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Post-Occupancy Evaluation
 of New Schools with the
 Participation of Children

  Dr Andrea Wheeler, Dr Masoud
  Malekzadeh and Professor Dino
Why are all these
people so
Problem. Why is the difference between
predicted and actual energy use of
schools so high?
Objective. Understand this difference
and determine a way to assess this
Action: Our emergent approach for
sustainable schools. Observations.
Results: POE already making a
difference in schools. The importance of
application of whole school methods for
the construction industry.

The Problem. What we think is causing the
difference between predicted and in-use energy
                         Late changes (design
                         changes that are not
 1. Design and           modelled and change
 simulation              performance)

 2. Construction
                           Inaccurate material
                           Faulty workmanship
School management and

         Facilities management


3. Use

                         Why can‟t people
                         change what
                         they do?
   Consumption day
           “On our first
                  they sat us down
                  and told us what
                  we couldn‟t do in
                  the school – from
                  the start it made us
                  feel it wasn‟t ours .
  Influenced by school ethos,
  school history, lifestyle and
quality of life factors(material
 aspiration and consumption)
   and is motivated by wider
          social norms.
Understanding and working with school
culture – motivating school change.
School culture has been defined as the dynamic
relationship between community history and values
and school ethos...

    There’s a lot of difficulties working with them [the
      construction company] ...If there is a problem
        with the school, it’s the schools fault. [...] If
     there’s a problem they will blame the school... it
       ends up just being a frustration. [...] And then
        obviously on the purchasing side, whenever
     anything needs to be changed, if we need a new
       gat e or pathway, whatever it is, we have to go
      through them and the costs are so significantly
                 high” (Building Manager)
Action. What we did. Three weeks of
Open Discussion            (to elicit information on design use, school
                           ethos and community values, Henry Sanoff,
“Walk-Through”             (Watson, C. & Thomson, K., 2005) but using video
                           to engage children and to capture word and image.
An energy “quiz”           (adapted Gill, Z.M., Tierney, M.J., Pegg, I.M. and
                           Allan, N. 2010).
Individual drawings/list   An approach that could work with all ages – younger
making                     children drawing speculative imaginary “designs”
                           older children making lists of potential
Big group “negotiated”     (Huckle, 2010, Biesta, 2009) Thinking about
design solutions           sharing, democratic approach to designing, critical

The Return.

The Objective. Improving school design
   and emergent technologies and
supporting emergent ontologies (POE
 that adopts innovative pedagogy).
‘What if we no longer assume that we can know
the essence and nature of the human being? – or,
if we treat the question of what it means to be
human as a radically open question, a question
that can only be answered by engaging in
education rather than as a question that needs to
be answered before we can engage in education‟
(Biesta, 2006: 4-5).
Biesta, Gert (2009) „Creating Spaces for learning or Making Room for Education‟ lecture as
part of the Transforming Our Schools series, The University of Nottingham.
Examples. (Energy Behaviours, School
    Culture and Social Norms)
                                          Case Study 1                                   Case Study 2                                      Case Study 3 –

      Attitudes to energy      “I think we should but we have gotten         ““I don't even think we are trying. It feels    “...if no one moves in the classroom then the
        efficiency and        used to everything and don't want to go         like they don't even think they care. But       lights go out and so it‟s like when people go
         sustainability                    back to basics”                      they are always banging on about it.        out of the room the lights go off and so the bills
                             (different session) “They are telling us to    They are always telling us to save energy       are lower. So do you think the bills are lower in
                            be energy efficient but... They stand there                  but why not them”.                  this new school? You‟re paying less for your
                               in science and say you need to save                                                               electricity and gas or not? Possibly not,
                            energy and then I say well turn your lights                                                                     because it‟s bigger.”


                              Do you think it’s the computers you use at                                                       CLIP 3 (about leaving lights and computers on)
                            home at use the most energy? Umm, yes but and                                                   What do you think stops you then, if you know it has
                                               the lights.                                                                   an impact on the environment, and you know what
                                                                                                                             to do? Some people forget sometimes, it’s everyone
                                                                                                                            that’s got to take part. It’s like I do something good,
TRANSCRIPTS                                                                                                                   but it’s everyone that has to take part. It’s like I do
                                                                                                                               something good but someone else is still doing
                                                                                                                             something… So you feel even though you’re doing
                                                                                                                            your bit, others will let you down? Yes, others will let
                                                                                                                                us down. If everyone contributed then yeah…

