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Amazing Health Food

Our sincere thanks to all the Doctors, Scientists and
Researchers who have contributed directly and indirectly
to this publication.

Printed in India
January, 2013

About World Noni Research Foundation

For Everyone
For Everyday

The World Noni Research Foundation, a non-profit registered trust,
undertakes an all inclusive research on Morinda citrifolia and is committed
to make available its health benefits to all people of the world to
provide a natural, preventive and protective health care.
Whoever you are, we invite you to collaborate with us to contribute
towards creating a Healthy World.

A 3000+ year old Health Secret that
Builds Body’s Self-Healing Mechanism

Important Notice

World Noni Research Foundation
12, Rajiv Gandhi Road, Perungudi, Chennai - 600 096.
E-mail :
Website :

The contents of this book are designed to provide health information for
purposes of reference and guidance and to accompany, not to replace the
services of a qualified health care practitioner or physician. It is not the
intent of the publisher to prescribe any substance to cure, mitigate, treat or
prevent any disease.

Your Attention Please !



NONI spells



The Perfect Noni



Scientific Studies on Noni



Noni in a Nutshell



Noni - Why is it so Special ?



Noni - Natural Food Supplement



Noni : It’s effect on the Systems of our body



The Power of NONI


10. Noni and Pain


11. Noni and Diabetes


12. Noni and High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease & Stroke


13. Noni and Cancer


14. Noni and Stress


15. Your Skin and Noni


16. Noni and Asthma


17. Noni ‘A Friend in Need’ for Women


18. Noni : Detoxification & Healing Crisis


19. How Noni is Helping So Many People with Such a
Wide Variety of Conditions ?
20. Noni - A Powerful Antioxidant
21. Cellular Communication with Noni
22. 150+ Nutraceuticals in Noni
23. Is Noni Working ?


“In these times when our immune systems are compromised on a day
to day basis by the air we breathe in and the food we eat, it is reassuring
to know that there is at least one food which can actually reverse the
effects of toxins - and that food is Noni.”
Your Attention Please !

NONI spells

is not a Medicine.
It is a Health Enhancer &
a Cellular Food.
It is recommended to take Divine Noni along with required
medical treatments, proper exercise and healthy food habits.
Divine Noni through its cellular action allows better absorption of
medicines and micronutrients from our food and thereby improves
the efficacy of the medicines.


It helps to regain our health by strengthening our body’s selfhealing mechanisms. In other words, the user actually restores
body’s natural ability to heal itself by using Divine Noni.

Vitality... and

Medicines work more effectively only in a body that has its selfhealing system in place.


It is because of this ‘Health Enhancing’ quality of Divine Noni,
many people have expressed that their health has improved

What more could you ask for ?


The Perfect Noni
Nature has provided in the fruit of Morinda
citrifolia. L the perfect balance of amino
acids, enzymes and peptides. Noni is
also a right source of traces of potassium,
calcium, zinc, iron and vitamins.
Noni :
Enhances immune system
Promotes proper joint mobility
Maintains normal blood pressure
Contains potent antioxidants
Maintains cholesterol levels

Scientific Studies on

As a Food Supplement
NONI Supports

Immune System
Circulatory System
Digestive System
Metabolic System
Tissues, Cells,
Skin & Hair

Promotes healthy sexual function
Maintains healthy lung function
Helps improve mental acuity
Reduces stress & fatigue

150+ Nutraceuticals
60,60,000 weblinks on the Internet
48+ Universities undertaking Research
As Food Supplement, Noni is being
used in the world for managing
Immune Weakness
Blood Pressure (H/L)
Joint Pain
Kidney Disease
Menstrual Problem
Bowel Disorders
Burns & Cuts

Gastric Ulcers
Respiratory Disease
Skin Diseases
Toxins Elimination
Hyper/Hypo Thyroidism
Varicose Veins

Digestive Disorders, Heart disease, Tuberculosis,
Over weight, Stroke & Sleeping Disorders
Noni Enhances the Efficacy of the Medicine

Noni in a Nutshell
Noni is an ‘Adaptogen’
There are only 12 known adaptogens, and Noni is the ‘premiere’
among them. It maintains the balancing effect on all body systems.
Noni is ‘Alkaline’
Acidity in the body invites diseases. Noni promotes alkaline body
chemistry which is the most ideal state for good health.
Noni is ‘Anti-oxidant’
Anti-oxidants neutralise ‘free radicals’. Free radicals damage DNA
molecules and lead to cancer.
Noni is ‘Anti Analgesic, Anti inflammatory, Anti Allergic’
Noni not only reduces pain and inflammation but also protects
stomach, kidney and liver cells unlike other pain killers.
Noni has low ‘Glycemic Index’
A fantastic ratio of 3:1 of Carbohydrates to fibre helps Noni balance
blood sugar levels.
Noni is a ‘Humectant’, it helps body tissues retain moisture.

Noni - Why is it so Special ?


Noni contains more than 160 isolated nutraceuticals which are all a real
gift to mankind. The most important among them are.

Natural Food Supplement

1. Proxeronine : It produces Xeronine which is highly required by certain
types of body proteins in our body to enhance regeneration of cells and
maintain hormonal balance.

A must for everyone: Young or Old – Healthy or Sick !

2. Scopoletin : This has anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti bacterial,
and anti-fungal properties. This helps lower blood pressure and binds to
Serotonin and helps regulate sleep, hunger and temperature.

“In these times when our immune systems are compromised on
a day-to-day basis by the air we breathe in and the food we eat,
it is reassuring to know that there is at least one food which can
actually reverse the effects of toxins - and that food is Noni.”

3. Anthraquinone : It fights against bacteria such as Staphylococcus,
aureus, E. coli and Salmonella.

A Cellular Food

Noni - A Powerful Anti-oxidant

4. Damnacanthal : It resists the growth of precancerous cells.
5. Terpene : It promotes the rejuvenation of cells and helps to expel toxins
from our body.

Regular use of Noni as a Food Supplement
Releases Stress

Restores Energy

Relieves Pain

Rejuvenates the Body

7. Abundant in soluble and insoluble fibre : Soluble fibre helps to
purify blood, decrease cholesterol and balance the blood sugar and insoluble
fibre promotes colon health.

Revitalises the Cells

Reduces Inflammation

Purifies Blood

Stimulates Immune System

8. Amino Acids : Noni contains more than 20 known amino acids which
include, the nine essential amino acids which are the basic building block
of protein. Our body cannot produce essential amino acids and hence we
depend on the diet for their requirement. It is also rich in fatty acids which
helps to maintain the skin, nerve cells, heart tissue and blood vessels.

Improves Digestion

Detoxifies Body

Enhances Wellbeing

Regulates Cell function.

Maintains Shining Skin
& Healthy Hair

Improves Memory and

6. Phytonutrient and Selenium : They provide powerful anti-oxidant
protection against free radicals.

They help to maintain the cell membranes, thereby promoting better nutrient
- toxin exchange.

Used both Internally and Externally


Noni : It’s effect on the
Systems of our body
Immune System
Noni supports the immune system, which strengthens the body’s
natural ability to fight diseases and infections.
Circulatory system
Noni is a superior antioxidant that helps your body rid itself off
harmful free radicals and may increase your energy level.
Digestive system
Noni supports proper digestion, which means you absorb more
nutrients at the cellular level.
Metabolic system
Noni boosts the metabolic system, which helps you enjoy increased
energy and vitality.
Other Benefits
Because Noni is good for so many systems of the body, it gives
your hair a healthy shine and lets your skin glow.
Other benefits include longer mental clarity, increased attention
span and greater physical performance levels.

The Power of NONI
Good Health and WellBeing are the two most powerful motivating factors
for any type of human activity. From time immemorial, men of science
are working at discovering the easiest and the most convenient method
and way of achieving it, so that human beings enjoy the Life given to
them by God and when illness strikes, recover from it fast and sure.
This has been at the centre of Philosophy of the various Diets, Nutritional
Supplements and Medicines which we have come to accept as Healthy
and Contributory. The fruit of the botanical plant Morinda citrifolia,
belonging to the family of plants known as Rubiaceae, is one such that
suffices the requirements of a Nutritional Supplement of great advantage.
Though in the ancient cultures, this fruit was widely used for its health
restorative properties. Over the years, as it’s popularity diminished due
to the unpleasant smell that emanates from the ripened fruit, the humanity
lost for a while the amazing gift of Health and WellBeing that Nature had
endowed it with Morinda citrifolia L.
It is Dr. Ralph Heinicke of the Pineapple Research Institute in the United
States of America, who first isolated a crystalline material from this fruit
Morinda citrifolia, responsible for the synthesis of Xeronine, which plays
the sterling role of helping the Human body properly to assimilate
proteins and thus regulate the structure and function of the various cells
of our body. Healthy cells build healthy tissues which in turn build
healthy organs and healthy organs contribute to healthy body systems and
so helping the individual lead a life of Health and Well Being.
Later Dr. Mona Harrison MD, Assistant Dean of Boston University School
of Medicine and Chief Medical Officer General Hospital, D.C. found out
that Morinda citrifolia enhances the function of the Thyroid and the
Thymus glands, thus helping the body to fight infections and other
problems of the Immune System. She believed that the frequency
modulations in the body’s energy, brought about by Morinda citrifolia,
helped to fight depression and also acted as a true Adaptogen - i.e. it
enhanced the body’s Self Healing Mechanism to restore normalcy rapidly.
Further, more scientific studies from 1960 to 1980 revealed the analgesic
qualities of Morinda citrifolia and proved that Morinda citrifolia helped
the Circulatory, Digestive and Respiratory systems of the body, in addition
to improving the texture of the Skin and growth and repair of Hair.
In 1993, Dr. Ralph Heinicke in his research on Morinda citrifolia isolated
another compound in Morinda citrifolia — Damnacanthal. The
Damnacanthal was shown to introduce normal cell growth in pre-cancer
cells and based on these findings in the 1994, Mr. A. Hirazumi a scientific
researcher from the University of Hawaii established the Anti-Cancer
activity of Morinda citrifolia on intraperitoneally implanted Lewis Lung
Carcinomo Syngenic Mice. Later, a team of Japanese researchers studied
the induction of normal phenotypes in RAS-Transformed cells by
Damnacanthal from Morinda citrifolia. These initial studies indicate the
potential of Anti-Cancer activity of Morinda citrifolia fruit on laboratory
animals and the possible mechanism of its action. Pioneering research
works on Morinda citrifolia are being done at the University of Hawaii,
Keio University and Osaka University in Japan, The University of Antwerp
in Belgium and Rutgers University - NJ. U.S.A.. to name a few. In fact,
research on Morinda citrifolia is presently being carried out in over 40
Universities around the globe.
This fruit finds place in our ancient medicinal texts of Ayurveda and
Siddha and in TamilNadu at one time, this tree was a must to grow


in Temple along with the Tulsi and Bail trees, for it was believed that
the Goddess of all Gods made her abode in it.
It is interesting to note what Dr. Scott Gerson MD has to write about
Morinda citrifolia and India:
“Several years ago, I was researching material for a book on Medicinal
Plants of India and became interested in a family of plants known as
Rubiaceae. Of particular interest was a plant known in Sanskrit as Ach
which was attributed special properties by ancient physicians. The fruit
of this Ach plant or as we now know it as Morinda citrifolia has a rich
history in India, where it is used for tens of centuries in the system of
medicine known as Ayurveda. This holistic medical tradition was
established in the north western part of India by people called Aryans
who were reputed to be a rather cosmic civilisation. Morinda citrifolia
was especially esteemed by the ancient Aryan physicians because it protected
the skin from becoming dry and cracked from the sun. My investigations
of the published scientific literature on Morinda citrifolia yielded more
than 100 articles pertaining to this medicinal plant.”
Widespread success of Morinda citrifoia is based upon the theory that
it acts as an Adaptogen. In essence, Morinda citrifolia contains a natural
food supplement that helps “Sick” cells return to normal. If the body is
releasing too much or too little of natural substances, the result is
weakened or sick cells. An Adaptogen helps to regulate the amount of
substance the body releases.” To further illustrate this, he gives us an
example of the effect of Noni on the release of Thyroid hormone.
The following is an example of how an Adaptogen works. When the body
puts out too much of the thyroid hormone, it is called Hyperthyroidism.
People with this condition are nervous, sweat a lot, loose weight and
have too much energy. An Adaptogen, as found in the constituents of
Morinda citrifolia, assists in decreasing the abnormally high amount of
thyroid hormone production and returns the body to normal thyroid
function, called euthyroidism. On the other hand, people who produce
too little thyroid hormone are sluggish, tired, gain weight easily, have
brittle finger nails and often suffer from constipation. This condition is
called Hypothyroidism. Again, an adaptogen such as Morinda citrifolia
can help to increase the body’s production of the thyroid hormone and
bring the body back to homeostasis or normal balance. It is important
however to remember that the adaptogens from Morinda citrifolia are
food supplements and not a medicine or drug. However, as seen from
many of the testimonials, “Morinda citrifolia can help medication to be
more effective with smaller doses, thus decreasing the normal side effects
from certain medications.”
Continuous research on Morinda citrifolia has established, that Morinda
citrifolia in addition to being rich in the content of Proxeronine which
is used by the body to strengthen and revitalise its cells, is also rich in
Vitamin A, B, B2, B6, B12, C & E, Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Folic Acid,
Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper and other
minerals like Chromium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Sodium, Potassium,
Carbohydrates like Fructose and Glucose and also has the distinction of
being the only known Natural Health Product to contain more than 160
isolated Neutraceuticals.
Here is the information sourced from the book written by Dr. Neil
Solomon MD, PhD titled “How Much. How Often for What” (second
edition), that tells us what 200 Health Professionals representing 20,000
Morinda citrifolia drinkers from over 50 countries, have to say about the
beneficial effects of Morinda citrifolia, they have observed.

