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Engl. 102 Poetry Essay
"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" a Review
English 102
Liberty University
Poetry Thesis and Outline
While reviewing "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", it should be noted that the key is the
rhythm of the language. The first, second, and fourth sentence rime while the third sentence of each
rimes with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd sentence of the next stanza. In relation with the cryptic language
draws the question, there is a more sinister back drop of loneliness and depression in this poem
much deeper than the level of nature orated by the Narator. I. First Stanza
A. Frost opens with describing who's woods we are viewing
1. Does it matter who's woods
B. No one more content...
Frost further points out that the stretch of woods being viewed is very rural. This is made possible
by the reference to the location between the woods and frozen lake. In closing the final sentence of
the second stanza Frost reiterates the fact that this occurs on "the darkest evening of the year" stating
the darkness of the mood.
In the following stanza Frost returns to the horse, which "gives his harness bells a shake". This is
the first of only two sounds listed in the entire poem. Sounds might normally be associated with a
person in a lighter more jovial mood. Frost uses the lack of sound to put the narrator into what
appears to be a deep process of thought. As the poem moves further allon it is clear that Frost is not
thinking of other sounds or even the feelings which would be associated with this type of event.
There is no mention of the temperature only the implication of the snow falling, and the frozen lake.
Yet the sounds are slightly present, similar to an athlete who is preparing for the event. Frost is
quiet, internalizing his thoughts, focusing on the task at hand, and not sensing the other areas of life
in the world around him.
In the fourth and final stanza Frost uses the riming of all four sentences to draw the reader into the
climax of the poem, "the woods are lovely dark and deep/ But I have promises to keep/ and miles to
go before I sleep/ and miles to go before I sleep". This grouping leads the reader to feel that
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The Elements Of Poetry
Poetry is literary work in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use
of distinctive style and rhythm, poems collectively or as a genre of literature. It is also a quality of
beauty and intensity of emotion regarded as characteristic of poems. Poetry (poem) is something
that follows a particular flow of rhythm and meter. Compare to prose, where there is no such
restriction, and the content of the piece flows according to the story, a poem may or may not have a
story, but definitely has structured method of writing.
The definition of "Elements of Poetry" is a set of instrument use to create poems. The usages of these
elements began many years ago. Archeologist have shown that our ancestors of use
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In ancient times, lyric poems were sung to the accompaniment of the lyric, a type of stringed
instrument. Modem lyric poems are not usually sung. However, they still have a musical quality that
is achieved through rhythm and such other devices as alliteration and rhyme.
Elegy: A poem of mourning, usually over death of an individual. It may also be a lament over the
passing of life and beauty or a meditation over nature of death. An elegy is a type of lyrical poem,
usually formal in language and structure and solemn or even melancholy in tone.
Acrostic: In acrostic poems, the first letter of each line of each line of the poem is aligned
vertically to form a word. Generally, the word formed thus, is the subject of the poem.
Ballad: Ballads are narrative poems that are supposed to be sung. The narrator usually starts a
dramatic scene and relates the narrative with dialog and action.
Canzone: The word canzone, which means a song, signifies any simple song like composition. It is
an Italian song or ballad.
Cinquain: A cinquain is a poem that consist of five lines. They do not
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Poetry Explication Essay
Poetry Explication
Language is a remarkable thing. It can convey every thought, feeling, and emotion with perfect
accuracy. Almost exclusively, language has taken awkward, unfit animals out of nature and made
them rulers over the earth and many of its elements. When used well, it has the power to change an
individual's view of the world, make someone believe they have seen something they have not, and
even more astonishingly, look inside one's self and see what exists. If language is mixed with the
tempo of music, something new arises; poetry is born. When words and ideas are set to a beat, they
can far more subtly convey concepts that would otherwise need to be explicitly stated and the poem
can be appreciated more as a whole, more content...
In my poem, I have used the same style, putting the word 'way' as the last word in the first and last
lines. Such an arrangement serves to connect the beginning of the poem to the end and imparts a
sense of cyclical occurrences–although Elizabeth can banish those who hope to dispose her, new
enemies will constantly arise. Using this structure as the framework for my own thoughts, I was able
to break away from the original meaning of the poem and form something quite different.
