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NNFCC Market Review
  Bio-based Products                                    Issue Seven, October 2012

     ach month we review the latest                 or potentially renewable energy if used in
     announcements and news from                    an anaerobic digester. Alternatively it may
                                                    be more appropriate with some waste
     across the global bio-based
                                                    streams to recover energy using either an
chemicals and materials sector for our
                                                    incinerator or gasifier.
business members.
                                                    The petrochemical industry is also looking to
Foreword                                            waste as a feedstock for a new generation
                                                    of bio-based chemicals. Just last month,
Welcome to the October 2012 issue of our            Renmatix, a manufacturer of cellulosic
bio-based products market review. Waste             sugars for bio-based chemical and fuel
is becoming a major issue but also a major          markets, unveiled their state-of-the-art R&D
resource. This month has seen the debate            facility which will look at new sustainable
on end-of-life options for plastics intensify,      feedstock sources, including waste. They
with European Environment Commissioner              are just one of a number of companies who
Janez Potočnik calling for a scale back of          see waste as the future.
energy recovery from plastics while others
including Nestlé and environmentalist               Read on for all the latest sector news.
Jonathon Porritt believe energy from waste
could offer significant opportunities for
waste reduction.
                                                     Page 2 End-of-life News
Recycling is clearly an important tool for
plastic waste, where there is an end market          Page 2 Platform Chemicals News
for the recyclates and it is economical to
                                                     Page 4 Bioplastics News
do so. However, for difficult to recycle
waste streams – like composites – it could           Page 5 Bio-based Materials News
be time for a re-think.
                                                     Page 6 Scientific Reviews
Compostable plastics, for example, can
allow brands to build supply chains where            Page 7 Price Information
packaging can be converted into compost
                                                     Page 8 Events

                                             NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 1 of 8
End-of-life                                           in landfill with no statistically significant
                                                      quantity of methane released. This conclusion
                                                      was reached after a series of tests to ASTM
                                                      D5526 and D5511 standards that simulated a
                                                      century‟s worth of landfill conditions.

                                                      "We work with a cradle-to-cradle approach
                                                      to zero waste. What this means in terms of
                                                      landfill diversion, for example, is ideally that
                                                      Ingeo foodservice ware would be composted
                                                      in order to enable the landfill diversion of a
                                                      food-residual stream, and that Ingeo resins
                                                      and fibres would be mechanically or
                                  Source: Nestlé
                                                      chemically recycled and not landfilled,” said
                                                      Marc Verbruggen, President of NatureWorks.
Nestlé Interview: The future of
sustainable packaging                                 “However, these systems are still emerging
                                                      and developing. The reality today is that a
Around 90 per cent of Nestlé packaging can            percentage of Ingeo products end up in
be recycled, but it is often not viable to do so      landfills. And now we can say with certainty
and these materials end up in landfill. In a          that the environmental impact of that
recent interview with NNFCC, David Wiggins,           landfilling, in terms of greenhouse gas release,
Head of Packaging at Nestlé UK, called for            is not significant," he added.
more to be done to explore the options for
generating energy from packaging waste.               Click here for more information.

Wiggins says: “The infrastructure for recycling
single-material packaging is well-established
but composite packaging – like laminates
                                                      Platform Chemicals
used for confectionery or pet food – is a
particularly difficult to recycle waste stream.”
                                                      Renmatix unveil state-of-the-art R&D
“Where it is not economical to recycle                facility
packaging waste we should consider energy
recovery, like combined heat and power                Renmatix, a manufacturer of cellulosic sugars
plants. When supported with a scientific life         for biobased chemical and fuel markets,
cycle assessment, strategically placed CHP            have opened a new research and
plants can offer an opportunity to recover the        development centre in Pennsylvania. The
calories stored in packaging materials,” he           multi-million dollar R&D facility serves to
added.                                                accelerate Renmatix‟s exploration of new
                                                      sustainable feedstock sources, assist
Click here to read the full interview.                downstream customers in their transition to
                                                      cellulosic sugars, and further enhance the
Study finds Ingeo biopolymer stable in                economics of the Plantrose™ process to
                                                      produce the lowest cost sugar intermediates
                                                      for renewable materials.

A peer-reviewed article appearing in the
                                                      Click here for more information.
journal of Polymer Degradation and Stability
concludes that Ingeo™ biopolymer is stable

                                               NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 2 of 8
making there in May, according to a
                                                        statement released after the close of regular
                                                        trading yesterday.

