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Preparing for a PCI forensic

 A ex-QIRA speaks out

              Copyright 2010
What is a QIRA?
What is a QIRA?
 Qualified Incident Response Assessor
What is a QIRA?
 Qualified Incident Response Assessor

 They are the special investigation units of the Payment Card
 Industry who have PCI knowledge and forensic examination
 skills (supposedly) or
David Barnett                   

 Sr. Security Architect, Orbitz WorldWide
 also - Sr. Consultant, Blue-Lava - Financial crimes forensic/fraud
 Ex Forensics Investigator for a QSA (QIRA)
 Consultant/Educator for US Secret Service, DHS, FBI, and DoD.
 Participant HoneyNet Project

                         Copyright 2010
Why this talk
 Conversations with David Taylor
 from PCI Knowledge Base.
  Provided a wealth of data from
  interviews and anonymous
 Dave passed away suddenly from a
 heart attack on Oct 27, 2009.
 Breach war stories have been done
 ad-nausea, poorly most of the time
Breaches effect all merchant levels
Level 4 Merchants
Multi-Site Franchises
Big Corporations
Incident Response Plans should
    basically the same for all
         merchant levels
Lessons from 100+ CC investigations
  Find the right lawyer
  Pick your forensics investigator*
  Know how to work with your merchant bank and the card
  Ensure your software/hardware vendors, VARs, subcontractors,
  etc. take responsibility for their work
  Prepare for the QIRA onsite investigation
     *note - forensic (QIRA) vs. other forensic entities
How did we get here?
In the beginning:
US Secret Service and Card Association saw individual breaches
not the wider common attack trends
 Investigated them as isolated breaches
 Remediated as isolated cases
 No or little breach trending
Let’s talk a little about breaches
The fundamental ways data breaches occur -

Theft or Loss of Physical Equipment: such as laptop computers or
memory storage devices.
Illegal access to the systems or information: A data breach can occur
through unlawful access to PII data by technological means such as
hacking into existing computer systems.
Insiders: A data breach can be committed by current employees, ex-
A credit card breach = PCI
forensics onsite

 Who is allowed to perform forensics
 Only Qualified Incident Response Assessors
  Master list at
  The list has changed over the last few years - Last BIG update
  January 11, 2010 (only 3 companies when I was in the thick of it)
  The process of who can be one and who can’t makes no sense at
  all - though looks to be improving
How are merchants notified?
“Why are they picking on me?”
  Almost all notification is due to the merchant ID being identified
  by one of the card brands as a Common Point of Purchase,
  typically referred to as (CPP) or Point of Compromise (POC)
  This is the one method of how a merchant or processor can be
  identified as the breach point in a payment card fraud /
In this case, the similarity is a single business where all of the stolen credit cards
had been used before the cards had been involved in fraudulent activity. This
could potentially be the sign of an employee skimming card numbers, or a breach
in a database. There are always going to be coincidences involving data on a
large scale, but because of the scale, itʼs very difficult to end up with false positive
fraud once a margin of error is established.
Card issuers may request that MasterCard initiate an
investigation of a merchant for possible CPP activity at any time.
Acquiring banks have 5 business days to acknowledge a request
from MasterCard for a CPP investigation and 30 calendar days to
complete the investigation. Failure to respond may result in fines
or assessments. $$$$
Only MasterCard, not a member bank, may designate a
merchant location as a CPP and request that an acquiring bank
conduct a CPP investigation. MasterCard will identify a merchant
location as a CPP from one or more of the following sources:
   Information received from law enforcement and investigative authorities
   Card issuers in accordance with the established criteria
   MasterCard systems, databases, and any other source deemed to be
“Hello, you’ve been breached”

                    Now what?
It is important to move swiftly
1.   Follow your completed Data Breach Incident Response Plan
2.   Document all ongoing events, all people involved, and all discoveries
     into a timeline for evidentiary use. The following is a list of actions that
     are going to need to be taken when a breach occurs:
Visa Fraud Investigations CISP Team has their own agenda,
                though they state the following:

1 Works with the compromised entity to obtain all potentially
  compromised account numbers.
2 Disseminates "at risk" account numbers (or data) to the issuing
3 Begins monitoring the activity on the affected accounts.
4 Works with the appropriate law enforcement on the entity’s behalf.
5 Provides guidelines to the compromised entity to assist them in
  responding to the incident.
6 Works with the entity to identify security deficiencies.
7 Facilitates forensic investigation in a timely manner.
8 Ensures the entity takes corrective action to minimize the risk of
  future loss or theft of account information.
9 Works with the entity to verify PCI DSS compliance in an expedited
Account Data Compromise Recovery
(ADCR) process:

 Visa validates whether validated compromise meets ADCR
 criteria (full track, 10,000+ US accounts, incremental magnetic
 stripe counterfeit fraud on accounts)
 Visa calculates and advises the acquirer of its potential ADCR
 financial liability
 If at the end of the issuer fraud reporting window Visa calculates
 actual fraud and operating expense liability due to each
 participating and impacted issuer Visa notifies acquirers and
 issuers of their respective liability and reimbursement
From Breach to Fraud - Typical Timeline

  Date of Transaction at Entity                               Date of Transaction at Entity
  for Earliest Account                                        for LatestAccount
  Compromised                                                 Compromised

                                                                                                            DATE THE BREACH
                                                                                                            WAS DISCOVERED:
                 PERIOD of Compromised                   # of Accounts                                      Likely off this chart,
BEGIN                 Transactions                       List of Accounts               END                 most breaches are not
            Time period of entity's transaction data     Dates of Transactions                              discovered until late -
                                                                                                            due to poor monitoring/

                                                           Period of Breach                   End date of
                                                       Time Period of penetration

                                                                     PERIOD of Compromised Transactions
                      Start Date of Breach       DELAY                                                                         END
                                                               Time period when entity's transaction data is exploited

              PCI Assessments are only                  Date of earliest                           Date of latest
              valid for a "point in time:               fraudulent Transaction                     fraudulent Transaction
              Breaches occur over
              extended periods.

Inactive                                                                                                                       Inactive
                  Pre-Breach Stage                        Sustained Breach                    Exploitation-Only Stage
 Stage                                                                                                                          Stage
Compromised Account Management
System (CAMS):

 Merchant discovers account compromise and notifies it
 acquiring bank
 Compromised (or suspected) accounts are uploaded into CAMS
 for monitoring
 Visa investigates to determine if an account compromise has
 occurred and sends CAMS alerts to affected issuers to notify
 them of compromised accounts
 Affected issuers monitor, block or close compromised accounts
Post notification, know what
your expected to do, what you
need to do, and the difference
Visa mandated steps in event of a suspected
payment card data breach

  Immediately contain and limit exposure
  Alert all necessary parties immediately
  Provide all compromised accounts to your merchant bank within
  10 days
  Provide an Incident Response Report within 3 days to your
  merchant bank
What your expected to do by the
card associations
 The development of an Incident Response Plan is mandated by
 the PCI DSS in Requirement 12.9:
  12.9.1: Create an incident response plan

  12.9.2: Test the plan at least annually

  12.9.3: Designate specific personnel to be available on a 24/7 basis to respond to

  12.9.4: Provide appropriate training to staff with security breach response responsibilities

  12.9.5: Include alerts from IDS, IP and file integrity monitoring systems

  12.9.6: Develop processes to modify and evolve the IR plan according to lessons learned.
Focus areas during the forensic investigation