Conditions, Deceased Symptoms

28. Well Being, felt better

% Helped




CFIDS, Fibromyalgia
Diabetes, Types I and II
Energy, increased
Heart Disease
High Blood Pressure, decreased
Immune System
Kidney Disease
Mental Acuity, increased alertness
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscle, increased body building
Obesity, lost excess weight
Pain, including headaches
Respiratory Problems
Skin and Hair Problems
Sexual Enhancement, increased
Sleep, improved
Smoking, stopped
Stress, coped better

Total #


(Source: How Much, How Often for What (Second Edition),
by Dr. Neil Solomon, MD, PhD, Direct Source Publishing, 2002, P. 9)

Noni and Pain
People suffer from pain and inflammation which turn even the simplest
task into a major challenge. The chronic pain and inflammation, are often
associated with arthritis and are found frequently in the elderly and especially
in women. However, men and women of all ages have been diagnosed with
this condition, and it seems the number is rising. More and more people
with chronic pain and inflammation courageously live active lives, seeking
treatment to relieve the pain associated with their condition.
Unfortunately, as with many other chronic illnesses, treatment for chronic
pain and inflammation is not always successful or free of long-term
risks, and the medications available to help with these symptoms can
cause negative side effects. But recent research has uncovered some longawaited findings pointing to a more reliable, safer method for treating
chronic pain and inflammation over long periods of time. Scientific
studies reported in several medical journals have touted the revolutionary
concept of COX-2 enzymatic inhibition.
COX Enzymes
Scientists originally believed that all COX enzymes within the body were
the same. Only recently have they discovered that there are actually two
COX enzymes: COX-1 and COX-2. Research shows that in the body, the
COX-2 enzyme is largely responsible for causing pain and inflammation.
Injury, disease and trauma cause COX-2 enzymes to produce prostaglandins,
which cause pain and inflammation. In contrast to the COX-2 enzyme,
the COX-1 enzyme is responsible for protecting the body’s stomach lining
and kidneys. COX-1 enzymes continually produce protective prostaglandins.
When taken over long period of time, traditional medication for chronic
pain and inflammation, such as aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
Drugs (NSAIDs) like Ibuprofen, inhibit both COX-1 and COX-2 enzymatic
activity. This inhibition of the COX-2 enzyme reduces the prostaglandins
which cause pain and inflammation throughout the body, but over time,
it also restrains the COX-1 enzyme from producing the prostaglandins
which protect the stomach lining. This can result in major problems,

such as ulcers and colitis, in the digestive system of the body.
Noni’s connection with selective COX-2 inhibition
The discovery of COX-2 created a frenzy in the pharmaceutical worldeveryone wanted to find a substance that would inhibit COX-2 without
harming the body’s production of COX-1. Exciting scientific findings
from carefully conducted research done in an independent laboratory
show that Noni Juice selectively inhibits the COX-2 enzyme while allowing
the COX-1 enzyme to continue functioning.
The best news for chronic pain sufferers is that the non-observable
adverse effects of noni juice is thousands of times better than that of the
leading prescription drugs for chronic pain and arthritis. Some of these
prescription drugs have negative side effects like rashes, facial swelling,
unusual bleeding and stomach pain. In contrast, preclinical safety studies
show that long-term use of Noni juice is not a problem, unlike the
problematic long-term use of aspirin and NSAIDs. In fact, one study
conducted in Los Angels reported that nearly 30 percent of those people
who daily used ibuprofen developed ulcers.
COX-2 and other conditions
The discovery of the COX-2 enzyme may mean help with medical conditions
other than chronic pain and inflammation. Some scientists believe that a
selective COX-2 inhibitor could help with menstrual pain and helps to prevent
cancers of the colon, esophagus, skin and bladder. Even those who have
been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s may benefit from a selective COX-2 inhibitor.
The Blessing of Noni
It is no surprise to anyone acquainted with noni juice to learn that this
natural product has been found to selectively inhibit the effects of the COX2 enzyme. In fact, for thousands of years, stories about the blessings, this
fruit has brought into the lives of those who have used it have circulated
around. The fact that noni juice inhibits COX-2 enzyme is just one of the
recent scientific findings confirming the traditional use of noni as a natural
healer. Scientists will continue to uncover more about the human body,
revealing the phenomenal benefits of noni juice to the world.

Noni and Diabetes
For thousands of years Morinda citrifolia, a fruit-bearing plant commonly
known as Noni, is used in an effort to battle a wide array of health challenges.
In recent years, the health-enhancing properties of this plant have been
harnessed and made available for the benefit of people.
This miracle from paradise has been described as one of the most important
health discoveries of the twentieth century. Noni has earned this praise through
its powerful ability to help with a variety of health conditions and act as a
natural immune system booster.
Thousands of people worldwide have attributed improvements in their health
to the tremendous, and often life-saving benefits found in Noni. Recent scientific
research in both clinical and laboratory settings validate the efficacy of this
ancient fruit. In addition, doctors and health care professionals around the
world are praising Noni as their patients win battles against chronic conditions
which many have suffered for years.
One such health challenge that many have found Noni to help with is diabetes.
Doctors and researchers suggest that Noni has the ability to help strengthen the
immune system which, in turn, can help the body maintain strong insulin levels.
As a result, many Type I and II diabetics have finally found relief from this often
debilitating disease in the form of Noni.
Many of the effects of diabetes can be controlled. While there
is no cure for the disease, studies show that by keeping one’s blood sugar as
close to normal as possible significantly reduces diabetes’ long-term
A diabetic’s body is not able to properly turn food into energy. The cause of
the problem is the body’s production and use of the hormone called insulin.
There are two types of diabetes: Type I and Type II. In Type I diabetes, the body
produces little or no insulin. It is often referred to as juvenile diabetes because
it usually starts at a younger age and is more severe. In Type II diabetes the
body produces enough insulin, (sometimes even too much). However, the
insulin is unable to adequately enter the body’s cells to break down sugar into
energy. In a Type II diabetic, the body has trouble in properly utilising fats and
protein. Type II is the more common type, accounting for nearly 90 percent
of diabetics. It is referred to as “maturity-onset” diabetes.

Type I and Type II diabetes share a few similar symptoms. The most common
of which include: lack of energy, increased hunger, weight loss, frequent
urination, excessive thirst, blurred vision, nausea, abdominal pain and weakness.
While we do know that diabetes is genetic or is passed on from generation
to generation, scientists are not exactly sure of the precise cause except that
the disease may be the result of a malfunction in the body’s endocrine and
immune system.
Research has shown that if the immune system start to turn on itself - perhaps the
result of an autoimmune disorder - it may cause a complete obliteration of the
pancreas’ beta cells or at least a reduction in the number of functioning beta
cells. This then affects the amount, purity and effectiveness of the body’s insulin.
However, if the immune system is able to ward off an attack, the integrity of the
body’s insulin will be maintained.
More refined tests now make it possible to detect faulty immune antibodies in the
blood well in advance in a person showing symptoms of diabetes. In some adults,
these destructive antibodies may be present years before diabetic symptoms
appear. This lag time is known as the “prediabetic stage.”
One of Noni’s effects is on the pancreas and immune system. Current studies
have revealed that Noni may help to promote a healthy immune system by
either enhancing an already functioning system or by stimulating a sluggish
one. In addition, as described earlier, Noni is believed to fortify and maintain
cell structure. This can be accomplished by Noni acting as an adaptogen that
can aid “sick” cells in repairing themselves. This could apply to diabetes by
either helping malfunctioning beta cells in the pancreas or by aiding the cells
that are unsuccessfully trying to receive and use the glucose in the blood.
Keeping a daily log of your blood sugar level is the best way to monitor any
changes which perhaps may occur. A good recommendation is to check your
blood sugar first thing in the morning (fasting level) and then check it again
in the late afternoon (around 4 p.m.) This will show how your body is
metabolising sugar and responding to the Noni or anything else you have
Please note that a Type I diabetic should never substitute Noni juice for insulin
shots. Type I diabetic may reduce his or her insulin, by taking a natural
supplement such as Noni juice and should be done under the supervision of
a physician.

Noni and High Blood Pressure,
Heart Disease & Stroke
High blood pressure is one of the body’s most noticeable red flag to
indicate that a person’s heart and blood vessels are in trouble. Once a
person is diagnosed with high blood pressure, he or she is seven times
more likely to suffer a stroke, four times more likely to die of congestive
heart failure. On a positive note, there are well-proven ways to control
blood pressure and even reverse some of the damage already done.
Before discussing how to control high blood pressure, let’s talk about
what it is. Blood pressure is the force exerted by the heart on the blood
as it moves through a person’s arteries. If a person has high blood
pressure, this means the heart is pumping harder than it should have to
pump. A healthy blood pressure would read somewhere at or below 120/
80 or lower. Consider mildly high blood pressure somewhere around
130/90. Most doctors agree that a blood pressure reading of 160/100 or
higher is considered dangerous.
High blood pressure, heart disease and strokes are lumped together,
because they are all interrelated in the body’s circulatory system. In a
heart attack, there is not enough nutrient rich oxygenated blood to
nourish the heart muscle cells. As a result, some heart muscle cells die.
When enough cells die, you have a heart attack. It can be sudden, as a
result of a cholesterol/calcium/fibrin clot to the coronary artery, or an
embolus, which is a clot that breaks away from another part of your body
and ends up clogging, and your coronary artery goes into spasm, preventing
adequate blood flow, or you can have a small unstable plaque released
that goes to the heart and clogs the coronary artery and causes spasm.
The end result of all these conditions is that not enough nutrient rich
oxygenated blood reaches to sustain heart muscle.
In a stroke, or “brain attack” as some lay people call it, the brain tissue
is damaged due to lack of blood flow. The lack of blood can be caused

by a blood clot in an artery that has decreased in size because of spasm
or atherosclerosis. It can also be caused when a brain (cerebral) artery
leaks blood as in a leaking or ruptured aneurysm.
There are many lifestyle changes a person with high blood pressure can
make to fight against these conditions. A change in diet to reduce red
meat and fats, and to add more fiber and fresh fruits is a very good start.
Sodium intake should be reduced, and of course one ought to get regular
exercise. There are many other recommendations. Add a good amount of
garlic, onions and celery to your diet; avoid caffeine, stay away from
excessive amount of dairy products, processed sugars and flours; and
supplement with antioxidants, vitamins, essential Omega-3-fatty acids,
fiber, calcium, magnesium, selenium and others.
The reasons for Noni’s reported success in helping with high blood
pressure are multi-faceted. First of all Morinda citrifolia contains
scopoletin, which has been scientifically proven to dilate blood vessels
resulting in lower blood pressure.
A second reason that many use Noni for high blood pressure is that this
fruit juice helps to stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the body,
a chemical which allows the blood vessels to dilate more easily and be
more elastic. The third reason, is through the Xeronine system that
promotes a healthy cell structure within the circulatory system.

Noni and Cancer
Cancer is a cellular malfunction. When suffering from cancer, the human
body loses normal cellular controls, which result in the malignant cell’s
unregulated growth. These cancer cells lack differentiation and invoke
local tissue, travel elsewhere and metastasize. The disease itself begins by
one or any cell that mutates or changes. The abnormal cell maintains
mutation through the cell’s reproduction process, despite the efforts of
the human body’s defense system, which tries to eliminate abnormal

cells. These mutated cells (resulting from abnormal DNA) then travel
through the body, setting up residency in one or more organs of the body.
There are now well over one hundred types of cancer that can exist
within the human body.
Since there are so many types of cancer, each with their own abnormal
DNA and different set of signs and symptoms, it is impossible in this
short review to cover all of them. The most common symptom, we
observe was the loss of energy. In many different types of cancer like
abnormalities, skin discoloration and non-healing sores, detectable lumps
under the skin, elevated temperature and weight loss, are often associated
with many other signs and symptoms. Most types of cancer start subtly
and can only be properly diagnosed early on by regular medical check
ups and specific testing. The earlier a cancer is detected and treated, the
better the outcome.
Noni’s effect on cancer most likely deals with the fact that both Noni and
cancer work on a cellular level. It is further believed that Noni enhances
cellular structure while cancer, of course, destroys it. One of Noni’s key
components, proxeronine, is sent to “sick” cells within the body by the
Golgi apparatus and reticuloendothelium. These sick cells attract
proxeronine and an enzyme, proxeroninease. The interaction creates
Xeronine, a cellular enhancer.

It is believed by some that Morinda citrifolia might exert a preventive
and protective action against cancer during the initiation stage, which is
the first phase of the formation of cancer. A study performed by MianYing Wang, M.D., at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at
Rockford showed that mice which were given a solution of Noni (10
percent) for a week and then injected with DMBA, a known cancer
causing agent, had significantly lower DNA adduct markers (a test for
abnormal DNA) than DMBA-injected mice fed only with water. Lower
the number of DNA adduct markers, the more protection one has against
fighting cancer. The Noni-fed mice had 50 per cent a fewer DNA markers
in the lungs than the water-fed mice without Noni, 60 per cent a fewer
markers in the heart, 70 per cent a fewer in the liver, and 90 per cent
a fewer in the kidneys. Therefore, Noni gave the greatest protection from
cancer to the kidneys (90 per cent) and the least protection to the lungs
(50 per cent).

