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Saturday, September 9, 2023
Global Evangelical Church, Whuti, Volta Region
1977 - 2023
Peace Yayra
Ameko Sitty
1. call to Worship
- Hymn 300
2. Opening Prayer and Creed
3. Selections:
4. Biography
5. Hymn - 387 (old)
6. Tributes: Husband, Children, Mother, Siblings, Church
7. Scripture Readings
8. Praise and Adoration
9. Sermon
10. Offertory
11. Presentation of Wreaths
12. Recognitions
13. Hymn - 442 (old)
14. Liturgical Reading
15. Prayer for the family
16. Vote of thanks and Announcements
17. Closing Prayer and benediction
18. Closing Hymn - 453 (old)
At The Grave
1. Invocation
2. Hymn - 435
3. Committal/internment
4. Prayer & Benediction
5. Closing Hymn - 478
Rt Rev Prosper Samuel Dzomeku, Moderator, Global
Evangelical Church (GEC)
Rev Mawuli Dzidula Agodogo, Accra Presbytery Chairman,
Rev M.J.A. Bonuedi, Parish Pastor, GEC, Teshie, Accra
Rev Daniel K. Manyo, Parish Pastor, GEC, Aflao.
Rev John Darko, District Pastor, GEC, Ashaiman Washington
Rev S.W.K. Tsigbey, District Pastor, GEC, Atorkor
Rev Prosper Nyamador, GEC, Aflao.
Evang. Felix Roger K. Logosu, GEC, Teshie, Accra.
Order of Service
Fading away like the stars in the morning,
Losing their light in the glorious sun.
Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling,
Only remembered by what we have done.
Only remembered, only remembered,
Only remembered by what we have done;
Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling,
Only remembered by what we have done.
For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall
stand at last on the earth. And after my skin is
destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see
God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall
behold, and not another. How my heart yearns
within me. Job 19: 25-27 NKJV
eace Yayra Ameko Sitty was born on Sunday, May
22, 1977 at Atorkor in the Anloga District of the
Volta Region. She was the sixth child of her
father, the late Jacob Tetteh Ahiaga Ameko, from
Atorkor and the fourth child of her mother, Doris Kpata
Mansa Nutakor, from Whuti.
Early Life and Education
Faafa or Yayra as she was affectionately called grew up
with her mother, spending her early years at
Agbogbloshie and Tema respectively. She later moved to
Teshie to live with her maternal aunt, Mrs Celestine
Kalitsi Attipoe who took her as her last child before she
completed her basic education and returned to live with
her mother.
She started her primary education at Krobo 1&2
Primary School at Teshie, and continued to the Teshie
5&6 Junior Secondary School where she completed in
Due to the unavailability of funds, she could not
continue with her secondary school education despite
gaining admission to a school at Madina.
Growing up with her mother who was actively
engaged in petty trading, Faafa who supported her
mother by looking after her younger siblings quickly
picked up the rudiments of the trading business.
She started by selling oranges for herself, before
moving on to sell the popular ‘Dzowoe’ and Shallots,
known as Aƒe Sabala for her mother on commission
basis until she was able to stand on her own. She
engaged in profitable ventures including selling
Dzowoe, Shallots, Charcoal, Water and Hardware
among others.
While engaging in her trading activities, Faafa bought
a sowing machine, and asked her mother to accompany
her to enroll into apprenticeship.
Knowing how outspoken she was, her mother adviced
her to let her senior brother, Daniel accompany her and
sign the necessary agreement with her madam.
Even though she completed her apprenticeship and
graduated successfully, she continued with her trading
business and shelved the sewing machine.
She met her husband, Emmanuel Ayi Sitty who
expressed interest in marrying her. Out of respect or
rather, fear for her elder brother, Daniel, she asked her
then would be husband to go meet her brother who
approved of him before she accepted to his proposal
marry him. On June 14, 2004, she married her husband,
Emmanuel, with whom she had five children at the
Global Evangelical Church, Teshie. Their union was
blessed by the then Parish Pastor, Rev Prosper Samuel
Dzomeku who is now the moderator of the church.
As a young couple managing their lives together, they
were faced with some setbacks in the early years of their
marriage when the house they lived in caught fire.
Unfortunately, they lost everything they had to that fire
Being a hardworking young woman, she supported
her husband so they could start life afresh.
Barely two years after the fire incident, they lost their
third child at birth. Despite the challenges that had
confronted them and coupled landlord litigation issues,
she worked extra hard to support her husband to
complete their home where they moved in after the
expiration of their tenancy.
Faafa was not only hardworking but also serviceable,
kind and outspoken. She spoke her mind without fear or
favour, and also supported her family and friends, often
beyond her means. If it meant taking a loan to support a
family member or friend, she did it with gladness. And if
it was to run errands, she did so without complaint.
Faafa loved and understood the family support system
such that she never missed any family event as she was
either found helping out in the kitchen, running errands
or playing other significant roles.
In April this year, she traveled to go spend some time
and also take care of her ailing mother before returning
to continue with her business.
Faafa regularly kept in touch with her family, so we
were taken aback when we learnt that she hasn’t been
well and had been admitted to hospital.
Together with her husband, the family put in every
effort to ensure that she received the necessary medical
attention for her recovery.
Unfortunately, despite all efforts to help her recover,
she gave up the ghost on Sunday, August 13, 2023
barely 48 hours after she was admitted.
Having been baptized into the Global Evangelical
Church by Rev. W. E. Ashigbie, Faafa, until her demise,
was an active member of the Global Evangelical Church
and fellowshipped with the Washington District of the
She left behind her husband, four children, mother,
siblings and a multitude of family, friends and loved
Faafa, it is difficult to say goodbye to you at the prime
of your life. However, we take consolation in the fact
that you loved the Lord and died in Him, and we are of
the hope that we will be reunited on the resurrection
We love you Faafa, but God loves you best. Until we
meet again, we say rest in peace.
