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Positivism vs Interpretivism Essay
Compare and contrast positivist and interpretive perspectives underpinning social research–
This essay intends to investigate by comparing and contrasting positivist and interpretive perspectives that surround social research. It will look into the
use of methods such as quantitative and qualitative research and the effects and outcomes that this has in relation to social research. This will include
the variations amongst them in both a positive and negative light.
Before research can be undertaken the researcher must investigate the various methodologies, methods, theoretical perspectives and philosophical bases
which surrounds the research. This will then enable researchers to use a wide variety of research methods in order to more content...
'The individual is relegated to being nothing more than a system outcome, not a thinking and acting human' (Bryman, 2008)
A researcher looking into the use of positivist methodology would look into the use of methods such as: survey's, questionnaires and statistic models.
They aim to identify and measure social structures; this type of research can be seen by looking into the study of Durkheim's study of suicide with
which Durkheim was referred to as a positivist. He believed that sociological theories must invest beneath the surface of phenomena and find out the
hidden underlying causes behind behaviour. He claimed that sociology and its findings should be more than that of a speculation and that it should
support its claims with evidence and statistics, Including important factors which can impact on the data which has been found. This includes taking
into account hidden factors such as; economic depression, family mortality, and the slave trade all of which have impacted in this study on the rate
of suicide. (Alcock, Margaret, Rowlingson, 2008) These methods have however been heavily criticised as being a flawed area for social research as
they are seen to exclude significant issues in which it fails to address. (Beckett, 2006) This includes the failure of taking into account essential
characteristics of human behaviour and social life which is unable to
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Interpretive Essay
Is Liberate Art A Way of Life?
In many instances, individuals neglect to acknowledge the importance of school and a higher education. The individuals who view education as their
number one priority see staying in school is important. Why is it important? Is staying in school going to benefit the student/individual? In this essay, I
will explain why the literate arts are important and for what they are good. I will also give the opinions of others and what my views are. Richard
Miller, the writer of " The Dark Night of The Soul" writes, " I have these doubts, you see, doubts silently shared by many who spend their days teaching
others the liberate arts. Aside from gathering and analyzing information, aside from generating critiques more content...
As I read, "The Dark Night of the Soul" by Richard E. Miller, I found it to be an interesting read. He inquires, why we read, why we write and what
might literate arts be said to be good for? In his essay he describes the school massacres that have occurred throughout the years. As he describes these
events, he asks a deeper question, "What is the point of continuing to read, write and learn in the face of such underlying dangers. I think that with all
that is happening, individuals/students should continue with education because reading, television, writing and communication makes a difference in
the lives of individuals around the world. The bottom line is that literary art has a way of touching students unexpectedly one way or another and
students should not just throw the art away because of society's perception.
Works Cited
Miller E., Richard. "The Dark Night of the Soul".Ways of Reading: An Anthology for
Writers. 9th. David Bartholomae & Anthony Petrosky. Boston: Bedford St. Martin's Press, 2010. 420–442. Print.
"Dead Air." The Ghost Whisperer. CBS. WWJ
–TV, New York City. 8 Jan. 2010.
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Sociological Approach To Deviance Essay
Exploration into the social world embarks upon the various methods and functions that are responsible for constructing the concise understandings of
sociology. The concept of deviance configures into the sociological outlook through the emancipation of social control. Hence, the factors associated
with deviant objectives immerse among the ways in which sociology is conducted. The enormity of sociological concepts happens to be broken down
into three definite approaches, which allows the fundamentals to be processed via perspective. Deviance, then can be explained within these methods
to procure the effects that each form has on social contexts. Therefore, the approaches to sociology and the forms of deviance determine significant
elements in the societal atmosphere.
As sociologists divulge into the complexities of their studies, there engages a pattern of similarities among differing areas of sociology. By close
examination of the repetitive patterns, a specific method evolves for researching and understanding that category of societal contexts. Therefore, an
evolution of three different approaches were conducted in order to achieve the extent of information available in sociology. Strategic methods allowed
multiple perspectives to examine the same content while reaching various objectives, hence acquiring numerous solutions to a singular issue. With the
availability of a range of solutions came forth the sociological approaches: Positivist Sociology, Interpretive Sociology,
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Theories are categorized as either interpretive or objective. A better understanding is the purpose of interpretive theories explored through text or
speech. Interpretive theories are apparent when looking at texts, meanings, value, and culture. Opposite of this is the objective theory, which seeks
accuracy. A more in depth look of objective theories will be discussed based on several scientific standards: explanation of the data, prediction of future
events, relative simplicity, hypotheses that can be tested, practical utility and quantitative research are the scientific standards. Objectivity is observed
through variables, predictions, surveys, experiments, and controlled settings. Although the listed objective standards are important, the qualitative
research portion is the most valuable.
Quantitative research is needed for the first scientific standard to exist, which is the explanation of the data. In the scientific community, quantitative
research corresponding to numbers is far more dependable than words. For instance, precision in numbers is needed in order to measure frequency. In
addition, we use numbers to measure time whether it be days, weeks, months or years. Numbers are crucial is measuring time, distance, money, weight,
and so on. Correspondingly, with numbers being very precise, there is less room for the researcher to be subjective. Numbers tend to show truth within
experiments and surveys and can somehow measure success and failures through
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The Interpretive Approach For Communication
The Interpretive Approach to Communication In communication, there are three different approaches: social science, interpretive, and critical. All
three approaches differ greatly in their paradigms, or belief systems, on how the study of communication should be approached. Of the three
approaches, the Interpretive Approach is the one that suits me the best. Why you might ask? Simply put, it just makes sense. The interpretive
Approach, also referred to as the Humanistic Approach, is looking at communication through a system of thoughts that celebrate human nature and it's
potential. Simply put, this approach looks specifically at human nature as it pertains to a specific person, or specific group, as a whole rather than the
general consensus. As with the other methods, the Interpretive Approach has it's own assumptions, theories and methods, ethical issues, and strengths
and limitations. When studying communication, there are certain assumptions to be made. These assumptions vary depending on the paradigm that the
researcher is following. In the Interpretive Approach, the major assumption is that humans construct their own reality, and researchers must tap into
and understand that reality. This could not be truer, as everyone has their own perception of the world around them and reality in general. It is also
assumed that the focus will be on the communicator. The Interpretive Approach draws focus on the creativity of humans rather than our predictability.
