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8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 1
If we know that pain and suffering can be alleviated, and do
nothing about it, then we ourselves, become the tormentors.
—Primo Levi
Session outline
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 2
Pain classification
Clinical presentation
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 3
Pain is: "an unpleasant sensory and emotionalexperience
associated with actual or potentialtissue damage.
Today, pain's impact on society still is great, and indeed
pain complaints remain a primary reason patients seek
medical advice.
Humans have always known and sought relieffrom pain.
However, as pain is subjective, many clinicians define
pain as “whatever the patient says it is.”
Data presented in the Institute of Medicine report, “Relieving
Pain in America” suggests that greater than 100 million
persons in the United States live with chronic pain.
Given that greater than 50% of persons reporting low back
pain in the previous 3 months
it is not surprising that the estimated economic burden of
chronic pain alone exceeds 500 billion dollars (US) annually.
Unfortunately, despite much public attention, pain often
remains inadequately or inappropriately treated.
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Compiled By: Daniel M
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Nociceptive pain
Nociceptive pain typically is classified as either:
Somatic pain
 Pain arising from skin, bone, joint, muscle, or connective tissue
Often presents as throbbing and well localized,
Visceral pain
Pain arising from internal organs such as the large intestine or
Visceral pain can manifest as pain feeling as if it is coming from
other Structures (referred) Or as a more localized phenomenon.
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 6
Neuropathic and Functional Pain
Neuropathic pain, in which there is ongoing peripheral
nerve injury (e.g., postherpetic neuralgia, painful diabetic
neuropathy, or chemotherapy induced neuropathy), or in the
CNS (e.g., following an ischemic stroke or with multiple
Often is described in terms of chronic pain.
Functional pain can be thought of as abnormal operation of
the nervous
Centrally mediated disturbance in pain processing with
in the CNS
E.g., Irritable bowel syndrome, sympathetic induced
pain, tension-type headaches
Pathophysiology:nociceptive pain
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Nociception occur in terms of stimulation, transmission,
perception, andmodulation
Stimulation/ Transduction
The first step leading to the sensation of pain is stimulation of
free nerve endings known asnociceptors.
These receptors are found in both somatic andvisceral
They are activated and sensitized by mechanical, thermal, and
chemical impulses
They distinguish between noxious and innocuous stimuli,
Pathophysiology:nociceptive pain
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The underlying mechanism of these noxious stimuli may be
the release of :
Bradykinins, hydrogen and potassiumions
Prostaglandins, histamine,interleukins,
Tumor necrosis factor alfa, serotonin, and substanceP
Receptor activation leads to action potentials that are
transmitted along afferent nerve fibers to the spinal cord
Pathophysiology:nociceptive pain
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 9
Nociceptor activation leads to the conversion of a chemical
signal into an electrical signal.
This requires voltage-gated sodium channels, which produce
the generation of action potentials that are conducted along
primary afferent A-δ and C-polymodal nerve fibers to the
dorsal horn of the spinal cord.
Stimulation of large-diameter, sparsely myelinated A-δ fibers
evokes sharp, well-localized pain, whereas stimulation of
unmyelinated, small-diameter C fibers produces aching, poorly
localized pain.
Pathophysiology:nociceptive pain
These afferent, nociceptive pain fibers synapse in various layers
(laminae) of the spinal cord’s dorsal horn and convert the
electrical signal back into a chemical signal by releasing
excitatory neurotransmitters, such as glutamate and substance P.
The N-type voltage-gated calcium channels regulate the release
of these excitatory neurotransmitters.
Pain signals reach the brain through a host of ascending spinal
cord pathways, which include the spinothalamic tract.
The thalamus acts as a relay station within the brain, as these
pathways ascend and pass the impulses to higher cortical
structures where pain can be processed further.
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Compiled By: Daniel M
Pathophysiology:nociceptive pain
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 11
Signal can be attenuated/inhibited by descending pathways
that consist of endogenous opioids (eg, enkephalins and β-
endorphins), γ- aminobutyric acid (GABA), NA, or
Like exogenous opioids, endogenous peptides bind to
opioid receptor sites and modulate the transmission of pain
Blockade of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors may
increase the mu (μ)-receptors’ responsiveness to opiates.
