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Cory E. Bethrant
Polymer Brush Data Processor
Christopher Kemper Ober Lab Group, Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Cornell University
Cory Bethrant, CCMR REU, Howard University
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) images can take up to 24 hours to retrieve data from a single
sample manually. This is because the process requires multiple programs as well as multiple
processes. To save the human labor and make analysis consistent without human error, a C++
based program was created to conduct automated data processing. Compared to manual
processing, final automated data processing could reach 99.5% precision and the time for analysis
could be reduced to less than 2 hours.
Data Processing can be very time-consuming,
even in modern research; many times taking
more time than actual research. In this case,
AFM images had to have a cross-section
collected and normalized. Then the user would
have to extract, using Gwydion software, the
detailed information like height and width of
the cross-section from raw data. Finally, the
user exports the image as an Origin-friendly file
in order to calculate the integral of the cross-
section. Using Origin, the area of the cross-
section is calculated. This process has to be
repeated twice for each scan to be processed,
and usually two scans are taken of the same
line. This results in a large, cumbersome
process that can take up to an entire day to
The program allows a user to batch collect, the
height, width and area of a cross-section. This
reduces manual processing down to only
collecting a cross-section and normalizing it.
The rest is automated. The resulting process
length was reduced down to somewhere
between one and two hours.
The main limitation, is that the AFM image
cross-section has to be relatively clean (But
some noise is filtered out).
The program begins by prompting the user for
the number of files that the user desires to be
processed. Then it prompts for a custom
sensitivity, which manually allows the user to
pick if desired results aren’t achieved at default
settings. The user then submits the sample
name for batch execution. Then the user inputs
the names of the desired lines to be processed.
The program then proceeds to allocate
dynamic memory for the following:
i. slopepositiveFLAG – Indicator of
whether a datasets slope is positive
ii. slopenegativeFLAG – Indicator of
whether a datasets slope is negative
iii. x – Contains all x-coordinates
iv. y – Contains all y-coordinates
v. slope – Contains the slope of each
Cory E. Bethrant
vi. firstDery – Contains the first derivative
of each dataset with respect to y
vii. secDery – Contains the second
derivative of each dataset with respect
to y
viii. filename – Contains all filenames
The program then proceeds to import the data and
process it. It begins by determining the slope of
each dataset. Then the first derivative and second
derivative of each dataset is calculated. Then the
dataset is flagged as positive, negative or neither.
Data chunks of 5 are created and used to calculate
a slightly longer-term data trend. The program
then loops through points from the left to the right
lowering the triggering slope through each
iteration of the loop. Then once the program finds
the point in the middle of the left border, the
Program begins a scan in the left direction to find
the beginning of the border. That position is then
saved. The process is repeated on the right border
in the opposite direction (Figure 1.1). Once the
bounds of the cross-section are known it’s
relatively simple for the program to calculate
everything else. The baseline is an average of the
two borders y-position. This is subtracted from the
max y-position within the bounds to calculate the
height. Then the left border x-position is subtracted
from the right border to calculate the width. The
program then uses numerical approximation to
find the area under the curve. The information is
then output to an Excel file for easy creation of a
Figure 1.1 Demonstrates Program Accuracy
As long as the left and right border is calculated
correctly, everything else will always be correct.
Because of this fact, the program checks for bound-
related errors such as:
i. A left-bound and right-border that is
zero (No border detected).
ii. A height that is negative (Baseline
incorrect due to noise).
iii. Integral that is negative or zero
(Incorrect Baseline and border incorrect
due to noise or no border being
If any of these errors are detected scans are
performed again with different sensitivity
parameters. If the program still cannot process the
data taking a new cross-section being sure to
remove significant noise will always solve the issue.
The program has a completion time of 2 seconds
per cross-section which is significantly faster than
manually calculating those values. The data is also
automatically placed in an Excel spreadsheet,
eliminating another extra process.
The program can work with any amount of data
from a single sample at once. Processing multiple
samples at once can be easily added but the time
savings is not significant because cross sections still
have to be created the same way.
