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Nuclear Proliferation Essay
Nuclear Proliferation
Andrew Jackson's farewell address to the nation, he stated, "We shall more certainly preserve peace when it is well understood that we are prepared
for war," (Political Quotations #3719). The United States has always throughout history been a major military power from the use of abnormal tactics
during the Revolutionary War (1776) to the use of its technology and advanced weapons in the Persian Gulf War (1991). After World War II and the
Cold War Era, the United States has been able to defend its citizens from any form of a military attack from the sea, air, and the ground on the eastern
and western seaboards. With the development of the intercontinental ballistic missiles, the United States was now unable to ... Show more content on ...
Then during the Persian Gulf War the Patriot Missile System was used to shoot down Iraq's SCUD missiles flying towards other nations. (Kitfield
119–121). The system's history started in 1983 with Ronald Reagan's speech, but was only used during the 1991 Persian Gulf War in a reduced in the
form, of the Patriot Missile system to defend nation of Israel.
The American people feel the system is unnecessary for the protection of the mainland United States. The United States is currently unable of
intercepting a ballistic missile warhead once it has been deployed against the United States (Freeman 37+). Along with these threats from the former
Soviet Union States the United States now has to worry about such "Rogue nations" like North Korea, Iran and Iraq. During the 1990's, some experts
believed that it would take such "rogue nations" at least a decade to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the continental
United States. (Kitfield 111–112). Paul Freeman reported "Most Americans, however, believe that there is adequate capability of defend their homeland
against a ballistic missile attack. (37+). The American people do not believe that these "rogue nations" have the capability to destroy American cities.
The threat is there the question is not there capably but their willingness to use nuclear or chemical weapons against
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The Air Defense Missile System
You know who is a pain in the neck? Terrorists, they are hard to get rid of. Currently in Syria is the terrorist group named Isis. A nasty group of
individuals that are about to have what is coming to them. As an American soldier when I hear any news about these coward killing innocent people,
it turns my stomach worse than spoiled milk, there will be rest for the wicked this time because we will put them to rest! And a big help is from Air
Defense. Isis doesn't stand a chance with Russia and America against them. Some of the systems that Russia has dealing with Air defense they already
deployed the s–400 to Syria. HomeNews
Russia deploys cutting–edge S–400 air defense system to Syrian base after Su–24 downing An S–400 air defence missile ... Show more content on ...
The S–400 is the most advanced anti–aircraft defense system in Russia, and is unparalleled in the world.
It's designed to ensure air defense using long– and medium–range missiles that can hit aerial targets, including tactical and strategic aircraft as well as
ballistic and cruise missiles, at ranges of up to 400 kilometers.
The system consists of a set of radars, missile launchers and command posts, and is operated solely by the Russian military.
The Russian S–300PMU–1 TMD System
The proliferation of ballistic and cruise missiles has created interest in theater missile defense (TMD). The objective of a TMD system is to defend
against missile attacks. Such a system might be configured to protect an area as small as a city or port, or as large as several thousand square
kilometers. It could provide protection for civilian populations as well as military forces. Providing effective TMD would require a seamless network
of early warning sensors, command posts, fire–control radars, and anti–missile missiles.
Although defensive in nature, the deployment of a TMD system may catalyze threats to international peace and security by upsetting a regional balance
of military forces, undercutting other states ' deterrent capabilities, or by protecting forces that can be used for offensive purposes. TMD deployment
may therefore spur an unstable
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Star Wars Argumentative Analysis
When Ronald Reagan unveiled the Strategic Defense Initiative, the whole world laughed. The movie Star Wars had just come out, and the
description of this new laser defense system seemed more at home on the screen of a science fiction movie than in the arsenal of the American
military. People today still call the plan absurd, but is it really? Well, the technology is still not quite to the level that Ronald Reagan had hoped in his
speech, but it is not as far–fetched as one would think. In fact, this idea actually has paved the way for very similar systems that have been protecting
Americans and other civilians for years now. So, what was the Strategic Defense Initiative and how did it evolve, how was it accepted, and what
equivalent do ... Show more content on ...
Today, we have in place multiple systems that do the job that Ronald Reagan dreamed about– the two most important being the Patriot Missile Defense
system, and the Defense Support Program. The Patriot Missile defense system is a short–range, mobile missile defense system that has been used in the
military for quite some time now. It is carried around on the back of a military vehicle, and can detect missiles from 50 miles out (that seems like a
very long distance, but most missiles travel at around 1 mile per second), and shoot them down before they get near wherever the vehicle is stationed
and trying to protect. Such missile defense systems have been leased to allies, and even used in recent wars in the Middle
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Essay The Anti-Ballistic Missile Debate
At the beginning of our time on this earth, mankind was learning to stand up. Upon walking a good many steps on this world, mankind moved
across the lands living off of its fruit and meat. Then we decided to stop moving and mankind developed cultivation skills to better serve us. Since
then mankind has grown by leaps and bounds over the kingdoms and empires of old. Growth was spurred by conquest. It was almost as if man was
born to kill or be killed. Although riddled with turmoil the age that would surpass these days would always be over the cliff of a far horizon. These
events passed in cycles. Peace to follow war. Aggression came from suppression. Mankind moved through the agricultural revolution and the... Show
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It includes the same radars, the same rockets, and largely the same deployment which was contemplated for the "heavy" defense. Safeguard continues
to look like a first step toward a much bigger, more expensive and still ineffective system."(York 213)
This brings me to my first point: cost. The ABM appeared to have all the characteristics of a solution in search of a problem. This characteristic shows
up all too often in defense research and development programs, especially in the field of nuclear weaponry. A possibly fundamental reason why the
ABM decision came up in 1969 was that ten years earlier Secretary of Defense McElroy, in dividing up the space and missile roles and missions
among the three services, assigned the ABM to the Army as its only sophisticated missile program. This decision created a situation in which for
many years the lives and careers of many able persons had been closely entwined with the life and fate of one single program: the Army's ABM. This
not only included the civilians employed in the program office and by the main contractors, it also included uniformed personnel and a slew of
part–time advisers at all levels. The testimony given by persons who were part–time advisers to the defense establishment and who were also in favor
of the
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President Ronald Reagan National Missile Defense
National Missile Defense
Historical Perspective On March 23, 1983, through a nationally televised address to the nation, then President Ronald Reagan envisioned a "Star Wars"
defense system to replace the existing element of mutual deterrence between the two Cold War superpowers. The system calls for a high–tech
impenetrable ballistic missile shield for the United States. The speech marks the birth of the Strategic Defense Initiative1 (SDI). It came about when the
Soviets then had numerical advantage over the United States in ballistic missiles that are increasingly accurate and powerful. In fact, the Soviets has
the ability to overwhelm the United States' missiles on the ground should a conflict ever occur. Arms race is a... Show more content on
Unfortunately, some of these nations are not in concert with the goals and vision United States has for world peace. In fact, they oppose United States'
growing influence in their region and view the presence of United States an obstacle to fulfilling their own regional agenda. They harbor anger and
contempt towards the United States for its role. Furthermore, today's environment provides increasing accessibility to technology, information and
expertise to design, build and deliver weapons of mass destruction that can threaten our security. There exists an immediate need to address our nation's
capability to defend itself competently in the event of a missile attack from these nations.
The recent years has also seen the emergence of many groups that embrace terrorism. The world witnessed in pure anger the events of September 11,
2001. Also, mindless suicidal bombings on streets and shopping malls full of innocent civilians constantly filled our news. These acts underscore the
undivided intent of groups to disrupt world peace at any cost. Accordingly, these groups have expressed interest in acquiring chemical, biological or
nuclear capabilities to further enhance their ability to terrorize. Their indiscriminate use of these new abilities threatens our interest at home and aboard.
In 1999, then President Clinton signed into law "The National Missile Defense Act of 1999"2 that allowed the United States to deploy a National
Missile Defense (NMD) when technologically
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Essay about The Missile Defense System of the United States
The Missile Defense System of the United States
When Ronald Reagan was in the Presidency, he and his staff came up with the idea for a missile defense system that would defend the country in the
event of a nuclear missile attack. This system was named "Star Wars" and the basic principal behind it was that it would be a shield that covered all
fifty states. However, government officials soon realized that Reagan's defense system was impossible to build, so the program was dropped, but the
idea to defend the country against a missile attack stuck around. Today, the U. S. Government is trying to build a new, more realistic missiledefense
system. However, not all the problems have been worked out, and the U. S. Government ... Show more content on ...
Another one of its missions is to "develop and maintain the option to deploy a cost effective, operationally effective, and Anti–Ballistic Missile Treaty
compliant system" that could protect the states against a country that may pose a threat. The most important part of this is definitely the protection of
all the states against a missile attack. In order to make a defense system that would work, the National Missile Defense would need to have a system
that meets the missile threat when it's released, detect a launch of a missile, track it using radars and destroy the warhead above the atmosphere of
earth (National missile defense, 2000).
The new missile defense program started in 1993 after the Department of Defense decided to conduct a review that would "select the strategy, force
structure, and modernization programs for America's defense in the post–Cold War era." When the U. S. S. R. broke apart, it was decided that there
was not much of a threat from China or the former Soviet Union. However, it was uncertain how easy it would be for a third world country to come
into possession of long range missiles. In response to their uncertainty, the Defense Department built the National Missile Defense in order to develop
and keep the ability to launch a missile defense if a threat emerged (National missile defense, 2000).
In 1994, Congress called for a great acceleration in the development of the missile defense system. This call represented a sense
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Protecting the United States through the National Missile...
Protecting the United States from Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction through the National Missile Defense Program
Ever since nuclear weapons of mass destruction have existed, people have been attempting to create ways to prevent a war that would bring about a
worldwide Arma–geddon. Many of today's top military and government officials have been studying ways in which the United States can protect itself
from a nuclear missile attack. What they have come up with is the National Missile Defense program, or NMD. The NMD would consist of a network
of satellites, early–warning devices, and missiles pro–grammed to spot an incoming nuclear missile. When a nuclear missile is detected, the NMD
would automatically launch the ... Show more content on ...
The fear of an attack, however, stayed with many people. It became the goal of the United States to stockpile weapons, to use in the event of a nuclear
attack from the Soviet Un–ion or other nuclear super–power. A few years later, during the Nixon Presidency in 1968, the United States, USSR, and a
number of other states signed the Nuclear Non–proliferation Treaty. The NPT was designed to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and technology
from the super–power states to the still–developing states. (Winkler 1999, 182)
In 1972, four years after NPT was signed and ten years after the Cuban missile crisis, the United States, in conjunction with the USSR, signed the ABM
Treaty. The ABM treaty was designed to regulate the number of anti–ballistic missile systems, or defense shields, of both the United States and the
Soviet Union to two, and later agree–ments brought that number down to one. (Winkler 1999, 187) It did nothing, however, to regulate the number of
missiles a state could possess.
During all this time, however, US–Soviet relations remained tense. The Ameri–can government taught the American people to live in fear of a possible
pre–emptive nuclear strike by the Soviets. According to author Allan Winkler, this is when then
–President Ronald Reagan began to design his Strategic
Defense Initiative (SDI) pro–gram, or Star Wars, as many people referred to it as. (204) There were a number of early
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Army Observation Essay
Arriving on base Tank reported to Command Ops. They recalled him from leave for a mission in Syria. From his platoon the eight–man team selected
consisted of sniper units and Arabic language qualified people with Tank in command. They are to go in by way of a HALO jump at night.
At the briefing, they learned they would be going into support, the Northern Storm Brigade. They are an Islamist FSA unit that controls an important
border crossing between Syria and Turkey. There had been deadly clashes between the Northern Storm Brigade and the IslДЃmic State of Iraq and the
Levant (ISIL) after the Jihadist group stormed their positions.
Their mission was to light up specific ISIS targets for Air Ops. Secondary was to kill or capture any and all insurgents. ... Show more content on ...
Insurgent fighters were converging on them with rapid speed. Joker dropped the M110. Ducking out of the OP he dropped a grenade on it. It was too
cumbersome to run with and he was not leaving it behind. He would be better with his M249 Light Machine Gun at close range. He opened up laying
down covering fire as the squad headed for the old trail. Leapfrogging along, from rock to boulder they made their way closer to the L.Z.
"Come on," Brooks shouted into an empty sky. To the squad, he issued a warning.
"Keep your eyes open for Razor and the Straight–man, no blue on blue fatalities for our team."
Then, in the distance, a chopper rolled in with weapons blazing. They fired rockets towards the fighters advancing on the squad's position.
A well–aimed shot from a shoulder fired missile hit the chopper causing it to explode, disintegrating in a ball of fire.
"Get on the horn, Joker. Tell them our chopper is down and we are digging in 100 meters from the L.Z. Tell them to send air support with it. We may
have to report a possible overrun situation."
"Roger that."
"Everybody get your ass down. Dig in. We are going to have to hold until the Calvary gets here," shouted
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Lockheed Martin Case 2011
Executive Summary
Lockheed Martin is a leading security and defense company based in Bethesda, MD with operations that span the globe. Lockheed Martin experienced
a positive turnaround under new CEO Robert Stevens' leadership, and is now entrenched as a leading competitor in the Aerospace and Defense
(A&D) industry. They maintain an extensive business portfolio and continue to increase shareholder value. However, recent issues with contract
mismanagement and cost overruns involving the government F–35 program leave a negative outlook on their operations. They also face increasing
pressure to acquire and retain key employees from a diminishing talent pool. Government budget cuts threaten to hurt revenues, thus making it
important for ... Show more content on ...
Efficient buildings, where companies such as Lockheed Martin have converted their buildings to be efficient in saving energy, which is a way to cut
costs in a declining economic environment, emphasize stewardship of the environment. Europe has enacted a "Clean Sky" initiative, which is a large
research project with the goal of providing a step in environmentally friendly air transport technology.
Technology is an important facet in the industry, and therefore has a high emphasis. Cutting edge technology has driven rising costs for consumers.