Pathophysiology:nociceptive pain
• The complex interplay between ascending excitatory and
descending inhibitory pathways is thought to culminate
in a conscious experience that takes place in higher
cortical structures.
• While not well understood, we do know cognitive and
behavioral functions can modify pain.
• Thus, relaxation, distraction, meditation, and guided
mental imagery may strongly influence pain perception
and decrease pain.
• In contrast, conditions such as depression or anxiety
often worsen pain.
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Compiled By: Daniel M
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Pathophysiology:Nociceptive pain
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 14
It is helpful in guiding assessment and treatment of pain
There are numerous ways of classifying pain, such as by
type of pain (eg, nociceptive, neuropathic, inflammatory),
by pain intensity (eg, mild, moderate, or severe), or most
commonly by duration of pain (eg, acute, subacute, or
chronic pain).
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Compiled By: Daniel M
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Acute Pain
Acute pain can be a useful physiologic process,warning
individuals of disease states
Severe, unremitting, undertreated acute pain,,can produce
many deleterious effects.
Untreated acute pain has also been shown to increase one's
risk for the development of chronic pain syndromes.
Acute pain is usually nociceptive in nature with common
causes, including surgery, acute illness, ,,
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Chronic Pain
In some instances, pain persists for months to years,
This type of pain can be nociceptive, neuropathic/
functional, ormixed.
Chronic pain can be classified as either being associated
with cancer (cancer pain) or from noncancer etiologies
(chronic noncancer pain).
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Obvious distress (e.g., trauma),
Infants may present with changes in feeding habits,
increased fussiness.
Can be described as sharp, dull, shock like, tingling,
shooting, radiating, fluctuating in intensity, and varying in
location .
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 20
Hypertension,tachycardia, diaphoresis, mydriasis, and
pallor, but these signsare not diagnostic.
In some cases there are noobvious signs.
Comorbid conditions usually not present.
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 21
Can appear to have no noticeablesuffering.
Attention also must be given tomental/emotional
factors that alter the painthreshold.
Can be described as sharp, dull, shock-like, tingling,
shooting, radiating, fluctuating in intensity, and varying
in location
Over time, the pain stimulus may cause symptoms that
completely change (e.g., sharp to dull, obvious to vague
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Hypertension, tachycardia, diaphoresis, mydriasis, and
pallor are seldom present.
In most cases there are noobvious signs.
Comorbid conditions often present
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Many consider pharmacologic treatment to be the
cornerstone of painmanagement.
Nonopioid Agents
Asprin ,Acetaminophen, NSAIDs often are preferred
over opiates in the treatment of mild-to-moderate pain
NSAIDs may be particularly useful in the management
of cancer-related bone pain
Opioid Agents… are preferred over opiates in the treatment
of moderate- severe type of pain
Non-pharmacological treatment
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 24
 Pain is influenced by psychological, cultural, social,
and spiritual factors which should also be addressed
 Non-pharmacological treatments do not replace
pharmacological treatment, but they may be
Non-pharmacological treatment
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM
 May reduce the perception of pain, assist in relaxation,
or improve sleep
 Dance therapy: Uses movement to improve mental
and physical well-being
 Music therapy: Listening to or making music may
lower stress and improve mood
 Acupuncture: Insertion and manipulation of
needles, pressure, or low-frequency electric current
at specific points
Non-pharmacological treatment
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM
 Physical therapy: Movement helps to build strength,
maintain energy, and contributes to overall well-being
 Positioning therapy: Moving bedridden patients and
changing their position prevents bed sores and injury
 Massage therapy: Rubbing and manipulating muscles,
which increases circulation and relaxation
Non-pharmacological treatment
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM
 Social support: Supportive counseling and referrals to
community resources and services
 Spiritual and religious support: Depending on their
beliefs and faith, some patients may find support
through prayer and meditation
 Herbs: May be helpful or harmful
 Hot and cold therapy: Either one may help to decrease
Non-pharmacological treatment
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM
 Relaxation: Most commonly used non-pharmacological
technique-teach patients to intentionally relax to reduce
tension and stress
 Deep and slow breathing: Influences autonomic and
pain processing in combination with relaxation
 Distraction: Focus the patient’s attention away from the
 Aromatherapy: Use essential oils to balance, relax, and
stimulate the body, mind, and soul
8/22/2021 29
Compiled By: Daniel M
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM
 Not all of these approaches will work for everyone
 Do not assume that all non-pharmacological
treatments are safe.
