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A Peek Inside the Tent
•All About You
•Overview of The Circus
•Programs of Study
•Career Services
•The Tour
•Costs & Resources
•Admissions Requirements
Our Mission
The mission of The Creative Circus
is to
graduate the best-prepared, most
sought-after creatives in the
Life at The Circus
The 411
•2 year certificate program
•Founded in 1995
•Bridge gap between education and industry
•Top feeder school
•Diverse student population
•280+ students
•Fully accredited by C.O.E.
•National Advisory Board
•Concept & Strategy
How We’re Different
•Learn by doing
•Individual attention/class size
•Integrated, collaborative programs
•7 full-time dedicated faculty members
•Part-time faculty all industry pros
•Connections to the industries we serve
•Student Competitions
The Inside Scoop
•Working while in school
•24 Hour period/panel reviews
Programs of Study
•Art Direction




•Interactive Development
Programs of Study
Art Direction                                                                                                                                                                                     Continue
1Q                                                        2Q                                                   3Q                                                    4Q
GE101 - Strategy 1                                        CG904 - InDesign/Illustrator                         VS301 - Type 3                                        TM410 - Creative Team 4
Introduces students to the basics of developing a         Introduction to standard Adobe software              Advanced course giving a detailed examination of      Working with a partner, students will be required
creative strategy based on sound business                 VS201 - Type 2                                       letter forms and extensive development of multi-      to develop original advertising campaigns for
principles, realistic budgets and focused                 Continues to look into applied typography and its    page and book                                         common, workaday consumer products advancing
demographics                                              design                                               design skills                                         skills learned in TM310
VS101 - Type 1                                            VS202 - Color Theory 1                               TM31 - Creative Team 3                                TM411 - Advertising Concepts 2
 Introduction to type as symbols, individual letter       Explores color as the soul of design and how these   Working with a partner of another discipline, the     Working with a partner, the student will carry
forms, shape and space                                    theories are applied to specific creative works      student will concept several print advertising        forward the concepting of print advertising
VS102 - Intro to Design                                   TM210 - Introduction to Creative Team                campaigns during the course of this class. The        campaigns. The objective is to develop further
Develop a basic understanding of design principles        Introduces the student to the basic work structure   objective of the course is to begin to develop        professional-level samples of the student’s work
and vocabulary for creative visual thinking               in which he or she will work through the             professional-level samples of the student’s work      for his or her final portfolio
GE102 - Creative Thinking                                 remainder of both school and professional            for their final portfolio                             DS606 - Branding
Emphasis on the daily necessity for original              careers. Teamed with a partner, the student will     TM311 - Advertising Concepts 1                        Explore brand identity and how to consider the
thinking and writing in the creative field                be exposed to the techniques of joint                Students will develop advertising concepts to be      logo, trademark, messaging and voice on a holistic
                                                          brainstorming, concept development and               presented weekly in class. This course will stress    level
                                                          execution of ideas through “thumbnails” or           not only the value of the concepts but also the       CG925 - Trends
                                                          “comps”                                              manner in which they are presented, including         This seminar course will introduce students to the
                                                                                                               voice, vocabulary, conviction, cogency and ease       concepts behind using new media and trend
                                                                                                               GE903 - Photoshop 1                                   spotting in advertising
                                                                                                               Introduction to the standard industry software for
                                                                                                               image manipulation

     5Q                                                   6Q                                                   7Q                                                    8Q
     AD401 - Layout 1                                     AD40 - Layout 2                                      TM601 - Interdisciplinary Teams CW/DES                TM810 - Creative Teams
     Basic awareness of spatial relationships of          The course focus is on more intricate layouts.       Collaborations between art                            In this final teams course, 8th quarter students will
     headlines, photos, body copy, logos, and white       Multi-visual, run-around typography, mixed           directors, designers, writers and photographers in    work in teams and individually to ensure that the
     space.                                               media, multi-page layouts, brochures.                a creative team to create an original campaign or     ads produced for their portfolio are expertly
     DS520 - Brand Extension                              TM610 - Creative Team 6: Alternative Marketing       poster                                                concepted and executed and are ready to present
     Take a Brand and create a new sub-Brand in teams     While working with a partner, the student will be    TM71 - Creative Teams 7                               to potential employers
     of 3 (DS, AD, CW) in an effort to enhance the        exposed to the radical, innovative, unconventional   Working within a team, the student will develop       TM810 - Concepting for the Portfolio
     client’s opportunities for revenue                   and sometimes startling approaches to advertising    original advertising campaigns at the highest level   The student will be expected to review his or her
     TM511 - Advertising Concepts 3                       which have come to be called “guerrilla              of excellence for common consumer products and        own portfolio and to work with the instructor in
     The student, working with her or his partner, will   marketing”                                           package goods.                                        this class to reinforce strengths and fill gaps in
     begin to create some of the final forms of           TM611 - Advertising Concepts 4                       TM711 - Advertising Concepts 5                        what will become the student’s graduate portfolio
     campaigns which will form the core of the            Working in teams, the students will concept and      In this final quarter of Advertising Concepts, the     All assignments in this class will be tailored to the
     student’s work for his or her final portfolio        execute a series of print campaigns                  student will create advertising campaigns, across     student’s individual need.
     TM41 - Firedrill                                     CG921 - Web Design                                   all media, which may be expected to represent the     GR801 - Graduate Portfolio Review/ Job Prep
     Students will be expected to concept and execute     Introduction to concepting in the interactive        student’s talent and abilities in the job market      This class will focus on the job search, final
     multiple advertising campaigns within a concise      environment                                          through their final portfolio                         portfolio with in-depth portfolio critiques, web-
     time limit.                                                                                               CG926 - Digital 2                                     site, PDF electronic portfolio and traditional
                                                                                                               Students will take an existing print ad campaign      portfolio preparation. The contact, the
                                                                                                               from their portfolio and expand it to a new media     interview, salaries, research, salary
                                                                                                               format                                                negotiations, working with
                                                                                                                                                                     recruiters, professionalism, and presentation will
                                                                                                                                                                     be covered.
