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                                         Mr. Bion D. Howard, Principal Consultant
                                       Building Environmental Science & Technology
                                  P.O. Box 2145 Valley Center, CA 92082-2145 USA
                              Email: Web:

We explore the art of the possible in advanced high
performance homes, reviewing how builders and
designers can be guided towards maximum potential
using 21st century software tools to prototype net-positive
energy home designs. Also reviewed are case studies of
home designs analyzed using the advanced computer
software, by the authors’ consulting practice.

Included is discussion of features and capabilities of
popular software tools: Energy-10TM V1.8 (Author:
National Renewable Energy Laboratory); EnergyGauge
USATM (Author: Florida Solar Energy Center); and REM-
DesignTM (Author: Architectural Energy Corp.)

As climate change becomes an increasingly important
political issue, policymakers and the construction                                   FIGURE 1.
community alike are grappling for solutions. How can we
make buildings more efficient in reducing their               detail. The NPE home is achievable with current designs
contribution of atmospheric emissions to our climate-         and off-the-shelf technology but does entail increased
challenged planet?                                            costs of construction which are being documented.

Residential buildings comprise a significant segment of       Our hypothesis was: we can use applied building science
US atmospheric emissions, particularly of Carbon forms        and engineering to help designers come up with homes
of pollutions damaging to our climate. According to the       that actually provide more energy (in the form of on-site
Alliance for Climate Protection (derived from US EPA          electric power) back to the grid, hence on average
data, 2005) the residential sector contributes 17% of US      becoming net producers of energy rather than consumers.
greenhouse gas emissions. (FIGURE 1.) So, since the           Therefore, at least on the annual operating costs level (and
USA contributes nearly 21% of total global emissions.         Carbon emissions) the NPE redesigned building, in our
This means, energy use at our dwellings create over 3.5%      case a single family home, may be termed “net-positive”
of total global emissions of CO2.                             for energy.

It is shocking to look at this data and find that US          There is no reason this approach – tweaked for the
residential buildings alone contribute over 1.12 billion      realities of commercial building design – could not be
metric tons of CO2 emissions every year. We can do            applicable for offices, schools, and retail. Perhaps the
something about this, and must.                               only exception might be hospitals where electric power
                                                              demand is comparably high, so that on-site renewable
Progress towards Zero-Carbon home building has a              installation sizing to reach the NPE level may be eclipsed
strategic way-point which we have investigated in some        by demand.
WHAT ARE NPE HOMES?                                            According to the US DOE, Energy Information Agency,
To obtain the level of performance we consider (and can        2004 one may expect the following approximate
verify through calculations) to be a net- positive energy      breakdown of purchased energy costs in a US housing
home, several design avenues need to be pursued                unit; see FIGURE 2.

1.   Sustainable site considerations must be taken into
     account, including orientation, local vegetation,
     proximity to adjacent structures, distances to water
     bodies and roadways.
2.   The thermal envelope must be exceptionally energy
     efficient, including the insulation system, window
     and door selections, and extensive measures to
     control air-leakage. Selection of appropriate
     foundation design and thermal protection is also vital.
3.   The architectural design must be responsive to the
     local climate in order to maximize the benefits of
     passive solar heating, and natural gains-avoidance
     and cooling strategies.                                             FIGURE 2. (Source: DOE/EIA 2004)
4.   The exterior colors of the buildings surfaces need to
     be “tuned” to the climate in order to maximize the        Our specific targets have evolved around the heating, air-
     potential for reducing solar driven loads where           conditioning, water heating, the refrigerator and
     necessary.                                                appliances loads – such as dishwasher, laundry units, and
5.   Water consumption needs to be reduced to the              televisions. In the typical project we see these usages
     absolute minimum while still maintaining serviceable      often account for in excess of 70% of overall purchased
     levels of consumer satisfaction; particularly the hot     energy. Therefore, they become a sizable target of
     water service system.                                     opportunity to engineer-out waste and excess atmospheric
6.   Electric demand needs to be reduced to micro-load         pollution emissions.
     levels by incorporating super-efficient and right sized
     appliances, and mechanical systems. Source-energy         Fortunately there are super efficient products on the
     analysis is used.                                         market today, thanks in large part to the market
7.   On-site consumption of fossil fuel resources must         transformation efforts of EAP/DOE EnergyStar
     similarly be reduced, since in the overall energy         programs. Many new appliances provide exceptional
     “budget” of typical North American homes shows            performance while providing consumers with reasonable
     heating is a big usage.                                   life-cycle investment returns from energy savings. It is
                                                               important for designers and builders to actively consider
In an NPE home, the logical approach is to directly attack     installing the most energy efficient appliances in their
the biggest pie segments through super-efficiency and          products.
then apply renewable energy solutions to further reduce
the demand; then finally implement cost-effective PV and       THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS
small-wind energy solutions to overcome the remaining          Early intervention in a specific project is absolutely vital
billable energy usage. In our assessment, we shoot for a       to success. The father along a project becomes the more
10% annual energy “surplus” that the home provides back        difficult and costly the design changes appear to be.
to grid, usually via net-metering (in jurisdictions where      Since elevated investments are considered, and hence
it’s permitted).                                               higher first costs will derive from the approach, these
                                                               methods may not be accepted readily by merchant
To achieve NPE “status” the home needs to be net               (production) home builders. For now our studies and tech
positive on an annual basis. While some months may be          support remain, largely the province of architects and
above or below the NPE line, the consumer and the              design/build firms.
environment likely care more about what happens
annually and over the long term. This is because when          Our approach is fairly simple, and is relatively similar to
the consumer thinks about investing in a home their time       that used in certified Home Energy Ratings today.
horizons are usually 7 to 10 years (typical occupancies)       Currently we conduct our assessments in the pre-design
and they also look at 30 year, and 15 year fixed               phase of the new home design, specification and