 Some have contraindications
– Just because natural remedies, such as herbs,
have been around for a long time does not mean
that they work or that they are harmless
How to treat pain?
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 31
The World Health Organization has developed a
simple algorithm, or model for pain treatment
Extremely effective for patients with acute pain,
cancer pain, and neuropathic pain (nerve pain)
80-90% of people are effectively treated
Mild pain
Moderate pain
Severe pain
Step 1
Step 2
Weak opioid
Step 3
Strong opioid
+/- adjuvant
+/- non-opioid
+/- adjuvant
+/- non-opioid
+/- adjuvant
Consider prophylactic laxatives to avoid constipation
Step up if pain
or increases
Step up if pain
or increases
Non-opioids ibuprofen or other NSAID, paracetamol (acetaminophen), or aspirin
Weak opioids codeine, tramadol, or low-dose morphine
Strong opioids morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone, hydromorphone, buprenorphine
Adjuvants antidepressant, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, muscle relaxant,
bisphosphonate, or corticosteroid
WHO Analgesic Ladder: adults
Mild pain
Moderate or
Severe pain
Step 1
Step 2
Strong opioid
+/- adjuvant
+/- non-opioid
+/- adjuvant
Consider prophylactic laxatives to avoid
Step up if
pain persists
or increases
Non-opioids Age>3 mos: ibuprofen or paracetamol (acetaminophen); Age<3 mos:
Strong opioids morphine (medicine of choice) or fentanyl, oxycodone, hydromorphone,
Adjuvants antidepressant, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, muscle relaxant,
bisphosphonate, or corticosteroid
WHO Analgesic Ladder: Pediatric
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM
8/22/2021 34
Compiled By: Daniel M
Key Recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain
8/22/2021 35
Compiled By: Daniel M
Reading assignment: Steps for Equianalgesic Opioid Calculation
8/22/2021 36
Compiled By: Daniel M
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 37
Opioids are often the next logical step in the management
of acute pain and cancer-relatedchronic pain.
They also may be an effective treatment optionin the
management of chronic non-cancerpain.
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Despite the availability of several newer agents, morphine
remains the prototype opiateanalgesic.
As new opioid and nonopioid compounds are developed,
their efficacy and side-effect profiles are typically compared
against morphine as the standard.
Many clinicians consider morphine the first-line agent when
treating moderate-to-severe pain.
Morphine can be given parenterally, orally, or rectally
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Side effects can be numerous, particularly when morphine
is first initiated or when doses are significantly increased.
Morphine causes nausea and vomiting throughdirect
stimulation of the chemoreceptor triggerzone.
Opioid-induced nausea subsides overtime.
Although euphoria and dysphoria have been reported,
morphine's unpleasant effects are more prominentwhen
administered topatients not experiencing pain
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As doses of morphine are increased, the respiratory
center becomes less responsive to carbon dioxide,
causing progressive respiratory depression.
Respiratory depression often manifests as a decreasein
respiratory rate
Cough reflex is also depressed
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However,morphine does produce venous and arteriolar vessel
dilation, and orthostatic hypotensionmay result.
Hypovolemic patients are more susceptible to
morphine-induced cardiovascularchanges
Because morphine prompts a decrease in myocardial oxygen
demand in ischemic cardiacpatients,
It is often considered the drug of choice when using
opioids to treat pain associated with MI.
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Morphine-induced respiratory depression can be
reversed by pure opioid antagonists, such as naloxone.