Programs of Study
1Q                                                     2Q                                                    3Q                                                    4Q
GE101 - Strategy 1                                     CG904 - Indesign/Illustrator (can test out)           CG925 - Trends                                        TM410 - Creative Team 4
Introduces students to the basics of developing a      Introduction to standard Adobe software               This seminar course will introduce students to the    Working with a partner, students will be required
creative strategy based on sound business              CW201 - Developing your Voice                         concepts behind using new media and trend             to develop original advertising campaigns for
principles, realistic budgets and focused              The professional advertising writer must have a       spotting in advertising                               common, workaday consumer products advancing
demographics                                           distinctively personal style in the way she or he     CW106 - Headlines                                     skills learned in TM310
CW104 - Art Direction for Copywriters                  approaches a problem, whether conceptual or           Copywriting students will work to concept, craft      TM411 - Advertising Concepts 2
This course will familiarize copywriters with          written. This course will encourage the student to    and refine headlines for varied types of              Working with a partner, the student will carry
techniques, constraints and freedoms which those       overcome inhibitions and prejudices in order to       advertising campaigns                                 forward the concepting of print advertising
who will be their career partners in the               allow her or him to gain experience and               TM310 - Creative Team 3                               campaigns. The objective is to develop further
professional world                                     confidence in the value of her or his intrinsic       Working with a partner of another discipline, the     professional-level samples of the student’s work
CW101 - Introduction to Copywriting                    talent and ability                                    student will concept several print advertising        for his or her final portfolio
This introductory course will allow the copywriting    CW203 – Writing Scripts                               campaigns during the course of this class. The        CW301 - Copy 1
student to begin to learn the rudimentary              In this course, the student will be introduced to     objective of the course is to begin to develop        This is not about building a book; it’s about
techniques of writing advertising headline and         the basics of writing scripts, including time         professional-level samples of the student’s work      building the skills to build a book:
body copy, the economy of words and thought            constraints, building the “theater of the mind” for   for their final portfolio                             style, emotion, grammar, rhythm, meaning, re-
peculiar to this type of writing, and the necessity    the audience and basic production principles          TM311 - Advertising Concepts 1                        writing. In short, writing correctly
of creative thinking in written expression             TM210 - Introduction to Creative Team                 Students will develop advertising concepts to be      CW601 - Interactive Copy
GE102 - Creative Thinking                              Introduces the student to the basic work structure    presented weekly in class. This course will stress    A course designed to teach the writer to deal with
Looking at the world differently, Intro to             in which he or she will work through the              not only the value of the concepts but also the       the structure, continuity, transition and style
teamwork, meetings, sketching, experimenting           remainder of both school and professional             manner in which they are presented, including         problems associated with writing in
                                                       careers. Teamed with a partner, the student will      voice, vocabulary, conviction, cogency and ease       detailed, narrative form
                                                       be exposed to the techniques of joint
                                                       brainstorming, concept development and
                                                       execution of ideas through “thumbnails” or
 5Q                                                   6Q                                                     7Q                                                    8Q
 CW720 - Copycrafting 1                               CW820 - Copycrafting 2                                 TM601 - Interdisciplinary Teams CW/DES                TM810 - Creative Teams
 The advanced copywriting student will break          In this advanced level graduate quarter class, copy    Collaborations between art                            In this final teams course, 8th quarter students will
 down and improve their copy, word by word, for       is perfected for the final book                        directors, designers, writers and photographers in    work in teams and individually to ensure that the
 possible portfolio pieces                            TM610 - Creative Team 6: Alternative Marketing         a creative team to create an original campaign or     ads produced for their portfolio are expertly
 TM415 - Firedrill                                    While working with a partner, the student will be      poster                                                concepted and executed and are ready to present
 Students will be expected to concept and execute     exposed to the radical, innovative, unconventional     TM710 - Creative Teams 7                              to potential employers
 multiple advertising campaigns within a concise      and sometimes startling approaches to advertising      Working within a team, the student will develop       CW805 - Professional Dev. for Copywriting
 time limit.                                          which have come to be called “guerrilla                original advertising campaigns at the highest level   This course will allow graduating Copywriters the
 DS520 - Brand Extension                              marketing”                                             of excellence for common consumer products and        opportunity to learn about professional best
 Take a Brand and create a new sub-Brand in teams     TM611 - Advertising Concepts 4                         package goods.                                        practices, self-promotion and career development
 of 3 (DS, AD, CW) in an effort to enhance the        Working in teams, the students will concept and        TM711 - Advertising Concepts 5                        GR801 - Graduate Portfolio Review/ Job Prep
 client’s opportunities for revenue                   execute a series of print campaigns                    In this final quarter of Advertising Concepts, the    This class will focus on the job search, final
 TM511 - Advertising Concepts 3                       CW401 - Body Copy                                      student will create advertising campaigns, across     portfolio with in-depth portfolio critiques, web-
 The student, working with her or his partner, will   This course emphasizes bringing the same creative      all media, which may be expected to represent the     site, PDF electronic portfolio and traditional
 begin to create some of the final forms of           talent to body copy that a great writer brings to      student’s talent and abilities in the job market      portfolio preparation. The contact, the
 campaigns which will form the core of the            their headlines                                        through their final portfolio                         interview, salaries, salary negotiations, working
 student’s work for his or her final portfolio                                                               CG926 - Digital 2                                     with recruiters, professionalism, and presentation
                                                                                                             Students will take an existing print ad campaign      will be covered. There will also be some portfolio
                                                                                                             from their portfolio and expand it to a new media     review by guest reviewers. We will address the
                                                                                                             format                                                many-faceted aspects of the job search and go
                                                                                                                                                                   over specific agency information, history and
Programs of Study
Design                                                                                                                                                                                          Continue
1Q                                                     2Q                                                    3Q                                                     4Q
VS203 – Production                                     CG904 - InDesign/Illustrator                          DS104 - Trademarks 1                                   DS403 - Package Design
Hands on course that offers student the                Introduction to standard Adobe software               Learning that a logo is an                             Pushing the idea of packaging and how a product
knowledge to prepare work for print or                 VS201 - Type 2                                        advertisement, expression and visual                   and package can work together to make it more
reproduction                                           Continues to look into applied typography and its     representation in a simple wordless statement          desirable
VS101 - Type 1                                         design                                                VS301 - Type 3                                         DS606 - Branding
 Introduction to type as symbols, individual letter    VS202 - Color Theory 1                                Advanced course giving a detailed examination of       Explore brand identity and how to consider the
forms, shape and space                                 Explores color as the soul of design and how these    letter forms and extensive development of multi-       logo, trademark, messaging and voice on a holistic
VS102 - Intro to Design                                theories are applied to specific creative works       page and book                                          level
Develop a basic understanding of design principles     GE101 - Strategy 1                                    design skills                                          CG925 - Trends
and vocabulary for creative visual thinking            Introduction to the basics of developing a creative   VS401 - Design Concepts                                This seminar course will introduce students to the
GE102 - Creative Thinking                              strategy based on sound business                      Marrying concept with design principles in order       concepts behind using new media and trend
Emphasis on the daily necessity for original           Principles, realistic budgets, and focused            to create a cohesive, communicative end product        spotting in advertising
thinking and writing in the creative field             demographics                                          GE903 - Photoshop 1                                    CG921 - Web Design
                                                                                                             Introduction to the standard industry software for     Introduction to concepting in the interactive
                                                                                                             image manipulation                                     environment

 5Q                                                   6Q                                                     7Q                                                     8Q
 DS504 - Trademarks 2                                 GE976 - Deathmatch                                     DS803 - Capital Campaigns                              DS805 - Grad Portfolio
  Continuation from DS104 to develop the              Intense class giving real world deadlines and client   Student explores who they are or what they love        Focus on completion of design projects, and their
 students’ skills to solve any given identity issue   type experiences by executing 6 projects in a 10       in a set of deliverables that reflect and expression   presentations in the final portfolio critique
 DS506 - Publications                                 week time period                                       of themselves                                          DS505 - Corporate Identity
  Introduction to magazine design by developing       VS302 - Color Theory 2                                 TM601 - Interdisciplinary Teams                        Exploration of the conceptual and technical
 a publication that speaks to a specific audience      Continued exploration of the use of color             Disciplines collaborate to create an original          understanding of a corporate ID as a system of
 DS520 - Brand Extension                              CG913 - Photoshop 2                                    campaign                                               communication
 Mixed discipline class teaching collaboration to     Continuation of Photoshop I by learning new            DS706 - Advanced Branding                              DS705 - Professional Practices
 further develop existing brands awareness            concepts in the area of custom selection and           Examination of how a brand is communicated             Focus on and learn professional best practices, self
 DS401 - Illustration for Designers                   taking greater control over the editing process        both internally and externally, by developing          promotion and career development
 Developing original art for various media,           CG941 - Concepting for Flash                           effective and efficient brand messages and             Elective
 formats, functions and problems with an              Introduction to this vector based software and its     materials
 emphasis on hand skills and mixed media              uses for apparent seamless animation                   Elective
Programs of Study
1Q                                                          2Q                                                      3Q                                                    4Q
IM100 - Basic Lighting                                      IM200 - Advanced Lighting                               IM310 - Introduction to Portraiture                   IM340 - Documentary Photography
Light is one half of photography Daylight and               Students will continue studies in lighting principles   Broad, short, Rembrandt, split, beauty and            The photodocumentarian works with socially
tungsten light will be discussed and practiced.             introduced in Basic Lighting. Topics include            butterfly lighting are some of the basics covered     significant issues through the language of
Placement, intensity, metering and exposing of              lighting ratios, characteristics, additive and          here. Posing and body language will also be           photography. Class topics include
light are the basic controls a photographer must            subtractive methods, color balancing and mixed          discussed.                                            equipment, films, processes, researching and
master.                                                     lighting.                                               IM220 - Visual Thinking for Photographers             finding markets, obtaining releases and a variety
IM110 - Digital Photography 1                               IM210 - Digital Photography 2                           A class devoted to stretching the                     of other related ideas and information.
