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Graffiti Control

“Consider a building with a few broken windows. If the
windows are not repaired, the tendency is for vandals
to break a few more windows. Eventually, they may
even break into the building, and if it’s unoccupied,
perhaps become squatters or light fires inside.” - George
L. Kelling 1982
                                          Graffiti has been an ongoing and arguably growing problem for
                                          Manukau City Council (“The Council”). The Council has taken
                                          many steps and considerable revenue used in dealing with this
                                          repulsive and destructive problem often caused by the same of-
                                          We acknowledge the work undertaken by the Council in the
                                          community and the efforts by MP George Hawkins in Parliament
                                          to introduce the Manukau City Council (Control of Graffiti) Bill on
                                          7 December 2005.
                                          For some time the Council have operated a scheme involving an
                                          investigation firm who are contracted to take a pro-active stance
                                          in respect to the apprehension of offenders, volume of offending
                                          and to gather intelligence on these graffiti offenders, their “tags”
                                          and Modus Operandi (“MO”). Paragon is able to offer a fresh ap-
                                          proach to solving the problem.

The Problem

It is well known tagging and graffiti are a huge and on-going problem in Manukau. A Quality of Life in New
Zealand’s Eight Largest Cities 2003 Survey revealed Manukau City ranks the lowest in residents’ rating of a
sense of pride in the way their city looks, and one of the main reasons for this is related to the graffiti prob-
lem in the city.
“This has resulted in the Council spending over 1.6 million dollars in graffiti eradication and community
education in the past two years. In 2005/06 the Council budgeted more than $800,000 on graffiti reduction.
1         Manukau City Council web site

Statistics                                                                                                     Getting Serious About Graffiti

                              The Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust have a help-                                              “We owe it to the people of Manukau and across the country
                              ful breakdown of graffiti statistics. Their statistics show                                           to get this right. We can’t wait till 2010 to attack graffiti. The
                              that tagging is increasing and consistently the worst areas                                           Government needs to provide an urgent, proactive and
                              are Mangere, Manurewa and Otara with a collective 10,000                                              national response to this growing scourge now.”
                              to 12,000 tags per month painted out.
                                                                                                                                    National MP Mark Blumsky 2006
                              The lowest area for tags is shown to be Botany and Cleve-
                              don with around 500 collective tags painted out.

Broken Windows Theory                                                                        Client Quotes
                                                                                             “Thank you very much for your well documented investiga-
“Consider a building with a few broken windows. If the win-                                  tion which made the police involvement in this matter short
dows are not repaired, the tendency is for vandals to break                                  and sweet.”
a few more windows. Eventually, they may even break into
                                                                                             Detective Sergeant A E RIDLEY CIB Mt Maunganui
the building, and if it’s unoccupied, perhaps become squat-
ters or light fires inside.
                                                                                             “...Pleaded guilty to all charges recommended by you. I note
Or consider a sidewalk. Some litter accumulates. Soon, more                                  your excellent work and must admit, I do not think I have had
litter accumulates. Eventually, people even start leaving                                    an easier arrest!”
bags of trash from take-out restaurants there or breaking                                    Const. R S ELLWOOD CIB Otahuhu
into cars.”
A successful strategy for preventing vandalism, says Kelling                                 “Sincere thanks for the significant part you played in the
(1982), is to fix the problems when they are small. Repair the                               aggravated robbery of the Wellington armoured van and the
broken windows within a short time, say, a day or a week,                                    loss of 1 million dollars.”
and the tendency is that vandals are much less likely to break more windows or do            P CURSON - Chubb Protective Security
further damage. Clean up the sidewalk every day, and the tendency is for litter not to ac-
cumulate (or for the rate of littering to be much less). Problems do not escalate and thus
respectable residents do not flee a neighbourhood.                                           “Congratulations on a job well done in respect of your
The theory thus makes two major claims: 1. Further petty crime and low-level anti-           investigation of the armed robbery of our armoured van
                                                                                             containing 375 thousand dollars resulting in the conviction
social behaviour will be deterred, and thus 2). Major crime will be prevented. Criticism     of 7 offenders”
of the theory has tended to focus only on the latter claim.                                                                                                                                              2.
                                                                                             P CURSON - Chubb Protective Security
A New Approach

One monthly fee with set deliverables that are both achievable and affordable.