Hede nyuie, eye na dzudzɔ le ŋutiƒaƒa me!
Tribute by HUSBAND
h, my Yayra, Where are you? You said you were
going to check-up, several days now. You are yet
to come home. My dear, you left without saying
bye bye.
A golden heart has stop beating. My sweet heart, my
best friend, my confidant, I always looked forward for you
to come home. Spending time with you was enjoyable. I
had no final words from you. I miss you dearly.
Who will share my pain and my frustration with me?
Who will celebrate my achievement and success with me?
You have left so soon my dear Yayra.
You were industrious and hardworking, you wanted a
better life for us all. My dear, you know we had a lot of
plans. So what am I supposed to do without you? What am
I to do with all the four (4) children, Elorm, Mawuena,
Mawuli and Enyonam?
Should I blame the medical professionals who probably
could have done better to change this narrative? It would
only make me bitter and resentful. Not worth it.
Should I blame our God for not saving your life? In
Jeremiah 32:27, He assures me that He is the God of all
mankind, and that there is nothing too hard for Him. So He
could have spared us this pain and grief: No! I will not
blame Him. I give Him thanks for the gift He gave me. He
knows best. He gave you to me for a season; but you
belong eternally to Him.
The meaning of your name, ‘Yayra’ was what you were
to me. I was truly blessed to have you. You were blessed
like your name, Yayra. Words cannot adequately explain
how much I loved you. I was so proud of you, my love.
In my pain, I acknowledge that I am eternally grateful to
the God who blessed me with you.
It is painful, it is though. But the Lord, our God allowed
this tragedy to be fall us will grant us grace and strength to
carry on.
Forever in my heart
Sleep well, my love.
The Lord keep you in His bosom
eath has robbed us of a priceless gift. Life
has shortchanged us. We wake up and
things are not the same anymore. The
deafening loudness of the silence and absence of
our mother is so obvious in the house. Knowing that
this absence is forever makes it difficult to bear. We
wake up every morning with renewed hopes that
the story of Mama’s eternal departure will change.
We hurry from school hopeful that we would see
her at home. Life seems to be playing a prank on us,
and it is not funny.
Our mother was a mighty tree with several
branches which played different roles in our lives.
She was a mother and a friend, a disciplinarian and
an advocate, a provider and a nurturer. She always
ensured our meals were ready before we got
hungry. She always saw to it that we made it to
school in time. She always made it a point that we
were properly groomed at all times. Her weakness
which we love was her inability to ignore those nice
shirts, dresses and footwear she saw whenever she
went to the market. So whenever she left for the
market, we were rest assured that she was coming
home with goodies for us. Our welfare, joy,
satisfaction, health and general well-being was a
priority of priorities in her daily itinerary.
Her tireless hard work and dedication to success
Tribute by CHILDREN
Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed in a flash, in the
twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised
imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and
the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the
mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up
in victory.” “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” 1 Corinthians 15:51-55
and excellence in everything she did is a trait she did
well to imbibe in us. Her prayer for us daily was
something she never missed each morning. We would
have appreciated if more Mama would be around to
guide us the mother’s way, especially at this formative
phase of our lives. If this was a book, we would have torn
off this chapter of our lives before starting the first
chapter. Unfortunately, we will have to forge ahead
anyway. If we could trade some of our years to have her
back, we would do it without thinking about it, because it
will be the best decision anybody could ever make for a
loved one.
Mama, if we could have the opportunity to speak with
you again, we would spend the entire time telling you
how much we love you, how blessed we are to have you
as our mother, how grateful we are for all that you did for
us, and how impactful you have been to us. In honour of
you, we will hold on to and make the best of all that you
have imbibed us with.
Till we meet again, rest well, Mama. Rest well.
• Elorm
• Mawuena
• Mawuli • Enyonam
Tribute by MOTHER
ayra, your mother is weeping, for how long can a
mother’s tender care cease towards the child she
Oh no, it’s such an early goodbye.
You are gone, but surely not forgotten, and all the
memories we shared will linger in your absence. From my
struggles in the slum of Agbogbloshie to Tema and Teshie,
you were there with me and struggled along.
At a very tender age, you showed maturity and cared for
your younger ones whiles I was away on trading activities
outside Accra, and sometimes in neighbouring Togo.
Together with Daniel, I had no doubt that all will be well
while I was away.
You were not only business minded but hardworking. You
gave your all when it came to work and God blessed the
works of your hands.
You touched dust and it turns to gold. You conceive an
idea and you put it to work. How could I not be proud of
you my daughter?
Even though we sometimes disagree on a few things, my
welfare and well being meant a lot to you. You took it upon
yourself to cloth me, and ensured that I had new clothes and
footwear periodically.
How could I have known that the few days you came to
spend with me and take care of me when I wasn’t too well a
few months ago would be the last time I would be seeing
As was custom of you, you didn’t come to see me empty
handed but brought me presents.
Helplessly, I watched you struggle and prayed that your
struggles will come to an end. But this was not the kind of
end I prayed for, nor expected.
My wish was for you to have stayed longer so I could see
When peace like a river, attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say;
It is well, it is well, with my soul
It is well, it is well
With my soul, with my soul
It is well, it is well, with my soul
all the beautiful promises you told me about. But I thank
God for your life, knowing very well that you died in the
My beloved daughter, I always hoped and prayed that I
would not outlive my children, but the ways of God are not
our ways, neither are his thoughts, our thoughts. All I can say
and do is to be thankful to the Lord for granting me the
privilege of being your mother, and you, my daughter.
For the book of John 11:25 says, “I am the resurrection
and the life, whosoever believes in me, though he were
dead, yet shall he live.“
Yes I grieve today, but I am comforted knowing that you
are resting peacefully with the Lord whom you loved and
served in your lifetime, so I do not say goodbye forever but
farewell until we are reunited in the bosom of the Lord.
