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Mohd Imran Ghouri
MSc.Food science and technology.
 It is state of one who lacks to certain amount of material possessions or
 People are dieying because can’t affort necessary needs to survive.
1.Absolute poverty:
It refers to deprivation of basic human needs , in which
common includes, such as…
food , water , sanitation ,clothing , shelter,
Health , education .
2.Relative poverty:
Is defined as contextually
as economic inequalities in the location or society
in which people live.
Generally what poverty is:
 Poverty is hunger.
 Poverty is being sick , not able to consult a doctor.
 Poverty is not have access to school.
 Poverty is not having job.
 Poverty is loosing a child to illness.
 Poverty is powerlessness.
 Poverty is lack of represntation and freedom.
Why should we care of poverty?
why is this important ?
 If we as a being human if we don’t think , then who will think.
 The people that care the more likely it is that their voice will be heard in the
 Many people get affected: they can use your help.
 Its affects everyone , anyone , anywhere.
 Maybe you or someone you know is next?.
 Poverty may even end and bring happiness if enough people help.
 Poverty is the man made.
 So we should think about it.
Is population reason for poverty in india?
Comparison of india and china.
 World’s populated country is china
with a population of
 Its 18% of the population is poor
and below the poverty line.
 it consists of nearly 2 political
parties .
 Less political parties ,
 less corruption
 low poverty , more devoloped.
 Where india stands in second position
with a population of 1,251,695,584.
 Its 33% of the population is poor and
below the poverty line.
 It consists of 10 national parties and
50 state parties .
 More political parties,
 more corruption,
 high poverty, less devoloped.
Conclusion: population is not the main cause for the
poverty of the country .
World statistics and facts
of poverty
 75% of the world’s poorest people.
 The 60% of the worlds hungry are women.
 50% of pregnant women in developing countries lack proper
maternal care.
 Resulting in 300,000 maternal deaths annually from child
 Every 5 second a child dies from hunger-related diseases.
 There are 936 million people who do not have enough to eat.
 22,000 children die each day due to conditions of poverty.
 8 million people die lack of food and nutrition each day.
 Malnutrition is the key factor contributing to more than one
third of all global child deaths resulting in 2.6 millions deaths
per year.
 1.4 billion women ,children and men- lived in rural
areas and depend on agriculture and related
activities for their
 50% of the hungry people are farming families.
 1.7 billlion people lack access to clean water.
 35 million people are living with hiv/Aids.
 65% of young people living with hiv/Aids are women.
 More than 11 million children die each year from
preventable diseases as malaria ,diarrhea
Maramus is caused by severe
deficiency of nutrients,
especially protiens
Carbohydrates & lipids
Kwashiorkor is form of
malnutrition caused by
defieciency of dietary
98% of world’s undernorished
people live in different
Two-third of the world’s
live in just 7 countries
Bangladesh , china,
democratic republic of congo ,
ethiopia , india , indonesia
Poverty in india
India is home to world’s 1/3rd of extreme poor
population-un study
Despite the growth and devolopment of the
india economy during the last couple of
decades, parallel increasing in absolute
A bare fact is that nearly 27.5% of the india
population still lives below the poverty line,
and 75% of this lives in rural areas.
Causes of urban poverty
 Just like most of the developing countries, there has been
continues increase in population.
 As per latest survey reports there are 80 million poor people
living in the cities of india .
 Sloe job growth, severe competition
 Those who use to get job or promotions easily now have to
struggle more due to the population hike in cities.
 Around over 61.80 million people living in slums.
 Poor people migrate from rural areas to cities and towns in
search of employment/ financial activity.
 the poverty level is below 10% in states like delhi , goa ,
Punjab , etc.
 Five states that constitute around 40% of all urban poor
people of india are uttar Pradesh, bihar, rajastan , Odisha ,
Madhya Pradesh.
 Around 35% of the total population of the metro cities ( delhi,
Kolkata,Chennai,and Mumbai) consists of slum population.
 A large portion of people living in slums are illitrate.
 The bulk of the urban poor are living in extremely deprived
 Low cost water supply.
 Improper sanitation.
 Bad sewerage and drainage system.
 Very less social services relating to health care , nutrition, pre
school, and non formal education.