There is a reason that Paragon is the “Authority on Investigations”.


Paragon will charge a flat fee for its base services      Consistent Results
with deliverables set and agreed on by both the
Council and Paragon. We will charge the Council           Paragon has the commitment, the integrity and the business systems and experi-
$9,000.00 per month for our services detailed on          ence to not only perform, but to perform consistently over time.
page 3. This would equate to 100 man hours per
month and may be increased during the course of           This sets us aside from the rest. We are the best. We have the best systems, the
the contract.                                             best people for growth and have the credibility and track record to get the results,
                                                          time after time after time.
Prosecution files will be additional and based on
$500 per file.                                            The Paragon Total Investigation Solution
Court attendances by our staff will be charged at         Our solution has the transparency, expertise and accountability to achieve success
$90.00 per hour.                                          and cost effectiveness.
All charges are excluding GST.                            The Manukau City Council have put forward a challenge to tackle the destructive
                                                          problem of graffiti and to take graffiti enforcement seriously.
                                                          Paragon has specific experience in helping local government agencies establish
                                                          a nationwide enforcement team, and has over time crafted an investigation firm
                                                          that has the scale and systems to handle these types of problems. We are geared
                                                          for large volumes of investigations to set standards.

Paragons Services Under the Term of Contract
                                                                Paragon are excited by the opportunity to provide the Manukau City Council with the most cutting edge technology and
                                                                pro-active and reactive methods to deter taggers in the Manukau Region. There will be one monthly fee and one point of
                                                                contact for enforcement and evidential matters. Our level of co-operation with the Manukau District Police are at the high-
                                                                est level. The Council will expect Paragon to perform and we will exceed this expectation. Our services are based on a 24
                                                                month contract.

     1. Evidence Gathering                                      3. Tag Database                                              5. Pro-active Enquiries
     We will employ diverse methods of gathering evidence       In concert with the Police Paragon will hold and             Paragon will offer training to Council enforcement staff
     on taggers. These methods will include surveillance,       maintain a database of tags in the Manukau district.         in relation to evidence gathering. Other actions such as
     undercover teams, informants, covert CCTV footage                                                                       involvement and cooperation with all Council employ-
     and a “bait” vehicle.                                                                                                   ees will give the scheme greater buy-in and “spread”.


     2. Reactive Measures                                       4. Prosecution files                                         6. Tip Off Line
     Paragon team members will stop and speak to any            To assist in prosecution of these offenders we will          We will operate and publicise a 0800 confidential tip off
     offenders that we witness in the act of tagging. We        prepare simple prosecution files for the police to save      line for informants to “dob in a tagger”. These commu-
     will obtain their details and liaise with the police for   them time and ensure consistent convictions.                 nications would be followed up with prompt reactive
     prosecution. We have experience in dealing with these                                                                   investigation.
     types of potentially volatile situations and people.

Our Organisation
Our company is Paragon New Zealand.Com Limited (“Paragon”) see our website at
Our company is governed by a Board of Directors the chairman of which is Bryan Mogridge ONZM. Bryan is already a well regarded businessman with
board positions in several listed companies. A nationwide company, we have offices based throughout New Zealand and in Auckland at Clevedon and
the North Shore.

