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11	Simple	and	Proven	Ideas	to	Generate
a	Passive	and	Steady	Flow	of	Money
Through	These	Online	Businesses,	Even
If	You’re	a	Beginner!	
Brian	Freedom
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Table	of	Contents
Many	 people	 have	 heard	 of	 the	 words	 'Passive	 income,'	 but	 only	 a	 few	 are
curious	 enough	 to	 explore	 further.	 And	 sadly,	 even	 those	 who	 know	 what
passive	income	is	and	how	it	can	dramatically	change	their	lives	for	the	better
will	never	experience	it.	Yes,	they	do	love	the	idea	of	making	a	side	income	as	a
result	of	a	side	hustle	while	retaining	their	regular	9-5	jobs.	Many	even	fantasize
about	going	on	vacations	in	the	Bahamas	or	the	Cayman	Islands	and	generally
enjoying	life.
A	lot	comes	with	having	a	passive	income	because	it	is	not	just	something	that
you	turn	your	attention	to	when	you	feel	like	it.	The	truth	of	the	matter	is	that
you	will	need	to	work	hard	at	first	before	the	going	becomes	good,	and	that	is	if
you	have	taken	the	right	steps	or	done	the	right	things.	Over	time,	that	hard	work
you	 put	 in	 when	 you	 started	 the	 journey	 will	 begin	 to	 pay	 off,	 and	 for	 many
years	to	come,	fetching	you	a	good	income	weekly	or	monthly.
Therefore,	what	do	you	need	to	know	about	passive	income?	Here's	what	you
need	 to	 know	 about	 creating	 a	 passive	 income	 and	 what	 it	 entails	 to	 build
businesses	that	generate	passive	income
What	Is	Passive	Income?
any	endeavor.	It	could	be	from	a	rental	property	or	something	else	that	does	not
require	your	active	involvement	day	in,	day	out.
Passive	income	is	taxable,	just	like	regular	active	income,	in	the	United	States.
However,	the	IRS	treats	this	type	of	income	a	bit	differently	than	other	types	of
income.	Nevertheless,	it	is	an	excellent	way	to	make	some	income	on	real	estate,
investments,	and	other	kinds	of	endeavors	without	the	need	for	you	to	have	a
direct	relationship	with	each	day.
To	get	a	better	understanding	of	passive	income,	it	is	essential	to,	first	of	all,	take
a	look	at	the	major	types	of	income	that	are	presently	available.	There	are	3	of
these	 that	 you	 can	 focus	 on	 building:	 portfolio	 income,	 active	 income,	 and
passive	income.
Passive	income	is	a	term	that	has	changed	a	lot	over	the	past	few	years.	The	way
most	people	see	it	these	days	is	far	different	from	how	it	was	in	the	past,	which
Passive income can be a form of earning money that anyone can get and from
"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
is	a	good	thing.	All	that	is	required	now	is	to	learn	more	about	it	as	much	as	you
can	and	how	this	kind	of	income	works	so	that	you	can	apply	all	you	learn	to
make	it	work	for	you.
As	a	rule,	a	passive	income	is	used	to	define	any	money	you	regularly	earn	with
very	little—and	sometimes—no	effort	on	your	part.	It	does	sound	like	a	dream
come	 true;	 who	 wouldn't	 want	 to	 sit	 back	 and	 relax	 without	 having	 to	 do
anything,	yet	money	keeps	trickling	into	your	bank	account.
There	are	different	types	of	passive	income	that	you	can	work	with.	The	most
popular	or	common	options	that	are	presently	available	include:
Peer-to-peer,	real	estate.
Limited	partnership.
Investing	in	dividend	stocks.
Any	other	enterprise.
If	you	see	passive	income	as	a	good	or	positive	thing,	then	you	must	be	a	booster
of	work	at	home.	And	you	should	be	ready	to	lead	a	'Be	your	own	boss'	kind	of
lifestyle.	 The	 types	 of	 earning	 you	 may	 earn	 at	 first	 may	 be	 small,	 but	 the
income	will	eventually	grow	and	become	successful	if	you	work	hard.
Why	Should	You	Build	Passive	Income?
The	greatest	wealth-building	tool	is	your	income,	which	usually	requires	your
active	participation	in	the	form	of	a	full-time,	9-5	job.	No	matter	how	much	you
earn,	working	your	9-5	job,	you	won't	say	"No"	to	make	some	extra	side	income
without	too	much	sweat,	blood,	and	time	commitment.
Several	benefits	are	associated	with	earning	income	passively.	When	you	build	a
passive	income,	it	does	the	following:
Boosts	your	wealth-building	plan
Protects	you	from	a	sudden	and	complete	loss	of	income	if	you	lose
your	job
Creates	a	rare	opportunity	to	retire	early
It	 provides	 another	 stream	 of	 income,	 especially	 when	 you	 can	 no
longer	hold	down	a	9-5	job	or	outlast	your	retirement	fund.
How	Much	Money	Can	You	Make	Passively?
What	you	need	to	understand	and	know	right	away	is	that	passive	income	will
not	make	you	wealthy	overnight.	So,	get	rid	of	any	get-rich-quick	schemes	or
thoughts	that	may	be	passing	through	your	mind.
However,	if	you	follow	the	highly	profitable	passive	income	options,	you	will	be
able	to	build	a	lot	of	serious	money	in	the	long	run.	You	could	make	any	amount
from	a	few	hundred	dollars	to	hundreds	of	thousands	of	dollars,	depending	on
the	stream	of	income	you	opt	for.
Chapter	1.					Financial	Independence
Financial	 independence	 is	 the	 situation	 of	 having	 enough	 income	 (from
investments,	passive	income	sources,	real	estate,	etc.)	to	pay	for	one's	acceptable
living	expenses	for	the	rest	of	one's	life	without	needing	to	depend	on	formal
employment.	 The	 core	 path	 to	 achieving	 financial	 independence	 focuses	 on
maximizing	 one's	 savings	 rate	 by	 reducing	 expenses	 with	 high	 incomes.
Financial	independence	is	often	achieved	at	sufficient	personal	income	levels	to
permit	one	to	cede	any	further	work	to	be	provided	by	others	to	more	reliable
sources.	There	are	also	other	life	goals	that	achieve	financial	independence,	such
as	retiring	early	to	pursue	lifestyle	choices,	such	as	pursuing	hobbies,	making
progress	 on	 one's	 artistic	 skills,	 participating	 in	 culture,	 having	 a	 true	 and
meaningful	conversation	face	to	face	with	a	close	friend	or	family	member,	etc.
Pursuing	 financial	 independence	 is	 seldom	 an	 end	 in	 itself	 but	 can	 be	 a
transformational	experience.	Financial	independence	often	unlocks	latent	talent
and	 human	 potential,	 which	 was	 once	 hindered	 due	 to	 financial	 concerns
previously	 requiring	 immediate	 orders	 of	 magnitude	 of	 financial	 growth	 to
achieve.	In	such	cases,	the	unexpected	income	increase	can	reveal	dormant	or
potential	 talents.	 Similarly,	 eliminating	 financial	 worries	 creates	 a	 magnified
focus	on	one's	goals	and	allows	one	to	pursue	the	goals	of	his	or	her	actual	value
Financial	independence	is	largely	about	freedom	and	living	within	one's	means.
The	main	motivator	is	being	free	from	financial	constraints	and	doing	what	one
desires.	Many	of	these	goals	require	a	substantial	amount	of	wealth	to	achieve
and	 are	 often	 not	 immediately	 attainable	 for	 many	 people.	 This	 means	 that
financial	independence	requires	a	baseline	amount	of	wealth	savings	and	then
additional	 tracking	 and	 channeling	 of	 wealth	 towards	 the	 achievement	 of
personal	goals.
For	 Who	 and	 For	 Who	 Is	 Not	 the	 Financial
independence,	then	there	is	no	way	to	achieve	it	because	of	a	"chicken	and	egg"
problem.	 You	 cannot	 achieve	 financial	 independence	 unless	 you	 have	 enough
wealth	to	generate	incomes,	and	they	are	not	enough	unless	you	have	enough
Financial	independence	is	also	for	the	few	who	are	financially	healthy.	If	you	do
not	have	control	and	proper	management	over	your	finances,	then	you	have	an
urgent	need	to	exist.	When	you	survive	by	selling	your	body,	you	don't	have	any
free	time	to	pursue	your	independent	goals.	When	you	live	on	credit	insurance
and	rent,	you	have	no	chance	to	get	your	goal.	Financial	independence	is	not	for
those	who	do	not	have	a	secondary	goal:	a	good	job,	a	degree,	buying	a	house,	or
even	losing	weight.	Better	financial	independence	is	for	those	who	already	have
money	or	get	more	money.	Financial	independence	is	not	a	reason	to	get	rich.
Financial	independence	is	the	relationship	between	income	and	expenses.	For	a
person	to	achieve	financial	independence,	they	must	get	enough	money	to	cover
their	expenses.
Income	–	Expenses	=	Financial	Independence
In	practice,	it	looks	like	this:
Income	–	(Expenses	+	Savings)	=	Financial	Independence
Financial	independence	is	not	for	the	following:
People	Who	Love	Their	Job
If	 your	 work	 provides	 you	 with	 joy	 and	 satisfaction,	 then	 the	 demand	 for
financial	independence	is	not	high.	This	is	the	most	fundamental	condition	for
financial	independence.	If	you	are	in	such	a	situation,	then	you	must	be	grateful
Financial independence is for the few. If you do not have financial
"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
for	your	job.	And	you	may	not	be	much	interested	in	financial	independence	or
any	kind	of	long-term	savings.	Or	you	may	be	just	saving	for	a	specific	goal,	like
your	children's	education	or	retirement.
Those	Who	Are	Materialistic
Financial	independence	is	often	linked	to	spiritual	independence.	Those	who	are
materialistic	 and	 obsessed	 with	 possessions	 cannot	 be	 interested	 in	 financial
security.	You	must	have	the	ability	to	give	your	desires	materiality.	That	is,	you
need	 things,	 but	 the	 desire	 for	 them	 is	 not	 satisfied	 until	 you	 have	 some.
Financial	independence	is	a	stay	in	a	place	where	you	set	your	own	goals	and
ideas.	It	often	happens	when	you	have	fewer	material	desires.
Those	Who	Want	a	Constant	Salary
Financial	independence	is	not	for	those	who	like	the	taste	of	their	salary.	The
constant	 increase	 in	 salary	 is	 not	 very	 efficient.	 Instead,	 you	 can	 continue	 to
build	 financial	 independence	 by	 building	 a	 savings	 goal.	 The	 secret	 is	 to	 do
things	 in	 intensity	 but	 to	 enjoy	 it	 continuously.	 That	 is	 what	 financial
independence	brings.
Those	Who	Pursue	Short-Sighted	Goals
Financial	independence	is	not	for	the	present-minded	guys.	To	achieve	financial
independence,	you	will	need	to	plan	for	your	future.	The	path	will	surely	have
obstacles	 and	 challenges.	 Defining	 them	 is	 the	 first	 step	 to	 both	 victory	 and
defeat.	 You	 cannot	 avoid	 things	 that	 are	 threatening	 your	 goals.	 Overcoming
them	is	the	second	step.
Those	Who	Wants	to	Make	Money
Financial	independence	is	not	for	the	people	who	just	chase	money.	They	are
trying	to	buy	time.	Also,	they	are	trying	to	be	the	boss.	Most	of	the	time,	they	are
powerful	and	successful.	But	what	they	seek	is	the	definite	goal	with	one's	own
property	and	power.
The	Right	Mindset	to	Achieve	Financial	Independence
Putting	 negative	 prohibitions	 aside,	 financial	 independence	 is	 to	 reach	 goals,
which	are	not	given	by	others.	It	is	to	find	meaning	in	one's	life	and	to	feel	the
satisfaction	from	fulfilling	one's	desire	to	do	so	actively	and	responsibly.	It	is	to
have	enough	money	to	provide	enough	options.	Becoming	a	wealthy	person	is
not	all	that	necessary	to	achieve	wealth.	It	is	not	about	acquiring	wealth	to	try	to
become	rich	because	the	more	you	have,	the	less	freedom	you	will	have.	Your
wealth	 will	 surround	 you.	 Here	 is	 the	 right	 mindset	 to	 achieve	 financial
independence	and	earn	passive	income	opportunities:
Start	by	arranging	your	lifestyle	in	your	relation.	Think	and	visualize	how	much
money	you	need	to	reach	your	life	goals.	You	must	have	your	own	necessities	to
pursue	them.	For	instance,	if	you	pursue	financial	independence,	you	must	have
enough	money	to	pay	for	your	bills.	It	doesn't	mean	you	have	to	secure	your
room,	but	you	must	have	a	room	to	sleep,	and	you	must	have	a	patient	to	take
care	of	your	health.	If	you	hold	on	to	the	money,	then	you	have	a	big	problem	in
pursuing	your	goals.
You	must	have	a	good	time	while	making	money.	Most	of	the	time,	you	will
have	to	spend	much	of	the	day	in	front	of	yourself	to	earn	your	income.	You	will
need	to	earn	money,	but	you	must	make	it	think	you	don't	have	it.	When	you
make	it,	you	will	tend	to	do	it	on	your	own.	You	will	spend	less	time	working
and	 more	 time	 doing	 things	 you	 love.	 Also,	 have	 the	 experience-using	 and
enjoying.	You	must	spend	the	money	while	being	wealthy.
Financial	independence	will	also	bring	a	change	in	priorities.	As	your	income
increases,	you	will	have	time	to	pursue	your	dreams	daily.	You	will	even	have
more	time	to	pursue	your	passion	and	emotional	needs.	It	is	a	good	time	to	go
after	what	you	love.	Try	to	do	what	you	want	to	do.	You	will	feel	pleasure	in
making	your	money	while	doing	it.	Having	a	good	time	and	a	good	life	is	the
motivation	to	achieve	financial	independence.
There	is	no	shortcut	to	money.	You	will	make	it	while	the	motivation	is	high	and
you	 are	 persistent.	 In	 the	 long	 term,	 you	 will	 need	 to	 work	 hard	 and
continuously.	It	is	not	just	about	doing	the	right	things	but	also	about	doing	the
same	things.	You	can	only	do	what	you	are	good	at	doing.	You	must	be	willing
to	work	and	make	that	your	regular	schedule.
Financial	 independence	 will	 bring	 a	 change	 of	 identity.	 That	 may	 be	 good	 or
bad.	To	accept	the	change,	you	must	be	ready	to	do	it	positively.	You	will	be
used	to	doing	what	you	want	to	do	daily.	With	that,	there	are	responsibilities.	If
you	fail	yourself,	then	you	will	feel	the	same	pain	of	being	left	out.	Accepting
that	change	in	identity	is	a	key	to	achieve	financial	independence.
The	mind	looks	at	the	achievements	of	others.	You	will	see	how	much	others
have	earned,	and	you	will	be	jealous.	It	is	your	ego	talking.	Once	you	control
yourself,	you	will	be	proud	of	yourself.	You	must	feel	that	you	make	money	to
make	money	and	not	to	show	it.	An	independent	person	is	more	fulfilled.	Others
may	be	jealous,	but	you	have	the	freedom	to	do	what	you	want	to.
Risk	Tolerance
Financial	independence	is	the	first	step	towards	the	realization	of	freedom.	To
have	that	freedom,	you	must	be	ready	to	lose	what	you	have.	You	should	not	be
afraid	to	lose,	so	you	must	be	willing	to	take	risks.	It	also	means	that	you	will	be
ready	 to	 take	 charge	 of	 your	 life.	 The	 wealth	 of	 an	 independent	 person	 is	 a
collection	of	freedom.
"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
Chapter	2.					Create	a	Blog
Cost:	3	Difficulty:	2	Risk:	2
Blogging	is	when	one	writes	about	regular	events	and	situations	on	their	online
platform	to	educate,	inform	or	entertain	the	public.	The	online	platform	is	known
as	a	blog.	It	resembles	a	website;	however,	the	whole	interface	is	dynamic	and
designed	 for	 daily	 content	 updates.	 A	 person	 who	 blogs	 is	 referred	 to	 as	 a
blogger.	Readers	following	a	blog	and	its	activities	are	referred	to	as	traffic.
How	Blogging	Works
Depending	on	you,	you	may	decide	to	publish	posts	on	your	blog	every	day	or	a
couple	of	times	a	week.	It	is	always	advisable	to	post	at	least	once	a	day	to	keep
your	 readership	 on	 the	 upper	 side.	 Constant	 posting	 also	 helps	 in	 ranking	 the
blog	on	search	engines.	The	most	important	thing	you	can	do	with	your	blog
provides	quality	and	factual	information	to	avoid	misleading	your	readers.
Blogging	entails	writing	content,	recording	audios,	or	taking	videos	and	photos
that	accompany	that	blog	post	and	publishing	on	the	website	(blog).	Just	like	the
written	post,	audios,	videos	and	images	must	be	of	quality	as	well.	Sometimes	as
a	blogger,	you	may	choose	to	use	stock	images,	infographics,	and	other	varieties
of	graphics	to	color	their	posts	and	make	their	message	better	understood.
The	Process	of	Starting	a	Blog
Starting	a	blog	is	more	or	less	similar	to	starting	a	business.	In	fact,	to	earn	with
your	blog,	you	must	consider	it	a	business	and	manage	it	like	one.	That	said,
here	is	the	starter	pack:
Blog	name
Business	logo
Slogan	(not	mandatory)
A	domain	name
A	blog	platform	(WordPress,	Wix,	etc.)
A	blog	theme	(some	are	free,	others	premium)
A	blog	developer	(in	case	you	don’t	know	how	to	optimize	a	theme)
You	may	be	lucky	enough	to	find	most	of	the	above	services	provided	under	one
roof.	 In	 case	 your	 preferred	 hosting	 provider	 only	 sells	 domain	 names	 and
hosting,	 then	 feel	 free	 to	 outsource	 the	 other	 services.	 You	 can	 browse	 for
companies	 that	 offer	 such	 services.	 You	 may	 opt	 to	 start	 with	 free	 blogging
platforms	 like	 Blogger,	 Medium,,	 and	 the	 like.	 Promoting	 free
blogs	is	not	quite	easy	or	professional,	so	you	may	want	to	stick	to	appearing
like	a	real	business.
Topics	to	Blog	About
There	are	many	bloggers,	and	you	are	free	to	choose	the	blogger	you	want	to	be.
Some	 bloggers	 blog	 on	 general	 industry	 topics;	 for	 example,	 in	 the	 health
industry,	 a	 blogger	 would	 incorporate	 posts	 on	 healthy	 meal	 recipes,
supplements,	 working	 out,	 weight	 loss	 options,	 etc.	 Another	 blogger	 would
choose	to	narrow	down	to	a	specific	topic	(also	called	niche)	and	only	blog	about
working	out.
To	choose	the	best	topic	that	would	end	up	being	lucrative,	it’s	advisable	to	go
for	something	you	have	knowledge	or	skills	on	or	a	truly	passionate	topic.	This
way,	you	already	know	what	you	are	doing,	and	being	your	passion,	you	can
drive	through	industry	challenges.
What	 Makes	 Blogging	 a	 Lucrative	 Passive	 Income
Blogging	can	be	very	lucrative,	mostly	if	you	settle	on	a	niche.	You	will	find
tons	of	opportunities	to	make	money	with	your	blog	and	yourself	as	a	personal
brand.	You	can	come	up	with	products	and	services	from	that	specific	niche	as
well	that	will	bring	you	money.	As	a	blogger,	you’ll	never	run	out	of	ways	to
How	Blogging	Generates	Money
There	are	various	ways	to	make	money	with	your	blog.	Take	note	that	a	blog	and
its	accessories	(like	social	media)	can	make	up	to	3	figures	in	less	than	a	year.
However,	this	will	depend	on	how	you	present	your	brand	to	the	world	and	how
you	market	yourself.
The	 first	 probable	 way	 of	 making	 money	 with	 a	 blog	 is	 through	 Google
AdSense.	In	a	month	after	launching	and	posting	severally,	you	can	register	for
Google	AdSense.	This	is	where	Google	places	relevant	advertisements	on	your
blog	and	pays	you	for	every	click	on	the	ad	(Pay	per	Click)
With	a	great	blog	and	social	media	popularity,	you’ll	be	able	to	land	yourself
corporate	 gigs	 of	 product	 placement	 and	 ambassadorship.	 This	 is	 one	 of	 the
ways	to	make	over	$10,000	in	just	a	month.	However,	you	have	to	go	the	extra
mile	and	present	yourself	to	high-paying	brands.
If	you	have	a	YouTube	channel,	you’ll	be	able	to	make	money	through	YouTube
advertisements.	Companies	can	also	approach	you	and	sponsor	your	YouTube
videos	for	a	product	mention.
You	can	also	come	up	with	eBooks,	training	materials	and	start	selling	products
related	to	your	niche.	For	example,	if	you	blog	about	exercising	for	weight	loss,
you	can	launch	supplements	that	help	in	the	weight	loss	process	and	sell	them	to
readers.	 If	 you	 run	 AdSense,	 do	 product	 placements,	 affiliate	 market,	 sell
products,	become	a	brand	ambassador,	and	all	those	activities,	you	may	just	be
able	to	earn	three	figures	in	a	month.
A	Blog’s	Cost	Structure
It	all	depends	on	all	the	activities	you’re	running	using	your	blog.	However,	if
you’re	 only	 blogging	 with	 selling	 materials	 and	 whatnot,	 then	 your	 monthly
"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
costs	would	include:
Hosting	renewal
Blog	advertising	(on	Google	and	Social	Media)
Content	creation	(if	you	travel	and	if	you	have	a	content	team)
Photo	editing	software	(if	you	use	those	that	renew	monthly)
Initial	budget	with	one-off	purchases	would	include	things	like	buying	the	blog
theme,	 a	 camera	 for	 photography,	 a	 good	 phone	 for	 social	 media	 and	 taking
photos	as	well,	and	much	more.	All	these	will	depend	on	your	niche	and	what
the	industry	expects	from	you.
How	to	Market	Your	Blog
Not	every	blogger	makes	money	with	their	blog.	This	is	due	to	the	lack	of	the
essential	factor—traffic.	To	attract	more	readers	and	viewers	to	your	blog,	you
can	 do	 some	 marketing.	 The	 easiest	 type	 of	 marketing	 is	 content	 marketing,
which	 involves	 using	 content	 materials	 like	 graphics	 and	 text	 to	 create	 the
popularity	of	your	work.
