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Ph otograp h i c I m agi n g 1
I nter v i ew L i ghti ng

๏‚™   The concepts cov er ed her e wi l l r eappear i n many other
    l i ght i ng setups.

๏‚™   Pay attenti on to how often these concepts r eappear .

๏‚™   U si ng t he fol l owi ng i nter acti v e pl ayer , you can t ur n on each
    l i ght i n the setup i ndi v i dual l y to see i ts effect. The 4 l i ghts:
    K ey, F i l l , H ai r , & E dge, for m the basi cs of a wel l l i t por tr ai t.
    Pay attenti on to the affects of each i n t he whol e pi ct ur e.
๏‚™   Cont r ast and l i ght angl es

๏‚™   The nor th-l i ght wi ndow i n ol d photo
    studi os and our moder n soft l i ghts
    at tempt to emul ate thi s cl assi c l ook .

๏‚™ K ey L i ght: The pr i mar y or domi nant sour ce of
  l i ght i n a shot.

   exampl e ๏ƒ 
S oft K e y L i gh t

๏‚™ K ey l i ght: v er y soft          S i mpl e L i ght Setups
  R i fa-l i te 88, 1000-
  watt bul b, soft E gg              F ul l l i ghti ng wi th
  Cr ate to contr ol i ts            S oft K ey R i fa 88,
  spi l l . ๏ƒ 
                                     1000W Soft l i ght
๏‚™ N oti ce the effect                R i fa wi th F abr i c
  cheek ; shadow l i ne              E gg Cr ate
  r unni ng down the
  cheek .
H ard K e y L i gh t

๏‚™   H ar d K ey L i ght exampl e:
    ๏‚™    250-watt Pr o-l ight.
    ๏‚™    Tr ansi ti on between the l i ght and dar k ar eas
         mor e dr amati c.
    ๏‚™    R embr andt l i ghti ng: mov e the k ey l ight unti l
         you see a l ight tr i angul ar patch under the near

๏‚™   B oth soft and har d k ey l i ghts ar e appr oachi ng
    the face fr om the far si de of the face, fr om the
    camer a, the shor t si de.

๏‚™   Thi s i s a v er y common and a safe pl ace to
    star t. I t mi ght be so popul ar because i t has a
    sl i mmi ng effect on the model .

                     F ull l ight ing wi th har d K ey
                     R embr andt v an R ijn, Por t r ait of a L ady wit h an
                     Ost r ich-F eat her F an, c. 1658/ 1660
                     Pr o-light , 250W F ocusing H ar d light
K e y L i gh t T e ch n i q u e s
B ad nose shadow                      ๏‚™   Star t: fi nd angl e and hei ght for your
R educed nose shadow                      K ey l i ght that pl aces shadow al ong the
H at chet l i ghti ng                     cr ease between the nose and the
                                          cor ner of the mouth.

                                      ๏‚™   N ext: tr y pl aci ng your l i ght so the
                                          nose shadow i s near l y gone

                                      ๏‚™   B r i ngi ng K ey l i ght 'face-on' i s
                                          effecti v e for l i ghteni ng the shadows
                                          fr om wr i nk l es

                                      ๏‚™   H atchet l i ghti ng: her e t he shadow l i ne
                                          r uns r i ght down the center of the face.
                                          ๏‚™    Can be a dr amatic effect when pai r ed
                                               wi th l i ttl e or no fi ll l i ghti ng or some
                                               edge l ights.
โ€ข   W e p a t in w hK y ig tk e a
     h n rcic g it e l h, e p n
                                          ๏‚™    U se l ar ger softer l i ght.
    e e nte h d w ce ts rmte
     y o h s a o it rae fo h
    n s.
โ€ข   H r l h: e s r o e n s s a o
     ad ig t aie t se oe h d w
โ€ข   L r e sfl h: be d te oe h d w
     ag r otig t ln s h n s s a o s
    m r ata t ey
     oe t civ l.
S i m p le L i gh t S e tu p s

๏‚™   Someti mes one l i ght wi l l do the wor k of both K ey and F i l l .

๏‚™   A second smal l l i ght fr om behi nd to add a l i tt l e shi ne to t he hai r adds a fi ni shi ng

๏‚™   A djust i ng di stance between t he l i ght and your subject to exper i ment.

                                                                                                 S ge ig t
                                                                                                  in l l h
                                                                                                 ( m i- ig t 0
                                                                                                  O n lh 5 0
                                                                                                   ) it
                                                                                                 u be a
                                                                                                  m rl ,
                                                                                                 p s io e t
                                                                                                  oit n d o
                                                                                                 fn t na K y
                                                                                                 u cio s e
                                                                                                 l h, w h
                                                                                                 ig t it
                                                                                                 e o g sf es
                                                                                                  n u h ot s
                                                                                                 t as a t s il
                                                                                                  o l ca F l
                                                                                                 l h.
                                                                                                 ig t
                                                                                                 S ge ig t
                                                                                                  in l l h
                                                                                                 rs l
F i ll L i gh t

๏‚™   F i l l l i ght: F i l l i s used to l i ghten shadows and contr ol contr ast
    r ati os ( t he r ati o of amount of K ey to F i l l l i ght) .