Managing Director
The managing director of Paragon is Ron McQuilter JP, CFE, Cert Judicial Studies
Ron McQuilter JP, CFE is in charge of our government and local council clients.
A brief summary of Ron’s background is:
•	      30 years Investigation experience.
•	      Former Police Officer, Glasgow, Scotland.
•	      Has conducted investigations worldwide.
•	      Has conducted numerous investigations for Councils in New Zealand, including work for Risk Pool and your lawyers.
•	      Has lectured to the government agencies on fraud and enforcement.
•	      Presenter at New Zealand Insurance Institute fraud forum.
•	      Accepted by the Auckland High Court as an expert fraud investigator.
•	      Member of New Zealand Insurance Law Association, New Zealand Insurance Institute, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
•	      A three term President of New Zealand Institute of Professional Investigators.
•	      November 2006, Guest speaker at the personal request from the Police Commissioner at the Police Symposium

Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Daniel Thompson-Toresen is Paragons COO. A Clevedon local he has a 19 year history of private investigations and enforcement.
He holds a Master of Science Degree in Security Management from the University of Leicester, United Kingdom, February 2000 and a Certified Fraud
Examiner, ACFE, Austin, Texas, USA, February 1998.
•	      19	years	in	Investigations	and	Security	Management.	Expertise	extends	to	all	areas	of	business,	insurance,	industry	and	government.		
•	      Provides	a	wide	range	of	client	services	in	the	areas	of	administration,	planning,	management,	operations	and	facility	design.		
•	      Expertise	includes;	risk	assessment	studies	and	audits,	operational	reviews,	development	of	policies	and	procedures,	white	collar	crime	and		
        fraud countermeasures, employee theft prevention, writing and publications, training programs, event management, incident reviews and
        litigation support.

Business Development Director
Another Clevedon local, Daniel A. Thompson, CFE, dip Policing is Paragons Business Development Director and has over 33 years in Investigations
and Security Management Experience which includes:
•	      Developed	and	implemented	a	New	Zealand	wide	Investigation	service	for	the	ACC		
•	      Adviser	for	MAF	Qual.	Meat	Act	compliance	and	prosecutions
•	      Basic	Investigation	Training	modules	for	MAF	meat.	
•	      Investigated	numerous	fraud	matters	and	presented	training	sessions	to	ACC	claims	staff.
•	      Developed	and	implemented	the	investigative	process	for	the	(BSSA)	Australian	Business	Software	Association	in	association	with	the	(BSA)		
        Business Software Alliance in the US.

Activities and experience
Paragon is New Zealand’s largest and only truly nationwide private provider of commercial, government, local body and other specialist investigation
and enforcement services.
Although we are a private investigation company, our company principals have been, and still are very much instrumental in leading the industry
from the front by pioneering work conducted by private firms for government departments and local bodies In many instances, we have been the
first private investigators in New Zealand to work for these agencies.
We have many examples of work for government agencies and the examples below are not exhaustive.

Local Councils
We have and still do conduct assignments for the Manukau City Council as well as many others throughout New Zealand.
You will observe from the following examples that we have performed a vast variety of work for various Councils, including but not limited to:
•	      Household rubbish (illegal dumping, etc...)
•	      Commercial spill investigations
•	      Internal theft investigations
•	      Leaky home investigations
•	      Complaints against Council Inspectors
•	      Counterfeit production of rubbish bags
•	      Threats against Mayor and other staff

Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC”)
In 1986, we ran a pilot scheme for the ACC who at that time had no enforcement division.
The scheme was a success and they became the first ever private investigators appointed under the ACC legislation and we are proud that we still hold that
contract today.

Department of Justice
In 1988 we were the first private investigators appointed to conduct investigations for the Department of Justice Corporate Fraud Unit. These investigations
related to various companies that had gained funds from shareholders.
Our work was directly responsible for the formation of an enforcement unit within the Companies Office and we assisted in the training of staff.

Ministry of Agriculture – Meat (“MAF MEAT”)
In 1992 we ran a pilot scheme investigating breaches against the Meat Act 1981. At that time the work was completed by Meat Inspectors, most of whom
had no enforcement experience.
Our successes nationwide were such that MAF Meat had excellent media and we then assisted in the establishment of an in-house investigations unit, train-
ing their investigators on enforcement procedures and the rules of evidence.

