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Page 1 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro …
The 2nd & Final Series (Integrated) Paper World Edition Invite: (Gpw BBR A 2012-‘19 World Edition 2nd Series)
A Gpw_BBR-26’s Intro, 2nd
Series Final Paper on Two World-scale Key Solution Projects
In Total Quest for Ultimate GBtZ Solution to Climate Change @ its Root Condition &
the Rest of the 36 Global Issues, to Address World Peace & The 6th
Global Mass Extinction
o The 6th
Global Mass Extinction1a
is a real artificial (not Natural) threat
to all biological life forms, including, human life & end-result of the most
destructive forces – the combined effects – of the 36 World-scale Emerging
<<one of which is the facts-based, mind-boggling World issue: Climate
Change/Global Warming1a, pls. see pp.2,3; Subject-Item# 2: 1a
Notes: >>
Public Web Profiles:;;;
Note: Pls see a separate Attach-2a, page 4, for Complete List: “The 36 World Emerging Issues” w/ Notes.
Climate Change or Global Warming as actually felt on Earth: ‘artificially generated’ (anthropogenic) more than 63% of the total causality factors
combined (90+% content anthropological includes CO2, etc.) by which human footprints do notably mark this Climate Change causality @ 96+%
certainty an anthropocenic activity! Worst, CO2 levels SURGE! In 2016 at new highest “record breaking speed” according to WMO/UN; up by more
than 400+ppm compared to 2015! Sadly makes it alarmingly high risk. What happens to almost 200 Governments of Nations’ Pledges & Commitments
made in COP21 in Paris…???: NASA: Climate Change and Global Warming; The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) deals w/
Climate Change into “five grounds for high risk concerns’’: warning signals: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; Scientific evidence for
warming of the climate system is unequivocal: (IPCC); Infographic: Earth’s carbon cycle is off balance. The United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change urges each nation’s involvement & engagement & negotiations among delegates on climate change platform: United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Climate Change: “off balance” approaching critical tipping point) is deeply rooted…

Linked Question:Is the Solar System already disturbed within @ point & time as Its 6 Nature’s Balancing Operating Parameters have been disoriented
more than 26% on critical level – when & where our One Human Planet Earth is exposed to highly risky, artificial condition? Yes, artificial since the Earth’s
breathing mechanism [Its black hole: Oceans] has been alarmingly disrupted @ worst scenario by pollutions – globally. Worst, if the 36 World Emerging
Issues have not been yet acted upon by us – at The ROOTS right in the next <<(2.6) [3x] years>> for accuracy resolution since 2012 Tipping Point
Alarm Clock! Doomsday Wired Clock? Thereafter, the following 26 years will be extremely difficult for human life by engagement in survival … by 2046
to 2050 AD. Humanity is mathematically linked to this phenomena at the roots (4th Figure Ext. right). Human footprints deeply felt in the webs of causality
of Climate Change Data Index of combined ave. temperature over Earth’s land & ocean surfaces alone tipped @ 2016 highest record in 136-year period
of Global Temperature Ave. Index Indicator passing the record highest 0.972 O C (1.754 O F) off above the 20th Century Global Temperature ave.level
of 12.903 O C (55.213 O F). Note: The Figures from Nature that go w/ natural operating phenomena still follow the Vector Matrix Numeric Control of
GOD’S 2 Major Mathematical Design Codes of Creation: SCD-6 & SCD-9, together w/ other GOD’S Laws introduced here.
 T O : ALL Conscientious Citizens of the World who Believe in Nature’s Law, and in GOD …
A Final Wake up CaLL to seriously think & ACT … to save our only one Home-Planet in the Universe – Earth and
All Mankind living in it, from the Imminent 6th Global Mass Extinction1a which can destroy major biological
species, including Human Life on Earth in the next 26 years (2045) some 15 yrs before 2060 AD! (SCD-6 & SCD-9)
Subject: A Lifetime Joint Win-win Invite for Global Human Response – A Final Wake-up Call
to Action: The Two (2) GBtZ Proposition Solt’n to Climate Change @ the Root & True World Peace
1. A Book Project #1 <<The unpublished original manuscript is already in Final Stage of update completion for
Global 2019-2020 World Edition Publication 100%. It has the Solution from Nature, from GOD …[in 6 parameters
of system (Function) & methodology (Structure) of the Laws of Nature – to 1what, 2where, 3when, 4why, 5how,
&6who] to the 36 World-scale Emerging Issues1, including the: GUT2 & TOE3 Quest(s) of World Scientists.
The Issues are inherent in ever changing conditions of still misunderstood Topological Time, Space &
Energy of the delicate, hidden Biological Mechanism, including that of the Universe via unchanging Laws of
Nature in ever dynamically changing, highly intricate aspects of human life in the matrix-based biological system
– planet Earth. It’s all new in perspective <technical thinking concept> from Nature. And for the 1st time, the
Nature’s only Blueprint < or the so-called Blueprint of Creation>, the grandest Plan of the creation of
the Universe from the smallest to the biggest, from & by GOD, is revealed in this Book Project #1.
It exactly addresses & resolves mathematically & scientifically the truth-searching perspectives of John A. Wheeler,
Steven Weinberg, Leon Lederman, Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, Edward Witten, David J. Gross,
Brian Greene, & the rest of World’s great scientists. It transcends human perspectives for it is the
prerequisite to solve World Crises. To achieve this purpose & a True World Peace on Earth is to know & act on: 1what,
2where, 3when, 4why, 5how & 6who the true Cosmic Intelligent Design<CiD> is – first. Then what does this
Book Project #1 propose to solve with Proofs …? Pls see pp. 13-31.
