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Modelling and Simulation
and Philosophy of Science for Engineers
Chair for Information Systems Management
University of Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. Torsten Eymann
2Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Lectures and Exercises
Week 1
Introduction to the “Philosophy of Science”
Research using Model Building and Simulation
Week 3
Modeling and simulation with AnyLogic software
Application of acquired knowledge to simulate a scientific problem
Certificate of performance:
Assignments, project work
3Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
About Me
Full Professor for Information Systems
Management since 2004
University of Bayreuth, Germany
12.000 students at 70.000 population
Courses on
Fundamentals of Information Systems
Management and Electronic Commerce
Business Intelligence
IT-Governance and IT-Security
Modelling and Simulation
4Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
What is Science?
Science and the Theory of Science
Epistemology, Logic und Metaphysics
Theory, Hypothesis, Antithesis, Synthesis
Falsification, Rejection and Acceptance
Hermeneutics, Empirism, Rationalism
Paradigms and Scientific Programs
Scientific Method
5Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Core Questions
Was ist Science?
How to distinguish from Consulting or Astrology?
Properties of Scientific Theories
Elements of Theories and Relations between them
Acceptable Scientific Methods and Processes
Ranking of Sciences – The Two Cultures
Natural Sciences above all?
How reliable is a scientific statement?
6Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Philosophy of Science and Information Systems Research
Part 1: Basic concepts of science and
Philosophy of Science
7Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Cloud computing use will double by 2020
The medium distance from Earth to Sun is 149.597.870 km
Increasing the price of a car by 20% leads to increased turnover by 20%
92% of German Internet users never upload videos to YouTube
Tomorrow will be a 70% chance of rain
Science or not?
8Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Definition: Science
Science is
any system of knowledge that is concerned with the
physical world and its phenomena and that entails
unbiased observations and systematic
experimentation. In general, a science involves a
pursuit of knowledge covering general truths or the
operations of fundamental laws.
science. (2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved
June 17, 2008, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online:
9Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Science broken down in pieces
any system of knowledge (not just a fact)
concerned with the physical world and its
phenomena (something to observe)
unbiased observations and systematic
experimentation (interpersonal, generalizable)
pursuit of knowledge (a method) covering
general truths or
the operations of fundamental laws.
10Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
What is Science?
11Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
There are nine million bicycles in Beijing
That's a fact,
It's a thing we can't deny
Like the fact that I will love you till I die.
We are twelve billion light years from the edge,
That's a guess,
No-one can ever say it's true
But I know that I will always be with you.
12Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
13Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
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15Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
16Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Definition: Epistemology
the study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge. The term is
derived from the Greek episteme (“knowledge”) and logos (“reason”), and
accordingly the field is sometimes referred to as the theory of knowledge.
epistemology. (2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved June 17, 2008, from
Encyclopædia Britannica Online:
tries to answer questions like "What is knowledge?", "How is knowledge
acquired?", and "What do people know?“
Torsten Eymann, U Bayreuth, Germany
17Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
What is Knowledge?
Moore’s Paradox: "It's raining
outside but I don't believe that it is.“
(Contradiction of Belief 
„I believe this bridge is safe to cross“
vs. „I know this bridge is safe to
18Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Scientific Discovery and Prediction
Discovering a Theory
is a creative act
"To raise new questions, new
possibilities, to regard old
problems from a new angle,
requires creative imagination and
marks real advance in science."
p.92, Albert Einstein and Leopold
Infeld (1938), The Evolution of Physics:
from early concepts to relativity and
quanta ISBN 0-671-20156-5
"The instant I saw the picture my
mouth fell open and my pulse
began to race.“
James D. Watson (1968), The Double
Helix, page 167. New York: Atheneum
19Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Scientific Conclusion and Reasoning
Proving a theory is
hard labour
“During all those years of
experimentation and research, I never
once made a discovery. All my work
was deductive, and the results I
achieved were those of invention, pure
and simple.”
Thomas Alva Edison, “Talks with Edison"
by George Parsons Lathrop in Harpers
magazine, Vol. 80 (February 1890), p. 425
"I am not accustomed to saying
anything with certainty after only one
or two observations."[27]
Andreas Vesalius (1546)
20Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Getting your Ph.D. requires
An Idea
A realistic view on the achievable
21Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
22Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
"Unnatural Water". Time
magazine. December 19, 1969.