You	 can	 go	 for	 good	 old	 advertising	 and	 spend	 some	 money	 promoting	 your
blog	 using	 Google	 AdWords,	 social	 media	 promotion	 features,	 and	 more
avenues.	You	can	also	use	social	media	to	create	popularity	for	your	personal
brand,	which	in	turn	sends	traffic	to	your	blog.
Developing	Your	Blogging	Team
A	blog	can	be	run	solely	by	one	party.	However,	as	you	grow	and	get	busy	with
promotions	and	the	creation	of	products,	materials,	or	services,	you	may	need	to
hire	a	team.
Content	Editor
Photographer	(who	should	also	be	a	photo	editor)
Videographer	(if	you	feature	videos;	they	should	also	know	how	to
Social	Media	Manager
Personal	assistant	(or	a	manager	to	get	you	promotions	and	organize
your	activities)
Blogging	is	hands	down	one	of	the	best	passive	income	business	ventures	that
you	not	only	have	fun	making	up	but	also	one	that	can	make	you	good	money	in
a	 short	 period.	 You	 don’t	 need	 massive	 capital	 to	 start	 off,	 no	 education	 is
required	 except	 for	 knowledge	 and	 skill,	 and	 you	 can	 do	 it	 all	 by	 yourself
without	the	need	to	partner	with	someone.
"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
Chapter	3.					Online	Courses
Cost:	3	Difficulty:	2	Risk:	3
People	love	educating	themselves,	and	online	courses	are	an	incredible	way	to
do	so.	In	the	past	five	years,	online	courses	have	become	more	popular	than	ever
before	 because	 they	 are	 short,	 self-lead,	 and	 can	 support	 people	 in	 learning	 a
wealth	of	information	about	topics	that	actually	interest	them.	Creating	an	online
course	does	take	some	time	upfront,	but	once	it	is	created,	you	can	continue	to
sell	that	course	for	a	long	time,	making	it	a	highly	passive	form	of	income.
Benefits	of	Hosting	Online	Courses
The	benefits	of	hosting	online	courses	that	are	self-lead,	which	are	sometimes
called	"evergreen	courses,"	are	broad.	These	courses	are	a	great	opportunity	for
you	to	position	yourself	as	an	expert,	offer	an	ongoing	income	without	having	to
put	in	any	additional	work,	and	cost	almost	nothing	to	make.	Some	people	make
a	 massive	 passive	 income	 online	 by	 producing	 a	 new	 course	 every	 month	 or
every	few	months	and	posting	it	on	a	platform	like	Teachable	or	Udemy,	and
they	 produce	 a	 high	 income	 through	 this.	 In	 some	 cases,	 people	 earn	 over
$100,000	a	year	just	by	creating	and	promoting	their	online	courses.
If	you	wanted	to,	you	could	also	host	an	online	course	that	is	done	live—with
you	instructing	said	course	through	a	platform	like	Skype	or	Facebook	Live.	In
this	particular	circumstance,	you	could	profit	from	the	course's	live	filming	by
having	paid	members	joining	in	on	the	process.	Since	the	course	is	being	held
live,	you	can	also	charge	more	for	tickets	and	earn	a	higher	profit	off	of	this	first
step.	 You	 can	 then	 add	 the	 recordings	 to	 a	 course	 online	 and	 sell	 them	 to
everyone	else	for	slightly	less	than	your	live	students	paid.	This	way,	you	earn
an	even	higher	profit,	and	the	entire	process	was	profitable.
How	to	Earn	Money	with	Online	Courses
Earning	money	online	through	courses	is	essentially	the	same	as	selling	products
online:	every	time	someone	purchases	one	of	your	courses,	you	profit	from	that
sale.	You	can	easily	continue	selling	as	many	digital	downloads	of	your	course
as	you	desire	and	continue	earning	a	profit	for	a	long	time.	You	may	need	to
refresh	 your	 courses	 with	 some	 updated	 information	 or	 an	 updated	 look	 from
time	 to	 time—otherwise,	 you	 have	 a	 great	 course	 online	 that	 can	 be	 sold	 for
years	to	come.
Getting	Started	Making	and	Selling	Online	Courses
Creating	and	selling	courses	online	is	simple:	you	make	your	course,	you	post	it
on	a	hosting	platform,	and	you	market	it	to	your	desired	audience.
Choosing	Your	Course	Subject
Choosing	 what	 you	 want	 to	 teach	 about	 will	 ultimately	 depend	 on	 what	 your
expertise	is	and	what	is	marketable	in	the	online	space.	A	great	way	to	get	a
sense	of	what	people	are	looking	for	in	online	courses	is	to	go	to	a	platform	like
Udemy	 and	 browse	 their	 main	 pages.	 These	 pages	 will	 contain	 a	 significant
amount	of	information	regarding	what	is	popular	at	the	moment	and	what	you
will	be	most	likely	to	earn	a	profit	in.	People	are	looking	to	online	courses	for
many	 different	 types	 of	 information	 these	 days,	 from	 learning	 about	 how	 to
design	websites	or	develop	video	games	to	learn	how	to	meditate	or	market	their
business.	You	simply	need	to	choose	a	subject	to	teach	and	design	your	course!
Creating	Your	Course
Most	online	courses	feature	various	learning	tools	to	help	people	learn	about	the
particular	 topic	 that	 is	 being	 taught	 on.	 Courses	 will	 regularly	 feature	 video
content,	written	content,	quizzes,	and	"homework"	or	workbooks	for	people	to
use	as	they	go	through	the	course.	Although	it	may	take	longer,	developing	a	few
different	content	types	for	your	course	will	ensure	that	you	have	plenty	to	offer
for	your	prospective	students	when	they	consider	purchasing	your	course.
If	you	are	particularly	skilled	in	producing	one	or	two	types	of	content	but	not	all
of	them,	you	can	always	outsource	some	of	your	content	production	to	a	skilled
contractor.	Again,	Fiverr	and	Upwork	are	great	resources	for	finding	people	who
can	generate	workbooks,	written	content,	or	other	materials	for	your	course.
Choosing	Your	Hosting	Platform
How	you	host	your	course	will	ultimately	depend	on	how	much	time	or	effort
you	want	to	put	into	the	hosting	process.	If	you	want	it	to	be	easy	and	done	in	a
"plug	it	in	and	go"	type	manner,	using	Teachable	or	Udemy	is	your	best	option.
Teachable	will	be	the	best	option	if	you	want	a	completely	customized	and	self-
branded	 website	 that	 reflects	 your	 business	 and	 does	 not	 show	 any	 signs	 of
which	hosting	software	you	are	using.
However,	it	will	cost	you	more	per	month	in	order	to	be	able	to	use	Teachable	if
you	want	to	develop	many	courses	and	access	features	like	instant	payouts	when
people	 purchase	 your	 courses.	 Udemy	 is	 great	 if	 you	 want	 to	 have	 a	 plug-in
platform	and	go	and	if	you	do	not	necessarily	care	about	branding	your	website
personally.	You	can	also	partner	with	Udemy	in	terms	of	marketing	by	selecting
an	option	whereby	they	earn	a	larger	percentage	from	your	sales,	but	they	also
promote	your	course	to	their	viewers.	This	means	that	you	will	show	up	higher
on	search	listings	and	that	you	will	be	promoted	across	various	platforms	where
Udemy	has	paid	to	sponsor	posts	or	advertisements	around	the	web.
If	 you	 want	 to	 have	 a	 more	 interactive	 and	 personalized	 platform,	 you	 might
consider	hiring	a	web	developer	to	completely	create	your	own	website	that	is
optimized	for	selling	courses.	This	will	cost	you	more,	but	if	you	are	confident	in
your	ability	to	turn	a	profit,	it	can	also	give	you	far	more	features	and	be	more
flexible	in	allowing	you	to	do	other	things	on	your	platform.
Promoting	Your	Online	Course
After	you	have	designed	your	course,	you	simply	need	to	promote	it!	The	best
way	to	promote	online	courses	is	to	use	services	like	Google	Ads,	as	this	will
help	 you	 get	 your	 course	 posted	 in	 many	 different	 areas	 across	 the	 internet.
Facebook	and	Instagram	also	have	great	advertising	platforms	that	can	be	used
for	you	to	promote	your	course	to	many	other	people.	While	you	can	leverage
your	social	media	presence	to	promote	your	course,	it	is	unnecessary	if	you	do
not	already	have	one,	as	most	people	will	not	attempt	to	search	you	up	online
when	determining	whether	or	not	they	want	to	take	your	course.	Instead,	they
will	 look	 at	 the	 course	 contents	 and	 the	 pre-existing	 reviews	 of	 how	 other
students	 have	 enjoyed	 the	 course	 and	 how	 they	 felt	 it	 was	 valuable	 in	 their
learning	experience.	Adequately	finance	your	life.
"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
Chapter	4.					Cryptocurrency
Cost:	4	Difficulty:	4	Risk:	4
The	cryptocurrency	market	has	been	a	massive	growth	in	recent	times.	You’ve
probably	heard	bits	and	pieces	about	it	around	the	news	and	maybe	from	some	of
your	friends.
One	 of	 the	 biggest	 names	 in	 cryptocurrency	 being	 Bitcoin.	 Had	 you	 invested
$100	in	Bitcoin	in	2011,	that	investment	would	have	soared	to	over	a	million
dollars	in	2019.	In	2017	alone,	Bitcoin	saw	an	approximate	increase	of	around
1500%,	while	another	in	Ethereum	soared	to	over	10,000%.	This	just	shows	the
ludicrously	 dramatic	 increase	 that	 has	 surged	 around	 cryptocurrency.	 While
Bitcoin	and	a	few	others	have	undergone	a	bit	of	a	rollercoaster	ride	in	recent
times,	there	is	no	doubt	that	cryptocurrency	is	still	a	great	solution	to	earning
additional	income	for	yourself.
If	you’re	still	scratching	your	head	to	understand	what	cryptocurrency	is,	let	us
A	 cryptocurrency	 is	 a	 form	 of	 digital	 currency	 that	 conducts	 financial
transactions	to	make	money.	This	is	usually	done	using	cryptography,	which	is
the	 science	 of	 hiding	 information.	 Cryptocurrency	 is	 entirely	 independent	 of
government	or	individual	control,	which	is	completely	unlike	the	banks	and	the
money	we	use	today.
Each	cryptocurrency	works	through	a	ledger,	a	list	of	transactions	that	is	shared
by	everyone,	usually	in	the	form	of	a	blockchain.	Now,	a	blockchain	is	a	method
of	storing	a	list	of	entries,	which	cannot	be	changed	easily	once	they	have	been
created.	This	ledger	serves	as	a	database	of	all	public	transactions.	Since	the	first
inception,	 over	 4000	 cryptocurrencies	 have	 been	 created.	 Due	 to	 their
independence,	cryptocurrencies	generally	have	their	own	interest	rates	and	are
not	subject	to	the	general	rules	of	inflation	or	deflation	(Blockgeeks,	2019).
Although	 there	 seem	 to	 be	 many	 complications	 around	 cryptocurrencies,	 we
hope	we	simplified	it	enough	to	give	you	an	overview	idea	of	what	it	is	as	a
market.	In	reality,	it	is	just	a	selection	of	entries	in	a	database	that	cannot	be
changed	 without	 specific	 criteria	 being	 met.	 In	 itself,	 cryptocurrency	 has	 no
With	 a	 logical	 mindset	 and	 the	 right	 amount	 of	 research,	 you	 can	 become	 a
legitimate	success	in	the	world	of	cryptocurrency.
Investing	in	Cryptocurrency
If	you’ve	chosen	cryptocurrency	to	act	as	your	passive	income,	then	there	will	be
a	steep	learning	curve	you’re	going	to	have	to	master	before	you	start.	Extensive
research	into	how	the	process	works	and	what	steps	you	need	to	take	to	develop
your	 income	 are	 of	 utmost	 importance.	 Going	 in	 a	 blind	 will	 could	 see	 you
losing	 all	 the	 value	 you	 have	 consistently,	 so	 we	 must	 minimize	 risks.	 Use
simulators	 that	 work	 on	 the	 real-time	 values	 to	 help	 you	 get	 ahead	 on	 the
learning	curve.
The	Necessary	Tools
Next,	 you’re	 going	 to	 need	 to	 open	 up	 a	 few	 accounts,	 with	 the	 first	 being
Coinbase.	Coinbase	will	allow	you	to	exchange	your	cash	into	cryptocurrency
for	 you	 to	 invest	 with.	 You	 could	 consider	 using	 another	 exchange	 service;
however,	we	find	it	the	most	reliable	and	secure.
From	there,	you	can	set	up	a	purchase	for	whatever	cryptocurrencies	you	would
like	 to	 purchase	 at	 the	 amount	 you	 want	 to	 invest.	 Avoid	 the	 smaller
cryptocurrency	companies,	as	you	will	be	more	likely	to	fall	victim	to	scams	on
any	one	of	those.	Here,	it	is	best	to	stick	with	the	top	providers	in	the	market.
While	deciding	how	much	you	would	like	to	invest,	we	would	suggest	that	your
initial	investment	be	around	30%	of	your	total	investment	value.	That	means	you
should	only	invest	a	small	portion	of	the	total	amount	you	have	with	which	to
invest,	 just	 to	 get	 you	 started	 and	 to	 ensure	 you	 don’t	 have	 a	 big	 loss.	 The
amount	of	your	initial	investment	must	be	an	amount	that	you	are	comfortable
with	making	a	loss	on,	should	that	occur.
Once	you	have	purchased	your	chosen	currencies,	you	will	need	a	place	to	keep
them	 safe.	 This	 is	 called	 a	 wallet.	 You	 can	 choose	 to	 either	 have	 a	 software
wallet	or	a	hardware	wallet.	Hardware	wallets	are	used	similarly	to	external	hard
drives.	These	can	be	used	when	you	don’t	plan	on	accessing	currencies	anytime
soon.	On	the	other	hand,	software	wallets	are	used	when	you	want	to	be	active	in
your	trading.
Be	 sure	 to	 diversify	 your	 portfolio.	 As	 you	 would	 with	 regular	 investments,
don’t	throw	all	your	eggs	in	one	basket.	Diversifying	your	portfolio	will	help	to
shield	you	when	currencies	become	extremely	volatile	and	help	to	protect	you
from	overall	losses.
Stay	clear	of	mobile	wallets,	as	these	tend	to	be	a	bit	on	the	suspicious	side	and
are	not	as	secure	as	software	or	hardware	wallets.
From	there,	you’re	ready	to	trade.	How	you	choose	to	trade	is	purely	up	to	you
and	your	strategy.	You	could	choose	to	be	really	aggressive,	go	for	short-term
gains,	or	play	the	long-term	game	with	your	investment.	The	choice	is	yours.
A	Bit	of	a	Heads	Up
Prepare	 yourself	 for	 this	 type	 of	 market,	 should	 you	 choose	 to	 invest	 in	 it.
Cryptos	are	excessively	volatile.	A	gain	five	minutes	ago	could	turn	into	severe
losses	an	hour	later.	You	need	to	steel	yourself	to	these	occurrences	and	ensure
that	you	don’t	act	out	rash	decision-making	and	emotions.	This	is	why	it	is	so
essential	only	to	invest	as	much	as	you	can	afford	to	lose.
As	we’ve	already	mentioned	but	will	mention	again,	stick	with	the	more	reliable
cryptocurrency	 providers.	 Due	 to	 the	 independent	 and	 challenging	 nature	 of
cryptocurrencies,	it	can	be	very	easy	to	get	caught	up	in	a	scam.	You	need	to	be
aware	what	the	signs	that	something	isn’t	right	are	and	when	to	move	away.
Make	sure	that	you	have	a	reason	to	enter	each	trade.	Trading	impulsively	could
see	you	losing	at	a	constant	rate.	Did	you	see	a	pattern?	Something	that	made
you	consider	buying	in?	Make	sure	that	every	investment	has	a	reason	behind	it.
With	that	being	said,	avoid	buying	simply	because	the	price	is	low.	This	is	a
mistake	 several	 newbies	 make.	 If	 they	 see	 a	 price	 drop,	 they	 will	 buy-in,
assuming	it’s	cheaper	and	will	rise	in	value	at	some	point.
Finally,	set	goals	for	yourself.	It	may	sound	a	bit	strange	when	dealing	with	such
a	 volatile	 market,	 however	 setting	 goals	 will	 help	 you	 establish	 a	 medium	 of
what	you	aim	to	achieve.	Given	we’re	looking	at	passive	income,	this	could	be	a
target	for	you	to	reach	each	month.	However,	you	will	need	to	be	flexible	in
your	goals	to	accommodate	the	volatility	in	this	case.
While	you	may	balk	at	the	amount	of	risk	involved	in	cryptocurrency,	the	time
has	proven	that	there	are	many	ways	to	minimize	that	risk	and,	in	turn,	collect
huge	rewards.	In	fact,	we	would	say	that	cryptocurrency	has	the	potential	to	deal
out	the	largest	profits.	However,	as	with	all	investments,	big	rewards	require	big
risks.	That	doesn’t	mean	you	can’t	play	it	safe.	Evaluate	what	type	of	trader	you
want	to	be	and	what	are	the	best	platforms	for	you	to	exercise	your	strategy	and
achieve	your	goals.	Remember,	the	most	successful	investors	will	always	remain
calm	in	the	face	of	adversity,	as	they	know	that	another	opportunity	will	always
present	itself.	Emotional	traders	will	always	be	losing	trades,	so	learn	to	trade
objectively	instead,	and	in	time	you	will	reap	the	benefits	of	your	consistency.
"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
Chapter	5.					Creating	and	Selling	Apps
Cost:	4	Difficulty:	3	Risk:	4
Mobile	applications	are	the	ones	that	can	be	installed	and	used	on	smart	devices.
In	2017,	more	than	400	million	were	sold,	and	most	of	those	are	actually	utilized
by	android.	In	2015,	application	incomes	were	at	around	69	billion,	and	this	is
expected	to	grow	to	188	Billion	by	2020.
Application	creation,	when	done	properly,	can	be	the	way	to	get	away	from	the	9
to	5	hamster	wheel	and	get	you	closer	to	your	being	financially	free.	One	of	the
key	upsides	of	app	selling	is	that	it	is	scalable.	There	is	a	potential	of	reaching	a
large	 audience,	 the	 fact	 that	 people	 always	 need	 great	 apps,	 like	 any	 good
passive	income	source,	there	is	no	need	for	a	lot	of	maintenance	after	the	bulk	of
the	work	is	done.	Finally,	there	are	actually	barriers	to	entry	since	developing	an
app	can	be	tough	work.	For	that	reason,	there	are	many	more	people	blogging
since	blogging	is	easier	than	app	development.	All	this	implies	less	competition.
The	 most	 straightforward	 path	 is	 to	 transform	 your	 passion	 into	 an	 App,
whatever	 it	 may	 be.	 No	 matter	 if	 it	 is	 about	 culinary	 skills,	 dogs,	 computer
games,	or	something	else,	there	is	a	potential	for	some	kind	of	app	to	be	created.
Passions	can	even	be	multiplied	by	utilizing	a	proper	app.	Applications	can	help
sort	 out	 data	 better,	 cooperating	 with	 other	 people	 who	 have	 comparative
interests	or	gamification	of	activities.
Making	 your	 app	 around	 your	 hobby	 gives	 you	 better	 chances	 since	 you	 are
bound	to	persevere	and	keep	going	when	it	will	inevitably	be	hard.	In	the	worst-
case	scenario,	you	will	have	some	fun.	Persistence	is	necessary	because	there	are
numerous	things	to	learn	before	you	will	see	your	application	selling	at	all.
To	start	with,	you	need	to	do	your	research	and	be	aware	of	the	other	apps.	The
best	 applications	 have	 most	 likely	 accomplished	 something	 right.	 Focus	 on
researching	those	and	figure	out	the	reason	for	their	success.	Think	about	how
you	can	integrate	a	portion	of	their	functionalities	into	your	application	without
violating	some	kind	of	copyright.	Research	applications	in	your	niche	and	see	if
an	opportunity	exists.	Is	there	something	missing?	Are	the	customers	completely
happy?	Is	there	something	you	can	do	better	and	provide	value	that	way?
You	should	begin	off	with	a	straightforward	idea.	The	more	mind-boggling	an
application	is,	the	more	troublesome	it	is	to	configure	and	actually	create	and
test.	 Your	 first	 application	 ought	 to	 be	 basic,	 and	 it	 should	 serve	 mostly	 as	 a
learning	experience.
Examples	of	basic	apps	are	the	ones	that	organize	information	such	as	events	or
images	or	the	ones	that	show	how	some	activity	is	accomplished	step	by	step.
First	of	all,	the	main	thought	is	picking	a	relatively	simple	concept	to	turn	into
something	that	can	generate	a	passive	income	for	you.	You	should	also	design	an
app	in	a	way	that	doesn't	require	a	lot	of	maintenance.	You	should	stick	with
apps	that	don't	require	much	more	than	simple	updates	here	and	there	instead	of
something	that	has	a	lot	of	moving	parts	that	all	work	together.	You	should	be
aware	of	how	frequently	the	updates	should	be	done,	how	much	testing	will	be
required,	 how	 you	 will	 actually	 be	 paid,	 how	 feedback	 will	 be	 received	 and
transmitted,	and	generally,	how	much	involvement	after	the	launch	of	an	app	is
Ability	to	monetize	apps	is	an	ability	to	earn	money	from	attention.	Remember
that	 the	 singular	 passive	 income	 stream	 is	 not	 the	 end	 of	 it.	 Multiple	 passive
income	streams	can	be	created	from	a	single	app,	and	you	should	design	the	app
with	 this	 in	 mind	 since	 redesigning	 it	 later	 might	 increase	 the	 possibility	 of
errors,	which	would	be	costly.	There	are	many	ways	to	accomplish	the	described
monetization,	 and	 some	 of	 them	 are	 In-App	 purchases,	 membership	 models,
Gifts	 via	 platforms	 such	 as	 Patreon,	 advertising	 your	 other	 products	 on	 the
backend,	 or	 the	 products	 of	 someone	 else	 and	 therefore	 acting	 as	 an	 affiliate
Laws	and	directions	such	as	trademark	protection	or	GDPR	are	an	imperative
piece	of	your	app	creation	procedure.	Putting	resources	into	a	legal	advisor	can
spare	a	great	deal	of	cash	and	inconvenience	down	the	line,	and	it	is	necessary	to
be	 prepared	 for	 this	 since,	 by	 yourself,	 it	 may	 seem	 that	 legal	 people	 speak
another	language	entirely.