Noni and Stress
Serotonin is a hormone that acts as a neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters
send messages (electrical impulses) from one nerve cell to another. It is
often termed as ‘Mood Molecules’ as it determines the mood of a

Several other studies were performed in laboratories in order to validate
Noni’s cancer-fighting abilities. In one such study, four Japanese scientists
injected ras cells (cells that are precursors to many malignant growths)
with a substance called Damnacanthal found in Morinda citrifolia. They
observed that the injection significantly inhibited the ras cells from
reproducing. Proxeronine and Damnacanthal are substances present within
Morinda citrifolia that are believed to be anti-cancer agents. In addition,
research has revealed that Noni helps stimulate the body’s production of
other cancer-fighting elements like nitric oxide, interleukins, interferon,
tumor necrosis factor, lipopolysaccharides and natural killer cells.

Serotonin manufactured by the body, is found along with its receptor
sites in the brain, blood platelets and lining of the digestive tract. This
is also a precursor to a hormone called melatonin which plays multiple
life-saving roles in the body, including regulating biological rhythms.
Serotonin is more than a messenger, as its level in our body affects a
wide range of mental and physical responses in the body and plays a
significant role in activities like temperature regulation, longer sensations,
sexual behaviour and sleep patterns. Serotonin receptors also help to
regulate emotions, cognition, pain and sensory motor function. Serotonin
deficiencies can give rise to wide range of illnesses, depending on the
part of the brain that is affected.


James Stockard, a North Western University psychiatrist, has stated that,
“A person’s mood is like a symphony and Serotonin is like the conductor’s
For example, Serotonin levels in the brain determine whether we will
perceive a glass of water as being half-empty or half-full. Other
neurotransmitters may send the message when we are full, but Serotonin
levels determine if we feel satisfied. In a recent study using PHT scans
(technology that measures cell function to gauge the rate of Serotonin
synthesis), it was found that men in the study produced 52% more
Serotonin than women. Women are twice as likely as men to become
clinically depressed. Low Serotonin levels in the brain are linked to
clinical depression, suicidal tendencies, anxiety disorders,
obsessive-compulsive behaviours (such as overating), bulimia,
schizophrenia, sleep problems, migraine headaches, autism, drug
and alcohol addictions, Alzheimer’s disease and patterns of violent
behaviour. The conditions listed above may improve significantly when
Serotonin levels are raised.
Simply put, depression is a mood disturbance. Depression affects one’s
mood, thoughts, behaviours and physical wellbeing. Most depressions are
disorder of the brain chemistry. Three other main categories of depression
are major depressive illness, dysthymia and bipolar disorder.
Major depression strikes intensely for an undetermined period of time.
During the episode, things like eating, sleeping, or even getting out of
bed becomes almost unbearable. Much of the time one cannot think or
Dysthymia, on the other hand, can be milder and persistent with lowmoods almost every day, possibly lasting for several years. Sad days
outnumber good days. Victims function to a degree, but always feel as
if they are never at their full capacity.
Victims of bipolar disorder swing between episodes of major depression
and “highs” known as mania or less severe highs, known as hypomania.
The high symptoms include irritability, elevated mood with decreased
need for sleep, excessive talking, and impulsive behaviour fueled by bad

judgement leading to painful consequences for themselves and their
loved ones.
Chemicals in the brain may be largely responsible for depression, mania
and hypomania. Major depression, dysthymia and bipolar disorder often
require psychiatric help and medicines to normalise the chemicals in the
brain. Serotonin is one such known chemical.
In the survey conducted on 1,111 people who consumed Noni for help
with their depression, 77 percent reported with decrease in symptoms
after drinking Noni.

Your Skin and Noni
The Skin is the major indicator of health and vitality. We estimate age,
personality, status, race, and health merely by looking at a person’s skin.
The development of grey hair, facial wrinkles and changes in skin coloration
and texture comes along with the aging process. These changes may also
be due to environment (i.e. sun, wind, dry heat, chemical preservatives)
and lifestyle choices i.e. alcohol, tobacco, loss of sleep and stress. It is
also a fact that as we get older, our skin becomes more vulnerable to
these factors. Skin problems are more as the person gets older and older.
It is also a bliss that vast majority of the skin conditions are preventable.
Healthy diet, sufficient hydration and common sense precautions and
Noni play a central role in preventing and helping skin diseases.
The skin is one of the largest organs of the body and it accounts for
the 15% of the total body weights. It includes the nail, hair, and various
types of glands. Though skin does not do any dramatic functions like
purifying blood, running, digesting or thinking it requires a seriously
burned person or a person who has serious skin infections to realise the
importance of our skin.
Out of the two layers, epidermis and dermis of the skin, the dermis has
abundant blood vessels through which nutrients are supplied to our skin.
Keratin, a fibrous protein produced by epidermal cells and melanin,
offers protection to our skin against ultraviolet rays.

are naturally present in Noni. Very rarely any other animal protein contains
all the three of these nutrients.

What happens in ageing ?

With aging this collagen simply becomes metabolically inert. It loses its
responsiveness, flexibility, fluidity and strength. In the skin, the change
in the quality of our collagen manifests as a loss of smoothness, plumpness
and luster. These changes are modifiable and largely preventable. Noni
when used both internally and externally promotes the maintenance of
healthy skin. The skin apart from protection also helps to absorb nutrients.

As the age increasing, one notices the skin losing it’s glow and becoming
dry and rough. This is due to decrease in the moisture content of the
stratum corneum or to a decrease in vertical height of epidermal cells.
Decrease in the number of Langerhans cells decreases the skin’s immune
response. The reduction of Melanin and decreased immunity, increases
the risk for tumorigenesis.
In elderly persons, the dermis has a decreased density with a fewer cells
and blood vessels. The total amount of collagen decreases one percent
per year in adulthood. Therefore the skin thickness decreases linearly
with age after 20. The remaining collagen fibres become thicker, less
soluble and more resistant to digestion by collagenase with age. Noni
prevents this.
The rate of nail growth also decreases with aging. Nail plates usually
become thinner, more brittle and fragile. Hair greying occurs due to loss
of functional melanocytes. Of course, heredity also plays an important
role in hair greying. A decrease in the number of hair follicles in the
scalp increases baldness.
Collagen is one of the compounds of connective tissue which occurs not
only within the dermis layer of the skin but also found in every organ
and structure of human body. Connective tissue is composed of collagen
fibres, elastic and the extracellular matrix but the amount and
conformation of collagen are different in any given tissue.

Noni because of its ‘amphoteric nature’ that is the presence of fatty acid
like linoleic acid as well as water, when applied externally aids healing
of rashes, inflammation prickly heat, rosacens or other allergic
manifestations. These symptoms and allergy may be due to the release of
histamine. Noni resists the release of histamine and protects the
skin against allergies.

Noni and Asthma
Asthma is a condition where one’s bronchioles are constricted abnormally
when stimulated by allergens and exercise. This makes it difficult to expel
air from the lungs. Some of the main symptoms of the condition are
wheezing, breathlessness, inability to exhale properly and a phlegm or mucus
producing cough. Asthma can lead to respiratory infections too. Genetic
susceptibility seems to be one of the major culprits which cause asthma.
Asthma may be due to allergic response, exercise, bacterial and viral
infections, hormones, stress and other factors. A food supplement like
Noni enhances the cellular structures of bronchioles. This is due to
Proxeronine present in Noni which induces production of Xeronine.

Although flexible, collagen fibres offer a great resistance to any pulling
force. Collagen fibres are fairly simple proteins and are made up of
chains of amino acids. Amino acids are delivered from circulation to the
cell called fibrocytes which manufacture Collagen. The three important
nutrients of collagen namely glycine, hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine

Millions of people worldover are experiencing remarkable health benefits using products from its fruit,
popularly known as Noni. Noni was used by traditional healers for centuries in India against a broad
range of health concerns. Noni’s healing properties are widely recorded in the Ayurveda and Siddha
medicinal texts of India. Noni is now researched in more than 40 Universities in 10 countries and it has
earned more than 500 research articles. Thanks to the Discovery Channel’s “Todays Health Programme”
aired on Feb 3rd 2003, which stated that “Noni is the greatest nutritional discovery of our times”.


Noni ‘A Friend in Need’
for Women

Noni : Detoxification &
Healing Crisis

It is reported that about 75 percent of all women have uncomfortable
physiological and psychological problems as they approach
menstruation. This condition has been classified as PreMenstrual
Syndrome(PMS) and can range from mild to severe. Other menstrual
disorders include amenorrhea, which is the absence of menstruation;
menorrhea or heavy bleeding; and dysmenorrhea, also known as
severe menstrual cramps.

A de-tox / cleansing process can be expected to varying degrees and this
is perfectly normal and usually takes a few days, although in some cases
it can take up to a maximum of eight weeks. The Noni juice first
addresses the areas in the body that are the weakest or ailing. When this
happens, a person may experience discomfort as the body employs its
natural defences to heal the area. Unfortunately people are so accustomed
to “numbing their pain” by suppressing the body’s natural functions with
medications that they panic when they actually feel something happening
in their body. This is no reason to be alarmed but this is simply the
body’s way of addressing the root of the person’s suffering.

Some of the discomforts, if not symptoms, like bloating, breast
tenderness, temporary weight gain, gastrointestinal distress,
headaches, rashes, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, gingivitis, heart
pounding, hot flashes, hyper-sensitivity to sounds and smells,
agitation and insomnia are also observed.
Not all the women but a few experience these syndromes. This may
be due to hormonal imbalance between estrogen and progesterone
in women. On the other hand, the ovarian cysts may be due to high
amount of androgen or male hormones in the system. The presence
of higher quantities of hormone called prolactin in non-pregnant
or non-lactating woman can inhibit ovulation causing a menorrhea.
Thyroid hormone imbalance can also cause menstrual problems.
In a survey of 2,573 women, Noni consumption reduced painful
and uncomfortable menstrual symptoms in 78 percent cases.


So an initial cleansing reaction or detoxification is possible, some people
hardly feel any discomfort at all. but it is important to be aware of the
possibility. The intensity of the cleansing reaction is dose-dependent in
most of people. So if the symptoms persist or drink a lot of water to
flush take Noni juice the poisons out quickly. Alternatively keep on the
same amount of Noni juice but drink more water to help the process
pass by quicker. Or you can increase the dosage to speed up the
detoxification. Stay with it, though it is better to reduce over a period
of time.
If someone get a cleansing reaction, you can almost guarantee that the
Noni will help that person. Reactions may include a rash, unusual body
odour, diarrhoea, headache, cold like symptoms, fatigue or nausea.
The body has toxins (or poisons) and these can be eliminated from the
body through the colon or through the skin. This is a healing process by
which the body eliminates the toxins and starts regaining it’s balance and
After the de-tox sometimes, people on prescribed medication get a great
response to Noni as the body begins to heal itself of it’s original symptom.
However when on prescribed medication the person may get sick three
to four weeks later, usually with malaise, headache, nausea and diarrhoea.
Often the answer is to reduce or stop the perscription medicine. It’s
almost as if the body is saying. “I don’t need this prescribed medication
anymore”. However, do not reduce or stop medications without consulting
the prescribing physician.
Healing episodes in the cleansing process
We know that when the body and cells are in a cleansing process, some
healing episodes will occur. During these episodes, the body might mainfest
some of the symptoms we sometimes have when we feel sick. For some
people, it is difficult to understand and accept that these manifestations
are clues that the body is working to solve problems, because we are used
for so long to ignore the alarms and signals that the body sends to us and
have learned to tell him to shut up, be quiet, and keep on working without
complaining. Traditional chemical drugs are usually taken to hide the
problems or make the symptoms away and avoid to take additional chemicals,
drugs and most likely these inconveniences will disappear with time.
You must know too that if you suffer from chronic problems, the process
of healing will be accomplished in many phases or episodes. The body
can work at the healing task only if it has the strength, energy and
building materials to work with so that when the body has enough
strength, it will expell toxins and health episodes. You must also know
that after these efforts, the body might need rest, for its requires a lot
of energy to accomplish that. So don’t be surprised if you feel a general
fatigue during the process and even after. And this process will have to
be repeated as long as health is regained. It is important to remember
that the body does not heal itself before it has the physical strength to
do so.

to detoxify substances to which we are exposed is of critical importance
to our overall well-being. Toxic susbtances are everywhere - in the solvents,
by our own bodies as in normal process of metabolic activities. In the
detoxification mechanisms of the body, the most important of which
involves the liver and becomes overloaded. We experience regularly the
accumulation of incompletely detoxified metabolites.
Toxic substances are all delivered to the liver through the bloodstream.
An over loaded liver signals that it is unable to keep up with the toxic
load by creating any one of a multitude of symptoms including indigestion,
psoriasis, acne, chronic fatigue, infertility, headaches, constipation, muscle
pains, inflammatory conditions, autoimmune disorders, depression, anxiety
confusion and even learning disabilities etc.
More and more evidences are emerging which indicate that the
detoxification of harmful substances in the body is an under-appreciated
causative factor of many modern diseases, including certain cancers. It
is a person’s toxic load that ultimately determines his or her health status
to a very large extent. The investigations on the effects of Noni on liver
functions report that, when combined with herbal massage techniques,
increased the rate of liver detoxification by more then 50 percent. No
other herbal medicine that was assessed so far, including herbs known
as potent detoxifiers, have shown such dramatic effects.
How Noni achieves such a remarkable level of detoxification is that it
prevents the depletion of a substane called glutathione - a component
critical to the liver’s detoxification functions. Typically, when we are
exposed to toxins, glutathione concentration, but they even increase their
levels by as much as 25 percent. Because toxins are such a common
threat to so many diseases, this shows that how Noni is so instrumental
in improving health in so many ways.
Hence, drink Noni and stay healthy.