Morphine used cautiously in
Underlying pulmonary disease
Therapeutic doses of morphine have minimal effectson BP
HR , or cardiac rhythm when patients are supine
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Morphine also affects the hypothalamus inhibitingthe
release of gonadotropin-relasing hormone,
Morphine and other opioids also appear to be
Othe drugs of the class:
Hydromorphone, Oxymorphone ,Levorphanol
Codeine, Hydrocodone,Oxycodone
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Meperidine and Congeners (Phenylpiperidines)
Meperidine( pethidine ) has a pharmacologicprofile
comparable with that ofmorphine;
However, it is not as potent and has a shorter analgesic
Meperidine offers noanalgesic advantage over morphine,
has greater toxicity and should be limited in use.
In particular, avoid long-term usage, and use in patients at
greatest risk for toxicity( elderly, renal impairment)
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IM 50–150 mg every 3–4 h: Use in severepain
IV5–10 mg every 5 min prn
Oral rote not recommended
Do not use in renalfailure
May precipitate tremors, myoclonus, andseizures
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors can induce
hyperpyrexia and/or seizures or opioidoverdose
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Is a synthetic opioid structurally related to meperidine that
is used oftenin anesthesiology as an adjunct to general
This agent is more potent and faster actingthan
It can be administered parenterally, transmucosally, and
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 47
IV25–50 mcg/h Used in severepain
IM 50–100 mcg every 1–2h
Transdermal 25 mcg/h every 72h
Do not use transdermal in acute pain
Transmucosal for breakthrough cancer pain in patients
already receiving or tolerant to opioids.
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Methadone has oral efficacy, extended duration of action,
and ability to suppress withdrawal symptoms in heroin
With repeated doses, the analgesic duration of action of
methadone is prolonged,but excessive sedation may also
Although effective for acute pain, it is usually used for
chronic cancer pain.
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PO2.5–10 mg every 8–12 h
Effective in severe chronicpain
IM 2.5–10 mg every 8–12h
Some chronic pain patients can be dosed every 12 h
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 50
Adult dose: 30-60mg by mouth every 4 hours; maximum
daily dose 240mg
If pain relief is not achieved with 240mg/day, move to
strong opioid
Can be combined with Step 1 analgesic
Give laxative to avoid constipation unless patient has
Genetic variability can lead to variable rates of
metabolism which may make codeine ineffective or
lead to excessive side effects
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 Centrally acting analgesic for moderate to moderately
severe pain, binds to μ opiate receptors and weakly inhibits
norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake.
Tramadol has a side-effect profile similar to that of
other opioid analgesics.
It may also enhance the risk of seizures.
It may be useful for treating chronic pain, especially
neuropathic pain,
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4/ 18/ 2018
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Adjuvant Analgesics for chronicpain
Adjuvant analgesics are pharmacologic agents with
individual characteristics that make them useful in the
management of pain but that typically are not
classified as analgesics.
Examples of adjuvant analgesics include:
Anticonvulsants (e.g., gabapentin, whichmay
decrease neuronal excitability),
Tricyclic antidepressants,
Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptakeinhibitor
Topically applied local anesthetics
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Regional analgesia with properly administered local
anesthetics can provide relief of both acute and chronic
These agents can be positioned by injection or topically.
Lidocaine in the form of a patch has proven effective in
treating focal neuropathic pain.
Regional application of local anesthetics relieve pain by
blocking nerve impulses.
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 56
Pain is one of the most common reasons for which
Seek medical attention,
Yetit remains significantly undertreated despite the
availability of effective medications and other
Effective treatment considers the cause, duration, and
intensity of pain
And matches the appropriate intervention to the situation.
