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Sierra Club
 November, 2008
                                            Mineral King News
Mineral King Group – Visalia 559-739-8527         

 Your Club in Action                                 Proactively, we support the City      Barack Obama
 By Mary Moy, Conservation Chair, and            of Visalia Environmental                  for President –
 Joanne Dudley, Secretary                        Committee, a citizen advisory
                                                 group that has been instrumental in
                                                                                             See Page 4
                                                 Visalia becoming a Cool City which
         The Mineral King Group of the           is a commitment to incorporate
 Sierra Club continues to be actively            development that reduces
 engaged in many local environmental             greenhouse gas emissions that                  Sierra Club
 issues.                                         contribute to global warming.                 Positions on
         Group members monitored,                         Additionally, Mineral King
 critiqued and challenged the Tulare
                                                 members attend the Tulare County              Propositions:
 County General Plan Update. The                 Water Commission meetings to
 update encouraged sprawl on the valley          promote water quality and supply to
 floor and in the foothills, allowed for loss    citizens of Tulare County for current       ! Propositions 1A –
 of farmland, contributed to global              and future users.                             Bonds for High
 warming and poor air quality, allowed               Finally, working with our Kern            Speed Rail – YES
 destruction of wildlife habitat and failed to   Kaweah Chapter, we have promoted
 conserve water and energy. Members              a bill sponsored by Senator Boxer           ! Proposition 2 –
 were instrumental in sending more than          and Representative Jim Costa to               Confining Farm
 600 pages of comments to the County.            protect 69,500 acres of wildlands             Animals – YES
 As a result, the Plan Update is now in the      within Sequoia and Kings Canyon
 process of a major rewrite.                                                                 ! Proposition 4 –
                                                 National Parks. If passed, it will be
     Another focus for the Mineral King                                                        Parental Notificat-
                                                 called the John Krebs Wilderness
 Group is the Yokohl Ranch proposal.                                                           ion of Minor’s
                                                 honor the former congressman who              Abortion – NO
 This proposal threatens to permanently          made it possible for the Mineral
 change the character of Tulare County.          King Valley to be added to Sequoia          ! Proposition 7 –
 Accordingly, several leaders of the             National Park.                                Renewable Energy
 Mineral King Group have joined the                   As you can see the volunteer             – NO
 Tulare County Citizens for                      efforts of members of the Mineral
 Responsible Growth [], a citizens      King Group are having a positive            ! Proposition 10 –
 group devoted to promoting better land          influence on the quality of life in our       Alternative Fuel &
 use planning in the County. The Tulare          communities. Won’t you join us?               Renewable Energy
 County Citizens for Responsible Growth                                                        Bonds - NO
 and the Mineral King Group are using the        “Be the change you want to see in
 same keen oversight to monitor the City         the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi
 of Tulare General Plan Update and the
 proposed City of Tulare Motor Sports

  Join Our Outings Team – 2            Barack Obama for President – 4      Your Group Needs You! - 6
  Book Review: The Great Turning – 3 Water Conservation & Climate - 5      Protecting Elk Bayou – 7
Sierra Club Hikers at Kaweah Oaks Preserve

                                                                Photo by Anna Sul

              Come Join Our Outings Team
              By Joanne Dudley, Outings Chair

                        It is always a pleasure to          What a way to spend a
               lead hikes into the foothills and     day!
               high elevations of our beautiful          David and I believe those who
               Sierra Nevada Mountains.              spend quality time in nature will
               People from all over the world        be motivated to preserve and
               come to see this wondrous             protect it. Accordingly, we see
               landscape to which we can travel      the outings program as a crucial
               in just a few hours.                  arm to the Sierra Club’s mission
                        Each spring and fall, my     to enjoy, explore and protect the
               husband David and I like to lead      planet. Our hope is to encourage
               hikes into the beauty of our oak      other members of the Mineral
               studded foothills. During the hot     King Group into leading hikes so
               summer days, we offer an escape       the number of hiking opportu-
               to the higher elevations to enjoy     nities increases from one a month
               blue dream skies, mountain lakes      to one a week. If you like to hike
               and stunning vistas into granite      and enjoy sharing nature with
               wonderlands. In addition to all       others, you will enjoy being a
               the beauty we encounter, we have      member of our outings team.
Page 2 of 8    the joy of meeting and                Call us at 733-2078 and let us
               conversing with the nicest            inform you about becoming a
               people.                               leader. We will be so happy to
                                                     hear from you!
Book Review: The Great Turning
By Janet Wood, Mineral King Group Chair