All	your	design	and	concept	ideas	you	should	first	put	on	paper	before	you	take
any	action.	Do	some	brainstorming.	It	won't	be	perfect	at	first,	so	be	prepared	to
redo	 it	 over	 and	 over.	 You	 ought	 to	 incorporate	 features	 and	 buttons	 that	 the
clients	will	see	and	interface	with.
Applications	should	promote	interaction.	The	application	should	have	a	sense	of
good	flow	if	you	want	to	generate	passive	income	from	it	successfully.	Be	aware
of	how	clients	can	interact	with	an	app	and	design	those	with	passive	income	in
Before	starting	with	development,	it	is	a	neat	idea	to	make	client	stories.	These
would	 be	 walkthroughs	 of	 the	 client's	 activities	 in	 the	 application,	 and	 it	 is
shown	how	and	why	an	app	is	used.
Your	 product	 ought	 to	 incorporate	 a	 motivation	 behind	 why	 your	 application
will	be	picked.	There	are	several	possible	USPs	(Unique	Selling	Propositions),
and	some	of	them	could	be	user-friendly	design,	being	bug-free,	privacy,	and
having	battery	efficiency.
You	need	a	game	plan	in	order	to	build	an	application	successfully.	This	plan
should	 take	 the	 resources	 and	 materials	 you	 will	 need	 into	 consideration,
activities	that	have	to	be	accomplished,	and	involved	people.
Having	skills	in	programming	is	definitely	valuable,	and	having	an	application
idea	 is	 a	 good	 enough	 reason	 to	 figure	 out	 how	 to	 code	 yourself,	 which	 is	 a
valuable	 skill	 that	 can	 be	 useful	 in	 many	 ways.	 In	 any	 case	 and	 situation,
figuring	 out	 how	 to	 be	 a	 programmer	 is	 not	 a	 simple	 undertaking,	 but	 if	 you
think	that	you	can	manage	it,	then	go	for	it	and	learn	how	to	be	a	programmer.
Personally	 programming	 an	 app	 provides	 you	 with	 a	 bigger	 number	 of
alternatives	 and	 options	 flexibility	 that	 isn't	 necessarily	 provided	 by	 an	 app
builder	software.
Alternatively,	 rather	 than	 building	 an	 app	 utilizing	 code,	 you	 could	 utilize	 an
application	 builder.	 This	 is	 less	 demanding	 in	 light	 of	 the	 fact	 that	 it	 is	 less
specialized,	 and	 overall	 there	 is	 less	 complexity	 and	 learning	 potential.	 You
won't	even	have	to	write	a	single	line	of	code	if	you	decide	to	use	an	app	builder
and	go	that	route.	This	could	be	a	decent	or	good	choice	for	the	prototype	of
your	app.
Contracting	a	developer	can	be	costly,	and	it	is	hard	to	pinpoint	the	final	cost
since	modifications	will	be	introduced	in	route,	which	will	all	affect	the	final
cost.	You're	still	best	off	by	charging	a	fixed	flat	rate	for	this.
You	should	try	out	your	application	yourself.	This	is	a	pivotal	piece	of	the	whole
procedure	since,	in	the	absence	of	adequate	testing,	you	can't	really	claim	that
you	have	an	asset.	Test	yourself,	but	you	can	also	involve	friends	and	family	to
get	a	better	perspective.	You	can	also	hire	an	expert	in	order	to	get	an	objective
Testing	will	reveal	the	potential	bugs.	At	the	point	when	the	bugs	are	taken	care
of,	the	user	experience	of	an	app	can	be	tested.	Testers	are	bound	to	have	their
recommendations,	 and	 they	 can	 give	 valuable	 insight	 relating	 to	 UX	 (User
Experience).	 Finally,	 you	 want	 to	 figure	 out	 how	 you	 can	 get	 some	 passive
income	out	of	all	of	this.
Marketing	is	a	necessity.	Without	promoting,	nobody	will	ever	know	about	your
great	app.	Advertising	essentially	boils	down	to	educating	your	objective	market
about	how	you	have	an	answer	to	their	concerns	and	issues.	There	are	a	couple
of	steps	to	advertising	an	application.
Make	it	simple	for	your	clients	to	share	the	application	with	their	companions.
Give	them	and	their	companions	a	motivating	reason	to	do	as	such.	Having	a
great	design	that	is	easy	to	look	at	and	an	educational	description	are	the	ways	to
go.	 Explanations	 of	 why	 an	 app	 exists	 should	 be	 clear	 and	 catchy.	 General
Marketing	 strategies	 would	 be	 promoting	 the	 application	 on	 sites,	 online
journals,	Google,	and	social	media.
Good	 passive	 income	 can	 be	 created	 from	 selling	 mobile	 applications.	 A
combination	 of	 good	 design	 and	 low	 maintenance	 requirement	 is	 a	 key	 to
creating	passive	income	that	is	sustainable	in	the	long	run.	It	might	require	and
need	a	bit	of	experimentation	and	a	couple	of	attempts	to	figure	out	the	winning
strategy,	but	you	will	be	rewarded	handsomely	on	the	off	chance	that	you	do
manage	to	persevere	and	endure.
	"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
Chapter	6.					Forex	Trading
Cost	:	4	Difficulty:	3	Risk:	3
Foreign	exchange	is	purchasing	one	currency	and	selling	another	currency	at	the
same	time.	Currencies	are	traded	in	currency	pairs	through	a	broker	or	dealer,
such	as	GBP	/	JPY	or	EUR	/	USD.	This	is	the	world's	biggest	financial	market
with	 a	 weekly	 amount	 exceeding	 $2	 trillion	 U.S.	 dollars.	 This	 exceeds	 three
times	the	merged	complete	stock	and	futures	exchanges.
The	Forex	spot	market	operates	through	bank	networks,	companies,	and	traders
who	exchange	one	currency	for	another.	The	absence	of	a	tangible	exchange	but
instead	an	electronic	network	allows	the	market	to	be	operational	24	hours	a	day,
spreading	 across	 main	 financial	 centers	 from	 one	 time	 zone	 to	 another.	 It	 is
essential	 to	 remember	 the	 crucial	 element	 of	 the	 absence	 of	 central	 exchange
because	it	permeates	every	foreign	exchange	practice	feature.
What	Are	Spot	Markets?
This	 is	 any	 market	 that	 transacts	 with	 a	 monetary	 instrument's	 present	 value.
Like	the	Chicago	Trade	Board,	Futures	markets	give	commodity	bonds	that	have
a	shipping	date	that	extends	for	several	months	into	the	future.
Foreign	exchange	spot	transaction	settlement	generally	takes	place	within	two
company	 days.	 Forex	 also	 has	 futures	 and	 forwards,	 but	 a	 large	 number	 of
traders	 are	 using	 the	 spot	 market.	 We	 are	 discussing	 possibilities	 on	 the
International	Monetary	Market	to	trade	Forex	futures.
Frequently	Traded	Currencies
The	bigger	brokers	can	trade	any	currency	supported	by	a	current	country.	The
trading	quantity	(along	with	their	signs)	of	the	main	currencies	is	provided	in
descending	 order:	 the	 U.S.	 Dollar	 (USD),	 Euro	 Dollar	 (EUR),	 Japanese	 Yen
(JPY),	 British	 Pound	 Sterling	 (GBP),	 Canadian	 Dollar	 (CAD),	 Swiss	 Franc
(CHF),	and	Australian	Dollar	(AUD).	Every	other	currency	is	referred	to	as	a
minor	and	exotic	from	lesser	nations.
Forex	 currency	 symbols	 are	 always	 three	 digits,	 with	 the	 first	 two	 digits
identifying	 the	 country's	 name	 and	 the	 fifth	 letter	 identifying	 the	 currency's
name.	(The	Swiss	Franc	abbreviation	"C.H."	refers	to	Confederation	Helvetica.)
There	is	always	a	Forex	exchange	amid	any	two	currencies.	This	often	brings
about	 some	 level	 of	 confusion	 among	 new	 traders	 who	 are	 inexperienced	 in
trading	 in	 multi-currency	 markets	 (those	 who	 are	 primarily	 used	 to	 trading	 in
either	stock	or	futures	markets	where	the	dollar	dominates	every	trade).	A	pair's
cost	is	the	ratio	of	their	particular	values.
Forex	Traders
Trading	currencies	are	categorized	into	two	major	groups.	A	smaller	fraction	of
the	daily	foreign	currency	volume	comes	from	businesses	and	governments	that
import	or	export	commodities	and	consequently	have	to	transform	these	earnings
into	 their	 own	 national	 currency	 from	 the	 foreign	 currency	 earned	 during	 the
business.	 Most	 now	 are	 stakeholders	 transacting	 for	 gain	 or	 speculation.
Speculators	vary	from	big	companies	trading	a	million	or	more	currency	units
and	 maybe	 1,000	 or	 fewer	 units	 trading	 by	 the	 home-based	 provider.	 Retail
Forex,	 just	 as	 it	 has	 grown	 over	 the	 past	 decade,	 still	 is	 a	 very	 small
representation	 of	 the	 total	 volume	 traded	 on	 a	 daily	 basis,	 but	 it	 is	 growing
rapidly	in	numbers	and	significance.
Today,	importers	and	exporters,	worldwide	portfolio	managers,	multinationals,
high-frequency	 traders,	 speculators,	 day	 traders,	 long-term	 owners,	 and	 hedge
funds	 all	 use	 the	 Forex	 sector	 to	 pay	 for	 products	 and	 facilities,	 to	 trade	 in
financial	 assets,	 or	 to	 lower	 the	 risk	 of	 currency	 movements	 by	 hedging	 their
existence	in	other	sectors.
British	 Pound	 (GBP)	 is	 an	 intrinsically	 lengthy	 British	 widget	 maker.	 If	 they
enter	into	a	long-term	selling	contract	with	a	U.S.	company,	they	may	want	to
buy	 some	 U.S.	 dollar	 quantity	 and	 sell	 the	 same	 volume	 of	 the	 Great	 Britain
Pound	to	hedge	their	earnings	from	a	GBP	fall.
By	 purchasing	 one	 currency	 while	 selling	 different	 or	 other	 currency
simultaneously,	the	speculator	trades	to	generate	a	profit.	The	hedger	trades	on	a
worldwide	exchange	to	protect	its	margin	(for	example)	against	adverse	currency
Determining	Currency	Price
The	determination	of	a	currency	price	is	dependent	on	a	huge	matrix	of	factors
and	 conditions	 that	 are	 constantly	 changing,	 including	 political	 and	 economic
stability.	Other	factors	include	interest	rates,	world	trade,	inflation,	and	deflation
rates.	 In	 some	 instances,	 governments	 truly	 take	 part	 in	 the	 foreign	 currency
exchange	industry	and	usually	affect	their	currency's	value.
Governments	do	this	by	mixing	their	national	currency	with	the	economy	in	an
attempt	 to	 cut	 costs	 or,	 similarly,	 purchase	 to	 boost	 costs.	 The	 central	 bank
considers	 this	 technique	 to	 be	 interference.	 Any	 of	 these	 factors	 can	 lead	 to
elevated	 currency	 volatility,	 as	 well	 as	 large-scale	 company	 orders.	 The
occurrence	of	abrupt	changes	in	factors	like	the	rate	of	employment	can	push	a
currency's	price	considerably	higher	or	decrease	over	a	brief	span	of	a	moment.
Technical	factors	can	also	influence	currency	prices	for	brief	sentences,	such	as
a	well-known	graph	model.
However,	 it	 is	 hard	 for	 any	 organization	 to	 monitor	 the	 industry	 during	 a
significant	 time	 because	 of	 the	 size	 and	 amount	 of	 the	 Forex	 market.	 The
equation	of	the	cost	of	a	currency	compared	to	another	product	is	also	shown	by
mob	psychology	and	expectations.	These	variables	have	many	correlations	and
are	 almost	 certainly	 not	 linear	 in	 nature.	 That	 implies	 that	 sometimes	 in	 an
unpredictable	 manner,	 they	 constantly	 change	 and	 rearrange	 themselves.	 You
don't	 see	 it	 now.	 The	 others	 can	 alter	 unnoticed	 if	 you	 concentrate	 on	 one	 or
some	of	them.	The	concept	of	quantity	recalls.
Forex	Trading	Costs
For	as	little	as	$1	can	be	initiated	an	online	trading	account	for	currency	(a	micro
account).	Getting	a	mini	account	costs	anything	from	around	$400.	Don't	laugh
because	 these	 accounts	 are	 a	 wonderful	 way	 to	 get	 wet	 without	 soaking	 your
feet.	Unlike	futures,	you	pick	in	Forex	how	much	of	any	currency	you	want	to
purchase	 or	 sell,	 where	 the	 transfers	 set	 the	 volume	 of	 an	 agreement.
Consequently,	a	grubstake	of	$4,000	is	not	appropriate	as	quickly	as	the	trader
takes	part	in	incorrectly	priced	trades.	Furthermore,	Forex	mini-accounts	do	not
resist	the	non-liquid	nature	of	many	futures	mini-contracts,	as	most	of	them	buy
from	the	same	interbank	monetary	"pool."	By	demonstrating	the	allocation	of	the
bid-ask,	market	makers	carry	their	expenses	and	profit.	ECN	brokers	charge	a	set
lot	price	for	the	trade.
Advantages	of	Forex	Trading
No	Commissions	Charged
When	trading	with	a	market	maker,	certain	fees	such	as	clearing	fees,	exchange
fees,	public	fees,	brokerage	fees	are	not	incurred.
No	Brokers	or	Middlemen
Spot	 currency	 trading	 eliminates	 intermediaries	 and	 gives	 clients	 a	 chance	 to
interact	 with	 market	 makers	 who	 are	 accountable	 for	 deciding	 on	 a	 particular
currency	pair	when	trading	with	an	Electronic	Communications	Network	(ECN)
Flexible	Lot	Size
The	operations	in	the	futures	markets	determine	lots	of	contract	sizes.	A	standard
lot	 size	 arrangement	 for	 silver	 futures	 is	 5,000	 ounces.	 Even	 a	 silver	 "mini-
contract"	worth	approximately	$17,000,	1,000	ounces.	In	position	FOREX,	you
have	the	chance	to	decide	for	yourself	the	optimal	lot	size	for	you.	This	makes	it
possible	 for	 traders	 to	 engage	 with	 accounts	 well	 below	 $1,000	 efficiently.	 It
also	provides	a	significant	cash	management	tool	for	astute	traders.
Minimum	Transactional	Expenses
Transaction	costs	(the	bid/ask	spread)	are	usually	below	0.1	percent	in	normal
business	conditions.	The	allocation	at	bigger	distributors	can	go	to	as	low	as	0.07
percent.	Currency	prices	are	cited	in	pips.
High	Liquidity
FOREX	is	the	most	fluid	industry	in	the	world,	with	an	average	trading	quantity
of	over	$4	trillion	a	day.	It	means	that	it	is	absolutely	possible	for	a	company	to
enter	and	leave	the	sector	at	will,	and	in	the	short	time	frame,	they	may	have	lost
or	gained	millions	in	profits.
Transactions	Are	Nearly	Instantaneous
This	is	a	beneficial	by-product	of	elevated	liquidity.
High	Leverage,	Small	Margin
These	factors	enhance,	and	the	opportunities	for	higher	income	(and	losses)	are
consequently	debated.	A	50%	to	100%	leverage	is	the	most	common,	but	traders
have	the	flexibility	of	accessing	up	to	400$	leverage.
24-Hour	Market
Traders	can	take	advantage	of	the	market	conditions	at	any	time	of	the	day	in
order	 to	 make	 a	 profit.	 The	 Forex	 market	 never	 has	 a	 bell	 that	 indicated	 the
beginning	or	end	of	trading	time.	Markets	are	shut	from	Friday	night	to	Sunday
afternoon.	Usually,	they	go	quiet	at	5	p.m.;	as	the	economies	move	to	the	Asian
Session.	Around	7	p.m.	The	East's	Standard	Time.
Unrelated	to	the	Stock	Market
FOREX	market	trading	means	the	sale	or	buys	against	another	currency.	There
is,	therefore,	no	hard	correlation	of	the	foreign-currency	market	with	the	stock
market,	although	both	are	economic	activity	measures	in	some	ways	and	can	for
a	limited	time	be	correlated	in	particular.	Despite	its	comparative	utility	against
other	currencies,	a	bull	market	or	a	bear	market	for	a	currency	is	described.	If	we
get	 a	 good	 perspective,	 we	 have	 a	 bull	 market	 in	 which	 we	 purchase	 the
currency.	Instead,	we	have	a	bull	market	for	other	currencies	if	the	perspective	is
pessimistic,	 and	 traders	 make	 incomes	 by	 replacing	 the	 currency	 with	 other
currencies.	There	is	always	a	good	trading	chance	for	a	trader	in	either	situation.
Even	if	there	are	often	large	cost	changes,	the	chance	of	a	monetary	collapse	is
lower	than	stocks	because	a	couple	evaluates	the	comparative	importance.	The
United	States	currency	(USD)	may	be	deep-rooted,	but	the	Euro	(EUR)	may	be
so.	The	play	is	 the	two-way	ratio.	 The	 U.S.	 is	the	 top	four	 traded	currencies.
USD	 (USD),	 EUR,	 JPY,	 and	 GBP	 (GBP).	 Dollar	 (USD).	 Fund	 managers	 are
becoming	 interested	 in	 FOREX	 due	 to	 this	 lack	 of	 correlation	 with	 other
Interbank	Market
FOREX	has	a	network	of	global	distributors	at	its	heart.	They	are	primarily	large
companies	 that	 interact	 and	 trade	 via	 electronic	 networks	 and	 telephone	 with
each	 other	 and	 their	 customers.	 No	 organized	 exchanges	 can	 act	 as	 the	 main
location	 to	 create	 serving	 equity	 markets	 simpler	 on	 the	 New	 York	 Stock
Exchange.	The	FOREX	market	works	in	a	way	comparable	to	the	US	NASDAQ
industry	and	is	also	known	as	the	OTC	industry.	All	aspects	of	currency	trading
are	affected	by	the	absence	of	a	centralized	exchange.
The	Market	Can't	Be	Cornered
The	FOREX	market	is	so	vast	and	has	so	many	people	who	cannot	be	regulated
for	an	extended	duration	by	any	single	organization	and	not	even	a	central	bank.
Even	 powerful	 central	 bank	 actions	 are	 progressively	 failing	 and	 becoming
short-lived.	As	a	result,	central	banks	are	becoming	less	and	less	susceptible	to
market	 price	 manipulation.	 (There	 is	 no	 reason	 to	 note	 that	 efforts	 have	 been
made	at	the	end	of	the	1970s	in	order	to	decrease	the	silver	exchange	industry.
Such	a	disruptive	excess	is	unlikely	to	happen	during	Forex	exchange	activities.)
Fraud	opportunities	are	considerably	less	than	in	any	other	funding	tool,	at	least
against	the	scheme	itself	as	a	whole.
Regulation	Is	Limited
Regulation	limits	the	legislative	impact	on	Forex	transactions,	mainly	because
no	centralized	location	or	exchange	exists.	However,	most	nations	have	a	say	in
the	law,	and	other	things	are	going	on.	However,	fraud	is	always	fraud	in	any
country	and	is	punished	by	criminal	penalties.	There	are	now	certain	restricted
Forex	 retail	 supervisory	 units	 such	 as	 the	 Commodity	 Futures	 Trading
Commission	(CFTC)	and	the	NFA.
Trading	Is	Done	Online
The	ability	to	trade	over	the	internet	has	been	an	incentive	for	FOREX	retail.
You	can	pick	from	over	100	online	broker-dealers	for	FOREX	today.	The	trader
has	a	wide	variety	of	alternatives	at	his	disposal,	given	the	fact	that	none	is	ideal.
Chapter	7.					Affiliate	Marketing
Cost:	3	Difficulty:	3	Risk:	2
Affiliate	marketing	is	among	the	best	method	or	ways	to	generate	income	on	the
internet.	 There	 are	 various	 affiliate	 programs	 available,	 offering	 a	 variety	 of
products.	 Now	 you	 will	 need	 to	 determine	 how	 you	 market	 those	 products	 to
your	site's	audience.	Below	are	a	few	tips	to	assist	in	improving	your	affiliate
marketing	skills.
You	should	only	promote	affiliate	products	that	add	value	to	your	site	visitors'
lives.	Promoting	poor	products	just	to	make	instant	money	is	one	of	the	quickest
ways	 to	 reduce	 trust	 with	 your	 readers.	 Once	 that	 trust	 is	 damaged,	 it	 is
impossible	to	regain.	However,	suppose	you	concentrate	on	providing	value	in
the	 products	 you	 recommend.	 In	 that	 case,	 your	 visitors	 should	 come	 to	 trust
your	suggestions	and	will	continue	steadily	to	buy	from	you	over	and	over.
Likewise,	 as	 collecting	 commissions	 from	 the	 salesperson's	 perspective,	 the
more	 you	 sell	 (as	 the	 affiliate),	 the	 greater	 you	 receive	 a	 commission.	 The
process	 surrounds	 this	 technique.	 Different	 programs	 might	 have	 different
payment	calculations,	but	the	majorities	are	depending	on	the	following,
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PPC	Or	Pay	Per	Click	–	Every	visitor	that	an	affiliate	marketer	can	send	is	the
same	as	a	specific	amount.
PPL	or	Pay	Per	Business	Lead	–	The	affiliate	marketer	is	paid	with	each	sign-
up	made	through	his/her	efforts.
PPS	Or	Pay	Per	Sale	–	The	affiliate	marketer	can	get	a	commission	rate	from	a
certain	percentage	of	each	sale	she	or	he	makes.