๏‚™   Combi ned wi th the K ey l i ght , F i l l l i ght hel ps defi ne t he mood
    by l i ghti ng the shaded ar eas i n a r ange of i ntensi ti es.

๏‚™   I t can v ar y fr om none, to a l ev el equal i ng the K ey l i ght.
F i ll L i gh t
๏‚™   Sev er al methods exi st for
    adding F il l l ight to r educe the

๏‚™   I n the v iewer at the
    beginni ng, we chose a R i fa-
    l ite 44 soft li ght, wi th a 250-
    watt bul b, wi th a soft E gg
    Cr ate to contr ol the spil l.

๏‚™   The amount of F il l that is
    added depends on your taste
    ( or the pr efer ence of the
    per son who hir ed you) .

๏‚™   You can easi l y al ter the mood
    of a shot by r aisi ng and
    l ower i ng the i ntensi ty of the         F lig t ln
                                                ill h ao e
    F il
       l.                                      R a 4 2 0 S fl h
                                                if 4 , 5 W otig t
F i ll L i gh t T e ch n i q u e s

๏‚™   L i ght pl acement posi tions near camer a ๏ƒ  hide shadows behi nd subject

๏‚™   When F il l i s dir ectl y ov er the camer a ๏ƒ  adds to the K ey l ight's exposur e.

๏‚™   N ear -the-camer a posi tion: when you want to both fil l shadows and stil l
    mai ntai n a l i ttle model ing on the subject. You wil l need a l ess i ntense li ght
    for the F il l side.

๏‚™   A djust the di stance to l essen the intensi ty as well as by adding scr i ms or
    neutr al density gels to the li ght. U si ng an umbr el l a or a softbox i s common.

๏‚™   Onl y wr ong way to do F i ll is i f i t adds another set of v i si ble shadows.

๏‚™   A l ways look closely at your shot to see i f your l ights ar e cr eati ng uni ntended
F i ll L i gh t T e ch n i q u e s
                     ๏‚™    I mages A & B to the
                          l eft show di ffer i ng
                          l ev el s of F i l l l i ght. .

                     ๏‚™    I mage C shows a
                          cl oser v i ew wi th a
                          doubl e nose shadow.
                     C)   L ower r at i o of K ey to F i l l
                          l i ght

A       B       C    D)   H i gher r at i o of K ey to F i l l
                          l i ght

                     E)   Doubl e N ose S hadow
R e fle cte d F i ll L i gh t
๏‚™   A nother met hod of pr ov i di ng F i l l i s
    by bounci ng the K ey l i ght off of a
    r efl ector .

๏‚™   Specul ar r efl ect or

๏‚™   I n t he exampl e shown, the soft K ey
    l i ght i s bei ng r efl ected.

๏‚™   U si ng a mat te whi te car d wi l l
    pr ov i de a v er y soft r efl ected fi l l at
    cl ose r ange.

                             S eua R f co b u c gS fK y
                              p c lr el tr o n in ot e
                             l h t ce t F l
                             ig to rae il
                             Coe pd til
                              ls u ea
                                                          ๏‚™N t: I h hy el t e o m , if o r
                                                             oe n ig l rf civ ro s y u
                                                          l hin is o f ty um h c n id r
                                                          ig t g to l , o ig t o s e a
                                                          tc n u c l dn g t e il T is
                                                          eh iq e al e aiv fl h is
                                                                      e         .
                                                          otnd n b h n in a akc t o
                                                           fe o e y a g g dr l h ro
                                                          p c o ba kfa c r o te ils e o
                                                           iee f lc o m oe n h flid t
                                                          p e e t ta l h fo p o id gto
                                                           rv n sry ig trm rv in o
                                                          m c fl x eim n w hd frn
                                                            u h il E p r e t it if e t
                                                                  .               e
                                                          a o ns fila dse y uc n
                                                           m u t o fl n e if o a
                                                          m n uae h efc t c a g te e l
                                                            a ip lt te f to h n e h fe
H ai r L i gh t

๏‚™   H ai r l i ght: A l i ght fr om
    behi nd the subject , often
    weak er t han t he K ey or F i l l ,
    ai med at the head &
    shoul der s. ( A . K . A
    back l i ght) .

๏‚™   Cr eat es a sense of separ ati on
    bet ween subject and
    back gr ound, and adds
    hi ghl i ghts & shi ne to hai r .

๏‚™   Often wi dened to i ncl ude a
    subject 's shoul der s.
H ai r L i gh t T e ch n i q u e s
๏‚™   A dd fi nesse to the l i ghti ng to r ev eal the subjectโ€™s
    for m by using l i ght fr om angles beyond what you
    use for the F i l l : i . e. H ai r li ghts and E dge l ights.

๏‚™   H ai r l i ghts: pl aced dir ectl y opposi te the camer a.
    S mal l har d l ight: mak e smal l har d l i nes and
    edges. L ar ger sour ces: pr ov i de an ev en, gentl e

๏‚™   Thi nni ng hai r or bald heads: onl y want to add a
    subtl e edge to the si de of the head and neck . U se
    an E dge L i ght.

