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Vaccination Listening Snapshot
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 2
California joins Mississippi and
West Virginia as the only states to
not allow school children
exemptions for vaccinations based
on religious or personal beliefs.
Although more states are enacting
legislation making it more difficult
to declare an exemption - such as
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 3
American Academy of Pediatrics
Survey - August 2016
 Too many vaccines
 Development of autism
 Vaccine additives (thimerosal,
 Overload the immune system
 Serious adverse reactions
 Potential for long-term
adverse events
 Inadequate research
performed before licensure
 May cause pain to the child
 May make the child sick
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 4
 Disease is more “natural” than
 Parents do not believe
diseases being prevented are
 Vaccine-preventable diseases
have disappeared
 Not all vaccines are needed
 Vaccines do not work
 Parents have the right to
choose whether to immunize
their child
 Parents know what’s best for
their child
 Believe that the risks
outweigh the benefits of
 Do not trust organized
medicine, public health
 Do not trust government
health authorities
 Do not trust pharmaceutical
 Ethical, moral, or religious
Parents agree that vaccines are necessary and safe. Parents have a strong relationship with
their health care provider.
Go Along to Get
Parents do not question vaccines, would like to vaccinate their children, but may lack a detailed
knowledge of vaccines.
Cautious Acceptor Parents may have minor concerns about vaccines, but ultimately vaccinate their children.
Parents have significant concerns about vaccines and tend to be knowledgeable about
vaccines. Parents may vaccinate their child or may refuse or delay vaccines. Parents may have
significant concerns about vaccines and may have a neutral relationship with their health care
Parents refuse all vaccines for their child. Their reasons for refusal may include distrust in the
medical system, safety concerns, and religious beliefs.PARENTALCONCERNSCATEGORIZATION
Conversation Amplitude
& Volume
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 5
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
NationalVaxx Discussion
Vaxx + Flu
Vaxx + SB-277
Vaxx + Autism
Vaxx + Immunization
Vaxx + Exemption
Vaxx + Child, Children, Student, School
• VAXXED movie release
• School year enrollments
• Annual Flu season
School Year Enrollment
Flu Season
From Cover-Up
to Catastrophe
The Documentary Movie
An investigation into the CDC's
destruction of a study linking
autism to the MMR vaccine.
Release date: April 1, 2016
Director: Andrew Wakefield
Written by: Andrew Wakefield
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 6
4,559Thumbs Up
1,186Thumbs Down
Published March 23, 2016
General Viewer Sentiments
• Mixed validations by choosing medical and
scientific community positions which align to
previously held beliefs
• Dismissed as propaganda and discredited by
strong pro-vaxx proponents
• Reinforced anti-vaxx opinions of those
generally adverse to vaccines
• Created added vaxx concerns among those
with skeptical points of view re: vaxx benefits
• Validated opinions of those prone to big
pharma - government conspiracy beliefs
Spawned a global and highly controversial
vaccination discussion among industry
insiders and within the general population.
Amplitude & Volume
Coinciding with the movie’s release,
the online discussion grew quickly
among both pro- and anti-vaxx
supporters who weighed in on the
The movie’s controversial topic
continues to influence discussions
concerning vaccine benefits and
related causal effects to autism.
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 7
Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Movie Influence & Impact
Discussion Buzz
• The allegations have already been investigated.They are false. Continuing to
make the accusations of fraud, ignoring the facts that disprove them, has the
effect of vilifying vaccines…
• Some people out there will believe anything if they are looking for answers
but the data and benefits of vaccines are scientific fact…
• I feelWakefield's problem was he used 12 examples and that's not enough to
prove a case. Out of all the millions of children who've been given MMR, his 12
are statistically insignificant…
• Nobody is suggesting that vaccines are "perfectly safe". No medical
intervention is.The fact is that vaccines do not cause autism…
• Science or science denial, take your pick. I look forward to MORE vaccines in
the future, as my 40+ years of nursing have reinforced the concept that
prevention is always the preferred option…
• This film is reckless with other peoples' children.When parents first believed
"vaccines" may lead to autism a large number of people in the US stopped
their children from being vaccinated. And polio, one disease essentially
eradicated in the US came back [without vaccinations].Wakefield was shown
to be fraudulent. End of story…
• I'm not an expert but I'm sure there are risks associated with the vaccine, just
as there are with any drug.Therefore we have to weigh the risks and it seems
clear that the risks are much greater not getting vaccinated. I'm sure that
every year there are people who die BECAUSE they were wearing seatbelts.