Causes of rural POVERTY
 India’s more than 1 billion people live in rural areas ,
and almost 170 million of them are poor.
 Although many rural people migrating to cities,3 out of 4
of india’s poor people live in the vast rural parts of the
 Poverty is more among scheduled caste and tribes in the
country’s rural areas.
 India’s poorest include 50% of members of scheduled
tribes and 40% of the people in scheduled castes
 On map of india poverty in rural india are lies in part
rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, uttar Pradesh , bihar,
Jharkhand, chattisgarh, orrisa, west Bengal.
 Im these areas shortage of water and recurrent droughts
impede the transformation of agriculture that the green
revolution has achieved elsewhere.
Rapid population growth:
 With a population of 1.21 billion, india is currently the worlds second
largest country.
 From the total population of india country.68.84% people live in rural
areas of india and are growing very fast.
 People basically depend on agriculture farming in rural areas but due to
lack of sufficient capital they are not able to do their farming activities
and earn.
Large families:
 Generally in rural areas large number of people living in one family.
 First they lack of family planning among villagers, which increase the
 Lack of alternate employment other than agriculture.
 Other then agriculture if they have jobs opportunities money available is
not good.
 Effects on education:
 Education becomes extremely difficult when people are deprived of
basic necessities.
 Illiteracy is a major problem and a major cause for poverty
 Based on enrollment data, about 72 million children of primary
school age were not in school.
 According to statistics 57 % of them were girls.
 Nearly a billion entered the 21st century unable to read a book or
sign their names.
 121 million out of education worldwide
 50% of the children living in rural areas leave the school before 5th
 A large percent of the dropouts are females, forced by their
 There are some of the reasons why 60% of the females in india
illiterate, a figure higher than males.
Effect on women:
 women make up half of the world’s population and
yet to represent a staggering 70%of the world’s poor.
 Of the 500,000 women who die in child birth every
year , 90% live in developing countries.
 4 million girls and women a year are sold into
 Around 1.2 billion do not have access to safe drinking
 More than 2.4 billion people don’t have proper
sanitation facilities
 More than 2.2 million people die each year die from
diseases caused by polluted water and filthy
sanitation condition.
Women empowerment:
 Women and girls form around 50% of the worlds
 Since ages, they are treated as burden to the
 They are deprived of equal opportunity for
education, food, nutrition, and economic
participation, leading to feminization of poor.
 Women empowerment and education would
strengthen them to bring economic benefits both
at individual and national level.
 Some government & social organization are taking
significant steps towards creating awareness
regarding importance of education of girl child.
Un employment:
 Poor people move from villages to towns and from one town to
other in search of employment/work.
 Since, they are illiterate and mostly they are un skilled ,
 They have few employment opportunities open for them.
 Due to unemployment many poor people are forced to live an
unfulfilled life.
Poor living condition and housing
 they don’t get proper living conditions
 They have to fight the hardship of poverty to secure
food , clothes and shelter.
 A large number of poor families live in houses with
only one room.
Gap between the rich and the poor:
 The poor are growing poor.
 where poor gets doesn’t
get the respect in society.
 Rich marry on financial
 Rich own a car wants to
improve status in society.
 Rich own home , with A/c
and luxuries in it.
 Rich eat for the taste.
 Rich people spend their
money on improving
financial status in society.
 Rich lies their whole life
beyond money, cant get
satisfied in life because of
their growing needs.
 The rich are are growing rich
 where rich gets respect in
the society.
 Poor marry a kind natured
.character , simple groom.
 Poor own a vehicle for their
basic need and purpose In
daily life.
 Poor own a home without
fan electricity to survive in
the world.
 Poor eat to survive.
 Poor people cant afford
food, spend their most of
the money on food.
 Poor lies their life beyond
happiness and satisfaction.
Poor agriculture:
 india is mainly an agricultural country.
 Since 2002, An average every 32 minutes a farmer suicide.
 In the states Maharashtra , Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh etc.
 about 80% of the people depend on agriculture.
 An average every
 But farmers are poor and uneducated .
 They have no good facilities of irrigation.
 They don’t get seeds and fertilizers in time .
 Thus, they yield is poor, thus agriculture is not profitable.