CASE STUDY 3: First impressions
Researchers: What do
you think of this new
school, what were your                   We had more space in the old one, outdoor
first impressions? What is               space, but, everything else is better...
this school like compared                It was, very cold in the old school, it like
to the old school?                       seemed old, old fashioned, no colour in it.
                                         It was all mixed together, and not we don’t
                                         have to go outside anymore. It was a very
                                         long way getting up all the stairs and to
Researchers: When they
                                         walk outside the doors and go to lessons.
told you, you were going
                                         And we’d get told off if we were late [Year
to get a new school, what
were your thoughts?
                                         Can’t wait, excited, I thought it would be
                                         in like 2 weeks. (Do you think the new
                                         school inspires you? Or isn’t it the buildings
    “The first day I got lost, then it   that inspire you?) We have more (ICT)
    was quite easy because every
    room is marked out, every            equipment in this school. We didn’t have
    level too, there‟s three             enough in the old school so everyone has a
    different colours.” (Year 7
    pupil, first s                       chance to do more ...
CASE STUDY 3: Energy efficiency –
   Researchers: Are                                                      “I think we should stop lighting the
   you aware that this                                                   school in the day as the sun lights
                                                                             it up a lot and we‟re wasting
   is quite an energy              Yeah, because like if no one          electricity” (Final „design‟ session,
                                                                                      Year 8 pupil).
   efficient school?               moves, or people go out of the              “Are the lights movement
                                                                             sensitive? I don‟t think in the
                                   room, the lights automatically        corridors they are. They could be
                                   go off.                               movement sensitive, but even just
                                                                          a switch” (final „design‟ session,)
     Researchers: Do you
     think the bills for the
     school are lower in this           No because it’s bigger... There’s more
     school? Are you are                computers, projectors, interactive
     paying less for electricity        whiteboards... (But on the other hand you have
     and gas?                           better windows that keep heat in?) But you
                                        can’t open them and you get too hot... But then
Sometimes they [the
                                        you have air conditioning. But you only have it
classrooms] are really warm             in ICT but when you do it’s nice and cool and
and the windows don‟t open.
None of the windows open.               then it gets too cold [different voice]. In
Only the lower ones. In the
summer it‟s really hot” (Year 7
                                        normal classrooms you have this thing that
pupil.) Researcher 1: “Are              brings air in form outside, but if it’s hot
there things you think the
architect could have done               outside it’s just bringing in hot air.
better?” “Just the windows.”                                                                         12
(final session)
CASE STUDY 3: Space and using it (or
not being allowed to) What was said !
  Researchers: So your
                           No, we’ve got a big field, But we’re
  only complaint is that
                           not allowed to go on it, the back... (So
  you have less outdoor
                           what are they doing?) We don’t know , it
  space now?
                           looks finished but we’re not allowed on

  Researchers: What        We’re not allowed to use the
  about the changing       showers as there’s not time. (Would
  rooms?                   you like to?) Yeah, ‘cause you’re smelly.
                           Only the after school clubs can.
                           [Different voice] But if you’re really
                           dirty you can, you can if you have
                           permission.                            They close the
 Researchers: What                                                 toilets on the
 about the toilets?                                                top floors so
                                                                   we can only use
                                 They’re ok                        some of them
CASE STUDY 3: Space and using people(and
                         Sometimes it run past

   it not working) What was the floor. That’s what
                         over said !
                         and knock you and it just goes

                                                       happened to my friend.

  Researcher: Would you           They open up the assembly hall at lunch and
  like to have social space       break so you can sit at a table and have your
  for yourself ?                  own little gossip. The canteen is all crowded.
                                  They put all the tables...we’ve got benches at the
                                  sides but all the year 11 and 10s sit there (is it
  Researcher: If I were to        because they get there first?) No, because they’re
  tell the architects something   older. (How about the queues?) We’re supposed
  about what you thought          to have year queues (7,8,9 – Line 1) but no-one
  about the school, what          does, so it’s cold and hot food. But they don’t
  would I tell them?              listen and so they go anywhere...

                                  There are too many rooms that don’t get
   Researcher: What               used, like these small rooms. (Should we turn
   about the break out            these into classrooms?)
   spaces, do you use
   them?                          There are quiet areas but people tend to nick
                                  the chairs and put them in classrooms. (Do you
                                  think we should change them?) No, we use             14
                                  them to just talk... [35.18 032]
YOUR SCHOOL, Walk-Throughs, What
          pupils said !

What‟s good about first   Year 7 playground

YOUR SCHOOL, Walk-Throughs, What
          pupils said !
                              “We like to sit under the
                              stairs where there is
                              carpet and a radiator, but
                              we‟re not allowed. We just
                              like to sit there because it
                              is inside. We just like
                              having a quieter area you
                              can sit and just be with
                              your friends [...] They
                              should have little benches
                              [outside] people can sit on
                              and a shelter in the winter.
                              I know it is cold but I do
                              like to go outside to get
                              some fresh air. And also
                              the lads when they play
                              football would have
           Break out spaces
                              somewhere for their bags”
                              (Year 10 pupil).

CASE STUDY 3: Critical Thinking and
       emergent lifestyles

            ““I don't even think we are
              trying. It feels like they
                don't even think they
            care. But they are always
            banging on about it. They
              are always telling us to
             save energy but why not

    “I think we should but we have gotten
     used to everything and don't want to
               go back to basics”
    (different session) “They are telling us
       to be energy efficient but... They
      stand there in science and say you
     need to save energy and then I say
            well turn your lights off”
The democratic design process (lists
          and drawings)
                            I thought the amount of natural light let in, compared to
 Researcher: Do you
                            the amount of unneeded light on could be improved; we
 want to tell us what
                            could turn the lights off. And more tables and benches to
 you’ve written down?
                            sit on. Lights left on stairs, I don’t think they are
                            movement sensitive

                              They should have little benches people can sit
                              on and a shelter in winter. I know it is cold but I
Researcher: So we are
                              do like to go outside and get some fresh air.
talking about good and
bad things...or really
three lists, good bad and
how we can make it                In the entrance there’s a separate
better.                           entrance, we don’t need that. I don’t think
                                  we should have it because we can’t use cards
                                  or anything like that.
Comparing: Same problems as with other
                                         Case Study 1                                   Case Study 2                                       Case Study 3 –

   Windows and            “We also have this automatic window thing        “In the whole school there are automatic        “Sometimes they [the classrooms] are really warm
 ventilation systems          for when it gets too stuffy. When you        windows that you have to open and close         and the windows don‟t open. None of the windows
                          produce too much CO2 the windows open,            with a key and there are only about four         open. Only the lower ones. In the summer it‟s
                           it's automatic [...] If you talk too much in    keys in the whole school. So that kind of       really hot” (Year 7 pupil.) Researcher 1: “Are there
                                classroom they open (laughs)”.              means that you can‟t open the windows            things you think the architect could have done
                                                                               in some departments because you                          better?” “Just the windows.”
                                                                                       haven‟t got a key.”

