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The Horizons team:
Change agents and change
• A small, diverse team of people within
the NHS that supports change agents
and builds change agency
• We tune into the latest change thinking and
practice in healthcare and other industries
around the world
• The team has emerged through years of supporting
change in the NHS and the wider health and care system
Housekeeping and survival!
Fire alarms and exits…
Plan for the day
• Welcome and intros
– Who are Horizons?
• Plan for today…
– Why is change important?
– What do we know about change?
– What’s changing in the world of change!
– Resistance to change
– Communicating for effective influence
– Energy for change
– 6 thinking hats
• Close 3pm
Does this cover what
you want to get out
of today?
Why is change important?
How do YOU feel about change?
If you feel…
Go to the right
If you feel…
Go to the left
feel about change to
structure and services?
If you think they feel…
Go to the right
If you think they feel…
Go to the left
How do think PATIENTS
feel about change to their local services?
If you think they feel…
Go to the right
If you think they feel…
Go to the left
feels about change?
If you think they feel…
Go to the right
If you think they feel…
Go to the left
Attitudes to change differ…
Attitudes to change
Calming down
Keeping in real world
Focussing ?
Evidence of benefit
Debate (argument)
People adopt ideas and innovations at different speeds
Change Adoption
Speed of Adoption LowHigh
Early Adopters
Start with enthusiasts – but choose carefully
What do we know about change and
how to go about it?
Even if you have the best idea –
why doesn’t change happen?
Why do change programmes
Why do people resist change?
What do resistant behaviours look
Mark Jaben on the science behind
What NOT to do
But what we do do
people here
Mark Jaben on the science behind
What NOT to do
Instead of buyers (who “buy-in”),
we need investors
What TO do
people here
people here
One size fits all???
Choose an appropriate approach
Just do it
Test and
Source: Lisa Schilling
What models or tools can we use
for the purposes of effective
Change ideas
The Improvement Guide
Langley et al (1996)
What are we trying to
How will we know that a
change is an improvement?
What changes can we make that will
result in the improvements that we seek
Model for Improvement
Act Plan
Study Do
Testing ideas before
implementing changes
Plan Do ActStudy
However, in this context, PDSA
…how to
test a small
…what you
planned to
of the test
…on the
results to
modify and
:We’ve all done at least
one PDSA!
Testing and
refining ideas
Implementing new
procedures & systems
- sustaining change
with PDSAs
Change Model
• Connect with shared
• Commitment not
• Lead with the why, the
passion & intrinsic
Source: Leading Large Scale Change
Blended approaches
• Lean
• 6 sigma
• Prince 2
How the world is changing isn't
often reflected in plans…
Change is change too…
Source: Innovisor
Jeremy Heimens, Henry Timms
This is New Power
old power new power
Held by a few
Pushed down
Made by many
Pulled in
The predominant approach in recent years has been STRUCTURE
but globally there is a big shift towards AGENCY
The design dilemma at the heart of change &
Source: @NHSChangeDay
Source: @NHSChangeDay
Source: @NHSChangeDay
changing a
culture” can
take years
The good news:
we can usually
build agency
much more
The people making change happen is
Source: adapted by Helen Bevan from
Leandro Herrera
List A
• The Delivery Board
• The programme sponsors
• The programme
management office
• The work stream leads
• The Clinical Leads
• The Directors of
participating functions
• The Change Facilitators
The Network Secrets of Great Change Agents
Julie Battilana & Tiziana Casciaro
As a change agent, my centrality in
the informal network is more
important than my position in the
formal hierarchy
The people making change happen is
List B
• The mavericks and rebels
• The deviants (positive). Who do
things differently and succeed
• The nonconformists who see
things through glasses no one else
• The hyper-connected who spread
behaviours, role model at a scale,
set mountains on fire and multiply
anything they get their hands on
• The hyper-trusted. Multiple
reasons, doesn’t matter which
onesSource: adapted by Helen Bevan from
Leandro Herrera
List A
• The Delivery Board
• The programme sponsors
• The programme
management office
• The work stream leads
• The Clinical Leads
• The Directors of
participating functions
• The Change Facilitators
The people making change happen is
List B
• The mavericks and rebels
• The deviants (positive). Who do
things differently and succeed
• The nonconformists who see
things through glasses no one else
• The hyper-connected who spread
behaviours, role model at a scale,
set mountains on fire and multiply
anything they get their hands on
• The hyper-trusted. Multiple
reasons, doesn’t matter which
onesSource: adapted by Helen Bevan from
Leandro Herrera
List A
• The Delivery Board
• The programme sponsors
• The programme
management office
• The work stream leads
• The Clinical Leads
• The Directors of
participating functions
• The Change Facilitators
What’s the evidence?
