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To Integrate
To Establish A Discipline                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Into Campus
System of Environmental                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Culture
To promote cutting-edge researches on important
environmental issues

P                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    B
       eking University began its                and complicated situation, and in order to        in the studies of the wild pandas’ social        dealing with the water pollution in the        greatly to the region’s environmental            earthquake which took place in Sichuan                  esides courses and professional            Peking University now has six student         Toyota Environmental Protection Aid Program
       environmental studies and researches      take full advantage of the multidisciplinary      structure, behavior patterns, surviving          Shenzhen River and Xiangjiang River, the       protection. Professor Fang Jingyun worked        Province in 2008, faculties and students of             training, Peking University pays special   environmental clubs, besides other sixteen    for China's Youth, which was handed out

       as early as 1970s. In 1982, the           research, the university in 2007 set up the       strategies and so on. He also made impressive    Institute of Environmental Engineering of      on the spatiotemporal configuration and          Peking University went to do field study                attention to bringing environmental        clubs continually involved in activities of   jointly by the Central Committee of the Youth              s the world’s largest developing country, China, while enjoying   knowledge structure, and has established a course system of
university’s interdisciplinary center of         College of Urban and Environmental Sciences       progress in studying and protecting              Peking University provided useful scientific   mechanism of China’s terrestrial carbon          in Wolong natural reserve in Sichuan, and        protection and sustainable development into       environmental protection. In 2006, the        League of China and the All-China Youth                    its impressive economic boom, is faced with serious challenges    environmental protection, which covers a wide range of subjects
environmental sciences was established.          and the College of Environmental Sciences         endangered wild animals including the            consultation in environmental evaluation,      sources/sink, providing the basis for the        their work covered the site selection of         the students’ campus life, and this has proved    Environmental Education Base for Chinese      Federation. The Base conducted a lot of                    in fields such as energy resources, environment, and climate      with the salient feature of interdisciplinary study. The university has
                                                 and Engineering.                                  white-headed leaf-monkey and the Indo-           supervision and examination and also in the    country’s policy making on carbon dioxide        reconstruction, the layout of urban and rural    very effective.                                   University Students was established. It won   scientific innovation, “green campus” activities,   changes.                                                                 opened up forty or so courses, which are closely connected with
In the year of 2006, ten top universities                                                          Pacific hump-backed dolphin. In the projects     region’s aggregate planning, contributing      emission. After the catastrophic Wenchuan        areas and also development plans of villages                                                       the 2007 Toyota Special Award of the second   educational promotion and international                                                                                      environmental education and sustainable development, in up to
around the world including Peking University     After more than thirty years of assiduous                                                                                                                                                          and towns. The Strategic Research Report                                                                                                         exchange.                                           For this reason, the Report to the Seventeenth National Congress         eleven disciplines. “Society and its Sustainable Development” has
jointly established the International Alliance   efforts and exploration, Peking University has                                                                                                                                                     of the Reconstruction after the Wenchuan                                                                                                                                                             of the Communist Party of China and the outlines of the country’s        been taken as one of the central topics of the university’s selective
of Research Universities (IARU), with the aim    set up a fairly integrated discipline system of                                                                                                                                                    Earthquake in Sichuan presided by Professor                                                                                                      Roughly estimated, in the recent five years,        eleventh Five-Year Plan place a stress on the necessity of building a    courses. Every year more than 700 students select courses related to
of enhancing the multilateral cooperation        environmental sciences. Apart from providing                                                                                                                                                       Lui Bin was highly regarded by the central                                                                                                       every year there have been more than 120            resource-conserving and environment-friendly society guided by the       the topic, taking up about 1/5 of the freshmen. On the other hand,
in research and education. The building          basic education and conducting forefront                                                                                                                                                           government. The research carried out by                                                                                                          eco-environmental activities held in Peking         Scientific Outlook on Development.                                       every year the university matriculates more than 200 undergraduates
of a green sustainable campus is one of          researches of environmental sciences, this                                                                                                                                                         Professor Zhu Tong on the solution and                                                                                                           University. Lots of faculties and students have                                                                              and graduates in environmental studies, whose knowledge
the Alliance’s most important topics and         system also serves to meet the demand of                                                                                                                                                           policy concerning the control of air pollution                                                                                                   been participants of these activities, which        In order to achieve this goal, not only are needed the government’s      and experience will make great contribution to China’s cause of
also a long-term focus. The Alliance has set     society and support the administrative policy                                                                                                                                                      in Beijing and surrounding regions greatly                                                                                                       have become widely influential.                     promotion and regulation and the extensive application of new            environmental protection.
up a research workshop to discuss issues         making on environmental issues. Many                                                                                                                                                               helped to guarantee the air quality during                                                                                                                                                           technological achievements, but a repository of professional talents
including environmental protection and           achievements have been made in fields like                                                                                                                                                         the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Apart from                                                                                                                                                           in eco-environmental protection, whose scientific accomplishments        •   11 subjects, 40 courses relating to the environmental education
energy resources, which has greatly promoted     wild life protection, bio-diversity study, new                                                                                                                                                     all these achievements, Peking University                                                                                                                                                            and humanistic concern are highly valuable.                                  and sustainable development.
exchange among the universities concerning       energy resources, global climate changes and                                                                                                                                                       launched many other successful researches in
the study of such issues.                        bioremediation.                                                                                                                                                                                    fields such as solar energy, wind energy and                                                                                                                                                         Peking University boasts of its abundant teaching resources. In          •   Social and Sustainable Development as the basic field for General
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    biomass energy.                                                                                                                                                                                      building a “green campus”, the university always lays emphasis on            Education Elective in PKU
Considering that the environment problems        Through his long-time fieldwork, Professor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the comprehensiveness of knowledge teaching and the students’
bear on comprehensive and long-term efforts      Pan Wenshi made significant breakthroughs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Course                                                                    Major