8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 57
In general, the reasonsfor under treatment include :
Alack of understanding of pain management
principles Orthe pharmacologic properties of the
an overestimation of the risk of addiction
poor communication between the patient and
medical personnel

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Pain management

  • 1. PainManagement 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 1 1 If we know that pain and suffering can be alleviated, and do nothing about it, then we ourselves, become the tormentors. —Primo Levi
  • 2. Session outline 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 2 Introduction Pathophysiology Pain classification Clinical presentation Treatment 2
  • 3. Introduction 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 3 Pain is: "an unpleasant sensory and emotionalexperience associated with actual or potentialtissue damage. Today, pain's impact on society still is great, and indeed pain complaints remain a primary reason patients seek medical advice. Humans have always known and sought relieffrom pain. However, as pain is subjective, many clinicians define pain as “whatever the patient says it is.” 3
  • 4. EPIDEMIOLOGY Data presented in the Institute of Medicine report, “Relieving Pain in America” suggests that greater than 100 million persons in the United States live with chronic pain. Given that greater than 50% of persons reporting low back pain in the previous 3 months it is not surprising that the estimated economic burden of chronic pain alone exceeds 500 billion dollars (US) annually. Unfortunately, despite much public attention, pain often remains inadequately or inappropriately treated. 8/22/2021 4 Compiled By: Daniel M
  • 5. TypesofPain 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 5 Nociceptive pain Nociceptive pain typically is classified as either: Somatic pain  Pain arising from skin, bone, joint, muscle, or connective tissue Often presents as throbbing and well localized, Visceral pain Pain arising from internal organs such as the large intestine or pancreas Visceral pain can manifest as pain feeling as if it is coming from other Structures (referred) Or as a more localized phenomenon. 5
  • 6. TypesofPain 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 6 Neuropathic and Functional Pain Neuropathic pain, in which there is ongoing peripheral nerve injury (e.g., postherpetic neuralgia, painful diabetic neuropathy, or chemotherapy induced neuropathy), or in the CNS (e.g., following an ischemic stroke or with multiple sclerosis). Often is described in terms of chronic pain. Functional pain can be thought of as abnormal operation of the nervous Centrally mediated disturbance in pain processing with in the CNS E.g., Irritable bowel syndrome, sympathetic induced pain, tension-type headaches 6
  • 7. Pathophysiology:nociceptive pain 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 7 Nociception occur in terms of stimulation, transmission, perception, andmodulation Stimulation/ Transduction The first step leading to the sensation of pain is stimulation of free nerve endings known asnociceptors. These receptors are found in both somatic andvisceral structures. They are activated and sensitized by mechanical, thermal, and chemical impulses They distinguish between noxious and innocuous stimuli, 7
  • 8. Pathophysiology:nociceptive pain 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 8 The underlying mechanism of these noxious stimuli may be the release of : Bradykinins, hydrogen and potassiumions Prostaglandins, histamine,interleukins, Tumor necrosis factor alfa, serotonin, and substanceP Receptor activation leads to action potentials that are transmitted along afferent nerve fibers to the spinal cord 8
  • 9. Pathophysiology:nociceptive pain 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 9 Conduction Nociceptor activation leads to the conversion of a chemical signal into an electrical signal. This requires voltage-gated sodium channels, which produce the generation of action potentials that are conducted along primary afferent A-δ and C-polymodal nerve fibers to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Stimulation of large-diameter, sparsely myelinated A-δ fibers evokes sharp, well-localized pain, whereas stimulation of unmyelinated, small-diameter C fibers produces aching, poorly localized pain. 9
  • 10. Pathophysiology:nociceptive pain Transmission These afferent, nociceptive pain fibers synapse in various layers (laminae) of the spinal cord’s dorsal horn and convert the electrical signal back into a chemical signal by releasing excitatory neurotransmitters, such as glutamate and substance P. The N-type voltage-gated calcium channels regulate the release of these excitatory neurotransmitters. Pain signals reach the brain through a host of ascending spinal cord pathways, which include the spinothalamic tract. The thalamus acts as a relay station within the brain, as these pathways ascend and pass the impulses to higher cortical structures where pain can be processed further. 8/22/2021 10 Compiled By: Daniel M
  • 11. Pathophysiology:nociceptive pain 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 11 Modulation Signal can be attenuated/inhibited by descending pathways that consist of endogenous opioids (eg, enkephalins and β- endorphins), γ- aminobutyric acid (GABA), NA, or serotonin. Like exogenous opioids, endogenous peptides bind to opioid receptor sites and modulate the transmission of pain impulses. Blockade of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors may increase the mu (μ)-receptors’ responsiveness to opiates.