Crown Law Office
The Crown Law Office had never used a private investigation company until referred to us.
We have since been involved in several assignments, the most highly publicised being the “Lake Alice” enquiry where we acted for the Crown, investigating
complaints by former patients.

New Zealand Immigration Service (“NZIS”)
In 2004 we were approached by NZIS and asked to assist with a backlog of Immigration verification files originating from India. At that time there was no
formal verification unit at NZIS.
NZIS now have an in-house Central Verification Unit with over 30 staff yet we still receive instructions nationwide and still complete annual projects on their

As you would expect, all our investigators and support staff are screened personally by us, despite the fact that most are former Police Officers.
We hold a current private investigators licence [Number 700502] under the Private Investigators and Security Guards Act 1974.
We also hold a security guards licence [Number 7001149] under the Private Investigators and Security Guards Act 1974.
This second licence is very important and often overlooked. The fact is that we might be asked to give professional advice or comment in re-
spect to the security arrangements or services provided to/by the Council’s subjects. To do so without the proper licence could well expose the
Council to a claim.
Our client base is expansive and we welcome the opportunity to provide referees as to our work, professionalism, cost effectiveness, integrity
and reporting.
Paragon has no conflicting interests with the Council.
Should a situation arise where a conflict did occur, we would immediately refer the matter back to the Council giving reasons for the potential
conflict and seek an amicable resolution. This said, we have been conducting enforcement work for many years and have yet to be in a conflict
situation. Perhaps, because we are enforcement focused.
Professional Indemnity and Public Liability
Paragon has both Professional Indemnity Insurance (cover: $1 million) and Public Liability Insurance (cover: $1 million).
Performance Measures
Our proposal is based on the Council adopting a fresh company to assist in your fight against graffiti.
Accordingly, the most relevant benchmark will be the total cost against results achieved and we see this as part of our regular reviews At any
time during our contract period, we would welcome discussion on the opportunity for enhancement in systems between our two organisations
which would lead to better outcomes or a reduction in costs.
With regards to service delivery, we believe that there is a substantial opportunity to appoint selected investigators to work with your Council
staff. Having regular reviews with your Head Office team, de-briefing outcomes and asking for feedback from Councillors are perhaps just some
of the methods by which we will be able to monitor performance.

  “The Authority on Investigations”
  Proud to have a base in Clevedon
Tel: (09) 377-3655   Fax: (09) 358-0110