๏‚™   S hiny heads: coul d hav e separ ate l ights for each
    shoul der or put up a tr adi ti onal hair l ight and
    bl ock , or flag, the par t of the l ight fal li ng on the

๏‚™   B e car eful to k eep any l i ght fr om shini ng i nto the
    fr ont of the l ens, causing l ens fl ar e. Wav e your
    hand in fr ont of the li ght and see i f a shadow fal l s        H irig t ln
                                                                      a l h ao e
    on the camer a.
                                                                     R a 4 2 0 S fl h
                                                                      if 4 , 5 W otig t
๏‚™   Wi th the adv ent of moder n camer as ther e is less
    need for the r eall y heav y use of hai r l i ght.
H ai r L i gh t T e ch n i q u e s

๏‚™   I n the 1970s the extr eme back li ght was the r age. F i nd a glamour
    photo fr om the er a and it wi l l li k ely hav e a str ong back li ght bl asting
    di r ectl y at the back of the head causing the l i on's mane hai r style i n
    fashi on at the ti me to glow. I f thi s i s what you'r e after , just tr y to
    k eep the l ight far enough back so i t doesn't star t your subject's hair on
    fi r e.
E d ge L i gh t

๏‚™   E dge l i ght: A l i ght fr om behi nd the subject, often weak er t han
    the K ey or F i l l

๏‚™   Pl aced t o cr eate an edge of defi ni t i on between subject and
    back gr ound.

๏‚™   S i mi l ar i n pr act i ce t o H ai r l i ght, i t i s al so a for m of back l i ght
    nor mal l y used to defi ne one dar k object fr om another ,

๏‚™   E xampl e: a dar k jack et fr om a si mi l ar l y dar k back gr ound.
E d ge L i gh t T e ch n i q u e s

๏‚™   E dge l i ghts cr eate subtle defi ni ng 'edgesโ€™ which
    can be added to your setup to del i neate the edge
    of your subject. A . K . A . k i ck er s, l i ner s or edge
    l ights.

๏‚™   U sed to v i si bly separ ate the subject fr om the
    back gr ound. I f you hav e deci ded to use l i ttl e or
    no fi ll an edge of some sor t can enhance the
    dr amati c effect.

๏‚™   Star t wi th small fi xtur es and k eep an eye on the
    shadow fr om the subjects ear . Tr y har d sour ces
    at di ffer ent di stances and angles. Tr y usi ng a
    smal l l i ght wi th an umbr el l a or wi th a di ffusi on
    gel .

๏‚™   E dge l i ghts ar e also aimed i n the dir ecti on of the     E g l h ao e
                                                                   d e ig t ln
    camer a, so be car eful to k eep any l i ght fr om            Ll h, 1 0
                                                                   - ig t 0 W
    shi ning i nto the fr ont of the l ens, causi ng l ens
    fl ar e. Wav e your hand in fr ont of the li ght and
    see i f a shadow fal l s on the camer a.
E d ge L i gh t E x am p le s
B ack grou n d L i gh t

๏‚™   B ack gr ound L i ght: U sed for l i ghti ng the back gr ound of a set, as
    a whol e or speci fi c ar eas; or for l i ghti ng object s i n the
    back gr ound of the set that ar e si gni fi cant to t he i mage.

๏‚™   I t al so cont r i butes to cr eati ng separ ati on between subject and
    back gr ound.
B ack grou n d L i gh t
                    T e ch n i q u e s
    H ow you deal wi th back gr ounds
    depends on whether i t i s par t of the
    stor y or just a neutr al sett i ng for your

๏‚™   F or setup used i n V i ewer , we cr eated a
    mottl ed shadow patter n on t he
    back gr ound by shi ni ng a har d l i ght
    thr ough a cook al or i s ( a r andom
    patter n cut i nto wood, foamcor e, or
    bl ack foi l ) .

๏‚™   You t r y tur ni ng off any r oom l i ghts, or
    add di stance bet ween the subject and
    the back gr ound. I n combi nati on wi t h
    these i s t he abi l i ty to contr ol the l i ghts
    you'v e pl aced i n the sett i ng.

๏‚™   Consi der usi ng an E gg Cr ate on any
    soft l i ghts. Ot her l i ght s shoul d al l hav e     Setup wi th cook al or i s
    bar ndoor s to di r ect l i ght onl y wher e
    i t's wanted. You can fi nesse mor e by                patter n
    speci fi cal l y fl aggi ng spi l l ed l i ght fr om   Pr o-l i ght, 250W
    wher e you don't want i t.
B ack grou n d L i gh t Op ti on s
๏‚™   Sl ash A ccent

๏‚™   U se a sl ash of l i ght by putti ng two
    bar ndoor s cl ose together on a har d
    l i ght sour ce.

๏‚™   The i mage to the l eft shows a sl ash
    cr eated by a focusabl e Omni -l i ght.

๏‚™   You can mi x the sl ash wi th gener al
    back gr ound fi l l , mak i ng i t l ess
    pr omi nent , or use the sl ash accent
    al one i n a dar k er back gr ound to
    i ncr ease i ts effect.

๏‚™   Col or i ng the sl ash wi th a gel i s al so a
    common appr oach.
                                                     S tpw hSa hA c n
                                                      eu it ls ce t
                                                     O n lh 50
                                                      m i- ig t 0 W
                                                     fc sbe
                                                     ou a l
B ack grou n d L i gh t Op ti on s
๏‚™   H i ghl ight A ccent

๏‚™   M or e pr acti cal appr oach: add a
    hi ghl i ght to an object i n the setti ng.