A golden heart stopped beating, and hand working hands
put rest. As the thoughtful daughter that you were,
You did your very best to attend to my needs as you could.
Thank you my daughter! Thank you my Faafa!
I love you and I will dearly miss you. God keep you till we
meet again.
Hede nyuie vinye!
Faafa! Dzidzor le nutifafa me.
Tribute by SIBLINGS
e are well aware that you are at home with God,
but the reason we mourn and grieve is because
we would not see you among us anymore. We
will not say that you are no more, but instead, you have
been with us.
Growing up with Sister Yayra was a beautiful blend of
contrasting experiences. We would laugh together; we
would frown at each other. We would agree here, and we
would argue there. We would have a nice time; and we
would fight. Well, that’s what real siblings do.
Sister Yayra was a person of multiple virtues which made
her assume different personalities when the need arose. She
could be a mother to us today, then a sister tomorrow. She
could be a disciplinarian today, then a playmate tomorrow.
You could see a strong woman today then the next time, a
tender lady. She could be a stern businesswoman today and
tomorrow you would see an easygoing woman.
These characteristics opened us up to easily interact with
all human personalities we encountered. All who knew her
Tribute From JUNIOR
To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die. Some day, we
will be a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good on
know I have been your most troubling sibling. But I
have also been the one you’ve shown love to the
most. From running errands and preparing food
while our mother while she spent time by my hospital
bed, to taking care of my needs in her absence were
things you did with ease.
You did not categorically say how much you loved us
but you expressed it in deeds. Despite the numerous
trouble we gave you, including ‘stealing’ your special
Dzowoe (even though you gave us some whenever you
will attest to the fact that she was hardworking, determined,
peaceful and kindhearted. Sister Yayra made it a point to be
of help to others, but found it impossible to ask for help,
even from those close to her. Thus, she took her destiny into
her hand and started working to provide for herself at an
early age. This earned her the nickname “Shikatsɛmɛ” (Rich
People) among our Gã neighbours.
She was always there for us in all the phases and faces of
life that we’ve encountered.
When news of Sister Yayra’s illness reached us, we were
super confident that our strong and resilient sister would
bounce back as we knew her to do. As hardworking as she
was, we knew it was her body’s way of telling her to take a
little break. Unbeknownst to us, this break came to break her
life’s journey. The never-expected news we received later
brought us to a standstill we are yet to recover from. It feels
abnormal that today, we refer to her in the past tense. Sadly,
this abnormality is the new normal we have to accept.
Now, we understand what the Venerable Bishop Dag
Heward - Mills meant by “death makes nonsense of
everything.” Hmmm!
This is not anything one should wish for another; not even
for an enemy. It’s sad we have to say farewell to our sister
while she was still fresh and active. We may move on, but
we will never get over this.
Sister Yayra, we thank God for these few years that we
have known you. None of the troubles of this mortal life will
disturb you anymore. Till we meet again, rest peacefully in
your maker's shade.
prepared it), you still pleaded on our behalf when we
were being punished for our crimes.
Yours was a life of service, and I consider myself the
biggest beneficiary. How can I forget how you left
everything to be by my side when I took critically ill a
few years back? Together with Sister Christy, you took
turns to attend to my needs. But you still stayed on
even when it was you turn to go home and rest. And
every time I watched you through the window of my
hospital bed and saw you sleeping outside at the
mercy of the weather and the unforgiving mosquitoes,
I count myself blessed to have you as a sister.
Mami Gã as I affectionately called you, I still recall
the role you played when I was getting married and
how supportive you have been to me and my family.
They may seem insignificant, but believe me, they
meant, still mean, and will always mean so much to
You were not only kind, but principled and
outspoken. You spoke your mind without fear or
favour, and that was misconstrued as you being
difficult. Nonetheless, those of us who knew you,
knew you for ourselves. Your kindness, compassion
and love will linger on forever.
Mami Gã, thank you for all you have done for me.
I have been asking myself a lot of ‘what if?’ and I
feel I let you down when you needed me the most.
Even though I did my best to ensure that you pulled
through, I wish there was much more I could have
done, and I want to say that I am sorry I couldn’t be by
your side like you always did for me.
If I could turn back the hands of time, I would love
better you and express it better than I did.
I never knew love could be a silence in the heart
A moment when the time is still
And all I’ve been looking for is right here in my
Just waiting for the chance to begin…
… Maybe you will never know how much I love
But of this, be sure
Here is your paradise, here is your book of life
Where you and I will be forevermore
Rest well my dear sister. Rest well!
Tribute From GLOBAL
He will wipe every tear from your eyes. There will be no more death or mourning
or crying or pain for the old other of things has passed away. REV 21:4
nassuming, calm and yet engaging is how we would
describe the late Mrs. Peace Yayra Ameko Sitty.
Yayra Sitty as’we all do called her was a member of the
GEC Bethel Chapel, Washington, a suberb of Aşhaiman
under Kpone Katamanso Municipality. She joined the
church in.
June 2013. She was an active and supportive member of
the church.
What the leadership will remember her most for, are the
flowers on the alter, speaker and microphone stands, and
her care for some of the individuals in the church including
the pastors. Her financial contributions towards the Church’s
programs cannot be overlooked or forgotten.
In all her supportive actions, she chose to remain
anonymous as she requested that her name should not be
Due to her anonymous nature, the church session only
got to know after her death that Yayra wakes up as early as
4:00am every Sunday to clean around the chapel secretly
before daybreak.
When the church learnt of her ill health on Friday, 11th
August, 2023, leadership joined hands to remember her in
prayers with the hope that she would recover soon and join
the bethel family. Unfortunately, news of her passing
reached us.
We as a church felt her death was too sudden untimely.
Even though we are filled with sorrow, shock and bitterness,
we believe God knows better and has called her to rest.
Auntie Yayra, we thank God for your life and we also ask
God to grant you rest in his heavenly bosom till we meet
Hed nyuie, Mawu nenɔ anyikpliwo!