  • 12. Pathophysiology:nociceptive pain Perception • The complex interplay between ascending excitatory and descending inhibitory pathways is thought to culminate in a conscious experience that takes place in higher cortical structures. • While not well understood, we do know cognitive and behavioral functions can modify pain. • Thus, relaxation, distraction, meditation, and guided mental imagery may strongly influence pain perception and decrease pain. • In contrast, conditions such as depression or anxiety often worsen pain. 8/22/2021 12 Compiled By: Daniel M
  • 13. 8/22/2021 Compiled By: Daniel M 13
  • 15. CLASSIFICATION OF PAIN It is helpful in guiding assessment and treatment of pain There are numerous ways of classifying pain, such as by type of pain (eg, nociceptive, neuropathic, inflammatory), by pain intensity (eg, mild, moderate, or severe), or most commonly by duration of pain (eg, acute, subacute, or chronic pain). 8/22/2021 15 Compiled By: Daniel M
  • 16. Classification 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 16 Acute Pain Acute pain can be a useful physiologic process,warning individuals of disease states Severe, unremitting, undertreated acute pain,,can produce many deleterious effects. Untreated acute pain has also been shown to increase one's risk for the development of chronic pain syndromes. Acute pain is usually nociceptive in nature with common causes, including surgery, acute illness, ,,
  • 17. Classification 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 17 Chronic Pain In some instances, pain persists for months to years, This type of pain can be nociceptive, neuropathic/ functional, ormixed. Chronic pain can be classified as either being associated with cancer (cancer pain) or from noncancer etiologies (chronic noncancer pain).
  • 19. Clinicalpresentation 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 19 Acute General Obvious distress (e.g., trauma), Infants may present with changes in feeding habits, increased fussiness. Symptoms Can be described as sharp, dull, shock like, tingling, shooting, radiating, fluctuating in intensity, and varying in location .
  • 20. Clinicalpresentation 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 20 Signs Hypertension,tachycardia, diaphoresis, mydriasis, and pallor, but these signsare not diagnostic. In some cases there are noobvious signs. Comorbid conditions usually not present.
  • 21. Clinicalpresentation 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 21 Chronic General Can appear to have no noticeablesuffering. Attention also must be given tomental/emotional factors that alter the painthreshold. Symptoms Can be described as sharp, dull, shock-like, tingling, shooting, radiating, fluctuating in intensity, and varying in location Over time, the pain stimulus may cause symptoms that completely change (e.g., sharp to dull, obvious to vague
  • 22. Clinicalpresentation 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 22 Signs Hypertension, tachycardia, diaphoresis, mydriasis, and pallor are seldom present. In most cases there are noobvious signs. Comorbid conditions often present
  • 23. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 23 PharmacologicTreatment Many consider pharmacologic treatment to be the cornerstone of painmanagement. Nonopioid Agents Asprin ,Acetaminophen, NSAIDs often are preferred over opiates in the treatment of mild-to-moderate pain NSAIDs may be particularly useful in the management of cancer-related bone pain Opioid Agents… are preferred over opiates in the treatment of moderate- severe type of pain
  • 24. Non-pharmacological treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 24  Pain is influenced by psychological, cultural, social, and spiritual factors which should also be addressed  Non-pharmacological treatments do not replace pharmacological treatment, but they may be complementary TOTAL PAIN PHYSICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL EMOTIONAL SPIRITUAL
  • 25. Non-pharmacological treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM  May reduce the perception of pain, assist in relaxation, or improve sleep  Dance therapy: Uses movement to improve mental and physical well-being  Music therapy: Listening to or making music may lower stress and improve mood  Acupuncture: Insertion and manipulation of needles, pressure, or low-frequency electric current at specific points 25
  • 26. Non-pharmacological treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM  Physical therapy: Movement helps to build strength, maintain energy, and contributes to overall well-being  Positioning therapy: Moving bedridden patients and changing their position prevents bed sores and injury  Massage therapy: Rubbing and manipulating muscles, which increases circulation and relaxation 26
  • 27. Non-pharmacological treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM  Social support: Supportive counseling and referrals to community resources and services  Spiritual and religious support: Depending on their beliefs and faith, some patients may find support through prayer and meditation  Herbs: May be helpful or harmful  Hot and cold therapy: Either one may help to decrease pain 27
