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OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice

    Masoud Kalali, @MasoudKalali
    Principal Software Engineer, ORACLE
• Introduction
• The Top 10 Most Critical Web Application
  Security Risks
• QA
Java EE 6 & GlassFish
Motivation for this talk
•   Seen a lot
•   Providing a starting point
•   Sharing something
•   Making you aware
The Top 10 Most Critical Web Application
  Security Risks
                       A2: Broken
                        A2: Broken
                                                                         A4: Insecure
                                                                          A4: Insecure
                    Authentication and
                    Authentication and   A2: Cross-Site
                                          A2: Cross-Site
  A1: Injection
  A1: Injection                                                          Direct Object
                                                                         Direct Object
                         Session         Scripting (XSS)
                                         Scripting (XSS)
                      Management                                         References

                                          A7: Missing
                                           A7: Missing               A8: Cross-Site
                                                                     A8: Cross-Site
  A5: Security
  A5: Security      A6: Sensitive Data
                    A6: Sensitive Data
                                         Function Level
                                          Function Level            Request Forgery
                                                                    Request Forgery
Misconfiguration        Exposure
                                         Access Control
                                         Access Control                 (CSRF)

   A9: Using
   A9: Using        A10: Unvalidated
                    A10: Unvalidated
Components with
Components with
                     Redirects and
                      Redirects and

                                                           Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Aka OWASP Top-10*                                                 Source:
What is OWASP?
• Open Web Application Security Project
• Improving the security of (web) application software
   – Not-for-profit organization since 2001
   – Raise interest in secure development
• Documents
   – Top 10
   – Cheat Sheets
   – Development Guides
• Solutions
   – Enterprise Security API (ESAPI)
   – WebScarab
   – WebGoat
A1 - Injection
A2:A2: Authen Insecu
                                          A8: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                             A8: Cross-tication Cross
                                          A1:      A7:
                                             A1: Site               re
                                                      A7: tication Cross
                                         Insecu Site A6:     A6:
                                       Injectio Failure and
                                          A9:      Failure and Site
                                         Injectio Scripti Securit Direct
                                                   A10:              Site
                                             A9:     A10:
                                             nre   Scripti SecuritReque
                                       Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                       Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque
                                         Crypto ng
                                                       ng    yy    Object
                                                   RestricMiscon Refere

What is it?
                                        graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere
                                             ient dated
                                          graphi t URL Manag Forger
                                       Transp Redire figurati nces
                                             cc     t URL Manag Forger
                                         Transp Acces figurati y
                                                   Redire           nces
                                       Storag Acces ement
                                         Storag cts
                                           ortort     cts   onon (CSRF
                                                      ss           (CSRF
                                           Layer and
                                             ee       and            ))
                                       Protect Forwar
                                         Protect Forwar
                                           ionion    dsds

• Sending unintended data to applications
• Manipulating and reading Data stores (e.g.
  DB, LDAP, File System, etc.)
• Java EE 6 affected:
  – UI technology of choice
  – Database access (JPA, JDBC)
  – File System API
  – etc.
A2:A2: Authen Insecu
                                                                         A8: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                                            A8: Cross-tication Cross
                                                                         A1:      A7:
                                                                            A1: Site               re
                                                                                     A7: tication Cross
                                                                        Insecu Site A6:     A6:
                                                                      Injectio Failure and
                                                                         A9:      Failure and Site
                                                                        Injectio Scripti Securit Direct
                                                                                  A10:              Site
                                                                            A9:     A10:
                                                                            nre   Scripti SecuritReque
                                                                      Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                                                      Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque
                                                                        Crypto ng
                                                                                      ng    yy    Object
                                                                                  RestricMiscon Refere

How to spot it!
                                                                       graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere
                                                                            ient dated
                                                                         graphi t URL Manag Forger
                                                                      Transp Redire figurati nces
                                                                            cc     t URL Manag Forger
                                                                        Transp Acces figurati y
                                                                                  Redire           nces
                                                                      Storag Acces ement
                                                                        Storag cts
                                                                          ortort     cts   onon (CSRF
                                                                                     ss           (CSRF
                                                                          Layer and
                                                                            ee       and            ))
                                                                      Protect Forwar
                                                                        Protect Forwar
                                                                          ionion    dsds

String customerId= request.getParameter("customerId")
 String query = "SELECT balance FROM customer_data WHERE customer_id = "
   + customerId;

 try {
          Statement statement = connection.createStatement( … );
          ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery( query );

String customerId = "x'; DROP TABLE members; --"; // user-input
A2:A2: Authen Insecu
                                             A8: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                A8: Cross-tication Cross
                                             A1:      A7:
                                                A1: Site               re
                                                         A7: tication Cross
                                            Insecu Site A6:     A6:
                                          Injectio Failure and
                                             A9:      Failure and Site
                                            Injectio Scripti Securit Direct
                                                      A10:              Site
                                                A9:     A10:
                                                nre   Scripti SecuritReque
                                          Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                          Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque
                                            Crypto ng
                                                          ng    yy    Object
                                                      RestricMiscon Refere

Prevent Injection
                                           graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere
                                                ient dated
                                             graphi t URL Manag Forger
                                          Transp Redire figurati nces
                                                cc     t URL Manag Forger
                                            Transp Acces figurati y
                                                      Redire           nces
                                          Storag Acces ement
                                            Storag cts
                                              ortort     cts   onon (CSRF
                                                         ss           (CSRF
                                              Layer and
                                                ee       and            ))
                                          Protect Forwar
                                            Protect Forwar
                                              ionion    dsds

•   Sanitize the input
•   Escape/Quotesafe the input, e.g. use ESAPI
•   Use bound parameters (the PREPARED statement)
•   Limit database permissions and segregate users
•   Configure error reporting, e.g use OWASP
    LAPSE+ Static Code Analysis Tool
A2:A2: Authen Insecu
                                                                         A8: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                                            A8: Cross-tication Cross
                                                                         A1:      A7:
                                                                            A1: Site               re
                                                                                     A7: tication Cross
                                                                        Insecu Site A6:     A6:
                                                                      Injectio Failure and
                                                                         A9:      Failure and Site
                                                                        Injectio Scripti Securit Direct
                                                                                  A10:              Site
                                                                            A9:     A10:
                                                                            nre   Scripti SecuritReque
                                                                      Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                                                      Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque
                                                                        Crypto ng
                                                                                      ng    yy    Object
                                                                                  RestricMiscon Refere

Prevent Injection, Sample
                                                                       graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere
                                                                            ient dated
                                                                         graphi t URL Manag Forger
                                                                      Transp Redire figurati nces
                                                                            cc     t URL Manag Forger
                                                                        Transp Acces figurati y
                                                                                  Redire           nces
                                                                      Storag Acces ement
                                                                        Storag cts
                                                                          ortort     cts   onon (CSRF
                                                                                     ss           (CSRF
                                                                          Layer and
                                                                            ee       and            ))
                                                                      Protect Forwar
                                                                        Protect Forwar
                                                                          ionion    dsds

String customerId = request.getParameter("customerId");
//white list validation and encoding
String escapedCustomerId= ESAPI.encoder().encodeForSQL( new OracleCodec(),
customerId );

String query = "SELECT balance FROM customer_data WHERE customer_id = "
    + escapedCustomerId;