                                                        Gevo is working on “certain specific parts of
                                                        our technology” to boost isobutanol
                                                        production rates, according to the statement.
                                                        The Englewood, Colorado-based company
                                                        estimated that the facility won‟t reach “our
                               Source: Solazyme         desired year-end run rate” until next year.

                                                        Click here for more information.
Solazyme announce commissioning
of algae oil biorefinery in Illinois
                                                        Butamax signs up eight ethanol plants
Solazyme have announced the successful                  for butanol retrofit
commissioning of its first fully integrated
biorefinery in Peoria, Illinois, with a capacity to     Eight ethanol plants with a combined annual
produce two million litres of algal oil annually.       capacity of 900 million gallons have signed
                                                        up with advanced biofuels company
The biorefinery was partially funded with a             Butamax to be retrofitted for butanol
grant from the US Department of Energy in               production. Butamax is a joint venture
December 2009 to demonstrate the                        between oil giants BP and chemical giants
integrated commercial-scale production of               DuPont. Butamax say they can undertake the
renewable algal-based fuels. The company                retrofitting at a cost of about $1 per gallon of
began running fermentation operations at                a plant's initial output capacity.
the Peoria facility in the fourth quarter of 2011
and has gradually scaled-up production                  Click here for more information.
efforts, which have included multiple 128,000-
litre scale fermentations.                              Kiverdi receives US gov’t funding for its
                                                        carbon conversion platform
Click here for more information.
                                                        Kiverdi, a sustainable chemicals company,
Gevo to switch back to ethanol                          has been awarded a $0.75m grant from the
production from biobutanol                              California Energy Commission's Research,
                                                        Demonstration and Development program to
Shares in US biofuel producer Gevo, which is            further develop beneficial uses of CO2.
backed by French oil company Total and
specialty-chemicals maker Lanxess, fell to a            Kiverdi's proprietary Carbon Engineering
record low after announcing plans to stop               Platform transforms carbon from industrial flue
producing isobutanol at its facility in Luverne,        gases into high-value oils and chemicals,
Minnesota.                                              including palm oil and palm kernel oil
                                                        replacements, say the company. Kiverdi also
Gevo declined 35 per cent to $2.14 at the               announced that the company was selected
close in New York, the lowest price and the             by a competitive peer-review process to
biggest loss since its February 2011 initial            become an industrial user at the Molecular
public offering. The company is shifting to             Foundry, where Kiverdi has access to world-
ethanol production at the plant while it                class, state-of-the-art facilities and services.
adjusts its manufacturing process for
isobutanol, a more complex fuel it began                Click here for more information.

                                                 NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 3 of 8
BioBased Technologies expand Agrol                   Dr Carol Lin, who led the research team,
family of polyols                                    described the food biorefinery process, which
                                                     involves blending the baked goods with a
                                                     mixture of fungi that excrete enzymes to
BioBased Technologies® has expanded its
                                                     break down carbohydrates in the food into
family of Agrol® polyols to include a variety of
                                                     simple sugars. The blend then goes into a
new feedstocks and a polyol specifically for
                                                     fermenter, a vat where bacteria convert the
flexible slabstock formulations.
                                                     sugars into succinic acid.
The company will introduce the new
                                                     Click here for more information.
products, Agrol Prime™, Agrol Star™, Agrol
Platinum® and Agrol™ AO+, during the
Centre for the Polyurethanes Industry‟s
Polyurethanes International Technical
Conference in Atlanta Sept. 24-26. The new           Bioplastics
products are made from a range of raw
materials including soyabeans, castor oil and
cashew nut shells.

Click here for more information.

                                                                                  Source: Coca-Cola

                                                     Coca-Cola accelerates global
                                                     production of PlantBottle™ packaging