Does that mean we ban the use of seatbelts?Obviously no…
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 8
Pro-Vaxx supporters declare the
movie as outright propaganda
and outrageously false directed
by a person who can’t be trusted.
Calmer, middle of the road
opinions recognize there may be
some dangers with vaccines, but
they do not outweigh the overall
• If you haven't watched the movie yet check it out.Vaxxed. Recorded
conversations and over 10,000 documents. It's not an anti vaccine film. It's
about scientific fraud coming from the highest power of health theCDC…
• Parents need to begin questioning what's being mandated by bureaucrats.
Those who wish not to question the safety of vaccination programs, and
corruption within the pharmaceutical industry, can at the very least recognize
the inherent rights of other parents to opt their children out…
• Have just watched the DVD, it needs to be watched by everybody... scary how
little our children are given priority...the evidence is there and it has been
covered up…
• Vaccines are like the tobacco industry, but they have the system even better
rigged to their benefit and profits! Sickening! My son is almost identical to
Brian Hookers son and these criminals need to be punished!...
• This is a tragedy! I lived it.Got tired of being called crazy so I just shut up and
treated my beautiful son. He is 15 and slowly recovering only due to the fact
that I identified the cause of his autism and treated him accordingly…
• The true dangers posed by vaccinations are finally coming to light…
• Just got the movie delivered today. I need Kleenex because this is such an
emotionally taxing movie. I'm just blown away. I don't know how anyone could
not give more thought about the current vaccine schedule after this movie…
• I want the whole world to see this!! People need to know and be informed…
• This is fabulous!! Continue spreading the truth to save our Precious Angels
gifted to us from God…
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 9
Those prone to the anti-vaccine
movement or have children with
Autism seeking answers have
used the movie to validate their
opinions and beliefs.
This audience is most vocal and
active in the discussion. Much
more so than those who dismiss
the movie’s findings and claims.
California SB-277
LosAngelesTimes -- June 29, 2015
California Legislature passes
mandatory vaccination bill
The measure, spawned by an outbreak of measles at Disneyland
that ultimately infected more than 150 people, cleared its final
legislative hurdle Monday in the state Senate.
The measure — one of the toughest vaccination bills in the nation —
would require children enrolling in school or day care to be
immunized against diseases including measles and whooping
Parents would no longer be able to cite personal or religious beliefs
to decline the vaccinations, although children with certain medical
problems, such as immune system deficiencies, would be exempt.
Those who decline the vaccinations would have to enroll their
children in a home-based private school or public independent
study program based off campus.
The bill was one of the most contentious taken up by the Legislature
this year, attracting large, vocal crowds of parents during a series of
legislative hearings on the measure.
Colorado HB-1288
Denver Post --April 15, 2015
Colorado strengthens
vaccination rules,adding
The state Board of Health on Wednesday passed new immunization
rules that officials say strengthen school policies and will improve the
state’s low vaccination rates.
The new rules, effective July 2016, will require parents seeking non-
medical exemptions from school and child-care vaccine requirements
to submit them more than once. They will be required at each age
when recommended vaccines are due for pre-kindergartners and
annually from kindergarten through 12th grade.
Currently, the state requires submission of an exemption request just
Gov. John Hickenlooper said in a written statement that the new
rules will strengthen immunization rates in the state, which are
among the lowest in the nation.
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 10
Timeline Impact
 California passes [SB-277] vaccination law and it goes
into effect July 1, 2016…
 California joins just two other states, Mississippi and
WestVirginia, that do not have personal-belief
exemptions for immunizations…
 Anti-Vaccination litigation enters the courts…
 Federal judge upholds SB-277 and rules schoolchildren
must have vaccines (Aug. 27)...