Following the
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Source 1 Abusch, T. (Oct–Dec 2001). The development and meaning of the Epic of Gilgamesh: An interpretive essay. Journal of the American Oriental
Society, 121(4), 614–622. Type of Source Source 1 is a journal article paginated by volume. Summary This journal article examines 3 versions of the
Gilgamesh Epic: the Old Babylonian version; the Eleven–Tablet version; and the Twelve–Tablet version. Though all 3 versions deal with the issues and
choices of human beings and also with the inescapable issue of Death, the 3 different versions focus on 3 different aspects of Gilgamesh. The Old
Babylonian version is the oldest, probably written during the Old Babylonian Period of 2003–1595 BC, and focuses on the fight of hero vs. man. The
Old Babylonian version was circulated in the Near East and underwent many revisions. One of those revisions was the Eleven–Tablet version, which
focused on the fight of hero vs. king. The Eleven–Tablet version, written in the later second millennium, adds to the beginning and end of the Epic,
plus the Utnapishtim meeting, and shows the Gilgamesh–Ishtar passage that was added in Tablet 6. Another revision of the Epic was the Twelve
version, which focused on the fight of hero vs. god. The Twelve–Tablet version adds a translation of the second half of "Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the
Netherworld" and changes the nature of the Epic by showing a conflict between Gilgamesh's two identities as god and man, and the rules controlling
life in the
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Example Of Interpretive Paradigm
5.2 Interpretive Paradigm The interpretive paradigm has its theoretical roots in hermeneutics, phenomenology and symbolic interactionism. The
qualitative research methodologies are based on interpretive research paradigm. This paradigm believes that we should conduct research to comprehend
social life and describe how people construct social meaning. It seeks to understand the meaning human actions and experiences and generate accounts
of those meanings from the perspective of the participants in the research. This approach to social science research rejects the positivist idea that the
research methods of physical sciences can be used in the social sciences to understand the human behaviour. Interpretivists argue that the fundamental more content...
Thus, the reality as we know it is constructed through the meanings and understandings that we develop through our social experiences and
interactions. It believes that human beings are social beings who create meaning and constantly engage in making sense of their worlds. In order to
explain the social reality, Interpretivists describe how the meaning system of a group emerges and is sustained over time; and the theory contains
information that is detailed, situated in a context and involves minimal abstraction. Interpretivists consider the common sense as powerful everyday
theories that are useful in understanding people and are as much valid as science as they guide our daily lives. Interpretivists thus believe that good
evidence is one which is situated in the context of a person's social interactions, to which the meanings are assigned. Here, social dialogue is important
to generate findings and knowledge claims as it through the dialogue that conflicting interpretations emerge and negotiated between the community
members. It is through this dialectical process that we can have a better and sophisticated understanding of the social environment of the individuals.
So, it is important to foster a dialogue between the researcher and the
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Self Interpretive Essay
Anne Riley Laid Off: One of the most interesting topics covered in class for me was that of emotions and moods. I have a hard time understanding
when and how to express my emotions. This has been a real problem for me in all of my relationships, both professional and personal. Though I have
never been laid off I feel I relate to the case of Anne Riley to some degree. Anne was able to better understand and recognize her emotions and in the
long run benefited from that knowledge. The case begins with Anne Riley meeting with a recruiter from Goldman Sachs' Private Equity Group. She is
hoping that this interview will eventually pay off with a permanent job upon her graduation. Throughout the case many descriptive words were used so more content...
The case describes her determination and hard work. Raised by her mother Anne began earning her own money at the age of 15. Anne was the
first in her family to attend college and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree with a focus in finance. She understood from a young age that
work offered a direct payoff; the harder she worked the bigger her reward in the end. Anne, like me, had goals for her life. She had a direction and
path she wanted to follow and knew what she had to do to get there. She had chosen a career in private equity and knew that a person with these
aspirations spent a few years after college working and moving up within a firm before attending school. Anne was offered a position with Storrow
after a rough interview process. Anne soon relocated to a new city leaving her family, friends, and life behind her in New York. Being confident in
her goals and plans Anne found a nice apartment, furnished it, and began a small family (adopted a dog). Like Anne, I too relocated to a new city
in order to pursue my current job. I moved quickly leaving behind friends and relationships I had come to cherish. I moved into an apartment with
my small family not knowing the area or anyone near us. I too felt confident in myself and knew I would be here for a while moving up in my career. I
have invested in my education because I know that if I aspire to provide for my family I will need an education. I also will
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This section will provide a brief summary of the advantages and disadvantages of some Interpretivist, qualitative research methodologies. Specifically,
methods included in the policy analysis in this essay and those discussed in this module. The scope of this essay does not allow for an evaluation of
the advantages and disadvantages of positivist methods as well.
Narrative analysis such as analysing personal documents like the email responses in this policy, provides rich social, political and cultural context and
insight to research or a population however this method may be time consuming and unreliable as there is no way of knowing if the data is correct.
(Mays, Pope and Popay, 2005) (Williamson, 2017)
Participant observation such as the engagement events in this policy is a favoured method of Interpretivist research as it provides rich detailed data of
how people actually live and by participating in a situation it gives the researcher increased insight and understanding of the population they are
researching. However, becoming involved in a community can be costly and time consuming and the data may become biased as the researcher has
become imbedded in the community or environment the research is taking place. (Mays and Pope, 1995)
Unstructured interviews such as the meetings with mental health organisations in the policy review, allow for flexibility in questioning which allows
the interview to follow a natural progression and for the interviewer to change questioning
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Misunderstanding in Language
Everyone has had a personal experience in misunderstanding language. It causes little problems throughout day to day life, and tiny annoyances that
require time reexplaining to fix. These things happen with such complex languages as there are today. There is slang and accents, language changes
depending on where you live and who you parents were. So much affects the way we talk. Misunderstanding is the cause of much bigger problems,
education is affected as well as politics. With all these different languages throughout the world, big problems can arise from little language
differences. A leader can misunderstand a statement from a world leader, just simply because of where they grew up. To understand how to fix the
language misunderstanding, it must be understood first. It all starts on a large scale with education. In school, we all learned English. We learned to
read and write, conjugate, write essays, and all the grammar rules there are. We also learned, how to talk to our friends in slang, how to talk to our
family in casual conversation, and how to communicate over the internet and phone. These things combined help us speak English, but everyone
speaks there on style of English. This concept becomes complicated when you are from another county coming to America. In American college
students from all over the world learn English, their resources are in English and their classes are taught exclusively in English. This causes great issues
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Essay on Araby, by James Joyce
In his short story "Araby", James Joyce portrays a character who strives to achieve a goal and who comes to an epiphany through his failure to
accomplish that goal. Written in the first person, "Araby" is about a man recalling an event from his childhood. The narrator's desire to be with the
sister of his friend Mangan, leads him on a quest to bring back a gift from the carnival for the girl. It is the quest, the desire to be a knight in shining
armor, that sends the narrator to the carnival and it's what he experienced and sees at the carnival that brings him to the realization that some dreams
are just not attainable.