                                                     Coca-Cola has announced a partnership
                                                     with JBF Industries to further expand
                           Source: Dr Carol Lin      production of the plant-based material used
                                                     in the company's PlantBottle™ packaging.
From Starbucks croissants to succinic
                                                     Coca-Cola have sold more than 10 billion
acid: Baked goods could become
                                                     PlantBottle™ packages to date but this new
bioplastics                                          supply partnership will help Coca-Cola deliver
                                                     its target of using PlantBottle™ packaging
Scientists have developed and tested a new           technology in all of its plastic bottles by 2020,
“biorefinery” intended to change food waste          said the company. To support this partnership,
into a key ingredient for making plastics,           JBF Industries will build the world's largest
laundry detergents and scores of other               facility to produce bio-glycol; the key
everyday products. Their report on a project         ingredient used to make the PlantBottle™.
launched in cooperation with the Starbucks
restaurant chain ― concerned with                    The facility, to be located in Sao Paulo, Brazil,
sustainability and seeking a use for spent           will produce glycol using local sustainably-
coffee grounds and stale bakery goods ―              sourced sugarcane and sugarcane
was presented at the National Meeting &              processing waste. Construction of the facility
Exposition of the American Chemical Society.         is expected to begin at the end of 2012 and

                                              NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 4 of 8
last for 24 months. At full capacity, the facility     their work at the Society for General
will produce an estimated 500,000 metric tons          Microbiology‟s Autumn Conference.
of material each year.
                                                       Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) polyesters are
Click here for more information.                       synthesised by a wide variety of bacteria as a
                                                       source of energy when their carbon supply is
Bioplastics manufacturer Cereplast                     plentiful. Poly 3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is the
opens new office in India                              most common polymer in the PHA family.

                                                       Currently, growing bacteria in large
Cereplast Inc. has opened a corporate office
                                                       fermenters to produce high quantities of this
in India to better serve current and future
                                                       PHB is expensive because glucose is used as a
clients in the Southeast Asia markets. That
                                                       starting material. Now, work done at the
market, according to Cereplast, includes
                                                       University of Wolverhampton suggests that
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka,
                                                       bacterium, Ralstonia eutropha H16, could use
and offers 1.6 billion potential new consumers.
                                                       waste cooking oil as a starting material to
                                                       reduce production costs of the plastic. The
Frederic Scheer, CEO of Cereplast, said that
                                                       next challenge for the group is to scale-up
India is a key emerging market for the
                                                       experiments; enabling the manufacture of
company and opening an office in India will
                                                       bioplastics on an industrial level.
allow Cereplast to establish a client base that
could require between 20 to 2,000 tons per
                                                       Click here for more information.
month of biobased product.

Click here for more information.

Biome Technologies announce                            Bio-based Materials
proposed sale of its 50 per cent stake
in Biotec

UK bioplastics company Biome Technologies
has proposed the sale of its 50 per cent stake
in Biotec, the Group‟s manufacturing joint
venture with Sphere. Biome will receive a
cash consideration of £5.2m. Biome say the
sale will allow the group to focus on its
strategy to develop high margin, application
                                                                                  Source: Bridgestone
led products.

Click here for more information.                       Bridgestone unveils 100 per cent
                                                       sustainable tyre concept
Waste cooking oil could make
                                                       Bridgestone is exhibiting a concept tyre of
bioplastics cheaper
                                                       “100 per cent sustainable materials” at the
                                                       2012 Paris Motor Show, as part of a new
Bioplastics that are naturally synthesised by
                                                       initiative to encourage sustainability.
microbes could be made commercially
viable by using waste cooking oil as a starting
                                                       Bridgestone Corporation, the world‟s largest
material, according to scientists presenting
                                                       tyre manufacturer, is diversifying the regions
                                                       where it produces natural rubber and also

                                                NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 5 of 8
replacing the synthetic rubber, carbon black          and hardwood lignin yielded monomeric
and rubber compounding agents in its tyre             compounds in different compositions with a
with alternatives synthesised from biomass.           maximum yield of 2.0 per cent for syringic
                                                      acid and 3.6 per cent for syringol,
Bridgestone wants sustainable material tyres          respectively. The results of the study showed
to be commercially available from 2050. As a          that under applied conditions competition
next step in the process, the company will            occurred between lignin depolymerisation
“initiate” the technologies to begin mass             and recondensation of fragments.
production of bio-based tyres.
                                                      Click here for more information.
Click here for more information.
                                                      Bio-based production of chemicals,
                                                      materials and fuels –
                                                      Corynebacterium glutamicum as
Scientific Reviews                                    versatile cell factory