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Paragon on Graffiti

  • 1. Graffiti Control “Consider a building with a few broken windows. If the windows are not repaired, the tendency is for vandals to break a few more windows. Eventually, they may even break into the building, and if it’s unoccupied, perhaps become squatters or light fires inside.” - George L. Kelling 1982
  • 2. Introduction Graffiti has been an ongoing and arguably growing problem for Manukau City Council (“The Council”). The Council has taken many steps and considerable revenue used in dealing with this repulsive and destructive problem often caused by the same of- fenders. We acknowledge the work undertaken by the Council in the community and the efforts by MP George Hawkins in Parliament to introduce the Manukau City Council (Control of Graffiti) Bill on 7 December 2005. For some time the Council have operated a scheme involving an investigation firm who are contracted to take a pro-active stance in respect to the apprehension of offenders, volume of offending and to gather intelligence on these graffiti offenders, their “tags” and Modus Operandi (“MO”). Paragon is able to offer a fresh ap- proach to solving the problem. The Problem It is well known tagging and graffiti are a huge and on-going problem in Manukau. A Quality of Life in New Zealand’s Eight Largest Cities 2003 Survey revealed Manukau City ranks the lowest in residents’ rating of a sense of pride in the way their city looks, and one of the main reasons for this is related to the graffiti prob- lem in the city. “This has resulted in the Council spending over 1.6 million dollars in graffiti eradication and community education in the past two years. In 2005/06 the Council budgeted more than $800,000 on graffiti reduction. “1 1 Manukau City Council web site 1.
  • 3. Statistics Getting Serious About Graffiti The Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust have a help- “We owe it to the people of Manukau and across the country ful breakdown of graffiti statistics. Their statistics show to get this right. We can’t wait till 2010 to attack graffiti. The that tagging is increasing and consistently the worst areas Government needs to provide an urgent, proactive and are Mangere, Manurewa and Otara with a collective 10,000 national response to this growing scourge now.” to 12,000 tags per month painted out. National MP Mark Blumsky 2006 The lowest area for tags is shown to be Botany and Cleve- don with around 500 collective tags painted out. Broken Windows Theory Client Quotes “Thank you very much for your well documented investiga- “Consider a building with a few broken windows. If the win- tion which made the police involvement in this matter short dows are not repaired, the tendency is for vandals to break and sweet.” a few more windows. Eventually, they may even break into Detective Sergeant A E RIDLEY CIB Mt Maunganui the building, and if it’s unoccupied, perhaps become squat- ters or light fires inside. “...Pleaded guilty to all charges recommended by you. I note Or consider a sidewalk. Some litter accumulates. Soon, more your excellent work and must admit, I do not think I have had litter accumulates. Eventually, people even start leaving an easier arrest!” bags of trash from take-out restaurants there or breaking Const. R S ELLWOOD CIB Otahuhu into cars.” A successful strategy for preventing vandalism, says Kelling “Sincere thanks for the significant part you played in the (1982), is to fix the problems when they are small. Repair the aggravated robbery of the Wellington armoured van and the broken windows within a short time, say, a day or a week, loss of 1 million dollars.” and the tendency is that vandals are much less likely to break more windows or do P CURSON - Chubb Protective Security further damage. Clean up the sidewalk every day, and the tendency is for litter not to ac- cumulate (or for the rate of littering to be much less). Problems do not escalate and thus respectable residents do not flee a neighbourhood. “Congratulations on a job well done in respect of your The theory thus makes two major claims: 1. Further petty crime and low-level anti- investigation of the armed robbery of our armoured van containing 375 thousand dollars resulting in the conviction social behaviour will be deterred, and thus 2). Major crime will be prevented. Criticism of 7 offenders” of the theory has tended to focus only on the latter claim. 2. P CURSON - Chubb Protective Security
  • 4. A New Approach One monthly fee with set deliverables that are both achievable and affordable. There is a reason that Paragon is the “Authority on Investigations”. Pricing Paragon will charge a flat fee for its base services Consistent Results with deliverables set and agreed on by both the Council and Paragon. We will charge the Council Paragon has the commitment, the integrity and the business systems and experi- $9,000.00 per month for our services detailed on ence to not only perform, but to perform consistently over time. page 3. This would equate to 100 man hours per month and may be increased during the course of This sets us aside from the rest. We are the best. We have the best systems, the the contract. best people for growth and have the credibility and track record to get the results, time after time after time. Prosecution files will be additional and based on $500 per file. The Paragon Total Investigation Solution Court attendances by our staff will be charged at Our solution has the transparency, expertise and accountability to achieve success $90.00 per hour. and cost effectiveness. All charges are excluding GST. The Manukau City Council have put forward a challenge to tackle the destructive problem of graffiti and to take graffiti enforcement seriously. Paragon has specific experience in helping local government agencies establish a nationwide enforcement team, and has over time crafted an investigation firm that has the scale and systems to handle these types of problems. We are geared for large volumes of investigations to set standards. 3.