This also causes R&D spending to be fairly high. Because of this, Defense companies often seek to find commercial use for new technology.
Forecasted Defense trends indicate industry adjustment to reduced government defense spending. Because companies have overlooked operational
efficiency and relied heavily on government spending, efficiency will now become a focus with decreased spending. Companies will also attempt to
explore new markets, such as Lockheed Martin's secured contract with Israel for future purchase of F–35's, as well as entering into related markets to
diversify revenues. Increased competition is expected due to consolidations among smaller companies in an effort to become more competitive
SWOT Analysis Our SWOT (Appendix 3) focuses on the analysis of all components of Lockheed's business and industry and the importance of these
factors weights in the IFAS and EFAS. The IFAS score
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The National Missile Defense System is the First Step to...
The National Missile Defense System is the First Step to Another Cold War and the United States Should Not Do It
As we begin the twenty–first century, an increasing number of states around the world are acquiring nuclear capabilities. The sense of insecurity by
individual governments is driving many states into developing and testing ballistic missiles. In the mean time, the United States finds itself in a
position to develop new technology that will protect themselves against these potential missile strikes. The development of a national anti–ballistic
missile defense system has sparked many controversies around the United States. Advocates of the system argue that it is only a defensive measure, but
they fail to see the ... Show more content on ...
Disturbed by the Rumsfeld report, Capital Hill responded immediately by passing two bills. The first bill known as S. 257 stated, "It is the policy of
the United States to deploy as soon as is technologically possible an effective National Missile Defense system capable of defending the territory of
United States against limited ballistic missile attack". The S.257 was followed by a second bill named H.R. 4 passed in March of 1999 that stated, "It is
the policy of the United States to deploy a national missile defense." (
The proposal of the National Missile Defense System by Capitol Hill is a clear example of the international security dilemma, where the United States'
desire to become more secure compromises other states' security. By setting up a missile defense to escape the power of other states, this will only
create insecurity in the international arena that will prompt other states to react with their own missile defense system. This dynamia can also be seen
through the prisoner's dilemma diagram (Figure 1). The United States fears for the worst possibility so it arms itself to increase its protection. It does
not trust the other players in the international community and does not want to
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Air Defense Artillery in Middle East Operations Essay
Our nation has been in conflict with the Middle East for over two and a half decades. Air Defense Artillery has made a huge impact in Middle East
conflicts. The threats that make Air Defense Artillery a necessity for these conflicts include a number of aircraft, such as planes, jets and helicopters
as well as launched munitions like scud missiles and mortars. Air Defense Artillery is an ever evolving force and has been there for protection of
American forces against these threats. Air Defense Artillery is a group of weapons that divide the airspace into two different sectors. Short Range Air
Defense, also known as SHORAD, defends against low altitude, short range aircraft and munitions. High to Medium Altitude Air Defense, also known
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The Avenger is capable of eliminating the same threats as the Stinger missile system. The Counter, Rocket, Artillery, Mortar system, also referred to
as the CRAM, is a combination of a gun called Phalanx and a Sentinel Radar. A Sentinel Radar for spotting incoming rockets and mortars. The Phalanx
and Sentinel work together to eliminate rocket and mortar threats. The first SHORAD Air Defense unit to deploy to this conflict was 5th Battalion,
62nd Air Defense Artillery. 5/62 ADA was a Vulcan Stinger unit that originally deployed on 12 August 1990 to protect Patriot units due to their
vulnerability from low flying, air breathing threats. 5/62 ADA was later split up and each battery given assignments to protect other types of units.
Examples of these assignments are; Alpha Battery joined the 75th Field Artillery Brigade and Bravo Battery joined 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment.
(Henry) All–encompassing the mission of SHORAD, 5/62 ADA protected many different assets from air breathing threats during theGulf War. Other
SHORAD units from the past and present include 6th Battalion 52nd Air Defense Artillery, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Air Defense Artillery and 5th Battalion,
5th Air Defense Artillery. The stated units have been, or are still currently, SHORAD based only. SHORAD units still prove invaluable during modern
conflicts as well. Units that deploy
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Essay on Should the U.S. build a National Missile Defense...
Should the U.S. build a National Missile Defense System?
"What if free people could live secure in the knowledge that their security didn't depend upon the threat of instant U.S. retaliation to deter an enemy
Ronald Reagan; 1983
In his speech of March 23, 1983, President Reagan presented his vision of a future where a Nation's security did not rest upon the threat of nuclear
retaliation, but on the ability to protect and defend against such attacks. The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) research program was designed to tell
whether, and how, advanced defense technologies could contribute to the feasibility of this vision. What is a nationalmissile defense (NMD)? A NMD
is in theory "a technological shield that could destroy ... Show more content on ...
It consists of a collection of sensor satellites that would obtain and track the missiles during their trajectory path, giving the BMC2 the earliest
trajectory estimate.
The third element is called the In–flight Interceptor Communications System. This is the strategically located ground system that links to the GBI for
in–flight targeting. Up to seven pairs of these stations would be created. The next part, X–band/Ground–Based Radar, performs tracking,
discrimination, and kill assessments of incoming missiles, providing real–time continuous tracking data to the BMC2. The final part of the missile
defense system is the Upgraded Early Warning Radar. These are phased–array surveillance radars, used to detect and track the ballistic missiles. By
upgrading the software of existing early warning radars, they would meet the missile defense requirements.
It has been said that the Missile Defense System is like "shooting a bullet down with a bullet" This leads one to believe that it cannot be done. If you
can imagine a gun firing a bullet out of it heading up into the air, than someone else firing a gun into the air trying to hit the first bullet that just fired
than you have just pictured what happens in a ground–based inception system. Also, many people question the effectiveness of the system. If the
system proves to be ineffective, then the billions of dollars that was spent on it are wasted. These are real concerns that many people have and in the
past may have
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Development of the Theater High Altitude Area Defense System
The United States Army has been developing and implementing systems in order to protect our nation's national security. One of the systems the Army
has added to its arsenal is the Theater High Altitude Area Defense system (THAAD). During the Persian Gulf War, the Army identified a need for a
system that would be able to counter a theater ballistic missile attack. THAAD is designed to cover the upper tier of the Army's two–tiered theater
ballistic missile defense plan (DOD Inspector General, 1995) and is a mobile ground based theater missile defense (TMD) system that can protect
military forces that are deployed at home or abroad, population centers, and civilian assets from Theater Ballistic Missile (TBM) attacks. THAAD
engages incoming ballistic missiles and is capable of intercepting them at high altitudes. The prime contractor selected for the project was Lockheed
Martin Missiles and Space. The project would encompass the design and materials of radars, battle management command, control, communications,
mobile launchers, interceptors and ground support equipment. The launching system would be on a palletized loading system fitted on existing
vehicles the Army has in their inventory. THAAD's first inception was in 1992 and it would take many years for the project to be successful. On June
28th, 2010, the 6th Air Defense Artillery Brigade from the U.S. Army and theMissile Defense Agency was successful in conducting an intercept test
(THAAD System Intercept, 2010). THAAD
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The Air Defense Of France
SGT Garza, Mikeal L.
Class 002–16 Advanced Leadership Course
AIR DEFENSE OF FRANCE There are many small countries out there, but France is one of the most powerful small countries there are. Even though
France is smaller than the state of Texas it still ranks in the world's top ten power rankings. In order to understand a countries true power you have to
know the terrain, history of the country. You also have to know about theirmilitary and defense systems. You cannot defeat a country if you do not
know their full capabilities. You cannot expect to rank in the world's top power rankings and not be able to defend your country against all enemies.
France first became a country in 987, known as the Kingdome of France. When the Kingdom of France became a country, it faced many wars,
fighting over land with the English monarchs, and even more so when Latter inherited Spain that surrounded the country of France. It was not until
the 1700s that France started playing a major role in the European and world events. In the 20th century, France has experienced numerous crises,
including the devastation of two world wars, political and social upheavals, and the loss of large empires Indochina, Algeria, West and Equational
Africa (Mills, C. 1993). France survived and overcame the devastation of World War II to be one of the world's top suppliers of agricultural and
industrial products and a major partner in the European Community
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Donald Trump Strengths And Weaknesses
Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946. Raised in New York City. He got his Bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School of the
University of Pennsylvania in 1968. During school, he worked for his father at his real estate and construction firm. He was given the business in
1971.He got involved in large building projects in Manhattan.Trump co–hosted a reality tv show called "The Apprentice". June 2015 he announced his
candidacy for president as a Republican. In July he was formally announced for president at the 2016 Republican National Convention(Bio).
Hillary Clinton was born October 26,1947. Raised in Chicago. She went to Wellesley College, graduating in 1969 and earned her J.D. from Yale Law
School in 1973. In 1977, she co–founded ... Show more content on ...
She supports new immigration legislation that would create a path to citizenship. Get rid of the 3–10–year bars. Clinton said she will defend President
Obama's stalled executive actions designed to protect from deportation up to 5 million undocumented immigrants. Encourage immigrants to become
naturalized citizens. Clinton says she would expand fee waivers so that money isn't obstacle for the estimated 9 million people eligible for citizenship.
Change detention policies, Private immigration detention centers would close under a Clinton presidency(
Donald Trump's strengths are that he is above all others and has to do with the media. He will make statements that will dominate news, discussions
and has a false for the arguments that will capture attention. He is a candidate who knows to speak to the anger that exists in the electorate and is not
shy about doing so. He seems to not have any boundaries as to what kinds of rhetoric he is willing to use(
Hillary Clinton's strengths is that she would be the first female president, she has developed strong with Democratic election officials and candidates
whom she is helping in senate and house races. She shows the ability to build board electoral coalitions in different parts of the country. She does not
give in easily and can punch back
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Student Republican Party Platform Essay
The dawn of a new millennium is upon us and we, the Republican Party, are fully prepared to meet the challenges that await us. This past century, due
to the resilience and determination of the American people, our country has experienced more growth and prosperity than any other nation in recorded
history. However, dark challenges threaten the moral fiber of thisgreat nation. The past eight years, under Clinton's leadership, the national government
has lacked the fortitude to effectively battle the dangerously extremist trends that have gradually forced their way into the American culture. In order
for America to be the great nation it once was, the Republican Party must be in power.
The Republican Party has a vision ... Show more content on ...
With this reduction we have rekindled the belief in the American dream. Economic prosperity and sound moral and family values have begun to be
reinstated in all arenas of American life.
We believe there should be less government intrusion in the lives of Americans because only the American people can decide what is best for them.
We stand for a rollback of federal government paternalism and intervention and instead call for an increased roll of the individual and a revitalization
of the American tradition of entrepreneurial innovation. The rise of the Republican Party to national prominence will allow us to realize these goals
and restore America to its former glory.
Federal Minimum Wage
We the Republican Party support the American workforce knowing that the future of the country rests on a strong economy. To insure economic
prosperity it is imperative that states have the freedom to act accordingly to its economy. We as Americans, as workers, and as taxpayers should seek to
quiet the anxiety over labor and wages. We cannot be held to a standard that blankets the whole nation when it is evident that each state is different.
States must be allowed to evaluate the conditions of their economy, unemployment, growth and other relative demographics and then should have the
ability to set the minimum wage.
The Republican Party strongly believes that government
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Unit's Preparedness Training At The Mobilization Training...
Furthermore, each unit is required to balance tasks and benchmarks selected by their respective Adjutants General along with those prescribed by First
Army. Generally, deploying units undergo four to eight weeks of medical, administrative, and classroom preparation on top of technical and tactical
skill refresher training spanning the year prior to mobilization. Once activated, Soldiers conduct immersive, training scenarios before receiving
individual training certification. Meanwhile, theater specific mobilization training and validation of unit's preparedness occurs at the
mobilization–training center and commonly concludes following a 60 to 90 day demonstration of those abilities. Avenger battalions (BN), including
each assigned battery (BTRY), obtain validation by First Army Division West which confirm the integrated, collective capabilities of their air defense
wartime mission essential tasks at Fort (Ft) Bliss, Texas (TX). Operation Per Diem Throughout the National Guard community those familiar with the
national capital region's air defense mission, often jokingly refer to it as Operation Per Diem. Once a unit receives mobilization orders, Soldiers initiate
a scramble to secure an assignment on the deployment–manning document (DMD). Competition for one of the roughly 190 coveted spots is
aggressive, because of the financial benefits provided to individual Soldiers. Finally, each rotation in support of Operation Clear Skies experiences an
overlap of six months
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Patriot Missile Crisis
Intro Ballistic missile defense became a necessity after World War II when Germany developed and launched several missiles at targets around
Europe. During the Cold War, the United States and Russia began developing technologies to build and use long range missiles at a moment's
notice. Before the Gulf War and Desert Storm there were no systems to defend against theater ballistic missiles or TBM's. The Patriot missile
system had been developed in the 1970's to counter threats from enemy aircrafts. Shortly before the Gulf War, testing and production of the first
PAC1 missiles had begun to be used against Short range missiles. The use of the Patriot system had a huge impact to the success of the Gulf War
and Desert Storm by defending US and coalition assets in Saudi Arabia and Israel from Scud Missile attacks by Iraqi Forces. Before World War II a
German engineer, Wernher von Braun, had begun working on rocket designs that eventually led to the development and launch of over 3000... Show
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The impact only caused relatively small amounts of injuries and deaths but Israel was inclined to retaliate. On 18 January 1991, the first interception of
tactical ballistic missiles in combat occurred. Alpha Battery, 2–7 ADA successfully intercepted Iraqi Scuds. The interceptions strengthened the trust in
the Patriot system. On 21 and 22 January, Patriot crews engaged more tactical ballistic missiles. As Patriot successfully engaged more tactical ballistic
missiles, there were fewer Scud launches. Air Defense became a key component in collation planning. Air Defense units were attached to the majority
of ground units on the front lines moving into Iraq. Patriot proved their mobility while attached to the 3rd Armored Cavalry and the XVIII Airborne
during the "Hail Mary" sweep into Iraq. Patriot moved and provided air defense during one of Desert Storm's most intense
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Thade Research Paper
Terminal High Altitude Air Defense System
North Korea's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile defense program is a serious threat to the United States. A fully developed North Korean
Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) could reach the continental United States. (Jack Kim) If North Korea conducts a test–launch of ICBM that
threatens the U.S. or its allies, the U.S. will have to rely on their Terminal High Altitude Air Defense System (THAAD) to shoot the missile down with
an interceptive (Jae–Soon). The THAAD is an anti–ballistic missile system developed by the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) that uses kinetic energy
from its impact with a ballistic missile that can destroy the missile and minimize the damages of an exploding warhead.
