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Expert Decision Making in Physical Therapy−−A
                                Survey of Practitioners
                                Bella J May and Jancis K Dennis
                                PHYS THER. 1991; 71:190-202.

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Research Report

Expert Decision Making in Physical Therapy-
A Survey of Practitioners

Four hundred American and 384 Australian pkysical therapists, nominated by                                   Bella J May
their peers as expert clinicians, were studied to evaluate whether a particular cog-                         Jancls K Dennis
nitive style was prevalent among expert clinicians, to identzb preferred sources of
information for clinical decision making, and to determine the similarities and
dflerences between American and Australian therapists. Results were based on
usable surucy responsesfrom 348 American and 290 Australian therapists Eighty-
eight percent of the American therapists and 82%of the Australian therapists iden-
tifed themelves as working primarily in general practice, orthopedics, or neurol-
ogy. The physical therap?.'assessment and intemiews with the patient were the
preferred sources of information in both countries. The physician's referral and
communications with other health care personnel were reported to be of limited
value as sources of information by most respondents. Overall, both groups re-
sponded most positively to the receptive style of data gathering and the systemtic
style of information processing Therapists working primarily with neurologically
impaired patients responded most positively to the preceptive style of data gather-
ing and the intuitive style of information processing. Therapists working primarily
with patients with orthopedic disorders responded most positively to the systemtic
style of information processing. /May BJ, Dennis JK Expert decision making in
physical therapy4 survq of practitioners. Phys Ther 1991;71:190-206.1

Key Words: Data collection; Decision making; Physical therapy profession, inter-
national; Questionnaires.

Physical therapists are assuming in-                ing the experts themselves what they            nursing, and physical therapy, and the
creasing independence in making                     do or believe they do.                          findings generalize across areas of        c
patient care decisions. Understanding                                                               study. Decision making is influenced
the dimensions of expert decision                   There has been considerable research            by knowledge, the way experience
making will help current practitioners              into clinical decision making,                  has structured that knowledge, the
improve their skills and educators                  information-processing strategies, and          type or format of the decision task,
prepare students more effectively. It               differences between expert and nov-             the limitations in human information
seemed appropriate to begin an in-                  ice behaviors in the past two decades.          processing, and the social and contex-
vestigation of expert behavior by ask-              Research has been done in many                  tual elements of the decision.'-l4
                                                    fields, including medicine, education,
                                                                                                    Decision making has generally been
                                                                                                    found to include (1) the use of critical
B May, EdD, PT,is Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Allied Health Sciences,      cues or forceful features for promot-
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA 30912-0800 (USA). Address all correspondence to Dr May.     ing the recognition of specific clinical
J Dennis, MAppSci, PT,is Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Allied
                                                                                                    patterns and (2) the early generation
Health Sciences, Medical College of Georgia.                                                        of hypotheses for organizing the ac-
                                                                                                    quisition and interpretation of infor-
This article is adapted from a paper presented at the Tenth International Congress of the World
Confederation for Physical Therapy, Sydney, Australia, May 17-22, 1987.
                                                                                                    mati0n.~.*,5Preliminary evidence sug-
                                                                                                    gests that physical therapists use
This article was submitted Februaly 15, 1983, and was accepted September 24, 1990.

22/190                                                                               Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991
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similar reasoning processes.12-'7 Cur-        and constraints early, performing an                  therapy practitioners in each
rent research does not support the            ordered search for information, and                   country?
popular belief that clinicians collect a      completing one step before progress-
complete, routine database before             ing to the next, and (2) intuitive, char-        3. Is cognitive style preference influ-
deciding about the patient's problems.        acterized by keeping the total prob-                enced by country of practice, sex,
Experts, when compared with novices           lem in mind and considering                         or major practice area?
in the same field, exhibit a superior         alternatives simultaneously. The intui-
structuring of knowledge into clini-          tive person may move from one thing              Method
cally relevant patterns that are un-          to another, relying on cues and
locked by key cues in the decision            hunches. The results of Bork'sl2 study           Subjects
environment. Patterns stored in mem-          of physical therapy students suggested
ory enable the expert to recognize            that cognitive style influenced clinical         Subjects were selected through a
meaningful relationships and generate         evaluation performance. The ability to           nomination process. Elected national,
likely hypothe~es.7~9.~~,~~.17
                            Recently          operate in the intuitive mode was                state, section, o r special interest group
published models1*20 attempt to help          associated with a better performance             officers holding comparable positions
practitioners organize key pathologi-         in history taking and physical assess-           in both countries were asked to nom-
cal concepts as a guide to decision           ment, whereas students who operated              inate individuals whom they consid-
making. I'sychological research indi-         primarily in the preceptive mode                 ered to be expert clinicians and who
cates that human information process-         were less likely to accurately deter-            were involved in direct patient care
ing is subject to bias introduced by          mine a simulated patient's problems.             activities at least 25% of the time.
the presentation of the task and by           In nursing, Hayes-Roth and Hayes-                Over 800 nominations, which in-
strategies used for selective attention       Roth25 suggested that systematic deci-           cluded 700 individual names, were
and interpretation of the environ-            sion making might be effective in                received from US officers. All individ-
ment.3 If the patient referral, for ex-       solving simple problems but that op-             uals named more than once and a
ample, contains a specific diagnosis,         portunistic decision making, that is,            random sample of the remaining
the diagnosis has been shown to be a          responding to the stimuli as they oc-            nominees were used to obtain a sam-
biasing factor in both medicine in            curred, might be more effective in               ple of 404 individuals. In Australia,
England2:l and physical therapy in            complex situations. Few studies have             over 500 nominations, which included
A~stralia.;!Z~~3                              specifically examined the relationship           384 individual names, were received
                                              of cognitive style preference to deci-           and became the group selected to
Cognitive style, which can be defined         sion making.                                     receive the questionnaire.
as an individual's preferred way of
thinking and organizing information,          A study of expert clinicians in the              Procedures
has also been studied for its effect on       United States and Australia was under-
decision making. McKenney and                 taken as the first stage in the process          Survey instrument development.
Keenzqdeveloped a paradigm of cog-            of describing expert behaviors. The              We developed an instrument to
nitive style that was used by Bork12 in       study was designed as a preliminary              gather data on expert physical thera-
a study of cognitive style influences         investigation into the nature of data-           pists' preferred sources of informa-
on decision making by physical ther-          gathering and information-processing             tion and to measure the experts' self-
apy students. McKenney and Keen'sz4           phases of expert clinical decision               perception of their decision-making
paradigm reflected four styles of cog-        making. A second purpose was to                  behaviors, focusing on cognitive style
nition, two related to the data-              compare the reported decision-                   preference. The instrument evolved
gathering phase and two to the                making processes of therapists in a              from a multistep process that in-
information-processing phase of deci-         country with direct client access to             cluded interviews, categorization of
sion making. The data-gathering styles        physical therapy (Australia) with the            the interview statements and scoring
were defined as (1) receptive, a style        reported decision-making processes               procedure, pilot testing, and final con-
generally characterized by suspending         of therapists in a country with limited          struction of the instrument.
judgment until all possible data have         opportunity for direct client access
been collected, paying attention to           (United States). Specific questions              Interviews. We tape-recorded inter-
detail, anti attending to the implica-        addressed by the study were:                     views with eight physical therapists
tions of each piece of data individu-                                                          working in Georgia in different prac-
ally, and (2) preceptive, a style charac-     1. What are important information                tice settings. Interviews were con-
terized by moving from one section               sources for expert physical thera-            ducted by both researchers, with one
to another, seeking and responding to            pists in the United States and                doing the questioning and the other
cues and patterns as a guide to data             Australia?                                    making notes and monitoring the tape
gathering. The information-processing                                                          recorder. The purpose of the inter-
styles were defined as (1) systematic,        2. Is there a particular cognitive style         views was to develop a set of "real-
characterized by a consciously me-               preference among expert physical              world statements reflecting the char-
thodical approach, defining problems                                                           acteristics of the different cognitive

Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number
                            Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
styles described by McKenney and             We performed a reliability analysis for          birth educators and consultants to
Keen2*Respondents were first asked           each category, followed by a factor              industry).
to describe their clinical decision-         analysis. We eliminated some state-
making processes and then asked to           ments and moved others to different              Sources of information. Frequen-
recall specific situations that illus-       categories if the factor analysis indi-          cies were computed for each source
trated simple decision making and            cated a better fit and if the statement          of information by country, and fre-
difficult decision making. An unstruc-       had face validity in the new category.           quency tables, cross-tabulated with
tured format was used to provide re-         We retained 48 items, which were                 place of employment and major prac-
spondents with the opportunity to            randomized for inclusion in the final            tice area, were then generated. Chi-
describe their decision-making pro-          survey instrument. At the end of this            square analysis was not performed
cesses in their own words.                   phase, the alpha value for each cate-            because the numbers in some prac-
                                             gory was above .6, with one category             tice groups were extremely small and
Categorization.We then screened              (systematic) above .7.                           we preferred to retain qualitative dif-
the interview statements, identifying                                                         ferences at this level.
some that matched the cognitive style        We decided to proceed with the
descriptions and others that did not         study, but to perform more reliability           Cognitive style preference. We
fit. The latter appeared to be state-        and factor analyses before analyzing             reevaluated category reliability for the
ments of affect or belief (eg, state-        the final data. Comments on clarity              combined sample and for each coun-
ments 63 and 67 of the Appendix) or          were used to revise all three sections.          try separately. Each category was
statements about specific knowledge          The final survey instrument was simi-            scored by calculating the mean score
requirements for decision making             lar in structure to the pilot question-          of the items in the category. The
(eg, statement 55 of the Appendix).          naire and is depicted in the Appendix.           scores of subjects who responded to
To offset the limitations of the small                                                        fewer than 75% of the items in a cate-
and geographically discrete interview        Data Anaiysis                                    gory were dropped from the calcula-
sample, we added statements gath-                                                             tions of that category. The scores of
ered from our collective experience.         Responses to the survey instrument               subjects who responded to 75% or
The first draft of the survey contained      were coded as indicated on the ques-             more, but less than loo%, of the
six logically derived components: one        tionnaire. Data analysis included the            items were calculated as the mean of
for each of the four cognitive styles,       following.                                       the items answered. We then per-
one defined as affect, and another                                                            formed a principal components analy-
defined as knowledge.                        Demographics. Frequencies were                   sis using the parallel-analysis method
                                             calculated to provide a description of           to determine whether the instrument
Scoring. We developed individual             the two samples. The years since                 was actually measuring different fac-
scores by averaging the responses to         graduation were collapsed into three             t o r ~Parallel analysis is reported to
items within each category (affect,          major categories for general descrip-            be the most consistently accurate
knowledge, receptive, preceptive, sys-       tive purposes (ie, 0-10, 11-20, 20+),            method for determining the number
tematic, and intuitive).                     but five categories (ie, 0-5, 6-10, 11-          of major components to retain2'
                                             15, 16-20, and 20+), were retained
Pilot test. A sample of 21 practicing        for analyses of variance (ANOVAs)                 Analysis of variance. Before per-
physical therapists in the United States     related to cognitive style. Places of             forming the ANOVAs, open responses
and 20 physical therapists in Australia      employment included private practice,             ("other") were reviewed individually
from different practice settings was         hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and            and either assigned to another re-
used to evaluate the pilot survey in-        other areas, as listed in Section I of            sponse or dropped from the analysis
strument, which contained three sec-         the questionnaire (Appendix). We                  for that variable. The two national
tions. The first section requested de-       identified six major practice-area                samples were analyzed separately us-
mographic information, such as sex           groups for the purpose of analysis.               ing a one-way ANOVA to identify
and years since graduation. The sec-         General orthopedics, manual therapy,              within-nation differences in cognitive
ond section asked respondents to in-         and sports physical therapy were                  style attributable to sex, years since
dicate the value of sources of infor-        combined to form an orthopedics                   graduation, place of employment, or
mation, using a four-point numerical         group; adult and pediatric neurology              major practice area. The Tukey's Hon-
scale ranging from "very valuable" to        were combined to form a neurology                 estly Significant Difference (HSD) Test
"of no value," with a fifth point if the     group. General practice, geriatrics,              procedure was used to identlfy differ-
information was not available. The           and cardiopulmonary physical therapy              ences between groups at the signifi-
third section required responses to 55       remained as initially established. The            cance level of .05. For each category
statements on a four-point scale rang-       sixth group, education, comprised                 of cognitive style, two-way ANOVAs
ing from "strongly agree" to "strongly       physical therapy educators and practi-            were used to compare the means of
disagree." Respondents were also             tioners whose professional role was               the Australian and American therapists
asked to comment on the clarity of           primarily patient education (ie, child-           by sex, years since graduation, place
the items.

                                                                            Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991
                                Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
United States                                                 Australia
                        $    60

                        "-   40                                                                                                   40
                        z    20                                                                                                   20

        Percentage of         0                                                                                                   0
        time spent in                  0-1 0             11-20             20 +             0-1 0       11-20            20 +
        patient care
            0 -5
             %2 %
                                                                       Years Since Graduation

Figure 1. Experience characteristics of American and Australian physical therapists showing years since graduation and the per-
centage c$ time spent in patient care.

of employment, and major practice                samples are comparable in composi-                 lian therapists, 52%). Hospitals em-
area.                                            tion (except for the education group,              ployed 29% of the US therapists, com-

                                                 in which childbirth educators and                  pared with 18% of the Australian
Results                                          consultants to industry were mainly                therapists, and rehabilitation centers
                                                 represented in the Australian therapist            employed 11% of the US therapists,
We examined the data for a response              sample). Approximately half of both                compared with 2 1% of the Australian
set effect within the two countries.             samples were employed in private                   therapists. Of the remaining places of
There was greater variance in the Aus-           practice (US therapists, 49%; Austra-              employment, 5% of the US therapists
tralian therapists' responses, indicating                                                           worked in a school system, 4% in
greater heterogeneity in the sample,                                                                community care, and 2% in physical
as compared with the American thera-                                                                therapy education; 7% of the Austra-
pists' responses.                                Table 1. Major Practice Areas                      lian therapists worked in community/
                                                                                                    day care centers and as consultants to
Demographics                                                                                        industry and 2% in physical therapy
                                                 Practice Area       Unlted States Australia        education. Different practice charac-
Usable responses were received from                                                                 teristics and health care structures
348 (86%) of the American nominees               General practice 75 (22%)            52 (18%)      made the samples less comparable in
and from 290 (76%) of the Australian             Orthopedicsa        153 (44%)        110 (38%)     terms of this variable.
nominees. Fifty-six percent of the               Neurologyb           77 (22%)         75 (26%)
American respondents and 76% of the                                                                 Sources of Information
                                                 Cardiopulmonary 18 (5%)               17 (6%)
Australian respondents were female.
                                                 Geriatrics           15 (4%)          17 (6%)
Figure 1 outlines the experience char-                                                              There was a great deal of similarity in
acteristics of each sample, showing              EducationC           10 (3%)          19 (6%)      the value placed on various sources
years since graduation and percentage            Total               348              290           of information between the two coun-
of time currently spent in direct pa-                                                               tries. Not surprisingly, therapists in
tient care. Table l depicts the distri-          aGeneral orthopedics, manual therapy, sports       both countries and in all types of
bution of the respondents across ma-             physical therapy.                                  practices valued their own assessment
jor practice areas for each country              h d u l t and pediatric neurology.                 more than any other source of infor-
and indicates that the two national              "Academic, obstetrics-gynecology, preventive

Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991                                                                                  193/25
                             Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
01 llrnlted value


               Geriatrics            Australia
                                Unlted States

               Neurology             Australia
      co                        Unlted States
     8         Cardiopulmonary       Australia
     5                          Unlted States
               Orthopedics           ~usttal~a
                                Unlted States

               General                ~ustraas
                                Unlted States

                                                  0      10     20      30      40       50     60     70        80       90    100
                                                                             Percentage of Respondents

Figure 2. value of physicians' orders (;ompared for American and Australian physical therapists by major practice area

mation (US therapists, 88%; Australian           The reported value of direct commu-           Principal Components Analysis
therapists, 89%).                                nication with the physician is illus-
                                                 trated in Figure 3. Most Australian           Seven factors were identified. We
Physicians' orders were generally con-           therapists found direct communica-            compared the items in each factor for
sidered of limited value by therapists           tions with the physician of value             congruence with the logical categori-
in both countries (US therapists, 58%;           (56%430%); the responses from                 zation that we had previously im-
Australian therapists, 53%). A greater           American therapists were similar              posed. Although the reliability of the
percentage of Australian therapists              (58%-68%), except for therapists              cognitive style categories had been
compared with American therapists                working in geriatrics. In geriatrics, the     satisfactory in the pretest, regrouping
reported that physicians' orders were            majority of American therapists found         some items and eliminating others in
not available (12% versus 4%, respec-            direct communications with the physi-         accordance with the principal compo-
tively) (Fig. 2), because referral is not        cian of limited value (53%).                  nents analysis strengthened the statis-
required for treatment in Australia.                                                           tical basis for the survey instrument     b

The value of physicians' orders varied           The reported value of other sources           without altering the logical premises
with area of practice; more Australian           of information was somewhat                   on which it was based. We retained
therapists (60%) involved in cardio-             practice- and employment-specific.            the four categories of cognitive style
pulmonary care, for example, valued              Most respondents valued the patient's         (receptive, preceptive, systematic, and
physicians' orders than did American             past medical history (75% overall);           intuitive) and identified two other
therapists (46%). The percentage of              however, 20% of the therapists in pri-        categories (physician dependency and
Australian therapists working in ortho-          vate practice and 14% in home health          holism), which will not be reported
pedics and neurology who valued                  care did not have it available. Overall,      in this study. The seventh factor iden-
physicians' orders (28% and 25%,                 26% of American therapists and 57%            tified minor components, including
respectively) was considerably lower             of Australian therapists found radio-         some universal value statements, and
than was that of American therapists             graphs a valuable source of informa-          was not retained. Our final categories,
 (46% and 45%, respectively), and                tion. Sixty-seven percent of American         their alpha values, and the related
more Australian therapists than Ameri-           cardiopulmonary therapists, but only          instrument items for both national
can therapists reported the nonavail-            34% of the orthopedic therapists,             samples are shown in Table 2.
ability of physicians' orders.                   found radiographs they read them-
                                                 selves quite valuable.

26/194                                                                       Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number 3 / March 1991
                                Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
Of limited value

                 Geriatrics                Australia
                                       United States

                 Neurology                 Australia
            4                          United States
                 Cardiopulmonary           Australia
            0                          United States

                 Orthopedics               Australia
                                       United States

                 General                   Australia

                                       United States

                                                       0     10          20   30          40   50         60    70      80     90     100
                                                                                    Percentage of Respondents

Flgure 3 Value of direct communication with the physician compared for American and Australian physical therapists by major
practice area.