String query = "SELECT balance FROM customer_data WHERE customer_id = ? ";
//using pstmt or stmt with encoded/validate input parameters
PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement( query );
pstmt.setString( 1, customerId);
ResultSet results = pstmt.executeQuery( );
A2 - Broken Authentication and Session
A2:A2: Authen Insecu
                                                 A8: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                    A8: Cross-tication Cross
                                                 A1:      A7:
                                                    A1: Site               re
                                                             A7: tication Cross
                                                Insecu Site A6:     A6:
                                              Injectio Failure and
                                                 A9:      Failure and Site
                                                Injectio Scripti Securit Direct
                                                          A10:              Site
                                                    A9:     A10:
                                                    nre   Scripti SecuritReque
                                              Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                              Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque
                                                Crypto ng
                                                              ng    yy    Object
                                                          RestricMiscon Refere

What is it?
                                               graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere
                                                    ient dated
                                                 graphi t URL Manag Forger
                                              Transp Redire figurati nces
                                                    cc     t URL Manag Forger
                                                Transp Acces figurati y
                                                          Redire           nces
                                              Storag Acces ement
                                                Storag cts
                                                  ortort     cts   onon (CSRF
                                                             ss           (CSRF
                                                  Layer and
                                                    ee       and            ))
                                              Protect Forwar
                                                Protect Forwar
                                                  ionion    dsds

• Container Security vs. own solution
• Session Binding / Session Renewal
• Passwords
   – Strength (length/complexity)
   – Plain text passwords (http/https)
   – Recovery mechanisms
• Number of factors used for authentication

• Java EE 6 affected:
   – Filter / PhaseListener
   – Container and Web-App configuration
A2:A2: Authen Insecu
                                           A8: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                              A8: Cross-tication Cross
                                           A1:      A7:
                                              A1: Site               re
                                                       A7: tication Cross
                                          Insecu Site A6:     A6:
                                        Injectio Failure and
                                           A9:      Failure and Site
                                          Injectio Scripti Securit Direct
                                                    A10:              Site
                                              A9:     A10:
                                              nre   Scripti SecuritReque
                                        Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                        Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque
                                          Crypto ng
                                                        ng    yy    Object
                                                    RestricMiscon Refere

How to spot it
                                         graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere
                                              ient dated
                                           graphi t URL Manag Forger
                                        Transp Redire figurati nces
                                              cc     t URL Manag Forger
                                          Transp Acces figurati y
                                                    Redire           nces
                                        Storag Acces ement
                                          Storag cts
                                            ortort     cts   onon (CSRF
                                                       ss           (CSRF
                                            Layer and
                                              ee       and            ))
                                        Protect Forwar
                                          Protect Forwar
                                            ionion    dsds

•   Authentication over http
•   Custom security filter
•   Not using Container Functionality
•   No password strength requirements
•   No HttpSession binding
•   Way of saving Passwords
•   Not testing security
                                                                A2: Authen Insecu
                                                     A8: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                        A8: Cross-tication Cross
                                                     A1:      A7:
                                                        A1: Site               re
                                                                A7: tication Cross
                                                    Insecu Site       A6:
                                                  Injectio Failure and Direct
                                                    Injectio Scripti Securit Site
                                                     A9:      Failure and       Site
                                                        A9: A10:
                                                       re      A10:
                                                        nre   Scripti SecuritReque
                                                  Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                                  Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque
                                                    Crypto ng
                                                                 ng     yy    Object
                                                             dated MisconRefere
                                                              Restric n n

Best Practices
                                                   graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere
                                                        ient  dated
                                                     graphi t URL Manag Forger
                                                              t URL figurati nces
                                                                      Manag Forger
                                                  Transp Redire figurati
                                                        cc                     nces
                                                    Transp Acces
                                                              Redire            yy
                                                  Storag Acces ement
                                                    Storag cts
                                                      ortort    cts    on
                                                                        on (CSRF
                                                                ss            (CSRF
                                                      Layer and
                                                        ee      and             ))
                                                  Protect Forwar
                                                    Protect Forwar
                                                      ionion   dsds

• Use Container Managed Security!
• Go with provided Standard Realms and LoginModules
  whenever possible
• Invalidate session and all relevant bits when logged out
• If you need custom ones: Test them extremely carefully!
• Use transport layer encryption (TLS/SSL) for
  authentication, credentials transport
• Review and adopt OWASP’s ASVS(Application Security
  Verification Standard)
A3 - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
A2:A2: Authen Insecu
                                                    A8: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                       A8: Cross-tication Cross
                                                    A1:      A7:
                                                       A1: Site                re
                                                                A7: tication Cross
                                                   Insecu Site A6:      A6:
                                                 Injectio Failure and Direct
                                                   Injectio Scripti Securit Site
                                                    A9:      Failure and
                                                             A10:               Site
                                                       A9:     A10:
                                                       nre   Scripti SecuritReque
                                                 Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                                 Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque
                                                   Crypto ng
                                                                 ng     yy    Objec
                                                             Restric n n Referestst

What is it?
                                                  graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere
                                                       ient dated Miscon
                                                    graphi t URL Manag Forger
                                                              t URL figurati nces
                                                                      Manag Forge
                                                 Transp Redire figurati
                                                       cc                      nces
                                                   Transp Acces
                                                             Redire             yy
                                                 Storag Acces ement
                                                   Storag cts
                                                     ortort     cts    on
                                                                        on (CSRF
                                                                ss            (CSRF
                                                     Layer and
                                                       ee       and             ))
                                                 Protect Forwar
                                                   Protect Forwar
                                                     ionion    dsds

• Inject malicious code into user interfaces
• Get access to browser information
    – E.g. javascript:alert(document.cookie)
•   Steal user’s session, steal sensitive data
•   Rewrite web page or parts
•   Redirect user to phishing or malware site
•   Java EE 6 affected:
    – UI technology of choice (e.g. JSF, JSP)
A2:A2: Authen Insecu
                                                                    A8: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                                       A8: Cross-tication Cross
                                                                    A1:      A7:
                                                                       A1: Site               re
                                                                                A7: tication Cross
                                                                   Insecu Site A6:     A6:
                                                                 Injectio Failure and
                                                                    A9:      Failure and Site
                                                                   Injectio Scripti Securit Direct
                                                                             A10:              Site
                                                                       A9:     A10:
                                                                       nre   Scripti SecuritReque
                                                                 Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                                                 Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque
                                                                   Crypto ng
                                                                                 ng    yy    Object
                                                                             RestricMiscon Refere

How to spot it
                                                                  graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere
                                                                       ient dated
                                                                    graphi t URL Manag Forger
                                                                 Transp Redire figurati nces
                                                                       cc     t URL Manag Forger
                                                                   Transp Acces figurati y
                                                                             Redire           nces
                                                                 Storag Acces ement
                                                                   Storag cts
                                                                     ortort     cts   onon (CSRF
                                                                                ss           (CSRF
                                                                     Layer and
                                                                       ee       and            ))
                                                                 Protect Forwar
                                                                   Protect Forwar
                                                                     ionion    dsds

• Anywhere that untrusted data is used as one
  of the following in outgoing response:
  – HTML element’s attributes
  – JavaScript variables
  – CSS values
  – Etc.