Campus T                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       To Establish A Course System of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sustainable Development                                                   Environmental Science
                                                        he university widely uses green            installed, which helps save 400 thousand         in the Guidelines of the Administration and    reduction which are in concert with the          And the university has nurtured a large group
                                                        energy resources in the campus             cubic meters of natural gas and 1600 tons        Technology for the Energy-saving Campus        university’s circumstances.                      of students who are well equipped with                                                                                                                                                                   Environmental Ecology Science                                             Physics

Planning                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Eco-environmental Sciences
                                                        construction. Two geothermal wells         of coal every year. To save electricity, since   Construction of Colleges and Universities                                                       environmental awareness and knowledge.                                                                                                                                                                   Environment and International Political Science                           International Policy
                                                 were constructed in the university to make        the end of 2005, lighting electricity savers,    issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-   We can see from Peking University’s efforts
                                                 use of the geothermal energy for heating.         of which the average electricity saving          Rural Development and the Ministry of          to build a “green campus” that, through                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Human Beings and Environment                                              Urban and Environmental Science
                                                 To further save energy and reduce emission,       rate is higher than 20%, have been used in       Education, the departments concerned are       untiring scientific research, the university                                                                                                                                                                                                              Environmental Law                                                         Law
Implementing energy-saving
and emission-reduction
                                                 the university has made more investments to
                                                 improve its energy-saving facilities. A central
                                                                                                   some of the student dormitory buildings,
                                                                                                   classrooms and the streetlight system.
                                                                                                                                                    now carrying out a project survey of the
                                                                                                                                                    university’s sustainable development and at
                                                                                                                                                                                                   has contributed a lot to society’s sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                                   development by providing plenty of scientific
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                To arouse students’ eco-environmental awareness and to cultivate                                                                             Environmental Problems                                                    Environmental Science and Engineering

measures                                         heating supervisory control system has been       Moreover, according to the requirements          the same time are setting goals of emission    and technological basis for policy-making.                                                                                                               professional talents                                                                             International Environmental Problems                                      Environmental Science and Engineering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        n PKU campus, different bodies of water

Zhou Qifeng
President of Peking University
                                                                                             To build a sustainable campus,
                                                                                             the stress should be laid on
                                                                                             • Scientific research and achievement on
                                                                                                                                                       Green Campus Website
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        form a natural water system. The green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        area ratio is as high as 40%. Eighteen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               lakes and ponds of different sizes and features
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               are linked by meandering brooks. In spite of
                                                                                               environmental science and ecology                                                                                                                                               the vicissitudes of a long history, the layout of
Finding A Way Suitable for PKU                                                               • Professional training on environmental protection                                                                                                                               the ancient royal gardens in the university has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               been fortunately well preserved. These gardens,
1. To establish a discipline system of environmental sciences and to promote cutting-        • Environmental awareness in campus culture                                                                                                                                       together with naturally grown woods, shrubs
   edge researches on important environmental issues.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and wetlands, make Yan Yuan a rare secondary
                                                                                             • Calling on the whole society to participate in
2. To establish a course system of eco-environmental sciences, so as to arouse students’                                                                                                                                                                                       forest and wetland ecosystem—in Beijing. The
                                                                                               environmental protection
   eco-environmental awareness and cultivate professional talents.                                                                                                                                                                                                             ecosystem consisting of Peking University and
                                                                                             • implementing energy-saving and emission-                                                                                                                                        the green areas in the vicinity has become the
3. To integrate environmental protection into campus culture.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  habitat of varieties of birds, insects and small
                                                                                               reduction in PKU campus
4. To improve campus planning, and to implementing energy-saving and emission-                                                                                                                                                                                                 mammals and therefore an important part of
   reduction measures.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the whole layout of Beijing’s urban landscape
                                                                                             Sustainable Campus Planning                                                                                                                                                       and ecological security.
                                                                                             of PKU
                                                                                             • Master Campus Planning of Peking University,