Sustained photosynthetic conversion                   Abstract: Corynebacterium glutamicum,
of CO2 to ethylene in recombinant                     gram-positive soil bacteria, traditionally well-
cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803                     known as excellent producers of l-amino
                                                      acids are becoming flexible, efficient
Abstract: Ethylene is the most widely                 production platforms for various chemicals,
produced petrochemical feedstock globally.            materials and fuels. This development is
It is currently produced exclusively from fossil      intensively driven by systems metabolic
fuels, and its production is the largest CO2-         engineering concepts integrating systems
emitting process in the chemical industry. In         biology and synthetic biology into strain
this study, we report on a photobiological            engineering. This study reviews the potential
process for sustained production of ethylene          of Corynebacterium glutamicum in the
from CO2. The efe gene encoding an                    production of bio-based chemicals, materials
ethylene-forming enzyme from Pseudomonas              and fuels.
syringae pv. Phaseolicola was previously
expressed in cyanobacterial strains, but was          Click here for more information.
not stable. We modified the gene sequence
to enhance its stability, and expressed it in         Toward biotechnological production
Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, leading to                of adipic acid and precursors from
continuous ethylene production.
Click here for more information.
                                                      Abstract: Adipic acid is the most important
                                                      commercial aliphatic dicarboxylic acid in the
Lignin depolymerisation in                            chemical industry and is primarily used for the
supercritical carbon                                  production of nylon-6,6 polyamide. The
dioxide/acetone/water fluid for the                   current adipic acid market volume is about
production of aromatic chemicals                      2.6m tons/yr and the average annual
                                                      demand growth rate forecast to stay at 3–3.5
                                                      per cent worldwide. Hitherto, the industrial
Abstract: Valorisation of lignin plays a key role
                                                      production of adipic acid is carried out by
in further development of lignocellulosic
                                                      petroleum-based chemo-catalytic processes
biorefinery processes the production of
                                                      from non-renewable fossil fuels. However, in
biofuels and bio-based materials. In this study,
                                                      the past years, efforts have been made to
supercritical depolymerisation of wheat straw

                                               NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 6 of 8
find alternative routes for adipic acid                 purification methodologies, and chemical
production from renewable sources by                    modification, as well as the analytical
biotechnological processes. This study reviews          methods necessary for xylan related research.
the approaches and the progress made
toward bio-based production of adipic acid.             Click here for more information.

Click here for more information.                        Economic and Environmental
                                                        Assessment of Bio-Based Chemicals
From plant biomass to bio-based                         Production in Singapore's
chemicals: Latest developments in                       Petrochemical Cluster
xylan research
                                                        Abstract: Current refining capacity in
Abstract: This review is focused on xylan, the          Singapore is 1.3m bpd and ethylene capacity
second most abundant plant polysaccharide               is 2.1m tons per year, projected to reach 4m
on our planet. Some xylan-derived products              tons per year by 2014. The petrochemical
have already found commercial applications              industry in Singapore is heavily dependent on
(ethanol, xylitol, xylo-oligosaccharides) while         fossil-based feedstock. This paper investigates
others could have a great future in a wide              the feasibility of incorporating bio-based raw
range of industries. The chemical and                   materials into the slate of feedstocks
structural variations of xylans produced by             available for chemicals production in
different plants, and the concentration of              Singapore.
xylan in various plant resources are
summarised. This review discusses the latest            Click here for more information.
research developments in extraction and

Price Information

 Item                                Price, US$ (Aug 07)      Price, US$ (Aug 12)       % Price Increase
 Crude oil (petroleum, barrel)                       70.13                 ↑ 105.28                  50.12
 Maize (corn, metric ton)                           151.01                 ↑ 332.17                 119.97
 Sugar (pound)                                      0.0961                 ↑ 0.2053                 113.63
 Rapeseed oil (metric ton)                        1006.75                ↑ 1221.67                   21.35
 Soybean oil (metric ton)                          797.09                ↑ 1188.51                   49.11
 Ethanol (gallon)                                     2.43                   ↑ 2.72                  11.19
                             For details on indexes please see
 Crude Oil (petroleum), simple average of three spot prices; Dated Brent, West Texas Intermediate,
              and the Dubai Fateh. Ethanol details available at
                                   Arrows indicate rise (↑), constant (–) or fall (↓) from previous month.