  • 5. Paragons Services Under the Term of Contract Paragon are excited by the opportunity to provide the Manukau City Council with the most cutting edge technology and pro-active and reactive methods to deter taggers in the Manukau Region. There will be one monthly fee and one point of contact for enforcement and evidential matters. Our level of co-operation with the Manukau District Police are at the high- est level. The Council will expect Paragon to perform and we will exceed this expectation. Our services are based on a 24 month contract. 1. Evidence Gathering 3. Tag Database 5. Pro-active Enquiries We will employ diverse methods of gathering evidence In concert with the Police Paragon will hold and Paragon will offer training to Council enforcement staff on taggers. These methods will include surveillance, maintain a database of tags in the Manukau district. in relation to evidence gathering. Other actions such as undercover teams, informants, covert CCTV footage involvement and cooperation with all Council employ- and a “bait” vehicle. ees will give the scheme greater buy-in and “spread”. 2. 2. Reactive Measures 4. Prosecution files 6. Tip Off Line Paragon team members will stop and speak to any To assist in prosecution of these offenders we will We will operate and publicise a 0800 confidential tip off offenders that we witness in the act of tagging. We prepare simple prosecution files for the police to save line for informants to “dob in a tagger”. These commu- will obtain their details and liaise with the police for them time and ensure consistent convictions. nications would be followed up with prompt reactive prosecution. We have experience in dealing with these investigation. types of potentially volatile situations and people. 4.
  • 6. Our Organisation Our company is Paragon New Zealand.Com Limited (“Paragon”) see our website at Our company is governed by a Board of Directors the chairman of which is Bryan Mogridge ONZM. Bryan is already a well regarded businessman with board positions in several listed companies. A nationwide company, we have offices based throughout New Zealand and in Auckland at Clevedon and the North Shore. Managing Director The managing director of Paragon is Ron McQuilter JP, CFE, Cert Judicial Studies Ron McQuilter JP, CFE is in charge of our government and local council clients. A brief summary of Ron’s background is: • 30 years Investigation experience. • Former Police Officer, Glasgow, Scotland. • Has conducted investigations worldwide. • Has conducted numerous investigations for Councils in New Zealand, including work for Risk Pool and your lawyers. • Has lectured to the government agencies on fraud and enforcement. • Presenter at New Zealand Insurance Institute fraud forum. • Accepted by the Auckland High Court as an expert fraud investigator. • Member of New Zealand Insurance Law Association, New Zealand Insurance Institute, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. • A three term President of New Zealand Institute of Professional Investigators. • November 2006, Guest speaker at the personal request from the Police Commissioner at the Police Symposium 5.
  • 7. Chief Operating Officer (COO) Daniel Thompson-Toresen is Paragons COO. A Clevedon local he has a 19 year history of private investigations and enforcement. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Security Management from the University of Leicester, United Kingdom, February 2000 and a Certified Fraud Examiner, ACFE, Austin, Texas, USA, February 1998. • 19 years in Investigations and Security Management. Expertise extends to all areas of business, insurance, industry and government. • Provides a wide range of client services in the areas of administration, planning, management, operations and facility design. • Expertise includes; risk assessment studies and audits, operational reviews, development of policies and procedures, white collar crime and fraud countermeasures, employee theft prevention, writing and publications, training programs, event management, incident reviews and litigation support. Business Development Director Another Clevedon local, Daniel A. Thompson, CFE, dip Policing is Paragons Business Development Director and has over 33 years in Investigations and Security Management Experience which includes: • Developed and implemented a New Zealand wide Investigation service for the ACC • Adviser for MAF Qual. Meat Act compliance and prosecutions • Basic Investigation Training modules for MAF meat. • Investigated numerous fraud matters and presented training sessions to ACC claims staff. • Developed and implemented the investigative process for the (BSSA) Australian Business Software Association in association with the (BSA) Business Software Alliance in the US. 6.
