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Photosynthesis Lab Essay
My hypothesis was correct. To measure the amount of carbon dioxide or CO2 in an exhaled breath, you need to use BTB solution and sodium
hydroxide. In our procedure, the BTB reacted to the carbon dioxide and the sodium hydroxide reverses the reaction which allowed us to measure how
much carbon dioxide is in our exhaled breath. As seen in the data, it took 5 drops of sodium hydroxide to get the BTB solution that had carbon dioxide
blew into it to be the same color of the controlled BTB solution.
This experiment a had some limitations. One limitation was that Iman wasn't seated when she blew air into the plastic bag. This could've changed our
results. There might have been more or less carbon dioxide in the bag, which would lead to putting
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Photosynthesis Essay example
Green plants are producers. This means that they can survive without animals! They can make lots of organic chemicals from a few simple inorganic
chemicals. They need simple things like carbon dioxide and water and can make complex things like sugar, starch, fat, and proteins.
Plants get their nutrients from the environment. Carbon dioxide comes from the air (unless they are aquatic plants, in which case they get it from the
water surrounding them). They get water from the soil. They also need other inorganic nutrients like nitrate, sulphate and phosphate. A few plants
cannot get nitrate out of the soil so they have to eat animals to get the nitrogen which they must have more content...
In photosynthesis, light energy is converted into chemical energy. When animals and plants respire, the chemical energy in glucose can be converted
into other forms of energy e.g. kinetic energy.
Plants can make enough glucose on a sunny day to last them through the night and through lots of cloudy dark days, but they cannot store up lots of
glucose. What they do is convert the extra glucose into starch. When they need to use the energy, they can turn the starch back into glucose. Starch can
be stored in leaves or other parts of the plant. they can turn glucose into sucrose: this is a sugar carried around the plant in special tubes called phloem.
Photosynthesis results in an increase in biomass; i.e. there is more carbohydrate in the plant. They can turn some of the glucose into fat or protein.
They have to make lots of different chemicals to grow, but the two most important ones are fats and proteins. To do this they need energy (growth
requires energy from glucose). Plants also have to make a very special chemical called DNA: this is the hereditary chemical of all animals and plants.
They must also make lots of new chlorophyll.
Like carbohydrates, fats also contain three elements:
В· Carbon
В· Hydrogen
В· Oxygen
Proteins contain four or five elements:
В· Carbon
В· Hydrogen
В· Oxygen
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Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy to chemical energy. There are many different factors that can affect the rate of photosynthesis, those
being light intensity, the temperature of the water, the amount of carbon dioxide in the water, and the color of the light. In this experiment we chose to
alter the color of light that was used in the process involving the aquatic plant Elodea while maintaining the other 3 factors. This experiment was
conducted to see how much of an effect the color of the light played in the amount of carbon dioxide produced in the process of photosynthesis. We
measured the amount of NaOH that was needed to color the water pink and then converted the net difference of drops into the net volume of carbon
dioxide that was produced or consumed. The results showed that there was not a significant difference in the amount of carbon dioxide produced when
using a standard regular colored light bulb compared to a green light bulb.
Elodea, an aquatic plant, is very commonly used in classrooms around the world to help teach the process of photosynthesis (Berkeley 2015).
Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy to chemical energy. The process of photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast of the plants. Inside the
chloroplast is chlorophyll, which is what absorbs the light energy from the sunlight. Light intensity, the temperature of the water, the amount of carbon
dioxide in the water, and the color of light used are four factors
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Photosynthesis Research Paper
Photosynthesis is a process that converts light energy to chemical energy and is unique to the chloroplast of a plant cell. The chloroplast has both an
inner and outer membrane, similar to the mitochondria. The inner membrane contains the matrix–like stroma. Within the stroma are disc–shaped
structures called thylakoids. Thylakoids stack on top one another to from granum. This small, structural, and highly–specialized organelle specializes in
using light energy, water, andcarbon dioxide as substrates to produce sugar and oxygen.
Photosynthesis begins when photoreceptors absorb light molecules and transfer the energy to neighboring pigments until it reaches the reaction center.
The transfer of energy to neighboring pigments is called resonance energy transfer. The photoreceptor in chloroplasts is chlorophyll and there are two
main types: chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. Chlorophyll a and b absorb different light wavelengths of the spectrum. Light harvesting complexes that
contain antennae molecules such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and accessory pigments all absorb light energy and transfer it between neighboring
molecules (resonance energy transfer) until it reaches the reaction center.
Photosynthesis can be divided into two more content...
The Calvin Cycle takes place in the stroma of chloroplasts. The first step in the Calvin Cycle is carbon fixation. With the help of rubisco, a CO2
molecule combines with ribulose 1,5–bisphosphate (RuBP) making a 6C molecule. The 6C compound quickly splits into two molecules of
3–phosphoglycerate. This carboxylation reaction is the rate–limiting step in the Calvin Cycle. Next, ATP is used and NADPH is reduced to convert
3–phosphoglycerate molecules into glyceraldehyde–3–phosphate (G3P) molecules. Finally, G3P can be recycled to regenerate RuBP or make a hexose
molecule. With the entrance of 1 CO2 molecule, 3 ATP and 2 NADPH are consumed to make a six
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Lab Report On Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is the process in which plants take in carbon dioxide, water, and sun energy into their chloroplasts to create energy and sugar storage.
Inside of the chloroplast, the thylakoids take in light and water, using the light energy to take separate the hydrogen and oxygens and creating H+
ions. The electrons are given to ADP and NADP+ changing them to ATP and NADPH which are then transferred over to the calvin cycle while the
oxygen from the water is transferred outside of the chloroplast. The calvin cycle then uses carbon dioxide, ATP, and NADPH to create starch for storage,
amino acids, and sucrose.
In this lab, plants were experimented with in a way to test the rate at which photosynthesis occurs. Around ten chads were cut out of a leaf for each
experiment. They were then put in a syringe with a solution of water, a drop of soap, and baking soda and vacuumed so as to take any air out of the
plants. The plants were then placed in a cup of water and left in sunlight or under a specific plant light, timed for how long it took for them to
synthesize enough oxygen to float back to the surface. The results given from the experiment are shown below.
Hypothesis: Spinach under the photosynthesis specific light will photosynthesize and float faster than either the random Arizona plant in normal
sunlight or the spinach in normal sunlight.
Prediction: If Spinach is placed under a photosynthesis specific light, then it will photosynthesize and float much
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Photosynthesis and Respiration
All organisms on earth depend on photosynthesis, in which light energy is used to make sugar and other food molecules from carbon dioxide and
water. For example, plants and other photo–synthesizers need only energy from sunlight, carbon dioxide from air, and water from the soil to make the
sugar glucose. Photosynthesis is the most important chemical process on earth because it provides food for virtually all organisms, not only for
photo–synthesizers but for the organisms that eat them. Plants can capture the energy of the sun by a chemical process called photosynthesis. This
chemical reaction can be described by the following simple equation:
6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy = C6H12O6 + 6O2
The product of photosynthesis is a carbohydrate, more content...