๏‚™   I n thi s shot: the har d li ght char acter
    of the l amp cr eated a shar p shadow.

๏‚™   The r esult look s l i k e i t hav e coul d
    come fr om tr ack li ghting or a
    r ecessed ceil i ng l ight, addi ng to the
    natur al feel of the effect.

                                                  S tpw hH hig t
                                                   eu it ig l h
                                                  A cn Ll h w h1 0
                                                   ce t- ig t it 0 W
                                                  a p
B ack grou n d L i gh t Op ti on s
๏‚™   Col or B ack gr ound

๏‚™   Gi v es the back gr ound a
    mor e obv i ousl y tr eated /
    theatr i cal effect. I t
    pr ov i des a contr ast of col or
    and feel bet ween the
    env i r onment and the
    subject .

๏‚™   I n thi s shot, we added r ed
    gel to an Omni -l i ght ,
    focused wi de enough to
    cov er the back gr ound ar ea
    of the shot.
                                        S tpw hC lr
                                         eu it oo
๏‚™   U se bar n door s on the            b c go n
                                         a k ru d
    fi xtur e t o tr i m any spi l l    O n lh 50
                                         m i- ig t 0 W
    that may fal l on the subject.      fc sbe
                                        ou a l

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  • 2. 3 POI N T L I GH TI N G Ph otograp h i c I m agi n g 1
  • 3. I nter v i ew L i ghti ng ๏‚™ The concepts cov er ed her e wi l l r eappear i n many other l i ght i ng setups. ๏‚™ Pay attenti on to how often these concepts r eappear . ๏‚™ U si ng t he fol l owi ng i nter acti v e pl ayer , you can t ur n on each l i ght i n the setup i ndi v i dual l y to see i ts effect. The 4 l i ghts: K ey, F i l l , H ai r , & E dge, for m the basi cs of a wel l l i t por tr ai t. Pay attenti on to the affects of each i n t he whol e pi ct ur e.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. Concepts ๏‚™ Cont r ast and l i ght angl es ๏‚™ The nor th-l i ght wi ndow i n ol d photo studi os and our moder n soft l i ghts at tempt to emul ate thi s cl assi c l ook .
  • 11. K E Y L I GH T ๏‚™ K ey L i ght: The pr i mar y or domi nant sour ce of l i ght i n a shot. exampl e ๏ƒ 
  • 12. S oft K e y L i gh t ๏‚™ K ey l i ght: v er y soft S i mpl e L i ght Setups R i fa-l i te 88, 1000- watt bul b, soft E gg F ul l l i ghti ng wi th Cr ate to contr ol i ts S oft K ey R i fa 88, spi l l . ๏ƒ  1000W Soft l i ght ๏‚™ N oti ce the effect R i fa wi th F abr i c cheek ; shadow l i ne E gg Cr ate r unni ng down the cheek .
  • 13. H ard K e y L i gh t ๏‚™ H ar d K ey L i ght exampl e: ๏‚™ 250-watt Pr o-l ight. ๏‚™ Tr ansi ti on between the l i ght and dar k ar eas mor e dr amati c. ๏‚™ R embr andt l i ghti ng: mov e the k ey l ight unti l you see a l ight tr i angul ar patch under the near eye ๏‚™ B oth soft and har d k ey l i ghts ar e appr oachi ng the face fr om the far si de of the face, fr om the camer a, the shor t si de. ๏‚™ Thi s i s a v er y common and a safe pl ace to star t. I t mi ght be so popul ar because i t has a sl i mmi ng effect on the model . F ull l ight ing wi th har d K ey R embr andt v an R ijn, Por t r ait of a L ady wit h an Ost r ich-F eat her F an, c. 1658/ 1660 Pr o-light , 250W F ocusing H ar d light
  • 14. K e y L i gh t T e ch n i q u e s Concepts: B ad nose shadow ๏‚™ Star t: fi nd angl e and hei ght for your R educed nose shadow K ey l i ght that pl aces shadow al ong the H at chet l i ghti ng cr ease between the nose and the cor ner of the mouth. ๏‚™ N ext: tr y pl aci ng your l i ght so the nose shadow i s near l y gone ๏‚™ B r i ngi ng K ey l i ght 'face-on' i s effecti v e for l i ghteni ng the shadows fr om wr i nk l es ๏‚™ H atchet l i ghti ng: her e t he shadow l i ne r uns r i ght down the center of the face. ๏‚™ Can be a dr amatic effect when pai r ed wi th l i ttl e or no fi ll l i ghti ng or some edge l ights. โ€ข W e p a t in w hK y ig tk e a h n rcic g it e l h, e p n ๏‚™ U se l ar ger softer l i ght. e e nte h d w ce ts rmte y o h s a o it rae fo h n s. oe โ€ข H r l h: e s r o e n s s a o ad ig t aie t se oe h d w โ€ข L r e sfl h: be d te oe h d w ag r otig t ln s h n s s a o s m r ata t ey oe t civ l. r
  • 15. S i m p le L i gh t S e tu p s ๏‚™ Someti mes one l i ght wi l l do the wor k of both K ey and F i l l . ๏‚™ A second smal l l i ght fr om behi nd to add a l i tt l e shi ne to t he hai r adds a fi ni shi ng touch. ๏‚™ A djust i ng di stance between t he l i ght and your subject to exper i ment. S ge ig t in l l h ( m i- ig t 0 O n lh 5 0 Wwh ) it u be a m rl , l p s io e t oit n d o fn t na K y u cio s e l h, w h ig t it e o g sf es n u h ot s n t as a t s il o l ca F l o l h. ig t S ge ig t in l l h rs l eut