While composing my poem, I regularly went back to The Doubt of Future Foes to compare the
sensibilities of each line. At times, I found that unknowingly I would come up with something
quite similar to what was written in the original. An example of this is line 9 of The Doubt of
Future Foes. I wanted to express how I, like many children, strive to instill pride in my parents.
When I read line 9, I liked it so much that I included part of it in my own poem for its meaning,
and as a tribute to Elizabeth's style and careful selection of words. Since the title and first line are
so intertwined, I decided to remain faithful to their original structure, and hence, my wording is very
similar. Although the meaning for the word 'doubt' in the original poem is quite different from its
common usage today, I chose to keep it in the title to make up
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Poetry Essay
Poems on Poetry Essay
In the poems 'How to Eat a Poem' by Eve Merriam and 'Introduction to Poetry' by Billy Collins,
important ideas are presented about how poetry should be experienced and enjoyed. The poets used
the techniques extended metaphor, repetition, metaphors and personification to show me how these
ideas is important.
In 'How to Eat a Poem' by Eve Merriam, the author describes how poetry is to be experienced. Poetry
doesn't need any manners and has no rules. "Don't be polite / Bite in." is an example of just
jumping in to poetry because it's got no manners and it's for everyone. "It is ready and ripe now,
whenever you are." Shows us that poetry is for everyone. Poetry never goes away because it always
written more content...
In the poem it states that all we want to do is torture it and get a confession out of it. Poems are to
be about having fun, not trying to find every possible meaning and to just skim across getting the
ideas that the poet wants us too. Poems are about having fun and not over analyzing them.
In the poem 'Introduction to Poetry', the techniques metaphor and personification are used to show
me the important idea. Metaphor is used in the lines "I want them to waterski / across the surface
of a poem / waving at the authors name on the surface." Which compares waterskiing and having
fun to a poem that is fun and relaxing. This helps me understand that poetry is fun and relaxing just
like waterskiing. When you imagine yourself waterskiing you imagine a sunny day, speeding along
bouncing up and down on waves while waving to your friends on the shore in the sand. Poems are
the same you can enjoy yourself through rhyming or using alliteration. All the techniques that make
a poem fun and enjoyable to write and read. Personification is used in the lines " But all they want
to do / is tie the poem to a chair with a rope / and torture a confession out of it" to compare tying
up a person to a chair and trying to get a confession out of it. Over analyzing a poem and taking
meanings that aren't meant to be instead of taking the idea that the poet tries to convey. Doing this
the poet helps me understand
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Poetry Form Essay
Poems are a form of writing with a set meter. Most poems have an end rhyme scheme to accompany
the meter. Poems, like short stories, have symbols. Although short story symbols were not the
easiest to identify, the symbols in poems are sometimes even harder to determine. Poems also
include metaphors, imagery, a certain tone, and always have a set audience. Lyrics are the most
obvious type of poetry to date. A song has a rhythm and when the lyrics are sung to the beat a
poem is created. Lyrics are not the only form of poetry. There are many different forms poetry can
take on. Sonnets are probably the second most known form of poetry. Sonnets are made up of 14
lines, have end rhyme, and have a meter. There are two main forms of asonnet; Shakespearean
(English) and Petrarchan (Italian).
The Italian sonnet was created by a man named Petrarch in the 14th century. This sonnet is made
up of an octave (8 lines) and a sestet (6 lines) adding up to the sonnets grand total of 14 lines. A
Volta, or dramatic change in the emotion, comes after the octave. The theme of the Petrarchan sonnet
can generally be found within the ending sestet. Two centuries later a new type of sonnet was born.
The Shakespearean sonnet was created by none other than the late William Shakespeare. The
English sonnet is made up of three quatrains (4 lines) and an ending couplet (2 lines) creating the
iconic 14 lines. The Volta comes after the 3rd quatrain leaving the couplet as the space for the poems
theme. Both
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Poetry Reflection Paper
Reading, creating, analyzing, and writing poetry has definitely changed the way I look and view
poems and poets. I love writing but never dove deep into the world of poetry. I have always excelled
more at creative writing and stories. As I learned more about poetry and what it entails, I took a
huge leap and let my writing skills explore. I was amazed at how much I enjoyed reading poetry. At
times I would read poem after poem, not necessarily analyzing them, but just to enjoy the word
structure, vocabulary, and mental image it produced while being immersed in the joy of the words.
