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What are the different types of medicines and natural
remedies ?
এই তারিখে মে ২৯, ২০২২
What are the different types of medicines and natural remedies.. ?
*5.(2).Medicines & remedies: (Top of Current
Medicines are blessing for any lives. Human being are using medicines & remedies to
survive with a good health. Depends on place, person & situation the types of
medicines & remedies are changing. Day to day we are getting new hope to recover
our diseases more faster with more ease & comfort in treatment.
5.(2).(1).Home remedies for minor health complaints_
There are many different types of medicines and natural
remedies, so it can be hard to choose which one works best for you. While there
are benefits to each type, some are more effective than others, so you should
carefully research the various types of medicines and natural remedies before
choosing what’s right for you. In this article, we’ll discuss the different
types of medicines and natural remedies and explain how they can help you deal
with your symptoms naturally. Some may help alleviate short-term
but they won't treat & you need to contact with doctor.
Advice from pharmacists
Taking medicines is a way to recover from sickness. It’s important, therefore, to
understand how your body reacts with different types of medical remedies. Your
pharmacists provide you with great advice about how your body reacts with specific
medications. They can tell you more about what might work best for you, as well as
guide you in making your choice based on many factors like if you have allergies or
other conditions that may affect treatment.
The Value of Natural Remedies
While many people continue to turn to modern medicines for recovery, others prefer
natural remedies like herbs. Herbs can be extremely effective, but it’s important to
know what you’re getting into before trying them out. First and foremost, it’s
essential to understand that herbal remedies can have adverse side effects just like
traditional medicines do. And because they aren’t regulated by most government
entities, their ingredients may vary from batch to batch.
The value of taking vitamins
Research shows that taking vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients—particularly
during times of stress or when not getting enough in your diet—can help you cope
with life’s ups and downs. Here are some examples: Taking a multivitamin can boost
your immune system. A new study found that postmenopausal women who took
daily multivitamins had fewer infections over time than those who didn’t take one.
Alternatives to pills
Pills can have unwanted side effects, but there are plenty of natural remedies you can
use instead. If you’re feeling sick, here’s what you should try instead
Over-the-counter drugs versus prescription drugs
Some medications can be bought over-the-counter (OTC) from drugstores, grocery
stores, or online. These include acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil), aspirin,
or allergy medicine. When you need to buy a medication that has been prescribed by
your doctor, you’ll have to head to a pharmacy where you’ll need to present a
Herbal supplements versus over-the-counter drugs
Herbal supplements like St. John’s Wort are prescribed for depression, but they also
have side effects such as irritability, restlessness, anxiety, dizziness and nausea.
Studies show that antidepressants work better than herbal supplements for mild to
moderate cases of depression—and some experts believe that although natural
remedies might seem safer than medication, they may not be as effective or safe.
Vitamins versus herbal supplements
Many people use both vitamins and herbal supplements as alternative ways to
recover from sickness, or maintain good health. But while they’re closely related,
they also have distinct differences. Vitamins are essential to a healthy lifestyle;
they’re made by our bodies but can be taken in supplement form when we don’t
receive enough through diet alone. Herbal supplements, on the other hand, act like
medicines—they contain properties that can help relieve certain symptoms like fever
or soreness.
5.(2).(1).(1).Teas: There are countless ways to recover from sickness. But if you’re
looking for a fast-acting way to stop symptoms like nausea, headaches, or joint pain,
you can always brew up a strong cup of tea. Herbal teas—which can be purchased at
almost any natural food store—are easy to prepare, affordable, and packed with
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids—and other beneficial nutrients that
support your health.
5.(2).(1).(2).Wet packs: You can heat up a wet pack to provide some warmth, but
keep in mind that it will be cold when it’s on your skin. This is not recommended for
those with decreased sensation, because they may not realize that it’s too cold.
Additionally, do not apply wet packs directly to skin, as they can cause burns.
5.(2).(1).(3).Foodstuffs: The single most efficient way to recover from a sickness
is good, old-fashioned food. Eat what you’re craving and let your body heal itself. Be
sure to eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes to speed up
recovery time. Try eating some ginger or a pickle too—these foods have proven
effective in speeding up healing times.
5.(2).(1).(4).Skin applications: Some types of skin applications include lotions,
salves, creams, ointments and oils. Be sure to talk with your doctor before using any
product that has not been approved by a physician. It is possible that these remedies
will help you recover faster than if you had done nothing at all, but it is also possible
that some ingredients may do more harm than good for your particular body
5.(2).(1).(5).Baths: Taking a bath is one of my favorite ways to recover from
sickness. I always think about all that blood coursing through my veins, bringing
oxygen to my brain. What better way to return it to its normal flow than by
submerging myself in warm water? The water removes toxins from your body as well,
further assisting with recovery. So for an all-around effective way to recover from
sickness, try a nice hot bath with some eucalyptus oil or lavender.
5.(2).(2).About Medicines_
5.(2).(2).(1).Tablets: One of the most common types of medicine is a tablet. Some
tablets contain small amounts of water-soluble substances, like aspirin, ibuprofen or
paracetamol, which dissolve in your stomach after you swallow them. Other tablets
may contain oils or powders which do not dissolve until they reach their destination
further down in your digestive system. These include omega-3 fish oil capsules and
iron supplements.
5.(2).(2).(2).liquids( swallowed): Liquids act faster in your body than pills.
When you swallow a pill, it first has to go through your stomach then your intestines.
A liquid medicine or herbal supplement goes directly into your bloodstream, so you
feel its effects more quickly.
5.(2).(2).(3).Drops ( put into ears or eyes): Just like ointments, eye drops and
ear drops are used to treat pain or infections in those areas. However, these types of
medicine aren’t absorbed through your skin, so they tend to be easier to
administer—and more effective than creams. For instance, while some people can
use over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to relieve skin irritation from insect bites
(like from mosquitoes), others should see a doctor for a prescription steroid cream
5.(2).(2).(4).Injections: First developed in ancient Greece, injections are still one
of today’s most effective medical treatment options. Because they travel directly into
a person’s bloodstream, injections have immediate results; that means patients can
see improvement faster than with other treatments. For example, people struggling
with nausea from chemotherapy often take anti-nausea injections rather than relying
on pills or patches that enter their systems more slowly.
5.(2).(2).(5).Creams, gels, or ointments (rubbed onto the skin): Creams
and gels are two different types of topical remedies. A gel usually goes on clear and it
leaves a sticky feeling that can be uncomfortable. Creams, on the other hand, often go
on thicker than gels, which makes them more popular for those who have sensitive
skin. Ointments are similar to creams, but they’re sometimes used in place of
bandages to treat wounds that need protection from outside elements. These types of
medical remedies often work by stopping inflammation or reducing pain.
5.(2).(2).(6).Inhalers (as like nasal sprays or asthma inhalers): A medicine
or substance that is inhaled. Inhalers can be used to treat allergies, asthma, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and other
5.(2).(2).(7).Patches that are stuck to skin ( transdermal patches): Patches
that contain medicine go directly into your bloodstream through your skin, which is
called transdermal delivery. Examples include nicotine patches (for people trying to
quit smoking) and pain patches that contain fentanyl.
5.(2).(3).Types of Medicines_
5.(2).(3).(1).Call to Health Care : Do you have a persistent health condition that
doesn’t seem to go away? Are you confused about which natural remedies you should
try first? When your doctor prescribes a medicine, do you wonder what other types of
medications might work better for your particular health challenge? Take charge of
your health care by learning more about what’s available in both medical care and
natural remedies.
5.(2).(3).(2).Existing Medicines information to share with doctor : If
you’re ill, visit your physician to get information about medications that can treat
what ails you. If those over-the-counter meds don’t help, it may be time to turn to
prescription medicines. If these still aren’t doing their job, maybe it’s time for other
types of remedies.
5.(2).(3).(3).Tell doctor about the Changes of your Lifestyle : It is best to let
your doctor know about any changes you make to your lifestyle, whether it’s a change
in diet or a new activity. When you go to see them for your annual physical, there will
be some questions that are asked as well. This helps them find ways to keep you
healthy and recover from sickness faster with medicines or natural remedies. There
can be many different types of medicines or natural remedies depending on what
illnesses you’re trying to treat.
5.(2).(3).(4).Take clarification from Doctor's to be cure: Your doctor is a
great source for any kind of medical advice. If you need to know what you can do to
recover, talk to them. They'll likely suggest something like just rest or get some sleep.
But if that doesn't work, they might be able to offer some advice on alternative
5.(2).(3).(5).Most Important things to finalize yourself: We can never fully
recover from sickness. What we can do is take measures to ease our symptoms. Find
out what different types of medical remedies there are, including natural remedies,
prescription medicines, home remedies and more.
5.(2).(4).Medicines information to know commonly_
5.(2).(4).(1).Medicines can buy without prescription in urgency:
Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can be bought without a prescription in an
emergency, but it’s important to know that you should not take them more than
twice. Tylenol is one example; painkillers containing codeine such as Nurofen Plus
also fall into this category. Be sure to read the label on over-the-counter medicines
before buying them.
5.(2).(4).(2).Licensed medicines: Not all medicines need a prescription; in fact,
there’s a large variety of licensed medicines that you can buy over-the-counter (OTC)
at your local pharmacy. Many people prefer OTC medication because they don’t want
to visit their doctor just for cold or flu, or get vaccinated. Most types of pain relievers,
like aspirin and ibuprofen, fall into these categories.
5.(2).(4).(3).Clinical trials: A clinical trial is a research study that tests a new
medication or treatment in people. Clinical trials provide important information
about whether new medicines work to improve health. Depending on what condition
is being studied, they may also offer insight into how best to use these medicines to
maximum benefit. All clinical trials follow a strict protocol created by researchers
based on results from animal studies and earlier human studies.
5.(2).(4).(4).Unlicensed medicines; Many companies sell supplements that
they claim can help prevent, treat, or cure a disease. These products are often
marketed as treatments for diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, and aging—and they can be sold without prescription. In reality,
however, these products aren’t medicines at all—they’re generally vitamins and
minerals found in dietary supplements. If you think you might have a medical
problem, talk to your doctor before using any dietary supplement or alternative
5.(2).(4).(5).Safety of medicines: The most common side effects of ibuprofen
include: nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, headaches, tiredness. Other less common
side effects may occur. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effect that
bothers you or that does not go away. The medicine in Advil Tablets can affect blood
5.(2).(4).(6).Risks & effects of Taking Multiple Medicines : If you are
suffering from an illness and taking prescription drugs, it’s important to discuss any
other medical conditions with your doctor. Your doctor will be able to advise you
whether it is safe for you to take more than one medicine at a time. In some cases, if
you take multiple medicines that have similar effects on your body they can counter
each other causing serious side effects.
5.(2).(4).(7).Side effects of medicines: When taking a medication, you’ll always
want to know whether it comes with any side effects. For minor ailments, like a cold
or even flu, there may not be anything to worry about. However, if you’re taking
medications for more serious conditions like diabetes or depression, side effects can
become more prominent. If you do experience some side effects from your
medications, contact your doctor immediately so that they can help determine if an
adjustment in dosage is necessary.
5.(2).(4).(8).Buying online: If you’re buying medicine for a personal use, odds
are you can find it at an online source. It’s simple to buy medicine online, but make
sure to buy from reputable websites (look for online pharmacies accredited by
LegitScript), read reviews, and follow all instructions. If you do so, your medicine
should be shipped with no problems. If you’re going to purchase medications
regularly or if you have specific health needs, it might be wise to consult with a
healthcare professional.
5.(2).(4).(9).Re-check & be confirm before Taking Medicines: There are
many different types of medicines and natural remedies out there. The following is a
list that describes some of them and you must need to get clarification before taking
5.(2).(5).Regular Illnesses_
5.(2).(5).(1).Allergies: Being allergic to something can be a life-threatening
scenario. An allergy is an immune system response to a foreign body. When someone
with allergies breathes in or eats something that triggers his or her allergies, his or
her immune system recognizes that object as being harmful and mounts an attack
against it. The body will then produce IgE antibodies, which target cells in our body
that have come into contact with an allergen and cause damage by leaking chemicals
into them.
5.(2).(5).(2).Colds and Flu: It’s important to understand that there’s no quick fix
for colds or flu. The only way to recover from a sickness is to fight it head on—which
means taking medicines, drinking fluids, eating healthy foods, resting as much as
possible, and more.
5.(2).(5).(3).Conjunctivitis: The terms conjunctivitis or pink eye refers to an
inflammation of either one or both of your eyelids. Conjunctivitis can lead to blurry
vision, and may require medication or natural remedies if not taken care of quickly.
If left untreated, it can even lead to permanent vision loss. Treatments include
over-the-counter eye drops, but if they’re not working within a day or two you should
seek medical treatment as well. Don’t delay!
5.(2).(5).(4).Diarrhea: If you’re dealing with a case of diarrhea, your body is
losing more fluids than it’s taking in. For these cases, replenishing those fluids can
sometimes be as simple as making sure you drink lots of water—but sometimes,
depending on what bacteria or virus is causing your symptoms, only certain types of
fluids (and no solids) will be tolerated. In these cases, don’t force yourself to eat or
drink anything; let your body tell you what to do.
5.(2).(5).(5).Headaches: There are many different types of medicines used to
treat headaches, from over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen to prescription
analgesics such as Tylenol with codeine. Some people prefer natural remedies, such
as rest or homeopathic solutions, but there is no one size fits all cure for headaches.
Consult a doctor if you suffer from frequent and severe headaches.
5.(2).(5).(6).Mononucleosis: Mono—or mononucleosis—is a virus that’s
transmitted by saliva or mucus. It's caused by infection with a type of herpes virus
known as Epstein-Barr (EBV). Mono can result in fatigue, sore throat, muscle pain,
headaches, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, low-grade fever, rash and extreme
exhaustion. When mono isn't caused by EBV it's called monocytic leukemia.
5.(2).(5).(7).Stomach Aches: The primary treatment for stomach aches is
over-the-counter pain relief, in a tablet or liquid form. If you can identify what’s
causing your pain—whether it’s related to stress, diet, or some other cause—you
might be able to fix it yourself with self-care methods. For example, if you have
heartburn because you drank a bottle of wine last night but still feel sore from stress
today, try calming your nerves by going for a run or taking deep breaths.
5.(2).(6).World’s most popular herbal medicines_
(***)Honey: There’s some evidence to suggest that honey can relieve symptoms of
seasonal allergies, including nasal congestion. You can also try taking a tablespoon
daily to prevent colds and boost your immune system. In fact, two studies from 2012
found that honey was just as effective at suppressing coughs as
dextromethorphan—the active ingredient in most cough syrups. (Here are six more
natural remedies for cough.)
(***)Black Cumin: This super herb boasts potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
antimicrobial, antifungal, and even cancer-fighting properties. Plus, it’s tasty to boot!
It’s most commonly consumed as a part of chai tea blends but can also be enjoyed in
your morning eggs or added to baked goods.
5.(2).(6).(1).Echinacea: Used since ancient times, echinacea is believed to be an
immune system stimulator. It was a Native American tradition to use echinacea tea
as a cold remedy. Several randomized, double-blind studies have found that
Echinacea supplementation may speed healing in people with acute respiratory
infections like colds.
5.(2).(6).(2).Elderberry: The theory behind elderberry is that it contains
antioxidants and helps fight viruses, which can lead to colds. It’s important to note
that while antioxidants help fight cancer, they have not been proven to effectively
cure colds. If you’re looking for a home remedy for colds, consider getting extra rest
and drinking lots of fluids.
5.(2).(6).(3).Ginger: While ginger isn’t going to cure a bad cold, it can still help
ease symptoms. It’s most effective when eaten raw. Mix in a little bit of honey for
extra sweetening if you want. Ginger can also be used topically—simply chew on a
small piece of ginger or rub some paste on your chest for relief from coughs and sore
5.(2).(6).(4).Ginkgo biloba: a remedy from antiquity, Ginkgo biloba may reduce
symptoms of depression by improving blood flow to regions in our brain that control
mood. There’s some evidence that it may also help relieve stress, improve memory
function and boost attention span. If you suffer from a mental disorder characterized
by low energy or attention span, give Ginkgo biloba a try—it has few side effects.
Researchers say they found Ginkgo is as effective at treating these conditions as
antidepressants like Prozac.
5.(2).(6).(5).Ginseng: According to Dr. Axe, ginseng is a type of herb that grows
in China. Known for having anti-inflammatory properties, ginseng is one of many
herbs that can help your body recover from sickness. One study found that taking 2
grams per day could be beneficial for those with arthritis. However, you should
always speak with your doctor before beginning a new course of action.
5.(2).(6).(6).St: The most common ways to recover from sickness include resting,
taking over-the-counter medications and natural remedies, eating healthy foods,
drinking water, etc. As a way to get started on what kinds of medicine you should be
using, let’s look at some different types
5.(2).(6).(7).Turmeric: Research has found that curcumin, an active ingredient in
turmeric, can suppress your body’s inflammatory response and reduce joint pain
associated with arthritis. Try adding it to soups or other dishes.
5.(2).(6).(8).Valerian: An herb that grows in temperate zones all over Europe,
Asia, and North America, valerian is used to treat restlessness caused by nervousness
or anxiety. (In other words, it helps you chill out.) It’s also been found to have a
positive effect on patients with insomnia. (It doesn’t hurt that its roots smell like
dirty socks.) It can be taken as a tincture—valerian root steeped in alcohol—or used
in pill form.
5.(2).(7).Abbreviations for Prescriptions_
You must need to re-check with your doctor before taking any drugs if
raise any confusion.
A.C. _Before meals:
B.i.d. _Twice a day:
H.S. _At bedtime:
P.C. _After meals:
P.O. _ By mouth:
P.r.n. _As needed:
Q.D. _ Every day:
Q.i.d. _ Four times a day:
T.i.d. _Three times a day:
লোকেশন: নর্থ ক্যারোলাইনা, মার্কি ন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র
What are the different types of medical equipment?
এই তারিখে মে ২৯, ২০২২
What are the different types of medical equipment..?
*5.(3).Medical equipment's: (Top of
Current page)
Modern science working without rest to develop and introduce new equipment's for
our healthy life. Modern technology & medical devices are developing new hope in
critical treatment.
Looking for the right medical equipment to suit your needs? It can be difficult to
figure out what type of equipment you need and where to find it, but it’s important to
make sure you have the right equipment so you can effectively care for your patients
or clients and enjoy your job. Here are some of the most common types of medical
equipment used in hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices, and other healthcare facilities.
Mobility Aids
Several types of medical devices fall under the category of mobility aids. These range
from canes to walkers to wheelchairs and more. Patients can opt for lightweight and
portable devices or heavy-duty equipment that’s durable enough to handle a lifetime.
No matter what, you should always consult with your doctor before using any
mobility aid. They can guide you toward the best device based on your specific needs,
health conditions, and physical abilities.
Home Health
Although patients can continue to recover at home, some have specific needs that
require specialized medical equipment. As a result, in-home health care services
provide additional support for people who need to stay at home but require physical
therapy or breathing devices. There are several types of medical devices used by
in-home healthcare workers to help their patients get back on their feet and remain
Today, you can purchase many different types of wheelchairs, ranging from full-sized
to lightweight active chairs. Full-sized wheelchairs offer a lot more support than
lightweight versions and they tend to be less expensive, too. On average, they cost
between $150 and $450 new; you can expect to pay closer to $200 for a high-quality
Respiratory Aids
Several types of medical devices help with respiratory ailments. These include oxygen
masks, respirators, and ventilators. Respiratory aids provide breathing assistance to
those who have trouble breathing without assistance. An oxygen mask is worn over a
person’s mouth or nose in order to deliver an adequate amount of oxygen into his or
her lungs.