GEC Ewe Hymn 300
Stanza 1
Ne Mawu ƒe ŋutifafa yɔ nye dzi me,
Ekem ne ahom atu hã,
Nye dzi anɔ ha dzim le xɔse me be
Enyo nam le Aƒetɔ la me!
|:Enyo nam, enyo nam,:|
Enyo nam le Aƒetɔ la me.
Stanza 2
Ne satan dze dzinye le ŋɔdzi dom nam,
Ekema nya sia aklẽ nam;
Nye Yesu wɔ nusianu kpɔ dziɖuɖu,
Nunye ko le Yesu fe wu me
Stanza 3
Yesu, alẽvi, tsɔ nye nuvɔ̃
ƒ’ agba.
Eye wòƒui gbe ɖe megbe;
Eku ɖe tanye l’atitsoga ŋuti,
Nye luʋɔ, kafu Aƒetɔ la!
GEC Ewe Hymn 387
Stanza 1
Do dzi, do dzi, xɔsetɔ!
Ne aʋa le sesẽ,
Dziɖula zu ge nàla;
Wò Mawu de dziwò
Do dzi! Do dzi!
Ne zã le ŋɔ dzim hã,
Do dzi! Do dzi!
Ŋu nyuia-ɖe ava ke.
Stanza 2
Do dzi, do dzi, xɔsetɔ!
Tetekpɔwo sesẽ
L’a-gbeƒu dziŋɔ la dzi,
Wò ʋu ade tɔkɔ.
Stanza 3
Yesu ateŋ aɖe mí,
Enye xɔla vavã.
Do dzi, do dzi, xɔsetɔ,
Yi ɖase nuwuwu!
GEC Ewe Hymn 442
Stanza 1
Gbe si gbe Aƒetɔ lado,
Aɖe gamenɔlawo,
Fukpekpewo keŋ ava yi
Abe drɔ̃
eƒe ye ene.
Ekem dzi adzɔ mí ŋ’tɔ
, míako alɔgbɔnu;
Mía ƒ’a-ɖe atso aseye
Akafu Mawu, mía ɖela.
Stanza 2
O Yehowa, kpɔ nublanui,
Ʋu wò ŋku dzi ɖe mía dzi!
Yɔ wò dɔtsɔla kakaawo
Gava wò fofoƒe me!
Mɔ didi la ti ame;
Mía tetekpɔ nanɔ kpuie!
Ne míewɔ aʋa vevie ko,
Kplɔ mí yi ɖe ŋutifafaƒee!
Stanza 3
Gbea-ɖe gbe le nuŋeŋɔli
Míatsɔ dzidzɔ sɔŋ aŋe
Nu si míeƒã kpl’a-ɖatsi lae,
Fukpekpe lazu dzidzɔ.
Mawu le ‘ƒe fiazi dzi
Lanye míaƒe fetu nyui;
Eye le agbe yeye me
Míakpɔe le ŋutifafaƒe.
GEC Ewe Hymn 453
Stanza 1
Agbemavɔ yome mati,
‘Fi si dzidzɔ le!
Maʋli vevie age ɖe me,
Aɖakpɔe blibo!
Mɔ xaxa, ke mazɔ ‘dzi;
Megbɔdzɔ, ke Yesu be:
o, nàdo dzi ko
Se ɖe nuwuwu!
Stanza 2
Woyɔm bena, mava ɖanɔ
Yesu fiazi gbɔ,
Matso kple dzo; ƒomewɔla
Makpɔ fetu o.
Du gbegblẽ sila labu
Eƒe dziɖuɖufetu.
Megbenuwo nayi faa ko!
Ðeke mehiãm o!
Stanza 3
Yesu, na ne nye didi keŋ
Nanɔ dziƒo ŋu!
Nàfia mɔ lam; de dzi ƒo nam,
Ne megbɔdzɔ la!
Ne woblem, nàgblɔe afiam!
Ne wodzum, nàfa ‘kɔ nam!
Wò lɔlɔ̃
si nakplɔm dedie,
Tso mɔ tatra dzi!
GEC Ewe Hymn 435
Stanza 1
Dɔ ‘lɔ̃
, lɔlɔ̃
tɔ, dɔ ‘lɔ̃
Ziɔ wò ta ɖe wò xɔla ƒ’a-kɔ nu;
wò vevie, Yesu lɔ̃
wò wu;
Dɔ ‘gbe! Dɔ ‘gbe! Dɔ ‘gbe!
Stanza 2
Èmlɔ ‘nyi abe vidzĩ dzaa ene,
Ke màganyɔ ɖe xexe sia me o;
Dzudzɔ vivi trɔ zu tɔwò azɔ,
Dɔ ‘gbe! Dɔ ‘gbe! Dɔ ‘gbe!
Stanza 3
Va se ɖe xexe sia nu ava yi,
Wòaƒo ‘ƒe kɔkɔetɔwo ƒu ɖ’egbɔ;
Va se ɖe si agbe sia awu nu,
Dɔ ‘gbe! Dɔ ‘gbe! Dɔ ‘gbe!
GEC Ewe Hymn 478
Stanza 1
Mía lɔlɔ̃
tɔ, esia enye
I: Lɔlɔ̃
ƒe dzesi nyui, :I
Si ke nàkpɔ, xɔlɔ̃
I: Lɔlɔ̃
tɔ, hede nyuie! :I
Stanza 2
Mawu yɔ wò: dze ‘yome ko,
I: Abe Kristotɔ ‘ne! :I
Dze Aƒetɔ Yesu yome,
I: Lɔlɔ̃
tɔ, hede nyuie! :I
Stanza 3
Míaŋlɔ wò be l’a-fi sia o.
I: Mawu nanɔ kpli wò! :I
Ana míagakpe le dziƒo,
I: Lɔlɔ̃
tɔ, hede nyuie! :I
“We extend our heartfelt gratitude for joining us in
honoring the life and legacy of our beloved
Your presence and support during this difficult time have
been a source of comfort and strength for our family.