   Determine the type of cardholder information at risk
   Determine the how many cardholder information is /was at risk
   Perform incident validation and assessment
   Check for sensitive authorization data - Track data, CVV2 and PIN block
   Review payment gateway, VisaNet endpoint security and risk
   Preserve all electronic evidence
   Perform an internal and external vulnerability scan
   Was the merchant PCI compliant at the time of the breach
Be sure to contact -
  Your internal information security group and incident response
  Your merchant bank.
  Your local office of the United States Secret Service.
  If you do not know the exact name and/or contact information
  for your merchant bank, notify Visa Fraud Investigations and
  Incident Management group immediately at (650) 432-2978.
Provide all compromised Visa, Interlink, and Plus accounts to
your merchant bank within 10 business days.
All potentially compromised accounts must be provided and
transmitted as instructed by your merchant bank and Visa Fraud
Investigations and Incident Management group.
Visa will distribute the compromised Visa account numbers to
Issuers and ensure the confidentiality of entity and non-public
Within 3 business days of the reported compromise, provide an
Incident Report document to your merchant bank
Know the key stakeholders
..and know them intimately

  Merchant POS
Software/hardware   Merchant Bank   Card Association

                      Processor            Bank
Be Prepared to Answer the Following
  Initial point of entry
  Timeline of events
  Intruder information
  Data exfiltrated and exposed
  Compromised accounts
  Network architecture and application overview
  Logging and monitoring
  Investigative methods
  Regulatory review
  Containment efforts
Per Visa - Identify and establish relationships
agreements with key vendors, including:

  Outside IT security forensics experts who can investigate if, when
  and how a breach occurred, and how to close and repair your
  “Visa requires its partners to use external experts for this function,
  and doing so is critical to establishing credibility with the media,
  customers, investors and other key audiences. Also, consider using
  a different vendor from the one that may have done previous security
  assessments “
Identify how the breach happened, contain the breach, and
implement a solution so it can not happen again
Notify appropriate people within the company
Notify External Agencies, within required time frames, such as:
 ›› Forensics Investigator
 ›› Law Enforcement
 ›› Affected vendors, suppliers
 ›› FTC
 ›› State Attorneys General (where applicable)
 ›› Consumers
Visa and MasterCard are not interested in
forensics, they are interested in risk mitigation.
   Visa maintains relationships with their QSA’s for a reason
    Tend to work with the same people throughout the PCI-DSS world, for
    example, same people move from a QSA company to the PCI SSC (PCI
    Security Standards Council)
      Creates an echo chamber

    Lack of knowledge of modern forensics
    Place artificial pressure on investigators to got out a compromise time frame
    Rather wind down a case on lax evidence than determine the true causal
    effect of compromise and compromise patterns
        Saw this all the time while a QIRA
Important breach issues
           Breach Issues                          Action Items

  Mandated Breach Notification            Which States require notification
  Media reporting                        Hire firm for media coverage and
  Negative customer reaction          creating early press releases
  Cost associated with brand damage      Early customer communications
and lost revenue
Breach Fines
(the ugly truth)
Fines; according to the card
  Stiff fines and penalties ranging from $10K-$500K per month for non-
  $500K fine per credit card data compromise incident if not PCI
  $100K fine if Visa is not immediately notified of as suspected data
  If track data or other sensitive data elements was compromised, the
  merchant can be assessed the estimated cost of fraud under Visa’s
  ADCR Program as well as cost of card re-issuance (est. $7-$20 per
  Potential termination of credit card processing privileges
Monthly Prohibited Data     Fines for Merchant Data
Storage Violation Fines           Compromise

                          Up to $600,000 for non-compliance
 Months                   with PCI DSS requirements.
 Months 1-3
 Months 4-6               Issuer Recovery Cost of Fraud.
 Months 7 and up          Charges that occurred on all exposed
 Merchant Level 1         cards from the compromised
 $10,000                  location.
 $100,000                 The cost of the forensic investigation.
 Merchant Level 2
 $5,000                   The cost to replace exposed credit
 $25,000                  cards.
In reality, fines have been handed
down with no consistency
 Large discrepancies in the per incident cost between large level 1 merchants and level 4

 An average fine for a single food services merchant (a local bar) was $350k not

       lawyers costs

       Forensics assessment, incident investigation and containment

       Upgrading non-compliant POS software & IT and security remediation and

       Identity protection for impacted individuals (~$30 per person)

