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OSGi meets Lambdas
Safe and powerful interaction with OSGi registry
Carlos Sierra Andrés
Liferay, Inc.
October 2017
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 1 / 36
What are we going to talk about?
We are going to discuss Aries Component DSL, a PoC library for
interacting with OSGi registry in a functional way.
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 2 / 36
When creating JAX-RS reference implementation Whiteboard
Dependencies filter depend on configuration.
Dependencies filter depend on incoming services.
Incoming services can specify any number of dependencies on their
In OSGi this dependencies can come and go at any time.
Also dependencies can be overwritten with higher ranked services at
any time.
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 3 / 36
new MyResource(),
new Hashtable<String, Object>() {{
new String[] {
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service = MyResource.class
public class MyResource {
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Possible implementations
Component Frameworks:
Big runtimes
Difficult to express dependencies programatically based on incoming
Plain OSGi API:
ManagedServiceFactories + nested trackers.
Cumbersome to write.
Difficult to reason about.
Difficult to compose and reuse.
Difficult to modify.
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 6 / 36
new ManagedServiceFactory() {
public void updated(...) {
new ServiceTracker<>() {
public Object addingService() {
return new ServiceTracker<>() {...}
public void removedService() { close }
public void deleted(String s) { close }
new Hashtable<>() {{
put(””, ””);
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 7 / 36
What I would like to have
So I want:
to declare the services and resources I need from the OSGi registry.
to use them when they are ready, and only when they are ready.
the services to clean up their mess when they go away.
to be able to combine them with existing third party classes.
to register new services.
I want dynamism but I DON’T want to deal with it!
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 8 / 36
Functional Programming to the rescue
Functors: describe computations inside a context.
Monads: express dependency between operations.
Applicative Functors: combine functors with existing functions.
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 9 / 36
Some Primitives
import static OSGi.*;
OSGi<Foo> service = services(Foo.class);
OSGi<ServiceReference<Foo>> sr =
OSGi<ServiceRegistration<Foo>> registration =
register(Foo.class, new Foo(), new HashMap<>());
OSGi<Dictionary<String, ?>> c = configurations(”myPid”);
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As a functor
Functors allow to express computations in a context
Optional<Object> opt; -> o.toString());
Stream<Integer> numbers; -> x * 2);
CompletableFuture<String> future; -> s + ”; Done!”);
OSGi<Property> p = -> s.getProperty());
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 11 / 36
Prominent Monads (Optional)
Monads allow to express dependent computations
Map<String, String> bigMap1;
Map<String, String> bigMap2;
Map<String, String> bigMap3;
Optional<String> final = Optional.ofNullable(
s1 -> Optional.ofNullable(bigMap2.get(s1))
s2 -> Optional.ofNullable(bigMap3.get(s2))
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 12 / 36
Prominent Monads (CompletableFuture)
Monads allow to express dependent computations
CompletableFuture<String> heavyTask1() {...};
CompletableFuture<String> heavyTask2() {...};
CompletableFuture<String> heavyTask3(
String param1, String param2) {...};
CompletableFuture<String> future =
s1 -> heavyTask2().thenCompose(
s2 -> heavyTask3(s1, s2);
String result = future.get();
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 13 / 36
As a monad
Monads allow to express dependent computations
OSGi<ServiceRegistration<POJO>> program =
cfg ->
services(ServiceA.class, ”(scope=” + cfg.get(”scope”) + ”)”).
sa ->
services(ServiceB.class, sa.getBFilter()).flatMap(
sb ->
register(POJO.class, new POJO(sa, sb), new HashMap<>());
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 14 / 36
As a monad (normal indentation)
OSGi<ServiceA> serviceAFromConfig(Dictionary<String, ?> cfg) {
return services(
ServiceA.class, ”(scope=” + cfg.get(”scope”) + ”)”);
OSGi<ServiceB> serviceBFromServiceA(ServiceA sa) {
return services(ServiceB.class, sa.getBFilter());
OSGi<ServiceRegistration<POJO>> program =
cfg -> serviceAFromConfig(cfg).flatMap(
sa -> serviceBFromServiceA(sa).flatMap(
sb -> register(
POJO.class, new POJO(sa, sb), new HashMap<>())
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 15 / 36
Prominent Applicatives (CompletableFuture)
Applicatives allow to express computations that don’t depend on
each other
CompletableFuture<String> heavyTask1() {...};
CompletableFuture<String> heavyTask2() {...};
heavyTask1().thenCombine(heavyTask2(), String::concat);
We can see that Applicative express that there is no dependency
between heavyTask1 and heavyTask2.