 Highly controversial bill activates grassroots coalitions
and groups to repeal the bill…
 Other anti-vaccination litigation continues in the
California SB-277
Poll Shows 72% of Californians Think
Parents and Doctors—Not Politicians
Should Make Decisions About
Vaccinating Children
Sponsored by The Canary Party
– anti-legislation citizen grassroots group
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 11
Conversation Amplitude
& Volume
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 12
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
CaliforniaVaxx Discussion
Vaxx + Flu
Vaxx + SB-277
Vaxx + Autism
Vaxx + Immunization
Vaxx + Exemption
Vaxx + Child, Children, Student, School
First School Day Impact
Non-Compliance (7th Graders)
• Los Angeles Unified: (4)
• Santa Ana Unified: (130)
• Riverside Unified: (16)
• Oakland Unified: (200)
Statistics not widely published & available
New School Year Enrollment
Pending Legislation
SigningSB-277 Debate
• I hope and pray that this law fosters good health and it spreads to surrounding
states. Idaho,Colorado,Washington and Oregon also have low vax rates and
highVPD rates.We can do better…
• Usually I disagree with state mandates. However, in this case the parents who
don't get their kids vaccinated are dead wrong.The schools should not allow
these kids in as there used to be hospital wards full of kids with whooping
cough in this country…
• Fortunately I see very few children who aren't vaccinated, but I feel sorry for
the ones whose parents chose not to vaccinate them.The proof is there, the
facts are clear…
• I believe that those who send their children into public schools without basic
childhood vaccinations, or a documented medical exemption, pose an
outsized risk to their communities…
• It's good to see this.While there are still some holdouts, SB277 is - and will
continue - to achieve its goal of raising herd immunity to levels that will
protect children and prevent outbreaks.At the end of the day, this is about
making schools safer from disease…
• How would some of you anti-vaxx parents feel if your child made someone's
infant sick and that infant died as a result…
• Countless millions of children in other Civilized Nations get vaccinated each
and every day; with no adverse results. Countless more in poorer nations
across Africa and the world are BEGGING to get their kids immunized against
Polio, Measles…
California SB-277
o Advocacy
o Pre-disposed adherence
o Pro-benefit belief
o Fear / risk association
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 13
• Wow, the way the needle nuts come out of the woodwork and dehumanize
the medical freedom advocates is truly breathtaking…
• What a bunch of fear mongering nonsense… no-one has died of measles in
this country in decades and NewYork is going through a measles outbreak
among the fully vaccinated…
• It appears okay to make correlation causation when it comes to the fraudulent
science of vaccines, but try to make the connection with autism and the
vaccine nutters (sic) always pull out theWakefield paper which was vindicated
just over a year ago…
• Small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant
conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable
• Every day the newspapers carry stories of new scientific findings, but a
disturbing fact appears if you look closely as time goes by, many scientific
findings seem to become less true than we thought…
• It sickens me the state is basically punishing people for not having foreign
substances injected into their children.This should be a cherished right to be
the last line of defense for your children, but instead of doing that, it's become
a rallying cry for those who wish to harm children…
• California already has 90,000 kids with autism in their schools (an increase of
7% over last year).Ya ya ya vaccines don't cause autism lalalalalala but they do
create encephalopathies that result in brain damage and the development of
autistic-like features, now don't they…
California SB-277
o Anger & Hostility
o Fear Mongering
o Distrust of Research
o Disinformation
o Freedom of Choice
o Parental Rights
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 14
Timeline Impact  Colorado passes [HB 14-1288] vaccination law goes
into effect July 1, 2015…
 Parents are free to choose, but parents who file an
exemption must certify that they’ve received medical
information about the benefits and risks of
 Citizens grassroots effort successfully petitions state
based on unconstitutional forced speech grounds to
amend language that may be contradictory to the
parents religious or personal beliefs…
 State legislation [HB 16-1164] dies on the house floor
in April 2016, which would have required parents to
file their exemptions with the state in a central
database instead of with schools…
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 15
Colorado HB14-1288
Colorado ranks sixth in the nation
for the highest rate of
unvaccinated kindergarteners in
public schools.
