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nvFX: A New Shader-Effect Framework 
for OpenGL, DirectX and Even Compute 
Tristan Lorach ( )
 What is an Effect 
 How to redefine the “Effect” 
 Examples 
 More Details on concepts 
 Conclusion
What Is An “Effect” ? 
 Higher level management: packages things together 
— Of Shader Code 
— Uniforms / Parameters 
— Samplers, Textures and Sampler States 
 Concept of Techniques and Passes 
— Passes : setup Shaders and render states for a rendering pass 
— Techniques : groups Passes 
 NOTE : Effect is mostly CPU runtime work 
— Maintains the Effect Database and updates/binds GPU
What Is An “Effect” ? (Cont’) 
 In 2002 
— Cg and CgFX created by NVIDIA 
— Microsoft followed on the idea, for HLSL : HLSLFx 
Check out NVIDIA SDK Samples & Microsoft SDK Samples 
 In 2013 : 
— Game Developers often have their own shader-builders 
— Cg 3.1 in maintenance mode… not expected to evolve 
Why ? Issues of maintenance… 
— Microsoft D3D Effect: No significant evolution
Anatomy Of An Effect 
Shader code 
Samplers / Textures 
Shader code 
Technique myTechName 
Pass myPassName 
Render / Shader States 
Pass myPassName2 
Technique myTechName2 
{ … } 
Uniforms / Parameters 
Uniforms / Parameters 
Anatomy Of Effect’s Runtime 
Uniforms / Parameters 
Shader code 
Samplers / Textures 
Technique myTechName 
Pass myPassName 
Render / Shader States 
Pass myPassName2 
handle = loadEffect(…) 
handle = getXXX(…) 
Vertex Prg 
Fragment Prg 
Vertex Prg 
Fragment Prg 
Create & send 
Standard Effect design 
Shader func’s Effect file 
Textures (D3D) 
Render loop 
• Set/Get parameters 
• Validate passes (builds shaders) 
• Bind textures/samplers 
• Activate (executes) a Pass
Generic Effect Container : Motivations 
 Revive ‘Effect’ concept for today’s needs & HW 
 Be a Generic ‘Container’ for GLSL, D3D, Compute, OptiX… 
 Add new concepts and features 
(Add resource creation; etc.) 
 Use latest 3D API features (OpenGL 4.3 or DX11.x and >) 
 Help to simplify applications and C++ code 
 Runtime efficiency 
 Multi-Platform (Windows, Linux, OSX, iOS, Android) 
 Make it Open-Source
What nvFx Can *Not* do 
 Few cool CgFX features not in nvFx 
— One unified language (Cg language) for all (D3D, OpenGL…) 
— CgFx Interfaces ( ~== Abstract classes) 
 nvFx can’t modify shading languages grammar 
— nvFx relies on GLSL, D3D, CUDA compilers 
 nvFx shader code not unified 
— OpenGL != GL-ES != D3D != CUDA features 
 Doesn’t sort and optimize Drawcalls for you 
 “Regal” could help on OpenGL <> GL-ES
Potential User Target 
 Workstation CAD/DCC 
— Convenient to expose some programmability to the end-user 
— Helps for maintenance of heavy projects 
 Labs / research (Prototype for a Siggraph paper !) 
— Helps to perform rapid and flexible prototyping 
— Convenient for Demos, Samples showcasing Shaders 
 Games 
— Helps highly combinatorial Shaders 
— Avoids heavy pre-processor code (#ifdef/#else/#endif everywhere)
nvFX Effect Integration 
nvFX files 
Shader code 
Shader code 
nvFX files 
Shader code 
nvFX files 
SShhaaddeerr c cooddee 
SShhaaddeerr c cooddee 
nvFxcc.exe –omyFx.cpp myFx.glslfx 
Make better diagram on details (loop, resource)
API Design 
 Front-End : parser (Bison/Flex) 
— Parses the effect 
— Does not parse the shader/compute 
code in Modules ! 
 Back-End : the library to build the 
effect data 
— Used by the Front-End to create 
parsed data 
— Used by the application to drive the 
 Works on PC, Android… iOS etc. 
(nvFX parser) 
Custom Grammar 
& Token 
API (C++ interfaces) 
C++ Back-End 
(nvFX runtime) 
Your Gfx API layer
Inside An nvFX Effect 
DXCompute Resources 
nvFX file 
New Pass-states 
Texture Bind point 
Shader Code Modules 
(render targets) 
Frame buffers 
Resources description 
[shared] Memory
Simple nvFX Example 
GLSLShader { 
#version 410 compatibility 
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : 
… } 
GLSLShader ObjectVS { 
layout(location=0) in vec4 Position; 
layout(location=0) out vec3 v2fWorldNormal; 
void main() { … } 
GLSLShader ObjectPS { 
layout(location=0) in vec3 v2fWorldNormal; 
Main() { … } 
rasterization_state myRStates { 
… } 
sampler_state defaultSamplerState 
Resource2D diffTex { 
samplerState = defaultSamplerState; 
defaultFile = ""; 
technique BasicTechnique { 
pass p1 { 
rasterization_state = myRStates; 
samplerResource(diffSampler) = { diffTex, 0 }; 
VertexProgram = ObjectVS; 
FragmentProgram = ObjectPS; 
Uniform(attenuation) = 0.9; 
CurrentTarget = backbuffer; 
Simple nvFX Example : On C++ Side 
 Validate effect’s passes (Checks errors, compile shaders…) 
 Create/Gather any object we need for update (Uniforms to set etc.) 