  • 16. F i ll L i gh t ๏‚™ F i l l l i ght: F i l l i s used to l i ghten shadows and contr ol contr ast r ati os ( t he r ati o of amount of K ey to F i l l l i ght) . ๏‚™ Combi ned wi th the K ey l i ght , F i l l l i ght hel ps defi ne t he mood by l i ghti ng the shaded ar eas i n a r ange of i ntensi ti es. ๏‚™ I t can v ar y fr om none, to a l ev el equal i ng the K ey l i ght.
  • 17. F i ll L i gh t ๏‚™ Sev er al methods exi st for adding F il l l ight to r educe the shadows. ๏‚™ I n the v iewer at the beginni ng, we chose a R i fa- l ite 44 soft li ght, wi th a 250- watt bul b, wi th a soft E gg Cr ate to contr ol the spil l. ๏‚™ The amount of F il l that is added depends on your taste ( or the pr efer ence of the per son who hir ed you) . ๏‚™ You can easi l y al ter the mood of a shot by r aisi ng and l ower i ng the i ntensi ty of the F lig t ln ill h ao e F il l. R a 4 2 0 S fl h if 4 , 5 W otig t
  • 18. F i ll L i gh t T e ch n i q u e s ๏‚™ L i ght pl acement posi tions near camer a ๏ƒ  hide shadows behi nd subject ๏‚™ When F il l i s dir ectl y ov er the camer a ๏ƒ  adds to the K ey l ight's exposur e. ๏‚™ N ear -the-camer a posi tion: when you want to both fil l shadows and stil l mai ntai n a l i ttle model ing on the subject. You wil l need a l ess i ntense li ght for the F il l side. ๏‚™ A djust the di stance to l essen the intensi ty as well as by adding scr i ms or neutr al density gels to the li ght. U si ng an umbr el l a or a softbox i s common. ๏‚™ Onl y wr ong way to do F i ll is i f i t adds another set of v i si ble shadows. ๏‚™ A l ways look closely at your shot to see i f your l ights ar e cr eati ng uni ntended consequences.
  • 19. F i ll L i gh t T e ch n i q u e s ๏‚™ I mages A & B to the l eft show di ffer i ng l ev el s of F i l l l i ght. . ๏‚™ I mage C shows a cl oser v i ew wi th a doubl e nose shadow. C) L ower r at i o of K ey to F i l l l i ght A B C D) H i gher r at i o of K ey to F i l l l i ght E) Doubl e N ose S hadow
  • 20. R e fle cte d F i ll L i gh t ๏‚™ A nother met hod of pr ov i di ng F i l l i s by bounci ng the K ey l i ght off of a r efl ector . ๏‚™ Specul ar r efl ect or ๏‚™ I n t he exampl e shown, the soft K ey l i ght i s bei ng r efl ected. ๏‚™ U si ng a mat te whi te car d wi l l pr ov i de a v er y soft r efl ected fi l l at cl ose r ange. S eua R f co b u c gS fK y p c lr el tr o n in ot e e l h t ce t F l ig to rae il Coe pd til ls u ea ๏‚™N t: I h hy el t e o m , if o r oe n ig l rf civ ro s y u e l hin is o f ty um h c n id r ig t g to l , o ig t o s e a a tc n u c l dn g t e il T is eh iq e al e aiv fl h is e . otnd n b h n in a akc t o fe o e y a g g dr l h ro p c o ba kfa c r o te ils e o iee f lc o m oe n h flid t p e e t ta l h fo p o id gto rv n sry ig trm rv in o m c fl x eim n w hd frn u h il E p r e t it if e t . e a o ns fila dse y uc n m u t o fl n e if o a m n uae h efc t c a g te e l a ip lt te f to h n e h fe e
  • 21. H ai r L i gh t ๏‚™ H ai r l i ght: A l i ght fr om behi nd the subject , often weak er t han t he K ey or F i l l , ai med at the head & shoul der s. ( A . K . A back l i ght) . ๏‚™ Cr eat es a sense of separ ati on bet ween subject and back gr ound, and adds hi ghl i ghts & shi ne to hai r . ๏‚™ Often wi dened to i ncl ude a subject 's shoul der s.
  • 22. H ai r L i gh t T e ch n i q u e s ๏‚™ A dd fi nesse to the l i ghti ng to r ev eal the subjectโ€™s for m by using l i ght fr om angles beyond what you use for the F i l l : i . e. H ai r li ghts and E dge l ights. ๏‚™ H ai r l i ghts: pl aced dir ectl y opposi te the camer a. S mal l har d l ight: mak e smal l har d l i nes and edges. L ar ger sour ces: pr ov i de an ev en, gentl e wash. ๏‚™ Thi nni ng hai r or bald heads: onl y want to add a subtl e edge to the si de of the head and neck . U se an E dge L i ght. ๏‚™ S hiny heads: coul d hav e separ ate l ights for each shoul der or put up a tr adi ti onal hair l ight and bl ock , or flag, the par t of the l ight fal li ng on the head. ๏‚™ B e car eful to k eep any l i ght fr om shini ng i nto the fr ont of the l ens, causing l ens fl ar e. Wav e your hand in fr ont of the li ght and see i f a shadow fal l s H irig t ln a l h ao e on the camer a. R a 4 2 0 S fl h if 4 , 5 W otig t ๏‚™ Wi th the adv ent of moder n camer as ther e is less need for the r eall y heav y use of hai r l i ght.