Joyce uses the setting of the story to help create a mood and to develop characters and themes throughout more content...
"Every morning I lay on the floor in the front parlor watching her door...At night in my bedroom and by day in the classroom her image came between
me and the page I strove to read." This shows the extent to which the narrator desires to be with Mangan's sister.
During the narrator's first encounter with Mangan's sister, she "turned a sliver bracelet around her wrist." Picturing this bracelet twisting and
spinning around the girl's wrist gives the reader a sense that the narrator's emotions too are spinning round and round as he is finally talking to the
girl of his dreams. He describes her " silver bracelet", "the white curve of her neck", and the "white border of a petticoat" to give Mangan's sister a
sense of innocence and purity.
"If I go, I said, I will bring something for you." This is where the narrator's romantic quest begins. He has committed himself to going to Araby, an
exotic carnival of wonder and enchantment, to bring back a gift for the girl he is in love with. What seems to be a simple task: go to the carnival, get a
gift and bring it back; turns out to be one upset after another. The day of the carnival the narrator's uncle, who has the narrator's money, arrives home
late. In his drunken state, the uncle hands the narrator the money and sends him on his way. "I took my seat in a third class carriage of a deserted train.
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The Interpretive Mode Of Communication Essay
2. Interpretive Mode of Communication Interpretive Communication is a mode that relies heavily on the media to relay its message. It is one–way
receptive communication that is received by listening, reading, or viewing advertisements. Children, the most impressionable of consumers, are highly
influenced by advertisements and its particular appeal to the subconscious. The use of specific colors and licensed characters are two marketing
strategies that food marketers employ. These strategies fall into this mode of communication and influence children's opinions about brands and
products. 2a. Color Theory Color theory is a visual and psychological concept that helps explain why certain products are chosen instead of those from
competing brands. McDonald's, a fast–food–chain that has spent $528.8 million in food marketing, has specifically catered products towards children
through the use of color. In research done by Worcester Polytechnic Institute, they noted "...the use of bright colors (on products) is commonly used for
children to associate the product with fun and games. As an example, McDonald's actively uses bright colors throughout their marketing campaign and
in their restaurants in order to promote and facilitate these emotional reactions among children" (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2007). Marketers,
much like McDonald 's, have realized that there is a science behind specific colors and desires/moods. For instance, the color red, which is used in a
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Analytical Essay Final Draft
Let's Agree the Drinking Age of 21 Drinking age is not a strange phrase in our lives. Every time when we go to club or buy some liquor, we have to
show our photo ID to prove that we have already 21 and we are legal to drink wine. I think this is a really good method to control drinking problem.
Before I read these two articles which are "The 21–Year–Old Drinking Age: I Voted for it, It Doesn't Work" by Dr. Morris E. Chafetz and "The
Drinking Age of 21 Saves Lives" by Toben F. Nelson and Traci L. Toomey, I only felt that when people grow up they will have self
–control to hold
their desire for drinking and could decide whether it is appropriate to drink at that moment. I didn't collect any data or information to support my
opinion, more content...
But Dr. Chafetz said that "We must neither confuse numbers with science nor interpret a lack of numbers as implying an absence of science" (Dr.
Chafetz. The 21–Year–Old Drinking Age: I Voted for it; It Doesn't Work par 5), what does this sentence mean? If we can't just accept the truth which
accurate numbers told us and those numbers represent scientific evidences, what should we do? How could we believe authority hereafter? How
could we do research h in the future? Dr. Chafetz also mentioned that reckless drinking to get drunk happened all the time and it had nothing to do
with raising age. I can't see how paragraph 7 in the article has strong relationship with the topic. We can't deny that drinking problems happened all
the time during different ages, but the author didn't show the percentage of people who under 21 have these kinds of problem and what happened
when the law was changed. Dr. Chafetz insulted experts at the second half of the article, he didn't believe their work result and blamed that experts
gave wrong direction to parents. But I didn't find anything which could prove experts' advice was wrong and I have no clue that why Dr. Chafetz
trusted parents' instinct more than scientific record, according to what Dr. Chafetz wrote in his article that "but as a parent and psychiatrist I trust the
instinct of parents more than I do the hubris of 'experts'"
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Interpretive Essay : Art Museum Essay
Phuc Duy Nguyen (Tony)
Professor Kolya Rice
Art History 384 A
5th December 2016Interpretive Essay In the past few months, I 've had a lot of opportunities to observe and experience art through the course materials
at school, galleries, museums, architectures, and so on. Even though I always have great interest in modern art and really enjoy the works of
contemporary artist such as Claes Oldenburg and Andy Warhol, my knowledge and understanding about abstraction is quite limited. However, after our
discussion and lecture about Abstract Expressionism, I found myself drawn to the picture of the "Sea Change" by Jackson Pollock that presented at the
Seattle Art Museum (SAM) and have learned more about abstraction aspect through his paintings.
Jackson Pollock (1912–1956) is one of the most famous American abstract expressionist painters from the 1940s and 1950s. He 's also known as the
"Jack the Dripper" for his unique style of drip painting. The "Sea Change" was created in 1947 and was one of a small series of his paintings that
displayed at the Betty Parsons Gallery in New York in 1948. It is a five feet tall and four feet wide painting. The work was donated to the SAM by
Peggy Guggenheim, a wealthy art collector. She was also the person who opened the Art of this Century Gallery, and helped launch careers of many
abstract expressionists, including Pollock.