Cory E. Bethrant
Source Code
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include <new>
using namespace std;
int main(){
// Initialize Variables//
int numberoflines= 0;
int numberoffiles= 0;
int slopeNeutralCount= 0;
int slopeNegativeCount = 0;
int slopePositiveCount = 0;
int rightborderPOSint = 0;
int leftborderPOSint= 0;
int patternamount = 0;
int profileamount = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = -1;
int d = 0;
string unitType;
string pattern;
string sample;
string customsensitivity;
string brlg = "------------------------------------------------------------";
string br = "-------------------------------------------";
bool rightborder = false;
bool onPattern = false;
bool patternDone = false;
bool TrendNegative= false;
bool TrendPositive = false;
bool * slopepositiveFLAG;
bool * slopenegativeFLAG;
string * filename;
double * x;
double * y;
double * slope;
double * firstDery;
double * secDery;
double leftborderPOS= 0.0;
double rightborderPOS= 0.0;
double baseline= 0.0;
double height = 0.0;
double width= 0.0;
double slopeTotal = 0.0;
double slopeAVG = 0.0;
double integral = 0.0;
double sensitivity = 4;
// Print Copyright Info //
cout << brlg << 'n' << "Ober Group Data Processor for Polymer
Brushes" << 'n' << "Created by Cory Bethrant on 7/11/16." << 'n' <<
"Copyright © 2016 Cornell University. All rightsreserved." << 'n' << brlg <<
'n' << 'n';
// Datafile Amount Prompt //
cout << "Please enter the amount of pattern linesyou wish to be
processed: ";
cin >> patternamount;
cout << "Please enter the amount of profilesfor each pattern line
(1/2/4/6/8): ";
cin >> profileamount;
if (profileamount > 8){
cout << "Profile Amount isToo High! Please reenter the amountof
profilesfor each pattern line(Max is8): ";
cin >> profileamount;
numberoffiles= patternamount * profileamount;
filename = new string[numberoffiles];
// Sensitivity Prompt //
cout << "Would you like a custom sensitivity(Y/N)? (Default is4)";
cin >> customsensitivity;
if (customsensitivity == "y" || customsensitivity == "Y" || customsensitivity
== "Yes" || customsensitivity == "YES" || customsensitivity == "yes"){
cout << "Enter custom sensitivity: " << 'n';
cin >> sensitivity;
// Find File Namesand Initiate Excel File
cout << "Please enter the sample name:";
cin >> sample;
for (int w = 0; w < patternamount; w++){
if (w == 0) cout << "Please enter the name of the line you would like to
process: ";
else cout << "Please enter the name of the next line you wouldlike to
process (If you would like to go backjust type a b/B): ";
cin >> pattern;
if (pattern == "b" || pattern == "B"){
switch (profileamount) {
case 1: filename[w] = sample + "_" + pattern + "0000";
case 2: filename[(w*2)] = sample + "_" + pattern + "0000";
filename[(w*2)+1] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001";
case 4: filename[(w*4)] = sample + "_" + pattern + "0000";
filename[(w*4)+1] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0000(2)";
filename[(w*4)+2] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001";
filename[(w*4)+3] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001(2)";
case 6: filename[(w*6)] = sample + "_" + pattern + "0000";
filename[(w*6)+1] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0000(2)";
filename[(w*6)+2] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0000(3)";
filename[(w*6)+3] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001";
filename[(w*6)+4] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001(2)";
filename[(w*6)+5] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001(3)";
case 8: filename[(w*8)] = sample + "_" + pattern + "0000";
filename[(w*8)+1] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0000(2)";
filename[(w*8)+2] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0000(3)";
filename[(w*8)+3] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0000(4)";
filename[(w*8)+4] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001(1)";
filename[(w*8)+5] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001(2)";
filename[(w*8)+6] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001(3)";
filename[(w*8)+7] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001(4)";
ofstream MyExcelFile;"Output.csv");
MyExcelFile << "Pattern Line, Width, Height, Integral" << endl;
// Begin Data Proccess //
cout << "Press Enter to begin processing data..." << 'n' << 'n';
// Find size of datafile //
while (d < numberoffiles){
ifstream f(filename[d]);
string line;
for (int i = 0; getline(f,line); i++){
numberoflines= i;
cout << "Filename: " << filename[d]<< 'n';
cout << "Length of Gwyddion datafile: " << numberoflines<< 'n' <<
// Allocatememory //
slopepositiveFLAG = new bool[numberoflines];
slopenegativeFLAG = new bool[numberoflines];
x = new double[numberoflines];
y = new double[numberoflines];
Cory E. Bethrant
slope = new double[numberoflines];
firstDery = new double[numberoflines];