       Cost associated with onsite validation for 1 year - now a Level 1 merchant

       Class action lawsuits and liability in the event that privacy data was compromised
The Heartland Data Breach
 "Visa sent customized settlement information packets to the
 affected financial institutions on January 14, 2010. In order to
 accept the settlement, a financial institution was required to
 affirmatively complete and return the settlement paperwork to
 Visa by January 29, 2010," said the statement from lawyers
 representing some of the impacted banks. "The offers--at least
 those reviewed by class counsel--appeared to be less than 10
 cents on the dollar for most financial institutions and some at
 less than 1 cent on the dollar."
Other issues to deal with
Make sure you know a qualified
    lawyer and call them
A good lawyer can make all the difference in the penalty
Interview your lawyer
 Does the lawyer have:
  dedicated Internet law department?
  In house forensics professional?
  Know what PCI is?
  Worked with and know key individuals at Visa/MasterCard, the
  banks, processors, etc.
  How many digital crimes cases have they handled?
Merchant Bank
 Know your merchant bank’s Point of Contact for fraud /PCI
 Call them. Get to know this person. Take them for a beer.
  They will be involved early in the process, up until the very end.
  They typically know their counter parts at the card associations
  But wait, do you have a processor who isn’t your merchant bank?
  Better find out and give them a call too!
  Ensure these people are your advocate.
Hardware/Software Vendors
For level 4 merchants this can be quite complicated
Where does the responsibility

     Implementation                Hardware

               VAR               OEM
Large Merchants
 Per incident costs typically lower than level 3 or 4 merchants
 IT staff
 Leverage with manufacturers
 Media/Marketing Dept. to control the message
The “favorites” game
 Several instances of medium to large size breaches which
 remain off all breach lists and in the media
  Good legal representation early in the process
  Tend to lay blame of the software/hardware vendors
    Card Associations deathly afraid of Full Disclosure
    These and other issues have lead to many complaints of the ADCR
    process unofficial master record-keeper of
From 01/21/2010
News Update

From 01/21/2010
News Update

In an interesting development, a handful of issuing banks
impacted by the Heartland breach have filed a class action
lawsuit against two acquiring banks related to Heartland
Payment Systems. According to this article, the issuing
banks are unhappy with Heartland's proposed settlement with
Visa.  This appears and to be an attempted end-run around
the proposed $60 million settlement with Visa.  It also may
demonstrate that issuing banks are not satisfied with the
dispute resolution mechanisms under the Visa Operating
Regulations (the Account Data Compromise Recovery process
estimated the loss at $140 million, yet the settlement was
for only $60 million), and their ability to be made whole
under those mechanisms.

          From 01/21/2010
Breach Trends
 Just as merchants shop for PCI assessors (QSA’s) merchants
 shop for QIRA’s
  This tends to skew a specific company’s analysis
TrustWave               Verizon

Hospitality: 38%*         Retail: 31%               Education: 27%
                          Financial services: 30%   Government: 20%
Financial services: 19%
                          Food and beverage:14%     Health care:15%
Retail: 14%
                          Hospitality:6%            Financial :14%
Food and beverage:13%
                          Other: 17%                .............
Trend Analysis
 Trend numbers from each company by themselves should not
 be taken all that seriously
 Some basic trends can be seen when viewed outside the
 confines of these companies is a good overall source for breach data
 but ... several breach cases I worked on and am aware of are
 not on their list
Definite trends can be seen when
 viewed outside the confines of
 each of the forensics company
Next up ..... banks
 (February 16, 2010) A Michigan-based manufacturing
 firm is suing its bank after online crooks
 depleted the company's account by $560,000 via a
 series of unauthorized wire transfers last year.
 The lawsuit is one of several that have been filed
 over the past few months involving banks and
 customers victimized by online theft. In this
 case, the theft occurred after an employee at EMI
 supplied the crooks with the company's online
 banking credentials in response to a phishing e-
 mail that purported to come from the bank.