The THAAD was originally created in 1991 exclusively for the United States Army. The United States Army hired the MDA during the Gulf war to
develop a system that could counter scud missiles that were launched against U.S. troops in Iraq. (Panda) The MDA awarded Lockheed a contract
making the corporation the primary contractor in charge of designing the system. Per the Lockheed Martin website, the THAAD is one of the most
advanced missile systems in the world today. (Lockheed Martin)
The THAAD uses a kill on contact tactic against ballistic missiles in ... Show more content on ...
(Lockheed Martin) Since the first launching of the THAAD on November 22, 2005 at the White Sands Test Range in New Mexico, the MDA has
conducted sixteen additional test launches. The THAAD was supposed to be tested again in 3Q, FY 2017, consequently, has been delayed due to the
operational deployment of the THAAD to Guam to deter North Korean Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. (Mostly Missile Defense) Testing has proven
that the THAAD could prevent a catastrophic damage from a nuclear missile. to include a North Korean Intercontinental Ballistic
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The Patriot Missile System: The Persian Gulf War
Scuds on Scope Air Defense had a prominent involvement in The Persian Gulf War. The Patriot missile system demonstrated its effectiveness in
combat in 1990 and United States (U.S.) forces as well as Iraqi forces utilized the Homing All the Way Killer (HAWK) missile system. Air Defense's
considerable involvement in the Persian Gulf War accredited to the developments and capabilities of the Patriot missile system along with the
HAWK missile system's Iraqi dilemma. First of all, The Patriot missile system played a vital role during the Persian Gulf War. The Persian Gulf War
was a short war from 2 August 1990 to 28 February 1991. Colonel Joseph G. Garrett, the 11th Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Brigade Commander was
the Air Defense ... Show more content on ...
Even with these systems at the enemies' hands, they were never able to successfully take down the coalition aircraft. The system has deployed
various times in several conflicts around the globe. "Although HAWK missile batteries were deployed by the U.S. Army during the conflicts in
Vietnam and Persian Gulf, American troops have never fired this weapon in combat"(United, n.d.). The only reason that U.S. troops never engaged
targets, was because there was a lack of need for it. For instance, there were many Scud missile launches during the Persian Gulf War, however Patriot
battalions were in place to defend against Scuds. Meanwhile, HAWK is an Air–Breathing target weapon, which the enemy did not have access to at the
time. The HAWK missile system has a fairly short history compared to many other weapons and Units. At only 35 years of Army service, it was
short lived and underutilized. The missile system spent most of its time in the Army National Guard (ARNG) rather than active service. This was
mainly due to its high mobility and ease of deployment, making it less cost effective to have active component units. HAWK is a highly praised
Surface to Air Missile (SAM) system, but is no longer in the U.S. Army's arsenal. However, countries such as Sweden, Japan and several Asian Pacific
countries are still utilizing
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The On Base Tank Reported At Command Ops
Arriving on base Tank reported to Command Ops. They recalled him from leave for a mission in Syria. From his platoon, the eight–man team selected
consisted of sniper units also Arabic language qualified people with Tank in command. They are going in by way of a HALO jump at night. At the
briefing, they learned they were going to support, the Northern Storm Brigade. They are an Islamist FSA unit that controls an important border
crossing between Syria and Turkey. There had been deadly clashes between the Northern Storm Brigade and the IslДЃmic State of Iraq and the Levant
(ISIL) after the Jihadist group stormed their positions. Their mission was to light up specific ISIS targets for Air Ops. The secondary was to kill or
capture any and all insurgents. To carry out their mission, their leave, the military cut short due to the requirements of the service. The C–130 wasn't a
second late, and they were airborne at 0300 hours. With a flying time of 15 hours, they would be over the drop zone by 0100 hours Syrian time.
Climbing to cruising altitude took a while. They had lots of time for a last–minute check of the gear, so they settled in for the long flight. Closing in on
the drop zone, Brooks called out. "Lock and load." The last inspection of their chutes and harnesses went off without a hitch. The aft door of the C–130
began to open. Every eye was on the jump light, which would soon turn green. Every ear listened to the harnessed Jumpmaster standing near the door.
Moving closer,
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Air Defense Birth
The Birth of Air Defense During post–Cold War Era Air Defense Artillery began the technological advances and defensive systems in order to protect
the United States against any threat foreign or domestic. The development of air defense capabilities was due to defense vulnerabilities that were
revealed during World War II, also, theCold War introduced new threats that would change the way air defense would engage and defeat the enemy in
the future. Air Defense Artillery introduced the guided missile which allowed the Army to specialize and take their combat experience developed in
Vietnam into the Nike missile variants which proved invaluable during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the cold war, ultimately allowing great soldiers
like SGT ... Show more content on ...
(Cuban, n.d.) "America needs to be defended. We need missile defense to better police the skies over theUnited States." Rudy Givliani The 2nd
Battalion 52nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment at Fort Bliss, Texas deployed to Florida in response to the Soviet Union threat, bringing one of the
original versions of the Nike Hercules missile. (Carter, n.d.) The Nike Hercules missile is a Surface to Air missile (SAM) which is capable of
destroying ballistic missiles and airplanes. Even though the Nike Hercules was capable of destroying a vast majority of ballistic missiles, its
specifications did not match up to the Soviet Union threat with a distance of only 320 kilometers of travel. The United States was left with only one
option to counteract the new threat; they then began to upgrade pieces of the Nike Hercules missile to try to compare to the Soviet Union. Thus,
creating the Nike series: Zeus A, B, X, EX to combat a multitude of airplanes, satellites, and ballistic missiles. All of the Zeus Series missiles proved
successful in defense against the ballistic missiles payload, but performed subpar against the ICBM's speed. In 1968, the Spartan missile finished
testing and proved its mission capability in August 1970 by intercepting one Minuteman intercontinental
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Evolution Of Air Defense Artillery (ADA)
Warfare on the battlefield has been ever changing since the conception of it in the early human era. The first weapons used on the battlefield were
extremely primitive but it did not take long for the evolution of warfare to begin. Human ingenuity can be extremely beneficial towards the betterment
of mankind, unfortunately it can also be destructive. Eventually air threats were introduced into warfare, resulting in the need to shoot them down. The
complexity of ever–changing aerial threats warranted the need for the most powerful countermeasures to be put into place known as Air Defense
Artillery (ADA). One of the first sightings of aerial combat was documented during the Civil War and was in the form of balloons. Early attempts ...
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Threats will evolve which will push Air Defense to evolve as well. Technology will continue to change, become more available and decrease in cost
allowing threats to spread to the four corners of the earth. The world is unpredictable and Air Defense needs to be on the forefront of technology. The
Integrated Fire Protection Capability Increment 2–Intercept or the IFPC Inc 2–I, is a perfect example of the future of Air Defense. This system is
designed to protect Soldiers, artillery weapons, cruise missiles, aircraft and command aerial systems to include motors and rockets. Another new
system air defense is developing is the Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense (AIAMD). This system is technologically advanced, it is designed to
unify air defense, by providing the ability to connect various air defense weapons and systems to a single command and control network, allowing a
single control to all the various weapons and sensors that form an air defense network through a single battle command
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The Relationship Between the Us and North Korea
The Relationship Between the United States and North Korea
Is it Really as Volatile As We Think? The relationship between the US and North Korea has been fraught with tension for many years. This paper
explores the history of the relationship while discussing possible causes for the tension.
How many have ever felt abandoned or bullied? Ever feel both from the same person over a long ... Show more content on ...
I really see it as no different than my abusive partner wanting to cut off my food supply for taking a self defense class such as being offered locally
soon. That would just raise my red flags higher. I feel this is much the same view that North Korea is seeing with Mr
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The United States Army Breaks Down The Operational Variables
Throughout the history of the world, there has always been a struggle to be the most powerful country in the world. Many key aspects that go into
deciding what countries are the most powerful; some of these aspects are having a powerful military, strong economy, large population and a powerful
but strong government. Most key aspects of what makes a country strong are also the same the aspects that make up the operational environment
variables. The United States Army breaks down the operational variables into Political, Military, Economic, Social, Infrastructure, Information, Physical
Environment and Time (PMESII–PT) when evaluating the operational variables . Russia has built a strong, but stagnating economy on several natural
resources to include the refinery and export of natural gas and oil. According to the Jim Picht (2014) exportation of natural gas and oil to Eastern
Europe account for 70 percent of Russia's exports and 53 percent of the government's revenue. Along with exporting oil to Eastern Europe, Russia
also exports too many countries to include China and Belarus. Europe fueled majority by Russian supplied natural gas and oil, the dependency of
Europe's need for this natural resource is the reason Russia's economy is so strong. In 2014, when Russia decided to invade the neighboring country of
Ukraine has led Europe to begin searching for other suppliers of their natural resources. If Europe finds other countries to supply the natural resources
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The Need for a National Missile Defense Program in the...
The Need for a National Missile Defense Program in the United States
Several hundred Soviet, nuclear tipped, ballistic missiles streak towards the United States without any form of opposition or challenge to their
impeding destruction. The result of a situation like this would be no doubt disastrous, but it is a situation that could very well take place if the United
States does not install a national ballistic missile defense program. An anti–ballistic missile (ABM) system is a precaution that the American
government must pursue with all of its resources in order to protect and preserve our society as we know it.
Really, what are the chances of another nation launching a ballistic missile attack on the U.S.? Well, an attack may... Show more content on ...
A calculated and combined attack could easily place nuclear ICBMs all over most of the continental U.S.. Even when the Taepo Dong missile was
tested on August 31, 1998 an Iranian delegation was flown to North Korea bringing with them an entire plane load of telemetry equipment to
monitor the test. Shortly after the test the delegation returned to Iran with the full results of the test. The very test of the North Korean Taepo Dong
missile just goes to show how very clueless the United States is as to the development of ICBMs by foreign countries. The CIA's national
intelligence officer for strategic and nuclear programs, Robert D. Walpole, admitted that nobody in the intelligence community expected North Korea
to develop an ICBM capability so soon. "Although the launch of the Taepo Dong 1 missile was expected for some time, its use as a space launch
vehicle with a third stage was not. The existence of a third stage concerns us. We hadn't anticipated it." Debris from the rocket's third stage was found
some 3,500 miles from the site of the launch, showing that North Korea has the ability to target Alaska and possibly America's west coast, admitted
Walpole. "Clearly if you can put something into orbit, you get awfully
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Essay On Triicere
Tricare or CHAMPUS is a health insurance program that is for spouses and dependents of active duty military personnel as well as retired military
and their family. There are different plans with this program. They are called TRICARE Prime, Standard and Global Remote Overseas. Also, a
Medicare program is available for retired military personnel, which is called TRICARE for Life. Each plan has different benefits and eligibility
requirements. TRICARE Prime is used for members who must travel more than 100 miles from their primary care doctor to receive special care.
Beneficiaries are reimbursed for certain travel costs like lodging and meals. These types of expenses are reimbursed up to the government rate. The
average cost for... Show more content on ...
The facility may put mileage limits beyond 30 minutes or specify zip codes ("Tricare plans and," 2013). Military personnel and their family
members must participate in the DEERS which is the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System. It is a database of service members
whether they are active duty or retired, their family members and other people who are eligible for military benefits and TRICARE. In order for
military personnel to receive benefits they must have current registration in DEERS ("Tricare plans and," 2013). They can enroll online and keep
everything up to date via the internet. Claims and reimbursement may also be made through multiple website affiliated with TRICARE. After
doing my research and trying to differentiate between all the TRICARE plans it seems as though it can be quite difficult on deciding which plan
is best. There are just so many different options and plans that are for specific types of military personnel. Some plans should be chosen with
consideration to location of the active duty member and their family. It would be best to stick with the Prime plan in most situations but other plans
may need to be added as a supplement to ensure out of pocket costs are kept low for families. The positive aspect is that there are many choices and
ways to keep everyone in the family covered and at a low cost. It would be helpful for military personnel and their family members to have a class
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Race To The Future: Article Analysis
The article, "Race to the Future. How America's missile defense initiative blossomed into an international coalition," was featured in The American
Legion, a center–right publication, in August of 2015. The author of the piece is Alan Dowd. Dowd is a frequent author and head of the Center for
America's Purpose, a center–right organization. Regarding the critical eye, the article is accurate with a few pieces of misleading information.
Throughout the article numerous solutions are presented and a discussion of different points of view is presented. Although the article is in favor of a
national missile defense system, the author remains objective throughout the piece, and a large quantity of background information is provided, which
helps the reader come to their own conclusions about a national missile defense. The first six paragraphs on the first page is where the author begins to
provide a background on missile defense. Although outside research has found the provided background to be true, one critique of the piece is that
Dowd gives many acronyms without defining what they are. For example, in the first paragraph Dowd ... Show more content on ...
Not only is this an appeal to authority, but it is also logically false. History has judged Churchill well but that is based off several subjects, and not on
a single opinion. Also, there are numerous examples of propaganda used in this piece. Mainly, the author uses the appeal to fear. The strengths of the
piece include the abundance of background information, the discussion of different opinions, and the discussion of solutions. The weaknesses of the
piece include the presence of propaganda and misleading or false information. There are no elements which I feel are not addressed, and my view on a
national missile defense has grown stronger against after reading this
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Raytheon Research Paper
Final Report: Raytheon
By Calvin L. Wieczorek
ECE 210 Who is Raytheon? I would like to take a brief moment to discuss why I chose to write about Raytheon rather than the other presentations in
our class. While I found all of the topics presented interesting, I found Raytheon to stand out to me the most because of the scale of their company as
well as their impact on society. I believe that this company is a possible starting place for my career path, and that it's worth the effect to look into
their company myself. In this paper I'm going to take an in–depth look at Raytheon. To start off I'll be looking into the Raytheon itself, analyzing things
such as its responsibility, businesses, culture, and diversity. Then I'll move... Show more content on ...