secDery = new double[numberoflines];
if (slopepositiveFLAG== nullptr || slopenegativeFLAG== nullptr ||
slope == nullptr || firstDery == nullptr || secDery == nullptr || x == nullptr || y
== nullptr){
cout << "Error: memory could notbe allocated" << 'n' << "Program
Terminated.Email Cory Bethrant @ cory.bethrant@gmail." << 'n' << 'n' <<
"Press Enter to Close Program."<<'n';
delete[] filename;
delete[] x;
delete[] y;
delete[] slope;
delete[] firstDery;
delete[] secDery;
delete[] slopepositiveFLAG;
delete[] slopenegativeFLAG;
return 0;
// Unit type determination based on filenamestring //
unitType = "m";
// Import Data //
for (int i = 0; i <= numberoflines; i++){
f >> x[i] >> y[i];
for (int i = 0; i < numberoflines; i++){
// Perform Calculations//
slopepositiveFLAG[i] = false;
slopenegativeFLAG[i] = false;
slope[i] = ((y[i+1]-y[i])/(x[i+1]-x[i]));
slopeTotal += slope[i];
slopeAVG = slopeTotal / 5;
if ((i+1) % 5 == 0){
// Calculate DataChunkInformation //
slopeAVG = (slopeTotal/(i+1));
slopeTotal = 0;
// Print Current Data Set Valuesand Set Flags//
cout << "Data Set " << i+1 << 'n' << "x1: " << x[i] << unitType << 't'
<< "y1: " << y[i] << unitType<< 'n' << "x2: " << x[i+1] << unitType << 't'
<< "y2: " << y[i+1] << unitType << 'n';
if (x[i+1] == y[i+1] && x[i] == y[i]){
cout << "The two data pointsare the same." << 'n' << 'n';
else if ((y[i+1]-y[i])==0){
cout << "The slope of Data Set " << i+1 << " isUndefined." << 'n'
<< 'n';
else if (slope[i] > 0.03){
cout << "The slope of Data Set " << i+1 << " isPositive." << 'n';
slopepositiveFLAG[i] = true;
cout << "The slope of Data Set " << i+1 << " equals: " <<
slope[i]<< 'n' << 'n';
else if (slope[i] < -0.03){
cout << "The slope of Data Set " << i+1 << " isNegative." << 'n';
slopenegativeFLAG[i] = true;
cout << "The slope of Data Set " << i+1 << " equals: " <<
slope[i]<< 'n' << 'n';
else {
cout << "The slope of Data Set " << i+1 << " isNeutral." << 'n';
slopepositiveFLAG[i] = false;
slopenegativeFLAG[i] = false;
cout << "The slope of Data Set " << i+1 << " equals: " <<
slope[i]<< 'n' << 'n';
// Determine if Pattern Border HasBeen Reached //
if (slope[i] > sensitivity && onPattern == false && patternDone ==
cout << "Left Pattern Border Reached." << 'n' << 'n';
for (int f = 1; f < numberoflines; f++){
if (slopepositiveFLAG[i-f] == false && slopepositiveFLAG[i-f-1]
== false){
if (slopepositiveFLAG[i-f] == true){
leftborderPOS = x[i-j-1];
leftborderPOSint= i - j - 1;
onPattern = true;
slopePositiveCount = 0;
slopeNegativeCount = 0;
slopeNeutralCount= 0;
j = 0;
if (slope[i] < -sensitivity && onPattern == true && patternDone ==
false && rightborder == false){
cout << "Right Pattern Border Reached." << 'n' << 'n';
rightborder = true;
rightborderPOS = x[i];
patternDone = true;
slopePositiveCount = 0;
slopeNegativeCount = 0;
slopeNeutralCount= 0;
if (onPattern == true && rightborder == true){
if (slopenegativeFLAG[i] == true){
else {
onPattern = false;
rightborderPOS = 0;
rightborderPOS = x[i];
rightborderPOSint = i;
k = -1;
// CalculateDerivatives//
double t = 10^-7;
firstDery[i] = ( 4.0 / 3.0 * (y[i + 1] - y[i - 1]) / (2.0 * t)
- 1.0 / 3.0 * (y[i + 2] - y[i - 2]) / (4.0 * t) );
secDery[i] = ( 4.0 / 3.0 * (firstDery[i + 1] - firstDery[i - 1]) / (2.0 * t)
- 1.0 / 3.0 * (firstDery[i + 2] - firstDery[i - 2]) / (4.0 * t) );
// Print Derivative Information//
if (i < 2 || i > numberoflines- 2){
cout << "First Derivative can't be calculatedcurrently. " << 'n';
else {
cout << "First Derivative is: " << firstDery[i] << 'n';
if (i < 4 || i > numberoflines- 4){
cout << "Second Derivativecan't be calculated currently. " << 'n'
<< 'n' << 'n';
else {
cout << "Second Derivativeis: " << secDery[i] << 'n' << 'n' << 'n'
Cory E. Bethrant
// Determine Data Trend for Data Chunk//
if ((i+1) % 5 == 0 && slopeAVG > 0.5 && i > 0){
cout << br << 'n' << "Data Trend for last 5 pointsisPositive." <<
'n' << "Average Slope: " << slopeAVG << 'n' << br << 'n' << 'n';
TrendPositive = true;
if (slopeAVG > 0.5){
slopePositiveCount++ ;
if (slopeAVG > 2){
slopePositiveCount= 3;
else if (slopeAVG < -0.5){
if (slopeAVG > 2){
slopeNegativeCount = 3;
else {
slopeNeutralCount++ ;
if (slopeAVG > 2){
slopeNeutralCount = 3;
slopeAVG = 0;
else if ((i+1) % 5 == 0 && slopeAVG < -0.5 && i > 0) {
cout << br << 'n' << "Data Trend for last 5 pointsisNegative." <<
'n' << "Average Slope:" << slopeAVG << 'n' << br << 'n' << 'n';
slopeTotal = 0;
TrendNegative= true;
if (slopeAVG > 0.5){
slopePositiveCount++ ;
if (slopeAVG > 2){
slopePositiveCount= 3;
else if (slopeAVG < -0.5){
if (slopeAVG < -2){
slopeNegativeCount = 3;
else {
slopeNeutralCount++ ;
if (slopeAVG > 2){
slopeNeutralCount = 3;
slopeAVG = 0;
else if ((i+1)% 5 == 0 && i > 0){
cout << br << 'n' << "Data Trend for last 5 pointsisNeutral." <<
'n' << "Average Slope:" << slopeAVG << 'n' << br << 'n' << 'n';
slopeTotal = 0;
if (slopeAVG > 0.5){
