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Nursing Home Observation Report
For my volunteer learning project, I decided to volunteer at the Victoria Park Personal care home. I
was able to help out the activities coordinator in running daily games and exercises along with
assisting and helping many of the residents in their daily activities. I found this experience to be
humbling and eye opening for many reasons such as, for one, I did not know that there were so
many people in the personal care home that had a main reason for being there, other than their
families thinking it is safer to be there than be alone at home. Another reason would be that one day,
it could be me in that position that they are in, which made me more understanding of their situation.
During my time at the personal care home, I found that things aren't always how they seem on the
outside and that a lot more is going on inside that you can't always see.
During my time in the care home, I was able to talk to and help out many of the residents there. One
of the things I helped out with was playing the game BINGO. When I first learned I was going to be
calling BINGO I thought to myself, "easy enough, just a number and a letter, ... Show more content
on ...
The first time this happened, I thought nothing of it, but then it began to happen again and again.
This was when I knew something was different. The lady that was forgetting the shape needed on
her card in order to win was having trouble with the retrieval of the memory. This could have been
due to interference/ decay during the encoding of the memory caused from old age. Since your short
term memory is only for a few seconds, she could have forgot what she was going for when
listening to what number/letter combination was being said. This showed me that the way I perceive
and take in the outer world and stimuli is much different than the way she
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Mrs. Berntson: A Short Story
I just got done with an excellent day of painting in Mrs.Boe's art class and as i was walking down
the halls i think to myself oh no my next i have the dreaded Mrs.Berntson's torture filled class. Once
i turn the corner coming up from the stairs i see a big rope of snot shoot from out Mrs.Berstsons
class room and rope some kid named Tavion in. As i slowly inch closer to her classroom i can hear
Tavion screaming. Now i'm at her closed door and i'm going to try to slowly open it and see if i can
sneak in without her hearing or seeing me. As i slowly open the door i see the look on one kids face
his eyes are huge and he's about to cry and he's shivering with fear. The door is open now and i'm
almost to my spot that's over by the whiteboard when ... Show more content on ...
I'm in the game Hungry Hungry Hippos now! I feel like i'm running around in circles trying to get
out of the way of the mouths of the big, green and slimy hippos. Next thing i know i'm staring at big
yellow teeth and get snatched up and swallowed with two big marbles. I'm sliding down its throat
trying to get a grip on something to pull myself out but i get i get carried away with a big and now
slimy marble. I am now covered from head to toe in slime and sliva. I have now stopped and in a
dark place which i'm guessing is the stomach. Sitting in the stomach with two marbles is not that fun
in fact it's really boing. I say to myself, "i need to find a way out of here and fast before i am
digested." it's been probably a few hours now and nothing has happened i start thinking about my
family, friends, and even Mrs.Berntson. That's when i think about the book she read in class and
how spelling out meanwhile moves me to a different place. So i try to spell out meanwhile hoping
that i will go to another place but it doesn't seem to be working. I keep thinking about the book and
remember that at the end the kid yells the end and is instantly brought back to where he started. As
loud as i can i scream, "The
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Audio Assets Definition
What are Assets?
"Assets are sometimes defined as resources or things of value that are owned by a company."
(1) Audio
Audio is sound that is within the acoustic range which is available to humans. An Audio Frequency
(AF) is an electrical alternating current within the 20 to 20,000 hertz (cycles per second) range
which can be used to produce acoustic sound. In computers, audio is the sound system that comes
with or can be added to a computer. An audio card contains a special built–in processor and memory
for processing audio files and sending them to speakers in the computer. Audio files are records of
sound that has been captured and can be played back. Sound is a succession of naturally analog
signals which are converted to digital ... Show more content on ...
There is also no compression involved. The digital recording is a close–to–exact representation of
the analog sound. PCM is most commonly used in CD's and DVD's. It has a subtype called Linear
Pulse–Code Modulation, where samples are taken at linear intervals. LCPM is the most common
form of PCM, which is why the two terms are almost interchangeable.
WAV is also known as Waveform Audio File Format. It was developed by Microsoft and IBM back
in 1991. Lots of people seem to assume that WAV files are uncompressed audio files, but that's not
always true. WAV is actually just a Windows container for audio formats. This means that a WAV
file can contain compressed audio, but it's not usually used for that. A lot of WAV files contain
uncompressed audio in PCM format. The WAV file is just a "wrapper" for the PCM encoding, which
therefore makes it a lot more suitable for use on Windows systems. However, Mac systems can
usually open WAV files without any issues.
AIFF stands for Audio Interchange File Format. Alike Microsoft and IBM developed WAV for
Windows; AIFF is a format that was developed by Apple specifically for Mac systems back in 1988.
Also similar to WAV files, AIFF files can also contain multiple kinds of audio. For example, there is
a compressed version called AIFF–C and another version called Apple Loops which is used by
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The Advantages of Virtual Oscilloscopes
Electromagnetic oscillograph was used in early days for analyzing the signals followed by cathode
ray oscilloscopes. This was done for the need of higher bandwidth. Digital storage oscilloscopes are
now widely used because of their high input impedance which allows us to analyze both analog and
digital signals. DSOs are equipped with A/D and D/A converters which help in storing of data in
digital form and displaying it in analog form.
The major drawbacks of using a DSO are its cost and size. It is difficult to move them from place to
place for ease of work. It can be overcome by using a PC as an oscilloscope with software that acts
as the interface. Many works including development of PC based virtual oscilloscopes using
MATLAB has been done. The data acquisition device was fabricated using the analog to digital
converters, control–logic & timing circuitries and the GUI was built using MATLAB software.
Compared to traditional oscilloscopes, Virtual Oscilloscopes have a lot of advantages on the use and
function. The captured waveforms can be stored as data and used for future references. The accuracy
of measurement was also high along with waveform uniformity and stability. The option of multi–
window display mode can be used to control a large number of job sites to monitor working
conditions at the same time.
To reduce the cost of the system, the data acquisition was done using built in sound card of the PC
in place of DAC. This work was done using LABVIEW as
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Outstanding Speaker Reflection
This product is really great, with friends or family when they are in progress with the LED
performance that can be done. The unique shape of the speaker really caught the attention of
everyone. The indicators that have been built are well placed. It is easy to install and how to use it.
Pleasant, small, compact and portable. Outstanding speaker works great and honest, it's very high
quality sound systems. Rechargeable batteries provide approximately 10 hours of game that seems
worthy and really make it convenient USB charger. It has a very pleasant sound for something so
small. I love the light show as it actually improves music– and it is not a flashy light shows the
perfect mood. The speakers, use simple tones and colored lights to mark
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How Did Technology Shape American Culture
Technology and music have always been interlinked. As technology improves ways of recording and
distributing music improves. Over history we have gone from scratchy records to clear and portable
MP3s. New and innovative technology have helped to shape America's culture as a nation.
In 1877 the first human voice was recorded by Thomas Edison using tinfoil. He was attempting to
improve the telegraph when he realized that when he moved tape through the machine it made a
noise that sounded similar to speech. He then placed a stylus on to a cylinder made of tinfoil and
spoke the words of Mary had a little lamb into the makeshift machine.
Edison is widely considered to be the first person to record sound but a man in France actually beat
him to ... Show more content on ...
Before music radio stations broadcasted things such as sermons, sports and the news. Department
stores would also have their own stations and they used them to advertise their merchandise.
In 1926 the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) began the National Broadcasting Network (NBC).
These were groups of stations that worked with local stations to syndicate radio shows. These shows
focused mostly on music and featured several different live performers. The types of music were
diverse and could vary from country to jazz.
The Golden Age of Radio was the time period of 1930– 1955. During this time was the great
depression and radio was a way to listen to music and receive the news for free. It was a cheap way
to have entertainment instead of more expensive ways such as going to a live concert or the movies.
Eventually radio shows and broadcasts about news decreased in popularity. All that was left was
music. Radio networks transitioned to playing prerecorded music of popular artists. The most
popular type of station was a station that plays Top 40. Top 40 is the top 40 songs on the music
charts in that particular time period. FM or radio was introduced soon after this and it instantly
became popular because it offered music in a high
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Satirical Satire Satirical Writing
Satirical writing Yus! Here comes the biggest trolley full of all the food groups, all the cleaning
products, all of the best toys for your endless amounts of cats and dogs, and a tiny little old lady
struggling to push this big load through the check out where she finally starts loading her groceries
on the converbelt in the most inconvenient order possible, to make my job 10 times harder! "hi
there, how are you" I say with complete despair as I look at the amount of work I have to do. but I
get no answer, great she's deaf too! I think to myself. As I start trying to order this enormous amount
of groceries into an acceptable order for my packer, we give each other the most despicable glance
as if we are saying sorry to each other for what is about to come. As I start scanning and eventually
get to all the colds and frozen the little old lady who is still painfully loading the groceries onto the
converbelt says "I want wrapping on all the colds please" WHAT! 'um excuse me but do I look like
Santa! If you want wrapping why don't you wrap YOUR groceries up yourself!' "of course, I can do
that for you" I say in my most pretend happy voice that I can. Man, I should get an Oscar for my
acting! I now have black ink on my hands from all the newspaper and sticky chicken juice on my
fingers but all is good because I have finally finished with this customer. "do you have a club card?'"
I ask as part of my routine dialogue "oh yes I do!" 'oh, here we go, now I have to wait another 5
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Research Paper On Rspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi Introduction Raspberry pi is like a computer. It uses many different kind of
processor. It doesn't work on windows but linux operating system can be used in it.hence Raspberry
Pi is a small, cheap ARM–based PC for education and hobbyists. Raspberry pi can be used to surf
Internet, send mail and much more. It is very easy to use, and affordable, which makes it more
popular and powerful. The raspberry pi is perfect for aspiring computer students who wants to learn
how computer works so It gives them space to do ... Show more content on ...
The above block diagram shows the model A, B, A+, and B+. In which we can see that model A and
A+ have missing Ethernet and USB port. The Ethernet adapter is connected to an additional USB
port. In model A and A+ the USB port is connected directly to the SoC. On other hand model B+
contains a five–point USB hub, of which four ports are available, while model B only provides two
USB hubs.
Processor of Raspberry pi
The Soc used in first generation Raspberry pi is almost same to that used in older smartphones. It is
based on the Broadcom BCM2835 system on a chip.
RAM of Raspberry
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What Is Listening Skills
Opted skill: Listening skill(s)
Before we start off with the activities, we need to know what the word listening means. Harmer
(2001, p.228) viewed listening as a fundamental language skill. "It provides the perfect opportunity
to hear voices other than the teacher's, enable students to acquire good speaking habits as a result of
the spoken English they absorb, and helps to improve their own pronunciation".
Learning of foreign language rely on four basic skills which can be classified into receptive and
productive skills. Listening and reading comes under receptive whereas writing and speaking comes
under productive. In language learning, out of the four skills, listening stands to be as one of the
most important skill. It is also accounted as a Cinderella skill. Environment plays ... Show more
content on ...
Number/ Word Bingo:
Playing bingo requires students to listen carefully. You can use either numbers or words that they
have been learning. Creating the bingo sheets and words takes a bit of time but once done can be
used with other classes, time and time again.
8. Be the boss:
Allow your child to be the boss while you play together for a set amount of time. Your child will tell
you what to play and how to play. This is excellent to help you understand how your child views
your parenting instruction, and it gives you an opportunity to model listening for your child.
9. Listen and act:
Put some animal toys in front of the child. Narrate some basic instructions about animal characters
and what they are doing. Have your child listen and move the characters along to the story. 10. Put
in order:
Write alphabets on flashcards and put them on the floor. Speak a word and then spell it like "Tap"
"T" "A" "P". Encourage the child to listen carefully and put the cards in order as you speak.
11. Show me the color game:
Make a dice shaped box and color each side with a different color. Now give it to the child and say
where's the red color? And the child will have to show it up like here it
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New Music Tutoring Center Research
In today's world, most people are busy and they may get stressed from time to time. That's where
music comes in. Playing any musical instrument has been proved to refresh minds, increase
confidence and abilities like memorization, and increased coordination etc. ( Everyone
loves music because every music carries certain vibes with it. These vibes can trigger a person's
memory and bring strong waves of emotion in their mood such as happiness, sadness, rebellious etc.
There are only few people who are able to play the instruments they love while there are many
people who only dream about playing. According to a research, 70 % adults wished that they could
play a musical instrument (artifact australia). So, this is the evidence that ... Show more content on ...
Musical tutoring center can become a trend among the universities. As, playing an instrument has
already been proved to benefit a person, musical tutoring center can help student's reach the benefit
by teaching instruments. Since, music tutoring center will also be conducting musical programs, it
may help students connect socially which may prove beneficial for their major too. An ability of to
play an instrument is considered highly by many people. This ability can open the door for a person
to a new world which they would have never imagined. In the future, they can be running their own
company and also performing in the musical programs. This would be something that is rarely found
in a real–life situation. Musical tutoring center may have the ability to make Southeastern University
the most demanded undergraduate university in the Louisiana State. Moreover, musical tutoring may
prove to be a huge success and other university may also feel the necessity of the music tutoring
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Blastwave Fx Pros And Cons Case Study
Audio Samples – Blastwave FX For the purpose of this assessment some of the sound effects were
downloaded from Blastwave FX. These samples take away the difficult and time–consuming
process of creating high quality sound design behaviours into games. Some of the samples were
impossible to create with my budget (explosions, machine gun Blastwave protects its
copyright by all necessary means, including legal action. BLASTWAVE FX, LLC END USER
LICENSE AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Blastwave FX's royalty free products are
sold with a lifetime non–transferable license for synchronization rights only. By accepting any
Blastwave FX royalty free products, I acknowledged and agreed to the stated terms, conditions, and
limitations of use.
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Aaron Burr Analysis
The tone of any piece, whether it be spoken or written, attempts to achieve a goal through the
emphasis on certain syllables. This is prevalent in modern songwriting and is shown very well in the
music from the latest broadway craze, Hamilton. One specific song in which tone plays a key role is,
"Aaron Burr, Sir". Throughout the song, it is clear that tone difference of dignified vs.
unsophisticated from Aaron Burr and the group of John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, and Marquis de
Lafayette shows a clear juxtaposition between the two groups. Firstly, there are many times when
the tone of Aaron Burr came across as dignified. This is first seen in the following two lines from
Burr himself: "While we're talking, let me offer you some free advice. ... Show more content on ...