The CO2 is converted into malic acid and then converted back to CO2 during the day when light is present, thus producing sugars, while the stomata
are closed and greatly reducing water loss. Plants convert the energy from light into simple sugars, such as glucose. This food may be converted back
to water and carbon dioxide, releasing the stored energy through a process called respiration. This energy is required for growth in nearly all
organisms. Simple sugars are also converted to other sugars and starches (carbohydrates) which may be transported to the stems and roots for use or
storage, or they may be used as building blocks for more complex structures, e.g. oils, pigments, proteins, cell walls, etc. Photosynthesis is dependent on
the availability of light. In other words, as sunlight increases in intensity photosynthesis increases. This results in greater food production. Many garden
crops, such as tomatoes, respond best to maximum sunlight. Tomato production is cut drastically as light intensities drop. Only two or three varieties
of "greenhouse" tomatoes will produce any fruit when sunlight is minimal in fall and spring. Water plays an important role in photosynthesis in several
ways. First, it maintains a plant's turgor or the firmness or fullness of plant tissue. Turgor pressure in a cell can be compared to air in an inflated
balloon. Water pressure or turgor is needed in plant cells to maintain shape and ensure
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Process of Photosynthesis Essay
Photosynthesis is the process by which organisms that contain the pigment chlorophyll convert light energy into chemical energy which can be stored
in the molecular bonds of organic molecules. Photosynthesis powers almost all trophic chains and food webs on the Earth.
The net process of photosynthesis is described by the following equation:
6CO2 + 6H2O + Light Energy = C6H12O6 + 6O2
This equation simply means that carbon dioxide from the air and water combine in the presence of sunlight to form sugars, oxygen is released as a
by–product of this reaction.
Photosynthesis begins when light strikes Photosystem I pigments and excites their electrons. The energy passes rapidly from molecule to molecule
until it reaches a more content...
Before it can function again, it must be replenished with new electrons. Photosystem II accomplishes this task. As in Photosystem I, light energy
activates electrons of the Photosystem II pigments. These pigments transfer the energy of their excited electrons to a special Photosystem II
chlorophyll molecule, P680, that absorbs light best in the red region at 680 nanometers. Just as in Photosystem I, energy is transferred among pigment
molecules and is then directed to the P680 chlorophyll, where the energy is used to transfer electrons from P680 to its adjoining electron acceptor
From the Photosystem II electron acceptor, the electrons are passed through a different electron transport chain. As they pass along the cascade of
electron carrier molecules, the electrons give up some of their energy to fuel the production of ATP, formed by the addition of one phosphorus atom to
adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Eventually, the electron transport carrier molecules deliver the Photosystem II electrons to Photosystem I, which uses
them to maintain the flow of electrons to P700, thus restoring its function.
P680 in Photosystem II is now electron deficient because it has donated electrons to P700 in Photosystem I. P680 electrons are replenished by the
water that has been absorbed by the plant roots and transported to the chloroplasts in the leaves. The movement of electrons in
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Essay about photosynthesis lab report
Photosynthesis Lab Report
To research the effect of different wavelengths (colors) of light on plant growth during photosynthesis.
Background Information:
Photosynthesis is the process by which sunlight is captured by chloroplasts within plant cells and turned into energy. This energy is used to help the
plant grow roots, leaves, flowers and fruit.
Energy is required by living things to: change shape, transportation, movement, growth, reproduction, etc.
Red and blue light have the greatest effect on plant growth after white light
The main pigment is chlorophyll which reflects green lights l
Green and yellow light are more content...
The dependent variable in this experiment was the plant growth.
The amount of light each plant received
How each plant was planted
Where each plant was planted (in box)
Amount of water each plant was given
Control Group
The control in this experiment was the white light because it has all the colors available to the plant.
1. Each box was placed in a room set to 70 degrees Fahrenheit
2. Each Styrofoam cup was filled with 4oz. of soil
3. One ungerminated sugar snap pea was planted in each cup
4. A hole was cut big enough for the light bulb to fit in the top of the box
5. A specificcolor of cellophane was placed on each light bulb
6. Each light was placed in the hole previously cut out on each box.
7. Each light was connected a timer in order to regulate the amount of light each plant received
8. Three Styrofoam cups were placed in each box.
9. Each plant was given one tablespoon of water a day
10. Measurements(in centimeters) were taken and recorded for each plant daily for four weeks
Data Chart: Total Growth of Sugar Snap Peas Using Different Color Lights after 4 Weeks
Light Color
Height of Plant (cm)
Red Light
Blue Light
Green Light
Yellow Light
White Light
Data Graph:
Average Growth of Sugar Snap Peas under Different Wavelengths of Light
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Photosynthesis Process
Photosynthesis is a process that plans protistans and some bacteria, use energy from the sun to create sugar. Cellular respiration turns into ATP which is
fuel used by all living things. The transformation of sunlight energy into chemical energy, also goes along with the same process as green pigment
chlorophyll. The photosynthetic process mostly uses water and releases the oxygen that is mandatory for us humans must have to live. The two stages
connected with Photosynthesis are called light dependent reactions and light independent reactions, light independent reactions is also known as the
Calvin Cycle. Light dependent reactions need sunlight, the energy from this sunlight is consumed by chlorophyll and made into stored energy. This
energy is now in the form of electron carrier molecule more content...
These reactions working in respiration are called catabolic reactions, that break bigger molecules down into smaller molecules , letting energy release
in the operation , as weak so called high energy components are substituted by stronger components in the produce. Respiration is mainly how a cell
releases energy to start the cellular procedure. Cellular respiration is thought of as an exoergic redox reaction that puts off heat. The general reaction
happens in a multitude of biochemical processes, most of these are redox responses their selves. Even though cellular respiration happens to be a
combustion metathesis , it obviously does not appear as one during its process in a living cell because of its sluggish discharge of energy from the
multitude of oxidisation. The different stages of cellular respiration consist of but are not limited to pyruvate oxidation, glycolysis, oxidative
phosphorylation, and the citric acid or Krebs
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Essay on Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis produces energy in the form of glucose it uses water from the soil, carbon dioxide from the air, and energy from the suns light.
Photosynthesis takes place in all plants that contain chlorophyll. Photosynthesis mainly takes place in the palisade mesophyll cell in the leaves of plants.
The main reaction is to produce oxygen and glucose, glucose is stored in the form of starch and does not affect osmosis, taking place in the plant. As
plants respire both night and day this starch is often used up during the night when photosynthesis cannot take place. The uses of glucose within the
plant are for active transpiration, cell division, the production of protein more content...
The final factor, which contributes, is light. We decided to investigate how this affects the rate of reaction also.
Method ======
We need to find out how the of presence light and the intensity contributes to the rate of photosynthesis. To be able to measure the rate we need a
visible sign that photosynthesis is taking place. We will use Canadian pondweed. By counting these bubbles we can tell how fast oxygen is being
given off from the photosynthesis. We will place the Elodea in a beaker along with warm water and a bit of Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate (NaHCO3).
