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2017 FleishmanHillard Johannesburg
The Paid Media Landscape:
A New World for Communicators
The advertising landscape is evolving at an unprecedented rate, while the media landscape is increasingly
becoming more fragmented. This fragmentation has created a multitude of channels which companies can
reach a diverse, connected, tech-savvy stakeholder.
First things first. What do we mean by paid?
As media consumption habbits Change,
digital strategy is more important than ever ...
Our focus at FleishmanHillard is on Digital and Social channels and formats.
Average time spent per day with major media by US adults, 2011-2017
Connected TV
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
*Converged media
Traditional Ads
Brand Content
Press Coverage
More channels mean more opportunities to reach and engage with your target audience. Digital advertising
spend is growing year on year. Technology giants, Facebook and Google are predicted to make in access of
$106 billion from advertising in 2017 - this equates to 48% of the global digial spend.1
But this increase in
spend is not as a result of renewed faith in traditional tried and tested digital formats. The effectiveness of
display or banner advertising has been on a steady decline for years, which has opened a realm of possibilities
for integrating spend into other communications campaigns. It is no longer about holding the relationship for
bulk CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions), but instead about understanding storytelling and amplifying stories to
the right audience at the right time. Paid media, once part of the PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned) model
for communications agencies, is about meeting the unsaid expectations of the client. It’s no longer just a nice to
have – it is imperative to the success of every campaign.
We amplify the impact of owned and earned media
In a pay-play world, organic efforts can't do it alone.
Paid helps break
through the noise
in the crowded
Platform algorithms are
actively working against
branded organic content. Paid
gets our content into the feed
so it can be seen.
Precise targeting and
research allows us to
reach specific audience
groups and individuals.
Paid helps ensure
we achieve scale & relevant reach
that our clients need to provide
return for their investment in
content creation.
The Necessity of
Social Advertising
Over the years, Facebook has implemented various
tweaks to its EdgeRank Newsfeed algorithm which
has seen organic reach become an uphill climb for
brands. Previously, posts would be seen on a user’s
timeline in the order that they were posted. The
new algorithm now prioritises posts from friends
and family based on what will drive meaningful
conversation and engagement.
On average, brands without promoted support will
reach 0.1% to 4% of their own community. Many
believe that this statistic is isolated to Facebook and
Instagram, but the sheer volume of content published
on social channels begs to differ.
At its core, social advertising is about accelerating
the success of social programmes by leveraging
paid tactics to increase reach and drive engagement
around social content among desired target
audiences. While great content and engagement are
important factors, paid has become a central driver of
social media success.
1 2
Define Business Goals
and Objectives
Review Brand
Research & Insights
Identify Audiences
Identify Budgets
Review Content Assets
Identify Campaign KPIs
Research Channels and
Audience Targets
Platform Mix
Develop Media
Identify Creative Needs
Create Media Plan
Create Flighting Schedule
3 4 5
Develop Creative
Variations by Goal
& Platform
Produce Assets and Copy
Set-Up Ad Accounts
Set-Up Campaigns
Traffic and Test Creatives
Ongoing Optimization
Report Development
Establish and Assess
Determine Learnings
and Forward
Storytelling is the
backbone to any
paid strategy and the
two cannot happen
Precise targeting enables the brand
to have control over who sees it,
therefore paid content should take
advantage of a user’s context with
custom messaging and creative.
Paid digital and social media
campaigns need to be constantly
analyzed, refined and optimized to
adjust content, channels and
targets for the best results over time.
We plan, buy and
manage paid media
across all major
digital, social and
native programmatic
Paid Social
Native Content
an, buy and manage
media across all major
l, social and native
ammatic platforms.
Hyper Targeting
Hyper targeting is a term that describes the process
of serving content to a specific audience. It is
achieved by layering multiple targeting parameters
on top of each other, thereby narrowing an audience.
Native Advertising
Native advertising is online advertising that matches
the form and function of the platform on which it
appears. An example of this would be an article
written by an advertiser to promote their product but
using the same style and look as an article written by
the editorial staff. Native advertising is a fast-growing
part of the $49 billion US digital advertising market,
and is expected to increase from $3.2 billion in 2014
to $8.8 billion by 2018.
Understanding Bidding
Most, if not all, digital and social advertising is based
on a bidding system, where advertisers compete
with hundreds of thousands of competitors for the
opportunity to buy real estate on websites, mobile
apps and social networks, and display their message
to users. All of this is done in real time, changing
dynamically as advertisers optimise their ads through
A/B testing and fine tuning their targeting. The
amount you bid for clicks, conversions or impressions
is not what you’re actually going to pay. It’s just the
maximum amount you’re willing to pay to win against
competing bids. Facebook, LinkedIn and Google
AdWords will always allow you to pay the lowest
amount possible to win the bid and have your ad
displayed. By way of an example, let’s assume that
Facebook has only three available spots to display ads,
but there are four competing advertisers bidding for
those spots. If we simplify the complex process that
takes place, we can explain it as follows:
Advertiser A bids $0.30
Advertiser B bids $0.50
Advertiser C bids $0.50
Advertiser D bids $10
In this example, Advertiser A will most likely receive
low to even zero impressions. Advertisers B and C
will total a good amount of impressions at a price
somewhere between $0.31 and $0.50. Advertiser D
will most likely receive more impressions at a price
just slightly above those of B & C, at around $0.35 and
$0.60 – even though its bid is significantly higher at
There are two important takeaways here:
•	 If you try to bid too low, your campaign may not
get the exposure it deserves and you won’t reach
your goals. Remember, you always get what you
pay for.
•	 Don’t worry about bidding a high amount. You’ll
still end up paying the lowest amount possible in
the auction to get your ads delivered.
Real-Time Bidding
Real-time bidding (RTB) refers to the buying and
selling of online ad impressions through real-time
auctions that occur in the time it takes a webpage to
load. RTB is a type of automated or programmatic
buying of advertising placements through algorithm-
driven trading that allows for the quick buying of ad
impressions according to pre-set parameters.
As an ad impression loads in a user’s web browser,
an ad exchange is given information about the page
that is loading and the user who is about to view it.
The ad exchange then auctions the ad space(s) off to
the advertiser(s) willing to pay the highest price for
a click or impression. The winning bidder’s ad is then
loaded on the page ­­
— all in a matter of milliseconds.
Not all programmatic advertising uses RTB. Some
programmatic or technology-driven ad platforms
let publishers sell their inventory in advance for a
fixed price, as opposed to auctioning it off. This is
sometimes referred to as programmatic direct or
programmatic guaranteed.
Thanks to real-time bidding, ad buyers no longer
need to work directly with publishers or ad networks
to traffic ads or negotiate prices.
Remarketing is a mostly automated process of re-
engaging a visitor or customer based on a recent
interaction they had with your brand. It is a subset
of interest-based advertising, helping you match
interested people with the right message. People who
leave your website without making a purchase will
be served ads related to your brand or the specific
products they looked at on your site when visiting
other websites in the Google Display Network or
when they run a Google search using your keywords.
Remarketing means that you can show people with a
proven interest in your brand a compelling message
or offer that will encourage them to return to your site
and complete their purchase.
Transactional Ads
Transactional advertising allows for a transaction to
take place directly in the ad unit. These types of ads
are price driven and create a short-term relationship
with customers. These are typically customers that
would ordinarily not shop with the retailer unless there
is a short-term incentive such as a discount or a sale.
Transactional advertising is essentially the antithesis
of relational advertising that, as the name suggests,
builds and capitalises on a connection with customers.
In-App Advertising
An in-app ad is displayed within a mobile phone
application. These types of ads can be in the form of
a banner at the top or bottom of the app screen, an
interstitial or an overlay.
In-Game Ads
In-game adverts are somewhat similar to in-app ads.
In-game advertisements exist within computer or
video games. One of the most common examples of
in-game advertising is billboards appearing in sport
games. In-game ads also might appear as brand-
name products like guns, cars, or clothing that exist as
gaming status symbols.
Reaching specific audiences and generating awareness
Reach as a Metric
Reach is a metric centered around content being seen
by a unique user and defined as the number of unique
people seeing a piece of content.
It is the measurement of the audience size that
your content has extended to and is a more
accurate measure of an audience than the size of its
community, because content doesn’t automatically
reach the entirety of that community. Additionally,
many of the users that do see the content are
not necessarily fans, followers or members of the
community. A number of factors impact reach. On
Facebook, the EdgeRank algorithm decides who
sees your content and who doesn’t. On Twitter, it
is the sheer volume of content and your following
that impacts reach. On Pinterest, if you have 1,000
followers, then each of your pins could potentially
reach 1,000 people, until they repin it as their own
and increase the potential exposure.
Types of Reach
Although you will come across terms like “true reach”
and “viral reach”, these kinds of expressions are often
platform specific or interchangeable with one of three
main categories of reach, which are:
Organic Reach: The number of unique people who
saw your organic content.
Paid Reach: The number of unique people who saw
your paid content.
Potential Reach: The potential number of individuals
in a brand’s audience that could have the opportunity
to see a piece of content.
In addition to the three main types of reach, each
platform has its own definition and application of the
metric based on its mechanics.
Facebook: The number of unique people who have
seen content associated with your page. Facebook
also has a metric called viral reach, which is the
number of unique people who saw your post or page
through a friend’s share or mention.
Twitter: The sum of all users mentioning your brand
handle and the sum of their followers.
LinkedIn: How many times your updates were seen –
both organically and through paid campaigns – within
a specified time frame.
Instagram: Measures potential reach as the total
number of people that may have seen your post owing
to the use of a hashtag. This is considered “potential”
reach since your post appears on a hashtag feed and
this doesn’t mean the target user has actually seen it.
Reach vs Impressions
Impressions show the number of times a piece of
content has been displayed. People may see multiple
impressions of the same piece of content, and
each time they see the content it is considered an
impression. Reach, therefore, indicates how many
unique users have seen your content, whereas
impressions indicate how many times your content
has been shown to users.
Reach as a Deliverable
Reach is the precursor metric to all other metrics.
Without reaching an audience, you cannot engage
with them or call them to action. That being said,
there are clients who want to reach specific audiences
or generate mass awareness, in which case reach
becomes a deliverable in and of itself.
Running a Reach Campaign
Although all channels have reach as a metric, some
are better suited to mass reach (Facebook,Outbrain),
while others excel at reaching a targeted audience
The greatest appeal in social channels is that they all
allow for hyper-targeting, but some are better at it
than others.
When choosing a channel on which to place an ad,
the presence of the target audience needs to be
established first and foremost. Another consideration
is where they are on their content journey, since
different audiences use different platforms for
different reasons. All of these things determine how
open users are to certain types of content. By way of
example, it may be a good idea to promote a thought
leadership piece on LinkedIn, but the same audience
may be relatively closed off to the promotion of FMCG
(Fast-moving consumer goods) products on that
same platform.
Growing your social community by acquiring followers and fans
Understanding Community
Acquisition as a Metric
“Follows, likes and fans” are metrics that relate to
the joining of a social community – we refer to these
actions as acquisitions. An acquisition campaign
doesn’t guarantee engagement, sales or conversions.
Instead, community acquisitions such as following
or liking a page or profile are considered opt-ins
to brand messaging. Acquisitions are attractive,
considering a captive audience makes for a
community that is open to your messaging and more
likely to become customers.
Customer vs Community
Customer acquistion and community acquisition are
two very different concepts. The former is leading a
user to purchase your product or service. Community
acquisition, on the other hand, means getting the
attention of a user so that they will opt into your
messaging. While an increased community gives
you more opportunities to convert followers and
fans into customers, community acquisition does not
guarantee sales.
Interacting with your community by grabbing your audience’s attention
Understanding Engagement
as a Metric
Engagement is an interaction by a community
member with a piece of content, page or profile.
Each social platform is different and offers a number
of ways to interact with content. As a result the
metrics that make up engagement are numerous and
depend on the platform. These metrics can be viewed
cumulatively under the metric of engagement or can
be viewed in isolation, under the title of each action.
Engagement as
a Deliverable
Social engagement is popularly considered a core
metric of success, especially in comparison to the
acquisition of followers and reach. Historically,
engagement has been seen as the critical factor that
defines return on investment of social media, and
is in and of itself, a justification for the running of
social campaigns. A number of studies are released
each year, which draw parallels between social
engagement and business critical outcomes such as
Community Acquisition
as a Deliverable
On platforms like Facebook and Twitter, community
acquisition generally has its own ad mechanic in the
form of a direct cost per acquisition (CPA) bid. This is
a direct transaction where money is exchanged for a
targeted follower or fan. On Facebook, the “Promote
your page” option in the basic Ads Manager works
on a “cost per like” or CPA metric. This means you
only pay for the fans that join your community.
Similarly, Twitter offers a “Followers” campaign
option, which allows you to set your cost per follower
bid in the advanced budget options on Twitter Ads,
however, Facebook follower acquisition campaigns
are no longer recommended due to the very limited
potential to reach those followers again via organic
content. Facebook does not recommend advertisers
engage in these campaigns at all at this point.
While a CPA model is often more successful because
of its built-in call to action and bidding metric, the
majority of platforms drive indirect acquisitions
through a CPC (cost per click) or CPM bidding
model. LinkedIn has no CPA option and instead
drives follower acquisition indirectly through CPC
and CPM, coupled with a call to action in the ad
copy. Similarly, YouTube runs on a CPV (cost per
view) bidding system. Instagram and Tumblr run on
a CPC and CPM basis respectively, with no option to
directly bid for subscribers or followers.
Running a Community
Acquisition Campaign
All social platforms are centered around the concept
of communities, and as a result all ad managers can
be used either directly or indirectly for the building
and acquiring of a fan or follower base. The type of
community and targeting options available on the
platform are key considerations when embarking on
an acquisition campaign. Platforms with an inbuilt
CPA bidding model are often faster in building a
community at scale, in comparison to those where
you are unable to bid directly for followers or fans.
customer loyalty, retention, sales, etc. Despite these
studies the causal link between these factors and
engagement is still difficult to prove, and the links are
tenuous at best. Despite all this, engagement is still a
useful indicator of the health of a community.
Types of Engagement
Engagement is defined differently from one social
media platform to the next, although similar in
principle across all of them. Facebook defines
engagement as the number of actions that take
place after a user has viewed an ad. Actions
include comments, likes, shares and post clicks. For
example, two post likes and two comments would
be four engagements. Things that don’t count as
an engagement include reading an update, viewing
an image, clicking on a photo or people joining your
community. Twitter defines engagement as user
interaction with a tweet, card or trend. Engagement
is made up of the number of clicks, retweets,
favourites, follows and replies on either of these.
LinkedIn defines engagement as the amount of
times members clicked, liked, commented or shared
content in both organic and paid campaigns, as well
as the number of followers acquired through paid
Running an Engagement
Very much like acquisition campaigns, engagement
campaigns have their own ad mechanic that varies
from platform to platform.
On Facebook, the “Boost your posts” option is geared
towards generating post and page engagement, as is
the “Tweet engagements” option on Twitter.
LinkedIn gives an advertiser the option of either
placing a text ad or sponsoring an update. Sponsored
updates are tailored to driving engagement with
company-specific content and appear right in the
feeds of the targeted audience. Text Ads appear in
the right rail of the screen and at the top of the page,
and are generally not used to drive engagement, but
rather drive targeted leads across platforms.
Understanding Content
Best Practice
In order to understand how to create content that
builds and facilitates engagement, it is useful to
divide it into three types: native, non-native and
semi-native content. Native content is the back
bone of content marketing. It blends in. Since it is
non-promotional, it creates a conversation and adds
to ongoing conversations in a targeted community.
Native content is often delivered in a voice that is
familiar to the targeted community and is easily
recognised as an extension of your brand. The
content can be in any form and on any platform,
from a text-based tweet and rich media to a piece of
thought leadership or a white paper.
Non-native posts are specifically created to promote
a product or service. Non-native posts show a clear
intention to sell or at the very least move potential
customers through the sales funnel. They are
informational in nature and are not geared towards
generating engagement, but rather towards driving a
conversion. The third type of content, namely semi-
native content, is less cut and dry. Its purpose is to
fulfil the purpose of native and non-native content
simultaneously. Examples of such content are free
webinars or irrestistible giveaways. The purpose of
semi-native content is to provide useful and valuable
content, while moving potential customers through
the sales funnel.
Buy my product / Play my game / Use my app / Visit my website
Understanding Conversion
as a Metric
The MECLABS Institute defines conversions as
“the point at which a recipient of a marketing
message performs a desired action”. In other words,
conversions simply get someone to respond to your
call to action.
What Metrics Make
Up Conversions
A conversion is in essence the attainment of a goal
or an objective. As a result, what constitutes a
conversion is largely dictated by the objectives put
in place. If the objective is to drive website visits,
a user clicking through to the website will count
as a conversion. This works similarly for sales,
downloads, app usage, completing a survey, etc.
What constitutes a metric in the broader sense is as
expansive as it is bespoke, and as a result a closed list
is difficult to put together. However, certain platforms
allow for conversion specific ads in their ad server.
Facebook allows for conversions through the
following ad mechanics using their basic ad server:
Send people to your website: A web visit would be a
conversion and be billed on a cost per web visit basis.
Increase engagement on your website: A specific
action on the website would be the conversion and is
billed on a cost per specific action basis. For example,
visiting a second page or clicking a specific tag would
each count as conversions.
Get app installations: An application install would
be a conversion and is billed on a cost per app install
Increase engagement in your app: Application
engagement on a Facebook app would be a
conversion and is billed on a cost per application
engagement basis.
Get people to claim an offer: The claiming of an offer
would be a conversion and is billed on a cost per offer
claimed basis.
Get video views: The viewing of a video would be a
conversion and is billed on a cost per video view basis.
Raise attendance at an event: Confirmation
of attendance on a Facebook event would be a
conversion and is billed on a cost per attendance
confirmation basis.
Electing to run an ad through a conversion ad
mechanic on Twitter affects how the ad is billed.
When a cost per conversion mechanic is selected,
the advertiser will only be charged for the conversion
and nothing else. For example, when choosing
website clicks, the advertiser is only billed for clicks to
the website that are acquired through the campaign.
All other actions and engagements, including
impressions, replies and retweets, are free. Twitter
allows for conversions through the following ad
Website clicks: A website click or a particular action
on the website would be a conversion and is billed on
a cost per website click basis.
App installs or re-engagements: An application
install or click would be a conversion, based on which
the advertiser chooses to optimise for. This is billed
on a cost per app install basis.
Leads on Twitter: A lead would be a conversion and
is billed on a cost per lead generated basis. What
constitutes a lead is dependent on the endpoint or
CRM system integrated into the lead generation card.
Twitter has a number of preferred endpoint suppliers,
such as MailChimp and Salesforce. A full list can be
found on its website.
Video views: The viewing of a video would be
a conversion and is billed on a cost per video
view basis. Additionally, Twitter has a section for
custom campaigns that create scope for additional
Conversion as a Deliverable
Conversions that are delivered in a single
engagement are relatively easy to track and can be
done through the full set of ad mechanics discussed
in the “What metrics make up conversions” section
of this document (on page 18).
What makes measuring and tracking conversion
difficult historically is the fact that consumers will
often see a piece of content and interact with it, but
only convert much later down the line. Although
the content is essentially what drove or started the
conversion, there is no proof of a causal link between
the content and the conversion.