                                               NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 7 of 8
Comparison of Price Indexes (2005 = 100)
     Price index (relative terms)


                                                                                 Agricultural Raw
                                    150                                          Materials
                                    100                                          Food
                                                                                 Crude Oil (Petroleum)
    For details on the nature of these commodities please see

                                                                Life Cycle Assessment Workshops, 07-
7th European Bioplastics Conference,                            08 Nov 2012 in York, UK
06-07 Nov 2012 in Berlin, Germany                     
                                                                Two workshops have been developed to
The annual European Bioplastics Conference                      provide a basic understanding of LCA and
offers a unique information platform for                        how to set about doing one. The first
industry trends and innovations in material                     workshop covers the principles of LCA,
and application development.                                    requirements, problems and issues. The
                                                                second provides a „hands on‟ opportunity to
                                                                learn to carry out an LCA. The workshops can
                                                                be taken together or separately.

                                                                              Credits and Disclaimer
 NNFCC Market Review is edited by Dr Matthew Aylott for NNFCC members. Feedback is welcome.
   The Review has been compiled in good faith and NNFCC does not accept responsibility for any
                                                inaccuracies or the products or services shown.

The Bioeconomy Consultants
                                               NNFCC, Biocentre,           Phone: +44 (0)1904 435182
                                               York Science Park,          Fax: +44 (0)1904 435345
                                               Innovation Way,             E:
                                               Heslington, York,           Web:
                                               YO10 5DG.

                                                        NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 8 of 8

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NNFCC market review bio based products issue seven october 2012