Analyses of Variance                                   with the preceptive style than those               group is not reported in detail be-
                                                       employed in hospitals. The private-                cause its composition was not compa-
The one-way ANOVA indicated that                       practitioner group also responded                  rable between countries. The Tukey's
cognitive style preferences were not                   significantly more positively to the               HSD Test procedure identified the
influenced by years since graduation,                  systematic style and less positively to            following groups to be significantly
except for Australian therapists gradu-                the intuitive style than those em-                 different at the .05 level. Some of the
ated for 5 years or less, who re-                      ployed in rehabilitation centers. Other            differences were shared between
sponded significantly less positively to               comparisons were not significant.                  countries, whereas others were
the receptive category (F=3.51, df=4,                                                                     country-specific.In the United States,
P< .Ol). 'fie one-way ANOVA also re-                   Effects of major practice areas                    the cardiopulmonary physical therapy
vealed differences related to place of                 within countries. Differences in                   group responded more positively to
employment. Private practitioners in                   means of the five major practice                   the preceptive style than the orthope-
both the United States and Australia                   groups in both countries are illus-                dics and geriatrics groups, the ortho-
identified significantly less positively               trated in Figure 4. The education                  pedics group responded more posi-

Table 2. Cognitive Style Categories

                                                                  Unlted States                                  Australla
                                                                  -                                              -
Category              Survey Instrument Item                      X                SD            Q               X             SD            Q

Preceptive            30, 46, 53, 60, 64, 70, 76                  2.07             0.20             .60          2.22          0.28          .56
Receptive             34, 36, 39, 40, 56, 58, 73                  1.47             0.02             .60          1.53          0.06          .65
Systematic            42, 45, 59, 66, 69, 72                      2.28             0.48             .74          2.36          0.43          .69
Intuitive             31, 33, 51, 52                              2.47             0.09             .57          2.79          0.22          .62

Physical Therapy/Volume 71, Number 3/March 1991                                                                                          195/ 27
                              Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
United States                                                                Australia
          ' 4
              ;       -   0       Orthopedics
 a            :                   Cardiopulmonary
     Q,       :
 .- i.
 .- :
 C            .                   Neurology
                  3   -           Geriatrics

 0            :
 s i
                                         A                                     P                                                             u
 .- +
  0                                                                                                             0

  0 i
 .-c .I                                                        0                6

  g ;2-

                                                               0                                                rn            8
 - .
 9 i; .
                            8                                                                  #J
          9)      1           I                 I               I                I                               I             I              I

                          Receptive         Preceptive     Systematic        Intuitive      Receptive       Preceptive    Systematic       Intuitive

                                                                        Cognitive Style Category

Flgure 4.                 Cognitive styles of American and Australian physical therapists by major prac :tice area.

tively to the systematic style than the                      were no significant differences for               categories. The Australian orthopedics
general practice and cardiopulmonary                         country o r sex for receptive data gath-          group responded least positively to
physical therapy groups, and the gen-                        ering o r between countries for sys-              the preceptive category, but the inter-
eral practice group responded more                           tematic information processing. Fe-               active effect was not significant. The
positively to the systematic style than                      male physical therapists in both                  neurology groups in both countries
the neurology group. In Australia, the                       countries reported significantly                  did not respond positively to the sys-
general practice group responded                             greater identification with the precep-           tematic approach, nor did the geriat-
more positively to the preceptive style                      tive mode of data gathering than male             rics group in Australia. Major practice
than the orthopedics group; the neu-                         physical therapists, and the US sample            area was significant for the receptive
rology group responded more posi-                            overall responded significantly more              category, with the orthopedics and
tively to the intuitive style than the                       positively to this category than the Aus-         cardiopulmonary physical therapy
orthopedics group, although the                              tralian sample. Male physical therapists          groups in both countries responding
mean response was not in the posi-                           in both countries responded signifi-              more positively to this style than the
tive range; and the orthopedics group                        cantly more positively to the systematic          geriatrics and education groups.
responded more positively to the sys-                        mode of information processing than               Country effects remained the strong-
tematic style than the geriatrics group.                     did female physical therapists. Ameri-            est predictor of identification with the
In the combined sample, the orthope-                         can female physical therapists re-                intuitive style. The Australian neurol-
dics group responded more positively                         sponded positively to the intuitive cate-         ogy group had the most positive iden-
to the systematic style than the neu-                        gory, but the two-way interaction was             tification with the intuitive style; an
rology and general practice groups,                          not significant. American physical ther-          interactive effect was also noted for
and the neurology group responded                            apists overall had a greater affinity for         this group.
more positively to the preceptive style                      the intuitive category than the Austra-
than the orthopedics group.                                  lian physical therapists.

Results of the two-way ANOVAs are                            Analysis by major practice area
reported in Tables 3 and 4. There                            showed significant d8erences in all

28/196                                                                                       Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991
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Table 3 Analysis-of-Variance Summay for Relationship Between Cognitive Style
Categoy, Sex, and County
                                                                                                  rect involvement with acute respira-
                                                                                                  tory care. Dennisz2reported that,
                                                                                                  despite direct access, the majority of
                                                                                                  patients (67.2%) came to physical
                                                                                                  therapists in private practice in Victo-
                                                                                                  ria (Australia) via physician referral
                                                                                                  and that clinicians reported varied
                                                                                                  strategies to maintain and strengthen
                                                                                                  direct communications. The clinicians
                                                                                                  also wanted to educate physicians
  Sex                                                                                             about the skills and values of the
  Country                                                                                         physical therapist.
  Sex x country
  Residual                                                                                        Other sources of information. The
Receptive                                                                                         much higher values reported by the
  Source                                                                                          cardiopulmonary physical therapy
                                                                                                  groups in both countries may reflect
                                                                                                  the use of radiographs for treatment
                                                                                                  decisions, whereas the orthopedics
  Sex x country                                                                                   groups may use radiographs to rule
  Residual                                                                                        out diagnostic alternatives. Therapists
Systernat~c                                                                                       in both countries showed consider-
  Source                                                                                          able flexibility in using sources of
  Sex                                                                                             information based on availability.
                                                                                                  Cognitive Style Preferences
  Sex x country
                                                                                                  Overall. The total sample's identilica-
Intuitive                                                                                         tion with receptive data gathering and
  Source                                                                                          systematic information processing
  Sex                                                                                             suggests a response set based on valu-
  Country                                                                                         ing the scientific approach and believ-
  Sex x country                                                                                   ing it is appropriate in physical ther-
                                                                                                  apy evaluation, but it may also reflect
                                                                                                  actual practice. Positive response was
                                                                                                  strongest for the receptive category.
                                                                                                  Statistically, the most strongly positive
Discussion                                   treating patients with vertebral prob-
                                                                                                  items in the subscale were collecting
                                             lems o r similar nonspecific diagnoses.
                                                                                                  information to confirm findings,
Sources of Information                       Our results are congruent with stud-
                                                                                                  checking out ideas, and gradually
                                             ies in Australiazzand Canada29 that
                                                                                                  building a picture of the patient's
Physicians' orders. More than half           have demonstrated dissatisfaction with
                                                                                                  problems. Researchers suggest that
of the therapists in both countries          the information received from medi-
                                                                                                  expert decision makers are subject to
considered the physicians' orders of         cal practitioners about the patients'
                                                                                                  logical errors, including a redundancy
limited value, which may reflect the         medication and overall health status.
                                                                                                  phenomenon, in which clinicians con-
therapists' levels of independence o r
                                                                                                  tinue gathering data to substantiate
the con1:ent of the referral letters. We     Value of direct communication.
                                                                                                  findings after there is sufficient evi-
expected that a group of expert clini-       The value placed on direct communi-
                                                                                                  dence for a conclusion.3~22   Efforts at
cians capable of specifying patients'        cation with the physician was not sur-
                                                                                                  cost containment may not be compati-
problems (diagnoses) and making              prising. Considering that Australian
                                                                                                  ble with the receptive approach (for
independent treatment decisions              physical therapists have direct access,
                                                                                                  example, cost of procedures, duplica-
would find physicians' orders of lim-        however, it is worthy to note that di-
                                                                                                  tion of tests), and clinicians may need
ited value; however, it would be inter-      rect communication with physicians is
                                                                                                  to review their own cognitive style
esting to determine what therapists          equally, if not more, important to
                                                                                                  preferences in relation to the de-
expect from the referral. In Australia,      them as compared with American
                                                                                                  mands of the health care system. Re-
Twome!Ps suggested that the patients'        physical therapists. The higher value
                                                                                                  dundancy in evaluation may require
radiographs, the results of special          placed on direct communications by
                                                                                                  further investigation. The statistical
tests, and a request for physical ther-      the Australian therapists in cardiopul-
                                                                                                  differences between countries are
apy were all therapists required when        monary care may reflect a more di-
                                                                                                  interesting, but we believe they are

Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991
                          Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
more efficiently. Educationally, there
                                                                                              are important implications for the
Table 4. Analysis-of-VarianceSummary for Relationship Between Cognitive Style                 relationship between cognitive style
Category, Major Practice Area, and Country
                                                                                              and clinical decision making. With an
                                                                                              understanding o a student's cognitive
                                                                                              style preference, faculty can guide the
                                                                                              student to select more effective learn-
                                                                                              ing strategies. Faculty can also struc-
                                                                                              ture case studies and learning experi-
                                                                                              ences to elicit desired approaches to
  MPAa                                                                                        decision making.
  MPA x country                                                                               Future Studies
Receptive                                                                                     Considerably more study is needed

