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Online Sunshine Plan
     Excerpt: Chapter I - Article 04

     by Dr. Robert C. Worstell
Copyright © 2009 by Robert C. Worstell. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under
Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the
prior written permission of the Author.

Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and
the author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no
representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness
of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties
of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be
created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The
advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your
situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate.
Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or
any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special,
incidental, consequential, or other damages.

This excerpt from Beta release 0.1
Table of Contents
Online Sunshine Plan ....................................................................
   0. Introduction...........................................................................1
      How to get the most out of this book ......................................6
      How this book is set up ...........................................................9
   I. Purpose/Passion - what drives you, what makes you
   really happy? ..........................................................................12
       Articles: ..................................................................................16
   II. Business Basics ................................................................48
       Articles: ..................................................................................54
   III. Market Research .............................................................115
       What is marketing? What is a market? ................................115
       How to research for your community-market ....................118
       Keywords, their care and feeding: Niches...........................122
       Keywords, Their Care and Feeding: Finding Them ............127
       A possible approach to keyword research ...........................131
       The short version of keyword research - 9 steps: ...............135
       The convention analogy .......................................................136
       How search engines used to work .......................................139
       Where to look for your keyword research - Part I - Basics . 141
       Where to look for your keyword research - Part 2 - The Real
       World ....................................................................................144
       Where's the money? I'm from Missouri - show me.............146
       Finding and Building Your Community..............................150
       Learning from the Experts in your Niche.............................151
       Finding your way out of this wet paper bag ........................153
       Articles: .................................................................................155
   IV. Your Sales Funnel - ........................................................179
      Lining up your chickens .......................................................179
      Collecting up your eggs into baskets. ..................................182
      That narrow end of the funnel isn't, really. ........................184
      Copywriting - how to talk your walk ...................................187
      Articles: ................................................................................193
   V. Search Engine Optimization ...........................................212
      Why do people think search engines are important? .........212
      Search Engine Myths ...........................................................214
      Strategies old and new .........................................................216
Names to follow and why .....................................................221
   Recommended Products ......................................................221
   Articles: ................................................................................222
VI. Promotion .......................................................................242
   Networking and Promotion ................................................242
   Social Media Defined...........................................................244
   The care and feeding of social media ..................................247
   There is no ROI in Social Media Marketing .......................250
   So how do you convert viewers to clients through Social
   Media? ..................................................................................252
   Now for the Social Media All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet ............254
   Write once, publish many ways, many formats .................260
   Addtional Online Promotion ..............................................263
   Offline and Classic Promotion ............................................266
   Articles .................................................................................267
VII. Summary ........................................................................310
The Online Sunshine Plan

Starting a Small Business Online:

You have to start by picking out a basket to put your eggs

Trite (but true) aphorisms:

      •   One always learns from his mistakes.

      •   And as well, hindsight is 20-20.

      •   Thirdly, what you don't take care of in the beginning can set you
          back to the beginning.

Or you'll seem to think that. But it's not time to get depressed about things.
Take stock of your resources and you'll find that you've been learning all the
time. And are now in a much better condition to get really going. This next
time will be faster.

I recently found myself back at doing what I should have done to begin with.
However, I didn't know it at the time. The reason my sales aren't taking off
is that I never set up a proper back end (terminal), followed by a regular
runway, and using a definite flight plan.

The steps are simply in this sequence:

      1. A proper back end first consists of having something valuable to

      2. Next, you set up a way to exchange for this - either affiliate sales, or
         drop-shipping, or ecommerce.

      3. Then, you promote this all over the place. So people can find your
         valuable offer and take you up on it.

      4. And all of this is before you quit your day job.

Dr. Robert C. Worstell

Nothing new, perhaps. But here is something - and take this to heart:

                  You settle on one valuable item and
                    get that really moving before
                       you expand to another.

Sure, if it doesn't work out, then fine - start researching and picking out
another. Now that you know what research you need to do, the second one
will be easier.

Practically, pick out your basket - one basket - and then get some eggs into
it. And watch those eggs real closely

But the basket comes before the eggs (figuring that the chicken is around
there somewhere - but let's not go there...) Basket first.

A. What is something valuable that you can offer to people who will
exchange something with you for them?

Now, go and find out all about that item and what people think about it.
Find your keywords, find your delivery methods, find out the demographics
who will buy or subscribe to it. Get all this nailed down.