  • 1. NNFCC Market Review Bio-based Products Issue Seven, October 2012 E ach month we review the latest or potentially renewable energy if used in announcements and news from an anaerobic digester. Alternatively it may be more appropriate with some waste across the global bio-based streams to recover energy using either an chemicals and materials sector for our incinerator or gasifier. business members. The petrochemical industry is also looking to Foreword waste as a feedstock for a new generation of bio-based chemicals. Just last month, Welcome to the October 2012 issue of our Renmatix, a manufacturer of cellulosic bio-based products market review. Waste sugars for bio-based chemical and fuel is becoming a major issue but also a major markets, unveiled their state-of-the-art R&D resource. This month has seen the debate facility which will look at new sustainable on end-of-life options for plastics intensify, feedstock sources, including waste. They with European Environment Commissioner are just one of a number of companies who Janez Potočnik calling for a scale back of see waste as the future. energy recovery from plastics while others including Nestlé and environmentalist Read on for all the latest sector news. Jonathon Porritt believe energy from waste could offer significant opportunities for Highlights waste reduction. Page 2 End-of-life News Recycling is clearly an important tool for plastic waste, where there is an end market Page 2 Platform Chemicals News for the recyclates and it is economical to Page 4 Bioplastics News do so. However, for difficult to recycle waste streams – like composites – it could Page 5 Bio-based Materials News be time for a re-think. Page 6 Scientific Reviews Compostable plastics, for example, can allow brands to build supply chains where Page 7 Price Information packaging can be converted into compost Page 8 Events NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 1 of 8
  • 2. End-of-life in landfill with no statistically significant quantity of methane released. This conclusion was reached after a series of tests to ASTM D5526 and D5511 standards that simulated a century‟s worth of landfill conditions. "We work with a cradle-to-cradle approach to zero waste. What this means in terms of landfill diversion, for example, is ideally that Ingeo foodservice ware would be composted in order to enable the landfill diversion of a food-residual stream, and that Ingeo resins and fibres would be mechanically or Source: Nestlé chemically recycled and not landfilled,” said Marc Verbruggen, President of NatureWorks. Nestlé Interview: The future of sustainable packaging “However, these systems are still emerging and developing. The reality today is that a Around 90 per cent of Nestlé packaging can percentage of Ingeo products end up in be recycled, but it is often not viable to do so landfills. And now we can say with certainty and these materials end up in landfill. In a that the environmental impact of that recent interview with NNFCC, David Wiggins, landfilling, in terms of greenhouse gas release, Head of Packaging at Nestlé UK, called for is not significant," he added. more to be done to explore the options for generating energy from packaging waste. Click here for more information. Wiggins says: “The infrastructure for recycling single-material packaging is well-established but composite packaging – like laminates Platform Chemicals used for confectionery or pet food – is a particularly difficult to recycle waste stream.” Renmatix unveil state-of-the-art R&D “Where it is not economical to recycle facility packaging waste we should consider energy recovery, like combined heat and power Renmatix, a manufacturer of cellulosic sugars plants. When supported with a scientific life for biobased chemical and fuel markets, cycle assessment, strategically placed CHP have opened a new research and plants can offer an opportunity to recover the development centre in Pennsylvania. The calories stored in packaging materials,” he multi-million dollar R&D facility serves to added. accelerate Renmatix‟s exploration of new sustainable feedstock sources, assist Click here to read the full interview. downstream customers in their transition to cellulosic sugars, and further enhance the Study finds Ingeo biopolymer stable in economics of the Plantrose™ process to produce the lowest cost sugar intermediates landfills for renewable materials. A peer-reviewed article appearing in the Click here for more information. journal of Polymer Degradation and Stability concludes that Ingeo™ biopolymer is stable NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 2 of 8
  • 3. making there in May, according to a statement released after the close of regular trading yesterday. Gevo is working on “certain specific parts of our technology” to boost isobutanol production rates, according to the statement. The Englewood, Colorado-based company estimated that the facility won‟t reach “our Source: Solazyme desired year-end run rate” until next year. Click here for more information. Solazyme announce commissioning of algae oil biorefinery in Illinois Butamax signs up eight ethanol plants Solazyme have announced the successful for butanol retrofit commissioning of its first fully integrated biorefinery in Peoria, Illinois, with a capacity to Eight ethanol plants with a combined annual produce two million litres of algal oil annually. capacity of 900 million gallons have signed up with advanced biofuels company The biorefinery was partially funded with a Butamax to be retrofitted for butanol grant from the US Department of Energy in production. Butamax is a joint venture December 2009 to demonstrate the between oil giants BP and chemical giants integrated commercial-scale production of DuPont. Butamax say they can undertake the renewable algal-based fuels. The company retrofitting at a cost of about $1 per gallon of began running fermentation operations at a plant's initial output capacity. the Peoria facility in the fourth quarter of 2011 and has gradually scaled-up production Click here for more information. efforts, which have included multiple 128,000- litre scale fermentations. Kiverdi receives US gov’t funding for its carbon conversion platform Click here for more information. Kiverdi, a sustainable chemicals company, Gevo to switch back to ethanol has been awarded a $0.75m grant from the production from biobutanol California Energy Commission's Research, Demonstration and Development program to Shares in US biofuel producer