  Source                                                                                      on the effects of cognitive style prefer-
                                                                                              ence and the physical therapy task on
                                                                                              decision making. Hammond et abo
                                                                                              suggest that performance is most ac-
  MPA x country                                                                               curate when task attributes are
  Residual                                                                                    matched with cognitive attributes. We
Systematic                                                                                    hesitate to suggest that therapists
  Source                                                                                      choose their respective practice areas
  MPA                                                                                         because they are attuned to different
  Country                                                                                     cognitive styles; rather, we believe
                                                                                              that most clinicians, faced with a dif-
  MPA x country
                                                                                              ferently structured problem type, uti-
                                                                                              lize a different cognitive strategy. This
Intuitive                                                                                     hypothesis could be the subject of
  Source                                                                                      further investigation. We also plan to
  MPA                                                                                         use the scale with new graduates to
  Country                                                                                     compare their cognitive style prefer-
  MPA x country                                                                               ences with those o expert groups.
"Major practice area.
                                                                                              A study of expert decision-making
                                                                                              behaviors in the United States and
due to the greater heterogeneity of          raises the question of whether patient
the Australian sample.                       care tasks in different areas of physical        Australia revealed an overall prefer-
                                             therapy differ in these dimensions.              ence for one's own assessment as a
Differences by major practice                                                                 source of information, for the recep-
                                             Our profession espouses the scientific
area. All subscales showed effects for       method and analytical thinking but               tive style of data gathering, and for
practice area. These findings are con-                                                        the systematic style of information
                                             may also need to consider the influ-
gruent with literature suggesting that       ence of task structure on cognitive              processing. Significant differences
problem structure evokes cognitive           strategies.                                      were found for major practice areas
behavior.*,30.31Hammond et a3 de-
                                1O                                                            in both countries, which suggests dif-
scribed task characteristics likely to       Understanding the relationship be-               ferent cognitive approaches for dif-
induce intuitive or analytical process-      tween cognitive style preference and             ferent task structures. Country effects
ing, which may explain our findings,                                                          were also found between American
                                             clinical practice may help clinicians
If the task offers a large number of         gain an improved perspective on their            and Australian therapists.
cues simultaneously, it is hard to de-       own performance. As we bring as-
compose into discrete parts, and, if         pects of our activities into conscious
measurement is perceptual, it favors         awareness, we are better able to de-                   would like to thank Harry Davis
intuitive processing. Tasks with fewer       termine our own strengths and weak-               of the Medical College of
and sequential cues, which can be            nesses and lhus reduce the potential              D~~~~~~~~ of ~           ~statistics,
                                                                                                                                  ~       ~       ~
decomposed into discrete parts and           for error As our understanding o the
                                                                                f              and Cornputen for his invaluable as-
measured objectively, favor an analyti-      decision-making process increases, so             sistance in research design and data
cal (systematic) approach. This finding      will our ability to make decisions

30 / 198                                                                    Physical Therapy/Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1331
                                Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012

 1. sex:
                   Clinical Decision-Making Questionnaire

Sectlon I--Demographics
Please circle the appropriate number to indicate your response.

 2. Years since graduation from entry-level physical therapy
                                                                  1. F
                                                                  1. CL5 y
                                                                                  2. M
                                                                                  2. 6 10 y        3. 11-1 5 y    4. 16-20 y          5. 20+ y
 3. Degree awarded:                                               1. BSIBA        2. Certificate   3. MAJMS
 4. If you have completed a post-entry-levelmaster's              1. Physical therapy              5. Administrationlmanagement
    degree, please indicate the field by circling the number.     2, Education                     6. Public health
                                                                  3. Anatomy                       7. Behaviorallsocial science
                                                                  4. Physiology                    8. Other:
 5. If you have a doctorate, please indicate the degree.          1. PhD          2. EdD           3. DSc         4. Other:
 6. If you have a doctorate, please indicate the field.           1. Education                     4. Behaviorallsocial science
                                                                  2. Anatomy                       5. Administrationlmanagement
                                                                  3. Physiology                    6. Other:
 7. If you are currently involved in a post-entry-level degree    1. MAJMS        2. PhD           3. EdD         4. Other:
    program, please indicate the degree by circling the
    appropriate number.
 8. Please indicate the field.                                    1. Physical therapy              5. Administrationlmanagement
                                                                  2. Education                     6. Public health
                                                                  3. Anatomy                        7. Behaviorallsocial science
                                                                  4. Physiology                    8. Other:
 9. Employment: Please indicate the one setting in which          1. General hospital               6. School system
    you treat the majority of patients.                           2. Rehabilitation center          7. University teaching hospital
                                                                  3. Home health care               8. Mental retardation center
                                                                  4. Private practice              9. Physical therapistlphysical therapist assistant
                                                                                                     education program
                                                                  5. Nursing homelextended         10. Other:
                                                                     care facility
10. What percentage of each work week do you spend in             1. 0%-10%       2. 11%-25%       3. 26%-50%     4. 51%-75%          5. 75%+
    direct patient services?
11. Which of the following best describes your major practice 1. General practice-varied diagnoses and age groups
    area? Please circle only one.                             2. Primarily general orthopedics
                                                                  3. Primarily specialized orthopedics (eg, mobilization)
                                                                  4. Sports physical therapy
                                                                  5. Cardiopulmonary
                                                                  6. Adult neurology
                                                                  7. Pediatric neurology
                                                                  8. Pr~marily
                                                                  9. Other:
12. Please indicate the percentage of time each week you          1. 0%-49%       2. 50%-64%       3. 65%-79%     4. 80%-95%          5. 95%+
    spenlj in this type of work.
In your state, are you allowed to:
13. Practice without referral?                                    1. Yes          2. No
14. Only evaluate without referral?                               1. Yes          2. No
15. If yes, please estimate the number of patients a month
    you see without a referral:


Physical Therapy/Volume 71, Number 3/March 1991
                                 Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012

Sectlon Il-Sources

                      of lnformatlon
There are many ways a physical therapist may obtain information to make clinical decisions. It is understood that the importance of each
source may vary with the type of patient being treated. Please consider whether you would use the information sources listed below when you
are making decisions about a patient who would be fairly typical of your usual case load.
Use the following code to indicate the importance of each source:
 1. Very valuable; I almost always rely on this source.
 2. Valuable; I rely on this source frequently.
 3. Of limited value in most cases; I sometimes use this source.
 4. Of very little value; I almost never use this source.
 5. This source is not available to me.

16. Generally, the information in the patient's medical history
17. Specifically, progress notes
18. Specifically, the medical examination
19. Specifically, physician's orders
20. Specifically, special test results
21. Specifically, x-ray films (you read yourself)
22. The information in the medical referral
23. The information I find during my own assessment
24. The information I can find in textbooks and journal articles
25. The information I can get through direct communication with the patient's physician
26. The information I can get by talking to the patient's friends and/or relations
27. The information I can get from other physical therapists
28. The information I can get directly from the nurse on the floor
29. The information I can get from other health care professionals working with the patient

Sectlon Ill
The following statements represent aspects of different styles of clinical decision making. They do not all necessarily apply to each person, as
they are designed to depict a broad variety of processes. The terms "assessment" and "evaluation" are interchangeable.
As you read the statements, you will know whether they are characteristic of the way you think and do things in the clinical setting. There are
no correct or incorrect answers.
If you relate strongly to the statement, you will strongly agree with it (1).
If you relate to the statement, but it is not highly characteristic of you, you will agree with it (2).
If you do not relate to the statement, but you know you do this occasionally, you will disagree with it (3).
If you do not relate to the statement at all, you will strongly disagree with it (4).
                                                                                                               Strongly                    Strongly
                                                                                                                Agree     Agree   Disagree Disagree
                                                                             -                -

30. A number of ideas come to mind as soon as I see the referral.                                                 1         2        3        4
31. 1 sometimes forget one thing in one evaluation and something else in another, but I usually pick              1         2        3        4
    them up later.
32. 1 usually begin with some general questions about the patient's history and go to specific items              1         2        3        4
33. Sometimes things about the patient come together when I wake up.                                              1         2        3        4
34. 1 use my physical assessment to check out my initial ideas about the patient's problems.                      1         2        3        4
35. During the assessment, I check appropriate areas in detail and do the others superficially.                   1         2        3        4
36. Throughout the assessment, I keep a mental check list to be sure I am doing everything I need                 1         2        3        4
    to do.
37. The most important source of information on which I base my treatment decisions is my objective               1         2        3        4
38. The specific diagnosis is not important; I make treatment decisions from what I see.                          1         2        3        4
39. Once I have a picture of the patient's problems, I go on collecting information to confirm the                1         2        3        4
40. My competence as an assessor is determined to a great extent by my knowledge base.                            1         2        3        4
41. What I want to know is related to functional outcomes.                                                        1         2        3        4

                                                                                     Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991
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Appendix.          (Continued)

42. 1 plan my assessments in a systematic manner so as not to forget anything.
43. During the assessment, I use the information I am gathering to decide on the next step.