© 2012-2019 Gpw Bernard Riemen-tilla
NASA & IPCC: Advisory I
The Earth @ Off Balance
Level – CO2 Emission
Health Risk!
Page 2 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro …
The Book (Project#1) proves once & for all, this new perspective from Nature’s Law & with it a new Nature’s
mathematics & science plus factual evidences <the Facts of Phenomenal Events at global scale: Object> & essential
specimens <the Truth of Laws of Phenomena: Subject>. Both do unravel the sheer, subtle complexity of the physical
Universe & mathematically explain the amazing discoveries in Modern Geology, Paleontology, & Archeology that
ultimately unravels the Darwin Theory of Evolution incomplete & flawed; & the complexity of Uncertainty Principle,
including Schrödinger’s Cat, & Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem do lack physical (Object) & non-physical
parameters (Subject) & therefore, incomplete & this Book’s nature’s new thinking perspective reveals the corrective
(Subject & Object) parameters – key to unification of Religions & Sciences to achieve the unity of Mankind & True
World Peace. The Book shows humanity is mathematically linked to Time, Space, & Energy Equilibrium
of Nature. The purpose is: to see & to know this CiD & to remove human ignorance & human opinion –
man’s greatest obstacles to a True World Peace & to experience to ‘feel & see’ GOD …& do good to all peoples.
2. World’s 1st NRE Ocean Power Plant: 100Mw; 200Mw & 300Mw via RR-VHHD Design System:
& Capable to Generate More than 106 Mwatts! in Power Design Capacity based in Pacific Oceans, etc.
The Most Advanced Nature’s Design based NRE Ocean Power Technology: The RR-NEG VHHD FPD System1b!
– Inexhaustible, safe & the most powerful NRE Ocean Current Power Plant<s>: it safely & naturally contrapts &
activates or re-cycles as much as it integrates to sustain the Nature’s hidden matrix force field operators of the balance-
energy generating mechanism built in the combined C.i-D.M. & CHP <Energy & Power> Unification
Technology. It thus creates a clean, inexhaustible natural electricity generating technology via the 3-Pair Gyre
Circulation Phenomenon of Earth’s Hydrosphere. It is the new Unified Ocean Physics that makes it work! – as long
as the Earth rotates & revolves. It even completes the Global Energy Balance Topological Mapping <> of Chevron
Texaco Hyper-spectral Integration Technology via the Earth’s New Renewable Black Hole Energy
“from a perch under it ”! A starting most logical point to solve step-by-step the Global Warming Issue…. 1b
Notes: Pls see pp. 18-20, 25.& pp.59-60.
Pls see separate Intro Paper (1st 22+1 pp of 100-page doc Rev.-01.: Attach -#1a
Dear World Leaders, Heads of States, World Institutions, Businessmen, Scientists, Engineers,
Architects, co-Investors; & the rest of fellow citizens of the World:
In all humility, our very own one & only one human Planet Earth is sick… very much sick. What I am revealing to you is deeply rooted to the facts
of global, un-natural phenomena. Un-natural phenomena in the sense that the events happened or have been taking place outside the realm of
balanced operating parameters of normal, natural life conditions or biological systems. We are approaching the critical limit <crucial danger level> of
the threshold point of Nature’s Biosphere Vector Field Energy Balance at 90%. Currently, we are around at 60++% Warning LeveL!
& is deteriorating. Non-arguably, each human being is thus, too, being involved in all these un-natural, disturbed phenomena: These 36 Global
Emerging Issues, cause us to feel & to think that all these unparalleled & difficult world-wide, un-natural phenomena are not all a theory, normal
events. Therefore, this Invite is more than a proposition. It is very painful to know the fact that the root of all these global problems is human
ignorance, or, human opinion; which dis-respects, rejects GOD’S 1st Law: Gen.2: 16-17, at the Fall of Man in 4026 BCE1c How do
we respond & support these 2 GBtZ Solution(s) …in resolving 6th Global Mass Extinction @ the root of Climate Change ? Pls see p.68 @ the root
We, humans in all our fallen human nature, do pretend, assume or presume to know that our individual ideas are the best on practically any issues discussed
on round table of debate or fora; but well in fact, we realize later to know & understand that it is not the case in point. No less than two of the greatest
mathematical scientists of all time: Sir Isaac S. Newton & Dr. Albert Einstein did affirm this sad fact in their scientific writings in full
acknowledgement of human follies to warn humanity: human ignorance is at the root of grandest destruction to all mankind. To remove human ignorance
from all humanity is no less than to face & to act on the reality that you & I, all of us, need & must find the correct, complete & ultimate <absolute> solution
with concrete, seeable, understandable blueprint; yet that is mathematically, scientifically, metaphysically & technologically coherent, unified & basically
inherent in all Nature’s known & hidden Laws.
In the Gpw BBR Book Project #1 being introduced here, these known Nature’s Laws <scientific, mathematical, technological &
metaphysical> are clarified & made complete mathematically; whereas the hidden Nature’s Laws are, for the first time in human history,
being revealed to mankind in simple possible presentation in similar contexts familiar to us, humanity: scientific, mathematical,
technological, & metaphysical. All these matters are put into ultimate conclusion of all things that exist in Nature according to the Original
Theory of Everything, and the Original Grand Unification Field Theory of Forces in the Universe, coherently unified in one complete
knowledge & wisdom of creation – The Blueprint of Creation. (pp.63-65), in re-solving Climate Change …@ its root..