Personal belief exemptions
account for more than 90 percent
of all immunization exemptions
among Colorado’s
kindergarteners between 2003
and 2012.
Conversation Amplitude
& Volume
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 16
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
ColoradoVaxx Discussion
Vaxx + Flu
Vaxx + Immunization
Vaxx + Exemption
Vaxx + Child, Children, Student, School
Grassroots Petition Efforts
Failed Legislation to File exemptions with State
CitizenGo, a grassroots
community activist group, using
online petitions and action alerts
petitioned Colorado’s Governor
successfully to amend exemption
language in [HB 14-1288] which
forced parents to affirm they are
endangering the lives of their
• Even a small number of unvaccinated people can undermine the immunity of
the larger population…
• Vaccines, are they 100% safe 100% of the time? No, but neither are cheese
sandwiches.The difference is never feeding your kid a cheese sandwich will
have an affect only on your child, not vaccinating them can not only lead to
death or bodily harm for your child but for the community at large…
• [There’s] stricter policies on bringing in food than getting our children
vaccinated. If my child comes into day care with a peanut butter sandwich, I
get harassed by the management staff. However, if she were to be
unvaccinated and have Polio she would be welcomed.Why the double
standard?Why do we say no to peanut butter but allow contagious diseases to
fill the halls of our children’s schools…
• We can’t just take a personal opt out form anymore for vaccinations and just
move on.We need to consider the consequences of our actions and
investigate those parent’s decisions. By ignoring routine vaccinations for
preventable disease, we not only increase health care cost, we put our children
and community at an unnecessary risk…
• I often tell those who do not vax that they should thank their responsible
neighbors who vaccinate.Those who keep the level of immunity high in their
area are protecting the anti-vaxxers family from many nasty diseases…
• It’s been said many times that vaccines are a victim of their success. My
mother lined up for a few hours to get her polio shot when it became
available. Nobody was refusing it – they were all shit scared of polio, because
everyone knew a family who had been affected. But it can be relatively easy to
dismiss vaccines if you’re willing to dismiss or revise history…
Colorado HB14-1288
o Advocacy
o Pre-disposed adherence
o Pro-benefit belief
o Fear / risk association
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 17
• If you really think that your doctor, the pharmaceutical companies and the
health department, truly have your health and safety in mind, your wrong.
They lie just like the politicians do, creating false facts and fake statistics to
keep you scared…
• The only reason one is worried about non-vaccination is because deep down
the vaccinated know their vaccines don’t work and their kids are still at risk...
• Voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
#Mandated vaccines are fraud and coercion…
• I don't trust junk science from the #CDC that #MMR #vaccine = safe or
doesn't cause #autism…
• The seven most extreme childhood allergies coincide directly
with vaccine ingredients #MomBlogger…
• I can not and will not support the lie of a safer vaccine.Vaccines cause injury
100% of the time, they deny natural immunity, they kill…
• I honestly don't think the truth will ever come out… they say [autism] is not
linked to vaccines but they can't find a cause… how can that be…
• I will stick to fighting for children and saving them from death or neurological
harm from vaccines…
Colorado HB14-1288
o Government mistrust
o Staunch pro-choice personal values
o Belief systems re: MMR and Autism linkage
o Reported harmful vaccine ingredients
o Nature versus science conflicts
Vaccination concerns typically tend to be about the
discredited notions that the MMR vaccine is linked to autism.
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 18
10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 19
Baseline Search Filters Applied
("Flu vaccines" OR "Flu vaccination" OR “Flu vaccine" OR "Flu vaccinations" OR "Flu shot" OR "Flu
shots" OR "Influenza vaccine" OR "Influenza vaccines" OR "Influenza shot" OR "Influenza shots”
OR "Influenza vaccination”OR "Influenza vaccinations”OR “vaccine”OR “vaccines” OR "vaccination" OR
"immunization" OR "SB-277" OR "SB277" OR "HB1288" OR "HB-1288" OR "HB14-1288" OR "HB 14-1288")
Results for California and Colorado were extrapolated by conducting searches within the master data
collection set.