 (String) page += "<input name='creditcard' type='TEXT‘ value='" +
 request.getParameter("CC") + "'>";
                                                            Authen Insecu
                                            A8: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                               A8: Cross-tication Cross
                                            A1:      A7:
                                               A1: Site               re
                                                       A7: tication Cross
                                           Insecu Site       A6:
                                         Injectio Failure and Direct
                                           Injectio Scripti Securit Site
                                            A9:      Failure and       Site
                                               A9: A10:
                                              re      A10:
                                               nre   Scripti SecuritReque
                                         Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                         Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque
                                           Crypto ng
                                                        ng     yy    Object
                                                    dated MisconRefere
                                                     Restric n n
                                          graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere

                                               ient  dated
                                            graphi t URL Manag Forger
                                                     t URL figurati nces
                                                             Manag Forger
                                         Transp Redire figurati
                                               cc                     nces
                                           Transp Acces
                                                     Redire            yy
                                         Storag Acces ement
                                           Storag cts
                                             ortort    cts    on
                                                               on (CSRF
                                                       ss            (CSRF
                                             Layer and
                                               ee      and             ))
                                         Protect Forwar
                                           Protect Forwar
                                             ionion   dsds

• Sanitize the input. E.g. use OWASP AntiSamy or
  OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer, etc.
• Escape untrusted data based on the HTML
  context (body, attribute, JavaScript, CSS, or
• Use Cookie flags:
  – httpOnly (prevents XSS access)
A4 – Insecure Direct Object References
A2:A2: Authen Insecu
                                                         A8: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                            A8: Cross-tication Cross
                                                         A1:      A7:
                                                            A1: Site               re
                                                                     A7: tication Cross
                                                        Insecu Site A6:     A6:
                                                      Injectio Failure and
                                                         A9:      Failure and Site
                                                        Injectio Scripti Securit Direct
                                                                  A10:              Site
                                                            A9:     A10:
                                                            nre   Scripti SecuritReque
                                                      Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                                      Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque
                                                        Crypto ng
                                                                      ng    yy    Object
                                                                  RestricMiscon Refere

What is it?
                                                       graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere
                                                            ient dated
                                                         graphi t URL Manag Forger
                                                      Transp Redire figurati nces
                                                            cc     t URL Manag Forger
                                                        Transp Acces figurati y
                                                                  Redire           nces
                                                      Storag Acces ement
                                                        Storag cts
                                                          ortort     cts   onon (CSRF
                                                                     ss           (CSRF
                                                          Layer and
                                                            ee       and            ))
                                                      Protect Forwar
                                                        Protect Forwar
                                                          ionion    dsds

• Exposing secure objects without defense.
• Accessing domain objects with their PK. E.g. =>
• Opening opportunities for intruders
• Information hiding on the client
• Parameter value tampering

• Java EE 6 affected:
   – All layers
   – Especially data access
A2:A2: Authen Insecu
                                               A8: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                  A8: Cross-tication Cross
                                               A1:      A7:
                                                  A1: Site               re
                                                           A7: tication Cross
                                              Insecu Site A6:     A6:
                                            Injectio Failure and
                                               A9:      Failure and Site
                                              Injectio Scripti Securit Direct
                                                        A10:              Site
                                                  A9:     A10:
                                                  nre   Scripti SecuritReque
                                            Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                            Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque
                                              Crypto ng
                                                            ng    yy    Object
                                                        RestricMiscon Refere

How to spot it
                                             graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere
                                                  ient dated
                                               graphi t URL Manag Forger
                                            Transp Redire figurati nces
                                                  cc     t URL Manag Forger
                                              Transp Acces figurati y
                                                        Redire           nces
                                            Storag Acces ement
                                              Storag cts
                                                ortort     cts   onon (CSRF
                                                           ss           (CSRF
                                                Layer and
                                                  ee       and            ))
                                            Protect Forwar
                                              Protect Forwar
                                                ionion    dsds

•   Direct user input to object mapping
•   No verification on user input (defenseless)
•   Data separation for users (tenants)
•   Request mode access for data (RUD)
•   Query constraints
A2:A2: Authen Insecu
                                           A8: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                              A8: Cross-tication Cross
                                           A1:      A7:
                                              A1: Site               re
                                                       A7: tication Cross
                                          Insecu Site A6:     A6:
                                        Injectio Failure and
                                           A9:      Failure and Site
                                          Injectio Scripti Securit Direct
                                                    A10:              Site
                                              A9:     A10:
                                              nre   Scripti SecuritReque
                                        Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                        Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque
                                          Crypto ng
                                                        ng    yy    Object
                                                    RestricMiscon Refere

Best Practices
                                         graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere
                                              ient dated
                                           graphi t URL Manag Forger
                                        Transp Redire figurati nces
                                              cc     t URL Manag Forger
                                          Transp Acces figurati y
                                                    Redire           nces
                                        Storag Acces ement
                                          Storag cts
                                            ortort     cts   onon (CSRF
                                                       ss           (CSRF
                                            Layer and
                                              ee       and            ))
                                        Protect Forwar
                                          Protect Forwar
                                            ionion    dsds

• Use AccessReferenceMaps

• Use data-driven security
• Validate object references
• Always Perform additional data authorization
  on the view
A5 - Security Misconfiguration
                                                 A5: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                                Authen Insecu
                                             Cross Cross-tication A8:
                                               Cross Site
                                                 A1:            tication re
                                                                 A7:       A8:
                                                         Site and  A7:
                                           Injectio A10: Failure Insecu
                                              A9:Site Scripti            Insecu
                                             InjectioSecurit Failure Direct
                                                 A9:    A10:
                                            Reque Securit Sessio Object
                                                       Scripti            rere
                                           Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                              Reque ng
                                             Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto
                                                stst                     Crypto
                                                               Restric Refere

What is it?
                                              ient Miscon Restric
                                                ient (XSS)
                                                        dated            Refere
                                            Forger Miscon tManag graphi
                                                       (XSS)             graphi
                                           Transp Redire Manag nces
                                                       Redire t URL nces
                                              Transp figurati URL
                                                       figuratiement       cc
                                                 yy              ement
                                            (CSRFort     cts Acces Storag
                                                        onon     Acces
                                              (CSRF and
                                             Layer                 ss
                                                ))       and               ee
                                           Protect Forwar
                                              Protect Forwar
                                                 ion    dsds

• Applies to
   –   Operating System
   –   Application Server
   –   Databases
   –   Additional Services
   –   Frameworks
   –   Developed Code
   –   Etc.
• Includes (beside _many_ others)
   – All security relevant configuration
   – Missing Patches
   – Default accounts
                                                             A5: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                                            Authen Insecu
                                                         Cross Cross-tication A8:
                                                           Cross Site
                                                             A1:            tication re
                                                                             A7:       A8:
                                                                     Site and  A7:
                                                       Injectio A10: Failure Insecu
                                                          A9:Site Scripti            Insecu
                                                         InjectioSecurit Failure Direct
                                                             A9:    A10:
                                                        Reque Securit Sessio Object
                                                                   Scripti            rere
                                                       Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                                          Reque ng
                                                         Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto
                                                            stst                     Crypto
                                                                           Restric Refere