This Nature’s Blueprint of Creation - totally comes from Nature’s. , from the One GOD …. Why? How? Who? Pls see pp.46-63
In similar logic that the Solution to all the 36 World-scale Issues – the subject matter of the heart of the problem this Invite proposes to solve permanently
– does not come from this poor writer but from the hidden natural configurations of the Creation’s most subtle, hidden Function & Structure Designs which
both Dr. Albert Einstein & Sir Isaac S. Newton had been looking for in the last remaining 40 years of their lives since Einstein’s 1915
General Relativity & Newton’s 1687 Principia. Until this 21st Century, the search has been more than seriously manifest in the works of Dr.
Leon Lederman, Dr.Stephen Hawking, Dr. Edward Witten, Dr. Roger Penrose, Dr. Alexander Polyakov & the rest of the
World’s mathematical scientists – but then, more or less quite succinctly at the standard level of complete mathematical & scientific configurations by
consensus of world scientists, to no avail. Why….? How come? Let’s continue ….
Figure _ The 36 World Issues: Climate Change, etc., pls see p.4 in
Attach-2a, Covering Letter. If & when not re-solved @ roots, strongly
from facts & data of world established research centers (as provided
in Gpw BBR Papers in; results
to 6th Global, Mass Extinction! Pls see pp. 67 & 68
Figure _ pril 26, 2007. AFP News. Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA. Dr. Hawking
says: “Life on Earth is at ever increasing risk of being wiped out(!) by disasters such as,
global warming, wars, g. viruses, & others dangers.”  That refers to phenomena: The 6th
Global Mass Extinction!! may have caused by 36 World Emerging Issues/Climate Change
Pls see: Climate change: Mass extinction already happening, scientists say
Jul 13, 2017 - HUMANS have damaged the Earth's ecosystems so badly that we are facing
the biggest mass extinction since the dinosaurs were removed from the ... EARTH is
already in its sixth mass-extinction event, meaning three-quarters of all species could
soon disappear from our planet, scientists have warned. Pls see the damage: pp.67, 68
Page 3 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro …
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) & his 1687 Principia James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) & his Electro Albert Einstein (1879-1955) & his 1905 &
Magnetic Theory 1865 [a Pioneer work on GUT] & 1915 Relativity Theory + 1951-‘52-‘55 GUT
A Paper on Theory of Everything Review, 2011
New Scientist Expert 12 Review by Michael Duff that presents one of the most remarkable Unification Theories to formulate/configure a Theory of
Everything (TOE) thus far: Theories by Edward Witten & Juan Maldacena. Ref.: Instant Expert: Theory of everything | New Scientist
"The membrane at the end of the universe" by Michael Duff and Christine Sutton, New Scientist, 30 June 1988, p 67 "The theory formerly known as
strings" by Michael Duff, Scientific American, February 1998, p 64 "The illusion of gravity" by Juan Maldacena, Scientific American, November 2005, p
56. The Elegant Universe: ...
Why the Present 21st
Century Anthropogenic Theories on GUT’s & TOE Hardly Resolve The 15
Greatest Unsolved Puzzles & The Most Intricate Conflicts in Unification of Most Subtle
Phenomena of Nature: Spirit Realm & Physical Realm & The Unity of Religion & Science? Why?
- that are not yet explained by these thus far anthropological & anthropo-centric scientific theories advanced today – as presented
in here (Invite) … nevertheless, such theories do fail to unify Non-physical Energy (Cosmos) & Physical Energy (Universe)…in the
context of the Unification of Mankind, ultimately from the perspective of the Blueprint of Creation …. Why?
The ultimate answer or solution does not come easily. It is totally a different, new perspective-solution, yet scientific, mathematical, with
reality of the metaphysical dimensions of topological inter-active mathematical energy, space & time of the natural phenomena. Since
all these global problems are with us, in us, in every human being on Earth that is surviving, at present condition; in every institution on
Earth that is surviving, in every organization on Earth that is surviving, etc. It is because problems like global warming, global bio-invaders,
pandemic viruses, health, poverty, tsunami, earthquake, wars, crimes, energy crises, and the rest of the 36 World-scale Emerging
Issues are, indeed, beyond the scope of human-perspective based knowledge - yesterday & today. And No.1 Issue: Climate Change:
Global trends in climate change legislation and litigation: 2017 update ...
May 9, 2017 - This report summarises key trends in climate change legislation and litigation. It is the sixth stock-take in a
series of global Climate Legislation Studies that dates back to 2010
Therefore, similarly & deeply rooted & linked in the most basic yet the most delicately complex
biological system of the Planet Earth & the Universe itself of which more than 95% is non-
arguably hidden; hence, new to all of us – which we all ask with one most startling, over-used,
mis-used & mis-interpreted/misunderstood question: Why…?