This is first shown in the first line from Laurens, "Yo yo yo yo yo!" This quote creates the
unsophicated tone through Laurens's stressing of each yo in the line. This creates a choppy flow in
the song showing a lack of eloquent speech. The repetition of the word, yo, also works to illistrate
the unsophicated nature of the group in terms of their word choice. Laurens could have lead with
another phrase to draw attention to himself, but instead chose more of a sound then a full phrase.
This choppy stressing of words and the choice of those same words works to characterizes the trio
as impulsive and ignorant. Another line that illustrated the unsophisticated tone of the group is from
Laurens as well: "Two pints o' Sam Adams, but I'm workin'on three, uh! Those redcoats don't want it
with me!" This quote illistrates the unsophicated tone of the group mostly through his word choice.
Instead of saying that he had consumed two beers and was working on his third, he used a more
vernacular, yet less sophisticated description with the words, Sam Adams, a known beer brand.
Moreover, he goes on to again use a more vernacular word when calling the British forces,
Redcoats. This characterizes the trio as more men of the people and commoners in terms of their
language than members of the ruling elite. The final example of the
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Dr. Nettle-Personal Narrative
INT. HOSPITAL BEDROOM – NIGHT Later. Eileen puts the card back on top of the stack of
cards. EILEEN I won't be here tomorrow, but I still want you to practice these words. Eileen walks
towards the door. Morris moves his mouth trying to pronounce the word cat. INT. HOSPITAL
BEDROOM – DAY Caroline feeds Morris ice cream. He ate almost half of the ice cream. She is
going to give him another scoop when he starts gagging up the ice cream. Caroline cleans his face.
INT. HOSPITAL BEDROOM – NIGHT Boer walks into the room carrying ice cream. Morris
finishes the ice cream. But he starts gagging. Boer wipes his face. Boer leaves and Morris continues
practicing the words. Later. All the lights are shut off in Morris's room and he continues practicing
the words. INT. ... Show more content on ...
Dr. Nettle is outraged, he stands in the room yelling at Ruth. DR. NETTLE HE COULD'VE DIED!
RUTH But he didn't. Dr. Nettle sees the empty milk shake cup laying on Morris's bed side table. Dr.
Nettle furiously storms towards the door. He turns around facing Morris and Ruth. DR. NETTLE
I'm going to make unexpected visits to Morris, if I find out that you brought him food from outside
vendors you're fired. Ruths eyes expand from dismay. INT. REHABILITATION CENTER
BEDROOM – DAY Eileen holds up a card to Morris. Card reads: Famished A tray of unopened
baby food rests on Morris's bedside table. EILEEN It's two syllables but I think you could do it. Dr.
Nettle pops his head into the room. He stares at the unopen tray of food. MORRIS (to Dr. Nettle)
I'm s–sick of e–eat–ing h–hos–pi–tal food c–c–ca–n I–– DR. NETTLE This is not up for discussion,
stick to the diet I ordered for you. MORRIS But I'm g–go–ing to s–st–star–– Dr. Nettle walks out of
room, slamming the door shut behind him before morris finishes what he has to say. INT.
YAFFNA'S PRIVATE PHYSICAL THERAPY ROOM – DAY Yaffna stares at her watch. Morris
lays on his back on the table, his arm is slightly raised. YAFFNA (in Russian)
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Trench Monologue
A short loud bang echoed through my ears and clumps of mud sprinkled on my pale skin like a cold
shower. Edrenalin spreaded through my body faster than I could get up on my feet and look straight.
The world was on mute, only a loud ringing whistle existed and it wasn't going away anytime soon.
The high pitch sound was dampening and for some reason i was hoping to hear a familiar voice or
sound that was of somewhat pleasing like my mother. But something more familiar started to come
into reality, screaming. People were darting by me, like a sudden flash. I looked over to what they
were doing, where they were going. And sure enough they were going over to the screams. A man
who looked older than me was half submerged in mud and blood. He was ... Show more content on ...
I reached down deep into my mind and dragged myself into reality. Back into this hell hole. I
focused on my surroundings, i saw the soldiers loading the injured man onto a stretcher. I looked
around and my gaze was then abruptly locked on to someone. He was staring in my direction, but it
was like he was looking right through me at something behind me. His eyes were full of madness,
like he'd had seen the devil. His smile.. It was unusually wide and his teeth were stained with brown
and black muck. His expression was so animated like a cartoon, he didn't move, didn't blink. His
breathing was light but it hissed through his teeth. A soldier picked him up and guided him
somewhere with no resistance. A soldier must have seen the confusion on my face.
He approached me in a few steps. "Poor man. Gets the best of us."
I switched my attention to the him. " Excuse me."
"That man who was staring at you, he was suffering from shell shock. I've heard from the nurses
that it's extreme trauma that is becoming more common."
"Is that so," i nearly felt surprised of not having to yell those few word. Time dragged on while
getting real awkward.
Finally he gave me a nod. "Good luck," an odd few words to say farewell but it was better than
I thought over of how he knew that info from the nerses. Except for most of them being really
pretty, they know a lot. They hear many stories of new weapons of devastation. There have been
rumors of some weapon
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The Impact of Music on Language & Early Literacy:
A Research Summary In Support of Kindermusik's ABC Music & Me
The Impact of Music on Language & Early Literacy:
A Research Summary In Support of Kindermusik's ABC Music & Me
Introduction Early childhood classroom teachers believe in the power of music to engage children.
What scientifically based research supports the use of music and musical instruction to build early
literacy skills? This research summary answers that question, providing support to educators who
wish to integrate music and musical instruction into their early language and literacy programs in
schools. This research summary reviews high–quality experimental studies conducted in classrooms
with young children ... Show more content on ...
Researchers believe that music instruction impacts a student's brain functioning in processing
language, which in turn impacts reading subprocesses like phonemic awareness and vocabulary.
These subprocesses ultimately impact a student's ability to read with comprehension. Music
Instruction Improves Verbal Memory
Research Into Practice: ABC Music & Me Kindermusik's ABC Music & Me helps teachers engage
young children in language– and literacy–rich musical activities that include playful instruction in
foundational music skills and instrument exploration. Research suggests that engaging young
children in these types of musical activities are correlated with later success in reading
Another way in which music instruction may positively impact reading ability is through increased
verbal memory. The findings linking music training to verbal memory are important because verbal
memory is essential for reading printed words with comprehension. As reading progresses to
sentences and texts of greater lengths, verbal memory allows a child to retain material in memory as
it is being read so that syntactic and semantic analyses necessary to comprehension can be
performed. Verbal memory is essential for all children learning to read (Brady, 1991; Stone and
Brady, 1995), and poor performance in verbal memory has been associated with reading disabilities
for young children (Ackerman and Dykman, 1993; Cornwall, 1992;
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The GSM / GPS Module communication and the distance...
The GSM / GPS Module communication and the distance Sensor, checking the car's distance from
the surrounding cards so that the relay will be ON and turn off the engine. The goal to provide
minimum 12 feet between the stolen car and the behind car
The Choosing of the GSM/GPS to communicate with the Owner will provide a cheap, effective way
to allow the owner to communicate with the stolen car. Also choosing the ultrasound distance sensor
to provide the safe distance for the car to stop.
Different Microcontroller alternative were available :
PIC18F4550: Has large amounts of RAM memory for buffering and Enhanced Flash program
memory make it ideal for embedded control and monitoring applications.
Arduino Uno R3 (Atmega328): ... Show more content on ...
In the following it is assumed that the Ardunio is able to capture time within a microsecond,
therefore smallest measure of time is 0.000001 or 1micro second. Then form the law :
Distance = 0.5 * Speed of Sound * ( smallest measurable time increment )
Distance= 0.5 * 344 * (0.000001) = 0.0002 meters
Therefore Ideally, the displacement of an object, can be measured with a precision of about 0.2
Considering Doppler effect may affect the Ultrasound sensor accuracy, therefore It is better to
measure time difference with Ardunio instead measuring frequency. Since frequency can be
expressed in terms of the time, (Frequency = 1/T).
The relationship above can be expressed in terms of time instead of frequency, which mean:
V = C * ( Ttx / Trx – 1 ) ..For the approaching car ( from back)
V = C * ( 1 – Ttx / Trx ) .. For the retreating car (from front)
Where :
T = Time period between wave peaks
C = Speed of sound
V = Velocity of object Therefore practical consideration must done when using the Ardunio Uno
with the Distance sensor to measure the safe distance 12 ft. and a safe velocity of minimum 15
If the frequency of the transmitted wave is 40Khz, then the time period between peaks is 1/40000
equivalent to 25 microseconds.
The Ardunio can only count to 25 in 25 microseconds. Ardunio can only tell that a wave front was
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Jimin's Story: Uncovered From The Other Room
Another crash reverberates from the other room. It's loud enough to hear of the sound of the music
blasting out from his earphones, and Jimin flinches yet again. With a sight he cranks up the volume
on his cheap MP3 player, and tries to curl up a little more, tucking his knees closer to his chest while
praying that the sounds will soon cease. How many times had it been this week? Three? Four? He'd
lost count on Wednesday, and it was now Friday. Today will be over soon too, and he'll have the
whole weekend to suffer through – another silly game of hide and seek. But times ticking and he
needs to set off to school soon. But there's no way he wants to risk being caught up in the cross fire
taking place in the other room. Quietly he rises from his ... Show more content on ...
Jimin's father is a drunk. He's always been a drunk for as long as Jimin can remember, and because
of it he'd lost his job a couple of years ago. Jimin's mother says that's how it started, his father was
stressed because of work, and so he's go to the pub after his shift and drink away his stress. So now
they barley even have enough to make ends meet because of his poisonous habit. It might be awful
to say, but Jimin hopes that one day the man will drink himself to death. At least that way his mother
and he would be free. But there's another downside to his father's drinking, one that's much more
physical. When he's drunk he becomes angry, angry enough to start lashing out at those closest. It's
the reason he no longer goes out to the pub, having been thrown out multiple times for fighting. So
now he simply sits in the flat on the sofa, drinking, and drinking, and drinking. His mother had long
given up trying to get him to stop, it wasn't worth the extra bruises. She's tried many times to escape
him too, but he always tracked her down, always dragged her back if she wasn't home on time. Now
it was simply fear and debt that stopped her from leaving. The fear that he might do something to
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Personal Narrative: The Ghost
The Ghost Whoosh!!! The faint sound of the arrow locked onto its kamikaze mission as it flew
towards its unsuspecting target. Shhhhunk! The razor tip had found its mark! First was the soft skin,
then the delicate rib meat. The lungs and top of the heart provided no resistance as the arrow
followed its flight into the frosty ground. Intrigued yet? Let me tell you a story that will forever be
etched into my young mind. The story of the Ghost! I first laid eyes on this elusive animal in late
August. I had placed a trail camera in the middle of a cornfield in between a feeding source and a
heavy thicket on a game trail that showed faint signs of use. I had been trekking into the area with
the camera when I stumbled upon a buck track! Wooooo! ... Show more content on
It's a big buck! The Ghost!!!!" Shaking I stuffed my cell phone into my pocket. He was moving to
fast! There was no way I am going to be able to reach him with a grunt call in time. I snatched the
grunt call out of the backpack and gave a heartily grunt! Errrph! Errrph! No response! "Come on
deer! Stop for a second!" Errrph! Louder I blew on the grunt call. ERRRRPH! Skidding to a stop the
buck attentively locked in on my location seeking the source of the grunt. Then he just turned and
kept on his mission heading to the north–east just before he disappear into a valley. I figured it is all
or nothing at this point, gun season was a few days away. I needed to get this deer's attention. I
grunted hard again followed by a series of quick pleading grunts. Trying my best to sound like a
mature buck who was courting a doe who was close to being bred. BAM! The grunts had finally
reached his ears and pulled at the strings of his love sick heart! The buck skidded to a stop and
aggressively charged in my direction! "Oh crap it's on like Donkey Kong!" I reached for my bow
and checked my shooting lanes again, 20, 30, 40 and 50 yards. They were wide open and free of
branches! I glanced back at the deer. He stood a mere 100 yards away glistening in the soft sun, like
a lion daring his opponent to show his face. As that he might be whip him back into submission!
Unbeknownst to him, I was waiting patiently, watching him as he entered the thicket. Reappearing
on the other side, my
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Principal-Teacher Ratings
During our pre observation conference, we discussed the performance of your class in based on
literacy assessment. The assessment data reflected that most of your students know the letter names
and some of the letter sounds. You also shared with me that the majority of students were to some
extent familiarized with the reading strategies. We set expectations for the formal observation during
the literacy bundle. We discussed the learning activities and small group instruction planned for the
On December 4th, I walked into your class to conduct the formal observation. Your class was sitting
on the meeting area as you explained to them, "Today we are going to combine the two strategies.
One is to observe the picture ... Show more content on ...
They were using the academic vocabulary to practice the beginning sounds. Words cards were
available with visuals to scaffold the letter/sound identification. After, you practice with them,
students were asked to continue reading the text and practicing the strategies of observing the
picture and making the first sound. Natalia and Isai worked together to identify the sounds using the
alphabet chart provided. Shortly after, you began to assess students by asking various questions. You
asked, "What word did you find? Can you read it for me? What strategy did you use?" As you
moved around the groups, you used the assessment for learning checklist to collect evidence of their
In conclusion, you invited students to share how they use the strategy learned and practiced during
the lesson. Maria read the word balloon because she looked at the picture and matched the sound. To
summarize the lesson you shared with the students that good readers observe pictures and sounds
the first letter of the words. During our post observation, I commend you for the following
instructional practices that were evident in your classroom:
1. Effective lesson planning was evident. It included learning scaffolds, questions and many other
components of thoughtful planning.