 Agriculture is shortage today, we face shortage of food , we have to
import it.
 Because of money the farmers cant go further in to processing of food
restricted to certain earning.
 So agriculture is one of the causes of India's poverty.
 Government have to release schemes loans for the people , if releases 70%
of the budget is corrupted by govt, private , politicians.
Cause of poverty :corruption
 Corruption is strategic action.
 Two or more people undertake an exchange
relation by way of a successful transfer of money
or power.
 Corruption is the misuse of public power (by
elected politician or appointed civil servant) for
private gain.
 it is a wrong doing on the part of an authority or
power full party.
 Corruption in India is a major issue that adversely
affects its economy.
 Around more than 62% of Indians had first hand
experience of paying bribes or influence peddling
to get jobs done in public offices.
 Corruption is much present in politics as people
believed that is natural or inborn.
 India is the 84th most corrupted country in the
Corruption why ? Where ?
 It includes national parties and hundred’s of hundred’s
state parties.
 The important thing is the nature of human beings.
 More than Swach bharath swach heart is important .
 in general people have a great thirst for luxuries and
comfort, as they themselves involve in all unscrupulous
activities, result in material benefits.
 Political leaders have spoiled the society completely.
 The political leaders lead a luxurious life and don’t
care even about society and the people from whom
they elected.
 People of India are not awakened and enlightened.
 The people fear to raise their voice against anti social
elements prevailing in the society.
Involved :
 High level government officials.
 MP(member of parliament).
 Cabinet ministers.
 Chief ministers.
 State ministers.
 Electronic media & news media.
 Police department.
 Medicine.
 Income tax department.
 Business.
Land and property:
 Officials are alleged to steal state property
 In cities and villages throughout India,
 consisting of municipal and other government officials.
 elected politicians, judicial officers, real estate developers and law
enforcement officials.
 Some rowdy shooters with the help of politicians grap the land and play
with the innocent lifes .
 acquire, develop and sell land in illegal ways.
 As many as 77% of Indians believe the country's judiciary is corrupt.
 Over the year there have been numerous judges who have faced
allegations of corruption.
 36% paid bribes to the judiciary last year, according to a global survey by
Transparency International (TI).
 "An estimated Rs 2,630 crore was the amount Indians coughed up as
bribes to the judiciary.
 According to the report, as of February 2011, 33,635 cases were pending
in the Supreme Court, with 26 judges; 3.34 lakh cases in the high courts.
 Over the year there have been numerous judges who have faced
allegations of corruption.
 Sumitra Sen a former judge at the Kolkata High Court became the
first judge in the India to be impeached by the Rajya Sabha,
 the Upper House of the Indian Parliament for misappropriation of
Medicine & hospitals:
 Commercialization of doctors, medicines
 In Government Hospitals, corruption is associated with non-
availability/duplication of medicines/commercialization of
 Consulting a doctor but non availability of diagnostic service.
 As doctors prescribed a particular diagnostic centre to certain
percentage money from them.
 Corruption in getting admission in to mbbs.
 National rural health mission: health care government
programmes that HAS been subjected to large scale of
 a central government program meant to improve health care
delivery in rural areas.
 In the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, in which top politicians and
bureaucrats are alleged to have siphoned off a massive sum
estimated at ₹100 billion from the National Rural Health Mission.
 The NRHM scam came to light after two Chief Medical
Officers were successively murdered in wealthier localities of
the state capital, Lucknow.
 Dr. Vinod Arya (Oct 2010) and Dr. B. P. Singh (April 2011) were
shot dead in broad daylight outside their homes.
 In Feb 2012, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh himself accused
the Mayawati government of misusing NRHM funds.
Income tax department:
 There have been several cases of collusion of officials of
the income tax department of India.
 preferential tax treatment and relaxed prosecutions in exchange
for bribes.
Armed forces:
 The Indian Armed Forces have witnessed corruption involving
senior armed forces officers from the Indian Army Indian Navy
and Indian Air Force.
 A number of scandals in the 2000–2015 period damaged the
military's reputation.
 such scandals included skimming of armed forces money, re-
selling of government property, and faking combat missions.
Corruption & black money:
 80% of the total money is Switzerland is from India.