In focus, let’s seriously think & feel about these most critical matters, since as a whole it spells
the difference between life & death in every biological system operating on Earth – both in function-
internal aspect, & structure-external aspect of Nature:
Why are all these natural calamities happening? Why poverty in the face of those rich & highly
industrialized, developed countries world wide? Why do tens of millions & billions of people suffer or die
in sickness, in pain, etc., despite advancement in science & technology in our human culture, &
seemingly advanced civilization? The ultimate Solution(s) ??? Is the Formulae Mechanism based on
Socio-Economic Grass-root Level Enterprise & Innovation Working Models, or Antro-political Economy-
based Governance beyond Keynes, Friedman Models, etc., or simply Global Perspective Excellence,
either in Bio-Fuel Technology, Modern Technological Edge-based Education, Economic Darwinism, or
Globalization Reforms & Challenge, etc., the complete answer/solution to the 36 World-scale
Emerging Issues? Is it or isn’t it? Again, what? Why? How? You & I, all of us do see these dire
conditions – everywhere. Hence, it is all non-arguable that our Planet Earth is biologically out of normal
condition, or is sick; and the 36 World-scale Emerging Issues are real. But why all these have
long been happening since the 4026 B.C.E. Fall of Man1c?
Whether we like it or not, all these are problems that we, all humanity, cannot escape from & which all more than 6.3 billions of peoples
world over are affected – to the detriment of the Earth’s Bio-ecological Mechanism. This is the fact. But we need to find the Truth. Again,
what about the Issues or Problems...? How? Quite indeed, yes, the problems all over the world are … “…biblical in
character..” – UNDP’s Mark Malloch Brown; & their “ scope & scale of damages are beyond human
comprehension…”, former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Why?
Let me proceed. Let me present these extremely delicate matters concisely in subject-text-outline format to simplify the core-message
of this Invitation because the truth of the issue in this Invite is life & death condition for every biological system existing on Earth, including
human life system – our human system. We all need to know this and understand the consequence of our own fallen human
irresponsibility if we still fail to respond to this information of most critical significance to every human life on Earth …. Hence ….
Let’s start “seeing thru” discussions w/ the BooK’s 1st Five (5) Key Subject-Items next pages below after 2 ff. pages, as follows::
1c Figure. The “Fall of Man” in 4026 BCE, took place
3x: 1. The 1st Attack by Satan (Fallen Arch-angel Lucifer)
to Eve1 is on April 7, 4026 BCE; failed; 2. Then the 2nd attack
@ full force. Aug.3, 4026: the Fall between Satan & Eve1
happened! Next, 3. Eve1, feeling guilt in her heart alone, w/
her mind disturbed & afraid, left off to infamy by Satan;
initiated the “fallen act” w/ Adam1 & succeeded, Sept. 2,
4026 BCE. All the three (3) dates [of the Fall] posses: GOD’s
precious numerical values of creation: 23  Eve1; 23 
Adam1; 23  5; 6 & 9; 1 & 5, etc. Again, the computations
to specify some details of the 4026 Fall of Man are based on
GOD’S Mathematical Dispensation of Restoration w/c Chart
sampled on p.47 and pp.40-48, 51-63.
Page 4 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro …
Gpw Bernard Bautista Rementilla
Manila, Philippines
Mobile No.: +63 995 879 6507 (Globe);
Phil Headquarter Center Office Contact No. +63 909 622 1471 (TNT)
National Capital Region – Philippines, 012345;
1st Electronic & Paperback World Edition 2018-2019 World
The Universe is like to A Bible written by man and is authored by GOD,
the One Original Absolute Being Who created Adam1 & Eve1…in 4042 BCE &
4041 BCE, respectively, after some 26+ billion years of mathematical creation
The Center of that Universe is the Center of the Bible at its heart of Natural
Operating System (Phenomena) of the GOD’S Divine Relativity Principle that
breathes thru Duality Law of Creation...via Riemann Hypothesis (GF Bernhard
Riemann Zeta Function:1.5 ... 0.5 ... Zero ... ...Infinity ... 1.5  ...
Question: By all faith, what Chapter is in the Center of the Bible?
Answer: Psalm 118. (Law of Unity: 1, for the Unification of Humanity)
Facts: There are 594 (SCD-9) Chapters BEFORE Psalm 118;
similarly, there are 594 Chapters AFTER Psalm 118.
Hence, by GOD’S Mathematics,
We add: 594 + 594 = 1188 (still by GOD’S Design: SCD-9)
Question: What is the center-verse in the Bible?
Answer: Psalm 118:8 [  still based on GOD’S Duality Design Law: SCD-6
& SCD-9: Do you think these are all ‘accident’? Evolution? No…no, …no.]
What does it all mean to imply to say to act in faith ... by all Religions and Science in True Unity?
“... It is better to take refuge in the Lord GOD than to trust in men ...; ... but the .... Lord GOD
is against those who do evil. ”  1 Peter 3:8-12 [NIV]
What does it all say to imply to mean to do ... to act by all faith ... to live on Earth in Truth, Beauty & Goodness?