2. Explicit instruction provided during the lesson and small group instruction to model the expected
learning outcome. It was clear and purposely presented
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Creative Writing: The Cells
Cold... why was it always so fucking cold... Cass curled up on her cot in a vain attempt to warm her
body, pulling her knees to her chest and squeezing her eyes shut trying to fall asleep. She couldn't
remember the last time she slept... honestly she couldn't even remember how long it had been since
she woken up in the tiny cell that had become her home whether she liked it or not. Slowly she sat
upright in her little cot and examined her "room". The Cells as far as she knew were all this tiny, one
toilet, one meager little cot, no TV, no heater, not even a fucking pillow. The walls were made of
grimy metal and the floor was concrete, with only a drain in the center of the cell to channel away
any fluids should one of the captors commit suicide ... Show more content on ...
'wait... what?' She looked down at her arms and then at the door. The door was sealed firmly shut
but she was not tied down heavily at all and a couple of firm wriggles after she was free of the table
and with a drugged cry her body hit the cold floor. Surrounding her were the instruments that they
had been using to poke and prod at her, some still covered in her own blood and of course that large
syringe lying where it had been dropped. Free of her bonds she reached out and grabbed it,
struggling to her feet and reaching down when her eyes noticed another peculiarity. Where the first
Hazmat had been standing was a card, a keycard. She did not second–guess her lucky and quickly
snatched it up, wobbling to the door and slashing the card, watching the door open and slipping out,
following the wall around from the sounds of battle further inside. The place did look like a creepy
hospital, the walls were all clean and at least this area seemed totally abandoned. Still recovering
from the sedatives, the young woman struggled her way down the hall, seeking anything that
resembled an exit and only pausing to the nausea and
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Edgar Wright's Film, Come On, Baby Driver
Come On, Baby Baby Driver is an 2017 film that follows the predicament of a heist getaway driver
named Baby who plays music while he drives to drown out the ringing in his ears. Director Edgar
Wright edited every scene to follow the music, and the title card introduces the dangerous, yet
colorful story ahead. "Driver" appears as the horizontal bars move across the screen from left to
right, and then "Baby" afterwards from right to left. The black and orange coupled with the
capitalized typeface suggests that the movie will be bold and dangerous. Their linear direction and
position are like the movement of a car, confirmed by the first word "Driver." The fact that "Driver"
first appears shows what the first impression of Baby Driver should ... Show more content on ...
Usually a long take would be used to build tension in a scene, as the camera usually follows one
aspect or object as it moves through a setting. This two minutes and forty–five seconds tracking shot
is less about building up tension and more about a cycle of Baby leaving and coming back to the
criminal headquarters. A scene afterwards reveals that Baby is the coffee retrieving boy of the group
and often goes on these runs. The cyclic nature can reveal how Baby, in the story, wants to leave his
life of crime but comes back to the job every time. In fact, the beginning and ending point of this
scene is a revolving door – something that someone uses to move and change, but cannot be fully
shut or stopped. The scene unfolds as Baby goes to get coffee and is inverted as he comes back.
However, this particular time, the coffee run is different, because he spots the ever beautiful Debora
for the first time. The walls and scenery change on his way back, such as his black heart on the wall
behind him in the shop turning red. He begins his coffee run happily swaying perfectly in time with
the music, like how he begins the movie, securely living as a pawn to criminals as a getaway driver.
However, once he sees Debby, he walks out of the coffee shop to immediately run into a cop. Seeing
Debby immediately puts obstacles in his path, and on the walk back to the building, he has lost his
swagger and fumbles into people and scurries in a panic. This directly echoes part of the story where
Baby's choosing of Debby and his own happiness brings him closer to being caught by police and
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Essay about Cmis 102 Hw 2
CMIS 102 Homework 2 Problem Analysis In order to calculate the total price to purchase all the
components required to build a state–of–the–art gaming computer, state–of–the–art must be defined.
For the purposes of this program design, state–of–the–art is defined as a set of computer
components that are capable of operating current games to a satisfactory level. A sample of
minimum and recommended hardware requirements for modern games was taken and a baseline
established for components that satisfy those requirements. Additional hardware was selected that
exceeds the requirements to establish options representing mid–range and bleeding–edge
components. These three sets of components were researched online to determine prices ... Show
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These tasks directly correspond to the modules of our design. An input module will display a list of
11 drop down boxes, one for each component type. Each drop–down box will contain the options
available for that component type, with the baseline category option as the default. A calculation
module will look up the prices for the selected components in the database and compute the sum
total. A display module will output the result to the user. A main module will tie the other modules
together and coordinate the calling of each module and the data passed between them.
MAIN_MODULE: /* Set the defaults to baseline components */ SET selectedComponents =
DISPLAY_MODULE(totalPrice) INPUT_MODULE: FOR EACH component type get list of
components from the database of TYPE component type populate the combo box for component
type with the list of components of that type END FOR /* Wait for the user to finish input then store
the selections */ SET selectedComponents = values of the drop down boxes RETURN
CALCULATE_MODULE: SET totalPrice = 0 FOR EACH component IN selectedComponents SET
currentComponentPrice = look up the PRICE of the component in the database totalPrice =
totalPrice + currentComponentPrice END FOR RETURN totalPrice
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Crystal And Lily: Personal Interpretation Of Music
Composer Ned Rorem once said, "The hardest of all the arts to speak of is music, because music has
no meaning to speak of" (Rorem 1). He has a point. What is the meaning of music? It is truly all up
to personal interpretation. However, where does that interpretation come from? Generally, music
makes everyone feel the same things. Sad music makes people cry. Scary, shrill music gives people
goosebumps and makes them jump. However, when looking at individual songs and individual
people, it is clear that music affects everyone differently. Crystal and Lily are sisters and are great
examples of this concept. Crystal likes hard rock, ACDC, anything with a blaring guitar and head–
banging tempo. Lily likes songs that come from musicals, The King and I and The Sound of Music
are her favorites, ... Show more content on ...
Crystal has become more and more closed and lingers around the house all day. Lily has become
controlling and constantly cleans just to give her hands something to do. Both girls on their worst
days when there is nothing to clean, and nowhere to go, sit in their shared bedroom with headphones
in listening to their respective music. Sometimes they will play cards while alternating through each
other's play lists. Crystal thinks musicals are boring, and Lily gets annoyed with rock; however, they
know how much that music means for the other sister and they sit through it. For these girls, music
is the glue holding them together while their world is falling apart. Now think about the mall,
dentist's office, parades, the streets of a city, the theatre, and grocery stores; music is played all
around. As it turns out, there is actually science behind how people react to music, and there are
some unique variables that leave the meaning of music undefined. While everyone has their own
tastes in music and reacts differently to it, one should understand how music can deeply affect
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An Analysis Of Music Will Heal By Rachel M. Harper
Music Will Heal
Sound is what makes everything come alive. From when an infant in the womb becomes familiar to
their mother's voice. Noise can have a great effect on humans, especially music. Music can speak
louder than words, particularly in certain situations where they may not be able to express what they
are feeling. It is incredible how many sounds and voices put together can have a special connection
to emotions, and bring back memories. Music is a language everyone can understand and relate to.
Poet Rachel M. Harper, uses the idea of music to let readers into her childhood. Harper dedicated
the poem to her father, who has a significant part in her life, since he is the only parent she has left.
In the beginning, she compares music to her characteristics passed on from her father. "If music can
be passed on like brown eyes or a strong left hook this melody is my inheritance" (Harper, 1–4).
Music can easily be passed along just as her eyes, it seems like she is using metaphors to compare
music to memories. Meaning she can easily pass along her memories she and her father have
created. She then brings back a memory of a November day when she recalls her "brother dealing
cards from an incomplete deck" (Harper, 14–15). She seemed to not care if the cards were
incomplete, however, it ... Show more content on ...
Harper's mother has left her family behind, without an explanation. I can imagine how terrible it
must have been for her to lose her mother. Her mother was not taken away, she had chosen to leave.
Usually a child needs their mother, for warmth and comfort, and Harper lost the feeling of security
she had with her mother around, all she has left is her memories. "Songs without lyrics can still be
sung" (Harper, 25–26). Her memories with her mother can still be remembered, without her there.
With her mother gone, the only parent figure she has is her
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9/11 Short Stories
Another crash reverberates from the other room. It's loud enough to hear of the sound of the music
blasting out from his earphones, and Jimin flinches yet again. With a sight he cranks up the volume
on his cheap MP3 player, and tries to curl up a little more, tucking his knees closer to his chest while
praying that the sounds will soon cease. How many times had it been this week? Three? Four? He'd
lost count on Wednesday, and it was now Friday. Today will be over soon too, and he'll have the
whole weekend to suffer through – another silly game of hide and seek. But times ticking and he
needs to set off to school soon. But there's no way he wants to risk being caught up in the cross fire
taking place in the other room. Quietly he rises from ... Show more content on ...
Jimin offers for him to comes and live with him, but then he remembers his homes pretty much a
warzone, and so quickly retracts the idea. It's not like his father would have allowed it anyway. So
he's left to hold Teahyung's hand as they stand in front of his family's graves, staring at cold stones
that can't talk back, can't offer any protection. But then he disappears for a couple of days, and Jimin
worries as he watches the empty desk next to him at school. Maybe Taehyung had run away. Gone
off in search of a better life elsewhere – lord knows he deserved it. However three days later he
shows up again, that hollow look in his eyes still there, but maybe a little less obvious now. He'd
been sent to a local orphanage, the people in charge having finally figure out what to do with him.
Taehyung says it's nice there, and the other kids aren't too bad. Jimin feels a little better knowing
he's actually being looked after now. He figures he doesn't have to fret as much. But five years later
the same hell he's suffered before repeats in the form of Taehyung's 18th birthday. He has to leave
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9/11 Short Stories
Now far enough away from the night club opening, Jessie could hear the distinct sound of a woman
screaming. The heart wrenching sound made her stop mid step. Cold terror washed over her as she
neared the corner of the alley and peered around it. There were distinct shapes – someone on the
ground writhing in pain, one cowering against the wall, and three that approached her. She heard the
poor woman crying out for help and saw one of the advancing shadows reach a hand up to strike her
across the face. Nausea broiled in the put of her stomach and Jessie took a cautious step in. For a
moment she weighed her options – trying to decide what to do. Did she fight or did she fly?
Whatever – or rather whoever she thought she saw obviously wasn't real. There was no Superman.
But this woman still needed help. Jessie clung to her phone as though it was a bludgeoning weapon
and dialed 911. She took a step forward – about to call out to the attackers – when another shadow
landed in front of her. ... Show more content on ...
Instead her attackers were shrieking and blindly stabbing into the darkness, trying to attack the one
attacking them. The woman dropped to her knees in terror, but Jessie never dropped her gaze. One
by one the attackers fell to the cacophony of bones snapping, blood splattering against the stone
walls, and howls of agony. The 'hero's' cloak swept around his body as he fought them, the edges of
it stained in their blood, and in the distant moonlight Jessie could just make out his face – the deep
blue eyes devoid of any light, warmth, or
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College Admissions Essay: Acoustic Craftsmanship
Music ˈmyü–zik n: the art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions through the elements
of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color. Yes, this is what music is, but for me it's more than just this.
In addition to this academic meaning, music is the joy of creating sounds of any sort with the
purpose of expression. It's the interpersonal connections formed by the mutual enjoyment of
acoustic craftsmanship. Music has taken a leading role in my life, as much of my activities are
music based. One recent event that exemplifies my heightened interest and considerable talent in
music is my success in the University of New Hampshire's Summer Youth Music School (SYMS).
When I was introduced to this camp–like program by my band teacher, I wasn't sure what to expect.
All I knew was that a wide variety of music classes would be available and its location. I knew
nothing of the difficulty of music, the quality of faculty, the living conditions, the food, the
entertainment. Unsure of the ... Show more content on ...
The registration line was much longer than expected, indicating a large number of fellow campers.
When I made it to the trombone line, I overheard remarks about how this year had more trombones
than usual, indicating heightened competition. There were over 250 musicians of all sorts, of which
14 were trombone players. Next I learned of recreation and other campers. My friend group was
playing frisbee on the grass as another group of campers, who we would become close friends with,
approached us and asked to join in, which speaks to the pleasant and friendly attitude created by the
happy campers. Through SYMS I made many like–minded friends which I hope to keep for a long
time. In addition to frisbee were such activities as four square, volleyball, ping pong, wii, and more,
not to mention countless board games and card games. These would entertain me and the other
campers in the evening and strengthen the bonds between
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Meaning Of Music In Chicago
What is music? Music in the dictionary means an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and
emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color; the
tones or sounds employed, occurring in single line (melody) or multiple lines (harmony), and
sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or instruments, or both. Music in essences has a
versatile aspect that cannot be defined to real musicians as the quoted definition from the dictionary.
The real definition of music is what every single individual who listens, plays, or sings it can
describe what music is to them and the true meaning of it. Understanding what music is to everyone
is key to unlocking the reasons of why there are so many genres of music ... Show more content on ...
Rich was born and raised here in Chicago on the south side; and is twenty–four years old, and has
three other siblings. Rich has a unique gift of being able to play the guitar, drums, and also sings in
English and Spanish for his band. The band consists of three other members who have also been
raised on the Chicago south side. He like everyone else in the band have their respective daytime
jobs or according to Rich, "the we haven't made it yet jobs," while pursing their goals of being able
to be known by everyone in and around the Indi–rock scene. In my interview many questions about
the sub–genre of Indi–rock were answered through choice of selection of what I wanted to know
about Indi–rock. From this interview I was able to derive my research question and further purse
knowledge on the topic, which led me to research the Indi–rock scene in Mexico, and here in
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Sound of Waves
Sound of Waves Test Answer each of the following questions thoroughly. I will be grading on
thoughtfulness and how well you explain your answer. For the factual questions, you just need to get
it correct. This first section does not need as much explanation, you may give a short response. Why
was Shinji's mother angry when she first received Hiroshi's post card? She was angry because
Hiroshi had sent her an expensive post card, and she said "kids these days don't know the value of
money. What kind of job does Shinji's mother do? What is the name of Shinji's boat? Where is the
setting? it takes place after the war, on an island called Uta–jima. Why does the mom cry when
Shinji reads the letter from his brother? Shinji's ... Show more content on ...