Gevo, which is further develop beneficial uses of CO2. backed by French oil company Total and specialty-chemicals maker Lanxess, fell to a Kiverdi's proprietary Carbon Engineering record low after announcing plans to stop Platform transforms carbon from industrial flue producing isobutanol at its facility in Luverne, gases into high-value oils and chemicals, Minnesota. including palm oil and palm kernel oil replacements, say the company. Kiverdi also Gevo declined 35 per cent to $2.14 at the announced that the company was selected close in New York, the lowest price and the by a competitive peer-review process to biggest loss since its February 2011 initial become an industrial user at the Molecular public offering. The company is shifting to Foundry, where Kiverdi has access to world- ethanol production at the plant while it class, state-of-the-art facilities and services. adjusts its manufacturing process for isobutanol, a more complex fuel it began Click here for more information. NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 3 of 8
  • 4. BioBased Technologies expand Agrol Dr Carol Lin, who led the research team, family of polyols described the food biorefinery process, which involves blending the baked goods with a mixture of fungi that excrete enzymes to BioBased Technologies® has expanded its break down carbohydrates in the food into family of Agrol® polyols to include a variety of simple sugars. The blend then goes into a new feedstocks and a polyol specifically for fermenter, a vat where bacteria convert the flexible slabstock formulations. sugars into succinic acid. The company will introduce the new Click here for more information. products, Agrol Prime™, Agrol Star™, Agrol Platinum® and Agrol™ AO+, during the Centre for the Polyurethanes Industry‟s Polyurethanes International Technical Conference in Atlanta Sept. 24-26. The new Bioplastics products are made from a range of raw materials including soyabeans, castor oil and cashew nut shells. Click here for more information. Source: Coca-Cola Coca-Cola accelerates global production of PlantBottle™ packaging Coca-Cola has announced a partnership with JBF Industries to further expand Source: Dr Carol Lin production of the plant-based material used in the company's PlantBottle™ packaging. From Starbucks croissants to succinic Coca-Cola have sold more than 10 billion acid: Baked goods could become PlantBottle™ packages to date but this new bioplastics supply partnership will help Coca-Cola deliver its target of using PlantBottle™ packaging Scientists have developed and tested a new technology in all of its plastic bottles by 2020, “biorefinery” intended to change food waste said the company. To support this partnership, into a key ingredient for making plastics, JBF Industries will build the world's largest laundry detergents and scores of other facility to produce bio-glycol; the key everyday products. Their report on a project ingredient used to make the PlantBottle™. launched in cooperation with the Starbucks restaurant chain ― concerned with The facility, to be located in Sao Paulo, Brazil, sustainability and seeking a use for spent will produce glycol using local sustainably- coffee grounds and stale bakery goods ― sourced sugarcane and sugarcane was presented at the National Meeting & processing waste. Construction of the facility Exposition of the American Chemical Society. is expected to begin at the end of 2012 and NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 4 of 8
  • 5. last for 24 months. At full capacity, the facility their work at the Society for General will produce an estimated 500,000 metric tons Microbiology‟s Autumn Conference. of material each year. Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) polyesters are Click here for more information. synthesised by a wide variety of bacteria as a source of energy when their carbon supply is Bioplastics manufacturer Cereplast plentiful. Poly 3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is the opens new office in India most common polymer in the PHA family. Currently, growing bacteria in large Cereplast Inc. has opened a corporate office fermenters to produce high quantities of this in India to better serve current and future PHB is expensive because glucose is used as a clients in the Southeast Asia markets. That starting material. Now, work done at the market, according to Cereplast, includes University of Wolverhampton suggests that India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, bacterium, Ralstonia eutropha H16, could use and offers 1.6 billion potential new consumers. waste cooking oil as a starting material to reduce production costs of the plastic. The Frederic Scheer, CEO of Cereplast, said that next challenge for the group is to scale-up India is a key emerging market for the experiments; enabling the manufacture of company and opening an office in India will bioplastics on an industrial level. allow Cereplast to establish a client base that could require between 20 to 2,000 tons per Click here for more information. month of biobased product. Click here for more information. Biome Technologies announce Bio-based Materials proposed sale of its 50 per cent stake in Biotec UK bioplastics company Biome Technologies has proposed the sale of its 50 per cent stake in Biotec, the Group‟s manufacturing joint venture with Sphere. Biome will receive a cash consideration of £5.2m. Biome say the sale will allow the group to focus on its strategy to develop high margin, application Source: Bridgestone led products. Click here for more information. Bridgestone unveils 100 per cent sustainable tyre concept Waste cooking oil could make Bridgestone is exhibiting a concept tyre of bioplastics cheaper “100 per cent sustainable materials” at the 2012 Paris Motor Show, as part of a new Bioplastics that are naturally synthesised by initiative to encourage sustainability. microbes could be made commercially viable by using waste cooking oil as a starting Bridgestone Corporation, the world‟s largest material, according to scientists presenting tyre manufacturer, is diversifying the regions where it produces natural rubber and also NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 5 of 8