Similarly, more often than not a sale happens offline
in a physical store, making it nearly impossible to
track the effect of an ad on the physical conversion.
In these cases ­
— for conversions that don’t happen in
a single engagement — there are a number of options
that allow for advanced tracking conversion, such as
CRM integration, the use of conversion pixels and
tagging for post view attribution.
Some platforms, including Twitter and Facebook,
offer robust conversion ad tracking, while other
platforms need to be used in conjunction with third
party tools such as DoubleClick.
Post Click Attribution and
Conversion Tracking
As outlined previously, conversion tracking enables
you to measure your return on investment by
tracking the actions users take after viewing or
engaging with your ads.
Twitter’s conversion tracking lets you attribute
conversions beyond last link click or view, to include
actions driven by all types of ad engagements (such
as link clicks, retweets or likes) and impressions.
Twitter allows you to do this by selecting a window
of time for crediting Twitter with conversions that
happen after a person engages or views an ad.
Advertisers can select post-engagement attribution
windows or post-view attribution windows.
Post-engagement attribution refers to conversions
that happen within a specific window of time after
an engagement. The options for post-engagement
attribution windows are one, two, three, five, seven,
14, 30, 60 or 90 days. If advertisers are unsure,
Twitter recommends a default setting of 14 days.
Post-view attribution refers to a Twitter user seeing
your Promoted Tweet and not directly engaging
with it, but later visiting the website and converting.
Users often see, read and view media in Promoted
Tweets without clicking on them, so including post-
view attribution gives an advertiser insight into
conversions received but not actually charged for.
The options for post-view attribution windows are
none, one, two, three, five, seven, 14, 30, 60 or 90
days. If advertisers are unsure, Twitter recommends
a default setting of one day.
Facebook offers both post-engagement and post-
view attribution windows within one day, seven days
and 28 days after a person clicks or views an ad. The
attribution window can be selected in the Facebook
Ads Manager reports.
Setting up Conversion
Tracking on Twitter
To start measuring conversions, advertisers need
to add a snippet of Twitter code to a page on
the targeted website. The page ideally needs to
correspond to a specific conversion event, such as a
confirmed payment or a successful newsletter sign-
up. Twitter calls this code snippet a website tag, but
it’s more commonly referred to as a tracking script or
a “pixel” by other ad platforms.
Visit the conversion tracking section of Twitter Ads,
accessible via the Tools menu, to create, name, and
generate the code snippet for one or more website
tags. After you place the website tag on a website, it
will begin measuring conversions from Twitter users.
Note: Twitter Ads conversion tracking for websites also
allows advertisers to track conversions from users who
viewed a Promoted Tweet on their mobile devices and
later came to your website on a desktop computer.
Setting up Conversion
Tracking on Facebook
Similarly to Twitter, in order to start measuring
conversions on a website, advertisers need to
generate a conversion tracking pixel and place
the pixel on a page from which they can track the
conversion event.
Through the Facebook advertising platform,
advertisers can use a conversion tracking pixel tool
to create a JavaScript code to place on their website.
The code itself places an invisible 1x1 pixel image on
the relevant page, which sends a message back to
Facebook whenever someone visits or takes a desired
If, for example, an advertiser wants to track
checkouts, the conversion tracking pixel would be
placed on the confirmation page that people see
after completing the checkout process. Whenever
that page loads, the conversion tracking pixel
communicates information that identifies the person
who completed the checkout to Facebook, which
in turn compares this information against the set of
people who viewed or clicked on an ad to see if there
is a match and, therefore, a conversion.
Using multivariate testing to derive insight
Understanding Test & Learn
As agencies and brands become more and more
focused on storytelling and content marketing,
there is a renewed interest in what works and what
doesn’t, and what channels it does or doesn’t work
on. By and large, top level research has been done.
We accept that for the most part, we use LinkedIn
for X, Twitter for Y and Facebook for Z. But we lack
the deeper level of understanding of what appeals to
different target audiences on each of those channels
— of what content works for a particular interest or
age group. In so far as social media itself allows for
insight into what content works and what content
doesn’t, social advertising accelerates the process
and provides the back-end system to measure and
track the trivial details of how different aspects of
a campaign perform in relation to others. Test and
learn campaigns are based on the concept of A/B
testing theory. Therefore, in order to understand the
benefits and rationale of a test and learn campaign,
it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the
A/B Testing
A/B testing is a form of statistical hypothesis testing
with two variants used in the field of statistics. It
is essentially a randomised experiment with two
variants — A and B — which are the control and
treatment in an experiment. In online settings such as
web design, the goal is to identify which changes to a
website increase or maximise the click through rate
(CTR) for a banner advertisement, the bounce rate or
any other outcome of interest. Formally, the existing
website is considered the null hypothesis.
In A/B testing, as the name implies, two versions of
the website (version A and version B) are compared
to each other. They are identical except for a single
variation that might affect a user’s behavior. Version
A could be the existing website (control), while
version B is modified in some respect (treatment).
An e-commerce website may, for example, present a
slight change to its purchasing funnel ­
— typically to
reduce drop-off rates. A/B testing multiple times and
thereby reducing drop-off rates even marginally can
represent a significant gain in sales.
Test and learn campaigns result in insights such as
tech media being more responsive to content that
is phrased colloquially versus being jargon-heavy,
and risk mitigation decision makers being 80% more
likely to engage with headlines that use exclamation
marks versus those that use question marks.
Test & Learn Metrics
A test and learn campaigns’ primary metric is
based on insight, not performance. Campaigns of
this nature answer questions such as, “How do I
know what kind of content I should be writing for
my target audience?”, “What kind of ad or media
format does my audience prefer?”, “On which
platform is my target audience more likely to engage
with my content?”, “What tone should I use for
my demographic?”, and “Which channels are most
responsive to my messaging?”
Most social media campaign planning tools give a
broad idea of audience size and penetration, but they
do little to indicate the engagement of that audience.
For instance, while LinkedIn may have a good base
of 100,000 cardiologists to target, it may be a poor
choice of platform if only 5% of them are active on
a monthly basis. Especially if proven that there is
greater potential engagement from a more active —
albeit smaller — base on Twitter.
Running Test & Learn
Most test and learn campaigns begin with a
hypothesis and broadly testing a number of elements.
Based on the results of the initital test, the campaign
starts building on the learnings, narrowing the testing
parameters until a batch of insights are reached.
Only one variable is tested per campaign set, and
each ad makes changes to that variable but are
otherwise identical. This is to avoid other metrics
influencing the results. The different ads are then
benchmarked against each other.
Test and learn campaigns are time consuming and
often require the setting up of hundreds or even
thousands of ad variations and then sorting through
the reams to data to draw out valuable insights.
How to Build a Test & Learn
Test and learn campaigns have traditionally been
run through each social platforms’ native ad servers,
using a combination of Google Analytics and custom
UTM parameters. In this way, we are able to test
clicks to website. There, a number of third-party ad
servers and tools make variant tracking easier.
UTM Parameters
UTM codes are snippets of text added to the end of
a URL to help you track the success of your content
on the web. If your client's website uses Google
Analytics, UTMs can be built using the Google UTM
Why Facebook?
More than two billion people connect to Facebook
each month. Of those two billion people, 1.32 billion
connect to Facebook at least once daily. When you
run a Facebook advert, you choose the audience that
sees it by location, age, interests and more, making
your adverts more relevant for the people who see
What ads are available?
Boost your Posts: When you choose to boost your
posts, you’ll create an ad from content you’ve already
posted on your business page. This is recommended
if your goal is to increase engagement on your post
and get people seeing, liking, commenting on and
sharing your page content.
Promote your Page: When you choose to promote
your page, your ad will be optimised to reach people
in your target audience who are likely to engage
with your page. This is a good option if you want to
engage with your audience or reach new customers.
Send People to your Website: When you choose
to send people to your website, you set a custom
destination URL to redirect people to your website’s
homepage, online store, contact page or any page
you want people to see. By default, your ad will be
optimised to reach people who are likely to click on
your ad.
Increase Conversions on your Website: When you
choose to increase conversions on your website,
you are required to add a piece of code to your
website, on a page you want to track conversions
on. For instance, if you wanted to track how many
people saw your ad and then went and purchased
the product you were advertising, the code would be
on your website’s purchase confirmation page. By
default, your ad will be optimised to reach people in
your target audience who are likely to convert.
Get Installs of your App: When you choose to
get installs of your app, you’ll create an ad with a
link to the relevant app store from which people
can download and install your app. If you want to
measure the number of app installs, you can integrate
your app with the Facebook software development
kit (SDK).
Increase Engagement in your App: When you
choose to increase engagement in your app, you’ll
send people to areas in your app that you want them
to go, such as to an online store or to a feedback
form. If you want to measure the success of your ad,
you can integrate your app with the Facebook SDK.
Reach People Near your Business: When you
choose to reach people near your business, you’ll
target people in and around your local community
by setting a radius around your business’ physical
location. Running this type of campaign will help
you increase foot traffic to your store and encourage
physical purchases. It will also build awareness of
your business within your local community.
Raise Attendance at your Event: When you choose
to raise attendance at your event, you’ll create an
event ad that people can add to their calendar on
Facebook. People will get reminders about your
event, and you’ll be able to see how many people
responded to your invitation.
Get People to Claim your Offer: When you choose
to get people to claim your offer, you’ll create an ad
with a short-term sale, discount or special deal. You
are then able to choose your target audience and
limit the amount of people who are able to claim the
offer before it expires.
Get Video Views: When you choose to get video
views, you’re able to create ads that include
embedded videos, which can help you tell your
brand’s story and build awareness on Facebook.
Which call-to-action
options are available?
•	 Apply Now
•	 Book Now
•	 Contact Us
•	 Donate Now
•	 Download
•	 Learn More
•	 Request Time
•	 See Menu
•	 Shop Now
•	 Sign Up
•	 Watch More
What targeting options
are available?
You can mix and match any of the below options to
achieve desired results:
Custom Audience: Allows the use of email
addresses, phone numbers, Facebook user IDs or app
user IDs to create and save audiences you’d like to
show your ads to.
Location, Age, Gender and Language: Allows the
selection of the basic demographics of the audience
you want to reach.
Interests: Choose specific interests that are
important to your audience. These are determined by
what people are connected to on Facebook, such as
pages and apps.
Behaviours: Select people based on purchase
behaviours or intents, device usage and more. These
behaviours are determined by what people are
connected to on Facebook, such as pages and apps.
More Categories: Select people based on any of the
Facebook or partner categories you’ve requested
access to. Some data is only available to advertisers
in the United States.
Custom Audiences: Custom Audiences are target
audiences of people you already know created
from information you provide or from information
generated on Facebook’s products.
Connections: Select your audience based on whether
or not they’re connected to any of your pages, apps
or events. Someone who likes any of these things
will bring with them a network of connections. These
connections will see their friend’s connection to your
brand when seeing your ads. This can increase the
likelihood that they’ll find your ad relevant enough to
click on or engage with.
What buying Options
are available?
Facebook allows you to pick the method by which you
pay for and target ads in your campaigns. You can
choose between dynamic auction bidding, fixed-price
bidding, or reach and frequency buying.
Auction bidding: This is the most prefered/
recommended method of buying advertising on
Facebook. For each ad impression, the Facebook ad
auction system selects the best ads to run based
on the ads’ maximum bids and ad performance. All
ads on Facebook compete against each other in this
process, and the ads that it’s system determines to be
the most likely to be successful will win the auction.
To help gain competitive positioning at auction,
consider raising your bid. The bid that wins may
be lower than the maximum bid set for ads, so it is
recommended that you enter your true maximum bid.
This may help ensure you don’t miss out on clicks or
impressions that you otherwise could’ve received.
Reach and Frequency buying: This is an alternative
method for buying ads that lets you book campaigns
in advance with predictable, optimized reach and
accurate frequency. Reach and frequency buying can
help you have a greater impact on brand perception,
raise awareness of your product or drive on or offline
sales. Optimizing toward reach, rather than clicks or
actions, can also ensure the lowest cost per reach
and cost per person impacted. A person is considered
impacted when your ad has its intended effect on
that person.
A good example is when advertisers with large
market share and high levels of brand awareness use
reach and frequency to lower the number of times
people are shown their ads in order to increase the
number of people who are shown their ads.
Note: Access to the reach and frequency buying
type is rolling out gradually and may not be
available to you at this time.
What bidding options
are available?
Cost Per Click (CPC) Bidding: When bidding on a
CPC basis, you’ll pay for every click your ad receives.
Clicks may include likes, comments and shares.
Facebook will optimise your ad in order to find the
people most likely to click on your ad. CPC is used
when your objective is audience engagement. With
CPC, you have the option to set a manual bid. Your
bid is the maximum amount you’re willing to pay
per click. For example, if you set your bid to $1, you’ll
never spend more than $1 dollar per click. In some
cases, you may spend less than your bid.
To choose CPC or to set a manual bid, choose “Show
Advanced Options” in the Budget & Schedule section
of Ads Creation.
CPM Bidding: Think of impressions like views: the
first time your ad is served to someone in their news
feed, mobile news feed or as a right column ad, it will
count as an impression. CPM is a good choice for
your business if you want to build brand awareness.
If your CPM is set at $1, you’ll be charged $1 for every
1,000 impressions on your ad.
Payment methods
You can use various payment methods to settle your
Facebook advertising account, including credit cards,
PayPal and insertion orders/Credit Lines. You can
view all of your currently active credit cards as well
as any active advertising coupons under the Payment
Methods tab of your advertising account.
Note: FleishmanHillard only buys via insertion order/
Credit line and recieves monthly invoices. This is a
standard FH protocol
How you’re billed: Facebook uses a threshold system
so that your account is charged less often, meaning
that as the budget for your campaign is spent, you’re
only billed when your costs hit certain thresholds.
For example, in the US, the first threshold is $25,
and this rises with each successful charge to $50,
$250, $500 and $750. Countries that use euros have
similar thresholds. If your advertising costs don’t hit
the first threshold amount, you’re billed at the end of
the month
Power Editor
The Power Editor is a tool designed for advertisers
who need to create a large volume of ads all at once
and still require precise control of their campaigns.
If you don’t need to create hundreds of ads at scale,
we recommend that you use your Business Manager.
Find more information on how to use the Power
Editor here.
Advertising policy
Your ads may not contain:
•	 Deceptive, false, or misleading content, including
deceptive claims, offers, or business practices.
•	 Content that exploits controversial political or
social issues for commercial purposes.
•	 Direct people to non-functional landing pages.
This includes landing page content that interferes
with a person’s ability to navigate away from the
•	 Promote the sale of spy cams, mobile phone
trackers or other hidden surveillance equipment.
•	 Contain profanity or bad grammar and
punctuation. Symbols, numbers, and letters must
be used properly.
•	 Contain images that portray nonexistent
functionality. For example, an image with a “play”
button but does not have a functional video to
•	 Contain “before-and-after” images or images that
contain unexpected or unlikely results. Ad content
must not imply or attempt to generate negative
self-perception in order to promote diet, weight
loss, or other health related products. Ads for
health, fitness or weight loss products must be
targeted to people 18 years or older.
•	 Contain audio or flash animation that plays
automatically without a person’s interaction or
expands within Facebook after someone clicks on
Page Likes &
Event Responses
Design Recommendations
- Recommended image size:
1200x444 pixels
- Image ratio: 2.7:1
- Text: 90 characters
- Headline: 25 characters
- Your image may not include
more than 20% text
Clicks to Website &
Website Conversion &
Local Awareness
Design Recommendations
- Recommended image size:
1,200x628 pixels
- Image ratio: 1.9:1
- Text: 90 characters
- Headline: 25 characters
- Link description: 30 characters
- Your image may not include
more than 20% text
Page Post
Engagement Photo
Design Recommendations
- Recommended news feed
image size: 1,200 x 900 pixels
- News feed image ratio: 4:3
- Right column image size:
254x133 pixels
- Right column image ratio: 1.9:1
- Text: 90 characters (longer
posts may be truncated on
small screens)
- Your image may not include
more than 20% text
Page Post
Engagement Text
Design Recommendations
- Text: 500 characters (longer
posts may be truncated on
small screens)
Desktop App Installs &
App Engagement
Design Recommendations
- Recommended image size:
1200x628 pixels
- Image ratio: 1.9:1
- Text: 90 characters
- Your image may not include
more than 20% text
Your star rating from the App
Store or Google Play store will
automatically be shown on
your advert.
Offer Claim
Design Recommendations
- Recommended image size:
1200x628 pixels
- Image ratio: 1.9:1
- Offer title: 25 characters
- Text: 90 characters
- Your image may not include
more than 20% text
Page Post Engagement Video
& Video Views
Design Recommendations
- Text: 90 characters
- Thumbnail image size: Should
match the aspect ratio of your
video. Your thumbnail image
may not include more than 20%
- Video: H.264 video compression,
high-profile preferred, square
pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive
- Frames: 30 fps max.
- Format: .mp4 container ideally
with leading mov atom, no edit lists
- Recommended aspect ratio:
1.33:1 / 4:3 / SDTV, 1.375:1 /
film, 1.77 / 16.9 / HDTV, 1.85:1 /
Film, 2:39:1 or 2:40:1 /
Wide-screen, no pillar boxing or
letter boxing
- Audio: Stereo AAC audio
compression, 128 kbps+ preferred
- File size: Up to 1.75 GB max.
- Bit rate: No limit to bit rate file
if you're using two-pass encoding,
as long as your file doesn't exceed
1 GB. Otherwise, 8 megabits per
second for 1080p and 4 megabits
per second for 720p
- Length: 45 minutes max
Right Column
Website Clicks, Website
Conversion, Page Post
Engagement, App Installs,
App Engagement, Offer
Claims & Video Views
- Image: 254x133 pixels
- Text: 90 characters
- Headline: 25 characters
Page Likes & Event Responses
- Image: 254x94 pixels
- Text: 90 characters
- Headline: 25 characters
Facebook Creavtive Studio, create and test mock ups (Click Here)
App Installs: Mobile App
- Recommended image size:
1200x628 pixels
- Image ratio: 1.9:1
- Text: 90 characters
- Your image may not include
more than 20% text
App Installs: Mobile App
On mobile devices with a
screen size of 640x1136 pixels:
- Image: 560 pixels wide
- Text: 110 characters
Website Conversions: Carousel
& App Install Carousel
This advert format allows potential
customers to scroll through the
products you've showcased. Each
product links to a different section of
your website.
On mobile devices with a screen size
of 640x1136 pixels:
- Image displays as: 460x460 pixels
- Text: 120 characters
- Headline: 1–2 lines (depending
on length)
- Link description: 1 line
Why Instagram?
With a global community of more than 600 million
registered users, Instagram is one of the world’s
largest mobile ad platforms. Businesses can share
their stories with a highly engaged audience in a
creative, high-quality environment. Instagram ads are
available globally for all businesses — big and small.
You can create ads for Instagram using Power Editor
and the Facebook Ads API.
Which ads are available?
Brand Awareness: Drive mass awareness to a
broad audience with guaranteed impressions and
placement in the top ad position of Instagram’s feed.