What does it mean to have "get up and go"? get up and go means to not be so hesitant and quickly
go for the gold. to act quickly and boldly, be brave, but not stupid. if you can do that you can
achieve things that other people wish they could. How does social class affect the way that people
see each other? social class makes the upper class think they are better than us and rich, and lower
class makes people feel down and poor. social class affects us a lot. social class is like racism. we
think differently of each other. Shinji is a low class, while Hatsue is of High class but both yet seem
to find
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The Importance Of Literacy Instruction In Education
Literacy instruction is a large focus to the curriculum we as educators follow at Remsen Elementary.
Remsen strives for excellence in literacy education and provides a variety of instruction literacy
plans in order to support student learning. As stated by our district, "Explode the Code", Wilson's
Fundations (grade K–3), Leveled Literacy Intervention Curriculum, and Literacy Centers are used
with fidelity. Along with these primary instructional resources, interventions and supplemental
learning opportunities help teachers to monitor student progress closely through a carefully
conceived, supported, and sustained Response to Intervention program (elementary level), and the
use of purposeful and comprehensive assessment and progress monitoring program (grade PK–12)
to measure student growth and achievement. Furthermore, our "Guide to Response to Intervention
(RTI) and Instruction" details our full curricula and materials at REMSEN, PK–12" (REFERENCE
Through my experience teaching the Fundations Wilson Language phonics program and my
conversations with our literacy teacher and fellow kindergarten teacher, Remsen has invested much
time into implementing this program school wide with the belief that a separate phonics time aside
from English language arts instruction is of great benefit to students. Through my classroom
observations and discussions with our K–3 literacy teacher as well as other K–3 teachers,
Fundations Wilson Language Program is designed
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The Effect Of Music Therapy On Cognition
The Effect of Music Therapy on Cognition in Children with Retts Syndrome
Brandon Akers
Arkansas State University
Author Note
This research is proposed to better understand the impact of music therapy on cognition in children
with Retts Syndrome. The knowledge presented is based on my own findings from a review of the
empirical and theoretical literature relevant to this topic. It is important to study the effect music
therapy has on Retts Syndrome candidates in order to better teach necessary knowledge needed in
If the reader has any questions through the reading of this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact
me at
Due December 6, 2016
Through research it was found children with Retts Syndrome improve from different methods of
music therapy. These children have many different complications with everyday activities, which
include hand movement and physical contact. While, music therapy has been found to help these
aspects of life in positive ways the cognition part has not yet been researched. This study aims to
focus on cognitive ability to relate an instruments name to the sound and appearance it has. A six
month study will be conducted with five Retts Syndrome children of both genders. The triangle,
piano and drum will be present in this pattern. The name of the instrument will be said and played
for the first month. The name of the instrument will be in front of each instrument on a notecard.
The next two months the
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Essay about The Rat Catcher's Revenge- Creative Writing
It all started at the old pub belonging to Jack Martin. The Jokers pub has been empty for more than
two years, there is stood faded and detached, away from the lights and next to a canal. Its gloom was
added by foliage gone wild. A few windows had been shattered and its once open doors were now
boarded by rotting timbers covered in rolls of moss and unsuspecting fungi. The undergrowth was
tall and trees hid the upper floor. Inside hung tattered curtains stained with years of tobacco smoke.
An equally worn patterned carpet was partially covering the lounge bar floor. A couple of chairs
were stacked in the corners; they were covered in the same vinyl fabrics as used in the fifties. The ...
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This Friday seemed darker then ever. My watch only showed 19.30 pm as I sat in the chair with my
back to the bar. The rain had been torrential for the past twenty–four hours and still falling. I could
hear different noises that night. The rain was coming in through the broken windows but there
seemed to be a different sort of sound inside the room. The carpet had squeaked when I made my
way in and although it was a definite sound of water I couldn't make out the sound itself. The
darkness became more intense than the sound, and then the sound became more intense than the
darkness. "What was happening?" I could no longer se then windows. My eyes were stonily fixed to
the floor. The carpet began to rise. The noise became so deafening even with my whole hands over
my ears; its fierceness would not stop.
Then it began, this pungent smell. Then it registered in my mind. I was alongside the canal and it
was raining. I relaxed, and then I jumped. The noise had changed, I could hear squealing. The
squealing of a lot of rats! I could only hear the rats, not see. I froze on the chair. The chain began to
shake, my whole body started to shake. One rat was now gnarling my leg. My scream broke the
silence; my second scream broke the darkness.
"So Jack you thought you'd get away with it did you?" came a voice behind the bar.
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Reflection About Dreams
Mrs. Hecht's class of six third grade students were involved in an interactive chant on the computer
when I arrived to the classroom. The music was turned up loud and each student giggled, wiggled,
and counted by fours to the beat. As the music ended, Mrs. Hecht introduced me to the class stating,
"Say good morning to Mrs. Hendrickson." All of the students enthusiastically bellowed their
friendly greetings, and I replied, "Good morning, Mrs. Hecht's class!"
I wrote the stimulus word, "dreamed" on the board as an icebreaker to begin today's section of the
ongoing literature focus unit. I let them know that the characters in our book had dreams, and I
posed the question, "Have you ever dreamed about a big event that you had coming up?" ... Show
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Of the ten cards, the students were unable to pronounce seven of the one and two syllable words,
such as jumped, nodded, and pulled. After giving phonetic cues, sometimes of every sound within a
word, the students were more able to sort the words according to sound, albeit with assistance and
scaffolding. The last portion of the word sort was to pronounce the sounds and the words that fit
within the groups.
Before the students returned to their normal seating, they went to their cubbies and the class bin to
collect their copies of E.B. White's, Charlotte's Web and the vocabulary study packet provided by
their teacher. I placed a white board with the letters K, W, and L printed on sticky notes in front of
them. Each student was given one of the vocabulary words from the story. I introduced the K–W–L
activity, and the students were excited to have their individual opportunities to come to the front and
place their words in the appropriate column. There were three vocabulary words ending with –ed,
pummeled, lacerated, and detected. I asked the students if they noticed that some of the words ended
alike, and they were happy to point out the –ed pattern.
We individually discussed the definitions of each the words and gave examples of each. The
students had some ideas for meanings of a few of the words, but, for the most part, they had never
seen or heard any of the new words. The word "humble" was the single word placed in the K
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Unit 1 Assignment 1-ADC: An Electronic Circuit
1– ADC is an electronic circuit which transforms analog signals such as a sound picked by a
microphone or light entering a digital camera to digital output, to binary number's system. DAC
does the reverse of ADC. Inputs are binary numbers and outputs are an analog voltage or current
Generally, both ADC and DAC are used in many applications. For example, the voice is converted
into an analog electrical signal by a microphone, then the analog signal is converted to a digital
stream by an ADC. After some operations on computer, DAC converts this back into an analog
electrical signal, which drives an audio amplifier and loudspeaker, and finally sound is produced.
For DAC: Most of audio signals are stored in digital form (for ... Show more content on ...
In this mode, screen is blank until trigger event occurs. If oscilloscope finds a trigger, then it
acquires and displays one triggered screen of signal and then stops.
5– In order to produce correct waveform, oscilloscope probes must be properly compensated. In
other words, proper match of the input impedance of the oscilloscope's vertical input channel
circuitry is required.
Overcompensated Compensated correctly Undercompensated
6– AC coupling blocks the DC component of a signal. Therefore, we see the waveform shifted down
and centered at 0 volts.
7– Digital oscilloscopes have a special feature called horizontal trigger position control. When we
change the position of it, we can see the preceding signal before triggering event called pre–trigger
viewing. When we select pre–samples, the record length that counts the number of samples
measured will divide into pre and post triggering
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Last Minutes Creative Writing
Let's Go For Some Last Minutes
Not a single voice is heard as the evening shift begins to end. Pacing. After a long evening of
checking the time constantly, being pestered about CDs and photos, walking around in circles trying
to find something to do, and hearing the crying of silver platter babies, the only thing that is worth
being excited for is the glorious beeping sound when you swipe your card on the punch machine and
your name and hour is followed soon after. Nothing could be better than that sweet sound, the sense
of exploding freedom coming from a mere machine. It leads to wonderful things, such as getting
home and finally being able lay down after a long five hours.
Out of habit, fingers begin to inch towards the laptop mouse pads ... Show more content on ...
Our breathing slows until it is no longer audible or felt, and a slight twitch at the corner of our lips
makes us feel as though the most relaxing, and beautiful thing is on its way to grace its presence to
those in need. At ten to, that inner peace is ruined by the sound of footsteps that are not our own, and
our eyes widen at the realization that someone has come to steal our hard–earned freedom away.
Clients. Shit! We try to hide ourselves behind counters and unused products, but to no avail; their
strained voices pull at our senses, making us paralyzed, vulnerable to their attacks. We try to gear up
as much as we can, allowing our battle faces to take over our features in hopes that it will scare the
enemy away, to make them retreat, but all it does is fuel them more, and our energy is immediately
drained. They stand tall, ready to hit us with their finishing move; the interest and demand for a
demo TV. We look at each other, the fear hugging our features. It is now five minutes to the end of
our shift, and the desire to have a TV that's been running for a year would only extend that wait
time. They insist, continuously jabbing at our defence line. What should we do? Our health
continues to diminish by the second, our swords no longer sharp enough to attack. They hit us one
more time with their finishing move, and it is now closing time. We look at the TV,
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I Feel That This Assessment Overall Went Pretty Well
I feel that this assessment overall went pretty well. Miss. S. had me work with three students
individually, and these students ranged from high performance to low performance. I thought this
was a good choice so I could experience difference between the different developmental levels of
the students. I performed the assessment on October 14th of 2016, in Miss. S's classroom during the
student's free choice time. Of the three students that participated, one of the students receives speech
therapy. The first student that I assessed was Child 1, and he doesn't receive extra services.
Johnathan did really well overall, but did struggle with some words. I feel that Johnathan could have
taken his time more and really focused on sounding the words out before saying what he thought
they were. I did noticed that the mixed up and mistaken some of the vowels. When I performed the
spelling test at the end, Johnathan had trouble with the word you. When he started to spell the word
he started with "OU," but then he corrected himself and spelt the word correctly. I still marked the
word as incorrect since he started spelling the word wrong. The second student that I assessed was
Child 2, and he receives speech therapy. I didn't complete the assessment because Derek was
struggling and wasn't close to saying the words that I was pointing to. When saying some of the
words he was either correct or very close. With some of the words he was questioning himself
whether he was right or
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Self Assessment Report Sample
The client was cooperative during the session. The client came into the session with a positive
attitude she was very compliant and egger. Her positive attitude made the session transition and flow
Goal 1: The client will produce /l/ within consonant clusters given visual and verbal stimulus with
80% accuracy cues.
Data: The client was provided with different stimuli picture cards to assist the client to produce the
/l/ within consonant cluster. The client was able to produce the /l/ in isolation. The client
successfully produced the first two target words which were "clock" and "floor" the client was
provided with visual and verbal cues. When the client would answer incorrectly, the clinician would
re–teach ... Show more content on ...
Approach/Technique/Cue Used: The approach that was used throughout the session was Traditional
Approach. The client was producing the /l/ within consonant clusters therefore this approach
strengthening and stabilizing the correct production. It gave the clinician the ability to teach the
client the proper placement of the articulators.
In the first goal, the clinician would show the client one picture card at a time and ask the client
"Can you tell me what this is?" The picture cards had the name of the target words which included a
picture to assist the client identify the word. The clinician began the therapy by asking the client to
produce the /l/ sound. The client was able to spontaneously produce the /l/ phoneme. The clinician
then placed her tip of her tongue on the bumps behind her front teeth in order to produce the /l/
sound. The clinician then asked the client to repeat the same procedure. The clinician asked the
client if she was able to feel the bumps that are located on the roof of her mouth. After the
explanation the clinician told the client to relax and place her hands on her lap. The clinician
demonstrated how the air passes around the tongue and out through the mouth using verbal and
... Get more on ...
Support Academic Skills
Academics: 53. Talk Pad: This device can be useful in helping a child with phonics. The button can
be prerecorded with a sound from 3–4 "sound" words. Then, the child chooses the card to match
with the recorded sound. 54. Voice In The Box: Can be used many ways to support academic skills.
55. Overhead projector: Some benefits to using an overhead projector are the following: a. Allowing
the child to do math work on overhead transparencies; b. Teaching the child spelling words via the
overhead projector; c. Focusing on reading comprehension by having the child fill–in–the blank for
various questions regarding understanding of previously read materials; d. Focusing on mechanics
of writing using the overhead projector. "High" Tech ... Show more content on ...
Video Taping: Students with autism are motivated and attentive to videos. They especially enjoy the
repetitive viewing due to "predictability." a. Language comprehension skills: Videotaping can be
used to teach receptive vocabulary skills and to complete various routines. b. Social skills: Video
taped segments can be made of social areas in which the child is struggling with. Non–verbal social
communications can also be taught through videotaping. Moreover, videotapes can be used to
demonstrate how to interact in various social situations. c. Expressive language skills: Video tapes
can be used to teach expressive vocabulary skills the same way as receptive vocabulary skills. d.
Self–help skills: Videotape can demonstrate skills such as getting dress, brushing your teeth and
more. e. Emotions: People's facial expressions at various emotional state can be recorded to
demonstrate emotions/feelings. f. Academics: Academic writing skills such as drawing and writing
the alphabet can also be demonstrated through videos. 57. Computers: Students with autism are
highly motivated by computers. Camilla K. Hileman (11) states that computers are motivating to
children with autism, due to their predictability and consistency, compared to the unpredictable
nature of human
... Get more on ...
Personal Narrative Fiction
moved closer to her, the car door between us as she fiddled around inside, looking for something. I
leaned my ass against the door and folded my arms under my chest, glancing around to look for
anyone. All I saw was a group of people leaving the restaurant and heading for their cars, directly
across from me in the main parking lot.
"Found it!" Eliza said excitedly, standing up and closing the door away from my ass. Eliza placed
what she had found on the hood of the car, her hands circling around it tightly to keep me from
seeing what it was. I heard some unwrapping, like the sound of a plastic bag being opened, followed
by a slight sound of something that sounded like sand being poured out. Standing up on my tip toes
(not an easy feat when you are in heels!), I saw what it was: cocaine. ... Show more content on ...