Diabetes & Glucose Management Aids
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that keeps your body from producing
insulin, which is needed to turn food into energy. Diabetes can be managed with a
combination of diet, exercise and medications. Type 2 diabetes is caused by many
things, including obesity and genetics. Treatment for type 2 includes diet, exercise
and possibly medication as well as medication known as metformin.
Incontinence Care
Incontinence can be an embarrassing problem. It’s not something you want to
discuss with friends, family or co-workers. Fortunately, there is medical equipment
to help people who suffer from incontinence regain their confidence and lead a
normal life. The three main types of incontinence care products include adult
diapers, protective underwear and pads.
Patient Lifts & Electric Hospital Beds
Most people associate hospital beds with older folks, but in reality, all kinds of
patients need to be lifted or moved for all sorts of reasons. That’s why there’s such a
wide variety of medical lifts and electric hospital beds available. There are quite a few
different varieties to choose from depending on your patient’s needs, and you should
really think about how your patient will be using it before you make a purchase.
Hospital Furniture Section
In a medical setting, equipment isn’t just made to help in diagnosis or treatment; it’s
also meant to make patients feel at ease. From traditional dental chairs and hospital
beds to special exam tables and advanced technology-based equipment, different
types of medical equipments worldwide provide comfort for all kinds of procedures.
You can learn more about specific types of furniture for hospitals on our web page.
Hospital IT Services
Information technology offers many different types of medical equipment to aid with
health care. From simple things like thermometers and blood pressure cuffs to more
complex equipment, like CT scanners and MRI machines, every type of hospital
provides equipment that aids in diagnosis and treatment. If you have a loved one in a
hospital, it’s important to know what kind of equipment is available so you can better
understand their situation. This is also true if you work in a hospital setting or want
to get into healthcare as a career.
Hospital Supply Stores
Hospitals are classified into general, specialty, and critical access hospitals. General
hospitals can be further broken down into community, suburban, rural district and
university. Specialty hospitals include children’s hospital and psychiatric units in
many areas. Critical access hospitals provide basic services to a small area that
doesn’t have enough patients to maintain a full-service hospital.
5.(3).(1).The Different Types of Medical Equipment and Hospital
There are many different types of medical equipment and instruments used in
healthcare facilities around the world to aid physicians in the diagnosis and
treatment of their patients. From MRIs and CT scans to respirators and EKGs, these
machines and devices make it possible to treat patients quickly and effectively, saving
lives on a daily basis. Here are just some of the most common types of medical
equipment used in both clinical and home settings today.
Types of medical equipment are used in hospitals, health clinics and private practices
to assist in treatment and diagnosis of diseases and injuries. The equipment varies by
institution and often by specialty within medicine (e.g., obstetrics vs neurosurgery).
Examples of medical equipment include endoscopes, ophthalmic instruments,
surgical instruments, resuscitation equipment, patient monitors, anesthesia
machines, X-ray machines, cardiology equipment, and medical imaging devices such
as CT scanners. Although the medical field covers all these types of equipment, they
are not all necessarily used in every setting.
Insulin syringes
These are used for giving insulin injections. Some diabetics may use an insulin pen,
which is a disposable device that looks like a large pen and includes several chambers
where different doses of insulin can be stored. The user injects them into their body
as needed. You should never share needles or pens with another person, even if they
also have diabetes. This can result in transmission of infections and viruses like
hepatitis B and C, which increase your risk for cirrhosis, liver cancer, and end-stage
liver disease.
Nebulizer syringes
Syringes for nebulizers may look like a typical hypodermic needle, but they're
actually different. Nebulizer syringes make it easier to inhale or administer a drug or
compound directly into your lungs. This type of medical equipment is used when
your doctor prescribes one and can be especially helpful for treating cystic fibrosis.
Bottle Feeding Supplies
There are several types of medical instruments that can aid in bottle feeding. A
special formula can be purchased to mix with breast milk or a woman’s own milk.
Baby bottles, nipples, and pacifiers (for sucking) can also be found at a pharmacy or
department store.
Breast Pumps
A breast pump is a device designed to remove milk from a woman’s breasts, which
enables her to feed her baby without being present. There are several types of breast
pumps on the market, including manual and electric versions that allow for single or
double pumping. If you’re new to nursing or returning to work after giving birth, it’s
helpful to learn about these different types before investing in one. For instance, you
may want an electric pump if you plan on bottle-feeding regularly.
Neonatal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Supplies
CPAP is an effective treatment for newborn babies who suffer from respiratory
distress syndrome. It’s also great for preventing SIDS (Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome). Babies in neonatal intensive care units often use CPAP, so it’s good to
familiarize yourself with some of its common supplies and what they do. The picture
below depicts several types of medical devices used by NICUs and their purposes.
Urine Collectors, Incontinence Products and Urinary Drainage Bags
If you’re in search of a quality urine collector or urinary drainage bag, simply contact
Urine Collectors Inc. We offer high-quality products, fast delivery and responsive
customer service at all times. Find out how we can help you.
Urinary Catheters, Bed Pans, Urinals and Enemas
These medical devices come in a variety of styles and sizes, but they all serve one
basic purpose: helping patients go to bathroom. Urinary catheters, for example, help
men and women urinate. Bed pans are generally used by patients who can’t get out of
bed to relieve themselves; some have handles so that others can help them with
them. Enemas do just what their name suggests: They clean out a patient’s colon
using water or other fluids.
IV Supplies & IV Sets
IV therapy is one of most common types of medical treatment for administering
medications and fluids directly into a vein. IV supplies and IV sets can be grouped
into three different categories: over-the-needle catheters, filter sets, and extension
sets. Here’s what you need to know about each type.
IV Pump Supplies & Accessories
An IV pump supplies your body with a steady stream of intravenous fluids when
you’re unable to eat or drink normally. It’s an essential tool for patients suffering
from conditions like congestive heart failure, cancer, kidney disease and burn injury.
Over time, however, it can become damaged if exposed to heat or cold—an especially
concerning problem in areas where there’s extreme temperature fluctuation.
Bag Connectors and Adapters
There are several types of medical equipment bag connectors and adapters. One type
is actually a cable with pins on each end that attaches to an EKG machine or other
piece of medical equipment, then connects to an electrical outlet or other power
source. Another type is a connector that allows you to operate some medical
equipment through another piece of hardware or software. Some different types are
necessary for specific uses and can be ordered separately; others come included with
other medical equipment purchases.
Injection port systems and supplies
An injection port system consists of a reservoir and one or more injection ports. A
syringe is connected to an injection port, which is implanted under your skin in order
to make injections as easy as possible. There are several types of these systems on the
market. Each has its own unique set of benefits, though they all share some similar
features. Depending on your medical needs, you may want to consider different
features when choosing an injection port system.
Patient Monitors, Alarms & Accessories
While there are several types of medical equipment, some tools have wide-ranging
uses. When monitoring patients in hospitals or nursing homes, it’s important to have
a high level of accuracy and fast response times—that’s where patient monitors come
in. Patient monitors track heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and other vital
signs. They can also be used as an alarm system to alert medical staff if a patient’s
vitals spike unexpectedly.
Oxygen Concentrators and Supplies
Oxygen concentrators, also known as oxygen machines or pods, do exactly what their
name suggests—concentrate oxygen. These devices include an exhaust tube attached
to a face mask, which you wear and breathe in through. If you're on a hospital visit
and need supplemental oxygen, an oxygen concentrator is probably what your doctor
will prescribe for you.
5.(3).(1).(1).Acute Care: When a medical device is used in an acute setting, it
usually means that its usage will be temporary. Examples include things like IVs and
ventilators, as well as other devices that help stabilize patients in emergency rooms
or intensive care units (ICUs). Many times these devices will be used for patient
monitoring and to help keep patients alive until they can safely move on to another
location for further treatment.
5.(3).(1).(2).Electronic : Some medical equipment utilizes electricity.
Pacemakers, defibrillators, and EEGs (electroencephalography) devices fall into this
category. These types of medical equipment help monitor body functions and
diagnose problems. For example, an electrocardiogram machine (ECG) is used to
assess heart function.
5.(3).(1).(3).Durable : Not all medical equipment is disposable—in fact, some of
it’s incredibly durable. Non-disposable (or durable) medical equipment can be used
on several patients before being thrown away. Some examples of durable medical
equipment include wheelchairs, walkers, and specialized hospital beds. These devices
must be cleaned thoroughly between each use and require regular maintenance to
ensure they continue to operate effectively for years at a time.
5.(3).(1).(4).Diagnostic: These devices and equipment are used to identify what’s
causing a patient’s illness. Diagnostic tools include X-ray machines, MRIs and
ultrasound machines. Physicians use these instruments to help determine what kind
of treatment a patient needs in order to get better.
5.(3).(1).(5).Procedural : The equipment and tools used in a medical procedure.
Examples include: surgical instruments, an electrocardiogram machine (EKG), and
anesthesia equipment.
5.(3).(1).(6).Surgical : These tools and instruments are used in an operating room
setting by a surgeon to handle various operations. Included in these types of medical
equipment would be laparoscopic surgery instruments, ultrasound imaging devices,
diagnostic machines and even hospital beds.
5.(3).(1).(7).Storage and Transport : The medical equipment has to be
maintained in proper conditions and transported carefully. The medical equipment
should be stored in a cool, dry area. Besides normal transport, they also have to be
handled with care while being carried up and down stairs, along narrow passageways
or down narrow hallways. Some of these equipments cannot go through some types
of elevators such as freight elevators or dumbwaiters.
5.(3).(2).Other medical devices & equipment’s_
5.(3).(2).(1).AMBU emergency case: There are several types of medical devices.
Some have been in existence for hundreds and even thousands of years, while others
have just been developed in recent decades. To help you understand better, here’s a
look at several types of medical devices. First, let’s start with airway management
devices. These help keep airways open, allowing patients to breathe normally or in
some cases using ventilators to help support breathing.
5.(3).(2).(2).Anesthesia Machines: These large, complex machines, housed in
special clean rooms and outfitted with advanced filtration systems to protect against
airborne pathogens and contaminants, produce a range of gases that allow patients
to breathe comfortably during surgery. Although anesthesia machines aren’t
sophisticated or groundbreaking technologies (most hospitals date back to before
World War II), they perform an essential role in modern health care.
5.(3).(2).(3).Anesthesia trolley: An anesthesia trolley is a piece of medical
equipment used in hospitals and other medical facilities. Also known as an operating
table, they’re used to hold and move patients around during surgery. They feature
retractable wheels or casters that can make them mobile, along with handles for easy
movement around a room. In some cases, features like fluid pumps and defibrillators
may be attached to or built into an anesthesia trolley for added convenience.
5.(3).(2).(4).Arthroscope: Arthroscopy is a medical procedure that uses an
arthroscope, an endoscope, or a laparoscope inserted into a joint to view and treat
injuries inside a joint. Arthroscopy is used to examine and/or treat problems with
joints (such as knee and shoulder) that don’t need surgery. For example, it may be
used in place of open surgery for small meniscus tears or osteoarthritis.
5.(3).(2).(5).Autoclave: An autoclave is a device used to sterilize surgical
instruments and tools through exposure to pressurized steam. This piece of medical
equipment can be used on its own or in combination with an operating room suite,
including anesthetic gas management systems, surgical suction equipment,
mechanical ventilators and other devices. Autoclaves come in a variety of shapes and
sizes for use in different types of procedures, including surgeries performed under
general anesthesia, local anesthesia, minimal sedation or conscious sedation.
5.(3).(2).(6).Bacteriological light: One type of medical device that you might
not know much about is a bacteriological light. These lamps use ultraviolet (UV)
radiation to sterilize medical equipment and other areas. UV light can be used in
hospitals, clinics, and doctors’ offices to keep pathogens out of sterile environments
and minimize cross-contamination. Bacteriologic light fixtures typically contain long
wave UV tubes that kill microorganisms.
5.(3).(2).(7).Bedpan: A bedpan is a type of medical equipment used as a
receptacle for human waste. You’ve seen them before, since they’re generally located
near beds in hospitals, but they’re actually used by anyone who can’t easily use a
toilet and needs help with waste management. This includes people with severe
arthritis or certain types of paralysis that make sitting difficult or impossible.
Bedpans should be emptied into toilets and disposed in septic tanks like any other
kind of medical waste.
5.(3).(2).(8).Blanket and Fluid Warmers: If your doctor recommends you
keep your bed at a certain temperature, you’ll need a blanket and/or fluid warmer.
Blanket warmers are often heated by an electrical heating element or circulating fluid
in plastic tubing, while fluid warmers use glass vials that contain a gel for heat
retention. Both can help ease pain, relax muscles and promote faster healing. Fluid
warmers also provide warmth to intravenous fluids administered during surgery and
hospice care.
5.(3).(2).(9).Cannula : A cannula is a thin, plastic tube that is inserted into a
vein to administer medication. A cannula is often used in hospitals and other medical
settings, where it can be attached to an intravenous fluid bag. In emergency
situations, one may be inserted into an artery instead to administer drugs like
epinephrine (adrenaline).
5.(3).(2).(10).Cardiotocograph: There are several types of medical instruments
available and a doctor will rely on these tools to detect and measure problems. One
type of medical instrument is a cardiotocograph, also called an electronic fetal
monitor or EFM. This monitoring tool is attached to a pregnant woman’s abdomen to
detect any abnormalities in her baby’s heartbeat or movements. The results of an
EFM can help determine if there are any potential birth defects or other health
5.(3).(2).(11).Cardioverter / Defibrillator : Also known as a
cardioverter-defibrillator (or C.V.D.), these devices monitor your heart rate, and if an
irregular heartbeat is detected, it delivers a shock to restore a normal rhythm.
They’re often implanted in patients with severe cardiac arrhythmias that may cause
sudden death.
5.(3).(2).(12).Carry bag: So, you have no idea what type of medical equipment to
buy for your loved one. Well, not a problem since there is actually a wide variety of
different types of medical instruments in India and around the world. If you’re
looking for something compact, efficient and affordable then read on to find out
more about their types. Some equipment might be so advanced that they need to be
delivered directly from an authorized dealer while some you can easily purchase
5.(3).(2).(13).Catheter : A catheter is a small, flexible tube that can be inserted
into different areas of your body to drain excess fluid or administer medication.
Catheters are used in a variety of medical procedures, including dialysis, kidney
transplantation and chemotherapy. There are many types of catheters made from
several different materials, so it’s important to get familiar with what type would
work best for you. Read more here.
5.(3).(2).(14).Centrifuge: An instrument used to separate particles from a liquid
or solid suspension by applying centrifugal force. What type of medical equipment is
it? A centrifuge is an instrument used to separate particles from a liquid or solid
suspension by applying centrifugal force. It has several medical uses, such as
separating blood samples and bone marrow samples for lab testing. Not sure which
one you have or if you even need one? Check out our buying guide.
5.(3).(2).(15).Chemistry Analyzer: A chemistry analyzer is a laboratory
instrument that measures chemical compounds and samples. Analyzers can be as
simple as an acid-base indicator, or as complicated as an apparatus used in gas
chromatography. Some analyzers, such as spectrophotometers, require sample
preparation. These instruments analyze samples using a variety of methods; for
example: titration, spectrometry and microscopy.
5.(3).(2).(16).Coagulometer: The Coagulometer is one type of medical
equipment that measures coagulation. Coagulation is a chemical process that allows
blood to bind together so it can clot and stop bleeding. Coagulometers measure
clotting ability by running a sample through a tube, adding an agent that prevents
clotting, then counting how long it takes for clotting to occur.
5.(3).(2).(17).Coronarography/Angiography system: The coronary
angiography/coronarography system is used for investigating and treating certain
cardiovascular disorders. The system usually consists of an injection system, a
catheter, a video recorder and monitor, and a console that controls all aspects of
procedure. Coronary angiography involves the injection of contrast material into a
blood vessel supplying heart muscle to enable an imaging study (angiogram) to be
5.(3).(2).(18).Couch, Gynecology: A couch is a medical device used in
gynecology, obstetrics and urology to support patients during treatment. These kinds
of couches often feature stirrups for comfort and safety. A more specific term for
these kinds of couches include lithotomy couches or gynecological chairs. These
devices may also be known as gyno furniture, examination tables or delivery beds.
5.(3).(2).(19).Crocodile Forceps: This type of medical device is designed for
grasping slippery or delicate organs and tissues, with its shape resembling that of a
crocodile’s jaws. The crocodile forceps comes in varying sizes, depending on what it’s
meant to grab. Larger, fixed-width versions are used to grasp solid organs like
kidneys and stomachs. Smaller, adjustable varieties can be used to hold smaller body
parts like nerves or veins.
5.(3).(2).(20).CT-scanner: A CT scanner is a device used in medical imaging that
utilizes computer technology to create cross-sectional images (often called slices) of
an object, allowing for analysis and diagnosis. Examples include CT-scanners,
PET-scanners and MRI machines. Though similar types of medical devices exist
(X-ray machines, ultrasound machines), these specialized medical instruments
utilize different scientific processes to create images. As a result, they cannot be used
interchangeably with CT scanners.
5.(3).(2).(21).Defibrillators: There are several types of medical instruments that
work on completely different procedures. One such device is a defibrillator, which is
used in hospitals and by emergency response teams. In a sudden cardiac arrest
(SCA), an individual’s heart loses its ability to pump blood and they stop breathing.
The timing between SCA onset and defibrillation can be lifesaving, but it depends on
how quickly help arrives at an SCA victim’s side.
5.(3).(2).(22).Defibrillators: These machines deliver an electric shock to restore
a normal heart rhythm and can help prevent sudden cardiac arrest. There are
different types: automated external defibrillators (AEDs), which can be used on
people who have collapsed due to a cardiac emergency, and implantable
cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs), which can monitor an individual’s heart rhythms
for several years after they are placed under their skin.
5.(3).(2).(23).Delivery Bed: The delivery bed is a device that resembles a hospital
bed but can be folded down for transportation and storage. These beds are most
commonly used in hospitals as part of childbirth, but doctors also use them when
transporting patients from one location to another. The patient lays on top with only
his or her head sticking out from under sheets or blankets, which makes it easier for
medical staff to tend to wounds and administer medications during transport.
5.(3).(2).(24).Delivery Couch: The delivery couch is typically a small bed with
wheels that allows medical staff to move from room to room easily. These usually
fold out and include a variety of accessories, including drawers and cabinets. The
delivery couch is sometimes called a maternity bed. This type of medical equipment
is generally used during childbirth, although some people use it during recovery after
an injury or surgery. Delivery couches also may be used in nursing homes as extra
beds or as places for patients who need some assistance moving around.
5.(3).(2).(25).Duodenoscope: A duodenoscope is a flexible scope that a doctor
can use to examine a patient’s digestive tract, including their esophagus, stomach
and colon. Duodenoscopes are also referred to as ERCP (endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography) scopes or EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) scopes.
5.(3).(2).(26).ECG Gel; The electrodes on an ECG machine are attached to wires
which must be connected to a patient. A gel needs to be applied in order for those
wires to make a good connection, ensuring accurate readings and preventing skin
irritation. This type of medical device is commonly used during a routine check-up,
as well as with patients who have been hospitalized or are in critical care units. The
ECG test can also help determine if someone is having heart problems, helping
diagnose any abnormalities that might be present.