Thank you for celebrating the cherished memories of a
remarkable soul who touched so many lives. Your love
and sympathy are deeply appreciated.”
May God richly bless you.

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Peace Yayra Ameko Sitty

  • 1. Saturday, September 9, 2023 Global Evangelical Church, Whuti, Volta Region 8:00am 1977 - 2023 Peace Yayra Ameko Sitty
  • 2. 02 1. call to Worship - Hymn 300 2. Opening Prayer and Creed 3. Selections: 4. Biography 5. Hymn - 387 (old) 6. Tributes: Husband, Children, Mother, Siblings, Church 7. Scripture Readings 8. Praise and Adoration 9. Sermon 10. Offertory 11. Presentation of Wreaths 12. Recognitions 13. Hymn - 442 (old) 14. Liturgical Reading 15. Prayer for the family 16. Vote of thanks and Announcements 17. Closing Prayer and benediction 18. Closing Hymn - 453 (old) At The Grave 1. Invocation 2. Hymn - 435 3. Committal/internment 4. Prayer & Benediction 5. Closing Hymn - 478 Clergy Rt Rev Prosper Samuel Dzomeku, Moderator, Global Evangelical Church (GEC) Rev Mawuli Dzidula Agodogo, Accra Presbytery Chairman, GEC Rev M.J.A. Bonuedi, Parish Pastor, GEC, Teshie, Accra Rev Daniel K. Manyo, Parish Pastor, GEC, Aflao. Rev John Darko, District Pastor, GEC, Ashaiman Washington Rev S.W.K. Tsigbey, District Pastor, GEC, Atorkor Rev Prosper Nyamador, GEC, Aflao. Evang. Felix Roger K. Logosu, GEC, Teshie, Accra. Order of Service
  • 3. 03 Fading away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun. Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling, Only remembered by what we have done. Refrain: Only remembered, only remembered, Only remembered by what we have done; Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling, Only remembered by what we have done. For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth. And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me. Job 19: 25-27 NKJV P eace Yayra Ameko Sitty was born on Sunday, May 22, 1977 at Atorkor in the Anloga District of the Volta Region. She was the sixth child of her father, the late Jacob Tetteh Ahiaga Ameko, from Atorkor and the fourth child of her mother, Doris Kpata Mansa Nutakor, from Whuti. Biography
  • 4. 04 Early Life and Education Faafa or Yayra as she was affectionately called grew up with her mother, spending her early years at Agbogbloshie and Tema respectively. She later moved to Teshie to live with her maternal aunt, Mrs Celestine Kalitsi Attipoe who took her as her last child before she completed her basic education and returned to live with her mother. She started her primary education at Krobo 1&2 Primary School at Teshie, and continued to the Teshie 5&6 Junior Secondary School where she completed in 1997 Due to the unavailability of funds, she could not continue with her secondary school education despite gaining admission to a school at Madina. Carrier Growing up with her mother who was actively engaged in petty trading, Faafa who supported her mother by looking after her younger siblings quickly picked up the rudiments of the trading business. She started by selling oranges for herself, before moving on to sell the popular ‘Dzowoe’ and Shallots, known as Aƒe Sabala for her mother on commission basis until she was able to stand on her own. She engaged in profitable ventures including selling Dzowoe, Shallots, Charcoal, Water and Hardware among others. While engaging in her trading activities, Faafa bought a sowing machine, and asked her mother to accompany her to enroll into apprenticeship. Knowing how outspoken she was, her mother adviced her to let her senior brother, Daniel accompany her and sign the necessary agreement with her madam. Even though she completed her apprenticeship and graduated successfully, she continued with her trading business and shelved the sewing machine. Marriage She met her husband, Emmanuel Ayi Sitty who expressed interest in marrying her. Out of respect or rather, fear for her elder brother, Daniel, she asked her then would be husband to go meet her brother who approved of him before she accepted to his proposal marry him. On June 14, 2004, she married her husband, Emmanuel, with whom she had five children at the Global Evangelical Church, Teshie. Their union was blessed by the then Parish Pastor, Rev Prosper Samuel Dzomeku who is now the moderator of the church. As a young couple managing their lives together, they were faced with some setbacks in the early years of their marriage when the house they lived in caught fire.
  • 5. 05 Unfortunately, they lost everything they had to that fire incident. Being a hardworking young woman, she supported her husband so they could start life afresh. Barely two years after the fire incident, they lost their third child at birth. Despite the challenges that had confronted them and coupled landlord litigation issues, she worked extra hard to support her husband to complete their home where they moved in after the expiration of their tenancy. Faafa was not only hardworking but also serviceable, kind and outspoken. She spoke her mind without fear or favour, and also supported her family and friends, often beyond her means. If it meant taking a loan to support a family member or friend, she did it with gladness. And if it was to run errands, she did so without complaint. Faafa loved and understood the family support system such that she never missed any family event as she was either found helping out in the kitchen, running errands or playing other significant roles. In April this year, she traveled to go spend some time and also take care of her ailing mother before returning to continue with her business. Faafa regularly kept in touch with her family, so we were taken aback when we learnt that she hasn’t been well and had been admitted to hospital. Together with her husband, the family put in every effort to ensure that she received the necessary medical attention for her recovery. Unfortunately, despite all efforts to help her recover, she gave up the ghost on Sunday, August 13, 2023 barely 48 hours after she was admitted. Having been baptized into the Global Evangelical Church by Rev. W. E. Ashigbie, Faafa, until her demise, was an active member of the Global Evangelical Church and fellowshipped with the Washington District of the church. She left behind her husband, four children, mother, siblings and a multitude of family, friends and loved ones. Faafa, it is difficult to say goodbye to you at the prime of your life. However, we take consolation in the fact that you loved the Lord and died in Him, and we are of the hope that we will be reunited on the resurrection morning. We love you Faafa, but God loves you best. Until we meet again, we say rest in peace. Hede nyuie, eye na dzudzɔ le ŋutiƒaƒa me!