Worst Practices
                                                          ient Miscon Restric
                                                            ient (XSS)
                                                                    dated            Refere
                                                        Forger Miscon tManag graphi
                                                                   (XSS)             graphi
                                                       Transp Redire Manag nces
                                                                   Redire t URL nces
                                                          Transp figurati URL
                                                                   figuratiement       cc
                                                             yy              ement
                                                        (CSRFort     cts Acces Storag
                                                                    onon     Acces
                                                          (CSRF and
                                                         Layer                 ss
                                                            ))       and               ee
                                                       Protect Forwar
                                                          Protect Forwar
                                                             ion    dsds

• Network interfaces/sockets access control
• Relaxed File system access control
• Using any defaults like:
   – Passwords: Admin, master password
   – Network interface binding: Listening on
   – Certificates: Self signed certificate
• Using a not hardened OS!
• Not using segregated user for the service
• Not restricting GlassFish/Server component specific
  user nor enabling security manager
                                          A5: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                         Authen Insecu
                                      Cross Cross-tication A8:
                                        Cross Site
                                          A1:            tication re
                                                          A7:       A8:
                                                  Site and  A7:
                                    Injectio A10: Failure Insecu
                                       A9:Site Scripti            Insecu
                                      InjectioSecurit Failure Direct
                                          A9:    A10:
                                     Reque Securit Sessio Object
                                                Scripti            rere
                                    Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                       Reque ng
                                      Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto
                                         stst                     Crypto
                                                        Restric Refere

Policy Files location
                                       ient Miscon Restric
                                         ient (XSS)
                                                 dated            Refere
                                     Forger Miscon tManag graphi
                                                (XSS)             graphi
                                    Transp Redire Manag nces
                                                Redire t URL nces
                                       Transp figurati URL
                                                figuratiement       cc
                                          yy              ement
                                     (CSRFort     cts Acces Storag
                                                 onon     Acces
                                       (CSRF and
                                      Layer                 ss
                                         ))       and               ee
                                    Protect Forwar
                                       Protect Forwar
                                          ion    dsds

• Global Policy File:
• User Policy File: user.home/.java.policy
• Domain Policy File:
• Application Policy File:
                                              A5: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                             Authen Insecu
                                          Cross Cross-tication A8:
                                            Cross Site
                                              A1:            tication re
                                                              A7:       A8:
                                                      Site and  A7:
                                        Injectio A10: Failure Insecu
                                           A9:Site Scripti            Insecu
                                          InjectioSecurit Failure Direct
                                              A9:    A10:
                                         Reque Securit Sessio Object
                                                    Scripti            rere
                                        Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                           Reque ng
                                          Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto
                                             stst                     Crypto
                                                            Restric Refere

Review the *.policy files
                                           ient Miscon Restric
                                             ient (XSS)
                                                     dated            Refere
                                         Forger Miscon tManag graphi
                                                    (XSS)             graphi
                                        Transp Redire Manag nces
                                                    Redire t URL nces
                                           Transp figurati URL
                                                    figuratiement       cc
                                              yy              ement
                                         (CSRFort     cts Acces Storag
                                                     onon     Acces
                                           (CSRF and
                                          Layer                 ss
                                             ))       and               ee
                                        Protect Forwar
                                           Protect Forwar
                                              ion    dsds

• Policy files precedence order
• Remove unused grants
• Add extra permissions only to applications
  or modules that require them, not to all
  applications deployed to a domain.
• Document your changes!
                                                                              A5: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                                                             Authen Insecu
                                                                          Cross Cross-tication A8:
                                                                            Cross Site
                                                                              A1:            tication re
                                                                                              A7:       A8:
                                                                                      Site and  A7:
                                                                        Injectio A10: Failure Insecu
                                                                              Site Scripti            Insecu
                                                                          InjectioSecurit Failure Direct

Running GlassFish in a
                                                                           A9:A9:    A10:
                                                                         Reque Securit Sessio Object
                                                                                    Scripti            rere
                                                                        Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                                                           Reque ng
                                                                          Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto
                                                                             stst                     Crypto
                                                                                            Restric Refere
                                                                                               nn     Refere
                                                                           ient Miscon Restric
                                                                             ient (XSS)
                                                                         Forger Miscon tManag graphi
                                                                                    (XSS)             graphi
                                                                        Transp Redire Manag nces
                                                                                    Redire t URL nces
                                                                           Transp figurati URL
                                                                                    figuratiement       cc
                                                                              yy              ement
                                                                              ort     cts Acces Storag
                                                                                     on       Acces

Secure Environment
                                                                         (CSRF         on             Storag
                                                                           (CSRF and
                                                                          Layer                 ss
                                                                             ))       and               ee
                                                                        Protect Forwar
                                                                           Protect Forwar
                                                                              ion    dsds

•   Use the latest version (
•   Enable secure admin (TLS/https)
•   Use password aliasing
•   Enable security manager and put forth a
    proper security policy file design
A6 - Sensitive Data Exposure
                                              A5: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                             Authen Insecu
                                          Cross Cross-tication A8:
                                            Cross Site
                                              A1:            tication re
                                                              A7:       A8:
                                                      Site       A7:
                                        Injectio A10: Failure Insecu
                                           A9:Site Securit and  and   Insecu
                                          Injectio Scripti Failure Direct
                                              A9:    A10:
                                         Reque Securit Sessio Object
                                                    Scripti            rere
                                        Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                           Reque ng
                                          Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto
                                             stst                     Crypto
                                           ient Miscon Restric Refere
                                                   dated        nn    Refere
                                                    (XSS) Restric graphi
                                             ient (XSS)

What is it?
                                         Forger Miscon tManag graphi
                                        Transp Redire Manag nces
                                           Forger figurati URL
                                           Transp Redire       t URL nces
                                                    figuratiement       cc
                                              ort    onon
                                                      cts Acces Storag
                                                    cts       Acces
                                           (CSRF and            ss    Storag
                                            Layer     and               ee
                                        Protect Forwar
                                           Protect Forwar
                                              ion    dsds

• Sensitive data kept unprotected
• Sensitive data exposed to wrong persons
• Could be:
  – Passwords
  – Financial/Health care data
  – Credit cards
                                              A5: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                             Authen Insecu
                                          Cross Cross-tication A8:
                                            Cross Site
                                              A1:            tication re
                                                              A7:       A8:
                                                      Site       A7:
                                        Injectio A10: Failure Insecu
                                           A9:Site Securit and  and   Insecu
                                          Injectio Scripti Failure Direct
                                              A9:    A10:
                                         Reque Securit Sessio Object
                                                    Scripti            rere
                                        Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                           Reque ng
                                          Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto
                                             stst                     Crypto
                                           ient Miscon Restric Refere
                                                   dated        nn    Refere
                                                    (XSS) Restric graphi
                                             ient (XSS)

Worst Practices
                                         Forger Miscon tManag graphi
                                        Transp Redire Manag nces
                                           Forger figurati URL
                                           Transp Redire       t URL nces
                                                    figuratiement       cc
                                              ort    onon
                                                      cts Acces Storag
                                                    cts       Acces
                                           (CSRF and            ss    Storag
                                            Layer     and               ee
                                        Protect Forwar
                                           Protect Forwar
                                              ion    dsds