  • 23. H ai r L i gh t T e ch n i q u e s ๏‚™ I n the 1970s the extr eme back li ght was the r age. F i nd a glamour photo fr om the er a and it wi l l li k ely hav e a str ong back li ght bl asting di r ectl y at the back of the head causing the l i on's mane hai r style i n fashi on at the ti me to glow. I f thi s i s what you'r e after , just tr y to k eep the l ight far enough back so i t doesn't star t your subject's hair on fi r e.
  • 24. E d ge L i gh t ๏‚™ E dge l i ght: A l i ght fr om behi nd the subject, often weak er t han the K ey or F i l l ๏‚™ Pl aced t o cr eate an edge of defi ni t i on between subject and back gr ound. ๏‚™ S i mi l ar i n pr act i ce t o H ai r l i ght, i t i s al so a for m of back l i ght nor mal l y used to defi ne one dar k object fr om another , ๏‚™ E xampl e: a dar k jack et fr om a si mi l ar l y dar k back gr ound.
  • 25. E d ge L i gh t T e ch n i q u e s ๏‚™ E dge l i ghts cr eate subtle defi ni ng 'edgesโ€™ which can be added to your setup to del i neate the edge of your subject. A . K . A . k i ck er s, l i ner s or edge l ights. ๏‚™ U sed to v i si bly separ ate the subject fr om the back gr ound. I f you hav e deci ded to use l i ttl e or no fi ll an edge of some sor t can enhance the dr amati c effect. ๏‚™ Star t wi th small fi xtur es and k eep an eye on the shadow fr om the subjects ear . Tr y har d sour ces at di ffer ent di stances and angles. Tr y usi ng a smal l l i ght wi th an umbr el l a or wi th a di ffusi on gel . ๏‚™ E dge l i ghts ar e also aimed i n the dir ecti on of the E g l h ao e d e ig t ln camer a, so be car eful to k eep any l i ght fr om Ll h, 1 0 - ig t 0 W shi ning i nto the fr ont of the l ens, causi ng l ens fl ar e. Wav e your hand in fr ont of the li ght and see i f a shadow fal l s on the camer a.
  • 26. E d ge L i gh t E x am p le s
  • 27. B ack grou n d L i gh t ๏‚™ B ack gr ound L i ght: U sed for l i ghti ng the back gr ound of a set, as a whol e or speci fi c ar eas; or for l i ghti ng object s i n the back gr ound of the set that ar e si gni fi cant to t he i mage. ๏‚™ I t al so cont r i butes to cr eati ng separ ati on between subject and back gr ound.
  • 28. B ack grou n d L i gh t ๏‚™ T e ch n i q u e s H ow you deal wi th back gr ounds depends on whether i t i s par t of the stor y or just a neutr al sett i ng for your subject ๏‚™ F or setup used i n V i ewer , we cr eated a mottl ed shadow patter n on t he back gr ound by shi ni ng a har d l i ght thr ough a cook al or i s ( a r andom patter n cut i nto wood, foamcor e, or bl ack foi l ) . ๏‚™ You t r y tur ni ng off any r oom l i ghts, or add di stance bet ween the subject and the back gr ound. I n combi nati on wi t h these i s t he abi l i ty to contr ol the l i ghts you'v e pl aced i n the sett i ng. ๏‚™ Consi der usi ng an E gg Cr ate on any soft l i ghts. Ot her l i ght s shoul d al l hav e Setup wi th cook al or i s bar ndoor s to di r ect l i ght onl y wher e i t's wanted. You can fi nesse mor e by patter n speci fi cal l y fl aggi ng spi l l ed l i ght fr om Pr o-l i ght, 250W wher e you don't want i t.
  • 29. B ack grou n d L i gh t Op ti on s ๏‚™ Sl ash A ccent ๏‚™ U se a sl ash of l i ght by putti ng two bar ndoor s cl ose together on a har d l i ght sour ce. ๏‚™ The i mage to the l eft shows a sl ash cr eated by a focusabl e Omni -l i ght. ๏‚™ You can mi x the sl ash wi th gener al back gr ound fi l l , mak i ng i t l ess pr omi nent , or use the sl ash accent al one i n a dar k er back gr ound to i ncr ease i ts effect. ๏‚™ Col or i ng the sl ash wi th a gel i s al so a common appr oach. S tpw hSa hA c n eu it ls ce t O n lh 50 m i- ig t 0 W fc sbe ou a l
  • 30. B ack grou n d L i gh t Op ti on s ๏‚™ H i ghl ight A ccent ๏‚™ M or e pr acti cal appr oach: add a hi ghl i ght to an object i n the setti ng. ๏‚™ I n thi s shot: the har d li ght char acter of the l amp cr eated a shar p shadow. ๏‚™ The r esult look s l i k e i t hav e coul d come fr om tr ack li ghting or a r ecessed ceil i ng l ight, addi ng to the natur al feel of the effect. S tpw hH hig t eu it ig l h A cn Ll h w h1 0 ce t- ig t it 0 W lm a p
  • 31. B ack grou n d L i gh t Op ti on s ๏‚™ Col or B ack gr ound ๏‚™ Gi v es the back gr ound a mor e obv i ousl y tr eated / theatr i cal effect. I t pr ov i des a contr ast of col or and feel bet ween the env i r onment and the subject . ๏‚™ I n thi s shot, we added r ed gel to an Omni -l i ght , focused wi de enough to cov er the back gr ound ar ea of the shot. S tpw hC lr eu it oo ๏‚™ U se bar n door s on the b c go n a k ru d fi xtur e t o tr i m any spi l l O n lh 50 m i- ig t 0 W that may fal l on the subject. fc sbe ou a l