Some poems I definitely had to read and read again because I wanted to figure out what the poet
was portraying. I think that is the joy of poems. Poems are so packed with an emotional journey.
This new found love would not have been possible without this wonderful class.
Starting this class, I was so out of my comfort zone. I feel that I still am but I am also willing to
take the chance to let myself be open to writing poetry. I have come to love the art of found poems.
Although I still second guess myself after writing a poem, I continue and revise and in the end am
somewhat pleased at what I have written.
With this gained confidence, I feel more certain of teaching it in the classroom. My Kindergarten
students are eager to listen to, read, and write poems. It is a fantastic way to increase their
vocabulary. Currently, we are writing a poem that will describe an art piece the students have
painted. The students have a better understanding of visualizing and imagery with every poem we
read in class. The vocabulary that stems from these lessons are priceless. I feel extremely proud of
my Kindergarten class. This poetry class has been one of the most rewarding classes both personally
and professionally.
Developing the chapbook benefitted me in a handful of ways. The most important way was it
encouraged me to read poems. I read poems from books, in the library, online, and listened to
various poets. I remember listening to an interview of Billy Collins answering a question that
pertained to how to write poetry. He suggests that an aspiring poet must read in order to write
exceptional poems. I believe the
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Literary Criticism In Poetry
Formalist criticism is the literary theory that takes a look into works of literature for the message
and meaning, but gives a special focus on the form and structure, as well as the literary devices it
utilizes. This form of criticism is has a very straightforward approach, breaking down the text into
different component parts. Imagery, language, point of view, structure, motivation are all elements
this group examines when reading the text. The thing that differs this approach from other literary
schools of criticism, is its focus on the internal components, instead of the outside influences. The
critic must pay no attention the authors intent and read the text with a neutral or unemotionally.
The reader is interesting in determining who the protagonist is, the protagonist's conflicts, the
climax, setting, and theme of the literary works. This essay will discuss three poems "Wild Iris",
"Lady Lazarus", and "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers" and apply the Formalist literary criticism towards each
of the poem's text. "Wild Iris" is a poem by Louise GlГјck, that doesn't display its meaning clearly
and makes the reader work to find answers and understand the message of the poem. The part I
noticed first was that the protagonist and speaker of the poem was the flower itself. As said in an
article written by The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica, personification is, "a type of metaphor
and a common literary tool. It is when you assign the qualities of a person to something that isn't
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My Favorite Poem
Poetry is a beautiful way to express yourself. It is even better to read poetry in another language.
You may not know what they are saying, but you can still understand their emotions in the poem.
One of my favorite Spanish poets is Francisco GГіmez de Quevedo y Villegas. He did not spend his
life as a poet since he devoted most of his time to politics. Francisco Quevedo is mainly known for
La Vida del BuscГіn. He liked to write about death, hell, and thieves. His poems were translated to
English in 1969 (Wikipedia Contributors). My favorite poem by him was "TГєmulo a ColГіn Habla
un Pedazo de la nave en que DescubriГі el Nuevo Mundo". I have always been drawn to poems that
involve history. This poem is about Christopher Columbus when more content...
This made me feel like I was working with something that I did not know. When I was translating
this poem, I found many areas that caused me some problems. I was extremely confused on the fact
that Columbus`s name was different in Spanish. In the title, it has Columbus`s name as ColГіn.
Someone`s name would not be translated differently. I also remembered that there are many different
Spanish–speaking countries. Many of these countries will have a different style. Therefore, some
of the words may be different in Spain than in the Dominican Republic. I could not figure out what
the exact style of this poem was. I also had a difficult time with some of the vocabulary in this
poem. When I translated the words to English, I still had no idea what they meant. I had a difficult
time with the word ornate. From my previous years of Spanish, I knew some of the words in the
poem automatically. I knew salada meant salad, but in this poem, it actually meant salty.