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 16 / 36
As an Applicative
Applicatives allow to express computations that don’t depend on
each other
public class POJO {
public POJO(ServiceA a, ServiceB b, ServiceC c) {
OSGi<ServiceA> sa = services(ServiceA.class);
OSGi<ServiceB> sb = services(ServiceB.class);
OSGi<ServiceC> sc = services(ServiceC.class);
OSGi<POJO> pojo = OSGi.combine(POJO::new, sa, sb, sc);
it produces the cartesian product of the parameters.
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Syntax is a problem
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 18 / 36
On the bright side
Each step is only executed when there are services or configurations
Effects produced by an instance (service, configuration, etc.) are
associated to it.
When the service or configuration goes away, all the actions triggered
by it are undone by the library.
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 19 / 36
So in our program
OSGi<ServiceRegistration<POJO>> program =
cfg -> serviceAFromConfig(cfg).flatMap(
sa -> serviceBFromServiceA(sa).flatMap(
sb -> register(
POJO.class, new Pojo(sa, sb), new HashMap<>())
If any goes away:
Configuration instance
ServiceA instance
ServiceB instance
The corresponding POJO will be unregistered from the OSGi framework
and trackers will be closed.
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On the bright side
The expressions in our OSGi language are values in Java. We can
manipulate the values to extend the program:
prepending or appending steps:
public OSGi<?> prependDependency(OSGi<?> program) {
return service(UndisclosedDep.class).then(program);
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On the bright side
creating conditionals:
public OSGi<ServiceB> chooseService(ServiceReference<?> sr) {
Object filter = sr.getProperty(”filter”);
if (filterProperty != null) {
return services(ServiceB.class, filter.toString());
else {
return just(() -> new ServiceB());
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 22 / 36
On the bright side
or simply reusing them:
OSGi<ServiceA> sa = services(ServiceA.class);
OSGi<ServiceB> sb = services(ServiceB.class);
OSGi<POJO> pojo = combine(POJO::new, sa, sb);
pojo = prependDependency(pojo);
OSGi<?> program = sa.flatMap(...)
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Filtering and replaying
The language also allows to filter and replay already produced events. This
is useful to implement, for instance, highest service filters or highest
service per property filters.
OSGi<ServiceA> sa = service(ServiceA.class).filter(
OSGi<ServiceReference<ServiceA>> hsa = highest(
OSGi<ServiceReference<ServiceA>> hsProp = highestPer(
sr -> sr.getProperty(”key”));
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 24 / 36
Effects handling
The builtin commands make sure they get cleaned when services go away.
But when composing our own commands we might need to interleave
effects when some services are available.
OSGi<ServiceA> program = services(ServiceA.class).effects(
sa -> doSomething(sa),
sa -> undoSomething(sa)
OSGi<Void> program = onClose(() -> doSomeCleaning());
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The language will make sure that, if an effect has been executed, the
counter effect is also executed. If the effect is never executed the
counter effect is discarded. Althoug effects order is guaranteed by the
monad implementation, counter effects order of execution can’t be
The implementation is lock free and should be safe to use
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 26 / 36
Component frameworks
private class MyComponent {
private final Dictionary<String, ?> configuration;
private final Foo mandatory;
private final ArrayList<ServiceForList> servicesForLists;
private ServiceOptional optional = null;
public MyComponent(
Dictionary<String, ?> configuration, Foo mandatory) {
this.configuration = configuration;
this.mandatory = mandatory;
servicesForLists = new ArrayList<>();
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 27 / 36
Component Framework
public Dictionary<String, ?> getConfiguration() {
return configuration;
public Foo getMandatory() {
return mandatory;
public ServiceOptional getOptional() {
return optional;
public ArrayList<ServiceForList> getServiceForLists() {
return _serviceForLists;
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 28 / 36
Component Framework
public void setOptional(ServiceOptional optional) {
this.optional = optional;
public void addService(ServiceForList serviceForList) {
public void removeService(ServiceForList serviceForList) {
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 29 / 36
OOP dependency management
Static dependencies are requested in the constructor.
Multiple cardinality dependencies are added and removed through
add/remove methods.
Dynamic dependencies can be added and removed using setters.
Optional properties can be signaled with Optional or null.
No need for @PostConstruct or other lifecycle annotations, when the
class is instantiated it is ready to use.
