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Remarks	to	Ottawa	Sports	Summit	by																																																															
David	Gourlay,	President	–	Ottawa	Champions	Baseball	Club		
November	26,	2016	
Our	Community	and	Volunteerism	–	A	Baseball	Perspective	
Good	afternoon	–	thank	you	to	Marci	for	the	kind	invite	here	today.	We	
are	so	fortunate	in	Ottawa	to	have	a	champion	of	sport	like	Marci	and	I	
appreciate	her	commitment	to	ensuring	our	community	is	sport	
conscious	and	growing	the	synergies	between	sport,	recreation,	leisure	
and	of	course,	all	of	us.		
What	a	great	day	today	as	we	dedicate	time	to	talking	about	sports	and	
how	we	can	deliver	a	stronger	fabric	in	Ottawa	to	maximize	
participation	in	our	sports	culture.		
We	are	here	today	to	have	a	collaborative	dialogue	on	volunteerism	and	
how	volunteers	can	fill	crucial	gaps	in	programming	and	sport	service	
delivery.	We	must	ask	how	a	strong	volunteer	culture	enhances	sport	in	
Ottawa	and	how	we	can	best	approach	it,	because	curiosity	on	the	
importance	of	volunteerism	is	progress	and	asks	us	to	be	disruptors	as	
we	challenge	assumptions	on:
ü How	it	builds	inclusion	
ü How	it	strengthens	participation	
ü How	it	promotes	healthy	living		
ü How	it	makes	Ottawa	a	more	sport-conscious	community	
So,	let’s	approach	this	in	the	following	manner….volunteerism	in	sport	is	
a	profound	public	service	where	each	of	us	as	volunteers	build	cohesion	
in	our	respective	communities.			
As	you	know,	I	am	a	baseball	fan.	I	am	also	a	volunteer	–	my	role	with	
the	Ottawa	Champions	is	exactly	that	or	as	I	refer	to	myself,	Ottawa’s	
greatest	corporate	volunteer.	But	I	do	this	because	baseball	and	sports	
are	a	calling	as	they	make	us	better	as	a	community	and	people.		
So,	I	would	like	to	provide	a	metaphor	and	naturally,	it	is	about	the	
game	of	baseball.	It	is	a	sentiment	that	I	trust	is	reflective	of	the	Ottawa	
Champions	identity	as	a	community	leader	striving	for	progress	and	
change	–	as	a	forum	for	public	service	based	on	our	own	vision	of	
In	the	mid	1990’s,	accomplished	documentary	filmmaker	Ken	Burns	
interviewed	former	New	York	Governor	Mario	Cuomo	who	sadly	passed
away	two	years	ago.	In	Baseball,	Governor	Cuomo	said,		
"Baseball	is	a	community	activity.		
You	need	all	nine	people	helping	one	another.		
I	love	bunt	plays.	I	love	the	idea	of	the	bunt.	I	love	the	idea	of	the	sacrifice.	
Even	the	word	is	good.		
Giving	yourself	up	for	the	good	of	the	whole.		
You	find	your	own	good	in	the	good	of	the	whole.		
You	find	your	own	individual	fulfillment	in	the	success	of	the	community”		
Baseball	as	community	
Community	as	the	public	good	
Us	in	a	community	working	collaboratively	for	change	and	progress	in	
Governor	Cuomo’s	insight	is	a	metaphor	for	how	baseball	can	make	our	
community	stronger.	From	kids	in	Little	League	to	teenagers	learning	
specific	skills	of	the	four	seam	fastball,	the	curve,	the	pivot	to	turn	two	
for	a	double	play...judging	the	fly	ball	in	the	outfield	and	defensive	shift
alignments.	These	youngsters	all	have	dreams	–	they	are	inspired	by	the	
players	of	today	who	exude	natural	talent	and	skill.	But	it’s	also	not	just	
the	kids	-	there	are	parents,	coaches,	managers,	neighbors,	colleagues,	
family	members	who	spend	numerous	evenings	watching	games,	
cheering	on	the	players	and	enjoying	the	game	on	a	warm	summer	
evening	in	ball	diamonds	all	over	Ottawa	and	they	are	volunteers.		
The	time	and	financial	investment	they	commit	to	the	enjoyment	of	the	
game	by	their	children	is	all	part	of	how	we	excel	as	a	community.		
At	the	core	–	this	is	community.	To	win	a	baseball	game	we	need	all	nine	
players	helping	one	another.	That	is	the	sport	and	like	us	in	a	
community,	when	tragedy	strikes,	when	there	is	pain,	when	there	is	
need,	we	always	achieve	cohesion	to	become	those	9	players	on	a	field	
who	help	one	another.	We	give	ourselves	up	for	the	whole...		
Some	of	you	may	know	then,	we	have	this	team	called	the	Ottawa	
Champions	Baseball	Club.	If	not,	I’ll	speak	to	you	later.		
I	am	often	asked,	why	did	we	name	a	team	the	CHAMPIONS	?	Well,	let’s	
talk	baseball	–	because	it	is	our	identity	and	brand	that	is	unique	and	
personal	to	this	community	for	two	primary	reasons.