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Pci Forensic What You Dont Know

  • 1. Preparing for a PCI forensic investigation A ex-QIRA speaks out Copyright 2010
  • 2. What is a QIRA?
  • 3. What is a QIRA? Qualified Incident Response Assessor
  • 4. What is a QIRA? Qualified Incident Response Assessor They are the special investigation units of the Payment Card Industry who have PCI knowledge and forensic examination skills (supposedly)
  • 5. or David Barnett Sr. Security Architect, Orbitz WorldWide also - Sr. Consultant, Blue-Lava - Financial crimes forensic/fraud Ex Forensics Investigator for a QSA (QIRA) Consultant/Educator for US Secret Service, DHS, FBI, and DoD. Participant HoneyNet Project Copyright 2010
  • 6. Why this talk Conversations with David Taylor from PCI Knowledge Base. Provided a wealth of data from interviews and anonymous questionnaires. Dave passed away suddenly from a heart attack on Oct 27, 2009. Breach war stories have been done ad-nausea, poorly most of the time
  • 7. Breaches effect all merchant levels
  • 11. Incident Response Plans should basically the same for all merchant levels
  • 12. Lessons from 100+ CC investigations Find the right lawyer Pick your forensics investigator* Know how to work with your merchant bank and the card associations Ensure your software/hardware vendors, VARs, subcontractors, etc. take responsibility for their work Prepare for the QIRA onsite investigation *note - forensic (QIRA) vs. other forensic entities
  • 13. How did we get here?
  • 14. In the beginning: US Secret Service and Card Association saw individual breaches not the wider common attack trends Investigated them as isolated breaches Remediated as isolated cases No or little breach trending
  • 15.
  • 16. Let’s talk a little about breaches
  • 17. The fundamental ways data breaches occur - Theft or Loss of Physical Equipment: such as laptop computers or memory storage devices. Illegal access to the systems or information: A data breach can occur through unlawful access to PII data by technological means such as hacking into existing computer systems. Insiders: A data breach can be committed by current employees, ex- employees
  • 18. A credit card breach = PCI forensics onsite Who is allowed to perform forensics Only Qualified Incident Response Assessors Master list at cisp_if_compromised.html The list has changed over the last few years - Last BIG update January 11, 2010 (only 3 companies when I was in the thick of it) The process of who can be one and who can’t makes no sense at all - though looks to be improving
  • 19. How are merchants notified? or “Why are they picking on me?” Almost all notification is due to the merchant ID being identified by one of the card brands as a Common Point of Purchase, typically referred to as (CPP) or Point of Compromise (POC) This is the one method of how a merchant or processor can be identified as the breach point in a payment card fraud / compromise 
  • 20. In this case, the similarity is a single business where all of the stolen credit cards had been used before the cards had been involved in fraudulent activity. This could potentially be the sign of an employee skimming card numbers, or a breach in a database. There are always going to be coincidences involving data on a large scale, but because of the scale, itʼs very difficult to end up with false positive fraud once a margin of error is established.
  • 21. Card issuers may request that MasterCard initiate an investigation of a merchant for possible CPP activity at any time. Acquiring banks have 5 business days to acknowledge a request from MasterCard for a CPP investigation and 30 calendar days to complete the investigation. Failure to respond may result in fines or assessments. $$$$ Only MasterCard, not a member bank, may designate a merchant location as a CPP and request that an acquiring bank conduct a CPP investigation. MasterCard will identify a merchant location as a CPP from one or more of the following sources: Information received from law enforcement and investigative authorities Card issuers in accordance with the established criteria MasterCard systems, databases, and any other source deemed to be reliable
  • 22. “Hello, you’ve been breached” Now what?
  • 23. It is important to move swiftly 1. Follow your completed Data Breach Incident Response Plan 2. Document all ongoing events, all people involved, and all discoveries into a timeline for evidentiary use. The following is a list of actions that are going to need to be taken when a breach occurs:
  • 24. Visa Fraud Investigations CISP Team has their own agenda, though they state the following: 1 Works with the compromised entity to obtain all potentially compromised account numbers. 2 Disseminates "at risk" account numbers (or data) to the issuing banks. 3 Begins monitoring the activity on the affected accounts. 4 Works with the appropriate law enforcement on the entity’s behalf. 5 Provides guidelines to the compromised entity to assist them in responding to the incident. 6 Works with the entity to identify security deficiencies. 7 Facilitates forensic investigation in a timely manner. 8 Ensures the entity takes corrective action to minimize the risk of future loss or theft of account information. 9 Works with the entity to verify PCI DSS compliance in an expedited timeframe.
  • 25. Account Data Compromise Recovery (ADCR) process: Visa validates whether validated compromise meets ADCR criteria (full track, 10,000+ US accounts, incremental magnetic stripe counterfeit fraud on accounts) Visa calculates and advises the acquirer of its potential ADCR financial liability If at the end of the issuer fraud reporting window Visa calculates actual fraud and operating expense liability due to each participating and impacted issuer Visa notifies acquirers and issuers of their respective liability and reimbursement
  • 26. From Breach to Fraud - Typical Timeline Date of Transaction at Entity Date of Transaction at Entity for Earliest Account for LatestAccount Compromised Compromised DATE THE BREACH WAS DISCOVERED: PERIOD of Compromised # of Accounts Likely off this chart, BEGIN Transactions List of Accounts END most breaches are not Time period of entity's transaction data Dates of Transactions discovered until late - due to poor monitoring/ logging Period of Breach End date of Breach Time Period of penetration PERIOD of Compromised Transactions Start Date of Breach DELAY END Time period when entity's transaction data is exploited PCI Assessments are only Date of earliest Date of latest valid for a "point in time: fraudulent Transaction fraudulent Transaction Breaches occur over extended periods. Inactive Inactive Pre-Breach Stage Sustained Breach Exploitation-Only Stage Stage Stage
  • 27. Compromised Account Management System (CAMS): Merchant discovers account compromise and notifies it acquiring bank Compromised (or suspected) accounts are uploaded into CAMS for monitoring Visa investigates to determine if an account compromise has occurred and sends CAMS alerts to affected issuers to notify them of compromised accounts Affected issuers monitor, block or close compromised accounts
  • 28. Post notification, know what your expected to do, what you need to do, and the difference
  • 29. Visa mandated steps in event of a suspected payment card data breach Immediately contain and limit exposure Alert all necessary parties immediately Provide all compromised accounts to your merchant bank within 10 days Provide an Incident Response Report within 3 days to your merchant bank
  • 30. What your expected to do by the card associations The development of an Incident Response Plan is mandated by the PCI DSS in Requirement 12.9: 12.9.1: Create an incident response plan 12.9.2: Test the plan at least annually 12.9.3: Designate specific personnel to be available on a 24/7 basis to respond to incidents 12.9.4: Provide appropriate training to staff with security breach response responsibilities 12.9.5: Include alerts from IDS, IP and file integrity monitoring systems 12.9.6: Develop processes to modify and evolve the IR plan according to lessons learned.
  • 31. Focus areas during the forensic investigation Determine the type of cardholder information at risk Determine the how many cardholder information is /was at risk Perform incident validation and assessment Check for sensitive authorization data - Track data, CVV2 and PIN block storage Review payment gateway, VisaNet endpoint security and risk Preserve all electronic evidence Perform an internal and external vulnerability scan Was the merchant PCI compliant at the time of the breach
  • 32. Be sure to contact - Your internal information security group and incident response team. Your merchant bank. Your local office of the United States Secret Service. If you do not know the exact name and/or contact information for your merchant bank, notify Visa Fraud Investigations and Incident Management group immediately at (650) 432-2978.