According to the Seattle Times, instead of using an easel like most artists, the massive canvas used for the
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Examine the advantages and disadvantages of using both positivist and interpretivist methods of research (20)
Positivism is a theoretical point of view which concentrates on social facts, scientific methods and quantitative data. The research methods that are
commonly used by positivists are questionnaires, structured interviews, structured non–participant observation and official statistics. These methods
are used as they are objective and reliable. One sociological study that used positivist methods was Durkheim's Suicide Study. Durkheim used official
statistics to study suicide and demonstrate society as a science with its own distinct subject matter.
One advantage of using positivist methods of research is that the data is that more content...
They used informal interviews with victims of domestic abuse and also the people who worked with and helped victims to show how families can
often be a violent group and to show the male domination within households as well as demonstrating to the public the "hidden" problem.
One advantage of using interpretivist methods of research is that the responses are valid and close to the truth. With the individual mattering they give a
good reflection of how people are truly feeling often providing an accurate picture and measuring what the researcher set out to measure.
A second advantage of using positivist methods of research is that they allow the participant to give more personal and depth in their responses.
Interpretivist methods of research focus on the individual rather than the responses collectively which allows the respondent to provide answers with
feeling and meaning and also detailed responses.
One disadvantage of using interpretivist methods of research is that they are unreliable. Usually interpretivist research methods depend on personal
relationships established between the respondent and the researcher are therefore difficult for other researchers to repeat the research and get similar
results showing no consistency between results.
A second disadvantage of using interpretivist methods of research is that the results are not representative. Using interpretivist research methods
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Scarlet Letter Interpretive Essay
Abby Lamlech 10/3/2017
The book The Scarlet Letter is broken up into three main sections called the 'Scaffold Scenes' and each, although have the same title, show significant
differences in characters and situations. Each of these scenes brings together the major characters and forces of the story and each scene, rivets our
attention to the scarlet letter 'A' on Hester
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Analysis Of The Shipman In The Canterbury Tales
In the Canterbury Tales, Chaucer describes his pilgrimage to Canterbury by using several different pilgrims. The shipman is one of these pilgrims
on this trip, and he is known as one of the most brutal pilgrims on this pilgrimage. The shipman is one of the best travellers because he goes all
over Spain and Britain because of his job; he works as a commercial shipman that trades among the mercantile class. He is known as an unsavory
type, who has no feelings for law or conscience, as he will throw someone overboard for disobeying him. The shipman is one of the best at his job
because of his brutality and bitterness. In the Shipman's tale, he tells a story about a merchant, his wife, and a monk. The merchant and monk are great
friends, more content...
The merchant seems obligated to do what the monk wants because social ranking during this time period controlled the behavior between individuals.
The merchant feels obligated to give the monk what he wants, and sees it as a "great pleasure/ Thus are they knit with eternal alliance" because of the
social status during these times (Chaucer 39–40). Power and position are the social rankings, these determine how people will treat others according to
their status, position, and power. Joseph Dane sees the same concept going on, "the merchant appreciates the monk's kindness, thus respecting his rank
and being obligated to serve his requests" (Dane 1). It is also shown that the monk possesses a rank after above the merchant by saying that he is
"knighted," implying that this position contains a power that can surpass a rich merchant, that already has some control over the village and the people
of it. This shows the theme by emphasizing on the fact that social positions change behaviors towards people, leading to the merchant loaning the
monk a hundred francs, when he did not loan it to even his own wife. Dane also states that "social ranking impacts the power that comes with position"
(Dane 1). This elaborates on the fact that the monk is getting special privileges from the merchant, like taking loans just because his social rank
/position is higher. The
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Essay On Interpretive Reading
Interpretive reading is very important in many ways to the modern world. Interpretive reading which forms the larger part of the art of public reading
is fun, informative, challenging but needs some day to day strategies to be successful. (39 words)
First, it is important to conduct proper research on various materials available for presentation. Proper selection of the literature to be presented sets the
base for application of other strategies that will enhance the presentation. A properly selected literature identifies with the theme of the presentation, the
purpose of the presentation, the age bracket of the audience and the expected outcome of the presentation in terms of message delivery. Proper choice of
words and phrases forms the backbone of effective communication. This is a key characteristic in many speeches of the great orators and leaders
whose words will continue to reign over generations even after they are long gone. (109 words)
Good understanding of the item of presentation more content...
It is important to know how to apply the skill in passing information. For example a supervisor in a company can apply a high tone when giving
instructions to the workers but will use a low tone in reporting to his manager. The tone of communication determines the level of control one has over
the other in communication. It brings out the inner feelings of the speaker preparing the listener for appropriate response. It is important apply tonal
variation with ultimate care to avoid sending inconsistent signals while speaking. Tonal variation is an important aspect of modern presentation as it is
used to express different moods. It is from the tonal variation of a speaker through which the audience is able to identify whether he or she is happy or
unhappy with the issue under consideration. It gives meaning to the words used and helps the listener to understand different moods of people and
then respond accordingly. (167
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Example Of Interpretative Phenomenology
This essay introduces interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), a qualitative research approach, which has recently gained popularity in health
sciences (Smith, Flowers, & Larkin, 2009). The paper will start with a research question associated with health in order to give an example of forming
a question in IPAresearch, and will be followed by introducing phenomenology in general and itВґs different approaches. Then, the key and the broad
characteristics of IPA will be explained and brief overview of data collection methods and analysis will be introduce. Finally justification of the
methodology and conclusions will be made.
My qualitative research question of IPA is "How do people make sense of their life with chronic neck pain more content...
Descriptive (transcendental) phenomenology is a way of meaning–making by studying the phenomenon as it figures in consciousness (Giorgi, 1997).