Raytheon defines this as, "Electronic warfare uses focused energy, usually radio waves or laser light, to confuse or disable an enemy's electronics. It
can also involve listening –collecting an enemy's radio signals or sensing the radar of an incoming missile." Raytheon also has a wide range of utilities
that use electron warfare. They have Jammers that confuse adversaries, integrated suites that counteract missiles and radars, airborne decoys to distract
enemies, and much more. Raython is planning on developing tactical laser and improved jammers in the nearby future. (Raytheon Electronic
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Missile Defense Systems : Risks And Benefits
Missile Defense Systems: Risks and Benefits
November 5, 2015
Jiung Choi
The missile defense system (MDS) provides a sort of protective shield against any possible missile attacks. Our generation is living in a world where a
mass destruction is unavoidable. Technology has gotten overly advanced that a single nuclearmissile could destroy a small nation and instantly kill
millions of people. Therefore, missile defense system could play an important role in limiting damage and casualties since it could destroy a missile
before it causes any harm. Even though there are significant reasons for developing missile defense system, this is still an area of controversy. This
essay will give background information on the technology, potential risks, and potential benefits on developing MDS.
The history of missile defense system goes back to World War II when the Nazi's started developing ballistic missiles and long range rockets. Allied
forces were unable to defend themselves against these high speed missiles that were launched from over 100 miles away, leaving troops unprotected.
According to Roger Handberg , "during the war, London and Antwerp were heavily bombarded, the first cities to suffer ballistic missile attacks against
which there exited no defense once successfully launched [1]." Unfortunately, U.S. spent billions of dollars on aircrafts and other technologies because
they did not see the ballistic missiles as a potential threat. They figured that
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The Patriot And Avenger Weapons Systems
Military forces deploy to vastly different environments across the globe. However, two of the most important discriminating factors which shape how
operations are conducted are acceptance and protection of US forces by the local population. Operational environments are roughly sorted into two
major categories. Permissive environments are locations where the host nation has control of its territory and supports US operations. Non–permissive
environments refer to locations with hostile or uncertain local response. Although the weapon's systems and sensors do not change from one location to
the next, the environment surrounding a deployed Air Defense unit has a significant impact on how it is best operated. The Patriot and Avenger
weapons systems clearly demonstrate the disparate considerations that must be taken for implementation of each asset when employed in a permissive
and non–permissive environment respectively.
Employment and Operations of the Patriot Missile System are dramatically impacted by its host environment. When the a unit is deployed to a
permissive environment, treaties and political agreements often restrict exactly where the Patriot battery can be emplaced and what assets it will cover.
In a non–permissive environment, the Patriot unit can position itself in the optimal position as long as it is adequately defensible and nests within the
higher commander's plan. A second major difference for employment is mobility. It is typical for Patriot to be
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Iron Dome Research Paper
The Iron Dome Weapon Defense System is used to detect and intercept incoming enemy rockets with missiles. It is rather advanced weapon
technology: It assesses a threat to determine the target area, decides on whether the area is in danger, and shoots a missile to intercept that threat.
The effectiveness of the missiles ranges from 75 to 90 percent, according to many different sources. So you may be asking yourself, "What's so bad
about this system?" Well, the Iron Dome has some flaws. It has been programmed to protect military bases and power plants as a priority. So let's
imagine that Hamas and/or Hezbollah decide to shoot thousands of rockets into Israel. The Iron Dome will have to intercept the missiles heading
toward the prioritized areas
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Article Review On Donald Trump
Among the websites that were listed for us to examine were some that focused on certain topics such as the salaries of our congressmen and the
happenings of the US treasury, and others that were broad and covered many topics. I found myself spending more time on these websites that covered
many topics. The Daily Caller is one of these broad websites that featured the current events in politics, the international community, entertainment,
sports and business. The political section on the Daily Caller seems to favor a more conservative stance, but is by no means a conservative website.
Donald Trump of course was making news, with his words that were directed to North Korea during his speech at an airbase in Japan. These soldiers in
Japan ... Show more content on ...
People have been pushing for a more background checks and calling for convicted domestic abusers to not be allowed guns. The Daily Caller
reported that there is in fact already such a law in place. In 1996 there was a federal law passed that prohibits people who have been charged with
domestic violence from purchasing or possessing guns. In 2016 the Supreme Court upheld this law. Gun control is a touchy subject, and I personally
feel that the laws that the government enacts can always be circumvented. For example, this Devin Kelley should never have been allowed to buy a
gun, and yet he did. The increase in recent years of mass shootings is not due to a more readily available supply of guns and ammo or laxer laws,
rather it is the people. These nut jobs are the crux of the problem, and I don't have a solution to fail safely prevent mentally disturbed persons from
acquiring guns. That being said, I do think that laws are effective, although not foal proof. I'm confident that there has been several shooting prevented
by denying certain persons guns, and that's why I'm for gun control laws.
While the world section of the Daily Caller covers many avenues of new, a large portion of it seems to be focused on conflicts in the international
community. North Korea is suffering under the heaviest sanctions that have been placed on them. A former North Korean financial official has stated
that he is unsure if North Korea will be able to survive
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Raytheon Missile System
1. What is the primary reason you are seeking a new opportunity?
The primary reason I am seeking a new opportunity is that the Raytheon Missile Systems (RMS) Procurement Office in Louisville, KY is either
going to close and transfer responsibilities to the HQ in Tucson, AZ. Or, the Louisville Office will become a cell for low value quick–turn purchase
orders. Louisville Raytheon primarily serves as an overhaul, repair center and parts warehouse for the Phalanx weapon. The Procurement/Subcontracts
office is relatively small consisting of 13–personnel. The high–level Corporate discussion is occurring for a variety of reasons. There is no stated
timeline for a decision, however, it is prudent to seriously assess options sooner rather ... Show more content on ...
The ability to collaborate with program management and other multi–functional teams is required. Successful candidate must be able to multi–task,
make decisions in a timely manner, display strong interpersonal skills, have a general knowledge of FAR/DFARS and associated Federal Contracting
regulations and be capable of working in a fast paced environment.
3. What is your most recent salary and salary expectation (please provide a specific amount or range)?
My pay for 2016, as per W–2 is $80,964.67. With regard to salary expectation, there are other factors to consider such as challenge, growth potential,
company product/service capabilities, and location. Northrop Grumman is a great company and Tampa is ideal for my family and accounts for a lot
being long–term. Thus, salary is not primary and is flexible/negotiable. I am a believer the money will come with my performance/metrics. Though, as
requested per the question, it is my preference to be in the mid $90K range.
4. Are you willing to work in United
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Desert Storm Significance
Significance of Air Defense from Desert Storm to Present
In the events of Desert Strom, the most impactful and successful missile system, the Patriot, was successful thanks to German created air missile
defense. Research and development of this system began in the early 1940s as a product of the Cold War. The United States and Soviet Union used
German rocket scientist, who had been captured at the ends of World War two, to create Ballistic missiles. These missiles were made from the V
rocket and German surface air missile named Wasserdall. Although this system of defense was unable to be tested in the field before the war ended.
Twenty years later, the Soviet Union was able to bring to field the first Russian tactical ballistic missile. Due to the development and research of this
missile, it opened the doors wider for the Patriot in the 1960s. By 1967 a missile was to carry either a warhead of nuclear or conventional power
known as the Surface– To–Air Missile Development (SAM–D). Two years later in 1969, an American missile had its first success against a tactical
Ballistic missile. General Schwarzkopf stated "when the history of Desert Storm is written, the Patriot system will ... Show more content on ...
The crews were training at Fort Bliss's Air Defense Artillery School although were unable to complete the course until early 1991. Lawrens S.
Eagleburgen, the deputy Secretary of State, went into Israel before Desert Strom offering two American Patriot PAC
–2 batteries. While having no
defense, Israel was faced with rounds of scud attacks on Tel Aviv and Haifa. The Secretary of Defense, Chency tried to have the American Patriot
Batteries airlifted out of Israel. After these attacks, Israel used foreign military forces to strengthen their defense. Israeli Defense minister Moshe Arens
accepted the offer and made the call for the 32nd Army Air Defense Command in Europe to prepare Patriot units for airlift to
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White Sands Missile Range Research Paper
There are six national ranges in the United States that support missile development for the military and other government agencies. One of those six
ranges is the White Sands Missile Range (WSMR); it occupies 3,200 square miles and is located in the Tularosa Basin, in southwest New Mexico.
Each year scientists and researchers launch and test approximately 900 missiles from this range. White Sands Missile Range is the largest all land
military testing range in the United States ("White Sands Missile Range and Trinity Site"). Today White Sands Missile Range is known as The
Birthplace of America's Missile and Space Activity ("White Sands Missile Range More than Missiles"). In the early days the Tularosa Basin was home
to many hunters and gatherers ... Show more content on ...
It now had 430 housing units, 93 trailers, a post office, bank, newspaper, school, and churches. Three years later in 1958, it was designated the
White Sands Missile Range which also included the Trinity Site (Sullivan). Further advancement brought NASA to the White Sands Missile
Range along with President Kennedy's promise of a moon landing by the end of 1960. Kennedy's promise initialized the start of the Apollo project
at WSMR. The first test of the Apollo project was to develop an escape system for the crew if there ever was a failure during launch. The tests were
conducted using a Little Joe II rocket to simulate The Saturn rocket ("White Sands Missile Range More than Missiles"). The Little Joe II was the
perfect rocket to simulate the test with because the speeds of launch were similar of that of an actual launch. When the escape system was activated,
the capsule released from the rocket and the rockets on the capsule pulled them away from danger. After they were pulled away from danger the
capsule would parachute to the ground. The test for an escape system proved to be a
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France's Top Power Rankings
There are many small countries out there, but France is one of the most powerful small countries there are. Even though France is smaller than the
state of Texas it still ranks in the world's top ten power rankings. In order to understand a countries true power you have to know the terrain, and history
of the country. You also have to know about theirmilitary and defense systems. You cannot defeat a country if you do not know their full capabilities.
You cannot expect to rank in the world's top power rankings and not be able to defend your country against all enemies. France first became a country
in 987, known as the Kingdome of France. When the Kingdom of France became a country, it faced many wars, fighting over land with ... Show more
content on ...
France is located in Western Europe; France is the third largest European country right after Russia, and Ukraine. Six countries border France,
Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. Two different bodies of water surround France, the Atlantic Ocean and the
Mediterranean Sea. France is relatively flat with some low rolling hills and mountains. "Mountains dominate eastern, south central and southern France,
including the snow capped Alps that stretch along its borders with Italy, then on into Switzerland and across southern Europe" (Europe (2016). The
highest point in France is located on Mont Blanc at 15,770 ft. above sea level. France's northeast side is primarily forested and runs along the Rhine
River Valley. In the southeast lie, the Gorges du Verdon, this massive canyon is 700 meters deep and about 11 miles long. The longest river is the
Lorie it is 630 miles long some other major rivers are the Garonne, and Rhine River. One of Frances main tourist attractions is the Eiffel tower
located in Paris, which is also the country's capital (Europe (2016). France is sixth in the top ten world powers "France contains one of the most
capable military forces in Europe" (Majumdar, D. (2015, February 10). There are currently 215,000 troops in Frances military force. The military is
well equipped with battle tanks
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Managing Risk With Change : Managing Organizational Change
Managing Risk with Change Shelly L. Estill Colorado State University Global Campus Abstract "Effective change management offers a standardized
method that efficiently evaluates the potential positive and negative aspects of change" (Scarborough, n.d.). In order to fully understand the change,
and the impact of the proposed change, it is helpful to have all of the facts. However, when faced with decisions that offer very little information
either short term, or long term, judgement comes more into the equation than factual information. In these instances managing risk becomes an
ongoing process. When you are unaware of all of the possible effects of decisions you must constantly reevaluate the situation and make needed
changes immediately in order to mitigate future risk. As the changes unfold risk can become clearer and more effectively mitigated. Managing Risk
with Change The act of implementing a new "change involves risk and uncertainty" as with the story of Kodak as told in Managing organizational
change: A multiple perspectives approach (Palmer, & Dunford, 2009, p. 9). I have learned through the process of running a small business that any
small change can have long lasting effects on a business. The act of going into business has been the most risky decision that I have been a part of.
There was much less information available to me than I would have preferred when my husband and I made the decision to go into business in 2007. I
knew that
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Human-Less Warriors Essay
As bloody wars drag on in Iraq and Afghanistan the United States military increasingly turns to human–less warriors to stem the loss of lives. The
MQ–1 Predator and MQ–9 Reaper aerial drones are seeing an increase in use, while remote controlled robots are being used to dispose of improvised
explosive devises. At what point do these computer systems move from machines capable of unethical actions, to machines whose very existence is
unethical? I argue that fully automated systems should not be used in an offensive manner; rather they can only see ethical uses in limited defensive
roles. In exploring this question I will draw on the only fully autonomous US armed forces weapon system I am aware of, the Phalanx CIWS, a missile
defense system ... Show more content on ...
Phalanx checks that the missile is coming toward the ship, it does this to avoid shooting down friendly missiles. It checks to see if the missile is
able to hit the ship, based on its speed and heading. It also checks to see if the missile fits within a velocity bracket in which missiles tend to fall.
These are not an exhaustive list of fail–safes to ensure Phalanx only engages enemy projectiles, however it gives an idea of the design thinking behind
the system.