Another huge task was rearranging the sentence structure after I translated the words. In Spanish, the
sentences are backwards. This made it impossible to have a rhyme scheme in English. I did not want
to change the meaning of the poem. For example, "lenguas para cantar hice primero" (Ingber)
translates to languages for sing I did first. This does not make any sense in the English language.
Therefore, I had to rearrange the sentence to say, "First I sang in languages." When I had to
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Poetry Essay Poetry
Poetry Essay
Poetry. A literary element mainly designated to impose feelings and emotions upon the reader
themselves. Not only is poetry just some writing on a piece of paper, it conveys the charm and the
drive for those who truly enjoy literature. Poetry builds the canvas and then begin to paint the
masterpiece by using several different literary and poetic elements to trigger the imagination of the
reader and have their minds run wild envisioning the work being presented right in front of their
eyes, through words. Poetry for many may be thought of as just rhyming but rather there is a much
deeper and more developed meaning to why and how it is written. In her work, "You're in the dark,
in the car", Claudia Rankine shows the audience more content...
As it states, "Hello darkness my old friend / I've come to talk with you again" is used to provide the
idea for the audience that the beginning of the song is to show a sense of re–encountering with the
past, and in normal cases meeting up with a friend may be a delight but for Simon and Garfunkel
they are meeting up with darkness once again. This implies the speaker had a rough past and has hit
the all–time low they were once at long back in the day. But not only is it used for a tone setting,
many authors connect rhymes so that there is a relation between the words and an image that is
drawn in the mind. For example, as the song progresses there's "a vision softly creeping / left its
seeds while I was sleeping" that connects the words sleeping and creeping to envision that one will
creep around when there is someone sleeping and resting their head, which will allow them to sneak
freely without that individual knowing. Throughout the entire song, every word at the end of the
line rhymes with the following ending word to continue the mood and setting while finding relation
and allowing pictures to be drawn and formed. However not all poems need to have a rhyme
embedded within the literary work. Upon reading the poem written by Claudia Rankine, the reader
can take several notes that there is not one rhyme within the entire passage. Many see it unusual and
question why and how it is even a poem, but the answer is very simplistic and
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Poetry Essay Structure

  • 1. Engl. 102 Poetry Essay "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" a Review English 102 Liberty University 4/21/2014 Poetry Thesis and Outline While reviewing "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", it should be noted that the key is the rhythm of the language. The first, second, and fourth sentence rime while the third sentence of each rimes with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd sentence of the next stanza. In relation with the cryptic language draws the question, there is a more sinister back drop of loneliness and depression in this poem much deeper than the level of nature orated by the Narator. I. First Stanza A. Frost opens with describing who's woods we are viewing 1. Does it matter who's woods B. No one more content... Frost further points out that the stretch of woods being viewed is very rural. This is made possible by the reference to the location between the woods and frozen lake. In closing the final sentence of the second stanza Frost reiterates the fact that this occurs on "the darkest evening of the year" stating the darkness of the mood. In the following stanza Frost returns to the horse, which "gives his harness bells a shake". This is the first of only two sounds listed in the entire poem. Sounds might normally be associated with a person in a lighter more jovial mood. Frost uses the lack of sound to put the narrator into what appears to be a deep process of thought. As the poem moves further allon it is clear that Frost is not thinking of other sounds or even the feelings which would be associated with this type of event. There is no mention of the temperature only the implication of the snow falling, and the frozen lake. Yet the sounds are slightly present, similar to an athlete who is preparing for the event. Frost is quiet, internalizing his thoughts, focusing on the task at hand, and not sensing the other areas of life in the world around him. In the fourth and final stanza Frost uses the riming of all four sentences to draw the reader into the climax of the poem, "the woods are lovely dark and deep/ But I have promises to keep/ and miles to go before I sleep/ and miles to go before I sleep". This grouping leads the reader to feel that Get more content on