Husserl thought that meaning–making is like a process where the consciousness starts to develop individual's reality (Smith et al., 2009). In order to
observe and describe individualВґs life world without advertently adding researcherВґs theories to findings, known facts and researcherВґs own views
must be bracketed (Giorgi, 1997; Koch 1995). Bracketing leads the researcher away from distractions and allows to concentrate on observed
phenomenon (Koch, 1995; Smith et al., 2009). However, it is argued whether it is possible to describe something without adding your own thoughts
and interpretation (Pringle, Drummond, McLafferty, & Hendry, 2011). In reality, it is difficult to study and observe something without making own
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Positivism Vs Interpretivism Essay

  • 1. Positivism vs Interpretivism Essay Compare and contrast positivist and interpretive perspectives underpinning social research– This essay intends to investigate by comparing and contrasting positivist and interpretive perspectives that surround social research. It will look into the use of methods such as quantitative and qualitative research and the effects and outcomes that this has in relation to social research. This will include the variations amongst them in both a positive and negative light. Before research can be undertaken the researcher must investigate the various methodologies, methods, theoretical perspectives and philosophical bases which surrounds the research. This will then enable researchers to use a wide variety of research methods in order to more content... 'The individual is relegated to being nothing more than a system outcome, not a thinking and acting human' (Bryman, 2008) A researcher looking into the use of positivist methodology would look into the use of methods such as: survey's, questionnaires and statistic models. They aim to identify and measure social structures; this type of research can be seen by looking into the study of Durkheim's study of suicide with which Durkheim was referred to as a positivist. He believed that sociological theories must invest beneath the surface of phenomena and find out the hidden underlying causes behind behaviour. He claimed that sociology and its findings should be more than that of a speculation and that it should support its claims with evidence and statistics, Including important factors which can impact on the data which has been found. This includes taking into account hidden factors such as; economic depression, family mortality, and the slave trade all of which have impacted in this study on the rate of suicide. (Alcock, Margaret, Rowlingson, 2008) These methods have however been heavily criticised as being a flawed area for social research as they are seen to exclude significant issues in which it fails to address. (Beckett, 2006) This includes the failure of taking into account essential characteristics of human behaviour and social life which is unable to Get more content on
  • 2. Interpretive Essay Is Liberate Art A Way of Life? In many instances, individuals neglect to acknowledge the importance of school and a higher education. The individuals who view education as their number one priority see staying in school is important. Why is it important? Is staying in school going to benefit the student/individual? In this essay, I will explain why the literate arts are important and for what they are good. I will also give the opinions of others and what my views are. Richard Miller, the writer of " The Dark Night of The Soul" writes, " I have these doubts, you see, doubts silently shared by many who spend their days teaching others the liberate arts. Aside from gathering and analyzing information, aside from generating critiques more content... As I read, "The Dark Night of the Soul" by Richard E. Miller, I found it to be an interesting read. He inquires, why we read, why we write and what might literate arts be said to be good for? In his essay he describes the school massacres that have occurred throughout the years. As he describes these events, he asks a deeper question, "What is the point of continuing to read, write and learn in the face of such underlying dangers. I think that with all that is happening, individuals/students should continue with education because reading, television, writing and communication makes a difference in the lives of individuals around the world. The bottom line is that literary art has a way of touching students unexpectedly one way or another and students should not just throw the art away because of society's perception. Works Cited Miller E., Richard. "The Dark Night of the Soul".Ways of Reading: An Anthology for Writers. 9th. David Bartholomae & Anthony Petrosky. Boston: Bedford St. Martin's Press, 2010. 420–442. Print. "Dead Air." The Ghost Whisperer. CBS. WWJ –TV, New York City. 8 Jan. 2010. Get more content on
  • 3. Sociological Approach To Deviance Essay Exploration into the social world embarks upon the various methods and functions that are responsible for constructing the concise understandings of sociology. The concept of deviance configures into the sociological outlook through the emancipation of social control. Hence, the factors associated with deviant objectives immerse among the ways in which sociology is conducted. The enormity of sociological concepts happens to be broken down into three definite approaches, which allows the fundamentals to be processed via perspective. Deviance, then can be explained within these methods to procure the effects that each form has on social contexts. Therefore, the approaches to sociology and the forms of deviance determine significant elements in the societal atmosphere. As sociologists divulge into the complexities of their studies, there engages a pattern of similarities among differing areas of sociology. By close examination of the repetitive patterns, a specific method evolves for researching and understanding that category of societal contexts. Therefore, an evolution of three different approaches were conducted in order to achieve the extent of information available in sociology. Strategic methods allowed multiple perspectives to examine the same content while reaching various objectives, hence acquiring numerous solutions to a singular issue. With the availability of a range of solutions came forth the sociological approaches: Positivist Sociology, Interpretive Sociology, Get more content on
  • 4. Theories are categorized as either interpretive or objective. A better understanding is the purpose of interpretive theories explored through text or speech. Interpretive theories are apparent when looking at texts, meanings, value, and culture. Opposite of this is the objective theory, which seeks accuracy. A more in depth look of objective theories will be discussed based on several scientific standards: explanation of the data, prediction of future events, relative simplicity, hypotheses that can be tested, practical utility and quantitative research are the scientific standards. Objectivity is observed through variables, predictions, surveys, experiments, and controlled settings. Although the listed objective standards are important, the qualitative research portion is the most valuable. Quantitative research is needed for the first scientific standard to exist, which is the explanation of the data. In the scientific community, quantitative research corresponding to numbers is far more dependable than words. For instance, precision in numbers is needed in order to measure frequency. In addition, we use numbers to measure time whether it be days, weeks, months or years. Numbers are crucial is measuring time, distance, money, weight, and so on. Correspondingly, with numbers being very precise, there is less room for the researcher to be subjective. Numbers tend to show truth within experiments and surveys and can somehow measure success and failures through Get more content on