slopePositiveCount++ ;
if (slopeAVG > 2){
slopePositiveCount= 3;
else if (slopeAVG < -0.5){
if (slopeAVG > 2){
slopeNegativeCount = 3;
else {
slopeNeutralCount++ ;
if (slopeAVG > 2){
slopeNeutralCount = 3;
slopeAVG = 0;
double max = 0;
for(int i = leftborderPOSint; i < rightborderPOSint; i++){
if(y[i] > max)
max = y[i];
// End of Data Loop //
baseline = (y[leftborderPOSint] + y[rightborderPOSint])/2;
// Find Integral //
integral = 0.0;
for(int i = leftborderPOSint; i <= rightborderPOSint; i++){
integral += ((((y[i]+y[i+1])/2)-baseline)*(x[i+1]-x[i]));
// Final Calculations//
height = max - baseline;
width = rightborderPOS - leftborderPOS;
// Error Catching (If error isdetected lineisrescanned with lower
sensitivity) //
if (width <=0 || integral <= 0 || height <= 0 || leftborderPOSint <= 0){
patternDone = false;
rightborder = false;
onPattern = false;
patternDone = false;
TrendNegative = false;
TrendPositive = false;
leftborderPOS = 0.0;
rightborderPOS = 0.0;
baseline = 0.0;
height = 0.0;
width = 0.0;
slopeTotal = 0.0;
slopeAVG = 0.0;
integral = 0.0;
rightborderPOSint= 0;
leftborderPOSint= 0;
j = 0;
k = -1;
for(int q = 2; q < numberoflines; q++){
for(int v = 1; (width <=0 || integral <= 0 || height<= 0 ||
leftborderPOSint <= 0) && v < (sensitivity / .0001); v++){
if (slope[q] > (sensitivity - (v * .0001)) && onPattern == false &&
patternDone == false){
for (int f = 1; f < numberoflines; f++){
if (slopepositiveFLAG[q-f] == false){
if (slopepositiveFLAG[q-f] == true){
leftborderPOS= x[q-j-1];
leftborderPOSint = q - j - 1;
onPattern = true;
slopePositiveCount= 0;
slopeNegativeCount = 0;
slopeNeutralCount = 0;
j = 0;
for(int q = numberoflines-2; q >= 0; q--){
for(int v = 1; (width <=0 || integral <= 0 || height<= 0 ||
rightborderPOS == 0) && v < (sensitivity / .0001); v++){
k = -1;
slopePositiveCount = 0;
slopeNegativeCount = 0;
slopeNeutralCount= 0;
if (slope[q] < -(sensitivity - (v * .0001)) && onPattern == true &&
patternDone == false && rightborder == false){
rightborder = true;
rightborderPOS= x[q];
if (onPattern == true && rightborder == true){
if (slopenegativeFLAG[q] == true){
else {
onPattern = false;
Cory E. Bethrant
patternDone = true;
rightborderPOS= 0;
rightborderPOS= x[q];
rightborderPOSint = q;
k = -1;
rightborderPOS= 0;
rightborderPOS= x[q];
rightborderPOSint = q;
k = -1;
slopePositiveCount= 0;
slopeNegativeCount = 0;
slopeNeutralCount = 0;
for(int i = leftborderPOSint;i < rightborderPOSint; i++){
if(y[i] > max)
max = y[i];
// End of Data Loop //
baseline = (y[leftborderPOSint] + y[rightborderPOSint])/2;
if (leftborderPOSint == 0){
leftborderPOSint = 1;
// Find Integral //
for(int i = leftborderPOSint; i <= rightborderPOSint;i++){
integral += ((((y[i]+y[i+1])/2)-baseline)*(x[i+1]-x[i]));
// Final Calculations//
height = max - baseline;
width = rightborderPOS - leftborderPOS;
// Find Integral //
integral = 0.0;
for(int i = leftborderPOSint; i <= rightborderPOSint; i++){
integral += ((((y[i]+y[i+1])/2)-baseline)*(x[i+1]-x[i]));
// Output //
cout << brlg << 'n' << "Final Statisticsfor Pattern: " << filename[d] <<
'n' << "Left Border: x = " << leftborderPOS << unitType<< 'n' << "Right
Border: x = " << rightborderPOS<< unitType << 'n' << 'n' << "Baseline
Value: y = " << baseline << unitType<<'n' << "Max:y = " << max <<
unitType<< 'n' << "Width: x = " << width << unitType << 'n' << "Height: y =
" << height << unitType << 'n' << "Integral of Patternis: " << integral <<
unitType<< 'n' << 'n';
// Output Data to Excel File //
MyExcelFile<< filename[d]<< "," << width << "," << height << "," <<
integral << endl;
// Reset Loop //
patternDone = false;
rightborder = false;
onPattern = false;
patternDone = false;
TrendNegative = false;
TrendPositive= false;
leftborderPOS = 0.0;
rightborderPOS = 0.0;
baseline = 0.0;
height = 0.0;
width = 0.0;
slopeTotal = 0.0;
slopeAVG = 0.0;
integral = 0.0;
numberoflines= 0;
slopeNeutralCount = 0;
slopeNegativeCount= 0;
slopePositiveCount = 0;
rightborderPOSint= 0;
leftborderPOSint = 0;
j = 0;
k = -1;
// Delete All Dynamically Allocated Memory //
delete[] filename;
cout << "Thanksfor using thisprogram :)" << 'n' << 'n' << "Press Enter
to Close...";
return 0;
Since each cross-section can be processed within 2
seconds, the time savings gained by automating
this process will increase over time. The program
will allow more research to be completed and less
human error to occur.
I would like to thank Wei-Liang Chen, Dr.
Christopher Ober, and the Ober lab for their help
and support with this project. This work was
supported in part by the Cornell Center for
Materials Research with funding from the Research
Experience for Undergraduates program (DMR-
1460428 and DMR-1120296) and the NSF PREM
program (DMR-1205608). This work made use of
the Cornell Center for Materials Research Shared
Facilities which are supported through the NSF
MRSEC program (DMR-1120296).