Rendering Loop: 
 Loop in a Technique (taken from a material id, for example) 
 Set some Uniform values (projection matrix…) 
 Loop in the Passes 
 For each pass : ‘Execute’ it 
— Optionally update Uniforms/Cst Buffers afterward 
 Render your geometry
Example : HDR Rendering With Glow 
Scene Effect 
Skybox in HDR 
Render The 
Scene in HDR 
Down-scale the 
texture 2x, 4x 
Blur texture 
Then Vertical 
nvFx-managed 775 6 
Scene Graph 
Material Effect 1 
Metal Pass 
Material Effect 2 
Plastic pass 
Other ‘Effects’… 
And radial Blur 
2 3 
Example : Compute Post-Processing 
Scene Effect passes 
Render The 
Triggers CUDA 
/ DX-Compute 
Display result 
As a fullscreen 
Scene Graph 
Material Effect 1 
Metal Pass 
Material Effect 2 
Plastic pass 
Other ‘Effects’… 
nvFx-managed Resources 
Bokeh Filter
Fire (Navier-Stokes equations) 
Simulation passes 
Advect Color 
Advect Velocity 
(Gaussian ball) 
Fire Up-force 
Vel. divergence 
Comp. pressure 
Proj. Velocity 
Proj. Vel. edges 
Volume depth 
Volume bound 1 
Volume bound 2 
Volume depth 
Smoke Ray-cast 
Water Ray-cast 
Fire Ray-cast 
Rasterize result 
nvFx-managed Resources
Experiment : Pure Ray Tracing With OptiX 
 Most OptiX runtime code 
— nvFx runtime 
 Most OptiX Shader code 
— In nvFx files 
— In CUDA/PTX files 
 nvFx Needs 
— Few OptiX setup from the 
Scene Effect passes 
Triggers OptiX 
Display result 
As a fullscreen 
nvFx-managed Resources 
Hybrid Rendering : Mixing OpenGL & OptiX 
Scene Effect passes 
Render The 
Triggers OptiX 
Ray Tracing 
For Reflections 
and shadow 
OpenGL + 
reflection & 
Scene Graph 
Material Effect 1 
Metal Pass 
Material Effect 2 
Plastic pass 
Other ‘Effects’… 
nvFx-managed resources
Example: GS Sparkling Effect 
Scene Effect 
For 2 targets 
Copy Texture 
To Backbuffer 
Scene Graph 
Material Effect 1 
Metal Pass 
Material Effect 2 
Plastic pass 
Other ‘Effects’… 
Render Sparkles 
With GS 
nvFx-managed resources 
Demo (Last one…)
Shader Code In Effect 
 GLSL, D3D, CUDA, GLSL-Compute, DX-Compute… Not Parsed 
 We rely on existing compilers 
— D3D Driver : for Gfx Shaders and Compute 
— GLSL OpenGL driver : for Gfx Shaders and Compute 
— CUDA compiler 
 nvFX invokes APIs to compile shaders 
— No redundant work 
— But nvFX doesn’t know what is inside (did not parse the code) 
 nvFxcc.exe : check errors (and will generate C++ code)
Shader Code 
 Declared within a section : 
GLSLShader myShader { 
layout(location=0) in vec4 Position; 
void main(void) {…} 
CUDAKernel Blur(unsigned int* data, int imgw,…) { 
…CUDA code… 
D3D10Shader myD3DShader { 
…HLSL code… 
Shared Code sections 
No name == is shared by all (implicit header) 
GLSLShader { 
// used by myVShader and myFShader 
#version 430 compatibility 
vec3 someVectorMath(vec3 a, vec3 b) 
GLSLShader myVShader { 
Void Main() { … } 
GLSLShader myFShader { 
Void Main() {…} 
CUDACode { 
__device__ float clamp(float x, float a, float b); 
{ … } 
{ … }
Techniques & Passes 
 A technique hosts passes. Nothing new 
 A Pass carries render-pipeline setup and actions 
• Clear mode (glClear mode…) 
• Clear color 
• Rendering Mode 
• Render Group Id 
• Blit action of a resource to a target 
• Current Target for rendering 
• Viewport Size 
• Swap of 2 resources 
• Loop count (to repeat passes) 
• Activate Pass On/Off 
• CUDA Module; Shared Mem. Grid/Block… 
• GLSL Compute Groups 
— References to State-Groups 
— Or direct References to render-states (old style as CgFX) 
— References to many Shaders (Vertex, Fragment etc.) 