        In his informative and inspiring
book, The Great Turning: From
Empire to Earth Community, author
David C. Korten challenges us to bring
about fundamental changes to the way
we live in order to save ourselves and
our planet. Since its first publication in
2006, it has become one of the most
important books on the subject of our
global environmental crisis.
        Korten confirms what environ-
mental authorities have been telling us
for nearly three decades; that the           inequality will hate this book, for it
threats to the future of humanity are        sheds light on dark places and
dire. He points out how profligate           inspires the reader to wake up, take
consumption is threatening to exceed         action and bring about change.
Earth's capacity to sustain it, and how              Social activists, progressives,
this may ultimately lead to an               and environmentalists dedicated to
accelerating wave of collapsing              moving the world forward into a
environmental systems and violent            better place, however, will gain
competition for what remains of the          insight and inspiration as to how we
planet's resources                           got ourselves into this mess, and how
        While many experts trace the         we can instead bring about
global environmental problems we now         fundamental changes to the way we
face to the Industrial Revolution,           live in order to save ourselves and
Korten explores the even deeper roots        our planet. Whether or not we accept
of the problem by examining the rise of      the call to action will, as the author
the mentality of Empire beginning in         stresses, determine whether the next
ancient Athens. Empire is defined by         Great Turning will be toward
Korten as a mentality of domination,         devastation and darkness, or toward
rather than that of cooperation, and he      the light and joy of an earth
exposes how it pervades every global         community that sustains us all.
governmental institution. He argues                  The Great Turning is an
convincingly that the increasingly           important book for the times we live
destructive and oppressive nature of the     in, when so many threats to our
global corporate economy threatens to        future well-being loom on the
turn society into an Empire with             horizon.
“fortune for the few and misery for the              If you have the time to only
many.” The Great Turning explores            read one book on the subject of the
this threat in detail and provides a         global environmental crisis, The
detailed plan for meeting and over-          Great Turning is probably that book.
coming it.
        Those who support corporate
dominance, empire, violence and

                                                                                       Page   3 of 8
Barack Obama for President
                 By John Kamansky

                         The Sierra Club has endorsed     using the money for investments for a
                 Barack Obama for President. Barack       cleaner environment.
                 Obama’s positions on environmental               As the foundation of his
                 issues are far more closely aligned to   present plan and future developments
                 the Sierra Club than any other           and programs, Barack Obama is
                 candidate.                               committed to the use of the latest
                         Barack’s energy plan for the     technological and scientific
                 country attacks our world’s problems     knowledge and research, and that it be
                 with a multi-pronged approach. It        uncolored by ideology. He is also
                 includes tax credits for domestic        committed to appointing individuals
                 automakers to retool for new fuel        with strong scientific backgrounds and
                 efficient cars, plug-in hybrids and      reputations for integrity and
                 advanced biofuels. Investment in         objectivity to senior management
                 these and in alternative and renewable   positions that require decisions
                 sources of energy as developed and       incorporating science and technology.
                 instituted in our own economy will aid           He would establish clear
                 in revitalizing American jobs and        guidelines for the review and release
                 industry.                                of government publications, insuring
                         Part of Obama’s plan to          timely release without distortion by
                 combat global warming would include      ideological biases of political
                 a cap and auction system to reduce       appointees. The country needs this
                 carbon emissions below 1990 levels       new approach to knowledge and to our
                 by 2050, making polluters pay and        energy problems.