“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear GOD and keep His Commandments, for
this is the duty of all mankind. For GOD will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil ”  Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 [NIV]
ISBN 00-139-12345-9 e-ISBN 00-139-12346-8
BBR-ACR 09.1659/139-12346-8
GOD/Gpw BBR Unification Field World Printing
Library of Congress Control Number: 000139163369
© 2012–2019 Gpw Bernard Bautista Rementilla & GOD: Head Author All rights reserved
This humble work is a new & first Gpw BBR World Edition 2-Series Paper [ the previous 1st, and this 2nd & Final Series Paper] a 2012-2019
Copyright Publication – all Gpw_BBR World Edition Series Papers subject to every inherent International Protection Copyright on World
Intellectual Property Patents in the context of the natural protection of the Author’s purpose & objectivity of this World Series 2012-2019 Paper
Edition & its future’s edition(s) [as may be needed depending upon the phenomena] up to one’s application, use, & adoption of the same under
similar “Original Intellectual Literary Production Patents”, to include but not limited to, International Copyrights for Intellectual Property Protection
Laws, exclusively for what is Truth, Beauty & Goodness for the sake of mankind. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the
material is concerned, specifically: the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilm or
in any other way, and storage in data banks. Therefore, duplication of this publication or parts thereof in any manner as stated earlier, is permitted
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respectfully committed to implementation in International Protection Support by the United Nations (UN) Member Countries. Therefore, such
specified written request for permissionfor usemust always becommunicated with & obtained from this Author/Gpw BBR. By all legal implications
& accountability of & to non-compliance thereof, to such violations under all applicable International Laws, are liable to prosecution under the
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The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, special nomenclature citations, etc. in this publication does not
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including but not limited to, such use to advance personal irresponsible motives harmful to human life.
Cover design: eStudio GOD/Gpw BBR/ACR World Print Media Review Philippines
Printed on acid-free, environmental-friendly recycled paper
A Research Journal of Applied Ocean Physics, Ocean Engineering &Technology and Nature’s GUT/TOE Review & Study Center -
Conducted, prepared & produced by Gpw Bernard Bautista Rementilla: www.bbr-acr-bookcenter_for_review_gut/; (in process)
The Truth & Facts of GOD’S creation of the Universe and Its Cosmos – by
Duality Law is all mathematically encapsulated in the Design & Creation Plan
of the Human being: both in a man & his pair: a woman (Adam1 & Eve1). It’s
all in SCD-6 & SCD-9, MCP-ns:05 & its pair: SCP-ns:0-5; Law of Unity:
1; etc. The purpose is to protect Adam1 & Eve1 & all their Children &
children’s generation. The Over-all Objective is to achieve True Love, True
Life & True Lineage for GOD. But Adam1 & Eve1 disobeyed GOD in the Fall
of Man (4026 BCE. Gen.3:6-7) & this makes the World trouble in pain by the
Law of Cause & Effect. & since 4026 BCE., human history becomes story of
struggles.. Why? And the Universe suffers from Climate Change at micro-
scale w/ man @ its center. Why?
Page 5 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro …
“Hi, Gpw BBR-26: I do not have mathematics background; and
I am afraid of mathematics… What will I do? I want to know, pls…” – asked my Readers.
To my readers who do not have practically mathematics background, first of all pls forgive me; but be happy; nevertheless
don’t be afraid, pls., here is the secret: [Note: Pls kindly visit connecting insight of this nature in pp.: 69 & 70]
USE, APPLY & ACT with and on, your HEART:♥ like to an innocent child … do it honestly, conscientiously &
faithfully with prayers to GOD, in reading all pages, especially in pages w/ numbers formulae or, equations, and
so on: and you will feel inside & come to clear spiritual sensitivity to become aware of your being at Zero & you
start to know & understand what the Formulae or, Equations indicate & imply by heart..
to connect the New Perspective of Nature’s description of: True Love, Protection, Compassion, Humility, Understanding,
Considerate, Loving, Simplicity, True Life, & True Lineage and the rest of Nature [Mathematical Character of GOD]
manifest of the Original Purpose of Creation centering on Adam & Eve. This is the Principle of the Mathematical
Creation of the Cosmos & the Universe. This indicates: Remove Adam Formulae & Eve Formulae from the Principle of
Creation, then GOD’S Creation is reduced to nothing … no value at all, meaningless: this is the core-mathematics of all
mathematics of creation. This is the basic knowledge & understanding of the mathematics and/or the mathematical creation
of & by GOD with respect to the Principle, The Principle of Creation, The Divine Principle, & the Unification
Thought – relative to the Principle of Quantum Physics, Relativity (Special & General); Relativistic Mechanics of Physical
Sciences &Thermodynamics; and the Basic Mathematical Principles of Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Thermodynamics –
all of which embraced in Unity by GOD’S Absolute Purpose of Duality via The Law of Cause & Effect; this is possible
because GOD’S Creation basically operates in both the Principle (Subject: GOD’S Mathematics: The Logics of Nature
in Absolute Truth, Beauty & Goodness of Creation) and the Law [Object: GOD’S Science: The System Mechanics that
operates in & through Degree, Intensity, Direction & Objectivity of Natural Operating Phenomena of Creation]. Both
Subject & Object interact (GTA&GTR) mathematically with the GOD’S Purpose of Creation at its Center,
mathematically represented by Adam & Eve Integrated Formulae in GOD’S Heart. The result of this Inter-action
(GTA&GTR) creates True Life, True Love, & True Lineage mathematically centering on the Original True Adam & Eve.
When we focus on this [mathematical] perspective of GOD’S Creation mentioned above, just the basics, only the
fundamental perspective, then & then we start to naturally want to reach to embrace Nature [the Mathematical Character
of GOD]; & this is the 1st key step to know & understand mathematics by heart & be able to visualize the true connection
of thinking perception to truth, beauty & goodness + prayers to GOD (either in equations, formulae, figures, or pure number
relations) in visualizing the mathematical concepts via child’s imagination & child’s wonder & desire to know … capable to
build up perception & understanding of mathematics. Questions ….?
Why? How? Who? Again, this is necessary & a must to feel by heart inside in order to know & understand
GOD’S Mathematics of Creation.