Available ad formats are image, video, story and
Clicks to Website: Send people to important
sections of your website. Available ad formats are
image, video and carousel.
Mobile App Installs: Get people to install a mobile
app. Available ad formats are image and video.
Video Views: Promote videos to raise awareness
about your brand.
Lead Generation: Allows consumers to fill out a form
with their contact information. You can also track
lead conversion events on your own website using
the Facebook pixel.
Store Visits: Lets you create dynamic local ads for
multiple store locations so you can drive store visits
and in-store sales. This objective also lets you target
people within a set distance of one or many of your
store locations with ads designed to help people
navigate to or contact the location closest to them.
Photo Ads: Tell your story through a clean, simple
and beautiful creative canvas. Photos can be in
square or landscape format.
Video Ads: Get the same visually immersive quality
as photo ads, with the added power of sight, sound
and motion. And now, you can share videos that are
up to 60 seconds long in landscape or square format.
Carousel Ads: The carousel format allows you to
showcase up to 10 images or videos within a single
ad, each with its own link. With more creative space
within an ad, you can highlight different products,
showcase specific details about one product, service
or promotion, or tell a story about your brand that
develops across each carousel card.
Instagram Stories ads: These full screen vertical ads
appear between Instagram user stories for up to 15
seconds, or until the user dismisses the ad.
What targeting options are
Custom Audience: Allows the use of email
addresses, phone numbers, or Facebook or Instagram
user IDs to create and save audiences you’d like to
show ads to.
Location, Age, Gender and Language: Allows the
selection of the basic demographics of the audience
you want to reach.
Interests: Choose specific interests that are
important to your audience. These are determined by
what people are connected to on Facebook, such as
pages and apps.
Behaviours: Select people based on purchase
behaviours or intent, device usage and more. These
behaviours are determined by what people are
connected to on Facebook, such as pages and apps.
More Categories: Select people based on any
Facebook or partner categories you’ve requested
access to. Some data is only available to advertisers
in the United States.
Connections: Select your audience based on whether
or not they’re connected to any of your pages, apps
or events. Anyone who has a friend connected to
what you’re advertising will see their friend included
in your ad. This can increase the likelihood that they’ll
find your ad relevant enough to click on or engage
with. Selecting multiple options for Connections
will limit your audience to people who fall under all
parameters exclusively. For example, if you want to
target both fans and friends of fans, you need to set
up two seperate ad campaigns. Selecting both of
these options in the same campaign will cause it to
target only people who are already fans and also have
friends who are fans, which would drastically reduce
your reach.
Payment methods
You can use various payment methods to settle your
Instagram advertising account, including direct debit,
credit cards, PayPal, manul payment (cash/bank
transfer) and insertion orders. You can view all of
your currently active credit cards as well as any active
advertising coupons under the Payment Methods tab
of your Facebook advertising account.
Note: FleishmanHillard only buys via insertion
order/Credit line and recieves monthly invoices.
This is a standard FH protocol
Ad creation
Instagram app: The easiest way to run adverts is by
promoting posts that you’ve shared on Instagram.
Simply select the post that you want to promote, then
track how many people see and interact with your
promoted post in the app.
Power Editor: Instagram ads can also be created the
same way you create Facebook ads in Ads Manager
or Power Editor. Although it is recommended to have
an Instagram account, it is not an absolute must-
have to run ads on the platform. You are however
required to have a Facebook page in order to run ads
on Instagram.
Why Twitter?
The Twitter self-service ads platform includes more
than 200 countries and territories, and with over
320 million users. Unlike other social networks,
there are virtually no algorithms restricting content
distribution and users are not limited to interact
with those they “friend” or “follow”. This is coupled
with an unrestrictive API (Application Programming
Interface) and the platform’s popularity among news
media, celebrities and broadcast television.
What ads are available?
Traditionally, Twitter adverts are categorised by ad
type, but the ad creation dashboard has since been
recategorised to define adverts by KPI or goal, much
the same way Facebook defines its adverts.
Promoted Tweets: Used to encourage people to click
on a link and read your content. This is the easiest
type of campaign to put together. Advertisers can
either compose a new tweet on the campaign page or
just choose to promote one they’ve already published.
Promoted Tweets are ordinary tweets that reach a
wider group of users than an advertiser’s existing
follower base. These tweets are clearly labeled as
being promoted when they appear in users’ news
feeds, but in every other respect Promoted Tweets
act just like regular tweets and can be retweeted,
replied to, liked and more. They are charged on a
CPE basis — advertisers only pay for engagements
and not for the impressions they receive as a result
of the campaign. Engagements are defined as clicks,
retweets, likes, follows and replies on a Promoted
Promoted Accounts: Follower acquisition campaign
used by advertisers to promote their Twitter account
with the aim of growing their handle’s following with
relevant users. These ads appear not only in the news
feed, but also in “Who to follow” widgets throughout
Twitter. These campaigns run on a CPA basis -
advertisers do not pay for any engagement that
resulted from the campaign, but rather per follow.
These campaigns are set up for the sole purpose of
gaining new Twitter followers. They’re basic — just
text with an image.
Promoted Video Views: A promoted video campaign
used by advertisers to promote their video to a wider
audience than their existing follower base. These
videos are clearly labeled as being promoted when
they appear in users’ news feeds, but in every other
respect Promoted video act just like regular video
on Twitter and can be retweeted, replied to, liked
and more. These campaigns run on a CPV basis
- advertisers do not pay for any engagement that
resulted from the campaign, but rather per view the
video gains.
Website Clicks & Conversions: Used to add a call-
to-action button to a Promoted Tweet. It’s best to
use this type of campaign to promote a piece of
content that has an actionable conversion, such as
an ebook that can be downloaded in exchange for
an email address. Advertisers create a Website Card
which includes an image, a headline, a URL and a
call to action. Website Cards add a visual touch that
prompts users to click through to your content. In
order to track this campaign, a tag needs to be added
to the webpage that the conversions happen on.
Leads on Twitter: Similar to the conversions
campaign, with the difference being that a Lead
Generation Card is added to the tweet instead of a
Website Card. The Lead Generation Card is optimised
for gathering email addresses directly from Twitter.
Promoted Trends: Trends are popular topics within
a given time period; they are primarily defined by
a common hashtag (but also by topic). In order
for something to trend, it needs to be in the most
popular topics of the day during a given time period
within a given area. Promoted Trends are trends that
have been bought for a 24-hour period. The trend is
essentially elevated through spend to be one of the
most popular topics of the day in a particular area.
These paid Promoted Trends appear at the top of the
Trending Topics list on Twitter and are clearly marked
as promoted. They will also occasionally show on
users’ news feeds.
Promoted Trends are a good way to kickstart a
conversation, launch new products, run major
campaigns or drive mass awareness around key
dates. This option comes with a special dashboard
that gives advertisers insight into trend performance
and other analytics. Promoted Trends can only be set
up through a Twitter account manager.
Awareness Campaign: The Awareness Objective
will help you reach more of your customers and drive
better awareness for your brand. The awareness
objective uses the standard targeting features you’ve
seen on other Twitter Ads campaigns. So you can
focus on any targeted or Tailored Audiences that
have been successful for you in the past, or use this
campaign to test new ones. These campaigns run on
a CPM basis - where you will be charged for every
1000 impressions.
First View: An engaging and highly visible way to
share your brand story with compelling video creative
across Twitter. First View helps advertisers achieve
significant audience reach with exclusive ownership
of the top ad slot of Twitter’s timeline for a 24-hour
period. When users first visit the Twitter app or log
in to, the top ad slot in the timelines
will be a Promoted Video from that brand. When
an advertiser is to use a first view campaign it is
accompanied by a promoted trend for the 24 hour
Twitter Cards
By simply adding a few lines of HTML to their
website, advertisers can attach rich media and videos
to the tweets of users that are sending people to
their content. Each of these tweets will have a “card”
added to their tweet that is visible to all of their
Website Cards give users a quick overview and an
easy way to visit a website.
Lead Generation Cards make it easy for people to
express interest in what is offered. Use these cards to
capture user data directly from within Twitter.
Basic App Cards are a good way to drive installs of
your apps on iOS and Android mobile devices. Basic
App Cards fetch all relevant information from the
stores and show them in the card.
Image App Cards also drive installs of your apps like
Basic App Cards, but allows an image to be added.
Video App Cards also drive installs of your apps like
Basic App Cards, but allows a video to be added.
Summary Cards can be used for many kinds of
web content, from blog posts and news articles to
products and restaurants. They are designed to give
users a preview of the content before clicking through
to the website.
Summary Cards with Large Images feature a
prominent, full-width image alongside a tweet. They
are designed to catch the eye of users scrolling down
their news feed.
Conversational Cards include call to action buttons
with customizable hashtags that encourages
consumer engagement. When a call to action
button is tapped, the tweet composer opens with a
pre-populated brand message accompanied by the
creative and hashtag buttons. The consumer can then
personalize the Tweet and share it with his or her
What targeting options are
Language: Reach people who understand a particular
Interests: Connect with Twitter users based on
their passions. Scale your reach with more than 350
interest categories. This is a great option when you
want to target more broadly.
Followers: Reach people with specific interests or
who are similar to followers of specific accounts. This
is the recommended option when you’re looking to
target a niche audience.
Tailored Audiences: You can reach users on Twitter
who you currently market to via other channels.
Tailored Audiences uses your own CRM list and
targets them with a specific message on Twitter.
Keywords: Reach people that search, tweet about
or engage with specific keywords. Deliver messages
to users in the right moment based on what they’ve
recently tweeted or engaged with in tweets.
Emoji: Reach people that search, tweet about or
engage with specific emoji’s.
Television: Reach people who tweet about or
engage with tweets related to specific television
Geography and Language: Connect with a global
audience or narrow the reach of your campaign to
a specific country, province/state or zip code. If you
have language-specific messaging, you can also reach
people who tweet in that particular language.
Device: Target users based on how they’re accessing
Twitter, including their OS version, physical device
and WiFi connectivity.
Behaviour: Reach high-intent audiences on Twitter
based on shopping and spending patterns.
Gender: Tailor a specific message to men or women
to increase relevance.
Payment methods
Twitter Ads currently accepts credit cards, and offers
credit (insertion orders) to selected advertisers who
meet the eligibility criteria. If you have been offered
a credit through one of Twitter’s official resellers, the
credit will appear and be displayed on your Billing
History page.
Note: FleishmanHillard only buys via insertion order
and recieves monthly invoices. This is a standard FH
How you’re billed: Your credit card will be billed as
you accrue charges, depending on the daily and total
budgets you set in the advertising interface. You can
be charged as often as once a day or a maximum of
every seven days. If you are running the campaign
based on an insertion order, you will only be billed at
the end of the month based on the amount you spent,
regardless of the size of your credit.
Bidding options available
When setting up a Promoted Tweets campaign,
you’ll be given several bidding options, depending on
your objective. For most objectives, you can choose
automatic bidding or maximum bidding.
Automatic: Your bid will be optimised to get the best
results at the lowest price (within your budget). You
will pay the optimised price for each engagement
Maximum: You indicate the maximum you are willing
to pay for an engagement. You won’t pay more than
your maximum bid, and you may pay less.
Target bidding: You indicate your target cost per link
click or lead. Your bids are automatically optimised
to achieve this average cost on a daily basis, typically
within 20% of your target. You will pay the actual
average cost for all link clicks or leads. This feature
is available for “Website Clicks and Conversions” or
“Leads on Twitter” campaigns.
Changing your target bid or bid type: Twitter
optimises campaigns towards the highest target bid
entered each day. The following day, it will begin
optimising for the target bid that was set at the end
of the previous day. When you update a bid by, for
example, changing from “maximum” to “target”
bidding or adjusting the target bid number, it will take
up to two days for the change to reflect in campaign
Prohibited content
Twitter prohibits the promotion of products or
services in the following categories:
•	 Adult or sexual products and services;
•	 Drugs and drug paraphernalia;
•	 Endangered species products;
•	 Hate content, sensitive topics, and violence;
•	 Illegal products and services;
•	 Spyware and illegal hacking;
•	 Tobacco and tobacco accessories;
•	 Unauthorised ticket sales;
•	 Weapons and weapon accessories; and
•	 Trade restrictions
Twitter restricts the promotion of products or
services in the following categories:
•	 Alcohol content
•	 Financial services
•	 Gambling content
•	 Health and pharmaceutical products and services
•	 Political campaigning
Note: Restrictions can be based on the specific
product or service being promoted, as well as the
country that the campaign is targeting.
Ad limitations and
•	 Your profile photo, header photo, and background
may not use animated images.
•	 You may not include excessive or unnecessary
capitalisation or punctuation to draw attention to
your ad.
•	 Don’t use punctuation, spaces or symbols in your
hashtags; these cause a break in the hashtag.
•	 Your Twitter Ads copy should be legible and clear.
Use correct grammar and spelling.
•	 Don’t use content or language that could offend
or shock your audience (e.g. profanity).
•	 Don’t use images that are gimmicky, misleading
or which are otherwise of low editorial quality.
Promoted Trends
- Promoted Trends are positioned at the top of the
Trends list for a 24-hour window and are clearly
marked with a promoted icon.
- Promoted Trends are made up of a 140 character
tweets and only bought through a Twitter
account manager.
- Costs around $200,000 a day.
Promoted accounts are used for
follower acquisition.
Promoted accounts appear on:
- Home timeline
- “Who to follow” widget on the right
side of the Home and Notifications
tabs, people search results page and
the right side of the profile page
Best practice:
- Do: Include “follow us” in your Tweet.
- Do: Let the user know why they
should follow you.
- Don’t: Add extra links or photos that
will distract from the follow button.
Who to follow
Name @Handle
Name @Handle
Name @Handle
Promoted by
Name @Handle
Promoted by
Name @LeadGen
Promoted by
Name @AppCard
Promoted Accounts
Promoted by
Name @Handle
Name @Handle
Promoted Tweet
Website Card
Enables you to feature your website content within
a tweet and allows the user to click through to your
website directly from the card.
Details needed:
- Headline - 70 characters
- An image 800x320px
- Call to action - selected from a list of options
Lead Generation Card
Generate inbound interest from users by allowing
them to easily share their information with you
from within a tweet. Lead Generation Cards
automatically capture the user’s name, username,
and email address and lets them send this to
you with one click.
Details needed:
- Short description - 70 characters
- An image 800x200px
- Call to action - 20 characters
- Card detail URL
- Privacy policy URL
- Lead submission URL
- Destination submission URL (optional)
App Cards (Basic, Image & Video)
A great way to drive installs for your apps on iOS
and Android mobile devices. Basic App Cards use
your information from the iOS App Store and
Google Play to show in the card.
Details needed:
- An app on iOS or Android
- Primary app store territory
- Call to action - selected from a list of options
- iPhone/iPad/Google Play App ID
- iPhone/iPad/Google Play deep link
- Optional custom icon 144x144px
- Optional custom app description - 100 characters
- Image for image app 800x320px
- Video from your video library on Twitter
Recorded on iPhone or Andriod OS 4.1 &
higher. Imported from an iPhone or iPad or
uploaded to
Other Card Types:
- Summary Card
- Summary Card with Large Image
- Player Card
Convo Cards
advertisers can drive more earned media and
brand influence with our new conversational ads.
These formats, exclusive to Twitter, make it even
easier for consumers to engage with and then
spread a brand’s campaign message. It’s a
powerful way for advertisers to extend their
presence across Twitter.
Details needed:
- Headline - 23 Characters
- Hashtags - 21 Characters
- Pre-populated user tweet for hashtag
selection - 116 Characters
- Thank you text - 23 Characters
- An image 800x320px
Tweet engagement campaigns allow
you to extend the reach of your content
to a relevant audience on Twitter.
You can promote tweets that are
published organically or choose to
create tweets that are only promoted
to the audiences you target.
Promoted Tweets appear in:
- Home timeline
- Tweet search
Best practice:
- 40 characters remaining (images
count as 23 characters)
- Images best formatted to 1024x512px
Promoted by
Name @WebCard
Twitter Cards
Promoted by
Name @ConvoCard
#Option 1
#Option 2
#Option 4
#Option 3
Promoted by
Name @First View
Promoted Video &
First View
Promote your videos to reach a
targeted, engaged audience. Your
videos will auto-play on scroll,
encouraging people to tap or click.
Promoted Videos appear in:
- Home timeline
Best practice:
- File Type: MP4 or MOV
- File Size: No limit, but
recommended under 1GB
- Max Time: 10 minutes
Video Tweet:
- Tweet Copy: 116 characters
- Title (under video): 70 characters
- Description (under video): 200
- Supported file types: PNG or JPEG
- Recommended aspect ratio: 16:9
- Minimum size: 640px X 360px
- Max size: 5MB
Promoted by
Promoted by
Promoted by
Name @Handle
Name @Handle
Name @Handle
Name @Handle
Name @Handle
Twitter Cards
Promoted Tweets
Promoted Accounts
Just started trending
2,400 Tweets about this trend
Just started trending
1,800 Tweets about this trend
Just started trending
500 Tweets about this trend
Just started trending
Promoted Tweets
Promoted by
Promoted by
Name @Handle
Name @Handle
Name @Handle
Name @Handle
Convosational Card
#Option 1
#Option 2
#Option 4
#Option 3
Promoted by
Promoted by
Name @Handle
Name @Handle
Name @Handle
Name @Handle
Name @Handle
Promoted Tweets
Promoted Tweets
Promoted Video &
First View
Why LinkedIn?
Connect with the world’s largest audience of active,
influential professionals. Raise brand awareness, build
relationships and drive quality leads with Sponsored
Updates. Extend your reach to the LinkedIn feed
across web, mobile and tablet.
What ads are available?
Text Ads: place your ads in front of the audiences
who matter most – and drive them to your website
or landing pages. These ads appear in a number of
places, such as a user’s inbox, and on the side and
bottom of the homepage. Self-service display ads
give you the ability to include an image or video, as
well as ad copy.
Sponsored Content: Where other ads show up on
the sides or at the tops of pages, Sponsored Content
appears right in the user’s news stream, which will
typically lead to more engagement.
Sponsored InMail: Sponsored InMail gives
advertisers the ability to send a form of email
message to any of the more than 300 million
LinkedIn users. The InMail feature also uses
LinkedIn’s robust segmenting features to choose a
highly targeted group of users to send your message
to. LinkedIn has imposed a limit on the number of
sponsored InMails that a user can receive in a certain
time period. Each user is only able to receive one
InMail every 60 days.
Display Ads: Reach your target audience in
a premium context through your preferred
programmatic buying platform. Display ads use intent
based targeting through your own first- or third-party
data to retarget website visitors, CRM contacts,
lookalike audiences, and more.
Dynamic Ads: Engage the professionals that matter
most with dynamically generated, personalized ads.
Dynamic Ads allow you to precisely target decision-
makers and influencers with highly relevant and
customizable creative.
What targeting options
are available?
LinkedIn allows for multiple targeting parameters that
can be used together to effectively hyper target niche
audience groups.
Note: A maximum of 100 selections are permitted
per targeting option.
Location: LinkedIn allows you to include or exclude
countries, provinces, states, cities or towns that you
wish to target or exclude.
Company Name: Advertisers are able to target
or exclude a specific company or a number of
companies on LinkedIn from their targeting
parameters. Using company name as a targeting
parameter will limit you from using industry or
company size targeting.