              Sierra Club
              Information Table
              at Earth Day, April,
              2008 – Save the
              Earth, Eat Locally!

Page 4 of 8
Water Conservation and the Climate Change Connection
  By Kim Loeb

         Turn on the faucet and out comes                So, water conservation not only saves
water. We usually don’t give this a second      precious water, it can significantly help fight
thought, but where does our water come          global warming.
from? Will we always have abundant                       Outdoor irrigation is the place to start
water?                                          looking for ways to save water. California
         Most Tulare and King’s County          Water Service, the company that supplies water
residents obtain their water from wells         to Visalia, has found that residents use 3 times
drilled into the underground aquifer. The       more water during the summer than in winter.
aquifer is recharged by the slowly melting      Most of this additional water use is for land-
Sierra snowpack flowing through streams,        scape irrigation.
rivers and irrigation canals which                       Inside the house, make sure you have
percolate water into the ground. Recharge       high-efficiency showerheads and faucet
generally occurs only east of Highway 99        aerators. Older toilets can use 5 gallons or more
due to thick clay layers to the west that       per flush. New high-efficiency toilets use as
preclude percolation.                           little as 1.28 or fewer gallons per flush. High-
         But we have long been pumping          efficiency washing machines use much less
more water from the aquifer than is             water and spin clothes drier – allowing clothes
recharged, a condition known as overdraft.      to dry quickly on a clothes line in the sun or
In Visalia, for example, the water table is     even in an electric or gas drier if you have one.
now 114 feet below ground surface; 60
years ago it was at 25 feet. It has been in a   Sources for water conservation information:
declining trend ever since.
         Scientists tell us that climate
change will likely change precipitation
patterns in the Sierras resulting in more
rain and less snow. Without the Sierra
snowpack, water will rush down the rivers
all at once during rain events, resulting in
much less percolation.
         Politicians and interest groups
seem focused mainly on trying to obtain
water from somewhere else; however, it is
far easier and cheaper to focus on using
less water. As a bonus, water conservation
is a very effective way to reduce the
greenhouse gases that are responsible for
climate change.
         According to the California
Energy Commission, approximately 19%
of California’s electricity and 32% of
California’s natural gas is used to pump,
transport, and treat water. The majority of
the state’s electricity is generated by                                       Page 5 of 8
natural gas and coal-fired power plants.
Mineral King Group Needs You
              By Joanne Dudley, Secretary & Outings Chair

                      Our Mineral King Group of             issues are being discussed. The
              the Sierra Club has three hundred plus        proposed development in Yokohl
              members. I imagine they are a diverse         Valley is of great concern and we need
              group with the common goal of                 to stay informed of its progress.
              protecting our environment. I can                     These are just a few projects
              only imagine because I haven’t had            which can have great consequences
              the pleasure of meeting many of our           for the quality of life in our area and
              members. Our Executive Committee              which need to be monitored.
              puts forth great effort to encourage                  On a proactive level, we
              participation from many of our                welcome help in educating our public
              members by having dinner socials,             on Earth Day and during the year at
              environmental film screenings,                speaking events and film screenings.
              speakers, hikes and by information            Come join us as we seek to inform
              sharing through the Roadrunner, the           people in creative and enjoyable
              Mineral King website, and an                  events.
              occasional newsletter like this one.                  Finally, we seek your input on
                      We wish we could encourage            how we can more effectively
              active participation from more of you.        encourage participation from a larger
              There are many venues through which           number of our members.
              you might participate. Our Executive                  What might we do to entice
              Committee Meetings are held the 4th           you to come forward and get
              Monday at 6 p.m. at Colima’s                  acquainted with us? We know there is
              Restaurant on Noble Ave. in Visalia.          a great potential left untapped until we
              Everyone is welcome to come and               become actively engaged with more of
              learn about our issues without being          our members.
              an ExCom member. We also                              Please take the time to jot
              welcome new people interested in              down some of your suggestions for
              becoming a member of the Executive            making us more responsive to your
              Committee.                                    wishes and ideas. You can send them
                      As an environmental group,            to me at We
              we try to keep informed about various         will value your suggestions and we
              issues in the Valley. We are very             look forward to meeting you!
              interested in monitoring the County
              General Plan Update. The more
              people available to attend County
              Planning Meetings and County
              Supervisors Meetings, the more
              effectively we can have input into the
              final plan. We are also concerned
              about air quality in the San Joaquin
              Valley and we need individuals to
Page 6 of 8   attend meetings where air quality
Protecting Our Local Waterway – Elk Bayou
      By Richard Garcia