— Value assignment to uniform parameters 
 GLSL sub-routine 
  each pass can setup a set of default uniform values 
— Connection of samplers/textures with resources & Sampler-states 
— Connection of images (ARB_shader_image_load_store) with resources 
— Lots of other special states to drive the runtime behavior
Pass example 
Pass myPass { 
RasterizationState = myRasterState; 
VertexShader = {MainVtxProg, HelperFunctions, InputAttribFunc}; 
FragmentShader = MainFragmentShader 
FragmentShader<‘LightShaders’>= {LightSpotFunc, LightDirFunc,…}; 
Uniform(mySubroutineArray) = {sr_spot, sr_point, sr_dir}; 
Uniform(myOtherSubroutineArray[0]) = srFunc32; 
Uniform(myOtherSubroutineArray[1]) = srFunc6; 
Uniform(mySimpleUniform) = {1.3, 2.2, 5.2}; 
SamplerResource(quadSampler) = myRenderTexture; 
SamplerTexUnit(quadSampler) = 0; 
SamplerState(quadSampler) = nearestSampler; 
Clarify the “Pass” definition
Linkage of Shader Modules 
 Pass : Link Shader Modules to a program Object 
— Done at Validation time 
— In Non-Separable Shader mode : 1 Pass hosts 1 program 
— In Separable Shader Mode: 1 Pass hosts many programs 
 OpenGL 4.2/4.3 : nvFx uses GLSL linkage 
 OpenGL ES: nvFx fakes linkage with concatenation 
VertexProgram = {VtxMain, ShaderHelpers, ShaderA, ShaderB, …}; 
FragmentProgram = {FragMain, ShaderHelpers, …}; 
Linkage Of Shaders : Groups 
 We can group shaders by name : 
VertexShader = myVtxShaderMain; 
VertexShader<”Lighting”> = {VtxLight0, VtxLight1, …} 
 Groups allows to Change some behavior at runtime 
1. Gather the group of shaders named “Lighting” 
2. Remove these shaders from the Pass (Pass’s program) 
3. Add other shaders to this “Lighting” Group (for different 
4. Link the program with new Shader Objects
Linkage Use-Case Example 
Same Shading design 
With OR without 
Vtx Shader 
Abstration (a) 
Vertex Shader 
Vertex Shader 
HW Tess. 
Abstration (b) 
Attrib. passthrough abstraction
Resources in nvFX 
 Visual Effects resources : often inter-dependent 
 Example : deferred shading 
— G-Buffer really depends on how the effect does deferred shading 
 Compute  Graphics : interaction through resources 
— Compute reading from a rendered image and writing into a 
— Compute kernels sometimes need temporary storage… 
 nvFx allows creation of resources within an effect
Resource Creation And Use 
Create resources : 
RenderTexture myRTex1 
MSAA = {0,0}; 
Size = ApplicationDefined;// or {800,600}; 
Format = RGBA8; 
RenderTexture myRTex2 
{ … } 
RenderBuffer myDST 
MSAA = {0,0}; 
Size = ApplicationDefined;// or {800,600}; 
Format = DEPTH24STENCIL8; 
Create Frame Buffer Object 
Color = { myRTex1, myRTex2 }; 
DST = myDST; 
Use this in Passes 
CurrentTarget = myFBO;//(can be backbuffer) 
BlitFBOToActiveTarget = myFBOSrc; 
swapResources( mFBO1, myFBO2 ); 
samplerResource(mySampler) = myRTex1; 
You can query all from your 
Application, too
Scene-Level / Multi-Level Effects 
 pre/post-processing are Effects, too : at scene level 
 Scene-level Effects and material Effects must be consistent 
— Deferred shading : Material RT’s must match the G-Buffer 
— Shadowing of the scene : must tell materials how to use Shadowing 
— Special scene lighting to tell material Shaders how to do lighting 
 nvFX Allows Effect (Scene-level) to override some Shader 
Modules of lower levels effects 
— lower Effect’s shaders code adapted for higher Effects 
 Leads to instances of shader programs matching scene-level passes
Example of Scene-level override 
Scene-level Effect 
Pass renderScene { 
ClearMode = all; 
FragmentProgramOverride<"out“> = forGBuff; 
FragmentProgramOverride<“light“> = noLight; 
CurrentTarget = myGBuffer; 
renderMode = render_scenegraph_shaded; 
Pass deferredLighting { 
VertexProgram = deferredLightingVS; 
FragmentProgram = deferredLightingPS; 
renderMode = render_fullscreen_quad; 
CurrentTarget = backbuffer; 
Material Effect in the scene 
Pass myMatPass1 { 
VertexProgram = myVtxProg; 
FragmentProgram = {helpers, mainEntry}; 
FragmentProgram<out> = simpleOutput; 
FragmentProgram<light> = defaultLighting; 
New instance of myMatPass1 
FragmentProgram = {helpers, mainEntry}; 
FragmentProgram<out> = forGBuff; 
FragmentProgram<light> = noLight;
GLSLShader forGBuff 
layout(location=0) out vec4 outColor; 
layout(location=1) out vec4 outNormal; 
void finalColor(vec3 normal, vec4 colorSrc, 
Example of Scene-level override 
Scene-level Effect 
Pass renderScene { 
ClearMode = all; 
FragmentProgramOverride<"out“> = forGBuff; 
FragmentProgramOverride<“light“> = noLight; 
CurrentTarget = myGBuffer; 