The failure of large scale
transformational change projects is
rarely due to the content or
structure of the plans that are put
into action
To make transformational change
happen we need to connect networks
of people who ‘want’ to contribute
Source: David Dinwoodie (2015)
It’s much more about the role
of informal networks in the
organisations and systems
affected by change
People who are highly
connected have twice
as much power to
influence change as
people with hierarchical
Leandro Herrero
To stay in touch, connect with the
Just 3% of people in
the organisation or
system typically
drive conversations
with 90% of the
other people
Source: research by Innovisor
Tool for building networks:
Randomised coffee trials
Image source: Pinterest
Randomised Coffee Trials #RCT
Download resources for your RCT:
We now have the people, the
groups, the networks…
how are we going to work
with them?
Stages of change model
Transtheoretical model of behaviour
Prochaska, DiClemente & Norcross (1992)
The model has been used with
health related behaviours:
smoking cessation
exercise adoption
alcohol and drug use
weight control
fruit and vegetable intake
domestic violence
HIV prevention
use of sunscreens to prevent skin cancer
medication compliance
mammography screening
It works for
organisational and
service change too!
Transtheoretical model of behaviour
Prochaska, DiClemente & Norcross (1992)
What qualities make
an effective communicator?
for effective influence
What qualities make
an effective communicator?
Being present
“To effectively communicate,
we must realise that we are all
different in the way we
perceive the world and use this
understanding as a guide to
our communication with others.”
Anthony Robbins
What is emotional intelligence (EQ)?
What you say (or what you
believe you are saying!)
What is
Expectations Hopes
Mood/state of mind
Distractions –
internal and
Fight, flight, or freeze
The EQ seesaw
“The single biggest problem
in communication is the
illusion that it
has taken place.”
George Bernard Shaw
“The biggest
communication problem is
that we do not listen to
We listen to reply.”
Listening attentively – am I giving my full attention?
Listening accurately – am I understanding what they
are saying?
Listening empathetically – do I really appreciate
their feelings?
Listen generatively – are you helping the other
person through your dialogue?
Ways of Listening
Reflecting – word for word
Summarising– precis of their words
Paraphrasing – putting their words in to mine
Pre-framing– “I think I heard you say…”
“Or in other words…”
Ways of Demonstrating you are
Transactional analysis
Lack of responsibility
Small talk
Polite, fills a gap.
You might say
nothing of
Person might not
be listening.
Doesn’t really
Asking someone
to do something
for you.
Ordering a
(hopefully!) and
accomplishing a
Engaging in genuine
Involves proper
Might be
Increases our awareness
and understanding.
Builds trust and rapport.
Creates a shift, a
Personal styles
•measured + systematic
•seek accuracy / precision
•dislike unpredictability and surprises
•business like
•fast + decisive
•seek control
•dislike inefficiency and indecision
•less rushed + easy going
•seek appreciation
•dislike insensitivity and impatience
•fast + spontaneous
•seek recognition
•dislike routine and boredom
Ask Tell
emotions Merrill D, Reid R (1991) Personal Styles and Effective
Performance, CRC Press, London
So What?
• Nature of social media means content is
fleeting, even viral content.
• Millions of people might have seen your
content, but has it had an impact? How do
you know?
Spread and Reach
• Focus on maximising spread and reach,
rather than trying to ‘go viral’.
• Share good content that is consistent with
your brand
• Find your people – communities, social
movements, hashtags
• Calls to action
…but numbers are not the whole picture.
What is the story behind the numbers?
What impact have you had?