Western scientists were
frankly skeptical. Russian
Chemists N. Fedyakin and Boris
Deryagin claimed to have
produced a mysterious new
substance, a form of water
that was so stable it boiled
only at about 1,000°F., or five
times the boiling temperature
of natural water. It did not
evaporate. It did not freeze—
though at —40°F., with little or
no expansion, it hardened into
a glassy substance quite unlike
23Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Science – The end of the world by polywater
glass tube
24Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Science – The end of the world by polywater
Characteristics of polywater
Characteristics Water Polywater
viscosity liquid jellylike
freezing point 0 C -30 C to -60 C
boiling point 100 C 150 C to 250 C
25Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
"Doubts about Polywater". Time
magazine. October 19, 1970.
"Challenged by critics to let
impartial scientists analyze his
polywater, Deryagin had turned
over 25 tiny samples of the
substance to investigators of the
Soviet Academy of Sciences'
Institute of Chemical Physics. The
results, which were published in
the journal, showed that
Deryagin's polywater was badly
contaminated by organic
compounds, including lipids and
phospholipids, which are
ingredients of human
26Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Science – The end of the world by polywater
Indicator of the research of polywater
Discovery of an new type of water by Russian Scientists
Desired “pursuit race” of the West
Discovery may jeopardize continuity of the Earth (hysteria)
Reproducibility only in extremely small quantities
Skeptics are accused of sloppiness
27Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Definition: Metaphysics
the philosophical study whose
object is to determine the real
nature of things—to determine
the meaning, structure, and
principles of whatever is
insofar as it is.
Aristotle had distinguished two
tasks for the philosopher: first,
to investigate the nature and
properties of what exists in the
natural, or sensible, world, and
second, to explore the
characteristics of “Being as
such” and to inquire into the
character of “the substance
that is free from movement,”
Camille Flammarion,
Météorologie Populaire
(Paris, 1888), p. 163.
metaphysics. (2008). In
Britannica. Retrieved
June 17, 2008, from
Britannica Online:
28Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Definition: Ethics
also called moral
the discipline concerned
with what is morally good
and bad, right and wrong.
The term is also applied to
any system or theory of
moral values or principles.
ethics. (2008). In Encyclopædia
Britannica. Retrieved
June 17, 2008, from
Encyclopædia Britannica
30Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Science - Science areas
What unites and distinguishes the scientific work to the polywater and the x-ray
Criterion Polywater X-rays
phenomenon unreal real
nature of
elaborateness of
the experiments
measurability of
the effect
measurable effect
with the naked
type of research directed as desired open
31Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Science - Science areas
pathological science pseudoscienceparascience
formal or
ideal science
real science
natural science cultural science
specific natural
32Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Science – Scientific ideal
Answers to "important" issues
Get real answers
Recognisability of the answers to be true
Deductive suggestion from one component to another
*Radnitzky 1979
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Science – Knowledge gained through induction or
statements about some events
statements about all events
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Inductivism – The principle of induction
statements about some events
statements about all events
“if a large number of A’s have been
observed under a wide variety of
conditions, and if all these observed A’s
have the property B, then all A’s probably
have the property B”
Chalmers 1999
„ Wenn eine große Anzahl von A unter einer
großen Vielfalt von Bedingungen
beobachtet wird, und wenn alle diese
beobachteten A ohne Ausnahme die
Eigenschaft B besitzen, dann besitzen alle
A die Eigenschaft B.“
Chalmers 2001
35Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Empiricism – Inductive gain of insights
experience knowledgeexplorate
„[…] Vertrautsein
mit bestimmten
Handlungs- und
ohne Rekurs auf
ein hiervon
Mittelstraß 1980
Knowledge, based on arguments
and (strict) checks
opposite: suppose or belief
Classical Empiricism
Aristoteles (384 – 322 v. Chr.)
John Locke (1632 – 1704)
George Berkeley (1685 – 1753)
David Hume (1711 – 1776)
John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873)
[…] familiarity
with specific
action and
without recourse
to an
Mittelstraß 1980
36Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Logical empiricism – A unit of science?