renderMode = render_scenegraph_shaded; 
Pass deferredLighting { 
VertexProgram = deferredLightingVS; 
FragmentProgram = deferredLightingPS; 
renderMode = render_fullscreen_quad; 
CurrentTarget = backbuffer; 
Material Effect in the scene 
vec3 tc, vec3 p, int matID) 
Pass outNormal myMatPass1 = { 
VertexProgram outColor … 
= myVtxProg; 
FragmentProgram … 
= {helpers, mainEntry}; 
out> = simpleOutput; 
FragmentProgram<light> = defaultLighting; 
New instance of myMatPass1 
FragmentProgram = {helpers, mainEntry}; 
FragmentProgram<out> = forGBuff; 
FragmentProgram<light> = noLight; 
GLSLShader defaultLighting 
void lighting_compute(LIGHTINFOS infos, 
inout LIGHTRES res) { 
…Some OpenGL-style lighting… 
GLSLShader mainEntry 
void main() 
lighting_compute(lightInfos, res); 
finalColor(N, color, tc, p, matID); 
GLSLShader simpleOutput 
layout(location=0) out vec4 outColor; 
void finalColor(vec3 normal, vec4 colorSrc, 
vec3 tc, vec3 p, int matID) 
outColor = colorSrc; 
GLSLShader noLight 
void lighting_compute(LIGHTINFOS infos, 
inout LIGHTRES res) {/*empty*/} 
Example of Scene-level override 
Scene-level Effect 
Pass renderScene { 
ClearMode = all; 
FragmentProgramOverride<"out“> = forGBuff; 
FragmentProgramOverride<“light“> = noLight; 
CurrentTarget = myGBuffer; 
renderMode = render_scenegraph_shaded; 
Pass deferredLighting { 
VertexProgram = deferredLightingVS; 
FragmentProgram = deferredLightingPS; 
renderMode = render_fullscreen_quad; 
CurrentTarget = backbuffer; 
Material Effect in the scene 
Pass myMatPass1 { 
VertexProgram = myVtxProg; 
FragmentProgram = {helpers, mainEntry}; 
FragmentProgram<out> = simpleOutput; 
FragmentProgram<light> = defaultLighting; 
New instance of myMatPass1 
FragmentProgram = {helpers, mainEntry}; 
FragmentProgram<out> = forGBuff; 
FragmentProgram<light> = noLight;
State Groups 
 The modern way to use renderstate : DX10/11 default way 
 OpenGL : maybe… extension 
— Rasterization States 
— Color Sample States 
— Depth-Stencil States 
 Define many of them in the effect : 
rasterization_state myRasterState1 { POINT_SIZE=1.2; …} 
rasterization_state myRasterState2 { CULL_FACE=FALSE; …} 
color_sample_state myCSState1 { BLEND=TRUE; ALPHA_TEST=FALSE;…} 
 State groups can then used in Passes
Sampler States 
 Sampler state is an nvFx Object 
— Maintained by nvFX and mapped to the API 
— Eventually translated as GLSL Samplers state (extension) 
 Can be connected in a Pass or via Textures or Resources 
GLSLShader myShader { 
uniform sampler2D colorSampler; 
sampler_state mySamplerState { 
Pass myPass { 
SamplerState(colorSampler) = mySamplerState ; 
GLSLShader myFragShader 
uniform vec3 diffCol; 
uniform sampler2D mySampler 
main() {…using diffCol… } 
Target 1 
Make them 1 SLIDE 
Application nvFX runtime 
Binding point 
Load Effect & 
& initialize it 
GLSLShader myVtxShader 
uniform vec3 diffCol; 
main() {…using diffCol… } 
Target 2 
(Other targets) 
Binding point 
GLSLShader myFragShader 
uniform vec3 diffCol 
uniform sampler2D mySampler 
main() {…using diffCol… } 
Target 1 
Application nvFX runtime 
findUniform(‘diffCol’) Uniform 
Binding point 
Load Effect & 
& initialize it 
GLSLShader myVtxShader 
main() {…using diffCol… } 
Target 2 
uniform vec3 diffCol 
Obj. uniform vec3 diffCol; 
GLSLShader myFShader 
uniform sampler2D mySampler 
main() { …using diffCol… } 
Target 1 
Application nvFX runtime 
Binding point 
Load Effect & 
& initialize it 
Technque tech1 { 
Pass p1 
fragmentShader = myFShader 
diffCol = {0.3, 0.5, 1.0}; 
Pass’s uniform 
Binding point 
Buffers of Uniforms (Buffer Objects) 
 Direct mapping to 
— OpenGL Uniform Buffer Object (UBO + GLSL std140) 
— D3D10/11 Cst Buffers (cbuffer token in HLSL) 
 A constant Buffer is made of uniforms 
— Can be targeted by a Uniform Object 
 Can have default values specified by nvFX code 
 Two ways for buffer’s resource creation : 
— application created : pass the handle to nvFX 
— nvFX creates the buffer for you
 Possible performance issues 
— Runtime implementation 
— Pass execution 
— Update of Uniform / Cst. Buffer / sampler / resource 
 More CPU optimization can be done (Open-Source helps) 
— This first version prioritizes nvFx’s proof of concept 
 Users will always need to be careful 
— Avoid too many pass executions 
— Avoid too many uniform update 
 NSight Custom Markers in nvFx
 Less code in Application 
 More flexibility 
 Consistency of Effect code. Helps for maintenance and 
 Updated Effect paradigm for modern API’s 
 Open-Source approach to allow developers to 
— Easily debug it 
— Improve it 
— Customize it
Questions ? 