construction process. Future work will explore NPE              counterpart “reference” homes and would exceed
existing homes.                                                 EnergyStar Homes criteria by almost 45% (depending on
                                                                climate and reference code requirements). This has been
In general the assessment protocol follows these bullet         encouraging, but getting to a Carbon-Neutral home design
points:                                                         is more complex and more broadly bounded life-cycle
                                                                assessment problem.
•   Obtain program information, schematic drawings and
    building site information.                                  The end result of deploying super-efficient home thermal
•   Compile necessary climate data, utility and fuel            designs using passive solar energy strategies has been the
    schedules, local cost correction factors.                   reduction in size and cost of the photovoltaic electric
•   Develop a “reference home” that complies with local         power system needed to tip over the line to annual NPE
    energy codes, or statewide model codes if no local          performance capability. This is not a trivial point. It
    code is in force. This reference home is similar to         validates a key building energy engineering and passive
    that used in HERS assessments by RESNET                     solar design axiom around since the early 1980’s, that
    accredited professional rating providers.                   “efficiency first” should be a principal rule of thumb.
•   Compile alternate super-efficient building shell            COMPUTER ASSISTED DESIGN BENEFITS
    (envelope) thermal protection package.                      “Follow the money” – is a statement true in many forms
•   Compile via iteration, the most effective passive solar     of human endeavor. There are no more Darwinian
    heated variant of the home.                                 economics than those imposed by real-world construction
•   Re-run the analysis to minimize collateral excess air-      projects. Using computer based design tools definitely
    conditioning demand from the selected passive solar         helps foster better overall cost-effectiveness of building
    heating package; continue to optimize natural heating       projects. Imagine trying to make hundreds of different
    and cooling.                                                calculations of energy savings value, installation cost
•   Using the “optimal” thermal envelope, passive solar         differences, thermal loads and weather variations over and
    design, and cooling avoidance solutions determined          over, all at the same time. Nope, can’t do it without
    to this point, make preliminary attempt to configure        computers!
    and size a prototype space conditioning solution that
    is right-sized and reasonable in first cost.                Part of the cost-effectiveness equation is improving
•   Implement a mechanical ventilation solution,                performance of the green design strategies selected by the
    providing adequate fresh air (re-run).                      designer, by looking at competing options for achieving
•   Recheck the overall performance of emerging high-           desired results. There are often competing options with
    performance prototype; tweak.                               different performance claims, some measured and some
•   Model the home again with a super-efficient                 estimated by vendors, which need to be considered.
    appliance and lighting package; tweak.                      Sustainable design strategies also need to be “optimized”
                                                                in combination with energy efficiency strategies, that also
•   Size an appropriate photovoltaic electric system.
                                                                have cost and savings (value) propositions that exist
    Consider small-scale wind as needed.
                                                                without solar devices or techniques being applied.
•   Prepare report and meet with client team
•   Respond to comments, and re-run if necessary
                                                                CASE STUDIES (Actual pre-construction designs
By the conclusion of the assessment process generally           analyzed for NPE capabilities)
described the energy engineer should have a good handle
on not only how the home will perform overall, but will         Home Design A. (Software: Energy-10™)
have addressed interactions – such as between air-leakage       In this project we used the recently updated NREL
control strategies and sufficiency of fresh air ventilation.    Energy-10 model. Energy-10 Version 1.8 (with PV) is an
So far in every case we have needed to include an               advanced capability tool to help integrate whole building
occupant controlled mechanical ventilation system in            energy efficiency studies, including photovoltaic (PV)
these NPE home prototypes. Otherwise, the air-tightness         solar electric power simulations, and solar domestic hot
levels required to sufficiently reduce heating and cooling      water. These solar features were added to ENERGY-10
costs can not deliver sufficient fresh air via leakage, to be   during 2004 – 2006 development cycle lead by software
considered healthy.                                             experts at NREL. Since its inception, Energy-10 has
                                                                provided design support information for small
In several cases, the NPE assessment protocol has               commercial and residential projects of 10,000 square feet,
produced prototype home designs that utilize as little as       or less, conditioned floor area.
20% of the projected energy consumption of their

         Features                         Location: Baltimore/Washington USA               Criteria
                                          Size: 1825 SF (reduced from 2380 SF)
         Energy Efficiency                Walls, Roof/ceiling, Foundation                  R-34 wall (frame)
                                                                                           R-49 attic
                                                                                           R-19 foundation
                                           Windows and Doors                               Low-E Ar., Fiberglass
                                                                                           frames, super-spacer;
                                                                                           R-4.2 doors
                                           Heating/Cooling/Ventilation Approach            Heat Pump SEER17,
                                                                                           HSPF >8.6
                                           Lighting and appliances                         “best in class”
                                                                                           ACEEE Guide ‘06
                                           EnergyStar / HERS rating summary                HERS (“0”)
                                           (prior to implementing PV system)               HERS (23)
         Renewable Energy
                                           Passive Solar: increased glazing, thermal       Calculated 62% solar
                                           mass, and attached sunspace. Included           heating fraction
                                           significant overhangs omitted in first cut.     (ASHRAE)
                                           Solar hot water                                 75% solar fraction
                                           Electrical System (PV included)                 2.4 kW peak required
         Water Efficiency
                                           Assumed low-flow devices; all hot water         Max available effic.
                                           taps; relocated wet areas to “stack”
                                           Home run PEX piping assumed                     Estimated 40% water
                                                                                           reduction annually
         Marginal Cost Per                 Percentage basis: 16.5%                         Reference home
         Square-foot (Extra hard                                                             $178/SF
         construction cost, less           (MEANS 2006 costs and Green Guide)              NPE Prototype
         land)                                                                                $207/SF
         Comments:                                                                         (Not yet built)

Included are many straightforward and user friendly                large niche in building construction; the myriad small-
capabilities to analyze: highly insulated building                 commercial structures that historically tended to “fall
envelopes; passive solar heating and cooling; natural              through the cracks” when it comes to energy and solar
ventilation; daylighting applications, high-performance            design.
windows, efficient electric lighting systems, many types
of mechanical equipment options and most recently, solar           Energy-10 is cited in the US Green Building Council’s
photovoltaic and hot water energy systems. The best                LEED®-NC 2.2 Reference Guide section on effective
feature of Energy-10 is its ability to create automatically a      sustainable low-energy building design. An extensive
base-line (reference) building, and then through a                 write-up on this software is available on line, at:
consistent naming process, the user may create a large set
of prototype variations to test various design strategies. If
carefully done, a useful set of iterative comparisons of           Home Design B. (Software: EnergyGauge)
different potential strategies on the same building can be         EnergyGauge USA is a sophisticated home energy
created for analysis.                                              simulation software tool designed specifically for the easy
                                                                   and accurate evaluation of home energy-efficiency.
Indeed, with the new capabilities to analyze building-
integrated PV systems, Energy-10 is one step closer to             We found that upon completing use of the built-in help
full realization of its potential. The author hopes that           screens, and exploration of the FSEC Support Page for the
development of this tool will continue since it serves a           software that the tool could be put into full use in about