Logical Empiricism = Logical Positivism = Neo-positivism
1. Insights from facts
2. Rejection of metaphysics
Henri de Saint-Simon (1760 – 1825)
Auguste Comte (1798 – 1857)
Criteria for evaluating philosophical
(Classical) Empiricism
Inductive gain of insight
37Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Logical empiricism – Some exponents
Rudolf Carnap
(1891 – 1970)
Ludwig Wittgenstein
(1889 – 1951)
Bertrand Russell
(1872 – 1970)
„Wiener Kreis“: Vienna circle
… et al.
38Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Rationalism – Knowledge by thinking?!
interpretation via
1 kg 100 kg
religious apocalypse/
Age of the earth: 6.000 – 12.000 years
39Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Rationalism – Knowledge by thinking?!
Existence of "a priori truths“
Mathematics as obvious truth (e.g., it is always "1 +1 = 2")
Gain of insight by deduction
What truth follows from what truth?
Possible errors:
“A person is mortal.“ – “They are not human.“ – “They are immortal.“ 
illogical (Animals are immortal?)
“If God had created the universe, it would be rule in the order of nature.” –
“There is order through the laws of nature.” – “God created the universe.“ 
illogical (Other reasons for the laws of nature?)
40Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
If I know what to search for and have a generalizable process (a method), then I
will arrive at some (comprehensible and precise) results
= acceptance or rejection of a scientific theory
Is a theory correct, if assertions are logically building upon each other (can I
verify?) or
Is a theory correct, as long as there are no observations in contradiction to the
theory (can‘t I falsify?)
Structure and Method
41Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Falsifiability (Popper)
Karl Popper. Flv
42Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Falsifiability – The principle of falsification
statements about some events
statements about all events
„[…], lässt sich eine wissenschaftliche
Hypothese zwar niemals erweisen, wohl
aber, wenn sie falsch ist, widerlegen, und
es fragt sich deshalb, ob nicht Thatsachen
beigebracht werden können, welche mit
einer der beiden Hypothesen in
unauflöslichem Widerspruch stehen und
somit dieselbe zu Fall bringen.“
Weismann 1868
44Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Experience Law? Experiment
45Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Falsifiability – Falsification of a statement
Falsifiable Statement:
„All Swans are white“
''Leda and the Swan'', a 16th century copy
after a lost painting by Michelangelo, 1530
(National Gallery, London)
46Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Falsifiability – Falsification of a statement
Falsifiable Statement:
„All Swans are white“
Black Swan (discovered 1790,
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Falsifiability – Falsification of a statement
Not falsifiable statement:
“All prime numbers have exactly two natural numbers as a divider.”
48Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Falsifiability – Observation as the beginning?
Number “592”: 592
- 295
= 297
+ 792
= 1089
Observation is problematic only through theory
Theory: Algorithm always leads to "1089" with three-digit number,
at which the first number is bigger than the last digit by at least 2.
49Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Falsifiability – Karl Raimund Popper
Rejection of induction (problem of induction)
Approach of falsifiability (problem of
Founder of critical rationalism:
insights only temporary
testing by several empirical tests
Advance of scientific knowledge
Karl Raimund Popper
(1902 – 1994)
problem (P1)
problem (P2)
tentative theory (TT)
error elimination (EE)
Popper, Miller 1997
approximation to the truth
50Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Karl Raimund Popper - Summary
discover justifiy
falsifiable theory
observation (tentative)
Target: finding the truth (-approximate)
51Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Falsifiability – Boundaries
Falsifiability: observation statements are false
Example: an experimental falsifiability of the theory T by observing B
Study  theory ≠ observation
What is wrong: The theory or the observation?
52Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Falsifiability – Boundaries
Theory: “The Earth rotates!“ (Copernicus)
Observation vs. (at that time) expected result:
Result: theory is falsified  "The earth does not rotate! “ (Claudius Ptolemaeus)
53Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Anarchism - „Anything goes“
Epistemological anarchism, Dadaism
Rules on scientific knowledge:
“Against Method“
Proliferation principle
Persistence principle
Paul Feyerabend
(1924 – 1994)
54Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Philosophy of Science – What is a theory?
observation :
context :
context :
Passage of solid objects by two
pattern with two stripes
Passage of photons by two
pattern with several stripes
Passage of waves by two
pattern with several stripes
55Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Science – What is a “scientific theory”
Highly falsifiable theory ≻ low falsifiable theory
Rejection of falsified theories
Preparation of highly speculative hypotheses: progress through trial and error
56Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Philosophy of Science – What is philosophy of science?