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Polymer Brush Data Processor

  • 1. Cory E. Bethrant Polymer Brush Data Processor Christopher Kemper Ober Lab Group, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University Cory Bethrant, CCMR REU, Howard University Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) images can take up to 24 hours to retrieve data from a single sample manually. This is because the process requires multiple programs as well as multiple processes. To save the human labor and make analysis consistent without human error, a C++ based program was created to conduct automated data processing. Compared to manual processing, final automated data processing could reach 99.5% precision and the time for analysis could be reduced to less than 2 hours. Introduction Data Processing can be very time-consuming, even in modern research; many times taking more time than actual research. In this case, AFM images had to have a cross-section collected and normalized. Then the user would have to extract, using Gwydion software, the detailed information like height and width of the cross-section from raw data. Finally, the user exports the image as an Origin-friendly file in order to calculate the integral of the cross- section. Using Origin, the area of the cross- section is calculated. This process has to be repeated twice for each scan to be processed, and usually two scans are taken of the same line. This results in a large, cumbersome process that can take up to an entire day to complete. The program allows a user to batch collect, the height, width and area of a cross-section. This reduces manual processing down to only collecting a cross-section and normalizing it. The rest is automated. The resulting process length was reduced down to somewhere between one and two hours. The main limitation, is that the AFM image cross-section has to be relatively clean (But some noise is filtered out). Algorithm The program begins by prompting the user for the number of files that the user desires to be processed. Then it prompts for a custom sensitivity, which manually allows the user to pick if desired results aren’t achieved at default settings. The user then submits the sample name for batch execution. Then the user inputs the names of the desired lines to be processed. The program then proceeds to allocate dynamic memory for the following: i. slopepositiveFLAG – Indicator of whether a datasets slope is positive ii. slopenegativeFLAG – Indicator of whether a datasets slope is negative iii. x – Contains all x-coordinates iv. y – Contains all y-coordinates v. slope – Contains the slope of each dataset
  • 2. Cory E. Bethrant 2 vi. firstDery – Contains the first derivative of each dataset with respect to y vii. secDery – Contains the second derivative of each dataset with respect to y viii. filename – Contains all filenames The program then proceeds to import the data and process it. It begins by determining the slope of each dataset. Then the first derivative and second derivative of each dataset is calculated. Then the dataset is flagged as positive, negative or neither. Data chunks of 5 are created and used to calculate a slightly longer-term data trend. The program then loops through points from the left to the right lowering the triggering slope through each iteration of the loop. Then once the program finds the point in the middle of the left border, the Program begins a scan in the left direction to find the beginning of the border. That position is then saved. The process is repeated on the right border in the opposite direction (Figure 1.1). Once the bounds of the cross-section are known it’s relatively simple for the program to calculate everything else. The baseline is an average of the two borders y-position. This is subtracted from the max y-position within the bounds to calculate the height. Then the left border x-position is subtracted from the right border to calculate the width. The program then uses numerical approximation to find the area under the curve. The information is then output to an Excel file for easy creation of a chart. Figure 1.1 Demonstrates Program Accuracy Performance As long as the left and right border is calculated correctly, everything else will always be correct. Because of this fact, the program checks for bound- related errors such as: i. A left-bound and right-border that is zero (No border detected). ii. A height that is negative (Baseline incorrect due to noise). iii. Integral that is negative or zero (Incorrect Baseline and border incorrect due to noise or no border being detected). If any of these errors are detected scans are performed again with different sensitivity parameters. If the program still cannot process the data taking a new cross-section being sure to remove significant noise will always solve the issue. The program has a completion time of 2 seconds per cross-section which is significantly faster than manually calculating those values. The data is also automatically placed in an Excel spreadsheet, eliminating another extra process. The program can work with any amount of data from a single sample at once. Processing multiple samples at once can be easily added but the time savings is not significant because cross sections still have to be created the same way.