There was a small pile of white powder on top of the car. I wouldn't call it enough to OD on, but it
was certainly noticeable from where I was. Eliza cut out four lines with her credit card, lining them
up so that they were directly beneath her face. Without even looking, she reached BACK into her
purse and pulled out a $100 dollar bill, all neatly rolled up and circular as a tube.
Wasting no time, Eliza tucked one end into her nose and then lowered her face over the drug,
snorting up loudly. One of the white lines vanished from the car top, only a few stray specks of the
coke lingering where the powder had been just seconds earlier. Eliza leaned her head back and held
it there, her eyes closed and a slight bit of powder coating the base of one of her nostrils. I saw her
swallow a few times, and then a pleasant sigh escaped from her lips. She lowered her head down
slowly and turned to look at
... Get more on ...

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Nursing Home Observation Report

  • 1. Nursing Home Observation Report For my volunteer learning project, I decided to volunteer at the Victoria Park Personal care home. I was able to help out the activities coordinator in running daily games and exercises along with assisting and helping many of the residents in their daily activities. I found this experience to be humbling and eye opening for many reasons such as, for one, I did not know that there were so many people in the personal care home that had a main reason for being there, other than their families thinking it is safer to be there than be alone at home. Another reason would be that one day, it could be me in that position that they are in, which made me more understanding of their situation. During my time at the personal care home, I found that things aren't always how they seem on the outside and that a lot more is going on inside that you can't always see. During my time in the care home, I was able to talk to and help out many of the residents there. One of the things I helped out with was playing the game BINGO. When I first learned I was going to be calling BINGO I thought to myself, "easy enough, just a number and a letter, ... Show more content on ... The first time this happened, I thought nothing of it, but then it began to happen again and again. This was when I knew something was different. The lady that was forgetting the shape needed on her card in order to win was having trouble with the retrieval of the memory. This could have been due to interference/ decay during the encoding of the memory caused from old age. Since your short term memory is only for a few seconds, she could have forgot what she was going for when listening to what number/letter combination was being said. This showed me that the way I perceive and take in the outer world and stimuli is much different than the way she ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Mrs. Berntson: A Short Story I just got done with an excellent day of painting in Mrs.Boe's art class and as i was walking down the halls i think to myself oh no my next i have the dreaded Mrs.Berntson's torture filled class. Once i turn the corner coming up from the stairs i see a big rope of snot shoot from out Mrs.Berstsons class room and rope some kid named Tavion in. As i slowly inch closer to her classroom i can hear Tavion screaming. Now i'm at her closed door and i'm going to try to slowly open it and see if i can sneak in without her hearing or seeing me. As i slowly open the door i see the look on one kids face his eyes are huge and he's about to cry and he's shivering with fear. The door is open now and i'm almost to my spot that's over by the whiteboard when ... Show more content on ... I'm in the game Hungry Hungry Hippos now! I feel like i'm running around in circles trying to get out of the way of the mouths of the big, green and slimy hippos. Next thing i know i'm staring at big yellow teeth and get snatched up and swallowed with two big marbles. I'm sliding down its throat trying to get a grip on something to pull myself out but i get i get carried away with a big and now slimy marble. I am now covered from head to toe in slime and sliva. I have now stopped and in a dark place which i'm guessing is the stomach. Sitting in the stomach with two marbles is not that fun in fact it's really boing. I say to myself, "i need to find a way out of here and fast before i am digested." it's been probably a few hours now and nothing has happened i start thinking about my family, friends, and even Mrs.Berntson. That's when i think about the book she read in class and how spelling out meanwhile moves me to a different place. So i try to spell out meanwhile hoping that i will go to another place but it doesn't seem to be working. I keep thinking about the book and remember that at the end the kid yells the end and is instantly brought back to where he started. As loud as i can i scream, "The ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Audio Assets Definition What are Assets? "Assets are sometimes defined as resources or things of value that are owned by a company." (1) Audio Audio is sound that is within the acoustic range which is available to humans. An Audio Frequency (AF) is an electrical alternating current within the 20 to 20,000 hertz (cycles per second) range which can be used to produce acoustic sound. In computers, audio is the sound system that comes with or can be added to a computer. An audio card contains a special built–in processor and memory for processing audio files and sending them to speakers in the computer. Audio files are records of sound that has been captured and can be played back. Sound is a succession of naturally analog signals which are converted to digital ... Show more content on ... There is also no compression involved. The digital recording is a close–to–exact representation of the analog sound. PCM is most commonly used in CD's and DVD's. It has a subtype called Linear Pulse–Code Modulation, where samples are taken at linear intervals. LCPM is the most common form of PCM, which is why the two terms are almost interchangeable. WAV WAV is also known as Waveform Audio File Format. It was developed by Microsoft and IBM back in 1991. Lots of people seem to assume that WAV files are uncompressed audio files, but that's not always true. WAV is actually just a Windows container for audio formats. This means that a WAV file can contain compressed audio, but it's not usually used for that. A lot of WAV files contain uncompressed audio in PCM format. The WAV file is just a "wrapper" for the PCM encoding, which therefore makes it a lot more suitable for use on Windows systems. However, Mac systems can usually open WAV files without any issues. AIFF AIFF stands for Audio Interchange File Format. Alike Microsoft and IBM developed WAV for Windows; AIFF is a format that was developed by Apple specifically for Mac systems back in 1988. Also similar to WAV files, AIFF files can also contain multiple kinds of audio. For example, there is a compressed version called AIFF–C and another version called Apple Loops which is used by ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. The Advantages of Virtual Oscilloscopes 1.INTRODUCTION Electromagnetic oscillograph was used in early days for analyzing the signals followed by cathode ray oscilloscopes. This was done for the need of higher bandwidth. Digital storage oscilloscopes are now widely used because of their high input impedance which allows us to analyze both analog and digital signals. DSOs are equipped with A/D and D/A converters which help in storing of data in digital form and displaying it in analog form. The major drawbacks of using a DSO are its cost and size. It is difficult to move them from place to place for ease of work. It can be overcome by using a PC as an oscilloscope with software that acts as the interface. Many works including development of PC based virtual oscilloscopes using MATLAB has been done. The data acquisition device was fabricated using the analog to digital converters, control–logic & timing circuitries and the GUI was built using MATLAB software. Compared to traditional oscilloscopes, Virtual Oscilloscopes have a lot of advantages on the use and function. The captured waveforms can be stored as data and used for future references. The accuracy of measurement was also high along with waveform uniformity and stability. The option of multi– window display mode can be used to control a large number of job sites to monitor working conditions at the same time. To reduce the cost of the system, the data acquisition was done using built in sound card of the PC in place of DAC. This work was done using LABVIEW as ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Outstanding Speaker Reflection This product is really great, with friends or family when they are in progress with the LED performance that can be done. The unique shape of the speaker really caught the attention of everyone. The indicators that have been built are well placed. It is easy to install and how to use it. Pleasant, small, compact and portable. Outstanding speaker works great and honest, it's very high quality sound systems. Rechargeable batteries provide approximately 10 hours of game that seems worthy and really make it convenient USB charger. It has a very pleasant sound for something so small. I love the light show as it actually improves music– and it is not a flashy light shows the perfect mood. The speakers, use simple tones and colored lights to mark ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. How Did Technology Shape American Culture Technology and music have always been interlinked. As technology improves ways of recording and distributing music improves. Over history we have gone from scratchy records to clear and portable MP3s. New and innovative technology have helped to shape America's culture as a nation. In 1877 the first human voice was recorded by Thomas Edison using tinfoil. He was attempting to improve the telegraph when he realized that when he moved tape through the machine it made a noise that sounded similar to speech. He then placed a stylus on to a cylinder made of tinfoil and spoke the words of Mary had a little lamb into the makeshift machine. Edison is widely considered to be the first person to record sound but a man in France actually beat him to ... Show more content on ... Before music radio stations broadcasted things such as sermons, sports and the news. Department stores would also have their own stations and they used them to advertise their merchandise. In 1926 the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) began the National Broadcasting Network (NBC). These were groups of stations that worked with local stations to syndicate radio shows. These shows focused mostly on music and featured several different live performers. The types of music were diverse and could vary from country to jazz. The Golden Age of Radio was the time period of 1930– 1955. During this time was the great depression and radio was a way to listen to music and receive the news for free. It was a cheap way to have entertainment instead of more expensive ways such as going to a live concert or the movies. Eventually radio shows and broadcasts about news decreased in popularity. All that was left was music. Radio networks transitioned to playing prerecorded music of popular artists. The most popular type of station was a station that plays Top 40. Top 40 is the top 40 songs on the music charts in that particular time period. FM or radio was introduced soon after this and it instantly became popular because it offered music in a high ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Satirical Satire Satirical Writing Satirical writing Yus! Here comes the biggest trolley full of all the food groups, all the cleaning products, all of the best toys for your endless amounts of cats and dogs, and a tiny little old lady struggling to push this big load through the check out where she finally starts loading her groceries on the converbelt in the most inconvenient order possible, to make my job 10 times harder! "hi there, how are you" I say with complete despair as I look at the amount of work I have to do. but I get no answer, great she's deaf too! I think to myself. As I start trying to order this enormous amount of groceries into an acceptable order for my packer, we give each other the most despicable glance as if we are saying sorry to each other for what is about to come. As I start scanning and eventually get to all the colds and frozen the little old lady who is still painfully loading the groceries onto the converbelt says "I want wrapping on all the colds please" WHAT! 'um excuse me but do I look like Santa! If you want wrapping why don't you wrap YOUR groceries up yourself!' "of course, I can do that for you" I say in my most pretend happy voice that I can. Man, I should get an Oscar for my acting! I now have black ink on my hands from all the newspaper and sticky chicken juice on my fingers but all is good because I have finally finished with this customer. "do you have a club card?'" I ask as part of my routine dialogue "oh yes I do!" 'oh, here we go, now I have to wait another 5 ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Research Paper On Rspberry Pi The Raspberry Pi Introduction Raspberry pi is like a computer. It uses many different kind of processor. It doesn't work on windows but linux operating system can be used in it.hence Raspberry Pi is a small, cheap ARM–based PC for education and hobbyists. Raspberry pi can be used to surf Internet, send mail and much more. It is very easy to use, and affordable, which makes it more popular and powerful. The raspberry pi is perfect for aspiring computer students who wants to learn how computer works so It gives them space to do ... Show more content on ... The above block diagram shows the model A, B, A+, and B+. In which we can see that model A and A+ have missing Ethernet and USB port. The Ethernet adapter is connected to an additional USB port. In model A and A+ the USB port is connected directly to the SoC. On other hand model B+ contains a five–point USB hub, of which four ports are available, while model B only provides two USB hubs. Processor of Raspberry pi The Soc used in first generation Raspberry pi is almost same to that used in older smartphones. It is based on the Broadcom BCM2835 system on a chip. RAM of Raspberry ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. What Is Listening Skills Opted skill: Listening skill(s) Before we start off with the activities, we need to know what the word listening means. Harmer (2001, p.228) viewed listening as a fundamental language skill. "It provides the perfect opportunity to hear voices other than the teacher's, enable students to acquire good speaking habits as a result of the spoken English they absorb, and helps to improve their own pronunciation". Learning of foreign language rely on four basic skills which can be classified into receptive and productive skills. Listening and reading comes under receptive whereas writing and speaking comes under productive. In language learning, out of the four skills, listening stands to be as one of the most important skill. It is also accounted as a Cinderella skill. Environment plays ... Show more content on ... Number/ Word Bingo: Playing bingo requires students to listen carefully. You can use either numbers or words that they have been learning. Creating the bingo sheets and words takes a bit of time but once done can be used with other classes, time and time again. 8. Be the boss: Allow your child to be the boss while you play together for a set amount of time. Your child will tell you what to play and how to play. This is excellent to help you understand how your child views your parenting instruction, and it gives you an opportunity to model listening for your child. 9. Listen and act: Put some animal toys in front of the child. Narrate some basic instructions about animal characters and what they are doing. Have your child listen and move the characters along to the story. 10. Put in order: Write alphabets on flashcards and put them on the floor. Speak a word and then spell it like "Tap" "T" "A" "P". Encourage the child to listen carefully and put the cards in order as you speak. 11. Show me the color game: Make a dice shaped box and color each side with a different color. Now give it to the child and say where's the red color? And the child will have to show it up like here it ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. New Music Tutoring Center Research In today's world, most people are busy and they may get stressed from time to time. That's where music comes in. Playing any musical instrument has been proved to refresh minds, increase confidence and abilities like memorization, and increased coordination etc. ( Everyone loves music because every music carries certain vibes with it. These vibes can trigger a person's memory and bring strong waves of emotion in their mood such as happiness, sadness, rebellious etc. There are only few people who are able to play the instruments they love while there are many people who only dream about playing. According to a research, 70 % adults wished that they could play a musical instrument (artifact australia). So, this is the evidence that ... Show more content on ... Musical tutoring center can become a trend among the universities. As, playing an instrument has already been proved to benefit a person, musical tutoring center can help student's reach the benefit by teaching instruments. Since, music tutoring center will also be conducting musical programs, it may help students connect socially which may prove beneficial for their major too. An ability of to play an instrument is considered highly by many people. This ability can open the door for a person to a new world which they would have never imagined. In the future, they can be running their own company and also performing in the musical programs. This would be something that is rarely found in a real–life situation. Musical tutoring center may have the ability to make Southeastern University the most demanded undergraduate university in the Louisiana State. Moreover, musical tutoring may prove to be a huge success and other university may also feel the necessity of the music tutoring ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Blastwave Fx Pros And Cons Case Study Audio Samples – Blastwave FX For the purpose of this assessment some of the sound effects were downloaded from Blastwave FX. These samples take away the difficult and time–consuming process of creating high quality sound design behaviours into games. Some of the samples were impossible to create with my budget (explosions, machine gun Blastwave protects its copyright by all necessary means, including legal action. BLASTWAVE FX, LLC END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Blastwave FX's royalty free products are sold with a lifetime non–transferable license for synchronization rights only. By accepting any Blastwave FX royalty free products, I acknowledged and agreed to the stated terms, conditions, and limitations of use. ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Aaron Burr Analysis The tone of any piece, whether it be spoken or written, attempts to achieve a goal through the emphasis on certain syllables. This is prevalent in modern songwriting and is shown very well in the music from the latest broadway craze, Hamilton. One specific song in which tone plays a key role is, "Aaron Burr, Sir". Throughout the song, it is clear that tone difference of dignified vs. unsophisticated from Aaron Burr and the group of John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, and Marquis de Lafayette shows a clear juxtaposition between the two groups. Firstly, there are many times when the tone of Aaron Burr came across as dignified. This is first seen in the following two lines from Burr himself: "While we're talking, let me offer you some free advice. ... Show more content on ... This is first shown in the first line from Laurens, "Yo yo yo yo yo!" This quote creates the unsophicated tone through Laurens's stressing of each yo in the line. This creates a choppy flow in the song showing a lack of eloquent speech. The repetition of the word, yo, also works to illistrate the unsophicated nature of the group in terms of their word choice. Laurens could have lead with another phrase to draw attention to himself, but instead chose more of a sound then a full phrase. This choppy stressing of words and the choice of those same words works to characterizes the trio as impulsive and ignorant. Another line that illustrated the unsophisticated tone of the group is from Laurens as well: "Two pints o' Sam Adams, but I'm workin'on three, uh! Those redcoats don't want it with me!" This quote illistrates the unsophicated tone of the group mostly through his word choice. Instead of saying that he had consumed two beers and was working on his third, he used a more vernacular, yet less sophisticated description with the words, Sam Adams, a known beer brand. Moreover, he goes on to again use a more vernacular word when calling the British forces, Redcoats. This characterizes the trio as more men of the people and commoners in terms of their language than members of the ruling elite. The final example of the ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Dr. Nettle-Personal Narrative INT. HOSPITAL BEDROOM – NIGHT Later. Eileen puts the card back on top of the stack of cards. EILEEN I won't be here tomorrow, but I still want you to practice these words. Eileen walks towards the door. Morris moves his mouth trying to pronounce the word cat. INT. HOSPITAL BEDROOM – DAY Caroline feeds Morris ice cream. He ate almost half of the ice cream. She is going to give him another scoop when he starts gagging up the ice cream. Caroline cleans his face. INT. HOSPITAL BEDROOM – NIGHT Boer walks into the room carrying ice cream. Morris finishes the ice cream. But he starts gagging. Boer wipes his face. Boer leaves and Morris continues practicing the words. Later. All the lights are shut off in Morris's room and he continues practicing the words. INT. ... Show more content on ... Dr. Nettle is outraged, he stands in the room yelling at Ruth. DR. NETTLE HE COULD'VE DIED! RUTH But he didn't. Dr. Nettle sees the empty milk shake cup laying on Morris's bed side table. Dr. Nettle furiously storms towards the door. He turns around facing Morris and Ruth. DR. NETTLE I'm going to make unexpected visits to Morris, if I find out that you brought him food from outside vendors you're fired. Ruths eyes expand from dismay. INT. REHABILITATION CENTER BEDROOM – DAY Eileen holds up a card to Morris. Card reads: Famished A tray of unopened baby food rests on Morris's bedside table. EILEEN It's two syllables but I think you could do it. Dr. Nettle pops his head into the room. He stares at the unopen tray of food. MORRIS (to Dr. Nettle) I'm s–sick of e–eat–ing h–hos–pi–tal food c–c–ca–n I–– DR. NETTLE This is not up for discussion, stick to the diet I ordered for you. MORRIS But I'm g–go–ing to s–st–star–– Dr. Nettle walks out of room, slamming the door shut behind him before morris finishes what he has to say. INT. YAFFNA'S PRIVATE PHYSICAL THERAPY ROOM – DAY Yaffna stares at her watch. Morris lays on his back on the table, his arm is slightly raised. YAFFNA (in Russian) ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Trench Monologue A short loud bang echoed through my ears and clumps of mud sprinkled on my pale skin like a cold shower. Edrenalin spreaded through my body faster than I could get up on my feet and look straight. The world was on mute, only a loud ringing whistle existed and it wasn't going away anytime soon. The high pitch sound was dampening and for some reason i was hoping to hear a familiar voice or sound that was of somewhat pleasing like my mother. But something more familiar started to come into reality, screaming. People were darting by me, like a sudden flash. I looked over to what they were doing, where they were going. And sure enough they were going over to the screams. A man who looked older than me was half submerged in mud and blood. He was ... Show more content on ... I reached down deep into my mind and dragged myself into reality. Back into this hell hole. I focused on my surroundings, i saw the soldiers loading the injured man onto a stretcher. I looked around and my gaze was then abruptly locked on to someone. He was staring in my direction, but it was like he was looking right through me at something behind me. His eyes were full of madness, like he'd had seen the devil. His smile.. It was unusually wide and his teeth were stained with brown and black muck. His expression was so animated like a cartoon, he didn't move, didn't blink. His breathing was light but it hissed through his teeth. A soldier picked him up and guided him somewhere with no resistance. A soldier must have seen the confusion on my face. He approached me in a few steps. "Poor man. Gets the best of us." I switched my attention to the him. " Excuse me." "That man who was staring at you, he was suffering from shell shock. I've heard from the nurses that it's extreme trauma that is becoming more common." "Is that so," i nearly felt surprised of not having to yell those few word. Time dragged on while getting real awkward. Finally he gave me a nod. "Good luck," an odd few words to say farewell but it was better than nothing. I thought over of how he knew that info from the nerses. Except for most of them being really pretty, they know a lot. They hear many stories of new weapons of devastation. There have been rumors of some weapon ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Papoer The Impact of Music on Language & Early Literacy: A Research Summary In Support of Kindermusik's ABC Music & Me The Impact of Music on Language & Early Literacy: A Research Summary In Support of Kindermusik's ABC Music & Me Introduction Early childhood classroom teachers believe in the power of music to engage children. What scientifically based research supports the use of music and musical instruction to build early literacy skills? This research summary answers that question, providing support to educators who wish to integrate music and musical instruction into their early language and literacy programs in schools. This research summary reviews high–quality experimental studies conducted in classrooms with young children ... Show more content on ... Researchers believe that music instruction impacts a student's brain functioning in processing language, which in turn impacts reading subprocesses like phonemic awareness and vocabulary. These subprocesses ultimately impact a student's ability to read with comprehension. Music Instruction Improves Verbal Memory Research Into Practice: ABC Music & Me Kindermusik's ABC Music & Me helps teachers engage young children in language– and literacy–rich musical activities that include playful instruction in foundational music skills and instrument exploration. Research suggests that engaging young children in these types of musical activities are correlated with later success in reading comprehension. Another way in which music instruction may positively impact reading ability is through increased verbal memory. The findings linking music training to verbal memory are important because verbal memory is essential for reading printed words with comprehension. As reading progresses to sentences and texts of greater lengths, verbal memory allows a child to retain material in memory as it is being read so that syntactic and semantic analyses necessary to comprehension can be performed. Verbal memory is essential for all children learning to read (Brady, 1991; Stone and Brady, 1995), and poor performance in verbal memory has been associated with reading disabilities for young children (Ackerman and Dykman, 1993; Cornwall, 1992; ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The GSM / GPS Module communication and the distance... The GSM / GPS Module communication and the distance Sensor, checking the car's distance from the surrounding cards so that the relay will be ON and turn off the engine. The goal to provide minimum 12 feet between the stolen car and the behind car The Choosing of the GSM/GPS to communicate with the Owner will provide a cheap, effective way to allow the owner to communicate with the stolen car. Also choosing the ultrasound distance sensor to provide the safe distance for the car to stop. Different Microcontroller alternative were available : PIC18F4550: Has large amounts of RAM memory for buffering and Enhanced Flash program memory make it ideal for embedded control and monitoring applications. Arduino Uno R3 (Atmega328): ... Show more content on ... In the following it is assumed that the Ardunio is able to capture time within a microsecond, therefore smallest measure of time is 0.000001 or 1micro second. Then form the law : Distance = 0.5 * Speed of Sound * ( smallest measurable time increment ) Distance= 0.5 * 344 * (0.000001) = 0.0002 meters Therefore Ideally, the displacement of an object, can be measured with a precision of about 0.2 millimeters. Considering Doppler effect may affect the Ultrasound sensor accuracy, therefore It is better to measure time difference with Ardunio instead measuring frequency. Since frequency can be expressed in terms of the time, (Frequency = 1/T). The relationship above can be expressed in terms of time instead of frequency, which mean: V = C * ( Ttx / Trx – 1 ) ..For the approaching car ( from back) V = C * ( 1 – Ttx / Trx ) .. For the retreating car (from front) Where : T = Time period between wave peaks C = Speed of sound V = Velocity of object Therefore practical consideration must done when using the Ardunio Uno with the Distance sensor to measure the safe distance 12 ft. and a safe velocity of minimum 15 mile/hour.:
  • 32. If the frequency of the transmitted wave is 40Khz, then the time period between peaks is 1/40000 equivalent to 25 microseconds. The Ardunio can only count to 25 in 25 microseconds. Ardunio can only tell that a wave front was received ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Jimin's Story: Uncovered From The Other Room Another crash reverberates from the other room. It's loud enough to hear of the sound of the music blasting out from his earphones, and Jimin flinches yet again. With a sight he cranks up the volume on his cheap MP3 player, and tries to curl up a little more, tucking his knees closer to his chest while praying that the sounds will soon cease. How many times had it been this week? Three? Four? He'd lost count on Wednesday, and it was now Friday. Today will be over soon too, and he'll have the whole weekend to suffer through – another silly game of hide and seek. But times ticking and he needs to set off to school soon. But there's no way he wants to risk being caught up in the cross fire taking place in the other room. Quietly he rises from his ... Show more content on ... Jimin's father is a drunk. He's always been a drunk for as long as Jimin can remember, and because of it he'd lost his job a couple of years ago. Jimin's mother says that's how it started, his father was stressed because of work, and so he's go to the pub after his shift and drink away his stress. So now they barley even have enough to make ends meet because of his poisonous habit. It might be awful to say, but Jimin hopes that one day the man will drink himself to death. At least that way his mother and he would be free. But there's another downside to his father's drinking, one that's much more physical. When he's drunk he becomes angry, angry enough to start lashing out at those closest. It's the reason he no longer goes out to the pub, having been thrown out multiple times for fighting. So now he simply sits in the flat on the sofa, drinking, and drinking, and drinking. His mother had long given up trying to get him to stop, it wasn't worth the extra bruises. She's tried many times to escape him too, but he always tracked her down, always dragged her back if she wasn't home on time. Now it was simply fear and debt that stopped her from leaving. The fear that he might do something to her ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. Personal Narrative: The Ghost The Ghost Whoosh!!! The faint sound of the arrow locked onto its kamikaze mission as it flew towards its unsuspecting target. Shhhhunk! The razor tip had found its mark! First was the soft skin, then the delicate rib meat. The lungs and top of the heart provided no resistance as the arrow followed its flight into the frosty ground. Intrigued yet? Let me tell you a story that will forever be etched into my young mind. The story of the Ghost! I first laid eyes on this elusive animal in late August. I had placed a trail camera in the middle of a cornfield in between a feeding source and a heavy thicket on a game trail that showed faint signs of use. I had been trekking into the area with the camera when I stumbled upon a buck track! Wooooo! ... Show more content on ... It's a big buck! The Ghost!!!!" Shaking I stuffed my cell phone into my pocket. He was moving to fast! There was no way I am going to be able to reach him with a grunt call in time. I snatched the grunt call out of the backpack and gave a heartily grunt! Errrph! Errrph! No response! "Come on deer! Stop for a second!" Errrph! Louder I blew on the grunt call. ERRRRPH! Skidding to a stop the buck attentively locked in on my location seeking the source of the grunt. Then he just turned and kept on his mission heading to the north–east just before he disappear into a valley. I figured it is all or nothing at this point, gun season was a few days away. I needed to get this deer's attention. I grunted hard again followed by a series of quick pleading grunts. Trying my best to sound like a mature buck who was courting a doe who was close to being bred. BAM! The grunts had finally reached his ears and pulled at the strings of his love sick heart! The buck skidded to a stop and aggressively charged in my direction! "Oh crap it's on like Donkey Kong!" I reached for my bow and checked my shooting lanes again, 20, 30, 40 and 50 yards. They were wide open and free of branches! I glanced back at the deer. He stood a mere 100 yards away glistening in the soft sun, like a lion daring his opponent to show his face. As that he might be whip him back into submission! Unbeknownst to him, I was waiting patiently, watching him as he entered the thicket. Reappearing on the other side, my ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Principal-Teacher Ratings During our pre observation conference, we discussed the performance of your class in based on literacy assessment. The assessment data reflected that most of your students know the letter names and some of the letter sounds. You also shared with me that the majority of students were to some extent familiarized with the reading strategies. We set expectations for the formal observation during the literacy bundle. We discussed the learning activities and small group instruction planned for the visit. On December 4th, I walked into your class to conduct the formal observation. Your class was sitting on the meeting area as you explained to them, "Today we are going to combine the two strategies. One is to observe the picture ... Show more content on ... They were using the academic vocabulary to practice the beginning sounds. Words cards were available with visuals to scaffold the letter/sound identification. After, you practice with them, students were asked to continue reading the text and practicing the strategies of observing the picture and making the first sound. Natalia and Isai worked together to identify the sounds using the alphabet chart provided. Shortly after, you began to assess students by asking various questions. You asked, "What word did you find? Can you read it for me? What strategy did you use?" As you moved around the groups, you used the assessment for learning checklist to collect evidence of their performance. In conclusion, you invited students to share how they use the strategy learned and practiced during the lesson. Maria read the word balloon because she looked at the picture and matched the sound. To summarize the lesson you shared with the students that good readers observe pictures and sounds the first letter of the words. During our post observation, I commend you for the following instructional practices that were evident in your classroom: 1. Effective lesson planning was evident. It included learning scaffolds, questions and many other components of thoughtful planning. 2. Explicit instruction provided during the lesson and small group instruction to model the expected learning outcome. It was clear and purposely presented ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. Creative Writing: The Cells Cold... why was it always so fucking cold... Cass curled up on her cot in a vain attempt to warm her body, pulling her knees to her chest and squeezing her eyes shut trying to fall asleep. She couldn't remember the last time she slept... honestly she couldn't even remember how long it had been since she woken up in the tiny cell that had become her home whether she liked it or not. Slowly she sat upright in her little cot and examined her "room". The Cells as far as she knew were all this tiny, one toilet, one meager little cot, no TV, no heater, not even a fucking pillow. The walls were made of grimy metal and the floor was concrete, with only a drain in the center of the cell to channel away any fluids should one of the captors commit suicide ... Show more content on ... 