Circulation, stairs and   “...everyone pushes you out of the way [...]       “This is a very big area, the rooms are          “The first day I got lost, then it was quite easy
          lifts             and it takes you about 10 minutes to get          very big, and there is alot of room for      because every room is marked out, every level too,
                            out and you have to try to hold onto the        people to just wander up and down the           there‟s three different colours.” (Year 7 pupil, first
                           handrails to pull yourself forward [...] I go    corridors. Huge rooms, lots of big open                               session)
                          down with my brother and he makes a little
                            circle and I walk. [...] Older people think
                                                                            spaces down here. This is the area you
                                                                           are not allowed at lunchtime. You are not
                                                                                                                                                  Not allowed
                          they are cocky and they can do everything        allowed up the stairs in the corridor at all.
                          and so they go down the wrong side of the           People have thrown things, the lights
                                       stairs” (Year 7 pupil)              have been broken, there are lots of dents
                                                                                          in the ceiling”.

Natural and artificial      “It happens [automatic lights switch on]         “In the art and music corridor there are        “I think we should stop lighting the school in the
        light                when you go in, but when you go out            full size windows, they go down the full        day as the sun lights it up alot and we‟re wasting
                            everyone turns them off anyway. In PE          length of the building, the problem is that      electricity” (Final „design‟ session, Year 8 pupil).
                           that's what happens as they will go off in       you have to, if you have projectors on in      “Are the lights movement sensitive? I don‟t think in
                            the changing rooms and in PE you just           an art department you can‟t actually see        the corridors they are. They could be movement
                             have to jump about a bit. In the store          because they don‟t have blinds so you           sensitive, but even just a switch” (final „design‟
                           rooms it is straight on. You walk in and it         can‟t actually lower the blinds so the                session, different group of pupils)
                            just turns on. Cleaners‟ cupboards and         projector can see so then you can‟t really
                                              stuff”.                                     see anything.”

                                                                                                                                         Lighting                             19
What did you and others say about your
school and it‟s design?
                                         Case Study 1                                    Case Study 2                                       Case Study 3 –

     Social space          “We go up to the shop at dinner time but at     “This is the atrium space [...] It does get a        “We like to sit under the stairs where there is
(strongly related to the     break we just stay around. I'll just stand     bit messy because there are not enough           carpet and a radiator, but we‟re not allowed. We
lunchtime experience)         around over there or walk around. We         chairs and people have to wander around            just like to sit there because it is inside. We just
                             have got a coffee machine now that we         and hope for the best and see if they can         like having a quieter area you can sit and just be
                              are allowed to use and a lot of people         find a seat at lunchtime [...] It is used as        with your friends [...] They should have little
                            stand around there [...] At dinner we play       the packed lunch area at lunchtime and         benches [outside] people can sit on and a shelter
                                football on the Astroturf and a lot of         chairs come out of the cupboard over            in the winter. I know it is cold but I do like to go
                              different years join in”. “...we go out to    there for people to sit on but there isn‟t a      outside to get some fresh air. And also the lads
                            chippy. It's nicer. There are just year 10s     lot of space and there isn‟t enough room        when they play football would have somewhere for
                            and 11s and there's no queues [...] We go                 for everybody to „sit-in‟”.                         their bags” (Year 10 pupil).
                           most days (different voice). Not every time
                           to eat just to get out of the madness” (Year
                                              10 pupils).
  Gym, fitness suites,     (Dialogue from „walk-through‟) “As you can        (From a „walk-through‟) “The drains in          “...we should have lockers, we have to carry our
dance rooms, changing         see we have these lockers but no one          this department are very dodgy and the              PE kit around all day. I think we should have
  rooms and showers          uses them, you can see they are broke”         changing rooms smell a lot because the            lockers where the PE room is so that when we
                              Researcher 1: Do you have to carry all          drains get blocked and if something              have PE... or in our form room.” (From a final
                            your PE clothes around all day?” yeah, in        happens it means you have to ring up                             „design‟ session)
                             a bag”. (different „walk-through‟ session)     Liverpool to put it on the caretakers list
                                                                           that the drains need fixing because that‟s
                                                                            where [building company] Headquarters

  The Wallk Through

What did you and others say about your
school and it‟s design?
                                         Case Study 1                                   Case Study 2                                       Case Study 3 –

Outside space, sports       “That‟s the field and the tennis courts and     “Up at the top we have a MUGA. Multi-         “At the moment we‟re in a different playground to
facilities and multi use   there were the Astroturf is that‟s where we     use games area. There are some people         all the other years. [...] I think it is better I think it‟s
      games areas          had our old building you can‟t come down        on it right now. And then we have the bus     because older kids are just bigger and if we‟re on
                               here at break but you can at dinner.”         station. There is a stage thing that, an      the same playground they can hurt us easier.”
                           Researcher 2: “So does it have a fence or          outdoor thing, for a band, but we‟ve                          (Year 7 pupil.)
                            something for where you cannot go in the                      never used it”.
                              break time?” “No a teacher just stands
   Quality of space/           “It [Global Conference Room] is for         “It‟s a good job the camera doesn‟t pick      Researcher 1: “Are there things you like the most
  innovative design        meetings as well but while we are learning      up smell because it stinks. [The school        about the building? Things your primary school
                           there are cameras. There is meant to be a       had a ongoing problem with smells from         didn‟t have, or just things you like?” “It‟s better
                             camera here. Where you can learn with           the drains.] Sometimes it smells, the       because you get to move around the school and
                           other schools and you can learn the same                  drains arn‟t very good.”             not just stay in one classroom.” (Year 7 pupil.)
                            lessons. But we've never done it”. (Year
                                    10 pupils on “walk-through”)