Editor's Notes

  1. the more you understand them, the easier it will be for you to adapt them as needed in a variety of situations. They will also help you to create your own distinctive lighting style Using this interactive player, you can turn on each light in the setup individually to see its effect. You can also view the entire setup to see placement & choice of fixtures. These 4 lights: Key, Fill, Hair, & Edge, form the basics of a well lit portrait. Familiarize yourself with each light and its effect on the whole picture
  2. Their concepts of contrast and light angles were often influenced by the light coming in a window. Very often from a window that didn't have direct sunlight shining into it.
  3. It often suggests an out of frame source. Choice of fixture (hard or soft) and its position will help set the mood of the shot.
  4. In the setup shown in the viewer, the Key light is a very soft Rifa-lite 88 fitted with a 1000-watt bulb and a soft Egg Crate to control its spill. Look at the cheek closest to the camera. Notice the effect; the shadow line running down the cheek. Begin to notice how often you see this in movies, television, and photographs. It's everywhere isn't it?
  5. This is an example of a hard Key light, instead of soft. We are using a 250-watt Pro-light. Notice the difference? The transition between the light and dark areas is more dramatic. If you move the key light until you see a light triangular patch under the near eye, you've achieved what is referred to as Rembrandt lighting. Rembrandt actually experimented with having the main light coming from many directions but this is the look that stuck to his name. You may notice that both soft and hard key lights are approaching the face from the far side of the face, from the camera. What is referred to as the short side.
  6. The nose shadow is easier to see if you use a hard light but blends more attractively when you a larger soft source. As a start, find the angle and height for your Key light that places that shadow along the crease between the nose and the corner of the mouth. try placing your light so the nose shadow is nearly gone. This will happen when your light is anywhere from directly in front of the subject, assuming they are facing slightly away from the lens, to directly over the camera. You will start to lose the shadow line on the cheek as you come around but the effect may be what you want. Bringing the Key light 'face-on' is effective for lightening the shadows from wrinkles. Used with makeup it is even more effective. While this position tends to allow light to spill onto the background it is usually more important to have the subject look good. If possible you could move the subject and lights further away from the back wall to allow the spill to fall off. This position is very flat light so you need to balance the needs of filling wrinkles or a slimming effect. Another look is what is sometimes called Hatchet lighting. Here the shadow line runs right down the center of the face. It can be a dramatic effect when paired with little or no fill lighting or some edge lights. You may also have to adjust the height of the key light to better fill deep set eyes. A larger softer light will be able to do this without causing the nose shadow to become distracting.
  7. Sometimes when power or time limitations are factors, one light will do the work of both Key and Fill. A second small light from behind to add a little shine to the hair adds a finishing touch. Experiment by adjusting the distance between the light and your subject to achieve the balance between your key light and the ambient light. In this example a 500-watt Omni-light with a nylon umbrella worked well for the single Key / Fill light and a 125-watt L-light is providing the shine on the hair and shoulders. Don't forget to make the necessary changes in the height of your stand and possibly an exposure change to your camera as you adjust position of the lights. Perhaps your situation calls for a more or less powerful bulb or a different fixture. Get the feel of working with a small hard source (you can really see where those shadows are) and then perhaps add an umbrella and see that by increasing the relative size of the light source you increase its softness.
  8. After setting the Key light, you may find that the darker side of the face is too dark for your tastes. There are several methods for adding Fill light to reduce the shadows. This doesn't just apply to lighting faces. Anytime you are treating the side left shaded by the Key light you are working on the Fill. The amount of Fill that is added depends on your taste (or the preference of the person who hired you). Keep in mind the 'look' you are attempting; especially if you are shooting something that is dramatic. Generally you can most easily alter the mood of a shot by raising and lowering the intensity of the Fill. In fact on some soap operas the main difference in lighting between a daytime interior scene and a night setting is they drop the Fill almost all together and light the background a darker than normal.
  9. More commonly, you may begin to consider light placement positions near the camera to hide the shadows behind the subject or more off to the opposite side from the Key light. When the Fill is directly over the camera it adds to the Key light's exposure so consider adjusting for it. The near-the-camera position can be considered when you want to both fill shadows and still maintain a little modeling on the subject. You will most often need a less intense light for the Fill side. As with the Key light you could adjust the distance to lessen the intensity as well as by adding scrims or neutral density gels to the light. While it could be most any kind of light, a Fill light is usually a soft source so using an umbrella or a softbox is common. Images A & B to the right show differing levels of Fill light. Notice how image A looks more fully lit, while still maintaining the Key as the dominant light source, and the reduced Fill in image B increases its dramatic effect. Probably the only wrong way to do Fill is if it adds another set of visible shadows; visible to the camera that is (you only need to worry about what's in your frame). Image C shows a closer view with a double nose shadow. This is caused by having a Fill light that is almost as strong as the Key, placed in a position so that the shadow the nose throws on the opposite side of the face, visible to the camera. Always look closely at your shot to see if your lights are creating unintended consequences.