Online Vaccination Listening Snapshot

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Online Vaccination Listening Snapshot

  • 2. 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 2
  • 3. Vaccine Exemption Status California joins Mississippi and West Virginia as the only states to not allow school children exemptions for vaccinations based on religious or personal beliefs. Although more states are enacting legislation making it more difficult to declare an exemption - such as Colorado. 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 3
  • 4. Parent Vaccine Attitudes NationalTrend American Academy of Pediatrics Survey - August 2016 VACCINE SAFETY  Too many vaccines  Development of autism  Vaccine additives (thimerosal, aluminum)  Overload the immune system  Serious adverse reactions  Potential for long-term adverse events  Inadequate research performed before licensure  May cause pain to the child  May make the child sick 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 4 VACCINE NECESSITY  Disease is more “natural” than vaccine  Parents do not believe diseases being prevented are serious  Vaccine-preventable diseases have disappeared  Not all vaccines are needed  Vaccines do not work FREEDOM OF CHOICE  Parents have the right to choose whether to immunize their child  Parents know what’s best for their child  Believe that the risks outweigh the benefits of vaccine  Do not trust organized medicine, public health  Do not trust government health authorities  Do not trust pharmaceutical companies  Ethical, moral, or religious reasons Advocate Parents agree that vaccines are necessary and safe. Parents have a strong relationship with their health care provider. Go Along to Get Along Parents do not question vaccines, would like to vaccinate their children, but may lack a detailed knowledge of vaccines. Cautious Acceptor Parents may have minor concerns about vaccines, but ultimately vaccinate their children. Fence-Sitter Parents have significant concerns about vaccines and tend to be knowledgeable about vaccines. Parents may vaccinate their child or may refuse or delay vaccines. Parents may have significant concerns about vaccines and may have a neutral relationship with their health care provider. Refuser Parents refuse all vaccines for their child. Their reasons for refusal may include distrust in the medical system, safety concerns, and religious beliefs.PARENTALCONCERNSCATEGORIZATION
  • 5. National Conversation Amplitude & Volume 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 5 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep NationalVaxx Discussion Vaxx + Flu Vaxx + SB-277 Vaxx + Autism Vaxx + Immunization Vaxx + Exemption Vaxx + Child, Children, Student, School InfluenceTrends • VAXXED movie release • School year enrollments • Annual Flu season School Year Enrollment VAXXED VAXXED Flu Season
  • 6. VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe The Documentary Movie An investigation into the CDC's destruction of a study linking autism to the MMR vaccine. Release date: April 1, 2016 Director: Andrew Wakefield Written by: Andrew Wakefield 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 6 YouTubeTrailer 517,721 views 4,559Thumbs Up 1,186Thumbs Down Published March 23, 2016 General Viewer Sentiments • Mixed validations by choosing medical and scientific community positions which align to previously held beliefs • Dismissed as propaganda and discredited by strong pro-vaxx proponents • Reinforced anti-vaxx opinions of those generally adverse to vaccines • Created added vaxx concerns among those with skeptical points of view re: vaxx benefits • Validated opinions of those prone to big pharma - government conspiracy beliefs Spawned a global and highly controversial vaccination discussion among industry insiders and within the general population.
  • 7. VAXXED Conversation Amplitude & Volume Coinciding with the movie’s release, the online discussion grew quickly among both pro- and anti-vaxx supporters who weighed in on the conversation. The movie’s controversial topic continues to influence discussions concerning vaccine benefits and related causal effects to autism. 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 7 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Movie Influence & Impact Discussion Buzz
  • 8. • The allegations have already been investigated.They are false. Continuing to make the accusations of fraud, ignoring the facts that disprove them, has the effect of vilifying vaccines… • Some people out there will believe anything if they are looking for answers but the data and benefits of vaccines are scientific fact… • I feelWakefield's problem was he used 12 examples and that's not enough to prove a case. Out of all the millions of children who've been given MMR, his 12 are statistically insignificant… • Nobody is suggesting that vaccines are "perfectly safe". No medical intervention is.The fact is that vaccines do not cause autism… • Science or science denial, take your pick. I look forward to MORE vaccines in the future, as my 40+ years of nursing have reinforced the concept that prevention is always the preferred option… • This film is reckless with other peoples' children.When parents first believed "vaccines" may lead to autism a large number of people in the US stopped their children from being vaccinated. And polio, one disease essentially eradicated in the US came back [without vaccinations].Wakefield was shown to be fraudulent. End of story… • I'm not an expert but I'm sure there are risks associated with the vaccine, just as there are with any drug.Therefore we have to weigh the risks and it seems clear that the risks are much greater not getting vaccinated. I'm sure that every year there are people who die BECAUSE they were wearing seatbelts. Does that mean we ban the use of seatbelts?Obviously no… 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 8 “Pro-Vaxx Sentiments (sampling) Pro-Vaxx supporters declare the movie as outright propaganda and outrageously false directed by a person who can’t be trusted. Calmer, middle of the road opinions recognize there may be some dangers with vaccines, but they do not outweigh the overall benefits.