  • 6. replacing the synthetic rubber, carbon black and hardwood lignin yielded monomeric and rubber compounding agents in its tyre compounds in different compositions with a with alternatives synthesised from biomass. maximum yield of 2.0 per cent for syringic acid and 3.6 per cent for syringol, Bridgestone wants sustainable material tyres respectively. The results of the study showed to be commercially available from 2050. As a that under applied conditions competition next step in the process, the company will occurred between lignin depolymerisation “initiate” the technologies to begin mass and recondensation of fragments. production of bio-based tyres. Click here for more information. Click here for more information. Bio-based production of chemicals, materials and fuels – Corynebacterium glutamicum as Scientific Reviews versatile cell factory Sustained photosynthetic conversion Abstract: Corynebacterium glutamicum, of CO2 to ethylene in recombinant gram-positive soil bacteria, traditionally well- cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803 known as excellent producers of l-amino acids are becoming flexible, efficient Abstract: Ethylene is the most widely production platforms for various chemicals, produced petrochemical feedstock globally. materials and fuels. This development is It is currently produced exclusively from fossil intensively driven by systems metabolic fuels, and its production is the largest CO2- engineering concepts integrating systems emitting process in the chemical industry. In biology and synthetic biology into strain this study, we report on a photobiological engineering. This study reviews the potential process for sustained production of ethylene of Corynebacterium glutamicum in the from CO2. The efe gene encoding an production of bio-based chemicals, materials ethylene-forming enzyme from Pseudomonas and fuels. syringae pv. Phaseolicola was previously expressed in cyanobacterial strains, but was Click here for more information. not stable. We modified the gene sequence to enhance its stability, and expressed it in Toward biotechnological production Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, leading to of adipic acid and precursors from continuous ethylene production. biorenewables Click here for more information. Abstract: Adipic acid is the most important commercial aliphatic dicarboxylic acid in the Lignin depolymerisation in chemical industry and is primarily used for the supercritical carbon production of nylon-6,6 polyamide. The dioxide/acetone/water fluid for the current adipic acid market volume is about production of aromatic chemicals 2.6m tons/yr and the average annual demand growth rate forecast to stay at 3–3.5 per cent worldwide. Hitherto, the industrial Abstract: Valorisation of lignin plays a key role production of adipic acid is carried out by in further development of lignocellulosic petroleum-based chemo-catalytic processes biorefinery processes the production of from non-renewable fossil fuels. However, in biofuels and bio-based materials. In this study, the past years, efforts have been made to supercritical depolymerisation of wheat straw NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 6 of 8
  • 7. find alternative routes for adipic acid purification methodologies, and chemical production from renewable sources by modification, as well as the analytical biotechnological processes. This study reviews methods necessary for xylan related research. the approaches and the progress made toward bio-based production of adipic acid. Click here for more information. Click here for more information. Economic and Environmental Assessment of Bio-Based Chemicals From plant biomass to bio-based Production in Singapore's chemicals: Latest developments in Petrochemical Cluster xylan research Abstract: Current refining capacity in Abstract: This review is focused on xylan, the Singapore is 1.3m bpd and ethylene capacity second most abundant plant polysaccharide is 2.1m tons per year, projected to reach 4m on our planet. Some xylan-derived products tons per year by 2014. The petrochemical have already found commercial applications industry in Singapore is heavily dependent on (ethanol, xylitol, xylo-oligosaccharides) while fossil-based feedstock. This paper investigates others could have a great future in a wide the feasibility of incorporating bio-based raw range of industries. The chemical and materials into the slate of feedstocks structural variations of xylans produced by available for chemicals production in different plants, and the concentration of Singapore. xylan in various plant resources are summarised. This review discusses the latest Click here for more information. research developments in extraction and Price Information Item Price, US$ (Aug 07) Price, US$ (Aug 12) % Price Increase Crude oil (petroleum, barrel) 70.13 ↑ 105.28 50.12 Maize (corn, metric ton) 151.01 ↑ 332.17 119.97 Sugar (pound) 0.0961 ↑ 0.2053 113.63 Rapeseed oil (metric ton) 1006.75 ↑ 1221.67 21.35 Soybean oil (metric ton) 797.09 ↑ 1188.51 49.11 Ethanol (gallon) 2.43 ↑ 2.72 11.19 For details on indexes please see Crude Oil (petroleum), simple average of three spot prices; Dated Brent, West Texas Intermediate, and the Dubai Fateh. Ethanol details available at Arrows indicate rise (↑), constant (–) or fall (↓) from previous month. NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 7 of 8
  • 8. Comparison of Price Indexes (2005 = 100) 300 Price index (relative terms) 250 200 Agricultural Raw 150 Materials 100 Food 50 Crude Oil (Petroleum) 0 Sep-97 Sep-98 Sep-99 Sep-00 Sep-01 Sep-02 Sep-03 Sep-04 Sep-05 Sep-06 Sep-07 Sep-08 Sep-09 Sep-10 Sep-11 Sep-12 For details on the nature of these commodities please see Events Life Cycle Assessment Workshops, 07- 7th European Bioplastics Conference, 08 Nov 2012 in York, UK 06-07 Nov 2012 in Berlin, Germany Two workshops have been developed to The annual European Bioplastics Conference provide a basic understanding of LCA and offers a unique information platform for how to set about doing one. The first industry trends and innovations in material workshop covers the principles of LCA, and application development. requirements, problems and issues. The second provides a „hands on‟ opportunity to learn to carry out an LCA. The workshops can be taken together or separately. Credits and Disclaimer NNFCC Market Review is edited by Dr Matthew Aylott for NNFCC members. Feedback is welcome. The Review has been compiled in good faith and NNFCC does not accept responsibility for any inaccuracies or the products or services shown. NNFCC The Bioeconomy Consultants NNFCC, Biocentre, Phone: +44 (0)1904 435182 York Science Park, Fax: +44 (0)1904 435345 Innovation Way, E: Heslington, York, Web: YO10 5DG. NNFCC Market Review, October 2012, Page 8 of 8