• Storing sensitive data unencrypted
• Storing comparative data unhashed
  (passwords/security question answer…)
• Keeping clear text copies of encrypted data
• Not keeping the keys/passwords well guarded
• caching/autocomplete on pages with sensitive
                                                   A5: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                                  Authen Insecu
                                               Cross Cross-tication A8:
                                                 Cross Site
                                                   A1:            tication re
                                                                   A7:       A8:
                                                           Site       A7:
                                             Injectio A10: Failure Insecu
                                                A9:Site Securit and  and   Insecu
                                               Injectio Scripti Failure Direct
                                                   A9:    A10:
                                              Reque Securit Sessio Object
                                                         Scripti            rere
                                             Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                                Reque ng
                                               Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto
                                                  stst                     Crypto
                                                ient Miscon Restric Refere
                                                        dated        nn    Refere
                                                         (XSS) Restric graphi
                                                  ient (XSS)

Worst Practice
                                              Forger Miscon tManag graphi
                                             Transp Redire Manag nces
                                                Forger figurati URL
                                                Transp Redire       t URL nces
                                                         figuratiement       cc
                                                   ort    onon
                                                           cts Acces Storag
                                                         cts       Acces
                                                (CSRF and            ss    Storag
                                                 Layer     and               ee
                                             Protect Forwar
                                                Protect Forwar
                                                   ion    dsds

• Using basic/form authentication without SSL
• Not using HTTPS for pages with private information
• Using default self signed certificate
• Storing unencrypted cookies
• Not setting cookies to be securely transmitted
• Forgetting about the rest of the
                                                                A5: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                                               Authen Insecu
                                                            Cross Cross-tication A8:
                                                              Cross Site
                                                                A1:            tication re
                                                                                A7:       A8:
                                                                        Site       A7:
                                                          Injectio A10: Failure Insecu
                                                             A9:Site Securit and  and   Insecu
                                                            Injectio Scripti Failure Direct
                                                                A9:    A10:
                                                           Reque Securit Sessio Object
                                                                      Scripti            rere
                                                          Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                                             Reque ng
                                                            Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto
                                                               stst                     Crypto
                                                             ient Miscon Restric Refere
                                                                     dated        nn    Refere
                                                                      (XSS) Restric graphi
                                                               ient (XSS)

                                                           Forger Miscon tManag graphi
                                                          Transp Redire Manag nces
                                                             Forger figurati URL
                                                             Transp Redire       t URL nces
                                                                      figuratiement       cc
                                                                ort    onon
                                                                        cts Acces Storag
                                                                      cts       Acces
                                                             (CSRF and            ss    Storag
                                                              Layer     and               ee
                                                          Protect Forwar
                                                             Protect Forwar
                                                                ion    dsds

• Identify sensitive data
• Wisely encrypt sensitive data
   – On every level (application, appserver, db)
   – with the right algorithm, as strong as possible but not more!
   – with the right mechanism, e.g scrypt and bcrypt
• Don’t keep clear text copies
• To decrypt and view clear text should be restricted to
  authorized personnel
• Keep the keys as protected as possible
• Keep offsite encrypted backups in addition to on-site
                                                 A5: Cross- Authen Insecu
                                                                Authen Insecu
                                             Cross Cross-tication A8:
                                               Cross Site
                                                 A1:            tication re
                                                                 A7:       A8:
                                                         Site       A7:
                                           Injectio A10: Failure Insecu
                                              A9:Site Securit and  and   Insecu
                                             Injectio Scripti Failure Direct
                                                 A9:    A10:
                                            Reque Securit Sessio Object
                                                       Scripti            rere
                                           Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object
                                              Reque ng
                                             Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto
                                                stst                     Crypto
                                              ient Miscon Restric Refere
                                                      dated        nn    Refere
                                                       (XSS) Restric graphi
                                                ient (XSS)

Best Practice
                                            Forger Miscon tManag graphi
                                           Transp Redire Manag nces
                                              Forger figurati URL
                                              Transp Redire       t URL nces
                                                       figuratiement       cc
                                                 ort    onon
                                                         cts Acces Storag
                                                       cts       Acces
                                              (CSRF and            ss    Storag
                                               Layer     and               ee
                                           Protect Forwar
                                              Protect Forwar
                                                 ion    dsds

•   Use TLS on all connections with sensitive data
•   Individually encrypt messages
•   Sign messages before transmission
•   Use standard strong algorithms
•   Use proven mechanisms when sufficient
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice
Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice

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Confess 2013: OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice

  • 1. OWASP Top 10 and Java EE security in practice Masoud Kalali, @MasoudKalali Principal Software Engineer, ORACLE
  • 2. Agenda • Introduction • The Top 10 Most Critical Web Application Security Risks • QA
  • 3. Java EE 6 & GlassFish
  • 4. Motivation for this talk • Seen a lot • Providing a starting point • Sharing something • Making you aware
  • 5. The Top 10 Most Critical Web Application Security Risks A2: Broken A2: Broken A4: Insecure A4: Insecure Authentication and Authentication and A2: Cross-Site A2: Cross-Site A1: Injection A1: Injection Direct Object Direct Object Session Session Scripting (XSS) Scripting (XSS) Management References References Management A7: Missing A7: Missing A8: Cross-Site A8: Cross-Site A5: Security A5: Security A6: Sensitive Data A6: Sensitive Data Function Level Function Level Request Forgery Request Forgery Misconfiguration Misconfiguration Exposure Exposure Access Control Access Control (CSRF) (CSRF) A9: Using A9: Using A10: Unvalidated A10: Unvalidated Components with Components with Redirects and Redirects and Known Known Vulnerabilities Forwards Forwards Vulnerabilities Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) Aka OWASP Top-10* Source:
  • 6. What is OWASP? • Open Web Application Security Project • Improving the security of (web) application software – Not-for-profit organization since 2001 – Raise interest in secure development • Documents – Top 10 – Cheat Sheets – Development Guides • Solutions – Enterprise Security API (ESAPI) – WebScarab – WebGoat
  • 8. A2:A2: Authen Insecu A5: A5: A8: Cross- Authen Insecu A8: Cross-tication Cross A1: A7: A1: Site re A7: tication Cross re Insecu Insecu Site A6: A6: Injectio Failure and A9: Failure and Site Injectio Scripti Securit Direct A10: Site Direct re A9: A10: nre Scripti SecuritReque to Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque n Crypto ng to InsufficRestric ng yy Object stst RestricMiscon Refere nn What is it? graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere ient ient dated dated graphi t URL Manag Forger (XSS) Transp Redire figurati nces cc t URL Manag Forger Transp Acces figurati y Redire nces ement Storag Acces ement Storag cts ortort cts onon (CSRF y ss (CSRF Layer Layer and ee and )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ionion dsds • Sending unintended data to applications • Manipulating and reading Data stores (e.g. DB, LDAP, File System, etc.) • Java EE 6 affected: – UI technology of choice – Database access (JPA, JDBC) – File System API – etc.
  • 9. A2:A2: Authen Insecu A5: A5: A8: Cross- Authen Insecu A8: Cross-tication Cross A1: A7: A1: Site re A7: tication Cross re Insecu Insecu Site A6: A6: Injectio Failure and A9: Failure and Site Injectio Scripti Securit Direct A10: Site Direct re A9: A10: nre Scripti SecuritReque to Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque n Crypto ng to InsufficRestric ng yy Object stst RestricMiscon Refere nn How to spot it! graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere ient ient dated dated graphi t URL Manag Forger (XSS) Transp Redire figurati nces cc t URL Manag Forger Transp Acces figurati y Redire nces ement Storag Acces ement Storag cts ortort cts onon (CSRF y ss (CSRF Layer Layer and ee and )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ionion dsds String customerId= request.getParameter("customerId") String query = "SELECT balance FROM customer_data WHERE customer_id = " + customerId; try { Statement statement = connection.createStatement( … ); ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery( query ); } String customerId = "x'; DROP TABLE members; --"; // user-input
  • 10. A2:A2: Authen Insecu A5: A5: A8: Cross- Authen Insecu A8: Cross-tication Cross A1: A7: A1: Site re A7: tication Cross re Insecu Insecu Site A6: A6: Injectio Failure and A9: Failure and Site Injectio Scripti Securit Direct A10: Site Direct re A9: A10: nre Scripti SecuritReque to Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque n Crypto ng to InsufficRestric ng yy Object stst RestricMiscon Refere nn Prevent Injection graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere ient ient dated dated graphi t URL Manag Forger (XSS) Transp Redire figurati nces cc t URL Manag Forger Transp Acces figurati y Redire nces ement Storag Acces ement Storag cts ortort cts onon (CSRF y ss (CSRF Layer Layer and ee and )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ionion dsds • Sanitize the input • Escape/Quotesafe the input, e.g. use ESAPI • Use bound parameters (the PREPARED statement) • Limit database permissions and segregate users • Configure error reporting, e.g use OWASP LAPSE+ Static Code Analysis Tool
  • 11. A2:A2: Authen Insecu A5: A5: A8: Cross- Authen Insecu A8: Cross-tication Cross A1: A7: A1: Site re A7: tication Cross re Insecu Insecu Site A6: A6: Injectio Failure and A9: Failure and Site Injectio Scripti Securit Direct A10: Site Direct re A9: A10: nre Scripti SecuritReque to Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque n Crypto ng to InsufficRestric ng yy Object stst RestricMiscon Refere nn Prevent Injection, Sample graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere ient ient dated dated graphi t URL Manag Forger (XSS) Transp Redire figurati nces cc t URL Manag Forger Transp Acces figurati y Redire nces ement Storag Acces ement Storag cts ortort cts onon (CSRF y ss (CSRF Layer Layer and ee and )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ionion dsds String customerId = request.getParameter("customerId"); //white list validation and encoding String escapedCustomerId= ESAPI.encoder().encodeForSQL( new OracleCodec(), customerId ); String query = "SELECT balance FROM customer_data WHERE customer_id = " + escapedCustomerId; ... //OR String query = "SELECT balance FROM customer_data WHERE customer_id = ? "; //using pstmt or stmt with encoded/validate input parameters PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement( query ); pstmt.setString( 1, customerId); ResultSet results = pstmt.executeQuery( );
  • 12. A2 - Broken Authentication and Session
  • 13. A2:A2: Authen Insecu A5: A5: A8: Cross- Authen Insecu A8: Cross-tication Cross A1: A7: A1: Site re A7: tication Cross re Insecu Insecu Site A6: A6: Injectio Failure and A9: Failure and Site Injectio Scripti Securit Direct A10: Site Direct re A9: A10: nre Scripti SecuritReque to Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque n Crypto ng to InsufficRestric ng yy Object stst RestricMiscon Refere nn What is it? graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere ient ient dated dated graphi t URL Manag Forger (XSS) Transp Redire figurati nces cc t URL Manag Forger Transp Acces figurati y Redire nces ement Storag Acces ement Storag cts ortort cts onon (CSRF y ss (CSRF Layer Layer and ee and )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ionion dsds • Container Security vs. own solution • Session Binding / Session Renewal • Passwords – Strength (length/complexity) – Plain text passwords (http/https) – Recovery mechanisms • Number of factors used for authentication • Java EE 6 affected: – JAAS / JASPIC – Filter / PhaseListener – Container and Web-App configuration
  • 14. A2:A2: Authen Insecu A5: A5: A8: Cross- Authen Insecu A8: Cross-tication Cross A1: A7: A1: Site re A7: tication Cross re Insecu Insecu Site A6: A6: Injectio Failure and A9: Failure and Site Injectio Scripti Securit Direct A10: Site Direct re A9: A10: nre Scripti SecuritReque to Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque n Crypto ng to InsufficRestric ng yy Object stst RestricMiscon Refere nn How to spot it graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere ient ient dated dated graphi t URL Manag Forger (XSS) Transp Redire figurati nces cc t URL Manag Forger Transp Acces figurati y Redire nces ement Storag Acces ement Storag cts ortort cts onon (CSRF y ss (CSRF Layer Layer and ee and )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ionion dsds • Authentication over http • Custom security filter • Not using Container Functionality • No password strength requirements • No HttpSession binding • Way of saving Passwords • Not testing security