 ICT and computers         “All the computers are always on, they are       “In there [computer room] as well is the     “On hot days the IT suites are the best because of
                           never switched off by the power. They are         study centre [full of computers] and it                    the air conditioning.”
                             always on standby. [...] it's just that the   gets very hot and even if the air con is on
                           monitor is off. You just logoff and you don't     only slight areas get it and it gets very
                                           shut it down”.                                      hot.”

Summary User Findings
 1. Contradictions between what adults say and what they
    tell children to do.
 2. Poorly functioning building features (windows, heating
    and ventilation systems, circulation, dining spaces) and
    either over provision or under provision of space and
    facilities, together with teachers prohibiting use of
    facilities (toilets locked, .
 3. Lack of ownership of PFI buildings
 4. Lack of understanding of the „sustainable‟ design
    features of the new school building – solar heating
 5. Convoluted facilities management procedures
 6. A mismatch between designers intention and teachers
    ability to manage the behaviours of pupils – (many
    examples – dining biggest issue)

Summary Technical Findings
Stories and Statistics      (Mixed
mode methodologies and analysis)

Simple content analysis,         Adults contradictory behaviours, everyone has to
transcripts – themes             do their bit, ownership and agency.
Narrative analysis (children‟s   Emergent lifestyles, ways of being, ways of living –
story telling it‟s role and      supporting them.
Visual analysis                  Design Themes, dining spaces, ICT, artificial
                                 lighting, comfort.

Comparison with numerical data   Verification
– energy use (electricity and
gas) and school temperatures,
lighting and ICT complaints.

Comparison (return visit).       Verification
What are the children saying


Artificial Lighting     Artificial lights left on during the night (switching off
                        lights – all but essential – 6pm 7.30 am?) Lights in
                        corridors being left on in daylight need to be better
                        addressed – better motion timers, accessible controls to
                        allow them to be switched off?
Heating                 Better and immediate controls (children can change
                        temperatures in rooms?) Efficient BMS. 18 degrees for
                        classrooms, children suggest hotter. Could turn down?
                        Maintenance issues for PfI schools resolved?
ICT                     Timers to hibernate mode, Eco-groups to make sure white
                        boards and computers are switched off (shaming teachers?)
Dining Experience       All schools we visited had problems with the deign of
                        dining spaces. Designers need to understand that
                        management issues for 1000 + pupils will take precedent
                        and whilst dining spaces are being designed for multiply
                        sittings this is very difficult for teachers to manage.
Behaviour change? 20%   Eco-Teams, eco-warriors, educational initiatives - More radical
reduction               educational changes, coming in later in the morning, 6 weeks
                        holiday in winter?


            Problem areas to be addressed (ICT and
            artificial lighting), more integration?

            Individual teachers in the school took an
            immediate interest in making changes to
            whiteboards and computers left on in the
            school. The ICT and artificial lighting problems
            addressed by management on a larger scale
            would also resolve childrens‟ complaints about
            contradictory behaviour by adults
            information about environmental concerns.
            Even this simple action would be expected to
            also make significant savings to the school
            energy bills.

               Negotiations with council to pay their
               own bills

               The School plans to enter into discussion
               with the local authority to gain
               responsibility for paying their own bills
               and putting measures in place to save
               20%. They intend to discuss also with
               the construction company
               owners/facilities management team how
               to gain control from their desks of the
               BMS system, how to develop a better
               way of ensuring lights and ICT are
               turned off – with the intention of using
               the saving money for new educational
               initiatives in the school.              27

            Modifications to the School Building over
            the Summer.

            The School planned after our workshops to
            make changes to the school to improve the
            dining experience, open up the MUGA and
            save money by a different artificial lighting
            strategy in corridors. This would also mean
            that the school will be on track to make
            significant savings on its consumption of
SCHOOL” POE for the Construction Industry

The Advancement of knowledge.

Improving Design Quality.

Improving Energy Efficiency.

Lowering Actual Energy Use in Buildings.

Educational benefits, engaging with young people, improving
knowledge of sustainable design amongst children and young people.
Supporting emerging lifestyles.

Changing behaviours through initiatives attentive to school culture.

Allowing construction companies to address their social obligations to
buildings more sustainable communities.