  • 5. The Interpretive Approach For Communication The Interpretive Approach to Communication In communication, there are three different approaches: social science, interpretive, and critical. All three approaches differ greatly in their paradigms, or belief systems, on how the study of communication should be approached. Of the three approaches, the Interpretive Approach is the one that suits me the best. Why you might ask? Simply put, it just makes sense. The interpretive Approach, also referred to as the Humanistic Approach, is looking at communication through a system of thoughts that celebrate human nature and it's potential. Simply put, this approach looks specifically at human nature as it pertains to a specific person, or specific group, as a whole rather than the general consensus. As with the other methods, the Interpretive Approach has it's own assumptions, theories and methods, ethical issues, and strengths and limitations. When studying communication, there are certain assumptions to be made. These assumptions vary depending on the paradigm that the researcher is following. In the Interpretive Approach, the major assumption is that humans construct their own reality, and researchers must tap into and understand that reality. This could not be truer, as everyone has their own perception of the world around them and reality in general. It is also assumed that the focus will be on the communicator. The Interpretive Approach draws focus on the creativity of humans rather than our predictability. Following the Get more content on
  • 6. Source 1 Abusch, T. (Oct–Dec 2001). The development and meaning of the Epic of Gilgamesh: An interpretive essay. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 121(4), 614–622. Type of Source Source 1 is a journal article paginated by volume. Summary This journal article examines 3 versions of the Gilgamesh Epic: the Old Babylonian version; the Eleven–Tablet version; and the Twelve–Tablet version. Though all 3 versions deal with the issues and choices of human beings and also with the inescapable issue of Death, the 3 different versions focus on 3 different aspects of Gilgamesh. The Old Babylonian version is the oldest, probably written during the Old Babylonian Period of 2003–1595 BC, and focuses on the fight of hero vs. man. The Old Babylonian version was circulated in the Near East and underwent many revisions. One of those revisions was the Eleven–Tablet version, which focused on the fight of hero vs. king. The Eleven–Tablet version, written in the later second millennium, adds to the beginning and end of the Epic, plus the Utnapishtim meeting, and shows the Gilgamesh–Ishtar passage that was added in Tablet 6. Another revision of the Epic was the Twelve –Table version, which focused on the fight of hero vs. god. The Twelve–Tablet version adds a translation of the second half of "Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Netherworld" and changes the nature of the Epic by showing a conflict between Gilgamesh's two identities as god and man, and the rules controlling life in the Get more content on
  • 7. Example Of Interpretive Paradigm 5.2 Interpretive Paradigm The interpretive paradigm has its theoretical roots in hermeneutics, phenomenology and symbolic interactionism. The qualitative research methodologies are based on interpretive research paradigm. This paradigm believes that we should conduct research to comprehend social life and describe how people construct social meaning. It seeks to understand the meaning human actions and experiences and generate accounts of those meanings from the perspective of the participants in the research. This approach to social science research rejects the positivist idea that the research methods of physical sciences can be used in the social sciences to understand the human behaviour. Interpretivists argue that the fundamental more content... Thus, the reality as we know it is constructed through the meanings and understandings that we develop through our social experiences and interactions. It believes that human beings are social beings who create meaning and constantly engage in making sense of their worlds. In order to explain the social reality, Interpretivists describe how the meaning system of a group emerges and is sustained over time; and the theory contains information that is detailed, situated in a context and involves minimal abstraction. Interpretivists consider the common sense as powerful everyday theories that are useful in understanding people and are as much valid as science as they guide our daily lives. Interpretivists thus believe that good evidence is one which is situated in the context of a person's social interactions, to which the meanings are assigned. Here, social dialogue is important to generate findings and knowledge claims as it through the dialogue that conflicting interpretations emerge and negotiated between the community members. It is through this dialectical process that we can have a better and sophisticated understanding of the social environment of the individuals. So, it is important to foster a dialogue between the researcher and the Get more content on
  • 8. Self Interpretive Essay Anne Riley Laid Off: One of the most interesting topics covered in class for me was that of emotions and moods. I have a hard time understanding when and how to express my emotions. This has been a real problem for me in all of my relationships, both professional and personal. Though I have never been laid off I feel I relate to the case of Anne Riley to some degree. Anne was able to better understand and recognize her emotions and in the long run benefited from that knowledge. The case begins with Anne Riley meeting with a recruiter from Goldman Sachs' Private Equity Group. She is hoping that this interview will eventually pay off with a permanent job upon her graduation. Throughout the case many descriptive words were used so more content... The case describes her determination and hard work. Raised by her mother Anne began earning her own money at the age of 15. Anne was the first in her family to attend college and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree with a focus in finance. She understood from a young age that work offered a direct payoff; the harder she worked the bigger her reward in the end. Anne, like me, had goals for her life. She had a direction and path she wanted to follow and knew what she had to do to get there. She had chosen a career in private equity and knew that a person with these aspirations spent a few years after college working and moving up within a firm before attending school. Anne was offered a position with Storrow after a rough interview process. Anne soon relocated to a new city leaving her family, friends, and life behind her in New York. Being confident in her goals and plans Anne found a nice apartment, furnished it, and began a small family (adopted a dog). Like Anne, I too relocated to a new city in order to pursue my current job. I moved quickly leaving behind friends and relationships I had come to cherish. I moved into an apartment with my small family not knowing the area or anyone near us. I too felt confident in myself and knew I would be here for a while moving up in my career. I have invested in my education because I know that if I aspire to provide for my family I will need an education. I also will Get more content on
  • 9. This section will provide a brief summary of the advantages and disadvantages of some Interpretivist, qualitative research methodologies. Specifically, methods included in the policy analysis in this essay and those discussed in this module. The scope of this essay does not allow for an evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of positivist methods as well. Narrative analysis such as analysing personal documents like the email responses in this policy, provides rich social, political and cultural context and insight to research or a population however this method may be time consuming and unreliable as there is no way of knowing if the data is correct. (Mays, Pope and Popay, 2005) (Williamson, 2017) Participant observation such as the engagement events in this policy is a favoured method of Interpretivist research as it provides rich detailed data of how people actually live and by participating in a situation it gives the researcher increased insight and understanding of the population they are researching. However, becoming involved in a community can be costly and time consuming and the data may become biased as the researcher has become imbedded in the community or environment the research is taking place. (Mays and Pope, 1995) Unstructured interviews such as the meetings with mental health organisations in the policy review, allow for flexibility in questioning which allows the interview to follow a natural progression and for the interviewer to change questioning Get more content on