  • 33. Provide all compromised Visa, Interlink, and Plus accounts to your merchant bank within 10 business days. All potentially compromised accounts must be provided and transmitted as instructed by your merchant bank and Visa Fraud Investigations and Incident Management group. Visa will distribute the compromised Visa account numbers to Issuers and ensure the confidentiality of entity and non-public information. Within 3 business days of the reported compromise, provide an Incident Report document to your merchant bank
  • 34. Know the key stakeholders
  • 35. ..and know them intimately Merchant POS Software/hardware Merchant Bank Card Association Acquiring Payment Processor Bank Gateway
  • 36. Be Prepared to Answer the Following Initial point of entry Timeline of events Intruder information Data exfiltrated and exposed Compromised accounts Malware Network architecture and application overview Logging and monitoring Investigative methods Regulatory review Encryption Containment efforts
  • 37. Per Visa - Identify and establish relationships agreements with key vendors, including: Outside IT security forensics experts who can investigate if, when and how a breach occurred, and how to close and repair your system. “Visa requires its partners to use external experts for this function, and doing so is critical to establishing credibility with the media, customers, investors and other key audiences. Also, consider using a different vendor from the one that may have done previous security assessments “
  • 38. Identify how the breach happened, contain the breach, and implement a solution so it can not happen again Notify appropriate people within the company Notify External Agencies, within required time frames, such as: ›› Forensics Investigator ›› Law Enforcement ›› Affected vendors, suppliers ›› FTC ›› State Attorneys General (where applicable) ›› Consumers
  • 39. Visa and MasterCard are not interested in forensics, they are interested in risk mitigation. Visa maintains relationships with their QSA’s for a reason Tend to work with the same people throughout the PCI-DSS world, for example, same people move from a QSA company to the PCI SSC (PCI Security Standards Council) Creates an echo chamber Lack of knowledge of modern forensics Place artificial pressure on investigators to got out a compromise time frame Rather wind down a case on lax evidence than determine the true causal effect of compromise and compromise patterns Saw this all the time while a QIRA
  • 40. Important breach issues Breach Issues Action Items Mandated Breach Notification Which States require notification Media reporting Hire firm for media coverage and Negative customer reaction creating early press releases Cost associated with brand damage Early customer communications and lost revenue
  • 42. Fines; according to the card associations Stiff fines and penalties ranging from $10K-$500K per month for non- compliance $500K fine per credit card data compromise incident if not PCI compliant $100K fine if Visa is not immediately notified of as suspected data breach If track data or other sensitive data elements was compromised, the merchant can be assessed the estimated cost of fraud under Visa’s ADCR Program as well as cost of card re-issuance (est. $7-$20 per card) Potential termination of credit card processing privileges
  • 43. Monthly Prohibited Data Fines for Merchant Data Storage Violation Fines Compromise Up to $600,000 for non-compliance Months with PCI DSS requirements. Months 1-3 Months 4-6 Issuer Recovery Cost of Fraud. Months 7 and up Charges that occurred on all exposed Merchant Level 1 cards from the compromised $10,000 location. $50,000 $100,000 The cost of the forensic investigation. Merchant Level 2 $5,000 The cost to replace exposed credit $25,000 cards. $50,000
  • 44. In reality, fines have been handed down with no consistency Large discrepancies in the per incident cost between large level 1 merchants and level 4 merchants An average fine for a single food services merchant (a local bar) was $350k not including: lawyers costs Forensics assessment, incident investigation and containment Upgrading non-compliant POS software & IT and security remediation and enhancements Identity protection for impacted individuals (~$30 per person) Cost associated with onsite validation for 1 year - now a Level 1 merchant Class action lawsuits and liability in the event that privacy data was compromised
  • 45. The Heartland Data Breach Aftermath "Visa sent customized settlement information packets to the affected financial institutions on January 14, 2010. In order to accept the settlement, a financial institution was required to affirmatively complete and return the settlement paperwork to Visa by January 29, 2010," said the statement from lawyers representing some of the impacted banks. "The offers--at least those reviewed by class counsel--appeared to be less than 10 cents on the dollar for most financial institutions and some at less than 1 cent on the dollar."