 There are corruptions in every walk of life.
 There is inefficiency in offices people have become selfish.
 They neglect the national interest's.
 Black money causes the problem of rising prices.
 Some people have privileged but many are suffering its affects
Indian economy , it causes poverty.
Scams in India:
 Coal allocation Scam :some politician's involved
Loss to Nation:186000 Crore rs.
 2G Spectrum Scam: allegadely by A.Raja MP from Tamilnadu and member
of DMK party.
Loss to Country : 176,000 Crore Rs
 Harshad Mehta Share Market Scam: Lost to Nation : 4000 Crore Rs.
Persons involved : Harshad Mehta
 Commonwealth Games Scam: One of the most shameful and disgusting
scam for India. politicians involved, Loss to country : Nearly 35000 Crore
 The Hawala Scandal: Politicians involved : L. K. Advani, V. C. Shukla, P.
Shiv Shankar, Sharad Yadav, loss to nation: 1000 crore rs are involved in
this scam
 The Fodder Scam: Politicians alleged : Then Bihar Chief Minister Lalu
Yadav and Cabinet minister Jagannath Mishra,
Loss to State of Bihar : 950 Crores to Bihar State.
 Bellary mining scam: Karnataka government : more than 16000 Crore.
 politicians and Company alleged : Reddy Brothers, owner of Obulapuram
Mining Company in Bellary and Then chief minister Yedurappa.
 Eradication of corruption
 India is the fast developing country in the world where our
systems are weak .
 Believing in god and afraid of god he is watching.
 Media: media can play a role in tackling media
is corrupted and restricted to certain parties and their
politicians for mutual benefits.
 Lokpal bill implementation.
 Political parties and politicians should be in the society to the
people by the people for the people
 Anti corruption websites.
 Anti corruption organizations.
 Self determination of not to give bribe.
 Vigorous punishments.
 Awareness through media.
 Awareness through social networking , campaigns , road shows.
Eradication of poverty:
 Though India shows a high economic growth , it is shame full that there
is still large scale poverty in India.
 If u believe in god, u would be thankful to him for such a life free from
 Every religion teaches to share things with others, well this good deed
becomes multiple.
 If we share our happiness and prosperity with those who are less
 Devote some time towards volunteering to raise standards of poor, and
associate with some organizations.
 We can volunteer towards mess for poor.
 You can go and teach motivate in school for poor children.
 We buy from organized sector for brand names in showroom ,malls,
money goes to other countries people getting richer for exporting
these things.
 Buy few things from unorganized sector as local things give them a
 An education is an important thing that distinguish between poor and
 Try devoting them to impart education to poor people.
 An education is an important thing that distinguish between poor
and rich.
 Whenever u see a child labor as working ask him if he would like
to study help her as financially to study.
 ask to his boos as if he can get an part time job after his evening
 Believe me if one person in a family acquires education, he can
bring whole family out of poverty.
 Try devoting them to impart education to poor people.
 give small loans get in to some business and developed
 Try to visit villages ask about their local conditions, school, job ,
agriculture etc.
 We will get information and can take conscious decision to help
 Whenever u see someone is hungry or begging, try to give
something to eat to that person.
 Donate medicines for the poor sick person and don’t shy away
from buying some medicines.
 Widening the concept of employment.
 Farmers must get all facilities for irrigation
 Agriculture must be made profitable .
 Ensuring financial services to poorest person.
 The economic gap between the two must be reduced.
 The widening gap between rich and poor is also responsible
for india’s poverty.
 Do charity and accumulate money.
 Donate in villages , states , in countries.
 Providing free shelter , food, health care, education, and drinking
water for them.
 Reducing government taxes for the villages who are facing poverty.
 Hunger and malnutrition of poor to natural disasters make them take
up anti national and anti social activities.
 It is duty of government in particular and all citizens in general to try
their best in an organizations or individually.
 corruption must be end , our officies, government and public sectors,
politicians , parties should love the nation.
zakath : (Arabic: ‫[زكاة‬ "that which purifies", is a form of
obligatory alms-giving and religious tax in Islam. It is based on
income and the value of all of one's possessions.