First	off,	it	begins	with	our	commitment	to	the	fans	and	families	that	
decide	proactively	to	spend	their	hard	earned	dollars	with	us.	Naturally,	
we	are	committed	to	fielding	a	winning	team.		
And	we	have	delivered	on	the	field	–	in	our	inaugural	season	in	2015,	
we	just	missed	a	playoff	spot	taking	the	excitement	for	our	fans	to	the	
final	long	weekend	of	home	games	in	Ottawa	and	then	in	2016,	we	
earned	the	name	across	our	jersey	and	won	the	CanAm	Championship	
beating	the	Rockland	Boulders	in	triumphant	fashion	taking	it	to	Game	
Second	–	we	want	to	be	Champions	for	our	community	and	City.	We	
have	implemented	a	business	strategy	that	has	seen	us	invest	in	and	
support	local,	Ottawa	“born	and	bred”	businesses.	In	fact,	our	
philosophy	is	that	if	it	is	made	locally	or	regionally	and	meets	our	
budget,	we	“go	local”.	Names	such	as	Gabriel	Pizza,	Dingerz	Batting	and	
Pitching	Center,	Extension	Marketing,	Origin	Café,	East	Coast	Limos,	
Ottawa	Special	Events,	Kichesippi	Beer,	Clocktower	Breweries	and	
SamBat	all	accentuate	this	commitment.		
We	also	aspire	to	champion	our	local	charitable	sector	that	work	hard	to	
raise	funds	for	important	causes	and	deliver	needed	services	in	our
community.	These	are	dedicated	champions	of	public	service.	
We	are	proud	to	have	the	Miracle	League	of	Ottawa	as	our	official	
charity	–	an	organization	I	co-founded	in	2012	when	I	met	the	
Desrochers	family	in	Orleans	and	their	son	Bryce	who	has	inspired	this	
entire	City	on	why	a	fully	accessible	recreation	hub	is	required	for	
children	and	young	adults	with	special	needs	who	simply	want	one	
thing	–	to	enjoy	the	game	of	baseball	equally.		
The	Miracle	Field	opened	in	August	2015	with	a	rubberized	field	surface	
to	minimize	harm	and	provide	easier	mobility	for	wheelchairs	and	
walkers,	a	clubhouse	with	accessible	washrooms	and	change-rooms	and	
a	canteen	that	is	fully	accessible	for	the	kids	to	prepare	and	serve	food.	
This	was	a	$1.8M	project	that	the	City	of	Ottawa	facilitated	with	their	
commitment	through	a	donation	of	land	and	50%	funding.	We	enjoyed	
the	support	from	other	local	champions	such	as	Progressive	Waste	
Solutions/Friends	De	Mer	Blue	Fund,	Claridge	Homes,	Trinity	
Developments	and	the	Toronto	Blue	Jays.		
The	Miracle	League	of	Ottawa	is	completely	volunteer	driven	as	it	
delivers	a	core	public	services	and	values	–	equality,	accessibility	and	
fairness.	As	an	organization,	its’	resourcing	relies	on	the	passion,	time
and	energy	of	a	small	volunteer-led	Board	of	Directors	and	the	parents,	
families	and	friends	who	participate	regularly	in	the	enjoyment	of	the	
kids	playing	baseball.	It	is	this	voluntary	commitment	that	has	raised	
$1.8m	in	capital	resources,	organized	over	7	events	in	a	3	year	period,	
leveraged	our	profile	to	conduct	community	outreach,	managed	social	
and	digital	communications	and	much	much	more.		
However,	being	a	purely	volunteer-driven	organization	poses	a	lot	of	
challenges	and	stress.	We	all	have	families,	jobs	and	other	personal	
obligations	–	at	times,	we	have	found	it	difficult	to	manage	the	
expectations	of	our	constituency,	corporate	partners	and	families	–	this	
is	the	greatest	challenge	for	organizations	that	rely	in	part	or	completely	
on	volunteers.	A	great	example	of	this	was	in	the	summer	of	2014	when	
we	qualified	for	the	Kraft	TSN	Celebration	and	represented	Ontario	for	a	
$100k	prize.	We	thought	this	would	be	a	simple	community	process	to	
execute	–	instead,	it	cost	many	of	us	the	summer	managing	the	demands	
of	a	3	hour	event	and	complex	logistics.	The	lesson	?	Always	understand	
the	parameters	of	a	volunteer	led	initiative	event	well	in	advance	and	
don’t	be	afraid	to	ask	questions	to	understand	capacity	and	resources.		
Volunteering	is	a	public	service,	but	as	with	most	initiatives,	a	balance	in
life	is	required	and	a	strong	sense	of	self-awareness	on	our	own	
limitations	and	boundaries.	At	the	Miracle	League,	we	were	a	small	
group	of	committed	crusaders	whose	dream	was	Bryce’s	dream	and	as	
he	says,	“If	you	say	your	dreams	aloud,	they	will	come	true”	
But	as	can	be	the	case,	over-taxing	causes	burnout	and	charitable	
organizations	need	to	adjust	volunteer	capacity	strategies	to	
understand	the	“art	of	the	possible”	and	manage	these	precious	
resources	accordingly.		