5.(3).(2).(27).EEG: Electroencephalography (EEG) is a noninvasive test that
monitors electrical activity along specific points on your scalp. EEG is one of several
types of medical equipment used in neurology, an entire field devoted to studying
and treating disorders of your nervous system, including your brain and spinal cord.
In addition to EEG, other common devices used in neurology include CT scanners,
fMRIs and PET scans. These machines use radio waves or x-rays for imaging
5.(3).(2).(28).EKG/ECG Machines: Electrocardiography (ECG) is one type of
medical equipment used to monitor heartbeats. ECG stands for electrocardiography
and refers to both a machine that records your heartbeat as well as doctors who study
it. Cardiologists use EKGs, or electrocardiographs, to record both normal and
abnormal heart rhythms. They can often determine what’s wrong with a patient
through these records, since every heartbeat displays different patterns based on age,
health, gender and other factors.
5.(3).(2).(29).Electrocardiograph machine: An electrocardiograph (ECG or
EKG) is a machine that measures and records a patient’s heart activity. One device
that performs ECGs is called an electrocardiograph machine, but it may also be
referred to as a cardiograph, a cardioscope, or an electrocardiograph. These devices
use electrodes to connect with your heart muscle, transmit electricity into your body,
and record electrical activity.
5.(3).(2).(30).Electrosurgical Unit: The most common medical instrument
used in a doctor’s office is an electrosurgical unit. It’s used to coagulate and cut soft
tissue without relying on a blade. An electrosurgical unit is similar to a small
soldering iron. When tissue is placed between two electrodes on either side of it, an
electrical current travels through it that seals and cuts it as if you were using scissors
or another kind of cutter.
5.(3).(2).(31).Endoscope : An endoscope is a medical device that’s inserted into
a human body. It comes in several types and can be used for different purposes. For
example, there are stomach endoscopes, colonoscopes and bronchoscopes. All
endoscopes have tiny lenses at their tip, which capture high-quality images that help
doctors detect any possible diseases or abnormalities on your digestive tract, colon or
lungs. Endoscopes can also be used to perform surgery on tissues inside your body.
5.(3).(2).(32).Enema equipment : An enema is a way to administer liquid into
your rectum and colon via an enema bag. This may be done for a variety of reasons,
including: getting ready for certain medical procedures; easing constipation; or as
part of erotic play. When using an enema bag, you fill it with warm water and then
hook it up to tubing that leads directly into your anus.
5.(3).(2).(33).Examination Lamp: This type of medical equipment is used to
examine patients by illuminating a particular area. A typical example would be an
examining table, which allows doctors and dentists to examine underneath a
patient’s clothing for minor injuries or infections. Other types of examination lamps
can also be found in dentist’s offices and pharmacies.
5.(3).(2).(34).Fetal Monitor: A fetal monitor is a machine that uses electronic
technology to observe and record a baby’s heart rate, rhythm, contractions, and other
changes. Fetal monitors typically require an anesthesiologist or nurse to operate
them; however, doctors can learn how to use one in a very short time. While fetal
monitors cannot guarantee your baby will be born healthy, they can give expectant
mothers peace of mind by keeping track of their baby’s vital signs throughout labor.
5.(3).(2).(35).Fiber bronchoscope: An fiber optic bronchoscope, which is also
known as a flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope or fiberscope, is a medical device used to
look inside your airways. It works by transmitting light from an endoscope via optical
fibers and then displaying them on a video screen. This allows your doctor to see
inside your airways and take pictures if necessary.
5.(3).(2).(36).Four limb electrodes: Several types of medical instruments used
for EKG, EEG, EMG and more rely on four limb electrodes. These devices apply a
small amount of electrical current to specific locations on your skin to record brain
waves or muscle activity. They come in both adhesive patches and cables that
connect to an amplifier or recording device, depending on what you’re using them
for. Common uses include testing your nerves’ electrical impulses, your heart’s
functional strength and abnormal muscle movements caused by nerve problems.
5.(3).(2).(37).Four strap electrodes: The EKG uses four strap electrodes to pick
up and transmit electrical signals, making it one of several types of medical
equipment that uses both wired and wireless technology. Physicians use EKGs in
hospitals to monitor patients with heart problems and other cardiac conditions.
Patients can also get portable EKGs from retailers like Walmart, meaning that an
increasing number of people at home can monitor their own heart health and check
for signs of potential problems.
5.(3).(2).(38).Gas cylinder : one gas cylinder is used to store oxygen. It is
usually made from metal and has a removable valve attached to its top with oxygen
tubing connected. The amount of oxygen in each cylinder depends on what it was
designed for. Some are intended for home use while others can be purchased for
industrial or commercial use.
5.(3).(2).(39).Gauze sponge: For example, gauze sponges are used to soak up
extra blood during surgery. There’s quite a few types, but it’s primarily used for
cleaning and absorbing. If you need gauze sponges, you can buy them from most
medical supply stores.
5.(3).(2).(40).Hospital Stretchers: One type of medical equipment used in
hospitals is a stretcher. Also called a gurney, a hospital stretcher is an important part
of what makes up an emergency department or ambulance team, and it can also be
found in operating rooms. These devices are used to transfer patients between
facilities and assist those with mobility issues, among other tasks. While they may
look like most beds at first glance, there’s far more to these pieces of equipment than
meets the eye.
5.(3).(2).(41).Hot air sterilizer: A hot air sterilizer is a medical device that uses
hot air to kill harmful microorganisms. It’s typically used for high-value, non-critical
instruments such as surgical tools or endoscopes. Typically, these are single-use
devices and must be disposed of after use. However, some hospitals have invested in
programs that allow surgeons to bring their own devices back for cleaning and re-use
on subsequent cases.
5.(3).(2).(42).Hypodermic needle / Syringe: A hypodermic needle is a medical
instrument used with a syringe for medical injections. Although many other devices
for medical injections are available, it remains one of several types of medical
equipment's and devices worldwide that is well-known to laypersons as well as
physicians. Among these instruments and apparatuses, they may be considered
particularly notable because they are so common and familiar to people in general,
yet often come as quite a surprise to new observers unfamiliar with their purpose or
manner of use.
5.(3).(2).(43).Incubator laboratory: Incubator lab is a type of medical
equipment that helps doctors to test incubate egg and babies in natural way so as to
keep them healthy. It contains delicate equipments that should be handled carefully
with extra precautions. Its applications are widespread such as hospital, clinics, or
research institute. Moreover, in order to build its reputation and attract more people,
it is required to put its logo on Incubator Lab because it acts as an external
advertising signboard which spreads out its brand name and generate trust from
5.(3).(2).(44).Incubator neonate: There are several types of incubators used in
neonatal units around the world, including jet and radiant warmers. Incubators can
also be used to warm premature babies; these units are often placed within an
intensive care unit (ICU) so that doctors and nurses can keep a close eye on any sign
of distress.
5.(3).(2).(45).Infant reanimation centre: An infant reanimation centre is used
in case of a sudden illness or accident involving a newborn baby. This can either be
an in-hospital situation or an out-of-hospital emergency, for example, when you’re
on your way to hospital and your baby stops breathing. It may also be used when a
new mother is having difficulty breathing after birth due to cord constriction around
her neck, which could cause hypoxia (lack of oxygen) to her baby.
5.(3).(2).(46).Infant warmer: An infant warmer is a piece of medical equipment
that keeps a newborn baby at a specified temperature to protect against
hypothermia. Newborns are particularly vulnerable to chilling since they have little
or no fat to act as insulation and their skin is thin. Usually, an infant will be placed in
an incubator, which has sensors that monitor temperature, humidity and carbon
dioxide levels and automatically regulates heat via electric blankets.
5.(3).(2).(47).Infection control equipment : In most hospitals and healthcare
facilities, infection control is a top priority. Because of that, there are several types of
medical equipment used for protection in and outside clinical environments. From
face masks to door stoppers, if you’re an infection control professional or work with
these specialists, it’s important to know what equipment is commonly used
throughout your organization and why. Here are some common types you may see
every day in health care facilities
5.(3).(2).(48).Infusion fluid holder: This is a simple piece of equipment that
may seem very basic, but it’s one you’ll likely find in any hospital, doctor’s office or
clinic. It allows nurses to administer IV fluids to patients in a controlled manner.
These units are made from plastic and are equipped with an outlet where tubing
from an IV bag can be connected; they also have compartments for storing these bags
if needed.
5.(3).(2).(49).Instrument sterilizer : An instrument sterilizer is a piece of
medical equipment that uses chemicals, radiation or heat to kill bacteria on and in
medical instruments. Instrument sterilizers are used in hospitals, clinics and other
medical facilities that work with sterile instruments. The purpose of an instrument
sterilizer is to ensure that any pathogenic organisms present on or inside surgical
instruments are destroyed before use so as not to introduce infection into a patient.
The type of sterilization used depends on what type(s) of instrument(s) is/are being
5.(3).(2).(50).Kidney dish: It is used to remove kidney stones. The surgery is
called ureterolithotomy, which is needed to break up and remove a large or small
rock from a patient’s kidney. The procedure requires that doctors insert a hollow
tube, called a nephroscope, into the patient’s bladder and then thread it through one
of his or her kidneys. This allows physicians to see inside patients’ bodies and
maneuver surgical instruments into place. Types of medical equipment
5.(3).(2).(51).Laparoscopy system: Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical
procedure in which an optical instrument called a laparoscope is inserted into a small
incision to examine and treat internal organs. The laparoscopic device usually
consists of three main components: (1) an endoscope, which allows viewing inside
body cavities; (2) an operating channel, through which specific instruments can be
introduced into those cavities; and (3) special instruments designed for use within
each specific body cavity.
5.(3).(2).(52).Mammograph: The mammograph is a device that creates an image
of the breast through X-ray technology. Although there are several types of
mammographs, including digital and 3D, all produce similar images that are sent to
radiologists for evaluation. If anything suspicious is seen in a mammograph, further
investigation may be required.
5.(3).(2).(53).Measuring tape : a measuring tape is a tool used by builders and
tradesmen to measure distances. A typical measuring tape has a hook on one end,
and cloth or metal (and in rare cases plastic) tape that is marked off in both inches
and millimetres.
5.(3).(2).(54).Medical halogen penlight : The medical halogen penlight has
become an essential tool for doctors, nurses and all medical personnel in hospitals.
Doctors require a penlight during surgery to see inside patients' bodies and identify
any damage that may have been caused by an operation. This device is also known as
an operating or surgical light, or a surgical headlamp. It’s one of several types of
medical instruments used in operations.
5.(3).(2).(55).Medical ultrasound : Ultrasound is a non-invasive medical
diagnostic technique that uses high frequency sound waves to image soft tissue
structures in various parts of the body. It can be used to look at internal organs,
blood vessels, and other soft tissues. The ultrasound device emits sound waves which
bounce off different structures within a part of your body. A device called a
transducer captures these echoes and converts them into electrical signals that are
then interpreted by an ultrasound machine and displayed as images on a screen.
5.(3).(2).(56).Microscope Binocular: A microscope is an instrument used to see
objects that are too small for the naked eye. A binocular microscope uses two
eyepieces, or magnifying glasses, which gives you a three-dimensional view. It has
very high magnification power and is used in biology to study cells and other
submicroscopic organisms. They can also be used for metallurgy, mineralogy,
surveying, astronomy, medical examination and many other applications.
5.(3).(2).(57).Microscope Monocular: These are used for viewing small objects.
It has two lenses, one being convex and the other concave. The microscope with only
one lens is called monocular. It can be handheld or mounted on a stand. Some have
built-in illuminators while others require an external light source to illuminate
objects. Stereo Microscope: This type of microscope is used to view
three-dimensional objects as they appear in nature.
5.(3).(2).(58).Nasogastric tube: The nasogastric tube, or NG tube for short, is a
medical instrument inserted into your nostril and down into your stomach. It’s used
as an alternative to an IV when you need to receive fluid and nutrients but can’t have
one for some reason.
5.(3).(2).(59).Nebulizer: A nebulizer is a device that converts liquid medication
or compound into a mist, so it can be easily inhaled through a face mask. Nebulizers
are commonly used to treat asthma and other respiratory conditions. There are
several types of nebulizers for home use, such as air compressor-driven (for people
who need immediate relief), electric powered and ultrasonic nebulizers.
5.(3).(2).(60).Nebulizer : A nebulizer is a device that turns liquid medication
into a fine mist. The mist, called aerosolized medication, can be breathed in using a
face mask or mouthpiece. A nebulizer is useful for people who have difficulty
breathing. For example, children with asthma and patients on mechanical ventilators
use nebulizers to help them breathe easier by reducing inflammation and opening
airways in their lungs.
5.(3).(2).(61).Operating instrument set: The most common type of medical
equipment is an operating instrument set. These devices, which can vary depending
on your needs, are used to conduct multiple medical procedures. They are
categorized by specialty, such as laparoscopic surgery or endoscopy. Operating
instruments are generally made up of various types of needles and tubes that enable
users to examine parts of a patient’s body, such as under their skin or inside their
blood vessels and organs.
5.(3).(2).(62).Operating Table: The operating table is one of the most important
pieces of medical equipment and is used extensively in all hospitals. These tables
help move patients into different positions for medical procedures like surgeries,
examinations and more. The type you choose depends on a variety of factors, such as
hospital size and budget. Types include manual, motorized and convertible.
5.(3).(2).(63).Operating Table: The operating table is used to place patients on
during surgical procedures. The device is typically placed in an operating room and
can be raised or lowered to accommodate patient height and weight. Surgeons will
often use an assistant (medical professional) to help raise and lower a patient onto an
operating table, depending on its design. In most cases, once a patient has been
positioned on an operating table, surgeons make a few small incisions with a scalpel
before placing surgical drapes over them.
5.(3).(2).(64).Operating theater light: An operating theatre light is a special
medical device used for illumination during surgical procedures. This type of lighting
usually makes use of halogen bulbs and overhead mirrors to ensure bright,
shadow-free light. Operating theater lights are sometimes used in addition to
supplemental medical equipment such as anesthetic machines, monitors and
ventilators, depending on whether these items are integral or optional features in a
given surgery setup. These types of lighting units can be found inside a variety of
health care facilities including hospitals, clinics and dental practices.
5.(3).(2).(65).Ophthalmoscope : An ophthalmoscope is a medical instrument
used by doctors to examine the back of your eye. The ophthalmoscope has two parts:
one that shines light onto your eye and another that reflects and focuses that light
into a magnified image on a screen. Your doctor will use an ophthalmoscope to check
for things like glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and detached retinas, or to
see if you have allergies or other issues with your eye health.
5.(3).(2).(66).Otoscope: An otoscope is a medical instrument used to examine a
patient’s ear canal and eardrum, making it one of several types of medical equipment
. Otoscopes come in two varieties: those for pediatric and adult use. A pediatric
otoscope, which has been designed with children in mind, is smaller and uses a light
source optimized for a child’s vision. Both models have magnifying glasses that are
placed against a patient’s ear so doctors can see inside.
5.(3).(2).(67).Oxygen mask and tubes: Oxygen is one of those many types of
medical equipment that’s important in times when we need a big supply of air. It is
especially beneficial to patients suffering from asthma or pulmonary problems as
well as cardiac arrest victims, who might need some extra help in breathing. Some
people might require oxygen on a regular basis to help their health stay on track and
make sure they won’t get worse; however, others might just need it temporarily until
they get better.
5.(3).(2).(68).Patient cable: The patient cable is used to support a medical device
when it's being connected to or disconnected from an electrical outlet. This type of
medical equipment is required by hospitals, nursing homes and doctors' offices in
order to ensure that patients are not subjected to unnecessary shock due to loose
connections. A qualified electrical engineer will be able to create a safe and functional
design for your facility based on national standards.
5.(3).(2).(69).Patient Monitor, ICU: The patient monitor is a type of medical
equipment used to measure and display a patient’s vital signs. These include a
person’s heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation level. Patient monitors
are typically found in hospitals or intensive care units (ICUs). Some models can also
be used at home for patients who need long-term monitoring or post-surgery
recovery. A typical ICU model allows doctors to remotely control and change settings
such as alarms.
5.(3).(2).(70).Patient monitors: Heart monitors, Pulse oximeters and
thermometers are all common types of medical equipment found in patient care
facilities. These devices are often used to keep patients comfortable, alert, and safe
while they're recovering from surgery or while they're admitted to a hospital bed with
an existing health condition. Heart rate monitors have gotten especially small and
are widely used for day-to-day patient monitoring as well.
5.(3).(2).(71).Patient Monitors: Several types of medical equipment are used to
monitor patients, including a variety of sensors that are used to check vitals and
physical states. Patient monitors come in several different types that provide various
features, such as standard patient monitors and bi-manual patient monitors, which
provide two separate input options for healthcare workers.
5.(3).(2).(72).Patient trolley: These are used to help patients move easily in and
out of bed. There are several types available, depending on a patient’s needs. Some
trolleys can help paralyzed patients sit up in bed without assistance; others come
with leg braces for easier sitting. In many cases, these trolleys can be adjusted for
maximum comfort. It may seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference in
terms of quality of life.
5.(3).(2).(73).Pipette or dropper : This device is used to administer medication
that comes in liquid form. Used to dispense liquids, these devices are commonly
found in pharmacies and hospitals. Several types of medical equipment can be found
with standard features, but some have unique applications, such as a French curve
pipette that makes it easier for doctors to place drops into a patient’s eyes. Some
models have customizable heads that allow physicians to easily adjust application
methods. The ability to modify these types of medical equipment comes from their
5.(3).(2).(74).Portable ultrasound scanner: A portable ultrasound scanner is
any type of medical equipment used for imaging human anatomy and diagnosing
medical conditions. Portable means it can be moved easily, usually with wheels or a
handgrip handle. And while they are called scanners, they do not actually scan like a
traditional Xerox machine but rather use ultrasonic energy. They are typically
battery-operated and fit easily in a doctor’s pocket or lab coat pocket.
5.(3).(2).(75).Proctoscope : One type of medical equipment is known as a
proctoscope. This instrument, sometimes called a proctoscope, allows doctors to view
patients’ rectums and lower intestinal tracts for diagnosis and treatment. Doctors
insert a proctoscope into patients’ anuses, then direct images onto computer screens.
A rectal exam may help doctors find out if patients have hemorrhoids or other
diseases, such as colon cancer or ulcers in their anal regions.
5.(3).(2).(76).Radiography : What are types of medical equipments used to
produce x-rays? A radiography is an imaging technique that produces pictures based
on passing X-rays through an object. It’s a noninvasive technology that allows
physicians to diagnose and treat various medical conditions. Radiography involves
two main processes: image production and image interpretation. Radiography
equipment includes several types of devices such as X-ray machines, fluoroscopy
systems, CT scanners, MRI machines, ultrasounds and mammography units.
5.(3).(2).(77).Reflex hammer: This is an example of a medical instrument. The
purpose of a reflex hammer is to test nerve function in patients. Usually, they are
used by doctors or other medical professionals who have experience and training
with medical instruments. Most often, these hammers are made from metal or hard
plastic and have a textured grip for ease in handling them. There are several types of
reflex hammers that vary slightly in their appearances and intended use.
5.(3).(2).(78).Refrigerator: The refrigerator is one of several types of medical
equipment that keeps items at a temperature lower than normal room temperature.