 The act of helping others can create an improved sense of well-
 Knowing that you sacrificed something such as time, finances or
property in order to help others in need
 Thus it can give you a sense of purpose in life or work and inner
Poverty copy

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Poverty copy

  • 1. By, Mohd Imran Ghouri MSc.Food science and technology.
  • 2. poverty poverty:  It is state of one who lacks to certain amount of material possessions or money.  People are dieying because can’t affort necessary needs to survive.
  • 3. 1.Absolute poverty: It refers to deprivation of basic human needs , in which common includes, such as… food , water , sanitation ,clothing , shelter, Health , education . 2.Relative poverty: Is defined as contextually as economic inequalities in the location or society in which people live.
  • 4. Generally what poverty is:  Poverty is hunger.  Poverty is being sick , not able to consult a doctor.  Poverty is not have access to school.  Poverty is not having job.  Poverty is loosing a child to illness.  Poverty is powerlessness.  Poverty is lack of represntation and freedom.
  • 5. Why should we care of poverty? why is this important ?  If we as a being human if we don’t think , then who will think.  The people that care the more likely it is that their voice will be heard in the government.  Many people get affected: they can use your help.  Its affects everyone , anyone , anywhere.  Maybe you or someone you know is next?.  Poverty may even end and bring happiness if enough people help.  Poverty is the man made.  So we should think about it.
  • 6.
  • 7. Is population reason for poverty in india? Comparison of india and china. china  World’s populated country is china with a population of 1,361,512,535.  Its 18% of the population is poor and below the poverty line.  it consists of nearly 2 political parties .  Less political parties ,  less corruption  low poverty , more devoloped. india  Where india stands in second position with a population of 1,251,695,584.  Its 33% of the population is poor and below the poverty line.  It consists of 10 national parties and 50 state parties .  More political parties,  more corruption,  high poverty, less devoloped. Conclusion: population is not the main cause for the poverty of the country .
  • 8.
  • 9. World statistics and facts of poverty  75% of the world’s poorest people.  The 60% of the worlds hungry are women.  50% of pregnant women in developing countries lack proper maternal care.  Resulting in 300,000 maternal deaths annually from child birth.  Every 5 second a child dies from hunger-related diseases.  There are 936 million people who do not have enough to eat.  22,000 children die each day due to conditions of poverty.  8 million people die lack of food and nutrition each day.  Malnutrition is the key factor contributing to more than one third of all global child deaths resulting in 2.6 millions deaths per year.
  • 10.  1.4 billion women ,children and men- lived in rural areas and depend on agriculture and related activities for their  50% of the hungry people are farming families.  1.7 billlion people lack access to clean water.  35 million people are living with hiv/Aids.  65% of young people living with hiv/Aids are women.  More than 11 million children die each year from preventable diseases as malaria ,diarrhea pneumonia.
  • 11. Maramus is caused by severe deficiency of nutrients, especially protiens Carbohydrates & lipids Kwashiorkor is form of malnutrition caused by defieciency of dietary protiens. 98% of world’s undernorished people live in different countries Two-third of the world’s hungry live in just 7 countries Bangladesh , china, democratic republic of congo , ethiopia , india , indonesia ,pakistan.
  • 12. Poverty in india India is home to world’s 1/3rd of extreme poor population-un study Despite the growth and devolopment of the india economy during the last couple of decades, parallel increasing in absolute terms. A bare fact is that nearly 27.5% of the india population still lives below the poverty line, and 75% of this lives in rural areas.
  • 13. Causes of urban poverty  Just like most of the developing countries, there has been continues increase in population.  As per latest survey reports there are 80 million poor people living in the cities of india .  Sloe job growth, severe competition  Those who use to get job or promotions easily now have to struggle more due to the population hike in cities.  Around over 61.80 million people living in slums.  Poor people migrate from rural areas to cities and towns in search of employment/ financial activity.  the poverty level is below 10% in states like delhi , goa , Punjab , etc. 
  • 14.  Five states that constitute around 40% of all urban poor people of india are uttar Pradesh, bihar, rajastan , Odisha , Madhya Pradesh.  Around 35% of the total population of the metro cities ( delhi, Kolkata,Chennai,and Mumbai) consists of slum population.  A large portion of people living in slums are illitrate.  The bulk of the urban poor are living in extremely deprived conditions:  Low cost water supply.  Improper sanitation.  Bad sewerage and drainage system.  Very less social services relating to health care , nutrition, pre school, and non formal education.