  • 10. Misunderstanding in Language Everyone has had a personal experience in misunderstanding language. It causes little problems throughout day to day life, and tiny annoyances that require time reexplaining to fix. These things happen with such complex languages as there are today. There is slang and accents, language changes depending on where you live and who you parents were. So much affects the way we talk. Misunderstanding is the cause of much bigger problems, education is affected as well as politics. With all these different languages throughout the world, big problems can arise from little language differences. A leader can misunderstand a statement from a world leader, just simply because of where they grew up. To understand how to fix the language misunderstanding, it must be understood first. It all starts on a large scale with education. In school, we all learned English. We learned to read and write, conjugate, write essays, and all the grammar rules there are. We also learned, how to talk to our friends in slang, how to talk to our family in casual conversation, and how to communicate over the internet and phone. These things combined help us speak English, but everyone speaks there on style of English. This concept becomes complicated when you are from another county coming to America. In American college students from all over the world learn English, their resources are in English and their classes are taught exclusively in English. This causes great issues Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Araby, by James Joyce In his short story "Araby", James Joyce portrays a character who strives to achieve a goal and who comes to an epiphany through his failure to accomplish that goal. Written in the first person, "Araby" is about a man recalling an event from his childhood. The narrator's desire to be with the sister of his friend Mangan, leads him on a quest to bring back a gift from the carnival for the girl. It is the quest, the desire to be a knight in shining armor, that sends the narrator to the carnival and it's what he experienced and sees at the carnival that brings him to the realization that some dreams are just not attainable. Joyce uses the setting of the story to help create a mood and to develop characters and themes throughout more content... "Every morning I lay on the floor in the front parlor watching her door...At night in my bedroom and by day in the classroom her image came between me and the page I strove to read." This shows the extent to which the narrator desires to be with Mangan's sister. During the narrator's first encounter with Mangan's sister, she "turned a sliver bracelet around her wrist." Picturing this bracelet twisting and spinning around the girl's wrist gives the reader a sense that the narrator's emotions too are spinning round and round as he is finally talking to the girl of his dreams. He describes her " silver bracelet", "the white curve of her neck", and the "white border of a petticoat" to give Mangan's sister a sense of innocence and purity. "If I go, I said, I will bring something for you." This is where the narrator's romantic quest begins. He has committed himself to going to Araby, an exotic carnival of wonder and enchantment, to bring back a gift for the girl he is in love with. What seems to be a simple task: go to the carnival, get a gift and bring it back; turns out to be one upset after another. The day of the carnival the narrator's uncle, who has the narrator's money, arrives home late. In his drunken state, the uncle hands the narrator the money and sends him on his way. "I took my seat in a third class carriage of a deserted train. Get more content on
  • 12. The Interpretive Mode Of Communication Essay 2. Interpretive Mode of Communication Interpretive Communication is a mode that relies heavily on the media to relay its message. It is one–way receptive communication that is received by listening, reading, or viewing advertisements. Children, the most impressionable of consumers, are highly influenced by advertisements and its particular appeal to the subconscious. The use of specific colors and licensed characters are two marketing strategies that food marketers employ. These strategies fall into this mode of communication and influence children's opinions about brands and products. 2a. Color Theory Color theory is a visual and psychological concept that helps explain why certain products are chosen instead of those from competing brands. McDonald's, a fast–food–chain that has spent $528.8 million in food marketing, has specifically catered products towards children through the use of color. In research done by Worcester Polytechnic Institute, they noted "...the use of bright colors (on products) is commonly used for children to associate the product with fun and games. As an example, McDonald's actively uses bright colors throughout their marketing campaign and in their restaurants in order to promote and facilitate these emotional reactions among children" (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2007). Marketers, much like McDonald 's, have realized that there is a science behind specific colors and desires/moods. For instance, the color red, which is used in a Get more content on
  • 13. Analytical Essay Final Draft Let's Agree the Drinking Age of 21 Drinking age is not a strange phrase in our lives. Every time when we go to club or buy some liquor, we have to show our photo ID to prove that we have already 21 and we are legal to drink wine. I think this is a really good method to control drinking problem. Before I read these two articles which are "The 21–Year–Old Drinking Age: I Voted for it, It Doesn't Work" by Dr. Morris E. Chafetz and "The Drinking Age of 21 Saves Lives" by Toben F. Nelson and Traci L. Toomey, I only felt that when people grow up they will have self –control to hold their desire for drinking and could decide whether it is appropriate to drink at that moment. I didn't collect any data or information to support my opinion, more content... But Dr. Chafetz said that "We must neither confuse numbers with science nor interpret a lack of numbers as implying an absence of science" (Dr. Chafetz. The 21–Year–Old Drinking Age: I Voted for it; It Doesn't Work par 5), what does this sentence mean? If we can't just accept the truth which accurate numbers told us and those numbers represent scientific evidences, what should we do? How could we believe authority hereafter? How could we do research h in the future? Dr. Chafetz also mentioned that reckless drinking to get drunk happened all the time and it had nothing to do with raising age. I can't see how paragraph 7 in the article has strong relationship with the topic. We can't deny that drinking problems happened all the time during different ages, but the author didn't show the percentage of people who under 21 have these kinds of problem and what happened when the law was changed. Dr. Chafetz insulted experts at the second half of the article, he didn't believe their work result and blamed that experts gave wrong direction to parents. But I didn't find anything which could prove experts' advice was wrong and I have no clue that why Dr. Chafetz trusted parents' instinct more than scientific record, according to what Dr. Chafetz wrote in his article that "but as a parent and psychiatrist I trust the instinct of parents more than I do the hubris of 'experts'" Get more content on
  • 14. Interpretive Essay : Art Museum Essay Phuc Duy Nguyen (Tony) Professor Kolya Rice Art History 384 A 5th December 2016Interpretive Essay In the past few months, I 've had a lot of opportunities to observe and experience art through the course materials at school, galleries, museums, architectures, and so on. Even though I always have great interest in modern art and really enjoy the works of contemporary artist such as Claes Oldenburg and Andy Warhol, my knowledge and understanding about abstraction is quite limited. However, after our discussion and lecture about Abstract Expressionism, I found myself drawn to the picture of the "Sea Change" by Jackson Pollock that presented at the Seattle Art Museum (SAM) and have learned more about abstraction aspect through his paintings. Jackson Pollock (1912–1956) is one of the most famous American abstract expressionist painters from the 1940s and 1950s. He 's also known as the "Jack the Dripper" for his unique style of drip painting. The "Sea Change" was created in 1947 and was one of a small series of his paintings that displayed at the Betty Parsons Gallery in New York in 1948. It is a five feet tall and four feet wide painting. The work was donated to the SAM by Peggy Guggenheim, a wealthy art collector. She was also the person who opened the Art of this Century Gallery, and helped launch careers of many abstract expressionists, including Pollock. According to the Seattle Times, instead of using an easel like most artists, the massive canvas used for the Get more content on