Concept of science:
1. Strict standards of the underlying form of knowledge creation.*
2. Social event for the stabilization of the scientific form of knowledge creation.*
3. Guides us in the search of the truth.*
Aim of science: to gain insights/ progress
* Mittelstraß 2010
57Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Philosophy of Science – What is philosophy of science?
Philosophy of Science as “neueste Form des ewigen Dreinredens der
Philosophie *…+ in das Geschäft der Wissenschaften“?
Mittelstraß 1985
It is a philosophical discipline in which the scientific practices are methodically
elucidated, i.e. investigation of
research form
theory form: structure of theory, dynamics of theory, explication of theories
Mittelstraß 1985
58Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Philosophy of Science – Part 1 - Summary
Empiricism Rationalism
experience ≻ rationality rationality ≻ experience
knowledge from experience knowledge only by rationality
definitions, laws, etc. derived from
individual things (experiences)
definitions, laws, etc.
only by rationality
problem: generalization of experience ≠
reliable knowledge
mission statement: mathematics (logic)
59Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Philosophy of Science – Part 1 - Summary
Descartes (1596 – 1650)
Locke (1632 – 1704)
Berkeley (1685 - 1753)
Hume (1711 - 1776)
Mill (1806 - 1873)
Carnap (1891 – 1970)
Gödel (1906 – 1978)
Reichenbach (1891 – 1953)
Feyerabend (1924 – 1994)
Popper (1902 – 1994)
Comte (1798 – 1857)
60Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Chalmers 1999: Chalmers, Alan F.: What is this thing called science?. Hackett Publisching
Company, p. 51.
Chalmers 2001: Chalmers, Alan F.: Wege der Wissenschaft. Springer 2001, p. 40.
Esterbauer 2005: Esterbauer, Reinhold: Grundkurs Metaphysik. http://oeh-fv-theo.uni-, Abruf am 01.09.2011.
Gethmann 1995: Gethmann, Carl F.: Proliferationsprinzip. In: Mittelstraß, J.:
Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie Band 3. J. B. Metzler,
Stuttgart/Weimar 1995, pp. 359 - 361.
Heinrich 2005: Heinrich, Lutz J.: Forschungsmethodik einer Integrationsdisziplin: Ein
Beitrag zur Geschichte der Wirtschaftsinformatik. In: NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der
Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 13 (2005), pp. 104 – 117.
Mittelstraß 1980: Mittelstraß, Jürgen: In: Mittelstraß, J.: Enzyklopädie Philosophie und
Wissenschaftstheorie Band 1. J. B. Metzler, Mannheim/Wien/Zürich 1980, p. 568 – 570.
61Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Mittelstraß 1985: Mittelstraß, Jürgen: Die Philosophie der Wissenschaftstheorie – Über
das Verhältnis von Wissenschaftstheorie, Wissenschaftsforschung und
Wissenschaftsethik. In: Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie XIX/2 (1988), pp.
308 – 327.
Mittelstraß 2010: Mittelstraß, Jürgen: Kommentar zu Reinhard Mocek: Von der
Universalität der Wissenschaftsgeschichte (1981). In: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der
Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 18 (2010), pp. 431 – 436.
Popper, Miller 1979: Popper, Karl Raimund; Miller, David: Lesebuch. 2. Auflage, UTB,
Göttingen 1997, S. 59.
Radnitzky 1979: Radnitzky, Gerard: Erkenntnisfortschritt und Theoriebewertung. Drei
konkurrierende Ansätze in der Wissenschaftstheorie. In: Die Naturwissenschaften 66
(1979), pp. 121 – 129.
62Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS
Thiel 1996: Thiel, Christian: Theorie. In: Mittelstraß, J.: Enzyklopädie Philosophie und
Wissenschaftstheorie Band 4. J. B. Metzler, Stuttgart/Weimar 1996, pp. 260 – 270.
