( obj ) form = formclass() return render_to_response( ... {'form':form} ) DON'T CARE
  • 71. DEAD SIMPLE {%urlmy_proj_content_list ct_id=obj.get_ct_id %} {%urlmy_proj_content_detail slug=obj.slug, ct_id=obj.get_ct_id, %} {%urlmy_proj_content_edit slug=obj.slug, ct_id=obj.get_ct_id, %}
  • 73. SCALE IT OUT Define A Model Sync DB Make A Template ( Maybe ? ) Rinse Repeate
  • 74.
  • 75. Better Generic Views & utilities
  • 77.
  • 78. Better Generic Views & utilities
  • 80. Magic FormsYou can perform CRUD ops and create any kind of relationship on any kind of object at anytimewithout programming for every situation.
  • 81. FIN