  • 15. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of using both positivist and interpretivist methods of research (20) Positivism is a theoretical point of view which concentrates on social facts, scientific methods and quantitative data. The research methods that are commonly used by positivists are questionnaires, structured interviews, structured non–participant observation and official statistics. These methods are used as they are objective and reliable. One sociological study that used positivist methods was Durkheim's Suicide Study. Durkheim used official statistics to study suicide and demonstrate society as a science with its own distinct subject matter. One advantage of using positivist methods of research is that the data is that more content... They used informal interviews with victims of domestic abuse and also the people who worked with and helped victims to show how families can often be a violent group and to show the male domination within households as well as demonstrating to the public the "hidden" problem. One advantage of using interpretivist methods of research is that the responses are valid and close to the truth. With the individual mattering they give a good reflection of how people are truly feeling often providing an accurate picture and measuring what the researcher set out to measure. A second advantage of using positivist methods of research is that they allow the participant to give more personal and depth in their responses. Interpretivist methods of research focus on the individual rather than the responses collectively which allows the respondent to provide answers with feeling and meaning and also detailed responses. One disadvantage of using interpretivist methods of research is that they are unreliable. Usually interpretivist research methods depend on personal relationships established between the respondent and the researcher are therefore difficult for other researchers to repeat the research and get similar results showing no consistency between results. A second disadvantage of using interpretivist methods of research is that the results are not representative. Using interpretivist research methods Get more content on
  • 16. Scarlet Letter Interpretive Essay Abby Lamlech 10/3/2017 The book The Scarlet Letter is broken up into three main sections called the 'Scaffold Scenes' and each, although have the same title, show significant differences in characters and situations. Each of these scenes brings together the major characters and forces of the story and each scene, rivets our attention to the scarlet letter 'A' on Hester Get more content on
  • 17. Analysis Of The Shipman In The Canterbury Tales In the Canterbury Tales, Chaucer describes his pilgrimage to Canterbury by using several different pilgrims. The shipman is one of these pilgrims on this trip, and he is known as one of the most brutal pilgrims on this pilgrimage. The shipman is one of the best travellers because he goes all over Spain and Britain because of his job; he works as a commercial shipman that trades among the mercantile class. He is known as an unsavory type, who has no feelings for law or conscience, as he will throw someone overboard for disobeying him. The shipman is one of the best at his job because of his brutality and bitterness. In the Shipman's tale, he tells a story about a merchant, his wife, and a monk. The merchant and monk are great friends, more content... The merchant seems obligated to do what the monk wants because social ranking during this time period controlled the behavior between individuals. The merchant feels obligated to give the monk what he wants, and sees it as a "great pleasure/ Thus are they knit with eternal alliance" because of the social status during these times (Chaucer 39–40). Power and position are the social rankings, these determine how people will treat others according to their status, position, and power. Joseph Dane sees the same concept going on, "the merchant appreciates the monk's kindness, thus respecting his rank and being obligated to serve his requests" (Dane 1). It is also shown that the monk possesses a rank after above the merchant by saying that he is "knighted," implying that this position contains a power that can surpass a rich merchant, that already has some control over the village and the people of it. This shows the theme by emphasizing on the fact that social positions change behaviors towards people, leading to the merchant loaning the monk a hundred francs, when he did not loan it to even his own wife. Dane also states that "social ranking impacts the power that comes with position" (Dane 1). This elaborates on the fact that the monk is getting special privileges from the merchant, like taking loans just because his social rank /position is higher. The Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Interpretive Reading Interpretive reading is very important in many ways to the modern world. Interpretive reading which forms the larger part of the art of public reading is fun, informative, challenging but needs some day to day strategies to be successful. (39 words) First, it is important to conduct proper research on various materials available for presentation. Proper selection of the literature to be presented sets the base for application of other strategies that will enhance the presentation. A properly selected literature identifies with the theme of the presentation, the purpose of the presentation, the age bracket of the audience and the expected outcome of the presentation in terms of message delivery. Proper choice of words and phrases forms the backbone of effective communication. This is a key characteristic in many speeches of the great orators and leaders whose words will continue to reign over generations even after they are long gone. (109 words) Good understanding of the item of presentation more content... It is important to know how to apply the skill in passing information. For example a supervisor in a company can apply a high tone when giving instructions to the workers but will use a low tone in reporting to his manager. The tone of communication determines the level of control one has over the other in communication. It brings out the inner feelings of the speaker preparing the listener for appropriate response. It is important apply tonal variation with ultimate care to avoid sending inconsistent signals while speaking. Tonal variation is an important aspect of modern presentation as it is used to express different moods. It is from the tonal variation of a speaker through which the audience is able to identify whether he or she is happy or unhappy with the issue under consideration. It gives meaning to the words used and helps the listener to understand different moods of people and then respond accordingly. (167 Get more content on
  • 19. Example Of Interpretative Phenomenology This essay introduces interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), a qualitative research approach, which has recently gained popularity in health sciences (Smith, Flowers, & Larkin, 2009). The paper will start with a research question associated with health in order to give an example of forming a question in IPAresearch, and will be followed by introducing phenomenology in general and itВґs different approaches. Then, the key and the broad characteristics of IPA will be explained and brief overview of data collection methods and analysis will be introduce. Finally justification of the methodology and conclusions will be made. My qualitative research question of IPA is "How do people make sense of their life with chronic neck pain more content... Descriptive (transcendental) phenomenology is a way of meaning–making by studying the phenomenon as it figures in consciousness (Giorgi, 1997). Husserl thought that meaning–making is like a process where the consciousness starts to develop individual's reality (Smith et al., 2009). In order to observe and describe individualВґs life world without advertently adding researcherВґs theories to findings, known facts and researcherВґs own views must be bracketed (Giorgi, 1997; Koch 1995). Bracketing leads the researcher away from distractions and allows to concentrate on observed phenomenon (Koch, 1995; Smith et al., 2009). However, it is argued whether it is possible to describe something without adding your own thoughts and interpretation (Pringle, Drummond, McLafferty, & Hendry, 2011). In reality, it is difficult to study and observe something without making own Get more content on