Influence and Impact
It IS about
• Engagement: starting
• Communities: like-minded
people collaborating
• Quality, not quantity
• Generosity and support
• Inclusivity: all voices are
• Authenticity, not ‘playing the
(and these factors are why #MatExp works so well on Twitter)
How does your current Twitter brand fit
with what you want to be known for?
Think about
• Do you need to make any
• If yes, what changes will
they be?
• How will you action those
• Think SMART goals
Maximise your reach, spread,
influence and impact
• Be authentic
• Be generous – be kind, give advice, share
interesting content
• Pump up the volume: use
complementary platforms such as blogs,
Steller, Storify to give your messages and
voice longevity (this can also help you
become a thought leader in your area of
What kind of content has the
best reach and spread?
• Stories with high
emotion – whether
happiness or anger
• The WOW or aaah
• Social currency
Twitter Turn Ons
• Be polite
• Be kind
• Be relevant
• Be authentic
• Engage
• Find your people
• Share relevant
• Say thanks, give
credit where due
• Me, me, me
• Keep saying the same
thing again and again
and again….
• Cliques
• Rudeness
• Broadcasting, no
• Auto-DMs
Twitter Turn Offs
Lessons from
Twitter Fails
Beware automated tweets
Sense check your hashtags!
Giraffes don’t live in Ghana
If you engage professional PR support,
don’t make it look too obvious!
Energy for Change
“Energy for change” is defined as
The capacity and drive of a
team, organisation or
system to act and make the
difference necessary to
achieve its goals
Energy is the strength and vitality
required for sustained physical or
mental activity.
Change: Make or become different
Teams perform best when
five energies are high
Social Intellectual
Social Energy
Energy of personal engagement,
relationships and
connections between people
It’s where people feel a
sense of
“us and us”
rather than
“us and them”
Spiritual energy
Energy of commitment to a
common vision for the future,
driven by shared values and a
higher purpose
Gives people the confidence to move
towards a different future that is more
compelling than the status quo
Psychological energy
Energy of courage,
resilience and feeling
safe to do things
Involves feeling supported to
make a change and trust in
leadership and direction
Physical energy
Energy of action,
getting things done
and making progress
The flexible, responsive drive
to make things happen
Intellectual energy
Energy of analysis, planning
and thinking
Involves gaining insight as well as planning and
supporting processes, evaluation, and arguing a case
on the basis of logic/evidence
High and low ends of each
energy domain
Social isolated solidarity
Spiritual uncommitted higher purpose
Psychological risky safe
Physical fatigue vitality
Intellectual Illogical reason
Team 1:
What’s your
assessment of their
energy for change?
The challenge of
disproportionately high
intellectual energy
Intellectual energy on its own isn’t transformational
It keeps leaders in their comfort zone (intellect to intellect)
What is the energy in
your team like?
Anne Brown
What can YOU do to
improve energies in your team?
• Brainstorming through different viewpoints:
Fresh eyes
• De bono’s 6 thinking hats
• Liberating Structures: TRIZ
• It’s a Russian acronym:
“Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadach”
• A problem solving, analysis and forecasting tool.
• Depersonalising and unpicking topics that people
are passionate about.
• Part of ‘Liberating Structures’
– Frameworks that make it possible for people and
organisations to create, do new things, to be
How could we could reliably create a
trainee programme that NEVER works
and is totally ineffective?
Step 1
As a table, make a list of all the things that we could
do to ensure we meet our goal:
How could we could reliably create a trainee
programme that NEVER works and is totally
• Go wild!
• Use post it notes (one per action!)
• 10 minutes
Step 2
As a table group, go down your first list and ask:
Is there anything that we are currently doing that
in any way, shape or form resembles any of the
actions on your post it notes?
• If yes, move these post it notes to sheet 2.
• Be unforgiving about these items and talk about
their impact
• 10 minutes
Step 3
As a table group, go down your second list from
step 2 and ask:
What could be stopped?
• Take these post it notes and move them to
sheet 3.