Refrigerators are not intended for keeping items cold, like drinks or food; rather,
they keep items cool, meaning that they must be stored in their original packaging or
containers. If refrigerators are not properly maintained or used incorrectly, food can
spoil, which can cause serious health issues. Consider contacting a company such as
Kold Rite Climate Control for additional information and assistance.
5.(3).(2).(79).Scale for Adults: An adult scale helps you keep tabs on your
weight and body composition, which can have an impact on things like heart health
and diabetes. You should weigh yourself once a week at most to track any changes in
your physique—ideally first thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything.
In addition to tracking your weight, it’s important to monitor any changes in body
5.(3).(2).(80).Scale for newborn children: The scale for newborns, or infant
scale, measures in 1 gram increments from 100 to 500 grams. These scales are used
for weighing babies that are not able to stand.
5.(3).(2).(81).Scalpels: A scalpel is a small, sharp knife used in surgery. It has a
handle and a thin, sharp blade that’s held under tension by a metal frame. This keeps
it straight and helps prevent injury to surrounding tissues. Scalpels come in many
sizes; they range from 5 cm (2 inches) to 30 cm (12 inches) long. The small ones are
used for tiny cuts on delicate tissues, such as eyelids and ears; larger ones cut deeper
tissue, such as muscle or bone.
5.(3).(2).(82).Six chest limb electrodes: Chest limb electrodes are a type of
medical equipment used for cardiac resuscitation. They’re made up of six pads and
can be applied to chest, upper arms, and thighs. Some models have adhesive patches
on them to make them easier to apply, although it is advised that an EMT or medical
professional still attach these electrodes. These types of medical equipment are fairly
inexpensive but should be handled with care. The risk of applying chest limb
electrodes incorrectly may cause further injury to a patient already in crisis.
5.(3).(2).(83).Sphygmomanometer : Also known as a blood pressure cuff, is a
device used to measure blood pressure. Blood pressure readings taken by doctors
and medical professionals are often recorded at two points: when blood pressure is
highest (systolic) and lowest (diastolic). A typical measurement with a
sphygmomanometer will include five readings: one for systolic, followed by four for
5.(3).(2).(84).Splint set required: Several types of medical equipment and
devices are used to prevent patients from moving during surgery or other treatments.
These can include foam or gel pads that immobilize wrists and legs, casts for arms
and legs, or splints for arms.
5.(3).(2).(85).Sterilizers: This type of medical equipment is mainly used to
eliminate germs and harmful microorganisms from tools, syringes, etc. These
machines function on radiant heat or steam, thus eliminating harmful organisms
through combustion or high temperature heating. They are also effective in treating
specific instruments that cannot be washed mechanically. Basically, sterilizers can
operate through radiation or chemical treatment to kill germs in items like bedpans
and test tubes.
5.(3).(2).(86).Stethoscope : The first type of medical equipment is called a
stethoscope. A stethoscope can be used to hear how your heart and lungs are
functioning, as well as any fluid moving through your body, like blood. In fact,
doctors and nurses use it regularly to listen to their patients’ heart rates and
breathing patterns. Most commonly, it's used by doctors to determine if a patient has
fluid in their lungs that is causing trouble breathing or coughing.
5.(3).(2).(87).Stretcher required: A stretcher is usually used for transferring
patients from one location to another (i.e. from bed to wheelchair, from wheelchair
to restroom). There are two main types of stretchers: folding and non-folding.
Folding stretchers are smaller and more portable than non-folding ones. They can fit
into cars and ambulances; however, they do not offer as much support for people
who need assistance with walking or standing upright.
5.(3).(2).(88).Suction device : This type of medical equipment is used to remove
fluid from a patient’s airway, mouth or lungs. Suction devices can be electric,
battery-powered or hand-operated. Most are portable so they can be moved from
room to room in a hospital. Some models feature a pressure relief valve and
disposable collection chamber. These valves make it easier for healthcare providers
to maintain negative pressure inside a patient’s airway without causing discomfort.
5.(3).(2).(89).Suction Pump: A suction pump is a medical device that removes
liquid from body cavities and lumens. The most common example is a tracheal
suction catheter, which removes phlegm or secretions from a patient’s lungs. Other
types of suction pumps are used to remove gastric juices, blood and other body fluids
from different parts of the body.
5.(3).(2).(90).Surgical light mobile: A portable, battery-powered light source
with a disposable or reusable handle that can be attached to a surgical lamp. Smaller
than a laser pointer, they are used to shine light on specific areas of interest in
surgery. Disposable handles last 10-20 uses and can cost less than $1 each. Reusable
handles have longer lifespans and provide more consistent results, but can cost up to
$500 each.
5.(3).(2).(91).Surgical microscope for eye: A surgical microscope for eye is a
type of microscope specifically designed for ophthalmic procedures. The device
provides both magnification and illumination, so that surgeons can view tissue
clearly and easily during delicate procedures such as cataract surgery. Surgical
microscopes are available in both surgical eyewear form (transscleral microscopy)
and head-mounted form (ophthalmic telescope).
5.(3).(2).(92).Surgical tables: A surgical table is a movable bed or table to which
a patient is secured for surgery. A portable operating table is used where surgery
must be performed in locations remote from dedicated operating theaters. A large
proportion of patients who undergo surgery are treated on an outpatient basis, often
in emergency departments, and do not need to go to a hospital bed before or after
their operation. Surgery can be performed with a local anesthetic and sedation if
there is no significant pain from movement during surgery.
5.(3).(2).(93).Surgical Tables: The types of medical equipment that make your
life easier are surgical tables. These devices are usually under hydraulic pressure or
electrically operated and can be adjusted to heights ranging from 30 cm to 90 cm (12
in - 36 in). Some tables even come with an integrated anesthesia machine, making
them very convenient for administering anesthesia or other medical procedures.
Surgical tables come in several types, including fixed type and adjustable type.
5.(3).(2).(94).Thermometer: A thermometer, sometimes called a clinical
thermometer, is an instrument used to measure temperature. There are several types
of thermometers for various uses and applications.
5.(3).(2).(95).Tongue depressor : A tongue depressor, also known as a lingual
elevator, is a type of blunt-ended cylindrical tool used in various medical procedures.
A tongue depressor is typically made from plastic or wood, but metal and rubber
types are also available. Tongue depressors are commonly used by medical
professionals when performing patient examinations involving mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation, oral cleaning and other such procedures.
5.(3).(2).(96).Tracheostomy set required: A tracheostomy set is a device used
to help patients with breathing difficulties. It’s made up of several types of medical
instruments—such as connectors, a plastic collar, tubing and a valve—which are
connected together and inserted into an opening made in a patient’s neck. The plastic
collar seals around the outside of their neck, helping to stabilize their airway.
5.(3).(2).(97).Transfusion kit: A transfusion kit is a type of medical equipment
used in blood transfusions, especially emergency situations when blood may be
required quickly. A transfusion kit contains packages of clean red blood cells and
plasma (the yellowish fluid portion) that are ready to be put into a patient by infusion
into an IV line or by direct injection into a vein. The red cells and plasma come in
individual, sterile packages that can be stored at room temperature for up to 10 days.
5.(3).(2).(98).Transportation splint required: You might not think of it, but a
splint is actually a type of medical equipment, although you would need some very
specific equipment to create one. Perhaps you could use your bike or wheelchair, or
you might go all out and use scaffolding. If transportation is required, try using your
wheelchair. These are all examples of several types of medcial instruments that could
be used to make a splint.
5.(3).(2).(99).Tuning fork: A tuning fork is an acoustic resonator in the form of a
two-pronged fork with a handle, used to produce variable pitches by rubbing it
against a surface or striking it against another object. The principle that makes such
sound production possible was first identified by British scientist, amateur musician
and instrument maker John Shore (1751–1836) in 1711.
5.(3).(2).(100).Two rolls of paper or Z-Fold: Paper towels, while great for
cleaning up messes, are certainly not a reusable solution to most tasks. Instead, rely
on two rolls of paper or a Z-fold (or stack) as your go-to cleaning utensil. Roll them
up and toss them in your toolbox for easy storage or keep one in each bathroom. In a
pinch? Cut one in half lengthwise so you can use it like an oversized napkin.
5.(3).(2).(101).Ultrasound scanners: The ultrasound scanner sends sound
waves through a person’s body. When these waves hit solid objects like organs, they
bounce back. A computer then turns these waves into images to help doctors
diagnose problems. Ultrasound machines are considered one of several types of
medical equipment; some might call them a type of medical device, too. Ultrasound
scanners are used for scanning babies and pregnant women as well as other patients.
5.(3).(2).(102).Urinalysis System: Urinalysis is a medical procedure that
examines urine to check for signs of disease, infection or other abnormal condition.
One type of urinalysis equipment is a urinalysis system, which analyzes urine onsite
to screen for many different substances. It can also identify diseases by measuring
levels of glucose, ketones and blood cells. An alternative device called a urinalysis
analyzer allows people to send samples from home. While both types work similarly,
their results may differ because each method has its own advantages and
5.(3).(2).(103).Uterine Aspiration Set: This type of medical equipment is used
to remove uterine contents, such as fluid or tissue. There are several types of uterine
aspiration sets, and they can be used for different types of procedures. The most
common type is a cannula that connects a syringe to a thin tube with an opening at
each end. The set has two parts: one designed to remain in place while another part
is inserted into the body.
5.(3).(2).(104).Ventilator: A ventilator is a device that assists breathing. It helps
patients who have trouble breathing when they sleep by delivering air in a
continuous flow to them through a mask, called an interface. You may need a
ventilator if you’re unable to breathe on your own for some reason and are at risk for
complications. There are several types of ventilators, but all ventilators work by
providing extra support to allow you to breathe comfortably while sleeping.
5.(3).(2).(105).Washing machine: Hospital Washing Machine is used for
cleaning medical instruments, it could be manual or automatic, basket style or tunnel
style. If you need hospital washing machine, please contact us to get more
information about it.
5.(3).(2).(106).Watch / Stopwatch: A watch or stopwatch is a mechanical,
digital or electronic device used to measure and display time. Watches evolved in the
17th century from spring-powered clocks, which appeared as early as 1500. The first
watches produced were simple counting watches, which would sound a bell when a
set amount of time had passed. An improvement was introduced in 1657 in England
by Robert Hooke, who added an extra hand to measure seconds.
5.(3).(2).(107).Water Bath: The water bath is one of several types of medical
instruments and is used for a number of different applications in healthcare settings.
Water baths are incredibly useful devices, especially when trying to perform certain
laboratory tasks or when manufacturing and filling other types of medical devices.
They’re also very cost-effective to own and maintain because they only require a
small amount of water as opposed to other types that use chemicals or solutions,
which can get quite expensive.
5.(3).(2).(108).Water Still: A water still is a device that can be used to extract
clean drinking water from even dirty or contaminated water sources. Traditional
methods for carrying out distillation include solar evaporation and boiling, but water
stills can also be powered by an electrical heating element, in a design called a
counter-flow still. The Solar distillation process is a relatively new method that uses
solar energy instead of fire to evaporate liquid into pure steam. Most types of medical
equipment operate on electricity.
5.(3).(2).(109).Weighing scale : A weighing scale is a device that measures
weight. Scales can be simple spring scales, or accurate to hundredths of a gram. They
can be small enough to fit in your pocket, or large enough to fill a room. Weighing
scales are used in households and businesses around the world. And they range from
your average kitchen scale (which costs between $10 and $20) to industrial-grade
machines that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, with some weighing more than
200 tons!
5.(3).(2).(110).Wheelchairs and hospital beds: Choosing a wheelchair or
hospital bed is an important decision. More than just a way to get around, mobility
devices support and improve your life by helping you maintain your independence
and freedom. Below are several types of medical equipment for you to consider for
whatever your needs may be. Consider these pieces as investment options if you plan
on using them every day.
লোকেশন: নর্থ ক্যারোলাইনা, মার্কি ন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র
What are the best hospitals in the world ?
এই তারিখে মে ২৯, ২০২২
What are the best hospitals in the world.. ?
*5.(4).Clinic & Hospitals: (Top of
Current page)
There have so many countries who are providing the best facilities for treatment.
This is a growing tradition for some countries. After Covid-19 almost all countries are
trying to set up world class facility in their medical services.
Thinking about going in for some surgery? While you’re researching, you may have
stumbled across the World’s Best Hospitals list from U.S. News & World Report .
But, should you go to one of the top-rated hospitals and clinics in the world? What do
the hospitals on this list look like inside? What makes them so special? In this article,
we’ll answer all of these questions and more about some of the best hospitals and
clinics in the world.
How many types of hospitals and clinics are there in the world? It can be difficult to
tell, as the names vary from country to country and even from language to language.
In Europe, for example, hospitals are generally called hospices in English and
klinieken in Dutch or German, while clinics are usually referred to as poliklinik in
Dutch or German and klinic in English.
With so many hospitals and clinics to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which
one will give you the best care available. However, there are some that stand out as
the best in the world and have done so by continually offering the highest quality of
medical care. Find out why these hospitals and clinics are at the top of their game
and how you can get that same kind of treatment and care at your own local hospital
or clinic.
Johns Hopkins Hospital - Baltimore, Maryland, USA One of the top hospitals in
America is Johns Hopkins Hospital. The hospital has a staff of more than 6,500
physicians who are on-site or affiliated with a Johns Hopkins physician practice or
clinic. The wide range of services offered at Johns Hopkins Hospital include medical
specialties such as cardiology, oncology and orthopedic surgery as well as surgical
specialties such as thoracic surgery, neurosurgery and spine surgery.
Two hospitals in Switzerland, two in Germany and one each in Austria, Belgium,
France, Italy, Spain and Norway. A clinical center of excellence. Honorable mentions
to hospitals in Denmark (Copenhagen), Portugal (Lisbon) and Sweden (Uppsala).
St. Luke’s International Hospital in Singapore is said to be one of Asia’s best
hospitals. It offers outpatient services, emergency room services, trauma care, and
advanced treatments in cardiology, neurology, oncology, ophthalmology,
dermatology and dentistry. Since opening its doors in 2010 it has won a number of
awards including Best Large Hospital (Clinical Excellence Awards 2012) by
International Healthcare Research Center; Asia’s No.
- Perth: Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Royal Perth Hospital, St John of God Subiaco
Hospital, Midland Health Campus, Fiona Stanley Hospital (Floreat) - Sydney: Royal
North Shore Hospital, St Vincent’s Private Sydney Clinic - Melbourne: Alfred Health,
Austin Health.
Addis Ababa University Hospital (AAUH) – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Ethiopia’s first
tertiary care hospital is often considered among Africa’s best hospitals. It offers
services such as a cardiac intensive care unit, a cancer center, an ophthalmology
department and its own blood bank. AAUH was founded in 1956 by Dr. Alem Zewde
Wolde Hanna. Among its most famous patients: Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia.
Public vs Private Health Care
One of the first things to know about hospitals is whether they’re public or private. In
a private hospital, you can expect to pay out-of-pocket for services rendered, with
health insurance playing a limited role in cost recovery. This is because private
hospitals must compete with one another on price (with no umbrella pricing) while
public hospitals are funded by taxes. Public vs Private Health Care: One of the first
things to know about hospitals is whether they’re public or private.
5.(4).(1).Various clinics_
5.(4).(1).(1).Hospital clinics: 3 Hospital clinics - Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic,
New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center in New York City have
been ranked best in their respective categories by U.S. News & World Report. While
most people think of these as hospitals or medical centers that treat patients, they are
also places where doctors can develop a specialty; Mayo Clinic has some 150 distinct
specialties for physicians to choose from.
5.(4).(1).(2).Public health clinics: For countries with high public health needs,
public health clinics are key to ensuring that everyone gets access to services. These
large institutions often provide free or low-cost basic services for families that would
not be able to afford them otherwise. They also help bridge gaps in more specialized
care by providing clinics for new mothers and children, as well as offering
vaccination services and other preventative care treatments.
5.(4).(1).(3).Private clinics: While there are many types of hospitals, private
clinics tend to be less expensive. Private clinics may also have shorter wait times.
Some examples of private clinics are
5.(4).(1).(4).Health centers: In rural areas, where access to medical care is
limited, small local health centers serve communities. These may have only a handful
of beds available for inpatient care. They typically don’t have an on-site laboratory or
pharmacy and rely on referrals from outside medical providers for specialized
services. Sometimes clinics are located within larger hospitals; other times they stand
5.(4).(1).(5).Polyclinics: They are outpatient clinics where specialists work
together, allowing patients to see all their doctors in one place. Polyclinics may be
single-specialty or a group practice.
5.(4).(1).(6).Family planning clinics: These clinics focus on family planning;
they often offer a variety of services, including education on contraception, STD
screening, gynecological exams and other services. If you’re trying to get pregnant, be
sure to tell your doctor that; she can help determine if there are any specific steps
you should take in order to conceive. Additionally, these clinics often provide services
for men as well.
5.(4).(2).medical clinic_
5.(4).(2).(1).Routine medical care: When people feel a persistent or recurring
symptom, they may make an appointment with their primary care physician to
investigate. While most routine care can be done in such a clinic, sometimes
specialist medical advice is needed to clarify diagnosis and treatment. A primary care
physician can refer patients for further investigation if necessary; for example,
gastroenterologists (doctors specializing in stomach problems) are often consulted
for abdominal pain.
5.(4).(2).(2).Preventive care: Just like you should schedule your annual
physical, dental checkups, eye exams, and vaccinations, regular preventive care is
essential for keeping your diabetes in control. Your doctor can also help you stay on
top of other medical issues (such as high blood pressure or heart disease) that are
more common among people with diabetes.
5.(4).(2).(3).Medical attention when you’re sick; This is true. Most of us need
some kind of medical attention at some point in our lives. Be it a broken leg, an
insect bite that got infected, or something else entirely, we all need help from time to
time when it comes to our health. Our bodies aren’t invincible; there are many things
that can hurt us physically or mentally that aren’t curable with a simple
over-the-counter medication. This is where hospitals come in.
5.(4).(2).(4).Annual physicals: If you see your doctor regularly, you’re more
likely to detect any health problems at an early stage. This is why it’s so important to
get routine checkups done on a regular basis. Annual physicals are good for catching
diseases early, but don’t skip out on bi-annual or tri-annual visits, either—your
physician should still be checking in with you then, as well.
5.(4).(2).(5).Laboratory testing: From simple blood tests to advanced imaging
scans, a hospital is equipped with diagnostic equipment that helps doctors discover
what might be causing a patient’s symptoms. Additionally, labs work to develop
cures and treatments for diseases through cutting-edge research. Using these
facilities can save time—and in some cases, even save lives.
5.(4).(2).(6).Screening for health conditions: In order to diagnose a health
condition, your doctor must perform screening tests. Screening tests are used to
detect diseases in patients who don’t have any symptoms. These tests help doctors
identify disorders at their earliest stages, when they’re most treatable. If you’re
concerned about your risk for certain conditions, visit a healthcare provider to learn
more about screenings and recommended testing schedules.
5.(4).(2).(7).Mental health clinics_ If you are seeking mental health treatment,
a psychiatric clinic may be your best bet. It’s one-stop shopping, because a
psychiatric clinic usually offers more services than just psychiatry—it’s like going to
one place to see all your doctors. This can save time (and gas money).