If it wasn't there then another limiting factor may be the cause of the rate changing instead of just light.
By placing the beaker next to a lamp we can change the light intensity. The weed will be given a set number of minutes each time to adjust to the new
level of light intensity.
The rate of reaction will be in number of bubbles per minute (b.p.m).
Constant and Variable factors
The factor that will be changed is light intensity. The factors that will be kept constant are the amount of water the weed is put in,carbon dioxide levels,
lamp that is used and temperature.
I think that as the light intensity is increased the rate of photosynthesis will also increase. But the light will reach a certain point where the rate will not
increase any
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Photosynthesis Research Paper
Photosynthesis is the processes that captures energy from the sunlight to male sugars that store chemical energy. and cell respiration releases
chemical energy from sugars and other carbon based molecules to make atp when oxygen is presented. and atp is the molecule that transfers energy
from the breakdown of food molecules to cell processes. With all of these process they work together to capture energy by the sun and convert it into
everyg of life. It starts with the photosynthesis. First, the carbon dioxide and oxygen will enter the leaves in plants through the stomata. then the water
travels from the roots and will go into the vascular system. then chloroplast absorbs sunlight. However, there's 2 part in hopothesis. The parts re light
dependant and light more content...
And the light independent happens to make atp used to make the glucose. Atp is very important since cells use it for functions. however, with
photosynthesis the cell respiration and photosynthesis chloroplast absorb the energy from sunlight and build sugras, then the mitochondria will release
the chemical energy to make atp. the cell respiration starts with 3 carbon molecules they enter cell respiration in mitochondria, and the energy carrying
molecules transfer energy to electron transport. so next the energy carrying molecule which atp molecules are produced. last heat and water are
released as waste
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Photosynthesis Lab Hypothesis
During this experiment the scientist tested this question "What combination of light intensity, light color, and CO2 level would produce the highest
amount of photosynthesis?" The scientist believed the highest amount of CO2 level and light level along with each using white light would produce
the highest amount of photosynthesis possible. The amount of oxygen bubbles we got ranged from 4 to 28. However when we put the results from
each test together, we only got 26 bubbles. The scientist believes with more testing of each combination, we could find a better ratio. The data
unfortunately did not support the scientist's hypothesis. The scientist now thinks one of the factors of why his hypothesis was incorrect was he forgot
to take
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The Process of Photosynthesis Essay
The Process of Photosynthesis
Missing Images
Plants are one of the many wonders of the world. They are considered autotrophs; they do not rely on outside sources for their food. They create their
own food by the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is when green plants and certain other organisms use light energy to change carbon dioxide
and water into the glucose. In so doing, photosynthesis provides the basic energy source for almost all organisms. An extremely important byproduct of
photosynthesis is oxygen, on which most organisms depend. Photosynthesis occurs in green plants, seaweeds, algae, and some bacteria. These
organisms are virtual sugar factories, producing millions of new glucose molecules per more content...
These fossil fuels, including natural gas, coal, and petroleum, are composed of a complex mix of hydrocarbons, the remains of organisms that relied
on photosynthesis millions of years ago [3]. Therefore, almost all life on earth, directly or indirectly, depends on photosynthesis as a source of food,
energy, and oxygen, making it one of the most important biochemical processes known. Plant photosynthesis occurs in leaves and green stems within
cell structures called chloroplasts (Figure 4 & 5). One plant leaf is composed of tens of thousands of cells, and each cell contains 40 to 50
chloroplasts. The chloroplast, an oval–shaped structure, is divided by membranes into numerous disk–shaped compartments. These disklike
compartments, called thylakoids, are arranged vertically in the chloroplast like a stack of plates or pancakes [4]. A stack of thylakoids is called a
granum. The grana lie suspended in a fluid known as stroma [3] (Figure 6). Embedded in the membranes of the thylakoids are hundreds of molecules
of chlorophyll (Figure 7), a light–trapping pigment required for photosynthesis. Additional light–trapping pigments, enzymes, and other molecules
needed for photosynthesis are also located within the thylakoid membranes [4]. The pigments and enzymes are arranged in two types of units,
Photosystem I and Photosystem II (Figure 8). Because a chloroplast may have dozens of thylakoids, and each thylakoid may contain thousands of
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Essay on Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is a biochemical process in which plant, algae, and some bacteria harness the energy of light to produce food. Nearly all living things
depend on energy produced from photosynthesis for their nourishment, making it vital to life on Earth. It is also responsible for producing the oxygen
that makes up a large portion of the EarthВЎВ¦s atmosphere. Factors that affect photosynthesis are light intensity and wave length, carbon dioxide
concentration, and temperature.
Plants are autotrophs that mean they are able to synthesize food directly from inorganic compounds, instead of relying on other organisms. They use
carbon dioxide gas and water to produce sugars and more content...
The surface of the leaf is uniformly coated with a water–resistant waxy cuticle that protects the leaf from excessive absorption of light and evaporation
of water. The transparent, colourless epidermis layer allows light to pass through to the mesophyll cells where most of the photosynthesis takes place.
To metabolic pathways involved in photosynthesis are light reaction and dark reaction. The first stage of the photosynthetic system is the
light–dependent reaction, which converts solar energy into chemical energy. Light absorbed by chlorophyll or other photosynthetic pigments is
used to drive a transfer of electrons and hydrogen from water to and acceptor called NADP , reducing it to the form of NADPH by adding a pair of
electrons and a single proton. The water or some other donor molecule is split in the process. The light reaction also generates ADP, a process called
photophosphorylation. ATP is a versatile source of chemical energy used in most biological processes. The light reaction produces no carbohydrates
such as sugars.
In photosynthesis, the dark reactions are chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and other compounds into glucose. These reactions unlike
light–dependent reactions do not need light to occur. These reactions take the products of the light–dependent reactions and perform further chemical
processes on
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Practical 2: Photosynthesis Introduction: Photosynthesis is a vital process in plants as carbon dioxide is used to form sugars and other complex
compounds for growth. There are two basic processes in photosynthesis: light–dependent and light–independent. Light–dependent process, a
temperature–independent reaction where light energy is absorbed by the photosynthetic pigments and transformed into chemical energy which is used
for water, splitting into oxygen molecule, proton (H+) for driving ATP during phosphorylation, and electron (e
–) which is being passed down the
electron transport chain to yield NADPH. Light–independent, temperature–dependent reaction occurs to form carbohydrate and water molecule by the more content...
At time zero (minutes), absorbance was recorded for all treatments immediately after addition of DCPIP and mixing of contents. Immediately
following the time zero reading, tube 2 was wrapped in aluminium foil and tubes 6 and 7 were wrapped with red and green lanterns paper respectively.