B. Next, figure out your delivery system. If this is an info product, figure out
how you can offer it online and deliver it at very low cost - usually, this is an
ecommerce site of some sort. If someone else already has that product,
maybe you promote and sell it as an affiliate. Or you sell it directly and they
drop-ship it for you. Or you buy in bulk, warehouse, and ship it yourself.

C. Third is to figure out how to promote it. Nowadays, this is best done
through social media - a blog, usually - and also posted to the winds through
bookmarking sites, etc. Some people tell you to use PPC (not me) to get
started. And I recently found an article where the author recommended it as
a temporary jump-start to get things going. (I don't tell people starting out
to advertise as you can lose your budget very quickly with no results - and
the best advertisement is by getting word of mouth through excellent
products and delivery.)

D. Now, once you have successfully sold and delivered goods which are
making you money - then expand into another (niche) line of work, another
(niche) product. You use what you learned from the first time and expand.
You keep producing and delivering products from the first one, but now you
have some more income and probably some more time to invest in ramping

The Online Sunshine Plan

up another product. This can be an additional product in the same niche, or
a new product line in a new niche area. (Preferably related to the first, either
in main subject, or in delivery mode - so you can use the existing shopping
cart and blogs to start promoting these new products.)

Make the second line as or more successful than the first, and then start up
a third. Research first, always.

As you continue to do this, life becomes simpler and more profitable.

But again: basket first, then eggs - and then to market.

Thrivelearning Guide
Find ways how to improve your life, run a
successful online business, get your freedom

Thrivelearning System - A Guide
I've searched over the Internet for really workable programs for more than a
couple of decades. The main criteria was that they had to work and they had
to help people actually improve their lives. The goal is that people are enabled
to get their abundance which is already native.

People don't know how simple it is to have a peaceful, free life. They don't
know that starting an online business does have a learning curve, but when
you find the right mentor and the right partners, it can be really simple and

So these programs each individually work. But the real power is that they
integrate into a powerful system that is more effective than the single parts.

There are two approaches to this - Spiritual and Business

            Spiritual: You should be able to have all the freedom, peace,
            and abundance you could ever want.

            Business: You can and should know how to leverage the
            Internet to make your own online success.

Like many, I was caught up in the “get rich quick” “how to make money
online” schemes that are very often pushed with Internet Marketing.

And it took me a long time (over a year) to learn enough to earn my money
back out

of the scheme I bought into. (No, I had to attend “Hard Luck U” and sweat it
out with a keyboard and Google searches - it wasn’t found in the “training” I
bought.) And that company has improved considerably since that time - it
was lessons all around, the way I saw it.
But since then, I’ve really discovered how to thrive - by discovering and
testing the exact techniques of self-help and spiritual training which will
attract any amount of money or abundance you want. No “institute” required,
no expensive ”schooling” or “coaching” - learn at your own pace, from your
own home.

Now I am starting to regularly earn money working at home, mostly from
online affiliate sales and my own books . It’s not hard to learn, if you want to
invest your time (and a little cash here and there.) But you only get out what
you invest of your self…

Here’s the programs I found that actually work:

    1. Find your inner peace - Use Release Technique

    2. Learn how to remain calm under stress - Use Silva Life System

    3. Thrive financially with your Millionaire Mindset - Learn from T. Harv

    4. Simply Wake Up and Live! - Dorothea Brande's classic.

    5. Get a library of proven, workable materials - Spiritual Training

    1. Do market research for products which can factually earn you online
       income - Chris Malta's Worldwide Brands

    2. Master social network marketing - Charles Heflin’s Synnd

    3. Get a site builder and web host with decades of experience -Ken
       Evoy's Site Build It!

    4. Find the simplicities to protecting yourself legally – Dr. Frederick
       Graves' Jurisdictionary

    5. Get and stay scam free from here on out - Get Scam Free (book and
       online course)
Release Technique
Release Technique is simply learning to actually
look at what is happening around you and letting
go of what you don't want. Too easy, actually.
Some people have to know more about such a
technique before they can really put it to use in
their lives. Larry Crane used it to save his life. He
was already a millionaire - even on the cover of
Time - but found he wanted to commit suicide because of his own inner
stress. He met a guy named Lester Levenson, who taught him to release the
inner programs which caused that. Larry changed his life – and has been
teaching and promoting this course ever since.