  • 15. Causes of rural POVERTY  India’s more than 1 billion people live in rural areas , and almost 170 million of them are poor.  Although many rural people migrating to cities,3 out of 4 of india’s poor people live in the vast rural parts of the country.  Poverty is more among scheduled caste and tribes in the country’s rural areas.  India’s poorest include 50% of members of scheduled tribes and 40% of the people in scheduled castes  On map of india poverty in rural india are lies in part rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, uttar Pradesh , bihar, Jharkhand, chattisgarh, orrisa, west Bengal.  Im these areas shortage of water and recurrent droughts impede the transformation of agriculture that the green revolution has achieved elsewhere.
  • 16. Rapid population growth:  With a population of 1.21 billion, india is currently the worlds second largest country.  From the total population of india country.68.84% people live in rural areas of india and are growing very fast.  People basically depend on agriculture farming in rural areas but due to lack of sufficient capital they are not able to do their farming activities and earn. Large families:  Generally in rural areas large number of people living in one family.  First they lack of family planning among villagers, which increase the population.  Lack of alternate employment other than agriculture.  Other then agriculture if they have jobs opportunities money available is not good.
  • 17. poverty  Effects on education:  Education becomes extremely difficult when people are deprived of basic necessities.  Illiteracy is a major problem and a major cause for poverty  Based on enrollment data, about 72 million children of primary school age were not in school.  According to statistics 57 % of them were girls.  Nearly a billion entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names.  121 million out of education worldwide  50% of the children living in rural areas leave the school before 5th grade  A large percent of the dropouts are females, forced by their parents.  There are some of the reasons why 60% of the females in india illiterate, a figure higher than males.
  • 18. Effect on women:  women make up half of the world’s population and yet to represent a staggering 70%of the world’s poor.  Of the 500,000 women who die in child birth every year , 90% live in developing countries.  4 million girls and women a year are sold into prostitutions.  Around 1.2 billion do not have access to safe drinking water.  More than 2.4 billion people don’t have proper sanitation facilities  More than 2.2 million people die each year die from diseases caused by polluted water and filthy sanitation condition.
  • 19. Women empowerment:  Women and girls form around 50% of the worlds population  Since ages, they are treated as burden to the society  They are deprived of equal opportunity for education, food, nutrition, and economic participation, leading to feminization of poor.  Women empowerment and education would strengthen them to bring economic benefits both at individual and national level.  Some government & social organization are taking significant steps towards creating awareness regarding importance of education of girl child.
  • 20. Un employment:  Poor people move from villages to towns and from one town to other in search of employment/work.  Since, they are illiterate and mostly they are un skilled ,  They have few employment opportunities open for them.  Due to unemployment many poor people are forced to live an unfulfilled life. Poor living condition and housing problems:  they don’t get proper living conditions  They have to fight the hardship of poverty to secure food , clothes and shelter.  A large number of poor families live in houses with only one room.
  • 21. Gap between the rich and the poor: Poor  The poor are growing poor.  where poor gets doesn’t get the respect in society.  Rich marry on financial standards.  Rich own a car wants to improve status in society.  Rich own home , with A/c and luxuries in it.  Rich eat for the taste.  Rich people spend their money on improving financial status in society.  Rich lies their whole life beyond money, cant get satisfied in life because of their growing needs. rich  The rich are are growing rich  where rich gets respect in the society.  Poor marry a kind natured .character , simple groom.  Poor own a vehicle for their basic need and purpose In daily life.  Poor own a home without fan electricity to survive in the world.  Poor eat to survive.  Poor people cant afford food, spend their most of the money on food.  Poor lies their life beyond happiness and satisfaction.