Feedback welcome : 
(Soon available)

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NvFX GTC 2013

  • 1. nvFX: A New Shader-Effect Framework for OpenGL, DirectX and Even Compute Tristan Lorach ( )
  • 2. Plan  What is an Effect  How to redefine the “Effect” paradigm  Examples  More Details on concepts  Conclusion
  • 3. What Is An “Effect” ?  Higher level management: packages things together — Of Shader Code — Uniforms / Parameters — Samplers, Textures and Sampler States  Concept of Techniques and Passes — Passes : setup Shaders and render states for a rendering pass — Techniques : groups Passes  NOTE : Effect is mostly CPU runtime work — Maintains the Effect Database and updates/binds GPU
  • 4. What Is An “Effect” ? (Cont’)  In 2002 — Cg and CgFX created by NVIDIA — Microsoft followed on the idea, for HLSL : HLSLFx Check out NVIDIA SDK Samples & Microsoft SDK Samples  In 2013 : — Game Developers often have their own shader-builders — Cg 3.1 in maintenance mode… not expected to evolve Why ? Issues of maintenance… — Microsoft D3D Effect: No significant evolution
  • 5. Anatomy Of An Effect someFunction(args…) { Shader code } Samplers / Textures … someOtherFunction(args…) { Shader code } Technique myTechName { } Pass myPassName { } Render / Shader States Pass myPassName2 {…} Technique myTechName2 { … } Uniforms / Parameters Uniforms / Parameters … …
  • 6. Anatomy Of Effect’s Runtime Uniforms / Parameters someFunction(args…) { Shader code } Samplers / Textures Technique myTechName { } Pass myPassName { } Render / Shader States Pass myPassName2 {…} CPU GPU handle = loadEffect(…) handle = getXXX(…) setXXX(handle,…) Vertex Prg Fragment Prg Vertex Prg Fragment Prg … validatePass() executePass() Uniforms Effect DB … Create & send Render-states Bind/set
  • 7. Standard Effect design Application Parameters Shader func’s Effect file Texture Samplers Textures (D3D) Sampler-states Techniques Passes Render-states GPU Render states Shaders … Initialization Effect runtime Render loop Resources /uniforms • Set/Get parameters • Validate passes (builds shaders) • Bind textures/samplers • Activate (executes) a Pass
  • 8. Generic Effect Container : Motivations  Revive ‘Effect’ concept for today’s needs & HW  Be a Generic ‘Container’ for GLSL, D3D, Compute, OptiX…  Add new concepts and features (Add resource creation; etc.)  Use latest 3D API features (OpenGL 4.3 or DX11.x and >)  Help to simplify applications and C++ code  Runtime efficiency  Multi-Platform (Windows, Linux, OSX, iOS, Android)  Make it Open-Source
  • 9. What nvFx Can *Not* do  Few cool CgFX features not in nvFx — One unified language (Cg language) for all (D3D, OpenGL…) — CgFx Interfaces ( ~== Abstract classes)  nvFx can’t modify shading languages grammar — nvFx relies on GLSL, D3D, CUDA compilers  nvFx shader code not unified — OpenGL != GL-ES != D3D != CUDA features  Doesn’t sort and optimize Drawcalls for you  “Regal” could help on OpenGL <> GL-ES
  • 10. Potential User Target  Workstation CAD/DCC — Convenient to expose some programmability to the end-user — Helps for maintenance of heavy projects  Labs / research (Prototype for a Siggraph paper !) — Helps to perform rapid and flexible prototyping — Convenient for Demos, Samples showcasing Shaders  Games — Helps highly combinatorial Shaders — Avoids heavy pre-processor code (#ifdef/#else/#endif everywhere)
  • 11. nvFX Effect Integration Application nvFX runtime nvFX files Shader code Shader code Techs/passes … Techs/passes nvFX files Application nvFX runtime Techs/passes Techs/passes Shader code … Application nvFX runtime TTeecchhss//ppaassseess … Pre-compiled shaders C++ nvFX Effects nvFX files SShhaaddeerr c cooddee SShhaaddeerr c cooddee Pre-compiled shaders nvFxcc.exe –omyFx.cpp myFx.glslfx Make better diagram on details (loop, resource)
  • 12. API Design  Front-End : parser (Bison/Flex) — Parses the effect — Does not parse the shader/compute code in Modules !  Back-End : the library to build the effect data — Used by the Front-End to create parsed data — Used by the application to drive the effects  Works on PC, Android… iOS etc. Front-End (nvFX parser) Custom Grammar & Token API (C++ interfaces) C++ Back-End (nvFX runtime) Application Your Front-End Parser OpenGL DX CUDA Your Gfx API layer
  • 13. Inside An nvFX Effect GLSL-Compute DXCompute Resources nvFX file Sampler-states Uniform Parameters Techniques Passes New Pass-states Texture Bind point Render state-groups Shader Code Modules GLSL D3D CUDA (render targets) Frame buffers Constant Buffers Resources description CUDA/OptiX/Compute [shared] Memory
  • 14. Simple nvFX Example GLSLShader { #version 410 compatibility #extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable … } GLSLShader ObjectVS { layout(location=0) in vec4 Position; layout(location=0) out vec3 v2fWorldNormal; void main() { … } } GLSLShader ObjectPS { layout(location=0) in vec3 v2fWorldNormal; Main() { … } } rasterization_state myRStates { POLYGON_MODE = FILL; … } sampler_state defaultSamplerState { TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER = LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER = LINEAR; } Resource2D diffTex { samplerState = defaultSamplerState; defaultFile = ""; } technique BasicTechnique { pass p1 { rasterization_state = myRStates; samplerResource(diffSampler) = { diffTex, 0 }; VertexProgram = ObjectVS; FragmentProgram = ObjectPS; Uniform(attenuation) = 0.9; CurrentTarget = backbuffer; }