      Features                       Location: Atlanta Metro area, USA    Criteria
                                     Size: 2650 SF (reduced from 3280 SF)
      Energy Efficiency              Walls, Roof/ceiling, Foundation      R-28 wall (frame)
                                                                            Note: SPIS alternate
                                                                          R-42 roof/clg. (SIPS)
                                                                          R-10 slab perimeter, R-5
                                                                          under slab
                                     Windows and Doors                    Low-E Ar., Fiberglass
                                                                          frames, super-spacer;
                                                                          R-3.2 doors
                                     Heating/Cooling/Ventilation Approach Heat Pump SEER16, HSPF
                                     Lighting and appliances              “best in class”
                                                                          ACEEE Guide ‘06
                                     EnergyStar / HERS rating summary     HERS (“0”)
                                     (prior to implementing PV system)    HERS (21)
      Renewable Energy
                                     Passive Solar: increased glazing, thermal      Calculated 78% solar
                                     mass, and attached sunspace. Included          heating fraction (ASHRAE)
                                     significant overhangs omitted in first cut.
                                     Solar hot water                                86% solar fraction
                                     Electrical System (PV included)                2.7 kW peak required
      Water Efficiency
                                     Assumed low-flow devices; all hot water        Max available effic.
                                     taps; relocated wet areas to “stack”
                                     Home run PEX piping assumed                    Estimated 35% water
                                                                                    reduction annually
      Marginal Cost Per              Percentage basis: 18.3%                        Reference home
      Square-foot (Extra hard                                                         $162/SF
      construction cost, less        (MEANS 2006 costs and Green Guide)             NPE Prototype
      land)                                                                            $192/SF
      Comments:                                                                     Out for bids 11/2007

three days, by an experienced energy engineer or HERS          making. The EnergyGauge USA complies with all
rater. We learned quickly to frequently save when              requirements of the International Energy Conservation
changing data inputs, because on our PC platform there         Code (IECC) for energy code compliance calculations
were occasional lock-ups and crashes (program seems to         and reporting. It has also been subject to and approved in
consume a lot of “resources” on IBM-PC Windows XP              national accreditation procedures, and meets all technical
Service Pack-2).                                               guidelines, for Home Energy Rating Systems (HERS),
                                                               including the HERS BESTEST (Building Energy
This software provides an hourly simulation design tool        Simulation Tool Test, National Renewable Energy Lab)
for the design of high-performance homes and the               procedures.
evaluation of energy use and peak demand impacts of
home energy-efficiency improvements. It is capable of          EnergyGauge USA capabilities (Edited from source:
evaluating both existing and proposed (new) homes. The         FSEC Web site) include:
software uses the powerful and widely-respected DOE
2.1-E hourly building energy simulation software to            Detailed, hourly simulation modeling and reporting using
simulate energy use and provides for the combined              an FSEC-enhanced version of the widely-respected DOE-
evaluation of both the energy use and the economic and         2.1E building energy simulation program.
financial impacts of home energy-efficiency decision-
Analysis modules include:                                 information becomes available. This is particularly useful
                                                              to designers that want to incorporate energy efficiency
    •    computation of heating and cooling system part       into the project early in the schematic phase, and then
         load performance                                     improve the details as the project evolves.
    •    prediction of indoor air relative humidity
    •    Coil airflow and system sizing impact on heat        REM/Design tool also provides automatic (and editable)
         pump and air conditioner performance                 sizing of heating and air-conditioning equipment, and can
                                                              help determine whether a project complies with numerous
    •    accurate ground contact modeling
                                                              standards and model codes for both the prescriptive and
    •    attic modeling (including attic ventilation/
                                                              performance compliance paths. Solar energy systems can
         reflective roofing and radiant barriers)
                                                              be modeled in conjunction with efficiency improvements,
    •    Detailed hourly modeling of duct heat transfer       including: sunspaces, photovoltaic solar electric systems,
         and air leakage                                      and solar water heating.
    •    Whole building heating and cooling system
         sizing                                               Passive solar design analysis is somewhat limited, and
    •    Energy code compliance in accordance with the        users will need to be creative to include high-thermal
         International Energy Conservation Code               mass applications. All the utility rates, component costs,
    •    (IECC) 1998 and IECC 2000 whole-building             and default building characteristics inputs may be
         performance method.                                  customized by expert users, while the novice or
    •    Ideal for evaluation of low energy and Zero          intermediate user may remain assured the default data is
         Energy Building Designs.                             very representative. We like REM/Design because it is
    •    Hourly prediction of solar electric PV system        flexible, powerful, and easy to use for iterative
         performance.                                         comparison of different combinations.
    •    Hourly prediction of solar hot water heating
         systems.                                             REM/Design Web site:
    •    Hourly prediction of end-use electrical and gas      [ ]
         energy consumption for evaluation of peak
                                                              ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE PACKAGES
More information on EnergyGuage USA                HEED (Formerly Solar-5 )
                                                              SOLAR-5 was incorporated into Home Energy Efficient
Home Design C. (Software: REM/Design V12.2                    Design (HEED) a more user-friendly version in mid-
and REM Rate)                                                 2000. HEED is quite user friendly at all levels of energy-
We have been using the Architectural Energy Corporation       modeling and solar design expertise. It is so simple to
(AEC) REM series programs for efficiency policy               start off, that some homeowners have employed the tool
research, building design assessment, and HERS ratings        to make retrofit decisions on their dwellings. Other users
since initial release. Now in its 12th generation, the EEBA   include architects, builders, students, energy program
Excellence 2000 award-winning REM software provides a         managers, weatherization pros, and green building
really useful tool for residential designers, remodelers,     consultants.
project managers, weatherization program managers, and
energy professionals. REM/Design calculates heating,          It employs a graphic interface to draw a floor plan, and
cooling, hot water, lights and appliance loads,               then users click and drag various elements like windows
consumption and costs. Climate files are included for         to selected locations. Default lists of standard wall and
about 250 North American cities. It is compatible with        roof constructions are available and may be edited. A
MS Windows™ PC platforms.                                     simple base-case building can be generated, then subject
                                                              to further analysis. Advanced users may employ detailed
The tool uses a specially configured seasonal adaptation      design input options and display output graphics similar
of full-annual simulation methods, based on work done by      to the original SOLAR-5 tool. HEED expands on
the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).              SOLAR-5 features including: editable utility rates, new
This reduces run-times on PC platforms, while                 fuel rates for oil and propane, editable air pollution data,
maintaining good levels of accuracy. Users can provide        attic radiant barriers, operable shading, enhanced thermal
specific inputs or use a “Simplified” initial approach to     mass algorithms and dealing with previous minor
start developing a building model. The user may then          software bugs.
move all the previous work into a detailed model, as more