Weismann 1868: Weismann, August: Über die Berechtigung der Darwin‘schen Theorie.
Engelmann, Leipzig 1868, p. 14 f.

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Philosophy of Science for Engineers at UPC Barcelona - Overview

  • 1. Modelling and Simulation and Philosophy of Science for Engineers Chair for Information Systems Management University of Bayreuth Prof. Dr. Torsten Eymann
  • 2. 2Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Lectures and Exercises Lectures: Week 1 Introduction to the “Philosophy of Science” Research using Model Building and Simulation Exercises: Week 3 Modeling and simulation with AnyLogic software Application of acquired knowledge to simulate a scientific problem Material: Certificate of performance: Assignments, project work
  • 3. 3Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS About Me Full Professor for Information Systems Management since 2004 University of Bayreuth, Germany 12.000 students at 70.000 population Courses on Fundamentals of Information Systems Management and Electronic Commerce Business Intelligence IT-Infrastructures IT-Governance and IT-Security Modelling and Simulation
  • 4. 4Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS What is Science? Science and the Theory of Science Epistemology, Logic und Metaphysics Theory, Hypothesis, Antithesis, Synthesis Falsification, Rejection and Acceptance Hermeneutics, Empirism, Rationalism Paradigms and Scientific Programs Scientific Method 4
  • 5. 5Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Core Questions Was ist Science? How to distinguish from Consulting or Astrology? Properties of Scientific Theories Elements of Theories and Relations between them Acceptable Scientific Methods and Processes Ranking of Sciences – The Two Cultures Natural Sciences above all? How reliable is a scientific statement?
  • 6. 6Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Philosophy of Science and Information Systems Research Part 1: Basic concepts of science and Philosophy of Science
  • 7. 7Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Cloud computing use will double by 2020 The medium distance from Earth to Sun is 149.597.870 km Increasing the price of a car by 20% leads to increased turnover by 20% 92% of German Internet users never upload videos to YouTube Tomorrow will be a 70% chance of rain Science or not?
  • 8. 8Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Definition: Science Science is any system of knowledge that is concerned with the physical world and its phenomena and that entails unbiased observations and systematic experimentation. In general, a science involves a pursuit of knowledge covering general truths or the operations of fundamental laws. science. (2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved June 17, 2008, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online:
  • 9. 9Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Science broken down in pieces any system of knowledge (not just a fact) concerned with the physical world and its phenomena (something to observe) unbiased observations and systematic experimentation (interpersonal, generalizable) pursuit of knowledge (a method) covering general truths or the operations of fundamental laws.
  • 10. 10Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS What is Science?
  • 11. 11Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS There are nine million bicycles in Beijing That's a fact, It's a thing we can't deny Like the fact that I will love you till I die. We are twelve billion light years from the edge, That's a guess, No-one can ever say it's true But I know that I will always be with you.
  • 12. 12Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS FACT
  • 13. 13Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS SCIENTIFIC FACT
  • 14. 14Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS GUESS
  • 15. 15Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS QUALIFIED GUESS
  • 16. 16Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Definition: Epistemology the study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge. The term is derived from the Greek episteme (“knowledge”) and logos (“reason”), and accordingly the field is sometimes referred to as the theory of knowledge. epistemology. (2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved June 17, 2008, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: tries to answer questions like "What is knowledge?", "How is knowledge acquired?", and "What do people know?“ 18.06.2013 16 Torsten Eymann, U Bayreuth, Germany
  • 17. 17Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS What is Knowledge? Moore’s Paradox: "It's raining outside but I don't believe that it is.“ (Contradiction of Belief  Knowledge) „I believe this bridge is safe to cross“ vs. „I know this bridge is safe to cross“ [ wiki/Image:Classical- Definition-of-Kno.svg]
  • 18. 18Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Scientific Discovery and Prediction Discovering a Theory is a creative act "To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science." p.92, Albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld (1938), The Evolution of Physics: from early concepts to relativity and quanta ISBN 0-671-20156-5 "The instant I saw the picture my mouth fell open and my pulse began to race.“ James D. Watson (1968), The Double Helix, page 167. New York: Atheneum
  • 19. 19Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Scientific Conclusion and Reasoning Proving a theory is hard labour “During all those years of experimentation and research, I never once made a discovery. All my work was deductive, and the results I achieved were those of invention, pure and simple.” Thomas Alva Edison, “Talks with Edison" by George Parsons Lathrop in Harpers magazine, Vol. 80 (February 1890), p. 425 "I am not accustomed to saying anything with certainty after only one or two observations."[27] Andreas Vesalius (1546)
  • 20. 20Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Getting your Ph.D. requires An Idea Perseverance A realistic view on the achievable Synopsis 20
  • 21. 21Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS SCIENCE (NOT)
  • 22. 22Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Polywater "Unnatural Water". Time magazine. December 19, 1969. Western scientists were frankly skeptical. Russian Chemists N. Fedyakin and Boris Deryagin claimed to have produced a mysterious new substance, a form of water that was so stable it boiled only at about 1,000°F., or five times the boiling temperature of natural water. It did not evaporate. It did not freeze— though at —40°F., with little or no expansion, it hardened into a glassy substance quite unlike ice.