This	is	where	a	fundamental	two	way	process	exists	between	
volunteerism	leadership	in	sports	organizations	and	volunteers	
themselves.	At	the	Ottawa	Champions,	we	enjoy	great	support	from	
volunteers	to	assist	us	in	a	variety	of	core	tasks	–	their	passion	for	sport,	
learning	and	insatiable	thirst	for	success	inspires	me	daily.	Whether	
they	be	interns	from	Algonquin	College	or	baseball	fans	wanting	to	
access	the	real	aspects	of	“inside	baseball”,	a	two	way	street	relationship	
of	collaboration,	respect	and	understanding	where	we	extract	maximum	
value	from	a	volunteer	while	ensuring	their	focus	benefits	their	
aspirations,	skills	and	interest	leads	to	a	valued	win	–	win	and	great	
This	approach	will	be	applied	in	a	profound	way	in	the	years	ahead.	
Ottawa	is	bidding	to	host	the	Canada	Summer	Games	in	2021	that	will	
include	baseball	and	softball	programming.	The	Ottawa	Champions	are	
honoured	to	be	playing	a	leadership	role	in	supporting	the	Ottawa	Bid	
Committee	to	ensure	we	secure	the	Games	and	showcase	our	
community	on	the	national	stage.		The	Games	rely	on	thousands	of	
volunteers	to	deliver	crucial	infrastructure	and	support	and	this	“two	
way”	process	and	business	modeling	will	be	essential	to	the	success	of	
the	Games.		
The	future	of	volunteerism	in	sports	is	in	the	approach,	the	organization	
and	applying	entrepreneurial	principles	to	management.	We	must	also	
now	turn	our	attention	to	being	much	more	inclusive	to	our	immigrant	
populations	of	new	Canadians	who	are	arriving	in	Ottawa	and	seeking	
cohesive	and	inclusive	opportunities	to	engage.	Sport	provides	that	
embrace	and	open	arms	opportunity.		
If	you	have	read	or	watched	Moneyball	–	you	will	understand	it	too	is	a	
metaphor.	Baseball	as	a	game	is	transforming...	technology	assessing	
player	performance,	delivering	advanced	metrics	for	on	field	and	off	
field	performance.	Those	who	adopt,	thrive.	Those	who	don’t...fall
behind.	Our	team,	the	Ottawa	Champions	is	invested	in	that	business	
model	–	ensuring	continual	transformation	and	direct	relevance	in	our	
community.	Our	approach	to	volunteers	as	with	the	Miracle	League	of	
Ottawa	is	absolutely	no	different.		
Volunteers	bring	passion	and	excitement	–	I	can	see	it	in	this	room	now.	
We	all	thrive	off	those	values	and	traits.	These	build	communities	from	
the	ground	up	and	make	us	better.	
I	started	my	remarks	with	a	focus	on	community.	Ottawa	has	now	
joined	the	hundreds	and	thousands	of	cities	worldwide	that	proudly	
state	they	have	a	professional	baseball	team	–	because	they,	like	us	now,	
know	that	baseball	belongs	here	and	makes	our	community	stronger.		
To	conclude,	the	Ottawa	Champions	are	invested	in	the	future	of	our	
community.	A	discussion	about	baseball	in	Ottawa	is	a	discussion	about	
our	community.	Our	future	will	be	characterized	by	our	team	initiating	a	
dialogue	on	our	place	in	local	communities	around	us	such	as	
Overbrook,	Vanier	and	Alta	Vista	–	places	we	are	proud	to	call	our	
neighbours.	We	will	also	be	innovative	and	tap	into	our	local	and	
regional	networks	where	profound	change	is	occurring	–	social	
entrepreneurship	is	an	example	and	I	will	be	asking	the	question	of	how
can	a	baseball	team	be	engaged	in	these	exciting	opportunities	?	
Volunteer	capacities	are	part	of	this	approach	as	community	–	let	us	all	
learn	from	each	other	today	and	share	knowledge,	experiences	and	yes,	
the	mistakes	we	may	have	made.	Mistakes	lead	us	to	success	in	the	
I	have	always	approached	baseball	and	our	Champions	as	a	public	
service	as	we	provide	families	the	opportunity	to	enjoy	quality	time	in	
the	community	at	affordable	prices	and	in	a	hospitable,	family	friendly	
environment.	Municipalities	have	an	obligation	to	ensure	their	
communities	have	affordable	entertainment	options	for	citizens	to	enjoy	
quality	time	as	it	enriches	lives.	I	believe	we	deliver	that	–	public	service	
is	about	the	opportunities	to	deliver	change,	advance	progress	and	
achieve	cohesion.		
Would	you	have	ever	thought	of	a	baseball	team	within	a	community	as	
that	–	a	public	service	?		
Likely	not,	but	I	hope	that	now	you	have	and	you	will	come	see	us	in	
2017	and	learn	for	yourself.
Thank	you

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Similar to OSS 2016 Remarks Gourlay (20)

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OSS 2016 Remarks Gourlay