Silva Life System
Laura found herself in trouble. Her health was
failing, she couldn't keep a job, she was
desperately "in love" with someone who only took
advantage of her. Then she rediscovered for
herself the system of active meditation she had been involved with since
childhood, literally growing up around it. Once she put this to use in her own
life, she became more and more successful as she applied it. Now happily
married with several children, she has devoted her life to continuing her
father's proven program of active meditation. More people than ever have
found how easy it is to meditate through Jose and Laura Silvas' works. There
are reportedly millions internationally who are using Silva materials to gain
calm, successful lives. You can, too.
Millionaire Mind Intensive
The key point is that you have to re-learn all
you've learned up to this point about money.
What he starts out to begin with is to tell you,
“Don’t believe anything I say, but try these ideas
out in your own life - and trust these ideas you
are trying.”How Eker gets you to re-train your
millionaires mind isn't all that new. But he took
up the study of millionaire and rich-people psychology in earnest so solve his
own inability to make and hold onto money. While he made (and lost)
millions early in his life, it was his own studies into how people did this which
made him an international success. Now he spends his time only in helping
others to adjust their own Millionaire Mindset

Wake Up and Live
I was introduced to it by Earl Nightingale (of "Our
Changing World" fame). It was in his "Strangest
Secret" recording where he introduced her now
famous credo:

"Act as though it were impossible to fail."

And she explains how she got to that point in this book. The first section is an
autobiography of sorts, explaining the gist of her discovered philosophy of life
- and how that credo lead her straight to an amazing career after a rather
mundane existence prior. Newly republished in an easy-to-read format, this
book is an essential classic for anyone's library.
Spiritual Training Materials
For anyone to really make their way through life,
they have to find and follow mentors. With our
modern Internet Age, you no longer have to take
time out and travel to distant lands in order to sit
at the feet of a Master and absorb their knowledge.
Even the long-passed can reveal their secrets from
their book sand materials. I've assembled a short
list of books which have been proved time and again to hold the secrets to all
health,wealth, success, and relationships. The path is there - you have only to
walk it. Build your library today!

Web Site Builder
Site Build It! is the only product that takes the
time to prepare you to build a profitable business,
before you jump into building your site. For the
beginner, your learning curve will be shorter and
you’ll bypass any show-stopping errors. For those experienced in site-
building, SBI! deepens your level of understanding. No matter who you are,
you are guided all the way until you succeed. This approach symbolizes SBI!’s
steady-and-sure approach. It’s definitely not GRQ (Get Rich Quick) and keeps
you from getting distracted by false promises or dead-end tools and strategies
that end up costing more money. Experienced users will appreciate avoiding
time-wasters that don't help you succeed. Think of it as a simple, direct, hype-
free path that leads to success. Check it out for yourself.

Profitable Market Research
The reason Chris started WWB is just because he
knew how profitable it was to sell for others - but
ran into the same shady operators so many of us
do. He sat out building a company which did the
homework for you - so you only need login to their single interface where
they've already predigested the product discovery, keyword research, and
verified the drop-shippers as legit. No middlemen, no scammers. Just you,
your hard work, and your filling bank account. Not for the faint at heart - this
is only for those serious about doing the homework necessary to find salable,
profitable products to sell.

Social Network Marketing
Once you have a product and a website, you need
to promote it. Charles Heflin has been marketing
at least as long as the World Wide Web has
existed. And he formed Social Media Science just to study the social media
phenomenon. Per their website: "Social Media Science is dedicated to the
science of online social media as it applies to gaining visibility for you ronline
or offline business. We are dedicated to educating the business community
through a robust educational system as well as providing cutting edge
software tools to make marketing your business easier, more effective and
measurable. See what sets us apart." It's only here where you learn how to
really market online.

Get a Winning Lawyer -
Defend Your Company
Dr. Frederick Graves is a lawyer who has taken on
the formidable task of educating people how to
figure out what the hell is going on. But it's not all
that complicated. For any business, if you
understand the legal system, you can avoid
situations which would lead you into any unnecessary involvement in the
courts. Technically, you learn enough to use the laws to do what they are
supposed to - protect against inequality and bullying behavior. The point is
that when you do need to get a lawyer, you can also ensure that he's doing
what you're paying him for. With all else you need to follow in business, you
don't also need the excess expense which legal costs can bring.
FTC Disclaimer
Self-help and Spiritual Training are highly personal. You get out only what
you put into them. There are no "typical results." None of the above should be
considered as a “business opportunity”. These are personal training programs
and materials which you alone can determine if they assist your own progress
or help improve your life.