• 10 minutes
Step 4
From the actions that can be stopped, discuss and
create an action plan for the stopping these
• 10 minutes
The Change Challenge
Tapping the collective brilliance
of the NHS
14,000 contributions identified
10 barriers to change:
Confusing strategies
Over controlling
Perverse incentivesStifling innovation
Poor workforce
One way
Undervaluing staff
Poor project
Playing it safe
Source: Health Service Journal, Nursing Times, NHS Improving Quality, “Change Challenge” March 2015
Front line teams get inundated with high
priority messages from leaders each day,
making it difficult for them to know what to
focus on
Increasing number of messages
as information cascade through
the organisation
Source: adapted from
14,000 contributions identified
11 building blocks for change:
Inspiring & supportive
Collaborative working
Thought diversityAutonomy & trust
Smart use of resources
Flexibility &
Long term thinking
Nurturing our people
Fostering an open
A call to action
Source: Health Service Journal, Nursing Times, NHS Improving
Quality, “Change Challenge” March 2015
Challenging the
status quo
After years of intensive analysis,
Google discovered that the key to high
performing teams that deliver change is
psychological safety
Project Aristotle:

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NHS Graduate Trainees: Change and Transformation - Zoe Lord & Leigh Kendall

  • 1.
  • 2. @horizonsnhs The Horizons team: Change agents and change agency • A small, diverse team of people within the NHS that supports change agents and builds change agency • We tune into the latest change thinking and practice in healthcare and other industries around the world • The team has emerged through years of supporting change in the NHS and the wider health and care system
  • 3. @horizonsnhs Housekeeping and survival! Breaks… Fire alarms and exits… Mobile technology Toilet location… Security… WWW & EBI Lunch…
  • 4. @horizonsnhs Plan for the day • Welcome and intros – Who are Horizons? • Plan for today… – Why is change important? – What do we know about change? – What’s changing in the world of change! – Resistance to change – Communicating for effective influence – Energy for change – TRIZ – 6 thinking hats • Close 3pm Does this cover what you want to get out of today?
  • 5.
  • 7. Why is change important?
  • 8. How do YOU feel about change? If you feel… Go to the right If you feel… Go to the left
  • 9. How do think FRONT LINE STAFF feel about change to structure and services? If you think they feel… Go to the right If you think they feel… Go to the left
  • 10. How do think PATIENTS feel about change to their local services? If you think they feel… Go to the right If you think they feel… Go to the left
  • 11. How do think YOUR CURRENT MANAGER feels about change? If you think they feel… Go to the right If you think they feel… Go to the left
  • 12. Attitudes to change differ… Proportionate enthusiasm Healthy scepticism Annoying evangelism Irrational obstructionism Moderate interest
  • 13. Attitudes to change Proportionate enthusiasm Healthy scepticism Annoying evangelism Irrational obstructionism Moderate interest Calming down Keeping in real world Perspective Focussing ? Support Direction Feedback Motivating Exploring Evidence of benefit “Unpacking” Debate (argument) Selling
  • 14. People adopt ideas and innovations at different speeds Change Adoption Speed of Adoption LowHigh Innovators 2.5% Early Adopters 13.5% Laggards 16% Early Majority 34% Late Majority 34% Start with enthusiasts – but choose carefully
  • 15. @horizonsnhs What do we know about change and how to go about it?
  • 16. Even if you have the best idea – why doesn’t change happen?
  • 17. Why do change programmes fail?
  • 18. @horizonsnhs Why do people resist change?
  • 19. @horizonsnhs What do resistant behaviours look like?
  • 20. @horizonsnhs Mark Jaben on the science behind resistance What NOT to do But what we do do Engage people here
  • 21. @horizonsnhs Mark Jaben on the science behind resistance What NOT to do Instead of buyers (who “buy-in”), we need investors What TO do Engage people here Engage people here
  • 23. @horizonsnhs Choose an appropriate approach Just do it Innovate Test and replicate CLEAR COMPLEX CHAOTIC COMPLICATED Source: Lisa Schilling 1 1 4
  • 24. What models or tools can we use for the purposes of effective change?
  • 25. Aims Measurements Change ideas The Improvement Guide Langley et al (1996) What are we trying to accomplish? How will we know that a change is an improvement? What changes can we make that will result in the improvements that we seek ? Model for Improvement Act Plan Study Do Testing ideas before implementing changes
  • 26. @horizonsnhs Plan Do ActStudy However, in this context, PDSA is: …how to explicitly test a small change …what you have planned to do …the outcomes, expected and unexpected, of the test …on the results to modify and improve
  • 27. @horizonsnhs :We’ve all done at least one PDSA!