Company Industry: Advertisers are able to target
or exclude a specific industry from a closed list of
options, e.g. Agriculture or IT.
Company Size: Advertisers are able to include or
exclude companies of various sizes in pre-defined
size bands, e.g. 1-10 or 11 - 50.
Job Title: Advertisers can select one or more job
titles to target. e.g. Financial Manager or Digital
Strategist. Using job title as a targeting parameter will
limit you from using job function.
Job Function: Target users in specific job functions
from a closed list, e.g. Marketing or Accounting.
Job Seniority: Target users at different levels of
seniority from a closed list of options, e.g. CEO or
Member Schools: The schools or universities users
have listed.
Fields of Study: The fields of study users have listed.
Degrees: The degrees users have listed.
Member Skills: The skills users have listed.
Member Groups: The LinkedIn groups members are
a part of.
Member Gender: The gender users have listed.
Member Age: The age users have listed.
Years of experience: The years your audience has
worked in the current industry.
Company Followers: Choose between targeting only
people who follow your company page or exclude
targeting people who follow your company page
Company Connections: Target the first-degree
connections of employees at the companies you
select. Only companies with more than 500
employees are eligible..
What is Audience
This free feature broadens the reach of a campaign by
showing it to audiences with similar attributes to the
targeted audience. Enabling this feature helps scale
the campaign’s reach and discover new audiences.
It will automatically expand the audience to include
members with similar characteristics, such as
groups, companies or skills. Metrics for impressions
and clicks includes both the target audience and
expanded audience activity. The audience count
won’t include members from Audience Expansion.
Where will my
ads appear?
Text Ads: Text Ads appear under “Ads you may be
interested in” and as text link advertisements found
at the top of the homepage. They only appear on
desktops and not on mobile or tablet devices.
Sponsored Content: Sponsored Content appears
in the homepage feed of members in the target
audience, and may apear on the right rail of the home
page. They are served on desktop, and most mobile
and tablet devices.
Messaging: Sponsored InMail messages are only
delivered to a LinkedIn members inbox when the
member is active on LinkedIn. And strict delivery
frequency caps ensure your message gets noticed.
Payment methods
LinkedIn accepts credit cards and SEPA direct debit
for certain countries using euros. In addition to credit
cards, you can pay with debit and pre-paid cards
issued by any of the major card networks. LinkedIn
does not accept PayPal as a payment method for any
of their advertising products.
Note: FleishmanHillard only buys via insertion order and
recieves monthly invoices. This is a standard FH protocol
Mobile Sponsored Update
- TEXT: The amount of text in a Sponsored Update is limited based on the
device it is viewed on. Desktop ads can have up to 300 characters before
being truncated, 160 on a tablet, and 35 on a mobile device.
- IMAGE: Images can be embedded in the following types: .jpg, .gif, and
.png. The max size is 350x265 pixels.
- VIDEO: Videos cannot be embedded; however, linking from other sites
allows LinkedIn users to easily find videos. YouTube videos are able
to play on the site in the YouTube video player, with a size of 700x700
- LINK: You can sponsor an update that has a link to an external piece of
content. This is great if you are looking to drive people to an external
landing page for lead generation or an exclusive offer. The link can
be up to 230 characters, with a preview image of 180x110 pixels.
- DOCUMENTS/PRESENTATIONS: A variety of different document
types can be used in a Sponsored Update, including PDFs, Microsoft
Office documents, and many others. The document or presentation
must be under 100MB.
- DIRECT SPONSORED CONTENT: Appears in the homepage feed of
members in your target audience, but doesn’t appear on Company or
Showcase Pages.
ing truncated, 160 on a
blet, and 35 on a mobile device.
MAGE: Images can be
mbedded in the following
pes: .jpg, .gif, and .png. The
ax size is 350x265 pixels.
DEO: Videos cannot be
mbedded; however, linking
om other sites allows LinkedIn
ers to easily find videos.
uTube videos are able to play
the site in the YouTube video
ayer, with a size of 700x700
NK: You can sponsor an update
at has a link to an external piece
content. This is great if you are
oking to drive people to an
ternal landing page for lead
neration or an exclusive offer.
he link can be up to 230
aracters, with a preview
age of 180x110 pixels.
variety of different document
pes can be used in a Sponsored
pdate, including PDFs, Microsoft
ffice documents, and many others.
he document or presentation
ust be under 100MB.
ppears in the homepage feed
members in your target
dience, but doesn’t appear on
ompany or Showcase Pages.
of text
- From: Your n
- Image: 50x50
- URL: Website
they click on
LinkedIn Text A
- Only on desk
mobile or tab
- Under “Ads y
interested in
- As text link a
found at the
Ads you may be intrested in
Sponsored text goes here
Mobile Sponsored Update
- TEXT: The amount of text in a Sponsored Update is limited based on the
device it is viewed on. Desktop ads can have up to 300 characters before
being truncated, 160 on a tablet, and 35 on a mobile device.
- IMAGE: Images can be embedded in the following types: .jpg, .gif, and
.png. The max size is 350x265 pixels.
- VIDEO: Videos cannot be embedded; however, linking from other sites
allows LinkedIn users to easily find videos. YouTube videos are able
to play on the site in the YouTube video player, with a size of 700x700
- LINK: You can sponsor an update that has a link to an external piece of
content. This is great if you are looking to drive people to an external
landing page for lead generation or an exclusive offer. The link can
be up to 230 characters, with a preview image of 180x110 pixels.
- DOCUMENTS/PRESENTATIONS: A variety of different document
types can be used in a Sponsored Update, including PDFs, Microsoft
Office documents, and many others. The document or presentation
must be under 100MB.
- DIRECT SPONSORED CONTENT: Appears in the homepage feed of
members in your target audience, but doesn’t appear on Company or
Sponsored Update
- TEXT: The amount of text in a
Sponsored Update is limited
based on the device it is viewed
on. Desktop ads can have up
to 300 characters before
being truncated, 160 on a
tablet, and 35 on a mobile device.
- IMAGE: Images can be
embedded in the following
types: .jpg, .gif, and .png. The
max size is 350x265 pixels.
- VIDEO: Videos cannot be
embedded; however, linking
from other sites allows LinkedIn
users to easily find videos.
YouTube videos are able to play
on the site in the YouTube video
player, with a size of 700x700
- LINK: You can sponsor an update
that has a link to an external piece
of content. This is great if you are
looking to drive people to an
external landing page for lead
generation or an exclusive offer.
The link can be up to 230
characters, with a preview
image of 180x110 pixels.
A variety of different document
types can be used in a Sponsored
Update, including PDFs, Microsoft
Office documents, and many others.
The document or presentation
must be under 100MB.
Appears in the homepage feed
of members in your target
audience, but doesn’t appear on
Company or Showcase Pages.
Sponsored Ad
- Headline: Up to 25 characters
of text
- Description: Up to 75 characters
of text
- From: Your name or any
- Image: 50x50 pixel image
- URL: Website people visit once
they click on your ad
LinkedIn Text Ads appear:
- Only on desktops and not on
mobile or tablet devices.
- Under “Ads you may be
interested in”.
- As text link advertisements
found at the top of the
Why Google AdWords?
Reach a whole new customer base and grow your
business with AdWords, Google’s online advertising
programme. Adwords is Google’s advertising service
designed for entities that want to promote their
business on Google’s advertising network. This is
a pay-per-click services that focuses on keywords
search to match ads.
How does it work?
A brand’s ads are called up and appear whenever a
person is on a website with content related to that
brand or when someone searches for terms related to
that business’s product or service.
Google Adwords relies on keywords search to
successfully place ads. When creating an Adword
campaign, you select words or phrases you think
your potential customers are likely to use when
searching for products or services like yours. These
are keywords. Whenever someone searches for a
related keyword, the Ad Rank (Google AdWords
ranking system) calculates which ad should appear at
the top of the search. This scoring is determined by
three factors:
Your bid: Which is the maximum amount you are
willing to pay for a keyword.
The quality of your ads: This relates to the relevance
of your ad to the user.
Impact: Any additional extensions (phone numbers,
links, etc) and other ad formats you use will impact
your ad’s performance.
What ads are available?
Search Ads: These are the ads that appear next to
the Google search results when people search for
products or services related to those you offer.
Display Ads: Appear on the web or in apps. They are
currently available on more than two million websites
and 650 000 apps. Display ads are available in any
one of the following formats:
•	 Text: Ads are structured like Search ads with a
headline, two lines of text and a URL to to take
you to the advertised page.
•	 Google Mail: These are inmail ads sent to Gmail
subscribers. They can then be forwarded which
further expands the ad’s reach.
•	 Banner: Image or rich media ad format which lets
you send customised, interactive or animated
messages in your ads.
•	 App: These ads target specific mobile app
categories and appear when the app is opened.
•	 Video: Video ads work similarly to display but
are video instead of images. They are only shown
to the people you want and you only pay when
they watch. A video is uploaded on Youtube then
you can use AdWords to start your campaign on
YouTube. The video will appear before or next to
related videos or in search results.
App Installs: This is a simple way to promote iOS
and Android ads to Google users. Simply type in
the ad text you want to appear and the location.
Google designs and builds custom app ads for the
What targeting options
are available?
The Google Customer Match allows you to create
highly targeted ads to reach the most valuable
customers with the right message at the right
time. Below is the critea you can use to setup ads:
Location, Age, Gender and Language: Allows
audience targeting based on the basic demographics
of the audience you want to reach.
Device: Target audience based on which devices they
will be viewing the ads from.
Interests and remarketing: Target audiences that
have provided their email addresses to your company
or who view similar videos, subscribe to similar
Youtube channels or who have previously visited your
What bidding options
are available?
There are multiple bidding strategies available
to advertisers. These are tailored according to
the campaign being set up. Depending on which
networks your campaign is targeting, and whether
you want to focus on getting clicks, impressions,
conversions, or views you can determine which
strategy is best for you.
Smart bidding: Takes away the guesswork from
setting up bids. Smart Bidding is a set of automated
bid strategies that uses machine learning to optimize
for conversions or conversion value in each and every
auction—a feature known as “auction-time bidding.
Here are the four Smart Bidding strategies:
•	 Target CPA (cost-per-acquisition): If the goal
is to optimize for conversions, use Target CPA
to help increase conversions while targeting a
specific cost-per-acquisition (CPA).
•	 Target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend): To optimize
for conversion value, use Target ROAS to help
increase conversion value while targeting a
specific return-on-ad-spend (ROAS).
•	 Maximize Conversions: To optimize for
conversions, by spending your entire budget
instead of targeting a specific CPA, you can use
Maximize Conversions.
•	 Enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC): If you want to
automatically adjust your manual bids to try to
maximize conversions, you can use ECPC. It’s an
optional feature you can use with Manual CPC
•	 CPC bidding: If the focus is on gaining clicks to
generate traffic to your website, there are two
cost-per-click bid strategies to consider:
•	 Maximize Clicks: This is an automated bid
strategy. You set a daily budget, and the AdWords
system automatically manages your bids to bring
you the most clicks possible with the budget.
•	 Manual CPC bidding: Lets you manage your
maximum CPC bids yourself. You can set different
bids for each ad group in your campaign, or for
individual keywords or placements. If you’ve
found that certain keywords or placements are
more profitable, you can use manual bidding to
allocate more of your advertising budget to those
keywords or placements.
Impressions bidding: If the focus is on impressions,
use any of the below strategies available:
•	 Target Search Page Location: This automated
bid strategy automatically sets your bids to help
increase the chances that your ads appear at the
top of the page, or on the first page of search
•	 Target Outranking Share: This bid strategy allows
you to choose a domain you want to outrank so
that your ad is displayed above that domain’s
ads, or shows when that domain’s ad does not.
You can set how often you want to outrank that
domain, and AdWords automatically sets your
Search bids to help meet that target.
•	 Cost-per-thousand viewable impressions
(vCPM): This is a manual bidding strategy for
ads designed to increase awareness, but not
necessarily generate clicks or traffic. It lets you
set the highest amount you want to pay for each
1,000 viewable ad impressions on the Google
Display Network.
Payment methods
Google Adwords payments are dependant on the
country you are in and the currency you are using. For
a precise list of what’s available for your country and
currency, including which types of credit cards are
accepted, visit the payment options tool. Below are
some of the available payment methods:
Credit cards and debit cards: In addition to certain
types of credit cards, Google Adwords accepts
MasterCard and Visa debits cards. This applies
for automatic (you pay after ads run) and manual
payments (you load funds before ads run).
Funds Transfer: Payments are electronically
transfered from an account to Google.
Backup credit cards: This option allows ‘automatic
payments’ members whose primary payment method
of doesn’t work for whatever reason to use another
credit card as a backup so ads keep running.
Promotions and coupons: These coupons or
promotional codes offer credit to members. Google
occassionally gives these out as part of promotions
or special offers.
Google Analytics
and AdWords
One of the advantages of using Google advertising
is that you can link your Google AdWords account
Google Analytics. This feature allows you to better
analyse customer activity on your webiste after an
ad click or impression. With access to such valuable
information, you can better structure and improve
ads and the websites to which these ads direct users.
Linking your accounts allows you to import Google
Analytics goals and transactions, see Google
Analytics data in your AdWords reports, and import
Analytics remarketing audiences. You’ll also see
AdWords data in your Analytics reports.
Once you have linked an Analytics account to your
AdWords, you can still edit, add, remove and unlink
the accounts at any given time.
468x60 234x60
Wide Skyscraper
Medium Triangle
Small Square
Full Banner
Half Banner
Vertical Rectangle
Micro Bar
Button 2
Button 1
Half Page Ad
Large Rectangle
Vertical Banner
Why Outbrain?
With more than 557 million monthly users, Outbrain
is one of the largest native advertising platforms in
the world. By definition, Native advertising is any
paid content that is “in-feed” and inherently non-
disruptive. This includes promoted tweets on Twitter,
suggested posts on Facebook, and editorial-based
content recommendations from content discovery
platforms like Outbrain.
Outbrain provides its recommendation engine for
free. External sites that employ the traffic acquisition
service pay on a daily pay-per-click (PPC) or CPC
basis, with links to third-party content appearing as
recommendations alongside editorial content from
the web’s biggest publishers. Brands and publishers
are able to engage their audience on-site by surfacing
their own editorial content that they have published
in the past, displayed as “You May Also Like...” or “We
Recommend”. The Outbrain “From Around the Web”
tool also provides a way for publishers to buy and
sell traffic by providing third-party links to relevant
What are the Benefits
of Native Advertising?
Sharing: The extent to which people share content
related to the brand or information about the brand as
part of their everyday social lives at work, on the go,
or at home.
Brand recall: The average brand recall with native ads
is twice that of traditional banner ad control groups.
Native ad network: Through partnering with
publishers, who are true experts at engaging
audiences with content, you can learn how to build
out your own native ad offering.
Native ad headline: While many brands counted on
traditional display ads in the past, they’ve come to
realize that native ads garner much higher CTAs. In
fact, reading a native ad headline yields 308 times
the amount of consumer attention than processing an
image and banner.
Retargeting: Once a user engages with a native ad
experience, they can be retargeted with relevant
display ads that have a much better chance at
What targeting options
are available?
Contextual: Target users based on content being
Personalised: Target users based on content viewing
Behavioural: Target users based on collaborative
Geography: Target users based on geographic
Device: Target people on desktop or mobile devices.
Publisher: Target people on specific publisher groups.
Demographic: Optimise campaigns based on
demographic profile.
Interest: Target users based on their interests.
Payment methods
Outbrain currently accepts MasterCard, Visa,
Discover and American Express credit cards from the
following countries: United States, United Kingdom,
France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada, Singapore,
Australia, Israel, Austria, India, New Zealand and
Philippines. If you do not have a credit card from one
of these countries but are still interested in using
Outbrain, you can email to
see if you qualify for an IO.
If you have received an Outbrain coupon, please
follow the instructions listed in the email. You can
also reach out to the team to find out if your account
qualifies for the promotion. At the end of the month,
the coupon amount will be deducted from your total
Recommended By
Recommended By
News Channels (CNN, ESPN, People, Guardian, etc)
Why Snapchat?
Snapchat is a unique social platform in that all snaps
only last a brief amount of time before they disappear
forever, making the app ephemeral in nature. As of
January 2017 Snapchat had more than 160 Million
active users globally.
What ads are available?
Snap Ads: Just like Snaps, Snap Ads offer a variety
of creative freedom to communicate your message.
They can take the form of video, whether it be a
motion graphic, live snaps, cinema-graph, or gif as
well as still.
Web View Ads: Web View Attachments expand on
standard Snap Ads with the capability to swipe up to
view a webpage that is instantly loaded.
App Install Ads: Snap Ads App Install expand on
standard Snap Ads with the capability to swipe up to
directly access the app store.
Long Form Video Ads: From full-length trailers
and short films, to how-to’s and behind-the-scenes
footage, Long Form Video Snap Ads allows you
to combine a bite-sized teaser with a long-form
narrative in one simple swipeable package. Long
Form Videos expand on standard Snap Ads with the
capability to swipe up to view a video up to 1GB in
Sponsored Filters: Filters allow brands to take part in
millions of Snaps sent each day on Snapchat. When
Snapchatters in the location(s) of your choice take
a Snap, they’ll be able to see your Filter and use it to
explain where, when, and why they took the Snap.
Sponsored Lenses: Lenses are the most memorable
way to increase awareness, on a massive scale. With
one tap, you can invite Snapchatters into your world
with an augmented reality overlay on your face.
What targeting options
are available?
Location: You can connect with a global audience
or narrow the reach of your campaign to a specific
country, province/state or zip code.
Age: You can target a range of ages 13-17, 18-20, 21-
24, 25-34, 35+ or all ages.
Gender: You can tailor a specific message to men or
women to increase relevance.
Language: You can reach Snapchatters who only read
or understand the selected language.
DLX Advanced Demographics: You are able to reach
Snapchatters based on their education, income,
language, and marital and parental status.
Regulated Content: You can regulate the content
being advertised for age restrictions (e.g. gambling,
alcohol etc.)
Predefined Audiences: Audiences that have been
built and packaged using snapchat and third-party
data. This allows you to reach people based on their
online and real world interests, and behaviours.
Custom Audiences: You can audiences that you have
created via snap audience match ( CRM List) Snap
engagement audiences, and/or lookalikes.
Delivery Location: Content placement limits your
ad delivery to snapchats curated content: Our
stories, publisher stories and shows. This will give
you the option to choose exactly where you want
your content to be shown as well as exclude specific
Operating Systems: You can tailor your ad content to
target only Android or IOS users.
Device makes: You can tailor your ad content to
target specific smartphone devices.
Connection Type: You can target users specifically
connected to Wifi or mobile data.
Carriers: You can tailor your ad content to target an
audience using a specific mobile carrier (E.g. AT&T, 3,
Cellular one etc.)
Where will my ads appear?
Publisher Stories: Your Snap Ads, Web Vew Ads and
App Install Ads will all appear during a publishers
snap which can be found through the ‘discover’
section on Snapchat.
Our Stories: Your Snap Ads, Web Vew Ads and App
Install Ads will all appear during an ‘Our Story Snap’
which can be found where you can view the stories
published by the people you follow.