Caveat Emptor, and all that.

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OSP article excerpt: Starting an Online Business

  • 1. Online Sunshine Plan Excerpt: Chapter I - Article 04 by Dr. Robert C. Worstell
  • 2. Copyright © 2009 by Robert C. Worstell. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the Author. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and the author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. This excerpt from Beta release 0.1
  • 3. Table of Contents Online Sunshine Plan .................................................................... 0. Introduction...........................................................................1 How to get the most out of this book ......................................6 How this book is set up ...........................................................9 I. Purpose/Passion - what drives you, what makes you really happy? ..........................................................................12 Articles: ..................................................................................16 II. Business Basics ................................................................48 Articles: ..................................................................................54 III. Market Research .............................................................115 What is marketing? What is a market? ................................115 How to research for your community-market ....................118 Keywords, their care and feeding: Niches...........................122 Keywords, Their Care and Feeding: Finding Them ............127 A possible approach to keyword research ...........................131 The short version of keyword research - 9 steps: ...............135 The convention analogy .......................................................136 How search engines used to work .......................................139 Where to look for your keyword research - Part I - Basics . 141 Where to look for your keyword research - Part 2 - The Real World ....................................................................................144 Where's the money? I'm from Missouri - show me.............146 Finding and Building Your Community..............................150 Learning from the Experts in your Niche.............................151 Finding your way out of this wet paper bag ........................153 Articles: .................................................................................155 IV. Your Sales Funnel - ........................................................179 Lining up your chickens .......................................................179 Collecting up your eggs into baskets. ..................................182 That narrow end of the funnel isn't, really. ........................184 Copywriting - how to talk your walk ...................................187 Articles: ................................................................................193 V. Search Engine Optimization ...........................................212 Why do people think search engines are important? .........212 Search Engine Myths ...........................................................214 Strategies old and new .........................................................216
  • 4. Names to follow and why .....................................................221 Recommended Products ......................................................221 Articles: ................................................................................222 VI. Promotion .......................................................................242 Networking and Promotion ................................................242 Social Media Defined...........................................................244 The care and feeding of social media ..................................247 There is no ROI in Social Media Marketing .......................250 So how do you convert viewers to clients through Social Media? ..................................................................................252 Now for the Social Media All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet ............254 Write once, publish many ways, many formats .................260 Addtional Online Promotion ..............................................263 Offline and Classic Promotion ............................................266 Articles .................................................................................267 VII. Summary ........................................................................310
  • 5. The Online Sunshine Plan Starting a Small Business Online: You have to start by picking out a basket to put your eggs in. Trite (but true) aphorisms: • One always learns from his mistakes. • And as well, hindsight is 20-20. • Thirdly, what you don't take care of in the beginning can set you back to the beginning. Or you'll seem to think that. But it's not time to get depressed about things. Take stock of your resources and you'll find that you've been learning all the time. And are now in a much better condition to get really going. This next time will be faster. I recently found myself back at doing what I should have done to begin with. However, I didn't know it at the time. The reason my sales aren't taking off is that I never set up a proper back end (terminal), followed by a regular runway, and using a definite flight plan. The steps are simply in this sequence: 1. A proper back end first consists of having something valuable to offer. 2. Next, you set up a way to exchange for this - either affiliate sales, or drop-shipping, or ecommerce. 3. Then, you promote this all over the place. So people can find your valuable offer and take you up on it. 4. And all of this is before you quit your day job. 27