               Elk Bayou is a natural           It should establish an Elk Bayou
       waterway that extends from the           citizens committee to review any
       web of waterways at the Kaweah           proposed development or
       Oak Preserve just east of Visalia,       construction on property located
       heading southwest, under State           along the Elk Bayou water way.
       Highway 198, to State freeway 99         • The Elk Bayou Citizens
       next to Elk Bayou Park in the City       Committee would establish a set of
       of Tulare. It then continues             written guidelines that must be
       southwest, past road 80 (Elk Bayou       followed when constructing any
       Road) until feeding into irrigation      structure near Elk Bayou.
       channels just west of State              • The City of Tulare should
       Highway 43. One of the                   encourage the County of Tulare to
       recommendations the Tulare Motor         take steps to protect the Elk Bayou
       Sports Advisory Committee will           watercourse from road 124 to state
       make to the City of Tulare is a call     highway 198.
       for protection of the Elk Bayou.
                                                 … continued on outside back cover
       Recommendations include:

       • The City needs to act to “Protect
       Elk Bayou for future generations.

Upcoming Events for Members
                                                Volunteer Opportunities!
  Dinner Socials in Visalia
                                                        The Mineral King Group is your local
  To R.S.V.P., contact Bev at (559) 732-3785
                                                Sierra Club Group for Tulare County west of
                                                Porterville, and for Kings County. It is
                                                governed by an “Executive Committee.” But
  November 11, 2008 (Tuesday) 6 p.m. -
                                                you don’t have to be on the Ex Comm to
  Come meet and greet fellow Sierra Club
  members at the Olive Garden Italian
                                                        Please contact us if you’d like to help
  Restaurant, 4110 S. Mooney Blvd.,
                                                at any level! We are working to make sure
  Visalia. It will be a relaxed evening of
                                                the Tulare County General Plan protects our
  spirited conversation and good food. We
                                                environment, and to explore and enjoy our
  look forward to meeting you. Please
                                                local mountains.
  R.S.V.P. if you plan to come: phone
                                                        The Group ExComm meets the fourth
  Beverly Garcia, 559-624-0199 or e-mail
                                                Monday of the month. Any member is
                                                always welcome to attend.

    Please send us your e-mail address for periodic calendar and news
    updates from the Mineral King Group.
    E-mail your request to:                                Page 7 of 8
Elk Bayou (continued from page 7)
 Sierra Club Mineral
     King Group                     • The City of Tulare should take           • The City should seek expert
                                    action to acquire control of the weir    wildlife management professionals
                                    dam on the west side of Freeway 99       to establish guidelines on how to
  P.O. Box 3543
  Visalia, CA 93278                 to allow the City of Tulare to control   best manage the Bayou. A model
  USA                               the volume of water standing in Elk      like the Visalia Kaweah Oak
                                    bayou.                                   Preserve would protect wildlife
  559-739-8527                      • A complete study and inventory of      while affording visitors controlled
                                    all wildlife, endangered or not,         access via walking trails and vista
  Newsletter Editor:                should be conducted by wildlife and      points.
  harold.wood                   native plant experts.                    • The City must adopt a plan to
                                    • The Bud Long-supplied maps for         protect the Bayou from Off Road
                                    the Motor Sports project do not show     Vehicle use. Signage and more
                                    how their proposed RV park               importantly, enforcement policies
                                    interfaces with the Bayou. The           need to be adopted.
                                    developers probably have not given
                                    it much thought, and may plan to                 Properly planned and
                                    pour concert and asphalt right up to     managed, the Elk Bayou RV park,
                                    the 100 ft set back. A natural           could be the most beautiful and
                                    aesthetic transition between camp        inviting rest stop between Los
                                    sites and the Bayou habitat should be    Angeles and San Francisco. The
                                    studied and planned. This would be       natural beauty and ecosystems of
                                    an excellent opportunity to study the    these few remaining waterways
                                    Bayou’s ecosystem and establish          need protection. It is our hope that
                                    native plants that would be drought      this project can become a catalyst
                                    resistant, compatible with flood         for better stewardship of these
We’re on the Web!
                                    control needs, and eliminate or at       precious natural resources.
Visit our website at:               least limit the need of herbicide   applications.