Noni Cleans up the ‘Liver’
The concept of internal cleansing and detoxification has been around for
quite some time. In today’s toxic world, it is apparent that our ability

How Noni is Helping So Many People
with Such a Wide Variety of Conditions ?

diet. Noni Juice contains 17 of the 20 known amino acids,
including all 9 essential amino acids.
Rich in essential
fatty acids

The Xeronine component is certainly a major part of the reason.
But look what else is in the Noni fruit and what benefits these
components have:
Key Components and Their Benefits

Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats and oils. The
“essential” fatty acids in Noni Juice are the important
poly-unsaturated fats that we must get from our diet. They
maintain healthy skin, nerve cells, heart tissue and blood vessels and
help balance mood. They keep cell membranes working properly
and efficiently, improving the nutrient-toxin exchange.

Important Overall Characteristics

The building blocks our bodies use to manufacture Xeronine.
With nutrient-depleted foods, where these building blocks are
not available, our proteins can become reliant on inadequate
substitutes such as sugar, caffeine, cocaine or nicotine to do
their work. In returning Xeronine to the body, Noni Juice has
been found to help break addictions to these substances. By
promoting optimal protein functioning, Noni Juice promotes
massive cellular regeneration and hormonal balance.


An adaptogen is a substance that has a global balancing effect
on all body systems. There are only 12 known adaptogens;
of these 12, Noni Juice is said to be the “premiere”


Tissues degrade and disease thrives in an acidic environment.
Noni Juice promotes an alkaline body chemistry, the
optimal state for good health.


Has anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti-bacterial and antifungal properties, lowers blood pressure and binds to serotonin
to help regulate sleep, hunger and temperature.



Controls infectious bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, E.
coli & Salmonella.

Anti-oxidants, such as green tea, pycnogenol and vitamin C,
among others, are important in neutralizing “free radicals” or
particles which cause DNA damage that can lead to cancer. Noni
Juice has recently been found to be the most effective
of all known anti-oxidants.

Low Glycemic

A 3:1 ratio of carbohydates to fiber in Noni Juice helps
balance blood sugar levels.

Proxeronine &


Inhibits growth of pre-cancerous cells.
Helps with cell rejuvenation, thus increasing nutrient-toxin

Phytonutrients &

Provide powerful anti-oxidant protection against free radicals.

Rich in soluble
and insoluble

Soluble fiber helps cleanse the blood, decreases choloesterol,
binds to fats and balances blood sugar levels. Insoluble fiber
(“bulk”) is important for colon health.

Rich in amino

Analgesic, Unlike typical pain relievers and anti-inflammatories, Noni Juice
Anti-inflammatory decreases pain and inflammation while protecting
and Selective stomach, kidney and liver cells.
Cox II Inhibitor

Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins, important for
most body functions. The “essential” amino acids are the ones
our bodies cannot make and we therefore must get from our


As a humectant, Noni Juice helps tissues retain moisture.
Noni Juice intelligently supports the immune system, not
just by boosting it, but by regulating it to suppress the allergic and
auto-allergic responses.

- A Powerful Antioxidant
For any one looking to battle against premature ageing and chronic degenerative diseases,
Noni is definitely one to remember.
Free Radicals
From the moment we are born, our bodies are challenged continuously by those dreaded
oxidants, the free radicals. Free radicals are generated from many sources including:
Oxygen metabolism
Chemical Toxins
Unhealthy diets
Gerontologists now widely regard free radicals as the primary cause of premature
ageing and degenerative diseases including cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory
disease, cataracts, retinal degeneration, cancer, stroke and many immune disorders including
allergies and frequent colds.
In the body, antioxidants scavenge free radicals and neutralize them into harmless substances,
hence protect the body from free radical induced damages.
Noni has a group of antioxidants which have generated much excitement in the health
industry. Research shows that Noni’s ability to fight free radicals is many times
stronger than other antioxidants in the market. This immense free radical scavenging
capability is due to :
- its ability to act within the cell membrane, and
- its capacity to simultaneously neutralize both water and fat-soluble free radicals.
The mechanism through which Noni supports connective tissue and vascular integrity
was investigated. It was found that Noni :
- inhibited the release of certain enzymes which damage the protective sheath
(endothelium) of capillary walls, and
- strengthened the collagen fibres which form the protective sheath.
These actions jointly increase integrity of the vascular system, decreasing capillary permeability
and fragility. It would follow that Noni would be particularly useful for protection
against peripheral disorder (such as phlebitis, varicose veins, high blood
pressure, visual dysfunction), arthritis, allergies, atherosclerosis, cataracts,
diabetes, heart disease, and other degenerative conditions. Further Noni
augments wound healing, curbs inflammation, promotes youthful looking skin,
hastens recovery from injuries, improves sluggish memories and inhibits
damaging microbes from causing infection.

Cellular Communication
with Noni
There is a constant war between our natural cell defense mechanism
and our enemies like harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites and toxins.
In a battle, if the army chief cannot communicate with his soldiers,
the war is lost. Likewise cells need to communicate with one another
to attack and defend themselves.
It is more interesting to read from the 24th edition of Harpers biochemistry, which tells us that about 200 carbohydrates are found in
nature of which scientists have identified eight as carbohydrate
compound of letters which make up to cellular alphabet.
The cell communication is accomplished by using these eight known
carbohydrates to shape bio-chemical letters and words.
The cells attach these eight known carbo-hydrates to fats and
proteins thereby creating what is known as glycoforms. Glycoforms
represent the cell’s urgent messages for defense and help !
If the cells cannot transmit their messages, they can be suddenly
conquered by their enemies.
When cells can easily communicate, prevention and healing take
Carbohydrate based therapeutics is the nutrition necessary for cellto-cell communication and to increase cellular activity. Noni which
is rich in more than 160+ nutraceuticals, boosts up cell-to-cell
Noni improves digestion. It is a great stress buster and a proven
pain reliever without any side effects. Noni is also an adaptogen
which normalises all functions of the body systems.
An incredible food supplement for every one in the family.
Divine Noni is made from the fruit of the tree Morinda citrifolia.L
and other health enhancing herbs.

Noni Food Supplement provides improved energy levels and mental
focus. It also provides increased stamina, vitality, strength,
endurance and greater flexibility. It also improves skin, nail growth,
scalp and hair quality.
Divine Noni is Organic and Natural.

Noni contains 160+ Nutraceuticals, Cancer Inhibiting Compounds,
Essential Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants, Alkaloids, Amino Acids
and Health Enhancing Attributes which are Antibacterial, Antiinflammatory, Analgesic and Anti-congestive.
One of the unique properties of Divine Noni is its detoxifying and
cell rejuvenating function. As body undergoes ageing the production
of growth factors diminishes and our body becomes less efficient in
re-building and rejuvenating our tissues. Noni is a powerful
rejuvenator which works at the cellular level for proper cellular
function and body maintenance activities. Noni is proved to be a
powerful health enhancer.

Morinda citrifolia.L was used in India by Traditional healers. Noni
can be used daily by people of various ages and health conditions.
Noni is being used as a food supplement by people suffering from
various diseases.
Please visit the following websites for more information on Noni.
To help you achieve greater benefits from Divine Noni,
We recommend you to

Take Noni on an empty stomach.


Follow the recommended usage.


Take Noni at awakening and at bed time.

Noni cleanses the chemical and toxin residues from the cell
membranes. Noni opens the cell membrane pores for proper
absorption of micronutrients from the food and medicines. It is a
powerful and proven anti-oxidant too.


Always dilute Noni in water.


Keep in your mouth for 30-60 seconds before swallowing.


Drink required clean water daily.


Follow healthy diet and life-style including enough sleep.

Noni stimulates our immune system to save us from viral, bacterial
attacks and diseases. It is a proactive health drink. It also strengthens
the self-healing mechanism of our body.


Exercise regularly (follow a proper exercise programme).

Noni is a cellular food. It helps the cells to stay healthy. When our
cells are healthy, our tissues, our organs, our systems and our body
become healthy.


150 + Nutraceuticals in Noni
For a younger and healthier YOU !
The Youth-Enhancing Formula
While we cannot live forever, it is possible to live longer and healthier.
And in the end, it’s really the quality of life that counts - having more
time with your family, the energy and enthusiasm to do your favourite
activities, and looking and feeling the best you can.
That’s why World Noni Research Foundation created the
It contains the proprietary blend of herbs, rich in
scientifically proven to provide rejuvenation benefits.
Noni Gold, you can look and feel better than you ever

Divine Noni.
With Divine

Scientifically Documented Ingredients
Studies indicate that Human Growth Hormone levels decline at a
rate of 35% per decade from the age of 25. Scientists believe that
the decline of Human Growth Hormone with age is directly associated
with many symptoms of ageing including decreased energy, declined
performance, increased body fat and others.
A Younger and Healthier You
Thousand of studies state the tremendous benefits are achieved when
growth hormone is increased and ageing factors are decreased.
Noni is the Answer


(ethylthomethyl) benzene
2-methyl-2-butenyl hexanoate
2-methylbutanoic acid
24-methylenecycloartanyl linoleate
3-methylthiopropanoic acid
acetic acid
benzyl alcohol
methyl octanoate
methyl palmitate
mucilaginous matter
it-butyric acid
nonanoic acid
octadecenoic acid
oleic acid
2-methyl-2-butenyl decanoate
2-methylpropanoic acid
5,7-acacetin 7-O-§-D(+)5,7-dimethylapigenin-4O-O-§-D6,8-dimethoxy-3-methyl anthraquinoneglucopyranoside
7-hydroxy-8methoxy-28,11,14-eicostrienoic acid
anthragallol 1,2-dimethyl ehter
antrhagallol 2,3-dimethyl ehter
benzoic acid
butanoic acid
methyl oleate
myristic acid
it-valeric acid
octanoic acid
palmitic acid
phenolic body
{L-arabinopyranosyl} (1-3)
{§-D-g-D-galactopyranosyl (1-6)


campesteryl linoleyl glucoside
campesteryl palmityl glycoside
cycloartenol palmitate
decanoic acid
ethyl decanoate
ethyl octanoate
gampesteryl linoleate
hexanedioic acid
isocaproic acid
isofucosteryl linoleate
lauric acid
linoleic acid
methyl 3-methylthio-propanoate
methyl elaidate
ricinoleic acid
rubiadin-1-methyl ether
sitosteryl linoleate
sitosteryl palmitate
stigmasteryl glycoside
stigmasteryl linoleyl glycoside
stigmasteryl palmityl glycoside
ursolic acid
campesteryl glycoside
campesteryl palmitate
cycloartenol linoleate
elaidic acid
ethyl hexanoate
ethyl palmitate
ferric iron
heptanoic acid
hexanoic acid
hexyl hexanoate
isobutyric acid
isolaveric acid
methyl decanoate
methyl hexanoate
sitosteryl glycoside
sitosteryl linoleyl glycoside
sitosteryl palmityl glycoside
stearic acid
stimasteryl linoleate
stigmasteryl palmitate
undecanoic acid

Weblinks on NONI

Is Noni Working ?

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Noni starts working from the very first dose.


There are no side effects of using Divine Noni.

Results 1-20 of about 24,600,000 for noni. Search took 0.14

48 Universities doing
Noni Research

University of Hawaii
Keio University
Rutgers University
Ohio State University
Duke University
University of Santo Tomas
University of Metz
University of California
University of Kentucky
University in Yokohama
Oklahoma State University
TNAU Coimbatore
Purdue University
University of Karachi
Mahidol University
University Puerto Rico
University Putra, Malaysia
University Nijmegen, Netherland
University Liverpool, UK
University of Allahabad
KAU, Vellanikkara
SRM University, Chennai
MAU Parbhani M.S
M.D. University, Haryana


University of Honolulu
University of Minnesota
University of Illinois
Cornell University
Shizuoka University
University of Chicago
University of Meets
Stanford University
Boston University School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Agricultural University, Wageningen
Chiba University
University of Guam
University of Papua
Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia,
University of Rochester, USA
University of Paris Sud
Berlin University, Germany
Natl. Taiwan University Taipei
University of Madras, India
Jawaharlal Nehru Agri. University, Jabalpur
Manipal University, Manipal
GITAM University, Vizag, AP
Bangalore University, Bangalore

Divine Noni is a concentrate and it has to be diluted
with water before drinking.
Divine Noni is a powerful detoxifixer. It cleanses the
toxic residues on our cells membrance. Based on the
body condition for some people, it works instantly and
for some people, it may take some time to see any
notable positive changes. It is necessary to drink clean
water while on your Noni Programme.
If you fail to take enough water, you may experience a
loose or soft motion, slight heaviness in the head or a
mild headache.
These are symptoms to tell you that Noni is working and
it is eliminating the toxins from the body.
You can understand how Noni Works in the body.