Begins the process of working with electronic               Furthers the processes and skills learned in Digital    creative, conceptual muscles of photographers in      IM420 - Fashion & Beauty
digital cameras, digital work flow, and Photoshop           Photography 1 by addressing the making of               the imagining, development, and production of a       . This course covers finding and working with
software .                                                  selections, masking, basic color correction, film       compelling image – an image that’s more than just     models, lighting and posing
 IM120 - Digital Color Management                           scanning, advanced Photoshop, file managing, and        a pretty picture.                                     techniques, film/digital equipment, model
Included in the advanced format is a                        archiving.                                              CG927 - Digital 3                                     releases and other information required to work
concentration and application of a digital                  DV304 - Intro to Video Editing                          Students will take an existing print ad campaign      successfully in this fast paced and competitive
workflow; from digital still capture through, and           Video content for the web will be created using         from their portfolio and expand it to a new media     field.
including electronic output, archiving, and                 linear and compositing editing software.                format.                                               IM430 - Interiors & Exteriors
management.                                                 IM410 - Competitions for Image                          IM350 - Equipment & Tools                             Styling, composition, and lighting are covered to
IM130 - Boot Camp                                           By creating and exploring various photographic          New equipment will be presented on a weekly           determine how the ideal camera location can
Covers basic camera and lens operations. Includes           techniques, students will execute specific              basis including, but not limited                      define the vision of an architect, interior designer
the camera settings of both shutter speed and               conceptual assignments while meeting required           to, cameras, lenses, lights and light                 or space planner.
aperature, and how, when combined, produce a                production timelines. Personal expressionism and        modifiers, digital capture and processing             VS202 - Color Theory for Image
correctly exposed digital file. Lens discussions            unique photographic styles are encouraged.              tools, and grip/location gear. Operational            The course introduces in-class exercises to prove
involve focal length, depth of field properties, and                                                                demonstrations and hands on usage will be             applicable color theories and outside assignments
focusing techniques.                                                                                                stressed.                                             to implement the principles as they apply to
                                                                                                                                                                          specific creative works.
     5Q                                                      6Q                                                      7Q                                                   8Q
     IM510 - Tabletop/Still Life Photography                 TM601 - Interdisciplinary Teams 2 (AD/CW/IM)            TM701 - Interdisciplinary Teams 3 (GD/IM)            IM810 - Graduate Portfolio Development
     Students will continue studies in lighting              This course collaborates art director, designer,        This course explores the creative working            Emphasis will be placed on polishing presentation,
     principles. Topics include lighting                     writer and photographer in a creative team of two       relationship between a graphic designer and          developing and expanding local network contacts,
     ratios, characteristics, additive and subtractive       or more persons to create an original campaign or       photographer. Finished samples may include a         and refining the skill of self-assessment, self-
     methods, color balancing and mixed lighting.            poster.                                                 movie poster, product brochure or an editorial       promotion and marketing.
     IM520 - Corporate Photography                           IM620 - Styling                                         magazine spread.                                     IM820 - Individual Projects 2
     Annual reports, quarterly reports and corporate         Styling improves the level of visual taste and          IM720 - Individual Projects 1                        Established for the focused student to further
     public relations are but a few of the areas in which    sophistication through coordinating the various         The student must provide a pre-determined            expand his/her final graduate portfolio. The
     the corporate industrial photographer works.            elements (people, clothing, food, objects,              number of concepts and present these ideas to        student must provide a pre-determined number of
     Learning not only the executive portrait, but the       background, etc.) and designing them for                the department head for approval. Once               concepts and present these ideas to the
     material stored in the warehouse, the new goods         photographic production. Introduction to prop           approved, the student must meet and maintain a       department head for approval. Once approved,
     coming off the assembly line and the worker in the      houses and various sources necessary to produce         production schedule for the balance of the           the student must meet and maintain a production
     environment of industry, are all taught.                styled photographs will be covered                      quarter.                                             schedule for the balance of the quarter.
     IM330 - View Camera                                     IM640 - Weddings                                        IM830 - Assisting Workshop                           GR803 - Advanced Specialized Study
     This complete manual system of photography              Part portraiture and part photojournalism, this         Each student is assigned to a working commercial     This course allows advanced students to receive
     remains in the forefront for precise technical high     course covers the basics from scheduling the            photography studio. The student and studio must      individualized feedback on book pieces, group
     quality image-making. The flexibilities and             event to the final portfolio presentation and will      commit to a full eight hour work day a week, for     critique as well as one-on-one instructor
     limitations of the view camera, field camera and        include posing, lighting basics, the use of filters,    ten weeks                                            consultation.
     press camera are covered in detail.                     and the importance of storytelling.                     IM840 - Directed Studies                             GE920 - Film/Video/TV Production
     CG913 - Photoshop 2                                     IM730 - Business & Marketing                            This class will enable The Circus to address needs   This course will allow Image students to learn to
     Learning new concepts in the area of custom             The student will produce a kit of essential business    outside the normal curriculum and be adaptive to     concept and execute for motion photography
     selections, the heart of photo editing, the student     practice forms as well as a marketing strategy to       special situations for its students. working on
     will take greater control over the editing process.     help identify and contact potential clients             certain aspects specific to the completion of the
                                                                                                                     graduate book.