Features                        Location: Grand Junction CO, USA     Criteria
                                Size: 2125 SF (spec plan book house)
Energy Efficiency               Walls, Roof/ceiling, Foundation      R-36 wall (panels)
                                                                     R-60 attic
                                                                      Note: SIPS alt. bid
                                                                     R-30 shallow cellar (was crawl
                                Windows and Doors                    Low-E Ar., Fiberglass frames,
                                                                     R-4.2 doors
                                Heating/Cooling/Ventilation Approach LP Gas Tankless Boiler N=91
                                                                     No-AC, possible use of Mini-
                                                                     splits later
                                Lighting and appliances              “best in class”
                                                                     ACEEE Guide ‘06
                                EnergyStar / HERS rating summary     HERS (“0”)
                                (prior to implementing PV system)    HERS (18)
Renewable Energy
                                Passive Solar: increased glazing, high        Calculated 86% solar heating
                                thermal mass, and integrated sunroom.         fraction (ASHRAE)
                                Significant use shading and wing-walls.
                                Night flush ventilation (high elevation)
                                Solar hot water (Aux = combo system)          100% solar fraction
                                Electrical System (PV included)               1.8 kW peak required
Water Efficiency
                                Assumed low-flow devices;                     Max available effic.
                                all hot water taps micro-flow restrictors;
                                relocated wet areas to “stack”
                                Rainwater catchment system bid
                                Home run PEX piping                           Estimated 50% water reduction
Marginal Cost Per Square-       Percentage basis: 16.5%                       Reference home
foot (Extra hard                                                                $178/SF
construction cost, less land)   (MEANS 2006 costs and Green Guide)            NPE Prototype
Comments:                                                                     Going out for bid

HEED’s primary analysis component SOLAR-5 is a full-          This handy software is available at no cost from the
annual hourly simulation program, and was mostly              UCLA Department of Architecture and Urban Design,
recently updated in June 2000. It has been validated          either on line by free download, or by contacting
compared to DOE-2 and BLAST using the NREL                    Research Professor Murray Milne [Email:
BESTEST procedure. HEED self-installs on stand alone ]. Note: HEED is represented as a
non-networked MS Windows™ 95/98 and XP operating              BETA release since it is undergoing continuing
systems. An Apple Macintosh OS X version is also              development.
available. Climate data is available for over 500
locations. HEED has also been translated into the             Home Energy Efficient Design Web site:
Spanish language.                                   
PV DesignPro (Solar Design Studio)                              effectively, they thrive on good information with prompt
Previously available as a stand-alone application, PV           turn-around times when questions arise.
DesignPro by Maui Solar Energy Software Corporation is
now part of a design tool suite called Solar Design Studio      Computer tools also provide data sources for program
delivered via CD-ROM. Compatible with recent versions           compliance verification, such as in LEED® for Homes,
of MS Windows® including XP, this tool requires                 NAHB Green, and EnergyStar™. Without such
considerable expertise in solar energy systems design and       information, provided in a manner consistent with sound
analysis to wring out maximum results, but can be used          engineering judgment and environmental principles, it
by a novice since it has embedded help functions.               would be virtually impossible to tell a “green building”
                                                                from one slathered with “green-wash” instead.
Inputs include default values and database entries that can     The next logical step is to include this type of analysis in
be edited and customized. Numerous configurations of            broader design assessment research on how to create truly
panels, connections and wiring strings may be entered,          Carbon-Neutral home designs, and to look at the
along with performance parameters for AC inverters,             associated economics.
power conditioning, battery charging, and grid interfaces.
Numerous climate files are included along with a weather        BIBLIOGRAPHY
file generator to customize for site micro-climates.
                                                                "Solar-Design Tools for Green Building" Special Solar
                                                                Energy & Efficiency Issue, Spring 2007. © Home Energy,
Results available include for example, solar-fraction
                                                                Berkeley, CA
charts; annual and monthly performance details; battery
charge status; and economics estimates based on energy
                                                                “Software Secrets” Column - Quarterly, 2000 - 2005. ©
sold; life-cycle system costs; and rates of return over the
                                                                Home Energy magazine, Berkeley, CA
life of the project based on user editable prices per kWh.
                                                                "Whole Building Design Approaches and Useful Tools
Additional features of the Solar Design Studio include: a       for Implementing Energy Efficiency." (invited)
solar hot water design tool, a climate generator tool,          Energy2001, June 2001. Kansas City, MO. US Dept. of
global insolation database, video tutorial on CD-rom, and       Defense, US Dept. of Energy.
graphing tools for 3-D and I-V-P plotting of results.
Special order variants include larger scale PV systems,         "Your Computer as a Green Building Resource" (Invited
water pumping, and time-of-use rates, along with a              seminar presentation) AIA '99 National Convention,
Spanish version.                                                Dallas, TX. May 1999.