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New noni amazing book

  • 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Nature’s Amazing Health Food Our sincere thanks to all the Doctors, Scientists and Researchers who have contributed directly and indirectly to this publication. Printed in India January, 2013 About World Noni Research Foundation For Everyone For Everyday The World Noni Research Foundation, a non-profit registered trust, undertakes an all inclusive research on Morinda citrifolia and is committed to make available its health benefits to all people of the world to provide a natural, preventive and protective health care. Whoever you are, we invite you to collaborate with us to contribute towards creating a Healthy World. A 3000+ year old Health Secret that Builds Body’s Self-Healing Mechanism Important Notice World Noni Research Foundation 12, Rajiv Gandhi Road, Perungudi, Chennai - 600 096. E-mail : Website : The contents of this book are designed to provide health information for purposes of reference and guidance and to accompany, not to replace the services of a qualified health care practitioner or physician. It is not the intent of the publisher to prescribe any substance to cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease.
  • 2. Contents 1. Your Attention Please ! 1 2. NONI spells 2 3. The Perfect Noni 3 4. Scientific Studies on Noni 4 5. Noni in a Nutshell 6 6. Noni - Why is it so Special ? 7 7. Noni - Natural Food Supplement 8 8. Noni : It’s effect on the Systems of our body 9 9. The Power of NONI 10 10. Noni and Pain 15 11. Noni and Diabetes 17 12. Noni and High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease & Stroke 19 13. Noni and Cancer 20 14. Noni and Stress 22 15. Your Skin and Noni 24 16. Noni and Asthma 26 17. Noni ‘A Friend in Need’ for Women 27 18. Noni : Detoxification & Healing Crisis 28 19. How Noni is Helping So Many People with Such a Wide Variety of Conditions ? 20. Noni - A Powerful Antioxidant 21. Cellular Communication with Noni 22. 150+ Nutraceuticals in Noni 23. Is Noni Working ? 31 33 34 38 40 “In these times when our immune systems are compromised on a day to day basis by the air we breathe in and the food we eat, it is reassuring to know that there is at least one food which can actually reverse the effects of toxins - and that food is Noni.”
  • 3. Your Attention Please ! NONI spells Health... is not a Medicine. It is a Health Enhancer & a Cellular Food. It is recommended to take Divine Noni along with required medical treatments, proper exercise and healthy food habits. Divine Noni through its cellular action allows better absorption of medicines and micronutrients from our food and thereby improves the efficacy of the medicines. Energy... Beauty... Strength... It helps to regain our health by strengthening our body’s selfhealing mechanisms. In other words, the user actually restores body’s natural ability to heal itself by using Divine Noni. Vitality... and Medicines work more effectively only in a body that has its selfhealing system in place. Longevity... It is because of this ‘Health Enhancing’ quality of Divine Noni, many people have expressed that their health has improved tremendously. What more could you ask for ? 1 2
  • 4. The Perfect Noni Nature has provided in the fruit of Morinda citrifolia. L the perfect balance of amino acids, enzymes and peptides. Noni is also a right source of traces of potassium, calcium, zinc, iron and vitamins. Noni : Enhances immune system Promotes proper joint mobility Maintains normal blood pressure Contains potent antioxidants Maintains cholesterol levels Scientific Studies on NONI As a Food Supplement NONI Supports Immune System Circulatory System Digestive System Metabolic System Tissues, Cells, Skin & Hair Promotes healthy sexual function Maintains healthy lung function Helps improve mental acuity Reduces stress & fatigue 3 150+ Nutraceuticals 60,60,000 weblinks on the Internet 48+ Universities undertaking Research 4
  • 5. As Food Supplement, Noni is being used in the world for managing Cancer Diabetes Immune Weakness Arthritis Pains Obesity Blood Pressure (H/L) Asthma Inflammation Headache Cholesterol Joint Pain Infection Kidney Disease Menstrual Problem Allergies Bowel Disorders Burns & Cuts Constipation Depression Eczema Fibromyalgia Gastric Ulcers Indigestion Respiratory Disease Skin Diseases Toxins Elimination Toothache Hyper/Hypo Thyroidism Tumours Ulcers Warts Stress Sinusitis Neurosis Varicose Veins Digestive Disorders, Heart disease, Tuberculosis, Over weight, Stroke & Sleeping Disorders Noni Enhances the Efficacy of the Medicine 5 Noni in a Nutshell Noni is an ‘Adaptogen’ There are only 12 known adaptogens, and Noni is the ‘premiere’ among them. It maintains the balancing effect on all body systems. Noni is ‘Alkaline’ Acidity in the body invites diseases. Noni promotes alkaline body chemistry which is the most ideal state for good health. Noni is ‘Anti-oxidant’ Anti-oxidants neutralise ‘free radicals’. Free radicals damage DNA molecules and lead to cancer. Noni is ‘Anti Analgesic, Anti inflammatory, Anti Allergic’ Noni not only reduces pain and inflammation but also protects stomach, kidney and liver cells unlike other pain killers. Noni has low ‘Glycemic Index’ A fantastic ratio of 3:1 of Carbohydrates to fibre helps Noni balance blood sugar levels. Noni is a ‘Humectant’, it helps body tissues retain moisture. 6
  • 6. Noni - Why is it so Special ? NONI Noni contains more than 160 isolated nutraceuticals which are all a real gift to mankind. The most important among them are. Natural Food Supplement 1. Proxeronine : It produces Xeronine which is highly required by certain types of body proteins in our body to enhance regeneration of cells and maintain hormonal balance. A must for everyone: Young or Old – Healthy or Sick ! 2. Scopoletin : This has anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. This helps lower blood pressure and binds to Serotonin and helps regulate sleep, hunger and temperature. “In these times when our immune systems are compromised on a day-to-day basis by the air we breathe in and the food we eat, it is reassuring to know that there is at least one food which can actually reverse the effects of toxins - and that food is Noni.” 3. Anthraquinone : It fights against bacteria such as Staphylococcus, aureus, E. coli and Salmonella. A Cellular Food Noni - A Powerful Anti-oxidant 4. Damnacanthal : It resists the growth of precancerous cells. 5. Terpene : It promotes the rejuvenation of cells and helps to expel toxins from our body. Regular use of Noni as a Food Supplement Releases Stress Restores Energy Relieves Pain Rejuvenates the Body 7. Abundant in soluble and insoluble fibre : Soluble fibre helps to purify blood, decrease cholesterol and balance the blood sugar and insoluble fibre promotes colon health. Revitalises the Cells Reduces Inflammation Purifies Blood Stimulates Immune System 8. Amino Acids : Noni contains more than 20 known amino acids which include, the nine essential amino acids which are the basic building block of protein. Our body cannot produce essential amino acids and hence we depend on the diet for their requirement. It is also rich in fatty acids which helps to maintain the skin, nerve cells, heart tissue and blood vessels. Improves Digestion Detoxifies Body Enhances Wellbeing Regulates Cell function. Maintains Shining Skin & Healthy Hair Improves Memory and Concentration 6. Phytonutrient and Selenium : They provide powerful anti-oxidant protection against free radicals. They help to maintain the cell membranes, thereby promoting better nutrient - toxin exchange. Used both Internally and Externally 7 8
  • 7. Noni : It’s effect on the Systems of our body Immune System Noni supports the immune system, which strengthens the body’s natural ability to fight diseases and infections. Circulatory system Noni is a superior antioxidant that helps your body rid itself off harmful free radicals and may increase your energy level. Digestive system Noni supports proper digestion, which means you absorb more nutrients at the cellular level. Metabolic system Noni boosts the metabolic system, which helps you enjoy increased energy and vitality. Other Benefits Because Noni is good for so many systems of the body, it gives your hair a healthy shine and lets your skin glow. Other benefits include longer mental clarity, increased attention span and greater physical performance levels. 9 The Power of NONI Good Health and WellBeing are the two most powerful motivating factors for any type of human activity. From time immemorial, men of science are working at discovering the easiest and the most convenient method and way of achieving it, so that human beings enjoy the Life given to them by God and when illness strikes, recover from it fast and sure. This has been at the centre of Philosophy of the various Diets, Nutritional Supplements and Medicines which we have come to accept as Healthy and Contributory. The fruit of the botanical plant Morinda citrifolia, belonging to the family of plants known as Rubiaceae, is one such that suffices the requirements of a Nutritional Supplement of great advantage. Though in the ancient cultures, this fruit was widely used for its health restorative properties. Over the years, as it’s popularity diminished due to the unpleasant smell that emanates from the ripened fruit, the humanity lost for a while the amazing gift of Health and WellBeing that Nature had endowed it with Morinda citrifolia L. It is Dr. Ralph Heinicke of the Pineapple Research Institute in the United States of America, who first isolated a crystalline material from this fruit Morinda citrifolia, responsible for the synthesis of Xeronine, which plays the sterling role of helping the Human body properly to assimilate proteins and thus regulate the structure and function of the various cells of our body. Healthy cells build healthy tissues which in turn build healthy organs and healthy organs contribute to healthy body systems and so helping the individual lead a life of Health and Well Being. Later Dr. Mona Harrison MD, Assistant Dean of Boston University School of Medicine and Chief Medical Officer General Hospital, D.C. found out 10
  • 8. that Morinda citrifolia enhances the function of the Thyroid and the Thymus glands, thus helping the body to fight infections and other problems of the Immune System. She believed that the frequency modulations in the body’s energy, brought about by Morinda citrifolia, helped to fight depression and also acted as a true Adaptogen - i.e. it enhanced the body’s Self Healing Mechanism to restore normalcy rapidly. Further, more scientific studies from 1960 to 1980 revealed the analgesic qualities of Morinda citrifolia and proved that Morinda citrifolia helped the Circulatory, Digestive and Respiratory systems of the body, in addition to improving the texture of the Skin and growth and repair of Hair. In 1993, Dr. Ralph Heinicke in his research on Morinda citrifolia isolated another compound in Morinda citrifolia — Damnacanthal. The Damnacanthal was shown to introduce normal cell growth in pre-cancer cells and based on these findings in the 1994, Mr. A. Hirazumi a scientific researcher from the University of Hawaii established the Anti-Cancer activity of Morinda citrifolia on intraperitoneally implanted Lewis Lung Carcinomo Syngenic Mice. Later, a team of Japanese researchers studied the induction of normal phenotypes in RAS-Transformed cells by Damnacanthal from Morinda citrifolia. These initial studies indicate the potential of Anti-Cancer activity of Morinda citrifolia fruit on laboratory animals and the possible mechanism of its action. Pioneering research works on Morinda citrifolia are being done at the University of Hawaii, Keio University and Osaka University in Japan, The University of Antwerp in Belgium and Rutgers University - NJ. U.S.A.. to name a few. In fact, research on Morinda citrifolia is presently being carried out in over 40 Universities around the globe. This fruit finds place in our ancient medicinal texts of Ayurveda and Siddha and in TamilNadu at one time, this tree was a must to grow 11 in Temple along with the Tulsi and Bail trees, for it was believed that the Goddess of all Gods made her abode in it. It is interesting to note what Dr. Scott Gerson MD has to write about Morinda citrifolia and India: “Several years ago, I was researching material for a book on Medicinal Plants of India and became interested in a family of plants known as Rubiaceae. Of particular interest was a plant known in Sanskrit as Ach which was attributed special properties by ancient physicians. The fruit of this Ach plant or as we now know it as Morinda citrifolia has a rich history in India, where it is used for tens of centuries in the system of medicine known as Ayurveda. This holistic medical tradition was established in the north western part of India by people called Aryans who were reputed to be a rather cosmic civilisation. Morinda citrifolia was especially esteemed by the ancient Aryan physicians because it protected the skin from becoming dry and cracked from the sun. My investigations of the published scientific literature on Morinda citrifolia yielded more than 100 articles pertaining to this medicinal plant.” Widespread success of Morinda citrifoia is based upon the theory that it acts as an Adaptogen. In essence, Morinda citrifolia contains a natural food supplement that helps “Sick” cells return to normal. If the body is releasing too much or too little of natural substances, the result is weakened or sick cells. An Adaptogen helps to regulate the amount of substance the body releases.” To further illustrate this, he gives us an example of the effect of Noni on the release of Thyroid hormone. The following is an example of how an Adaptogen works. When the body puts out too much of the thyroid hormone, it is called Hyperthyroidism. People with this condition are nervous, sweat a lot, loose weight and have too much energy. An Adaptogen, as found in the constituents of 12
  • 9. Morinda citrifolia, assists in decreasing the abnormally high amount of thyroid hormone production and returns the body to normal thyroid function, called euthyroidism. On the other hand, people who produce too little thyroid hormone are sluggish, tired, gain weight easily, have brittle finger nails and often suffer from constipation. This condition is called Hypothyroidism. Again, an adaptogen such as Morinda citrifolia can help to increase the body’s production of the thyroid hormone and bring the body back to homeostasis or normal balance. It is important however to remember that the adaptogens from Morinda citrifolia are food supplements and not a medicine or drug. However, as seen from many of the testimonials, “Morinda citrifolia can help medication to be more effective with smaller doses, thus decreasing the normal side effects from certain medications.” Continuous research on Morinda citrifolia has established, that Morinda citrifolia in addition to being rich in the content of Proxeronine which is used by the body to strengthen and revitalise its cells, is also rich in Vitamin A, B, B2, B6, B12, C & E, Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Folic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper and other minerals like Chromium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Sodium, Potassium, Carbohydrates like Fructose and Glucose and also has the distinction of being the only known Natural Health Product to contain more than 160 isolated Neutraceuticals. Here is the information sourced from the book written by Dr. Neil Solomon MD, PhD titled “How Much. How Often for What” (second edition), that tells us what 200 Health Professionals representing 20,000 Morinda citrifolia drinkers from over 50 countries, have to say about the beneficial effects of Morinda citrifolia, they have observed. Conditions, Deceased Symptoms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Well Being, felt better % Helped 2,659 1,391 6,714 1,822 2,693 1,258 4,634 2,641 13,331 1,123 1,554 125 3,485 3,134 3,161 4,615 20 1,006 4,599 5,622 3,068 813 2,484 1,687 729 5,616 1,500 87% 79% 71% 68% 76% 78% 83% 90% 90% 80% 85% 55% 78% 66% 80% 73% 50% 69% 72% 87% 71% 79% 83% 74% 56% 73% 53% 6,564 Allergy Arthritis Asthma Cancer CFIDS, Fibromyalgia Depression Diabetes, Types I and II Digestion Energy, increased Heart Disease High Blood Pressure, decreased HIV Immune System Kidney Disease Menstruation Mental Acuity, increased alertness Multiple Sclerosis Muscle, increased body building Obesity, lost excess weight Pain, including headaches Respiratory Problems Skin and Hair Problems Sexual Enhancement, increased Sleep, improved Smoking, stopped Stress, coped better Stroke Total # 80% (Source: How Much, How Often for What (Second Edition), by Dr. Neil Solomon, MD, PhD, Direct Source Publishing, 2002, P. 9) 13 14