  • 46. Other issues to deal with
  • 47. Make sure you know a qualified lawyer and call them immediately A good lawyer can make all the difference in the penalty phase
  • 48. Interview your lawyer Does the lawyer have: dedicated Internet law department? In house forensics professional? Know what PCI is? Worked with and know key individuals at Visa/MasterCard, the banks, processors, etc. How many digital crimes cases have they handled?
  • 49. Merchant Bank Know your merchant bank’s Point of Contact for fraud /PCI Call them. Get to know this person. Take them for a beer. They will be involved early in the process, up until the very end. They typically know their counter parts at the card associations But wait, do you have a processor who isn’t your merchant bank? Better find out and give them a call too! Ensure these people are your advocate.
  • 50. Hardware/Software Vendors For level 4 merchants this can be quite complicated
  • 51. Where does the responsibility lay? Customer Software/ Implementation Hardware Developer VAR OEM
  • 52. Large Merchants Per incident costs typically lower than level 3 or 4 merchants IT staff Leverage with manufacturers Media/Marketing Dept. to control the message
  • 53. The “favorites” game Several instances of medium to large size breaches which remain off all breach lists and in the media Good legal representation early in the process Tend to lay blame of the software/hardware vendors Card Associations deathly afraid of Full Disclosure These and other issues have lead to many complaints of the ADCR process unofficial master record-keeper of breaches
  • 55. News Update From 01/21/2010
  • 56. News Update In an interesting development, a handful of issuing banks impacted by the Heartland breach have filed a class action lawsuit against two acquiring banks related to Heartland Payment Systems. According to this article, the issuing banks are unhappy with Heartland's proposed settlement with Visa.  This appears and to be an attempted end-run around the proposed $60 million settlement with Visa.  It also may demonstrate that issuing banks are not satisfied with the dispute resolution mechanisms under the Visa Operating Regulations (the Account Data Compromise Recovery process estimated the loss at $140 million, yet the settlement was for only $60 million), and their ability to be made whole under those mechanisms. From 01/21/2010
  • 57. Breach Trends Just as merchants shop for PCI assessors (QSA’s) merchants shop for QIRA’s This tends to skew a specific company’s analysis
  • 58. TrustWave Verizon Symantec CyberTrust Hospitality: 38%* Retail: 31% Education: 27% Financial services: 30% Government: 20% Financial services: 19% Food and beverage:14% Health care:15% Retail: 14% Hospitality:6% Financial :14% Food and beverage:13% Other: 17% .............
  • 59. Trend Analysis Trend numbers from each company by themselves should not be taken all that seriously Some basic trends can be seen when viewed outside the confines of these companies is a good overall source for breach data but ... several breach cases I worked on and am aware of are not on their list
  • 60. Definite trends can be seen when viewed outside the confines of each of the forensics company
  • 61. Next up ..... banks (February 16, 2010) A Michigan-based manufacturing firm is suing its bank after online crooks depleted the company's account by $560,000 via a series of unauthorized wire transfers last year. The lawsuit is one of several that have been filed over the past few months involving banks and customers victimized by online theft. In this case, the theft occurred after an employee at EMI supplied the crooks with the company's online banking credentials in response to a phishing e- mail that purported to come from the bank.

Editor's Notes

  1. mom and pop restaurant, bar, coffee shop, bed and breakfast
  2. multiple franchise sites all over the country during a typical breach timeframe
  3. The large news breaking type
  4. Why are
  5. This behavior is typical with larger level 1 merchants whereas, level 4 merchants often just go bankrupt.
  6. The merchant POC for fraud typically is in the PCI group
  7. If a POS is retaining track data, who removes the old data, upgrades the software, New software/hardware
  8. The aftermath of this incident is still in flux The issue still exists
  9. The aftermath of this incident is still in flux The issue still exists
  10. Heard of the practice of shopping for QSA’s?