  • 15. A2: A2: Authen Insecu A5: A5: A8: Cross- Authen Insecu A8: Cross-tication Cross A1: A7: A1: Site re A7: tication Cross re Insecu Insecu Site A6: A6: Injectio Failure and Direct Injectio Scripti Securit Site A9: Failure and Site Direct A9: A10: re A10: nre Scripti SecuritReque toto Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque n Crypto ng InsufficRestric ng yy Object stst dated MisconRefere Restric n n Best Practices graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere ient ient dated graphi t URL Manag Forger (XSS) t URL figurati nces Manag Forger Transp Redire figurati cc nces Transp Acces Redire yy ement Storag Acces ement Storag cts ortort cts on on (CSRF ss (CSRF Layer Layer and ee and )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ionion dsds • Use Container Managed Security! • Go with provided Standard Realms and LoginModules whenever possible • Invalidate session and all relevant bits when logged out • If you need custom ones: Test them extremely carefully! • Use transport layer encryption (TLS/SSL) for authentication, credentials transport • Review and adopt OWASP’s ASVS(Application Security Verification Standard)
  • 16. A3 - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  • 17. A2:A2: Authen Insecu A5: A5: A8: Cross- Authen Insecu A8: Cross-tication Cross A1: A7: A1: Site re A7: tication Cross re Insecu Insecu Site A6: A6: Injectio Failure and Direct Injectio Scripti Securit Site A9: Failure and A10: Site Direct re A9: A10: nre Scripti SecuritReque toto Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque n Crypto ng InsufficRestric ng yy Objec Restric n n Referestst What is it? graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere ient ient dated Miscon dated graphi t URL Manag Forger (XSS) t URL figurati nces Manag Forge Transp Redire figurati cc nces Transp Acces Redire yy ement Storag Acces ement Storag cts ortort cts on on (CSRF ss (CSRF Layer Layer and ee and )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ionion dsds • Inject malicious code into user interfaces • Get access to browser information – E.g. javascript:alert(document.cookie) • Steal user’s session, steal sensitive data • Rewrite web page or parts • Redirect user to phishing or malware site • Java EE 6 affected: – UI technology of choice (e.g. JSF, JSP)
  • 18. A2:A2: Authen Insecu A5: A5: A8: Cross- Authen Insecu A8: Cross-tication Cross A1: A7: A1: Site re A7: tication Cross re Insecu Insecu Site A6: A6: Injectio Failure and A9: Failure and Site Injectio Scripti Securit Direct A10: Site Direct re A9: A10: nre Scripti SecuritReque to Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque n Crypto ng to InsufficRestric ng yy Object stst RestricMiscon Refere nn How to spot it graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere ient ient dated dated graphi t URL Manag Forger (XSS) Transp Redire figurati nces cc t URL Manag Forger Transp Acces figurati y Redire nces ement Storag Acces ement Storag cts ortort cts onon (CSRF y ss (CSRF Layer Layer and ee and )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ionion dsds • Anywhere that untrusted data is used as one of the following in outgoing response: – HTML element’s attributes – JavaScript variables – CSS values – Etc. (String) page += "<input name='creditcard' type='TEXT‘ value='" + request.getParameter("CC") + "'>";
  • 19. A5: Authen Insecu A5: A8: Cross- Authen Insecu A8: Cross-tication Cross A1: A7: A1: Site re A7: tication Cross re Insecu Insecu Site A6: A6: Injectio Failure and Direct Injectio Scripti Securit Site A9: Failure and Site Direct A9: A10: re A10: nre Scripti SecuritReque toto Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque n Crypto ng InsufficRestric ng yy Object stst dated MisconRefere Restric n n graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere ient Prevent ient dated graphi t URL Manag Forger (XSS) t URL figurati nces Manag Forger Transp Redire figurati cc nces Transp Acces Redire yy ement Storag Acces ement Storag cts ortort cts on on (CSRF ss (CSRF Layer Layer and ee and )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ionion dsds • Sanitize the input. E.g. use OWASP AntiSamy or OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer, etc. • Escape untrusted data based on the HTML context (body, attribute, JavaScript, CSS, or URL) • Use Cookie flags: – httpOnly (prevents XSS access)
  • 20. A4 – Insecure Direct Object References
  • 21. A2:A2: Authen Insecu A5: A5: A8: Cross- Authen Insecu A8: Cross-tication Cross A1: A7: A1: Site re A7: tication Cross re Insecu Insecu Site A6: A6: Injectio Failure and A9: Failure and Site Injectio Scripti Securit Direct A10: Site Direct re A9: A10: nre Scripti SecuritReque to Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque n Crypto ng to InsufficRestric ng yy Object stst RestricMiscon Refere nn What is it? graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere ient ient dated dated graphi t URL Manag Forger (XSS) Transp Redire figurati nces cc t URL Manag Forger Transp Acces figurati y Redire nces ement Storag Acces ement Storag cts ortort cts onon (CSRF y ss (CSRF Layer Layer and ee and )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ionion dsds • Exposing secure objects without defense. • Accessing domain objects with their PK. E.g. => • Opening opportunities for intruders • Information hiding on the client • Parameter value tampering • Java EE 6 affected: – All layers – Especially data access
  • 22. A2:A2: Authen Insecu A5: A5: A8: Cross- Authen Insecu A8: Cross-tication Cross A1: A7: A1: Site re A7: tication Cross re Insecu Insecu Site A6: A6: Injectio Failure and A9: Failure and Site Injectio Scripti Securit Direct A10: Site Direct re A9: A10: nre Scripti SecuritReque to Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque n Crypto ng to InsufficRestric ng yy Object stst RestricMiscon Refere nn How to spot it graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere ient ient dated dated graphi t URL Manag Forger (XSS) Transp Redire figurati nces cc t URL Manag Forger Transp Acces figurati y Redire nces ement Storag Acces ement Storag cts ortort cts onon (CSRF y ss (CSRF Layer Layer and ee and )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ionion dsds • Direct user input to object mapping • No verification on user input (defenseless) • Data separation for users (tenants) • Request mode access for data (RUD) • Query constraints
  • 23. A2:A2: Authen Insecu A5: A5: A8: Cross- Authen Insecu A8: Cross-tication Cross A1: A7: A1: Site re A7: tication Cross re Insecu Insecu Site A6: A6: Injectio Failure and A9: Failure and Site Injectio Scripti Securit Direct A10: Site Direct re A9: A10: nre Scripti SecuritReque to Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object Crypto Unvali Sessio Reque n Crypto ng to InsufficRestric ng yy Object stst RestricMiscon Refere nn Best Practices graphi (XSS) Miscon Refere ient ient dated dated graphi t URL Manag Forger (XSS) Transp Redire figurati nces cc t URL Manag Forger Transp Acces figurati y Redire nces ement Storag Acces ement Storag cts ortort cts onon (CSRF y ss (CSRF Layer Layer and ee and )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ionion dsds • Use AccessReferenceMaps http://app?file=Report123.xls http://app?file=1 http://app?id=9182374 http://app?id=7d3J93 • Use data-driven security • Validate object references • Always Perform additional data authorization on the view
  • 24. A5 - Security Misconfiguration
  • 25. A2: A2: A5: A5: Cross- Authen Insecu Authen Insecu Cross Cross-tication A8: A1: Cross Site A1: tication re A7: A8: re A6: A6: Site and A7: Injectio A10: Failure Insecu Site A9:Site Scripti Insecu Direct InjectioSecurit Failure Direct and A9: A10: Reque Securit Sessio Object Scripti rere Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object nn Reque ng Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto yy ng stst Crypto Restric Refere nn What is it? ient Miscon Restric dated ient (XSS) dated Refere Forger Miscon tManag graphi (XSS) graphi Transp Redire Manag nces Forger Redire t URL nces Transp figurati URL figuratiement cc yy ement ort (CSRFort cts Acces Storag cts onon Acces Storag (CSRF and Layer ss Layer )) and ee Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ion ion dsds • Applies to – Operating System – Application Server – Databases – Additional Services – Frameworks – Developed Code – Etc. • Includes (beside _many_ others) – All security relevant configuration – Missing Patches – Default accounts
  • 26. A2: A2: A5: A5: Cross- Authen Insecu Authen Insecu Cross Cross-tication A8: A1: Cross Site A1: tication re A7: A8: re A6: A6: Site and A7: Injectio A10: Failure Insecu Site A9:Site Scripti Insecu Direct InjectioSecurit Failure Direct and A9: A10: Reque Securit Sessio Object Scripti rere Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object nn Reque ng Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto yy ng stst Crypto Restric Refere nn Worst Practices ient Miscon Restric dated ient (XSS) dated Refere Forger Miscon tManag graphi (XSS) graphi Transp Redire Manag nces Forger Redire t URL nces Transp figurati URL figuratiement cc yy ement ort (CSRFort cts Acces Storag cts onon Acces Storag (CSRF and Layer ss Layer )) and ee Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ion ion dsds • Network interfaces/sockets access control • Relaxed File system access control • Using any defaults like: – Passwords: Admin, master password – Network interface binding: Listening on – Certificates: Self signed certificate • Using a not hardened OS! • Not using segregated user for the service • Not restricting GlassFish/Server component specific user nor enabling security manager