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PLEA 2011 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium July 2011

  • 1. Post-Occupancy Evaluation of New Schools with the Participation of Children Dr Andrea Wheeler, Dr Masoud Malekzadeh and Professor Dino Bouchlaghem
  • 2. Why are all these people so interested? Problem. Why is the difference between predicted and actual energy use of schools so high? Objective. Understand this difference and determine a way to assess this difference. Action: Our emergent approach for sustainable schools. Observations. Results: POE already making a difference in schools. The importance of application of whole school methods for the construction industry. 2
  • 3. The Problem. What we think is causing the difference between predicted and in-use energy consumption. Inaccurate assumptions Late changes (design changes that are not 1. Design and modelled and change simulation performance) 2. Construction Inaccurate material specifications Faulty workmanship
  • 4. School management and leadership Facilities management maintenance Behaviours 3. Use Why can‟t people change what they do?
  • 5. Culture, Consumerism, Consumption day “On our first they sat us down and told us what we couldn‟t do in the school – from the start it made us feel it wasn‟t ours . Influenced by school ethos, school history, lifestyle and quality of life factors(material aspiration and consumption) and is motivated by wider social norms.
  • 6. Understanding and working with school culture – motivating school change. School culture has been defined as the dynamic relationship between community history and values and school ethos... There’s a lot of difficulties working with them [the construction company] ...If there is a problem with the school, it’s the schools fault. [...] If there’s a problem they will blame the school... it ends up just being a frustration. [...] And then obviously on the purchasing side, whenever anything needs to be changed, if we need a new gat e or pathway, whatever it is, we have to go through them and the costs are so significantly high” (Building Manager)
  • 7. Action. What we did. Three weeks of workshops. Open Discussion (to elicit information on design use, school ethos and community values, Henry Sanoff, 2001). “Walk-Through” (Watson, C. & Thomson, K., 2005) but using video to engage children and to capture word and image. An energy “quiz” (adapted Gill, Z.M., Tierney, M.J., Pegg, I.M. and Allan, N. 2010). Individual drawings/list An approach that could work with all ages – younger making children drawing speculative imaginary “designs” older children making lists of potential improvement. Big group “negotiated” (Huckle, 2010, Biesta, 2009) Thinking about design solutions sharing, democratic approach to designing, critical thinking. The Return. 7
  • 8. The Objective. Improving school design and emergent technologies and supporting emergent ontologies (POE that adopts innovative pedagogy). ‘What if we no longer assume that we can know the essence and nature of the human being? – or, if we treat the question of what it means to be human as a radically open question, a question that can only be answered by engaging in education rather than as a question that needs to be answered before we can engage in education‟ (Biesta, 2006: 4-5). Biesta, Gert (2009) „Creating Spaces for learning or Making Room for Education‟ lecture as part of the Transforming Our Schools series, The University of Nottingham. 85c0-136bb4b7fd4a
  • 9. Examples. (Energy Behaviours, School Culture and Social Norms) Case Study 1 Case Study 2 Case Study 3 – Attitudes to energy “I think we should but we have gotten ““I don't even think we are trying. It feels “...if no one moves in the classroom then the efficiency and used to everything and don't want to go like they don't even think they care. But lights go out and so it‟s like when people go sustainability back to basics” they are always banging on about it. out of the room the lights go off and so the bills (different session) “They are telling us to They are always telling us to save energy are lower. So do you think the bills are lower in be energy efficient but... They stand there but why not them”. this new school? You‟re paying less for your in science and say you need to save electricity and gas or not? Possibly not, energy and then I say well turn your lights because it‟s bigger.” off” THE ENERGY QUIZ Do you think it’s the computers you use at CLIP 3 (about leaving lights and computers on) home at use the most energy? Umm, yes but and What do you think stops you then, if you know it has the lights. an impact on the environment, and you know what to do? Some people forget sometimes, it’s everyone that’s got to take part. It’s like I do something good, TRANSCRIPTS but it’s everyone that has to take part. It’s like I do something good but someone else is still doing something… So you feel even though you’re doing your bit, others will let you down? Yes, others will let us down. If everyone contributed then yeah… 9
  • 11. CASE STUDY 3: First impressions Researchers: What do you think of this new school, what were your We had more space in the old one, outdoor first impressions? What is space, but, everything else is better... this school like compared It was, very cold in the old school, it like to the old school? seemed old, old fashioned, no colour in it. It was all mixed together, and not we don’t have to go outside anymore. It was a very long way getting up all the stairs and to Researchers: When they walk outside the doors and go to lessons. told you, you were going And we’d get told off if we were late [Year to get a new school, what 9] were your thoughts? Can’t wait, excited, I thought it would be in like 2 weeks. (Do you think the new school inspires you? Or isn’t it the buildings “The first day I got lost, then it that inspire you?) We have more (ICT) was quite easy because every room is marked out, every equipment in this school. We didn’t have level too, there‟s three enough in the old school so everyone has a different colours.” (Year 7 pupil, first s chance to do more ... 11
  • 12. CASE STUDY 3: Energy efficiency – Researchers: Are “I think we should stop lighting the you aware that this school in the day as the sun lights it up a lot and we‟re wasting is quite an energy Yeah, because like if no one electricity” (Final „design‟ session, Year 8 pupil). efficient school? moves, or people go out of the “Are the lights movement sensitive? I don‟t think in the room, the lights automatically corridors they are. They could be go off. movement sensitive, but even just a switch” (final „design‟ session,) Researchers: Do you think the bills for the school are lower in this No because it’s bigger... There’s more school? Are you are computers, projectors, interactive paying less for electricity whiteboards... (But on the other hand you have and gas? better windows that keep heat in?) But you can’t open them and you get too hot... But then Sometimes they [the you have air conditioning. But you only have it classrooms] are really warm in ICT but when you do it’s nice and cool and and the windows don‟t open. None of the windows open. then it gets too cold [different voice]. In Only the lower ones. In the summer it‟s really hot” (Year 7 normal classrooms you have this thing that pupil.) Researcher 1: “Are brings air in form outside, but if it’s hot there things you think the architect could have done outside it’s just bringing in hot air. better?” “Just the windows.” 12 12 (final session)