  • 10. Noni and Pain People suffer from pain and inflammation which turn even the simplest task into a major challenge. The chronic pain and inflammation, are often associated with arthritis and are found frequently in the elderly and especially in women. However, men and women of all ages have been diagnosed with this condition, and it seems the number is rising. More and more people with chronic pain and inflammation courageously live active lives, seeking treatment to relieve the pain associated with their condition. Unfortunately, as with many other chronic illnesses, treatment for chronic pain and inflammation is not always successful or free of long-term risks, and the medications available to help with these symptoms can cause negative side effects. But recent research has uncovered some longawaited findings pointing to a more reliable, safer method for treating chronic pain and inflammation over long periods of time. Scientific studies reported in several medical journals have touted the revolutionary concept of COX-2 enzymatic inhibition. COX Enzymes Scientists originally believed that all COX enzymes within the body were the same. Only recently have they discovered that there are actually two COX enzymes: COX-1 and COX-2. Research shows that in the body, the COX-2 enzyme is largely responsible for causing pain and inflammation. Injury, disease and trauma cause COX-2 enzymes to produce prostaglandins, which cause pain and inflammation. In contrast to the COX-2 enzyme, the COX-1 enzyme is responsible for protecting the body’s stomach lining and kidneys. COX-1 enzymes continually produce protective prostaglandins. When taken over long period of time, traditional medication for chronic pain and inflammation, such as aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) like Ibuprofen, inhibit both COX-1 and COX-2 enzymatic activity. This inhibition of the COX-2 enzyme reduces the prostaglandins which cause pain and inflammation throughout the body, but over time, it also restrains the COX-1 enzyme from producing the prostaglandins which protect the stomach lining. This can result in major problems, 15 such as ulcers and colitis, in the digestive system of the body. Noni’s connection with selective COX-2 inhibition The discovery of COX-2 created a frenzy in the pharmaceutical worldeveryone wanted to find a substance that would inhibit COX-2 without harming the body’s production of COX-1. Exciting scientific findings from carefully conducted research done in an independent laboratory show that Noni Juice selectively inhibits the COX-2 enzyme while allowing the COX-1 enzyme to continue functioning. The best news for chronic pain sufferers is that the non-observable adverse effects of noni juice is thousands of times better than that of the leading prescription drugs for chronic pain and arthritis. Some of these prescription drugs have negative side effects like rashes, facial swelling, unusual bleeding and stomach pain. In contrast, preclinical safety studies show that long-term use of Noni juice is not a problem, unlike the problematic long-term use of aspirin and NSAIDs. In fact, one study conducted in Los Angels reported that nearly 30 percent of those people who daily used ibuprofen developed ulcers. COX-2 and other conditions The discovery of the COX-2 enzyme may mean help with medical conditions other than chronic pain and inflammation. Some scientists believe that a selective COX-2 inhibitor could help with menstrual pain and helps to prevent cancers of the colon, esophagus, skin and bladder. Even those who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s may benefit from a selective COX-2 inhibitor. The Blessing of Noni It is no surprise to anyone acquainted with noni juice to learn that this natural product has been found to selectively inhibit the effects of the COX2 enzyme. In fact, for thousands of years, stories about the blessings, this fruit has brought into the lives of those who have used it have circulated around. The fact that noni juice inhibits COX-2 enzyme is just one of the recent scientific findings confirming the traditional use of noni as a natural healer. Scientists will continue to uncover more about the human body, revealing the phenomenal benefits of noni juice to the world. 16
  • 11. Noni and Diabetes For thousands of years Morinda citrifolia, a fruit-bearing plant commonly known as Noni, is used in an effort to battle a wide array of health challenges. In recent years, the health-enhancing properties of this plant have been harnessed and made available for the benefit of people. This miracle from paradise has been described as one of the most important health discoveries of the twentieth century. Noni has earned this praise through its powerful ability to help with a variety of health conditions and act as a natural immune system booster. Thousands of people worldwide have attributed improvements in their health to the tremendous, and often life-saving benefits found in Noni. Recent scientific research in both clinical and laboratory settings validate the efficacy of this ancient fruit. In addition, doctors and health care professionals around the world are praising Noni as their patients win battles against chronic conditions which many have suffered for years. One such health challenge that many have found Noni to help with is diabetes. Doctors and researchers suggest that Noni has the ability to help strengthen the immune system which, in turn, can help the body maintain strong insulin levels. As a result, many Type I and II diabetics have finally found relief from this often debilitating disease in the form of Noni. Many of the effects of diabetes can be controlled. While there is no cure for the disease, studies show that by keeping one’s blood sugar as close to normal as possible significantly reduces diabetes’ long-term complications. A diabetic’s body is not able to properly turn food into energy. The cause of the problem is the body’s production and use of the hormone called insulin. There are two types of diabetes: Type I and Type II. In Type I diabetes, the body produces little or no insulin. It is often referred to as juvenile diabetes because it usually starts at a younger age and is more severe. In Type II diabetes the body produces enough insulin, (sometimes even too much). However, the insulin is unable to adequately enter the body’s cells to break down sugar into energy. In a Type II diabetic, the body has trouble in properly utilising fats and protein. Type II is the more common type, accounting for nearly 90 percent of diabetics. It is referred to as “maturity-onset” diabetes. 17 Type I and Type II diabetes share a few similar symptoms. The most common of which include: lack of energy, increased hunger, weight loss, frequent urination, excessive thirst, blurred vision, nausea, abdominal pain and weakness. While we do know that diabetes is genetic or is passed on from generation to generation, scientists are not exactly sure of the precise cause except that the disease may be the result of a malfunction in the body’s endocrine and immune system. Research has shown that if the immune system start to turn on itself - perhaps the result of an autoimmune disorder - it may cause a complete obliteration of the pancreas’ beta cells or at least a reduction in the number of functioning beta cells. This then affects the amount, purity and effectiveness of the body’s insulin. However, if the immune system is able to ward off an attack, the integrity of the body’s insulin will be maintained. More refined tests now make it possible to detect faulty immune antibodies in the blood well in advance in a person showing symptoms of diabetes. In some adults, these destructive antibodies may be present years before diabetic symptoms appear. This lag time is known as the “prediabetic stage.” One of Noni’s effects is on the pancreas and immune system. Current studies have revealed that Noni may help to promote a healthy immune system by either enhancing an already functioning system or by stimulating a sluggish one. In addition, as described earlier, Noni is believed to fortify and maintain cell structure. This can be accomplished by Noni acting as an adaptogen that can aid “sick” cells in repairing themselves. This could apply to diabetes by either helping malfunctioning beta cells in the pancreas or by aiding the cells that are unsuccessfully trying to receive and use the glucose in the blood. Keeping a daily log of your blood sugar level is the best way to monitor any changes which perhaps may occur. A good recommendation is to check your blood sugar first thing in the morning (fasting level) and then check it again in the late afternoon (around 4 p.m.) This will show how your body is metabolising sugar and responding to the Noni or anything else you have consumed. Please note that a Type I diabetic should never substitute Noni juice for insulin shots. Type I diabetic may reduce his or her insulin, by taking a natural supplement such as Noni juice and should be done under the supervision of a physician. 18
  • 12. Noni and High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease & Stroke High blood pressure is one of the body’s most noticeable red flag to indicate that a person’s heart and blood vessels are in trouble. Once a person is diagnosed with high blood pressure, he or she is seven times more likely to suffer a stroke, four times more likely to die of congestive heart failure. On a positive note, there are well-proven ways to control blood pressure and even reverse some of the damage already done. Before discussing how to control high blood pressure, let’s talk about what it is. Blood pressure is the force exerted by the heart on the blood as it moves through a person’s arteries. If a person has high blood pressure, this means the heart is pumping harder than it should have to pump. A healthy blood pressure would read somewhere at or below 120/ 80 or lower. Consider mildly high blood pressure somewhere around 130/90. Most doctors agree that a blood pressure reading of 160/100 or higher is considered dangerous. High blood pressure, heart disease and strokes are lumped together, because they are all interrelated in the body’s circulatory system. In a heart attack, there is not enough nutrient rich oxygenated blood to nourish the heart muscle cells. As a result, some heart muscle cells die. When enough cells die, you have a heart attack. It can be sudden, as a result of a cholesterol/calcium/fibrin clot to the coronary artery, or an embolus, which is a clot that breaks away from another part of your body and ends up clogging, and your coronary artery goes into spasm, preventing adequate blood flow, or you can have a small unstable plaque released that goes to the heart and clogs the coronary artery and causes spasm. The end result of all these conditions is that not enough nutrient rich oxygenated blood reaches to sustain heart muscle. In a stroke, or “brain attack” as some lay people call it, the brain tissue is damaged due to lack of blood flow. The lack of blood can be caused 19 by a blood clot in an artery that has decreased in size because of spasm or atherosclerosis. It can also be caused when a brain (cerebral) artery leaks blood as in a leaking or ruptured aneurysm. There are many lifestyle changes a person with high blood pressure can make to fight against these conditions. A change in diet to reduce red meat and fats, and to add more fiber and fresh fruits is a very good start. Sodium intake should be reduced, and of course one ought to get regular exercise. There are many other recommendations. Add a good amount of garlic, onions and celery to your diet; avoid caffeine, stay away from excessive amount of dairy products, processed sugars and flours; and supplement with antioxidants, vitamins, essential Omega-3-fatty acids, fiber, calcium, magnesium, selenium and others. The reasons for Noni’s reported success in helping with high blood pressure are multi-faceted. First of all Morinda citrifolia contains scopoletin, which has been scientifically proven to dilate blood vessels resulting in lower blood pressure. A second reason that many use Noni for high blood pressure is that this fruit juice helps to stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the body, a chemical which allows the blood vessels to dilate more easily and be more elastic. The third reason, is through the Xeronine system that promotes a healthy cell structure within the circulatory system. Noni and Cancer Cancer is a cellular malfunction. When suffering from cancer, the human body loses normal cellular controls, which result in the malignant cell’s unregulated growth. These cancer cells lack differentiation and invoke local tissue, travel elsewhere and metastasize. The disease itself begins by one or any cell that mutates or changes. The abnormal cell maintains mutation through the cell’s reproduction process, despite the efforts of the human body’s defense system, which tries to eliminate abnormal 20
  • 13. cells. These mutated cells (resulting from abnormal DNA) then travel through the body, setting up residency in one or more organs of the body. There are now well over one hundred types of cancer that can exist within the human body. Since there are so many types of cancer, each with their own abnormal DNA and different set of signs and symptoms, it is impossible in this short review to cover all of them. The most common symptom, we observe was the loss of energy. In many different types of cancer like abnormalities, skin discoloration and non-healing sores, detectable lumps under the skin, elevated temperature and weight loss, are often associated with many other signs and symptoms. Most types of cancer start subtly and can only be properly diagnosed early on by regular medical check ups and specific testing. The earlier a cancer is detected and treated, the better the outcome. Noni’s effect on cancer most likely deals with the fact that both Noni and cancer work on a cellular level. It is further believed that Noni enhances cellular structure while cancer, of course, destroys it. One of Noni’s key components, proxeronine, is sent to “sick” cells within the body by the Golgi apparatus and reticuloendothelium. These sick cells attract proxeronine and an enzyme, proxeroninease. The interaction creates Xeronine, a cellular enhancer. It is believed by some that Morinda citrifolia might exert a preventive and protective action against cancer during the initiation stage, which is the first phase of the formation of cancer. A study performed by MianYing Wang, M.D., at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford showed that mice which were given a solution of Noni (10 percent) for a week and then injected with DMBA, a known cancer causing agent, had significantly lower DNA adduct markers (a test for abnormal DNA) than DMBA-injected mice fed only with water. Lower the number of DNA adduct markers, the more protection one has against fighting cancer. The Noni-fed mice had 50 per cent a fewer DNA markers in the lungs than the water-fed mice without Noni, 60 per cent a fewer markers in the heart, 70 per cent a fewer in the liver, and 90 per cent a fewer in the kidneys. Therefore, Noni gave the greatest protection from cancer to the kidneys (90 per cent) and the least protection to the lungs (50 per cent). Noni and Stress Serotonin is a hormone that acts as a neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters send messages (electrical impulses) from one nerve cell to another. It is often termed as ‘Mood Molecules’ as it determines the mood of a person. Several other studies were performed in laboratories in order to validate Noni’s cancer-fighting abilities. In one such study, four Japanese scientists injected ras cells (cells that are precursors to many malignant growths) with a substance called Damnacanthal found in Morinda citrifolia. They observed that the injection significantly inhibited the ras cells from reproducing. Proxeronine and Damnacanthal are substances present within Morinda citrifolia that are believed to be anti-cancer agents. In addition, research has revealed that Noni helps stimulate the body’s production of other cancer-fighting elements like nitric oxide, interleukins, interferon, tumor necrosis factor, lipopolysaccharides and natural killer cells. Serotonin manufactured by the body, is found along with its receptor sites in the brain, blood platelets and lining of the digestive tract. This is also a precursor to a hormone called melatonin which plays multiple life-saving roles in the body, including regulating biological rhythms. Serotonin is more than a messenger, as its level in our body affects a wide range of mental and physical responses in the body and plays a significant role in activities like temperature regulation, longer sensations, sexual behaviour and sleep patterns. Serotonin receptors also help to regulate emotions, cognition, pain and sensory motor function. Serotonin deficiencies can give rise to wide range of illnesses, depending on the part of the brain that is affected. 21 22