  • 9. Anti-Vaxx Sentiments (sampling) • If you haven't watched the movie yet check it out.Vaxxed. Recorded conversations and over 10,000 documents. It's not an anti vaccine film. It's about scientific fraud coming from the highest power of health theCDC… • Parents need to begin questioning what's being mandated by bureaucrats. Those who wish not to question the safety of vaccination programs, and corruption within the pharmaceutical industry, can at the very least recognize the inherent rights of other parents to opt their children out… • Have just watched the DVD, it needs to be watched by everybody... scary how little our children are given priority...the evidence is there and it has been covered up… • Vaccines are like the tobacco industry, but they have the system even better rigged to their benefit and profits! Sickening! My son is almost identical to Brian Hookers son and these criminals need to be punished!... • This is a tragedy! I lived it.Got tired of being called crazy so I just shut up and treated my beautiful son. He is 15 and slowly recovering only due to the fact that I identified the cause of his autism and treated him accordingly… • The true dangers posed by vaccinations are finally coming to light… • Just got the movie delivered today. I need Kleenex because this is such an emotionally taxing movie. I'm just blown away. I don't know how anyone could not give more thought about the current vaccine schedule after this movie… • I want the whole world to see this!! People need to know and be informed… • This is fabulous!! Continue spreading the truth to save our Precious Angels gifted to us from God… 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 9 Those prone to the anti-vaccine movement or have children with Autism seeking answers have used the movie to validate their opinions and beliefs. This audience is most vocal and active in the discussion. Much more so than those who dismiss the movie’s findings and claims. “
  • 10. California SB-277 LosAngelesTimes -- June 29, 2015 California Legislature passes mandatory vaccination bill The measure, spawned by an outbreak of measles at Disneyland that ultimately infected more than 150 people, cleared its final legislative hurdle Monday in the state Senate. The measure — one of the toughest vaccination bills in the nation — would require children enrolling in school or day care to be immunized against diseases including measles and whooping cough. Parents would no longer be able to cite personal or religious beliefs to decline the vaccinations, although children with certain medical problems, such as immune system deficiencies, would be exempt. Those who decline the vaccinations would have to enroll their children in a home-based private school or public independent study program based off campus. The bill was one of the most contentious taken up by the Legislature this year, attracting large, vocal crowds of parents during a series of legislative hearings on the measure. Colorado HB-1288 Denver Post --April 15, 2015 Colorado strengthens vaccination rules,adding exemptionrequirements The state Board of Health on Wednesday passed new immunization rules that officials say strengthen school policies and will improve the state’s low vaccination rates. The new rules, effective July 2016, will require parents seeking non- medical exemptions from school and child-care vaccine requirements to submit them more than once. They will be required at each age when recommended vaccines are due for pre-kindergartners and annually from kindergarten through 12th grade. Currently, the state requires submission of an exemption request just once. Gov. John Hickenlooper said in a written statement that the new rules will strengthen immunization rates in the state, which are among the lowest in the nation. 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 10
  • 11. California Timeline Impact  California passes [SB-277] vaccination law and it goes into effect July 1, 2016…  California joins just two other states, Mississippi and WestVirginia, that do not have personal-belief exemptions for immunizations…  Anti-Vaccination litigation enters the courts…  Federal judge upholds SB-277 and rules schoolchildren must have vaccines (Aug. 27)...  Highly controversial bill activates grassroots coalitions and groups to repeal the bill…  Other anti-vaccination litigation continues in the courts… California SB-277 Poll Shows 72% of Californians Think Parents and Doctors—Not Politicians Should Make Decisions About Vaccinating Children Sponsored by The Canary Party – anti-legislation citizen grassroots group 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 11