Tubes 1–7 were capped then placed horizontally on ice in a huge container, under lights. At thirteen minute intervals, readings of absorbance were
taken for all treatments, except for the dark tube which was kept wrapped in foil for 90 minutes, after which its absorbance was measured. Discussion:
In Tube 2 (Dark), the initial absorbance is higher than that at 90 minutes which does not match my prediction, where the absorbance should have no
difference. This difference may cause by some electrons produced from light–dependent reaction that are left behind in the silverbeet leaves before the
tube is covered by aluminium foil. Therefore, the remained electrons inside the tube reduce DCPIP during the time intervals. Tube 3 (Light) shows a
gradually decreasing trend which meets my prediction. Under the exposure of light, light–dependent reaction is able to be conducted by silverbeet
chlorophyll, thus more electrons being produced which reduce DCPIP. Hence, the higher the rate of DCPIP turns into colourless. Only a slight change
in the absorbance of Tube 4 (Boiled) over 90 minutes period as chloroplast consists of chlorophyll–protein
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Photosynthesis : The Chemical Energy
Photosynthesis is the process in which plants, a select number of prokaryotes, and algae use solar energy and convert it into chemical energy.
(Swarthout, 2010)The chemical energy is generally stored as glucose. Photosynthesis most notably occurs in the leaves of plants, more specifically, in
the chloroplast. The Calvin Cycle and light reactions are two stages that occur in photosynthesis. In the light reactions, the solar energy is stored in the
thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast, which then create ATP and NADPH. In the Calvin Cycle or dark reaction, chemical energy that is in the
ATP and NADPH is utilized in order to convert CO2 into glucose. In both C3 and C4 plants, Rubisco, an enzyme, transforms CO2 which is used
later on to create organic compounds such as glucose. (Marshall et al 2016) Carbon dioxide is used directly and as a result photorespiration occurs.
This makes the photosynthesis of these plants less efficient. In C4 plants, a different pathway is used and produces carbohydrates more efficiently.
(Marshall et al 2016)
In this study, we utilized Spinacea oleracea (spinach) and Zea Mays(corn) and sought to measure the photosynthetic ability of plants and their reactions
under light and dark conditions. The purpose of this experiment was to measure gas exchange and respiration in plants as well as identifying the
differences under dark and light conditions throughout the trials. My hypothesis was that the light reaction trials in C4 plants would have the most
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Name __________________________________________________ Date ___________________ Class ____________
Photosynthesis Virtual Labs
Watch and listen to the tutorial found in the link above. Fill in the following answers as you watch. Stop and replay anything you don't understand –
this is a complicated topic! food 1. Plants use photosynthesis to make __________________ for the plant.
2. What do plants need in order to perform photosynthesis?
Plants need light ( usually from the sun) in order to perform photosynthesis. 3. How is the plant able to obtain each "ingredient?"
The plant obtains each ingredient from the air through more content...
Based on your data, draw a conclusion regarding how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis.
The shorter the distance of the light to the sample the manier the bubbles are produced each minute.
The longer the distance of the light to the sample the lesser the bubbles are produced each minute.
It means that the higher the light intensity the rate of photosynthesis is increasing, the lower the light intensity the rate of photosynthesis is decreasing.
Virtual Lab #2 –
In this lab, you will be experimenting with how different variables affect the rate of photosynthesis.
9. Set the thermometer to 25В°C (Room Temperature) and the light intensity to 20.
a. What were the bubbles per minute at this setting? ______ bpm
b. Now increase the CO2 available to the elodea. What were your bubbles per minute? ______ bpm
c. Based on your data, how does the amount of available CO2 affect the rate of photosynthesis?
The amount of available Carbon Dioxide increased the rate of photosynthesis.
10. Keep your settings from 9c (25В°C, light intensity of 20, increased CO2).
a. What were the bubbles per minute at this setting? ______ bpm
b. Now increase the temperature to 40В°C. What were your bubbles per minute? ______ bpm
c. Based on your data, how does an increase in temperature affect the rate of photosynthesis?
It decreased or slowed the rate of
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Lab Report on Photosynthesis Essay
Lab Report: Understanding Photosynthesis
Gen Biology Lab
Abstract: This lab was called photosynthesis: understanding photosynthesis. It is a highly complex process that needs to be broken down in many steps
to understand how it works. This lab covers the big components in photosynthesis including carbon dioxide intake, light consumption, and varying
Photosynthesis is a huge concept to learn and understand in the field of biology. Plants have their own special way of using the ATP they produce.
Photosynthesis is a process where plants harness the sunlight they receive and they produce carbohydrates, as well as oxygen for living things and
other plants. Now the sunlight ultimately powers the process more content...
First we obtained a leaf from our instructor. Then we sketched the leaf and labeled the blade and petiole. The following procedure dealt with a
chromatogram. The materials needed are: a pencil, safety goggles, scissors, chromatography paper strip, capillary tube, spinach plant pigment
extract, test tube, cork stopper, graduated cylinder, chromatography solvent (alternative isopropyl alcohol), metric ruler, stopwatch or clock with a
secondhand, hook/fashioned paperclip, paper towels, test tube rack, and mortar and pestle. First we obtained a strip of chromatography paper and
cut it so it would fit inside a test tube (with it barely touching the bottom of the tube). Also, when touching the strip, touch the sides only. Then we
attached (firmly) the top of the strip to a hook (or fashioned paperclip at bottom of the cork stopper). Make sure it fits in the test tube. Next we used
the pencil to draw a faint line across the strip two centimeters from the bottom tip of the strip. We placed the cork and strip in place, and we put a
mark on the test tube one centimeter below the top of the stopper. The next step was to place the strip of chromatography paper on a paper towel.
Then dip a capillary tube into the plant pigment extract (spinach pigment extract) provided by the teacher. The tube will fill on its own. We applied
the extract to the pencil line on the paper, blew the strip dry, and repeated it three to four times until the line on the paper is a dark
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Photosynthesis Essay
Photosynthesis is the most important part of the lively hood of humans and animals.
Without photosynthesis we would not be able to receive energy. We should be more appreciate of plants, without them we would not survive. This
paper will explain the basic components require for photosynthesis, the role of chlorophyll, how energy is transferred, and photosystems I and II and
the most precious product results of photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is a reproductive system that occurs in plants. The main components required for photosynthesizing are sunlight, energy, water and
mineral from soil, and carbon dioxide from the air. Once these components are combined more content...
One could say that it is the house where photosynthesize occur. The chlorophyll never changes from its original form nor is combined when
photosynthesis occurs.
Plants absorb energy from the sunlight whether on land or in the water. The energy is transferred to humans and someanimals that eat plants. Some
animals are not able to eat plants so they eat other animals who has energy stored up in them. Humans also receive a source of energy from animals
that we eat. What is quite amazing is that maggots receive energy from animals that have been dead for a long period of time.
Photosynthesis has a two–stage performance before plants produce the two products they are known to produce. These stages are Photosystem I and II.