  • 2. The Elements Of Poetry Poetry is literary work in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm, poems collectively or as a genre of literature. It is also a quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regarded as characteristic of poems. Poetry (poem) is something that follows a particular flow of rhythm and meter. Compare to prose, where there is no such restriction, and the content of the piece flows according to the story, a poem may or may not have a story, but definitely has structured method of writing. The definition of "Elements of Poetry" is a set of instrument use to create poems. The usages of these elements began many years ago. Archeologist have shown that our ancestors of use more content... In ancient times, lyric poems were sung to the accompaniment of the lyric, a type of stringed instrument. Modem lyric poems are not usually sung. However, they still have a musical quality that is achieved through rhythm and such other devices as alliteration and rhyme. Elegy: A poem of mourning, usually over death of an individual. It may also be a lament over the passing of life and beauty or a meditation over nature of death. An elegy is a type of lyrical poem, usually formal in language and structure and solemn or even melancholy in tone. Acrostic: In acrostic poems, the first letter of each line of each line of the poem is aligned vertically to form a word. Generally, the word formed thus, is the subject of the poem. Ballad: Ballads are narrative poems that are supposed to be sung. The narrator usually starts a dramatic scene and relates the narrative with dialog and action. Canzone: The word canzone, which means a song, signifies any simple song like composition. It is an Italian song or ballad. Cinquain: A cinquain is a poem that consist of five lines. They do not Get more content on
  • 3. Poetry Explication Essay Poetry Explication Language is a remarkable thing. It can convey every thought, feeling, and emotion with perfect accuracy. Almost exclusively, language has taken awkward, unfit animals out of nature and made them rulers over the earth and many of its elements. When used well, it has the power to change an individual's view of the world, make someone believe they have seen something they have not, and even more astonishingly, look inside one's self and see what exists. If language is mixed with the tempo of music, something new arises; poetry is born. When words and ideas are set to a beat, they can far more subtly convey concepts that would otherwise need to be explicitly stated and the poem can be appreciated more as a whole, more content... In my poem, I have used the same style, putting the word 'way' as the last word in the first and last lines. Such an arrangement serves to connect the beginning of the poem to the end and imparts a sense of cyclical occurrences–although Elizabeth can banish those who hope to dispose her, new enemies will constantly arise. Using this structure as the framework for my own thoughts, I was able to break away from the original meaning of the poem and form something quite different. While composing my poem, I regularly went back to The Doubt of Future Foes to compare the sensibilities of each line. At times, I found that unknowingly I would come up with something quite similar to what was written in the original. An example of this is line 9 of The Doubt of Future Foes. I wanted to express how I, like many children, strive to instill pride in my parents. When I read line 9, I liked it so much that I included part of it in my own poem for its meaning, and as a tribute to Elizabeth's style and careful selection of words. Since the title and first line are so intertwined, I decided to remain faithful to their original structure, and hence, my wording is very similar. Although the meaning for the word 'doubt' in the original poem is quite different from its common usage today, I chose to keep it in the title to make up Get more content on
  • 4. Poetry Essay Poems on Poetry Essay In the poems 'How to Eat a Poem' by Eve Merriam and 'Introduction to Poetry' by Billy Collins, important ideas are presented about how poetry should be experienced and enjoyed. The poets used the techniques extended metaphor, repetition, metaphors and personification to show me how these ideas is important. In 'How to Eat a Poem' by Eve Merriam, the author describes how poetry is to be experienced. Poetry doesn't need any manners and has no rules. "Don't be polite / Bite in." is an example of just jumping in to poetry because it's got no manners and it's for everyone. "It is ready and ripe now, whenever you are." Shows us that poetry is for everyone. Poetry never goes away because it always written more content... In the poem it states that all we want to do is torture it and get a confession out of it. Poems are to be about having fun, not trying to find every possible meaning and to just skim across getting the ideas that the poet wants us too. Poems are about having fun and not over analyzing them. In the poem 'Introduction to Poetry', the techniques metaphor and personification are used to show me the important idea. Metaphor is used in the lines "I want them to waterski / across the surface of a poem / waving at the authors name on the surface." Which compares waterskiing and having fun to a poem that is fun and relaxing. This helps me understand that poetry is fun and relaxing just like waterskiing. When you imagine yourself waterskiing you imagine a sunny day, speeding along bouncing up and down on waves while waving to your friends on the shore in the sand. Poems are the same you can enjoy yourself through rhyming or using alliteration. All the techniques that make a poem fun and enjoyable to write and read. Personification is used in the lines " But all they want to do / is tie the poem to a chair with a rope / and torture a confession out of it" to compare tying up a person to a chair and trying to get a confession out of it. Over analyzing a poem and taking meanings that aren't meant to be instead of taking the idea that the poet tries to convey. Doing this the poet helps me understand Get more content on