  • 22. Poor agriculture:  india is mainly an agricultural country.  Since 2002, An average every 32 minutes a farmer suicide.  In the states Maharashtra , Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh etc.  about 80% of the people depend on agriculture.  An average every  But farmers are poor and uneducated .  They have no good facilities of irrigation.  They don’t get seeds and fertilizers in time .  Thus, they yield is poor, thus agriculture is not profitable.  Agriculture is shortage today, we face shortage of food , we have to import it.  Because of money the farmers cant go further in to processing of food restricted to certain earning.  So agriculture is one of the causes of India's poverty.  Government have to release schemes loans for the people , if releases 70% of the budget is corrupted by govt, private , politicians.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25. Cause of poverty :corruption  Corruption is strategic action.  Two or more people undertake an exchange relation by way of a successful transfer of money or power.  Corruption is the misuse of public power (by elected politician or appointed civil servant) for private gain.  it is a wrong doing on the part of an authority or power full party.  Corruption in India is a major issue that adversely affects its economy.  Around more than 62% of Indians had first hand experience of paying bribes or influence peddling to get jobs done in public offices.  Corruption is much present in politics as people believed that is natural or inborn.  India is the 84th most corrupted country in the world.
  • 26.
  • 27. Corruption why ? Where ?  It includes national parties and hundred’s of hundred’s state parties.  The important thing is the nature of human beings.  More than Swach bharath swach heart is important .  in general people have a great thirst for luxuries and comfort, as they themselves involve in all unscrupulous activities, result in material benefits.  Political leaders have spoiled the society completely.  The political leaders lead a luxurious life and don’t care even about society and the people from whom they elected.  People of India are not awakened and enlightened.  The people fear to raise their voice against anti social elements prevailing in the society.
  • 28. Involved :  High level government officials.  MP(member of parliament).  Cabinet ministers.  Chief ministers.  State ministers.  Electronic media & news media.  Police department.  Medicine.  Income tax department.  Business.
  • 29. Land and property:  Officials are alleged to steal state property  In cities and villages throughout India,  consisting of municipal and other government officials.  elected politicians, judicial officers, real estate developers and law enforcement officials.  Some rowdy shooters with the help of politicians grap the land and play with the innocent lifes .  acquire, develop and sell land in illegal ways. judiciary:  As many as 77% of Indians believe the country's judiciary is corrupt.  Over the year there have been numerous judges who have faced allegations of corruption.  36% paid bribes to the judiciary last year, according to a global survey by Transparency International (TI).  "An estimated Rs 2,630 crore was the amount Indians coughed up as bribes to the judiciary.  According to the report, as of February 2011, 33,635 cases were pending in the Supreme Court, with 26 judges; 3.34 lakh cases in the high courts.
  • 30.  Over the year there have been numerous judges who have faced allegations of corruption.  Sumitra Sen a former judge at the Kolkata High Court became the first judge in the India to be impeached by the Rajya Sabha,  the Upper House of the Indian Parliament for misappropriation of funds. Medicine & hospitals:  Commercialization of doctors, medicines  In Government Hospitals, corruption is associated with non- availability/duplication of medicines/commercialization of medicines.  Consulting a doctor but non availability of diagnostic service.  As doctors prescribed a particular diagnostic centre to certain percentage money from them.  Corruption in getting admission in to mbbs.  National rural health mission: health care government programmes that HAS been subjected to large scale of corruption.
  • 31.  a central government program meant to improve health care delivery in rural areas.  In the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, in which top politicians and bureaucrats are alleged to have siphoned off a massive sum estimated at ₹100 billion from the National Rural Health Mission.  The NRHM scam came to light after two Chief Medical Officers were successively murdered in wealthier localities of the state capital, Lucknow.  Dr. Vinod Arya (Oct 2010) and Dr. B. P. Singh (April 2011) were shot dead in broad daylight outside their homes.  In Feb 2012, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh himself accused the Mayawati government of misusing NRHM funds. Income tax department:  There have been several cases of collusion of officials of the income tax department of India.  preferential tax treatment and relaxed prosecutions in exchange for bribes.
  • 32. Armed forces:  The Indian Armed Forces have witnessed corruption involving senior armed forces officers from the Indian Army Indian Navy and Indian Air Force.  A number of scandals in the 2000–2015 period damaged the military's reputation.  such scandals included skimming of armed forces money, re- selling of government property, and faking combat missions. Corruption & black money:  80% of the total money is Switzerland is from India.  There are corruptions in every walk of life.  There is inefficiency in offices people have become selfish.  They neglect the national interest's.  Black money causes the problem of rising prices.  Some people have privileged but many are suffering its affects Indian economy , it causes poverty.