Shows: Your Snap Ads, Web Vew Ads and App
Install Ads will all appear during Shows. Shows can
be found in the “Stories” section of Snapchat, under
the header titled “Shows”.
Payment Methods
You can purchase Snap Ads and Geofilters through
your line of credit or with a credit card. There are two
options for advertising: self-service and On-demand
Geofilter. Self-service allows you to place your own
ads without the aid of a sales representative. On-
demand Geofilter allows you to place orders on
Credit Card: Within the Snapchat Business Manager
you are able to add a credit card to your account,
which will let you create ads, as well as pay for
Line of Credit: You can request a line of credit from
Snapchat, you need to fill out an application form
stating the amount of money you are going to spend
per month, as well as the organisations details.
You can download the ‘line of credit’ application form
Prohibited Content
Ads must not infringe the intellectual property,
privacy, publicity, copyright, or other legal rights of
any person or entity. And they must not be false,
misleading, fraudulent, defamatory, or deceptive.
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Paid social hand book 2017

  • 4. 4 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ADVERTISING The Paid Media Landscape: A New World for Communicators The advertising landscape is evolving at an unprecedented rate, while the media landscape is increasingly becoming more fragmented. This fragmentation has created a multitude of channels which companies can reach a diverse, connected, tech-savvy stakeholder. First things first. What do we mean by paid? As media consumption habbits Change, digital strategy is more important than ever ... Our focus at FleishmanHillard is on Digital and Social channels and formats. Average time spent per day with major media by US adults, 2011-2017 Desktop Display Mobile Video Tablet Audio Connected TV Social Digital Place-Based Search TV Digital Desktop Radio Mobile Print 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 MINUTES 3:58 5:56 2:10 1:24 3:18 0:27
  • 5. OUR SWEET SPOT FOR PAID AT FH *Converged media PAID Traditional Ads OWNED Brand Content EARNED Press Coverage Organic SPONSORED CONTENT SHAREABLE CONTENT PROMOTED BRAND CONTENT * 3 OUR SWEET SPOT FOR PAID AT FH *CONVERGED MEDIA More channels mean more opportunities to reach and engage with your target audience. Digital advertising spend is growing year on year. Technology giants, Facebook and Google are predicted to make in access of $106 billion from advertising in 2017 - this equates to 48% of the global digial spend.1 But this increase in spend is not as a result of renewed faith in traditional tried and tested digital formats. The effectiveness of display or banner advertising has been on a steady decline for years, which has opened a realm of possibilities for integrating spend into other communications campaigns. It is no longer about holding the relationship for bulk CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions), but instead about understanding storytelling and amplifying stories to the right audience at the right time. Paid media, once part of the PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned) model for communications agencies, is about meeting the unsaid expectations of the client. It’s no longer just a nice to have – it is imperative to the success of every campaign. We amplify the impact of owned and earned media In a pay-play world, organic efforts can't do it alone. Paid helps break through the noise in the crowded landscape. Platform algorithms are actively working against branded organic content. Paid gets our content into the feed so it can be seen. Precise targeting and research allows us to reach specific audience groups and individuals. Paid helps ensure we achieve scale & relevant reach that our clients need to provide return for their investment in content creation. BREAK THROUGH THE NOISE GET IN THE FEED ACHIEVE SCALE & RELEVANT REACH REACH YOUR ACTUAL TARGET AUDIENCE
  • 6. 6 The Necessity of Social Advertising Over the years, Facebook has implemented various tweaks to its EdgeRank Newsfeed algorithm which has seen organic reach become an uphill climb for brands. Previously, posts would be seen on a user’s timeline in the order that they were posted. The new algorithm now prioritises posts from friends and family based on what will drive meaningful conversation and engagement. On average, brands without promoted support will reach 0.1% to 4% of their own community. Many believe that this statistic is isolated to Facebook and Instagram, but the sheer volume of content published on social channels begs to differ. At its core, social advertising is about accelerating the success of social programmes by leveraging paid tactics to increase reach and drive engagement around social content among desired target audiences. While great content and engagement are important factors, paid has become a central driver of social media success.
  • 7. 7
  • 8. 8 OUR PROCESS: WE MIX ART + SCIENCE SUCCESS OF OWNED 1 2 OPPORTUNITY DISCOVERY STRATEGY & PLANNING Define Business Goals and Objectives Review Brand Research & Insights Identify Audiences Identify Budgets Review Content Assets Identify Campaign KPIs Research Channels and Audience Targets Determine Platform Mix Develop Media Strategy Identify Creative Needs Create Media Plan Create Flighting Schedule
  • 9. 9 TO ACCELERATE THE AND EARNED MEDIA 3 4 5 CREATIVE PRODUCTION LAUNCH & OPTIMIZE PERFORMANCE REPORTING Develop Creative Variations by Goal & Platform Produce Assets and Copy Set-Up Ad Accounts Set-Up Campaigns Traffic and Test Creatives Ongoing Optimization Report Development Establish and Assess Benchmarks Determine Learnings and Forward Recommendations
  • 10. 10 FUNDAMENTALS TO OUR APPROACH WHAT WE DO Storytelling is the backbone to any paid strategy and the two cannot happen independently. Precise targeting enables the brand to have control over who sees it, therefore paid content should take advantage of a user’s context with custom messaging and creative. Paid digital and social media campaigns need to be constantly analyzed, refined and optimized to adjust content, channels and targets for the best results over time. CONTENT IS ALWAYS KING RIGHT AUDIENCE, RIGHT CONTEXT OPTIMIZE TO INCREASE ROI We plan, buy and manage paid media across all major digital, social and native programmatic platforms AT WE DO Display Advertising SEO Paid Social Paid Search Programmatic Native Content Web Analytics an, buy and manage media across all major l, social and native ammatic platforms.
  • 11. 11 7
  • 12. 12 KEY CONCEPTS Hyper Targeting Hyper targeting is a term that describes the process of serving content to a specific audience. It is achieved by layering multiple targeting parameters on top of each other, thereby narrowing an audience. Native Advertising Native advertising is online advertising that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears. An example of this would be an article written by an advertiser to promote their product but using the same style and look as an article written by the editorial staff. Native advertising is a fast-growing part of the $49 billion US digital advertising market, and is expected to increase from $3.2 billion in 2014 to $8.8 billion by 2018. Understanding Bidding Most, if not all, digital and social advertising is based on a bidding system, where advertisers compete with hundreds of thousands of competitors for the opportunity to buy real estate on websites, mobile apps and social networks, and display their message to users. All of this is done in real time, changing dynamically as advertisers optimise their ads through A/B testing and fine tuning their targeting. The amount you bid for clicks, conversions or impressions is not what you’re actually going to pay. It’s just the maximum amount you’re willing to pay to win against competing bids. Facebook, LinkedIn and Google AdWords will always allow you to pay the lowest amount possible to win the bid and have your ad displayed. By way of an example, let’s assume that Facebook has only three available spots to display ads, but there are four competing advertisers bidding for those spots. If we simplify the complex process that takes place, we can explain it as follows: Advertiser A bids $0.30 Advertiser B bids $0.50 Advertiser C bids $0.50 Advertiser D bids $10 In this example, Advertiser A will most likely receive low to even zero impressions. Advertisers B and C will total a good amount of impressions at a price somewhere between $0.31 and $0.50. Advertiser D will most likely receive more impressions at a price just slightly above those of B & C, at around $0.35 and $0.60 – even though its bid is significantly higher at $10. There are two important takeaways here: • If you try to bid too low, your campaign may not get the exposure it deserves and you won’t reach your goals. Remember, you always get what you pay for. • Don’t worry about bidding a high amount. You’ll still end up paying the lowest amount possible in the auction to get your ads delivered. Real-Time Bidding Real-time bidding (RTB) refers to the buying and selling of online ad impressions through real-time auctions that occur in the time it takes a webpage to load. RTB is a type of automated or programmatic
  • 13. 13 buying of advertising placements through algorithm- driven trading that allows for the quick buying of ad impressions according to pre-set parameters. As an ad impression loads in a user’s web browser, an ad exchange is given information about the page that is loading and the user who is about to view it. The ad exchange then auctions the ad space(s) off to the advertiser(s) willing to pay the highest price for a click or impression. The winning bidder’s ad is then loaded on the page ­­ — all in a matter of milliseconds. Not all programmatic advertising uses RTB. Some programmatic or technology-driven ad platforms let publishers sell their inventory in advance for a fixed price, as opposed to auctioning it off. This is sometimes referred to as programmatic direct or programmatic guaranteed. Thanks to real-time bidding, ad buyers no longer need to work directly with publishers or ad networks to traffic ads or negotiate prices. Remarketing Remarketing is a mostly automated process of re- engaging a visitor or customer based on a recent interaction they had with your brand. It is a subset of interest-based advertising, helping you match interested people with the right message. People who leave your website without making a purchase will be served ads related to your brand or the specific products they looked at on your site when visiting other websites in the Google Display Network or when they run a Google search using your keywords. Remarketing means that you can show people with a proven interest in your brand a compelling message or offer that will encourage them to return to your site and complete their purchase. Transactional Ads Transactional advertising allows for a transaction to take place directly in the ad unit. These types of ads are price driven and create a short-term relationship with customers. These are typically customers that would ordinarily not shop with the retailer unless there is a short-term incentive such as a discount or a sale. Transactional advertising is essentially the antithesis of relational advertising that, as the name suggests, builds and capitalises on a connection with customers. In-App Advertising An in-app ad is displayed within a mobile phone application. These types of ads can be in the form of a banner at the top or bottom of the app screen, an interstitial or an overlay. In-Game Ads In-game adverts are somewhat similar to in-app ads. In-game advertisements exist within computer or video games. One of the most common examples of in-game advertising is billboards appearing in sport games. In-game ads also might appear as brand- name products like guns, cars, or clothing that exist as gaming status symbols.
  • 14. 14 CAMPAIGN TYPES REACH CAMPAIGNS Reaching specific audiences and generating awareness Understanding Reach as a Metric Reach is a metric centered around content being seen by a unique user and defined as the number of unique people seeing a piece of content. It is the measurement of the audience size that your content has extended to and is a more accurate measure of an audience than the size of its community, because content doesn’t automatically reach the entirety of that community. Additionally, many of the users that do see the content are not necessarily fans, followers or members of the community. A number of factors impact reach. On Facebook, the EdgeRank algorithm decides who sees your content and who doesn’t. On Twitter, it is the sheer volume of content and your following that impacts reach. On Pinterest, if you have 1,000 followers, then each of your pins could potentially reach 1,000 people, until they repin it as their own and increase the potential exposure. Types of Reach Although you will come across terms like “true reach” and “viral reach”, these kinds of expressions are often platform specific or interchangeable with one of three main categories of reach, which are: Organic Reach: The number of unique people who saw your organic content. Paid Reach: The number of unique people who saw your paid content. Potential Reach: The potential number of individuals in a brand’s audience that could have the opportunity to see a piece of content. In addition to the three main types of reach, each platform has its own definition and application of the metric based on its mechanics. Facebook: The number of unique people who have seen content associated with your page. Facebook also has a metric called viral reach, which is the number of unique people who saw your post or page through a friend’s share or mention. Twitter: The sum of all users mentioning your brand handle and the sum of their followers. LinkedIn: How many times your updates were seen – both organically and through paid campaigns – within a specified time frame. Instagram: Measures potential reach as the total number of people that may have seen your post owing to the use of a hashtag. This is considered “potential” reach since your post appears on a hashtag feed and this doesn’t mean the target user has actually seen it. Reach vs Impressions Impressions show the number of times a piece of
  • 15. 15 content has been displayed. People may see multiple impressions of the same piece of content, and each time they see the content it is considered an impression. Reach, therefore, indicates how many unique users have seen your content, whereas impressions indicate how many times your content has been shown to users. Reach as a Deliverable Reach is the precursor metric to all other metrics. Without reaching an audience, you cannot engage with them or call them to action. That being said, there are clients who want to reach specific audiences or generate mass awareness, in which case reach becomes a deliverable in and of itself. Running a Reach Campaign Although all channels have reach as a metric, some are better suited to mass reach (Facebook,Outbrain), while others excel at reaching a targeted audience (LinkedIn). The greatest appeal in social channels is that they all allow for hyper-targeting, but some are better at it than others. When choosing a channel on which to place an ad, the presence of the target audience needs to be established first and foremost. Another consideration is where they are on their content journey, since different audiences use different platforms for different reasons. All of these things determine how open users are to certain types of content. By way of example, it may be a good idea to promote a thought leadership piece on LinkedIn, but the same audience may be relatively closed off to the promotion of FMCG (Fast-moving consumer goods) products on that same platform. COMMUNITY ACQUISITION CAMPAIGNS Growing your social community by acquiring followers and fans Understanding Community Acquisition as a Metric “Follows, likes and fans” are metrics that relate to the joining of a social community – we refer to these actions as acquisitions. An acquisition campaign doesn’t guarantee engagement, sales or conversions. Instead, community acquisitions such as following or liking a page or profile are considered opt-ins to brand messaging. Acquisitions are attractive, considering a captive audience makes for a community that is open to your messaging and more likely to become customers. Customer vs Community Acquisition Customer acquistion and community acquisition are two very different concepts. The former is leading a user to purchase your product or service. Community acquisition, on the other hand, means getting the attention of a user so that they will opt into your messaging. While an increased community gives you more opportunities to convert followers and fans into customers, community acquisition does not guarantee sales.
  • 16. 16 ENGAGEMENT CAMPAIGNS Interacting with your community by grabbing your audience’s attention Understanding Engagement as a Metric Engagement is an interaction by a community member with a piece of content, page or profile. Each social platform is different and offers a number of ways to interact with content. As a result the metrics that make up engagement are numerous and depend on the platform. These metrics can be viewed cumulatively under the metric of engagement or can be viewed in isolation, under the title of each action. Engagement as a Deliverable Social engagement is popularly considered a core metric of success, especially in comparison to the acquisition of followers and reach. Historically, engagement has been seen as the critical factor that defines return on investment of social media, and is in and of itself, a justification for the running of social campaigns. A number of studies are released each year, which draw parallels between social engagement and business critical outcomes such as Community Acquisition as a Deliverable On platforms like Facebook and Twitter, community acquisition generally has its own ad mechanic in the form of a direct cost per acquisition (CPA) bid. This is a direct transaction where money is exchanged for a targeted follower or fan. On Facebook, the “Promote your page” option in the basic Ads Manager works on a “cost per like” or CPA metric. This means you only pay for the fans that join your community. Similarly, Twitter offers a “Followers” campaign option, which allows you to set your cost per follower bid in the advanced budget options on Twitter Ads, however, Facebook follower acquisition campaigns are no longer recommended due to the very limited potential to reach those followers again via organic content. Facebook does not recommend advertisers engage in these campaigns at all at this point. While a CPA model is often more successful because of its built-in call to action and bidding metric, the majority of platforms drive indirect acquisitions through a CPC (cost per click) or CPM bidding model. LinkedIn has no CPA option and instead drives follower acquisition indirectly through CPC and CPM, coupled with a call to action in the ad copy. Similarly, YouTube runs on a CPV (cost per view) bidding system. Instagram and Tumblr run on a CPC and CPM basis respectively, with no option to directly bid for subscribers or followers. Running a Community Acquisition Campaign All social platforms are centered around the concept of communities, and as a result all ad managers can be used either directly or indirectly for the building and acquiring of a fan or follower base. The type of community and targeting options available on the platform are key considerations when embarking on an acquisition campaign. Platforms with an inbuilt CPA bidding model are often faster in building a community at scale, in comparison to those where you are unable to bid directly for followers or fans.
  • 17. 17 customer loyalty, retention, sales, etc. Despite these studies the causal link between these factors and engagement is still difficult to prove, and the links are tenuous at best. Despite all this, engagement is still a useful indicator of the health of a community. Types of Engagement Engagement is defined differently from one social media platform to the next, although similar in principle across all of them. Facebook defines engagement as the number of actions that take place after a user has viewed an ad. Actions include comments, likes, shares and post clicks. For example, two post likes and two comments would be four engagements. Things that don’t count as an engagement include reading an update, viewing an image, clicking on a photo or people joining your community. Twitter defines engagement as user interaction with a tweet, card or trend. Engagement is made up of the number of clicks, retweets, favourites, follows and replies on either of these. LinkedIn defines engagement as the amount of times members clicked, liked, commented or shared content in both organic and paid campaigns, as well as the number of followers acquired through paid campaigns. Running an Engagement Campaign Very much like acquisition campaigns, engagement campaigns have their own ad mechanic that varies from platform to platform. On Facebook, the “Boost your posts” option is geared towards generating post and page engagement, as is the “Tweet engagements” option on Twitter. LinkedIn gives an advertiser the option of either placing a text ad or sponsoring an update. Sponsored updates are tailored to driving engagement with company-specific content and appear right in the feeds of the targeted audience. Text Ads appear in the right rail of the screen and at the top of the page, and are generally not used to drive engagement, but rather drive targeted leads across platforms. Understanding Content Best Practice In order to understand how to create content that builds and facilitates engagement, it is useful to divide it into three types: native, non-native and semi-native content. Native content is the back bone of content marketing. It blends in. Since it is non-promotional, it creates a conversation and adds to ongoing conversations in a targeted community. Native content is often delivered in a voice that is familiar to the targeted community and is easily recognised as an extension of your brand. The content can be in any form and on any platform, from a text-based tweet and rich media to a piece of thought leadership or a white paper. Non-native posts are specifically created to promote a product or service. Non-native posts show a clear intention to sell or at the very least move potential customers through the sales funnel. They are informational in nature and are not geared towards generating engagement, but rather towards driving a conversion. The third type of content, namely semi- native content, is less cut and dry. Its purpose is to fulfil the purpose of native and non-native content simultaneously. Examples of such content are free webinars or irrestistible giveaways. The purpose of semi-native content is to provide useful and valuable content, while moving potential customers through the sales funnel.