  • 5. Poetry Form Essay Poems are a form of writing with a set meter. Most poems have an end rhyme scheme to accompany the meter. Poems, like short stories, have symbols. Although short story symbols were not the easiest to identify, the symbols in poems are sometimes even harder to determine. Poems also include metaphors, imagery, a certain tone, and always have a set audience. Lyrics are the most obvious type of poetry to date. A song has a rhythm and when the lyrics are sung to the beat a poem is created. Lyrics are not the only form of poetry. There are many different forms poetry can take on. Sonnets are probably the second most known form of poetry. Sonnets are made up of 14 lines, have end rhyme, and have a meter. There are two main forms of asonnet; Shakespearean (English) and Petrarchan (Italian). The Italian sonnet was created by a man named Petrarch in the 14th century. This sonnet is made up of an octave (8 lines) and a sestet (6 lines) adding up to the sonnets grand total of 14 lines. A Volta, or dramatic change in the emotion, comes after the octave. The theme of the Petrarchan sonnet can generally be found within the ending sestet. Two centuries later a new type of sonnet was born. The Shakespearean sonnet was created by none other than the late William Shakespeare. The English sonnet is made up of three quatrains (4 lines) and an ending couplet (2 lines) creating the iconic 14 lines. The Volta comes after the 3rd quatrain leaving the couplet as the space for the poems theme. Both Get more content on
  • 6. Poetry Reflection Paper Reading, creating, analyzing, and writing poetry has definitely changed the way I look and view poems and poets. I love writing but never dove deep into the world of poetry. I have always excelled more at creative writing and stories. As I learned more about poetry and what it entails, I took a huge leap and let my writing skills explore. I was amazed at how much I enjoyed reading poetry. At times I would read poem after poem, not necessarily analyzing them, but just to enjoy the word structure, vocabulary, and mental image it produced while being immersed in the joy of the words. Some poems I definitely had to read and read again because I wanted to figure out what the poet was portraying. I think that is the joy of poems. Poems are so packed with an emotional journey. This new found love would not have been possible without this wonderful class. Starting this class, I was so out of my comfort zone. I feel that I still am but I am also willing to take the chance to let myself be open to writing poetry. I have come to love the art of found poems. Although I still second guess myself after writing a poem, I continue and revise and in the end am somewhat pleased at what I have written. With this gained confidence, I feel more certain of teaching it in the classroom. My Kindergarten students are eager to listen to, read, and write poems. It is a fantastic way to increase their vocabulary. Currently, we are writing a poem that will describe an art piece the students have painted. The students have a better understanding of visualizing and imagery with every poem we read in class. The vocabulary that stems from these lessons are priceless. I feel extremely proud of my Kindergarten class. This poetry class has been one of the most rewarding classes both personally and professionally. Developing the chapbook benefitted me in a handful of ways. The most important way was it encouraged me to read poems. I read poems from books, in the library, online, and listened to various poets. I remember listening to an interview of Billy Collins answering a question that pertained to how to write poetry. He suggests that an aspiring poet must read in order to write exceptional poems. I believe the Get more content on
  • 7. Literary Criticism In Poetry Formalist criticism is the literary theory that takes a look into works of literature for the message and meaning, but gives a special focus on the form and structure, as well as the literary devices it utilizes. This form of criticism is has a very straightforward approach, breaking down the text into different component parts. Imagery, language, point of view, structure, motivation are all elements this group examines when reading the text. The thing that differs this approach from other literary schools of criticism, is its focus on the internal components, instead of the outside influences. The critic must pay no attention the authors intent and read the text with a neutral or unemotionally. The reader is interesting in determining who the protagonist is, the protagonist's conflicts, the climax, setting, and theme of the literary works. This essay will discuss three poems "Wild Iris", "Lady Lazarus", and "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers" and apply the Formalist literary criticism towards each of the poem's text. "Wild Iris" is a poem by Louise GlГјck, that doesn't display its meaning clearly and makes the reader work to find answers and understand the message of the poem. The part I noticed first was that the protagonist and speaker of the poem was the flower itself. As said in an article written by The Editors of EncyclopГ¦dia Britannica, personification is, "a type of metaphor and a common literary tool. It is when you assign the qualities of a person to something that isn't Get more content on