  • 23. 23Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Science – The end of the world by polywater vacuum glass tube polywater
  • 24. 24Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Science – The end of the world by polywater Characteristics of polywater Characteristics Water Polywater viscosity liquid jellylike freezing point 0 C -30 C to -60 C boiling point 100 C 150 C to 250 C
  • 25. 25Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS "Doubts about Polywater". Time magazine. October 19, 1970. "Challenged by critics to let impartial scientists analyze his polywater, Deryagin had turned over 25 tiny samples of the substance to investigators of the Soviet Academy of Sciences' Institute of Chemical Physics. The results, which were published in the journal, showed that Deryagin's polywater was badly contaminated by organic compounds, including lipids and phospholipids, which are ingredients of human perspiration."
  • 26. 26Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Science – The end of the world by polywater Indicator of the research of polywater Discovery of an new type of water by Russian Scientists Desired “pursuit race” of the West Discovery may jeopardize continuity of the Earth (hysteria) Reproducibility only in extremely small quantities Skeptics are accused of sloppiness
  • 27. 27Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Definition: Metaphysics the philosophical study whose object is to determine the real nature of things—to determine the meaning, structure, and principles of whatever is insofar as it is. Aristotle had distinguished two tasks for the philosopher: first, to investigate the nature and properties of what exists in the natural, or sensible, world, and second, to explore the characteristics of “Being as such” and to inquire into the character of “the substance that is free from movement,” Camille Flammarion, L'Atmosphere: Météorologie Populaire (Paris, 1888), p. 163. metaphysics. (2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved June 17, 2008, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: http://www.britannic 9108718
  • 28. 28Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Definition: Ethics also called moral philosophy. the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad, right and wrong. The term is also applied to any system or theory of moral values or principles. ethics. (2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved June 17, 2008, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: article-9106054 jn_079.jpg
  • 29.