  • 27. A2: A2: A5: A5: Cross- Authen Insecu Authen Insecu Cross Cross-tication A8: A1: Cross Site A1: tication re A7: A8: re A6: A6: Site and A7: Injectio A10: Failure Insecu Site A9:Site Scripti Insecu Direct InjectioSecurit Failure Direct and A9: A10: Reque Securit Sessio Object Scripti rere Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object nn Reque ng Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto yy ng stst Crypto Restric Refere nn Policy Files location ient Miscon Restric dated ient (XSS) dated Refere Forger Miscon tManag graphi (XSS) graphi Transp Redire Manag nces Forger Redire t URL nces Transp figurati URL figuratiement cc yy ement ort (CSRFort cts Acces Storag cts onon Acces Storag (CSRF and Layer ss Layer )) and ee Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ion ion dsds • Global Policy File: java.home/jre/lib/security/java.policy • User Policy File: user.home/.java.policy • Domain Policy File: domain.home/config/server.policy • Application Policy File: domain.home/generated/policy/<>/ <>/granted.policy
  • 28. A2: A2: A5: A5: Cross- Authen Insecu Authen Insecu Cross Cross-tication A8: A1: Cross Site A1: tication re A7: A8: re A6: A6: Site and A7: Injectio A10: Failure Insecu Site A9:Site Scripti Insecu Direct InjectioSecurit Failure Direct and A9: A10: Reque Securit Sessio Object Scripti rere Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object nn Reque ng Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto yy ng stst Crypto Restric Refere nn Review the *.policy files ient Miscon Restric dated ient (XSS) dated Refere Forger Miscon tManag graphi (XSS) graphi Transp Redire Manag nces Forger Redire t URL nces Transp figurati URL figuratiement cc yy ement ort (CSRFort cts Acces Storag cts onon Acces Storag (CSRF and Layer ss Layer )) and ee Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ion ion dsds • Policy files precedence order • Remove unused grants • Add extra permissions only to applications or modules that require them, not to all applications deployed to a domain. • Document your changes!
  • 29. A2: A2: A5: A5: Cross- Authen Insecu Authen Insecu Cross Cross-tication A8: A1: Cross Site A1: tication re A7: A8: re A6: A6: Site and A7: Injectio A10: Failure Insecu Site Site Scripti Insecu Direct InjectioSecurit Failure Direct and Running GlassFish in a A9:A9: A10: Reque Securit Sessio Object Scripti rere Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object nn Reque ng Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto yy ng stst Crypto Restric Refere nn Refere ient Miscon Restric dated ient (XSS) dated Forger Miscon tManag graphi (XSS) graphi Transp Redire Manag nces Forger Redire t URL nces Transp figurati URL figuratiement cc yy ement ort ort cts Acces Storag cts on Acces Secure Environment (CSRF on Storag (CSRF and Layer ss Layer )) and ee Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ion ion dsds • Use the latest version ( • Enable secure admin (TLS/https) • Use password aliasing • Enable security manager and put forth a proper security policy file design
  • 30. A6 - Sensitive Data Exposure
  • 31. A5: A5: Cross- Authen Insecu Authen Insecu Cross Cross-tication A8: A1: Cross Site A1: tication re A7: A8: re A6: A6: Site A7: Injectio A10: Failure Insecu Site A9:Site Securit and and Insecu Direct Injectio Scripti Failure Direct A9: A10: Reque Securit Sessio Object Scripti rere Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object nn Reque ng Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto yy ng stst Crypto ient Miscon Restric Refere dated nn Refere (XSS) Restric graphi ient (XSS) dated What is it? Forger Miscon tManag graphi Transp Redire Manag nces Forger figurati URL Transp Redire t URL nces figuratiement cc y orty ort onon ement cts Acces Storag cts Acces (CSRF (CSRF and ss Storag Layer Layer and ee )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ion ion dsds • Sensitive data kept unprotected • Sensitive data exposed to wrong persons • Could be: – Passwords – Financial/Health care data – Credit cards
  • 32. A5: A5: Cross- Authen Insecu Authen Insecu Cross Cross-tication A8: A1: Cross Site A1: tication re A7: A8: re A6: A6: Site A7: Injectio A10: Failure Insecu Site A9:Site Securit and and Insecu Direct Injectio Scripti Failure Direct A9: A10: Reque Securit Sessio Object Scripti rere Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object nn Reque ng Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto yy ng stst Crypto ient Miscon Restric Refere dated nn Refere (XSS) Restric graphi ient (XSS) dated Worst Practices Forger Miscon tManag graphi Transp Redire Manag nces Forger figurati URL Transp Redire t URL nces figuratiement cc y orty ort onon ement cts Acces Storag cts Acces (CSRF (CSRF and ss Storag Layer Layer and ee )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ion ion dsds • Storing sensitive data unencrypted • Storing comparative data unhashed (passwords/security question answer…) • Keeping clear text copies of encrypted data • Not keeping the keys/passwords well guarded • caching/autocomplete on pages with sensitive data
  • 33. A5: A5: Cross- Authen Insecu Authen Insecu Cross Cross-tication A8: A1: Cross Site A1: tication re A7: A8: re A6: A6: Site A7: Injectio A10: Failure Insecu Site A9:Site Securit and and Insecu Direct Injectio Scripti Failure Direct A9: A10: Reque Securit Sessio Object Scripti rere Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object nn Reque ng Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto yy ng stst Crypto ient Miscon Restric Refere dated nn Refere (XSS) Restric graphi ient (XSS) dated Worst Practice Forger Miscon tManag graphi Transp Redire Manag nces Forger figurati URL Transp Redire t URL nces figuratiement cc y orty ort onon ement cts Acces Storag cts Acces (CSRF (CSRF and ss Storag Layer Layer and ee )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ion ion dsds • Using basic/form authentication without SSL • Not using HTTPS for pages with private information • Using default self signed certificate • Storing unencrypted cookies • Not setting cookies to be securely transmitted Cookie.setSecure(true) • Forgetting about the rest of the infrastructure
  • 34. A5: A5: Cross- Authen Insecu Authen Insecu Cross Cross-tication A8: A1: Cross Site A1: tication re A7: A8: re A6: A6: Site A7: Injectio A10: Failure Insecu Site A9:Site Securit and and Insecu Direct Injectio Scripti Failure Direct A9: A10: Reque Securit Sessio Object Scripti rere Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object nn Reque ng Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto yy ng stst Crypto ient Miscon Restric Refere dated nn Refere (XSS) Restric graphi ient (XSS) dated Prevention Forger Miscon tManag graphi Transp Redire Manag nces Forger figurati URL Transp Redire t URL nces figuratiement cc y orty ort onon ement cts Acces Storag cts Acces (CSRF (CSRF and ss Storag Layer Layer and ee )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ion ion dsds • Identify sensitive data • Wisely encrypt sensitive data – On every level (application, appserver, db) – with the right algorithm, as strong as possible but not more! – with the right mechanism, e.g scrypt and bcrypt • Don’t keep clear text copies • To decrypt and view clear text should be restricted to authorized personnel • Keep the keys as protected as possible • Keep offsite encrypted backups in addition to on-site copies
  • 35. A5: A5: Cross- Authen Insecu Authen Insecu Cross Cross-tication A8: A1: Cross Site A1: tication re A7: A8: re A6: A6: Site A7: Injectio A10: Failure Insecu Site A9:Site Securit and and Insecu Direct Injectio Scripti Failure Direct A9: A10: Reque Securit Sessio Object Scripti rere Insuffic Unvali Sessio Object nn Reque ng Insuffic Unvali toto Crypto yy ng stst Crypto ient Miscon Restric Refere dated nn Refere (XSS) Restric graphi ient (XSS) dated Best Practice Forger Miscon tManag graphi Transp Redire Manag nces Forger figurati URL Transp Redire t URL nces figuratiement cc y orty ort onon ement cts Acces Storag cts Acces (CSRF (CSRF and ss Storag Layer Layer and ee )) Protect Forwar Protect Forwar ion ion dsds • Use TLS on all connections with sensitive data • Individually encrypt messages • Sign messages before transmission • Use standard strong algorithms • Use proven mechanisms when sufficient