  • 13. CASE STUDY 3: Space and using it (or not being allowed to) What was said ! Researchers: So your No, we’ve got a big field, But we’re only complaint is that not allowed to go on it, the back... (So you have less outdoor what are they doing?) We don’t know , it space now? looks finished but we’re not allowed on it. Researchers: What We’re not allowed to use the about the changing showers as there’s not time. (Would rooms? you like to?) Yeah, ‘cause you’re smelly. Only the after school clubs can. [Different voice] But if you’re really dirty you can, you can if you have permission. They close the Researchers: What toilets on the about the toilets? top floors so we can only use They’re ok some of them 13 13
  • 14. CASE STUDY 3: Space and using people(and Sometimes it run past it not working) What was the floor. That’s what over said ! and knock you and it just goes happened to my friend. Researcher: Would you They open up the assembly hall at lunch and like to have social space break so you can sit at a table and have your for yourself ? own little gossip. The canteen is all crowded. They put all the tables...we’ve got benches at the sides but all the year 11 and 10s sit there (is it Researcher: If I were to because they get there first?) No, because they’re tell the architects something older. (How about the queues?) We’re supposed about what you thought to have year queues (7,8,9 – Line 1) but no-one about the school, what does, so it’s cold and hot food. But they don’t would I tell them? listen and so they go anywhere... There are too many rooms that don’t get Researcher: What used, like these small rooms. (Should we turn about the break out these into classrooms?) spaces, do you use them? There are quiet areas but people tend to nick the chairs and put them in classrooms. (Do you think we should change them?) No, we use 14 14 them to just talk... [35.18 032]
  • 15. YOUR SCHOOL, Walk-Throughs, What pupils said ! What‟s good about first Year 7 playground impressions 15
  • 16. YOUR SCHOOL, Walk-Throughs, What pupils said ! “We like to sit under the stairs where there is carpet and a radiator, but we‟re not allowed. We just like to sit there because it is inside. We just like having a quieter area you can sit and just be with your friends [...] They should have little benches [outside] people can sit on and a shelter in the winter. I know it is cold but I do like to go outside to get some fresh air. And also the lads when they play football would have Break out spaces somewhere for their bags” (Year 10 pupil). 16
  • 17. CASE STUDY 3: Critical Thinking and emergent lifestyles ““I don't even think we are trying. It feels like they don't even think they care. But they are always banging on about it. They are always telling us to save energy but why not them”. “I think we should but we have gotten used to everything and don't want to go back to basics” (different session) “They are telling us to be energy efficient but... They stand there in science and say you need to save energy and then I say well turn your lights off” 17 17
  • 18. The democratic design process (lists and drawings) I thought the amount of natural light let in, compared to Researcher: Do you the amount of unneeded light on could be improved; we want to tell us what could turn the lights off. And more tables and benches to you’ve written down? sit on. Lights left on stairs, I don’t think they are movement sensitive They should have little benches people can sit on and a shelter in winter. I know it is cold but I Researcher: So we are do like to go outside and get some fresh air. talking about good and bad things...or really three lists, good bad and how we can make it In the entrance there’s a separate better. entrance, we don’t need that. I don’t think we should have it because we can’t use cards or anything like that. 18 18
  • 19. Comparing: Same problems as with other schools? Case Study 1 Case Study 2 Case Study 3 – Windows and “We also have this automatic window thing “In the whole school there are automatic “Sometimes they [the classrooms] are really warm ventilation systems for when it gets too stuffy. When you windows that you have to open and close and the windows don‟t open. None of the windows produce too much CO2 the windows open, with a key and there are only about four open. Only the lower ones. In the summer it‟s it's automatic [...] If you talk too much in keys in the whole school. So that kind of really hot” (Year 7 pupil.) Researcher 1: “Are there classroom they open (laughs)”. means that you can‟t open the windows things you think the architect could have done in some departments because you better?” “Just the windows.” haven‟t got a key.” Circulation, stairs and “...everyone pushes you out of the way [...] “This is a very big area, the rooms are “The first day I got lost, then it was quite easy lifts and it takes you about 10 minutes to get very big, and there is alot of room for because every room is marked out, every level too, out and you have to try to hold onto the people to just wander up and down the there‟s three different colours.” (Year 7 pupil, first handrails to pull yourself forward [...] I go corridors. Huge rooms, lots of big open session) down with my brother and he makes a little circle and I walk. [...] Older people think spaces down here. This is the area you are not allowed at lunchtime. You are not Not allowed they are cocky and they can do everything allowed up the stairs in the corridor at all. and so they go down the wrong side of the People have thrown things, the lights stairs” (Year 7 pupil) have been broken, there are lots of dents in the ceiling”. Natural and artificial “It happens [automatic lights switch on] “In the art and music corridor there are “I think we should stop lighting the school in the light when you go in, but when you go out full size windows, they go down the full day as the sun lights it up alot and we‟re wasting everyone turns them off anyway. In PE length of the building, the problem is that electricity” (Final „design‟ session, Year 8 pupil). that's what happens as they will go off in you have to, if you have projectors on in “Are the lights movement sensitive? I don‟t think in the changing rooms and in PE you just an art department you can‟t actually see the corridors they are. They could be movement have to jump about a bit. In the store because they don‟t have blinds so you sensitive, but even just a switch” (final „design‟ rooms it is straight on. You walk in and it can‟t actually lower the blinds so the session, different group of pupils) just turns on. Cleaners‟ cupboards and projector can see so then you can‟t really stuff”. see anything.” Artificial Lighting 19 19
  • 20. What did you and others say about your school and it‟s design? Case Study 1 Case Study 2 Case Study 3 – Social space “We go up to the shop at dinner time but at “This is the atrium space [...] It does get a “We like to sit under the stairs where there is (strongly related to the break we just stay around. I'll just stand bit messy because there are not enough carpet and a radiator, but we‟re not allowed. We lunchtime experience) around over there or walk around. We chairs and people have to wander around just like to sit there because it is inside. We just have got a coffee machine now that we and hope for the best and see if they can like having a quieter area you can sit and just be are allowed to use and a lot of people find a seat at lunchtime [...] It is used as with your friends [...] They should have little stand around there [...] At dinner we play the packed lunch area at lunchtime and benches [outside] people can sit on and a shelter football on the Astroturf and a lot of chairs come out of the cupboard over in the winter. I know it is cold but I do like to go different years join in”. “...we go out to there for people to sit on but there isn‟t a outside to get some fresh air. And also the