  • 30. 30Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Science - Science areas What unites and distinguishes the scientific work to the polywater and the x-ray research? Criterion Polywater X-rays phenomenon unreal real nature of science pathological science natural science elaborateness of the experiments careful implementation careful implementation measurability of the effect hardly measurable effect with the naked eye type of research directed as desired open
  • 31. 31Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Science - Science areas pathological science pseudoscienceparascience Non-science formal or ideal science mathematics logic real science natural science cultural science specific natural science engineering electrical engineering mechanical engineering physics chemistry social science economy law sociology humanities philosophy linguistics history Science
  • 32. 32Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Science – Scientific ideal Answers to "important" issues Get real answers Recognisability of the answers to be true Deductive suggestion from one component to another *Radnitzky 1979
  • 33. 33Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Science – Knowledge gained through induction or deduction theory empiricism statements about some events statements about all events inductiondeduction
  • 34. 34Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Inductivism – The principle of induction theory empiricism statements about some events statements about all events inductiondeduction “if a large number of A’s have been observed under a wide variety of conditions, and if all these observed A’s have the property B, then all A’s probably have the property B” Chalmers 1999 „ Wenn eine große Anzahl von A unter einer großen Vielfalt von Bedingungen beobachtet wird, und wenn alle diese beobachteten A ohne Ausnahme die Eigenschaft B besitzen, dann besitzen alle A die Eigenschaft B.“ Chalmers 2001
  • 35. 35Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Empiricism – Inductive gain of insights experience knowledgeexplorate „[…] Vertrautsein mit bestimmten Handlungs- und Sachzusam- menhängen ohne Rekurs auf ein hiervon unabhängiges theoretisches Wissen.“ Mittelstraß 1980 Knowledge, based on arguments and (strict) checks opposite: suppose or belief Classical Empiricism Exponents: Aristoteles (384 – 322 v. Chr.) John Locke (1632 – 1704) George Berkeley (1685 – 1753) David Hume (1711 – 1776) John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873) […] familiarity with specific action and subject interdepencies without recourse to an independent theoretical knowledge. Mittelstraß 1980
  • 36. 36Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Logical empiricism – A unit of science? Logical Empiricism = Logical Positivism = Neo-positivism Positivism 1. Insights from facts 2. Rejection of metaphysics Exponents: Henri de Saint-Simon (1760 – 1825) Auguste Comte (1798 – 1857) Target Criteria for evaluating philosophical methods (Classical) Empiricism Inductive gain of insight
  • 37. 37Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Logical empiricism – Some exponents Rudolf Carnap (1891 – 1970) Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 – 1951) Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970) „Wiener Kreis“: Vienna circle … et al.
  • 38. 38Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Rationalism – Knowledge by thinking?! transmission ? knowledge interpretation via senses 1 kg 100 kg religious apocalypse/ prophecy Age of the earth: 6.000 – 12.000 years thinking
  • 39. 39Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Rationalism – Knowledge by thinking?! Existence of "a priori truths“ Mathematics as obvious truth (e.g., it is always "1 +1 = 2") Gain of insight by deduction What truth follows from what truth? Possible errors: “A person is mortal.“ – “They are not human.“ – “They are immortal.“  illogical (Animals are immortal?) “If God had created the universe, it would be rule in the order of nature.” – “There is order through the laws of nature.” – “God created the universe.“  illogical (Other reasons for the laws of nature?)
  • 40. 40Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS If I know what to search for and have a generalizable process (a method), then I will arrive at some (comprehensible and precise) results = acceptance or rejection of a scientific theory Comprehension Is a theory correct, if assertions are logically building upon each other (can I verify?) or Is a theory correct, as long as there are no observations in contradiction to the theory (can‘t I falsify?) Structure and Method
  • 41. 41Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Falsifiability (Popper) Karl Popper. Flv
  • 42. 42Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Falsifiability – The principle of falsification theory empiricism statements about some events statements about all events inductiondeduction „[…], lässt sich eine wissenschaftliche Hypothese zwar niemals erweisen, wohl aber, wenn sie falsch ist, widerlegen, und es fragt sich deshalb, ob nicht Thatsachen beigebracht werden können, welche mit einer der beiden Hypothesen in unauflöslichem Widerspruch stehen und somit dieselbe zu Fall bringen.“ Weismann 1868
  • 43.
  • 44. 44Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Experience Law? Experiment
  • 45. 45Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Falsifiability – Falsification of a statement Falsifiable Statement: „All Swans are white“ ''Leda and the Swan'', a 16th century copy after a lost painting by Michelangelo, 1530 (National Gallery, London)
  • 46. 46Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Falsifiability – Falsification of a statement Falsifiable Statement: „All Swans are white“ Black Swan (discovered 1790, Australia)
  • 47. 47Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Falsifiability – Falsification of a statement Not falsifiable statement: “All prime numbers have exactly two natural numbers as a divider.”
  • 48. 48Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Falsifiability – Observation as the beginning? Observation: Number “592”: 592 - 295 = 297 + 792 = 1089 Observation is problematic only through theory Theory: Algorithm always leads to "1089" with three-digit number, at which the first number is bigger than the last digit by at least 2.