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 30 / 36
Component Framework
OSGi<MyComponent> components = combine(
OSGi<?> program =
components.flatMap(comp ->
comp::setOptional, c -> comp.setOptional(null)),
comp::addService, comp::removeService),
ignore(register(Component.class, comp, new HashMap<>()))
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 31 / 36
Component Framework
OSGi<MyComponent> components = combine(
OSGi<?> program =
comp -> comp.setOptional(new ServiceOptional()),
comp -> comp.setOptional(null)
).flatMap(comp -> all(
comp::addService, comp::removeService),
Component.class, comp, new HashMap<>()))
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 32 / 36
On the dark side
Did I say syntax is a
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 33 / 36
On the bright side
It is a thin layer on top of OSGi services API. We have almost all the
power with much fewer code.
Cartesian products and dependent trackers with Stream like API.
Syntax aside, the DSL allows to structure your code like steps of a
No annotations:
So you can reuse existing business classes or use third party classes
No lifecycle annotation (@PostConstruct) misinteractions
It is embedded in Java:
we get help from the compiler unlike XML based frameworks.
we can create macros or define new functions composing the language
primitives using plain Java functions.
Statements are treated as values, so we can manipulate them and
improve reusability.
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 34 / 36
OSGi<MyComponent> components = ...
OSGiResult result =;
To run the described program we only need to provide a valid
Beware of effects and sharing mutable structures!
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 35 / 36
Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 36 / 36

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Improved developer productivity thanks to Maven and OSGi - Lukasz Dywicki (Co...
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OSGi meets Lambdas - C Sierra

  • 1. OSGi meets Lambdas Safe and powerful interaction with OSGi registry Carlos Sierra Andrés Liferay, Inc. October 2017 Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 1 / 36
  • 2. What are we going to talk about? We are going to discuss Aries Component DSL, a PoC library for interacting with OSGi registry in a functional way. Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 2 / 36
  • 3. Motivation When creating JAX-RS reference implementation Whiteboard Dependencies filter depend on configuration. Dependencies filter depend on incoming services. Incoming services can specify any number of dependencies on their properties. In OSGi this dependencies can come and go at any time. Also dependencies can be overwritten with higher ranked services at any time. Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 3 / 36
  • 4. bundleContext.registerService( MyResource.class, new MyResource(), new Hashtable<String, Object>() {{ put( ””, ”(name=myapplication)”); put( ””, new String[] { ”(name=extension1)”, ”(name=extension2)” }); }}); Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 4 / 36
  • 6. Possible implementations Component Frameworks: Big runtimes Difficult to express dependencies programatically based on incoming services Plain OSGi API: ManagedServiceFactories + nested trackers. Cumbersome to write. Difficult to reason about. Difficult to compose and reuse. Difficult to modify. Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 6 / 36
  • 7. bundleContext.registerService( ManagedServiceFactory.class, new ManagedServiceFactory() { public void updated(...) { new ServiceTracker<>() { public Object addingService() { return new ServiceTracker<>() {...} } public void removedService() { close } } } public void deleted(String s) { close } }, new Hashtable<>() {{ put(””, ””); }} ); Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 7 / 36
  • 8. What I would like to have So I want: to declare the services and resources I need from the OSGi registry. to use them when they are ready, and only when they are ready. the services to clean up their mess when they go away. to be able to combine them with existing third party classes. to register new services. I want dynamism but I DON’T want to deal with it! Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 8 / 36
  • 9. Functional Programming to the rescue Functors: describe computations inside a context. Monads: express dependency between operations. Applicative Functors: combine functors with existing functions. OSGi<T> Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 9 / 36
  • 10. Some Primitives import static OSGi.*; OSGi<Foo> service = services(Foo.class); OSGi<ServiceReference<Foo>> sr = serviceReferences(Foo.class) OSGi<ServiceRegistration<Foo>> registration = register(Foo.class, new Foo(), new HashMap<>()); OSGi<Dictionary<String, ?>> c = configurations(”myPid”); Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 10 / 36