                                                                                                                          2        3
                                                                                                                                Disagree Disagree
44. When I am reading the medical chart, I sometimes ask myself, How will this person relate to me,                      2         3        4
    and how can I relate to him or her?
45. There is certain information I need in all instances, but I do not always go about getting it in the
    same order.
46. The first thing I do is acquaint myself as quickly as I can, within time constraints, with the medical
47. An expert clinician is one who does not quake at the knees when he or she sees a new patient.
48. 1 obtain information about the patient from other health care professionals.
49. Ideally, I would like to know all about the patient's pathology to make my work more precise and
50. 1 go on the premise that the patient and his or her environment are the most important sources of
51. Sometimes interesting things about the patient come to me in strange places such as the shower.
52. 1 think best when I can sit down, line things up, and look at them.
53. 1 start to make judgments about the patient's problem as I observe him or her walking in the door.
54. Early in the assessment, I try to rule out some of my initial ideas or concerns.
55. 1 usually consider the cost when selecting treatment.
56. As I work through a patient assessment, I gradually build a picture of the patient's problems.
57. 1 want the referral to be specific about tissue involvement and pathology.
58. What I really like about clinical work is the challenge of deciding what is wrong.
59. 1 generally follow a systematic assessment protocol.
60. When I get a referral, I get a mental image of the patient.
61. If I have a question about the patient, I do not hesitate to call the physician.
62. 1 want the physician to tell me about potential complications and precautions.
63. It bothers me that in busy clinics, the quickest and shortest way of making a decision is often
64. 1 inherently know the patient's problems without going into miniscule details in the assessment.
65. The c?ssentialthings I need to make clinical decisions are the patient's problems, the goals, and
    the specific constraints I have to work under.
66. 1 sequence my evaluation according to the cues I get from the patient.
67. Experience is an essential component of effective clinical decision making.
68. As I read the referral, I try to think about the physical therapy problems.
69. 1 prefer to complete my evaluation before making decisions about treatment.
70. When developing the problem list, I tend to focus on a few pieces of information that I consider
71. When receiving a specific referral, if I do not agree with the physician's orders, I will call him or
    her to talk about it.
72. Good assessors are those who follow a very specific process and use it each time.
73. While assessing a patient, I often consider a number of different possible problems at the same
74. 1 wail until I have some information on each of the patient's major complaints before attempting to
    look ior interrelationships among the symptoms.
75. The patient's chart is the most important source of information, because it contains the most
    objective data.
76. When the actual patient does not match my mental image, I have to reassess the patient right
77. 1 like to use a standard assessment form.

Physical Therapy/Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991                                                                                        201 / 3 3
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Following are two commentaries on "ExpertDecision Making in Pbysical
Therapy-A Survey of Practitioners."

The accuracy of diagnosis and the                    for the improvement in performance               ceived by their peers to be experts in
effective selection of treatment ap-                 of clinicians and for the education of           an attempt to clarify the nature of
proaches are vital elements in suc-                  physical therapy students in these               information-processing phases and to
cessful patient management. Studies                  processes.                                       describe the cognitive style prefer-
that attempt to elucidate the methods                                                                 ences of expert physical therapy prac-
of expert decision making in these                   May and Dennis have reported the                 titioners. It is implied that the
important areas can provide guidance                 results of a survey of clinicians per-           planned description of "expert behav-

34 1202                                                                              Physical Therapy/Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991
                                       Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
Expert Decision Making in Physical Therapy−−A
                               Survey of Practitioners
                               Bella J May and Jancis K Dennis
                               PHYS THER. 1991; 71:190-202.

Cited by                       This article has been cited by 5 HighWire-hosted articles:

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Phys ther 1991-may-190-202

  • 1. Expert Decision Making in Physical Therapy−−A Survey of Practitioners Bella J May and Jancis K Dennis PHYS THER. 1991; 71:190-202. The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, can be found online at: Collections This article, along with others on similar topics, appears in the following collection(s): Clinical Decision Making Professional Issues e-Letters To submit an e-Letter on this article, click here or click on "Submit a response" in the right-hand menu under "Responses" in the online version of this article. E-mail alerts Sign up here to receive free e-mail alerts Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
  • 2. Research Report Expert Decision Making in Physical Therapy- A Survey of Practitioners Four hundred American and 384 Australian pkysical therapists, nominated by Bella J May their peers as expert clinicians, were studied to evaluate whether a particular cog- Jancls K Dennis nitive style was prevalent among expert clinicians, to identzb preferred sources of information for clinical decision making, and to determine the similarities and dflerences between American and Australian therapists. Results were based on usable surucy responsesfrom 348 American and 290 Australian therapists Eighty- eight percent of the American therapists and 82%of the Australian therapists iden- tifed themelves as working primarily in general practice, orthopedics, or neurol- ogy. The physical therap?.'assessment and intemiews with the patient were the preferred sources of information in both countries. The physician's referral and communications with other health care personnel were reported to be of limited value as sources of information by most respondents. Overall, both groups re- sponded most positively to the receptive style of data gathering and the systemtic style of information processing Therapists working primarily with neurologically impaired patients responded most positively to the preceptive style of data gather- ing and the intuitive style of information processing. Therapists working primarily with patients with orthopedic disorders responded most positively to the systemtic style of information processing. /May BJ, Dennis JK Expert decision making in physical therapy4 survq of practitioners. Phys Ther 1991;71:190-206.1 Key Words: Data collection; Decision making; Physical therapy profession, inter- national; Questionnaires. Physical therapists are assuming in- ing the experts themselves what they nursing, and physical therapy, and the creasing independence in making do or believe they do. findings generalize across areas of c patient care decisions. Understanding study. Decision making is influenced the dimensions of expert decision There has been considerable research by knowledge, the way experience making will help current practitioners into clinical decision making, has structured that knowledge, the improve their skills and educators information-processing strategies, and type or format of the decision task, prepare students more effectively. It differences between expert and nov- the limitations in human information seemed appropriate to begin an in- ice behaviors in the past two decades. processing, and the social and contex- vestigation of expert behavior by ask- Research has been done in many tual elements of the decision.'-l4 fields, including medicine, education, Decision making has generally been found to include (1) the use of critical B May, EdD, PT,is Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Allied Health Sciences, cues or forceful features for promot- Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA 30912-0800 (USA). Address all correspondence to Dr May. ing the recognition of specific clinical J Dennis, MAppSci, PT,is Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Allied patterns and (2) the early generation Health Sciences, Medical College of Georgia. of hypotheses for organizing the ac- quisition and interpretation of infor- This article is adapted from a paper presented at the Tenth International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Sydney, Australia, May 17-22, 1987. mati0n.~.*,5Preliminary evidence sug- gests that physical therapists use This article was submitted Februaly 15, 1983, and was accepted September 24, 1990. 22/190 Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991 Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
  • 3. similar reasoning processes.12-'7 Cur- and constraints early, performing an therapy practitioners in each rent research does not support the ordered search for information, and country? popular belief that clinicians collect a completing one step before progress- complete, routine database before ing to the next, and (2) intuitive, char- 3. Is cognitive style preference influ- deciding about the patient's problems. acterized by keeping the total prob- enced by country of practice, sex, Experts, when compared with novices lem in mind and considering or major practice area? in the same field, exhibit a superior alternatives simultaneously. The intui- structuring of knowledge into clini- tive person may move from one thing Method cally relevant patterns that are un- to another, relying on cues and locked by key cues in the decision hunches. The results of Bork'sl2 study Subjects environment. Patterns stored in mem- of physical therapy students suggested ory enable the expert to recognize that cognitive style influenced clinical Subjects were selected through a meaningful relationships and generate evaluation performance. The ability to nomination process. Elected national, likely hypothe~es.7~9.~~,~~.17 Recently operate in the intuitive mode was state, section, o r special interest group published models1*20 attempt to help associated with a better performance officers holding comparable positions practitioners organize key pathologi- in history taking and physical assess- in both countries were asked to nom- cal concepts as a guide to decision ment, whereas students who operated inate individuals whom they consid- making. I'sychological research indi- primarily in the preceptive mode ered to be expert clinicians and who cates that human information process- were less likely to accurately deter- were involved in direct patient care ing is subject to bias introduced by mine a simulated patient's problems. activities at least 25% of the time. the presentation of the task and by In nursing, Hayes-Roth and Hayes- Over 800 nominations, which in- strategies used for selective attention Roth25 suggested that systematic deci- cluded 700 individual names, were and interpretation of the environ- sion making might be effective in received from US officers. All individ- ment.3 If the patient referral, for ex- solving simple problems but that op- uals named more than once and a ample, contains a specific diagnosis, portunistic decision making, that is, random sample of the remaining the diagnosis has been shown to be a responding to the stimuli as they oc- nominees were used to obtain a sam- biasing factor in both medicine in curred, might be more effective in ple of 404 individuals. In Australia, England2:l and physical therapy in complex situations. Few studies have over 500 nominations, which included A~stralia.;!Z~~3 specifically examined the relationship 384 individual names, were received of cognitive style preference to deci- and became the group selected to Cognitive style, which can be defined sion making. receive the questionnaire. as an individual's preferred way of thinking and organizing information, A study of expert clinicians in the Procedures has also been studied for its effect on United States and Australia was under- decision making. McKenney and taken as the first stage in the process Survey instrument development. Keenzqdeveloped a paradigm of cog- of describing expert behaviors. The We developed an instrument to nitive style that was used by Bork12 in study was designed as a preliminary gather data on expert physical thera- a study of cognitive style influences investigation into the nature of data- pists' preferred sources of informa- on decision making by physical ther- gathering and information-processing tion and to measure the experts' self- apy students. McKenney and Keen'sz4 phases of expert clinical decision perception of their decision-making paradigm reflected four styles of cog- making. A second purpose was to behaviors, focusing on cognitive style nition, two related to the data- compare the reported decision- preference. The instrument evolved gathering phase and two to the making processes of therapists in a from a multistep process that in- information-processing phase of deci- country with direct client access to cluded interviews, categorization of sion making. The data-gathering styles physical therapy (Australia) with the the interview statements and scoring were defined as (1) receptive, a style reported decision-making processes procedure, pilot testing, and final con- generally characterized by suspending of therapists in a country with limited struction of the instrument. judgment until all possible data have opportunity for direct client access been collected, paying attention to (United States). Specific questions Interviews. We tape-recorded inter- detail, anti attending to the implica- addressed by the study were: views with eight physical therapists tions of each piece of data individu- working in Georgia in different prac- ally, and (2) preceptive, a style charac- 1. What are important information tice settings. Interviews were con- terized by moving from one section sources for expert physical thera- ducted by both researchers, with one to another, seeking and responding to pists in the United States and doing the questioning and the other cues and patterns as a guide to data Australia? making notes and monitoring the tape gathering. The information-processing recorder. The purpose of the inter- styles were defined as (1) systematic, 2. Is there a particular cognitive style views was to develop a set of "real- characterized by a consciously me- preference among expert physical world statements reflecting the char- thodical approach, defining problems acteristics of the different cognitive Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
  • 4. styles described by McKenney and We performed a reliability analysis for birth educators and consultants to Keen2*Respondents were first asked each category, followed by a factor industry). to describe their clinical decision- analysis. We eliminated some state- making processes and then asked to ments and moved others to different Sources of information. Frequen- recall specific situations that illus- categories if the factor analysis indi- cies were computed for each source trated simple decision making and cated a better fit and if the statement of information by country, and fre- difficult decision making. An unstruc- had face validity in the new category. quency tables, cross-tabulated with tured format was used to provide re- We retained 48 items, which were place of employment and major prac- spondents with the opportunity to randomized for inclusion in the final tice area, were then generated. Chi- describe their decision-making pro- survey instrument. At the end of this square analysis was not performed cesses in their own words. phase, the alpha value for each cate- because the numbers in some prac- gory was above .6, with one category tice groups were extremely small and Categorization.We then screened (systematic) above .7. we preferred to retain qualitative dif- the interview statements, identifying ferences at this level. some that matched the cognitive style We decided to proceed with the descriptions and others that did not study, but to perform more reliability Cognitive style preference. We fit. The latter appeared to be state- and factor analyses before analyzing reevaluated category reliability for the ments of affect or belief (eg, state- the final data. Comments on clarity combined sample and for each coun- ments 63 and 67 of the Appendix) or were used to revise all three sections. try separately. Each category was statements about specific knowledge The final survey instrument was simi- scored by calculating the mean score requirements for decision making lar in structure to the pilot question- of the items in the category. The (eg, statement 55 of the Appendix). naire and is depicted in the Appendix. scores of subjects who responded to To offset the limitations of the small fewer than 75% of the items in a cate- and geographically discrete interview Data Anaiysis gory were dropped from the calcula- sample, we added statements gath- tions of that category. The scores of ered from our collective experience. Responses to the survey instrument subjects who responded to 75% or The first draft of the survey contained were coded as indicated on the ques- more, but less than loo%, of the six logically derived components: one tionnaire. Data analysis included the items were calculated as the mean of for each of the four cognitive styles, following. the items answered. We then per- one defined as affect, and another formed a principal components analy- defined as knowledge. Demographics. Frequencies were sis using the parallel-analysis method calculated to provide a description of to determine whether the instrument Scoring. We developed individual the two samples. The years since was actually measuring different fac- scores by averaging the responses to graduation were collapsed into three t o r ~Parallel analysis is reported to .~~ items within each category (affect, major categories for general descrip- be the most consistently accurate knowledge, receptive, preceptive, sys- tive purposes (ie, 0-10, 11-20, 20+), method for determining the number tematic, and intuitive). but five categories (ie, 0-5, 6-10, 11- of major components to retain2' 15, 16-20, and 20+), were retained Pilot test. A sample of 21 practicing for analyses of variance (ANOVAs) Analysis of variance. Before per- physical therapists in the United States related to cognitive style. Places of forming the ANOVAs, open responses and 20 physical therapists in Australia employment included private practice, ("other") were reviewed individually from different practice settings was hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and and either assigned to another re- used to evaluate the pilot survey in- other areas, as listed in Section I of sponse or dropped from the analysis strument, which contained three sec- the questionnaire (Appendix). We for that variable. The two national tions. The first section requested de- identified six major practice-area samples were analyzed separately us- mographic information, such as sex groups for the purpose of analysis. ing a one-way ANOVA to identify and years since graduation. The sec- General orthopedics, manual therapy, within-nation differences in cognitive ond section asked respondents to in- and sports physical therapy were style attributable to sex, years since dicate the value of sources of infor- combined to form an orthopedics graduation, place of employment, or mation, using a four-point numerical group; adult and pediatric neurology major practice area. The Tukey's Hon- scale ranging from "very valuable" to were combined to form a neurology estly Significant Difference (HSD) Test "of no value," with a fifth point if the group. General practice, geriatrics, procedure was used to identlfy differ- information was not available. The and cardiopulmonary physical therapy ences between groups at the signifi- third section required responses to 55 remained as initially established. The cance level of .05. For each category statements on a four-point scale rang- sixth group, education, comprised of cognitive style, two-way ANOVAs ing from "strongly agree" to "strongly physical therapy educators and practi- were used to compare the means of disagree." Respondents were also tioners whose professional role was the Australian and American therapists asked to comment on the clarity of primarily patient education (ie, child- by sex, years since graduation, place the items. Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991 Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