  • 18. 18 CONVERSION CAMPAIGNS Buy my product / Play my game / Use my app / Visit my website Understanding Conversion as a Metric The MECLABS Institute defines conversions as “the point at which a recipient of a marketing message performs a desired action”. In other words, conversions simply get someone to respond to your call to action. What Metrics Make Up Conversions A conversion is in essence the attainment of a goal or an objective. As a result, what constitutes a conversion is largely dictated by the objectives put in place. If the objective is to drive website visits, a user clicking through to the website will count as a conversion. This works similarly for sales, downloads, app usage, completing a survey, etc. What constitutes a metric in the broader sense is as expansive as it is bespoke, and as a result a closed list is difficult to put together. However, certain platforms allow for conversion specific ads in their ad server. Facebook allows for conversions through the following ad mechanics using their basic ad server: Send people to your website: A web visit would be a conversion and be billed on a cost per web visit basis. Increase engagement on your website: A specific action on the website would be the conversion and is billed on a cost per specific action basis. For example, visiting a second page or clicking a specific tag would each count as conversions. Get app installations: An application install would be a conversion and is billed on a cost per app install basis. Increase engagement in your app: Application engagement on a Facebook app would be a conversion and is billed on a cost per application engagement basis. Get people to claim an offer: The claiming of an offer would be a conversion and is billed on a cost per offer claimed basis. Get video views: The viewing of a video would be a conversion and is billed on a cost per video view basis. Raise attendance at an event: Confirmation of attendance on a Facebook event would be a conversion and is billed on a cost per attendance confirmation basis. Electing to run an ad through a conversion ad mechanic on Twitter affects how the ad is billed. When a cost per conversion mechanic is selected, the advertiser will only be charged for the conversion and nothing else. For example, when choosing website clicks, the advertiser is only billed for clicks to the website that are acquired through the campaign. All other actions and engagements, including impressions, replies and retweets, are free. Twitter allows for conversions through the following ad mechanics: Website clicks: A website click or a particular action on the website would be a conversion and is billed on a cost per website click basis. App installs or re-engagements: An application install or click would be a conversion, based on which the advertiser chooses to optimise for. This is billed on a cost per app install basis. Leads on Twitter: A lead would be a conversion and is billed on a cost per lead generated basis. What
  • 19. 19 constitutes a lead is dependent on the endpoint or CRM system integrated into the lead generation card. Twitter has a number of preferred endpoint suppliers, such as MailChimp and Salesforce. A full list can be found on its website. Video views: The viewing of a video would be a conversion and is billed on a cost per video view basis. Additionally, Twitter has a section for custom campaigns that create scope for additional conversions. Conversion as a Deliverable Conversions that are delivered in a single engagement are relatively easy to track and can be done through the full set of ad mechanics discussed in the “What metrics make up conversions” section of this document (on page 18). What makes measuring and tracking conversion difficult historically is the fact that consumers will often see a piece of content and interact with it, but only convert much later down the line. Although the content is essentially what drove or started the conversion, there is no proof of a causal link between the content and the conversion. Similarly, more often than not a sale happens offline in a physical store, making it nearly impossible to track the effect of an ad on the physical conversion. In these cases ­ — for conversions that don’t happen in a single engagement — there are a number of options that allow for advanced tracking conversion, such as CRM integration, the use of conversion pixels and tagging for post view attribution. Some platforms, including Twitter and Facebook, offer robust conversion ad tracking, while other platforms need to be used in conjunction with third party tools such as DoubleClick. Post Click Attribution and Conversion Tracking As outlined previously, conversion tracking enables you to measure your return on investment by tracking the actions users take after viewing or engaging with your ads. Twitter’s conversion tracking lets you attribute conversions beyond last link click or view, to include actions driven by all types of ad engagements (such as link clicks, retweets or likes) and impressions. Twitter allows you to do this by selecting a window of time for crediting Twitter with conversions that happen after a person engages or views an ad. Advertisers can select post-engagement attribution windows or post-view attribution windows. Post-engagement attribution refers to conversions that happen within a specific window of time after an engagement. The options for post-engagement attribution windows are one, two, three, five, seven, 14, 30, 60 or 90 days. If advertisers are unsure, Twitter recommends a default setting of 14 days. Post-view attribution refers to a Twitter user seeing your Promoted Tweet and not directly engaging with it, but later visiting the website and converting. Users often see, read and view media in Promoted Tweets without clicking on them, so including post- view attribution gives an advertiser insight into conversions received but not actually charged for. The options for post-view attribution windows are none, one, two, three, five, seven, 14, 30, 60 or 90 days. If advertisers are unsure, Twitter recommends a default setting of one day.
  • 20. 20 Facebook offers both post-engagement and post- view attribution windows within one day, seven days and 28 days after a person clicks or views an ad. The attribution window can be selected in the Facebook Ads Manager reports. Setting up Conversion Tracking on Twitter To start measuring conversions, advertisers need to add a snippet of Twitter code to a page on the targeted website. The page ideally needs to correspond to a specific conversion event, such as a confirmed payment or a successful newsletter sign- up. Twitter calls this code snippet a website tag, but it’s more commonly referred to as a tracking script or a “pixel” by other ad platforms. Visit the conversion tracking section of Twitter Ads, accessible via the Tools menu, to create, name, and generate the code snippet for one or more website tags. After you place the website tag on a website, it will begin measuring conversions from Twitter users. Note: Twitter Ads conversion tracking for websites also allows advertisers to track conversions from users who viewed a Promoted Tweet on their mobile devices and later came to your website on a desktop computer. Setting up Conversion Tracking on Facebook Similarly to Twitter, in order to start measuring conversions on a website, advertisers need to generate a conversion tracking pixel and place the pixel on a page from which they can track the conversion event. Through the Facebook advertising platform, advertisers can use a conversion tracking pixel tool to create a JavaScript code to place on their website. The code itself places an invisible 1x1 pixel image on the relevant page, which sends a message back to Facebook whenever someone visits or takes a desired action. If, for example, an advertiser wants to track checkouts, the conversion tracking pixel would be placed on the confirmation page that people see after completing the checkout process. Whenever that page loads, the conversion tracking pixel communicates information that identifies the person who completed the checkout to Facebook, which in turn compares this information against the set of people who viewed or clicked on an ad to see if there is a match and, therefore, a conversion.
  • 21. 21 TEST & LEARN CAMPAIGNS Using multivariate testing to derive insight Understanding Test & Learn Campaigns As agencies and brands become more and more focused on storytelling and content marketing, there is a renewed interest in what works and what doesn’t, and what channels it does or doesn’t work on. By and large, top level research has been done. We accept that for the most part, we use LinkedIn for X, Twitter for Y and Facebook for Z. But we lack the deeper level of understanding of what appeals to different target audiences on each of those channels — of what content works for a particular interest or age group. In so far as social media itself allows for insight into what content works and what content doesn’t, social advertising accelerates the process and provides the back-end system to measure and track the trivial details of how different aspects of a campaign perform in relation to others. Test and learn campaigns are based on the concept of A/B testing theory. Therefore, in order to understand the benefits and rationale of a test and learn campaign, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the concept. Understanding A/B Testing A/B testing is a form of statistical hypothesis testing with two variants used in the field of statistics. It is essentially a randomised experiment with two variants — A and B — which are the control and treatment in an experiment. In online settings such as web design, the goal is to identify which changes to a website increase or maximise the click through rate (CTR) for a banner advertisement, the bounce rate or any other outcome of interest. Formally, the existing website is considered the null hypothesis. In A/B testing, as the name implies, two versions of the website (version A and version B) are compared to each other. They are identical except for a single variation that might affect a user’s behavior. Version A could be the existing website (control), while version B is modified in some respect (treatment). An e-commerce website may, for example, present a slight change to its purchasing funnel ­ — typically to reduce drop-off rates. A/B testing multiple times and thereby reducing drop-off rates even marginally can represent a significant gain in sales. Test and learn campaigns result in insights such as tech media being more responsive to content that is phrased colloquially versus being jargon-heavy, and risk mitigation decision makers being 80% more likely to engage with headlines that use exclamation marks versus those that use question marks. Test & Learn Metrics A test and learn campaigns’ primary metric is based on insight, not performance. Campaigns of this nature answer questions such as, “How do I know what kind of content I should be writing for my target audience?”, “What kind of ad or media format does my audience prefer?”, “On which platform is my target audience more likely to engage with my content?”, “What tone should I use for my demographic?”, and “Which channels are most responsive to my messaging?” Most social media campaign planning tools give a
  • 22. 22 broad idea of audience size and penetration, but they do little to indicate the engagement of that audience. For instance, while LinkedIn may have a good base of 100,000 cardiologists to target, it may be a poor choice of platform if only 5% of them are active on a monthly basis. Especially if proven that there is greater potential engagement from a more active — albeit smaller — base on Twitter. Running Test & Learn Campaigns Most test and learn campaigns begin with a hypothesis and broadly testing a number of elements. Based on the results of the initital test, the campaign starts building on the learnings, narrowing the testing parameters until a batch of insights are reached. Only one variable is tested per campaign set, and each ad makes changes to that variable but are otherwise identical. This is to avoid other metrics influencing the results. The different ads are then benchmarked against each other. Test and learn campaigns are time consuming and often require the setting up of hundreds or even thousands of ad variations and then sorting through the reams to data to draw out valuable insights. How to Build a Test & Learn Campaign Test and learn campaigns have traditionally been run through each social platforms’ native ad servers, using a combination of Google Analytics and custom UTM parameters. In this way, we are able to test clicks to website. There, a number of third-party ad servers and tools make variant tracking easier. UTM Parameters UTM codes are snippets of text added to the end of a URL to help you track the success of your content on the web. If your client's website uses Google Analytics, UTMs can be built using the Google UTM Builder.
  • 23. 23
  • 25. Why Facebook? More than two billion people connect to Facebook each month. Of those two billion people, 1.32 billion connect to Facebook at least once daily. When you run a Facebook advert, you choose the audience that sees it by location, age, interests and more, making your adverts more relevant for the people who see them. What ads are available? Boost your Posts: When you choose to boost your posts, you’ll create an ad from content you’ve already posted on your business page. This is recommended if your goal is to increase engagement on your post and get people seeing, liking, commenting on and sharing your page content. Promote your Page: When you choose to promote your page, your ad will be optimised to reach people in your target audience who are likely to engage with your page. This is a good option if you want to engage with your audience or reach new customers. Send People to your Website: When you choose to send people to your website, you set a custom destination URL to redirect people to your website’s homepage, online store, contact page or any page you want people to see. By default, your ad will be optimised to reach people who are likely to click on your ad. Increase Conversions on your Website: When you choose to increase conversions on your website, you are required to add a piece of code to your website, on a page you want to track conversions on. For instance, if you wanted to track how many people saw your ad and then went and purchased the product you were advertising, the code would be on your website’s purchase confirmation page. By default, your ad will be optimised to reach people in your target audience who are likely to convert.
  • 26. 26 Get Installs of your App: When you choose to get installs of your app, you’ll create an ad with a link to the relevant app store from which people can download and install your app. If you want to measure the number of app installs, you can integrate your app with the Facebook software development kit (SDK). Increase Engagement in your App: When you choose to increase engagement in your app, you’ll send people to areas in your app that you want them to go, such as to an online store or to a feedback form. If you want to measure the success of your ad, you can integrate your app with the Facebook SDK. Reach People Near your Business: When you choose to reach people near your business, you’ll target people in and around your local community by setting a radius around your business’ physical location. Running this type of campaign will help you increase foot traffic to your store and encourage physical purchases. It will also build awareness of your business within your local community. Raise Attendance at your Event: When you choose to raise attendance at your event, you’ll create an event ad that people can add to their calendar on Facebook. People will get reminders about your event, and you’ll be able to see how many people responded to your invitation. Get People to Claim your Offer: When you choose to get people to claim your offer, you’ll create an ad with a short-term sale, discount or special deal. You are then able to choose your target audience and limit the amount of people who are able to claim the offer before it expires. Get Video Views: When you choose to get video views, you’re able to create ads that include embedded videos, which can help you tell your brand’s story and build awareness on Facebook. Which call-to-action options are available? • Apply Now • Book Now • Contact Us • Donate Now • Download • Learn More • Request Time • See Menu • Shop Now • Sign Up • Watch More What targeting options are available? You can mix and match any of the below options to achieve desired results: Custom Audience: Allows the use of email addresses, phone numbers, Facebook user IDs or app user IDs to create and save audiences you’d like to show your ads to. Location, Age, Gender and Language: Allows the selection of the basic demographics of the audience you want to reach. Interests: Choose specific interests that are important to your audience. These are determined by what people are connected to on Facebook, such as pages and apps. Behaviours: Select people based on purchase behaviours or intents, device usage and more. These behaviours are determined by what people are connected to on Facebook, such as pages and apps.
  • 27. 27 More Categories: Select people based on any of the Facebook or partner categories you’ve requested access to. Some data is only available to advertisers in the United States. Custom Audiences: Custom Audiences are target audiences of people you already know created from information you provide or from information generated on Facebook’s products. Connections: Select your audience based on whether or not they’re connected to any of your pages, apps or events. Someone who likes any of these things will bring with them a network of connections. These connections will see their friend’s connection to your brand when seeing your ads. This can increase the likelihood that they’ll find your ad relevant enough to click on or engage with. What buying Options are available? Facebook allows you to pick the method by which you pay for and target ads in your campaigns. You can choose between dynamic auction bidding, fixed-price bidding, or reach and frequency buying. Auction bidding: This is the most prefered/ recommended method of buying advertising on Facebook. For each ad impression, the Facebook ad auction system selects the best ads to run based on the ads’ maximum bids and ad performance. All ads on Facebook compete against each other in this process, and the ads that it’s system determines to be the most likely to be successful will win the auction. To help gain competitive positioning at auction, consider raising your bid. The bid that wins may be lower than the maximum bid set for ads, so it is recommended that you enter your true maximum bid. This may help ensure you don’t miss out on clicks or impressions that you otherwise could’ve received. Reach and Frequency buying: This is an alternative method for buying ads that lets you book campaigns in advance with predictable, optimized reach and accurate frequency. Reach and frequency buying can help you have a greater impact on brand perception, raise awareness of your product or drive on or offline sales. Optimizing toward reach, rather than clicks or actions, can also ensure the lowest cost per reach and cost per person impacted. A person is considered impacted when your ad has its intended effect on that person. A good example is when advertisers with large market share and high levels of brand awareness use reach and frequency to lower the number of times people are shown their ads in order to increase the number of people who are shown their ads. Note: Access to the reach and frequency buying type is rolling out gradually and may not be available to you at this time. What bidding options are available? Cost Per Click (CPC) Bidding: When bidding on a CPC basis, you’ll pay for every click your ad receives. Clicks may include likes, comments and shares. Facebook will optimise your ad in order to find the people most likely to click on your ad. CPC is used when your objective is audience engagement. With CPC, you have the option to set a manual bid. Your bid is the maximum amount you’re willing to pay per click. For example, if you set your bid to $1, you’ll never spend more than $1 dollar per click. In some cases, you may spend less than your bid. To choose CPC or to set a manual bid, choose “Show
  • 28. 28 Advanced Options” in the Budget & Schedule section of Ads Creation. CPM Bidding: Think of impressions like views: the first time your ad is served to someone in their news feed, mobile news feed or as a right column ad, it will count as an impression. CPM is a good choice for your business if you want to build brand awareness. If your CPM is set at $1, you’ll be charged $1 for every 1,000 impressions on your ad. Payment methods You can use various payment methods to settle your Facebook advertising account, including credit cards, PayPal and insertion orders/Credit Lines. You can view all of your currently active credit cards as well as any active advertising coupons under the Payment Methods tab of your advertising account. Note: FleishmanHillard only buys via insertion order/ Credit line and recieves monthly invoices. This is a standard FH protocol How you’re billed: Facebook uses a threshold system so that your account is charged less often, meaning that as the budget for your campaign is spent, you’re only billed when your costs hit certain thresholds. For example, in the US, the first threshold is $25, and this rises with each successful charge to $50, $250, $500 and $750. Countries that use euros have similar thresholds. If your advertising costs don’t hit the first threshold amount, you’re billed at the end of the month Power Editor The Power Editor is a tool designed for advertisers who need to create a large volume of ads all at once and still require precise control of their campaigns. If you don’t need to create hundreds of ads at scale, we recommend that you use your Business Manager. Find more information on how to use the Power Editor here. Advertising policy Your ads may not contain: • Deceptive, false, or misleading content, including deceptive claims, offers, or business practices. • Content that exploits controversial political or social issues for commercial purposes. • Direct people to non-functional landing pages. This includes landing page content that interferes with a person’s ability to navigate away from the page. • Promote the sale of spy cams, mobile phone trackers or other hidden surveillance equipment. • Contain profanity or bad grammar and punctuation. Symbols, numbers, and letters must be used properly. • Contain images that portray nonexistent functionality. For example, an image with a “play” button but does not have a functional video to play. • Contain “before-and-after” images or images that contain unexpected or unlikely results. Ad content must not imply or attempt to generate negative self-perception in order to promote diet, weight loss, or other health related products. Ads for health, fitness or weight loss products must be targeted to people 18 years or older. • Contain audio or flash animation that plays automatically without a person’s interaction or expands within Facebook after someone clicks on
  • 29. 29 Page Likes & Event Responses Design Recommendations - Recommended image size: 1200x444 pixels - Image ratio: 2.7:1 - Text: 90 characters - Headline: 25 characters - Your image may not include more than 20% text Clicks to Website & Website Conversion & Local Awareness Design Recommendations - Recommended image size: 1,200x628 pixels - Image ratio: 1.9:1 - Text: 90 characters - Headline: 25 characters - Link description: 30 characters - Your image may not include more than 20% text Sponsored Sponsored Sponsored Page Post Engagement Photo Design Recommendations - Recommended news feed image size: 1,200 x 900 pixels - News feed image ratio: 4:3 - Right column image size: 254x133 pixels - Right column image ratio: 1.9:1 - Text: 90 characters (longer posts may be truncated on small screens) - Your image may not include more than 20% text Sponsored Page Post Engagement Text Design Recommendations - Text: 500 characters (longer posts may be truncated on small screens) Sponsored Sponsored Desktop App Installs & App Engagement Design Recommendations - Recommended image size: 1200x628 pixels - Image ratio: 1.9:1 - Text: 90 characters - Your image may not include more than 20% text Your star rating from the App Store or Google Play store will automatically be shown on your advert. Sponsored Offer Claim Design Recommendations - Recommended image size: 1200x628 pixels - Image ratio: 1.9:1 - Offer title: 25 characters - Text: 90 characters - Your image may not include more than 20% text Sponsored Page Post Engagement Video & Video Views Design Recommendations - Text: 90 characters - Thumbnail image size: Should match the aspect ratio of your video. Your thumbnail image may not include more than 20% text - Video: H.264 video compression, high-profile preferred, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan - Frames: 30 fps max. - Format: .mp4 container ideally with leading mov atom, no edit lists - Recommended aspect ratio: 1.33:1 / 4:3 / SDTV, 1.375:1 / film, 1.77 / 16.9 / HDTV, 1.85:1 / Film, 2:39:1 or 2:40:1 / Wide-screen, no pillar boxing or letter boxing - Audio: Stereo AAC audio compression, 128 kbps+ preferred - File size: Up to 1.75 GB max. - Bit rate: No limit to bit rate file if you're using two-pass encoding, as long as your file doesn't exceed 1 GB. Otherwise, 8 megabits per second for 1080p and 4 megabits per second for 720p - Length: 45 minutes max Right Column Website Clicks, Website Conversion, Page Post Engagement, App Installs, App Engagement, Offer Claims & Video Views - Image: 254x133 pixels - Text: 90 characters - Headline: 25 characters Page Likes & Event Responses - Image: 254x94 pixels - Text: 90 characters - Headline: 25 characters Facebook Creavtive Studio, create and test mock ups (Click Here)
  • 30. 30 App Installs: Mobile App - Recommended image size: 1200x628 pixels - Image ratio: 1.9:1 - Text: 90 characters - Your image may not include more than 20% text Sponsored App Installs: Mobile App On mobile devices with a screen size of 640x1136 pixels: - Image: 560 pixels wide - Text: 110 characters Website Conversions: Carousel & App Install Carousel This advert format allows potential customers to scroll through the products you've showcased. Each product links to a different section of your website. On mobile devices with a screen size of 640x1136 pixels: - Image displays as: 460x460 pixels - Text: 120 characters - Headline: 1–2 lines (depending on length) - Link description: 1 line
  • 31. Why Instagram? With a global community of more than 600 million registered users, Instagram is one of the world’s largest mobile ad platforms. Businesses can share their stories with a highly engaged audience in a creative, high-quality environment. Instagram ads are available globally for all businesses — big and small. You can create ads for Instagram using Power Editor and the Facebook Ads API. Which ads are available? Brand Awareness: Drive mass awareness to a broad audience with guaranteed impressions and placement in the top ad position of Instagram’s feed. Available ad formats are image, video, story and carousel. Clicks to Website: Send people to important sections of your website. Available ad formats are image, video and carousel. Mobile App Installs: Get people to install a mobile app. Available ad formats are image and video. Video Views: Promote videos to raise awareness about your brand. Lead Generation: Allows consumers to fill out a form with their contact information. You can also track lead conversion events on your own website using the Facebook pixel. Store Visits: Lets you create dynamic local ads for multiple store locations so you can drive store visits and in-store sales. This objective also lets you target people within a set distance of one or many of your store locations with ads designed to help people navigate to or contact the location closest to them. Photo Ads: Tell your story through a clean, simple and beautiful creative canvas. Photos can be in square or landscape format. Video Ads: Get the same visually immersive quality as photo ads, with the added power of sight, sound
  • 32. 32 and motion. And now, you can share videos that are up to 60 seconds long in landscape or square format. Carousel Ads: The carousel format allows you to showcase up to 10 images or videos within a single ad, each with its own link. With more creative space within an ad, you can highlight different products, showcase specific details about one product, service or promotion, or tell a story about your brand that develops across each carousel card. Instagram Stories ads: These full screen vertical ads appear between Instagram user stories for up to 15 seconds, or until the user dismisses the ad. What targeting options are available? Custom Audience: Allows the use of email addresses, phone numbers, or Facebook or Instagram user IDs to create and save audiences you’d like to show ads to. Location, Age, Gender and Language: Allows the selection of the basic demographics of the audience you want to reach. Interests: Choose specific interests that are important to your audience. These are determined by what people are connected to on Facebook, such as pages and apps. Behaviours: Select people based on purchase behaviours or intent, device usage and more. These behaviours are determined by what people are connected to on Facebook, such as pages and apps. More Categories: Select people based on any Facebook or partner categories you’ve requested access to. Some data is only available to advertisers in the United States. Connections: Select your audience based on whether or not they’re connected to any of your pages, apps or events. Anyone who has a friend connected to what you’re advertising will see their friend included in your ad. This can increase the likelihood that they’ll find your ad relevant enough to click on or engage with. Selecting multiple options for Connections will limit your audience to people who fall under all parameters exclusively. For example, if you want to target both fans and friends of fans, you need to set up two seperate ad campaigns. Selecting both of these options in the same campaign will cause it to target only people who are already fans and also have friends who are fans, which would drastically reduce your reach. Payment methods You can use various payment methods to settle your Instagram advertising account, including direct debit, credit cards, PayPal, manul payment (cash/bank transfer) and insertion orders. You can view all of your currently active credit cards as well as any active advertising coupons under the Payment Methods tab of your Facebook advertising account. Note: FleishmanHillard only buys via insertion order/Credit line and recieves monthly invoices. This is a standard FH protocol Ad creation Instagram app: The easiest way to run adverts is by promoting posts that you’ve shared on Instagram. Simply select the post that you want to promote, then track how many people see and interact with your promoted post in the app. Power Editor: Instagram ads can also be created the same way you create Facebook ads in Ads Manager or Power Editor. Although it is recommended to have an Instagram account, it is not an absolute must- have to run ads on the platform. You are however required to have a Facebook page in order to run ads on Instagram.