Photosystem II is dependant on light reactions for energy which causes the electrons to be react and be transferred to Photosystem II. The electrons are
transported through the Photosystem II electron transport system, however some energy is used to drive ATP synthesis. Meanwhile, light is being
absorbed by the Photosystem I, which causes the electrons to react. This process sends the electrons to the Photosystem I transport system where some
energy is released as electrons travel through the electron transport system and is captured as NADPH. When this process is completed oxygen is
released from the plant and glucose has been
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Photosynthesis Lab Essay

  • 1. Photosynthesis Lab Essay My hypothesis was correct. To measure the amount of carbon dioxide or CO2 in an exhaled breath, you need to use BTB solution and sodium hydroxide. In our procedure, the BTB reacted to the carbon dioxide and the sodium hydroxide reverses the reaction which allowed us to measure how much carbon dioxide is in our exhaled breath. As seen in the data, it took 5 drops of sodium hydroxide to get the BTB solution that had carbon dioxide blew into it to be the same color of the controlled BTB solution. This experiment a had some limitations. One limitation was that Iman wasn't seated when she blew air into the plastic bag. This could've changed our results. There might have been more or less carbon dioxide in the bag, which would lead to putting Get more content on
  • 2. Photosynthesis Essay example Photosynthesis Green plants are producers. This means that they can survive without animals! They can make lots of organic chemicals from a few simple inorganic chemicals. They need simple things like carbon dioxide and water and can make complex things like sugar, starch, fat, and proteins. Plants get their nutrients from the environment. Carbon dioxide comes from the air (unless they are aquatic plants, in which case they get it from the water surrounding them). They get water from the soil. They also need other inorganic nutrients like nitrate, sulphate and phosphate. A few plants cannot get nitrate out of the soil so they have to eat animals to get the nitrogen which they must have more content... In photosynthesis, light energy is converted into chemical energy. When animals and plants respire, the chemical energy in glucose can be converted into other forms of energy e.g. kinetic energy. Plants can make enough glucose on a sunny day to last them through the night and through lots of cloudy dark days, but they cannot store up lots of glucose. What they do is convert the extra glucose into starch. When they need to use the energy, they can turn the starch back into glucose. Starch can be stored in leaves or other parts of the plant. they can turn glucose into sucrose: this is a sugar carried around the plant in special tubes called phloem. Photosynthesis results in an increase in biomass; i.e. there is more carbohydrate in the plant. They can turn some of the glucose into fat or protein. They have to make lots of different chemicals to grow, but the two most important ones are fats and proteins. To do this they need energy (growth requires energy from glucose). Plants also have to make a very special chemical called DNA: this is the hereditary chemical of all animals and plants. They must also make lots of new chlorophyll. Like carbohydrates, fats also contain three elements: В· Carbon В· Hydrogen
  • 3. В· Oxygen Proteins contain four or five elements: В· Carbon В· Hydrogen В· Oxygen В· Get more content on
  • 4. Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy to chemical energy. There are many different factors that can affect the rate of photosynthesis, those being light intensity, the temperature of the water, the amount of carbon dioxide in the water, and the color of the light. In this experiment we chose to alter the color of light that was used in the process involving the aquatic plant Elodea while maintaining the other 3 factors. This experiment was conducted to see how much of an effect the color of the light played in the amount of carbon dioxide produced in the process of photosynthesis. We measured the amount of NaOH that was needed to color the water pink and then converted the net difference of drops into the net volume of carbon dioxide that was produced or consumed. The results showed that there was not a significant difference in the amount of carbon dioxide produced when using a standard regular colored light bulb compared to a green light bulb. Introduction Elodea, an aquatic plant, is very commonly used in classrooms around the world to help teach the process of photosynthesis (Berkeley 2015). Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy to chemical energy. The process of photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast of the plants. Inside the chloroplast is chlorophyll, which is what absorbs the light energy from the sunlight. Light intensity, the temperature of the water, the amount of carbon dioxide in the water, and the color of light used are four factors Get more content on
  • 5. Photosynthesis Research Paper Photosynthesis is a process that converts light energy to chemical energy and is unique to the chloroplast of a plant cell. The chloroplast has both an inner and outer membrane, similar to the mitochondria. The inner membrane contains the matrix–like stroma. Within the stroma are disc–shaped structures called thylakoids. Thylakoids stack on top one another to from granum. This small, structural, and highly–specialized organelle specializes in using light energy, water, andcarbon dioxide as substrates to produce sugar and oxygen. Photosynthesis begins when photoreceptors absorb light molecules and transfer the energy to neighboring pigments until it reaches the reaction center. The transfer of energy to neighboring pigments is called resonance energy transfer. The photoreceptor in chloroplasts is chlorophyll and there are two main types: chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. Chlorophyll a and b absorb different light wavelengths of the spectrum. Light harvesting complexes that contain antennae molecules such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and accessory pigments all absorb light energy and transfer it between neighboring molecules (resonance energy transfer) until it reaches the reaction center. Photosynthesis can be divided into two more content... The Calvin Cycle takes place in the stroma of chloroplasts. The first step in the Calvin Cycle is carbon fixation. With the help of rubisco, a CO2 molecule combines with ribulose 1,5–bisphosphate (RuBP) making a 6C molecule. The 6C compound quickly splits into two molecules of 3–phosphoglycerate. This carboxylation reaction is the rate–limiting step in the Calvin Cycle. Next, ATP is used and NADPH is reduced to convert 3–phosphoglycerate molecules into glyceraldehyde–3–phosphate (G3P) molecules. Finally, G3P can be recycled to regenerate RuBP or make a hexose molecule. With the entrance of 1 CO2 molecule, 3 ATP and 2 NADPH are consumed to make a six –carbon Get more content on
  • 6. Lab Report On Photosynthesis Introduction: Photosynthesis is the process in which plants take in carbon dioxide, water, and sun energy into their chloroplasts to create energy and sugar storage. Inside of the chloroplast, the thylakoids take in light and water, using the light energy to take separate the hydrogen and oxygens and creating H+ ions. The electrons are given to ADP and NADP+ changing them to ATP and NADPH which are then transferred over to the calvin cycle while the oxygen from the water is transferred outside of the chloroplast. The calvin cycle then uses carbon dioxide, ATP, and NADPH to create starch for storage, amino acids, and sucrose. In this lab, plants were experimented with in a way to test the rate at which photosynthesis occurs. Around ten chads were cut out of a leaf for each experiment. They were then put in a syringe with a solution of water, a drop of soap, and baking soda and vacuumed so as to take any air out of the plants. The plants were then placed in a cup of water and left in sunlight or under a specific plant light, timed for how long it took for them to synthesize enough oxygen to float back to the surface. The results given from the experiment are shown below. Hypothesis: Spinach under the photosynthesis specific light will photosynthesize and float faster than either the random Arizona plant in normal sunlight or the spinach in normal sunlight. Prediction: If Spinach is placed under a photosynthesis specific light, then it will photosynthesize and float much Get more content on