If	 you're	 planning	 to	 generate	 income	 online,	 you	 can	 start	 generating	 traffic
from	the	subscriber	list	you	have	previously	designed	to	your	affiliate	links.	The
total	 amount	 that	 an	 affiliate	 can	 get	 from	 affiliate	 marketing	 depends	 on	 the
product	 or	 service	 that	 you	 will	 be	 selling.	 Some	 who	 could	 choose	 a	 great
product	can	generate	profits	from	sales	they	make	and	get	their	talk	about	around
50	to	75%.	Other	people	who	can't	find	a	great	affiliate	marketer	program	finish
up	earning	a	reasonably	small	amount	because	of	the	low	percentage	they	can
get	from	the	commission	rate.
Generally,	 the	 response	 to	 what	 is	 affiliate	 marketing	 is	 about	 promoting
products	as	well	as	services	online	mainly.	The	way	the	process	works	focus	on
just	how	many	people	you	can	attract	to	go	to	a	product's	website	or	generate
sales.	If	you	are	equipped	with	constant	subscriber	lists	and	also	have	impressive
selling	skills,	you'll	be	able	to	turn	internet	affiliate	marketing	into	your	basic
income	source	online.
The	Affiliate	Marketing	Business	Model
If	you're	searching	for	a	basic,	proven	business	design	for	changing	over	from
worker	to	business	owner,	consider	affiliate	marketing.	We	believe	in	affiliate
marketing	as	an	act	of	writing	one's	own	salary.	However,	the	industry-standard
description	is	the	procedure	for	getting	a	commission	rate	by	promoting	others'
(or	company's)	products.	All	you	need	or	are	required	to	do	is	find	something
you	prefer,	promote	it	to	others,	and	then	earn	a	bit	of	the	profit	for	every	sale
you	make.
Five	 Steps	 on	 How	 to	 Start	 Affiliate	 Marketing	 for
Quality	Is	Key
Focus	on	settling	for	great	quality	products/services	only.	It's	likely	that	whether
its	quality,	the	entire	supply	string	process	of	the	business,	and	customer	care	are
of	 high	 quality	 too.	 It's	 also	 a	 good	 sign	 the	 company	 is	 founded	 on	 high
integrity,	has	quality	people	as	employees,	and	is	really	out	there	trying	to	offer
the	best	value	in	the	niche	market	these	are	in.
A	Big	Solution	for	a	Huge	Problem
Look	 for	 niche	 marketplaces	 where	 there	 are	 big	 problems	 to	 be	 solved.
Afterward,	you	follow	that	up	with	research	for	a	quality	solution.
Look	for	Overwhelming	Value
We	live	in	a	society	where	we	are	extremely	informed	and	enlightened.	Online
responses	and	reviews	can	make	or	overnight	break	your	website.	Find	a	planned
program	that	offers	valuable	freebies.	The	only	reviews	from	your	visitors,	after
they	receive	their	free	present,	should	be	wow.
Integrated	Suite	of	Products
Accept	 programs	 that	 have	 a	 variety	 of	 other	 quality	 products	 that	 customers
would	want	to	keep	returning	for.	Variety	is	good,	and	it	can	help	create	a	solid
fan	base,	which	is	wonderful	for	business	growth.
It's	All	About	You
Choose	programs	offering	products	that	are	an	extension	of	you.	See	yourself
using	what	you	are	providing,	see	yourself	getting	frustrating	value	from	using
that	product,	see	yourself	pain-free	from	the	effects	of	the	product.
Money	Matters
Understand	 how	 you'll	 get	 paid.	 Read	 and	 understand	 the	 program's
compensation	plan.	In	the	end,	if	you	will	work	hard,	re-skill,	and	spend	money
and	 time	 on	 marketing,	 you	 should	 know	 the	 way	 the	 money	 flows	 back	 in
As	with	any	continuing	business,	do	your	own	researches;	it’s	your	business,	and
nobody	 will	 brain	 your	 business	 much	 better	 than	 you.	 Think	 like	 a	 business
owner	 and	 seek	 assistance	 from	 someone	 who's	 doing	 it.	 They	 could	 become
your	coach.	Success	leaves	signs,	and	walking	in	the	shadows	of	anyone	who
has	achieved	the	results	you	seek	as	an	online	marketer	should	be	significantly
considered.	Getting	started	online	is	no	instant	success.	There's	work	included.
The	Guarantee	of	Affiliate	Marketing
Affiliate	marketing	offers	a	simple	transition	from	worker	to	entrepreneur,	and
with	the	right	affiliate	program,	you	could	look	cool	carrying	it	out.	Why?	You
might	start	earning	and	replacing	your	earnings	prior	to	you	quit	your	task,	and	if
this	 program	 is	 good,	 you	 could	 grab	 amazing	 marketing	 education	 and	 other
business	skills	that	will	aid	you	well	when	you	finally	start	your	own	suggestions
to	market.
Top	Affiliate	Companies	In	2018
Wide	Markets	Ltd
CJ	by	conversant
Amazon	Associates
Affiliate	Partners	Ltd
Commission	Factory
Chapter	8.					Rental	Property	Investing
Cost:	4	Difficulty:	3	Risk:	4
As	new	trends	in	earning	income	thrive	in	the	market,	there	are	various	reasons
why	you	might	also	get	interested	in	investing	in	rental	properties.
You’ll	be	engaged	more	with	this	because,	as	per	2019	real	estate	market	data,	it
presents	 positive	 and	 promising	 opportunities	 for	 investors.	 And	 you,	 as
someone	who	would	like	to	take	that	risk,	can	also	learn	more	about	it.	After	all,
it	will	be	all	worth	it.
However,	 many	 beginners	 in	 property	 investing	 do	 not	 know	 the	 basics	 of
buying	 and	 investing	 in	 rental	 properties.	 They	 just	 put	 out	 money	 without
studying	first	the	fundamentals	of	this	industry.	This	results	in	failure,	and	long
before	they	know,	the	money	they	invested	has	already	been	wasted.	That’s	why
you	must	understand	first	that	it’s	no	joke	when	you	decide	to	invest	in	rental
This	2019,	you	can	be	the	next	successful	real	estate	investor	earning	a	fantastic
passive	income.	But	first,	learn	and	evaluate	how	ready	you	are	to	take	that	risk.
"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
Rental	Properties	as	a	Form	of	Passive	Income
According	 to	 the	 website	 Mashvisor,	 some	 reasons	 make	 rental	 properties
among	 the	 best	 passive	 income	 investments	 today.	 Here	 are	 some	 for	 you	 to
Reason	#1:	You’ll	Get	Rental	Income
The	 highlight	 of	 rental	 properties	 is	 that	 they	 really	 can	 give	 you	 a	 stable
income.	Just	imagine	you’ll	receive	a	monthly	check	as	payment	for	the	rent!
Just	like	any	product,	if	you	would	like	to	make	money	from	them,	you	really
need	to	consider	quality.	In	acquiring	a	rental	property,	make	sure	that	you	will
invest	in	a	profitable	one.
There	are	two	kinds	of	real	estate	properties	available	in	the	market.	The	first
one	 is	 the	 positively	 geared	 properties,	 and	 the	 second	 one	 is	 the	 negatively
geared	properties.	How	does	each	one	differ	from	the	other?	Positively	geared
properties	are	the	type	of	real	estate	properties	that	generate	cash	flow,	while
negatively	 geared	 properties	 are	 the	 ones	 that	 do	 not.	 That’s	 why	 if	 you’re	 a
beginner	in	the	field	of	real	estate	investing,	you	should	prefer	the	first	one.
For	you	to	ensure	that	you	choose	the	best	properties	for	your	money,	you	can
try	using	the	rental	property	calculator.	It’s	a	real	estate	analytics	tool	that	can
help	 a	 lot	 when	 dealing	 with	 property	 choice.	 You	 can	 also	 conduct	 a	 rental
property	 market	 analysis	 and	 understand	 real	 estate	 properties.	 The	 analysis
includes	the	calculation	of	cash	on	cash	return	cap	rate	and	rental	revenue.	In
this	way,	you	can	analyze	if	a	property	is	worth	taking	the	risk.	You	can	also
utilize	this	tool	to	compute	the	losses	or	profits	of	a	chosen	rental	property.
Reason	#2:	You	Do	Not	Get	Totally	Involved
Wow!	 This	 is	 what	 generating	 passive	 income	 is	 all	 about.	 You’re	 earning
money	while	doing	less	or	while	you	can	still	focus	on	other	undertakings.	You
can	even	work	on	a	full-time	job	and	still	manage	to	generate	income	from	your
rental	property.
Property	 management	 can	 help	 you	 with	 smart	 investments	 in	 this	 field.	 A
company	dealing	with	professional	property	management	is	going	to	handle	your
properties’	 daily	 tasks.	 Those	 may	 include	 assignments	 such	 as	 dealing	 with
your	tenant,	collecting	rent	on	time,	keeping	records,	and	others.	In	case	there
may	be	some	issues,	they	can	also	take	care	of	the	legal	matters	for	your	rental
While	you’re	getting	more	interested	in	real	estate	investing,	it’s	also	crucial	to
remember	that	getting	a	service	from	property	management	requires	fees,	so	be
ready	 for	 things	 like	 that.	 Include	 these	 charges	 to	 the	 property	 expenses	 and
your	budget.
Reason	#3:	You	Can	Invest	Part-Time
By	investing	part-time,	you	can	make	income	through	investments	from	rental
properties.	This	means	that	you	can	still	focus	on	your	eight-to-five	full-time	job
while	 investing	 in	 your	 property.	 It’s	 very	 advantageous	 because	 this	 is	 a
convenient	way	of	earning	passive	income.
Rental	properties	have	already	made	improvements	to	the	lives	of	many.	Once
you’ve	found	the	best	property	to	own	and	put	your	investment	on	it,	you	will	be
thankful	for	how	much	you	can	get	after.
Reason	#4:	Investing	Out	of	State
There’s	another	way	of	investing	that	is	getting	more	popular	these	days.	It’s
out-of-state	investing.	Search	for	the	best	location	in	your	state	and	purchase	it
once	you’re	sure	that	it’s	a	good	one.	You	can	also	decide	to	go	with	short-term
rentals,	 such	 as	 Airbnb	 rentals.	 This	 is	 actually	 one	 of	 the	 most	 lucrative
investment	strategies	today.	All	you	need	to	do	is	find	the	top	Airbnb	locations,
check	them,	and	get	rental	fees	from	them.
Effective	Ways	to	Generate	Passive	Income	Through
Rental	Properties
Generating	 passive	 income	 from	 real	 estate	 is	 possible	 through	 various
techniques.	A	rental	property	is	an	effective	investment	strategy	that	increases	its
profitability	over	time.
Start	a	rental	property	in	your	neighborhood.
Take	advantage	of	investing	out	of	your	area.
Get	rid	of	money	pits,	such	as	tempting	yourself	into	bargains.
Pay	a	bigger	down	payment,	so	you’ll	pay	a	lesser	investment.
Set	 up	 your	 rental	 property	 near	 schools	 with	 a	 high	 demand	 for
places	to	live	for	students.
Rent	 out	 rooms	 to	 maximize	 profits	 instead	 of	 getting	 tenants	 who
would	like	to	occupy	the	whole	house.
Decide	on	the	location	based	on	the	property	listings.
Advertising	 Your	 Rental	 Property:	 The	 Best
Platforms	You	Can	Use
Once	 you	 acquired	 rental	 property,	 you	 can	 still	 leverage	 how	 this	 can	 be
promoted.	 Below	 are	 25	 places	 where	 you	 can	 list	 or	 promote	 your	 rental
property,	according	to	the	PropertyWare	site.
Your	Website	with	Some	SEO	Stuff
If	 you	 already	 have	 your	 own	 website,	 you	 can	 promote	 your	 rental	 property
either	via	blog	post	or	a	specific	landing	page.	Make	sure	to	infuse	some	SEO
strategies	to	increase	its	social	media	presence.
Craigslist	is	the	top	platform	where	people	go	and	find	what	they	are	looking	for
when	it	comes	to	looking	at	property	listings.	Posting	here	is	not	expensive,	and
it	lets	you	create	your	own	post	caption	with	photos	of	the	property.
Oodle	is	another	classified	listing	platform	for	rental	housing.	This	site	does	not
only	offer	property-focused	lists	but	also	helps	renters	to	find	the	property	they
are	looking	for.
Zillow	 is	 a	 well-known	 rental	 property	 listing	 site	 that	 allows	 you	 to	 add	 an
interactive	map,	photo	listings,	and	the	ability	to	conveniently	sort	by	features
such	as	bathrooms,	bedrooms,	or	by	the	rental	price.
This	website	allows	you	to	list	your	unit	or	family	building.	It	also	caters	to	pet
owners	as	long	as	it	has	pet	information	upfront.
This	 platform	 allows	 property	 owners	 and	 managers	 to	 post	 their	 rentals	 to
access	its	database	in	just	a	few	clicks.
This	website	manages	real	estate	and	rental	sales.	It	allows	property	managers
and	 owners	 to	 list	 their	 properties.	 In	 addition,	 it	 offers	 a	 simple	 search
capability	for	price	and	location.
This	is	an	interactive	and	fun	platform	that	provides	renters	to	set	a	number	of
bedrooms,	price	ranges,	and	more.
Here’s	 an	 attractive	 and	 simple	 property	 listing	 platform	 that	 lets	 renters	 set
parameters	 to	 be	 able	 to	 see	 a	 group	 of	 photo	 listings	 and	 other	 data	 about	 a
It	has	a	simple-to-use	graphic	format	with	an	interactive	map.	The	most	recent
listings	appear	in	red	on	the	map	so	that	renters	can	monitor	what’s	new	on	the
market.	 It’s	 also	 convenient	 for	 tenants	 to	 check	 whether	 a	 property	 is	 pet-
friendly	and	to	find	out	if	there	are	still	amenities	that	you	would	like	to	have.	makes	it	easier	for	tenants	to	search	exactly	the	type	of	home	they
prefer,	such	as	lofts,	duplexes,	condos,	and	others.
This	 platform	 provides	 free	 photo	 listings.	 It	 also	 features	 prospective	 tenants
how	 they	 can	 find	 rentals	 and	 rent-to-own	 homes.	 Rentdigs	 features	 only	 one
photo	and	a	simple	description	for	the	listing,	so	be	certain	to	use	a	good	photo.
This	website	is	intended	to	promote	a	significant	number	of	rental	houses.	You’ll
definitely	love	this	site	since	it	has	a	high	volume	of	traffic,	proving	this	is	one
great	platform	to	promote	your	rental	property.
Zumper	 is	 a	 value-added	 site	 that	 provides	 city	 guides	 and	 neighborhood
information	 for	 your	 tenants.	 Its	 listings	 feature	 minimal	 information	 and	 one
photo,	 but	 its	 comprehensive	 listings	 allow	 you	 to	 include	 an	 engaging
description	of	your	property.
Social	Media	Platforms
Never	 underestimate	 the	 power	 of	 non-housing	 sites	 to	 promote	 your	 rental
property	listings.	Especially	if	you	already	have	a	listing	on	your	website,	why
not	share	it	via	social	media?	There	will	always	be	a	community	where	you	can
share	it.	All	you	have	to	do	is	give	the	best	description	and	optimization	for	the
property.	 Social	 media	 platforms	 you	 can	promote	 include	 Facebook,	 Twitter,
YouTube,	Pinterest,	Instagram,	and	others.
Nowadays,	Airbnb	is	making	a	big	name	in	the	rental	property	industry.	It	is
actually	 a	 home	 rental	 site	 that	 integrates	 a	 community	 of	 homeowners	 to
customers	looking	for	short-term	rentals.	Airbnb	is	well-known	for	its	feature	of
providing	or	sharing	access	to	goods	and	services.	 provides	 a	 free	 well-known	 tool	 for	 long-term	 rentals	 of
apartments	 and	 condos.	 It	 also	 offers	 awesome	 deals	 and	 provides	 upfront
savings	for	users	if	they	decided	to	rent	through	the	site.
VRBO	stands	for	Vacation	Rentals	by	Owners.	This	platform	is	well	known	for
specializing	in	apartments,	condos,	vacation	rental	homes,	B&B	cabins,	beach
houses,	villas,	and	more.
This	site	is	an	online	space	for	local	neighborhoods	based	on	its	members'	data
and	information.	It’s	a	helpful	site	for	realtors	to	promote	their	services	and	for
property	owners	to	list	rentals	to	the	wider	community.
Facebook	Groups
Do	not	take	Facebook	groups	for	granted.	With	more	than	500	million	Facebook
users,	 Facebook	 groups	 can	 give	 you	 insights	 and	 promote	 your	 properties.
Facebook	groups	also	have	highly	customizable	location	search	features.
This	platform	provides	rentals	of	entire	properties,	as	well	as	hostels,	rooms,	and
even	beds.	HomeAway	owns	VRBO	and	utilizes	the	website	to	attend	to	short-
term	vacation	rentals	of	single	rooms	or	partial	accommodations.
Walk	Score
Walk	Score	has	an	add-on	feature	to	the	property	management	website.	It	gives
renters	 access	 to	 commute	 times,	 transportation	 costs,	 access	 to	 public
transportation,	or	a	property’s
Landlords	can	publish	a	standard	listing	free	of	charge,	while	a	premium	listing
can	receive	up	to	five	hundred	times	more	leads.
This	site	is	a	one-stop	platform	that	provides	various	services	for	experienced
renters	and	buyers.	This	helps	them	to	know	exactly	where	they	want	to	live	and
where	they	 want	 to	rent.	 Move	 has	 a	 database	 of	 listings	 that	 is	 available	 for
customers	to	view.	It	has	a	customer	base	of	40	million,	giving	helpful	tips	about
various	topics.
People	with	Pets
This	platform	offers	a	wide	national	directory	of	apartments,	pet-friendly	homes,
hotels,	and	apartments.	This	site	is	free	of	charge	for	renters.
"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
Chapter	9.					Podcast
Cost	:	3	Difficulty	:	2	Risk:	2
The	podcast	is	usually	an	episodic	series	containing	audio	and	video	files.	The
user	 on	 the	 podcast	 platforms	 has	 to	 download	 these	 files	 to	 listen	 and	 view
them.	It	follows	the	subscription	model	in	which	the	new	files	added	to	the	series
are	 downloaded	 to	 the	 user's	 device	 automatically	 by	 the	 system.	 The	 name
Podcast	 was	 suggested	 by	 Ben	 Hammersley,	 a	 British	 technologist	 and
journalist,	by	blending	the	words	iPod	and	Broadcast.	Audio	and	video	files	are
mostly	found	on	the	podcast	platform,	but	few	series	also	contain	files	in	PDF
and	EPUB	format.
Every	person	who	generates	a	podcast	uploads	and	maintains	a	list	of	files	on	the
server,	which	the	user	accesses	only	through	the	internet.	The	user	utilizes	the
podcatcher	software	on	its	device	to	get	updates	related	to	the	new	files	on	the
server.	 Usually,	 the	 content	 on	 the	 podcast	 is	 high	 in	 volume.	 This	 is	 why
experts	 rank	 it	 higher	 than	 the	 normal	 broadcasting	 channels	 in	 terms	 of
delivering	the	content	to	the	targeted	audience.	Although	broadcasting	has	more
audience	in	terms	of	numbers,	the	podcast	has	an	audience	that	is	particularly
interested	 in	 the	 content	 it	 offers.	 Moreover,	 podcasts	 can	 be	 listened	 to	 on-
demand	and	at	the	customer's	will	or	user,	not	like	broadcasting,	which	has	a
fixed	schedule	set	by	the	operators.
Podcast,	a	Passive	Income	Source?
The	answer	to	the	question,	"Is	Podcast	a	source	of	passive	income?"	is,	without
a	 doubt,	 yes	 at	 any	 time.	 You	 just	 have	 to	 attain	 the	 right	 skills	 to	 create	 a
podcast	on	a	topic	such	as	"How	to	improve	yourself	in	music	direction?"	The
skills	and	expertise	are	most	important	in	creating	an	informative	podcast	that
gets	popular	among	the	audience.	Subsequently,	it	will	become	unchallenging
for	you	to	utilize	it	to	earn	passive	income	regularly	from	it.	Obviously,	as	a
newbie,	 you	 have	 no	 idea	 how	 to	 use	 a	 Podcast	 for	 this	 purpose.	 But	 do	 not
worry	about	this	as	we	will	guide	you	in	this	section	to	make	it	happen	for	you.
Podcast	Sponsorships
You	might	not	believe	it,	but	some	of	the	famous	podcasts	such	as	"The	Art	of
Charm"	 earn	 billions	 of	 dollars	 through	 sponsorships	 on	 their	 content.	 The
problem	for	many	podcasters	is	to	find	a	suitable	sponsor.	It	can	be	done	in	three
Searching	the	advertisers	by	making	use	of	your	podcast.
You	start	selling	ad	spots	by	your	podcast.
Just	relax	and	produce	quality	content	to	attract	advertisers	to	come	to
The	podcast	sponsorship	business	idea	follows	the	cost	per	impression	model	in
which	you	will	get:
$18	if	you	manage	to	get	15000	downloads	for	15-second	payroll.
$25,	in	case	your	podcast	has	1000	downloads	for	a	60-sec	midroll.
Paid	Books	and	Audiobooks
Normally,	 when	 you	 create	 a	 podcast,	 users	 get	 it	 free	 from	 the	 podcatcher
software	on	their	device.	People	make	use	of	your	advice	in	their	specific	fields
without	even	paying	a	single	penny.	Nonetheless,	this	situation	can	be	changed	if
you	 manage	 to	 utilize	 content	 marketing	 in	 a	 smart	 way.	 When	 you	 create	 a
guide	in	the	form	of	books	and	audiobooks,	make	them	very	helpful	for	the	users
that	they	become	ready	to	pay	you	for	reading	and	listening	to	them.
Selling	Branded	Merchandise
In	recent	times,	there	are	many	examples	found	in	the	podcasting	industry	where
fans	support	the	podcaster	by	purchasing	merchandise	offered	by	it.	The	podcast
can	 promote	 the	 brands	 and	 their	 products	 in	 order	 to	 generate	 revenue	 from
their	 owners	 as	 well	 as	 through	 selling	 them.	 Moreover,	 Youtube	 also	 offers
podcasters	to	place	their	content	on	its	platform,	along	with	the	option	of	selling
merchandise	below	the	video.	This	enables	the	podcasters	to	place	a	link	to	the
website	or	Shopify	link	of	the	product.