'wait... what?' She looked down at her arms and then at the door. The door was sealed firmly shut but she was not tied down heavily at all and a couple of firm wriggles after she was free of the table and with a drugged cry her body hit the cold floor. Surrounding her were the instruments that they had been using to poke and prod at her, some still covered in her own blood and of course that large syringe lying where it had been dropped. Free of her bonds she reached out and grabbed it, struggling to her feet and reaching down when her eyes noticed another peculiarity. Where the first Hazmat had been standing was a card, a keycard. She did not second–guess her lucky and quickly snatched it up, wobbling to the door and slashing the card, watching the door open and slipping out, following the wall around from the sounds of battle further inside. The place did look like a creepy hospital, the walls were all clean and at least this area seemed totally abandoned. Still recovering from the sedatives, the young woman struggled her way down the hall, seeking anything that resembled an exit and only pausing to the nausea and ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Edgar Wright's Film, Come On, Baby Driver Come On, Baby Baby Driver is an 2017 film that follows the predicament of a heist getaway driver named Baby who plays music while he drives to drown out the ringing in his ears. Director Edgar Wright edited every scene to follow the music, and the title card introduces the dangerous, yet colorful story ahead. "Driver" appears as the horizontal bars move across the screen from left to right, and then "Baby" afterwards from right to left. The black and orange coupled with the capitalized typeface suggests that the movie will be bold and dangerous. Their linear direction and position are like the movement of a car, confirmed by the first word "Driver." The fact that "Driver" first appears shows what the first impression of Baby Driver should ... Show more content on ... Usually a long take would be used to build tension in a scene, as the camera usually follows one aspect or object as it moves through a setting. This two minutes and forty–five seconds tracking shot is less about building up tension and more about a cycle of Baby leaving and coming back to the criminal headquarters. A scene afterwards reveals that Baby is the coffee retrieving boy of the group and often goes on these runs. The cyclic nature can reveal how Baby, in the story, wants to leave his life of crime but comes back to the job every time. In fact, the beginning and ending point of this scene is a revolving door – something that someone uses to move and change, but cannot be fully shut or stopped. The scene unfolds as Baby goes to get coffee and is inverted as he comes back. However, this particular time, the coffee run is different, because he spots the ever beautiful Debora for the first time. The walls and scenery change on his way back, such as his black heart on the wall behind him in the shop turning red. He begins his coffee run happily swaying perfectly in time with the music, like how he begins the movie, securely living as a pawn to criminals as a getaway driver. However, once he sees Debby, he walks out of the coffee shop to immediately run into a cop. Seeing Debby immediately puts obstacles in his path, and on the walk back to the building, he has lost his swagger and fumbles into people and scurries in a panic. This directly echoes part of the story where Baby's choosing of Debby and his own happiness brings him closer to being caught by police and losing ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Essay about Cmis 102 Hw 2 CMIS 102 Homework 2 Problem Analysis In order to calculate the total price to purchase all the components required to build a state–of–the–art gaming computer, state–of–the–art must be defined. For the purposes of this program design, state–of–the–art is defined as a set of computer components that are capable of operating current games to a satisfactory level. A sample of minimum and recommended hardware requirements for modern games was taken and a baseline established for components that satisfy those requirements. Additional hardware was selected that exceeds the requirements to establish options representing mid–range and bleeding–edge components. These three sets of components were researched online to determine prices ... Show more content on ... These tasks directly correspond to the modules of our design. An input module will display a list of 11 drop down boxes, one for each component type. Each drop–down box will contain the options available for that component type, with the baseline category option as the default. A calculation module will look up the prices for the selected components in the database and compute the sum total. A display module will output the result to the user. A main module will tie the other modules together and coordinate the calling of each module and the data passed between them. MAIN_MODULE: /* Set the defaults to baseline components */ SET selectedComponents = baselineComponents CALL INPUT_MODULE SET totalPrice = CALCULATE_MODULE CALL DISPLAY_MODULE(totalPrice) INPUT_MODULE: FOR EACH component type get list of components from the database of TYPE component type populate the combo box for component type with the list of components of that type END FOR /* Wait for the user to finish input then store the selections */ SET selectedComponents = values of the drop down boxes RETURN CALCULATE_MODULE: SET totalPrice = 0 FOR EACH component IN selectedComponents SET currentComponentPrice = look up the PRICE of the component in the database totalPrice = totalPrice + currentComponentPrice END FOR RETURN totalPrice ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Crystal And Lily: Personal Interpretation Of Music Composer Ned Rorem once said, "The hardest of all the arts to speak of is music, because music has no meaning to speak of" (Rorem 1). He has a point. What is the meaning of music? It is truly all up to personal interpretation. However, where does that interpretation come from? Generally, music makes everyone feel the same things. Sad music makes people cry. Scary, shrill music gives people goosebumps and makes them jump. However, when looking at individual songs and individual people, it is clear that music affects everyone differently. Crystal and Lily are sisters and are great examples of this concept. Crystal likes hard rock, ACDC, anything with a blaring guitar and head– banging tempo. Lily likes songs that come from musicals, The King and I and The Sound of Music are her favorites, ... Show more content on ... Crystal has become more and more closed and lingers around the house all day. Lily has become controlling and constantly cleans just to give her hands something to do. Both girls on their worst days when there is nothing to clean, and nowhere to go, sit in their shared bedroom with headphones in listening to their respective music. Sometimes they will play cards while alternating through each other's play lists. Crystal thinks musicals are boring, and Lily gets annoyed with rock; however, they know how much that music means for the other sister and they sit through it. For these girls, music is the glue holding them together while their world is falling apart. Now think about the mall, dentist's office, parades, the streets of a city, the theatre, and grocery stores; music is played all around. As it turns out, there is actually science behind how people react to music, and there are some unique variables that leave the meaning of music undefined. While everyone has their own tastes in music and reacts differently to it, one should understand how music can deeply affect various ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. An Analysis Of Music Will Heal By Rachel M. Harper Music Will Heal Sound is what makes everything come alive. From when an infant in the womb becomes familiar to their mother's voice. Noise can have a great effect on humans, especially music. Music can speak louder than words, particularly in certain situations where they may not be able to express what they are feeling. It is incredible how many sounds and voices put together can have a special connection to emotions, and bring back memories. Music is a language everyone can understand and relate to. Poet Rachel M. Harper, uses the idea of music to let readers into her childhood. Harper dedicated the poem to her father, who has a significant part in her life, since he is the only parent she has left. In the beginning, she compares music to her characteristics passed on from her father. "If music can be passed on like brown eyes or a strong left hook this melody is my inheritance" (Harper, 1–4). Music can easily be passed along just as her eyes, it seems like she is using metaphors to compare music to memories. Meaning she can easily pass along her memories she and her father have created. She then brings back a memory of a November day when she recalls her "brother dealing cards from an incomplete deck" (Harper, 14–15). She seemed to not care if the cards were incomplete, however, it ... Show more content on ... Harper's mother has left her family behind, without an explanation. I can imagine how terrible it must have been for her to lose her mother. Her mother was not taken away, she had chosen to leave. Usually a child needs their mother, for warmth and comfort, and Harper lost the feeling of security she had with her mother around, all she has left is her memories. "Songs without lyrics can still be sung" (Harper, 25–26). Her memories with her mother can still be remembered, without her there. With her mother gone, the only parent figure she has is her ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. 9/11 Short Stories Another crash reverberates from the other room. It's loud enough to hear of the sound of the music blasting out from his earphones, and Jimin flinches yet again. With a sight he cranks up the volume on his cheap MP3 player, and tries to curl up a little more, tucking his knees closer to his chest while praying that the sounds will soon cease. How many times had it been this week? Three? Four? He'd lost count on Wednesday, and it was now Friday. Today will be over soon too, and he'll have the whole weekend to suffer through – another silly game of hide and seek. But times ticking and he needs to set off to school soon. But there's no way he wants to risk being caught up in the cross fire taking place in the other room. Quietly he rises from ... Show more content on ... Jimin offers for him to comes and live with him, but then he remembers his homes pretty much a warzone, and so quickly retracts the idea. It's not like his father would have allowed it anyway. So he's left to hold Teahyung's hand as they stand in front of his family's graves, staring at cold stones that can't talk back, can't offer any protection. But then he disappears for a couple of days, and Jimin worries as he watches the empty desk next to him at school. Maybe Taehyung had run away. Gone off in search of a better life elsewhere – lord knows he deserved it. However three days later he shows up again, that hollow look in his eyes still there, but maybe a little less obvious now. He'd been sent to a local orphanage, the people in charge having finally figure out what to do with him. Taehyung says it's nice there, and the other kids aren't too bad. Jimin feels a little better knowing he's actually being looked after now. He figures he doesn't have to fret as much. But five years later the same hell he's suffered before repeats in the form of Taehyung's 18th birthday. He has to leave the ... Get more on ...
  • 51.
  • 52. 9/11 Short Stories Now far enough away from the night club opening, Jessie could hear the distinct sound of a woman screaming. The heart wrenching sound made her stop mid step. Cold terror washed over her as she neared the corner of the alley and peered around it. There were distinct shapes – someone on the ground writhing in pain, one cowering against the wall, and three that approached her. She heard the poor woman crying out for help and saw one of the advancing shadows reach a hand up to strike her across the face. Nausea broiled in the put of her stomach and Jessie took a cautious step in. For a moment she weighed her options – trying to decide what to do. Did she fight or did she fly? Whatever – or rather whoever she thought she saw obviously wasn't real. There was no Superman. But this woman still needed help. Jessie clung to her phone as though it was a bludgeoning weapon and dialed 911. She took a step forward – about to call out to the attackers – when another shadow landed in front of her. ... Show more content on ... Instead her attackers were shrieking and blindly stabbing into the darkness, trying to attack the one attacking them. The woman dropped to her knees in terror, but Jessie never dropped her gaze. One by one the attackers fell to the cacophony of bones snapping, blood splattering against the stone walls, and howls of agony. The 'hero's' cloak swept around his body as he fought them, the edges of it stained in their blood, and in the distant moonlight Jessie could just make out his face – the deep blue eyes devoid of any light, warmth, or ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. College Admissions Essay: Acoustic Craftsmanship Music ˈmyü–zik n: the art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color. Yes, this is what music is, but for me it's more than just this. In addition to this academic meaning, music is the joy of creating sounds of any sort with the purpose of expression. It's the interpersonal connections formed by the mutual enjoyment of acoustic craftsmanship. Music has taken a leading role in my life, as much of my activities are music based. One recent event that exemplifies my heightened interest and considerable talent in music is my success in the University of New Hampshire's Summer Youth Music School (SYMS). When I was introduced to this camp–like program by my band teacher, I wasn't sure what to expect. All I knew was that a wide variety of music classes would be available and its location. I knew nothing of the difficulty of music, the quality of faculty, the living conditions, the food, the entertainment. Unsure of the ... Show more content on ... The registration line was much longer than expected, indicating a large number of fellow campers. When I made it to the trombone line, I overheard remarks about how this year had more trombones than usual, indicating heightened competition. There were over 250 musicians of all sorts, of which 14 were trombone players. Next I learned of recreation and other campers. My friend group was playing frisbee on the grass as another group of campers, who we would become close friends with, approached us and asked to join in, which speaks to the pleasant and friendly attitude created by the happy campers. Through SYMS I made many like–minded friends which I hope to keep for a long time. In addition to frisbee were such activities as four square, volleyball, ping pong, wii, and more, not to mention countless board games and card games. These would entertain me and the other campers in the evening and strengthen the bonds between ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. Meaning Of Music In Chicago What is music? Music in the dictionary means an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color; the tones or sounds employed, occurring in single line (melody) or multiple lines (harmony), and sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or instruments, or both. Music in essences has a versatile aspect that cannot be defined to real musicians as the quoted definition from the dictionary. The real definition of music is what every single individual who listens, plays, or sings it can describe what music is to them and the true meaning of it. Understanding what music is to everyone is key to unlocking the reasons of why there are so many genres of music ... Show more content on ... Rich was born and raised here in Chicago on the south side; and is twenty–four years old, and has three other siblings. Rich has a unique gift of being able to play the guitar, drums, and also sings in English and Spanish for his band. The band consists of three other members who have also been raised on the Chicago south side. He like everyone else in the band have their respective daytime jobs or according to Rich, "the we haven't made it yet jobs," while pursing their goals of being able to be known by everyone in and around the Indi–rock scene. In my interview many questions about the sub–genre of Indi–rock were answered through choice of selection of what I wanted to know about Indi–rock. From this interview I was able to derive my research question and further purse knowledge on the topic, which led me to research the Indi–rock scene in Mexico, and here in ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. Sound of Waves Sound of Waves Test Answer each of the following questions thoroughly. I will be grading on thoughtfulness and how well you explain your answer. For the factual questions, you just need to get it correct. This first section does not need as much explanation, you may give a short response. Why was Shinji's mother angry when she first received Hiroshi's post card? She was angry because Hiroshi had sent her an expensive post card, and she said "kids these days don't know the value of money. What kind of job does Shinji's mother do? What is the name of Shinji's boat? Where is the setting? it takes place after the war, on an island called Uta–jima. Why does the mom cry when Shinji reads the letter from his brother? Shinji's ... Show more content on ... What does it mean to have "get up and go"? get up and go means to not be so hesitant and quickly go for the gold. to act quickly and boldly, be brave, but not stupid. if you can do that you can achieve things that other people wish they could. How does social class affect the way that people see each other? social class makes the upper class think they are better than us and rich, and lower class makes people feel down and poor. social class affects us a lot. social class is like racism. we think differently of each other. Shinji is a low class, while Hatsue is of High class but both yet seem to find ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. The Importance Of Literacy Instruction In Education Introduction Literacy instruction is a large focus to the curriculum we as educators follow at Remsen Elementary. Remsen strives for excellence in literacy education and provides a variety of instruction literacy plans in