   SIERRA CLUB                                                                              NONPROFIT RATE
   MINERAL KING GROUP                                                                        U.S. POSTAGE
   P.O. Box 3543                                                                                PAID
   Visalia, CA 93278                                                                           VISALIA, CA
                                                                                              IDEA! Printing

       Barack Obama
       for President –
         See Page 4

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November 2008 Mineral King Group Newsletter, Sierrra Club

  • 1. Sierra Club November, 2008 Mineral King News Mineral King Group – Visalia 559-739-8527 Your Club in Action Proactively, we support the City Barack Obama By Mary Moy, Conservation Chair, and of Visalia Environmental for President – Joanne Dudley, Secretary Committee, a citizen advisory group that has been instrumental in See Page 4 Visalia becoming a Cool City which The Mineral King Group of the is a commitment to incorporate Sierra Club continues to be actively development that reduces engaged in many local environmental greenhouse gas emissions that Sierra Club issues. contribute to global warming. Positions on Group members monitored, Additionally, Mineral King critiqued and challenged the Tulare Ballot members attend the Tulare County Propositions: County General Plan Update. The Water Commission meetings to update encouraged sprawl on the valley promote water quality and supply to floor and in the foothills, allowed for loss citizens of Tulare County for current ! Propositions 1A – of farmland, contributed to global and future users. Bonds for High warming and poor air quality, allowed Finally, working with our Kern Speed Rail – YES destruction of wildlife habitat and failed to Kaweah Chapter, we have promoted conserve water and energy. Members a bill sponsored by Senator Boxer ! Proposition 2 – were instrumental in sending more than and Representative Jim Costa to Confining Farm 600 pages of comments to the County. protect 69,500 acres of wildlands Animals – YES As a result, the Plan Update is now in the within Sequoia and Kings Canyon process of a major rewrite. ! Proposition 4 – National Parks. If passed, it will be Another focus for the Mineral King Parental Notificat- called the John Krebs Wilderness Group is the Yokohl Ranch proposal. ion of Minor’s honor the former congressman who Abortion – NO This proposal threatens to permanently made it possible for the Mineral change the character of Tulare County. King Valley to be added to Sequoia ! Proposition 7 – Accordingly, several leaders of the National Park. Renewable Energy Mineral King Group have joined the As you can see the volunteer – NO Tulare County Citizens for efforts of members of the Mineral Responsible Growth [], a citizens King Group are having a positive ! Proposition 10 – group devoted to promoting better land influence on the quality of life in our Alternative Fuel & use planning in the County. The Tulare communities. Won’t you join us? Renewable Energy County Citizens for Responsible Growth Bonds - NO and the Mineral King Group are using the “Be the change you want to see in same keen oversight to monitor the City the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi of Tulare General Plan Update and the proposed City of Tulare Motor Sports Complex. Highlights: Join Our Outings Team – 2 Barack Obama for President – 4 Your Group Needs You! - 6 Book Review: The Great Turning – 3 Water Conservation & Climate - 5 Protecting Elk Bayou – 7
  • 2. Sierra Club Hikers at Kaweah Oaks Preserve Photo by Anna Sul Come Join Our Outings Team By Joanne Dudley, Outings Chair It is always a pleasure to What a way to spend a lead hikes into the foothills and day! high elevations of our beautiful David and I believe those who Sierra Nevada Mountains. spend quality time in nature will People from all over the world be motivated to preserve and come to see this wondrous protect it. Accordingly, we see landscape to which we can travel the outings program as a crucial in just a few hours. arm to the Sierra Club’s mission Each spring and fall, my to enjoy, explore and protect the husband David and I like to lead planet. Our hope is to encourage hikes into the beauty of our oak other members of the Mineral studded foothills. During the hot King Group into leading hikes so summer days, we offer an escape the number of hiking opportu- to the higher elevations to enjoy nities increases from one a month blue dream skies, mountain lakes to one a week. If you like to hike and stunning vistas into granite and enjoy sharing nature with wonderlands. In addition to all others, you will enjoy being a the beauty we encounter, we have member of our outings team. Page 2 of 8 the joy of meeting and Call us at 733-2078 and let us conversing with the nicest inform you about becoming a people. leader. We will be so happy to hear from you!