  • 8. Activities and experience Paragon is New Zealand’s largest and only truly nationwide private provider of commercial, government, local body and other specialist investigation and enforcement services. Although we are a private investigation company, our company principals have been, and still are very much instrumental in leading the industry from the front by pioneering work conducted by private firms for government departments and local bodies In many instances, we have been the first private investigators in New Zealand to work for these agencies. We have many examples of work for government agencies and the examples below are not exhaustive. Local Councils We have and still do conduct assignments for the Manukau City Council as well as many others throughout New Zealand. You will observe from the following examples that we have performed a vast variety of work for various Councils, including but not limited to: • Household rubbish (illegal dumping, etc...) • Commercial spill investigations • Internal theft investigations • Leaky home investigations • Complaints against Council Inspectors • Counterfeit production of rubbish bags • Threats against Mayor and other staff 7.
  • 9. Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC”) In 1986, we ran a pilot scheme for the ACC who at that time had no enforcement division. The scheme was a success and they became the first ever private investigators appointed under the ACC legislation and we are proud that we still hold that contract today. Department of Justice In 1988 we were the first private investigators appointed to conduct investigations for the Department of Justice Corporate Fraud Unit. These investigations related to various companies that had gained funds from shareholders. Our work was directly responsible for the formation of an enforcement unit within the Companies Office and we assisted in the training of staff. Ministry of Agriculture – Meat (“MAF MEAT”) In 1992 we ran a pilot scheme investigating breaches against the Meat Act 1981. At that time the work was completed by Meat Inspectors, most of whom had no enforcement experience. Our successes nationwide were such that MAF Meat had excellent media and we then assisted in the establishment of an in-house investigations unit, train- ing their investigators on enforcement procedures and the rules of evidence. Crown Law Office The Crown Law Office had never used a private investigation company until referred to us. We have since been involved in several assignments, the most highly publicised being the “Lake Alice” enquiry where we acted for the Crown, investigating complaints by former patients. New Zealand Immigration Service (“NZIS”) In 2004 we were approached by NZIS and asked to assist with a backlog of Immigration verification files originating from India. At that time there was no formal verification unit at NZIS. NZIS now have an in-house Central Verification Unit with over 30 staff yet we still receive instructions nationwide and still complete annual projects on their behalf. 8.
  • 10. Licensing As you would expect, all our investigators and support staff are screened personally by us, despite the fact that most are former Police Officers. We hold a current private investigators licence [Number 700502] under the Private Investigators and Security Guards Act 1974. We also hold a security guards licence [Number 7001149] under the Private Investigators and Security Guards Act 1974. This second licence is very important and often overlooked. The fact is that we might be asked to give professional advice or comment in re- spect to the security arrangements or services provided to/by the Council’s subjects. To do so without the proper licence could well expose the Council to a claim. Referees Our client base is expansive and we welcome the opportunity to provide referees as to our work, professionalism, cost effectiveness, integrity and reporting. Conflicts Paragon has no conflicting interests with the Council. Should a situation arise where a conflict did occur, we would immediately refer the matter back to the Council giving reasons for the potential conflict and seek an amicable resolution. This said, we have been conducting enforcement work for many years and have yet to be in a conflict situation. Perhaps, because we are enforcement focused. Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Paragon has both Professional Indemnity Insurance (cover: $1 million) and Public Liability Insurance (cover: $1 million). Performance Measures Our proposal is based on the Council adopting a fresh company to assist in your fight against graffiti. Accordingly, the most relevant benchmark will be the total cost against results achieved and we see this as part of our regular reviews At any time during our contract period, we would welcome discussion on the opportunity for enhancement in systems between our two organisations which would lead to better outcomes or a reduction in costs. With regards to service delivery, we believe that there is a substantial opportunity to appoint selected investigators to work with your Council staff. Having regular reviews with your Head Office team, de-briefing outcomes and asking for feedback from Councillors are perhaps just some of the methods by which we will be able to monitor performance. 9.
  • 11.
  • 12. PARAGON NEW ZEALAND .COM LIMITED “The Authority on Investigations” Proud to have a base in Clevedon Tel: (09) 377-3655 Fax: (09) 358-0110