  • 6. Dr. Robert C. Worstell Nothing new, perhaps. But here is something - and take this to heart: You settle on one valuable item and get that really moving before you expand to another. Sure, if it doesn't work out, then fine - start researching and picking out another. Now that you know what research you need to do, the second one will be easier. Practically, pick out your basket - one basket - and then get some eggs into it. And watch those eggs real closely But the basket comes before the eggs (figuring that the chicken is around there somewhere - but let's not go there...) Basket first. A. What is something valuable that you can offer to people who will exchange something with you for them? Now, go and find out all about that item and what people think about it. Find your keywords, find your delivery methods, find out the demographics who will buy or subscribe to it. Get all this nailed down. B. Next, figure out your delivery system. If this is an info product, figure out how you can offer it online and deliver it at very low cost - usually, this is an ecommerce site of some sort. If someone else already has that product, maybe you promote and sell it as an affiliate. Or you sell it directly and they drop-ship it for you. Or you buy in bulk, warehouse, and ship it yourself. C. Third is to figure out how to promote it. Nowadays, this is best done through social media - a blog, usually - and also posted to the winds through bookmarking sites, etc. Some people tell you to use PPC (not me) to get started. And I recently found an article where the author recommended it as a temporary jump-start to get things going. (I don't tell people starting out to advertise as you can lose your budget very quickly with no results - and the best advertisement is by getting word of mouth through excellent products and delivery.) D. Now, once you have successfully sold and delivered goods which are making you money - then expand into another (niche) line of work, another (niche) product. You use what you learned from the first time and expand. You keep producing and delivering products from the first one, but now you have some more income and probably some more time to invest in ramping 28
  • 7. The Online Sunshine Plan up another product. This can be an additional product in the same niche, or a new product line in a new niche area. (Preferably related to the first, either in main subject, or in delivery mode - so you can use the existing shopping cart and blogs to start promoting these new products.) Make the second line as or more successful than the first, and then start up a third. Research first, always. As you continue to do this, life becomes simpler and more profitable. But again: basket first, then eggs - and then to market. 29
  • 8. Thrivelearning Guide Find ways how to improve your life, run a successful online business, get your freedom back. Thrivelearning System - A Guide I've searched over the Internet for really workable programs for more than a couple of decades. The main criteria was that they had to work and they had to help people actually improve their lives. The goal is that people are enabled to get their abundance which is already native. People don't know how simple it is to have a peaceful, free life. They don't know that starting an online business does have a learning curve, but when you find the right mentor and the right partners, it can be really simple and successful. So these programs each individually work. But the real power is that they integrate into a powerful system that is more effective than the single parts. There are two approaches to this - Spiritual and Business Spiritual: You should be able to have all the freedom, peace, and abundance you could ever want. Business: You can and should know how to leverage the Internet to make your own online success. Like many, I was caught up in the “get rich quick” “how to make money online” schemes that are very often pushed with Internet Marketing. And it took me a long time (over a year) to learn enough to earn my money back out of the scheme I bought into. (No, I had to attend “Hard Luck U” and sweat it out with a keyboard and Google searches - it wasn’t found in the “training” I bought.) And that company has improved considerably since that time - it was lessons all around, the way I saw it.
  • 9. But since then, I’ve really discovered how to thrive - by discovering and testing the exact techniques of self-help and spiritual training which will attract any amount of money or abundance you want. No “institute” required, no expensive ”schooling” or “coaching” - learn at your own pace, from your own home. Now I am starting to regularly earn money working at home, mostly from online affiliate sales and my own books . It’s not hard to learn, if you want to invest your time (and a little cash here and there.) But you only get out what you invest of your self… Here’s the programs I found that actually work: Spiritual 1. Find your inner peace - Use Release Technique 2. Learn how to remain calm under stress - Use Silva Life System 3. Thrive financially with your Millionaire Mindset - Learn from T. Harv Eker 4. Simply Wake Up and Live! - Dorothea Brande's classic. 5. Get a library of proven, workable materials - Spiritual Training Materials Business 1. Do market research for products which can factually earn you online income - Chris Malta's Worldwide Brands 2. Master social network marketing - Charles Heflin’s Synnd 3. Get a site builder and web host with decades of experience -Ken Evoy's Site Build It! 4. Find the simplicities to protecting yourself legally – Dr. Frederick Graves' Jurisdictionary 5. Get and stay scam free from here on out - Get Scam Free (book and online course)