Programs of Study
Interactive Development                                                                                                                                                                                Continue
1Q                                                          2Q                                                   3Q                                                       4Q
GE102 - Introduction to Creative Thinking                   CG925 - Trends                                       DV301 - Web Development 3 (Web Design and                DV400 - Web Development 4 (Web Development
The course emphasizes the daily necessity for               This seminar course will introduce students to the   Implementation Advanced)                                 and Implementation)
original thinking and writing in the creative fields.       concepts behind using new media and trend            It’s client-side scripting that has revolutionized our   Working with Dynamic Content i.e.;
Through practical assignments, students will be             spotting in advertising                              experience with the web. Client-side scripting is        PHP, MySQL, application
taught to recognize and avoid cliches, hackneyed            DV200 - Information Architecture                     primarily responsible for the birth of Web               development, environment provisioning, data
or trite ideas.                                             A site’s information architecture specification      2.0, paving the way for a new breed of web sites.        modeling
DV100 - Web Development Essentials                          typically evolves into a site map, which may or      This course will peel back the layers and reveal         DV402 - Rich Media Development 3 (Web
This course will focus on the various roles and             may not be published online and accessible to the    what makes a “web 2.0” web site tick. i.e.;              Animation Advanced)
responsibilities of those you will be working               public. It’s important to have a clear               PHP, MySQL                                               Working with Particle systems. Creating effects
closely with on a web site development team.                understanding of how to absorb, manage, and          DV302 - Rich Media Development 2 (Web                    based on user interaction i.e.; AS3, Flex
Having a general understanding of their                     leverage an IA specification so your not             Animation Intermediate)                                  DV403 - Motion Graphics Intermediate
similarities, roles, and responsibilities is critical to    repetitively inquiring where. Functional wireframe   Students will dive into object oriented actionscript     Creating Production videos for the web i.e.; After
the successful deployment of a project.          i.e.;      development & persona and use case                   and move away from timelines. i.e.; AS3                  Effects
FTP, version control, professionalism, xhtml, css           authoring/development                                DV303 - Motion Graphics Basic                            DV409 - Polishing Projects
DV101 - Web Design Implementation Basic                     DV201 - Web Development 2 (Web Design and            They will learn how to import and manipulate             This class gives the student time to go back a
Students will learn to take their designs and               Implementation Intermediate)                         video. Apply basic animation and effects and learn       polish and tweak projects in order to completely
scaffold them so their designs can be prepped for           CSS Development and Liquid Layout i.e.;              to leverage cameras for realistic perspectives. i.e.;    debug them of any issues
further development for the web.                            javascript, jquery                                   after effects, animation                                 Working with upper Q students to make projects
web development essentials. i.e.; Xhtml and css             DV202 - Rich Media Development 1 (Web                DV304 - Intro to Video Editing                           work.
scaffolding, layout execution                               Animation Basic)                                     Video content for the web will be created using
DV107 - Illustrator/Photoshop for the Web                   Using Relevant programs to create motion             linear and compositing editing software.
Creating vector based assets for the web.                   graphics for the web. i.e.; action script
                                                            3, tweenmax

  5Q                                                       6Q                                                    7Q                                                       8Q
  DV500 - Object Oriented Programming                      TM410 - Creative Team 4                               DV604 - Game Development Advanced                        DV800 - Project Management and Professional
  This will serve as a precursor to more complex           Working with a partner of another discipline, the     Creating game application for the mobile space           Practices
  object oriented lan¬guages. Allow the student to         student will concept several print advertising        i.e.; Unity                                              This course covers how to manage a project as
  work efficiently in some of the industry standard        campaigns during the course of this class. The        DV705 - Web Development 6 (Web 2.0 Centric               well as dealing with clients, contracts and the
  architectures such as MVC and Cairngorm i.e.; C          objective of the course is to begin to develop        Development Advanced)                                    business side of their job.
  sharp, iphone, ipad dev, PHP                             professional-level samples of the student’s work      Basic understanding of the Flex development              DS520 - Brand Extension
  DV503 - Motion Graphics Advanced                         for their final portfolio                             lifecycle including deployment                           Mixed discipline class teaching collaboration to
  This course covers how to create and modify              DV504 - Game Development Basic                        DV808 - Client Experience                                further develop existing brands awareness
  elements for use on the web i.e.; after effects          Creating Flash based video games i.e.; Unity          Students will be teamed up DS/DV to work with a          DV809 - Graduate Portfolio Review
  DV505 - 3-D modeling                                     DV605 - Web Development 5 (Web 2.0 Centric            client and meet client needs                             This class will focus on completion of design
  Model imaging and object rendering i.e.; Cinema          Development Basic) Creating Rich experiences by        Elective                                                projects and their presentation in the final
  4-d                                                      providing real time feedback to end users. i.e.; 1                                                             portfolio with in-depth portfolio critiques, as well
  DS706 - Advanced Branding                                portal dev./ Cloud Computing                                                                                   as addressing the job search,           preparation,
  Examination of how a brand is communicated by            Elective                                                                                                       creation of self-promotion pieces, web-site, and
  effective and efficient brand messages and                                                                                                                              electronic portfolio
  materials                                                                                                                                                                Elective
Student                                      Student Work
•Quarterly Student
Competitions•The One Show
                                              Hollywood Video
                                              Random House
                                              In Lebron We Trust
                                              Urban Bunk
•D&AD                  •Addys
                                              Chicken of the Sea
What is D&AD?
Operation Bangers &    •Communication Arts    Student Work
Cash                                          Grad Work
London Project         •CMYK

•Cannes Future Lions
The entry
The experience
Career Services


•Portfolio Reviews

•Local and National Networking
Career Services
Graduates and completers working in their field of study within six months of
 Jul 2006 - Jun 2007                 Jul 2007- Jun 2008   Jul 2008 - Jun 2009
 Art Direction 93.1%                 Art Direction 88.10% Art Direction 90%
 Design                              Design        88.89% Design        97.06%
          90.91%                     Copywriting 93.55% Copywriting 77.42%
 Copywriting                         Image         100%   Image         81.82%
          95.12%                     TOTALS        90.74% TOTALS        87.74%
 Image                          100%
 *2009-2010 statistics available
What Do Employers Say?
Industry Salaries
2011 National Salary Guide from The Creative Group*
 TITLELOW HIGH                                                               TITLELOWHIGH
 Web Developer                      $58,000                       $98,250    Copywriter (1-3 yrs)                   $37,000      $52,250
 Flash Developer                    $64,500                       $98,250    Copywriter (3+ yrs)                    $51,000      $70,250
 Interactive Producer               $64,000                       $89,000    Senior Copywriter (5+ yrs)             $66,750      $98,500
 Web Designer (1 to 5 yrs)          $48,500                       $73,750    Graphic Designer (1 to 3 yrs)          $34,500      $49,250
 Senior Web Designer (5+ yrs)       $70,500                       $99,500    Graphic Designer (3+ yrs)              $45,500      $63,000
 Information Architect              $75,500                       $112,500   Senior Graphic Designer (5+ yrs)       $58,000      $76,750
 Interactive Designer (1 to 5 yrs)   $46,500                      $73,500    Associate Art Director (3 to 5 yrs)    $55,000      $70,250
                                                                             Art Director (5+ years)                $63,250      $91,500
 Interactive Designer (5+ yrs)       $70,000                      $100,500
                                                                             Creative Services Manager $71,000           $100,250
 User Experience/ Interface Designer $75,500                      $95,000
                                                                             Associate Creative Director (5+ yrs)   $84,500      $114,0000
 Interactive Art Director            $74,000                      $105,000
                                                                             Creative Director (8+ yrs)             $92,000      $158,000
 Interactive Creative Director       $900500                      $145,000

 *To request the complete Creative Group 2011 Salary Guide, click here.