  • 11. As a functor Functors allow to express computations in a context Optional<Object> opt; -> o.toString()); Stream<Integer> numbers; -> x * 2); CompletableFuture<String> future; -> s + ”; Done!”); OSGi<Property> p = -> s.getProperty()); Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 11 / 36
  • 12. Prominent Monads (Optional) Monads allow to express dependent computations Map<String, String> bigMap1; Map<String, String> bigMap2; Map<String, String> bigMap3; Optional<String> final = Optional.ofNullable( bigMap.get(”optional1”) ).flatMap( s1 -> Optional.ofNullable(bigMap2.get(s1)) ).flatMap( s2 -> Optional.ofNullable(bigMap3.get(s2)) ) Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 12 / 36
  • 13. Prominent Monads (CompletableFuture) Monads allow to express dependent computations CompletableFuture<String> heavyTask1() {...}; CompletableFuture<String> heavyTask2() {...}; CompletableFuture<String> heavyTask3( String param1, String param2) {...}; CompletableFuture<String> future = heavyTask1().thenCompose( s1 -> heavyTask2().thenCompose( s2 -> heavyTask3(s1, s2); ) ); String result = future.get(); Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 13 / 36
  • 14. As a monad Monads allow to express dependent computations OSGi<ServiceRegistration<POJO>> program = configurations(”somePid”).flatMap( cfg -> services(ServiceA.class, ”(scope=” + cfg.get(”scope”) + ”)”). flatMap( sa -> services(ServiceB.class, sa.getBFilter()).flatMap( sb -> register(POJO.class, new POJO(sa, sb), new HashMap<>()); ))); Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 14 / 36
  • 15. As a monad (normal indentation) OSGi<ServiceA> serviceAFromConfig(Dictionary<String, ?> cfg) { return services( ServiceA.class, ”(scope=” + cfg.get(”scope”) + ”)”); } OSGi<ServiceB> serviceBFromServiceA(ServiceA sa) { return services(ServiceB.class, sa.getBFilter()); } OSGi<ServiceRegistration<POJO>> program = configurations(”somePid”).flatMap( cfg -> serviceAFromConfig(cfg).flatMap( sa -> serviceBFromServiceA(sa).flatMap( sb -> register( POJO.class, new POJO(sa, sb), new HashMap<>()) ))); Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 15 / 36
  • 16. Prominent Applicatives (CompletableFuture) Applicatives allow to express computations that don’t depend on each other CompletableFuture<String> heavyTask1() {...}; CompletableFuture<String> heavyTask2() {...}; heavyTask1().thenCombine(heavyTask2(), String::concat); NOTE We can see that Applicative express that there is no dependency between heavyTask1 and heavyTask2. Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 16 / 36
  • 17. As an Applicative Applicatives allow to express computations that don’t depend on each other public class POJO { public POJO(ServiceA a, ServiceB b, ServiceC c) { ... } } OSGi<ServiceA> sa = services(ServiceA.class); OSGi<ServiceB> sb = services(ServiceB.class); OSGi<ServiceC> sc = services(ServiceC.class); OSGi<POJO> pojo = OSGi.combine(POJO::new, sa, sb, sc); it produces the cartesian product of the parameters. Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 17 / 36
  • 18. Syntax is a problem Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 18 / 36
  • 19. On the bright side Each step is only executed when there are services or configurations available. Effects produced by an instance (service, configuration, etc.) are associated to it. When the service or configuration goes away, all the actions triggered by it are undone by the library. Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 19 / 36
  • 20. So in our program OSGi<ServiceRegistration<POJO>> program = configurations(”somePid”).flatMap( cfg -> serviceAFromConfig(cfg).flatMap( sa -> serviceBFromServiceA(sa).flatMap( sb -> register( POJO.class, new Pojo(sa, sb), new HashMap<>()) ))); If any goes away: Configuration instance ServiceA instance ServiceB instance The corresponding POJO will be unregistered from the OSGi framework and trackers will be closed. Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 20 / 36
  • 21. On the bright side The expressions in our OSGi language are values in Java. We can manipulate the values to extend the program: prepending or appending steps: public OSGi<?> prependDependency(OSGi<?> program) { return service(UndisclosedDep.class).then(program); } Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 21 / 36
  • 22. On the bright side creating conditionals: public OSGi<ServiceB> chooseService(ServiceReference<?> sr) { Object filter = sr.getProperty(”filter”); if (filterProperty != null) { return services(ServiceB.class, filter.toString()); } else { return just(() -> new ServiceB()); } } Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 22 / 36
  • 23. On the bright side or simply reusing them: OSGi<ServiceA> sa = services(ServiceA.class); OSGi<ServiceB> sb = services(ServiceB.class); OSGi<POJO> pojo = combine(POJO::new, sa, sb); pojo = prependDependency(pojo); OSGi<?> program = sa.flatMap(...) Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 23 / 36