I believe that Phalanx CIWS falls into the third category presented in Who's in Charge of the Chip?, that category being machines capable of
"harmful consequences." I believe it falls into this one by the process of elimination, it isn't designed with a malicious intent, quite the opposite, its
intent is to protect. Secondly, it seems to have been designed with safety in mind as there are a battery of conditions that must be fulfilled in order
for the gun to fire. This leaves only the third category as a possibility. As I am about to show the Phalanx has been shown capable of causing bad
consequences. I found two instances where a Phalanx system has acted in a way we would deem undesirable. First, in February 1991, during the First
Gulf War, a Phalanx system aboard the frigate USS Jarrett fired upon the battleship USS Missouri. The ships were around three miles apart when they
fell under attack from an Iraqi missile.
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Nuclear Proliferation Essay

  • 1. Nuclear Proliferation Essay Nuclear Proliferation Andrew Jackson's farewell address to the nation, he stated, "We shall more certainly preserve peace when it is well understood that we are prepared for war," (Political Quotations #3719). The United States has always throughout history been a major military power from the use of abnormal tactics during the Revolutionary War (1776) to the use of its technology and advanced weapons in the Persian Gulf War (1991). After World War II and the Cold War Era, the United States has been able to defend its citizens from any form of a military attack from the sea, air, and the ground on the eastern and western seaboards. With the development of the intercontinental ballistic missiles, the United States was now unable to ... Show more content on ... Then during the Persian Gulf War the Patriot Missile System was used to shoot down Iraq's SCUD missiles flying towards other nations. (Kitfield 119–121). The system's history started in 1983 with Ronald Reagan's speech, but was only used during the 1991 Persian Gulf War in a reduced in the form, of the Patriot Missile system to defend nation of Israel. The American people feel the system is unnecessary for the protection of the mainland United States. The United States is currently unable of intercepting a ballistic missile warhead once it has been deployed against the United States (Freeman 37+). Along with these threats from the former Soviet Union States the United States now has to worry about such "Rogue nations" like North Korea, Iran and Iraq. During the 1990's, some experts believed that it would take such "rogue nations" at least a decade to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the continental United States. (Kitfield 111–112). Paul Freeman reported "Most Americans, however, believe that there is adequate capability of defend their homeland against a ballistic missile attack. (37+). The American people do not believe that these "rogue nations" have the capability to destroy American cities. The threat is there the question is not there capably but their willingness to use nuclear or chemical weapons against ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Air Defense Missile System You know who is a pain in the neck? Terrorists, they are hard to get rid of. Currently in Syria is the terrorist group named Isis. A nasty group of individuals that are about to have what is coming to them. As an American soldier when I hear any news about these coward killing innocent people, it turns my stomach worse than spoiled milk, there will be rest for the wicked this time because we will put them to rest! And a big help is from Air Defense. Isis doesn't stand a chance with Russia and America against them. Some of the systems that Russia has dealing with Air defense they already deployed the s–400 to Syria. HomeNews Russia deploys cutting–edge S–400 air defense system to Syrian base after Su–24 downing An S–400 air defence missile ... Show more content on ... The S–400 is the most advanced anti–aircraft defense system in Russia, and is unparalleled in the world. It's designed to ensure air defense using long– and medium–range missiles that can hit aerial targets, including tactical and strategic aircraft as well as ballistic and cruise missiles, at ranges of up to 400 kilometers. The system consists of a set of radars, missile launchers and command posts, and is operated solely by the Russian military. The Russian S–300PMU–1 TMD System The proliferation of ballistic and cruise missiles has created interest in theater missile defense (TMD). The objective of a TMD system is to defend against missile attacks. Such a system might be configured to protect an area as small as a city or port, or as large as several thousand square kilometers. It could provide protection for civilian populations as well as military forces. Providing effective TMD would require a seamless network of early warning sensors, command posts, fire–control radars, and anti–missile missiles. Although defensive in nature, the deployment of a TMD system may catalyze threats to international peace and security by upsetting a regional balance of military forces, undercutting other states ' deterrent capabilities, or by protecting forces that can be used for offensive purposes. TMD deployment may therefore spur an unstable ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Star Wars Argumentative Analysis When Ronald Reagan unveiled the Strategic Defense Initiative, the whole world laughed. The movie Star Wars had just come out, and the description of this new laser defense system seemed more at home on the screen of a science fiction movie than in the arsenal of the American military. People today still call the plan absurd, but is it really? Well, the technology is still not quite to the level that Ronald Reagan had hoped in his speech, but it is not as far–fetched as one would think. In fact, this idea actually has paved the way for very similar systems that have been protecting Americans and other civilians for years now. So, what was the Strategic Defense Initiative and how did it evolve, how was it accepted, and what equivalent do ... Show more content on ... Today, we have in place multiple systems that do the job that Ronald Reagan dreamed about– the two most important being the Patriot Missile Defense system, and the Defense Support Program. The Patriot Missile defense system is a short–range, mobile missile defense system that has been used in the military for quite some time now. It is carried around on the back of a military vehicle, and can detect missiles from 50 miles out (that seems like a very long distance, but most missiles travel at around 1 mile per second), and shoot them down before they get near wherever the vehicle is stationed and trying to protect. Such missile defense systems have been leased to allies, and even used in recent wars in the Middle ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Essay The Anti-Ballistic Missile Debate At the beginning of our time on this earth, mankind was learning to stand up. Upon walking a good many steps on this world, mankind moved across the lands living off of its fruit and meat. Then we decided to stop moving and mankind developed cultivation skills to better serve us. Since then mankind has grown by leaps and bounds over the kingdoms and empires of old. Growth was spurred by conquest. It was almost as if man was born to kill or be killed. Although riddled with turmoil the age that would surpass these days would always be over the cliff of a far horizon. These events passed in cycles. Peace to follow war. Aggression came from suppression. Mankind moved through the agricultural revolution and the... Show more content on ... It includes the same radars, the same rockets, and largely the same deployment which was contemplated for the "heavy" defense. Safeguard continues to look like a first step toward a much bigger, more expensive and still ineffective system."(York 213) This brings me to my first point: cost. The ABM appeared to have all the characteristics of a solution in search of a problem. This characteristic shows up all too often in defense research and development programs, especially in the field of nuclear weaponry. A possibly fundamental reason why the ABM decision came up in 1969 was that ten years earlier Secretary of Defense McElroy, in dividing up the space and missile roles and missions among the three services, assigned the ABM to the Army as its only sophisticated missile program. This decision created a situation in which for many years the lives and careers of many able persons had been closely entwined with the life and fate of one single program: the Army's ABM. This not only included the civilians employed in the program office and by the main contractors, it also included uniformed personnel and a slew of part–time advisers at all levels. The testimony given by persons who were part–time advisers to the defense establishment and who were also in favor of the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. President Ronald Reagan National Missile Defense National Missile Defense Historical Perspective On March 23, 1983, through a nationally televised address to the nation, then President Ronald Reagan envisioned a "Star Wars" defense system to replace the existing element of mutual deterrence between the two Cold War superpowers. The system calls for a high–tech impenetrable ballistic missile shield for the United States. The speech marks the birth of the Strategic Defense Initiative1 (SDI). It came about when the Soviets then had numerical advantage over the United States in ballistic missiles that are increasingly accurate and powerful. In fact, the Soviets has the ability to overwhelm the United States' missiles on the ground should a conflict ever occur. Arms race is a... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, some of these nations are not in concert with the goals and vision United States has for world peace. In fact, they oppose United States' growing influence in their region and view the presence of United States an obstacle to fulfilling their own regional agenda. They harbor anger and contempt towards the United States for its role. Furthermore, today's environment provides increasing accessibility to technology, information and expertise to design, build and deliver weapons of mass destruction that can threaten our security. There exists an immediate need to address our nation's capability to defend itself competently in the event of a missile attack from these nations. The recent years has also seen the emergence of many groups that embrace terrorism. The world witnessed in pure anger the events of September 11, 2001. Also, mindless suicidal bombings on streets and shopping malls full of innocent civilians constantly filled our news. These acts underscore the undivided intent of groups to disrupt world peace at any cost. Accordingly, these groups have expressed interest in acquiring chemical, biological or nuclear capabilities to further enhance their ability to terrorize. Their indiscriminate use of these new abilities threatens our interest at home and aboard. In 1999, then President Clinton signed into law "The National Missile Defense Act of 1999"2 that allowed the United States to deploy a National Missile Defense (NMD) when technologically ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Essay about The Missile Defense System of the United States The Missile Defense System of the United States Abstract When Ronald Reagan was in the Presidency, he and his staff came up with the idea for a missile defense system that would defend the country in the event of a nuclear missile attack. This system was named "Star Wars" and the basic principal behind it was that it would be a shield that covered all fifty states. However, government officials soon realized that Reagan's defense system was impossible to build, so the program was dropped, but the idea to defend the country against a missile attack stuck around. Today, the U. S. Government is trying to build a new, more realistic missiledefense system. However, not all the problems have been worked out, and the U. S. Government ... Show more content on ... Another one of its missions is to "develop and maintain the option to deploy a cost effective, operationally effective, and Anti–Ballistic Missile Treaty compliant system" that could protect the states against a country that may pose a threat. The most important part of this is definitely the protection of all the states against a missile attack. In order to make a defense system that would work, the National Missile Defense would need to have a system that meets the missile threat when it's released, detect a launch of a missile, track it using radars and destroy the warhead above the atmosphere of earth (National missile defense, 2000). History The new missile defense program started in 1993 after the Department of Defense decided to conduct a review that would "select the strategy, force structure, and modernization programs for America's defense in the post–Cold War era." When the U. S. S. R. broke apart, it was decided that there was not much of a threat from China or the former Soviet Union. However, it was uncertain how easy it would be for a third world country to come into possession of long range missiles. In response to their uncertainty, the Defense Department built the National Missile Defense in order to develop and keep the ability to launch a missile defense if a threat emerged (National missile defense, 2000). In 1994, Congress called for a great acceleration in the development of the missile defense system. This call represented a sense
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  • 8. Protecting the United States through the National Missile... Protecting the United States from Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction through the National Missile Defense Program Ever since nuclear weapons of mass destruction have existed, people have been attempting to create ways to prevent a war that would bring about a worldwide Arma–geddon. Many of today's top military and government officials have been studying ways in which the United States can protect itself from a nuclear missile attack. What they have come up with is the National Missile Defense program, or NMD. The NMD would consist of a network of satellites, early–warning devices, and missiles pro–grammed to spot an incoming nuclear missile. When a nuclear missile is detected, the NMD would automatically launch the ... Show more content on ... The fear of an attack, however, stayed with many people. It became the goal of the United States to stockpile weapons, to use in the event of a nuclear attack from the Soviet Un–ion or other nuclear super–power. A few years later, during the Nixon Presidency in 1968, the United States, USSR, and a number of other states signed the Nuclear Non–proliferation Treaty. The NPT was designed to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and technology from the super–power states to the still–developing states. (Winkler 1999, 182) In 1972, four years after NPT was signed and ten years after the Cuban missile crisis, the United States, in conjunction with the USSR, signed the ABM Treaty. The ABM treaty was designed to regulate the number of anti–ballistic missile systems, or defense shields, of both the United States and the Soviet Union to two, and later agree–ments brought that number down to one. (Winkler 1999, 187) It did nothing, however, to regulate the number of missiles a state could possess. During all this time, however, US–Soviet relations remained tense. The Ameri–can government taught the American people to live in fear of a possible pre–emptive nuclear strike by the Soviets. According to author Allan Winkler, this is when then –President Ronald Reagan began to design his Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) pro–gram, or Star Wars, as many people referred to it as. (204) There were a number of early ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Army Observation Essay Arriving on base Tank reported to Command Ops. They recalled him from leave for a mission in Syria. From his platoon the eight–man team selected consisted of sniper units and Arabic language qualified people with Tank in command. They are to go in by way of a HALO jump at night. At the briefing, they learned they would be going into support, the Northern Storm Brigade. They are an Islamist FSA unit that controls an important border crossing between Syria and Turkey. There had been deadly clashes between the Northern Storm Brigade and the IslДЃmic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) after the Jihadist group stormed their positions. Their mission was to light up specific ISIS targets for Air Ops. Secondary was to kill or capture any and all insurgents. ... Show more content on ... Insurgent fighters were converging on them with rapid speed. Joker dropped the M110. Ducking out of the OP he dropped a grenade on it. It was too cumbersome to run with and he was not leaving it behind. He would be better with his M249 Light Machine Gun at close range. He opened up laying down covering fire as the squad headed for the old trail. Leapfrogging along, from rock to boulder they made their way closer to the L.Z. "Come on," Brooks shouted into an empty sky. To the squad, he issued a warning. "Keep your eyes open for Razor and the Straight–man, no blue on blue fatalities for our team." Then, in the distance, a chopper rolled in with weapons blazing. They fired rockets towards the fighters advancing on the squad's position. A well–aimed shot from a shoulder fired missile hit the chopper causing it to explode, disintegrating in a ball of fire. "Get on the horn, Joker. Tell them our chopper is down and we are digging in 100 meters from the L.Z. Tell them to send air support with it. We may have to report a possible overrun situation." "Roger that." "Everybody get your ass down. Dig in. We are going to have to hold until the Calvary gets here," shouted ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Lockheed Martin Case 2011 Executive Summary Lockheed Martin is a leading security and defense company based in Bethesda, MD with operations that span the globe. Lockheed Martin experienced a positive turnaround under new CEO Robert Stevens' leadership, and is now entrenched as a leading competitor in the Aerospace and Defense (A&D) industry. They maintain an extensive business portfolio and continue to increase shareholder value. However, recent issues with contract mismanagement and cost overruns involving the government F–35 program leave a negative outlook on their operations. They also face increasing pressure to acquire and retain key employees from a diminishing talent pool. Government budget cuts threaten to hurt revenues, thus making it important for ... Show more content on ... Efficient buildings, where companies such as Lockheed Martin have converted their buildings to be efficient in saving