  • 33. 33
  • 34. Why Twitter? The Twitter self-service ads platform includes more than 200 countries and territories, and with over 320 million users. Unlike other social networks, there are virtually no algorithms restricting content distribution and users are not limited to interact with those they “friend” or “follow”. This is coupled with an unrestrictive API (Application Programming Interface) and the platform’s popularity among news media, celebrities and broadcast television. What ads are available? Traditionally, Twitter adverts are categorised by ad type, but the ad creation dashboard has since been recategorised to define adverts by KPI or goal, much the same way Facebook defines its adverts. Promoted Tweets: Used to encourage people to click on a link and read your content. This is the easiest type of campaign to put together. Advertisers can either compose a new tweet on the campaign page or just choose to promote one they’ve already published. Promoted Tweets are ordinary tweets that reach a wider group of users than an advertiser’s existing follower base. These tweets are clearly labeled as being promoted when they appear in users’ news feeds, but in every other respect Promoted Tweets act just like regular tweets and can be retweeted, replied to, liked and more. They are charged on a CPE basis — advertisers only pay for engagements and not for the impressions they receive as a result of the campaign. Engagements are defined as clicks, retweets, likes, follows and replies on a Promoted Tweet. Promoted Accounts: Follower acquisition campaign used by advertisers to promote their Twitter account with the aim of growing their handle’s following with
  • 35. 35 relevant users. These ads appear not only in the news feed, but also in “Who to follow” widgets throughout Twitter. These campaigns run on a CPA basis - advertisers do not pay for any engagement that resulted from the campaign, but rather per follow. These campaigns are set up for the sole purpose of gaining new Twitter followers. They’re basic — just text with an image. Promoted Video Views: A promoted video campaign used by advertisers to promote their video to a wider audience than their existing follower base. These videos are clearly labeled as being promoted when they appear in users’ news feeds, but in every other respect Promoted video act just like regular video on Twitter and can be retweeted, replied to, liked and more. These campaigns run on a CPV basis - advertisers do not pay for any engagement that resulted from the campaign, but rather per view the video gains. Website Clicks & Conversions: Used to add a call- to-action button to a Promoted Tweet. It’s best to use this type of campaign to promote a piece of content that has an actionable conversion, such as an ebook that can be downloaded in exchange for an email address. Advertisers create a Website Card which includes an image, a headline, a URL and a call to action. Website Cards add a visual touch that prompts users to click through to your content. In order to track this campaign, a tag needs to be added to the webpage that the conversions happen on. Leads on Twitter: Similar to the conversions campaign, with the difference being that a Lead Generation Card is added to the tweet instead of a Website Card. The Lead Generation Card is optimised for gathering email addresses directly from Twitter. Promoted Trends: Trends are popular topics within a given time period; they are primarily defined by a common hashtag (but also by topic). In order for something to trend, it needs to be in the most popular topics of the day during a given time period within a given area. Promoted Trends are trends that have been bought for a 24-hour period. The trend is essentially elevated through spend to be one of the most popular topics of the day in a particular area. These paid Promoted Trends appear at the top of the Trending Topics list on Twitter and are clearly marked as promoted. They will also occasionally show on users’ news feeds. Promoted Trends are a good way to kickstart a conversation, launch new products, run major campaigns or drive mass awareness around key dates. This option comes with a special dashboard that gives advertisers insight into trend performance and other analytics. Promoted Trends can only be set up through a Twitter account manager. Awareness Campaign: The Awareness Objective will help you reach more of your customers and drive better awareness for your brand. The awareness objective uses the standard targeting features you’ve seen on other Twitter Ads campaigns. So you can focus on any targeted or Tailored Audiences that have been successful for you in the past, or use this campaign to test new ones. These campaigns run on a CPM basis - where you will be charged for every 1000 impressions. First View: An engaging and highly visible way to share your brand story with compelling video creative across Twitter. First View helps advertisers achieve significant audience reach with exclusive ownership of the top ad slot of Twitter’s timeline for a 24-hour period. When users first visit the Twitter app or log
  • 36. 36 in to, the top ad slot in the timelines will be a Promoted Video from that brand. When an advertiser is to use a first view campaign it is accompanied by a promoted trend for the 24 hour period. Twitter Cards By simply adding a few lines of HTML to their website, advertisers can attach rich media and videos to the tweets of users that are sending people to their content. Each of these tweets will have a “card” added to their tweet that is visible to all of their followers. Website Cards give users a quick overview and an easy way to visit a website. Lead Generation Cards make it easy for people to express interest in what is offered. Use these cards to capture user data directly from within Twitter. Basic App Cards are a good way to drive installs of your apps on iOS and Android mobile devices. Basic App Cards fetch all relevant information from the stores and show them in the card. Image App Cards also drive installs of your apps like Basic App Cards, but allows an image to be added. Video App Cards also drive installs of your apps like Basic App Cards, but allows a video to be added. Summary Cards can be used for many kinds of web content, from blog posts and news articles to products and restaurants. They are designed to give users a preview of the content before clicking through to the website. Summary Cards with Large Images feature a prominent, full-width image alongside a tweet. They are designed to catch the eye of users scrolling down their news feed. Conversational Cards include call to action buttons with customizable hashtags that encourages consumer engagement. When a call to action button is tapped, the tweet composer opens with a pre-populated brand message accompanied by the creative and hashtag buttons. The consumer can then personalize the Tweet and share it with his or her followers. What targeting options are available? Language: Reach people who understand a particular language. Interests: Connect with Twitter users based on their passions. Scale your reach with more than 350 interest categories. This is a great option when you want to target more broadly. Followers: Reach people with specific interests or who are similar to followers of specific accounts. This is the recommended option when you’re looking to target a niche audience. Tailored Audiences: You can reach users on Twitter who you currently market to via other channels. Tailored Audiences uses your own CRM list and targets them with a specific message on Twitter. Keywords: Reach people that search, tweet about or engage with specific keywords. Deliver messages to users in the right moment based on what they’ve recently tweeted or engaged with in tweets. Emoji: Reach people that search, tweet about or engage with specific emoji’s. Television: Reach people who tweet about or engage with tweets related to specific television programming. Geography and Language: Connect with a global audience or narrow the reach of your campaign to a specific country, province/state or zip code. If you have language-specific messaging, you can also reach people who tweet in that particular language. Device: Target users based on how they’re accessing Twitter, including their OS version, physical device
  • 37. 37 and WiFi connectivity. Behaviour: Reach high-intent audiences on Twitter based on shopping and spending patterns. Gender: Tailor a specific message to men or women to increase relevance. Payment methods Twitter Ads currently accepts credit cards, and offers credit (insertion orders) to selected advertisers who meet the eligibility criteria. If you have been offered a credit through one of Twitter’s official resellers, the credit will appear and be displayed on your Billing History page. Note: FleishmanHillard only buys via insertion order and recieves monthly invoices. This is a standard FH protocol How you’re billed: Your credit card will be billed as you accrue charges, depending on the daily and total budgets you set in the advertising interface. You can be charged as often as once a day or a maximum of every seven days. If you are running the campaign based on an insertion order, you will only be billed at the end of the month based on the amount you spent, regardless of the size of your credit. Bidding options available When setting up a Promoted Tweets campaign, you’ll be given several bidding options, depending on your objective. For most objectives, you can choose automatic bidding or maximum bidding. Automatic: Your bid will be optimised to get the best results at the lowest price (within your budget). You will pay the optimised price for each engagement delivered. Maximum: You indicate the maximum you are willing to pay for an engagement. You won’t pay more than your maximum bid, and you may pay less. Target bidding: You indicate your target cost per link click or lead. Your bids are automatically optimised to achieve this average cost on a daily basis, typically within 20% of your target. You will pay the actual average cost for all link clicks or leads. This feature is available for “Website Clicks and Conversions” or “Leads on Twitter” campaigns. Changing your target bid or bid type: Twitter optimises campaigns towards the highest target bid entered each day. The following day, it will begin optimising for the target bid that was set at the end of the previous day. When you update a bid by, for example, changing from “maximum” to “target” bidding or adjusting the target bid number, it will take up to two days for the change to reflect in campaign performance. Prohibited content Twitter prohibits the promotion of products or services in the following categories: • Adult or sexual products and services; • Drugs and drug paraphernalia; • Endangered species products; • Hate content, sensitive topics, and violence; • Illegal products and services; • Spyware and illegal hacking; • Tobacco and tobacco accessories; • Unauthorised ticket sales; • Weapons and weapon accessories; and • Trade restrictions Twitter restricts the promotion of products or services in the following categories: • Alcohol content • Financial services
  • 38. • Gambling content • Health and pharmaceutical products and services • Political campaigning Note: Restrictions can be based on the specific product or service being promoted, as well as the country that the campaign is targeting. Ad limitations and guidelines • Your profile photo, header photo, and background may not use animated images. • You may not include excessive or unnecessary capitalisation or punctuation to draw attention to your ad. • Don’t use punctuation, spaces or symbols in your hashtags; these cause a break in the hashtag. • Your Twitter Ads copy should be legible and clear. Use correct grammar and spelling. • Don’t use content or language that could offend or shock your audience (e.g. profanity). • Don’t use images that are gimmicky, misleading or which are otherwise of low editorial quality.
  • 39. 39 Promoted Trends - Promoted Trends are positioned at the top of the Trends list for a 24-hour window and are clearly marked with a promoted icon. - Promoted Trends are made up of a 140 character tweets and only bought through a Twitter account manager. - Costs around $200,000 a day. Promoted accounts are used for follower acquisition. Promoted accounts appear on: - Home timeline - “Who to follow” widget on the right side of the Home and Notifications tabs, people search results page and the right side of the profile page Best practice: - Do: Include “follow us” in your Tweet. - Do: Let the user know why they should follow you. - Don’t: Add extra links or photos that will distract from the follow button. Promoted Trends Who to follow #PromotedTrend #Trend #Trend #Trend #Trend #Trend Name @Handle Name @Handle Name @Handle Promoted Follow Follow Follow Promoted by Name @Handle Promoted by Name @LeadGen Promoted by Name @AppCard Promoted Accounts Promoted by Name @Handle Follow Name @Handle Promoted Tweet Website Card Enables you to feature your website content within a tweet and allows the user to click through to your website directly from the card. Details needed: - Headline - 70 characters - A URL - An image 800x320px - Call to action - selected from a list of options Lead Generation Card Generate inbound interest from users by allowing them to easily share their information with you from within a tweet. Lead Generation Cards automatically capture the user’s name, username, and email address and lets them send this to you with one click. Details needed: - Short description - 70 characters - An image 800x200px - Call to action - 20 characters - Card detail URL - Privacy policy URL - Lead submission URL - Destination submission URL (optional) App Cards (Basic, Image & Video) A great way to drive installs for your apps on iOS and Android mobile devices. Basic App Cards use your information from the iOS App Store and Google Play to show in the card. Details needed: - An app on iOS or Android - Primary app store territory - Call to action - selected from a list of options - iPhone/iPad/Google Play App ID - iPhone/iPad/Google Play deep link - Optional custom icon 144x144px - Optional custom app description - 100 characters - Image for image app 800x320px - Video from your video library on Twitter Recorded on iPhone or Andriod OS 4.1 & higher. Imported from an iPhone or iPad or uploaded to Other Card Types: - Summary Card - Summary Card with Large Image - Player Card Convo Cards advertisers can drive more earned media and brand influence with our new conversational ads. These formats, exclusive to Twitter, make it even easier for consumers to engage with and then spread a brand’s campaign message. It’s a powerful way for advertisers to extend their presence across Twitter. Details needed: - Headline - 23 Characters - Hashtags - 21 Characters - Pre-populated user tweet for hashtag selection - 116 Characters - Thank you text - 23 Characters - An image 800x320px Tweet engagement campaigns allow you to extend the reach of your content to a relevant audience on Twitter. You can promote tweets that are published organically or choose to create tweets that are only promoted to the audiences you target. Promoted Tweets appear in: - Home timeline - Tweet search Best practice: - 40 characters remaining (images count as 23 characters) - Images best formatted to 1024x512px Promoted by Name @WebCard Twitter Cards Promoted by Name @ConvoCard #Option 1 #Option 2 #Option 4 #Option 3 Promoted by Name @First View Promoted Video & First View Promote your videos to reach a targeted, engaged audience. Your videos will auto-play on scroll, encouraging people to tap or click. Promoted Videos appear in: - Home timeline Best practice: - File Type: MP4 or MOV - File Size: No limit, but recommended under 1GB - Max Time: 10 minutes Video Tweet: - Tweet Copy: 116 characters - Title (under video): 70 characters - Description (under video): 200 characters Thumbnail: - Supported file types: PNG or JPEG - Recommended aspect ratio: 16:9 - Minimum size: 640px X 360px - Max size: 5MB
  • 40. 40 Promoted by Promoted by Promoted by Name @Handle Name @Handle Name @Handle Name @Handle Name @Handle Twitter Cards Promoted Tweets Promoted Accounts #PromotedTrend Promoted #Trend Just started trending #Trend 2,400 Tweets about this trend #Trend Just started trending #Trend 1,800 Tweets about this trend #Trend Just started trending #Trend 500 Tweets about this trend #Trend Just started trending Promoted Tweets Promoted by Promoted by Name @Handle Name @Handle Name @Handle Name @Handle Convosational Card #Option 1 #Option 2 #Option 4 #Option 3 Promoted by Promoted by Name @Handle Name @Handle Name @Handle Name @Handle Name @Handle Promoted Tweets Promoted Tweets Promoted Video & First View
  • 41. Why LinkedIn? Connect with the world’s largest audience of active, influential professionals. Raise brand awareness, build relationships and drive quality leads with Sponsored Updates. Extend your reach to the LinkedIn feed across web, mobile and tablet. What ads are available? Text Ads: place your ads in front of the audiences who matter most – and drive them to your website or landing pages. These ads appear in a number of places, such as a user’s inbox, and on the side and bottom of the homepage. Self-service display ads give you the ability to include an image or video, as well as ad copy. Sponsored Content: Where other ads show up on the sides or at the tops of pages, Sponsored Content appears right in the user’s news stream, which will typically lead to more engagement. Sponsored InMail: Sponsored InMail gives advertisers the ability to send a form of email message to any of the more than 300 million LinkedIn users. The InMail feature also uses LinkedIn’s robust segmenting features to choose a highly targeted group of users to send your message to. LinkedIn has imposed a limit on the number of sponsored InMails that a user can receive in a certain time period. Each user is only able to receive one InMail every 60 days. Display Ads: Reach your target audience in a premium context through your preferred programmatic buying platform. Display ads use intent based targeting through your own first- or third-party data to retarget website visitors, CRM contacts, lookalike audiences, and more. Dynamic Ads: Engage the professionals that matter most with dynamically generated, personalized ads. Dynamic Ads allow you to precisely target decision-
  • 42. 42 makers and influencers with highly relevant and customizable creative. What targeting options are available? LinkedIn allows for multiple targeting parameters that can be used together to effectively hyper target niche audience groups. Note: A maximum of 100 selections are permitted per targeting option. Location: LinkedIn allows you to include or exclude countries, provinces, states, cities or towns that you wish to target or exclude. Company Name: Advertisers are able to target or exclude a specific company or a number of companies on LinkedIn from their targeting parameters. Using company name as a targeting parameter will limit you from using industry or company size targeting. Company Industry: Advertisers are able to target or exclude a specific industry from a closed list of options, e.g. Agriculture or IT. Company Size: Advertisers are able to include or exclude companies of various sizes in pre-defined size bands, e.g. 1-10 or 11 - 50. Job Title: Advertisers can select one or more job titles to target. e.g. Financial Manager or Digital Strategist. Using job title as a targeting parameter will limit you from using job function. Job Function: Target users in specific job functions from a closed list, e.g. Marketing or Accounting. Job Seniority: Target users at different levels of seniority from a closed list of options, e.g. CEO or Manager. Member Schools: The schools or universities users have listed. Fields of Study: The fields of study users have listed. Degrees: The degrees users have listed. Member Skills: The skills users have listed. Member Groups: The LinkedIn groups members are a part of. Member Gender: The gender users have listed. Member Age: The age users have listed. Years of experience: The years your audience has worked in the current industry. Company Followers: Choose between targeting only people who follow your company page or exclude targeting people who follow your company page Company Connections: Target the first-degree connections of employees at the companies you select. Only companies with more than 500 employees are eligible.. What is Audience Expansion? This free feature broadens the reach of a campaign by showing it to audiences with similar attributes to the targeted audience. Enabling this feature helps scale the campaign’s reach and discover new audiences. It will automatically expand the audience to include members with similar characteristics, such as groups, companies or skills. Metrics for impressions and clicks includes both the target audience and expanded audience activity. The audience count won’t include members from Audience Expansion. Where will my ads appear? Text Ads: Text Ads appear under “Ads you may be interested in” and as text link advertisements found at the top of the homepage. They only appear on
  • 43. 43 desktops and not on mobile or tablet devices. Sponsored Content: Sponsored Content appears in the homepage feed of members in the target audience, and may apear on the right rail of the home page. They are served on desktop, and most mobile and tablet devices. Messaging: Sponsored InMail messages are only delivered to a LinkedIn members inbox when the member is active on LinkedIn. And strict delivery frequency caps ensure your message gets noticed. Payment methods LinkedIn accepts credit cards and SEPA direct debit for certain countries using euros. In addition to credit cards, you can pay with debit and pre-paid cards issued by any of the major card networks. LinkedIn does not accept PayPal as a payment method for any of their advertising products. Note: FleishmanHillard only buys via insertion order and recieves monthly invoices. This is a standard FH protocol Sponsored Sponsored Mobile Sponsored Update - TEXT: The amount of text in a Sponsored Update is limited based on the device it is viewed on. Desktop ads can have up to 300 characters before being truncated, 160 on a tablet, and 35 on a mobile device. - IMAGE: Images can be embedded in the following types: .jpg, .gif, and .png. The max size is 350x265 pixels. - VIDEO: Videos cannot be embedded; however, linking from other sites allows LinkedIn users to easily find videos. YouTube videos are able to play on the site in the YouTube video player, with a size of 700x700 pixels. - LINK: You can sponsor an update that has a link to an external piece of content. This is great if you are looking to drive people to an external landing page for lead generation or an exclusive offer. The link can be up to 230 characters, with a preview image of 180x110 pixels. - DOCUMENTS/PRESENTATIONS: A variety of different document types can be used in a Sponsored Update, including PDFs, Microsoft Office documents, and many others. The document or presentation must be under 100MB. - DIRECT SPONSORED CONTENT: Appears in the homepage feed of members in your target audience, but doesn’t appear on Company or Showcase Pages. ing truncated, 160 on a blet, and 35 on a mobile device. MAGE: Images can be mbedded in the following pes: .jpg, .gif, and .png. The ax size is 350x265 pixels. DEO: Videos cannot be mbedded; however, linking om other sites allows LinkedIn ers to easily find videos. uTube videos are able to play the site in the YouTube video ayer, with a size of 700x700 xels. NK: You can sponsor an update at has a link to an external piece content. This is great if you are oking to drive people to an ternal landing page for lead neration or an exclusive offer. he link can be up to 230 aracters, with a preview age of 180x110 pixels. OCUMENTS/PRESENTATIONS: variety of different document pes can be used in a Sponsored pdate, including PDFs, Microsoft ffice documents, and many others. he document or presentation ust be under 100MB. RECT SPONSORED CONTENT: ppears in the homepage feed members in your target dience, but doesn’t appear on ompany or Showcase Pages. of text - From: Your n company - Image: 50x50 - URL: Website they click on LinkedIn Text A - Only on desk mobile or tab - Under “Ads y interested in - As text link a found at the homepage.