  • 5. United States Australia 80 80 U) C C $ 60 60 k U) C E "- 40 40 0 b n 5 z 20 20 Percentage of 0 0 time spent in 0-1 0 11-20 20 + 0-1 0 11-20 20 + patient care 0 -5 %2 % Years Since Graduation 26Oh-75% 76%100% Figure 1. Experience characteristics of American and Australian physical therapists showing years since graduation and the per- centage c$ time spent in patient care. of employment, and major practice samples are comparable in composi- lian therapists, 52%). Hospitals em- area. tion (except for the education group, ployed 29% of the US therapists, com- - in which childbirth educators and pared with 18% of the Australian Results consultants to industry were mainly therapists, and rehabilitation centers represented in the Australian therapist employed 11% of the US therapists, We examined the data for a response sample). Approximately half of both compared with 2 1% of the Australian set effect within the two countries. samples were employed in private therapists. Of the remaining places of There was greater variance in the Aus- practice (US therapists, 49%; Austra- employment, 5% of the US therapists tralian therapists' responses, indicating worked in a school system, 4% in greater heterogeneity in the sample, community care, and 2% in physical as compared with the American thera- therapy education; 7% of the Austra- pists' responses. Table 1. Major Practice Areas lian therapists worked in community/ day care centers and as consultants to Demographics industry and 2% in physical therapy Practice Area Unlted States Australia education. Different practice charac- Usable responses were received from teristics and health care structures 348 (86%) of the American nominees General practice 75 (22%) 52 (18%) made the samples less comparable in and from 290 (76%) of the Australian Orthopedicsa 153 (44%) 110 (38%) terms of this variable. nominees. Fifty-six percent of the Neurologyb 77 (22%) 75 (26%) American respondents and 76% of the Sources of Information Cardiopulmonary 18 (5%) 17 (6%) Australian respondents were female. Geriatrics 15 (4%) 17 (6%) Figure 1 outlines the experience char- There was a great deal of similarity in acteristics of each sample, showing EducationC 10 (3%) 19 (6%) the value placed on various sources years since graduation and percentage Total 348 290 of information between the two coun- of time currently spent in direct pa- tries. Not surprisingly, therapists in tient care. Table l depicts the distri- aGeneral orthopedics, manual therapy, sports both countries and in all types of bution of the respondents across ma- physical therapy. practices valued their own assessment jor practice areas for each country h d u l t and pediatric neurology. more than any other source of infor- and indicates that the two national "Academic, obstetrics-gynecology, preventive care. Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991 193/25 Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
  • 6. 01 llrnlted value Valuable Geriatrics Australia Unlted States Neurology Australia co Unlted States : 8 Cardiopulmonary Australia 5 Unlted States ,m P Orthopedics ~usttal~a Unlted States General ~ustraas Unlted States 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percentage of Respondents Figure 2. value of physicians' orders (;ompared for American and Australian physical therapists by major practice area mation (US therapists, 88%; Australian The reported value of direct commu- Principal Components Analysis therapists, 89%). nication with the physician is illus- trated in Figure 3. Most Australian Seven factors were identified. We Physicians' orders were generally con- therapists found direct communica- compared the items in each factor for sidered of limited value by therapists tions with the physician of value congruence with the logical categori- in both countries (US therapists, 58%; (56%430%); the responses from zation that we had previously im- Australian therapists, 53%). A greater American therapists were similar posed. Although the reliability of the percentage of Australian therapists (58%-68%), except for therapists cognitive style categories had been compared with American therapists working in geriatrics. In geriatrics, the satisfactory in the pretest, regrouping reported that physicians' orders were majority of American therapists found some items and eliminating others in not available (12% versus 4%, respec- direct communications with the physi- accordance with the principal compo- tively) (Fig. 2), because referral is not cian of limited value (53%). nents analysis strengthened the statis- required for treatment in Australia. tical basis for the survey instrument b The value of physicians' orders varied The reported value of other sources without altering the logical premises with area of practice; more Australian of information was somewhat on which it was based. We retained therapists (60%) involved in cardio- practice- and employment-specific. the four categories of cognitive style pulmonary care, for example, valued Most respondents valued the patient's (receptive, preceptive, systematic, and physicians' orders than did American past medical history (75% overall); intuitive) and identified two other therapists (46%). The percentage of however, 20% of the therapists in pri- categories (physician dependency and Australian therapists working in ortho- vate practice and 14% in home health holism), which will not be reported pedics and neurology who valued care did not have it available. Overall, in this study. The seventh factor iden- physicians' orders (28% and 25%, 26% of American therapists and 57% tified minor components, including respectively) was considerably lower of Australian therapists found radio- some universal value statements, and than was that of American therapists graphs a valuable source of informa- was not retained. Our final categories, (46% and 45%, respectively), and tion. Sixty-seven percent of American their alpha values, and the related more Australian therapists than Ameri- cardiopulmonary therapists, but only instrument items for both national can therapists reported the nonavail- 34% of the orthopedic therapists, samples are shown in Table 2. ability of physicians' orders. found radiographs they read them- selves quite valuable. 26/194 Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number 3 / March 1991 Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
  • 7. Of limited value Geriatrics Australia United States Neurology Australia 4 United States 8 Cardiopulmonary Australia E 0 United States Orthopedics Australia United States General Australia United States 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percentage of Respondents Flgure 3 Value of direct communication with the physician compared for American and Australian physical therapists by major . practice area. Analyses of Variance with the preceptive style than those group is not reported in detail be- employed in hospitals. The private- cause its composition was not compa- The one-way ANOVA indicated that practitioner group also responded rable between countries. The Tukey's cognitive style preferences were not significantly more positively to the HSD Test procedure identified the influenced by years since graduation, systematic style and less positively to following groups to be significantly except for Australian therapists gradu- the intuitive style than those em- different at the .05 level. Some of the ated for 5 years or less, who re- ployed in rehabilitation centers. Other differences were shared between sponded significantly less positively to comparisons were not significant. countries, whereas others were the receptive category (F=3.51, df=4, country-specific.In the United States, P< .Ol). 'fie one-way ANOVA also re- Effects of major practice areas the cardiopulmonary physical therapy vealed differences related to place of within countries. Differences in group responded more positively to employment. Private practitioners in means of the five major practice the preceptive style than the orthope- both the United States and Australia groups in both countries are illus- dics and geriatrics groups, the ortho- identified significantly less positively trated in Figure 4. The education pedics group responded more posi- Table 2. Cognitive Style Categories Unlted States Australla - - Category Survey Instrument Item X SD Q X SD Q Preceptive 30, 46, 53, 60, 64, 70, 76 2.07 0.20 .60 2.22 0.28 .56 Receptive 34, 36, 39, 40, 56, 58, 73 1.47 0.02 .60 1.53 0.06 .65 Systematic 42, 45, 59, 66, 69, 72 2.28 0.48 .74 2.36 0.43 .69 Intuitive 31, 33, 51, 52 2.47 0.09 .57 2.79 0.22 .62 Physical Therapy/Volume 71, Number 3/March 1991 195/ 27 Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
  • 8. United States Australia 6 ' 4 General - 0 0 i ; - 0 Orthopedics a : Cardiopulmonary Q, : .- i. > .- : C . Neurology C 3 - Geriatrics '0 9) 0 : s i 3 A P u .......-------..----------.-----.---......--..--.-------.------------------,----...A.. .- + 0 0 C 0 i : (I .-c .I 0 6 . C 9 g ;2- . : fi 4 0 rn 8 5 - . 9 i; . " Q, I 8 #J i 9) 1 I I I I I I I z I Receptive Preceptive Systematic Intuitive Receptive Preceptive Systematic Intuitive Cognitive Style Category Flgure 4. Cognitive styles of American and Australian physical therapists by major prac :tice area. tively to the systematic style than the were no significant differences for categories. The Australian orthopedics general practice and cardiopulmonary country o r sex for receptive data gath- group responded least positively to physical therapy groups, and the gen- ering o r between countries for sys- the preceptive category, but the inter- eral practice group responded more tematic information processing. Fe- active effect was not significant. The positively to the systematic style than male physical therapists in both neurology groups in both countries the neurology group. In Australia, the countries reported significantly did not respond positively to the sys- general practice group responded greater identification with the precep- tematic approach, nor did the geriat- more positively to the preceptive style tive mode of data gathering than male rics group in Australia. Major practice than the orthopedics group; the neu- physical therapists, and the US sample area was significant for the receptive rology group responded more posi- overall responded significantly more category, with the orthopedics and tively to the intuitive style than the positively to this category than the Aus- cardiopulmonary physical therapy orthopedics group, although the tralian sample. Male physical therapists groups in both countries responding mean response was not in the posi- in both countries responded signifi- more positively to this style than the tive range; and the orthopedics group cantly more positively to the systematic geriatrics and education groups. responded more positively to the sys- mode of information processing than Country effects remained the strong- tematic style than the geriatrics group. did female physical therapists. Ameri- est predictor of identification with the In the combined sample, the orthope- can female physical therapists re- intuitive style. The Australian neurol- dics group responded more positively sponded positively to the intuitive cate- ogy group had the most positive iden- to the systematic style than the neu- gory, but the two-way interaction was tification with the intuitive style; an rology and general practice groups, not significant. American physical ther- interactive effect was also noted for and the neurology group responded apists overall had a greater affinity for this group. more positively to the preceptive style the intuitive category than the Austra- than the orthopedics group. lian physical therapists. Results of the two-way ANOVAs are Analysis by major practice area reported in Tables 3 and 4. There showed significant d8erences in all 28/196 Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991 Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
  • 9. - Table 3 Analysis-of-Variance Summay for Relationship Between Cognitive Style . Categoy, Sex, and County rect involvement with acute respira- tory care. Dennisz2reported that, despite direct access, the majority of patients (67.2%) came to physical therapists in private practice in Victo- ria (Australia) via physician referral and that clinicians reported varied Preceptive strategies to maintain and strengthen direct communications. The clinicians Source also wanted to educate physicians Sex about the skills and values of the Country physical therapist. Sex x country Residual Other sources of information. The Receptive much higher values reported by the Source cardiopulmonary physical therapy Sex groups in both countries may reflect the use of radiographs for treatment Country decisions, whereas the orthopedics Sex x country groups may use radiographs to rule Residual out diagnostic alternatives. Therapists Systernat~c in both countries showed consider- Source able flexibility in using sources of Sex information based on availability. Count?/ Cognitive Style Preferences Sex x country Residual Overall. The total sample's identilica- Intuitive tion with receptive data gathering and Source systematic information processing Sex suggests a response set based on valu- Country ing the scientific approach and believ- Sex x country ing it is appropriate in physical ther- Residual apy evaluation, but it may also reflect actual practice. Positive response was strongest for the receptive category. Statistically, the most strongly positive Discussion treating patients with vertebral prob- items in the subscale were collecting lems o r similar nonspecific diagnoses. information to confirm findings, Sources of Information Our results are congruent with stud- checking out ideas, and gradually ies in Australiazzand Canada29 that building a picture of the patient's Physicians' orders. More than half have demonstrated dissatisfaction with problems. Researchers suggest that of the therapists in both countries the information received from medi- expert decision makers are subject to considered the physicians' orders of cal practitioners about the patients' logical errors, including a redundancy limited value, which may reflect the medication and overall health status. phenomenon, in which clinicians con- therapists' levels of independence o r tinue gathering data to substantiate the con1:ent of the referral letters. We Value of direct communication. findings after there is sufficient evi- expected that a group of expert clini- The value placed on direct communi- dence for a conclusion.3~22 Efforts at cians capable of specifying patients' cation with the physician was not sur- cost containment may not be compati- problems (diagnoses) and making prising. Considering that Australian ble with the receptive approach (for independent treatment decisions physical therapists have direct access, example, cost of procedures, duplica- would find physicians' orders of lim- however, it is worthy to note that di- tion of tests), and clinicians may need ited value; however, it would be inter- rect communication with physicians is to review their own cognitive style esting to determine what therapists equally, if not more, important to preferences in relation to the de- expect from the referral. In Australia, them as compared with American mands of the health care system. Re- Twome!Ps suggested that the patients' physical therapists. The higher value dundancy in evaluation may require radiographs, the results of special placed on direct communications by further investigation. The statistical tests, and a request for physical ther- the Australian therapists in cardiopul- differences between countries are apy were all therapists required when monary care may reflect a more di- interesting, but we believe they are Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991 Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