  • 14. James Stockard, a North Western University psychiatrist, has stated that, “A person’s mood is like a symphony and Serotonin is like the conductor’s baton”. For example, Serotonin levels in the brain determine whether we will perceive a glass of water as being half-empty or half-full. Other neurotransmitters may send the message when we are full, but Serotonin levels determine if we feel satisfied. In a recent study using PHT scans (technology that measures cell function to gauge the rate of Serotonin synthesis), it was found that men in the study produced 52% more Serotonin than women. Women are twice as likely as men to become clinically depressed. Low Serotonin levels in the brain are linked to clinical depression, suicidal tendencies, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive behaviours (such as overating), bulimia, schizophrenia, sleep problems, migraine headaches, autism, drug and alcohol addictions, Alzheimer’s disease and patterns of violent behaviour. The conditions listed above may improve significantly when Serotonin levels are raised. Simply put, depression is a mood disturbance. Depression affects one’s mood, thoughts, behaviours and physical wellbeing. Most depressions are disorder of the brain chemistry. Three other main categories of depression are major depressive illness, dysthymia and bipolar disorder. Major depression strikes intensely for an undetermined period of time. During the episode, things like eating, sleeping, or even getting out of bed becomes almost unbearable. Much of the time one cannot think or concentrate. Dysthymia, on the other hand, can be milder and persistent with lowmoods almost every day, possibly lasting for several years. Sad days outnumber good days. Victims function to a degree, but always feel as if they are never at their full capacity. Victims of bipolar disorder swing between episodes of major depression and “highs” known as mania or less severe highs, known as hypomania. The high symptoms include irritability, elevated mood with decreased need for sleep, excessive talking, and impulsive behaviour fueled by bad 23 judgement leading to painful consequences for themselves and their loved ones. Chemicals in the brain may be largely responsible for depression, mania and hypomania. Major depression, dysthymia and bipolar disorder often require psychiatric help and medicines to normalise the chemicals in the brain. Serotonin is one such known chemical. In the survey conducted on 1,111 people who consumed Noni for help with their depression, 77 percent reported with decrease in symptoms after drinking Noni. Your Skin and Noni The Skin is the major indicator of health and vitality. We estimate age, personality, status, race, and health merely by looking at a person’s skin. The development of grey hair, facial wrinkles and changes in skin coloration and texture comes along with the aging process. These changes may also be due to environment (i.e. sun, wind, dry heat, chemical preservatives) and lifestyle choices i.e. alcohol, tobacco, loss of sleep and stress. It is also a fact that as we get older, our skin becomes more vulnerable to these factors. Skin problems are more as the person gets older and older. It is also a bliss that vast majority of the skin conditions are preventable. Healthy diet, sufficient hydration and common sense precautions and Noni play a central role in preventing and helping skin diseases. The skin is one of the largest organs of the body and it accounts for the 15% of the total body weights. It includes the nail, hair, and various types of glands. Though skin does not do any dramatic functions like purifying blood, running, digesting or thinking it requires a seriously burned person or a person who has serious skin infections to realise the importance of our skin. Out of the two layers, epidermis and dermis of the skin, the dermis has abundant blood vessels through which nutrients are supplied to our skin. 24
  • 15. Keratin, a fibrous protein produced by epidermal cells and melanin, offers protection to our skin against ultraviolet rays. are naturally present in Noni. Very rarely any other animal protein contains all the three of these nutrients. What happens in ageing ? With aging this collagen simply becomes metabolically inert. It loses its responsiveness, flexibility, fluidity and strength. In the skin, the change in the quality of our collagen manifests as a loss of smoothness, plumpness and luster. These changes are modifiable and largely preventable. Noni when used both internally and externally promotes the maintenance of healthy skin. The skin apart from protection also helps to absorb nutrients. As the age increasing, one notices the skin losing it’s glow and becoming dry and rough. This is due to decrease in the moisture content of the stratum corneum or to a decrease in vertical height of epidermal cells. Decrease in the number of Langerhans cells decreases the skin’s immune response. The reduction of Melanin and decreased immunity, increases the risk for tumorigenesis. In elderly persons, the dermis has a decreased density with a fewer cells and blood vessels. The total amount of collagen decreases one percent per year in adulthood. Therefore the skin thickness decreases linearly with age after 20. The remaining collagen fibres become thicker, less soluble and more resistant to digestion by collagenase with age. Noni prevents this. The rate of nail growth also decreases with aging. Nail plates usually become thinner, more brittle and fragile. Hair greying occurs due to loss of functional melanocytes. Of course, heredity also plays an important role in hair greying. A decrease in the number of hair follicles in the scalp increases baldness. Collagen is one of the compounds of connective tissue which occurs not only within the dermis layer of the skin but also found in every organ and structure of human body. Connective tissue is composed of collagen fibres, elastic and the extracellular matrix but the amount and conformation of collagen are different in any given tissue. Noni because of its ‘amphoteric nature’ that is the presence of fatty acid like linoleic acid as well as water, when applied externally aids healing of rashes, inflammation prickly heat, rosacens or other allergic manifestations. These symptoms and allergy may be due to the release of histamine. Noni resists the release of histamine and protects the skin against allergies. Noni and Asthma Asthma is a condition where one’s bronchioles are constricted abnormally when stimulated by allergens and exercise. This makes it difficult to expel air from the lungs. Some of the main symptoms of the condition are wheezing, breathlessness, inability to exhale properly and a phlegm or mucus producing cough. Asthma can lead to respiratory infections too. Genetic susceptibility seems to be one of the major culprits which cause asthma. Asthma may be due to allergic response, exercise, bacterial and viral infections, hormones, stress and other factors. A food supplement like Noni enhances the cellular structures of bronchioles. This is due to Proxeronine present in Noni which induces production of Xeronine. Although flexible, collagen fibres offer a great resistance to any pulling force. Collagen fibres are fairly simple proteins and are made up of chains of amino acids. Amino acids are delivered from circulation to the cell called fibrocytes which manufacture Collagen. The three important nutrients of collagen namely glycine, hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine Millions of people worldover are experiencing remarkable health benefits using products from its fruit, popularly known as Noni. Noni was used by traditional healers for centuries in India against a broad range of health concerns. Noni’s healing properties are widely recorded in the Ayurveda and Siddha medicinal texts of India. Noni is now researched in more than 40 Universities in 10 countries and it has earned more than 500 research articles. Thanks to the Discovery Channel’s “Todays Health Programme” aired on Feb 3rd 2003, which stated that “Noni is the greatest nutritional discovery of our times”. 25 26
  • 16. Noni ‘A Friend in Need’ for Women Noni : Detoxification & Healing Crisis It is reported that about 75 percent of all women have uncomfortable physiological and psychological problems as they approach menstruation. This condition has been classified as PreMenstrual Syndrome(PMS) and can range from mild to severe. Other menstrual disorders include amenorrhea, which is the absence of menstruation; menorrhea or heavy bleeding; and dysmenorrhea, also known as severe menstrual cramps. A de-tox / cleansing process can be expected to varying degrees and this is perfectly normal and usually takes a few days, although in some cases it can take up to a maximum of eight weeks. The Noni juice first addresses the areas in the body that are the weakest or ailing. When this happens, a person may experience discomfort as the body employs its natural defences to heal the area. Unfortunately people are so accustomed to “numbing their pain” by suppressing the body’s natural functions with medications that they panic when they actually feel something happening in their body. This is no reason to be alarmed but this is simply the body’s way of addressing the root of the person’s suffering. Some of the discomforts, if not symptoms, like bloating, breast tenderness, temporary weight gain, gastrointestinal distress, headaches, rashes, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, gingivitis, heart pounding, hot flashes, hyper-sensitivity to sounds and smells, agitation and insomnia are also observed. Not all the women but a few experience these syndromes. This may be due to hormonal imbalance between estrogen and progesterone in women. On the other hand, the ovarian cysts may be due to high amount of androgen or male hormones in the system. The presence of higher quantities of hormone called prolactin in non-pregnant or non-lactating woman can inhibit ovulation causing a menorrhea. Thyroid hormone imbalance can also cause menstrual problems. In a survey of 2,573 women, Noni consumption reduced painful and uncomfortable menstrual symptoms in 78 percent cases. 27 So an initial cleansing reaction or detoxification is possible, some people hardly feel any discomfort at all. but it is important to be aware of the possibility. The intensity of the cleansing reaction is dose-dependent in most of people. So if the symptoms persist or drink a lot of water to flush take Noni juice the poisons out quickly. Alternatively keep on the same amount of Noni juice but drink more water to help the process pass by quicker. Or you can increase the dosage to speed up the detoxification. Stay with it, though it is better to reduce over a period of time. If someone get a cleansing reaction, you can almost guarantee that the Noni will help that person. Reactions may include a rash, unusual body odour, diarrhoea, headache, cold like symptoms, fatigue or nausea. The body has toxins (or poisons) and these can be eliminated from the body through the colon or through the skin. This is a healing process by which the body eliminates the toxins and starts regaining it’s balance and health. After the de-tox sometimes, people on prescribed medication get a great 28
  • 17. response to Noni as the body begins to heal itself of it’s original symptom. However when on prescribed medication the person may get sick three to four weeks later, usually with malaise, headache, nausea and diarrhoea. Often the answer is to reduce or stop the perscription medicine. It’s almost as if the body is saying. “I don’t need this prescribed medication anymore”. However, do not reduce or stop medications without consulting the prescribing physician. Healing episodes in the cleansing process We know that when the body and cells are in a cleansing process, some healing episodes will occur. During these episodes, the body might mainfest some of the symptoms we sometimes have when we feel sick. For some people, it is difficult to understand and accept that these manifestations are clues that the body is working to solve problems, because we are used for so long to ignore the alarms and signals that the body sends to us and have learned to tell him to shut up, be quiet, and keep on working without complaining. Traditional chemical drugs are usually taken to hide the problems or make the symptoms away and avoid to take additional chemicals, drugs and most likely these inconveniences will disappear with time. You must know too that if you suffer from chronic problems, the process of healing will be accomplished in many phases or episodes. The body can work at the healing task only if it has the strength, energy and building materials to work with so that when the body has enough strength, it will expell toxins and health episodes. You must also know that after these efforts, the body might need rest, for its requires a lot of energy to accomplish that. So don’t be surprised if you feel a general fatigue during the process and even after. And this process will have to be repeated as long as health is regained. It is important to remember that the body does not heal itself before it has the physical strength to do so. to detoxify substances to which we are exposed is of critical importance to our overall well-being. Toxic susbtances are everywhere - in the solvents, by our own bodies as in normal process of metabolic activities. In the detoxification mechanisms of the body, the most important of which involves the liver and becomes overloaded. We experience regularly the accumulation of incompletely detoxified metabolites. Toxic substances are all delivered to the liver through the bloodstream. An over loaded liver signals that it is unable to keep up with the toxic load by creating any one of a multitude of symptoms including indigestion, psoriasis, acne, chronic fatigue, infertility, headaches, constipation, muscle pains, inflammatory conditions, autoimmune disorders, depression, anxiety confusion and even learning disabilities etc. More and more evidences are emerging which indicate that the detoxification of harmful substances in the body is an under-appreciated causative factor of many modern diseases, including certain cancers. It is a person’s toxic load that ultimately determines his or her health status to a very large extent. The investigations on the effects of Noni on liver functions report that, when combined with herbal massage techniques, increased the rate of liver detoxification by more then 50 percent. No other herbal medicine that was assessed so far, including herbs known as potent detoxifiers, have shown such dramatic effects. How Noni achieves such a remarkable level of detoxification is that it prevents the depletion of a substane called glutathione - a component critical to the liver’s detoxification functions. Typically, when we are exposed to toxins, glutathione concentration, but they even increase their levels by as much as 25 percent. Because toxins are such a common threat to so many diseases, this shows that how Noni is so instrumental in improving health in so many ways. Hence, drink Noni and stay healthy. Noni Cleans up the ‘Liver’ The concept of internal cleansing and detoxification has been around for quite some time. In today’s toxic world, it is apparent that our ability 29 30