Maui Solar Energy Software Web site:                            "Advances in Passive Solar Design Tools." 1992. In                                Proc. of Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes
                                                                of Buildings V. Proc. DOE/ASHRAE Conference.
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS                                         ASHRAE, Atlanta, GA.
Our research shows that NPE Designed homes are
technically possible, but prior to there being more interest    BIOGRAPHY
by builders and consumers it is apparent that more cost
information is needed                                           Bion Howard via his consulting practice, (dba) Building
                                                                Environmental Science & Tech. (B.E.S.T.) provides technical
Project “green teams” thrive on good input for decision-        assistance and training on green building including energy
                                                                efficiency, indoor environmental quality, and renewable energy
making. It is remarkable that engineers and architects          system implementation in buildings.
produced so many buildings before today’s vast
computation power came onto the scene. Design tool              Bion Howard’s prior service includes the U.S. Environmental
software help designers pick through potential mine-fields      Protection Agency (helped design EnergyStar Homes program);
of completing claims, and the results provide improved          Alliance to Save Energy (Senior Program Manager - Buildings),
information for project teams.                                  and the National Association of Home Builders Research Center
                                                                (Senior Energy Analyst).
One of the most important breakthroughs in the evolution
of sustainable design, whether it is for buildings, sites, or   Member: ASHRAE, ASES (life member), National RESNET
                                                                (serves on Standing Technical Committee for HERS ratings). In
other infrastructure, has been the improved
                                                                the USGBC he serves on LEED Tech. Advisory Group - Energy
interdisciplinary communication and evolution of                and Atmosphere. Education: BA and Masters (Wisconsin –
effective project teams. For these teams to function            Green Bay), environmental studies.