  • 10. more efficiently. Educationally, there are important implications for the Table 4. Analysis-of-VarianceSummary for Relationship Between Cognitive Style relationship between cognitive style Category, Major Practice Area, and Country and clinical decision making. With an understanding o a student's cognitive f style preference, faculty can guide the student to select more effective learn- ing strategies. Faculty can also struc- Preceptive ture case studies and learning experi- Source ences to elicit desired approaches to MPAa decision making. Country MPA x country Future Studies Residual Receptive Considerably more study is needed & Source on the effects of cognitive style prefer- ence and the physical therapy task on MPA decision making. Hammond et abo Country suggest that performance is most ac- MPA x country curate when task attributes are Residual matched with cognitive attributes. We Systematic hesitate to suggest that therapists Source choose their respective practice areas MPA because they are attuned to different Country cognitive styles; rather, we believe that most clinicians, faced with a dif- MPA x country ferently structured problem type, uti- Residual lize a different cognitive strategy. This Intuitive hypothesis could be the subject of Source further investigation. We also plan to MPA use the scale with new graduates to Country compare their cognitive style prefer- MPA x country ences with those o expert groups. f Residual Conclusions "Major practice area. A study of expert decision-making behaviors in the United States and due to the greater heterogeneity of raises the question of whether patient the Australian sample. care tasks in different areas of physical Australia revealed an overall prefer- therapy differ in these dimensions. ence for one's own assessment as a Differences by major practice source of information, for the recep- Our profession espouses the scientific area. All subscales showed effects for method and analytical thinking but tive style of data gathering, and for practice area. These findings are con- the systematic style of information may also need to consider the influ- gruent with literature suggesting that ence of task structure on cognitive processing. Significant differences problem structure evokes cognitive strategies. were found for major practice areas behavior.*,30.31Hammond et a3 de- 1O in both countries, which suggests dif- scribed task characteristics likely to Understanding the relationship be- ferent cognitive approaches for dif- induce intuitive or analytical process- tween cognitive style preference and ferent task structures. Country effects ing, which may explain our findings, were also found between American clinical practice may help clinicians If the task offers a large number of gain an improved perspective on their and Australian therapists. cues simultaneously, it is hard to de- own performance. As we bring as- Acknowledgment compose into discrete parts, and, if pects of our activities into conscious measurement is perceptual, it favors awareness, we are better able to de- would like to thank Harry Davis intuitive processing. Tasks with fewer termine our own strengths and weak- of the Medical College of and sequential cues, which can be nesses and lhus reduce the potential D~~~~~~~~ of ~ ~statistics, ~ ~ ~ decomposed into discrete parts and for error As our understanding o the f and Cornputen for his invaluable as- measured objectively, favor an analyti- decision-making process increases, so sistance in research design and data cal (systematic) approach. This finding will our ability to make decisions analyses. 30 / 198 Physical Therapy/Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1331 Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
  • 11. - Appendix. 1. sex: Clinical Decision-Making Questionnaire Sectlon I--Demographics Please circle the appropriate number to indicate your response. 2. Years since graduation from entry-level physical therapy 1. F 1. CL5 y 2. M 2. 6 10 y 3. 11-1 5 y 4. 16-20 y 5. 20+ y program: 3. Degree awarded: 1. BSIBA 2. Certificate 3. MAJMS 4. If you have completed a post-entry-levelmaster's 1. Physical therapy 5. Administrationlmanagement degree, please indicate the field by circling the number. 2, Education 6. Public health 3. Anatomy 7. Behaviorallsocial science 4. Physiology 8. Other: 5. If you have a doctorate, please indicate the degree. 1. PhD 2. EdD 3. DSc 4. Other: 6. If you have a doctorate, please indicate the field. 1. Education 4. Behaviorallsocial science 2. Anatomy 5. Administrationlmanagement 3. Physiology 6. Other: 7. If you are currently involved in a post-entry-level degree 1. MAJMS 2. PhD 3. EdD 4. Other: program, please indicate the degree by circling the appropriate number. 8. Please indicate the field. 1. Physical therapy 5. Administrationlmanagement 2. Education 6. Public health 3. Anatomy 7. Behaviorallsocial science 4. Physiology 8. Other: 9. Employment: Please indicate the one setting in which 1. General hospital 6. School system you treat the majority of patients. 2. Rehabilitation center 7. University teaching hospital 3. Home health care 8. Mental retardation center 4. Private practice 9. Physical therapistlphysical therapist assistant education program 5. Nursing homelextended 10. Other: care facility 10. What percentage of each work week do you spend in 1. 0%-10% 2. 11%-25% 3. 26%-50% 4. 51%-75% 5. 75%+ direct patient services? 11. Which of the following best describes your major practice 1. General practice-varied diagnoses and age groups area? Please circle only one. 2. Primarily general orthopedics 3. Primarily specialized orthopedics (eg, mobilization) 4. Sports physical therapy 5. Cardiopulmonary 6. Adult neurology 7. Pediatric neurology 8. Pr~marily geriatrics 9. Other: 12. Please indicate the percentage of time each week you 1. 0%-49% 2. 50%-64% 3. 65%-79% 4. 80%-95% 5. 95%+ spenlj in this type of work. In your state, are you allowed to: 13. Practice without referral? 1. Yes 2. No 14. Only evaluate without referral? 1. Yes 2. No 15. If yes, please estimate the number of patients a month you see without a referral: (Continued) Physical Therapy/Volume 71, Number 3/March 1991 Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
  • 12. - Appendix. Sectlon Il-Sources (Continued) of lnformatlon There are many ways a physical therapist may obtain information to make clinical decisions. It is understood that the importance of each source may vary with the type of patient being treated. Please consider whether you would use the information sources listed below when you are making decisions about a patient who would be fairly typical of your usual case load. Use the following code to indicate the importance of each source: 1. Very valuable; I almost always rely on this source. 2. Valuable; I rely on this source frequently. 3. Of limited value in most cases; I sometimes use this source. 4. Of very little value; I almost never use this source. 5. This source is not available to me. 16. Generally, the information in the patient's medical history 17. Specifically, progress notes 18. Specifically, the medical examination 19. Specifically, physician's orders 20. Specifically, special test results 21. Specifically, x-ray films (you read yourself) 22. The information in the medical referral 23. The information I find during my own assessment 24. The information I can find in textbooks and journal articles 25. The information I can get through direct communication with the patient's physician 26. The information I can get by talking to the patient's friends and/or relations 27. The information I can get from other physical therapists 28. The information I can get directly from the nurse on the floor 29. The information I can get from other health care professionals working with the patient Sectlon Ill The following statements represent aspects of different styles of clinical decision making. They do not all necessarily apply to each person, as they are designed to depict a broad variety of processes. The terms "assessment" and "evaluation" are interchangeable. As you read the statements, you will know whether they are characteristic of the way you think and do things in the clinical setting. There are no correct or incorrect answers. If you relate strongly to the statement, you will strongly agree with it (1). If you relate to the statement, but it is not highly characteristic of you, you will agree with it (2). If you do not relate to the statement, but you know you do this occasionally, you will disagree with it (3). If you do not relate to the statement at all, you will strongly disagree with it (4). Strongly Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Disagree - - 30. A number of ideas come to mind as soon as I see the referral. 1 2 3 4 31. 1 sometimes forget one thing in one evaluation and something else in another, but I usually pick 1 2 3 4 them up later. 32. 1 usually begin with some general questions about the patient's history and go to specific items 1 2 3 4 later. 33. Sometimes things about the patient come together when I wake up. 1 2 3 4 34. 1 use my physical assessment to check out my initial ideas about the patient's problems. 1 2 3 4 35. During the assessment, I check appropriate areas in detail and do the others superficially. 1 2 3 4 36. Throughout the assessment, I keep a mental check list to be sure I am doing everything I need 1 2 3 4 to do. 37. The most important source of information on which I base my treatment decisions is my objective 1 2 3 4 assessment. 38. The specific diagnosis is not important; I make treatment decisions from what I see. 1 2 3 4 39. Once I have a picture of the patient's problems, I go on collecting information to confirm the 1 2 3 4 findings. 40. My competence as an assessor is determined to a great extent by my knowledge base. 1 2 3 4 41. What I want to know is related to functional outcomes. 1 2 3 4 Physical Therapy /Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991 Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
  • 13. - Appendix. (Continued) 42. 1 plan my assessments in a systematic manner so as not to forget anything. 43. During the assessment, I use the information I am gathering to decide on the next step. Strongly Agree 1 Agree 2 2 3 3 Strongly Disagree Disagree 4 4 44. When I am reading the medical chart, I sometimes ask myself, How will this person relate to me, 2 3 4 and how can I relate to him or her? 45. There is certain information I need in all instances, but I do not always go about getting it in the same order. 46. The first thing I do is acquaint myself as quickly as I can, within time constraints, with the medical history. 47. An expert clinician is one who does not quake at the knees when he or she sees a new patient. 48. 1 obtain information about the patient from other health care professionals. 49. Ideally, I would like to know all about the patient's pathology to make my work more precise and rapid. 50. 1 go on the premise that the patient and his or her environment are the most important sources of information. 51. Sometimes interesting things about the patient come to me in strange places such as the shower. 52. 1 think best when I can sit down, line things up, and look at them. 53. 1 start to make judgments about the patient's problem as I observe him or her walking in the door. 54. Early in the assessment, I try to rule out some of my initial ideas or concerns. 55. 1 usually consider the cost when selecting treatment. 56. As I work through a patient assessment, I gradually build a picture of the patient's problems. 57. 1 want the referral to be specific about tissue involvement and pathology. 58. What I really like about clinical work is the challenge of deciding what is wrong. 59. 1 generally follow a systematic assessment protocol. 60. When I get a referral, I get a mental image of the patient. 61. If I have a question about the patient, I do not hesitate to call the physician. 62. 1 want the physician to tell me about potential complications and precautions. 63. It bothers me that in busy clinics, the quickest and shortest way of making a decision is often taken. 64. 1 inherently know the patient's problems without going into miniscule details in the assessment. 65. The c?ssentialthings I need to make clinical decisions are the patient's problems, the goals, and the specific constraints I have to work under. 66. 1 sequence my evaluation according to the cues I get from the patient. 67. Experience is an essential component of effective clinical decision making. 68. As I read the referral, I try to think about the physical therapy problems. 69. 1 prefer to complete my evaluation before making decisions about treatment. 70. When developing the problem list, I tend to focus on a few pieces of information that I consider critical. 71. When receiving a specific referral, if I do not agree with the physician's orders, I will call him or her to talk about it. 72. Good assessors are those who follow a very specific process and use it each time. 73. While assessing a patient, I often consider a number of different possible problems at the same time. 74. 1 wail until I have some information on each of the patient's major complaints before attempting to look ior interrelationships among the symptoms. 75. The patient's chart is the most important source of information, because it contains the most objective data. 76. When the actual patient does not match my mental image, I have to reassess the patient right then. 77. 1 like to use a standard assessment form. Physical Therapy/Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991 201 / 3 3 Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
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Students' stereotypes of patients as barri- Medicine Outpatient System, First Report: A Commentaries Following are two commentaries on "ExpertDecision Making in Pbysical Therapy-A Survey of Practitioners." The accuracy of diagnosis and the for the improvement in performance ceived by their peers to be experts in effective selection of treatment ap- of clinicians and for the education of an attempt to clarify the nature of proaches are vital elements in suc- physical therapy students in these information-processing phases and to cessful patient management. Studies processes. describe the cognitive style prefer- that attempt to elucidate the methods ences of expert physical therapy prac- of expert decision making in these May and Dennis have reported the titioners. It is implied that the important areas can provide guidance results of a survey of clinicians per- planned description of "expert behav- 34 1202 Physical Therapy/Volume 71, Number 3 /March 1991 Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012
  • 15. Expert Decision Making in Physical Therapy−−A Survey of Practitioners Bella J May and Jancis K Dennis PHYS THER. 1991; 71:190-202. Cited by This article has been cited by 5 HighWire-hosted articles: Subscription Information Permissions and Reprints Information for Authors Downloaded from by guest on March 23, 2012