The	advertising	revenue	model	can	be	utilized	in	the	podcast	platform,	just	like
every	 other	 business.	 You	 can	 get	 passive	 income	 by	 placing	 ads	 of	 other
companies	and	their	products	on	your	series	of	audio	and	video	podcasts.	In	this
way,	your	advertisers	will	pay	you	for	a	long	time	to	promote	their	name.	This
means	that	it	will	result	in	an	ideal	passive	income	source	if	you	manage	to	get
sales	 in	 large	 numbers	 and	 attract	 large	 companies	 looking	 to	 promote	 their
product	online.
Virtual	Summits
The	combination	of	podcasts	and	relationships	can	bring	in	high	passive	income
for	you.	The	only	requirement	is	to	make	connections	and	relationships	with	the
top	experts	who	are	also	in	the	podcasting	field.	For	organizing	a	virtual	summit,
you	 just	 have	 to	 combine	 interviews	 of	 these	 experts	 on	 different	 topics.	 The
audience	is	generally	eager	to	listen	to	these	virtual	summits	on	their	topic	of
interest.	After	conducting	the	virtual	summit,	just	put	it	on	the	digital	platform
and	earn	passive	income	through	advertisement,	paid	charges,	and	sponsorships
on	your	summit	podcast.
Besides	these	options,	you	also	have	some	other	great	tricks	to	generate	profits
from	 your	 well-created	 podcasts.	 The	 key	 is	 to	 build	 a	 podcast	 that	 attracts	 a
larger	audience,	and	quality-wise	it	is	good	enough	that	they	become	ready	to
pay	for	purchasing	it.
How	to	Create	a	Quality	Podcast?
This	topic	is	not	completed	until	you	learn	or	get	an	idea	of	creating	a	podcast
that	has	great	content	for	the	audience.	The	good	thing	in	this	field	is	that	the
hurdles	to	enter	into	it	are	low	as	compared	to	other	businesses.	Although	it	is
simple	to	create	a	podcast,	it's	definitely	tough	to	build	a	quality	one.	Take	a
look	at	the	steps	or	tips	you	must	have	in	your	mind	that	are	essential	for	this
Develop	a	concept	for	the	podcast,	which	includes	the	name	of	the	topic,	length
of	the	episode,	and	the	format	you	are	looking	to	upload	on	the	host.
The	 next	 step	 is	 to	 design	 your	 artwork	 and	 your	 podcast's	 description	 to
advertise	it	to	the	audience.
Record	and	edit	the	podcast	in	the	format	you	have	selected.	You	will	require	the
equipment	according	to	the	format,	either	video	or	audio;	you	have	chosen	for
the	podcast.
Search	 out	 a	 platform	 to	 host	 your	 podcast.	 For	 example,	 you	 can	 host	 it	 on
Libsyn	and	Podbean.
Lastly,	do	not	forget	to	syndicate	these	files	on	the	"RSS	field,"	which	makes
them	 available	 on	 iTunes	 and	 enables	 them	 to	 download	 them	 on	 the	 device
whenever	it	wants.
To	conclude,	the	podcast	industry	is	great	for	people	with	the	right	skills	and
knowledge	 to	 earn	 passive	 income.	 However,	 along	 with	 these	 skills,	 verbal
communication	is	also	very	significant.	Therefore,	to	try	it	out	for	generating	a
consistent	 passive	 income	 stream	 for	 yourself,	 make	 sure	 you	 fill	 all	 the
prerequisites	related	to	it.
	"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
Chapter	10.					Writing	&	Publishing	an	eBook
Cost:	3	Difficulty:	4	Risk:	3
This	 is	one	of	 the	tried	and	 true	methods	of	passive	 income.	There	are	many
successfully	self-published	books	out	there	that	are	rolling	in	the	cash,	and	there
are	even	courses	to	help	you	learn	everything	you	need	to	know.	This	chapter
will	get	you	started	in	the	right	direction.	In	this	chapter,	we’re	mainly	going	to
focus	on	you	writing	your	own	eBook,	but	you	can	hire	out.
Step	1:	Start	Brainstorming
The	first	thing	you’ll	need	to	do	is	to	start	brainstorming	on	what	you	want	your
book	to	be	about.	Many	people	will	choose	something	they’re	passionate	about
so	that	they	can	write	on	it.	After	all,	if	you	write	your	own	eBook,	you	save
money,	which	means	that	this	passive	income	stream	will	have	a	smaller	startup
cost.	Think	about	what	you	like	to	do,	and	then	come	up	with	a	list	of	ideas	on
what	 you	 can	 write	 about.	 Are	 you	 passionate	 about	 fitness?	 Do	 you	 love	 to
cook?	Do	you	enjoy	dancing?	Do	you	have	a	hobby	that	you’re	knowledgeable
about,	such	as	hunting	or	fishing?	These	are	all	viable	options	to	write	on.	Let’s
take	gardening,	for	example.
Step	2:	Check	the	Market
You	need	to	check	the	market	to	see	if	you’ll	be	able	to	sell	the	book	you	want	to
write	on.	Sticking	to	gardening	as	an	example,	are	their	gardening	books	in	the
top	 100	 downloaded	 books	 from	 popular	 platforms	 such	 as	 Kindle?	 Are	 they
paid	for	or	free	books	that	are	in	a	program	like	Kindle	Unlimited?	If	yes,	then
you	can	continue	with	a	gardening	book.
However,	 what	 types	 of	 gardening	 books	 are	 popular	 right	 now?	 Is	 it	 a
beginner’s	 gardening	 book,	 or	 is	 it	 on	 something	 specific	 such	 as	 sustainable
gardening?	Gardening	will	be	a	niche,	and	then	you’ll	just	need	to	choose	a	sub-
niche.	 To	 pick	 a	 second	 category,	 which	 is	 your	 sub-niche,	 you	 need	 to
recognize	 that	 you’re	 looking	 at	 keywords.	 Sustainable	 gardening	 would	 be	 a
keyword.	Here	is	a	list	of	other	possible	keywords	you	might	see:
Homesteading	Garden
Gardening	for	Beginner’s
Gardening	for	the	Busy	Mom
Container	Gardening
Hydroponics	Gardening
You	may	not	know	about	most	of	these	but	pick	the	one	you	do	feel	you	know
enough	about.	Do	you	grow	most	of	your	plants	in	pots	instead	of	the	ground?
Then	 try	 writing	 on	 container	 gardening	 or	 sustainable	 gardening	 if	 you	 have
rows	 of	 vegetables	 and	 fruits	 that	 grow	 back	 every	 year.	 Now	 that	 you’ve
selected	another	category,	you	can	move	on	to	step	three.
Step	3:	Start	Outlining
Now	that	you	know	what	you	want	to	write	about,	which	for	this	example	is
container	gardening,	you	need	to	start	outlining	your	book.	Here’s	an	example	of
what	your	outline	could	look	like.
Introduction:	You’ll	need	to	introduce	your	book	and	why	you’re	writing	it.
Why	 Container	 Gardening:	 Explain	 why	 people	 should	 use	 containers	 and
who	it	benefits.
Best	Containers	to	Use:	Start	getting	down	to	the	meat	of	the	topic.	Not	every
container	is	created	equal,	after	all.	Tell	them	why	you	use	what	you	do	or	don’t
Best	Plants	to	Grow:	There	are	some	plants	that	grow	well	in	confined	spaces
and	some	that	grow	poorly,	so	make	sure	you	give	your	readers	the	best	chance
at	success.
Some	 FAQ:	 This	 will	 help	 you	 to	 answer	 the	 remaining	 questions	 that	 they
might	have.
Best	 Soil	 &	 Fertilizer:	 This	 will	 help	 to	 explain	 how	 to	 get	 your	 plants	 to
Some	Extra	Tips:	Do	you	have	anything	else	to	add	to	the	topic?	This	would	be
an	excellent	method	to	add	it	and	give	your	readers	a	little	more	information!
Conclusion:	Reiterate	your	points	and	thank	them	for	buying	your	book.
With	the	outline	above,	you’ve	given	them	a	way	to	get	hooked	on	your	book,
which	is	your	introduction,	you’ve	taken	them	through	common	questions,	and
you’ve	gone	over	the	steps	it	takes	to	build	a	container	garden.	After	that,	you
gave	a	few	more	helpful	tips	to	help	them	be	successful,	which	their	success	will
equal	better	reviews	for	you,	and	you’ve	wrapped	the	book	up	in	conclusion.
You	can	do	this	with	any	topic!	Remember	that	it’s	okay	to	do	a	little	research	to
fill	in	any	gaps	you	may	have	about	the	topic.	If	your	research	is	thorough,	you
don’t	always	have	to	talk	from	firsthand	experience.	It’s	just	easier	to	write	your
first	book	about	something	you	know	a	lot	about.
Step	4:	Start	Writing
This	part	may	be	self-explanatory,	but	some	tips	will	make	the	process	easier.
First	 off,	 you	 should	 be	 aware	 of	 your	 word	 count	 even	 if	 you’re	 writing
yourself.	Try	to	figure	out	what	books	sell	best.	If	you’re	just	testing	the	waters,
books	from	6,000	to	10,000	words	are	a	great	way	to	go.	However,	if	you	want
more	long-term	results,	then	longer	books	tend	to	sell	better.	Try	to	write	a	book
that’s	 15,000	 to	 25,000	 words	 long.	 Your	 words	 directly	 relate	 to	 your	 page
count,	and	people	want	to	feel	like	they’re	getting	their	money’s	worth.
If	you’re	selling	a	book	for	$5	for	an	eBook	copy,	then	you’re	going	to	need	to
have	 the	 pages	 to	 back	 it	 up.	 If	 it’s	 under	 twenty-five	 pages,	 you’re	 going	 to
want	to	sell	it	for	a	lot	less.	Now	that	you’ve	figured	out	the	word	count	that	you
want,	 then	 assign	 a	 word	 count	 to	 each	 chapter	 so	 that	 you	 don’t	 end	 up
rambling.	Don’t	be	worried	if	you	go	a	little	over	on	each	chapter,	but	try	not	to
go	under.
Step	5:	Editing	&	Formatting
You’ll	need	to	edit	your	book	with	Microsoft	Word.	This	becomes	easier	since	it
does	have	a	spelling	and	grammar	check.	You	need	to	understand	that	it	will
only	catch	misspelled	words.	For	example,	you	may	have	meant	to	write	“she	ate
the”	but	spelled	“she	ape	the.”	It	will	not	catch	this.	That’s	why	it’s	important	to
go	through	your	document	with	a	fine-tooth	comb	or	hire	someone	to	do	it	for
you.	After	that,	you	need	to	format	it	for	whatever	platform	you	want	to	publish
on.	Also,	an	eBook	is	formatted	differently	than	a	print	book	that	you’d	want	to
sell	through	CreateSpace,	but	both	are	technically	an	Amazon	process.
Pro	Tip:	You	can	check	your	grammar	for	free	using	Grammarly
Step	6:	Cover	Design	&	Publishing
Before	you	can	publish,	there	is	one	more	thing	you	need	to	do!	You’ll	need	to
get	a	cover	designed.	One	of	the	best	places	to	do	this	is	through	Fiverr.	You	can
get	a	Kindle	eBook	cover	for	as	little	as	$5,	and	it	often	takes	only	three	days!
For	cover	design,	keep	these	tips	in	mind.
Title	&	Subtitle:	You	should	already	have	this	by	this	point,	and	it	should	have
good	keywords	in	it	so	that	it’s	easy	for	people	to	find	your	book.
Thumbnail:	Your	design	should	look	good	in	a	thumbnail,	so	if	a	cover	is	too
busy,	it’ll	look	messy.	People	will	be	browsing	your	book	via	thumbnail.
Photo	Rights:	You	should	either	have	rights	to	the	photos	that	your	designer	is
using	or	use	free	stock	photos.
If	 you’re	 looking	 to	 publish	 on	 Kindle,	 everything	 is	 a	 little	 easier	 because
various	tutorials	out	there	will	teach	you	what	to	do.	With	Kindle,	it	only	takes
about	 five	 minutes	 to	 publish	 your	 book.	 You’ll	 just	 need	 to	 fill	 out	 the
description,	which	should	be	riddled	with	SEO,	too,	so	that	it	can	easily	be	found
in	the	Amazon	search	engine.
As	far	as	pricing	goes,	you’ll	need	to	set	it	when	you	publish	your	book.	With
"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
Kindle,	you’ll	be	able	to	choose	how	large	of	a	royalty	you	get	from	each	sale.
Amazon	will	let	you	choose	a	35%	royalty	or	a	70%	royalty,	but	you	have	to
check	 out	 each's	 price	 requirements.	 If	 you	 want	 to	 set	 the	 price,	 then	 you
usually	need	to	go	with	the	35%	royalty.	If	you	have	no	issue	with	Amazon’s
suggested	 price,	 then	 you	 can	 earn	 a	 70%	 royalty.	 However,	 the	 70%	 royalty
requires	that	you	sell	your	book	higher.
"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
Step	7:	Marketing	Your	Book
You’ll	need	to	market	your	book	if	you	want	to	succeed!	You	can’t	just	set	it	up
on	Kindle	or	another	platform	and	expect	it	to	sell	itself.	If	you	have	your	SEO
done,	then	you’re	going	to	get	a	few	sales,	but	you	won’t	start	making	a	largely
passive	income	stream	until	you	start	marketing	it.	It	also	helps	if	you	to	have
many	books	that	you’ve	published	before.	A	trend	shows	that	if	an	author	has
twenty	books,	they’re	more	to	be	considered	an	authority	in	the	niche	so	long	as
those	books	are	within	the	same	relative	category.	You	may	want	to	join	review
groups	and	get	reviews	for	your	book	in	exchange	for	a	promotional	copy.	You
can	also	have	the	advantage	of	the	promotions	that	Kindle	Direct	Publishing	lets
you	use	to	sell	your	book	too!
Pro	Tip:	You	can	publish	your	book	on	Amazon	in	multiple	formats	such	as
Kindle,	paperback	and	audio	as	well.	If	you	self-publish	your	book	on	Amazon
via	 CreateSpace,	 Amazon	 will	 deal	 with	 the	 order	 fulfillment	 when	 someone
makes	a	purchase.
If	You	Outsource	Your	Writing
If	you	outsource	your	writing,	you’re	going	to	need	a	larger	startup,	but	it	does
mean	less	work	for	you,	making	this	much	more	passive.	You’ll	want	to	check
out	the	same	freelance	websites	that	were	recommended	for	developing	a	mobile
app.	Just	find	a	freelancer	that’s	within	your	budget.	The	standard	price	is	$10-
$15	per	1,000	words.	Remember	this	when	you’re	budgeting	for	your	book.	If
you	outsource	your	book,	then	you’re	only	responsible	for	the	marketing!	Just
make	sure	that	the	book	you	get	is	copyright-free	so	that	there	are	no	issues	later
on.	 You	 might	 want	 to	 try	 PlagScan	 or	 CopyScape	 to	 check	 for	 plagiarism
before	you	mark	the	job	as	complete.
What	You	Need	to	Do
1.	 State	your	passion,	strengths,	and	interest:
P.s	Based	on	your	passion,	strengths,	and	interest,	identify	one	area	you	would
like	to	write	your	book	on.
2.	 Do	market	research	and	indicate	the	best	sellers	eBooks	in	your	niche:
Book	Title Book	Ranking
3.	 Identify	the	keywords	used	in	your	specific	niche
4.	 Write	down	the	outline	of	your	book
5.	 Setting	it	up
6.	 Writing	your	book
7.	 Editing	and	Formatting
8.	 Designing	your	cover
9.	 Publishing	your	book
10.																						Marketing	your	book
"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
Chapter	11.					Making	Money	from	Websites		
Cost:	2	Difficulty:	3	Risk:	2
The	internet	is	full	of	websites	on	various	niches	and	topics.	There	are	two	ways
to	make	money	from	domains:	One,	buy	a	new	domain	and	then	sell	it	and	two,
buy	an	expired	domain,	then	sell	it.	Both	of	these	methods	can	be	called	domain
flipping.	There	is	another	way	one	purchases	the	domains,	works	on	the	website,
and	grows	it,	then	later	sells	it	at	a	higher	price	with	content	and	traffic.	That	is
called	 website	 flipping.	 Domain	 flipping	 is	 relatively	 cheaper	 because	 all	 you
need	to	do	is	buy	a	good	domain	name	that	can	be	sold	later	at	a	higher	price.
With	website	flipping,	one	spends	a	lot	of	time	and	resources	raising	it	from	the
ground	up,	and	the	returns	are	much	higher	than	domain	flipping.	Those	people
will	buy	websites	to	flip,	which	can	be	risky	because	it	may	not	be	as	lucrative,
especially	for	a	beginner.	Domain	flipping	is	easier	because	one	has	to	identify
good	expired	domain	names,	buy	them	and	keep	them	till	a	good	deal	comes
along.	As	a	beginner,	you	can	start	with	domain	flipping	and	learn	the	ropes	of
lucrative	and	what	isn't.	You	can	also	learn	and	understand	what	to	do	if	you
eventually	decide	to	start	flipping	websites.	You	will	learn	where	you	can	buy
and	sell	websites	because	of	experience	and	know-how.
What	Makes	a	Domain	Name	Lucrative?
For	a	beginner,	the	main	question	will	be,	"how	can	I	tell	if	a	domain	name	is
profitable	or	not?"	There	are	specific	elements	that	you	need	to	look	at	when
selecting	lucrative	domain	names:
How	long	is	the	domain	name?	As	we	said	before,	the	internet	has
many	 websites,	 and	 most	 of	 the	 short	 domain	 names	 are	 taken
already.	Therefore,	if	 you	get	a	 domain	name	with	 3-4	letters,	it	 is
valuable	 because	 it's	 unlikely	 you	 will	 find	 one	 that	 isn't	 already
taken.	These	domain	names	are	valuable	because	they	can	match	the
name	of	a	brand	or	a	company.
How	old	is	it?	The	older	the	domain	name	(one	registered	over	ten
years	ago),	the	more	likely	it	is	to	have	many	backlinks.	Backlinks	are
a	sign	a	website	has	authority.	Therefore,	both	age	and	authority	can
determine	the	price	of	a	domain	name.
Can	 it	 make	 a	 brand?	 When	 looking	 at	 a	 short	 domain	 name	 with
random	letter	combinations,	look	at	it	critically	to	see	if	it	can	be	used
in	branding.	Some	are	more	straightforward	than	others.
Is	the	domain	extension	on	the	domain	name	valuable?	The	domain
name	 can	 have	 3-4	 letters	 and	 may	 seem	 perfect	 but	 look	 at	 its
extension.	Look	for	domains	with	popular	extensions	such	as	.com,
.gov,	.edu,	.net,	.org	etc.	There	are	uncommon	extensions	that	can	still
work,	so	don't	rule	anything	out.
Are	the	words	in	the	domain	name	searched	on	search	engines?	You
should	 consider	 taking	 domains	 that	 have	 a	 high	 search	 volume	 on
popular	 search	 engines	 such	 as	 That	 means	 that	 the
domain	will	be	on-demand.
Does	the	domain	name	contain	a	popular	term?	Many	businesses	and
brands	are	coming	up	every	day,	so	you	should	choose	a	name	that
could	be	of	interest.	You	need	to	discern	because	a	business	may	not
exist	now,	but	the	domain	name	could	still	be	valuable.	Even	if	the
domain	name	is	highly	searched,	it	should	also	have	low	competition
among	the	searches	to	ensure	uniqueness.	Look	at	all	these	aspects	on
a	keyword	planner	to	make	the	right	choice.
Is	 the	 domain	 name	 the	 name	 of	 a	 person?	 You	 never	 know	 if	 a
person	may	be	interested	in	a	domain	name	of	their	name	to	create	a
personal	brand.
There	are	two	ways	to	determine	if	a	domain	name	is	valuable	enough	to	buy:
Buying	domains	based	on	popular	topics	or	based	on	how	exclusive	they	are.
Topic-based	 domains	 are	 lucrative	 because	 they	 can	 contain	 the	 name	 of	 a
popular	niche,	business,	or	brand	that	would	be	easy	to	flip.	Exclusive	domain
names	are	lucrative	because	they	are	one	of	a	kind	and	can	never	be	registered
again.	 Common	 words	 and	 3-4	 letter	 combos	 are	 exclusive	 as	 they	 were
registered	at	the	inception	of	the	internet.
How	to	Start	Domain	Flipping
1.	Find	Expired	Domain	Names
The	internet	has	many	domain	name	marketplaces	where	one	can	search	and	buy
expired	domain	names.	Domain	names	expire	when	their	owner	forgets	to	renew
them	with	the	domain	registrar.	The	domain	registrar	is	the	service	provider	that
registered	 the	 domain	 name	 in	 the	 first	 place.	 When	 the	 domain	 name	 is	 not
registered,	the	domain	registrar	offers	a	grace	period,	usually	30	days,	when	the
owner	can	still	pay	and	retain	their	domain.	If	no	payment	is	made	in	the	time
stipulated,	the	domain	registrar	lists	the	domain	in	a	public	auction.	The	buyer
has	to	check	for	the	following	before	buying	the	expired	domain:
Domain	Authority	(DA)
This	SEO	metric	assigns	a	value	between	1-100	that	shows	how	high	on	a	search
engine	the	website	would	rank.	Number	1	is	the	highest	score,	while	100	is	the
lowest.	came	up	with	this	metric	system	by	looking	at	the	count	of
backlinks	to	the	site,	its	social	signal,	the	quality	of	the	content	in	the	website,
the	Moz	Rank	and	Trust,	and	how	easily	the	search	engine	crawler	can	maneuver
in	the	website.	DA	looks	at	the	whole	website.
Page	Authority	(PA)
Here,	the	page	is	the	focus	of	the	evaluation.
The	Quality	and	Count	of	Backlinks/SEO	Profile
The	 older	 a	 domain,	 the	 more	 backlinks	 it	 will	 have.	 Even	 if	 it	 has	 many
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PASSIVE INCOME STRATEGIES 11 Simple and Proven Ideas to Generate a Passive and Steady Flow of Money

  • 1.