  • 33. Scams in India:  Coal allocation Scam :some politician's involved Loss to Nation:186000 Crore rs.  2G Spectrum Scam: allegadely by A.Raja MP from Tamilnadu and member of DMK party. Loss to Country : 176,000 Crore Rs  Harshad Mehta Share Market Scam: Lost to Nation : 4000 Crore Rs. Persons involved : Harshad Mehta  Commonwealth Games Scam: One of the most shameful and disgusting scam for India. politicians involved, Loss to country : Nearly 35000 Crore rs.  The Hawala Scandal: Politicians involved : L. K. Advani, V. C. Shukla, P. Shiv Shankar, Sharad Yadav, loss to nation: 1000 crore rs are involved in this scam  The Fodder Scam: Politicians alleged : Then Bihar Chief Minister Lalu Yadav and Cabinet minister Jagannath Mishra, Loss to State of Bihar : 950 Crores to Bihar State.  Bellary mining scam: Karnataka government : more than 16000 Crore.  politicians and Company alleged : Reddy Brothers, owner of Obulapuram Mining Company in Bellary and Then chief minister Yedurappa.
  • 34.  Eradication of corruption  India is the fast developing country in the world where our systems are weak .  Believing in god and afraid of god he is watching.  Media: media can play a role in tackling media is corrupted and restricted to certain parties and their politicians for mutual benefits.  Lokpal bill implementation.  Political parties and politicians should be in the society to the people by the people for the people  Anti corruption websites.  Anti corruption organizations.  Self determination of not to give bribe.  Vigorous punishments.  Awareness through media.  Awareness through social networking , campaigns , road shows.
  • 35. Eradication of poverty:  Though India shows a high economic growth , it is shame full that there is still large scale poverty in India.  If u believe in god, u would be thankful to him for such a life free from poverty.  Every religion teaches to share things with others, well this good deed becomes multiple.  If we share our happiness and prosperity with those who are less fortune.  Devote some time towards volunteering to raise standards of poor, and associate with some organizations.  We can volunteer towards mess for poor.  You can go and teach motivate in school for poor children.  We buy from organized sector for brand names in showroom ,malls, money goes to other countries people getting richer for exporting these things.  Buy few things from unorganized sector as local things give them a chance.  An education is an important thing that distinguish between poor and rich.  Try devoting them to impart education to poor people.
  • 36.  An education is an important thing that distinguish between poor and rich.  Whenever u see a child labor as working ask him if he would like to study help her as financially to study.  ask to his boos as if he can get an part time job after his evening school.  Believe me if one person in a family acquires education, he can bring whole family out of poverty.  Try devoting them to impart education to poor people.  give small loans get in to some business and developed  Try to visit villages ask about their local conditions, school, job , agriculture etc.  We will get information and can take conscious decision to help them.  Whenever u see someone is hungry or begging, try to give something to eat to that person.  Donate medicines for the poor sick person and don’t shy away from buying some medicines.
  • 37.  Widening the concept of employment.  Farmers must get all facilities for irrigation  Agriculture must be made profitable .  Ensuring financial services to poorest person.  The economic gap between the two must be reduced.  The widening gap between rich and poor is also responsible for india’s poverty.  Do charity and accumulate money.  Donate in villages , states , in countries.  Providing free shelter , food, health care, education, and drinking water for them.  Reducing government taxes for the villages who are facing poverty.  Hunger and malnutrition of poor to natural disasters make them take up anti national and anti social activities.  It is duty of government in particular and all citizens in general to try their best in an organizations or individually.  corruption must be end , our officies, government and public sectors, politicians , parties should love the nation.
  • 38. zakath : (Arabic: ‫[زكاة‬ "that which purifies", is a form of obligatory alms-giving and religious tax in Islam. It is based on income and the value of all of one's possessions. Charity:  The act of helping others can create an improved sense of well- being.  Knowing that you sacrificed something such as time, finances or property in order to help others in need  Thus it can give you a sense of purpose in life or work and inner satisfaction.