5.(4).(2).(8).Addiction services clinics_ These programs are located within
general hospitals, psychiatric hospitals or standalone facilities. They help people to
overcome drug addictions, problem drinking or other substance use disorders. These
services include detoxification (detox), inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment,
counseling and family services. As people progress through recovery, addiction
specialists may also help patients with other mental health issues such as anxiety
disorders or depression. These clinics are sometimes combined with self-help groups
like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).
5.(4).(2).(9).Community health centers_ Nonprofit community health centers
offer a viable alternative to for-profit clinics. These neighborhood medical facilities
provide primary care, dental care, behavioral health services, basic laboratory tests,
pharmacy services, and referrals to specialty providers. Many are certified as
meaningful use sites (i.e., they offer electronic medical records), which means you
can start e-visits from your phone; some even allow you to make appointments
directly through their website.
5.(4).(2).(10).Retail clinics_ In 2014, retail clinics in pharmacies accounted for 1
in 10 ambulatory care visits in the United States. Retail clinics provide primary
medical care for non-life-threatening illnesses and injuries. Patients see a doctor,
nurse practitioner or physician assistant, who can diagnose and treat many common

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  • 12. Home page (All pages) Location: NORTH CAROLINA, USA What are the different types of medicines and natural remedies ? এই তারিখে মে ২৯, ২০২২ What are the different types of medicines and natural remedies.. ?
  • 13. *5.(2).Medicines & remedies: (Top of Current page) Medicines are blessing for any lives. Human being are using medicines & remedies to survive with a good health. Depends on place, person & situation the types of medicines & remedies are changing. Day to day we are getting new hope to recover our diseases more faster with more ease & comfort in treatment. 5.(2).(1).Home remedies for minor health complaints_ There are many different types of medicines and natural remedies, so it can be hard to choose which one works best for you. While there are benefits to each type, some are more effective than others, so you should carefully research the various types of medicines and natural remedies before choosing what’s right for you. In this article, we’ll discuss the different types of medicines and natural remedies and explain how they can help you deal with your symptoms naturally. Some may help alleviate short-term symptoms, but they won't treat & you need to contact with doctor. Advice from pharmacists Taking medicines is a way to recover from sickness. It’s important, therefore, to understand how your body reacts with different types of medical remedies. Your pharmacists provide you with great advice about how your body reacts with specific medications. They can tell you more about what might work best for you, as well as guide you in making your choice based on many factors like if you have allergies or other conditions that may affect treatment. The Value of Natural Remedies
  • 14. While many people continue to turn to modern medicines for recovery, others prefer natural remedies like herbs. Herbs can be extremely effective, but it’s important to know what you’re getting into before trying them out. First and foremost, it’s essential to understand that herbal remedies can have adverse side effects just like traditional medicines do. And because they aren’t regulated by most government entities, their ingredients may vary from batch to batch. The value of taking vitamins Research shows that taking vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients—particularly during times of stress or when not getting enough in your diet—can help you cope with life’s ups and downs. Here are some examples: Taking a multivitamin can boost your immune system. A new study found that postmenopausal women who took daily multivitamins had fewer infections over time than those who didn’t take one. Alternatives to pills Pills can have unwanted side effects, but there are plenty of natural remedies you can use instead. If you’re feeling sick, here’s what you should try instead Over-the-counter drugs versus prescription drugs Some medications can be bought over-the-counter (OTC) from drugstores, grocery stores, or online. These include acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil), aspirin,
  • 15. or allergy medicine. When you need to buy a medication that has been prescribed by your doctor, you’ll have to head to a pharmacy where you’ll need to present a prescription. Herbal supplements versus over-the-counter drugs Herbal supplements like St. John’s Wort are prescribed for depression, but they also have side effects such as irritability, restlessness, anxiety, dizziness and nausea. Studies show that antidepressants work better than herbal supplements for mild to moderate cases of depression—and some experts believe that although natural remedies might seem safer than medication, they may not be as effective or safe. Vitamins versus herbal supplements Many people use both vitamins and herbal supplements as alternative ways to recover from sickness, or maintain good health. But while they’re closely related, they also have distinct differences. Vitamins are essential to a healthy lifestyle; they’re made by our bodies but can be taken in supplement form when we don’t receive enough through diet alone. Herbal supplements, on the other hand, act like medicines—they contain properties that can help relieve certain symptoms like fever or soreness. 5.(2).(1).(1).Teas: There are countless ways to recover from sickness. But if you’re looking for a fast-acting way to stop symptoms like nausea, headaches, or joint pain, you can always brew up a strong cup of tea. Herbal teas—which can be purchased at almost any natural food store—are easy to prepare, affordable, and packed with
  • 16. vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids—and other beneficial nutrients that support your health. 5.(2).(1).(2).Wet packs: You can heat up a wet pack to provide some warmth, but keep in mind that it will be cold when it’s on your skin. This is not recommended for those with decreased sensation, because they may not realize that it’s too cold. Additionally, do not apply wet packs directly to skin, as they can cause burns. 5.(2).(1).(3).Foodstuffs: The single most efficient way to recover from a sickness is good, old-fashioned food. Eat what you’re craving and let your body heal itself. Be sure to eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes to speed up recovery time. Try eating some ginger or a pickle too—these foods have proven effective in speeding up healing times. 5.(2).(1).(4).Skin applications: Some types of skin applications include lotions, salves, creams, ointments and oils. Be sure to talk with your doctor before using any product that has not been approved by a physician. It is possible that these remedies will help you recover faster than if you had done nothing at all, but it is also possible that some ingredients may do more harm than good for your particular body chemistry. 5.(2).(1).(5).Baths: Taking a bath is one of my favorite ways to recover from sickness. I always think about all that blood coursing through my veins, bringing oxygen to my brain. What better way to return it to its normal flow than by submerging myself in warm water? The water removes toxins from your body as well, further assisting with recovery. So for an all-around effective way to recover from sickness, try a nice hot bath with some eucalyptus oil or lavender. 5.(2).(2).About Medicines_ 5.(2).(2).(1).Tablets: One of the most common types of medicine is a tablet. Some tablets contain small amounts of water-soluble substances, like aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol, which dissolve in your stomach after you swallow them. Other tablets may contain oils or powders which do not dissolve until they reach their destination further down in your digestive system. These include omega-3 fish oil capsules and iron supplements. 5.(2).(2).(2).liquids( swallowed): Liquids act faster in your body than pills. When you swallow a pill, it first has to go through your stomach then your intestines. A liquid medicine or herbal supplement goes directly into your bloodstream, so you feel its effects more quickly. 5.(2).(2).(3).Drops ( put into ears or eyes): Just like ointments, eye drops and ear drops are used to treat pain or infections in those areas. However, these types of
  • 17. medicine aren’t absorbed through your skin, so they tend to be easier to administer—and more effective than creams. For instance, while some people can use over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to relieve skin irritation from insect bites (like from mosquitoes), others should see a doctor for a prescription steroid cream instead. 5.(2).(2).(4).Injections: First developed in ancient Greece, injections are still one of today’s most effective medical treatment options. Because they travel directly into a person’s bloodstream, injections have immediate results; that means patients can see improvement faster than with other treatments. For example, people struggling with nausea from chemotherapy often take anti-nausea injections rather than relying on pills or patches that enter their systems more slowly. 5.(2).(2).(5).Creams, gels, or ointments (rubbed onto the skin): Creams and gels are two different types of topical remedies. A gel usually goes on clear and it leaves a sticky feeling that can be uncomfortable. Creams, on the other hand, often go on thicker than gels, which makes them more popular for those who have sensitive skin. Ointments are similar to creams, but they’re sometimes used in place of bandages to treat wounds that need protection from outside elements. These types of medical remedies often work by stopping inflammation or reducing pain. 5.(2).(2).(6).Inhalers (as like nasal sprays or asthma inhalers): A medicine or substance that is inhaled. Inhalers can be used to treat allergies, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and other conditions. 5.(2).(2).(7).Patches that are stuck to skin ( transdermal patches): Patches that contain medicine go directly into your bloodstream through your skin, which is called transdermal delivery. Examples include nicotine patches (for people trying to quit smoking) and pain patches that contain fentanyl. 5.(2).(3).Types of Medicines_ 5.(2).(3).(1).Call to Health Care : Do you have a persistent health condition that doesn’t seem to go away? Are you confused about which natural remedies you should try first? When your doctor prescribes a medicine, do you wonder what other types of medications might work better for your particular health challenge? Take charge of your health care by learning more about what’s available in both medical care and natural remedies. 5.(2).(3).(2).Existing Medicines information to share with doctor : If you’re ill, visit your physician to get information about medications that can treat what ails you. If those over-the-counter meds don’t help, it may be time to turn to
  • 18. prescription medicines. If these still aren’t doing their job, maybe it’s time for other types of remedies. 5.(2).(3).(3).Tell doctor about the Changes of your Lifestyle : It is best to let your doctor know about any changes you make to your lifestyle, whether it’s a change in diet or a new activity. When you go to see them for your annual physical, there will be some questions that are asked as well. This helps them find ways to keep you healthy and recover from sickness faster with medicines or natural remedies. There can be many different types of medicines or natural remedies depending on what illnesses you’re trying to treat. 5.(2).(3).(4).Take clarification from Doctor's to be cure: Your doctor is a great source for any kind of medical advice. If you need to know what you can do to recover, talk to them. They'll likely suggest something like just rest or get some sleep. But if that doesn't work, they might be able to offer some advice on alternative methods. 5.(2).(3).(5).Most Important things to finalize yourself: We can never fully recover from sickness. What we can do is take measures to ease our symptoms. Find out what different types of medical remedies there are, including natural remedies, prescription medicines, home remedies and more. 5.(2).(4).Medicines information to know commonly_ 5.(2).(4).(1).Medicines can buy without prescription in urgency: Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can be bought without a prescription in an emergency, but it’s important to know that you should not take them more than twice. Tylenol is one example; painkillers containing codeine such as Nurofen Plus also fall into this category. Be sure to read the label on over-the-counter medicines before buying them. 5.(2).(4).(2).Licensed medicines: Not all medicines need a prescription; in fact, there’s a large variety of licensed medicines that you can buy over-the-counter (OTC) at your local pharmacy. Many people prefer OTC medication because they don’t want to visit their doctor just for cold or flu, or get vaccinated. Most types of pain relievers, like aspirin and ibuprofen, fall into these categories. 5.(2).(4).(3).Clinical trials: A clinical trial is a research study that tests a new medication or treatment in people. Clinical trials provide important information about whether new medicines work to improve health. Depending on what condition is being studied, they may also offer insight into how best to use these medicines to maximum benefit. All clinical trials follow a strict protocol created by researchers based on results from animal studies and earlier human studies.
  • 19. 5.(2).(4).(4).Unlicensed medicines; Many companies sell supplements that they claim can help prevent, treat, or cure a disease. These products are often marketed as treatments for diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and aging—and they can be sold without prescription. In reality, however, these products aren’t medicines at all—they’re generally vitamins and minerals found in dietary supplements. If you think you might have a medical problem, talk to your doctor before using any dietary supplement or alternative therapy. 5.(2).(4).(5).Safety of medicines: The most common side effects of ibuprofen include: nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, headaches, tiredness. Other less common side effects may occur. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away. The medicine in Advil Tablets can affect blood clotting. 5.(2).(4).(6).Risks & effects of Taking Multiple Medicines : If you are suffering from an illness and taking prescription drugs, it’s important to discuss any other medical conditions with your doctor. Your doctor will be able to advise you whether it is safe for you to take more than one medicine at a time. In some cases, if you take multiple medicines that have similar effects on your body they can counter each other causing serious side effects. 5.(2).(4).(7).Side effects of medicines: When taking a medication, you’ll always want to know whether it comes with any side effects. For minor ailments, like a cold or even flu, there may not be anything to worry about. However, if you’re taking medications for more serious conditions like diabetes or depression, side effects can become more prominent. If you do experience some side effects from your medications, contact your doctor immediately so that they can help determine if an adjustment in dosage is necessary. 5.(2).(4).(8).Buying online: If you’re buying medicine for a personal use, odds are you can find it at an online source. It’s simple to buy medicine online, but make sure to buy from reputable websites (look for online pharmacies accredited by LegitScript), read reviews, and follow all instructions. If you do so, your medicine should be shipped with no problems. If you’re going to purchase medications regularly or if you have specific health needs, it might be wise to consult with a healthcare professional. 5.(2).(4).(9).Re-check & be confirm before Taking Medicines: There are many different types of medicines and natural remedies out there. The following is a list that describes some of them and you must need to get clarification before taking anyone.
  • 20. 5.(2).(5).Regular Illnesses_ 5.(2).(5).(1).Allergies: Being allergic to something can be a life-threatening scenario. An allergy is an immune system response to a foreign body. When someone with allergies breathes in or eats something that triggers his or her allergies, his or her immune system recognizes that object as being harmful and mounts an attack against it. The body will then produce IgE antibodies, which target cells in our body that have come into contact with an allergen and cause damage by leaking chemicals into them. 5.(2).(5).(2).Colds and Flu: It’s important to understand that there’s no quick fix for colds or flu. The only way to recover from a sickness is to fight it head on—which means taking medicines, drinking fluids, eating healthy foods, resting as much as possible, and more. 5.(2).(5).(3).Conjunctivitis: The terms conjunctivitis or pink eye refers to an inflammation of either one or both of your eyelids. Conjunctivitis can lead to blurry vision, and may require medication or natural remedies if not taken care of quickly. If left untreated, it can even lead to permanent vision loss. Treatments include over-the-counter eye drops, but if they’re not working within a day or two you should seek medical treatment as well. Don’t delay! 5.(2).(5).(4).Diarrhea: If you’re dealing with a case of diarrhea, your body is losing more fluids than it’s taking in. For these cases, replenishing those fluids can sometimes be as simple as making sure you drink lots of water—but sometimes, depending on what bacteria or virus is causing your symptoms, only certain types of fluids (and no solids) will be tolerated. In these cases, don’t force yourself to eat or drink anything; let your body tell you what to do. 5.(2).(5).(5).Headaches: There are many different types of medicines used to treat headaches, from over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen to prescription analgesics such as Tylenol with codeine. Some people prefer natural remedies, such as rest or homeopathic solutions, but there is no one size fits all cure for headaches. Consult a doctor if you suffer from frequent and severe headaches. 5.(2).(5).(6).Mononucleosis: Mono—or mononucleosis—is a virus that’s transmitted by saliva or mucus. It's caused by infection with a type of herpes virus known as Epstein-Barr (EBV). Mono can result in fatigue, sore throat, muscle pain, headaches, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, low-grade fever, rash and extreme exhaustion. When mono isn't caused by EBV it's called monocytic leukemia. 5.(2).(5).(7).Stomach Aches: The primary treatment for stomach aches is over-the-counter pain relief, in a tablet or liquid form. If you can identify what’s
  • 21. causing your pain—whether it’s related to stress, diet, or some other cause—you might be able to fix it yourself with self-care methods. For example, if you have heartburn because you drank a bottle of wine last night but still feel sore from stress today, try calming your nerves by going for a run or taking deep breaths. 5.(2).(6).World’s most popular herbal medicines_ (***)Honey: There’s some evidence to suggest that honey can relieve symptoms of seasonal allergies, including nasal congestion. You can also try taking a tablespoon daily to prevent colds and boost your immune system. In fact, two studies from 2012 found that honey was just as effective at suppressing coughs as dextromethorphan—the active ingredient in most cough syrups. (Here are six more natural remedies for cough.) (***)Black Cumin: This super herb boasts potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal, and even cancer-fighting properties. Plus, it’s tasty to boot! It’s most commonly consumed as a part of chai tea blends but can also be enjoyed in your morning eggs or added to baked goods. 5.(2).(6).(1).Echinacea: Used since ancient times, echinacea is believed to be an immune system stimulator. It was a Native American tradition to use echinacea tea as a cold remedy. Several randomized, double-blind studies have found that Echinacea supplementation may speed healing in people with acute respiratory infections like colds. 5.(2).(6).(2).Elderberry: The theory behind elderberry is that it contains antioxidants and helps fight viruses, which can lead to colds. It’s important to note that while antioxidants help fight cancer, they have not been proven to effectively cure colds. If you’re looking for a home remedy for colds, consider getting extra rest and drinking lots of fluids. 5.(2).(6).(3).Ginger: While ginger isn’t going to cure a bad cold, it can still help ease symptoms. It’s most effective when eaten raw. Mix in a little bit of honey for extra sweetening if you want. Ginger can also be used topically—simply chew on a small piece of ginger or rub some paste on your chest for relief from coughs and sore throats! 5.(2).(6).(4).Ginkgo biloba: a remedy from antiquity, Ginkgo biloba may reduce symptoms of depression by improving blood flow to regions in our brain that control mood. There’s some evidence that it may also help relieve stress, improve memory function and boost attention span. If you suffer from a mental disorder characterized by low energy or attention span, give Ginkgo biloba a try—it has few side effects.
  • 22. Researchers say they found Ginkgo is as effective at treating these conditions as antidepressants like Prozac. 5.(2).(6).(5).Ginseng: According to Dr. Axe, ginseng is a type of herb that grows in China. Known for having anti-inflammatory properties, ginseng is one of many herbs that can help your body recover from sickness. One study found that taking 2 grams per day could be beneficial for those with arthritis. However, you should always speak with your doctor before beginning a new course of action. 5.(2).(6).(6).St: The most common ways to recover from sickness include resting, taking over-the-counter medications and natural remedies, eating healthy foods, drinking water, etc. As a way to get started on what kinds of medicine you should be using, let’s look at some different types 5.(2).(6).(7).Turmeric: Research has found that curcumin, an active ingredient in turmeric, can suppress your body’s inflammatory response and reduce joint pain associated with arthritis. Try adding it to soups or other dishes. 5.(2).(6).(8).Valerian: An herb that grows in temperate zones all over Europe, Asia, and North America, valerian is used to treat restlessness caused by nervousness or anxiety. (In other words, it helps you chill out.) It’s also been found to have a positive effect on patients with insomnia. (It doesn’t hurt that its roots smell like dirty socks.) It can be taken as a tincture—valerian root steeped in alcohol—or used in pill form. 5.(2).(7).Abbreviations for Prescriptions_ You must need to re-check with your doctor before taking any drugs if raise any confusion. A.C. _Before meals: B.i.d. _Twice a day: H.S. _At bedtime: P.C. _After meals: P.O. _ By mouth: P.r.n. _As needed: Q.D. _ Every day: Q.i.d. _ Four times a day: T.i.d. _Three times a day: লোকেশন: নর্থ ক্যারোলাইনা, মার্কি ন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র What are the different types of medical equipment?