The Tour
Our Graduates
Copywriters    Art Directors     Designers         Photographers
Jeb Quaid      Matt Moore        Becky Kitlan      Chirsty Parry
Rich Ford      Angelle Juneau    Oscar Zabala      Julia Davis
Liza Behles    Dave Ortega       Larissa Brandau   Bobby Prokenpek
Andy Pearson   Gus Mendes        Elena Shroeder    Paige Rumore
Shana Ault     Lauren Fox        Lance Thomas      Jeff Wolk
Neville Shah   Ashley Schurott   Jon Donaghy       Melissa Witcher
Mark Adler     Kasia Haupt
Ashley Cagle
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Costs & Resources
Costs                                                       Resources
Application Fee              $100                           Savings

Tuition Fees          $415 per credit hour                  Grants
                   $1,673.83 per month                        * Pell Grant
                   $5,021.50 per quarter
                   $15,064.50 per academic year             Loans
                   * Academic year is 3 quarters.             * Student Stafford Loan
                                                              * Parent Plus Loan
Lab Fee                      $110 per quarter                 * Alternative or Private Loans

Books & Supplies   $500-$800 per quarter
                   *Varies by program, class, and project

Housing            $300-$1200 per month
                   *Varies by location and number of
Student Responsibilities
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•Share your work
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•Be your brand-promote yourself
•Take advantage of it all
•Fail hard
Joining The Circus
1. Application
                        3. Financial Aid
•Essay                  •Get instructions        4. Housing
•Application Fee        •Apply online
•Enrollment Agreement   •Planning appointment    5. Class Schedule
                        •Create individualized
•Portfolio              plan                     6. Orientation
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Shannon Cobourn
Director of Marketing and Admissions

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Peek Inside The Tent

  • 1. A Peek Inside the Tent
  • 2. Overview •All About You •Overview of The Circus •Programs of Study •Career Services •The Tour •Costs & Resources •Admissions Requirements •Recommendations •Q&A
  • 3. Our Mission The mission of The Creative Circus is to graduate the best-prepared, most avidly sought-after creatives in the industry.
  • 4. Life at The Circus
  • 5. The 411 •2 year certificate program •Founded in 1995 •Bridge gap between education and industry •Top feeder school •Diverse student population •280+ students •Fully accredited by C.O.E. •National Advisory Board •Concept & Strategy •Location/environment
  • 6. How We’re Different •Learn by doing •Individual attention/class size •Integrated, collaborative programs •7 full-time dedicated faculty members •Part-time faculty all industry pros •Connections to the industries we serve •Forums •Mentors •Student Competitions
  • 7. The Inside Scoop •Scheduling •Homework •Working while in school •24 Hour period/panel reviews
  • 8. Programs of Study •Art Direction •Copywriting •Design •Image •Interactive Development
  • 9. Programs of Study Art Direction Continue 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q GE101 - Strategy 1 CG904 - InDesign/Illustrator VS301 - Type 3 TM410 - Creative Team 4 Introduces students to the basics of developing a Introduction to standard Adobe software Advanced course giving a detailed examination of Working with a partner, students will be required creative strategy based on sound business VS201 - Type 2 letter forms and extensive development of multi- to develop original advertising campaigns for principles, realistic budgets and focused Continues to look into applied typography and its page and book common, workaday consumer products advancing demographics design design skills skills learned in TM310 VS101 - Type 1 VS202 - Color Theory 1 TM31 - Creative Team 3 TM411 - Advertising Concepts 2 Introduction to type as symbols, individual letter Explores color as the soul of design and how these Working with a partner of another discipline, the Working with a partner, the student will carry forms, shape and space theories are applied to specific creative works student will concept several print advertising forward the concepting of print advertising VS102 - Intro to Design TM210 - Introduction to Creative Team campaigns during the course of this class. The campaigns. The objective is to develop further Develop a basic understanding of design principles Introduces the student to the basic work structure objective of the course is to begin to develop professional-level samples of the student’s work and vocabulary for creative visual thinking in which he or she will work through the professional-level samples of the student’s work for his or her final portfolio GE102 - Creative Thinking remainder of both school and professional for their final portfolio DS606 - Branding Emphasis on the daily necessity for original careers. Teamed with a partner, the student will TM311 - Advertising Concepts 1 Explore brand identity and how to consider the thinking and writing in the creative field be exposed to the techniques of joint Students will develop advertising concepts to be logo, trademark, messaging and voice on a holistic brainstorming, concept development and presented weekly in class. This course will stress level execution of ideas through “thumbnails” or not only the value of the concepts but also the CG925 - Trends “comps” manner in which they are presented, including This seminar course will introduce students to the voice, vocabulary, conviction, cogency and ease concepts behind using new media and trend GE903 - Photoshop 1 spotting in advertising Introduction to the standard industry software for image manipulation 5Q 6Q 7Q 8Q AD401 - Layout 1 AD40 - Layout 2 TM601 - Interdisciplinary Teams CW/DES TM810 - Creative Teams Basic awareness of spatial relationships of The course focus is on more intricate layouts. Collaborations between art In this final teams course, 8th quarter students will headlines, photos, body copy, logos, and white Multi-visual, run-around typography, mixed directors, designers, writers and photographers in work in teams and individually to ensure that the space. media, multi-page layouts, brochures. a creative team to create an original campaign or ads produced for their portfolio are expertly DS520 - Brand Extension TM610 - Creative Team 6: Alternative Marketing poster concepted and executed and are ready to present Take a Brand and create a new sub-Brand in teams While working with a partner, the student will be TM71 - Creative Teams 7 to potential employers of 3 (DS, AD, CW) in an effort to enhance the exposed to the radical, innovative, unconventional Working within a team, the student will develop TM810 - Concepting for the Portfolio client’s opportunities for revenue and sometimes startling approaches to advertising original advertising campaigns at the highest level The student will be expected to review his or her TM511 - Advertising Concepts 3 which have come to be called “guerrilla of excellence for common consumer products and own portfolio and to work with the instructor in The student, working with her or his partner, will marketing” package goods. this class to reinforce strengths and fill gaps in begin to create some of the final forms of TM611 - Advertising Concepts 4 TM711 - Advertising Concepts 5 what will become the student’s graduate portfolio campaigns which will form the core of the Working in teams, the students will concept and In this final quarter of Advertising Concepts, the All assignments in this class will be tailored to the student’s work for his or her final portfolio execute a series of print campaigns student will create advertising campaigns, across student’s individual need. TM41 - Firedrill CG921 - Web Design all media, which may be expected to represent the GR801 - Graduate Portfolio Review/ Job Prep Students will be expected to concept and execute Introduction to concepting in the interactive student’s talent and abilities in the job market This class will focus on the job search, final multiple advertising campaigns within a concise environment through their final portfolio portfolio with in-depth portfolio critiques, web- time limit. CG926 - Digital 2 site, PDF electronic portfolio and traditional Students will take an existing print ad campaign portfolio preparation. The contact, the from their portfolio and expand it to a new media interview, salaries, research, salary format negotiations, working with recruiters, professionalism, and presentation will be covered. Elective