  10. Another method of providing Fill is by bouncing the Key light off of a reflector. A specular reflector (the shiny hard side) will kick back nearly as much light as the Key light shining on it, in the same degree of hardness that strikes it. In the example shown, the soft Key light is being reflected. A stippled reflector surface will soften the reflected light more and give less chance of secondary shadows. Using a matte white card will provide a very soft reflected fill at close range. You may have natural fill already happening from light colored walls reflecting back to the subject. Indeed you might even plan such a situation.
  11. . Working with Hair light gets trickier with receding hairlines, and may be done without in that situation.
  12. Along with the amount of Fill light you use, you can continue to add finesse to the lighting to reveal the subjects form by using light from angles beyond what you use for the Fill. Both Hair lights and Edge lights fall into this category. Traditionally Hair lights are placed directly opposite the camera. It creates highlights and gives a nice shine to the hair. Small hard lights will make small hard lines and edges, which are appropriate if you are implying the motivation for the light is a hard source. Larger sources provide an even, gentle wash. In the nineteen seventies the extreme backlight was the rage. Find a glamour photo from the era and it will likely have a strong back light blasting directly at the back of the head causing the lion's mane hair style in fashion at the time to glow. If this is what you're after, just try to keep the light far enough back so it doesn't start your subject's hair on fire. If you are dealing with thinning hair or bald heads, you probably already have enough separation from the background; either because of the contrast or color differences, and only want to play with adding a subtle edge to the side of the head and neck. You may just need an edge on the shoulders of a dark garment that is blending into the background. See the Edge Light description below for more information. For shiny heads you could have separate lights for each shoulder or put up a traditional hair light and block, or flag, the part of the light falling on the head. Since all backlights are aimed in the direction of the camera be careful to keep any light from shining into the front of the lens, causing lens flare. Wave your hand in front of the light and see if a shadow falls on the camera. With the advent of modern cameras there is less need for the really heavy use of hair light unless it is to appear as motivated or logical in the scene. Watch for programs done in film or HD and notice how natural these highlights are compared to older video programming.
  13. Edge lights create subtle defining 'edges', and line-like highlights, which can be added to your setup to delineate the edge of your subject. You may hear them referred to as kickers, liners or edge lights. If your subject's dark hair or jacket seems to blend into a similarly dark background you can add an 'edge' to visibly separate, or cut them away, from the background. You provide a clue to the viewer where the subject leaves off and the background begins. If you have decided to use little or no fill an edge of some sort can enhance the dramatic effect. To experiment with these effects start with small fixtures and keep an eye on the shadow from the subjects ear. It is popular to have a light edge along the jaw line. Try hard sources at different distances and angles. Try using a small light with an umbrella or with a diffusion gel.
  14. Often the function of the light is fulfilled by more than one fixture at a time. It is possible to use multiple background lights.
  15. How you deal with backgrounds depends on whether it is part of the story or just a neutral setting for your subject. Either way you may notice the background level is usually down, or less bright than the subject. However it is not unusual to highlight something in the background for interest. A plant or dim lamp is a common set dressing. For the setup used in the Viewer above, we created a mottled shadow pattern on the background by shining a hard light through a cookaloris (a random pattern cut into wood, foamcore, or black foil). It was lit by a 250W focusable Pro-light, a hard source. If you look at the Setup shot in the Viewer, you will see the cookaloris, tho' the Pro is hidden from view by the Rifa Key light. By the time you've put up your Key, Fill, Hair and Edge lights you might have light bouncing off the walls and ceiling lighting up the background too much. You can try turning off any room lights, or by adding distance between the subject and the background. In combination with these is the ability to control the lights you've placed in the setting. Since large broad sources tend to spill on the background consider using an Egg Crate on any softlights you use. Other lights should all have barndoors to direct light only where it's wanted. You can finesse more by specifically flagging spilled light from where you don't want
  16. Focusing the light to flood will give a larger and more consistent output level to the slash.
  17. More practical approach: to adding visual interest to the background would be to add a highlight to an object in the setting. In this shot, we used a tiny L-light with 100 Watt lamp directed to place a small pool of light on the flowers and the picture frame. The hard light character of the lamp created a sharp shadow.
  18. A popular technique in news magazine format TV over the past 10 years has been to give the background a more obviously treated / theatrical effect. It provides a contrast of color and feel between the environment and the subject. Use barn doors on the fixture to trim any spill that may fall on the subject, as its color will make it very noticable.