  • 7. Photosynthesis and Respiration All organisms on earth depend on photosynthesis, in which light energy is used to make sugar and other food molecules from carbon dioxide and water. For example, plants and other photo–synthesizers need only energy from sunlight, carbon dioxide from air, and water from the soil to make the sugar glucose. Photosynthesis is the most important chemical process on earth because it provides food for virtually all organisms, not only for photo–synthesizers but for the organisms that eat them. Plants can capture the energy of the sun by a chemical process called photosynthesis. This chemical reaction can be described by the following simple equation: 6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy = C6H12O6 + 6O2 The product of photosynthesis is a carbohydrate, more content... The CO2 is converted into malic acid and then converted back to CO2 during the day when light is present, thus producing sugars, while the stomata are closed and greatly reducing water loss. Plants convert the energy from light into simple sugars, such as glucose. This food may be converted back to water and carbon dioxide, releasing the stored energy through a process called respiration. This energy is required for growth in nearly all organisms. Simple sugars are also converted to other sugars and starches (carbohydrates) which may be transported to the stems and roots for use or storage, or they may be used as building blocks for more complex structures, e.g. oils, pigments, proteins, cell walls, etc. Photosynthesis is dependent on the availability of light. In other words, as sunlight increases in intensity photosynthesis increases. This results in greater food production. Many garden crops, such as tomatoes, respond best to maximum sunlight. Tomato production is cut drastically as light intensities drop. Only two or three varieties of "greenhouse" tomatoes will produce any fruit when sunlight is minimal in fall and spring. Water plays an important role in photosynthesis in several ways. First, it maintains a plant's turgor or the firmness or fullness of plant tissue. Turgor pressure in a cell can be compared to air in an inflated balloon. Water pressure or turgor is needed in plant cells to maintain shape and ensure Get more content on
  • 8. Process of Photosynthesis Essay Photosynthesis is the process by which organisms that contain the pigment chlorophyll convert light energy into chemical energy which can be stored in the molecular bonds of organic molecules. Photosynthesis powers almost all trophic chains and food webs on the Earth. The net process of photosynthesis is described by the following equation: 6CO2 + 6H2O + Light Energy = C6H12O6 + 6O2 This equation simply means that carbon dioxide from the air and water combine in the presence of sunlight to form sugars, oxygen is released as a by–product of this reaction. Photosynthesis begins when light strikes Photosystem I pigments and excites their electrons. The energy passes rapidly from molecule to molecule until it reaches a more content... Before it can function again, it must be replenished with new electrons. Photosystem II accomplishes this task. As in Photosystem I, light energy activates electrons of the Photosystem II pigments. These pigments transfer the energy of their excited electrons to a special Photosystem II chlorophyll molecule, P680, that absorbs light best in the red region at 680 nanometers. Just as in Photosystem I, energy is transferred among pigment molecules and is then directed to the P680 chlorophyll, where the energy is used to transfer electrons from P680 to its adjoining electron acceptor molecule. From the Photosystem II electron acceptor, the electrons are passed through a different electron transport chain. As they pass along the cascade of electron carrier molecules, the electrons give up some of their energy to fuel the production of ATP, formed by the addition of one phosphorus atom to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Eventually, the electron transport carrier molecules deliver the Photosystem II electrons to Photosystem I, which uses them to maintain the flow of electrons to P700, thus restoring its function. P680 in Photosystem II is now electron deficient because it has donated electrons to P700 in Photosystem I. P680 electrons are replenished by the water that has been absorbed by the plant roots and transported to the chloroplasts in the leaves. The movement of electrons in
  • 9. Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about photosynthesis lab report Photosynthesis Lab Report Purpose: To research the effect of different wavelengths (colors) of light on plant growth during photosynthesis. Background Information: Photosynthesis is the process by which sunlight is captured by chloroplasts within plant cells and turned into energy. This energy is used to help the plant grow roots, leaves, flowers and fruit. Energy is required by living things to: change shape, transportation, movement, growth, reproduction, etc. Red and blue light have the greatest effect on plant growth after white light The main pigment is chlorophyll which reflects green lights l Green and yellow light are more content... The dependent variable in this experiment was the plant growth. Constants: The amount of light each plant received How each plant was planted Where each plant was planted (in box) Amount of water each plant was given Control Group The control in this experiment was the white light because it has all the colors available to the plant. Procedure: 1. Each box was placed in a room set to 70 degrees Fahrenheit 2. Each Styrofoam cup was filled with 4oz. of soil 3. One ungerminated sugar snap pea was planted in each cup 4. A hole was cut big enough for the light bulb to fit in the top of the box 5. A specificcolor of cellophane was placed on each light bulb 6. Each light was placed in the hole previously cut out on each box. 7. Each light was connected a timer in order to regulate the amount of light each plant received
  • 11. 8. Three Styrofoam cups were placed in each box. 9. Each plant was given one tablespoon of water a day 10. Measurements(in centimeters) were taken and recorded for each plant daily for four weeks Data Chart: Total Growth of Sugar Snap Peas Using Different Color Lights after 4 Weeks Light Color Height of Plant (cm) Red Light 18.4 Blue Light 20.6 Green Light 18.3 Yellow Light 17.3 White Light 20.9 Data Graph: Average Growth of Sugar Snap Peas under Different Wavelengths of Light Conclusion: This Get more content on
  • 12. Photosynthesis Process Photosynthesis is a process that plans protistans and some bacteria, use energy from the sun to create sugar. Cellular respiration turns into ATP which is fuel used by all living things. The transformation of sunlight energy into chemical energy, also goes along with the same process as green pigment chlorophyll. The photosynthetic process mostly uses water and releases the oxygen that is mandatory for us humans must have to live. The two stages connected with Photosynthesis are called light dependent reactions and light independent reactions, light independent reactions is also known as the Calvin Cycle. Light dependent reactions need sunlight, the energy from this sunlight is consumed by chlorophyll and made into stored energy. This energy is now in the form of electron carrier molecule more content... These reactions working in respiration are called catabolic reactions, that break bigger molecules down into smaller molecules , letting energy release in the operation , as weak so called high energy components are substituted by stronger components in the produce. Respiration is mainly how a cell releases energy to start the cellular procedure. Cellular respiration is thought of as an exoergic redox reaction that puts off heat. The general reaction happens in a multitude of biochemical processes, most of these are redox responses their selves. Even though cellular respiration happens to be a combustion metathesis , it obviously does not appear as one during its process in a living cell because of its sluggish discharge of energy from the multitude of oxidisation. The different stages of cellular respiration consist of but are not limited to pyruvate oxidation, glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, and the citric acid or Krebs Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Photosynthesis Photosynthesis Photosynthesis produces energy in the form of glucose it uses water from the soil, carbon dioxide from the air, and energy from the suns light. Photosynthesis takes place in all plants that contain chlorophyll. Photosynthesis mainly takes place in the palisade mesophyll cell in the leaves of plants. The main reaction is to produce oxygen and glucose, glucose is stored in the form of starch and does not affect osmosis, taking place in the plant. As plants respire both night and day this starch is often used up during the night when photosynthesis cannot take place. The uses of glucose within the plant are for active transpiration, cell division, the production of protein more content... The final factor, which contributes, is light. We decided to investigate how this affects the rate of reaction also. Method ====== We need to find out how the of presence light and the intensity contributes to the rate of photosynthesis. To be able to measure the rate we need a visible sign that photosynthesis is taking place. We will use Canadian pondweed. By counting these bubbles we can tell how fast oxygen is being given off from the photosynthesis. We will place the Elodea in a beaker along with warm water and a bit of Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate (NaHCO3). If it wasn't there then another limiting factor may be the cause of the rate changing instead of just light. By placing the beaker next to a lamp we can change the light intensity. The weed will be given a set number of minutes each time to adjust to the new level of light intensity. The rate of reaction will be in number of bubbles per minute (b.p.m). Constant and Variable factors The factor that will be changed is light intensity. The factors that will be kept constant are the amount of water the weed is put in,carbon dioxide levels, lamp that is used and temperature.