  • 28. @horizonsnhs Testing and refining ideas Implementing new procedures & systems - sustaining change Bright idea! Developing improvement with PDSAs
  • 30. @horizonsnhs Change Model • Connect with shared purpose • Commitment not compliance • Lead with the why, the passion & intrinsic motivation Source: Leading Large Scale Change
  • 33. 33
  • 34. How the world is changing isn't often reflected in plans… 34
  • 35. Change is change too… 35
  • 37. @horizonsnhs Jeremy Heimens, Henry Timms This is New Power old power new power Currency Held by a few Pushed down Commanded Closed Transaction Current Made by many Pulled in Shared Open Relationship
  • 38. @horizonsnhs The predominant approach in recent years has been STRUCTURE but globally there is a big shift towards AGENCY The design dilemma at the heart of change & implementation
  • 41. @horizonsnhs Source: @NHSChangeDay Problematic: changing a “permission culture” can take years The good news: we can usually build agency much more quickly
  • 42. @horizonsnhs The people making change happen is changing 42 Source: adapted by Helen Bevan from Leandro Herrera List A • The Delivery Board • The programme sponsors • The programme management office • The work stream leads • The Clinical Leads • The Directors of participating functions • The Change Facilitators
  • 43. The Network Secrets of Great Change Agents Julie Battilana & Tiziana Casciaro As a change agent, my centrality in the informal network is more important than my position in the formal hierarchy
  • 44. @horizonsnhs The people making change happen is changing 44 List B • The mavericks and rebels • The deviants (positive). Who do things differently and succeed • The nonconformists who see things through glasses no one else has • The hyper-connected who spread behaviours, role model at a scale, set mountains on fire and multiply anything they get their hands on • The hyper-trusted. Multiple reasons, doesn’t matter which onesSource: adapted by Helen Bevan from Leandro Herrera List A • The Delivery Board • The programme sponsors • The programme management office • The work stream leads • The Clinical Leads • The Directors of participating functions • The Change Facilitators
  • 45. @horizonsnhs The people making change happen is changing 45 List B • The mavericks and rebels • The deviants (positive). Who do things differently and succeed • The nonconformists who see things through glasses no one else has • The hyper-connected who spread behaviours, role model at a scale, set mountains on fire and multiply anything they get their hands on • The hyper-trusted. Multiple reasons, doesn’t matter which onesSource: adapted by Helen Bevan from Leandro Herrera List A • The Delivery Board • The programme sponsors • The programme management office • The work stream leads • The Clinical Leads • The Directors of participating functions • The Change Facilitators
  • 46. @horizonsnhs What’s the evidence? The failure of large scale transformational change projects is rarely due to the content or structure of the plans that are put into action To make transformational change happen we need to connect networks of people who ‘want’ to contribute 257163-Campaign+-+01%2F09%2F2016 Source: David Dinwoodie (2015) It’s much more about the role of informal networks in the organisations and systems affected by change
  • 47. @helenbevan People who are highly connected have twice as much power to influence change as people with hierarchical power Leandro Herrero
  • 48. @horizonsnhs To stay in touch, connect with the 3% Just 3% of people in the organisation or system typically drive conversations with 90% of the other people Source: research by Innovisor
  • 49. @horizonsnhs Tool for building networks: Randomised coffee trials Image source: Pinterest
  • 50. @horizonsnhs Randomised Coffee Trials #RCT Download resources for your RCT: randomised-coffee-trial
  • 51. We now have the people, the groups, the networks… how are we going to work with them?
  • 53. @horizonsnhs Transtheoretical model of behaviour change Prochaska, DiClemente & Norcross (1992)
  • 54. @horizonsnhs The model has been used with health related behaviours: smoking cessation exercise adoption alcohol and drug use weight control fruit and vegetable intake domestic violence HIV prevention use of sunscreens to prevent skin cancer medication compliance mammography screening It works for organisational and service change too!