  • 3. © Copyright 2021 - All rights reserved . This document is geared towards providing exact and reliable information in regard to the topic and issue covered. - From a Declaration of Principles which was accepted and approved equally by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations. In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. All rights reserved. The information provided herein is stated to be truthful and consistent, in that any liability, in terms of inattention or otherwise, by any usage or abuse of any policies, processes, or directions contained within is the solitary and utter responsibility of the recipient reader. Under no circumstances will any legal responsibility or blame be held against the publisher for any reparation, damages, or monetary loss due to the information herein, either directly or indirectly. Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher. The information herein is offered for informational purposes solely and is universal as so. The presentation of the information is without contract or any type of guarantee assurance. The trademarks that are used are without any consent, and the publication of the trademark is without permission or backing by the trademark owner. All trademarks and brands within this book are for clarifying purposes only and are owned by the owners themselves, not affiliated with this document.
  • 5. Introduction Many people have heard of the words 'Passive income,' but only a few are curious enough to explore further. And sadly, even those who know what passive income is and how it can dramatically change their lives for the better will never experience it. Yes, they do love the idea of making a side income as a result of a side hustle while retaining their regular 9-5 jobs. Many even fantasize about going on vacations in the Bahamas or the Cayman Islands and generally enjoying life. A lot comes with having a passive income because it is not just something that you turn your attention to when you feel like it. The truth of the matter is that you will need to work hard at first before the going becomes good, and that is if you have taken the right steps or done the right things. Over time, that hard work you put in when you started the journey will begin to pay off, and for many years to come, fetching you a good income weekly or monthly. Therefore, what do you need to know about passive income? Here's what you need to know about creating a passive income and what it entails to build businesses that generate passive income What Is Passive Income? any endeavor. It could be from a rental property or something else that does not require your active involvement day in, day out. Passive income is taxable, just like regular active income, in the United States. However, the IRS treats this type of income a bit differently than other types of income. Nevertheless, it is an excellent way to make some income on real estate, investments, and other kinds of endeavors without the need for you to have a direct relationship with each day. To get a better understanding of passive income, it is essential to, first of all, take a look at the major types of income that are presently available. There are 3 of these that you can focus on building: portfolio income, active income, and passive income. Passive income is a term that has changed a lot over the past few years. The way most people see it these days is far different from how it was in the past, which Passive income can be a form of earning money that anyone can get and from "How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
  • 6. is a good thing. All that is required now is to learn more about it as much as you can and how this kind of income works so that you can apply all you learn to make it work for you. As a rule, a passive income is used to define any money you regularly earn with very little—and sometimes—no effort on your part. It does sound like a dream come true; who wouldn't want to sit back and relax without having to do anything, yet money keeps trickling into your bank account. There are different types of passive income that you can work with. The most popular or common options that are presently available include: Peer-to-peer, real estate. Limited partnership. Investing in dividend stocks. Any other enterprise. If you see passive income as a good or positive thing, then you must be a booster of work at home. And you should be ready to lead a 'Be your own boss' kind of lifestyle. The types of earning you may earn at first may be small, but the income will eventually grow and become successful if you work hard. Why Should You Build Passive Income? The greatest wealth-building tool is your income, which usually requires your active participation in the form of a full-time, 9-5 job. No matter how much you earn, working your 9-5 job, you won't say "No" to make some extra side income without too much sweat, blood, and time commitment. Several benefits are associated with earning income passively. When you build a passive income, it does the following: Boosts your wealth-building plan Protects you from a sudden and complete loss of income if you lose your job Creates a rare opportunity to retire early It provides another stream of income, especially when you can no longer hold down a 9-5 job or outlast your retirement fund.
  • 8. Chapter 1. Financial Independence Financial independence is the situation of having enough income (from investments, passive income sources, real estate, etc.) to pay for one's acceptable living expenses for the rest of one's life without needing to depend on formal employment. The core path to achieving financial independence focuses on maximizing one's savings rate by reducing expenses with high incomes. Financial independence is often achieved at sufficient personal income levels to permit one to cede any further work to be provided by others to more reliable sources. There are also other life goals that achieve financial independence, such as retiring early to pursue lifestyle choices, such as pursuing hobbies, making progress on one's artistic skills, participating in culture, having a true and meaningful conversation face to face with a close friend or family member, etc. Pursuing financial independence is seldom an end in itself but can be a transformational experience. Financial independence often unlocks latent talent and human potential, which was once hindered due to financial concerns previously requiring immediate orders of magnitude of financial growth to achieve. In such cases, the unexpected income increase can reveal dormant or potential talents. Similarly, eliminating financial worries creates a magnified focus on one's goals and allows one to pursue the goals of his or her actual value creation.
  • 9. Financial independence is largely about freedom and living within one's means. The main motivator is being free from financial constraints and doing what one desires. Many of these goals require a substantial amount of wealth to achieve and are often not immediately attainable for many people. This means that financial independence requires a baseline amount of wealth savings and then additional tracking and channeling of wealth towards the achievement of personal goals. For Who and For Who Is Not the Financial Independence? independence, then there is no way to achieve it because of a "chicken and egg" problem. You cannot achieve financial independence unless you have enough wealth to generate incomes, and they are not enough unless you have enough wealth. Financial independence is also for the few who are financially healthy. If you do not have control and proper management over your finances, then you have an urgent need to exist. When you survive by selling your body, you don't have any free time to pursue your independent goals. When you live on credit insurance and rent, you have no chance to get your goal. Financial independence is not for those who do not have a secondary goal: a good job, a degree, buying a house, or even losing weight. Better financial independence is for those who already have money or get more money. Financial independence is not a reason to get rich. Financial independence is the relationship between income and expenses. For a person to achieve financial independence, they must get enough money to cover their expenses. Income – Expenses = Financial Independence In practice, it looks like this: Income – (Expenses + Savings) = Financial Independence Financial independence is not for the following: People Who Love Their Job If your work provides you with joy and satisfaction, then the demand for financial independence is not high. This is the most fundamental condition for financial independence. If you are in such a situation, then you must be grateful Financial independence is for the few. If you do not have financial "How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
  • 10. for your job. And you may not be much interested in financial independence or any kind of long-term savings. Or you may be just saving for a specific goal, like your children's education or retirement. Those Who Are Materialistic Financial independence is often linked to spiritual independence. Those who are materialistic and obsessed with possessions cannot be interested in financial security. You must have the ability to give your desires materiality. That is, you need things, but the desire for them is not satisfied until you have some. Financial independence is a stay in a place where you set your own goals and ideas. It often happens when you have fewer material desires. Those Who Want a Constant Salary Financial independence is not for those who like the taste of their salary. The constant increase in salary is not very efficient. Instead, you can continue to build financial independence by building a savings goal. The secret is to do things in intensity but to enjoy it continuously. That is what financial independence brings. Those Who Pursue Short-Sighted Goals Financial independence is not for the present-minded guys. To achieve financial independence, you will need to plan for your future. The path will surely have obstacles and challenges. Defining them is the first step to both victory and defeat. You cannot avoid things that are threatening your goals. Overcoming them is the second step. Those Who Wants to Make Money Financial independence is not for the people who just chase money. They are trying to buy time. Also, they are trying to be the boss. Most of the time, they are powerful and successful. But what they seek is the definite goal with one's own property and power. The Right Mindset to Achieve Financial Independence Putting negative prohibitions aside, financial independence is to reach goals, which are not given by others. It is to find meaning in one's life and to feel the satisfaction from fulfilling one's desire to do so actively and responsibly. It is to have enough money to provide enough options. Becoming a wealthy person is not all that necessary to achieve wealth. It is not about acquiring wealth to try to
  • 11. become rich because the more you have, the less freedom you will have. Your wealth will surround you. Here is the right mindset to achieve financial independence and earn passive income opportunities: Lifestyle Start by arranging your lifestyle in your relation. Think and visualize how much money you need to reach your life goals. You must have your own necessities to pursue them. For instance, if you pursue financial independence, you must have enough money to pay for your bills. It doesn't mean you have to secure your room, but you must have a room to sleep, and you must have a patient to take care of your health. If you hold on to the money, then you have a big problem in pursuing your goals. Efficiency You must have a good time while making money. Most of the time, you will have to spend much of the day in front of yourself to earn your income. You will need to earn money, but you must make it think you don't have it. When you make it, you will tend to do it on your own. You will spend less time working and more time doing things you love. Also, have the experience-using and enjoying. You must spend the money while being wealthy. Motivation Financial independence will also bring a change in priorities. As your income increases, you will have time to pursue your dreams daily. You will even have more time to pursue your passion and emotional needs. It is a good time to go after what you love. Try to do what you want to do. You will feel pleasure in making your money while doing it. Having a good time and a good life is the motivation to achieve financial independence. Discipline There is no shortcut to money. You will make it while the motivation is high and you are persistent. In the long term, you will need to work hard and continuously. It is not just about doing the right things but also about doing the same things. You can only do what you are good at doing. You must be willing to work and make that your regular schedule. Identity Financial independence will bring a change of identity. That may be good or
  • 12. bad. To accept the change, you must be ready to do it positively. You will be used to doing what you want to do daily. With that, there are responsibilities. If you fail yourself, then you will feel the same pain of being left out. Accepting that change in identity is a key to achieve financial independence. Self-Esteem The mind looks at the achievements of others. You will see how much others have earned, and you will be jealous. It is your ego talking. Once you control yourself, you will be proud of yourself. You must feel that you make money to make money and not to show it. An independent person is more fulfilled. Others may be jealous, but you have the freedom to do what you want to. Risk Tolerance Financial independence is the first step towards the realization of freedom. To have that freedom, you must be ready to lose what you have. You should not be afraid to lose, so you must be willing to take risks. It also means that you will be ready to take charge of your life. The wealth of an independent person is a collection of freedom. "How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
  • 13. Chapter 2. Create a Blog Cost: 3 Difficulty: 2 Risk: 2 Blogging is when one writes about regular events and situations on their online platform to educate, inform or entertain the public. The online platform is known as a blog. It resembles a website; however, the whole interface is dynamic and designed for daily content updates. A person who blogs is referred to as a blogger. Readers following a blog and its activities are referred to as traffic. How Blogging Works Depending on you, you may decide to publish posts on your blog every day or a couple of times a week. It is always advisable to post at least once a day to keep your readership on the upper side. Constant posting also helps in ranking the blog on search engines. The most important thing you can do with your blog provides quality and factual information to avoid misleading your readers. Blogging entails writing content, recording audios, or taking videos and photos that accompany that blog post and publishing on the website (blog). Just like the written post, audios, videos and images must be of quality as well. Sometimes as a blogger, you may choose to use stock images, infographics, and other varieties of graphics to color their posts and make their message better understood.
  • 14. The Process of Starting a Blog Starting a blog is more or less similar to starting a business. In fact, to earn with your blog, you must consider it a business and manage it like one. That said, here is the starter pack: Blog name Business logo Slogan (not mandatory) A domain name Hosting A blog platform (WordPress, Wix, etc.) A blog theme (some are free, others premium) A blog developer (in case you don’t know how to optimize a theme) You may be lucky enough to find most of the above services provided under one roof. In case your preferred hosting provider only sells domain names and hosting, then feel free to outsource the other services. You can browse for companies that offer such services. You may opt to start with free blogging platforms like Blogger, Medium,, and the like. Promoting free blogs is not quite easy or professional, so you may want to stick to appearing like a real business. Topics to Blog About There are many bloggers, and you are free to choose the blogger you want to be. Some bloggers blog on general industry topics; for example, in the health industry, a blogger would incorporate posts on healthy meal recipes, supplements, working out, weight loss options, etc. Another blogger would choose to narrow down to a specific topic (also called niche) and only blog about working out. To choose the best topic that would end up being lucrative, it’s advisable to go for something you have knowledge or skills on or a truly passionate topic. This way, you already know what you are doing, and being your passion, you can drive through industry challenges.
  • 15. What Makes Blogging a Lucrative Passive Income Idea? Blogging can be very lucrative, mostly if you settle on a niche. You will find tons of opportunities to make money with your blog and yourself as a personal brand. You can come up with products and services from that specific niche as well that will bring you money. As a blogger, you’ll never run out of ways to earn. How Blogging Generates Money There are various ways to make money with your blog. Take note that a blog and its accessories (like social media) can make up to 3 figures in less than a year. However, this will depend on how you present your brand to the world and how you market yourself. The first probable way of making money with a blog is through Google AdSense. In a month after launching and posting severally, you can register for Google AdSense. This is where Google places relevant advertisements on your blog and pays you for every click on the ad (Pay per Click) With a great blog and social media popularity, you’ll be able to land yourself corporate gigs of product placement and ambassadorship. This is one of the ways to make over $10,000 in just a month. However, you have to go the extra mile and present yourself to high-paying brands. If you have a YouTube channel, you’ll be able to make money through YouTube advertisements. Companies can also approach you and sponsor your YouTube videos for a product mention. You can also come up with eBooks, training materials and start selling products related to your niche. For example, if you blog about exercising for weight loss, you can launch supplements that help in the weight loss process and sell them to readers. If you run AdSense, do product placements, affiliate market, sell products, become a brand ambassador, and all those activities, you may just be able to earn three figures in a month. A Blog’s Cost Structure It all depends on all the activities you’re running using your blog. However, if you’re only blogging with selling materials and whatnot, then your monthly "How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
  • 16. costs would include: Hosting renewal Blog advertising (on Google and Social Media) Content creation (if you travel and if you have a content team) Photo editing software (if you use those that renew monthly) Initial budget with one-off purchases would include things like buying the blog theme, a camera for photography, a good phone for social media and taking photos as well, and much more. All these will depend on your niche and what the industry expects from you. How to Market Your Blog Not every blogger makes money with their blog. This is due to the lack of the essential factor—traffic. To attract more readers and viewers to your blog, you can do some marketing. The easiest type of marketing is content marketing, which involves using content materials like graphics and text to create the popularity of your work. You can go for good old advertising and spend some money promoting your blog using Google AdWords, social media promotion features, and more avenues. You can also use social media to create popularity for your personal brand, which in turn sends traffic to your blog. Developing Your Blogging Team A blog can be run solely by one party. However, as you grow and get busy with promotions and the creation of products, materials, or services, you may need to hire a team. Content Editor Photographer (who should also be a photo editor) Videographer (if you feature videos; they should also know how to edit) Social Media Manager Personal assistant (or a manager to get you promotions and organize your activities)
  • 17. Blogging is hands down one of the best passive income business ventures that you not only have fun making up but also one that can make you good money in a short period. You don’t need massive capital to start off, no education is required except for knowledge and skill, and you can do it all by yourself without the need to partner with someone. "How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
  • 18. Chapter 3. Online Courses Cost: 3 Difficulty: 2 Risk: 3 People love educating themselves, and online courses are an incredible way to do so. In the past five years, online courses have become more popular than ever before because they are short, self-lead, and can support people in learning a wealth of information about topics that actually interest them. Creating an online course does take some time upfront, but once it is created, you can continue to sell that course for a long time, making it a highly passive form of income. Benefits of Hosting Online Courses The benefits of hosting online courses that are self-lead, which are sometimes called "evergreen courses," are broad. These courses are a great opportunity for you to position yourself as an expert, offer an ongoing income without having to put in any additional work, and cost almost nothing to make. Some people make a massive passive income online by producing a new course every month or every few months and posting it on a platform like Teachable or Udemy, and they produce a high income through this. In some cases, people earn over $100,000 a year just by creating and promoting their online courses.
  • 19. If you wanted to, you could also host an online course that is done live—with you instructing said course through a platform like Skype or Facebook Live. In this particular circumstance, you could profit from the course's live filming by having paid members joining in on the process. Since the course is being held live, you can also charge more for tickets and earn a higher profit off of this first step. You can then add the recordings to a course online and sell them to everyone else for slightly less than your live students paid. This way, you earn an even higher profit, and the entire process was profitable. How to Earn Money with Online Courses Earning money online through courses is essentially the same as selling products online: every time someone purchases one of your courses, you profit from that sale. You can easily continue selling as many digital downloads of your course as you desire and continue earning a profit for a long time. You may need to refresh your courses with some updated information or an updated look from time to time—otherwise, you have a great course online that can be sold for years to come. Getting Started Making and Selling Online Courses Creating and selling courses online is simple: you make your course, you post it on a hosting platform, and you market it to your desired audience. Choosing Your Course Subject Choosing what you want to teach about will ultimately depend on what your expertise is and what is marketable in the online space. A great way to get a sense of what people are looking for in online courses is to go to a platform like Udemy and browse their main pages. These pages will contain a significant amount of information regarding what is popular at the moment and what you will be most likely to earn a profit in. People are looking to online courses for many different types of information these days, from learning about how to design websites or develop video games to learn how to meditate or market their business. You simply need to choose a subject to teach and design your course! Creating Your Course Most online courses feature various learning tools to help people learn about the particular topic that is being taught on. Courses will regularly feature video content, written content, quizzes, and "homework" or workbooks for people to
  • 20. use as they go through the course. Although it may take longer, developing a few different content types for your course will ensure that you have plenty to offer for your prospective students when they consider purchasing your course. If you are particularly skilled in producing one or two types of content but not all of them, you can always outsource some of your content production to a skilled contractor. Again, Fiverr and Upwork are great resources for finding people who can generate workbooks, written content, or other materials for your course. Choosing Your Hosting Platform How you host your course will ultimately depend on how much time or effort you want to put into the hosting process. If you want it to be easy and done in a "plug it in and go" type manner, using Teachable or Udemy is your best option. Teachable will be the best option if you want a completely customized and self- branded website that reflects your business and does not show any signs of which hosting software you are using. However, it will cost you more per month in order to be able to use Teachable if you want to develop many courses and access features like instant payouts when people purchase your courses. Udemy is great if you want to have a plug-in platform and go and if you do not necessarily care about branding your website personally. You can also partner with Udemy in terms of marketing by selecting an option whereby they earn a larger percentage from your sales, but they also promote your course to their viewers. This means that you will show up higher on search listings and that you will be promoted across various platforms where Udemy has paid to sponsor posts or advertisements around the web. If you want to have a more interactive and personalized platform, you might consider hiring a web developer to completely create your own website that is optimized for selling courses. This will cost you more, but if you are confident in your ability to turn a profit, it can also give you far more features and be more flexible in allowing you to do other things on your platform. Promoting Your Online Course After you have designed your course, you simply need to promote it! The best way to promote online courses is to use services like Google Ads, as this will help you get your course posted in many different areas across the internet. Facebook and Instagram also have great advertising platforms that can be used for you to promote your course to many other people. While you can leverage
  • 21. your social media presence to promote your course, it is unnecessary if you do not already have one, as most people will not attempt to search you up online when determining whether or not they want to take your course. Instead, they will look at the course contents and the pre-existing reviews of how other students have enjoyed the course and how they felt it was valuable in their learning experience. Adequately finance your life. "How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
  • 22. Chapter 4. Cryptocurrency Cost: 4 Difficulty: 4 Risk: 4 The cryptocurrency market has been a massive growth in recent times. You’ve probably heard bits and pieces about it around the news and maybe from some of your friends. One of the biggest names in cryptocurrency being Bitcoin. Had you invested $100 in Bitcoin in 2011, that investment would have soared to over a million dollars in 2019. In 2017 alone, Bitcoin saw an approximate increase of around 1500%, while another in Ethereum soared to over 10,000%. This just shows the ludicrously dramatic increase that has surged around cryptocurrency. While Bitcoin and a few others have undergone a bit of a rollercoaster ride in recent times, there is no doubt that cryptocurrency is still a great solution to earning additional income for yourself. If you’re still scratching your head to understand what cryptocurrency is, let us explain. A cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that conducts financial transactions to make money. This is usually done using cryptography, which is
  • 23. the science of hiding information. Cryptocurrency is entirely independent of government or individual control, which is completely unlike the banks and the money we use today. Each cryptocurrency works through a ledger, a list of transactions that is shared by everyone, usually in the form of a blockchain. Now, a blockchain is a method of storing a list of entries, which cannot be changed easily once they have been created. This ledger serves as a database of all public transactions. Since the first inception, over 4000 cryptocurrencies have been created. Due to their independence, cryptocurrencies generally have their own interest rates and are not subject to the general rules of inflation or deflation (Blockgeeks, 2019). Although there seem to be many complications around cryptocurrencies, we hope we simplified it enough to give you an overview idea of what it is as a market. In reality, it is just a selection of entries in a database that cannot be changed without specific criteria being met. In itself, cryptocurrency has no value. With a logical mindset and the right amount of research, you can become a legitimate success in the world of cryptocurrency. Investing in Cryptocurrency If you’ve chosen cryptocurrency to act as your passive income, then there will be a steep learning curve you’re going to have to master before you start. Extensive research into how the process works and what steps you need to take to develop your income are of utmost importance. Going in a blind will could see you losing all the value you have consistently, so we must minimize risks. Use simulators that work on the real-time values to help you get ahead on the learning curve. The Necessary Tools Next, you’re going to need to open up a few accounts, with the first being Coinbase. Coinbase will allow you to exchange your cash into cryptocurrency for you to invest with. You could consider using another exchange service; however, we find it the most reliable and secure. From there, you can set up a purchase for whatever cryptocurrencies you would like to purchase at the amount you want to invest. Avoid the smaller cryptocurrency companies, as you will be more likely to fall victim to scams on any one of those. Here, it is best to stick with the top providers in the market.
  • 24. While deciding how much you would like to invest, we would suggest that your initial investment be around 30% of your total investment value. That means you should only invest a small portion of the total amount you have with which to invest, just to get you started and to ensure you don’t have a big loss. The amount of your initial investment must be an amount that you are comfortable with making a loss on, should that occur. Once you have purchased your chosen currencies, you will need a place to keep them safe. This is called a wallet. You can choose to either have a software wallet or a hardware wallet. Hardware wallets are used similarly to external hard drives. These can be used when you don’t plan on accessing currencies anytime soon. On the other hand, software wallets are used when you want to be active in your trading. Be sure to diversify your portfolio. As you would with regular investments, don’t throw all your eggs in one basket. Diversifying your portfolio will help to shield you when currencies become extremely volatile and help to protect you from overall losses. Stay clear of mobile wallets, as these tend to be a bit on the suspicious side and are not as secure as software or hardware wallets. From there, you’re ready to trade. How you choose to trade is purely up to you and your strategy. You could choose to be really aggressive, go for short-term gains, or play the long-term game with your investment. The choice is yours. A Bit of a Heads Up Prepare yourself for this type of market, should you choose to invest in it. Cryptos are excessively volatile. A gain five minutes ago could turn into severe losses an hour later. You need to steel yourself to these occurrences and ensure that you don’t act out rash decision-making and emotions. This is why it is so essential only to invest as much as you can afford to lose. As we’ve already mentioned but will mention again, stick with the more reliable cryptocurrency providers. Due to the independent and challenging nature of cryptocurrencies, it can be very easy to get caught up in a scam. You need to be aware what the signs that something isn’t right are and when to move away. Make sure that you have a reason to enter each trade. Trading impulsively could see you losing at a constant rate. Did you see a pattern? Something that made you consider buying in? Make sure that every investment has a reason behind it.