  • 28. Non-pharmacological treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM  Relaxation: Most commonly used non-pharmacological technique-teach patients to intentionally relax to reduce tension and stress  Deep and slow breathing: Influences autonomic and pain processing in combination with relaxation  Distraction: Focus the patient’s attention away from the pain  Aromatherapy: Use essential oils to balance, relax, and stimulate the body, mind, and soul 28
  • 30. Remember 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM  Not all of these approaches will work for everyone  Do not assume that all non-pharmacological treatments are safe.  Some have contraindications – Just because natural remedies, such as herbs, have been around for a long time does not mean that they work or that they are harmless 30
  • 31. How to treat pain? 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 31 The World Health Organization has developed a simple algorithm, or model for pain treatment Extremely effective for patients with acute pain, cancer pain, and neuropathic pain (nerve pain) 80-90% of people are effectively treated
  • 32. 32 Mild pain Moderate pain Severe pain Step 1 Non-opioid Step 2 Weak opioid Step 3 Strong opioid +/- adjuvant +/- non-opioid +/- adjuvant +/- non-opioid +/- adjuvant Consider prophylactic laxatives to avoid constipation Step up if pain persists or increases Step up if pain persists or increases Non-opioids ibuprofen or other NSAID, paracetamol (acetaminophen), or aspirin Weak opioids codeine, tramadol, or low-dose morphine Strong opioids morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone, hydromorphone, buprenorphine Adjuvants antidepressant, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, muscle relaxant, bisphosphonate, or corticosteroid WHO Analgesic Ladder: adults CompiledBy:DanielM 8/22/2021
  • 33. 33 Mild pain Moderate or Severe pain Step 1 Non-opioid Step 2 Strong opioid +/- adjuvant +/- non-opioid +/- adjuvant Consider prophylactic laxatives to avoid constipation Step up if pain persists or increases Non-opioids Age>3 mos: ibuprofen or paracetamol (acetaminophen); Age<3 mos: paracetamol Strong opioids morphine (medicine of choice) or fentanyl, oxycodone, hydromorphone, buprenorphine Adjuvants antidepressant, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, muscle relaxant, bisphosphonate, or corticosteroid WHO Analgesic Ladder: Pediatric 33 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM
  • 35. Key Recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain 8/22/2021 35 Compiled By: Daniel M
  • 36. Reading assignment: Steps for Equianalgesic Opioid Calculation 8/22/2021 36 Compiled By: Daniel M
  • 37. T reatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 37 OpioidAgents Opioids are often the next logical step in the management of acute pain and cancer-relatedchronic pain. They also may be an effective treatment optionin the management of chronic non-cancerpain. 83
  • 38. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 38 Morphine Despite the availability of several newer agents, morphine remains the prototype opiateanalgesic. As new opioid and nonopioid compounds are developed, their efficacy and side-effect profiles are typically compared against morphine as the standard. Many clinicians consider morphine the first-line agent when treating moderate-to-severe pain. Morphine can be given parenterally, orally, or rectally 38
  • 39. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 39 Side effects can be numerous, particularly when morphine is first initiated or when doses are significantly increased. Morphine causes nausea and vomiting throughdirect stimulation of the chemoreceptor triggerzone. Opioid-induced nausea subsides overtime. Although euphoria and dysphoria have been reported, morphine's unpleasant effects are more prominentwhen administered topatients not experiencing pain 39
  • 40. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 40 As doses of morphine are increased, the respiratory center becomes less responsive to carbon dioxide, causing progressive respiratory depression. Respiratory depression often manifests as a decreasein respiratory rate Cough reflex is also depressed 40
  • 41. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 41 However,morphine does produce venous and arteriolar vessel dilation, and orthostatic hypotensionmay result. Hypovolemic patients are more susceptible to morphine-induced cardiovascularchanges Because morphine prompts a decrease in myocardial oxygen demand in ischemic cardiacpatients, It is often considered the drug of choice when using opioids to treat pain associated with MI. 41
  • 42. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 42 Morphine-induced respiratory depression can be reversed by pure opioid antagonists, such as naloxone. Morphine used cautiously in Underlying pulmonary disease Therapeutic doses of morphine have minimal effectson BP , HR , or cardiac rhythm when patients are supine 42