  • 3. Book Review: The Great Turning By Janet Wood, Mineral King Group Chair In his informative and inspiring book, The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community, author David C. Korten challenges us to bring about fundamental changes to the way we live in order to save ourselves and our planet. Since its first publication in 2006, it has become one of the most important books on the subject of our global environmental crisis. Korten confirms what environ- mental authorities have been telling us for nearly three decades; that the inequality will hate this book, for it threats to the future of humanity are sheds light on dark places and dire. He points out how profligate inspires the reader to wake up, take consumption is threatening to exceed action and bring about change. Earth's capacity to sustain it, and how Social activists, progressives, this may ultimately lead to an and environmentalists dedicated to accelerating wave of collapsing moving the world forward into a environmental systems and violent better place, however, will gain competition for what remains of the insight and inspiration as to how we planet's resources got ourselves into this mess, and how While many experts trace the we can instead bring about global environmental problems we now fundamental changes to the way we face to the Industrial Revolution, live in order to save ourselves and Korten explores the even deeper roots our planet. Whether or not we accept of the problem by examining the rise of the call to action will, as the author the mentality of Empire beginning in stresses, determine whether the next ancient Athens. Empire is defined by Great Turning will be toward Korten as a mentality of domination, devastation and darkness, or toward rather than that of cooperation, and he the light and joy of an earth exposes how it pervades every global community that sustains us all. governmental institution. He argues The Great Turning is an convincingly that the increasingly important book for the times we live destructive and oppressive nature of the in, when so many threats to our global corporate economy threatens to future well-being loom on the turn society into an Empire with horizon. “fortune for the few and misery for the If you have the time to only many.” The Great Turning explores read one book on the subject of the this threat in detail and provides a global environmental crisis, The detailed plan for meeting and over- Great Turning is probably that book. coming it. Those who support corporate dominance, empire, violence and Page 3 of 8
  • 4. Barack Obama for President By John Kamansky The Sierra Club has endorsed using the money for investments for a Barack Obama for President. Barack cleaner environment. Obama’s positions on environmental As the foundation of his issues are far more closely aligned to present plan and future developments the Sierra Club than any other and programs, Barack Obama is candidate. committed to the use of the latest Barack’s energy plan for the technological and scientific country attacks our world’s problems knowledge and research, and that it be with a multi-pronged approach. It uncolored by ideology. He is also includes tax credits for domestic committed to appointing individuals automakers to retool for new fuel with strong scientific backgrounds and efficient cars, plug-in hybrids and reputations for integrity and advanced biofuels. Investment in objectivity to senior management these and in alternative and renewable positions that require decisions sources of energy as developed and incorporating science and technology. instituted in our own economy will aid He would establish clear in revitalizing American jobs and guidelines for the review and release industry. of government publications, insuring Part of Obama’s plan to timely release without distortion by combat global warming would include ideological biases of political a cap and auction system to reduce appointees. The country needs this carbon emissions below 1990 levels new approach to knowledge and to our by 2050, making polluters pay and energy problems. Sierra Club Information Table at Earth Day, April, 2008 – Save the Earth, Eat Locally! Page 4 of 8