  • 55. @horizonsnhs Transtheoretical model of behaviour change Prochaska, DiClemente & Norcross (1992)
  • 56. What qualities make an effective communicator? Communicating for effective influence
  • 57. What qualities make an effective communicator? Listening Observing Empathy Questioning Being present Talking
  • 58.
  • 59. “To effectively communicate, we must realise that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” Anthony Robbins
  • 60. What is emotional intelligence (EQ)?
  • 61. What you say (or what you believe you are saying!) What is heard/ understood Expectations Hopes Fears Previous experiences Prejudice Mood/state of mind Distractions – internal and external Assumptions
  • 64. “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw
  • 65. “The biggest communication problem is that we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.”
  • 66. Listening attentively – am I giving my full attention? Listening accurately – am I understanding what they are saying? Listening empathetically – do I really appreciate their feelings? Listen generatively – are you helping the other person through your dialogue? Ways of Listening
  • 67. Reflecting – word for word Summarising– precis of their words Paraphrasing – putting their words in to mine Pre-framing– “I think I heard you say…” “Or in other words…” Ways of Demonstrating you are Listening
  • 69. Interactional Small talk Polite, fills a gap. You might say nothing of importance. Person might not be listening. Doesn’t really achieve anything. Transactional Asking someone to do something for you. Ordering a coffee. Polite (hopefully!) and (hopefully!) achieves accomplishing a task. Transformational Engaging in genuine dialogue. Involves proper listening. Might be uncomfortable. Increases our awareness and understanding. Builds trust and rapport. Creates a shift, a change.
  • 70. @horizonsnhs Personal styles Analytical •formal •measured + systematic •seek accuracy / precision •dislike unpredictability and surprises Driver •business like •fast + decisive •seek control •dislike inefficiency and indecision Amiable •conforming •less rushed + easy going •seek appreciation •dislike insensitivity and impatience Expressive •flamboyant •fast + spontaneous •seek recognition •dislike routine and boredom Controls emotions Ask Tell Shows emotions Merrill D, Reid R (1991) Personal Styles and Effective Performance, CRC Press, London
  • 73. @horizonsnhs So What? • Nature of social media means content is fleeting, even viral content. • Millions of people might have seen your content, but has it had an impact? How do you know? OR
  • 74. @horizonsnhs Spread and Reach • Focus on maximising spread and reach, rather than trying to ‘go viral’. • Share good content that is consistent with your brand • Find your people – communities, social movements, hashtags • Calls to action
  • 75. @horizonsnhs Influence …but numbers are not the whole picture. What is the story behind the numbers? What impact have you had?
  • 76. @horizonsnhs Influence and Impact It IS about • Engagement: starting conversations • Communities: like-minded people collaborating • Quality, not quantity • Generosity and support • Inclusivity: all voices are welcome • Authenticity, not ‘playing the game’ (and these factors are why #MatExp works so well on Twitter)
  • 77. @horizonsnhs Activity! How does your current Twitter brand fit with what you want to be known for? Think about • Do you need to make any changes? • If yes, what changes will they be? • How will you action those changes? • Think SMART goals
  • 78. @horizonsnhs Maximise your reach, spread, influence and impact • Be authentic • Be generous – be kind, give advice, share interesting content • Pump up the volume: use complementary platforms such as blogs, Steller, Storify to give your messages and voice longevity (this can also help you become a thought leader in your area of specialism).
  • 79. @horizonsnhs What kind of content has the best reach and spread? • Stories with high emotion – whether happiness or anger • The WOW or aaah factor • Social currency
  • 81. @horizonsnhs Twitter Turn Ons • Be polite • Be kind • Be relevant • Be authentic • Engage • Find your people • Share relevant content • Say thanks, give credit where due • Me, me, me • Keep saying the same thing again and again and again…. • Cliques • Rudeness • Broadcasting, no interaction • Auto-DMs Twitter Turn Offs
  • 82. @horizonsnhs Lessons from Twitter Fails Beware automated tweets Sense check your hashtags! Giraffes don’t live in Ghana If you engage professional PR support, don’t make it look too obvious!
  • 84.