  • 25. With that being said, avoid buying simply because the price is low. This is a mistake several newbies make. If they see a price drop, they will buy-in, assuming it’s cheaper and will rise in value at some point. Finally, set goals for yourself. It may sound a bit strange when dealing with such a volatile market, however setting goals will help you establish a medium of what you aim to achieve. Given we’re looking at passive income, this could be a target for you to reach each month. However, you will need to be flexible in your goals to accommodate the volatility in this case. While you may balk at the amount of risk involved in cryptocurrency, the time has proven that there are many ways to minimize that risk and, in turn, collect huge rewards. In fact, we would say that cryptocurrency has the potential to deal out the largest profits. However, as with all investments, big rewards require big risks. That doesn’t mean you can’t play it safe. Evaluate what type of trader you want to be and what are the best platforms for you to exercise your strategy and achieve your goals. Remember, the most successful investors will always remain calm in the face of adversity, as they know that another opportunity will always present itself. Emotional traders will always be losing trades, so learn to trade objectively instead, and in time you will reap the benefits of your consistency. "How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
  • 26. Chapter 5. Creating and Selling Apps Cost: 4 Difficulty: 3 Risk: 4 Mobile applications are the ones that can be installed and used on smart devices. In 2017, more than 400 million were sold, and most of those are actually utilized by android. In 2015, application incomes were at around 69 billion, and this is expected to grow to 188 Billion by 2020. Application creation, when done properly, can be the way to get away from the 9 to 5 hamster wheel and get you closer to your being financially free. One of the key upsides of app selling is that it is scalable. There is a potential of reaching a large audience, the fact that people always need great apps, like any good passive income source, there is no need for a lot of maintenance after the bulk of the work is done. Finally, there are actually barriers to entry since developing an app can be tough work. For that reason, there are many more people blogging since blogging is easier than app development. All this implies less competition. The most straightforward path is to transform your passion into an App, whatever it may be. No matter if it is about culinary skills, dogs, computer games, or something else, there is a potential for some kind of app to be created. Passions can even be multiplied by utilizing a proper app. Applications can help sort out data better, cooperating with other people who have comparative
  • 27. interests or gamification of activities. Making your app around your hobby gives you better chances since you are bound to persevere and keep going when it will inevitably be hard. In the worst- case scenario, you will have some fun. Persistence is necessary because there are numerous things to learn before you will see your application selling at all. To start with, you need to do your research and be aware of the other apps. The best applications have most likely accomplished something right. Focus on researching those and figure out the reason for their success. Think about how you can integrate a portion of their functionalities into your application without violating some kind of copyright. Research applications in your niche and see if an opportunity exists. Is there something missing? Are the customers completely happy? Is there something you can do better and provide value that way? You should begin off with a straightforward idea. The more mind-boggling an application is, the more troublesome it is to configure and actually create and test. Your first application ought to be basic, and it should serve mostly as a learning experience. Examples of basic apps are the ones that organize information such as events or images or the ones that show how some activity is accomplished step by step. First of all, the main thought is picking a relatively simple concept to turn into something that can generate a passive income for you. You should also design an app in a way that doesn't require a lot of maintenance. You should stick with apps that don't require much more than simple updates here and there instead of something that has a lot of moving parts that all work together. You should be aware of how frequently the updates should be done, how much testing will be required, how you will actually be paid, how feedback will be received and transmitted, and generally, how much involvement after the launch of an app is required. Ability to monetize apps is an ability to earn money from attention. Remember that the singular passive income stream is not the end of it. Multiple passive income streams can be created from a single app, and you should design the app with this in mind since redesigning it later might increase the possibility of errors, which would be costly. There are many ways to accomplish the described monetization, and some of them are In-App purchases, membership models, Gifts via platforms such as Patreon, advertising your other products on the backend, or the products of someone else and therefore acting as an affiliate
  • 28. marketer. Laws and directions such as trademark protection or GDPR are an imperative piece of your app creation procedure. Putting resources into a legal advisor can spare a great deal of cash and inconvenience down the line, and it is necessary to be prepared for this since, by yourself, it may seem that legal people speak another language entirely. All your design and concept ideas you should first put on paper before you take any action. Do some brainstorming. It won't be perfect at first, so be prepared to redo it over and over. You ought to incorporate features and buttons that the clients will see and interface with. Applications should promote interaction. The application should have a sense of good flow if you want to generate passive income from it successfully. Be aware of how clients can interact with an app and design those with passive income in mind. Before starting with development, it is a neat idea to make client stories. These would be walkthroughs of the client's activities in the application, and it is shown how and why an app is used. Your product ought to incorporate a motivation behind why your application will be picked. There are several possible USPs (Unique Selling Propositions), and some of them could be user-friendly design, being bug-free, privacy, and having battery efficiency. You need a game plan in order to build an application successfully. This plan should take the resources and materials you will need into consideration, activities that have to be accomplished, and involved people. Having skills in programming is definitely valuable, and having an application idea is a good enough reason to figure out how to code yourself, which is a valuable skill that can be useful in many ways. In any case and situation, figuring out how to be a programmer is not a simple undertaking, but if you think that you can manage it, then go for it and learn how to be a programmer. Personally programming an app provides you with a bigger number of alternatives and options flexibility that isn't necessarily provided by an app builder software. Alternatively, rather than building an app utilizing code, you could utilize an application builder. This is less demanding in light of the fact that it is less
  • 29. specialized, and overall there is less complexity and learning potential. You won't even have to write a single line of code if you decide to use an app builder and go that route. This could be a decent or good choice for the prototype of your app. Contracting a developer can be costly, and it is hard to pinpoint the final cost since modifications will be introduced in route, which will all affect the final cost. You're still best off by charging a fixed flat rate for this. You should try out your application yourself. This is a pivotal piece of the whole procedure since, in the absence of adequate testing, you can't really claim that you have an asset. Test yourself, but you can also involve friends and family to get a better perspective. You can also hire an expert in order to get an objective assessment. Testing will reveal the potential bugs. At the point when the bugs are taken care of, the user experience of an app can be tested. Testers are bound to have their recommendations, and they can give valuable insight relating to UX (User Experience). Finally, you want to figure out how you can get some passive income out of all of this. Marketing is a necessity. Without promoting, nobody will ever know about your great app. Advertising essentially boils down to educating your objective market about how you have an answer to their concerns and issues. There are a couple of steps to advertising an application. Make it simple for your clients to share the application with their companions. Give them and their companions a motivating reason to do as such. Having a great design that is easy to look at and an educational description are the ways to go. Explanations of why an app exists should be clear and catchy. General Marketing strategies would be promoting the application on sites, online journals, Google, and social media. Good passive income can be created from selling mobile applications. A combination of good design and low maintenance requirement is a key to creating passive income that is sustainable in the long run. It might require and need a bit of experimentation and a couple of attempts to figure out the winning strategy, but you will be rewarded handsomely on the off chance that you do manage to persevere and endure. "How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
  • 30.
  • 31. Chapter 6. Forex Trading Cost : 4 Difficulty: 3 Risk: 3 Foreign exchange is purchasing one currency and selling another currency at the same time. Currencies are traded in currency pairs through a broker or dealer, such as GBP / JPY or EUR / USD. This is the world's biggest financial market with a weekly amount exceeding $2 trillion U.S. dollars. This exceeds three times the merged complete stock and futures exchanges. The Forex spot market operates through bank networks, companies, and traders who exchange one currency for another. The absence of a tangible exchange but instead an electronic network allows the market to be operational 24 hours a day, spreading across main financial centers from one time zone to another. It is essential to remember the crucial element of the absence of central exchange because it permeates every foreign exchange practice feature. What Are Spot Markets?
  • 32. This is any market that transacts with a monetary instrument's present value. Like the Chicago Trade Board, Futures markets give commodity bonds that have a shipping date that extends for several months into the future. Foreign exchange spot transaction settlement generally takes place within two company days. Forex also has futures and forwards, but a large number of traders are using the spot market. We are discussing possibilities on the International Monetary Market to trade Forex futures. Frequently Traded Currencies The bigger brokers can trade any currency supported by a current country. The trading quantity (along with their signs) of the main currencies is provided in descending order: the U.S. Dollar (USD), Euro Dollar (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), British Pound Sterling (GBP), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Swiss Franc (CHF), and Australian Dollar (AUD). Every other currency is referred to as a minor and exotic from lesser nations. Forex currency symbols are always three digits, with the first two digits identifying the country's name and the fifth letter identifying the currency's name. (The Swiss Franc abbreviation "C.H." refers to Confederation Helvetica.) There is always a Forex exchange amid any two currencies. This often brings about some level of confusion among new traders who are inexperienced in trading in multi-currency markets (those who are primarily used to trading in either stock or futures markets where the dollar dominates every trade). A pair's cost is the ratio of their particular values. Forex Traders Trading currencies are categorized into two major groups. A smaller fraction of the daily foreign currency volume comes from businesses and governments that import or export commodities and consequently have to transform these earnings into their own national currency from the foreign currency earned during the business. Most now are stakeholders transacting for gain or speculation. Speculators vary from big companies trading a million or more currency units and maybe 1,000 or fewer units trading by the home-based provider. Retail Forex, just as it has grown over the past decade, still is a very small representation of the total volume traded on a daily basis, but it is growing rapidly in numbers and significance. Today, importers and exporters, worldwide portfolio managers, multinationals,
  • 33. high-frequency traders, speculators, day traders, long-term owners, and hedge funds all use the Forex sector to pay for products and facilities, to trade in financial assets, or to lower the risk of currency movements by hedging their existence in other sectors. British Pound (GBP) is an intrinsically lengthy British widget maker. If they enter into a long-term selling contract with a U.S. company, they may want to buy some U.S. dollar quantity and sell the same volume of the Great Britain Pound to hedge their earnings from a GBP fall. By purchasing one currency while selling different or other currency simultaneously, the speculator trades to generate a profit. The hedger trades on a worldwide exchange to protect its margin (for example) against adverse currency modifications. Determining Currency Price The determination of a currency price is dependent on a huge matrix of factors and conditions that are constantly changing, including political and economic stability. Other factors include interest rates, world trade, inflation, and deflation rates. In some instances, governments truly take part in the foreign currency exchange industry and usually affect their currency's value. Governments do this by mixing their national currency with the economy in an attempt to cut costs or, similarly, purchase to boost costs. The central bank considers this technique to be interference. Any of these factors can lead to elevated currency volatility, as well as large-scale company orders. The occurrence of abrupt changes in factors like the rate of employment can push a currency's price considerably higher or decrease over a brief span of a moment. Technical factors can also influence currency prices for brief sentences, such as a well-known graph model. However, it is hard for any organization to monitor the industry during a significant time because of the size and amount of the Forex market. The equation of the cost of a currency compared to another product is also shown by mob psychology and expectations. These variables have many correlations and are almost certainly not linear in nature. That implies that sometimes in an unpredictable manner, they constantly change and rearrange themselves. You don't see it now. The others can alter unnoticed if you concentrate on one or some of them. The concept of quantity recalls.
  • 34. Forex Trading Costs For as little as $1 can be initiated an online trading account for currency (a micro account). Getting a mini account costs anything from around $400. Don't laugh because these accounts are a wonderful way to get wet without soaking your feet. Unlike futures, you pick in Forex how much of any currency you want to purchase or sell, where the transfers set the volume of an agreement. Consequently, a grubstake of $4,000 is not appropriate as quickly as the trader takes part in incorrectly priced trades. Furthermore, Forex mini-accounts do not resist the non-liquid nature of many futures mini-contracts, as most of them buy from the same interbank monetary "pool." By demonstrating the allocation of the bid-ask, market makers carry their expenses and profit. ECN brokers charge a set lot price for the trade. Advantages of Forex Trading No Commissions Charged When trading with a market maker, certain fees such as clearing fees, exchange fees, public fees, brokerage fees are not incurred. No Brokers or Middlemen Spot currency trading eliminates intermediaries and gives clients a chance to interact with market makers who are accountable for deciding on a particular currency pair when trading with an Electronic Communications Network (ECN) instantly. Flexible Lot Size The operations in the futures markets determine lots of contract sizes. A standard lot size arrangement for silver futures is 5,000 ounces. Even a silver "mini- contract" worth approximately $17,000, 1,000 ounces. In position FOREX, you have the chance to decide for yourself the optimal lot size for you. This makes it possible for traders to engage with accounts well below $1,000 efficiently. It also provides a significant cash management tool for astute traders. Minimum Transactional Expenses Transaction costs (the bid/ask spread) are usually below 0.1 percent in normal business conditions. The allocation at bigger distributors can go to as low as 0.07 percent. Currency prices are cited in pips.
  • 35. High Liquidity FOREX is the most fluid industry in the world, with an average trading quantity of over $4 trillion a day. It means that it is absolutely possible for a company to enter and leave the sector at will, and in the short time frame, they may have lost or gained millions in profits. Transactions Are Nearly Instantaneous This is a beneficial by-product of elevated liquidity. High Leverage, Small Margin These factors enhance, and the opportunities for higher income (and losses) are consequently debated. A 50% to 100% leverage is the most common, but traders have the flexibility of accessing up to 400$ leverage. 24-Hour Market Traders can take advantage of the market conditions at any time of the day in order to make a profit. The Forex market never has a bell that indicated the beginning or end of trading time. Markets are shut from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Usually, they go quiet at 5 p.m.; as the economies move to the Asian Session. Around 7 p.m. The East's Standard Time. Unrelated to the Stock Market FOREX market trading means the sale or buys against another currency. There is, therefore, no hard correlation of the foreign-currency market with the stock market, although both are economic activity measures in some ways and can for a limited time be correlated in particular. Despite its comparative utility against other currencies, a bull market or a bear market for a currency is described. If we get a good perspective, we have a bull market in which we purchase the currency. Instead, we have a bull market for other currencies if the perspective is pessimistic, and traders make incomes by replacing the currency with other currencies. There is always a good trading chance for a trader in either situation. Even if there are often large cost changes, the chance of a monetary collapse is lower than stocks because a couple evaluates the comparative importance. The United States currency (USD) may be deep-rooted, but the Euro (EUR) may be so. The play is the two-way ratio. The U.S. is the top four traded currencies. USD (USD), EUR, JPY, and GBP (GBP). Dollar (USD). Fund managers are becoming interested in FOREX due to this lack of correlation with other investments.
  • 36. Interbank Market FOREX has a network of global distributors at its heart. They are primarily large companies that interact and trade via electronic networks and telephone with each other and their customers. No organized exchanges can act as the main location to create serving equity markets simpler on the New York Stock Exchange. The FOREX market works in a way comparable to the US NASDAQ industry and is also known as the OTC industry. All aspects of currency trading are affected by the absence of a centralized exchange. The Market Can't Be Cornered The FOREX market is so vast and has so many people who cannot be regulated for an extended duration by any single organization and not even a central bank. Even powerful central bank actions are progressively failing and becoming short-lived. As a result, central banks are becoming less and less susceptible to market price manipulation. (There is no reason to note that efforts have been made at the end of the 1970s in order to decrease the silver exchange industry. Such a disruptive excess is unlikely to happen during Forex exchange activities.) Fraud opportunities are considerably less than in any other funding tool, at least against the scheme itself as a whole. Regulation Is Limited Regulation limits the legislative impact on Forex transactions, mainly because no centralized location or exchange exists. However, most nations have a say in the law, and other things are going on. However, fraud is always fraud in any country and is punished by criminal penalties. There are now certain restricted Forex retail supervisory units such as the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the NFA. Trading Is Done Online The ability to trade over the internet has been an incentive for FOREX retail. You can pick from over 100 online broker-dealers for FOREX today. The trader has a wide variety of alternatives at his disposal, given the fact that none is ideal.
  • 37. Chapter 7. Affiliate Marketing Cost: 3 Difficulty: 3 Risk: 2 Affiliate marketing is among the best method or ways to generate income on the internet. There are various affiliate programs available, offering a variety of products. Now you will need to determine how you market those products to your site's audience. Below are a few tips to assist in improving your affiliate marketing skills. You should only promote affiliate products that add value to your site visitors' lives. Promoting poor products just to make instant money is one of the quickest ways to reduce trust with your readers. Once that trust is damaged, it is impossible to regain. However, suppose you concentrate on providing value in the products you recommend. In that case, your visitors should come to trust your suggestions and will continue steadily to buy from you over and over. Likewise, as collecting commissions from the salesperson's perspective, the more you sell (as the affiliate), the greater you receive a commission. The process surrounds this technique. Different programs might have different payment calculations, but the majorities are depending on the following, How to Leave & Quit Your 9-5 Job & Achieve Financial Freedom Even If You Have ZERO Experience !
  • 38. PPC Or Pay Per Click – Every visitor that an affiliate marketer can send is the same as a specific amount. PPL or Pay Per Business Lead – The affiliate marketer is paid with each sign- up made through his/her efforts. PPS Or Pay Per Sale – The affiliate marketer can get a commission rate from a certain percentage of each sale she or he makes. If you're planning to generate income online, you can start generating traffic from the subscriber list you have previously designed to your affiliate links. The total amount that an affiliate can get from affiliate marketing depends on the product or service that you will be selling. Some who could choose a great product can generate profits from sales they make and get their talk about around 50 to 75%. Other people who can't find a great affiliate marketer program finish up earning a reasonably small amount because of the low percentage they can get from the commission rate. Generally, the response to what is affiliate marketing is about promoting products as well as services online mainly. The way the process works focus on just how many people you can attract to go to a product's website or generate sales. If you are equipped with constant subscriber lists and also have impressive selling skills, you'll be able to turn internet affiliate marketing into your basic income source online. The Affiliate Marketing Business Model If you're searching for a basic, proven business design for changing over from worker to business owner, consider affiliate marketing. We believe in affiliate marketing as an act of writing one's own salary. However, the industry-standard description is the procedure for getting a commission rate by promoting others' (or company's) products. All you need or are required to do is find something you prefer, promote it to others, and then earn a bit of the profit for every sale you make. Five Steps on How to Start Affiliate Marketing for Beginners Quality Is Key Focus on settling for great quality products/services only. It's likely that whether its quality, the entire supply string process of the business, and customer care are
  • 39. of high quality too. It's also a good sign the company is founded on high integrity, has quality people as employees, and is really out there trying to offer the best value in the niche market these are in. A Big Solution for a Huge Problem Look for niche marketplaces where there are big problems to be solved. Afterward, you follow that up with research for a quality solution. Look for Overwhelming Value We live in a society where we are extremely informed and enlightened. Online responses and reviews can make or overnight break your website. Find a planned program that offers valuable freebies. The only reviews from your visitors, after they receive their free present, should be wow. Integrated Suite of Products Accept programs that have a variety of other quality products that customers would want to keep returning for. Variety is good, and it can help create a solid fan base, which is wonderful for business growth. It's All About You Choose programs offering products that are an extension of you. See yourself using what you are providing, see yourself getting frustrating value from using that product, see yourself pain-free from the effects of the product. Money Matters Understand how you'll get paid. Read and understand the program's compensation plan. In the end, if you will work hard, re-skill, and spend money and time on marketing, you should know the way the money flows back in return. Research As with any continuing business, do your own researches; it’s your business, and nobody will brain your business much better than you. Think like a business owner and seek assistance from someone who's doing it. They could become your coach. Success leaves signs, and walking in the shadows of anyone who has achieved the results you seek as an online marketer should be significantly considered. Getting started online is no instant success. There's work included.