  • 3. Cory E. Bethrant 3 Source Code #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <math.h> #include <new> using namespace std; int main(){ // Initialize Variables// int numberoflines= 0; int numberoffiles= 0; int slopeNeutralCount= 0; int slopeNegativeCount = 0; int slopePositiveCount = 0; int rightborderPOSint = 0; int leftborderPOSint= 0; int patternamount = 0; int profileamount = 0; int j = 0; int k = -1; int d = 0; string unitType; string pattern; string sample; string customsensitivity; string brlg = "------------------------------------------------------------"; string br = "-------------------------------------------"; bool rightborder = false; bool onPattern = false; bool patternDone = false; bool TrendNegative= false; bool TrendPositive = false; bool * slopepositiveFLAG; bool * slopenegativeFLAG; string * filename; double * x; double * y; double * slope; double * firstDery; double * secDery; double leftborderPOS= 0.0; double rightborderPOS= 0.0; double baseline= 0.0; double height = 0.0; double width= 0.0; double slopeTotal = 0.0; double slopeAVG = 0.0; double integral = 0.0; double sensitivity = 4; // Print Copyright Info // cout << brlg << 'n' << "Ober Group Data Processor for Polymer Brushes" << 'n' << "Created by Cory Bethrant on 7/11/16." << 'n' << "Copyright © 2016 Cornell University. All rightsreserved." << 'n' << brlg << 'n' << 'n'; // Datafile Amount Prompt // cout << "Please enter the amount of pattern linesyou wish to be processed: "; cin >> patternamount; cout << "Please enter the amount of profilesfor each pattern line (1/2/4/6/8): "; cin >> profileamount; if (profileamount > 8){ cout << "Profile Amount isToo High! Please reenter the amountof profilesfor each pattern line(Max is8): "; cin >> profileamount; } numberoffiles= patternamount * profileamount; filename = new string[numberoffiles]; // Sensitivity Prompt // cout << "Would you like a custom sensitivity(Y/N)? (Default is4)"; cin >> customsensitivity; if (customsensitivity == "y" || customsensitivity == "Y" || customsensitivity == "Yes" || customsensitivity == "YES" || customsensitivity == "yes"){ cout << "Enter custom sensitivity: " << 'n'; cin >> sensitivity; } // Find File Namesand Initiate Excel File cout << "Please enter the sample name:"; cin >> sample; for (int w = 0; w < patternamount; w++){ if (w == 0) cout << "Please enter the name of the line you would like to process: "; else cout << "Please enter the name of the next line you wouldlike to process (If you would like to go backjust type a b/B): "; cin >> pattern; if (pattern == "b" || pattern == "B"){ w--; w--; } switch (profileamount) { case 1: filename[w] = sample + "_" + pattern + "0000"; break; case 2: filename[(w*2)] = sample + "_" + pattern + "0000"; filename[(w*2)+1] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001"; break; case 4: filename[(w*4)] = sample + "_" + pattern + "0000"; filename[(w*4)+1] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0000(2)"; filename[(w*4)+2] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001"; filename[(w*4)+3] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001(2)"; break; case 6: filename[(w*6)] = sample + "_" + pattern + "0000"; filename[(w*6)+1] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0000(2)"; filename[(w*6)+2] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0000(3)"; filename[(w*6)+3] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001"; filename[(w*6)+4] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001(2)"; filename[(w*6)+5] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001(3)"; break; case 8: filename[(w*8)] = sample + "_" + pattern + "0000"; filename[(w*8)+1] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0000(2)"; filename[(w*8)+2] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0000(3)"; filename[(w*8)+3] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0000(4)"; filename[(w*8)+4] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001(1)"; filename[(w*8)+5] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001(2)"; filename[(w*8)+6] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001(3)"; filename[(w*8)+7] = sample+ "_" + pattern + "0001(4)"; break; } } ofstream MyExcelFile;"Output.csv"); MyExcelFile << "Pattern Line, Width, Height, Integral" << endl; // Begin Data Proccess // cout << "Press Enter to begin processing data..." << 'n' << 'n'; cin.get(); // Find size of datafile // while (d < numberoffiles){ ifstream f(filename[d]); string line; for (int i = 0; getline(f,line); i++){ numberoflines= i; } cout << "Filename: " << filename[d]<< 'n'; cout << "Length of Gwyddion datafile: " << numberoflines<< 'n' << 'n'; f.clear(); f.seekg(0); // Allocatememory // slopepositiveFLAG = new bool[numberoflines]; slopenegativeFLAG = new bool[numberoflines]; x = new double[numberoflines]; y = new double[numberoflines];