  • 5. Water Conservation and the Climate Change Connection By Kim Loeb Turn on the faucet and out comes So, water conservation not only saves water. We usually don’t give this a second precious water, it can significantly help fight thought, but where does our water come global warming. from? Will we always have abundant Outdoor irrigation is the place to start water? looking for ways to save water. California Most Tulare and King’s County Water Service, the company that supplies water residents obtain their water from wells to Visalia, has found that residents use 3 times drilled into the underground aquifer. The more water during the summer than in winter. aquifer is recharged by the slowly melting Most of this additional water use is for land- Sierra snowpack flowing through streams, scape irrigation. rivers and irrigation canals which Inside the house, make sure you have percolate water into the ground. Recharge high-efficiency showerheads and faucet generally occurs only east of Highway 99 aerators. Older toilets can use 5 gallons or more due to thick clay layers to the west that per flush. New high-efficiency toilets use as preclude percolation. little as 1.28 or fewer gallons per flush. High- But we have long been pumping efficiency washing machines use much less more water from the aquifer than is water and spin clothes drier – allowing clothes recharged, a condition known as overdraft. to dry quickly on a clothes line in the sun or In Visalia, for example, the water table is even in an electric or gas drier if you have one. now 114 feet below ground surface; 60 years ago it was at 25 feet. It has been in a Sources for water conservation information: declining trend ever since. Scientists tell us that climate change will likely change precipitation patterns in the Sierras resulting in more rain and less snow. Without the Sierra snowpack, water will rush down the rivers all at once during rain events, resulting in much less percolation. Politicians and interest groups seem focused mainly on trying to obtain water from somewhere else; however, it is far easier and cheaper to focus on using less water. As a bonus, water conservation is a very effective way to reduce the greenhouse gases that are responsible for climate change. According to the California Energy Commission, approximately 19% of California’s electricity and 32% of California’s natural gas is used to pump, transport, and treat water. The majority of the state’s electricity is generated by Page 5 of 8 natural gas and coal-fired power plants.
  • 6. Mineral King Group Needs You By Joanne Dudley, Secretary & Outings Chair Our Mineral King Group of issues are being discussed. The the Sierra Club has three hundred plus proposed development in Yokohl members. I imagine they are a diverse Valley is of great concern and we need group with the common goal of to stay informed of its progress. protecting our environment. I can These are just a few projects only imagine because I haven’t had which can have great consequences the pleasure of meeting many of our for the quality of life in our area and members. Our Executive Committee which need to be monitored. puts forth great effort to encourage On a proactive level, we participation from many of our welcome help in educating our public members by having dinner socials, on Earth Day and during the year at environmental film screenings, speaking events and film screenings. speakers, hikes and by information Come join us as we seek to inform sharing through the Roadrunner, the people in creative and enjoyable Mineral King website, and an events. occasional newsletter like this one. Finally, we seek your input on We wish we could encourage how we can more effectively active participation from more of you. encourage participation from a larger There are many venues through which number of our members. you might participate. Our Executive What might we do to entice Committee Meetings are held the 4th you to come forward and get Monday at 6 p.m. at Colima’s acquainted with us? We know there is Restaurant on Noble Ave. in Visalia. a great potential left untapped until we Everyone is welcome to come and become actively engaged with more of learn about our issues without being our members. an ExCom member. We also Please take the time to jot welcome new people interested in down some of your suggestions for becoming a member of the Executive making us more responsive to your Committee. wishes and ideas. You can send them As an environmental group, to me at We we try to keep informed about various will value your suggestions and we issues in the Valley. We are very look forward to meeting you! interested in monitoring the County General Plan Update. The more people available to attend County Planning Meetings and County Supervisors Meetings, the more effectively we can have input into the final plan. We are also concerned about air quality in the San Joaquin Valley and we need individuals to Page 6 of 8 attend meetings where air quality