We all must go back to Zero: the Zero of Mathematical Balance Principle @ the Center of Creation with the 5 Laws
of Thermodynamics of Human Life & all biological created beings support this. The GUT & TOE mathematically
support this; the Vector Topology Symmetry Mathematics of James Clerk Maxwell Electro-Magnetic Unified
Field 4-Formulae support this; the Vector Topology Unified Field Force Mechanics of Albert Einstein’s GUT @
the Core of Relativity Principle & Its Duality Law support this. Fairly good enough, we have 1 Model of this Perspective
@ its core mentioned above & in here given [to be able to grasp realistically what this Perspective is all about:] this Model
had once lived with us on Earth: I’m referring to the greatest Physical Model of this Perfect Adam Creation
Formulae that GOD created first & foremost of importance above all & before all of His creations. This Model Adam
(Formulae) is perfectly & mathematically connected with & wired into the Nature’s blueprint creation parameters from the
smallest created being to the biggest created being found in both the Cosmos & the Universe creation, that includes the
Earth, the Universe & the Cosmos. Yes, I’m referring to the True Adam that blends perfectly with the GOD’S Blueprint
of Creation & that True Adam gives life & meaning & value of Truth, Beauty & Goodness in GOD’s Creation for “he”
(The True Adam) ‘co-creates w/ GOD in the mathematical context of True Life, True Love & True Lineage, which is
the Purpose of Creation, above all: he is the GOD’S Son: Christ Jesus. Inside of Christ Jesus himself do synchronize,
harmonize, unify all the “5 Laws of Thermodynamics to Zero Balance”.
Yes, it is for the above technical accounts as bases, that Jesus Christ of Nazareth more than 2,000 years ago who
exemplifies all his life of action & thinking both in the Cosmos & in the Universe strictly in the Unified Heart &
Character of GOD; hence, Christ Jesus is mathematically & scientifically 100% wired into the Zero Metaphysics of
GOD’S Nature [Nature is GOD’S Mathematical Character; hence, Nature is not equated to GOD]. GOD is the
Absolute Subject Center, unchanging, transcendent, all-knowing, all-wisdom; all-most powerful Original Absolute
Being: The One Original Creator: GOD, The Original Author of Blueprint Creation Plan that GOD
conceived in His Heart as He planned it in His Intellect more than 26 billion years ago; Jesus the Perfect Adam
Model Blueprint of Creation: the Central Thematic Creation of the Cosmos, The Angels, & of the Universe & all things
in it – hence, all creations formulae are based on & are found in Adam Creation Unified Formulae; hence, before the
Creation, before the Creation of the Cosmos & the Universe the Earth, Adam is already existing in GOD’S Heart.
Therefore, mathematically, it is correct to say that before all this creation, Jesus Christ “is”... And patterned after
Adam Model of Creation Pair is Eve, following the absolute creation principle & law: The Duality Mathematics; hence
JESUS Christ is the Perfect Original Adam; and all Formulae Creation of all things in GOD’S Original Blueprint
of Creation are found in the Original Adam: historically, that Original Adam is, Jesus Christ @ Zero Metaphysics of
Creation; hence, so pure in physical & spiritual personality that embodies & has both the GUT (Eve: Mathematical
Formulae Creation) and the TOE [Cosmos + Universe Mathematical Formulae Creation)
Therefore, It is for this basic reason: both mathematical & scientific, that Jesus can command & control nature; he
controls all natural phenomena, all created beings, including storms, earthquake, tsunami, and all acts of nature, he
can do miracles of nature <<shortened scientific & mathematical process of creative acts to achieve results from
nature>>; if he wants to he can stop the Crucifixion at his own command … but … but Jesus is 100% one w/ his
Father GOD JEHOVAH; he is 100% unified with GOD; and therefore, by & in GOD’S Command & WiLL
& Instruction: Jesus obeys 100%. Therefore,
when Christ Jesus says [absolutely he has not violated any Laws of GOD in doing so; in fact: he proves there is GOD]:
this is the Truth: “If you see me you have seen my Father (GOD) in Heaven”…. “I am the Way, the Life &
the Truth: No one comes to my Father GOD except through me … ”) – yes, that’s Adam Perfect Character @ Zero
before the 4026 BCE Fall of Man – and is the Principle Standard to define True Humanity by all respect to Zero
Thermodynamics of Pure Heart, like to a child very sensitively vulnerable to clean environment, clean air, clean living in
true love, true life & true lineage of Truth, Beauty & Goodness. Only then when you have this Perspective that you can
grasp the Mathematics (of GOD) revealed in this GpwBBR-26’s Book Intro; and only then, YOU will appreciate & can know
to understand all these things from natural phenomena, from Nature, and from GOD.
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1.0 What is this Ultimate, Complete Perspective-Solution…to our present global problems @ the
Roots? Is there inherent, hidden Logic of Nature & a strong Scientific Fact of Phenomena to support
this as a Complete Ultimate Solution…? Is this the Blueprint? Is it comprehensible to us humans..?
Can we do it…? How? Is originally Albert Einstein’s GUT in 1945-1952AD., the Blueprint, today?
Dr. Nigel Calder – who wrote a most notable topic on the subject, “Einstein’s Universe” in 1979 – is predicting that after 1905,
it will take a century or so to supersede or integrate at higher level both Quantum Physics & Relativity Physics & come out with a complete,
unified mechanics. This is directed specifically, today, to answer more complex Nature’s crises of phenomena: Energy Crisis, Pollutions,
the Universe’s final fate, Black Hole, GUT’s & the rest of current & emerging scientific crises.