  • 49. 49Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Falsifiability – Karl Raimund Popper Rejection of induction (problem of induction) Approach of falsifiability (problem of demarcation) Founder of critical rationalism: insights only temporary testing by several empirical tests Advance of scientific knowledge http://www.iep.utm.ed u Karl Raimund Popper (1902 – 1994) problem (P1) problem (P2) tentative theory (TT) error elimination (EE) Popper, Miller 1997 approximation to the truth
  • 50. 50Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Karl Raimund Popper - Summary discover justifiy falsifiable theory observation (tentative) theory Target: finding the truth (-approximate)
  • 51. 51Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Falsifiability – Boundaries Falsifiability: observation statements are false Example: an experimental falsifiability of the theory T by observing B Study  theory ≠ observation What is wrong: The theory or the observation?
  • 52. 52Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Falsifiability – Boundaries Theory: “The Earth rotates!“ (Copernicus) Observation vs. (at that time) expected result: Result: theory is falsified  "The earth does not rotate! “ (Claudius Ptolemaeus) t earth earth
  • 53. 53Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Anarchism - „Anything goes“ Epistemological anarchism, Dadaism Rules on scientific knowledge: harmful senseless “Against Method“ Proliferation principle Persistence principle Paul Feyerabend (1924 – 1994)
  • 54. 54Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Philosophy of Science – What is a theory? observation: context: observation : context : observation: context : Passage of solid objects by two columns pattern with two stripes Passage of photons by two columns pattern with several stripes Passage of waves by two columns pattern with several stripes
  • 55. 55Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Science – What is a “scientific theory” Highly falsifiable theory ≻ low falsifiable theory Rejection of falsified theories Preparation of highly speculative hypotheses: progress through trial and error
  • 56. 56Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Philosophy of Science – What is philosophy of science? Concept of science: 1. Strict standards of the underlying form of knowledge creation.* 2. Social event for the stabilization of the scientific form of knowledge creation.* 3. Guides us in the search of the truth.* Aim of science: to gain insights/ progress * Mittelstraß 2010
  • 57. 57Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Philosophy of Science – What is philosophy of science? Philosophy of Science as “neueste Form des ewigen Dreinredens der Philosophie *…+ in das Geschäft der Wissenschaften“? Mittelstraß 1985 nevertheless It is a philosophical discipline in which the scientific practices are methodically elucidated, i.e. investigation of research form theory form: structure of theory, dynamics of theory, explication of theories Mittelstraß 1985
  • 58. 58Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Philosophy of Science – Part 1 - Summary Empiricism Rationalism experience ≻ rationality rationality ≻ experience knowledge from experience knowledge only by rationality definitions, laws, etc. derived from individual things (experiences) definitions, laws, etc. only by rationality problem: generalization of experience ≠ reliable knowledge mission statement: mathematics (logic)
  • 59. 59Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS Philosophy of Science – Part 1 - Summary (classical) empiricism (historical) positivism logical positivism rationalism critical rationalism Descartes (1596 – 1650) Locke (1632 – 1704) Berkeley (1685 - 1753) Hume (1711 - 1776) Mill (1806 - 1873) Carnap (1891 – 1970) Gödel (1906 – 1978) Reichenbach (1891 – 1953) Feyerabend (1924 – 1994) Popper (1902 – 1994) Comte (1798 – 1857) epistemological anarchismtime
  • 60. 60Model Building and SimulationWS 2012-13 MODUS References Chalmers 1999: Chalmers, Alan F.: What is this thing called science?. Hackett Publisching Company, p. 51. Chalmers 2001: Chalmers, Alan F.: Wege der Wissenschaft. Springer 2001, p. 40. Esterbauer 2005: Esterbauer, Reinhold: Grundkurs Metaphysik. http://oeh-fv-theo.uni-, Abruf am 01.09.2011. Gethmann 1995: Gethmann, Carl F.: Proliferationsprinzip. In: Mittelstraß, J.: Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie Band 3. J. B. Metzler, Stuttgart/Weimar 1995, pp. 359 - 361. Heinrich 2005: Heinrich, Lutz J.: Forschungsmethodik einer Integrationsdisziplin: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Wirtschaftsinformatik. In: NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 13 (2005), pp. 104 – 117. Mittelstraß 1980: Mittelstraß, Jürgen: In: Mittelstraß, J.: Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie Band 1. J. B. Metzler, Mannheim/Wien/Zürich 1980, p. 568 – 570.
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