  • 10. Release Technique Release Technique is simply learning to actually look at what is happening around you and letting go of what you don't want. Too easy, actually. Some people have to know more about such a technique before they can really put it to use in their lives. Larry Crane used it to save his life. He was already a millionaire - even on the cover of Time - but found he wanted to commit suicide because of his own inner stress. He met a guy named Lester Levenson, who taught him to release the inner programs which caused that. Larry changed his life – and has been teaching and promoting this course ever since. Silva Life System Laura found herself in trouble. Her health was failing, she couldn't keep a job, she was desperately "in love" with someone who only took advantage of her. Then she rediscovered for herself the system of active meditation she had been involved with since childhood, literally growing up around it. Once she put this to use in her own life, she became more and more successful as she applied it. Now happily married with several children, she has devoted her life to continuing her father's proven program of active meditation. More people than ever have found how easy it is to meditate through Jose and Laura Silvas' works. There are reportedly millions internationally who are using Silva materials to gain calm, successful lives. You can, too.
  • 11. Millionaire Mind Intensive The key point is that you have to re-learn all you've learned up to this point about money. What he starts out to begin with is to tell you, “Don’t believe anything I say, but try these ideas out in your own life - and trust these ideas you are trying.”How Eker gets you to re-train your millionaires mind isn't all that new. But he took up the study of millionaire and rich-people psychology in earnest so solve his own inability to make and hold onto money. While he made (and lost) millions early in his life, it was his own studies into how people did this which made him an international success. Now he spends his time only in helping others to adjust their own Millionaire Mindset Wake Up and Live I was introduced to it by Earl Nightingale (of "Our Changing World" fame). It was in his "Strangest Secret" recording where he introduced her now famous credo: "Act as though it were impossible to fail." And she explains how she got to that point in this book. The first section is an autobiography of sorts, explaining the gist of her discovered philosophy of life - and how that credo lead her straight to an amazing career after a rather mundane existence prior. Newly republished in an easy-to-read format, this book is an essential classic for anyone's library.
  • 12. Spiritual Training Materials For anyone to really make their way through life, they have to find and follow mentors. With our modern Internet Age, you no longer have to take time out and travel to distant lands in order to sit at the feet of a Master and absorb their knowledge. Even the long-passed can reveal their secrets from their book sand materials. I've assembled a short list of books which have been proved time and again to hold the secrets to all health,wealth, success, and relationships. The path is there - you have only to walk it. Build your library today! Web Site Builder Site Build It! is the only product that takes the time to prepare you to build a profitable business, before you jump into building your site. For the beginner, your learning curve will be shorter and you’ll bypass any show-stopping errors. For those experienced in site- building, SBI! deepens your level of understanding. No matter who you are, you are guided all the way until you succeed. This approach symbolizes SBI!’s steady-and-sure approach. It’s definitely not GRQ (Get Rich Quick) and keeps you from getting distracted by false promises or dead-end tools and strategies that end up costing more money. Experienced users will appreciate avoiding time-wasters that don't help you succeed. Think of it as a simple, direct, hype- free path that leads to success. Check it out for yourself. Profitable Market Research The reason Chris started WWB is just because he knew how profitable it was to sell for others - but ran into the same shady operators so many of us do. He sat out building a company which did the
  • 13. homework for you - so you only need login to their single interface where they've already predigested the product discovery, keyword research, and verified the drop-shippers as legit. No middlemen, no scammers. Just you, your hard work, and your filling bank account. Not for the faint at heart - this is only for those serious about doing the homework necessary to find salable, profitable products to sell. Social Network Marketing Once you have a product and a website, you need to promote it. Charles Heflin has been marketing at least as long as the World Wide Web has existed. And he formed Social Media Science just to study the social media phenomenon. Per their website: "Social Media Science is dedicated to the science of online social media as it applies to gaining visibility for you ronline or offline business. We are dedicated to educating the business community through a robust educational system as well as providing cutting edge software tools to make marketing your business easier, more effective and measurable. See what sets us apart." It's only here where you learn how to really market online. Get a Winning Lawyer - Defend Your Company Dr. Frederick Graves is a lawyer who has taken on the formidable task of educating people how to figure out what the hell is going on. But it's not all that complicated. For any business, if you understand the legal system, you can avoid situations which would lead you into any unnecessary involvement in the courts. Technically, you learn enough to use the laws to do what they are supposed to - protect against inequality and bullying behavior. The point is that when you do need to get a lawyer, you can also ensure that he's doing what you're paying him for. With all else you need to follow in business, you don't also need the excess expense which legal costs can bring.
  • 14. FTC Disclaimer Self-help and Spiritual Training are highly personal. You get out only what you put into them. There are no "typical results." None of the above should be considered as a “business opportunity”. These are personal training programs and materials which you alone can determine if they assist your own progress or help improve your life. Caveat Emptor, and all that.