energy, which is a way to cut costs in a declining economic environment, emphasize stewardship of the environment. Europe has enacted a "Clean Sky" initiative, which is a large research project with the goal of providing a step in environmentally friendly air transport technology. Technology is an important facet in the industry, and therefore has a high emphasis. Cutting edge technology has driven rising costs for consumers. This also causes R&D spending to be fairly high. Because of this, Defense companies often seek to find commercial use for new technology. Forecasted Defense trends indicate industry adjustment to reduced government defense spending. Because companies have overlooked operational efficiency and relied heavily on government spending, efficiency will now become a focus with decreased spending. Companies will also attempt to explore new markets, such as Lockheed Martin's secured contract with Israel for future purchase of F–35's, as well as entering into related markets to diversify revenues. Increased competition is expected due to consolidations among smaller companies in an effort to become more competitive (Thompson). SWOT Analysis Our SWOT (Appendix 3) focuses on the analysis of all components of Lockheed's business and industry and the importance of these factors weights in the IFAS and EFAS. The IFAS score ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The National Missile Defense System is the First Step to... The National Missile Defense System is the First Step to Another Cold War and the United States Should Not Do It As we begin the twenty–first century, an increasing number of states around the world are acquiring nuclear capabilities. The sense of insecurity by individual governments is driving many states into developing and testing ballistic missiles. In the mean time, the United States finds itself in a position to develop new technology that will protect themselves against these potential missile strikes. The development of a national anti–ballistic missile defense system has sparked many controversies around the United States. Advocates of the system argue that it is only a defensive measure, but they fail to see the ... Show more content on ... (Beard) Disturbed by the Rumsfeld report, Capital Hill responded immediately by passing two bills. The first bill known as S. 257 stated, "It is the policy of the United States to deploy as soon as is technologically possible an effective National Missile Defense system capable of defending the territory of United States against limited ballistic missile attack". The S.257 was followed by a second bill named H.R. 4 passed in March of 1999 that stated, "It is the policy of the United States to deploy a national missile defense." ( The proposal of the National Missile Defense System by Capitol Hill is a clear example of the international security dilemma, where the United States' desire to become more secure compromises other states' security. By setting up a missile defense to escape the power of other states, this will only create insecurity in the international arena that will prompt other states to react with their own missile defense system. This dynamia can also be seen through the prisoner's dilemma diagram (Figure 1). The United States fears for the worst possibility so it arms itself to increase its protection. It does not trust the other players in the international community and does not want to ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Air Defense Artillery in Middle East Operations Essay Our nation has been in conflict with the Middle East for over two and a half decades. Air Defense Artillery has made a huge impact in Middle East conflicts. The threats that make Air Defense Artillery a necessity for these conflicts include a number of aircraft, such as planes, jets and helicopters as well as launched munitions like scud missiles and mortars. Air Defense Artillery is an ever evolving force and has been there for protection of American forces against these threats. Air Defense Artillery is a group of weapons that divide the airspace into two different sectors. Short Range Air Defense, also known as SHORAD, defends against low altitude, short range aircraft and munitions. High to Medium Altitude Air Defense, also known ... Show more content on ... The Avenger is capable of eliminating the same threats as the Stinger missile system. The Counter, Rocket, Artillery, Mortar system, also referred to as the CRAM, is a combination of a gun called Phalanx and a Sentinel Radar. A Sentinel Radar for spotting incoming rockets and mortars. The Phalanx and Sentinel work together to eliminate rocket and mortar threats. The first SHORAD Air Defense unit to deploy to this conflict was 5th Battalion, 62nd Air Defense Artillery. 5/62 ADA was a Vulcan Stinger unit that originally deployed on 12 August 1990 to protect Patriot units due to their vulnerability from low flying, air breathing threats. 5/62 ADA was later split up and each battery given assignments to protect other types of units. Examples of these assignments are; Alpha Battery joined the 75th Field Artillery Brigade and Bravo Battery joined 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment. (Henry) All–encompassing the mission of SHORAD, 5/62 ADA protected many different assets from air breathing threats during theGulf War. Other SHORAD units from the past and present include 6th Battalion 52nd Air Defense Artillery, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Air Defense Artillery and 5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery. The stated units have been, or are still currently, SHORAD based only. SHORAD units still prove invaluable during modern conflicts as well. Units that deploy ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Essay on Should the U.S. build a National Missile Defense... Should the U.S. build a National Missile Defense System? "What if free people could live secure in the knowledge that their security didn't depend upon the threat of instant U.S. retaliation to deter an enemy attack?" Ronald Reagan; 1983 In his speech of March 23, 1983, President Reagan presented his vision of a future where a Nation's security did not rest upon the threat of nuclear retaliation, but on the ability to protect and defend against such attacks. The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) research program was designed to tell whether, and how, advanced defense technologies could contribute to the feasibility of this vision. What is a nationalmissile defense (NMD)? A NMD is in theory "a technological shield that could destroy ... Show more content on ... It consists of a collection of sensor satellites that would obtain and track the missiles during their trajectory path, giving the BMC2 the earliest trajectory estimate. The third element is called the In–flight Interceptor Communications System. This is the strategically located ground system that links to the GBI for in–flight targeting. Up to seven pairs of these stations would be created. The next part, X–band/Ground–Based Radar, performs tracking, discrimination, and kill assessments of incoming missiles, providing real–time continuous tracking data to the BMC2. The final part of the missile defense system is the Upgraded Early Warning Radar. These are phased–array surveillance radars, used to detect and track the ballistic missiles. By upgrading the software of existing early warning radars, they would meet the missile defense requirements. It has been said that the Missile Defense System is like "shooting a bullet down with a bullet" This leads one to believe that it cannot be done. If you can imagine a gun firing a bullet out of it heading up into the air, than someone else firing a gun into the air trying to hit the first bullet that just fired than you have just pictured what happens in a ground–based inception system. Also, many people question the effectiveness of the system. If the system proves to be ineffective, then the billions of dollars that was spent on it are wasted. These are real concerns that many people have and in the past may have ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Development of the Theater High Altitude Area Defense System The United States Army has been developing and implementing systems in order to protect our nation's national security. One of the systems the Army has added to its arsenal is the Theater High Altitude Area Defense system (THAAD). During the Persian Gulf War, the Army identified a need for a system that would be able to counter a theater ballistic missile attack. THAAD is designed to cover the upper tier of the Army's two–tiered theater ballistic missile defense plan (DOD Inspector General, 1995) and is a mobile ground based theater missile defense (TMD) system that can protect military forces that are deployed at home or abroad, population centers, and civilian assets from Theater Ballistic Missile (TBM) attacks. THAAD engages incoming ballistic missiles and is capable of intercepting them at high altitudes. The prime contractor selected for the project was Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space. The project would encompass the design and materials of radars, battle management command, control, communications, mobile launchers, interceptors and ground support equipment. The launching system would be on a palletized loading system fitted on existing vehicles the Army has in their inventory. THAAD's first inception was in 1992 and it would take many years for the project to be successful. On June 28th, 2010, the 6th Air Defense Artillery Brigade from the U.S. Army and theMissile Defense Agency was successful in conducting an intercept test (THAAD System Intercept, 2010). THAAD ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Air Defense Of France AIR DEFENSE OF FRANCE SGT Garza, Mikeal L. Class 002–16 Advanced Leadership Course AIR DEFENSE OF FRANCE There are many small countries out there, but France is one of the most powerful small countries there are. Even though France is smaller than the state of Texas it still ranks in the world's top ten power rankings. In order to understand a countries true power you have to know the terrain, history of the country. You also have to know about theirmilitary and defense systems. You cannot defeat a country if you do not know their full capabilities. You cannot expect to rank in the world's top power rankings and not be able to defend your country against all enemies. France first became a country in 987, known as the Kingdome of France. When the Kingdom of France became a country, it faced many wars, fighting over land with the English monarchs, and even more so when Latter inherited Spain that surrounded the country of France. It was not until the 1700s that France started playing a major role in the European and world events. In the 20th century, France has experienced numerous crises, including the devastation of two world wars, political and social upheavals, and the loss of large empires Indochina, Algeria, West and Equational Africa (Mills, C. 1993). France survived and overcame the devastation of World War II to be one of the world's top suppliers of agricultural and industrial products and a major partner in the European Community ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Donald Trump Strengths And Weaknesses Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946. Raised in New York City. He got his Bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1968. During school, he worked for his father at his real estate and construction firm. He was given the business in 1971.He got involved in large building projects in Manhattan.Trump co–hosted a reality tv show called "The Apprentice". June 2015 he announced his candidacy for president as a Republican. In July he was formally announced for president at the 2016 Republican National Convention(Bio). Hillary Clinton was born October 26,1947. Raised in Chicago. She went to Wellesley College, graduating in 1969 and earned her J.D. from Yale Law School in 1973. In 1977, she co–founded ... Show more content on ... She supports new immigration legislation that would create a path to citizenship. Get rid of the 3–10–year bars. Clinton said she will defend President Obama's stalled executive actions designed to protect from deportation up to 5 million undocumented immigrants. Encourage immigrants to become naturalized citizens. Clinton says she would expand fee waivers so that money isn't obstacle for the estimated 9 million people eligible for citizenship. Change detention policies, Private immigration detention centers would close under a Clinton presidency( Donald Trump's strengths are that he is above all others and has to do with the media. He will make statements that will dominate news, discussions and has a false for the arguments that will capture attention. He is a candidate who knows to speak to the anger that exists in the electorate and is not shy about doing so. He seems to not have any boundaries as to what kinds of rhetoric he is willing to use( Hillary Clinton's strengths is that she would be the first female president, she has developed strong with Democratic election officials and candidates whom she is helping in senate and house races. She shows the ability to build board electoral coalitions in different parts of the country. She does not give in easily and can punch back ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Student Republican Party Platform Essay Preamble The dawn of a new millennium is upon us and we, the Republican Party, are fully prepared to meet the challenges that await us. This past century, due to the resilience and determination of the American people, our country has experienced more growth and prosperity than any other nation in recorded history. However, dark challenges threaten the moral fiber of thisgreat nation. The past eight years, under Clinton's leadership, the national government has lacked the fortitude to effectively battle the dangerously extremist trends that have gradually forced their way into the American culture. In order for America to be the great nation it once was, the Republican Party must be in power. The Republican Party has a vision ... Show more content on ... With this reduction we have rekindled the belief in the American dream. Economic prosperity and sound moral and family values have begun to be reinstated in all arenas of American life. We believe there should be less government intrusion in the lives of Americans because only the American people can decide what is best for them. We stand for a rollback of federal government paternalism and intervention and instead call for an increased roll of the individual and a revitalization of the American tradition of entrepreneurial innovation. The rise of the Republican Party to national prominence will allow us to realize these goals and restore America to its former glory. Federal Minimum Wage We the Republican Party support the American workforce knowing that the future of the country rests on a strong economy. To insure economic prosperity it is imperative that states have the freedom to act accordingly to its economy. We as Americans, as workers, and as taxpayers should seek to quiet the anxiety over labor and wages. We cannot be held to a standard that blankets the whole nation when it is evident that each state is different. States must be allowed to evaluate the conditions of their economy, unemployment, growth and other relative demographics and then should have the ability to set the minimum wage. The Republican Party strongly believes that government
  • 18. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Unit's Preparedness Training At The Mobilization Training... Furthermore, each unit is required to balance tasks and benchmarks selected by their respective Adjutants General along with those prescribed by First Army. Generally, deploying units undergo four to eight weeks of medical, administrative, and classroom preparation on top of technical and tactical skill refresher training spanning the year prior to mobilization. Once activated, Soldiers conduct immersive, training scenarios before receiving individual training certification. Meanwhile, theater specific mobilization training and validation of unit's preparedness occurs at the mobilization–training center and commonly concludes following a 60 to 90 day demonstration of those abilities. Avenger battalions (BN), including each assigned battery (BTRY), obtain validation by First Army Division West which confirm the integrated, collective capabilities of their air defense wartime mission essential tasks at Fort (Ft) Bliss, Texas (TX). Operation Per Diem Throughout the National Guard community those familiar with the national capital region's air defense mission, often jokingly refer to it as Operation Per Diem. Once a unit receives mobilization orders, Soldiers initiate a scramble to secure an assignment on the deployment–manning document (DMD). Competition for one of the roughly 190 coveted spots is aggressive, because of the financial benefits provided to individual Soldiers. Finally, each rotation in support of Operation Clear Skies experiences an overlap of six months ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Patriot Missile Crisis Intro Ballistic missile defense became a necessity after World War II when Germany developed and launched several missiles at targets around Europe. During the Cold War, the United States and Russia began developing technologies to build and use long range missiles at a moment's notice. Before the Gulf War and Desert Storm there were no systems to defend against theater ballistic missiles or TBM's. The Patriot missile system had been developed in the 1970's to counter threats from enemy aircrafts. Shortly before the Gulf War, testing and production of the first PAC1 missiles had begun to be used against Short range missiles. The use of the Patriot system had a huge impact to the success of the Gulf War and Desert Storm by defending US and coalition assets in Saudi Arabia and Israel from Scud Missile attacks by Iraqi Forces. Before World War II a German engineer, Wernher von Braun, had begun working on rocket designs that eventually led to the development and launch of over 3000... Show more content on ... The impact only caused relatively small amounts of injuries and deaths but Israel was inclined to retaliate. On 18 January 1991, the first interception of tactical ballistic missiles in combat occurred. Alpha Battery, 2–7 ADA successfully intercepted Iraqi Scuds. The interceptions strengthened the trust in the Patriot system. On 21 and 22 January, Patriot crews engaged more tactical ballistic missiles. As Patriot successfully engaged more tactical ballistic missiles, there were fewer Scud launches. Air Defense became a key component in collation planning. Air Defense units were attached to the majority of ground units on the front lines moving into Iraq. Patriot proved their mobility while attached to the 3rd Armored Cavalry and the XVIII Airborne during the "Hail Mary" sweep into Iraq. Patriot moved and provided air defense during one of Desert Storm's most intense ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Thade Research Paper Terminal High Altitude Air Defense System North Korea's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile defense program is a serious threat to the United States. A fully developed North Korean Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) could reach the continental United States. (Jack Kim) If North Korea conducts a test–launch of ICBM that threatens the U.S. or its allies, the U.S. will have to rely on their Terminal High Altitude Air Defense System (THAAD) to shoot the missile down with an interceptive (Jae–Soon). The THAAD is an anti–ballistic missile system developed by the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) that uses kinetic energy from its impact with a ballistic missile that can destroy the missile and minimize the damages of an exploding warhead. The THAAD was originally created in 1991 exclusively for the United States Army. The United States Army hired the MDA during the Gulf war to develop a system that could counter scud missiles that were launched against U.S. troops in Iraq. (Panda) The MDA awarded Lockheed a contract making the corporation the primary contractor in charge of designing the system. Per the Lockheed Martin website, the THAAD is one of the most advanced missile systems in the world today. (Lockheed Martin) The THAAD uses a kill on contact tactic against ballistic missiles in ... Show more content on ... (Lockheed Martin) Since the first launching of the THAAD on November 22, 2005 at the White Sands Test Range in New Mexico, the MDA has conducted sixteen additional test launches. The THAAD was supposed to be tested again in 3Q, FY 2017, consequently, has been delayed due to the operational deployment of the THAAD to Guam to deter North Korean Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. (Mostly Missile Defense) Testing has proven that the THAAD could prevent a catastrophic damage from a nuclear missile. to include a North Korean Intercontinental Ballistic ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Patriot Missile System: The Persian Gulf War Scuds on Scope Air Defense had a prominent involvement in The Persian Gulf War. The Patriot missile system demonstrated its effectiveness in combat in 1990 and United States (U.S.) forces as well as Iraqi forces utilized the Homing All the Way Killer (HAWK) missile system. Air Defense's considerable involvement in the Persian Gulf War accredited to the developments and capabilities of the Patriot missile system along with the HAWK missile system's Iraqi dilemma. First of all, The Patriot missile system played a vital role during the Persian Gulf War. The Persian Gulf War was a short war from 2 August 1990 to 28 February 1991. Colonel Joseph G. Garrett, the 11th Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Brigade Commander was the Air Defense ... Show more content on ... Even with these systems at the enemies' hands, they were never able to successfully take down the coalition aircraft. The system has deployed various times in several conflicts around the globe. "Although HAWK missile batteries were deployed by the U.S. Army during the conflicts in Vietnam and Persian Gulf, American troops have never fired this weapon in combat"(United, n.d.). The only reason that U.S. troops never engaged targets, was because there was a lack of need for it. For instance, there were many Scud missile launches during the Persian Gulf War, however Patriot battalions were in place to defend against Scuds. Meanwhile, HAWK is an Air–Breathing target weapon, which the enemy did not have access to at the time. The HAWK missile system has a fairly short history compared to many other weapons and Units. At only 35 years of Army service, it was short lived and underutilized. The missile system spent most of its time in the Army National Guard (ARNG) rather than active service. This was mainly due to its high mobility and ease of deployment, making it less cost effective to have active component units. HAWK is a highly praised Surface to Air Missile (SAM) system, but is no longer in the U.S. Army's arsenal. However, countries such as Sweden, Japan and several Asian Pacific countries are still utilizing ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The On Base Tank Reported At Command Ops Arriving on base Tank reported to Command Ops. They recalled him from leave for a mission in Syria. From his platoon, the eight–man team selected consisted of sniper units also Arabic language qualified people with Tank in command. They are going in by way of a HALO jump at night. At the briefing, they learned they were going to support, the Northern Storm Brigade. They are an Islamist FSA unit that controls an important border crossing between Syria and Turkey. There had been deadly clashes between the Northern Storm Brigade and the IslДЃmic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) after the Jihadist group stormed their positions. Their mission was to light up specific ISIS targets for Air Ops. The secondary was to kill or capture any and all insurgents. To carry out their mission, their leave, the military cut short due to the requirements of the service. The C–130 wasn't a second late, and they were airborne at 0300 hours. With a flying time of 15 hours, they would be over the drop zone by 0100 hours Syrian time. Climbing to cruising altitude took a while. They had lots of time for a last–minute check of the gear, so they settled in for the long flight. Closing in on the drop zone, Brooks called out. "Lock and load." The last inspection of their chutes and harnesses went off without a hitch. The aft door of the C–130 began to open. Every eye was on the jump light, which would soon turn green. Every ear listened to the harnessed Jumpmaster standing near the door. Moving closer, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Air Defense Birth The Birth of Air Defense During post–Cold War Era Air Defense Artillery began the technological advances and defensive systems in order to protect the United States against any threat foreign or domestic. The development of air defense capabilities was due to defense vulnerabilities that were revealed during World War II, also, theCold War introduced new threats that would change the way air defense would engage and defeat the enemy in the future. Air Defense Artillery introduced the guided missile which allowed the Army to specialize and take their combat experience developed in Vietnam into the Nike missile variants which proved invaluable during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the cold war, ultimately allowing great soldiers like SGT ... Show more content on ... (Cuban, n.d.) "America needs to be defended. We need missile defense to better police the skies over theUnited States." Rudy Givliani The 2nd Battalion 52nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment at Fort Bliss, Texas deployed to Florida in response to the Soviet Union threat, bringing one of the original versions of the Nike Hercules missile. (Carter, n.d.) The Nike Hercules missile is a Surface to Air missile (SAM) which is capable of destroying ballistic missiles and airplanes. Even though the Nike Hercules was capable of destroying a vast majority of ballistic missiles, its specifications did not match up to the Soviet Union threat with a distance of only 320 kilometers of travel. The United States was left with only one option to counteract the new threat; they then began to upgrade pieces of the Nike Hercules missile to try to compare to the Soviet Union. Thus, creating the Nike series: Zeus A, B, X, EX to combat a multitude of airplanes, satellites, and ballistic missiles. All of the Zeus Series missiles proved successful in defense against the ballistic missiles payload, but performed subpar against the ICBM's speed. In 1968, the Spartan missile finished testing and proved its mission capability in August 1970 by intercepting one Minuteman intercontinental ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Evolution Of Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Warfare on the battlefield has been ever changing since the conception of it in the early human era. The first weapons used on the battlefield were extremely primitive but it did not take long for the evolution of warfare to begin. Human ingenuity can be extremely beneficial towards the betterment of mankind, unfortunately it can also be destructive. Eventually air threats were introduced into warfare, resulting in the need to shoot them down. The complexity of ever–changing aerial threats warranted the need for the most powerful countermeasures to be put into place known as Air Defense Artillery (ADA). One of the first sightings of aerial combat was documented during the Civil War and was in the form of balloons. Early attempts ... Show more content on ... Threats will evolve which will push Air Defense to evolve as well. Technology will continue to change, become more available and decrease in cost allowing threats to spread to the four corners of the earth. The world is unpredictable and Air Defense needs to be on the forefront of technology. The Integrated Fire Protection Capability Increment 2–Intercept or the IFPC Inc 2–I, is a perfect example of the future of Air Defense. This system is designed to protect Soldiers, artillery weapons, cruise missiles, aircraft and command aerial systems to include motors and rockets. Another new system air defense is developing is the Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense (AIAMD). This system is technologically advanced, it is designed to unify air defense, by providing the ability to connect various air defense weapons and systems to a single command and control network, allowing a single control to all the various weapons and sensors that form an air defense network through a single battle command ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Relationship Between the Us and North Korea The Relationship Between the United States and North Korea Is it Really as Volatile As We Think? The relationship between the US and North Korea has been fraught with tension for many years. This paper explores the history of the relationship while discussing possible causes for the tension. 12/4/2006 Introduction How many have ever felt abandoned or bullied? Ever feel both from the same person over a long ... Show more content on ... I really see it as no different than my abusive partner wanting to cut off my food supply for taking a self defense class such as being offered locally soon. That would just raise my red flags higher. I feel this is much the same view that North Korea is seeing with Mr ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The United States Army Breaks Down The Operational Variables Throughout the history of the world, there has always been a struggle to be the most powerful country in the world. Many key aspects that go into deciding what countries are the most powerful; some of these aspects are having a powerful military, strong economy, large population and a powerful but strong government. Most key aspects of what makes a country strong are also the same the aspects that make up the operational environment variables. The United States Army breaks down the operational variables into Political, Military, Economic, Social, Infrastructure, Information, Physical Environment and Time (PMESII–PT) when evaluating the operational variables . Russia has built a strong, but stagnating economy on several natural resources to include the refinery and export of natural gas and oil. According to the Jim Picht (2014) exportation of natural gas and oil to Eastern Europe account for 70 percent of Russia's exports and 53 percent of the government's revenue. Along with exporting oil to Eastern Europe, Russia also exports too many countries to include China and Belarus. Europe fueled majority by Russian supplied natural gas and oil, the dependency of Europe's need for this natural resource is the reason Russia's economy is so strong. In 2014, when Russia decided to invade the neighboring country of Ukraine has led Europe to begin searching for other suppliers of their natural resources. If Europe finds other countries to supply the natural resources ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Need for a National Missile Defense Program in the... The Need for a National Missile Defense Program in the United States Several hundred Soviet, nuclear tipped, ballistic missiles streak towards the United States without any form of opposition or challenge to their impeding destruction. The result of a situation like this would be no doubt disastrous, but it is a situation that could very well take place if the United States does not install a national ballistic missile defense program. An anti–ballistic missile (ABM) system is a precaution that the American government must pursue with all of its resources in order to protect and preserve our society as we know it. Really, what are the chances of another nation launching a ballistic missile attack on the U.S.? Well, an attack may... Show more content on ... A calculated and combined attack could easily place nuclear ICBMs all over most of the continental U.S.. Even when the Taepo Dong missile was tested on August 31, 1998 an Iranian delegation was flown to North Korea bringing with them an entire plane load of telemetry equipment to monitor the test. Shortly after the test the delegation returned to Iran with the full results of the test. The very test of the North Korean Taepo Dong missile just goes to show how very clueless the United States is as to the development of ICBMs by foreign countries. The CIA's national intelligence officer for strategic and nuclear programs, Robert D. Walpole, admitted that nobody in the intelligence community expected North Korea to develop an ICBM capability so soon. "Although the launch of the Taepo Dong 1 missile was expected for some time, its use as a space launch vehicle with a third stage was not. The existence of a third stage concerns us. We hadn't anticipated it." Debris from the rocket's third stage was found some 3,500 miles from the site of the launch, showing that North Korea has the ability to target Alaska and possibly America's west coast, admitted Walpole. "Clearly if you can put something into orbit, you get awfully ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Essay On Triicere Tricare or CHAMPUS is a health insurance program that is for spouses and dependents of active duty military personnel as well as retired military and their family. There are different plans with this program. They are called TRICARE Prime, Standard and Global Remote Overseas. Also, a Medicare program is available for retired military personnel, which is called TRICARE for Life. Each plan has different benefits and eligibility requirements. TRICARE Prime is used for members who must travel more than 100 miles from their primary care doctor to receive special care. Beneficiaries are reimbursed for certain travel costs like lodging and meals. These types of expenses are reimbursed up to the government rate. The average cost for... Show more content on ... The facility may put mileage limits beyond 30 minutes or specify zip codes ("Tricare plans and," 2013). Military personnel and their family members must participate in the DEERS which is the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System. It is a database of service members whether they are active duty or retired, their family members and other people who are eligible for military benefits and TRICARE. In order for military personnel to receive benefits they must have current registration in DEERS ("Tricare plans and," 2013). They can enroll online and keep everything up to date via the internet. Claims and reimbursement may also be made through multiple website affiliated with TRICARE. After doing my research and trying to differentiate between all the TRICARE plans it seems as though it can be quite difficult on deciding which plan is best. There are just so many different options and plans that are for specific types of military personnel. Some plans should be chosen with consideration to location of the active duty member and their family. It would be best to stick with the Prime plan in most situations but other plans may need to be added as a supplement to ensure out of pocket costs are kept low for families. The positive aspect is that there are many choices and ways to keep everyone in the family covered and at a low cost. It would be helpful for military personnel and their family members to have a class ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Race To The Future: Article Analysis The article, "Race to the Future. How America's missile defense initiative blossomed into an international coalition," was featured in The American Legion, a center–right publication, in August of 2015. The author of the piece is Alan Dowd. Dowd is a frequent author and head of the Center for America's Purpose, a center–right organization. Regarding the critical eye, the article is accurate with a few pieces of misleading information. Throughout the article numerous solutions are presented and a discussion of different points of view is presented. Although the article is in favor of a national missile defense system, the author remains objective throughout the piece, and a large quantity of background information is provided, which helps the reader come to their own conclusions about a national missile defense. The first six paragraphs on the first page is where the author begins to provide a background on missile defense. Although outside research has found the provided background to be true, one critique of the piece is that Dowd gives many acronyms without defining what they are. For example, in the first paragraph Dowd ... Show more content on ... Not only is this an appeal to authority, but it is also logically false. History has judged Churchill well but that is based off several subjects, and not on a single opinion. Also, there are numerous examples of propaganda used in this piece. Mainly, the author uses the appeal to fear. The strengths of the piece include the abundance of background information, the discussion of different opinions, and the discussion of solutions. The weaknesses of the piece include the presence of propaganda and misleading or false information. There are no elements which I feel are not addressed, and my view on a national missile defense has grown stronger against after reading this ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Raytheon Research Paper Final Report: Raytheon By Calvin L. Wieczorek 4/30/2016 ECE 210 Who is Raytheon? I would like to take a brief moment to discuss why I chose to write about Raytheon rather than the other presentations in our class. While I found all of the topics presented interesting, I found Raytheon to stand out to me the most because of the scale of