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Net Positive Energy Homes

  • 1. NET POSITIVE ENERGY (NPE) HOMES: MAXIMIZING PERFORMANCE USING ADVANCED SOFTWARE TOOLS Mr. Bion D. Howard, Principal Consultant Building Environmental Science & Technology P.O. Box 2145 Valley Center, CA 92082-2145 USA Email: Web: ABSTRACT We explore the art of the possible in advanced high performance homes, reviewing how builders and designers can be guided towards maximum potential using 21st century software tools to prototype net-positive energy home designs. Also reviewed are case studies of home designs analyzed using the advanced computer software, by the authors’ consulting practice. Included is discussion of features and capabilities of popular software tools: Energy-10TM V1.8 (Author: National Renewable Energy Laboratory); EnergyGauge USATM (Author: Florida Solar Energy Center); and REM- DesignTM (Author: Architectural Energy Corp.) INTRODUCTION As climate change becomes an increasingly important political issue, policymakers and the construction FIGURE 1. community alike are grappling for solutions. How can we make buildings more efficient in reducing their detail. The NPE home is achievable with current designs contribution of atmospheric emissions to our climate- and off-the-shelf technology but does entail increased challenged planet? costs of construction which are being documented. Residential buildings comprise a significant segment of Our hypothesis was: we can use applied building science US atmospheric emissions, particularly of Carbon forms and engineering to help designers come up with homes of pollutions damaging to our climate. According to the that actually provide more energy (in the form of on-site Alliance for Climate Protection (derived from US EPA electric power) back to the grid, hence on average data, 2005) the residential sector contributes 17% of US becoming net producers of energy rather than consumers. greenhouse gas emissions. (FIGURE 1.) So, since the Therefore, at least on the annual operating costs level (and USA contributes nearly 21% of total global emissions. Carbon emissions) the NPE redesigned building, in our This means, energy use at our dwellings create over 3.5% case a single family home, may be termed “net-positive” of total global emissions of CO2. for energy. It is shocking to look at this data and find that US There is no reason this approach – tweaked for the residential buildings alone contribute over 1.12 billion realities of commercial building design – could not be metric tons of CO2 emissions every year. We can do applicable for offices, schools, and retail. Perhaps the something about this, and must. only exception might be hospitals where electric power demand is comparably high, so that on-site renewable Progress towards Zero-Carbon home building has a installation sizing to reach the NPE level may be eclipsed strategic way-point which we have investigated in some by demand.
  • 2. WHAT ARE NPE HOMES? According to the US DOE, Energy Information Agency, To obtain the level of performance we consider (and can 2004 one may expect the following approximate verify through calculations) to be a net- positive energy breakdown of purchased energy costs in a US housing home, several design avenues need to be pursued unit; see FIGURE 2. simultaneously. 1. Sustainable site considerations must be taken into account, including orientation, local vegetation, proximity to adjacent structures, distances to water bodies and roadways. 2. The thermal envelope must be exceptionally energy efficient, including the insulation system, window and door selections, and extensive measures to control air-leakage. Selection of appropriate foundation design and thermal protection is also vital. 3. The architectural design must be responsive to the local climate in order to maximize the benefits of passive solar heating, and natural gains-avoidance and cooling strategies. FIGURE 2. (Source: DOE/EIA 2004) 4. The exterior colors of the buildings surfaces need to be “tuned” to the climate in order to maximize the Our specific targets have evolved around the heating, air- potential for reducing solar driven loads where conditioning, water heating, the refrigerator and necessary. appliances loads – such as dishwasher, laundry units, and 5. Water consumption needs to be reduced to the televisions. In the typical project we see these usages absolute minimum while still maintaining serviceable often account for in excess of 70% of overall purchased levels of consumer satisfaction; particularly the hot energy. Therefore, they become a sizable target of water service system. opportunity to engineer-out waste and excess atmospheric 6. Electric demand needs to be reduced to micro-load pollution emissions. levels by incorporating super-efficient and right sized appliances, and mechanical systems. Source-energy Fortunately there are super efficient products on the analysis is used. market today, thanks in large part to the market 7. On-site consumption of fossil fuel resources must transformation efforts of EAP/DOE EnergyStar similarly be reduced, since in the overall energy programs. Many new appliances provide exceptional “budget” of typical North American homes shows performance while providing consumers with reasonable heating is a big usage. life-cycle investment returns from energy savings. It is important for designers and builders to actively consider In an NPE home, the logical approach is to directly attack installing the most energy efficient appliances in their the biggest pie segments through super-efficiency and products. then apply renewable energy solutions to further reduce the demand; then finally implement cost-effective PV and THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS small-wind energy solutions to overcome the remaining Early intervention in a specific project is absolutely vital billable energy usage. In our assessment, we shoot for a to success. The father along a project becomes the more 10% annual energy “surplus” that the home provides back difficult and costly the design changes appear to be. to grid, usually via net-metering (in jurisdictions where Since elevated investments are considered, and hence it’s permitted). higher first costs will derive from the approach, these methods may not be accepted readily by merchant To achieve NPE “status” the home needs to be net (production) home builders. For now our studies and tech positive on an annual basis. While some months may be support remain, largely the province of architects and above or below the NPE line, the consumer and the design/build firms. environment likely care more about what happens annually and over the long term. This is because when Our approach is fairly simple, and is relatively similar to the consumer thinks about investing in a home their time that used in certified Home Energy Ratings today. horizons are usually 7 to 10 years (typical occupancies) Currently we conduct our assessments in the pre-design and they also look at 30 year, and 15 year fixed phase of the new home design, specification and mortgages. 2
  • 3. construction process. Future work will explore NPE counterpart “reference” homes and would exceed existing homes. EnergyStar Homes criteria by almost 45% (depending on climate and reference code requirements). This has been In general the assessment protocol follows these bullet encouraging, but getting to a Carbon-Neutral home design points: is more complex and more broadly bounded life-cycle assessment problem. • Obtain program information, schematic drawings and building site information. The end result of deploying super-efficient home thermal • Compile necessary climate data, utility and fuel designs using passive solar energy strategies has been the schedules, local cost correction factors. reduction in size and cost of the photovoltaic electric • Develop a “reference home” that complies with local power system needed to tip over the line to annual NPE energy codes, or statewide model codes if no local performance capability. This is not a trivial point. It code is in force. This reference home is similar to validates a key building energy engineering and passive that used in HERS assessments by RESNET solar design axiom around since the early 1980’s, that accredited professional rating providers. “efficiency first” should be a principal rule of thumb. ( • Compile alternate super-efficient building shell COMPUTER ASSISTED DESIGN BENEFITS (envelope) thermal protection package. “Follow the money” – is a statement true in many forms • Compile via iteration, the most effective passive solar of human endeavor. There are no more Darwinian heated variant of the home. economics than those imposed by real-world construction • Re-run the analysis to minimize collateral excess air- projects. Using computer based design tools definitely conditioning demand from the selected passive solar helps foster better overall cost-effectiveness of building heating package; continue to optimize natural heating projects. Imagine trying to make hundreds of different and cooling. calculations of energy savings value, installation cost • Using the “optimal” thermal envelope, passive solar differences, thermal loads and weather variations over and design, and cooling avoidance solutions determined over, all at the same time. Nope, can’t do it without to this point, make preliminary attempt to configure computers! and size a prototype space conditioning solution that is right-sized and