  • 15. Simple nvFX Example : On C++ Side Initialization:  Validate effect’s passes (Checks errors, compile shaders…)  Create/Gather any object we need for update (Uniforms to set etc.) Rendering Loop:  Loop in a Technique (taken from a material id, for example)  Set some Uniform values (projection matrix…)  Loop in the Passes  For each pass : ‘Execute’ it — Optionally update Uniforms/Cst Buffers afterward  Render your geometry
  • 16. Example : HDR Rendering With Glow 1 Scene Effect Render Skybox in HDR Render The Scene in HDR Down-scale the texture 2x, 4x Blur texture Horizontal Then Vertical 1 2 3 4 5 6 nvFx-managed 775 6 Scene Graph Material Effect 1 Metal Pass Material Effect 2 Plastic pass Other ‘Effects’… RGBA32F Texture (HDR) Compositing: tone-mapping And radial Blur 7 RGBA 32F Texture + Backbuffer 2 3 4 Resources
  • 17. Demo
  • 18. Example : Compute Post-Processing Scene Effect passes 1 Render Skybox Render The Scene Triggers CUDA / GLSL / DX-Compute Kernel Display result As a fullscreen Quad 2 3 4 Scene Graph Material Effect 1 Metal Pass Material Effect 2 Plastic pass Other ‘Effects’… nvFx-managed Resources RGBA Texture Backbuffer
  • 20. Fire (Navier-Stokes equations) Simulation passes Advect Color Advect Velocity Vorticity Confinement Emit (Gaussian ball) Fire Up-force Vel. divergence Comp. pressure Proj. Velocity Proj. Vel. edges Technique Rasterize Techniques passes 1 Volume depth Volume bound 1 Volume bound 2 2 Volume depth Smoke Ray-cast Water Ray-cast Fire Ray-cast 3 Rasterize result 4 nvFx-managed Resources
  • 21. Demo
  • 22. Experiment : Pure Ray Tracing With OptiX  Most OptiX runtime code — nvFx runtime  Most OptiX Shader code — In nvFx files — In CUDA/PTX files  nvFx Needs — OptiX NVIDIA SDK — Few OptiX setup from the application Scene Effect passes Triggers OptiX Context Display result As a fullscreen Quad 1 2 nvFx-managed Resources RGBA Texture Backbuffer
  • 23. Hybrid Rendering : Mixing OpenGL & OptiX Scene Effect passes 1 Render Skybox Render The Scene Triggers OptiX Ray Tracing For Reflections and shadow Compositing OpenGL + reflection & shadow 2 3 4 Scene Graph Material Effect 1 Metal Pass Material Effect 2 Plastic pass Other ‘Effects’… nvFx-managed resources
  • 24. Demo
  • 25. Example: GS Sparkling Effect 1 Scene Effect Render Scene For 2 targets Copy Texture To Backbuffer 1 2 Scene Graph Material Effect 1 Metal Pass Material Effect 2 Plastic pass Other ‘Effects’… RGBA8 Texture Backbuffer R32F Texture (depth) Render Sparkles With GS 3 2 3 nvFx-managed resources backbuffer
  • 27. Shader Code In Effect  GLSL, D3D, CUDA, GLSL-Compute, DX-Compute… Not Parsed  We rely on existing compilers — D3D Driver : for Gfx Shaders and Compute — GLSL OpenGL driver : for Gfx Shaders and Compute — CUDA compiler  nvFX invokes APIs to compile shaders — No redundant work — But nvFX doesn’t know what is inside (did not parse the code)  nvFxcc.exe : check errors (and will generate C++ code)
  • 28. Shader Code  Declared within a section : GLSLShader myShader { layout(location=0) in vec4 Position; void main(void) {…} } CUDAKernel Blur(unsigned int* data, int imgw,…) { …CUDA code… } D3D10Shader myD3DShader { …HLSL code… }
  • 29. Shared Code sections No name == is shared by all (implicit header) GLSLShader { // used by myVShader and myFShader #version 430 compatibility vec3 someVectorMath(vec3 a, vec3 b) {…} … } GLSLShader myVShader { Void Main() { … } } GLSLShader myFShader { Void Main() {…} } CUDACode { __device__ float clamp(float x, float a, float b); … } CUDACode CUDACode1 { … } CUDACode CUDACode2 { … }
  • 30. Techniques & Passes  A technique hosts passes. Nothing new  A Pass carries render-pipeline setup and actions • Clear mode (glClear mode…) • Clear color • Rendering Mode • Render Group Id • Blit action of a resource to a target • Current Target for rendering • Viewport Size • Swap of 2 resources • Loop count (to repeat passes) • Activate Pass On/Off • CUDA Module; Shared Mem. Grid/Block… • GLSL Compute Groups — References to State-Groups — Or direct References to render-states (old style as CgFX) — References to many Shaders (Vertex, Fragment etc.) — Value assignment to uniform parameters  GLSL sub-routine   each pass can setup a set of default uniform values — Connection of samplers/textures with resources & Sampler-states — Connection of images (ARB_shader_image_load_store) with resources — Lots of other special states to drive the runtime behavior
  • 31. Pass example Pass myPass { RasterizationState = myRasterState; POLYGON_MODE = {GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL}; VertexShader = {MainVtxProg, HelperFunctions, InputAttribFunc}; FragmentShader = MainFragmentShader FragmentShader<‘LightShaders’>= {LightSpotFunc, LightDirFunc,…}; Uniform(mySubroutineArray) = {sr_spot, sr_point, sr_dir}; Uniform(myOtherSubroutineArray[0]) = srFunc32; Uniform(myOtherSubroutineArray[1]) = srFunc6; Uniform(mySimpleUniform) = {1.3, 2.2, 5.2}; SamplerResource(quadSampler) = myRenderTexture; SamplerTexUnit(quadSampler) = 0; SamplerState(quadSampler) = nearestSampler; … } Clarify the “Pass” definition