  • 12. California Conversation Amplitude & Volume 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 12 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep CaliforniaVaxx Discussion Vaxx + Flu Vaxx + SB-277 Vaxx + Autism Vaxx + Immunization Vaxx + Exemption Vaxx + Child, Children, Student, School First School Day Impact Non-Compliance (7th Graders) • Los Angeles Unified: (4) • Santa Ana Unified: (130) • Riverside Unified: (16) • Oakland Unified: (200) Statistics not widely published & available New School Year Enrollment Impact Pending Legislation SigningSB-277 Debate
  • 13. Positive Sentiments (sampling) • I hope and pray that this law fosters good health and it spreads to surrounding states. Idaho,Colorado,Washington and Oregon also have low vax rates and highVPD rates.We can do better… • Usually I disagree with state mandates. However, in this case the parents who don't get their kids vaccinated are dead wrong.The schools should not allow these kids in as there used to be hospital wards full of kids with whooping cough in this country… • Fortunately I see very few children who aren't vaccinated, but I feel sorry for the ones whose parents chose not to vaccinate them.The proof is there, the facts are clear… • I believe that those who send their children into public schools without basic childhood vaccinations, or a documented medical exemption, pose an outsized risk to their communities… • It's good to see this.While there are still some holdouts, SB277 is - and will continue - to achieve its goal of raising herd immunity to levels that will protect children and prevent outbreaks.At the end of the day, this is about making schools safer from disease… • How would some of you anti-vaxx parents feel if your child made someone's infant sick and that infant died as a result… • Countless millions of children in other Civilized Nations get vaccinated each and every day; with no adverse results. Countless more in poorer nations across Africa and the world are BEGGING to get their kids immunized against Polio, Measles… California SB-277 o Advocacy o Pre-disposed adherence o Pro-benefit belief o Fear / risk association 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 13 “
  • 14. Negative Sentiments (sampling) • Wow, the way the needle nuts come out of the woodwork and dehumanize the medical freedom advocates is truly breathtaking… • What a bunch of fear mongering nonsense… no-one has died of measles in this country in decades and NewYork is going through a measles outbreak among the fully vaccinated… • It appears okay to make correlation causation when it comes to the fraudulent science of vaccines, but try to make the connection with autism and the vaccine nutters (sic) always pull out theWakefield paper which was vindicated just over a year ago… • Small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends… • Every day the newspapers carry stories of new scientific findings, but a disturbing fact appears if you look closely as time goes by, many scientific findings seem to become less true than we thought… • It sickens me the state is basically punishing people for not having foreign substances injected into their children.This should be a cherished right to be the last line of defense for your children, but instead of doing that, it's become a rallying cry for those who wish to harm children… • California already has 90,000 kids with autism in their schools (an increase of 7% over last year).Ya ya ya vaccines don't cause autism lalalalalala but they do create encephalopathies that result in brain damage and the development of autistic-like features, now don't they… California SB-277 o Anger & Hostility o Fear Mongering o Distrust of Research o Disinformation o Freedom of Choice o Parental Rights 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 14 “
  • 15. Colorado Timeline Impact  Colorado passes [HB 14-1288] vaccination law goes into effect July 1, 2015…  Parents are free to choose, but parents who file an exemption must certify that they’ve received medical information about the benefits and risks of vaccination…  Citizens grassroots effort successfully petitions state based on unconstitutional forced speech grounds to amend language that may be contradictory to the parents religious or personal beliefs…  State legislation [HB 16-1164] dies on the house floor in April 2016, which would have required parents to file their exemptions with the state in a central database instead of with schools… 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 15 Colorado HB14-1288 Colorado ranks sixth in the nation for the highest rate of unvaccinated kindergarteners in public schools. Personal belief exemptions account for more than 90 percent of all immunization exemptions among Colorado’s kindergarteners between 2003 and 2012.