reasonable in first cost. Part of the cost-effectiveness equation is improving • Implement a mechanical ventilation solution, performance of the green design strategies selected by the providing adequate fresh air (re-run). designer, by looking at competing options for achieving • Recheck the overall performance of emerging high- desired results. There are often competing options with performance prototype; tweak. different performance claims, some measured and some • Model the home again with a super-efficient estimated by vendors, which need to be considered. appliance and lighting package; tweak. Sustainable design strategies also need to be “optimized” in combination with energy efficiency strategies, that also • Size an appropriate photovoltaic electric system. have cost and savings (value) propositions that exist Consider small-scale wind as needed. without solar devices or techniques being applied. • Prepare report and meet with client team • Respond to comments, and re-run if necessary CASE STUDIES (Actual pre-construction designs By the conclusion of the assessment process generally analyzed for NPE capabilities) described the energy engineer should have a good handle on not only how the home will perform overall, but will Home Design A. (Software: Energy-10™) have addressed interactions – such as between air-leakage In this project we used the recently updated NREL control strategies and sufficiency of fresh air ventilation. Energy-10 model. Energy-10 Version 1.8 (with PV) is an So far in every case we have needed to include an advanced capability tool to help integrate whole building occupant controlled mechanical ventilation system in energy efficiency studies, including photovoltaic (PV) these NPE home prototypes. Otherwise, the air-tightness solar electric power simulations, and solar domestic hot levels required to sufficiently reduce heating and cooling water. These solar features were added to ENERGY-10 costs can not deliver sufficient fresh air via leakage, to be during 2004 – 2006 development cycle lead by software considered healthy. experts at NREL. Since its inception, Energy-10 has provided design support information for small In several cases, the NPE assessment protocol has commercial and residential projects of 10,000 square feet, produced prototype home designs that utilize as little as or less, conditioned floor area. 20% of the projected energy consumption of their 3
  • 4. TABLE 1. NPE PROJECT HOUSE A. Features Location: Baltimore/Washington USA Criteria Size: 1825 SF (reduced from 2380 SF) Energy Efficiency Walls, Roof/ceiling, Foundation R-34 wall (frame) R-49 attic R-19 foundation Windows and Doors Low-E Ar., Fiberglass frames, super-spacer; R-4.2 doors Heating/Cooling/Ventilation Approach Heat Pump SEER17, HSPF >8.6 Lighting and appliances “best in class” ACEEE Guide ‘06 EnergyStar / HERS rating summary HERS (“0”) (prior to implementing PV system) HERS (23) Renewable Energy Passive Solar: increased glazing, thermal Calculated 62% solar mass, and attached sunspace. Included heating fraction significant overhangs omitted in first cut. (ASHRAE) Solar hot water 75% solar fraction Electrical System (PV included) 2.4 kW peak required Water Efficiency Assumed low-flow devices; all hot water Max available effic. taps; relocated wet areas to “stack” Home run PEX piping assumed Estimated 40% water reduction annually Marginal Cost Per Percentage basis: 16.5% Reference home Square-foot (Extra hard $178/SF construction cost, less (MEANS 2006 costs and Green Guide) NPE Prototype land) $207/SF Comments: (Not yet built) Included are many straightforward and user friendly large niche in building construction; the myriad small- capabilities to analyze: highly insulated building commercial structures that historically tended to “fall envelopes; passive solar heating and cooling; natural through the cracks” when it comes to energy and solar ventilation; daylighting applications, high-performance design. windows, efficient electric lighting systems, many types of mechanical equipment options and most recently, solar Energy-10 is cited in the US Green Building Council’s photovoltaic and hot water energy systems. The best LEED®-NC 2.2 Reference Guide section on effective feature of Energy-10 is its ability to create automatically a sustainable low-energy building design. An extensive base-line (reference) building, and then through a write-up on this software is available on line, at: consistent naming process, the user may create a large set of prototype variations to test various design strategies. If carefully done, a useful set of iterative comparisons of Home Design B. (Software: EnergyGauge) different potential strategies on the same building can be EnergyGauge USA is a sophisticated home energy created for analysis. simulation software tool designed specifically for the easy and accurate evaluation of home energy-efficiency. Indeed, with the new capabilities to analyze building- integrated PV systems, Energy-10 is one step closer to We found that upon completing use of the built-in help full realization of its potential. The author hopes that screens, and exploration of the FSEC Support Page for the development of this tool will continue since it serves a software that the tool could be put into full use in about 4
  • 5. TABLE 2. NPE PROJECT HOUSE B. Features Location: Atlanta Metro area, USA Criteria Size: 2650 SF (reduced from 3280 SF) Energy Efficiency Walls, Roof/ceiling, Foundation R-28 wall (frame) Note: SPIS alternate R-42 roof/clg. (SIPS) R-10 slab perimeter, R-5 under slab Windows and Doors Low-E Ar., Fiberglass frames, super-spacer; R-3.2 doors Heating/Cooling/Ventilation Approach Heat Pump SEER16, HSPF >8.3 Lighting and appliances “best in class” ACEEE Guide ‘06 EnergyStar / HERS rating summary HERS (“0”) (prior to implementing PV system) HERS (21) Renewable Energy Passive Solar: increased glazing, thermal Calculated 78% solar mass, and attached sunspace. Included heating fraction (ASHRAE) significant overhangs omitted in first cut. Solar hot water 86% solar fraction Electrical System (PV included) 2.7 kW peak required Water Efficiency Assumed low-flow devices; all hot water Max available effic. taps; relocated wet areas to “stack” Home run PEX piping assumed Estimated 35% water reduction annually Marginal Cost Per Percentage basis: 18.3% Reference home Square-foot (Extra hard $162/SF construction cost, less (MEANS 2006 costs and Green Guide) NPE Prototype land) $192/SF Comments: Out for bids 11/2007 three days, by an experienced energy engineer or HERS making. The EnergyGauge USA complies with all rater. We learned quickly to frequently save when requirements of the International Energy Conservation changing data inputs, because on our PC platform there Code (IECC) for energy code compliance calculations were occasional lock-ups and crashes (program seems to and reporting. It has also been subject to and approved in consume a lot of “resources” on IBM-PC Windows XP national accreditation procedures, and meets all technical Service Pack-2). guidelines, for Home Energy Rating Systems (HERS), including the HERS BESTEST (Building Energy This software provides an hourly simulation design tool Simulation Tool Test, National Renewable Energy Lab) for the design of high-performance homes and the procedures. evaluation of energy use and peak demand impacts of home energy-efficiency improvements. It is capable of EnergyGauge USA capabilities (Edited from source: evaluating both existing and proposed (new) homes. The FSEC Web site) include: software uses the powerful and widely-respected DOE 2.1-E hourly building energy simulation software to Detailed, hourly simulation modeling and reporting using simulate energy use and provides for the combined an FSEC-enhanced version of the widely-respected DOE- evaluation of both the energy use and the economic and 2.1E building energy simulation program. financial impacts of home energy-efficiency decision-
  • 6. Analysis modules include: information becomes available. This is particularly useful to designers that want to incorporate energy efficiency • computation of heating and cooling system part into the project early in the schematic phase, and then load performance improve the details as the project evolves. • prediction of indoor air relative humidity • Coil airflow and system sizing impact on heat REM/Design tool also provides automatic (and editable) pump and air conditioner performance sizing of heating and air-conditioning equipment, and can help determine whether a project complies with numerous • accurate ground contact modeling standards and model codes for both the prescriptive and • attic modeling (including attic ventilation/ performance compliance paths. Solar energy systems can reflective roofing and radiant barriers) be modeled in conjunction with efficiency improvements, • Detailed hourly modeling of duct heat transfer including: sunspaces, photovoltaic solar electric systems, and air leakage and solar water heating. • Whole building heating and cooling system sizing Passive solar design analysis is somewhat limited, and • Energy code compliance in accordance with the users will need to be creative to include high-thermal International Energy Conservation Code mass applications. All the utility rates, component costs, • (IECC) 1998 and IECC 2000 whole-building and default building characteristics inputs may be performance method. customized by expert users, while the novice or • Ideal for evaluation of low energy and Zero intermediate user may remain assured the default data is Energy Building Designs. very representative. We like REM/Design because it is • Hourly prediction of solar electric PV system flexible, powerful, and easy to use for iterative performance. comparison of different combinations. • Hourly prediction of solar hot water heating systems. REM/Design Web site: • Hourly prediction of end-use electrical and gas [ ] energy consumption for evaluation of peak impacts. ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE PACKAGES More information on EnergyGuage USA HEED (Formerly Solar-5 ) SOLAR-5 was incorporated into Home Energy Efficient Home Design C. (Software: REM/Design V12.2 Design (HEED) a more user-friendly version in mid- and REM Rate) 2000. HEED is quite user friendly at all levels of energy- We have been using the Architectural Energy Corporation modeling and solar design expertise. It is so simple to (AEC) REM series programs for efficiency policy start off, that some homeowners have employed the tool research, building design assessment, and HERS ratings to make retrofit decisions on their dwellings. Other users since initial release. Now in its 12th generation, the EEBA include architects, builders, students, energy program Excellence 2000 award-winning REM software provides a managers, weatherization pros, and green building really useful tool for residential designers, remodelers, consultants. project managers, weatherization program managers, and energy professionals. REM/Design calculates heating, It employs a graphic interface to draw a floor plan, and cooling, hot water, lights and appliance loads, then users click and drag various elements like windows consumption and costs. Climate files are included for to selected locations. Default lists of standard wall and about 250 North American cities. It is compatible with roof constructions are available and may be edited. A MS Windows™ PC platforms. simple base-case building can be generated, then subject to further analysis. Advanced users may employ detailed The tool uses a specially configured seasonal adaptation design input options and display output graphics similar of full-annual simulation methods, based on work done by to the original SOLAR-5 tool. HEED expands on the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). SOLAR-5 features including: editable utility rates, new This reduces run-times on PC platforms, while fuel rates for oil and propane, editable air pollution data, maintaining good levels of accuracy. Users can provide attic radiant barriers, operable shading, enhanced thermal specific inputs or use a “Simplified” initial approach to mass algorithms and dealing with previous minor start developing a building model. The user may then software bugs. move all the previous work into a detailed model, as more 6
  • 7. TABLE 3. NPE PROJECT HOUSE C. Features Location: Grand Junction CO, USA Criteria Size: 2125 SF (spec plan book house) Energy Efficiency Walls, Roof/ceiling, Foundation R-36 wall (panels) R-60 attic Note: SIPS alt. bid R-30 shallow cellar (was crawl space) Windows and Doors Low-E Ar., Fiberglass frames, super-spacer; R-4.2 doors Heating/Cooling/Ventilation Approach LP Gas Tankless Boiler N=91 No-AC, possible use of Mini- splits later Lighting and appliances “best in class” ACEEE Guide ‘06 EnergyStar / HERS rating summary HERS (“0”) (prior to implementing PV system) HERS (18) Renewable Energy Passive Solar: increased glazing, high Calculated 86% solar heating thermal mass, and integrated sunroom. fraction (ASHRAE) Significant use shading and wing-walls. Night flush ventilation (high elevation) Solar hot water (Aux = combo system) 100% solar fraction Electrical System (PV included) 1.8 kW peak required Water Efficiency Assumed low-flow devices; Max available effic. all hot water taps micro-flow restrictors; relocated wet areas to “stack” Rainwater catchment system bid Home run PEX piping Estimated 50% water reduction annually Marginal Cost Per Square- Percentage basis: 16.5% Reference home foot (Extra hard $178/SF construction cost, less land) (MEANS 2006 costs and Green Guide) NPE Prototype $207/SF Comments: Going out for bid HEED’s primary analysis component SOLAR-5 is a full- This handy software is available at no cost from the annual hourly simulation program, and was mostly UCLA Department of Architecture and Urban Design, recently updated in June 2000. It has been validated either on line by free download, or by contacting compared to DOE-2 and BLAST using the NREL Research Professor Murray Milne [Email: BESTEST procedure. HEED self-installs on stand alone ]. Note: HEED is represented as a non-networked MS Windows™ 95/98 and XP operating BETA release since it is undergoing continuing systems. An Apple Macintosh OS X version is also development. available. Climate data is available for over 500 locations. HEED has also been translated into the Home Energy Efficient Design Web site: Spanish language.
  • 8. PV DesignPro (Solar Design Studio) effectively, they thrive on good information with prompt Previously available as a stand-alone application, PV turn-around times when questions arise. DesignPro by Maui Solar Energy Software Corporation is now part of a design tool suite called Solar Design Studio Computer tools also provide data sources for program delivered via CD-ROM. Compatible with recent versions compliance verification, such as in LEED® for Homes, of MS Windows® including XP, this tool requires NAHB Green, and EnergyStar™. Without such considerable expertise in solar energy systems design and information, provided in a manner consistent with sound analysis to wring out maximum results, but can be used engineering judgment and environmental principles, it by a novice since it has embedded help functions. would be virtually impossible to tell a “green building” from one slathered with “green-wash” instead. Inputs include default values and database entries that can The next logical step is to include this type of analysis in be edited and customized. Numerous configurations of broader design assessment research on how to create truly panels, connections and wiring strings may be entered, Carbon-Neutral home designs, and to look at the along with performance parameters for AC inverters, associated economics. power conditioning, battery charging, and grid interfaces. Numerous climate files are included along with a weather BIBLIOGRAPHY file generator to customize for site micro-climates. "Solar-Design Tools for Green Building" Special Solar Energy & Efficiency Issue, Spring 2007. © Home Energy, Results available include for example, solar-fraction Berkeley, CA charts; annual and monthly performance details; battery charge status; and economics estimates based on energy “Software Secrets” Column - Quarterly, 2000 - 2005. © sold; life-cycle system costs; and rates of return over the Home Energy magazine, Berkeley, CA life of the project based on user editable prices per kWh. "Whole Building Design Approaches and Useful Tools Additional features of the Solar Design Studio include: a for Implementing Energy Efficiency." (invited) solar hot water design tool, a climate generator tool, Energy2001, June 2001. Kansas City, MO. US Dept. of global insolation database, video tutorial on CD-rom, and Defense, US Dept. of Energy. graphing tools for 3-D and I-V-P plotting of results. Special order variants include larger scale PV systems, "Your Computer as a Green Building Resource" (Invited water pumping, and time-of-use rates, along with a seminar presentation) AIA '99 National Convention, Spanish version. Dallas, TX. May 1999. Maui Solar Energy Software Web site: "Advances in Passive Solar Design Tools." 1992. In Proc. of Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings V. Proc. DOE/ASHRAE Conference. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ASHRAE, Atlanta, GA. Our research shows that NPE Designed homes are technically possible, but prior to there being more interest BIOGRAPHY by builders and consumers it is apparent that more cost information is needed Bion Howard via his consulting practice, (dba) Building Environmental Science & Tech. (B.E.S.T.) provides technical Project “green teams” thrive on good input for decision- assistance and training on green building including energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, and renewable energy making. It is remarkable that engineers and architects system implementation in buildings. produced so many buildings before today’s vast computation power came onto the scene. Design tool Bion Howard’s prior service includes the U.S. Environmental software help designers pick through potential mine-fields Protection Agency (helped design EnergyStar Homes program); of completing claims, and the results provide improved Alliance to Save Energy (Senior Program Manager - Buildings), information for project teams. and the National Association of Home Builders Research Center (Senior Energy Analyst). One of the most important breakthroughs in the evolution of sustainable design, whether it is for buildings, sites, or Member: ASHRAE, ASES (life member), National RESNET (serves on Standing Technical Committee for HERS ratings). In other infrastructure, has been the improved the USGBC he serves on LEED Tech. Advisory Group - Energy interdisciplinary communication and evolution of and Atmosphere. Education: BA and Masters (Wisconsin – effective project teams. For these teams to function Green Bay), environmental studies.