  • 23. এই তারিখে মে ২৯, ২০২২ What are the different types of medical equipment..? *5.(3).Medical equipment's: (Top of Current page) Modern science working without rest to develop and introduce new equipment's for our healthy life. Modern technology & medical devices are developing new hope in critical treatment. Looking for the right medical equipment to suit your needs? It can be difficult to figure out what type of equipment you need and where to find it, but it’s important to make sure you have the right equipment so you can effectively care for your patients or clients and enjoy your job. Here are some of the most common types of medical equipment used in hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices, and other healthcare facilities. Mobility Aids
  • 24. Several types of medical devices fall under the category of mobility aids. These range from canes to walkers to wheelchairs and more. Patients can opt for lightweight and portable devices or heavy-duty equipment that’s durable enough to handle a lifetime. No matter what, you should always consult with your doctor before using any mobility aid. They can guide you toward the best device based on your specific needs, health conditions, and physical abilities. Home Health Although patients can continue to recover at home, some have specific needs that require specialized medical equipment. As a result, in-home health care services provide additional support for people who need to stay at home but require physical therapy or breathing devices. There are several types of medical devices used by in-home healthcare workers to help their patients get back on their feet and remain independent Wheelchairs Today, you can purchase many different types of wheelchairs, ranging from full-sized to lightweight active chairs. Full-sized wheelchairs offer a lot more support than lightweight versions and they tend to be less expensive, too. On average, they cost between $150 and $450 new; you can expect to pay closer to $200 for a high-quality product. Respiratory Aids Several types of medical devices help with respiratory ailments. These include oxygen masks, respirators, and ventilators. Respiratory aids provide breathing assistance to those who have trouble breathing without assistance. An oxygen mask is worn over a
  • 25. person’s mouth or nose in order to deliver an adequate amount of oxygen into his or her lungs. Diabetes & Glucose Management Aids Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that keeps your body from producing insulin, which is needed to turn food into energy. Diabetes can be managed with a combination of diet, exercise and medications. Type 2 diabetes is caused by many things, including obesity and genetics. Treatment for type 2 includes diet, exercise and possibly medication as well as medication known as metformin. Incontinence Care Incontinence can be an embarrassing problem. It’s not something you want to discuss with friends, family or co-workers. Fortunately, there is medical equipment to help people who suffer from incontinence regain their confidence and lead a normal life. The three main types of incontinence care products include adult diapers, protective underwear and pads. Patient Lifts & Electric Hospital Beds Most people associate hospital beds with older folks, but in reality, all kinds of patients need to be lifted or moved for all sorts of reasons. That’s why there’s such a wide variety of medical lifts and electric hospital beds available. There are quite a few different varieties to choose from depending on your patient’s needs, and you should really think about how your patient will be using it before you make a purchase. Hospital Furniture Section
  • 26. In a medical setting, equipment isn’t just made to help in diagnosis or treatment; it’s also meant to make patients feel at ease. From traditional dental chairs and hospital beds to special exam tables and advanced technology-based equipment, different types of medical equipments worldwide provide comfort for all kinds of procedures. You can learn more about specific types of furniture for hospitals on our web page. Hospital IT Services Information technology offers many different types of medical equipment to aid with health care. From simple things like thermometers and blood pressure cuffs to more complex equipment, like CT scanners and MRI machines, every type of hospital provides equipment that aids in diagnosis and treatment. If you have a loved one in a hospital, it’s important to know what kind of equipment is available so you can better understand their situation. This is also true if you work in a hospital setting or want to get into healthcare as a career. Hospital Supply Stores Hospitals are classified into general, specialty, and critical access hospitals. General hospitals can be further broken down into community, suburban, rural district and university. Specialty hospitals include children’s hospital and psychiatric units in many areas. Critical access hospitals provide basic services to a small area that doesn’t have enough patients to maintain a full-service hospital. 5.(3).(1).The Different Types of Medical Equipment and Hospital Supplies_ There are many different types of medical equipment and instruments used in healthcare facilities around the world to aid physicians in the diagnosis and
  • 27. treatment of their patients. From MRIs and CT scans to respirators and EKGs, these machines and devices make it possible to treat patients quickly and effectively, saving lives on a daily basis. Here are just some of the most common types of medical equipment used in both clinical and home settings today. Types of medical equipment are used in hospitals, health clinics and private practices to assist in treatment and diagnosis of diseases and injuries. The equipment varies by institution and often by specialty within medicine (e.g., obstetrics vs neurosurgery). Examples of medical equipment include endoscopes, ophthalmic instruments, surgical instruments, resuscitation equipment, patient monitors, anesthesia machines, X-ray machines, cardiology equipment, and medical imaging devices such as CT scanners. Although the medical field covers all these types of equipment, they are not all necessarily used in every setting. Insulin syringes These are used for giving insulin injections. Some diabetics may use an insulin pen, which is a disposable device that looks like a large pen and includes several chambers where different doses of insulin can be stored. The user injects them into their body as needed. You should never share needles or pens with another person, even if they also have diabetes. This can result in transmission of infections and viruses like hepatitis B and C, which increase your risk for cirrhosis, liver cancer, and end-stage liver disease. Nebulizer syringes
  • 28. Syringes for nebulizers may look like a typical hypodermic needle, but they're actually different. Nebulizer syringes make it easier to inhale or administer a drug or compound directly into your lungs. This type of medical equipment is used when your doctor prescribes one and can be especially helpful for treating cystic fibrosis. Bottle Feeding Supplies There are several types of medical instruments that can aid in bottle feeding. A special formula can be purchased to mix with breast milk or a woman’s own milk. Baby bottles, nipples, and pacifiers (for sucking) can also be found at a pharmacy or department store. Breast Pumps A breast pump is a device designed to remove milk from a woman’s breasts, which enables her to feed her baby without being present. There are several types of breast pumps on the market, including manual and electric versions that allow for single or double pumping. If you’re new to nursing or returning to work after giving birth, it’s helpful to learn about these different types before investing in one. For instance, you may want an electric pump if you plan on bottle-feeding regularly. Neonatal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Supplies CPAP is an effective treatment for newborn babies who suffer from respiratory distress syndrome. It’s also great for preventing SIDS (Sudden Infant Death
  • 29. Syndrome). Babies in neonatal intensive care units often use CPAP, so it’s good to familiarize yourself with some of its common supplies and what they do. The picture below depicts several types of medical devices used by NICUs and their purposes. Urine Collectors, Incontinence Products and Urinary Drainage Bags If you’re in search of a quality urine collector or urinary drainage bag, simply contact Urine Collectors Inc. We offer high-quality products, fast delivery and responsive customer service at all times. Find out how we can help you. Urinary Catheters, Bed Pans, Urinals and Enemas These medical devices come in a variety of styles and sizes, but they all serve one basic purpose: helping patients go to bathroom. Urinary catheters, for example, help men and women urinate. Bed pans are generally used by patients who can’t get out of bed to relieve themselves; some have handles so that others can help them with them. Enemas do just what their name suggests: They clean out a patient’s colon using water or other fluids. IV Supplies & IV Sets IV therapy is one of most common types of medical treatment for administering medications and fluids directly into a vein. IV supplies and IV sets can be grouped into three different categories: over-the-needle catheters, filter sets, and extension sets. Here’s what you need to know about each type.
  • 30. IV Pump Supplies & Accessories An IV pump supplies your body with a steady stream of intravenous fluids when you’re unable to eat or drink normally. It’s an essential tool for patients suffering from conditions like congestive heart failure, cancer, kidney disease and burn injury. Over time, however, it can become damaged if exposed to heat or cold—an especially concerning problem in areas where there’s extreme temperature fluctuation. Bag Connectors and Adapters There are several types of medical equipment bag connectors and adapters. One type is actually a cable with pins on each end that attaches to an EKG machine or other piece of medical equipment, then connects to an electrical outlet or other power source. Another type is a connector that allows you to operate some medical equipment through another piece of hardware or software. Some different types are necessary for specific uses and can be ordered separately; others come included with other medical equipment purchases. Injection port systems and supplies An injection port system consists of a reservoir and one or more injection ports. A syringe is connected to an injection port, which is implanted under your skin in order to make injections as easy as possible. There are several types of these systems on the market. Each has its own unique set of benefits, though they all share some similar
  • 31. features. Depending on your medical needs, you may want to consider different features when choosing an injection port system. Patient Monitors, Alarms & Accessories While there are several types of medical equipment, some tools have wide-ranging uses. When monitoring patients in hospitals or nursing homes, it’s important to have a high level of accuracy and fast response times—that’s where patient monitors come in. Patient monitors track heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and other vital signs. They can also be used as an alarm system to alert medical staff if a patient’s vitals spike unexpectedly. Oxygen Concentrators and Supplies Oxygen concentrators, also known as oxygen machines or pods, do exactly what their name suggests—concentrate oxygen. These devices include an exhaust tube attached to a face mask, which you wear and breathe in through. If you're on a hospital visit and need supplemental oxygen, an oxygen concentrator is probably what your doctor will prescribe for you. 5.(3).(1).(1).Acute Care: When a medical device is used in an acute setting, it usually means that its usage will be temporary. Examples include things like IVs and ventilators, as well as other devices that help stabilize patients in emergency rooms or intensive care units (ICUs). Many times these devices will be used for patient monitoring and to help keep patients alive until they can safely move on to another location for further treatment.
  • 32. 5.(3).(1).(2).Electronic : Some medical equipment utilizes electricity. Pacemakers, defibrillators, and EEGs (electroencephalography) devices fall into this category. These types of medical equipment help monitor body functions and diagnose problems. For example, an electrocardiogram machine (ECG) is used to assess heart function. 5.(3).(1).(3).Durable : Not all medical equipment is disposable—in fact, some of it’s incredibly durable. Non-disposable (or durable) medical equipment can be used on several patients before being thrown away. Some examples of durable medical equipment include wheelchairs, walkers, and specialized hospital beds. These devices must be cleaned thoroughly between each use and require regular maintenance to ensure they continue to operate effectively for years at a time. 5.(3).(1).(4).Diagnostic: These devices and equipment are used to identify what’s causing a patient’s illness. Diagnostic tools include X-ray machines, MRIs and ultrasound machines. Physicians use these instruments to help determine what kind of treatment a patient needs in order to get better. 5.(3).(1).(5).Procedural : The equipment and tools used in a medical procedure. Examples include: surgical instruments, an electrocardiogram machine (EKG), and anesthesia equipment. 5.(3).(1).(6).Surgical : These tools and instruments are used in an operating room setting by a surgeon to handle various operations. Included in these types of medical equipment would be laparoscopic surgery instruments, ultrasound imaging devices, diagnostic machines and even hospital beds. 5.(3).(1).(7).Storage and Transport : The medical equipment has to be maintained in proper conditions and transported carefully. The medical equipment should be stored in a cool, dry area. Besides normal transport, they also have to be handled with care while being carried up and down stairs, along narrow passageways or down narrow hallways. Some of these equipments cannot go through some types of elevators such as freight elevators or dumbwaiters. 5.(3).(2).Other medical devices & equipment’s_ 5.(3).(2).(1).AMBU emergency case: There are several types of medical devices. Some have been in existence for hundreds and even thousands of years, while others have just been developed in recent decades. To help you understand better, here’s a look at several types of medical devices. First, let’s start with airway management
  • 33. devices. These help keep airways open, allowing patients to breathe normally or in some cases using ventilators to help support breathing. 5.(3).(2).(2).Anesthesia Machines: These large, complex machines, housed in special clean rooms and outfitted with advanced filtration systems to protect against airborne pathogens and contaminants, produce a range of gases that allow patients to breathe comfortably during surgery. Although anesthesia machines aren’t sophisticated or groundbreaking technologies (most hospitals date back to before World War II), they perform an essential role in modern health care. 5.(3).(2).(3).Anesthesia trolley: An anesthesia trolley is a piece of medical equipment used in hospitals and other medical facilities. Also known as an operating table, they’re used to hold and move patients around during surgery. They feature retractable wheels or casters that can make them mobile, along with handles for easy movement around a room. In some cases, features like fluid pumps and defibrillators may be attached to or built into an anesthesia trolley for added convenience. 5.(3).(2).(4).Arthroscope: Arthroscopy is a medical procedure that uses an arthroscope, an endoscope, or a laparoscope inserted into a joint to view and treat injuries inside a joint. Arthroscopy is used to examine and/or treat problems with joints (such as knee and shoulder) that don’t need surgery. For example, it may be used in place of open surgery for small meniscus tears or osteoarthritis. 5.(3).(2).(5).Autoclave: An autoclave is a device used to sterilize surgical instruments and tools through exposure to pressurized steam. This piece of medical equipment can be used on its own or in combination with an operating room suite, including anesthetic gas management systems, surgical suction equipment, mechanical ventilators and other devices. Autoclaves come in a variety of shapes and sizes for use in different types of procedures, including surgeries performed under general anesthesia, local anesthesia, minimal sedation or conscious sedation. 5.(3).(2).(6).Bacteriological light: One type of medical device that you might not know much about is a bacteriological light. These lamps use ultraviolet (UV) radiation to sterilize medical equipment and other areas. UV light can be used in hospitals, clinics, and doctors’ offices to keep pathogens out of sterile environments and minimize cross-contamination. Bacteriologic light fixtures typically contain long wave UV tubes that kill microorganisms. 5.(3).(2).(7).Bedpan: A bedpan is a type of medical equipment used as a receptacle for human waste. You’ve seen them before, since they’re generally located near beds in hospitals, but they’re actually used by anyone who can’t easily use a toilet and needs help with waste management. This includes people with severe
  • 34. arthritis or certain types of paralysis that make sitting difficult or impossible. Bedpans should be emptied into toilets and disposed in septic tanks like any other kind of medical waste. 5.(3).(2).(8).Blanket and Fluid Warmers: If your doctor recommends you keep your bed at a certain temperature, you’ll need a blanket and/or fluid warmer. Blanket warmers are often heated by an electrical heating element or circulating fluid in plastic tubing, while fluid warmers use glass vials that contain a gel for heat retention. Both can help ease pain, relax muscles and promote faster healing. Fluid warmers also provide warmth to intravenous fluids administered during surgery and hospice care. 5.(3).(2).(9).Cannula : A cannula is a thin, plastic tube that is inserted into a vein to administer medication. A cannula is often used in hospitals and other medical settings, where it can be attached to an intravenous fluid bag. In emergency situations, one may be inserted into an artery instead to administer drugs like epinephrine (adrenaline). 5.(3).(2).(10).Cardiotocograph: There are several types of medical instruments available and a doctor will rely on these tools to detect and measure problems. One type of medical instrument is a cardiotocograph, also called an electronic fetal monitor or EFM. This monitoring tool is attached to a pregnant woman’s abdomen to detect any abnormalities in her baby’s heartbeat or movements. The results of an EFM can help determine if there are any potential birth defects or other health issues. 5.(3).(2).(11).Cardioverter / Defibrillator : Also known as a cardioverter-defibrillator (or C.V.D.), these devices monitor your heart rate, and if an irregular heartbeat is detected, it delivers a shock to restore a normal rhythm. They’re often implanted in patients with severe cardiac arrhythmias that may cause sudden death. 5.(3).(2).(12).Carry bag: So, you have no idea what type of medical equipment to buy for your loved one. Well, not a problem since there is actually a wide variety of different types of medical instruments in India and around the world. If you’re looking for something compact, efficient and affordable then read on to find out more about their types. Some equipment might be so advanced that they need to be delivered directly from an authorized dealer while some you can easily purchase online. 5.(3).(2).(13).Catheter : A catheter is a small, flexible tube that can be inserted into different areas of your body to drain excess fluid or administer medication. Catheters are used in a variety of medical procedures, including dialysis, kidney
  • 35. transplantation and chemotherapy. There are many types of catheters made from several different materials, so it’s important to get familiar with what type would work best for you. Read more here. 5.(3).(2).(14).Centrifuge: An instrument used to separate particles from a liquid or solid suspension by applying centrifugal force. What type of medical equipment is it? A centrifuge is an instrument used to separate particles from a liquid or solid suspension by applying centrifugal force. It has several medical uses, such as separating blood samples and bone marrow samples for lab testing. Not sure which one you have or if you even need one? Check out our buying guide. 5.(3).(2).(15).Chemistry Analyzer: A chemistry analyzer is a laboratory instrument that measures chemical compounds and samples. Analyzers can be as simple as an acid-base indicator, or as complicated as an apparatus used in gas chromatography. Some analyzers, such as spectrophotometers, require sample preparation. These instruments analyze samples using a variety of methods; for example: titration, spectrometry and microscopy. 5.(3).(2).(16).Coagulometer: The Coagulometer is one type of medical equipment that measures coagulation. Coagulation is a chemical process that allows blood to bind together so it can clot and stop bleeding. Coagulometers measure clotting ability by running a sample through a tube, adding an agent that prevents clotting, then counting how long it takes for clotting to occur. 5.(3).(2).(17).Coronarography/Angiography system: The coronary angiography/coronarography system is used for investigating and treating certain cardiovascular disorders. The system usually consists of an injection system, a catheter, a video recorder and monitor, and a console that controls all aspects of procedure. Coronary angiography involves the injection of contrast material into a blood vessel supplying heart muscle to enable an imaging study (angiogram) to be made. 5.(3).(2).(18).Couch, Gynecology: A couch is a medical device used in gynecology, obstetrics and urology to support patients during treatment. These kinds of couches often feature stirrups for comfort and safety. A more specific term for these kinds of couches include lithotomy couches or gynecological chairs. These devices may also be known as gyno furniture, examination tables or delivery beds. 5.(3).(2).(19).Crocodile Forceps: This type of medical device is designed for grasping slippery or delicate organs and tissues, with its shape resembling that of a crocodile’s jaws. The crocodile forceps comes in varying sizes, depending on what it’s meant to grab. Larger, fixed-width versions are used to grasp solid organs like
  • 36. kidneys and stomachs. Smaller, adjustable varieties can be used to hold smaller body parts like nerves or veins. 5.(3).(2).(20).CT-scanner: A CT scanner is a device used in medical imaging that utilizes computer technology to create cross-sectional images (often called slices) of an object, allowing for analysis and diagnosis. Examples include CT-scanners, PET-scanners and MRI machines. Though similar types of medical devices exist (X-ray machines, ultrasound machines), these specialized medical instruments utilize different scientific processes to create images. As a result, they cannot be used interchangeably with CT scanners. 5.(3).(2).(21).Defibrillators: There are several types of medical instruments that work on completely different procedures. One such device is a defibrillator, which is used in hospitals and by emergency response teams. In a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), an individual’s heart loses its ability to pump blood and they stop breathing. The timing between SCA onset and defibrillation can be lifesaving, but it depends on how quickly help arrives at an SCA victim’s side. 5.(3).(2).(22).Defibrillators: These machines deliver an electric shock to restore a normal heart rhythm and can help prevent sudden cardiac arrest. There are different types: automated external defibrillators (AEDs), which can be used on people who have collapsed due to a cardiac emergency, and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs), which can monitor an individual’s heart rhythms for several years after they are placed under their skin. 5.(3).(2).(23).Delivery Bed: The delivery bed is a device that resembles a hospital bed but can be folded down for transportation and storage. These beds are most commonly used in hospitals as part of childbirth, but doctors also use them when transporting patients from one location to another. The patient lays on top with only his or her head sticking out from under sheets or blankets, which makes it easier for medical staff to tend to wounds and administer medications during transport. 5.(3).(2).(24).Delivery Couch: The delivery couch is typically a small bed with wheels that allows medical staff to move from room to room easily. These usually fold out and include a variety of accessories, including drawers and cabinets. The delivery couch is sometimes called a maternity bed. This type of medical equipment is generally used during childbirth, although some people use it during recovery after an injury or surgery. Delivery couches also may be used in nursing homes as extra beds or as places for patients who need some assistance moving around. 5.(3).(2).(25).Duodenoscope: A duodenoscope is a flexible scope that a doctor can use to examine a patient’s digestive tract, including their esophagus, stomach
  • 37. and colon. Duodenoscopes are also referred to as ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) scopes or EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) scopes. 5.(3).(2).(26).ECG Gel; The electrodes on an ECG machine are attached to wires which must be connected to a patient. A gel needs to be applied in order for those wires to make a good connection, ensuring accurate readings and preventing skin irritation. This type of medical device is commonly used during a routine check-up, as well as with patients who have been hospitalized or are in critical care units. The ECG test can also help determine if someone is having heart problems, helping diagnose any abnormalities that might be present. 5.(3).(2).(27).EEG: Electroencephalography (EEG) is a noninvasive test that monitors electrical activity along specific points on your scalp. EEG is one of several types of medical equipment used in neurology, an entire field devoted to studying and treating disorders of your nervous system, including your brain and spinal cord. In addition to EEG, other common devices used in neurology include CT scanners, fMRIs and PET scans. These machines use radio waves or x-rays for imaging purposes. 5.(3).(2).(28).EKG/ECG Machines: Electrocardiography (ECG) is one type of medical equipment used to monitor heartbeats. ECG stands for electrocardiography and refers to both a machine that records your heartbeat as well as doctors who study it. Cardiologists use EKGs, or electrocardiographs, to record both normal and abnormal heart rhythms. They can often determine what’s wrong with a patient through these records, since every heartbeat displays different patterns based on age, health, gender and other factors. 5.(3).(2).(29).Electrocardiograph machine: An electrocardiograph (ECG or EKG) is a machine that measures and records a patient’s heart activity. One device that performs ECGs is called an electrocardiograph machine, but it may also be referred to as a cardiograph, a cardioscope, or an electrocardiograph. These devices use electrodes to connect with your heart muscle, transmit electricity into your body, and record electrical activity. 5.(3).(2).(30).Electrosurgical Unit: The most common medical instrument used in a doctor’s office is an electrosurgical unit. It’s used to coagulate and cut soft tissue without relying on a blade. An electrosurgical unit is similar to a small soldering iron. When tissue is placed between two electrodes on either side of it, an electrical current travels through it that seals and cuts it as if you were using scissors or another kind of cutter. 5.(3).(2).(31).Endoscope : An endoscope is a medical device that’s inserted into a human body. It comes in several types and can be used for different purposes. For
  • 38. example, there are stomach endoscopes, colonoscopes and bronchoscopes. All endoscopes have tiny lenses at their tip, which capture high-quality images that help doctors detect any possible diseases or abnormalities on your digestive tract, colon or lungs. Endoscopes can also be used to perform surgery on tissues inside your body. 5.(3).(2).(32).Enema equipment : An enema is a way to administer liquid into your rectum and colon via an enema bag. This may be done for a variety of reasons, including: getting ready for certain medical procedures; easing constipation; or as part of erotic play. When using an enema bag, you fill it with warm water and then hook it up to tubing that leads directly into your anus. 5.(3).(2).(33).Examination Lamp: This type of medical equipment is used to examine patients by illuminating a particular area. A typical example would be an examining table, which allows doctors and dentists to examine underneath a patient’s clothing for minor injuries or infections. Other types of examination lamps can also be found in dentist’s offices and pharmacies. 5.(3).(2).(34).Fetal Monitor: A fetal monitor is a machine that uses electronic technology to observe and record a baby’s heart rate, rhythm, contractions, and other changes. Fetal monitors typically require an anesthesiologist or nurse to operate them; however, doctors can learn how to use one in a very short time. While fetal monitors cannot guarantee your baby will be born healthy, they can give expectant mothers peace of mind by keeping track of their baby’s vital signs throughout labor. 5.(3).(2).(35).Fiber bronchoscope: An fiber optic bronchoscope, which is also known as a flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope or fiberscope, is a medical device used to look inside your airways. It works by transmitting light from an endoscope via optical fibers and then displaying them on a video screen. This allows your doctor to see inside your airways and take pictures if necessary. 5.(3).(2).(36).Four limb electrodes: Several types of medical instruments used for EKG, EEG, EMG and more rely on four limb electrodes. These devices apply a small amount of electrical current to specific locations on your skin to record brain waves or muscle activity. They come in both adhesive patches and cables that connect to an amplifier or recording device, depending on what you’re using them for. Common uses include testing your nerves’ electrical impulses, your heart’s functional strength and abnormal muscle movements caused by nerve problems. 5.(3).(2).(37).Four strap electrodes: The EKG uses four strap electrodes to pick up and transmit electrical signals, making it one of several types of medical equipment that uses both wired and wireless technology. Physicians use EKGs in hospitals to monitor patients with heart problems and other cardiac conditions.