their company as well as their impact on society. I believe that this company is a possible starting place for my career path, and that it's worth the effect to look into their company myself. In this paper I'm going to take an in–depth look at Raytheon. To start off I'll be looking into the Raytheon itself, analyzing things such as its responsibility, businesses, culture, and diversity. Then I'll move... Show more content on ... Raytheon defines this as, "Electronic warfare uses focused energy, usually radio waves or laser light, to confuse or disable an enemy's electronics. It can also involve listening –collecting an enemy's radio signals or sensing the radar of an incoming missile." Raytheon also has a wide range of utilities that use electron warfare. They have Jammers that confuse adversaries, integrated suites that counteract missiles and radars, airborne decoys to distract enemies, and much more. Raython is planning on developing tactical laser and improved jammers in the nearby future. (Raytheon Electronic ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Missile Defense Systems : Risks And Benefits Missile Defense Systems: Risks and Benefits November 5, 2015 Jiung Choi 301149194 The missile defense system (MDS) provides a sort of protective shield against any possible missile attacks. Our generation is living in a world where a mass destruction is unavoidable. Technology has gotten overly advanced that a single nuclearmissile could destroy a small nation and instantly kill millions of people. Therefore, missile defense system could play an important role in limiting damage and casualties since it could destroy a missile before it causes any harm. Even though there are significant reasons for developing missile defense system, this is still an area of controversy. This essay will give background information on the technology, potential risks, and potential benefits on developing MDS. The history of missile defense system goes back to World War II when the Nazi's started developing ballistic missiles and long range rockets. Allied forces were unable to defend themselves against these high speed missiles that were launched from over 100 miles away, leaving troops unprotected. According to Roger Handberg , "during the war, London and Antwerp were heavily bombarded, the first cities to suffer ballistic missile attacks against which there exited no defense once successfully launched [1]." Unfortunately, U.S. spent billions of dollars on aircrafts and other technologies because they did not see the ballistic missiles as a potential threat. They figured that ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Patriot And Avenger Weapons Systems Military forces deploy to vastly different environments across the globe. However, two of the most important discriminating factors which shape how operations are conducted are acceptance and protection of US forces by the local population. Operational environments are roughly sorted into two major categories. Permissive environments are locations where the host nation has control of its territory and supports US operations. Non–permissive environments refer to locations with hostile or uncertain local response. Although the weapon's systems and sensors do not change from one location to the next, the environment surrounding a deployed Air Defense unit has a significant impact on how it is best operated. The Patriot and Avenger weapons systems clearly demonstrate the disparate considerations that must be taken for implementation of each asset when employed in a permissive and non–permissive environment respectively. Employment and Operations of the Patriot Missile System are dramatically impacted by its host environment. When the a unit is deployed to a permissive environment, treaties and political agreements often restrict exactly where the Patriot battery can be emplaced and what assets it will cover. In a non–permissive environment, the Patriot unit can position itself in the optimal position as long as it is adequately defensible and nests within the higher commander's plan. A second major difference for employment is mobility. It is typical for Patriot to be ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Iron Dome Research Paper The Iron Dome Weapon Defense System is used to detect and intercept incoming enemy rockets with missiles. It is rather advanced weapon technology: It assesses a threat to determine the target area, decides on whether the area is in danger, and shoots a missile to intercept that threat. The effectiveness of the missiles ranges from 75 to 90 percent, according to many different sources. So you may be asking yourself, "What's so bad about this system?" Well, the Iron Dome has some flaws. It has been programmed to protect military bases and power plants as a priority. So let's imagine that Hamas and/or Hezbollah decide to shoot thousands of rockets into Israel. The Iron Dome will have to intercept the missiles heading toward the prioritized areas ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Article Review On Donald Trump Among the websites that were listed for us to examine were some that focused on certain topics such as the salaries of our congressmen and the happenings of the US treasury, and others that were broad and covered many topics. I found myself spending more time on these websites that covered many topics. The Daily Caller is one of these broad websites that featured the current events in politics, the international community, entertainment, sports and business. The political section on the Daily Caller seems to favor a more conservative stance, but is by no means a conservative website. Donald Trump of course was making news, with his words that were directed to North Korea during his speech at an airbase in Japan. These soldiers in Japan ... Show more content on ... People have been pushing for a more background checks and calling for convicted domestic abusers to not be allowed guns. The Daily Caller reported that there is in fact already such a law in place. In 1996 there was a federal law passed that prohibits people who have been charged with domestic violence from purchasing or possessing guns. In 2016 the Supreme Court upheld this law. Gun control is a touchy subject, and I personally feel that the laws that the government enacts can always be circumvented. For example, this Devin Kelley should never have been allowed to buy a gun, and yet he did. The increase in recent years of mass shootings is not due to a more readily available supply of guns and ammo or laxer laws, rather it is the people. These nut jobs are the crux of the problem, and I don't have a solution to fail safely prevent mentally disturbed persons from acquiring guns. That being said, I do think that laws are effective, although not foal proof. I'm confident that there has been several shooting prevented by denying certain persons guns, and that's why I'm for gun control laws. While the world section of the Daily Caller covers many avenues of new, a large portion of it seems to be focused on conflicts in the international community. North Korea is suffering under the heaviest sanctions that have been placed on them. A former North Korean financial official has stated that he is unsure if North Korea will be able to survive ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Raytheon Missile System 1. What is the primary reason you are seeking a new opportunity? The primary reason I am seeking a new opportunity is that the Raytheon Missile Systems (RMS) Procurement Office in Louisville, KY is either going to close and transfer responsibilities to the HQ in Tucson, AZ. Or, the Louisville Office will become a cell for low value quick–turn purchase orders. Louisville Raytheon primarily serves as an overhaul, repair center and parts warehouse for the Phalanx weapon. The Procurement/Subcontracts office is relatively small consisting of 13–personnel. The high–level Corporate discussion is occurring for a variety of reasons. There is no stated timeline for a decision, however, it is prudent to seriously assess options sooner rather ... Show more content on ... The ability to collaborate with program management and other multi–functional teams is required. Successful candidate must be able to multi–task, make decisions in a timely manner, display strong interpersonal skills, have a general knowledge of FAR/DFARS and associated Federal Contracting regulations and be capable of working in a fast paced environment. 3. What is your most recent salary and salary expectation (please provide a specific amount or range)? My pay for 2016, as per W–2 is $80,964.67. With regard to salary expectation, there are other factors to consider such as challenge, growth potential, company product/service capabilities, and location. Northrop Grumman is a great company and Tampa is ideal for my family and accounts for a lot being long–term. Thus, salary is not primary and is flexible/negotiable. I am a believer the money will come with my performance/metrics. Though, as requested per the question, it is my preference to be in the mid $90K range. 4. Are you willing to work in United ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Desert Storm Significance Significance of Air Defense from Desert Storm to Present In the events of Desert Strom, the most impactful and successful missile system, the Patriot, was successful thanks to German created air missile defense. Research and development of this system began in the early 1940s as a product of the Cold War. The United States and Soviet Union used German rocket scientist, who had been captured at the ends of World War two, to create Ballistic missiles. These missiles were made from the V –2 rocket and German surface air missile named Wasserdall. Although this system of defense was unable to be tested in the field before the war ended. Twenty years later, the Soviet Union was able to bring to field the first Russian tactical ballistic missile. Due to the development and research of this missile, it opened the doors wider for the Patriot in the 1960s. By 1967 a missile was to carry either a warhead of nuclear or conventional power known as the Surface– To–Air Missile Development (SAM–D). Two years later in 1969, an American missile had its first success against a tactical Ballistic missile. General Schwarzkopf stated "when the history of Desert Storm is written, the Patriot system will ... Show more content on ... The crews were training at Fort Bliss's Air Defense Artillery School although were unable to complete the course until early 1991. Lawrens S. Eagleburgen, the deputy Secretary of State, went into Israel before Desert Strom offering two American Patriot PAC –2 batteries. While having no defense, Israel was faced with rounds of scud attacks on Tel Aviv and Haifa. The Secretary of Defense, Chency tried to have the American Patriot Batteries airlifted out of Israel. After these attacks, Israel used foreign military forces to strengthen their defense. Israeli Defense minister Moshe Arens accepted the offer and made the call for the 32nd Army Air Defense Command in Europe to prepare Patriot units for airlift to ... Get more on ...
  • 38. White Sands Missile Range Research Paper There are six national ranges in the United States that support missile development for the military and other government agencies. One of those six ranges is the White Sands Missile Range (WSMR); it occupies 3,200 square miles and is located in the Tularosa Basin, in southwest New Mexico. Each year scientists and researchers launch and test approximately 900 missiles from this range. White Sands Missile Range is the largest all land military testing range in the United States ("White Sands Missile Range and Trinity Site"). Today White Sands Missile Range is known as The Birthplace of America's Missile and Space Activity ("White Sands Missile Range More than Missiles"). In the early days the Tularosa Basin was home to many hunters and gatherers ... Show more content on ... It now had 430 housing units, 93 trailers, a post office, bank, newspaper, school, and churches. Three years later in 1958, it was designated the White Sands Missile Range which also included the Trinity Site (Sullivan). Further advancement brought NASA to the White Sands Missile Range along with President Kennedy's promise of a moon landing by the end of 1960. Kennedy's promise initialized the start of the Apollo project at WSMR. The first test of the Apollo project was to develop an escape system for the crew if there ever was a failure during launch. The tests were conducted using a Little Joe II rocket to simulate The Saturn rocket ("White Sands Missile Range More than Missiles"). The Little Joe II was the perfect rocket to simulate the test with because the speeds of launch were similar of that of an actual launch. When the escape system was activated, the capsule released from the rocket and the rockets on the capsule pulled them away from danger. After they were pulled away from danger the capsule would parachute to the ground. The test for an escape system proved to be a ... Get more on ...
  • 39. France's Top Power Rankings There are many small countries out there, but France is one of the most powerful small countries there are. Even though France is smaller than the state of Texas it still ranks in the world's top ten power rankings. In order to understand a countries true power you have to know the terrain, and history of the country. You also have to know about theirmilitary and defense systems. You cannot defeat a country if you do not know their full capabilities. You cannot expect to rank in the world's top power rankings and not be able to defend your country against all enemies. France first became a country in 987, known as the Kingdome of France. When the Kingdom of France became a country, it faced many wars, fighting over land with ... Show more content on ... France is located in Western Europe; France is the third largest European country right after Russia, and Ukraine. Six countries border France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. Two different bodies of water surround France, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. France is relatively flat with some low rolling hills and mountains. "Mountains dominate eastern, south central and southern France, including the snow capped Alps that stretch along its borders with Italy, then on into Switzerland and across southern Europe" (Europe (2016). The highest point in France is located on Mont Blanc at 15,770 ft. above sea level. France's northeast side is primarily forested and runs along the Rhine River Valley. In the southeast lie, the Gorges du Verdon, this massive canyon is 700 meters deep and about 11 miles long. The longest river is the Lorie it is 630 miles long some other major rivers are the Garonne, and Rhine River. One of Frances main tourist attractions is the Eiffel tower located in Paris, which is also the country's capital (Europe (2016). France is sixth in the top ten world powers "France contains one of the most capable military forces in Europe" (Majumdar, D. (2015, February 10). There are currently 215,000 troops in Frances military force. The military is well equipped with battle tanks ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Managing Risk With Change : Managing Organizational Change Managing Risk with Change Shelly L. Estill Colorado State University Global Campus Abstract "Effective change management offers a standardized method that efficiently evaluates the potential positive and negative aspects of change" (Scarborough, n.d.). In order to fully understand the change, and the impact of the proposed change, it is helpful to have all of the facts. However, when faced with decisions that offer very little information either short term, or long term, judgement comes more into the equation than factual information. In these instances managing risk becomes an ongoing process. When you are unaware of all of the possible effects of decisions you must constantly reevaluate the situation and make needed changes immediately in order to mitigate future risk. As the changes unfold risk can become clearer and more effectively mitigated. Managing Risk with Change The act of implementing a new "change involves risk and uncertainty" as with the story of Kodak as told in Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach (Palmer, & Dunford, 2009, p. 9). I have learned through the process of running a small business that any small change can have long lasting effects on a business. The act of going into business has been the most risky decision that I have been a part of. There was much less information available to me than I would have preferred when my husband and I made the decision to go into business in 2007. I knew that ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Human-Less Warriors Essay As bloody wars drag on in Iraq and Afghanistan the United States military increasingly turns to human–less warriors to stem the loss of lives. The MQ–1 Predator and MQ–9 Reaper aerial drones are seeing an increase in use, while remote controlled robots are being used to dispose of improvised explosive devises. At what point do these computer systems move from machines capable of unethical actions, to machines whose very existence is unethical? I argue that fully automated systems should not be used in an offensive manner; rather they can only see ethical uses in limited defensive roles. In exploring this question I will draw on the only fully autonomous US armed forces weapon system I am aware of, the Phalanx CIWS, a missile defense system ... Show more content on ... Phalanx checks that the missile is coming toward the ship, it does this to avoid shooting down friendly missiles. It checks to see if the missile is able to hit the ship, based on its speed and heading. It also checks to see if the missile fits within a velocity bracket in which missiles tend to fall. These are not an exhaustive list of fail–safes to ensure Phalanx only engages enemy projectiles, however it gives an idea of the design thinking behind the system. I believe that Phalanx CIWS falls into the third category presented in Who's in Charge of the Chip?, that category being machines capable of "harmful consequences." I believe it falls into this one by the process of elimination, it isn't designed with a malicious intent, quite the opposite, its intent is to protect. Secondly, it seems to have been designed with safety in mind as there are a battery of conditions that must be fulfilled in order for the gun to fire. This leaves only the third category as a possibility. As I am about to show the Phalanx has been shown capable of causing bad consequences. I found two instances where a Phalanx system has acted in a way we would deem undesirable. First, in February 1991, during the First Gulf War, a Phalanx system aboard the frigate USS Jarrett fired upon the battleship USS Missouri. The ships were around three miles apart when they fell under attack from an Iraqi missile. ... Get more on ...