All these are too perplexing for us humans to grasp. It is exactly the point that the World renowned & respected by government leaders
world over, the late Rev. Herbert W. Armstrong has this to say in his book, “Mysteries of the Ages”, page xiii:
“ …this world’s humanity has been blinded to who, what, & why man is… how man appeared on Earth. Man has been
mystified by his inability to solve his problems, or find the answers to the perplexing questions of mankind and the world
he inhabits…. All these mysteries were long ago revealed by the One Supreme Authority of All Knowledge, but in a
coded message not allowed to be revealed & decoded until our time.”
Quite indeed, perplexing questions in Rev. Armstrong’s quote above directly refer to World Crises today! And the One Supreme
Authority of All Knowledge is directly pointing to the Origin of the Universe, <with all due respect to Leon Lederman,Roger Penrose,
& Edward Witten, etc.> that refers to the 6 parameters of the Cosmic Intelligent Design (CID) is to all of us humans. This coded
message is Nature’s inherent, hidden logic. It resides in the blueprint of all things that exist & by which all of us need to know &
understand within the realms of our physical & non-physical senses – according to 6 parameters of the Cosmic Intelligent Design
(CID) of Nature’s Internal & External Laws, Essence & Facts <of natural phenomena> within the field of 3 absolute values
of Nature’s wisdom and knowledge: the Mathematical Character of GOD: absolute & eternal Truth, Beauty, & Goodness.
Yes, this inherent, hidden Logic of Nature is today, and now – decoded in the Blueprint of Creation that can be concretely, &
physically seen for the first time in human history in this Global Project # 1. How is then this hidden Logic of Nature – that exists in this
Blueprint of Creation – linked to our present 36 World –scale Problems? How ?
Quite exactly today, more than 100 years after 1905, with the appearance of much more complex
natural catastrophes, highly perplexing phenomena in the form of global crises like poverty,
climate change, crimes, pandemic viruses, global bio-invaders, heat-wave, tsunamis, etc., still
Nature is consistently speaking to us, humans, to wake up and act correctly to restore our Planet
Earth & all its inhabitants. In science & technology alone, it is strongly implied that the same is
manifest in the collective scientific observation of World’s most notable mathematical scientists
like Hawking, Weinberg, Penrose, Lederman, Witten, Greene, Polyakov & others.
They all agree that there is the need in this modern time to resolve all these complex facts of
phenomenal crises at global scale. These modern scientists are in consensus that there must be
a new mathematical model or a new but hidden Nature’s code from the standpoint of blueprint to
be discovered & consequently to be revealed in due time –
THAT IS EXACTLY THE POINT in this Invite… and much more than that … the only one book
on Earth that, as soon as it is published 100% (Target: 2019; or, 2020 AD) globally brings out
concretely the GBtZ Solution at the roots to the  1. The 36 Global Issues. 2. The Base
Platform Mechanics for True World Peace on Earth. 2. Unity of Religion & Science; & 3. The 15
Greatest Unsolved Puzzles of ALL Times (separate Paper document & included in here)
The BooK Poject 1: The Blueprint of Creation, pp.62-65, is presented in the Book Project introduced here. The objective
is to effectively solve, among other crises or problems at world-scale level, including all Physics crises! and beyond the physical
phenomena of Nature to remove “human opinion & human ignorance. This Book Project goes beyond the physical
implication(s) of this scientific objective of my fellow scientists just mentioned above. How come? The Book Project presents exactly
the Blueprint that shows to prove human science, human mathematics, human technology, & human metaphysics do lack the true wisdom
of the absolute, new knowledge <of the highest dimension> from the Highest Cosmic Intelligent Design of Nature. This
Blueprint reveals to us, the humankind, for the first time the Six (6) Parameters [why, how, when, where, what & who] of Absolute
Truth, Absolute Beauty, & Absolute Goodness in the context of the purpose of the Principle of Creation & Re-
creation. It completes & transcends the principle-motto of Knowledge-Understanding Integration via experiential information
approach designed by The Wall Street Journal as much as it sensitizes and comprehensively resolves, once & for all, in 6 parameters
the Moral Dimension Missing Link of Humanity.
Hence, in the process, it addresses salient issues of and completes the restorative context of Elie Wiesel
Philosophy in the perspective of creating a global peace & order. This naturally corrects or rectifies the
Machiavellian Philosophy of Human Activity which has, until now, damaged the human quest for physical &
spiritual dimensions of order & law in the perspective of moral function & structure of three (3) most important Values
of Humanity: 1. True Life 2. True Love and True Lineage.
1.1 The 1st
Most Critical Step in Approaching the Blueprint: Heart [ Heart (֎)♥ (֍)  {ΑΩ:♥}]
Dr. Roger Penrose himself, in a nutshell, puts it perfectly & concisely in his book, “The Road to Reality –
A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe”, 2004 Edition, page 1045, Chapter 34:
“ …we shall need powerful, new ideas which will take us in the directions significantly different from those
currently being pursued … some subtle change in perspective…”
referring to the resolution to inconsistencies in Physics Crises – alone, this has exactly hit to the bulls-eye of the heart of the problems as
what had earlier been contemplated on by Nigel Calder back in 1979 as mentioned above as critically more estimated it is today, that yet
much more than complex & much more than perplexing & more too complicated than we can realize & imagine … Why? And why?