  • 18. How Noni is Helping So Many People with Such a Wide Variety of Conditions ? diet. Noni Juice contains 17 of the 20 known amino acids, including all 9 essential amino acids. Rich in essential fatty acids The Xeronine component is certainly a major part of the reason. But look what else is in the Noni fruit and what benefits these components have: Key Components and Their Benefits Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats and oils. The “essential” fatty acids in Noni Juice are the important poly-unsaturated fats that we must get from our diet. They maintain healthy skin, nerve cells, heart tissue and blood vessels and help balance mood. They keep cell membranes working properly and efficiently, improving the nutrient-toxin exchange. Important Overall Characteristics The building blocks our bodies use to manufacture Xeronine. With nutrient-depleted foods, where these building blocks are not available, our proteins can become reliant on inadequate substitutes such as sugar, caffeine, cocaine or nicotine to do their work. In returning Xeronine to the body, Noni Juice has been found to help break addictions to these substances. By promoting optimal protein functioning, Noni Juice promotes massive cellular regeneration and hormonal balance. Adaptogen An adaptogen is a substance that has a global balancing effect on all body systems. There are only 12 known adaptogens; of these 12, Noni Juice is said to be the “premiere” adaptogen. Alkaline Tissues degrade and disease thrives in an acidic environment. Noni Juice promotes an alkaline body chemistry, the optimal state for good health. Scopoletin Has anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti-bacterial and antifungal properties, lowers blood pressure and binds to serotonin to help regulate sleep, hunger and temperature. Anti-oxidant Anthraquinone Controls infectious bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli & Salmonella. Anti-oxidants, such as green tea, pycnogenol and vitamin C, among others, are important in neutralizing “free radicals” or particles which cause DNA damage that can lead to cancer. Noni Juice has recently been found to be the most effective of all known anti-oxidants. Low Glycemic Index A 3:1 ratio of carbohydates to fiber in Noni Juice helps balance blood sugar levels. Proxeronine & Proxeroninase Damnacanthal Terpene Inhibits growth of pre-cancerous cells. Helps with cell rejuvenation, thus increasing nutrient-toxin exchange. Phytonutrients & Selenium Provide powerful anti-oxidant protection against free radicals. Rich in soluble and insoluble fiber Soluble fiber helps cleanse the blood, decreases choloesterol, binds to fats and balances blood sugar levels. Insoluble fiber (“bulk”) is important for colon health. Rich in amino acids Analgesic, Unlike typical pain relievers and anti-inflammatories, Noni Juice Anti-inflammatory decreases pain and inflammation while protecting and Selective stomach, kidney and liver cells. Cox II Inhibitor Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins, important for most body functions. The “essential” amino acids are the ones our bodies cannot make and we therefore must get from our 31 Humectant ImmunoModulator As a humectant, Noni Juice helps tissues retain moisture. Noni Juice intelligently supports the immune system, not just by boosting it, but by regulating it to suppress the allergic and auto-allergic responses. 32
  • 19. Noni - A Powerful Antioxidant For any one looking to battle against premature ageing and chronic degenerative diseases, Noni is definitely one to remember. Free Radicals From the moment we are born, our bodies are challenged continuously by those dreaded oxidants, the free radicals. Free radicals are generated from many sources including: Oxygen metabolism Pollution Chemical Toxins Radiation Smoke Stress Unhealthy diets Gerontologists now widely regard free radicals as the primary cause of premature ageing and degenerative diseases including cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory disease, cataracts, retinal degeneration, cancer, stroke and many immune disorders including allergies and frequent colds. In the body, antioxidants scavenge free radicals and neutralize them into harmless substances, hence protect the body from free radical induced damages. Noni has a group of antioxidants which have generated much excitement in the health industry. Research shows that Noni’s ability to fight free radicals is many times stronger than other antioxidants in the market. This immense free radical scavenging capability is due to : - its ability to act within the cell membrane, and - its capacity to simultaneously neutralize both water and fat-soluble free radicals. The mechanism through which Noni supports connective tissue and vascular integrity was investigated. It was found that Noni : - inhibited the release of certain enzymes which damage the protective sheath (endothelium) of capillary walls, and - strengthened the collagen fibres which form the protective sheath. These actions jointly increase integrity of the vascular system, decreasing capillary permeability and fragility. It would follow that Noni would be particularly useful for protection against peripheral disorder (such as phlebitis, varicose veins, high blood pressure, visual dysfunction), arthritis, allergies, atherosclerosis, cataracts, diabetes, heart disease, and other degenerative conditions. Further Noni augments wound healing, curbs inflammation, promotes youthful looking skin, hastens recovery from injuries, improves sluggish memories and inhibits damaging microbes from causing infection. 33 Cellular Communication with Noni There is a constant war between our natural cell defense mechanism and our enemies like harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites and toxins. In a battle, if the army chief cannot communicate with his soldiers, the war is lost. Likewise cells need to communicate with one another to attack and defend themselves. It is more interesting to read from the 24th edition of Harpers biochemistry, which tells us that about 200 carbohydrates are found in nature of which scientists have identified eight as carbohydrate compound of letters which make up to cellular alphabet. The cell communication is accomplished by using these eight known carbohydrates to shape bio-chemical letters and words. The cells attach these eight known carbo-hydrates to fats and proteins thereby creating what is known as glycoforms. Glycoforms represent the cell’s urgent messages for defense and help ! If the cells cannot transmit their messages, they can be suddenly conquered by their enemies. When cells can easily communicate, prevention and healing take place. Carbohydrate based therapeutics is the nutrition necessary for cellto-cell communication and to increase cellular activity. Noni which is rich in more than 160+ nutraceuticals, boosts up cell-to-cell communication. 34
  • 20. Noni improves digestion. It is a great stress buster and a proven pain reliever without any side effects. Noni is also an adaptogen which normalises all functions of the body systems. An incredible food supplement for every one in the family. Divine Noni is made from the fruit of the tree Morinda citrifolia.L and other health enhancing herbs. Noni Food Supplement provides improved energy levels and mental focus. It also provides increased stamina, vitality, strength, endurance and greater flexibility. It also improves skin, nail growth, scalp and hair quality. Divine Noni is Organic and Natural. Noni contains 160+ Nutraceuticals, Cancer Inhibiting Compounds, Essential Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants, Alkaloids, Amino Acids and Health Enhancing Attributes which are Antibacterial, Antiinflammatory, Analgesic and Anti-congestive. One of the unique properties of Divine Noni is its detoxifying and cell rejuvenating function. As body undergoes ageing the production of growth factors diminishes and our body becomes less efficient in re-building and rejuvenating our tissues. Noni is a powerful rejuvenator which works at the cellular level for proper cellular function and body maintenance activities. Noni is proved to be a powerful health enhancer. Morinda citrifolia.L was used in India by Traditional healers. Noni can be used daily by people of various ages and health conditions. Noni is being used as a food supplement by people suffering from various diseases. Please visit the following websites for more information on Noni. To help you achieve greater benefits from Divine Noni, We recommend you to 1. Take Noni on an empty stomach. 2. Follow the recommended usage. 3. Take Noni at awakening and at bed time. Noni cleanses the chemical and toxin residues from the cell membranes. Noni opens the cell membrane pores for proper absorption of micronutrients from the food and medicines. It is a powerful and proven anti-oxidant too. 4. Always dilute Noni in water. 5. Keep in your mouth for 30-60 seconds before swallowing. 6. Drink required clean water daily. 7. Follow healthy diet and life-style including enough sleep. Noni stimulates our immune system to save us from viral, bacterial attacks and diseases. It is a proactive health drink. It also strengthens the self-healing mechanism of our body. 8. Exercise regularly (follow a proper exercise programme). Noni is a cellular food. It helps the cells to stay healthy. When our cells are healthy, our tissues, our organs, our systems and our body become healthy. 35 36
  • 21. 150 + Nutraceuticals in Noni For a younger and healthier YOU ! The Youth-Enhancing Formula While we cannot live forever, it is possible to live longer and healthier. And in the end, it’s really the quality of life that counts - having more time with your family, the energy and enthusiasm to do your favourite activities, and looking and feeling the best you can. That’s why World Noni Research Foundation created the It contains the proprietary blend of herbs, rich in scientifically proven to provide rejuvenation benefits. Noni Gold, you can look and feel better than you ever Divine Noni. ingredients With Divine have. Scientifically Documented Ingredients Studies indicate that Human Growth Hormone levels decline at a rate of 35% per decade from the age of 25. Scientists believe that the decline of Human Growth Hormone with age is directly associated with many symptoms of ageing including decreased energy, declined performance, increased body fat and others. A Younger and Healthier You Thousand of studies state the tremendous benefits are achieved when growth hormone is increased and ageing factors are decreased. Noni is the Answer 37 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. (ethylthomethyl) benzene 1-hexanol hydroxyanthraquinone 2-heptanone 2-methyl-2-butenyl hexanoate 6-§-primeveroside 2-methylbutanoic acid 24-methylcycloartanol 24-methylenecycloartanyl linoleate 3-hydroxymorindone 3-methyl-2-buten-1-ol 3-methylthiopropanoic acid 5,6-dihydroxylucidin-3-§-primeverosid glucopyranoside D(+)=galactopyranoside 1,-O-§-rhamnosyl 6-dodeceno-y-lactone methylanthraquinone acetic acid alkaloids anthraquinones asperuloside benzyl alcohol methyl octanoate methyl palmitate morenone-2 morindanigrine morindone mucilaginous matter it-butyric acid nonanoic acid octadecenoic acid oleic acid paraffin pentose phosphate physcion-8-O 1-butanol 1-methoxy-2-formyl-32,5-undecadien-1-ol 2-methyl-2-butenyl decanoate 2-methyl-3,5,6-trihydroxyanthraquinone2-methyl-3,5,-6-trihydroxyanthraquinones 2-methylpropanoic acid 24-methylenecholesterol 3-hydroxyl-2-butanone 3-hydroxymorindone-6-§-primeveroside 3-methyl-3-buten-1-ol 5,6-dihydroxylucidin 5,7-acacetin 7-O-§-D(+)5,7-dimethylapigenin-4O-O-§-D6,8-dimethoxy-3-methyl anthraquinoneglucopyranoside 7-hydroxy-8methoxy-28,11,14-eicostrienoic acid alizarin anthragallol 1,2-dimethyl ehter antrhagallol 2,3-dimethyl ehter benzoic acid butanoic acid methyl oleate morenone-1 morindadiol morindin morindone-6-§-primeveroside myristic acid it-valeric acid nordamnacanthal octanoic acid palmitic acid pectins phenolic body physcoin {L-arabinopyranosyl} (1-3) {§-D-g-D-galactopyranosyl (1-6) potassium calcium 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. campesteryl linoleyl glucoside campesteryl palmityl glycoside carbonate cycloartenol cycloartenol palmitate decanoic acid ethyl decanoate ethyl octanoate eugenol gampesteryl linoleate glycosides hexadecane hexanedioic acid hexose iron isocaproic acid isofucosteryl linoleate lauric acid linoleic acid lucidin-3-§-primeveroside methyl 3-methylthio-propanoate methyl elaidate proxeronine resins ricinoleic acid rubiadin-1-methyl ether sitosterol sitosteryl linoleate sitosteryl palmitate sodium §-sitosterol sterols stigmasteryl glycoside stigmasteryl linoleyl glycoside stigmasteryl palmityl glycoside trioxymethylanthraquinone ursolic acid {§-D-galactopyranoside}] protein campesteryl glycoside campesteryl palmitate campestrol carotene cycloartenol linoleate damnacanthal elaidic acid ethyl hexanoate ethyl palmitate ferric iron glucose heptanoic acid hexanamide hexanoic acid hexyl hexanoate isobutyric acid isofucosterol isolaveric acid limonene lucidin magnesium methyl decanoate methyl hexanoate proxeronease rhamnose rubiadin scopoletin sitosteryl glycoside sitosteryl linoleyl glycoside sitosteryl palmityl glycoside sorandjidiol stearic acid stigmasterol stimasteryl linoleate stigmasteryl palmitate terpenoids undecanoic acid 38
  • 22. Weblinks on NONI Is Noni Working ? Yahoo Search Page Yahoo! My Yahoo@ Mail Welcome, Guest [Sign In] Web Search Images Search Home Help Directory Yellow Pages News Products Advanced Search Preferences Noni starts working from the very first dose. noni Shortcuts There are no side effects of using Divine Noni. Results 1-20 of about 24,600,000 for noni. Search took 0.14 48 Universities doing Noni Research 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19. 21. 23. 25. 27. 29. 31. 33. 35. 37. 39. 41. 43. 45. 47. University of Hawaii Keio University Rutgers University Ohio State University Duke University University of Santo Tomas University of Metz University of California University of Kentucky University in Yokohama Oklahoma State University TNAU Coimbatore Purdue University University of Karachi Mahidol University University Puerto Rico University Putra, Malaysia University Nijmegen, Netherland University Liverpool, UK University of Allahabad KAU, Vellanikkara SRM University, Chennai MAU Parbhani M.S M.D. University, Haryana 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24. 26. 28. 30. 32. 34. 36. 38. 40. 42. 44. 46. 48. 39 University of Honolulu University of Minnesota University of Illinois Cornell University Shizuoka University University of Chicago University of Meets Stanford University Boston University School of Medicine Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Agricultural University, Wageningen Chiba University University of Guam University of Papua Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia, University of Rochester, USA University of Paris Sud Berlin University, Germany Natl. Taiwan University Taipei University of Madras, India Jawaharlal Nehru Agri. University, Jabalpur Manipal University, Manipal GITAM University, Vizag, AP Bangalore University, Bangalore Divine Noni is a concentrate and it has to be diluted with water before drinking. Divine Noni is a powerful detoxifixer. It cleanses the toxic residues on our cells membrance. Based on the body condition for some people, it works instantly and for some people, it may take some time to see any notable positive changes. It is necessary to drink clean water while on your Noni Programme. If you fail to take enough water, you may experience a loose or soft motion, slight heaviness in the head or a mild headache. These are symptoms to tell you that Noni is working and it is eliminating the toxins from the body. You can understand how Noni Works in the body. 40