  • 39. Patients can also get portable EKGs from retailers like Walmart, meaning that an increasing number of people at home can monitor their own heart health and check for signs of potential problems. 5.(3).(2).(38).Gas cylinder : one gas cylinder is used to store oxygen. It is usually made from metal and has a removable valve attached to its top with oxygen tubing connected. The amount of oxygen in each cylinder depends on what it was designed for. Some are intended for home use while others can be purchased for industrial or commercial use. 5.(3).(2).(39).Gauze sponge: For example, gauze sponges are used to soak up extra blood during surgery. There’s quite a few types, but it’s primarily used for cleaning and absorbing. If you need gauze sponges, you can buy them from most medical supply stores. 5.(3).(2).(40).Hospital Stretchers: One type of medical equipment used in hospitals is a stretcher. Also called a gurney, a hospital stretcher is an important part of what makes up an emergency department or ambulance team, and it can also be found in operating rooms. These devices are used to transfer patients between facilities and assist those with mobility issues, among other tasks. While they may look like most beds at first glance, there’s far more to these pieces of equipment than meets the eye. 5.(3).(2).(41).Hot air sterilizer: A hot air sterilizer is a medical device that uses hot air to kill harmful microorganisms. It’s typically used for high-value, non-critical instruments such as surgical tools or endoscopes. Typically, these are single-use devices and must be disposed of after use. However, some hospitals have invested in programs that allow surgeons to bring their own devices back for cleaning and re-use on subsequent cases. 5.(3).(2).(42).Hypodermic needle / Syringe: A hypodermic needle is a medical instrument used with a syringe for medical injections. Although many other devices for medical injections are available, it remains one of several types of medical equipment's and devices worldwide that is well-known to laypersons as well as physicians. Among these instruments and apparatuses, they may be considered particularly notable because they are so common and familiar to people in general, yet often come as quite a surprise to new observers unfamiliar with their purpose or manner of use. 5.(3).(2).(43).Incubator laboratory: Incubator lab is a type of medical equipment that helps doctors to test incubate egg and babies in natural way so as to keep them healthy. It contains delicate equipments that should be handled carefully with extra precautions. Its applications are widespread such as hospital, clinics, or
  • 40. research institute. Moreover, in order to build its reputation and attract more people, it is required to put its logo on Incubator Lab because it acts as an external advertising signboard which spreads out its brand name and generate trust from customers.. 5.(3).(2).(44).Incubator neonate: There are several types of incubators used in neonatal units around the world, including jet and radiant warmers. Incubators can also be used to warm premature babies; these units are often placed within an intensive care unit (ICU) so that doctors and nurses can keep a close eye on any sign of distress. 5.(3).(2).(45).Infant reanimation centre: An infant reanimation centre is used in case of a sudden illness or accident involving a newborn baby. This can either be an in-hospital situation or an out-of-hospital emergency, for example, when you’re on your way to hospital and your baby stops breathing. It may also be used when a new mother is having difficulty breathing after birth due to cord constriction around her neck, which could cause hypoxia (lack of oxygen) to her baby. 5.(3).(2).(46).Infant warmer: An infant warmer is a piece of medical equipment that keeps a newborn baby at a specified temperature to protect against hypothermia. Newborns are particularly vulnerable to chilling since they have little or no fat to act as insulation and their skin is thin. Usually, an infant will be placed in an incubator, which has sensors that monitor temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide levels and automatically regulates heat via electric blankets. 5.(3).(2).(47).Infection control equipment : In most hospitals and healthcare facilities, infection control is a top priority. Because of that, there are several types of medical equipment used for protection in and outside clinical environments. From face masks to door stoppers, if you’re an infection control professional or work with these specialists, it’s important to know what equipment is commonly used throughout your organization and why. Here are some common types you may see every day in health care facilities 5.(3).(2).(48).Infusion fluid holder: This is a simple piece of equipment that may seem very basic, but it’s one you’ll likely find in any hospital, doctor’s office or clinic. It allows nurses to administer IV fluids to patients in a controlled manner. These units are made from plastic and are equipped with an outlet where tubing from an IV bag can be connected; they also have compartments for storing these bags if needed. 5.(3).(2).(49).Instrument sterilizer : An instrument sterilizer is a piece of medical equipment that uses chemicals, radiation or heat to kill bacteria on and in medical instruments. Instrument sterilizers are used in hospitals, clinics and other
  • 41. medical facilities that work with sterile instruments. The purpose of an instrument sterilizer is to ensure that any pathogenic organisms present on or inside surgical instruments are destroyed before use so as not to introduce infection into a patient. The type of sterilization used depends on what type(s) of instrument(s) is/are being sterilized. 5.(3).(2).(50).Kidney dish: It is used to remove kidney stones. The surgery is called ureterolithotomy, which is needed to break up and remove a large or small rock from a patient’s kidney. The procedure requires that doctors insert a hollow tube, called a nephroscope, into the patient’s bladder and then thread it through one of his or her kidneys. This allows physicians to see inside patients’ bodies and maneuver surgical instruments into place. Types of medical equipment 5.(3).(2).(51).Laparoscopy system: Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure in which an optical instrument called a laparoscope is inserted into a small incision to examine and treat internal organs. The laparoscopic device usually consists of three main components: (1) an endoscope, which allows viewing inside body cavities; (2) an operating channel, through which specific instruments can be introduced into those cavities; and (3) special instruments designed for use within each specific body cavity. 5.(3).(2).(52).Mammograph: The mammograph is a device that creates an image of the breast through X-ray technology. Although there are several types of mammographs, including digital and 3D, all produce similar images that are sent to radiologists for evaluation. If anything suspicious is seen in a mammograph, further investigation may be required. 5.(3).(2).(53).Measuring tape : a measuring tape is a tool used by builders and tradesmen to measure distances. A typical measuring tape has a hook on one end, and cloth or metal (and in rare cases plastic) tape that is marked off in both inches and millimetres. 5.(3).(2).(54).Medical halogen penlight : The medical halogen penlight has become an essential tool for doctors, nurses and all medical personnel in hospitals. Doctors require a penlight during surgery to see inside patients' bodies and identify any damage that may have been caused by an operation. This device is also known as an operating or surgical light, or a surgical headlamp. It’s one of several types of medical instruments used in operations. 5.(3).(2).(55).Medical ultrasound : Ultrasound is a non-invasive medical diagnostic technique that uses high frequency sound waves to image soft tissue structures in various parts of the body. It can be used to look at internal organs, blood vessels, and other soft tissues. The ultrasound device emits sound waves which
  • 42. bounce off different structures within a part of your body. A device called a transducer captures these echoes and converts them into electrical signals that are then interpreted by an ultrasound machine and displayed as images on a screen. 5.(3).(2).(56).Microscope Binocular: A microscope is an instrument used to see objects that are too small for the naked eye. A binocular microscope uses two eyepieces, or magnifying glasses, which gives you a three-dimensional view. It has very high magnification power and is used in biology to study cells and other submicroscopic organisms. They can also be used for metallurgy, mineralogy, surveying, astronomy, medical examination and many other applications. 5.(3).(2).(57).Microscope Monocular: These are used for viewing small objects. It has two lenses, one being convex and the other concave. The microscope with only one lens is called monocular. It can be handheld or mounted on a stand. Some have built-in illuminators while others require an external light source to illuminate objects. Stereo Microscope: This type of microscope is used to view three-dimensional objects as they appear in nature. 5.(3).(2).(58).Nasogastric tube: The nasogastric tube, or NG tube for short, is a medical instrument inserted into your nostril and down into your stomach. It’s used as an alternative to an IV when you need to receive fluid and nutrients but can’t have one for some reason. 5.(3).(2).(59).Nebulizer: A nebulizer is a device that converts liquid medication or compound into a mist, so it can be easily inhaled through a face mask. Nebulizers are commonly used to treat asthma and other respiratory conditions. There are several types of nebulizers for home use, such as air compressor-driven (for people who need immediate relief), electric powered and ultrasonic nebulizers. 5.(3).(2).(60).Nebulizer : A nebulizer is a device that turns liquid medication into a fine mist. The mist, called aerosolized medication, can be breathed in using a face mask or mouthpiece. A nebulizer is useful for people who have difficulty breathing. For example, children with asthma and patients on mechanical ventilators use nebulizers to help them breathe easier by reducing inflammation and opening airways in their lungs. 5.(3).(2).(61).Operating instrument set: The most common type of medical equipment is an operating instrument set. These devices, which can vary depending on your needs, are used to conduct multiple medical procedures. They are categorized by specialty, such as laparoscopic surgery or endoscopy. Operating instruments are generally made up of various types of needles and tubes that enable users to examine parts of a patient’s body, such as under their skin or inside their blood vessels and organs.
  • 43. 5.(3).(2).(62).Operating Table: The operating table is one of the most important pieces of medical equipment and is used extensively in all hospitals. These tables help move patients into different positions for medical procedures like surgeries, examinations and more. The type you choose depends on a variety of factors, such as hospital size and budget. Types include manual, motorized and convertible. 5.(3).(2).(63).Operating Table: The operating table is used to place patients on during surgical procedures. The device is typically placed in an operating room and can be raised or lowered to accommodate patient height and weight. Surgeons will often use an assistant (medical professional) to help raise and lower a patient onto an operating table, depending on its design. In most cases, once a patient has been positioned on an operating table, surgeons make a few small incisions with a scalpel before placing surgical drapes over them. 5.(3).(2).(64).Operating theater light: An operating theatre light is a special medical device used for illumination during surgical procedures. This type of lighting usually makes use of halogen bulbs and overhead mirrors to ensure bright, shadow-free light. Operating theater lights are sometimes used in addition to supplemental medical equipment such as anesthetic machines, monitors and ventilators, depending on whether these items are integral or optional features in a given surgery setup. These types of lighting units can be found inside a variety of health care facilities including hospitals, clinics and dental practices. 5.(3).(2).(65).Ophthalmoscope : An ophthalmoscope is a medical instrument used by doctors to examine the back of your eye. The ophthalmoscope has two parts: one that shines light onto your eye and another that reflects and focuses that light into a magnified image on a screen. Your doctor will use an ophthalmoscope to check for things like glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and detached retinas, or to see if you have allergies or other issues with your eye health. 5.(3).(2).(66).Otoscope: An otoscope is a medical instrument used to examine a patient’s ear canal and eardrum, making it one of several types of medical equipment . Otoscopes come in two varieties: those for pediatric and adult use. A pediatric otoscope, which has been designed with children in mind, is smaller and uses a light source optimized for a child’s vision. Both models have magnifying glasses that are placed against a patient’s ear so doctors can see inside. 5.(3).(2).(67).Oxygen mask and tubes: Oxygen is one of those many types of medical equipment that’s important in times when we need a big supply of air. It is especially beneficial to patients suffering from asthma or pulmonary problems as well as cardiac arrest victims, who might need some extra help in breathing. Some people might require oxygen on a regular basis to help their health stay on track and
  • 44. make sure they won’t get worse; however, others might just need it temporarily until they get better. 5.(3).(2).(68).Patient cable: The patient cable is used to support a medical device when it's being connected to or disconnected from an electrical outlet. This type of medical equipment is required by hospitals, nursing homes and doctors' offices in order to ensure that patients are not subjected to unnecessary shock due to loose connections. A qualified electrical engineer will be able to create a safe and functional design for your facility based on national standards. 5.(3).(2).(69).Patient Monitor, ICU: The patient monitor is a type of medical equipment used to measure and display a patient’s vital signs. These include a person’s heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation level. Patient monitors are typically found in hospitals or intensive care units (ICUs). Some models can also be used at home for patients who need long-term monitoring or post-surgery recovery. A typical ICU model allows doctors to remotely control and change settings such as alarms. 5.(3).(2).(70).Patient monitors: Heart monitors, Pulse oximeters and thermometers are all common types of medical equipment found in patient care facilities. These devices are often used to keep patients comfortable, alert, and safe while they're recovering from surgery or while they're admitted to a hospital bed with an existing health condition. Heart rate monitors have gotten especially small and are widely used for day-to-day patient monitoring as well. 5.(3).(2).(71).Patient Monitors: Several types of medical equipment are used to monitor patients, including a variety of sensors that are used to check vitals and physical states. Patient monitors come in several different types that provide various features, such as standard patient monitors and bi-manual patient monitors, which provide two separate input options for healthcare workers. 5.(3).(2).(72).Patient trolley: These are used to help patients move easily in and out of bed. There are several types available, depending on a patient’s needs. Some trolleys can help paralyzed patients sit up in bed without assistance; others come with leg braces for easier sitting. In many cases, these trolleys can be adjusted for maximum comfort. It may seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference in terms of quality of life. 5.(3).(2).(73).Pipette or dropper : This device is used to administer medication that comes in liquid form. Used to dispense liquids, these devices are commonly found in pharmacies and hospitals. Several types of medical equipment can be found with standard features, but some have unique applications, such as a French curve pipette that makes it easier for doctors to place drops into a patient’s eyes. Some
  • 45. models have customizable heads that allow physicians to easily adjust application methods. The ability to modify these types of medical equipment comes from their design. 5.(3).(2).(74).Portable ultrasound scanner: A portable ultrasound scanner is any type of medical equipment used for imaging human anatomy and diagnosing medical conditions. Portable means it can be moved easily, usually with wheels or a handgrip handle. And while they are called scanners, they do not actually scan like a traditional Xerox machine but rather use ultrasonic energy. They are typically battery-operated and fit easily in a doctor’s pocket or lab coat pocket. 5.(3).(2).(75).Proctoscope : One type of medical equipment is known as a proctoscope. This instrument, sometimes called a proctoscope, allows doctors to view patients’ rectums and lower intestinal tracts for diagnosis and treatment. Doctors insert a proctoscope into patients’ anuses, then direct images onto computer screens. A rectal exam may help doctors find out if patients have hemorrhoids or other diseases, such as colon cancer or ulcers in their anal regions. 5.(3).(2).(76).Radiography : What are types of medical equipments used to produce x-rays? A radiography is an imaging technique that produces pictures based on passing X-rays through an object. It’s a noninvasive technology that allows physicians to diagnose and treat various medical conditions. Radiography involves two main processes: image production and image interpretation. Radiography equipment includes several types of devices such as X-ray machines, fluoroscopy systems, CT scanners, MRI machines, ultrasounds and mammography units. 5.(3).(2).(77).Reflex hammer: This is an example of a medical instrument. The purpose of a reflex hammer is to test nerve function in patients. Usually, they are used by doctors or other medical professionals who have experience and training with medical instruments. Most often, these hammers are made from metal or hard plastic and have a textured grip for ease in handling them. There are several types of reflex hammers that vary slightly in their appearances and intended use. 5.(3).(2).(78).Refrigerator: The refrigerator is one of several types of medical equipment that keeps items at a temperature lower than normal room temperature. Refrigerators are not intended for keeping items cold, like drinks or food; rather, they keep items cool, meaning that they must be stored in their original packaging or containers. If refrigerators are not properly maintained or used incorrectly, food can spoil, which can cause serious health issues. Consider contacting a company such as Kold Rite Climate Control for additional information and assistance. 5.(3).(2).(79).Scale for Adults: An adult scale helps you keep tabs on your weight and body composition, which can have an impact on things like heart health
  • 46. and diabetes. You should weigh yourself once a week at most to track any changes in your physique—ideally first thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything. In addition to tracking your weight, it’s important to monitor any changes in body fat. 5.(3).(2).(80).Scale for newborn children: The scale for newborns, or infant scale, measures in 1 gram increments from 100 to 500 grams. These scales are used for weighing babies that are not able to stand. 5.(3).(2).(81).Scalpels: A scalpel is a small, sharp knife used in surgery. It has a handle and a thin, sharp blade that’s held under tension by a metal frame. This keeps it straight and helps prevent injury to surrounding tissues. Scalpels come in many sizes; they range from 5 cm (2 inches) to 30 cm (12 inches) long. The small ones are used for tiny cuts on delicate tissues, such as eyelids and ears; larger ones cut deeper tissue, such as muscle or bone. 5.(3).(2).(82).Six chest limb electrodes: Chest limb electrodes are a type of medical equipment used for cardiac resuscitation. They’re made up of six pads and can be applied to chest, upper arms, and thighs. Some models have adhesive patches on them to make them easier to apply, although it is advised that an EMT or medical professional still attach these electrodes. These types of medical equipment are fairly inexpensive but should be handled with care. The risk of applying chest limb electrodes incorrectly may cause further injury to a patient already in crisis. 5.(3).(2).(83).Sphygmomanometer : Also known as a blood pressure cuff, is a device used to measure blood pressure. Blood pressure readings taken by doctors and medical professionals are often recorded at two points: when blood pressure is highest (systolic) and lowest (diastolic). A typical measurement with a sphygmomanometer will include five readings: one for systolic, followed by four for diastolic. 5.(3).(2).(84).Splint set required: Several types of medical equipment and devices are used to prevent patients from moving during surgery or other treatments. These can include foam or gel pads that immobilize wrists and legs, casts for arms and legs, or splints for arms. 5.(3).(2).(85).Sterilizers: This type of medical equipment is mainly used to eliminate germs and harmful microorganisms from tools, syringes, etc. These machines function on radiant heat or steam, thus eliminating harmful organisms through combustion or high temperature heating. They are also effective in treating specific instruments that cannot be washed mechanically. Basically, sterilizers can operate through radiation or chemical treatment to kill germs in items like bedpans and test tubes.