  • 14. I think that as the light intensity is increased the rate of photosynthesis will also increase. But the light will reach a certain point where the rate will not increase any Get more content on
  • 15. Photosynthesis Research Paper Photosynthesis is the processes that captures energy from the sunlight to male sugars that store chemical energy. and cell respiration releases chemical energy from sugars and other carbon based molecules to make atp when oxygen is presented. and atp is the molecule that transfers energy from the breakdown of food molecules to cell processes. With all of these process they work together to capture energy by the sun and convert it into everyg of life. It starts with the photosynthesis. First, the carbon dioxide and oxygen will enter the leaves in plants through the stomata. then the water travels from the roots and will go into the vascular system. then chloroplast absorbs sunlight. However, there's 2 part in hopothesis. The parts re light dependant and light more content... And the light independent happens to make atp used to make the glucose. Atp is very important since cells use it for functions. however, with photosynthesis the cell respiration and photosynthesis chloroplast absorb the energy from sunlight and build sugras, then the mitochondria will release the chemical energy to make atp. the cell respiration starts with 3 carbon molecules they enter cell respiration in mitochondria, and the energy carrying molecules transfer energy to electron transport. so next the energy carrying molecule which atp molecules are produced. last heat and water are released as waste Get more content on
  • 16. Photosynthesis Lab Hypothesis During this experiment the scientist tested this question "What combination of light intensity, light color, and CO2 level would produce the highest amount of photosynthesis?" The scientist believed the highest amount of CO2 level and light level along with each using white light would produce the highest amount of photosynthesis possible. The amount of oxygen bubbles we got ranged from 4 to 28. However when we put the results from each test together, we only got 26 bubbles. The scientist believes with more testing of each combination, we could find a better ratio. The data unfortunately did not support the scientist's hypothesis. The scientist now thinks one of the factors of why his hypothesis was incorrect was he forgot to take Get more content on
  • 17. The Process of Photosynthesis Essay The Process of Photosynthesis Missing Images Plants are one of the many wonders of the world. They are considered autotrophs; they do not rely on outside sources for their food. They create their own food by the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is when green plants and certain other organisms use light energy to change carbon dioxide and water into the glucose. In so doing, photosynthesis provides the basic energy source for almost all organisms. An extremely important byproduct of photosynthesis is oxygen, on which most organisms depend. Photosynthesis occurs in green plants, seaweeds, algae, and some bacteria. These organisms are virtual sugar factories, producing millions of new glucose molecules per more content... These fossil fuels, including natural gas, coal, and petroleum, are composed of a complex mix of hydrocarbons, the remains of organisms that relied on photosynthesis millions of years ago [3]. Therefore, almost all life on earth, directly or indirectly, depends on photosynthesis as a source of food, energy, and oxygen, making it one of the most important biochemical processes known. Plant photosynthesis occurs in leaves and green stems within cell structures called chloroplasts (Figure 4 & 5). One plant leaf is composed of tens of thousands of cells, and each cell contains 40 to 50 chloroplasts. The chloroplast, an oval–shaped structure, is divided by membranes into numerous disk–shaped compartments. These disklike compartments, called thylakoids, are arranged vertically in the chloroplast like a stack of plates or pancakes [4]. A stack of thylakoids is called a granum. The grana lie suspended in a fluid known as stroma [3] (Figure 6). Embedded in the membranes of the thylakoids are hundreds of molecules of chlorophyll (Figure 7), a light–trapping pigment required for photosynthesis. Additional light–trapping pigments, enzymes, and other molecules needed for photosynthesis are also located within the thylakoid membranes [4]. The pigments and enzymes are arranged in two types of units, Photosystem I and Photosystem II (Figure 8). Because a chloroplast may have dozens of thylakoids, and each thylakoid may contain thousands of Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is a biochemical process in which plant, algae, and some bacteria harness the energy of light to produce food. Nearly all living things depend on energy produced from photosynthesis for their nourishment, making it vital to life on Earth. It is also responsible for producing the oxygen that makes up a large portion of the EarthВЎВ¦s atmosphere. Factors that affect photosynthesis are light intensity and wave length, carbon dioxide concentration, and temperature. Plants are autotrophs that mean they are able to synthesize food directly from inorganic compounds, instead of relying on other organisms. They use carbon dioxide gas and water to produce sugars and more content... The surface of the leaf is uniformly coated with a water–resistant waxy cuticle that protects the leaf from excessive absorption of light and evaporation of water. The transparent, colourless epidermis layer allows light to pass through to the mesophyll cells where most of the photosynthesis takes place. To metabolic pathways involved in photosynthesis are light reaction and dark reaction. The first stage of the photosynthetic system is the light–dependent reaction, which converts solar energy into chemical energy. Light absorbed by chlorophyll or other photosynthetic pigments is used to drive a transfer of electrons and hydrogen from water to and acceptor called NADP , reducing it to the form of NADPH by adding a pair of electrons and a single proton. The water or some other donor molecule is split in the process. The light reaction also generates ADP, a process called photophosphorylation. ATP is a versatile source of chemical energy used in most biological processes. The light reaction produces no carbohydrates such as sugars. In photosynthesis, the dark reactions are chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and other compounds into glucose. These reactions unlike light–dependent reactions do not need light to occur. These reactions take the products of the light–dependent reactions and perform further chemical processes on Get more content on
  • 19. Photosynthesis Practical 2: Photosynthesis Introduction: Photosynthesis is a vital process in plants as carbon dioxide is used to form sugars and other complex compounds for growth. There are two basic processes in photosynthesis: light–dependent and light–independent. Light–dependent process, a temperature–independent reaction where light energy is absorbed by the photosynthetic pigments and transformed into chemical energy which is used for water, splitting into oxygen molecule, proton (H+) for driving ATP during phosphorylation, and electron (e –) which is being passed down the electron transport chain to yield NADPH. Light–independent, temperature–dependent reaction occurs to form carbohydrate and water molecule by the more content... At time zero (minutes), absorbance was recorded for all treatments immediately after addition of DCPIP and mixing of contents. Immediately following the time zero reading, tube 2 was wrapped in aluminium foil and tubes 6 and 7 were wrapped with red and green lanterns paper respectively. Tubes 1–7 were capped then placed horizontally on ice in a huge container, under lights. At thirteen minute intervals, readings of absorbance were taken for all treatments, except for the dark tube which was kept wrapped in foil for 90 minutes, after which its absorbance was measured. Discussion: In Tube 2 (Dark), the initial absorbance is higher than that at 90 minutes which does not match my prediction, where the absorbance should have no difference. This difference may cause by some electrons produced from light–dependent reaction that are left behind in the silverbeet leaves before the tube is covered by aluminium foil. Therefore, the remained electrons inside the tube reduce DCPIP during the time intervals. Tube 3 (Light) shows a gradually decreasing trend which meets my prediction. Under the exposure of light, light–dependent reaction is able to be conducted by silverbeet chlorophyll, thus more electrons being produced which reduce DCPIP. Hence, the higher the rate of DCPIP turns into colourless. Only a slight change in the absorbance of Tube 4 (Boiled) over 90 minutes period as chloroplast consists of chlorophyll–protein Get more content on