  • 32. Linkage of Shader Modules  Pass : Link Shader Modules to a program Object — Done at Validation time — In Non-Separable Shader mode : 1 Pass hosts 1 program — In Separable Shader Mode: 1 Pass hosts many programs  OpenGL 4.2/4.3 : nvFx uses GLSL linkage  OpenGL ES: nvFx fakes linkage with concatenation VertexProgram = {VtxMain, ShaderHelpers, ShaderA, ShaderB, …}; FragmentProgram = {FragMain, ShaderHelpers, …}; …
  • 33. Linkage Of Shaders : Groups  We can group shaders by name : VertexShader = myVtxShaderMain; VertexShader<”Lighting”> = {VtxLight0, VtxLight1, …}  Groups allows to Change some behavior at runtime Example: 1. Gather the group of shaders named “Lighting” 2. Remove these shaders from the Pass (Pass’s program) 3. Add other shaders to this “Lighting” Group (for different lighting…) 4. Link the program with new Shader Objects
  • 34. Linkage Use-Case Example IA Same Shading design With OR without Tessellation Vtx Shader Body Fragment Shader attributes Attributes Abstration (a) Vertex Shader interpolators attributes Vertex Shader (passthrough) Hull (TCS) HW Tess. Attributes Abstration (b) Domain (TES) interpolators getNormal() … Attrib. passthrough abstraction
  • 35. Resources in nvFX  Visual Effects resources : often inter-dependent  Example : deferred shading — G-Buffer really depends on how the effect does deferred shading  Compute  Graphics : interaction through resources — Compute reading from a rendered image and writing into a Textures… — Compute kernels sometimes need temporary storage…  nvFx allows creation of resources within an effect
  • 36. Resource Creation And Use Create resources : RenderTexture myRTex1 { MSAA = {0,0}; Size = ApplicationDefined;// or {800,600}; Format = RGBA8; } RenderTexture myRTex2 { … } RenderBuffer myDST { MSAA = {0,0}; Size = ApplicationDefined;// or {800,600}; Format = DEPTH24STENCIL8; } Create Frame Buffer Object FBO myFBO { Color = { myRTex1, myRTex2 }; DST = myDST; } Use this in Passes CurrentTarget = myFBO;//(can be backbuffer) BlitFBOToActiveTarget = myFBOSrc; swapResources( mFBO1, myFBO2 ); samplerResource(mySampler) = myRTex1; You can query all from your Application, too
  • 37. Scene-Level / Multi-Level Effects  pre/post-processing are Effects, too : at scene level  Scene-level Effects and material Effects must be consistent — Deferred shading : Material RT’s must match the G-Buffer — Shadowing of the scene : must tell materials how to use Shadowing — Special scene lighting to tell material Shaders how to do lighting  nvFX Allows Effect (Scene-level) to override some Shader Modules of lower levels effects — lower Effect’s shaders code adapted for higher Effects  Leads to instances of shader programs matching scene-level passes
  • 38. Example of Scene-level override Scene-level Effect … Pass renderScene { ClearMode = all; FragmentProgramOverride<"out“> = forGBuff; FragmentProgramOverride<“light“> = noLight; CurrentTarget = myGBuffer; renderMode = render_scenegraph_shaded; } Pass deferredLighting { VertexProgram = deferredLightingVS; FragmentProgram = deferredLightingPS; renderMode = render_fullscreen_quad; CurrentTarget = backbuffer; } Material Effect in the scene … Pass myMatPass1 { VertexProgram = myVtxProg; FragmentProgram = {helpers, mainEntry}; FragmentProgram<out> = simpleOutput; FragmentProgram<light> = defaultLighting; … } New instance of myMatPass1 FragmentProgram = {helpers, mainEntry}; FragmentProgram<out> = forGBuff; FragmentProgram<light> = noLight;
  • 39. GLSLShader forGBuff { layout(location=0) out vec4 outColor; layout(location=1) out vec4 outNormal; void finalColor(vec3 normal, vec4 colorSrc, Example of Scene-level override Scene-level Effect … Pass renderScene { ClearMode = all; FragmentProgramOverride<"out“> = forGBuff; FragmentProgramOverride<“light“> = noLight; CurrentTarget = myGBuffer; renderMode = render_scenegraph_shaded; } Pass deferredLighting { VertexProgram = deferredLightingVS; FragmentProgram = deferredLightingPS; renderMode = render_fullscreen_quad; CurrentTarget = backbuffer; } Material Effect in the scene vec3 tc, vec3 p, int matID) … { Pass outNormal myMatPass1 = { … VertexProgram outColor … = myVtxProg; FragmentProgram … = {helpers, mainEntry}; FragmentProgram<} out> = simpleOutput; } FragmentProgram<light> = defaultLighting; … } New instance of myMatPass1 FragmentProgram = {helpers, mainEntry}; FragmentProgram<out> = forGBuff; FragmentProgram<light> = noLight; GLSLShader defaultLighting { void lighting_compute(LIGHTINFOS infos, inout LIGHTRES res) { …Some OpenGL-style lighting… } } GLSLShader mainEntry { void main() { … lighting_compute(lightInfos, res); … finalColor(N, color, tc, p, matID); } } GLSLShader simpleOutput { layout(location=0) out vec4 outColor; void finalColor(vec3 normal, vec4 colorSrc, vec3 tc, vec3 p, int matID) { outColor = colorSrc; } } GLSLShader noLight { void lighting_compute(LIGHTINFOS infos, inout LIGHTRES res) {/*empty*/} }