  • 8. My Favorite Poem Poetry is a beautiful way to express yourself. It is even better to read poetry in another language. You may not know what they are saying, but you can still understand their emotions in the poem. One of my favorite Spanish poets is Francisco GГіmez de Quevedo y Villegas. He did not spend his life as a poet since he devoted most of his time to politics. Francisco Quevedo is mainly known for La Vida del BuscГіn. He liked to write about death, hell, and thieves. His poems were translated to English in 1969 (Wikipedia Contributors). My favorite poem by him was "TГєmulo a ColГіn Habla un Pedazo de la nave en que DescubriГі el Nuevo Mundo". I have always been drawn to poems that involve history. This poem is about Christopher Columbus when more content... This made me feel like I was working with something that I did not know. When I was translating this poem, I found many areas that caused me some problems. I was extremely confused on the fact that Columbus`s name was different in Spanish. In the title, it has Columbus`s name as ColГіn. Someone`s name would not be translated differently. I also remembered that there are many different Spanish–speaking countries. Many of these countries will have a different style. Therefore, some of the words may be different in Spain than in the Dominican Republic. I could not figure out what the exact style of this poem was. I also had a difficult time with some of the vocabulary in this poem. When I translated the words to English, I still had no idea what they meant. I had a difficult time with the word ornate. From my previous years of Spanish, I knew some of the words in the poem automatically. I knew salada meant salad, but in this poem, it actually meant salty. Another huge task was rearranging the sentence structure after I translated the words. In Spanish, the sentences are backwards. This made it impossible to have a rhyme scheme in English. I did not want to change the meaning of the poem. For example, "lenguas para cantar hice primero" (Ingber) translates to languages for sing I did first. This does not make any sense in the English language. Therefore, I had to rearrange the sentence to say, "First I sang in languages." When I had to Get more content on
  • 9. Poetry Essay Poetry Poetry Essay Poetry. A literary element mainly designated to impose feelings and emotions upon the reader themselves. Not only is poetry just some writing on a piece of paper, it conveys the charm and the drive for those who truly enjoy literature. Poetry builds the canvas and then begin to paint the masterpiece by using several different literary and poetic elements to trigger the imagination of the reader and have their minds run wild envisioning the work being presented right in front of their eyes, through words. Poetry for many may be thought of as just rhyming but rather there is a much deeper and more developed meaning to why and how it is written. In her work, "You're in the dark, in the car", Claudia Rankine shows the audience more content... As it states, "Hello darkness my old friend / I've come to talk with you again" is used to provide the idea for the audience that the beginning of the song is to show a sense of re–encountering with the past, and in normal cases meeting up with a friend may be a delight but for Simon and Garfunkel they are meeting up with darkness once again. This implies the speaker had a rough past and has hit the all–time low they were once at long back in the day. But not only is it used for a tone setting, many authors connect rhymes so that there is a relation between the words and an image that is drawn in the mind. For example, as the song progresses there's "a vision softly creeping / left its seeds while I was sleeping" that connects the words sleeping and creeping to envision that one will creep around when there is someone sleeping and resting their head, which will allow them to sneak freely without that individual knowing. Throughout the entire song, every word at the end of the line rhymes with the following ending word to continue the mood and setting while finding relation and allowing pictures to be drawn and formed. However not all poems need to have a rhyme embedded within the literary work. Upon reading the poem written by Claudia Rankine, the reader can take several notes that there is not one rhyme within the entire passage. Many see it unusual and question why and how it is even a poem, but the answer is very simplistic and Get more content on