  • 20. Photosynthesis : The Chemical Energy Photosynthesis is the process in which plants, a select number of prokaryotes, and algae use solar energy and convert it into chemical energy. (Swarthout, 2010)The chemical energy is generally stored as glucose. Photosynthesis most notably occurs in the leaves of plants, more specifically, in the chloroplast. The Calvin Cycle and light reactions are two stages that occur in photosynthesis. In the light reactions, the solar energy is stored in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast, which then create ATP and NADPH. In the Calvin Cycle or dark reaction, chemical energy that is in the ATP and NADPH is utilized in order to convert CO2 into glucose. In both C3 and C4 plants, Rubisco, an enzyme, transforms CO2 which is used later on to create organic compounds such as glucose. (Marshall et al 2016) Carbon dioxide is used directly and as a result photorespiration occurs. This makes the photosynthesis of these plants less efficient. In C4 plants, a different pathway is used and produces carbohydrates more efficiently. (Marshall et al 2016) In this study, we utilized Spinacea oleracea (spinach) and Zea Mays(corn) and sought to measure the photosynthetic ability of plants and their reactions under light and dark conditions. The purpose of this experiment was to measure gas exchange and respiration in plants as well as identifying the differences under dark and light conditions throughout the trials. My hypothesis was that the light reaction trials in C4 plants would have the most Get more content on
  • 21. Photosynthesis Name __________________________________________________ Date ___________________ Class ____________ Photosynthesis Virtual Labs Tutorial: Watch and listen to the tutorial found in the link above. Fill in the following answers as you watch. Stop and replay anything you don't understand – this is a complicated topic! food 1. Plants use photosynthesis to make __________________ for the plant. 2. What do plants need in order to perform photosynthesis? Plants need light ( usually from the sun) in order to perform photosynthesis. 3. How is the plant able to obtain each "ingredient?" The plant obtains each ingredient from the air through more content... Based on your data, draw a conclusion regarding how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis. The shorter the distance of the light to the sample the manier the bubbles are produced each minute. The longer the distance of the light to the sample the lesser the bubbles are produced each minute. It means that the higher the light intensity the rate of photosynthesis is increasing, the lower the light intensity the rate of photosynthesis is decreasing. Virtual Lab #2 – In this lab, you will be experimenting with how different variables affect the rate of photosynthesis. 9. Set the thermometer to 25В°C (Room Temperature) and the light intensity to 20. a. What were the bubbles per minute at this setting? ______ bpm 32 b. Now increase the CO2 available to the elodea. What were your bubbles per minute? ______ bpm 48 c. Based on your data, how does the amount of available CO2 affect the rate of photosynthesis? The amount of available Carbon Dioxide increased the rate of photosynthesis.
  • 22. 10. Keep your settings from 9c (25В°C, light intensity of 20, increased CO2). 48 a. What were the bubbles per minute at this setting? ______ bpm 40 b. Now increase the temperature to 40В°C. What were your bubbles per minute? ______ bpm c. Based on your data, how does an increase in temperature affect the rate of photosynthesis? It decreased or slowed the rate of Get more content on
  • 23. Lab Report on Photosynthesis Essay Lab Report: Understanding Photosynthesis Gen Biology Lab Abstract: This lab was called photosynthesis: understanding photosynthesis. It is a highly complex process that needs to be broken down in many steps to understand how it works. This lab covers the big components in photosynthesis including carbon dioxide intake, light consumption, and varying pigmentation. Introduction: Photosynthesis is a huge concept to learn and understand in the field of biology. Plants have their own special way of using the ATP they produce. Photosynthesis is a process where plants harness the sunlight they receive and they produce carbohydrates, as well as oxygen for living things and other plants. Now the sunlight ultimately powers the process more content... First we obtained a leaf from our instructor. Then we sketched the leaf and labeled the blade and petiole. The following procedure dealt with a chromatogram. The materials needed are: a pencil, safety goggles, scissors, chromatography paper strip, capillary tube, spinach plant pigment extract, test tube, cork stopper, graduated cylinder, chromatography solvent (alternative isopropyl alcohol), metric ruler, stopwatch or clock with a secondhand, hook/fashioned paperclip, paper towels, test tube rack, and mortar and pestle. First we obtained a strip of chromatography paper and cut it so it would fit inside a test tube (with it barely touching the bottom of the tube). Also, when touching the strip, touch the sides only. Then we attached (firmly) the top of the strip to a hook (or fashioned paperclip at bottom of the cork stopper). Make sure it fits in the test tube. Next we used the pencil to draw a faint line across the strip two centimeters from the bottom tip of the strip. We placed the cork and strip in place, and we put a mark on the test tube one centimeter below the top of the stopper. The next step was to place the strip of chromatography paper on a paper towel. Then dip a capillary tube into the plant pigment extract (spinach pigment extract) provided by the teacher. The tube will fill on its own. We applied the extract to the pencil line on the paper, blew the strip dry, and repeated it three to four times until the line on the paper is a dark Get more content on
  • 24. Photosynthesis Essay Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the most important part of the lively hood of humans and animals. Without photosynthesis we would not be able to receive energy. We should be more appreciate of plants, without them we would not survive. This paper will explain the basic components require for photosynthesis, the role of chlorophyll, how energy is transferred, and photosystems I and II and the most precious product results of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a reproductive system that occurs in plants. The main components required for photosynthesizing are sunlight, energy, water and mineral from soil, and carbon dioxide from the air. Once these components are combined more content... One could say that it is the house where photosynthesize occur. The chlorophyll never changes from its original form nor is combined when photosynthesis occurs. Plants absorb energy from the sunlight whether on land or in the water. The energy is transferred to humans and someanimals that eat plants. Some animals are not able to eat plants so they eat other animals who has energy stored up in them. Humans also receive a source of energy from animals that we eat. What is quite amazing is that maggots receive energy from animals that have been dead for a long period of time. Photosynthesis has a two–stage performance before plants produce the two products they are known to produce. These stages are Photosystem I and II. Photosystem II is dependant on light reactions for energy which causes the electrons to be react and be transferred to Photosystem II. The electrons are transported through the Photosystem II electron transport system, however some energy is used to drive ATP synthesis. Meanwhile, light is being absorbed by the Photosystem I, which causes the electrons to react. This process sends the electrons to the Photosystem I transport system where some energy is released as electrons travel through the electron transport system and is captured as NADPH. When this process is completed oxygen is released from the plant and glucose has been Get more content on