  • 40. Example of Scene-level override Scene-level Effect … Pass renderScene { ClearMode = all; FragmentProgramOverride<"out“> = forGBuff; FragmentProgramOverride<“light“> = noLight; CurrentTarget = myGBuffer; renderMode = render_scenegraph_shaded; } Pass deferredLighting { VertexProgram = deferredLightingVS; FragmentProgram = deferredLightingPS; renderMode = render_fullscreen_quad; CurrentTarget = backbuffer; } Material Effect in the scene … Pass myMatPass1 { VertexProgram = myVtxProg; FragmentProgram = {helpers, mainEntry}; FragmentProgram<out> = simpleOutput; FragmentProgram<light> = defaultLighting; … } New instance of myMatPass1 FragmentProgram = {helpers, mainEntry}; FragmentProgram<out> = forGBuff; FragmentProgram<light> = noLight;
  • 41. State Groups  The modern way to use renderstate : DX10/11 default way  OpenGL : maybe… extension — Rasterization States — Color Sample States — Depth-Stencil States Remove?  Define many of them in the effect : rasterization_state myRasterState1 { POINT_SIZE=1.2; …} rasterization_state myRasterState2 { CULL_FACE=FALSE; …} color_sample_state myCSState1 { BLEND=TRUE; ALPHA_TEST=FALSE;…} dst_state myDSTState { DEPTH_TEST=TRUE; DEPTH_WRITEMASK=TRUE;…}  State groups can then used in Passes
  • 42. Sampler States  Sampler state is an nvFx Object — Maintained by nvFX and mapped to the API — Eventually translated as GLSL Samplers state (extension)  Can be connected in a Pass or via Textures or Resources GLSLShader myShader { uniform sampler2D colorSampler; … } sampler_state mySamplerState { MIN_FILTER = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; MAG_FILTER = GL_NEAREST; }; Pass myPass { SamplerState(colorSampler) = mySamplerState ; }; REMOVE?
  • 43. Uniforms GLSLShader myFragShader { uniform vec3 diffCol; uniform sampler2D mySampler main() {…using diffCol… } } Target 1 Make them 1 SLIDE Application nvFX runtime createUniform() set…() update…() Uniform Binding point “diffCol” Load Effect & & initialize it GLSLShader myVtxShader { uniform vec3 diffCol; main() {…using diffCol… } } Target 2 (Other targets) createUniform() set…() update…() Uniform Binding point “foo” Effect Effect Obj.
  • 44. Uniforms GLSLShader myFragShader { ; uniform vec3 diffCol uniform sampler2D mySampler main() {…using diffCol… } } Target 1 Application nvFX runtime findUniform(‘diffCol’) Uniform set…() update…() Binding point “diffCol” Load Effect & & initialize it GLSLShader myVtxShader { ; main() {…using diffCol… } } Target 2 Effect Effect Obj. uniform vec3 diffCol : SEMDIFF;
  • 45. Uniforms Effect Effect Obj. uniform vec3 diffCol; GLSLShader myFShader { uniform sampler2D mySampler main() { …using diffCol… } } Target 1 Application nvFX runtime findUniform(‘diffCol’) set…() update…() Uniform Binding point “diffCol” Load Effect & & initialize it Technque tech1 { Pass p1 { fragmentShader = myFShader diffCol = {0.3, 0.5, 1.0}; } } Pass’s uniform Binding point “diffCol”
  • 46. Buffers of Uniforms (Buffer Objects)  Direct mapping to — OpenGL Uniform Buffer Object (UBO + GLSL std140) — D3D10/11 Cst Buffers (cbuffer token in HLSL)  A constant Buffer is made of uniforms — Can be targeted by a Uniform Object  Can have default values specified by nvFX code  Two ways for buffer’s resource creation : — application created : pass the handle to nvFX — nvFX creates the buffer for you
  • 47. Performances  Possible performance issues — Runtime implementation — Pass execution — Update of Uniform / Cst. Buffer / sampler / resource  More CPU optimization can be done (Open-Source helps) — This first version prioritizes nvFx’s proof of concept  Users will always need to be careful — Avoid too many pass executions — Avoid too many uniform update  NSight Custom Markers in nvFx
  • 48. Conclusion  Less code in Application  More flexibility  Consistency of Effect code. Helps for maintenance and creativity  Updated Effect paradigm for modern API’s  Open-Source approach to allow developers to — Easily debug it — Improve it — Customize it
  • 49. Questions ? Feedback welcome : References: - - - (Soon available)

Editor's Notes

  1. Effect filles + nvFX runtime + app 100% flexible. Good for prototyping and development process Precompiled Shaders + Effect files + App Checksum to make sure compiled shaders match effects Precompiled Shaders + { App + .C++ Translated Effects } Perfect for shipping in a game Hides the effect & shaders you don’t want to share Faster to load and execute
  2. Add missing modules (OptiX, CUDA…)
  3. ~2500 C++ lines of code saved More code on nvFX file More flexibility outside of the C++ compiled part
  4. Linkage is an offline action (validation time) As opposed to sub-routine case where the changes can be made at runtime (with an extra cost in the shader code)
  5. Basic way of doing: For each Pass of a scene, we call a “setupOverrides(ptech, N)”, with an array of sub-techniques that need instancing of their passes Each sub-technique will get a special instance of their pass depending on the override And only if necessary Each instance of those sub-techniques are identified with a Hash ID : the same ID that the main scene-technique will have given