  • 10. Programs of Study Copywriting 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Continue GE101 - Strategy 1 CG904 - Indesign/Illustrator (can test out) CG925 - Trends TM410 - Creative Team 4 Introduces students to the basics of developing a Introduction to standard Adobe software This seminar course will introduce students to the Working with a partner, students will be required creative strategy based on sound business CW201 - Developing your Voice concepts behind using new media and trend to develop original advertising campaigns for principles, realistic budgets and focused The professional advertising writer must have a spotting in advertising common, workaday consumer products advancing demographics distinctively personal style in the way she or he CW106 - Headlines skills learned in TM310 CW104 - Art Direction for Copywriters approaches a problem, whether conceptual or Copywriting students will work to concept, craft TM411 - Advertising Concepts 2 This course will familiarize copywriters with written. This course will encourage the student to and refine headlines for varied types of Working with a partner, the student will carry techniques, constraints and freedoms which those overcome inhibitions and prejudices in order to advertising campaigns forward the concepting of print advertising who will be their career partners in the allow her or him to gain experience and TM310 - Creative Team 3 campaigns. The objective is to develop further professional world confidence in the value of her or his intrinsic Working with a partner of another discipline, the professional-level samples of the student’s work CW101 - Introduction to Copywriting talent and ability student will concept several print advertising for his or her final portfolio This introductory course will allow the copywriting CW203 – Writing Scripts campaigns during the course of this class. The CW301 - Copy 1 student to begin to learn the rudimentary In this course, the student will be introduced to objective of the course is to begin to develop This is not about building a book; it’s about techniques of writing advertising headline and the basics of writing scripts, including time professional-level samples of the student’s work building the skills to build a book: body copy, the economy of words and thought constraints, building the “theater of the mind” for for their final portfolio style, emotion, grammar, rhythm, meaning, re- peculiar to this type of writing, and the necessity the audience and basic production principles TM311 - Advertising Concepts 1 writing. In short, writing correctly of creative thinking in written expression TM210 - Introduction to Creative Team Students will develop advertising concepts to be CW601 - Interactive Copy GE102 - Creative Thinking Introduces the student to the basic work structure presented weekly in class. This course will stress A course designed to teach the writer to deal with Looking at the world differently, Intro to in which he or she will work through the not only the value of the concepts but also the the structure, continuity, transition and style teamwork, meetings, sketching, experimenting remainder of both school and professional manner in which they are presented, including problems associated with writing in careers. Teamed with a partner, the student will voice, vocabulary, conviction, cogency and ease detailed, narrative form be exposed to the techniques of joint brainstorming, concept development and execution of ideas through “thumbnails” or “comps” 5Q 6Q 7Q 8Q CW720 - Copycrafting 1 CW820 - Copycrafting 2 TM601 - Interdisciplinary Teams CW/DES TM810 - Creative Teams The advanced copywriting student will break In this advanced level graduate quarter class, copy Collaborations between art In this final teams course, 8th quarter students will down and improve their copy, word by word, for is perfected for the final book directors, designers, writers and photographers in work in teams and individually to ensure that the possible portfolio pieces TM610 - Creative Team 6: Alternative Marketing a creative team to create an original campaign or ads produced for their portfolio are expertly TM415 - Firedrill While working with a partner, the student will be poster concepted and executed and are ready to present Students will be expected to concept and execute exposed to the radical, innovative, unconventional TM710 - Creative Teams 7 to potential employers multiple advertising campaigns within a concise and sometimes startling approaches to advertising Working within a team, the student will develop CW805 - Professional Dev. for Copywriting time limit. which have come to be called “guerrilla original advertising campaigns at the highest level This course will allow graduating Copywriters the DS520 - Brand Extension marketing” of excellence for common consumer products and opportunity to learn about professional best Take a Brand and create a new sub-Brand in teams TM611 - Advertising Concepts 4 package goods. practices, self-promotion and career development of 3 (DS, AD, CW) in an effort to enhance the Working in teams, the students will concept and TM711 - Advertising Concepts 5 GR801 - Graduate Portfolio Review/ Job Prep client’s opportunities for revenue execute a series of print campaigns In this final quarter of Advertising Concepts, the This class will focus on the job search, final TM511 - Advertising Concepts 3 CW401 - Body Copy student will create advertising campaigns, across portfolio with in-depth portfolio critiques, web- The student, working with her or his partner, will This course emphasizes bringing the same creative all media, which may be expected to represent the site, PDF electronic portfolio and traditional begin to create some of the final forms of talent to body copy that a great writer brings to student’s talent and abilities in the job market portfolio preparation. The contact, the campaigns which will form the core of the their headlines through their final portfolio interview, salaries, salary negotiations, working student’s work for his or her final portfolio CG926 - Digital 2 with recruiters, professionalism, and presentation Students will take an existing print ad campaign will be covered. There will also be some portfolio from their portfolio and expand it to a new media review by guest reviewers. We will address the format many-faceted aspects of the job search and go over specific agency information, history and research Elective
  • 11. Programs of Study Design Continue 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q VS203 – Production CG904 - InDesign/Illustrator DS104 - Trademarks 1 DS403 - Package Design Hands on course that offers student the Introduction to standard Adobe software Learning that a logo is an Pushing the idea of packaging and how a product knowledge to prepare work for print or VS201 - Type 2 advertisement, expression and visual and package can work together to make it more reproduction Continues to look into applied typography and its representation in a simple wordless statement desirable VS101 - Type 1 design VS301 - Type 3 DS606 - Branding Introduction to type as symbols, individual letter VS202 - Color Theory 1 Advanced course giving a detailed examination of Explore brand identity and how to consider the forms, shape and space Explores color as the soul of design and how these letter forms and extensive development of multi- logo, trademark, messaging and voice on a holistic VS102 - Intro to Design theories are applied to specific creative works page and book level Develop a basic understanding of design principles GE101 - Strategy 1 design skills CG925 - Trends and vocabulary for creative visual thinking Introduction to the basics of developing a creative VS401 - Design Concepts This seminar course will introduce students to the GE102 - Creative Thinking strategy based on sound business Marrying concept with design principles in order concepts behind using new media and trend Emphasis on the daily necessity for original Principles, realistic budgets, and focused to create a cohesive, communicative end product spotting in advertising thinking and writing in the creative field demographics GE903 - Photoshop 1 CG921 - Web Design Introduction to the standard industry software for Introduction to concepting in the interactive image manipulation environment 5Q 6Q 7Q 8Q DS504 - Trademarks 2 GE976 - Deathmatch DS803 - Capital Campaigns DS805 - Grad Portfolio Continuation from DS104 to develop the Intense class giving real world deadlines and client Student explores who they are or what they love Focus on completion of design projects, and their students’ skills to solve any given identity issue type experiences by executing 6 projects in a 10 in a set of deliverables that reflect and expression presentations in the final portfolio critique DS506 - Publications week time period of themselves DS505 - Corporate Identity Introduction to magazine design by developing VS302 - Color Theory 2 TM601 - Interdisciplinary Teams Exploration of the conceptual and technical a publication that speaks to a specific audience Continued exploration of the use of color Disciplines collaborate to create an original understanding of a corporate ID as a system of DS520 - Brand Extension CG913 - Photoshop 2 campaign communication Mixed discipline class teaching collaboration to Continuation of Photoshop I by learning new DS706 - Advanced Branding DS705 - Professional Practices further develop existing brands awareness concepts in the area of custom selection and Examination of how a brand is communicated Focus on and learn professional best practices, self DS401 - Illustration for Designers taking greater control over the editing process both internally and externally, by developing promotion and career development Developing original art for various media, CG941 - Concepting for Flash effective and efficient brand messages and Elective formats, functions and problems with an Introduction to this vector based software and its materials emphasis on hand skills and mixed media uses for apparent seamless animation Elective
  • 12. Programs of Study Image 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Continue IM100 - Basic Lighting IM200 - Advanced Lighting IM310 - Introduction to Portraiture IM340 - Documentary Photography Light is one half of photography Daylight and Students will continue studies in lighting principles Broad, short, Rembrandt, split, beauty and The photodocumentarian works with socially tungsten light will be discussed and practiced. introduced in Basic Lighting. Topics include butterfly lighting are some of the basics covered significant issues through the language of Placement, intensity, metering and exposing of lighting ratios, characteristics, additive and here. Posing and body language will also be photography. Class topics include light are the basic controls a photographer must subtractive methods, color balancing and mixed discussed. equipment, films, processes, researching and master. lighting. IM220 - Visual Thinking for Photographers finding markets, obtaining releases and a variety IM110 - Digital Photography 1 IM210 - Digital Photography 2 A class devoted to stretching the of other related ideas and information. Begins the process of working with electronic Furthers the processes and skills learned in Digital creative, conceptual muscles of photographers in IM420 - Fashion & Beauty digital cameras, digital work flow, and Photoshop Photography 1 by addressing the making of the imagining, development, and production of a . This course covers finding and working with software . selections, masking, basic color correction, film compelling image – an image that’s more than just models, lighting and posing IM120 - Digital Color Management scanning, advanced Photoshop, file managing, and a pretty picture. techniques, film/digital equipment, model Included in the advanced format is a archiving. CG927 - Digital 3 releases and other information required to work concentration and application of a digital DV304 - Intro to Video Editing Students will take an existing print ad campaign successfully in this fast paced and competitive workflow; from digital still capture through, and Video content for the web will be created using from their portfolio and expand it to a new media field. including electronic output, archiving, and linear and compositing editing software. format. IM430 - Interiors & Exteriors management. IM410 - Competitions for Image IM350 - Equipment & Tools Styling, composition, and lighting are covered to IM130 - Boot Camp By creating and exploring various photographic New equipment will be presented on a weekly determine how the ideal camera location can Covers basic camera and lens operations. Includes techniques, students will execute specific basis including, but not limited define the vision of an architect, interior designer the camera settings of both shutter speed and conceptual assignments while meeting required to, cameras, lenses, lights and light or space planner. aperature, and how, when combined, produce a production timelines. Personal expressionism and modifiers, digital capture and processing VS202 - Color Theory for Image correctly exposed digital file. Lens discussions unique photographic styles are encouraged. tools, and grip/location gear. Operational The course introduces in-class exercises to prove involve focal length, depth of field properties, and demonstrations and hands on usage will be applicable color theories and outside assignments focusing techniques. stressed. to implement the principles as they apply to specific creative works. 5Q 6Q 7Q 8Q IM510 - Tabletop/Still Life Photography TM601 - Interdisciplinary Teams 2 (AD/CW/IM) TM701 - Interdisciplinary Teams 3 (GD/IM) IM810 - Graduate Portfolio Development Students will continue studies in lighting This course collaborates art director, designer, This course explores the creative working Emphasis will be placed on polishing presentation, principles. Topics include lighting writer and photographer in a creative team of two relationship between a graphic designer and developing and expanding local network contacts, ratios, characteristics, additive and subtractive or more persons to create an original campaign or photographer. Finished samples may include a and refining the skill of self-assessment, self- methods, color balancing and mixed lighting. poster. movie poster, product brochure or an editorial promotion and marketing. IM520 - Corporate Photography IM620 - Styling magazine spread. IM820 - Individual Projects 2 Annual reports, quarterly reports and corporate Styling improves the level of visual taste and IM720 - Individual Projects 1 Established for the focused student to further public relations are but a few of the areas in which sophistication through coordinating the various The student must provide a pre-determined expand his/her final graduate portfolio. The the corporate industrial photographer works. elements (people, clothing, food, objects, number of concepts and present these ideas to student must provide a pre-determined number of Learning not only the executive portrait, but the background, etc.) and designing them for the department head for approval. Once concepts and present these ideas to the material stored in the warehouse, the new goods photographic production. Introduction to prop approved, the student must meet and maintain a department head for approval. Once approved, coming off the assembly line and the worker in the houses and various sources necessary to produce production schedule for the balance of the the student must meet and maintain a production environment of industry, are all taught. styled photographs will be covered quarter. schedule for the balance of the quarter. IM330 - View Camera IM640 - Weddings IM830 - Assisting Workshop GR803 - Advanced Specialized Study This complete manual system of photography Part portraiture and part photojournalism, this Each student is assigned to a working commercial This course allows advanced students to receive remains in the forefront for precise technical high course covers the basics from scheduling the photography studio. The student and studio must individualized feedback on book pieces, group quality image-making. The flexibilities and event to the final portfolio presentation and will commit to a full eight hour work day a week, for critique as well as one-on-one instructor limitations of the view camera, field camera and include posing, lighting basics, the use of filters, ten weeks consultation. press camera are covered in detail. and the importance of storytelling. IM840 - Directed Studies GE920 - Film/Video/TV Production CG913 - Photoshop 2 IM730 - Business & Marketing This class will enable The Circus to address needs This course will allow Image students to learn to Learning new concepts in the area of custom The student will produce a kit of essential business outside the normal curriculum and be adaptive to concept and execute for motion photography selections, the heart of photo editing, the student practice forms as well as a marketing strategy to special situations for its students. working on will take greater control over the editing process. help identify and contact potential clients certain aspects specific to the completion of the graduate book.