  • 16. Colorado Conversation Amplitude & Volume 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 16 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep ColoradoVaxx Discussion Vaxx + Flu Vaxx + Immunization Vaxx + Exemption Vaxx + Child, Children, Student, School Grassroots Petition Efforts Failed Legislation to File exemptions with State CitizenGo, a grassroots community activist group, using online petitions and action alerts petitioned Colorado’s Governor successfully to amend exemption language in [HB 14-1288] which forced parents to affirm they are endangering the lives of their children.
  • 17. Positive Sentiments (sampling) • Even a small number of unvaccinated people can undermine the immunity of the larger population… • Vaccines, are they 100% safe 100% of the time? No, but neither are cheese sandwiches.The difference is never feeding your kid a cheese sandwich will have an affect only on your child, not vaccinating them can not only lead to death or bodily harm for your child but for the community at large… • [There’s] stricter policies on bringing in food than getting our children vaccinated. If my child comes into day care with a peanut butter sandwich, I get harassed by the management staff. However, if she were to be unvaccinated and have Polio she would be welcomed.Why the double standard?Why do we say no to peanut butter but allow contagious diseases to fill the halls of our children’s schools… • We can’t just take a personal opt out form anymore for vaccinations and just move on.We need to consider the consequences of our actions and investigate those parent’s decisions. By ignoring routine vaccinations for preventable disease, we not only increase health care cost, we put our children and community at an unnecessary risk… • I often tell those who do not vax that they should thank their responsible neighbors who vaccinate.Those who keep the level of immunity high in their area are protecting the anti-vaxxers family from many nasty diseases… • It’s been said many times that vaccines are a victim of their success. My mother lined up for a few hours to get her polio shot when it became available. Nobody was refusing it – they were all shit scared of polio, because everyone knew a family who had been affected. But it can be relatively easy to dismiss vaccines if you’re willing to dismiss or revise history… Colorado HB14-1288 o Advocacy o Pre-disposed adherence o Pro-benefit belief o Fear / risk association 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 17 “
  • 18. Negative Sentiments (sampling) • If you really think that your doctor, the pharmaceutical companies and the health department, truly have your health and safety in mind, your wrong. They lie just like the politicians do, creating false facts and fake statistics to keep you scared… • The only reason one is worried about non-vaccination is because deep down the vaccinated know their vaccines don’t work and their kids are still at risk... • Voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. #Mandated vaccines are fraud and coercion… • I don't trust junk science from the #CDC that #MMR #vaccine = safe or doesn't cause #autism… • The seven most extreme childhood allergies coincide directly with vaccine ingredients #MomBlogger… • I can not and will not support the lie of a safer vaccine.Vaccines cause injury 100% of the time, they deny natural immunity, they kill… • I honestly don't think the truth will ever come out… they say [autism] is not linked to vaccines but they can't find a cause… how can that be… • I will stick to fighting for children and saving them from death or neurological harm from vaccines… Colorado HB14-1288 o Government mistrust o Staunch pro-choice personal values o Belief systems re: MMR and Autism linkage o Reported harmful vaccine ingredients o Nature versus science conflicts Vaccination concerns typically tend to be about the discredited notions that the MMR vaccine is linked to autism. 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 18 “
  • 19. 10/24/2016 State Vaccine Laws Impact - Digital Conversation Snapshot 19 Baseline Search Filters Applied ("Flu vaccines" OR "Flu vaccination" OR “Flu vaccine" OR "Flu vaccinations" OR "Flu shot" OR "Flu shots" OR "Influenza vaccine" OR "Influenza vaccines" OR "Influenza shot" OR "Influenza shots” OR "Influenza vaccination”OR "Influenza vaccinations”OR “vaccine”OR “vaccines” OR "vaccination" OR "immunization" OR "SB-277" OR "SB277" OR "HB1288" OR "HB-1288" OR "HB14-1288" OR "HB 14-1288") Results for California and Colorado were extrapolated by conducting searches within the master data collection set.