lads chippy. It's nicer. There are just year 10s lot of space and there isn‟t enough room when they play football would have somewhere for and 11s and there's no queues [...] We go for everybody to „sit-in‟”. their bags” (Year 10 pupil). most days (different voice). Not every time to eat just to get out of the madness” (Year 10 pupils). Gym, fitness suites, (Dialogue from „walk-through‟) “As you can (From a „walk-through‟) “The drains in “...we should have lockers, we have to carry our dance rooms, changing see we have these lockers but no one this department are very dodgy and the PE kit around all day. I think we should have rooms and showers uses them, you can see they are broke” changing rooms smell a lot because the lockers where the PE room is so that when we Researcher 1: Do you have to carry all drains get blocked and if something have PE... or in our form room.” (From a final your PE clothes around all day?” yeah, in happens it means you have to ring up „design‟ session) a bag”. (different „walk-through‟ session) Liverpool to put it on the caretakers list that the drains need fixing because that‟s where [building company] Headquarters are.” The Wallk Through 20 20
  • 21. What did you and others say about your school and it‟s design? Case Study 1 Case Study 2 Case Study 3 – Outside space, sports “That‟s the field and the tennis courts and “Up at the top we have a MUGA. Multi- “At the moment we‟re in a different playground to facilities and multi use there were the Astroturf is that‟s where we use games area. There are some people all the other years. [...] I think it is better I think it‟s games areas had our old building you can‟t come down on it right now. And then we have the bus because older kids are just bigger and if we‟re on here at break but you can at dinner.” station. There is a stage thing that, an the same playground they can hurt us easier.” Researcher 2: “So does it have a fence or outdoor thing, for a band, but we‟ve (Year 7 pupil.) something for where you cannot go in the never used it”. break time?” “No a teacher just stands there”. Quality of space/ “It [Global Conference Room] is for “It‟s a good job the camera doesn‟t pick Researcher 1: “Are there things you like the most innovative design meetings as well but while we are learning up smell because it stinks. [The school about the building? Things your primary school there are cameras. There is meant to be a had a ongoing problem with smells from didn‟t have, or just things you like?” “It‟s better camera here. Where you can learn with the drains.] Sometimes it smells, the because you get to move around the school and other schools and you can learn the same drains arn‟t very good.” not just stay in one classroom.” (Year 7 pupil.) lessons. But we've never done it”. (Year 10 pupils on “walk-through”) ICT and computers “All the computers are always on, they are “In there [computer room] as well is the “On hot days the IT suites are the best because of never switched off by the power. They are study centre [full of computers] and it the air conditioning.” always on standby. [...] it's just that the gets very hot and even if the air con is on monitor is off. You just logoff and you don't only slight areas get it and it gets very shut it down”. hot.” 21 21
  • 22. Summary User Findings 1. Contradictions between what adults say and what they tell children to do. 2. Poorly functioning building features (windows, heating and ventilation systems, circulation, dining spaces) and either over provision or under provision of space and facilities, together with teachers prohibiting use of facilities (toilets locked, . 3. Lack of ownership of PFI buildings 4. Lack of understanding of the „sustainable‟ design features of the new school building – solar heating panels 5. Convoluted facilities management procedures 6. A mismatch between designers intention and teachers ability to manage the behaviours of pupils – (many examples – dining biggest issue) 22
  • 24. Stories and Statistics (Mixed mode methodologies and analysis) Simple content analysis, Adults contradictory behaviours, everyone has to transcripts – themes do their bit, ownership and agency. emerging Narrative analysis (children‟s Emergent lifestyles, ways of being, ways of living – story telling it‟s role and supporting them. meaning) Visual analysis Design Themes, dining spaces, ICT, artificial lighting, comfort. Comparison with numerical data Verification – energy use (electricity and gas) and school temperatures, lighting and ICT complaints. Comparison (return visit). Verification What are the children saying 24 24
  • 25. Recommendations Artificial Lighting Artificial lights left on during the night (switching off lights – all but essential – 6pm 7.30 am?) Lights in corridors being left on in daylight need to be better addressed – better motion timers, accessible controls to allow them to be switched off? Heating Better and immediate controls (children can change temperatures in rooms?) Efficient BMS. 18 degrees for classrooms, children suggest hotter. Could turn down? Maintenance issues for PfI schools resolved? ICT Timers to hibernate mode, Eco-groups to make sure white boards and computers are switched off (shaming teachers?) Dining Experience All schools we visited had problems with the deign of dining spaces. Designers need to understand that management issues for 1000 + pupils will take precedent and whilst dining spaces are being designed for multiply sittings this is very difficult for teachers to manage. Behaviour change? 20% Eco-Teams, eco-warriors, educational initiatives - More radical reduction educational changes, coming in later in the morning, 6 weeks holiday in winter? 25 25
  • 26. RESULTS: CASE STUDY 1 Problem areas to be addressed (ICT and artificial lighting), more integration? Individual teachers in the school took an immediate interest in making changes to whiteboards and computers left on in the school. The ICT and artificial lighting problems addressed by management on a larger scale would also resolve childrens‟ complaints about contradictory behaviour by adults information about environmental concerns. Even this simple action would be expected to also make significant savings to the school energy bills. 26 26
  • 27. RESULTS: CASE STUDY 2 Negotiations with council to pay their own bills The School plans to enter into discussion with the local authority to gain responsibility for paying their own bills and putting measures in place to save 20%. They intend to discuss also with the construction company owners/facilities management team how to gain control from their desks of the BMS system, how to develop a better way of ensuring lights and ICT are turned off – with the intention of using the saving money for new educational initiatives in the school. 27 27
  • 28. RESULTS: CASE STUDY 3 Modifications to the School Building over the Summer. The School planned after our workshops to make changes to the school to improve the dining experience, open up the MUGA and save money by a different artificial lighting strategy in corridors. This would also mean that the school will be on track to make significant savings on its consumption of energy. 28 28
  • 29. THE IMPORTANCE OF ADAPTED “WHOLE SCHOOL” POE for the Construction Industry The Advancement of knowledge. Improving Design Quality. Improving Energy Efficiency. Lowering Actual Energy Use in Buildings. Educational benefits, engaging with young people, improving knowledge of sustainable design amongst children and young people. Supporting emerging lifestyles. Changing behaviours through initiatives attentive to school culture. Allowing construction companies to address their social obligations to buildings more sustainable communities. 29 29