  • 47. 5.(3).(2).(86).Stethoscope : The first type of medical equipment is called a stethoscope. A stethoscope can be used to hear how your heart and lungs are functioning, as well as any fluid moving through your body, like blood. In fact, doctors and nurses use it regularly to listen to their patients’ heart rates and breathing patterns. Most commonly, it's used by doctors to determine if a patient has fluid in their lungs that is causing trouble breathing or coughing. 5.(3).(2).(87).Stretcher required: A stretcher is usually used for transferring patients from one location to another (i.e. from bed to wheelchair, from wheelchair to restroom). There are two main types of stretchers: folding and non-folding. Folding stretchers are smaller and more portable than non-folding ones. They can fit into cars and ambulances; however, they do not offer as much support for people who need assistance with walking or standing upright. 5.(3).(2).(88).Suction device : This type of medical equipment is used to remove fluid from a patient’s airway, mouth or lungs. Suction devices can be electric, battery-powered or hand-operated. Most are portable so they can be moved from room to room in a hospital. Some models feature a pressure relief valve and disposable collection chamber. These valves make it easier for healthcare providers to maintain negative pressure inside a patient’s airway without causing discomfort. 5.(3).(2).(89).Suction Pump: A suction pump is a medical device that removes liquid from body cavities and lumens. The most common example is a tracheal suction catheter, which removes phlegm or secretions from a patient’s lungs. Other types of suction pumps are used to remove gastric juices, blood and other body fluids from different parts of the body. 5.(3).(2).(90).Surgical light mobile: A portable, battery-powered light source with a disposable or reusable handle that can be attached to a surgical lamp. Smaller than a laser pointer, they are used to shine light on specific areas of interest in surgery. Disposable handles last 10-20 uses and can cost less than $1 each. Reusable handles have longer lifespans and provide more consistent results, but can cost up to $500 each. 5.(3).(2).(91).Surgical microscope for eye: A surgical microscope for eye is a type of microscope specifically designed for ophthalmic procedures. The device provides both magnification and illumination, so that surgeons can view tissue clearly and easily during delicate procedures such as cataract surgery. Surgical microscopes are available in both surgical eyewear form (transscleral microscopy) and head-mounted form (ophthalmic telescope). 5.(3).(2).(92).Surgical tables: A surgical table is a movable bed or table to which a patient is secured for surgery. A portable operating table is used where surgery
  • 48. must be performed in locations remote from dedicated operating theaters. A large proportion of patients who undergo surgery are treated on an outpatient basis, often in emergency departments, and do not need to go to a hospital bed before or after their operation. Surgery can be performed with a local anesthetic and sedation if there is no significant pain from movement during surgery. 5.(3).(2).(93).Surgical Tables: The types of medical equipment that make your life easier are surgical tables. These devices are usually under hydraulic pressure or electrically operated and can be adjusted to heights ranging from 30 cm to 90 cm (12 in - 36 in). Some tables even come with an integrated anesthesia machine, making them very convenient for administering anesthesia or other medical procedures. Surgical tables come in several types, including fixed type and adjustable type. 5.(3).(2).(94).Thermometer: A thermometer, sometimes called a clinical thermometer, is an instrument used to measure temperature. There are several types of thermometers for various uses and applications. 5.(3).(2).(95).Tongue depressor : A tongue depressor, also known as a lingual elevator, is a type of blunt-ended cylindrical tool used in various medical procedures. A tongue depressor is typically made from plastic or wood, but metal and rubber types are also available. Tongue depressors are commonly used by medical professionals when performing patient examinations involving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, oral cleaning and other such procedures. 5.(3).(2).(96).Tracheostomy set required: A tracheostomy set is a device used to help patients with breathing difficulties. It’s made up of several types of medical instruments—such as connectors, a plastic collar, tubing and a valve—which are connected together and inserted into an opening made in a patient’s neck. The plastic collar seals around the outside of their neck, helping to stabilize their airway. 5.(3).(2).(97).Transfusion kit: A transfusion kit is a type of medical equipment used in blood transfusions, especially emergency situations when blood may be required quickly. A transfusion kit contains packages of clean red blood cells and plasma (the yellowish fluid portion) that are ready to be put into a patient by infusion into an IV line or by direct injection into a vein. The red cells and plasma come in individual, sterile packages that can be stored at room temperature for up to 10 days. 5.(3).(2).(98).Transportation splint required: You might not think of it, but a splint is actually a type of medical equipment, although you would need some very specific equipment to create one. Perhaps you could use your bike or wheelchair, or you might go all out and use scaffolding. If transportation is required, try using your wheelchair. These are all examples of several types of medcial instruments that could be used to make a splint.
  • 49. 5.(3).(2).(99).Tuning fork: A tuning fork is an acoustic resonator in the form of a two-pronged fork with a handle, used to produce variable pitches by rubbing it against a surface or striking it against another object. The principle that makes such sound production possible was first identified by British scientist, amateur musician and instrument maker John Shore (1751–1836) in 1711. 5.(3).(2).(100).Two rolls of paper or Z-Fold: Paper towels, while great for cleaning up messes, are certainly not a reusable solution to most tasks. Instead, rely on two rolls of paper or a Z-fold (or stack) as your go-to cleaning utensil. Roll them up and toss them in your toolbox for easy storage or keep one in each bathroom. In a pinch? Cut one in half lengthwise so you can use it like an oversized napkin. 5.(3).(2).(101).Ultrasound scanners: The ultrasound scanner sends sound waves through a person’s body. When these waves hit solid objects like organs, they bounce back. A computer then turns these waves into images to help doctors diagnose problems. Ultrasound machines are considered one of several types of medical equipment; some might call them a type of medical device, too. Ultrasound scanners are used for scanning babies and pregnant women as well as other patients. 5.(3).(2).(102).Urinalysis System: Urinalysis is a medical procedure that examines urine to check for signs of disease, infection or other abnormal condition. One type of urinalysis equipment is a urinalysis system, which analyzes urine onsite to screen for many different substances. It can also identify diseases by measuring levels of glucose, ketones and blood cells. An alternative device called a urinalysis analyzer allows people to send samples from home. While both types work similarly, their results may differ because each method has its own advantages and disadvantages 5.(3).(2).(103).Uterine Aspiration Set: This type of medical equipment is used to remove uterine contents, such as fluid or tissue. There are several types of uterine aspiration sets, and they can be used for different types of procedures. The most common type is a cannula that connects a syringe to a thin tube with an opening at each end. The set has two parts: one designed to remain in place while another part is inserted into the body. 5.(3).(2).(104).Ventilator: A ventilator is a device that assists breathing. It helps patients who have trouble breathing when they sleep by delivering air in a continuous flow to them through a mask, called an interface. You may need a ventilator if you’re unable to breathe on your own for some reason and are at risk for complications. There are several types of ventilators, but all ventilators work by providing extra support to allow you to breathe comfortably while sleeping.
  • 50. 5.(3).(2).(105).Washing machine: Hospital Washing Machine is used for cleaning medical instruments, it could be manual or automatic, basket style or tunnel style. If you need hospital washing machine, please contact us to get more information about it. 5.(3).(2).(106).Watch / Stopwatch: A watch or stopwatch is a mechanical, digital or electronic device used to measure and display time. Watches evolved in the 17th century from spring-powered clocks, which appeared as early as 1500. The first watches produced were simple counting watches, which would sound a bell when a set amount of time had passed. An improvement was introduced in 1657 in England by Robert Hooke, who added an extra hand to measure seconds. 5.(3).(2).(107).Water Bath: The water bath is one of several types of medical instruments and is used for a number of different applications in healthcare settings. Water baths are incredibly useful devices, especially when trying to perform certain laboratory tasks or when manufacturing and filling other types of medical devices. They’re also very cost-effective to own and maintain because they only require a small amount of water as opposed to other types that use chemicals or solutions, which can get quite expensive. 5.(3).(2).(108).Water Still: A water still is a device that can be used to extract clean drinking water from even dirty or contaminated water sources. Traditional methods for carrying out distillation include solar evaporation and boiling, but water stills can also be powered by an electrical heating element, in a design called a counter-flow still. The Solar distillation process is a relatively new method that uses solar energy instead of fire to evaporate liquid into pure steam. Most types of medical equipment operate on electricity. 5.(3).(2).(109).Weighing scale : A weighing scale is a device that measures weight. Scales can be simple spring scales, or accurate to hundredths of a gram. They can be small enough to fit in your pocket, or large enough to fill a room. Weighing scales are used in households and businesses around the world. And they range from your average kitchen scale (which costs between $10 and $20) to industrial-grade machines that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, with some weighing more than 200 tons! 5.(3).(2).(110).Wheelchairs and hospital beds: Choosing a wheelchair or hospital bed is an important decision. More than just a way to get around, mobility devices support and improve your life by helping you maintain your independence and freedom. Below are several types of medical equipment for you to consider for
  • 51. whatever your needs may be. Consider these pieces as investment options if you plan on using them every day. লোকেশন: নর্থ ক্যারোলাইনা, মার্কি ন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র What are the best hospitals in the world ? এই তারিখে মে ২৯, ২০২২ What are the best hospitals in the world.. ? *5.(4).Clinic & Hospitals: (Top of Current page) There have so many countries who are providing the best facilities for treatment. This is a growing tradition for some countries. After Covid-19 almost all countries are trying to set up world class facility in their medical services. Thinking about going in for some surgery? While you’re researching, you may have stumbled across the World’s Best Hospitals list from U.S. News & World Report .
  • 52. But, should you go to one of the top-rated hospitals and clinics in the world? What do the hospitals on this list look like inside? What makes them so special? In this article, we’ll answer all of these questions and more about some of the best hospitals and clinics in the world. How many types of hospitals and clinics are there in the world? It can be difficult to tell, as the names vary from country to country and even from language to language. In Europe, for example, hospitals are generally called hospices in English and klinieken in Dutch or German, while clinics are usually referred to as poliklinik in Dutch or German and klinic in English. With so many hospitals and clinics to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which one will give you the best care available. However, there are some that stand out as the best in the world and have done so by continually offering the highest quality of medical care. Find out why these hospitals and clinics are at the top of their game and how you can get that same kind of treatment and care at your own local hospital or clinic. America Johns Hopkins Hospital - Baltimore, Maryland, USA One of the top hospitals in America is Johns Hopkins Hospital. The hospital has a staff of more than 6,500 physicians who are on-site or affiliated with a Johns Hopkins physician practice or clinic. The wide range of services offered at Johns Hopkins Hospital include medical specialties such as cardiology, oncology and orthopedic surgery as well as surgical specialties such as thoracic surgery, neurosurgery and spine surgery.
  • 53. Europe Two hospitals in Switzerland, two in Germany and one each in Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain and Norway. A clinical center of excellence. Honorable mentions to hospitals in Denmark (Copenhagen), Portugal (Lisbon) and Sweden (Uppsala). Asia St. Luke’s International Hospital in Singapore is said to be one of Asia’s best hospitals. It offers outpatient services, emergency room services, trauma care, and advanced treatments in cardiology, neurology, oncology, ophthalmology, dermatology and dentistry. Since opening its doors in 2010 it has won a number of awards including Best Large Hospital (Clinical Excellence Awards 2012) by International Healthcare Research Center; Asia’s No. Australia - Perth: Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Royal Perth Hospital, St John of God Subiaco Hospital, Midland Health Campus, Fiona Stanley Hospital (Floreat) - Sydney: Royal North Shore Hospital, St Vincent’s Private Sydney Clinic - Melbourne: Alfred Health, Austin Health. Africa
  • 54. Addis Ababa University Hospital (AAUH) – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Ethiopia’s first tertiary care hospital is often considered among Africa’s best hospitals. It offers services such as a cardiac intensive care unit, a cancer center, an ophthalmology department and its own blood bank. AAUH was founded in 1956 by Dr. Alem Zewde Wolde Hanna. Among its most famous patients: Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia. Public vs Private Health Care One of the first things to know about hospitals is whether they’re public or private. In a private hospital, you can expect to pay out-of-pocket for services rendered, with health insurance playing a limited role in cost recovery. This is because private hospitals must compete with one another on price (with no umbrella pricing) while public hospitals are funded by taxes. Public vs Private Health Care: One of the first things to know about hospitals is whether they’re public or private. 5.(4).(1).Various clinics_ 5.(4).(1).(1).Hospital clinics: 3 Hospital clinics - Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center in New York City have been ranked best in their respective categories by U.S. News & World Report. While most people think of these as hospitals or medical centers that treat patients, they are also places where doctors can develop a specialty; Mayo Clinic has some 150 distinct specialties for physicians to choose from. 5.(4).(1).(2).Public health clinics: For countries with high public health needs, public health clinics are key to ensuring that everyone gets access to services. These large institutions often provide free or low-cost basic services for families that would not be able to afford them otherwise. They also help bridge gaps in more specialized care by providing clinics for new mothers and children, as well as offering vaccination services and other preventative care treatments. 5.(4).(1).(3).Private clinics: While there are many types of hospitals, private clinics tend to be less expensive. Private clinics may also have shorter wait times. Some examples of private clinics are
  • 55. 5.(4).(1).(4).Health centers: In rural areas, where access to medical care is limited, small local health centers serve communities. These may have only a handful of beds available for inpatient care. They typically don’t have an on-site laboratory or pharmacy and rely on referrals from outside medical providers for specialized services. Sometimes clinics are located within larger hospitals; other times they stand alone. 5.(4).(1).(5).Polyclinics: They are outpatient clinics where specialists work together, allowing patients to see all their doctors in one place. Polyclinics may be single-specialty or a group practice. 5.(4).(1).(6).Family planning clinics: These clinics focus on family planning; they often offer a variety of services, including education on contraception, STD screening, gynecological exams and other services. If you’re trying to get pregnant, be sure to tell your doctor that; she can help determine if there are any specific steps you should take in order to conceive. Additionally, these clinics often provide services for men as well. 5.(4).(2).medical clinic_ 5.(4).(2).(1).Routine medical care: When people feel a persistent or recurring symptom, they may make an appointment with their primary care physician to investigate. While most routine care can be done in such a clinic, sometimes specialist medical advice is needed to clarify diagnosis and treatment. A primary care physician can refer patients for further investigation if necessary; for example, gastroenterologists (doctors specializing in stomach problems) are often consulted for abdominal pain. 5.(4).(2).(2).Preventive care: Just like you should schedule your annual physical, dental checkups, eye exams, and vaccinations, regular preventive care is essential for keeping your diabetes in control. Your doctor can also help you stay on top of other medical issues (such as high blood pressure or heart disease) that are more common among people with diabetes. 5.(4).(2).(3).Medical attention when you’re sick; This is true. Most of us need some kind of medical attention at some point in our lives. Be it a broken leg, an insect bite that got infected, or something else entirely, we all need help from time to time when it comes to our health. Our bodies aren’t invincible; there are many things that can hurt us physically or mentally that aren’t curable with a simple over-the-counter medication. This is where hospitals come in. 5.(4).(2).(4).Annual physicals: If you see your doctor regularly, you’re more likely to detect any health problems at an early stage. This is why it’s so important to
  • 56. get routine checkups done on a regular basis. Annual physicals are good for catching diseases early, but don’t skip out on bi-annual or tri-annual visits, either—your physician should still be checking in with you then, as well. 5.(4).(2).(5).Laboratory testing: From simple blood tests to advanced imaging scans, a hospital is equipped with diagnostic equipment that helps doctors discover what might be causing a patient’s symptoms. Additionally, labs work to develop cures and treatments for diseases through cutting-edge research. Using these facilities can save time—and in some cases, even save lives. 5.(4).(2).(6).Screening for health conditions: In order to diagnose a health condition, your doctor must perform screening tests. Screening tests are used to detect diseases in patients who don’t have any symptoms. These tests help doctors identify disorders at their earliest stages, when they’re most treatable. If you’re concerned about your risk for certain conditions, visit a healthcare provider to learn more about screenings and recommended testing schedules. 5.(4).(2).(7).Mental health clinics_ If you are seeking mental health treatment, a psychiatric clinic may be your best bet. It’s one-stop shopping, because a psychiatric clinic usually offers more services than just psychiatry—it’s like going to one place to see all your doctors. This can save time (and gas money). 5.(4).(2).(8).Addiction services clinics_ These programs are located within general hospitals, psychiatric hospitals or standalone facilities. They help people to overcome drug addictions, problem drinking or other substance use disorders. These services include detoxification (detox), inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, counseling and family services. As people progress through recovery, addiction specialists may also help patients with other mental health issues such as anxiety disorders or depression. These clinics are sometimes combined with self-help groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA). 5.(4).(2).(9).Community health centers_ Nonprofit community health centers offer a viable alternative to for-profit clinics. These neighborhood medical facilities provide primary care, dental care, behavioral health services, basic laboratory tests, pharmacy services, and referrals to specialty providers. Many are certified as meaningful use sites (i.e., they offer electronic medical records), which means you can start e-visits from your phone; some even allow you to make appointments directly through their website. 5.(4).(2).(10).Retail clinics_ In 2014, retail clinics in pharmacies accounted for 1 in 10 ambulatory care visits in the United States. Retail clinics provide primary medical care for non-life-threatening illnesses and injuries. Patients see a doctor, nurse practitioner or physician assistant, who can diagnose and treat many common