order to support student learning. As stated by our district, "Explode the Code", Wilson's Fundations (grade K–3), Leveled Literacy Intervention Curriculum, and Literacy Centers are used with fidelity. Along with these primary instructional resources, interventions and supplemental learning opportunities help teachers to monitor student progress closely through a carefully conceived, supported, and sustained Response to Intervention program (elementary level), and the use of purposeful and comprehensive assessment and progress monitoring program (grade PK–12) to measure student growth and achievement. Furthermore, our "Guide to Response to Intervention (RTI) and Instruction" details our full curricula and materials at REMSEN, PK–12" (REFERENCE WEBSITE). Through my experience teaching the Fundations Wilson Language phonics program and my conversations with our literacy teacher and fellow kindergarten teacher, Remsen has invested much time into implementing this program school wide with the belief that a separate phonics time aside from English language arts instruction is of great benefit to students. Through my classroom observations and discussions with our K–3 literacy teacher as well as other K–3 teachers, Fundations Wilson Language Program is designed ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Effect Of Music Therapy On Cognition The Effect of Music Therapy on Cognition in Children with Retts Syndrome Brandon Akers Arkansas State University Author Note This research is proposed to better understand the impact of music therapy on cognition in children with Retts Syndrome. The knowledge presented is based on my own findings from a review of the empirical and theoretical literature relevant to this topic. It is important to study the effect music therapy has on Retts Syndrome candidates in order to better teach necessary knowledge needed in life. If the reader has any questions through the reading of this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact me at Due December 6, 2016 Abstract Through research it was found children with Retts Syndrome improve from different methods of music therapy. These children have many different complications with everyday activities, which include hand movement and physical contact. While, music therapy has been found to help these aspects of life in positive ways the cognition part has not yet been researched. This study aims to focus on cognitive ability to relate an instruments name to the sound and appearance it has. A six month study will be conducted with five Retts Syndrome children of both genders. The triangle, piano and drum will be present in this pattern. The name of the instrument will be said and played for the first month. The name of the instrument will be in front of each instrument on a notecard. The next two months the ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Essay about The Rat Catcher's Revenge- Creative Writing It all started at the old pub belonging to Jack Martin. The Jokers pub has been empty for more than two years, there is stood faded and detached, away from the lights and next to a canal. Its gloom was added by foliage gone wild. A few windows had been shattered and its once open doors were now boarded by rotting timbers covered in rolls of moss and unsuspecting fungi. The undergrowth was tall and trees hid the upper floor. Inside hung tattered curtains stained with years of tobacco smoke. An equally worn patterned carpet was partially covering the lounge bar floor. A couple of chairs were stacked in the corners; they were covered in the same vinyl fabrics as used in the fifties. The ... Show more content on ... This Friday seemed darker then ever. My watch only showed 19.30 pm as I sat in the chair with my back to the bar. The rain had been torrential for the past twenty–four hours and still falling. I could hear different noises that night. The rain was coming in through the broken windows but there seemed to be a different sort of sound inside the room. The carpet had squeaked when I made my way in and although it was a definite sound of water I couldn't make out the sound itself. The darkness became more intense than the sound, and then the sound became more intense than the darkness. "What was happening?" I could no longer se then windows. My eyes were stonily fixed to the floor. The carpet began to rise. The noise became so deafening even with my whole hands over my ears; its fierceness would not stop. Then it began, this pungent smell. Then it registered in my mind. I was alongside the canal and it was raining. I relaxed, and then I jumped. The noise had changed, I could hear squealing. The squealing of a lot of rats! I could only hear the rats, not see. I froze on the chair. The chain began to shake, my whole body started to shake. One rat was now gnarling my leg. My scream broke the silence; my second scream broke the darkness. "So Jack you thought you'd get away with it did you?" came a voice behind the bar. "Get ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. Reflection About Dreams Mrs. Hecht's class of six third grade students were involved in an interactive chant on the computer when I arrived to the classroom. The music was turned up loud and each student giggled, wiggled, and counted by fours to the beat. As the music ended, Mrs. Hecht introduced me to the class stating, "Say good morning to Mrs. Hendrickson." All of the students enthusiastically bellowed their friendly greetings, and I replied, "Good morning, Mrs. Hecht's class!" I wrote the stimulus word, "dreamed" on the board as an icebreaker to begin today's section of the ongoing literature focus unit. I let them know that the characters in our book had dreams, and I posed the question, "Have you ever dreamed about a big event that you had coming up?" ... Show more content on ... Of the ten cards, the students were unable to pronounce seven of the one and two syllable words, such as jumped, nodded, and pulled. After giving phonetic cues, sometimes of every sound within a word, the students were more able to sort the words according to sound, albeit with assistance and scaffolding. The last portion of the word sort was to pronounce the sounds and the words that fit within the groups. Before the students returned to their normal seating, they went to their cubbies and the class bin to collect their copies of E.B. White's, Charlotte's Web and the vocabulary study packet provided by their teacher. I placed a white board with the letters K, W, and L printed on sticky notes in front of them. Each student was given one of the vocabulary words from the story. I introduced the K–W–L activity, and the students were excited to have their individual opportunities to come to the front and place their words in the appropriate column. There were three vocabulary words ending with –ed, pummeled, lacerated, and detected. I asked the students if they noticed that some of the words ended alike, and they were happy to point out the –ed pattern. We individually discussed the definitions of each the words and gave examples of each. The students had some ideas for meanings of a few of the words, but, for the most part, they had never seen or heard any of the new words. The word "humble" was the single word placed in the K ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Unit 1 Assignment 1-ADC: An Electronic Circuit 1– ADC is an electronic circuit which transforms analog signals such as a sound picked by a microphone or light entering a digital camera to digital output, to binary number's system. DAC does the reverse of ADC. Inputs are binary numbers and outputs are an analog voltage or current signal. Generally, both ADC and DAC are used in many applications. For example, the voice is converted into an analog electrical signal by a microphone, then the analog signal is converted to a digital stream by an ADC. After some operations on computer, DAC converts this back into an analog electrical signal, which drives an audio amplifier and loudspeaker, and finally sound is produced. Applications: For DAC: Most of audio signals are stored in digital form (for ... Show more content on ... In this mode, screen is blank until trigger event occurs. If oscilloscope finds a trigger, then it acquires and displays one triggered screen of signal and then stops. 5– In order to produce correct waveform, oscilloscope probes must be properly compensated. In other words, proper match of the input impedance of the oscilloscope's vertical input channel circuitry is required. Overcompensated Compensated correctly Undercompensated 6– AC coupling blocks the DC component of a signal. Therefore, we see the waveform shifted down and centered at 0 volts. 7– Digital oscilloscopes have a special feature called horizontal trigger position control. When we change the position of it, we can see the preceding signal before triggering event called pre–trigger viewing. When we select pre–samples, the record length that counts the number of samples measured will divide into pre and post triggering ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Last Minutes Creative Writing Let's Go For Some Last Minutes Not a single voice is heard as the evening shift begins to end. Pacing. After a long evening of checking the time constantly, being pestered about CDs and photos, walking around in circles trying to find something to do, and hearing the crying of silver platter babies, the only thing that is worth being excited for is the glorious beeping sound when you swipe your card on the punch machine and your name and hour is followed soon after. Nothing could be better than that sweet sound, the sense of exploding freedom coming from a mere machine. It leads to wonderful things, such as getting home and finally being able lay down after a long five hours. Out of habit, fingers begin to inch towards the laptop mouse pads ... Show more content on ... Our breathing slows until it is no longer audible or felt, and a slight twitch at the corner of our lips makes us feel as though the most relaxing, and beautiful thing is on its way to grace its presence to those in need. At ten to, that inner peace is ruined by the sound of footsteps that are not our own, and our eyes widen at the realization that someone has come to steal our hard–earned freedom away. Clients. Shit! We try to hide ourselves behind counters and unused products, but to no avail; their strained voices pull at our senses, making us paralyzed, vulnerable to their attacks. We try to gear up as much as we can, allowing our battle faces to take over our features in hopes that it will scare the enemy away, to make them retreat, but all it does is fuel them more, and our energy is immediately drained. They stand tall, ready to hit us with their finishing move; the interest and demand for a demo TV. We look at each other, the fear hugging our features. It is now five minutes to the end of our shift, and the desire to have a TV that's been running for a year would only extend that wait time. They insist, continuously jabbing at our defence line. What should we do? Our health continues to diminish by the second, our swords no longer sharp enough to attack. They hit us one more time with their finishing move, and it is now closing time. We look at the TV, ... Get more on ...
  • 71.
  • 72. I Feel That This Assessment Overall Went Pretty Well I feel that this assessment overall went pretty well. Miss. S. had me work with three students individually, and these students ranged from high performance to low performance. I thought this was a good choice so I could experience difference between the different developmental levels of the students. I performed the assessment on October 14th of 2016, in Miss. S's classroom during the student's free choice time. Of the three students that participated, one of the students receives speech therapy. The first student that I assessed was Child 1, and he doesn't receive extra services. Johnathan did really well overall, but did struggle with some words. I feel that Johnathan could have taken his time more and really focused on sounding the words out before saying what he thought they were. I did noticed that the mixed up and mistaken some of the vowels. When I performed the spelling test at the end, Johnathan had trouble with the word you. When he started to spell the word he started with "OU," but then he corrected himself and spelt the word correctly. I still marked the word as incorrect since he started spelling the word wrong. The second student that I assessed was Child 2, and he receives speech therapy. I didn't complete the assessment because Derek was struggling and wasn't close to saying the words that I was pointing to. When saying some of the words he was either correct or very close. With some of the words he was questioning himself whether he was right or ... Get more on ...
  • 73.
  • 74. Self Assessment Report Sample Subjective: The client was cooperative during the session. The client came into the session with a positive attitude she was very compliant and egger. Her positive attitude made the session transition and flow smoothly. Objective: Goal 1: The client will produce /l/ within consonant clusters given visual and verbal stimulus with 80% accuracy cues. Data: The client was provided with different stimuli picture cards to assist the client to produce the /l/ within consonant cluster. The client was able to produce the /l/ in isolation. The client successfully produced the first two target words which were "clock" and "floor" the client was provided with visual and verbal cues. When the client would answer incorrectly, the clinician would re–teach ... Show more content on ... Approach/Technique/Cue Used: The approach that was used throughout the session was Traditional Approach. The client was producing the /l/ within consonant clusters therefore this approach strengthening and stabilizing the correct production. It gave the clinician the ability to teach the client the proper placement of the articulators. Assessment: In the first goal, the clinician would show the client one picture card at a time and ask the client "Can you tell me what this is?" The picture cards had the name of the target words which included a picture to assist the client identify the word. The clinician began the therapy by asking the client to produce the /l/ sound. The client was able to spontaneously produce the /l/ phoneme. The clinician then placed her tip of her tongue on the bumps behind her front teeth in order to produce the /l/ sound. The clinician then asked the client to repeat the same procedure. The clinician asked the client if she was able to feel the bumps that are located on the roof of her mouth. After the explanation the clinician told the client to relax and place her hands on her lap. The clinician demonstrated how the air passes around the tongue and out through the mouth using verbal and ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Support Academic Skills Academics: 53. Talk Pad: This device can be useful in helping a child with phonics. The button can be prerecorded with a sound from 3–4 "sound" words. Then, the child chooses the card to match with the recorded sound. 54. Voice In The Box: Can be used many ways to support academic skills. 55. Overhead projector: Some benefits to using an overhead projector are the following: a. Allowing the child to do math work on overhead transparencies; b. Teaching the child spelling words via the overhead projector; c. Focusing on reading comprehension by having the child fill–in–the blank for various questions regarding understanding of previously read materials; d. Focusing on mechanics of writing using the overhead projector. "High" Tech ... Show more content on ... Video Taping: Students with autism are motivated and attentive to videos. They especially enjoy the repetitive viewing due to "predictability." a. Language comprehension skills: Videotaping can be used to teach receptive vocabulary skills and to complete various routines. b. Social skills: Video taped segments can be made of social areas in which the child is struggling with. Non–verbal social communications can also be taught through videotaping. Moreover, videotapes can be used to demonstrate how to interact in various social situations. c. Expressive language skills: Video tapes can be used to teach expressive vocabulary skills the same way as receptive vocabulary skills. d. Self–help skills: Videotape can demonstrate skills such as getting dress, brushing your teeth and more. e. Emotions: People's facial expressions at various emotional state can be recorded to demonstrate emotions/feelings. f. Academics: Academic writing skills such as drawing and writing the alphabet can also be demonstrated through videos. 57. Computers: Students with autism are highly motivated by computers. Camilla K. Hileman (11) states that computers are motivating to children with autism, due to their predictability and consistency, compared to the unpredictable nature of human ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Personal Narrative Fiction moved closer to her, the car door between us as she fiddled around inside, looking for something. I leaned my ass against the door and folded my arms under my chest, glancing around to look for anyone. All I saw was a group of people leaving the restaurant and heading for their cars, directly across from me in the main parking lot. "Found it!" Eliza said excitedly, standing up and closing the door away from my ass. Eliza placed what she had found on the hood of the car, her hands circling around it tightly to keep me from seeing what it was. I heard some unwrapping, like the sound of a plastic bag being opened, followed by a slight sound of something that sounded like sand being poured out. Standing up on my tip toes (not an easy feat when you are in heels!), I saw what it was: cocaine. ... Show more content on ... There was a small pile of white powder on top of the car. I wouldn't call it enough to OD on, but it was certainly noticeable from where I was. Eliza cut out four lines with her credit card, lining them up so that they were directly beneath her face. Without even looking, she reached BACK into her purse and pulled out a $100 dollar bill, all neatly rolled up and circular as a tube. Wasting no time, Eliza tucked one end into her nose and then lowered her face over the drug, snorting up loudly. One of the white lines vanished from the car top, only a few stray specks of the coke lingering where the powder had been just seconds earlier. Eliza leaned her head back and held it there, her eyes closed and a slight bit of powder coating the base of one of her nostrils. I saw her swallow a few times, and then a pleasant sigh escaped from her lips. She lowered her head down slowly and turned to look at ... Get more on ...