  • 85. “Energy for change” is defined as The capacity and drive of a team, organisation or system to act and make the difference necessary to achieve its goals _change/energy_for_change_.html #beingvisible
  • 86. Energy is the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. Change: Make or become different #beingvisible
  • 87. Teams perform best when five energies are high Psychological Physical Spiritual Social Intellectual Source: #beingvisible
  • 89. Social Energy Energy of personal engagement, relationships and connections between people It’s where people feel a sense of “us and us” rather than “us and them” #beingvisible
  • 90. Spiritual energy Energy of commitment to a common vision for the future, driven by shared values and a higher purpose Gives people the confidence to move towards a different future that is more compelling than the status quo #beingvisible
  • 91. Psychological energy Energy of courage, resilience and feeling safe to do things differently Involves feeling supported to make a change and trust in leadership and direction #beingvisible
  • 92. Physical energy Energy of action, getting things done and making progress The flexible, responsive drive to make things happen #beingvisible
  • 93. Intellectual energy Energy of analysis, planning and thinking Involves gaining insight as well as planning and supporting processes, evaluation, and arguing a case on the basis of logic/evidence #beingvisible
  • 94. High and low ends of each energy domain Social isolated solidarity Spiritual uncommitted higher purpose Psychological risky safe Physical fatigue vitality Intellectual Illogical reason HIGHLOW #beingvisible
  • 96. The challenge of disproportionately high intellectual energy Intellectual energy on its own isn’t transformational It keeps leaders in their comfort zone (intellect to intellect) #beingvisible
  • 97. What is the energy in your team like? #beingvisible
  • 99. What can YOU do to improve energies in your team? #beingvisible
  • 101. Tools… • Brainstorming through different viewpoints: Fresh eyes • De bono’s 6 thinking hats • Liberating Structures: TRIZ
  • 103. @horizonsnhs TRIZ • It’s a Russian acronym: “Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadach” • A problem solving, analysis and forecasting tool. • Depersonalising and unpicking topics that people are passionate about. • Part of ‘Liberating Structures’ – Frameworks that make it possible for people and organisations to create, do new things, to be innovative.
  • 104. @horizonsnhs TRIZ How could we could reliably create a trainee programme that NEVER works and is totally ineffective? TRIZ
  • 105. @horizonsnhs Step 1 As a table, make a list of all the things that we could do to ensure we meet our goal: How could we could reliably create a trainee programme that NEVER works and is totally ineffective? • Go wild! • Use post it notes (one per action!) • 10 minutes TRIZ
  • 106. @horizonsnhs Step 2 As a table group, go down your first list and ask: Is there anything that we are currently doing that in any way, shape or form resembles any of the actions on your post it notes? • If yes, move these post it notes to sheet 2. • Be unforgiving about these items and talk about their impact • 10 minutes TRIZ
  • 107. @horizonsnhs Step 3 As a table group, go down your second list from step 2 and ask: What could be stopped? • Take these post it notes and move them to sheet 3. • 10 minutes TRIZ
  • 108. @horizonsnhs Step 4 From the actions that can be stopped, discuss and create an action plan for the stopping these activities. • 10 minutes TRIZ
  • 110. The Change Challenge Tapping the collective brilliance of the NHS
  • 111. 14,000 contributions identified 10 barriers to change: Confusing strategies Over controlling leadership Perverse incentivesStifling innovation Poor workforce planning One way communication Inhibiting environment Undervaluing staff Poor project management Playing it safe Source: Health Service Journal, Nursing Times, NHS Improving Quality, “Change Challenge” March 2015
  • 112. @horizonsnhs Front line teams get inundated with high priority messages from leaders each day, making it difficult for them to know what to focus on Increasing number of messages as information cascade through the organisation Source: adapted from don.aspx
  • 113. 14,000 contributions identified 11 building blocks for change: Inspiring & supportive leadership Collaborative working Thought diversityAutonomy & trust Smart use of resources Flexibility & adaptability Long term thinking Nurturing our people Fostering an open culture A call to action Source: Health Service Journal, Nursing Times, NHS Improving Quality, “Change Challenge” March 2015 Challenging the status quo
  • 114. @horizonsnhs After years of intensive analysis, Google discovered that the key to high performing teams that deliver change is psychological safety Project Aristotle: xoaZybvz9f0b1_6bJyG7zZO6L