  • 6. 06
  • 7. 06 Tribute by HUSBAND O h, my Yayra, Where are you? You said you were going to check-up, several days now. You are yet to come home. My dear, you left without saying bye bye. A golden heart has stop beating. My sweet heart, my best friend, my confidant, I always looked forward for you to come home. Spending time with you was enjoyable. I had no final words from you. I miss you dearly. Who will share my pain and my frustration with me? Who will celebrate my achievement and success with me? You have left so soon my dear Yayra. You were industrious and hardworking, you wanted a better life for us all. My dear, you know we had a lot of plans. So what am I supposed to do without you? What am I to do with all the four (4) children, Elorm, Mawuena, Mawuli and Enyonam? Should I blame the medical professionals who probably could have done better to change this narrative? It would only make me bitter and resentful. Not worth it. Should I blame our God for not saving your life? In Jeremiah 32:27, He assures me that He is the God of all mankind, and that there is nothing too hard for Him. So He could have spared us this pain and grief: No! I will not blame Him. I give Him thanks for the gift He gave me. He knows best. He gave you to me for a season; but you belong eternally to Him. The meaning of your name, ‘Yayra’ was what you were to me. I was truly blessed to have you. You were blessed like your name, Yayra. Words cannot adequately explain how much I loved you. I was so proud of you, my love. In my pain, I acknowledge that I am eternally grateful to the God who blessed me with you. It is painful, it is though. But the Lord, our God allowed this tragedy to be fall us will grant us grace and strength to carry on. Forever in my heart Sleep well, my love. The Lord keep you in His bosom 07
  • 8. 08 D eath has robbed us of a priceless gift. Life has shortchanged us. We wake up and things are not the same anymore. The deafening loudness of the silence and absence of our mother is so obvious in the house. Knowing that this absence is forever makes it difficult to bear. We wake up every morning with renewed hopes that the story of Mama’s eternal departure will change. We hurry from school hopeful that we would see her at home. Life seems to be playing a prank on us, and it is not funny. Our mother was a mighty tree with several branches which played different roles in our lives. She was a mother and a friend, a disciplinarian and an advocate, a provider and a nurturer. She always ensured our meals were ready before we got hungry. She always saw to it that we made it to school in time. She always made it a point that we were properly groomed at all times. Her weakness which we love was her inability to ignore those nice shirts, dresses and footwear she saw whenever she went to the market. So whenever she left for the market, we were rest assured that she was coming home with goodies for us. Our welfare, joy, satisfaction, health and general well-being was a priority of priorities in her daily itinerary. Her tireless hard work and dedication to success Tribute by CHILDREN Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” 1 Corinthians 15:51-55
  • 9. 09 and excellence in everything she did is a trait she did well to imbibe in us. Her prayer for us daily was something she never missed each morning. We would have appreciated if more Mama would be around to guide us the mother’s way, especially at this formative phase of our lives. If this was a book, we would have torn off this chapter of our lives before starting the first chapter. Unfortunately, we will have to forge ahead anyway. If we could trade some of our years to have her back, we would do it without thinking about it, because it will be the best decision anybody could ever make for a loved one. Mama, if we could have the opportunity to speak with you again, we would spend the entire time telling you how much we love you, how blessed we are to have you as our mother, how grateful we are for all that you did for us, and how impactful you have been to us. In honour of you, we will hold on to and make the best of all that you have imbibed us with. Till we meet again, rest well, Mama. Rest well. • Elorm • Mawuena • Mawuli • Enyonam
  • 10. 10 Tribute by MOTHER Y ayra, your mother is weeping, for how long can a mother’s tender care cease towards the child she bears? Oh no, it’s such an early goodbye. You are gone, but surely not forgotten, and all the memories we shared will linger in your absence. From my struggles in the slum of Agbogbloshie to Tema and Teshie, you were there with me and struggled along. At a very tender age, you showed maturity and cared for your younger ones whiles I was away on trading activities outside Accra, and sometimes in neighbouring Togo. Together with Daniel, I had no doubt that all will be well while I was away. You were not only business minded but hardworking. You gave your all when it came to work and God blessed the works of your hands. You touched dust and it turns to gold. You conceive an idea and you put it to work. How could I not be proud of you my daughter? Even though we sometimes disagree on a few things, my welfare and well being meant a lot to you. You took it upon yourself to cloth me, and ensured that I had new clothes and footwear periodically. How could I have known that the few days you came to spend with me and take care of me when I wasn’t too well a few months ago would be the last time I would be seeing you? As was custom of you, you didn’t come to see me empty handed but brought me presents. Helplessly, I watched you struggle and prayed that your struggles will come to an end. But this was not the kind of end I prayed for, nor expected. My wish was for you to have stayed longer so I could see When peace like a river, attendeth my way When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say; It is well, it is well, with my soul Refrain: It is well, it is well With my soul, with my soul It is well, it is well, with my soul