  • 4. Cory E. Bethrant 4 slope = new double[numberoflines]; firstDery = new double[numberoflines]; secDery = new double[numberoflines]; if (slopepositiveFLAG== nullptr || slopenegativeFLAG== nullptr || slope == nullptr || firstDery == nullptr || secDery == nullptr || x == nullptr || y == nullptr){ cout << "Error: memory could notbe allocated" << 'n' << "Program Terminated.Email Cory Bethrant @ cory.bethrant@gmail." << 'n' << 'n' << "Press Enter to Close Program."<<'n'; delete[] filename; delete[] x; delete[] y; delete[] slope; delete[] firstDery; delete[] secDery; delete[] slopepositiveFLAG; delete[] slopenegativeFLAG; cin.get(); return 0; } else // Unit type determination based on filenamestring // unitType = "m"; // Import Data // for (int i = 0; i <= numberoflines; i++){ f >> x[i] >> y[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < numberoflines; i++){ // Perform Calculations// slopepositiveFLAG[i] = false; slopenegativeFLAG[i] = false; slope[i] = ((y[i+1]-y[i])/(x[i+1]-x[i])); slopeTotal += slope[i]; slopeAVG = slopeTotal / 5; if ((i+1) % 5 == 0){ // Calculate DataChunkInformation // slopeAVG = (slopeTotal/(i+1)); slopeTotal = 0; } // Print Current Data Set Valuesand Set Flags// cout << "Data Set " << i+1 << 'n' << "x1: " << x[i] << unitType << 't' << "y1: " << y[i] << unitType<< 'n' << "x2: " << x[i+1] << unitType << 't' << "y2: " << y[i+1] << unitType << 'n'; if (x[i+1] == y[i+1] && x[i] == y[i]){ cout << "The two data pointsare the same." << 'n' << 'n'; } else if ((y[i+1]-y[i])==0){ cout << "The slope of Data Set " << i+1 << " isUndefined." << 'n' << 'n'; } else if (slope[i] > 0.03){ cout << "The slope of Data Set " << i+1 << " isPositive." << 'n'; slopepositiveFLAG[i] = true; cout << "The slope of Data Set " << i+1 << " equals: " << slope[i]<< 'n' << 'n'; } else if (slope[i] < -0.03){ cout << "The slope of Data Set " << i+1 << " isNegative." << 'n'; slopenegativeFLAG[i] = true; cout << "The slope of Data Set " << i+1 << " equals: " << slope[i]<< 'n' << 'n'; } else { cout << "The slope of Data Set " << i+1 << " isNeutral." << 'n'; slopepositiveFLAG[i] = false; slopenegativeFLAG[i] = false; cout << "The slope of Data Set " << i+1 << " equals: " << slope[i]<< 'n' << 'n'; } // Determine if Pattern Border HasBeen Reached // if (slope[i] > sensitivity && onPattern == false && patternDone == false){ cout << "Left Pattern Border Reached." << 'n' << 'n'; for (int f = 1; f < numberoflines; f++){ if (slopepositiveFLAG[i-f] == false && slopepositiveFLAG[i-f-1] == false){ break; } if (slopepositiveFLAG[i-f] == true){ j++; } } leftborderPOS = x[i-j-1]; leftborderPOSint= i - j - 1; onPattern = true; slopePositiveCount = 0; slopeNegativeCount = 0; slopeNeutralCount= 0; j = 0; } if (slope[i] < -sensitivity && onPattern == true && patternDone == false && rightborder == false){ cout << "Right Pattern Border Reached." << 'n' << 'n'; rightborder = true; rightborderPOS = x[i]; patternDone = true; slopePositiveCount = 0; slopeNegativeCount = 0; slopeNeutralCount= 0; } if (onPattern == true && rightborder == true){ if (slopenegativeFLAG[i] == true){ ; } else { onPattern = false; rightborderPOS = 0; rightborderPOS = x[i]; rightborderPOSint = i; k = -1; } } // CalculateDerivatives// double t = 10^-7; firstDery[i] = ( 4.0 / 3.0 * (y[i + 1] - y[i - 1]) / (2.0 * t) - 1.0 / 3.0 * (y[i + 2] - y[i - 2]) / (4.0 * t) ); secDery[i] = ( 4.0 / 3.0 * (firstDery[i + 1] - firstDery[i - 1]) / (2.0 * t) - 1.0 / 3.0 * (firstDery[i + 2] - firstDery[i - 2]) / (4.0 * t) ); // Print Derivative Information// if (i < 2 || i > numberoflines- 2){ cout << "First Derivative can't be calculatedcurrently. " << 'n'; } else { cout << "First Derivative is: " << firstDery[i] << 'n'; } if (i < 4 || i > numberoflines- 4){ cout << "Second Derivativecan't be calculated currently. " << 'n' << 'n' << 'n'; } else { cout << "Second Derivativeis: " << secDery[i] << 'n' << 'n' << 'n' ; }
  • 5. Cory E. Bethrant 5 // Determine Data Trend for Data Chunk// if ((i+1) % 5 == 0 && slopeAVG > 0.5 && i > 0){ cout << br << 'n' << "Data Trend for last 5 pointsisPositive." << 'n' << "Average Slope: " << slopeAVG << 'n' << br << 'n' << 'n'; TrendPositive = true; if (slopeAVG > 0.5){ slopePositiveCount++ ; if (slopeAVG > 2){ slopePositiveCount= 3; } } else if (slopeAVG < -0.5){ slopeNegativeCount++; if (slopeAVG > 2){ slopeNegativeCount = 3; } } else { slopeNeutralCount++ ; if (slopeAVG > 2){ slopeNeutralCount = 3; } } slopeAVG = 0; } else if ((i+1) % 5 == 0 && slopeAVG < -0.5 && i > 0) { cout << br << 'n' << "Data Trend for last 5 pointsisNegative." << 'n' << "Average Slope:" << slopeAVG << 'n' << br << 'n' << 'n'; slopeTotal = 0; TrendNegative= true; if (slopeAVG > 0.5){ slopePositiveCount++ ; if (slopeAVG > 2){ slopePositiveCount= 3; } } else if (slopeAVG < -0.5){ slopeNegativeCount++; if (slopeAVG < -2){ slopeNegativeCount = 3; } } else { slopeNeutralCount++ ; if (slopeAVG > 2){ slopeNeutralCount = 3; } } slopeAVG = 0; } else if ((i+1)% 5 == 0 && i > 0){ cout << br << 'n' << "Data Trend for last 5 pointsisNeutral." << 'n' << "Average Slope:" << slopeAVG << 'n' << br << 'n' << 'n'; slopeTotal = 0; if (slopeAVG > 0.5){ slopePositiveCount++ ; if (slopeAVG > 2){ slopePositiveCount= 3; } } else if (slopeAVG < -0.5){ slopeNegativeCount++; if (slopeAVG > 2){ slopeNegativeCount = 3; } } else { slopeNeutralCount++ ; if (slopeAVG > 2){ slopeNeutralCount = 3; } } slopeAVG = 0; } } double max = 0; for(int i = leftborderPOSint; i < rightborderPOSint; i++){ if(y[i] > max) max = y[i]; // End of Data Loop // } baseline = (y[leftborderPOSint] + y[rightborderPOSint])/2; // Find Integral // integral = 0.0; for(int i = leftborderPOSint; i <= rightborderPOSint; i++){ integral += ((((y[i]+y[i+1])/2)-baseline)*(x[i+1]-x[i])); } // Final Calculations// height = max - baseline; width = rightborderPOS - leftborderPOS; // Error Catching (If error isdetected lineisrescanned with lower sensitivity) // if (width <=0 || integral <= 0 || height <= 0 || leftborderPOSint <= 0){ patternDone = false; rightborder = false; onPattern = false; patternDone = false; TrendNegative = false; TrendPositive = false; leftborderPOS = 0.0; rightborderPOS = 0.0; baseline = 0.0; height = 0.0; width = 0.0; slopeTotal = 0.0; slopeAVG = 0.0; integral = 0.0; rightborderPOSint= 0; leftborderPOSint= 0; j = 0; k = -1; for(int q = 2; q < numberoflines; q++){ for(int v = 1; (width <=0 || integral <= 0 || height<= 0 || leftborderPOSint <= 0) && v < (sensitivity / .0001); v++){ if (slope[q] > (sensitivity - (v * .0001)) && onPattern == false && patternDone == false){ for (int f = 1; f < numberoflines; f++){ if (slopepositiveFLAG[q-f] == false){ break; } if (slopepositiveFLAG[q-f] == true){ j++; } leftborderPOS= x[q-j-1]; leftborderPOSint = q - j - 1; onPattern = true; slopePositiveCount= 0; slopeNegativeCount = 0; slopeNeutralCount = 0; j = 0; } } } } for(int q = numberoflines-2; q >= 0; q--){ for(int v = 1; (width <=0 || integral <= 0 || height<= 0 || rightborderPOS == 0) && v < (sensitivity / .0001); v++){ k = -1; slopePositiveCount = 0; slopeNegativeCount = 0; slopeNeutralCount= 0; if (slope[q] < -(sensitivity - (v * .0001)) && onPattern == true && patternDone == false && rightborder == false){ rightborder = true; rightborderPOS= x[q]; if (onPattern == true && rightborder == true){ if (slopenegativeFLAG[q] == true){ ; } else { onPattern = false;
  • 6. Cory E. Bethrant 6 patternDone = true; rightborderPOS= 0; rightborderPOS= x[q]; rightborderPOSint = q; k = -1; } } rightborderPOS= 0; rightborderPOS= x[q]; rightborderPOSint = q; k = -1; slopePositiveCount= 0; slopeNegativeCount = 0; slopeNeutralCount = 0; } for(int i = leftborderPOSint;i < rightborderPOSint; i++){ if(y[i] > max) max = y[i]; // End of Data Loop // } } baseline = (y[leftborderPOSint] + y[rightborderPOSint])/2; if (leftborderPOSint == 0){ leftborderPOSint = 1; } // Find Integral // for(int i = leftborderPOSint; i <= rightborderPOSint;i++){ integral += ((((y[i]+y[i+1])/2)-baseline)*(x[i+1]-x[i])); } // Final Calculations// height = max - baseline; width = rightborderPOS - leftborderPOS; } } // Find Integral // integral = 0.0; for(int i = leftborderPOSint; i <= rightborderPOSint; i++){ integral += ((((y[i]+y[i+1])/2)-baseline)*(x[i+1]-x[i])); } // Output // cout << brlg << 'n' << "Final Statisticsfor Pattern: " << filename[d] << 'n' << "Left Border: x = " << leftborderPOS << unitType<< 'n' << "Right Border: x = " << rightborderPOS<< unitType << 'n' << 'n' << "Baseline Value: y = " << baseline << unitType<<'n' << "Max:y = " << max << unitType<< 'n' << "Width: x = " << width << unitType << 'n' << "Height: y = " << height << unitType << 'n' << "Integral of Patternis: " << integral << unitType<< 'n' << 'n'; // Output Data to Excel File // MyExcelFile<< filename[d]<< "," << width << "," << height << "," << integral << endl; // Reset Loop // patternDone = false; rightborder = false; onPattern = false; patternDone = false; TrendNegative = false; TrendPositive= false; leftborderPOS = 0.0; rightborderPOS = 0.0; baseline = 0.0; height = 0.0; width = 0.0; slopeTotal = 0.0; slopeAVG = 0.0; integral = 0.0; numberoflines= 0; slopeNeutralCount = 0; slopeNegativeCount= 0; slopePositiveCount = 0; rightborderPOSint= 0; leftborderPOSint = 0; j = 0; k = -1; f.clear(); f.seekg(0); f.close(); d++; } MyExcelFile.close(); // Delete All Dynamically Allocated Memory // delete[] filename; cout << "Thanksfor using thisprogram :)" << 'n' << 'n' << "Press Enter to Close..."; cin.get(); return 0; } Conclusion Since each cross-section can be processed within 2 seconds, the time savings gained by automating this process will increase over time. The program will allow more research to be completed and less human error to occur. Acknowledgments I would like to thank Wei-Liang Chen, Dr. Christopher Ober, and the Ober lab for their help and support with this project. This work was supported in part by the Cornell Center for Materials Research with funding from the Research Experience for Undergraduates program (DMR- 1460428 and DMR-1120296) and the NSF PREM program (DMR-1205608). This work made use of the Cornell Center for Materials Research Shared Facilities which are supported through the NSF MRSEC program (DMR-1120296).