  • 43. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 43 Morphine also affects the hypothalamus inhibitingthe release of gonadotropin-relasing hormone, Morphine and other opioids also appear to be immunosuppressive Othe drugs of the class: Hydromorphone, Oxymorphone ,Levorphanol Codeine, Hydrocodone,Oxycodone
  • 44. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 44 Meperidine and Congeners (Phenylpiperidines) Meperidine( pethidine ) has a pharmacologicprofile comparable with that ofmorphine; However, it is not as potent and has a shorter analgesic duration. Meperidine offers noanalgesic advantage over morphine, has greater toxicity and should be limited in use. In particular, avoid long-term usage, and use in patients at greatest risk for toxicity( elderly, renal impairment)
  • 45. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 45 Meperidine IM 50–150 mg every 3–4 h: Use in severepain IV5–10 mg every 5 min prn Oral rote not recommended Do not use in renalfailure May precipitate tremors, myoclonus, andseizures Monoamine oxidase inhibitors can induce hyperpyrexia and/or seizures or opioidoverdose symptoms
  • 46. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 46 Fentanyl Is a synthetic opioid structurally related to meperidine that is used oftenin anesthesiology as an adjunct to general anesthesia. This agent is more potent and faster actingthan meperidine It can be administered parenterally, transmucosally, and transdermally.
  • 47. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 47 Fentanyl IV25–50 mcg/h Used in severepain IM 50–100 mcg every 1–2h Transdermal 25 mcg/h every 72h Do not use transdermal in acute pain Transmucosal for breakthrough cancer pain in patients already receiving or tolerant to opioids.
  • 48. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 48 Methadone Methadone has oral efficacy, extended duration of action, and ability to suppress withdrawal symptoms in heroin addicts. With repeated doses, the analgesic duration of action of methadone is prolonged,but excessive sedation may also result. Although effective for acute pain, it is usually used for chronic cancer pain.
  • 49. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 49 Methadone PO2.5–10 mg every 8–12 h Effective in severe chronicpain IM 2.5–10 mg every 8–12h Some chronic pain patients can be dosed every 12 h
  • 50. Codeine 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 50 Adult dose: 30-60mg by mouth every 4 hours; maximum daily dose 240mg If pain relief is not achieved with 240mg/day, move to strong opioid Can be combined with Step 1 analgesic Give laxative to avoid constipation unless patient has diarrhoea Genetic variability can lead to variable rates of metabolism which may make codeine ineffective or lead to excessive side effects
  • 51. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 51 Tramadol  Centrally acting analgesic for moderate to moderately severe pain, binds to μ opiate receptors and weakly inhibits norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake. Tramadol has a side-effect profile similar to that of other opioid analgesics. It may also enhance the risk of seizures. It may be useful for treating chronic pain, especially neuropathic pain,
  • 54. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 54 Adjuvant Analgesics for chronicpain Adjuvant analgesics are pharmacologic agents with individual characteristics that make them useful in the management of pain but that typically are not classified as analgesics. Examples of adjuvant analgesics include: Anticonvulsants (e.g., gabapentin, whichmay decrease neuronal excitability), Tricyclic antidepressants, Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptakeinhibitor Topically applied local anesthetics 54
  • 55. Treatment 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 55 RegionalAnalgesia Regional analgesia with properly administered local anesthetics can provide relief of both acute and chronic pain These agents can be positioned by injection or topically. Lidocaine in the form of a patch has proven effective in treating focal neuropathic pain. Regional application of local anesthetics relieve pain by blocking nerve impulses. 55
  • 56. Summary 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 56 Pain is one of the most common reasons for which patients Seek medical attention, Yetit remains significantly undertreated despite the availability of effective medications and other therapies Effective treatment considers the cause, duration, and intensity of pain And matches the appropriate intervention to the situation. 56
  • 57. Summary 8/22/2021 CompiledBy:DanielM 57 In general, the reasonsfor under treatment include : Alack of understanding of pain management principles Orthe pharmacologic properties of the drugs; an overestimation of the risk of addiction poor communication between the patient and medical personnel 57

Editor's Notes

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