  • 24. Filtering and replaying The language also allows to filter and replay already produced events. This is useful to implement, for instance, highest service filters or highest service per property filters. OSGi<ServiceA> sa = service(ServiceA.class).filter( ServiceA::isEnabled); OSGi<ServiceReference<ServiceA>> hsa = highest( serviceReference(ServiceA.class)); OSGi<ServiceReference<ServiceA>> hsProp = highestPer( serviceReference(ServiceA.class), sr -> sr.getProperty(”key”)); hsa.flatMap(...) hsProp.flatMap(...) Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 24 / 36
  • 25. Effects handling The builtin commands make sure they get cleaned when services go away. But when composing our own commands we might need to interleave effects when some services are available. OSGi<ServiceA> program = services(ServiceA.class).effects( sa -> doSomething(sa), sa -> undoSomething(sa) ) OSGi<Void> program = onClose(() -> doSomeCleaning()); Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 25 / 36
  • 26. Concurrency The language will make sure that, if an effect has been executed, the counter effect is also executed. If the effect is never executed the counter effect is discarded. Althoug effects order is guaranteed by the monad implementation, counter effects order of execution can’t be guaranteed. The implementation is lock free and should be safe to use concurrently. Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 26 / 36
  • 27. Component frameworks private class MyComponent { private final Dictionary<String, ?> configuration; private final Foo mandatory; private final ArrayList<ServiceForList> servicesForLists; private ServiceOptional optional = null; public MyComponent( Dictionary<String, ?> configuration, Foo mandatory) { this.configuration = configuration; this.mandatory = mandatory; servicesForLists = new ArrayList<>(); } Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 27 / 36
  • 28. Component Framework public Dictionary<String, ?> getConfiguration() { return configuration; } public Foo getMandatory() { return mandatory; } public ServiceOptional getOptional() { return optional; } public ArrayList<ServiceForList> getServiceForLists() { return _serviceForLists; } Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 28 / 36
  • 29. Component Framework public void setOptional(ServiceOptional optional) { this.optional = optional; } public void addService(ServiceForList serviceForList) { _serviceForLists.add(serviceForList); } public void removeService(ServiceForList serviceForList) { _serviceForLists.remove(serviceForList); } } Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 29 / 36
  • 30. OOP dependency management Static dependencies are requested in the constructor. Multiple cardinality dependencies are added and removed through add/remove methods. Dynamic dependencies can be added and removed using setters. Optional properties can be signaled with Optional or null. No need for @PostConstruct or other lifecycle annotations, when the class is instantiated it is ready to use. Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 30 / 36
  • 31. Component Framework OSGi<MyComponent> components = combine( MyComponent::new, configurations(”org.components.MyComponent”), services(Foo.class)); OSGi<?> program = components.flatMap(comp -> all( dynamic( highestService(ServiceOptional.class), comp::setOptional, c -> comp.setOptional(null)), dynamic( services(ServiceForList.class), comp::addService, comp::removeService), ignore(register(Component.class, comp, new HashMap<>())) )); Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 31 / 36
  • 32. Component Framework OSGi<MyComponent> components = combine( MyComponent::new, configurations(”org.components.MyComponent”), highestService(services(Foo.class))); OSGi<?> program = components.effects( comp -> comp.setOptional(new ServiceOptional()), comp -> comp.setOptional(null) ).flatMap(comp -> all( dynamic( services(ServiceForList.class), comp::addService, comp::removeService), ignore( register( Component.class, comp, new HashMap<>())) )); Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 32 / 36
  • 33. On the dark side Did I say syntax is a problem?!? Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 33 / 36
  • 34. On the bright side It is a thin layer on top of OSGi services API. We have almost all the power with much fewer code. Cartesian products and dependent trackers with Stream like API. Syntax aside, the DSL allows to structure your code like steps of a script. No annotations: So you can reuse existing business classes or use third party classes directly. No lifecycle annotation (@PostConstruct) misinteractions It is embedded in Java: we get help from the compiler unlike XML based frameworks. we can create macros or define new functions composing the language primitives using plain Java functions. Statements are treated as values, so we can manipulate them and improve reusability. Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 34 / 36
  • 35. Running OSGi<MyComponent> components = ... OSGiResult result =; ... result.close(); To run the described program we only need to provide a valid bundleContext. Beware of effects and sharing mutable structures! Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 35 / 36
  • 36. ? Carlos Sierra Andrés (Liferay, Inc.) OSGi meets Lambdas October 2017 36 / 36