  • 13. Programs of Study Interactive Development Continue 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q GE102 - Introduction to Creative Thinking CG925 - Trends DV301 - Web Development 3 (Web Design and DV400 - Web Development 4 (Web Development The course emphasizes the daily necessity for This seminar course will introduce students to the Implementation Advanced) and Implementation) original thinking and writing in the creative fields. concepts behind using new media and trend It’s client-side scripting that has revolutionized our Working with Dynamic Content i.e.; Through practical assignments, students will be spotting in advertising experience with the web. Client-side scripting is PHP, MySQL, application taught to recognize and avoid cliches, hackneyed DV200 - Information Architecture primarily responsible for the birth of Web development, environment provisioning, data or trite ideas. A site’s information architecture specification 2.0, paving the way for a new breed of web sites. modeling DV100 - Web Development Essentials typically evolves into a site map, which may or This course will peel back the layers and reveal DV402 - Rich Media Development 3 (Web This course will focus on the various roles and may not be published online and accessible to the what makes a “web 2.0” web site tick. i.e.; Animation Advanced) responsibilities of those you will be working public. It’s important to have a clear PHP, MySQL Working with Particle systems. Creating effects closely with on a web site development team. understanding of how to absorb, manage, and DV302 - Rich Media Development 2 (Web based on user interaction i.e.; AS3, Flex Having a general understanding of their leverage an IA specification so your not Animation Intermediate) DV403 - Motion Graphics Intermediate similarities, roles, and responsibilities is critical to repetitively inquiring where. Functional wireframe Students will dive into object oriented actionscript Creating Production videos for the web i.e.; After the successful deployment of a project. i.e.; development & persona and use case and move away from timelines. i.e.; AS3 Effects FTP, version control, professionalism, xhtml, css authoring/development DV303 - Motion Graphics Basic DV409 - Polishing Projects DV101 - Web Design Implementation Basic DV201 - Web Development 2 (Web Design and They will learn how to import and manipulate This class gives the student time to go back a Students will learn to take their designs and Implementation Intermediate) video. Apply basic animation and effects and learn polish and tweak projects in order to completely scaffold them so their designs can be prepped for CSS Development and Liquid Layout i.e.; to leverage cameras for realistic perspectives. i.e.; debug them of any issues further development for the web. javascript, jquery after effects, animation Working with upper Q students to make projects web development essentials. i.e.; Xhtml and css DV202 - Rich Media Development 1 (Web DV304 - Intro to Video Editing work. scaffolding, layout execution Animation Basic) Video content for the web will be created using DV107 - Illustrator/Photoshop for the Web Using Relevant programs to create motion linear and compositing editing software. Creating vector based assets for the web. graphics for the web. i.e.; action script 3, tweenmax 5Q 6Q 7Q 8Q DV500 - Object Oriented Programming TM410 - Creative Team 4 DV604 - Game Development Advanced DV800 - Project Management and Professional This will serve as a precursor to more complex Working with a partner of another discipline, the Creating game application for the mobile space Practices object oriented lan¬guages. Allow the student to student will concept several print advertising i.e.; Unity This course covers how to manage a project as work efficiently in some of the industry standard campaigns during the course of this class. The DV705 - Web Development 6 (Web 2.0 Centric well as dealing with clients, contracts and the architectures such as MVC and Cairngorm i.e.; C objective of the course is to begin to develop Development Advanced) business side of their job. sharp, iphone, ipad dev, PHP professional-level samples of the student’s work Basic understanding of the Flex development DS520 - Brand Extension DV503 - Motion Graphics Advanced for their final portfolio lifecycle including deployment Mixed discipline class teaching collaboration to This course covers how to create and modify DV504 - Game Development Basic DV808 - Client Experience further develop existing brands awareness elements for use on the web i.e.; after effects Creating Flash based video games i.e.; Unity Students will be teamed up DS/DV to work with a DV809 - Graduate Portfolio Review DV505 - 3-D modeling DV605 - Web Development 5 (Web 2.0 Centric client and meet client needs This class will focus on completion of design Model imaging and object rendering i.e.; Cinema Development Basic) Creating Rich experiences by Elective projects and their presentation in the final 4-d providing real time feedback to end users. i.e.; 1 portfolio with in-depth portfolio critiques, as well DS706 - Advanced Branding portal dev./ Cloud Computing as addressing the job search, preparation, Examination of how a brand is communicated by Elective creation of self-promotion pieces, web-site, and effective and efficient brand messages and electronic portfolio materials Elective
  • 14. Student Student Work •Quarterly Student Competitions•The One Show Shows Hollywood Video Random House In Lebron We Trust Urban Bunk •D&AD •Addys Chicken of the Sea What is D&AD? Operation Bangers & •Communication Arts Student Work Cash Grad Work London Project •CMYK •Cannes Future Lions The entry The experience
  • 16. Career Services Graduates and completers working in their field of study within six months of graduation: Jul 2006 - Jun 2007 Jul 2007- Jun 2008 Jul 2008 - Jun 2009 Art Direction 93.1% Art Direction 88.10% Art Direction 90% Design Design 88.89% Design 97.06% 90.91% Copywriting 93.55% Copywriting 77.42% Copywriting Image 100% Image 81.82% 95.12% TOTALS 90.74% TOTALS 87.74% Image 100% TOTALS *2009-2010 statistics available Jan2011 94.23%
  • 18. Industry Salaries 2011 National Salary Guide from The Creative Group* INTERACTIVE STARTING SALARIES CREATIVE & PRODUCTION STARTING SALARIES TITLELOW HIGH TITLELOWHIGH Web Developer $58,000 $98,250 Copywriter (1-3 yrs) $37,000 $52,250 Flash Developer $64,500 $98,250 Copywriter (3+ yrs) $51,000 $70,250 Interactive Producer $64,000 $89,000 Senior Copywriter (5+ yrs) $66,750 $98,500 Web Designer (1 to 5 yrs) $48,500 $73,750 Graphic Designer (1 to 3 yrs) $34,500 $49,250 Senior Web Designer (5+ yrs) $70,500 $99,500 Graphic Designer (3+ yrs) $45,500 $63,000 Information Architect $75,500 $112,500 Senior Graphic Designer (5+ yrs) $58,000 $76,750 Interactive Designer (1 to 5 yrs) $46,500 $73,500 Associate Art Director (3 to 5 yrs) $55,000 $70,250 Art Director (5+ years) $63,250 $91,500 Interactive Designer (5+ yrs) $70,000 $100,500 Creative Services Manager $71,000 $100,250 User Experience/ Interface Designer $75,500 $95,000 Associate Creative Director (5+ yrs) $84,500 $114,0000 Interactive Art Director $74,000 $105,000 Creative Director (8+ yrs) $92,000 $158,000 Interactive Creative Director $900500 $145,000 *To request the complete Creative Group 2011 Salary Guide, click here.
  • 20. Our Graduates Copywriters Art Directors Designers Photographers Jeb Quaid Matt Moore Becky Kitlan Chirsty Parry Rich Ford Angelle Juneau Oscar Zabala Julia Davis Liza Behles Dave Ortega Larissa Brandau Bobby Prokenpek Andy Pearson Gus Mendes Elena Shroeder Paige Rumore Shana Ault Lauren Fox Lance Thomas Jeff Wolk Neville Shah Ashley Schurott Jon Donaghy Melissa Witcher Mark Adler Kasia Haupt Ashley Cagle
  • 21. Explore Click Watch Listen Browse Ad Age Art & Copy Don’t Get Me Started Podcast A Note to Student Art Ad Freak Helvetica Directors Agency Spy Objectified The Mad, Mad World of Beyond Madison Why Man Creates Advertising Avenue I Have an Idea Visits The Circus Read Look Join Hey Whipple, Squeeze This Creative Circus Photography AIMA Coroflot AIGA Deviant Art I Have An Idea
  • 22. Costs & Resources Costs Resources Application Fee $100 Savings Tuition Fees $415 per credit hour Grants $1,673.83 per month * Pell Grant $5,021.50 per quarter $15,064.50 per academic year Loans * Academic year is 3 quarters. * Student Stafford Loan * Parent Plus Loan Lab Fee $110 per quarter * Alternative or Private Loans Books & Supplies $500-$800 per quarter *Varies by program, class, and project Housing $300-$1200 per month *Varies by location and number of roommates
  • 23. Student Responsibilities •Attend class •Participate •Ask questions •Collaborate •Share your ideas •Share your work •Be honest •Be your brand-promote yourself •Take advantage of it all •Fail hard
  • 24. Joining The Circus 1. Application 3. Financial Aid •Application •Essay •Get instructions 4. Housing •Application Fee •Apply online •Enrollment Agreement •Planning appointment 5. Class Schedule •Create individualized •Portfolio plan 6. Orientation •Request Transcripts •Reconcile account balance 7. Start Classes 2. Acceptance!
  • 26. Next Steps: APPLICATION FINANCIAL AID INSTRUCTIONS Shannon Cobourn Director of Marketing and Admissions 404.477.6721 866.415.2349