  • 11. 11 all the beautiful promises you told me about. But I thank God for your life, knowing very well that you died in the Lord. My beloved daughter, I always hoped and prayed that I would not outlive my children, but the ways of God are not our ways, neither are his thoughts, our thoughts. All I can say and do is to be thankful to the Lord for granting me the privilege of being your mother, and you, my daughter. For the book of John 11:25 says, “I am the resurrection and the life, whosoever believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.“ Yes I grieve today, but I am comforted knowing that you are resting peacefully with the Lord whom you loved and served in your lifetime, so I do not say goodbye forever but farewell until we are reunited in the bosom of the Lord. A golden heart stopped beating, and hand working hands put rest. As the thoughtful daughter that you were, You did your very best to attend to my needs as you could. Thank you my daughter! Thank you my Faafa! I love you and I will dearly miss you. God keep you till we meet again. Hede nyuie vinye! Faafa! Dzidzor le nutifafa me. Tribute by SIBLINGS W e are well aware that you are at home with God, but the reason we mourn and grieve is because we would not see you among us anymore. We will not say that you are no more, but instead, you have been with us. Growing up with Sister Yayra was a beautiful blend of contrasting experiences. We would laugh together; we would frown at each other. We would agree here, and we would argue there. We would have a nice time; and we would fight. Well, that’s what real siblings do. Sister Yayra was a person of multiple virtues which made her assume different personalities when the need arose. She could be a mother to us today, then a sister tomorrow. She could be a disciplinarian today, then a playmate tomorrow. You could see a strong woman today then the next time, a tender lady. She could be a stern businesswoman today and tomorrow you would see an easygoing woman. These characteristics opened us up to easily interact with all human personalities we encountered. All who knew her
  • 12. 12 Tribute From JUNIOR To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die. Some day, we will be a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good on I know I have been your most troubling sibling. But I have also been the one you’ve shown love to the most. From running errands and preparing food while our mother while she spent time by my hospital bed, to taking care of my needs in her absence were things you did with ease. You did not categorically say how much you loved us but you expressed it in deeds. Despite the numerous trouble we gave you, including ‘stealing’ your special Dzowoe (even though you gave us some whenever you will attest to the fact that she was hardworking, determined, peaceful and kindhearted. Sister Yayra made it a point to be of help to others, but found it impossible to ask for help, even from those close to her. Thus, she took her destiny into her hand and started working to provide for herself at an early age. This earned her the nickname “Shikatsɛmɛ” (Rich People) among our Gã neighbours. She was always there for us in all the phases and faces of life that we’ve encountered. When news of Sister Yayra’s illness reached us, we were super confident that our strong and resilient sister would bounce back as we knew her to do. As hardworking as she was, we knew it was her body’s way of telling her to take a little break. Unbeknownst to us, this break came to break her life’s journey. The never-expected news we received later brought us to a standstill we are yet to recover from. It feels abnormal that today, we refer to her in the past tense. Sadly, this abnormality is the new normal we have to accept. Now, we understand what the Venerable Bishop Dag Heward - Mills meant by “death makes nonsense of everything.” Hmmm! This is not anything one should wish for another; not even for an enemy. It’s sad we have to say farewell to our sister while she was still fresh and active. We may move on, but we will never get over this. Sister Yayra, we thank God for these few years that we have known you. None of the troubles of this mortal life will disturb you anymore. Till we meet again, rest peacefully in your maker's shade.
  • 13. 13 prepared it), you still pleaded on our behalf when we were being punished for our crimes. Yours was a life of service, and I consider myself the biggest beneficiary. How can I forget how you left everything to be by my side when I took critically ill a few years back? Together with Sister Christy, you took turns to attend to my needs. But you still stayed on even when it was you turn to go home and rest. And every time I watched you through the window of my hospital bed and saw you sleeping outside at the mercy of the weather and the unforgiving mosquitoes, I count myself blessed to have you as a sister. Mami Gã as I affectionately called you, I still recall the role you played when I was getting married and how supportive you have been to me and my family. They may seem insignificant, but believe me, they meant, still mean, and will always mean so much to me. You were not only kind, but principled and outspoken. You spoke your mind without fear or favour, and that was misconstrued as you being difficult. Nonetheless, those of us who knew you, knew you for ourselves. Your kindness, compassion and love will linger on forever. Mami Gã, thank you for all you have done for me. I have been asking myself a lot of ‘what if?’ and I feel I let you down when you needed me the most. Even though I did my best to ensure that you pulled through, I wish there was much more I could have done, and I want to say that I am sorry I couldn’t be by your side like you always did for me. If I could turn back the hands of time, I would love better you and express it better than I did. I never knew love could be a silence in the heart A moment when the time is still And all I’ve been looking for is right here in my arms Just waiting for the chance to begin… … Maybe you will never know how much I love you But of this, be sure Here is your paradise, here is your book of life Where you and I will be forevermore Rest well my dear sister. Rest well!
  • 14. 14 Tribute From GLOBAL EVANGELICAL CHURCH (BETHEL CHAPEL, WASHINGTON -ZENU) He will wipe every tear from your eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the old other of things has passed away. REV 21:4 U nassuming, calm and yet engaging is how we would describe the late Mrs. Peace Yayra Ameko Sitty. Yayra Sitty as’we all do called her was a member of the GEC Bethel Chapel, Washington, a suberb of Aşhaiman under Kpone Katamanso Municipality. She joined the church in. June 2013. She was an active and supportive member of the church. What the leadership will remember her most for, are the flowers on the alter, speaker and microphone stands, and her care for some of the individuals in the church including the pastors. Her financial contributions towards the Church’s programs cannot be overlooked or forgotten. In all her supportive actions, she chose to remain anonymous as she requested that her name should not be mentioned. Due to her anonymous nature, the church session only got to know after her death that Yayra wakes up as early as 4:00am every Sunday to clean around the chapel secretly before daybreak. When the church learnt of her ill health on Friday, 11th August, 2023, leadership joined hands to remember her in prayers with the hope that she would recover soon and join the bethel family. Unfortunately, news of her passing reached us. We as a church felt her death was too sudden untimely. Even though we are filled with sorrow, shock and bitterness, we believe God knows better and has called her to rest. Auntie Yayra, we thank God for your life and we also ask God to grant you rest in his heavenly bosom till we meet again. Hed nyuie, Mawu nenɔ anyikpliwo!