  • 7. Protecting Our Local Waterway – Elk Bayou By Richard Garcia Elk Bayou is a natural It should establish an Elk Bayou waterway that extends from the citizens committee to review any web of waterways at the Kaweah proposed development or Oak Preserve just east of Visalia, construction on property located heading southwest, under State along the Elk Bayou water way. Highway 198, to State freeway 99 • The Elk Bayou Citizens next to Elk Bayou Park in the City Committee would establish a set of of Tulare. It then continues written guidelines that must be southwest, past road 80 (Elk Bayou followed when constructing any Road) until feeding into irrigation structure near Elk Bayou. channels just west of State • The City of Tulare should Highway 43. One of the encourage the County of Tulare to recommendations the Tulare Motor take steps to protect the Elk Bayou Sports Advisory Committee will watercourse from road 124 to state make to the City of Tulare is a call highway 198. for protection of the Elk Bayou. … continued on outside back cover Recommendations include: • The City needs to act to “Protect Elk Bayou for future generations. Upcoming Events for Members Volunteer Opportunities! Dinner Socials in Visalia The Mineral King Group is your local To R.S.V.P., contact Bev at (559) 732-3785 Sierra Club Group for Tulare County west of or Porterville, and for Kings County. It is governed by an “Executive Committee.” But November 11, 2008 (Tuesday) 6 p.m. - you don’t have to be on the Ex Comm to Come meet and greet fellow Sierra Club volunteer! members at the Olive Garden Italian Please contact us if you’d like to help Restaurant, 4110 S. Mooney Blvd., at any level! We are working to make sure Visalia. It will be a relaxed evening of the Tulare County General Plan protects our spirited conversation and good food. We environment, and to explore and enjoy our look forward to meeting you. Please local mountains. R.S.V.P. if you plan to come: phone The Group ExComm meets the fourth Beverly Garcia, 559-624-0199 or e-mail Monday of the month. Any member is always welcome to attend. Please send us your e-mail address for periodic calendar and news updates from the Mineral King Group. E-mail your request to: Page 7 of 8
  • 8. Elk Bayou (continued from page 7) Sierra Club Mineral King Group • The City of Tulare should take • The City should seek expert action to acquire control of the weir wildlife management professionals dam on the west side of Freeway 99 to establish guidelines on how to P.O. Box 3543 Visalia, CA 93278 to allow the City of Tulare to control best manage the Bayou. A model USA the volume of water standing in Elk like the Visalia Kaweah Oak bayou. Preserve would protect wildlife Phone: 559-739-8527 • A complete study and inventory of while affording visitors controlled all wildlife, endangered or not, access via walking trails and vista Newsletter Editor: should be conducted by wildlife and points. harold.wood native plant experts. • The City must adopt a plan to • The Bud Long-supplied maps for protect the Bayou from Off Road the Motor Sports project do not show Vehicle use. Signage and more how their proposed RV park importantly, enforcement policies interfaces with the Bayou. The need to be adopted. developers probably have not given it much thought, and may plan to Properly planned and pour concert and asphalt right up to managed, the Elk Bayou RV park, the 100 ft set back. A natural could be the most beautiful and aesthetic transition between camp inviting rest stop between Los sites and the Bayou habitat should be Angeles and San Francisco. The studied and planned. This would be natural beauty and ecosystems of an excellent opportunity to study the these few remaining waterways Bayou’s ecosystem and establish need protection. It is our hope that native plants that would be drought this project can become a catalyst resistant, compatible with flood for better stewardship of these We’re on the Web! control needs, and eliminate or at precious natural resources. Visit our website at: least limit the need of herbicide applications. PRESORTED SIERRA CLUB NONPROFIT RATE MINERAL KING GROUP U.S. POSTAGE P.O. Box 3543 PAID Visalia, CA 93278 VISALIA, CA IDEA! Printing Barack Obama for President – See Page 4