  • 40. The Guarantee of Affiliate Marketing Affiliate marketing offers a simple transition from worker to entrepreneur, and with the right affiliate program, you could look cool carrying it out. Why? You might start earning and replacing your earnings prior to you quit your task, and if this program is good, you could grab amazing marketing education and other business skills that will aid you well when you finally start your own suggestions to market. Top Affiliate Companies In 2018 PeerFly ShareASale Wide Markets Ltd Rakuten CJ by conversant Amazon Associates Clickbank Affiliate Partners Ltd CrakRevenue Commission Factory
  • 41. Chapter 8. Rental Property Investing Cost: 4 Difficulty: 3 Risk: 4 As new trends in earning income thrive in the market, there are various reasons why you might also get interested in investing in rental properties. You’ll be engaged more with this because, as per 2019 real estate market data, it presents positive and promising opportunities for investors. And you, as someone who would like to take that risk, can also learn more about it. After all, it will be all worth it. However, many beginners in property investing do not know the basics of buying and investing in rental properties. They just put out money without studying first the fundamentals of this industry. This results in failure, and long before they know, the money they invested has already been wasted. That’s why you must understand first that it’s no joke when you decide to invest in rental properties. This 2019, you can be the next successful real estate investor earning a fantastic passive income. But first, learn and evaluate how ready you are to take that risk. "How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
  • 42. Rental Properties as a Form of Passive Income According to the website Mashvisor, some reasons make rental properties among the best passive income investments today. Here are some for you to know: Reason #1: You’ll Get Rental Income The highlight of rental properties is that they really can give you a stable income. Just imagine you’ll receive a monthly check as payment for the rent! Just like any product, if you would like to make money from them, you really need to consider quality. In acquiring a rental property, make sure that you will invest in a profitable one. There are two kinds of real estate properties available in the market. The first one is the positively geared properties, and the second one is the negatively geared properties. How does each one differ from the other? Positively geared properties are the type of real estate properties that generate cash flow, while negatively geared properties are the ones that do not. That’s why if you’re a beginner in the field of real estate investing, you should prefer the first one. For you to ensure that you choose the best properties for your money, you can try using the rental property calculator. It’s a real estate analytics tool that can help a lot when dealing with property choice. You can also conduct a rental property market analysis and understand real estate properties. The analysis includes the calculation of cash on cash return cap rate and rental revenue. In this way, you can analyze if a property is worth taking the risk. You can also utilize this tool to compute the losses or profits of a chosen rental property. Reason #2: You Do Not Get Totally Involved Wow! This is what generating passive income is all about. You’re earning money while doing less or while you can still focus on other undertakings. You can even work on a full-time job and still manage to generate income from your rental property. Property management can help you with smart investments in this field. A company dealing with professional property management is going to handle your properties’ daily tasks. Those may include assignments such as dealing with your tenant, collecting rent on time, keeping records, and others. In case there
  • 43. may be some issues, they can also take care of the legal matters for your rental properties. While you’re getting more interested in real estate investing, it’s also crucial to remember that getting a service from property management requires fees, so be ready for things like that. Include these charges to the property expenses and your budget. Reason #3: You Can Invest Part-Time By investing part-time, you can make income through investments from rental properties. This means that you can still focus on your eight-to-five full-time job while investing in your property. It’s very advantageous because this is a convenient way of earning passive income. Rental properties have already made improvements to the lives of many. Once you’ve found the best property to own and put your investment on it, you will be thankful for how much you can get after. Reason #4: Investing Out of State There’s another way of investing that is getting more popular these days. It’s out-of-state investing. Search for the best location in your state and purchase it once you’re sure that it’s a good one. You can also decide to go with short-term rentals, such as Airbnb rentals. This is actually one of the most lucrative investment strategies today. All you need to do is find the top Airbnb locations, check them, and get rental fees from them. Effective Ways to Generate Passive Income Through Rental Properties Generating passive income from real estate is possible through various techniques. A rental property is an effective investment strategy that increases its profitability over time. Start a rental property in your neighborhood. Take advantage of investing out of your area. Get rid of money pits, such as tempting yourself into bargains. Pay a bigger down payment, so you’ll pay a lesser investment. Set up your rental property near schools with a high demand for
  • 44. places to live for students. Rent out rooms to maximize profits instead of getting tenants who would like to occupy the whole house. Decide on the location based on the property listings. Advertising Your Rental Property: The Best Platforms You Can Use Once you acquired rental property, you can still leverage how this can be promoted. Below are 25 places where you can list or promote your rental property, according to the PropertyWare site. Your Website with Some SEO Stuff If you already have your own website, you can promote your rental property either via blog post or a specific landing page. Make sure to infuse some SEO strategies to increase its social media presence. Craigslist Craigslist is the top platform where people go and find what they are looking for when it comes to looking at property listings. Posting here is not expensive, and it lets you create your own post caption with photos of the property. Oodle Oodle is another classified listing platform for rental housing. This site does not only offer property-focused lists but also helps renters to find the property they are looking for. Zillow Zillow is a well-known rental property listing site that allows you to add an interactive map, photo listings, and the ability to conveniently sort by features such as bathrooms, bedrooms, or by the rental price. Hotpads This website allows you to list your unit or family building. It also caters to pet owners as long as it has pet information upfront. RentalHouses
  • 45. This platform allows property owners and managers to post their rentals to access its database in just a few clicks. Realtor This website manages real estate and rental sales. It allows property managers and owners to list their properties. In addition, it offers a simple search capability for price and location. Padmapper This is an interactive and fun platform that provides renters to set a number of bedrooms, price ranges, and more. Trulia Here’s an attractive and simple property listing platform that lets renters set parameters to be able to see a group of photo listings and other data about a property. Lovely It has a simple-to-use graphic format with an interactive map. The most recent listings appear in red on the map so that renters can monitor what’s new on the market. It’s also convenient for tenants to check whether a property is pet- friendly and to find out if there are still amenities that you would like to have. makes it easier for tenants to search exactly the type of home they prefer, such as lofts, duplexes, condos, and others. Rentdigs This platform provides free photo listings. It also features prospective tenants how they can find rentals and rent-to-own homes. Rentdigs features only one photo and a simple description for the listing, so be certain to use a good photo. This website is intended to promote a significant number of rental houses. You’ll definitely love this site since it has a high volume of traffic, proving this is one great platform to promote your rental property. Zumper
  • 46. Zumper is a value-added site that provides city guides and neighborhood information for your tenants. Its listings feature minimal information and one photo, but its comprehensive listings allow you to include an engaging description of your property. Social Media Platforms Never underestimate the power of non-housing sites to promote your rental property listings. Especially if you already have a listing on your website, why not share it via social media? There will always be a community where you can share it. All you have to do is give the best description and optimization for the property. Social media platforms you can promote include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and others. Airbnb Nowadays, Airbnb is making a big name in the rental property industry. It is actually a home rental site that integrates a community of homeowners to customers looking for short-term rentals. Airbnb is well-known for its feature of providing or sharing access to goods and services. provides a free well-known tool for long-term rentals of apartments and condos. It also offers awesome deals and provides upfront savings for users if they decided to rent through the site. VRBO VRBO stands for Vacation Rentals by Owners. This platform is well known for specializing in apartments, condos, vacation rental homes, B&B cabins, beach houses, villas, and more. Nextdoor This site is an online space for local neighborhoods based on its members' data and information. It’s a helpful site for realtors to promote their services and for property owners to list rentals to the wider community. Facebook Groups Do not take Facebook groups for granted. With more than 500 million Facebook users, Facebook groups can give you insights and promote your properties. Facebook groups also have highly customizable location search features.
  • 47. HomeAway This platform provides rentals of entire properties, as well as hostels, rooms, and even beds. HomeAway owns VRBO and utilizes the website to attend to short- term vacation rentals of single rooms or partial accommodations. Walk Score Walk Score has an add-on feature to the property management website. It gives renters access to commute times, transportation costs, access to public transportation, or a property’s Landlords can publish a standard listing free of charge, while a premium listing can receive up to five hundred times more leads. Move This site is a one-stop platform that provides various services for experienced renters and buyers. This helps them to know exactly where they want to live and where they want to rent. Move has a database of listings that is available for customers to view. It has a customer base of 40 million, giving helpful tips about various topics. People with Pets This platform offers a wide national directory of apartments, pet-friendly homes, hotels, and apartments. This site is free of charge for renters. "How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
  • 48. Chapter 9. Podcast Cost : 3 Difficulty : 2 Risk: 2 The podcast is usually an episodic series containing audio and video files. The user on the podcast platforms has to download these files to listen and view them. It follows the subscription model in which the new files added to the series are downloaded to the user's device automatically by the system. The name Podcast was suggested by Ben Hammersley, a British technologist and journalist, by blending the words iPod and Broadcast. Audio and video files are mostly found on the podcast platform, but few series also contain files in PDF and EPUB format. Every person who generates a podcast uploads and maintains a list of files on the server, which the user accesses only through the internet. The user utilizes the podcatcher software on its device to get updates related to the new files on the server. Usually, the content on the podcast is high in volume. This is why experts rank it higher than the normal broadcasting channels in terms of delivering the content to the targeted audience. Although broadcasting has more
  • 49. audience in terms of numbers, the podcast has an audience that is particularly interested in the content it offers. Moreover, podcasts can be listened to on- demand and at the customer's will or user, not like broadcasting, which has a fixed schedule set by the operators. Podcast, a Passive Income Source? The answer to the question, "Is Podcast a source of passive income?" is, without a doubt, yes at any time. You just have to attain the right skills to create a podcast on a topic such as "How to improve yourself in music direction?" The skills and expertise are most important in creating an informative podcast that gets popular among the audience. Subsequently, it will become unchallenging for you to utilize it to earn passive income regularly from it. Obviously, as a newbie, you have no idea how to use a Podcast for this purpose. But do not worry about this as we will guide you in this section to make it happen for you. Podcast Sponsorships You might not believe it, but some of the famous podcasts such as "The Art of Charm" earn billions of dollars through sponsorships on their content. The problem for many podcasters is to find a suitable sponsor. It can be done in three ways. Searching the advertisers by making use of your podcast. You start selling ad spots by your podcast. Just relax and produce quality content to attract advertisers to come to yourself. The podcast sponsorship business idea follows the cost per impression model in which you will get: $18 if you manage to get 15000 downloads for 15-second payroll. $25, in case your podcast has 1000 downloads for a 60-sec midroll. Paid Books and Audiobooks Normally, when you create a podcast, users get it free from the podcatcher software on their device. People make use of your advice in their specific fields without even paying a single penny. Nonetheless, this situation can be changed if you manage to utilize content marketing in a smart way. When you create a
  • 50. guide in the form of books and audiobooks, make them very helpful for the users that they become ready to pay you for reading and listening to them. Selling Branded Merchandise In recent times, there are many examples found in the podcasting industry where fans support the podcaster by purchasing merchandise offered by it. The podcast can promote the brands and their products in order to generate revenue from their owners as well as through selling them. Moreover, Youtube also offers podcasters to place their content on its platform, along with the option of selling merchandise below the video. This enables the podcasters to place a link to the website or Shopify link of the product. Advertising The advertising revenue model can be utilized in the podcast platform, just like every other business. You can get passive income by placing ads of other companies and their products on your series of audio and video podcasts. In this way, your advertisers will pay you for a long time to promote their name. This means that it will result in an ideal passive income source if you manage to get sales in large numbers and attract large companies looking to promote their product online. Virtual Summits The combination of podcasts and relationships can bring in high passive income for you. The only requirement is to make connections and relationships with the top experts who are also in the podcasting field. For organizing a virtual summit, you just have to combine interviews of these experts on different topics. The audience is generally eager to listen to these virtual summits on their topic of interest. After conducting the virtual summit, just put it on the digital platform and earn passive income through advertisement, paid charges, and sponsorships on your summit podcast. Besides these options, you also have some other great tricks to generate profits from your well-created podcasts. The key is to build a podcast that attracts a larger audience, and quality-wise it is good enough that they become ready to pay for purchasing it. How to Create a Quality Podcast?
  • 51. This topic is not completed until you learn or get an idea of creating a podcast that has great content for the audience. The good thing in this field is that the hurdles to enter into it are low as compared to other businesses. Although it is simple to create a podcast, it's definitely tough to build a quality one. Take a look at the steps or tips you must have in your mind that are essential for this field. Develop a concept for the podcast, which includes the name of the topic, length of the episode, and the format you are looking to upload on the host. The next step is to design your artwork and your podcast's description to advertise it to the audience. Record and edit the podcast in the format you have selected. You will require the equipment according to the format, either video or audio; you have chosen for the podcast. Search out a platform to host your podcast. For example, you can host it on Libsyn and Podbean. Lastly, do not forget to syndicate these files on the "RSS field," which makes them available on iTunes and enables them to download them on the device whenever it wants. To conclude, the podcast industry is great for people with the right skills and knowledge to earn passive income. However, along with these skills, verbal communication is also very significant. Therefore, to try it out for generating a consistent passive income stream for yourself, make sure you fill all the prerequisites related to it. "How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
  • 52. Chapter 10. Writing & Publishing an eBook Cost: 3 Difficulty: 4 Risk: 3 This is one of the tried and true methods of passive income. There are many successfully self-published books out there that are rolling in the cash, and there are even courses to help you learn everything you need to know. This chapter will get you started in the right direction. In this chapter, we’re mainly going to focus on you writing your own eBook, but you can hire out. Step 1: Start Brainstorming The first thing you’ll need to do is to start brainstorming on what you want your book to be about. Many people will choose something they’re passionate about so that they can write on it. After all, if you write your own eBook, you save money, which means that this passive income stream will have a smaller startup cost. Think about what you like to do, and then come up with a list of ideas on what you can write about. Are you passionate about fitness? Do you love to cook? Do you enjoy dancing? Do you have a hobby that you’re knowledgeable about, such as hunting or fishing? These are all viable options to write on. Let’s take gardening, for example.
  • 53. Step 2: Check the Market You need to check the market to see if you’ll be able to sell the book you want to write on. Sticking to gardening as an example, are their gardening books in the top 100 downloaded books from popular platforms such as Kindle? Are they paid for or free books that are in a program like Kindle Unlimited? If yes, then you can continue with a gardening book. However, what types of gardening books are popular right now? Is it a beginner’s gardening book, or is it on something specific such as sustainable gardening? Gardening will be a niche, and then you’ll just need to choose a sub- niche. To pick a second category, which is your sub-niche, you need to recognize that you’re looking at keywords. Sustainable gardening would be a keyword. Here is a list of other possible keywords you might see: Homesteading Garden Gardening for Beginner’s Gardening for the Busy Mom Container Gardening Hydroponics Gardening You may not know about most of these but pick the one you do feel you know enough about. Do you grow most of your plants in pots instead of the ground? Then try writing on container gardening or sustainable gardening if you have rows of vegetables and fruits that grow back every year. Now that you’ve selected another category, you can move on to step three. Step 3: Start Outlining Now that you know what you want to write about, which for this example is container gardening, you need to start outlining your book. Here’s an example of what your outline could look like. Introduction: You’ll need to introduce your book and why you’re writing it. Why Container Gardening: Explain why people should use containers and who it benefits. Best Containers to Use: Start getting down to the meat of the topic. Not every
  • 54. container is created equal, after all. Tell them why you use what you do or don’t use. Best Plants to Grow: There are some plants that grow well in confined spaces and some that grow poorly, so make sure you give your readers the best chance at success. Some FAQ: This will help you to answer the remaining questions that they might have. Best Soil & Fertilizer: This will help to explain how to get your plants to prosper. Some Extra Tips: Do you have anything else to add to the topic? This would be an excellent method to add it and give your readers a little more information! Conclusion: Reiterate your points and thank them for buying your book. With the outline above, you’ve given them a way to get hooked on your book, which is your introduction, you’ve taken them through common questions, and you’ve gone over the steps it takes to build a container garden. After that, you gave a few more helpful tips to help them be successful, which their success will equal better reviews for you, and you’ve wrapped the book up in conclusion. You can do this with any topic! Remember that it’s okay to do a little research to fill in any gaps you may have about the topic. If your research is thorough, you don’t always have to talk from firsthand experience. It’s just easier to write your first book about something you know a lot about. Step 4: Start Writing This part may be self-explanatory, but some tips will make the process easier. First off, you should be aware of your word count even if you’re writing yourself. Try to figure out what books sell best. If you’re just testing the waters, books from 6,000 to 10,000 words are a great way to go. However, if you want more long-term results, then longer books tend to sell better. Try to write a book that’s 15,000 to 25,000 words long. Your words directly relate to your page count, and people want to feel like they’re getting their money’s worth. If you’re selling a book for $5 for an eBook copy, then you’re going to need to have the pages to back it up. If it’s under twenty-five pages, you’re going to want to sell it for a lot less. Now that you’ve figured out the word count that you want, then assign a word count to each chapter so that you don’t end up
  • 55. rambling. Don’t be worried if you go a little over on each chapter, but try not to go under. Step 5: Editing & Formatting You’ll need to edit your book with Microsoft Word. This becomes easier since it does have a spelling and grammar check. You need to understand that it will only catch misspelled words. For example, you may have meant to write “she ate the” but spelled “she ape the.” It will not catch this. That’s why it’s important to go through your document with a fine-tooth comb or hire someone to do it for you. After that, you need to format it for whatever platform you want to publish on. Also, an eBook is formatted differently than a print book that you’d want to sell through CreateSpace, but both are technically an Amazon process. Pro Tip: You can check your grammar for free using Grammarly Step 6: Cover Design & Publishing Before you can publish, there is one more thing you need to do! You’ll need to get a cover designed. One of the best places to do this is through Fiverr. You can get a Kindle eBook cover for as little as $5, and it often takes only three days! For cover design, keep these tips in mind. Title & Subtitle: You should already have this by this point, and it should have good keywords in it so that it’s easy for people to find your book. Thumbnail: Your design should look good in a thumbnail, so if a cover is too busy, it’ll look messy. People will be browsing your book via thumbnail. Photo Rights: You should either have rights to the photos that your designer is using or use free stock photos. If you’re looking to publish on Kindle, everything is a little easier because various tutorials out there will teach you what to do. With Kindle, it only takes about five minutes to publish your book. You’ll just need to fill out the description, which should be riddled with SEO, too, so that it can easily be found in the Amazon search engine. As far as pricing goes, you’ll need to set it when you publish your book. With "How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
  • 56. Kindle, you’ll be able to choose how large of a royalty you get from each sale. Amazon will let you choose a 35% royalty or a 70% royalty, but you have to check out each's price requirements. If you want to set the price, then you usually need to go with the 35% royalty. If you have no issue with Amazon’s suggested price, then you can earn a 70% royalty. However, the 70% royalty requires that you sell your book higher. "How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
  • 57. Step 7: Marketing Your Book You’ll need to market your book if you want to succeed! You can’t just set it up on Kindle or another platform and expect it to sell itself. If you have your SEO done, then you’re going to get a few sales, but you won’t start making a largely passive income stream until you start marketing it. It also helps if you to have many books that you’ve published before. A trend shows that if an author has twenty books, they’re more to be considered an authority in the niche so long as those books are within the same relative category. You may want to join review groups and get reviews for your book in exchange for a promotional copy. You can also have the advantage of the promotions that Kindle Direct Publishing lets you use to sell your book too! Pro Tip: You can publish your book on Amazon in multiple formats such as Kindle, paperback and audio as well. If you self-publish your book on Amazon via CreateSpace, Amazon will deal with the order fulfillment when someone makes a purchase. If You Outsource Your Writing If you outsource your writing, you’re going to need a larger startup, but it does mean less work for you, making this much more passive. You’ll want to check out the same freelance websites that were recommended for developing a mobile app. Just find a freelancer that’s within your budget. The standard price is $10- $15 per 1,000 words. Remember this when you’re budgeting for your book. If you outsource your book, then you’re only responsible for the marketing! Just make sure that the book you get is copyright-free so that there are no issues later on. You might want to try PlagScan or CopyScape to check for plagiarism before you mark the job as complete. What You Need to Do 1. State your passion, strengths, and interest: P.s Based on your passion, strengths, and interest, identify one area you would like to write your book on. 2. Do market research and indicate the best sellers eBooks in your niche: Book Title Book Ranking
  • 58. 3. Identify the keywords used in your specific niche 4. Write down the outline of your book 5. Setting it up 6. Writing your book 7. Editing and Formatting 8. Designing your cover 9. Publishing your book 10. Marketing your book "How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 6 Figures From Them"
  • 59. Chapter 11. Making Money from Websites Cost: 2 Difficulty: 3 Risk: 2 The internet is full of websites on various niches and topics. There are two ways to make money from domains: One, buy a new domain and then sell it and two, buy an expired domain, then sell it. Both of these methods can be called domain flipping. There is another way one purchases the domains, works on the website, and grows it, then later sells it at a higher price with content and traffic. That is called website flipping. Domain flipping is relatively cheaper because all you need to do is buy a good domain name that can be sold later at a higher price. With website flipping, one spends a lot of time and resources raising it from the ground up, and the returns are much higher than domain flipping. Those people will buy websites to flip, which can be risky because it may not be as lucrative, especially for a beginner. Domain flipping is easier because one has to identify good expired domain names, buy them and keep them till a good deal comes along. As a beginner, you can start with domain flipping and learn the ropes of lucrative and what isn't. You can also learn and understand what to do if you
  • 60. eventually decide to start flipping websites. You will learn where you can buy and sell websites because of experience and know-how. What Makes a Domain Name Lucrative? For a beginner, the main question will be, "how can I tell if a domain name is profitable or not?" There are specific elements that you need to look at when selecting lucrative domain names: How long is the domain name? As we said before, the internet has many websites, and most of the short domain names are taken already. Therefore, if you get a domain name with 3-4 letters, it is valuable because it's unlikely you will find one that isn't already taken. These domain names are valuable because they can match the name of a brand or a company. How old is it? The older the domain name (one registered over ten years ago), the more likely it is to have many backlinks. Backlinks are a sign a website has authority. Therefore, both age and authority can determine the price of a domain name. Can it make a brand? When looking at a short domain name with random letter combinations, look at it critically to see if it can be used in branding. Some are more straightforward than others. Is the domain extension on the domain name valuable? The domain name can have 3-4 letters and may seem perfect but look at its extension. Look for domains with popular extensions such as .com, .gov, .edu, .net, .org etc. There are uncommon extensions that can still work, so don't rule anything out. Are the words in the domain name searched on search engines? You should consider taking domains that have a high search volume on popular search engines such as That means that the domain will be on-demand. Does the domain name contain a popular term? Many businesses and brands are coming up every day, so you should choose a name that could be of interest. You need to discern because a business may not exist now, but the domain name could still be valuable. Even if the domain name is highly searched, it should also have low competition among the searches to ensure uniqueness. Look at all these aspects on
  • 61. a keyword planner to make the right choice. Is the domain name the name of a person? You never know if a person may be interested in a domain name of their name to create a personal brand. There are two ways to determine if a domain name is valuable enough to buy: Buying domains based on popular topics or based on how exclusive they are. Topic-based domains are lucrative because they can contain the name of a popular niche, business, or brand that would be easy to flip. Exclusive domain names are lucrative because they are one of a kind and can never be registered again. Common words and 3-4 letter combos are exclusive as they were registered at the inception of the internet. How to Start Domain Flipping 1. Find Expired Domain Names The internet has many domain name marketplaces where one can search and buy expired domain names. Domain names expire when their owner forgets to renew them with the domain registrar. The domain registrar is the service provider that registered the domain name in the first place. When the domain name is not registered, the domain registrar offers a grace period, usually 30 days, when the owner can still pay and retain their domain. If no payment is made in the time stipulated, the domain registrar lists the domain in a public auction. The buyer has to check for the following before buying the expired domain: Domain Authority (DA) This SEO metric assigns a value between 1-100 that shows how high on a search engine the website would rank. Number 1 is the highest score, while 100 is the lowest. came up with this metric system by looking at the count of backlinks to the site, its social signal, the quality of the content in the website, the Moz Rank and Trust, and how easily the search engine crawler can maneuver in the website. DA looks at the whole website. Page Authority (PA) Here, the page is the focus of the evaluation. The Quality and Count of Backlinks/SEO Profile The older a domain, the more backlinks it will have. Even if it has many