                                                                                             • Site Impact Traffic Evaluation on Master Campus
                                                                                               Planning of Peking University, 2005

                                                                                             • Cultural Relics Conservation Planning of Peking
                                                                                               University, 2006

                                                                                           Office of Campus Planning and
                                                                                           Sustainable Development
                                                                                           Add: Room 1103, Red Mansion No.1 Peking University, No.5
                                                                                                                                                                                   Master Plan of PKU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              is home to

                                                                                           Yiheyuan Road Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.China 100871

                                                                                           Tel: (86)10-62753567 Fax: (86)10-62755484
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Peking University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              • 135 species of birds, and over 30 birds have

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                breeding populations, including national
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                protected species

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              • 11 mammals

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              • 385 higher plants

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Over 20 fishes in the lake

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Peking University Sustainable Campus Update

  • 1. To Integrate Environmental Protection To Establish A Discipline Into Campus System of Environmental Culture Sciences To promote cutting-edge researches on important environmental issues P B eking University began its and complicated situation, and in order to in the studies of the wild pandas’ social dealing with the water pollution in the greatly to the region’s environmental earthquake which took place in Sichuan esides courses and professional Peking University now has six student Toyota Environmental Protection Aid Program environmental studies and researches take full advantage of the multidisciplinary structure, behavior patterns, surviving Shenzhen River and Xiangjiang River, the protection. Professor Fang Jingyun worked Province in 2008, faculties and students of training, Peking University pays special environmental clubs, besides other sixteen for China's Youth, which was handed out A as early as 1970s. In 1982, the research, the university in 2007 set up the strategies and so on. He also made impressive Institute of Environmental Engineering of on the spatiotemporal configuration and Peking University went to do field study attention to bringing environmental clubs continually involved in activities of jointly by the Central Committee of the Youth s the world’s largest developing country, China, while enjoying knowledge structure, and has established a course system of university’s interdisciplinary center of College of Urban and Environmental Sciences progress in studying and protecting Peking University provided useful scientific mechanism of China’s terrestrial carbon in Wolong natural reserve in Sichuan, and protection and sustainable development into environmental protection. In 2006, the League of China and the All-China Youth its impressive economic boom, is faced with serious challenges environmental protection, which covers a wide range of subjects environmental sciences was established. and the College of Environmental Sciences endangered wild animals including the consultation in environmental evaluation, sources/sink, providing the basis for the their work covered the site selection of the students’ campus life, and this has proved Environmental Education Base for Chinese Federation. The Base conducted a lot of in fields such as energy resources, environment, and climate with the salient feature of interdisciplinary study. The university has and Engineering. white-headed leaf-monkey and the Indo- supervision and examination and also in the country’s policy making on carbon dioxide reconstruction, the layout of urban and rural very effective. University Students was established. It won scientific innovation, “green campus” activities, changes. opened up forty or so courses, which are closely connected with In the year of 2006, ten top universities Pacific hump-backed dolphin. In the projects region’s aggregate planning, contributing emission. After the catastrophic Wenchuan areas and also development plans of villages the 2007 Toyota Special Award of the second educational promotion and international environmental education and sustainable development, in up to around the world including Peking University After more than thirty years of assiduous and towns. The Strategic Research Report exchange. For this reason, the Report to the Seventeenth National Congress eleven disciplines. “Society and its Sustainable Development” has jointly established the International Alliance efforts and exploration, Peking University has of the Reconstruction after the Wenchuan of the Communist Party of China and the outlines of the country’s been taken as one of the central topics of the university’s selective of Research Universities (IARU), with the aim set up a fairly integrated discipline system of Earthquake in Sichuan presided by Professor Roughly estimated, in the recent five years, eleventh Five-Year Plan place a stress on the necessity of building a courses. Every year more than 700 students select courses related to of enhancing the multilateral cooperation environmental sciences. Apart from providing Lui Bin was highly regarded by the central every year there have been more than 120 resource-conserving and environment-friendly society guided by the the topic, taking up about 1/5 of the freshmen. On the other hand, in research and education. The building basic education and conducting forefront government. The research carried out by eco-environmental activities held in Peking Scientific Outlook on Development. every year the university matriculates more than 