Editor's Notes

  1. [Slide 4] To summarise - We have determined causes of this discrepancy to be caused by factors at the design phase, during construction and during use. These can be due to (a) inaccurate assumptions about materials or material behaviours (b) inaccurate simulation where incorrect values are inputted into calculations (c) or late changes – this we saw in one of the case study schools where the leadership had changed 3 times between design and completion of the school. Factors contributing from construction include (d) inaccurate material specification [poor material choice] (e) Faculty workmanship [poor tools, poorly trained labour]. Factors causing the difference during utilisation are the focus of this presentation these can be due to management, maintenance or education. (f) building not managed well by staff (g) building on maintained well (e) or education which is the main theme of this presentation (by this I mean people not using the building in the why designed intend for a whole host of reasons and where education is used generally to describe initiatives that might change energy behaviours).
  2. [Slide 4] To summarise - We have determined causes of this discrepancy to be caused by factors at the design phase, during construction and during use. These can be due to (a) inaccurate assumptions about materials or material behaviours (b) inaccurate simulation where incorrect values are inputted into calculations (c) or late changes – this we saw in one of the case study schools where the leadership had changed 3 times between design and completion of the school. Factors contributing from construction include (d) inaccurate material specification [poor material choice] (e) Faculty workmanship [poor tools, poorly trained labour]. Factors causing the difference during utilisation are the focus of this presentation these can be due to management, maintenance or education. (f) building not managed well by staff (g) building on maintained well (e) or education which is the main theme of this presentation (by this I mean people not using the building in the why designed intend for a whole host of reasons and where education is used generally to describe initiatives that might change energy behaviours).
  3. [Slide 4] To summarise - We have determined causes of this discrepancy to be caused by factors at the design phase, during construction and during use. These can be due to (a) inaccurate assumptions about materials or material behaviours (b) inaccurate simulation where incorrect values are inputted into calculations (c) or late changes – this we saw in one of the case study schools where the leadership had changed 3 times between design and completion of the school. Factors contributing from construction include (d) inaccurate material specification [poor material choice] (e) Faculty workmanship [poor tools, poorly trained labour]. Factors causing the difference during utilisation are the focus of this presentation these can be due to management, maintenance or education. (f) building not managed well by staff (g) building on maintained well (e) or education which is the main theme of this presentation (by this I mean people not using the building in the why designed intend for a whole host of reasons and where education is used generally to describe initiatives that might change energy behaviours).
  4. [Slide 6] From an extensive literature review which covered Education for Sustainability, Research Methods with Children, Behavioural Change and Sustainable Lifestyles and POE methods that whilst there was often a lack of clear guidelines for staff and pupils about the building, it’s technologies, the utilisation of the building (contrary to what was intended) was embedded in the dynamic relationship between school ethos and school culture. We took an approach to change in schools influenced by Henry Sanoff who writes: 'Ignoring the importance of schools culture is usually associated with a lock of understanding of the dynamics of organizational culture and an assumption that culture is unimportant’ [22, page 2].
  5. [Slide 6] From an extensive literature review which covered Education for Sustainability, Research Methods with Children, Behavioural Change and Sustainable Lifestyles and POE methods that whilst there was often a lack of clear guidelines for staff and pupils about the building, it’s technologies, the utilisation of the building (contrary to what was intended) was embedded in the dynamic relationship between school ethos and school culture. We took an approach to change in schools influenced by Henry Sanoff who writes: 'Ignoring the importance of schools culture is usually associated with a lock of understanding of the dynamics of organizational culture and an assumption that culture is unimportant’ [22, page 2].