  • 44. 44 Sponsored Ads you may be intrested in Sponsored text goes here Sponsored Mobile Sponsored Update - TEXT: The amount of text in a Sponsored Update is limited based on the device it is viewed on. Desktop ads can have up to 300 characters before being truncated, 160 on a tablet, and 35 on a mobile device. - IMAGE: Images can be embedded in the following types: .jpg, .gif, and .png. The max size is 350x265 pixels. - VIDEO: Videos cannot be embedded; however, linking from other sites allows LinkedIn users to easily find videos. YouTube videos are able to play on the site in the YouTube video player, with a size of 700x700 pixels. - LINK: You can sponsor an update that has a link to an external piece of content. This is great if you are looking to drive people to an external landing page for lead generation or an exclusive offer. The link can be up to 230 characters, with a preview image of 180x110 pixels. - DOCUMENTS/PRESENTATIONS: A variety of different document types can be used in a Sponsored Update, including PDFs, Microsoft Office documents, and many others. The document or presentation must be under 100MB. - DIRECT SPONSORED CONTENT: Appears in the homepage feed of members in your target audience, but doesn’t appear on Company or Sponsored Update - TEXT: The amount of text in a Sponsored Update is limited based on the device it is viewed on. Desktop ads can have up to 300 characters before being truncated, 160 on a tablet, and 35 on a mobile device. - IMAGE: Images can be embedded in the following types: .jpg, .gif, and .png. The max size is 350x265 pixels. - VIDEO: Videos cannot be embedded; however, linking from other sites allows LinkedIn users to easily find videos. YouTube videos are able to play on the site in the YouTube video player, with a size of 700x700 pixels. - LINK: You can sponsor an update that has a link to an external piece of content. This is great if you are looking to drive people to an external landing page for lead generation or an exclusive offer. The link can be up to 230 characters, with a preview image of 180x110 pixels. - DOCUMENTS/PRESENTATIONS: A variety of different document types can be used in a Sponsored Update, including PDFs, Microsoft Office documents, and many others. The document or presentation must be under 100MB. - DIRECT SPONSORED CONTENT: Appears in the homepage feed of members in your target audience, but doesn’t appear on Company or Showcase Pages. Sponsored Ad - Headline: Up to 25 characters of text - Description: Up to 75 characters of text - From: Your name or any company - Image: 50x50 pixel image - URL: Website people visit once they click on your ad LinkedIn Text Ads appear: - Only on desktops and not on mobile or tablet devices. - Under “Ads you may be interested in”. - As text link advertisements found at the top of the homepage.
  • 45. Why Google AdWords? Reach a whole new customer base and grow your business with AdWords, Google’s online advertising programme. Adwords is Google’s advertising service designed for entities that want to promote their business on Google’s advertising network. This is a pay-per-click services that focuses on keywords search to match ads. How does it work? A brand’s ads are called up and appear whenever a person is on a website with content related to that brand or when someone searches for terms related to that business’s product or service. Google Adwords relies on keywords search to successfully place ads. When creating an Adword campaign, you select words or phrases you think your potential customers are likely to use when searching for products or services like yours. These are keywords. Whenever someone searches for a related keyword, the Ad Rank (Google AdWords ranking system) calculates which ad should appear at the top of the search. This scoring is determined by three factors: Your bid: Which is the maximum amount you are willing to pay for a keyword. The quality of your ads: This relates to the relevance of your ad to the user. Impact: Any additional extensions (phone numbers, links, etc) and other ad formats you use will impact your ad’s performance. What ads are available? Search Ads: These are the ads that appear next to the Google search results when people search for products or services related to those you offer.
  • 46. 46 Display Ads: Appear on the web or in apps. They are currently available on more than two million websites and 650 000 apps. Display ads are available in any one of the following formats: • Text: Ads are structured like Search ads with a headline, two lines of text and a URL to to take you to the advertised page. • Google Mail: These are inmail ads sent to Gmail subscribers. They can then be forwarded which further expands the ad’s reach. • Banner: Image or rich media ad format which lets you send customised, interactive or animated messages in your ads. • App: These ads target specific mobile app categories and appear when the app is opened. • Video: Video ads work similarly to display but are video instead of images. They are only shown to the people you want and you only pay when they watch. A video is uploaded on Youtube then you can use AdWords to start your campaign on YouTube. The video will appear before or next to related videos or in search results. App Installs: This is a simple way to promote iOS and Android ads to Google users. Simply type in the ad text you want to appear and the location. Google designs and builds custom app ads for the advertiser. What targeting options are available? The Google Customer Match allows you to create highly targeted ads to reach the most valuable customers with the right message at the right time. Below is the critea you can use to setup ads: Location, Age, Gender and Language: Allows audience targeting based on the basic demographics of the audience you want to reach. Device: Target audience based on which devices they will be viewing the ads from. Interests and remarketing: Target audiences that have provided their email addresses to your company or who view similar videos, subscribe to similar Youtube channels or who have previously visited your site. What bidding options are available? There are multiple bidding strategies available to advertisers. These are tailored according to the campaign being set up. Depending on which networks your campaign is targeting, and whether you want to focus on getting clicks, impressions, conversions, or views you can determine which strategy is best for you. Smart bidding: Takes away the guesswork from setting up bids. Smart Bidding is a set of automated bid strategies that uses machine learning to optimize for conversions or conversion value in each and every auction—a feature known as “auction-time bidding. Here are the four Smart Bidding strategies: • Target CPA (cost-per-acquisition): If the goal is to optimize for conversions, use Target CPA to help increase conversions while targeting a specific cost-per-acquisition (CPA). • Target ROAS (return-on-ad-spend): To optimize for conversion value, use Target ROAS to help increase conversion value while targeting a specific return-on-ad-spend (ROAS). • Maximize Conversions: To optimize for conversions, by spending your entire budget instead of targeting a specific CPA, you can use Maximize Conversions. • Enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC): If you want to automatically adjust your manual bids to try to maximize conversions, you can use ECPC. It’s an optional feature you can use with Manual CPC bidding. • CPC bidding: If the focus is on gaining clicks to generate traffic to your website, there are two cost-per-click bid strategies to consider:
  • 47. 47 • Maximize Clicks: This is an automated bid strategy. You set a daily budget, and the AdWords system automatically manages your bids to bring you the most clicks possible with the budget. • Manual CPC bidding: Lets you manage your maximum CPC bids yourself. You can set different bids for each ad group in your campaign, or for individual keywords or placements. If you’ve found that certain keywords or placements are more profitable, you can use manual bidding to allocate more of your advertising budget to those keywords or placements. Impressions bidding: If the focus is on impressions, use any of the below strategies available: • Target Search Page Location: This automated bid strategy automatically sets your bids to help increase the chances that your ads appear at the top of the page, or on the first page of search results. • Target Outranking Share: This bid strategy allows you to choose a domain you want to outrank so that your ad is displayed above that domain’s ads, or shows when that domain’s ad does not. You can set how often you want to outrank that domain, and AdWords automatically sets your Search bids to help meet that target. • Cost-per-thousand viewable impressions (vCPM): This is a manual bidding strategy for ads designed to increase awareness, but not necessarily generate clicks or traffic. It lets you set the highest amount you want to pay for each 1,000 viewable ad impressions on the Google Display Network. Payment methods Google Adwords payments are dependant on the country you are in and the currency you are using. For a precise list of what’s available for your country and currency, including which types of credit cards are accepted, visit the payment options tool. Below are some of the available payment methods: Credit cards and debit cards: In addition to certain types of credit cards, Google Adwords accepts MasterCard and Visa debits cards. This applies for automatic (you pay after ads run) and manual payments (you load funds before ads run). Funds Transfer: Payments are electronically transfered from an account to Google. Backup credit cards: This option allows ‘automatic payments’ members whose primary payment method of doesn’t work for whatever reason to use another credit card as a backup so ads keep running. Promotions and coupons: These coupons or promotional codes offer credit to members. Google occassionally gives these out as part of promotions or special offers. Google Analytics and AdWords One of the advantages of using Google advertising is that you can link your Google AdWords account Google Analytics. This feature allows you to better analyse customer activity on your webiste after an ad click or impression. With access to such valuable information, you can better structure and improve ads and the websites to which these ads direct users. Linking your accounts allows you to import Google Analytics goals and transactions, see Google Analytics data in your AdWords reports, and import Analytics remarketing audiences. You’ll also see AdWords data in your Analytics reports. Once you have linked an Analytics account to your AdWords, you can still edit, add, remove and unlink the accounts at any given time.
  • 48. 48 336x280 200x200 120x90 120x60 120x240 250x250 728x90 720x300 468x60 234x60 160x600 300x600 120x600 300x250 240x400 125x125 180x150 Wide Skyscraper Medium Triangle Small Square Full Banner Square Skyscrapper Pop-Under Half Banner Vertical Rectangle 88x31 Micro Bar Rectangle Button 2 Button 1 Button Half Page Ad Large Rectangle Leaderboard Vertical Banner
  • 49. Why Outbrain? With more than 557 million monthly users, Outbrain is one of the largest native advertising platforms in the world. By definition, Native advertising is any paid content that is “in-feed” and inherently non- disruptive. This includes promoted tweets on Twitter, suggested posts on Facebook, and editorial-based content recommendations from content discovery platforms like Outbrain. Outbrain provides its recommendation engine for free. External sites that employ the traffic acquisition service pay on a daily pay-per-click (PPC) or CPC basis, with links to third-party content appearing as recommendations alongside editorial content from the web’s biggest publishers. Brands and publishers are able to engage their audience on-site by surfacing their own editorial content that they have published in the past, displayed as “You May Also Like...” or “We Recommend”. The Outbrain “From Around the Web” tool also provides a way for publishers to buy and sell traffic by providing third-party links to relevant content. What are the Benefits of Native Advertising? Sharing: The extent to which people share content related to the brand or information about the brand as part of their everyday social lives at work, on the go, or at home. Brand recall: The average brand recall with native ads is twice that of traditional banner ad control groups. Native ad network: Through partnering with publishers, who are true experts at engaging audiences with content, you can learn how to build out your own native ad offering. Native ad headline: While many brands counted on traditional display ads in the past, they’ve come to
  • 50. 50 realize that native ads garner much higher CTAs. In fact, reading a native ad headline yields 308 times the amount of consumer attention than processing an image and banner. Retargeting: Once a user engages with a native ad experience, they can be retargeted with relevant display ads that have a much better chance at effectiveness. What targeting options are available? Contextual: Target users based on content being viewed. Personalised: Target users based on content viewing history. Behavioural: Target users based on collaborative filtering. Geography: Target users based on geographic location. Device: Target people on desktop or mobile devices. Publisher: Target people on specific publisher groups. Demographic: Optimise campaigns based on demographic profile. Interest: Target users based on their interests. Payment methods Outbrain currently accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express credit cards from the following countries: United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada, Singapore, Australia, Israel, Austria, India, New Zealand and Philippines. If you do not have a credit card from one of these countries but are still interested in using Outbrain, you can email to see if you qualify for an IO. If you have received an Outbrain coupon, please follow the instructions listed in the email. You can also reach out to the team to find out if your account qualifies for the promotion. At the end of the month, the coupon amount will be deducted from your total spend.
  • 51. 51 Recommended By Recommended By News Channels (CNN, ESPN, People, Guardian, etc)
  • 52. Why Snapchat? Snapchat is a unique social platform in that all snaps only last a brief amount of time before they disappear forever, making the app ephemeral in nature. As of January 2017 Snapchat had more than 160 Million active users globally. What ads are available? Snap Ads: Just like Snaps, Snap Ads offer a variety of creative freedom to communicate your message. They can take the form of video, whether it be a motion graphic, live snaps, cinema-graph, or gif as well as still. Web View Ads: Web View Attachments expand on standard Snap Ads with the capability to swipe up to view a webpage that is instantly loaded. App Install Ads: Snap Ads App Install expand on standard Snap Ads with the capability to swipe up to directly access the app store. Long Form Video Ads: From full-length trailers and short films, to how-to’s and behind-the-scenes footage, Long Form Video Snap Ads allows you to combine a bite-sized teaser with a long-form narrative in one simple swipeable package. Long Form Videos expand on standard Snap Ads with the capability to swipe up to view a video up to 1GB in size. Sponsored Filters: Filters allow brands to take part in millions of Snaps sent each day on Snapchat. When Snapchatters in the location(s) of your choice take a Snap, they’ll be able to see your Filter and use it to explain where, when, and why they took the Snap. Sponsored Lenses: Lenses are the most memorable way to increase awareness, on a massive scale. With one tap, you can invite Snapchatters into your world with an augmented reality overlay on your face. What targeting options
  • 53. 53 are available? Location: You can connect with a global audience or narrow the reach of your campaign to a specific country, province/state or zip code. Age: You can target a range of ages 13-17, 18-20, 21- 24, 25-34, 35+ or all ages. Gender: You can tailor a specific message to men or women to increase relevance. Language: You can reach Snapchatters who only read or understand the selected language. DLX Advanced Demographics: You are able to reach Snapchatters based on their education, income, language, and marital and parental status. Regulated Content: You can regulate the content being advertised for age restrictions (e.g. gambling, alcohol etc.) Predefined Audiences: Audiences that have been built and packaged using snapchat and third-party data. This allows you to reach people based on their online and real world interests, and behaviours. Custom Audiences: You can audiences that you have created via snap audience match ( CRM List) Snap engagement audiences, and/or lookalikes. Delivery Location: Content placement limits your ad delivery to snapchats curated content: Our stories, publisher stories and shows. This will give you the option to choose exactly where you want your content to be shown as well as exclude specific places. Operating Systems: You can tailor your ad content to target only Android or IOS users. Device makes: You can tailor your ad content to target specific smartphone devices. Connection Type: You can target users specifically connected to Wifi or mobile data. Carriers: You can tailor your ad content to target an audience using a specific mobile carrier (E.g. AT&T, 3, Cellular one etc.) Where will my ads appear? Publisher Stories: Your Snap Ads, Web Vew Ads and App Install Ads will all appear during a publishers snap which can be found through the ‘discover’ section on Snapchat. Our Stories: Your Snap Ads, Web Vew Ads and App Install Ads will all appear during an ‘Our Story Snap’ which can be found where you can view the stories published by the people you follow. Shows: Your Snap Ads, Web Vew Ads and App Install Ads will all appear during Shows. Shows can be found in the “Stories” section of Snapchat, under the header titled “Shows”. Payment Methods You can purchase Snap Ads and Geofilters through your line of credit or with a credit card. There are two options for advertising: self-service and On-demand Geofilter. Self-service allows you to place your own ads without the aid of a sales representative. On- demand Geofilter allows you to place orders on Geofilters. Credit Card: Within the Snapchat Business Manager you are able to add a credit card to your account, which will let you create ads, as well as pay for Geofilters. Line of Credit: You can request a line of credit from Snapchat, you need to fill out an application form stating the amount of money you are going to spend per month, as well as the organisations details. You can download the ‘line of credit’ application form here. Prohibited Content Ads must not infringe the intellectual property, privacy, publicity, copyright, or other legal rights of any person or entity. And they must not be false, misleading, fraudulent, defamatory, or deceptive.