200 undergraduates of a green sustainable campus is one of researches of environmental sciences, this Professor Zhu Tong on the solution and University. Lots of faculties and students have and graduates in environmental studies, whose knowledge the Alliance’s most important topics and system also serves to meet the demand of policy concerning the control of air pollution been participants of these activities, which In order to achieve this goal, not only are needed the government’s and experience will make great contribution to China’s cause of also a long-term focus. The Alliance has set society and support the administrative policy in Beijing and surrounding regions greatly have become widely influential. promotion and regulation and the extensive application of new environmental protection. up a research workshop to discuss issues making on environmental issues. Many helped to guarantee the air quality during technological achievements, but a repository of professional talents including environmental protection and achievements have been made in fields like the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Apart from in eco-environmental protection, whose scientific accomplishments • 11 subjects, 40 courses relating to the environmental education energy resources, which has greatly promoted wild life protection, bio-diversity study, new all these achievements, Peking University and humanistic concern are highly valuable. and sustainable development. exchange among the universities concerning energy resources, global climate changes and launched many other successful researches in the study of such issues. bioremediation. fields such as solar energy, wind energy and Peking University boasts of its abundant teaching resources. In • Social and Sustainable Development as the basic field for General biomass energy. building a “green campus”, the university always lays emphasis on Education Elective in PKU Considering that the environment problems Through his long-time fieldwork, Professor the comprehensiveness of knowledge teaching and the students’ bear on comprehensive and long-term efforts Pan Wenshi made significant breakthroughs Course Major Campus T To Establish A Course System of Sustainable Development Environmental Science he university widely uses green installed, which helps save 400 thousand in the Guidelines of the Administration and reduction which are in concert with the And the university has nurtured a large group energy resources in the campus cubic meters of natural gas and 1600 tons Technology for the Energy-saving Campus university’s circumstances. of students who are well equipped with Environmental Ecology Science Physics Planning Eco-environmental Sciences construction. Two geothermal wells of coal every year. To save electricity, since Construction of Colleges and Universities environmental awareness and knowledge. Environment and International Political Science International Policy were constructed in the university to make the end of 2005, lighting electricity savers, issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban- We can see from Peking University’s efforts use of the geothermal energy for heating. of which the average electricity saving Rural Development and the Ministry of to build a “green campus” that, through Human Beings and Environment Urban and Environmental Science To further save energy and reduce emission, rate is higher than 20%, have been used in Education, the departments concerned are untiring scientific research, the university Environmental Law Law Implementing energy-saving and emission-reduction the university has made more investments to improve its energy-saving facilities. A central some of the student dormitory buildings, classrooms and the streetlight system. now carrying out a project survey of the university’s sustainable development and at has contributed a lot to society’s sustainable development by providing plenty of scientific To arouse students’ eco-environmental awareness and to cultivate Environmental Problems Environmental Science and Engineering measures heating supervisory control system has been Moreover, according to the requirements the same time are setting goals of emission and technological basis for policy-making. professional talents International Environmental Problems Environmental Science and Engineering
  • 2. O n PKU campus, different bodies of water Zhou Qifeng President of Peking University To build a sustainable campus, the stress should be laid on • Scientific research and achievement on Green Campus Website • form a natural water system. The green area ratio is as high as 40%. Eighteen lakes and ponds of different sizes and features are linked by meandering brooks. In spite of environmental science and ecology the vicissitudes of a long history, the layout of Finding A Way Suitable for PKU • Professional training on environmental protection the ancient royal gardens in the university has been fortunately well preserved. These gardens, 1. To establish a discipline system of environmental sciences and to promote cutting- • Environmental awareness in campus culture together with naturally grown woods, shrubs edge researches on important environmental issues. and wetlands, make Yan Yuan a rare secondary • Calling on the whole society to participate in 2. To establish a course system of eco-environmental sciences, so as to arouse students’ forest and wetland ecosystem—in Beijing. The environmental protection eco-environmental awareness and cultivate professional talents. ecosystem consisting of Peking University and • implementing energy-saving and emission- the green areas in the vicinity has become the 3. To integrate environmental protection into campus culture. habitat of varieties of birds, insects and small reduction in PKU campus 4. To improve campus planning, and to implementing energy-saving and emission- mammals and therefore an important part of reduction measures. the whole layout of Beijing’s urban landscape Sustainable Campus Planning and ecological security. of PKU • Master Campus Planning of Peking University, PKU 2004-2014 • Site Impact Traffic Evaluation on Master Campus Planning of Peking University, 2005 • Cultural Relics Conservation Planning of Peking University, 2006 Office of Campus Planning and Sustainable Development Add: Room 1103, Red Mansion No.1 Peking University, No.5 Master Plan of PKU Campus is home to Sampus Yiheyuan Road Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.China 100871 ustainable Tel: (86)10-62753567 Fax: (86)10-62755484 E-mail:, Peking University • 135 species of birds, and over 30 birds have C breeding populations, including national protected species • 11 mammals • 385 higher plants • Over 20 fishes in the lake