  • 15. 15 GEC Ewe Hymn 300 Stanza 1 Ne Mawu ƒe ŋutifafa yɔ nye dzi me, Ekem ne ahom atu hã, Nye dzi anɔ ha dzim le xɔse me be Enyo nam le Aƒetɔ la me! Chorus: |:Enyo nam, enyo nam,:| Enyo nam le Aƒetɔ la me. Stanza 2 Ne satan dze dzinye le ŋɔdzi dom nam, Ekema nya sia aklẽ nam; Nye Yesu wɔ nusianu kpɔ dziɖuɖu, Nunye ko le Yesu fe wu me Chorus: Stanza 3 Yesu, alẽvi, tsɔ nye nuvɔ̃ ƒ’ agba. Eye wòƒui gbe ɖe megbe; Eku ɖe tanye l’atitsoga ŋuti, Nye luʋɔ, kafu Aƒetɔ la! Chorus: GEC Ewe Hymn 387 Stanza 1 Do dzi, do dzi, xɔsetɔ! Ne aʋa le sesẽ, Dziɖula zu ge nàla; Wò Mawu de dziwò Chorus: Do dzi! Do dzi! Ne zã le ŋɔ dzim hã, Do dzi! Do dzi! Ŋu nyuia-ɖe ava ke. Stanza 2 Do dzi, do dzi, xɔsetɔ! Tetekpɔwo sesẽ L’a-gbeƒu dziŋɔ la dzi, Wò ʋu ade tɔkɔ. Chorus: Stanza 3 Yesu ateŋ aɖe mí, Enye xɔla vavã. Do dzi, do dzi, xɔsetɔ, Yi ɖase nuwuwu! Chorus: GEC Ewe Hymn 442 Stanza 1 Gbe si gbe Aƒetɔ lado, Aɖe gamenɔlawo, Fukpekpewo keŋ ava yi Abe drɔ̃ eƒe ye ene. Ekem dzi adzɔ mí ŋ’tɔ Ɛ̃ , míako alɔgbɔnu; Mía ƒ’a-ɖe atso aseye Akafu Mawu, mía ɖela. Stanza 2 O Yehowa, kpɔ nublanui, Ʋu wò ŋku dzi ɖe mía dzi! Yɔ wò dɔtsɔla kakaawo Gava wò fofoƒe me! Mɔ didi la ti ame; Mía tetekpɔ nanɔ kpuie! Ne míewɔ aʋa vevie ko, Kplɔ mí yi ɖe ŋutifafaƒee! Stanza 3 Gbea-ɖe gbe le nuŋeŋɔli Míatsɔ dzidzɔ sɔŋ aŋe HYMNS
  • 16. 16 Nu si míeƒã kpl’a-ɖatsi lae, Fukpekpe lazu dzidzɔ. Mawu le ‘ƒe fiazi dzi Lanye míaƒe fetu nyui; Eye le agbe yeye me Míakpɔe le ŋutifafaƒe. GEC Ewe Hymn 453 Stanza 1 Agbemavɔ yome mati, ‘Fi si dzidzɔ le! Maʋli vevie age ɖe me, Aɖakpɔe blibo! Mɔ xaxa, ke mazɔ ‘dzi; Megbɔdzɔ, ke Yesu be: Mègavɔ̃ o, nàdo dzi ko Se ɖe nuwuwu! Stanza 2 Woyɔm bena, mava ɖanɔ Yesu fiazi gbɔ, Matso kple dzo; ƒomewɔla Makpɔ fetu o. Du gbegblẽ sila labu Eƒe dziɖuɖufetu. Megbenuwo nayi faa ko! Ðeke mehiãm o! Stanza 3 Yesu, na ne nye didi keŋ Nanɔ dziƒo ŋu! Nàfia mɔ lam; de dzi ƒo nam, Ne megbɔdzɔ la! Ne woblem, nàgblɔe afiam! Ne wodzum, nàfa ‘kɔ nam! Wò lɔlɔ̃ si nakplɔm dedie, Tso mɔ tatra dzi! GEC Ewe Hymn 435 Stanza 1 Dɔ ‘lɔ̃ , lɔlɔ̃ tɔ, dɔ ‘lɔ̃ nàdzudzɔ, Ziɔ wò ta ɖe wò xɔla ƒ’a-kɔ nu; Míelɔ̃ wò vevie, Yesu lɔ̃ wò wu; Dɔ ‘gbe! Dɔ ‘gbe! Dɔ ‘gbe! Stanza 2 Èmlɔ ‘nyi abe vidzĩ dzaa ene, Ke màganyɔ ɖe xexe sia me o; Dzudzɔ vivi trɔ zu tɔwò azɔ, Dɔ ‘gbe! Dɔ ‘gbe! Dɔ ‘gbe! Stanza 3 Va se ɖe xexe sia nu ava yi, Wòaƒo ‘ƒe kɔkɔetɔwo ƒu ɖ’egbɔ; Va se ɖe si agbe sia awu nu, Dɔ ‘gbe! Dɔ ‘gbe! Dɔ ‘gbe! GEC Ewe Hymn 478 Stanza 1 Mía lɔlɔ̃ tɔ, esia enye I: Lɔlɔ̃ ƒe dzesi nyui, :I Si ke nàkpɔ, xɔlɔ̃ vevi, I: Lɔlɔ̃ tɔ, hede nyuie! :I Stanza 2 Mawu yɔ wò: dze ‘yome ko, I: Abe Kristotɔ ‘ne! :I Dze Aƒetɔ Yesu yome, I: Lɔlɔ̃ tɔ, hede nyuie! :I Stanza 3 Míaŋlɔ wò be l’a-fi sia o. I: Mawu nanɔ kpli wò! :I Ana míagakpe le dziƒo, I: Lɔlɔ̃ tɔ, hede nyuie! :I
  • 17. Appreciation “We extend our heartfelt gratitude for joining us in honoring the life and legacy of our beloved PEACE YAYRA AMEKO SITTY. Your presence and support during this difficult time have been a source of comfort and strength for our family. Thank you for celebrating the cherished memories of a remarkable soul who touched so many lives. Your love and sympathy are deeply appreciated.” May God richly bless you.