Figure _ The Nature’s Blueprint of Creation: The 1st Phase, done
w/ in Period: 1987 – 1996, etc. It is executed to completion under
extreme difficult conditions in 5 periods till 2005 AD., in one
rectangular some 3 m x 9 m (cor. meter not ft) old pasted split
sheets of used-up bond papers showing 5 Columns of GOD’S
Creation. Pls see pp.63-65
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It is because, today, as far much too critically pressing & seriously urgent more than any other in the context of Water Crises worldwide
on account of currently insufficient scientific knowledge, a fact grimly confirmed by no less than World’s authority in environmental science
& hydrology, Dr. Keith Beven. Dr. Beven is also the author of Time, Science, & Water Framework Directive <a
Reference Standard Guide in Europe, & elsewhere>. This phenomenon in global Water Management Crisis is further affirmed by equally an
authority in the field, UNDP expert Kevin Watkins who says:
“ … we need a new model of water management < at global scale > for the 21st
Century water crisis…”
The Core-Key: The Heart of the Blueprint: Two-way – Duality Law:
Physics of Nature <Newtons’ 3rd
Law: Principia>: The Give & Take Action; Give & Take Reaction
Mathematics <Geometry> of Nature <Einstein’s Cosmic Law of Interaction: Relativity Theory: Extended>:
The Final Law of Nature lies deep into the Mysterious Order (A. Einstein), Balance (I. Newton)
& Unity of Forces [J. C. Maxwell, A. Einstein, I. Newton, Euler, Gauss, Riemann, Planck,
Lorentz, De Broglie; J.L. Langrange; S. Weinberg, A. Salam, S. Glashow; E. Witten, B.
Greene, D. Gross, N. Haramein; etc.] in the Universe that manifests hidden Cosmic
Intelligence Design (CID) w/c proclaims most conscientiously at the core of humanity’s Life:
The Metaphysics of Nature: The Golden Rule of Duality Law of Nature @ the Root
 Long timed (2000+years) grossly mis-understood Son of GOD: LFA: Lord of the First Advent:
The Messiah Jesus Christ (up today, 21st Century, Christ Jesus is still mis-understood!) –
“Love your neighbor as you love yourself …”
 Modern Time’s the most controversial GOD-Advocate’s Evangelist & Founder of ICUS (pls
see p6, Item #2: ICUS) : Rev.Dr. Sun Myung Moon – “Live for the sake of others …”
Please note that Water is the key to Balance Energy Equation of the Earth’s Biosphere
Metabolism System <E-BMS>.
Yes, our Planet Earth is breathing, & has geo-thermodynamic conditions which are mathematically
connected to the Spatial Vector Balance Interaction of 3 Planets in the Solar System: Mars,
Earth, & Venus. This phenomenon creates mathematical stability in the Inner Core
Field of the Solar System, together with Mercury, very much like to that of interaction of the 3-
Phase Phenomena of Nature: Earth <solid>, Ocean <liquid> & Air <Gas>. The same
is true with the Universewhich is breathing thru the black holes at, not one hole as currently known
but two, etc., etc. >, which is mathematically connected to the Total Balancing Energy
Equilibrium Interaction Mechanism <T-BEE-iM> of the Earth’S Three (3) System Operators:
Air System Operator – Gas Vector Field
Earth System Operator – Solid Vector Field
Water System <Oceans> - Liquid Vector Field –
The Core of External Solution Balancing Field
Any disturbance on such highly delicate balance in the water system destroys the equilibrium of the whole Earth’s Total Balancing
Energy Equilibrium Interaction Mechanism <T-BEE-iM> resulting to natural occurrence of destructive phenomena like
Tsunami, Heat Wave, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Droughts, Floods, Pandemic viruses, etc., including the Global Warming or climate
change. From the bottom to the top of all these crises, scientists admit that Time is the essence in terms of repair, to which Mexican
Environment Minister, Jose Luis Luege, in a recent International Conference on Global Warming & Greenhouse gases held in
Mexican City, Monterrey this December 2006, warns the delegates:
“ Time is running out and the size of the challenge is enormous..”
At the very least, today, whether we like it or not, we all pass these conditions without exemption & yet we need to solve problems that
we naturally understand in our human perspective. As much as we must have a concise picture of what our condition of life is on Earth in
the face of the harsh reality of the worst & greatest challenge we, all of us on Earth, are facing against the backdrop of such global crises
in two realms of reality: < this point is very important … as briefly presented below> - the Internal (Subject:
Heart w/in the Mind & New Thinking Perspective) & the External (Object: Physical Body & Water) Realms
<<<1.2 Either in the known field of Physics or Cosmology via the non-mathematical, & mathematical realms of
existing, known knowledge of natural phenomena beyond the reach of our limited physical senses to that extent that
still we all want to know such as:
what is this Great Attractor @ the heart of the Universe, or a black hole, dark energy, dark
matter, the WIMPS, the MACHOS, etc., up to Quarks & beyond deep into the existence of UPE &
Interactive Prime Energy & Prime Matter & beyond ? What is it that exists into the core of life-force & life-
energy of what is of true existence, for our very existence, for us humans as we live on Earth, a Physical
World, in connection to the unseen World of different dimensions out there in the Cosmos, why…?; is the
Universe going to implode & collapse by big crunch to our physical extinction, or otherwise, why…? Or that
the unity of all forces cannot be possibly unified because Quantum Physics is currently thought that it cannot
be reconciled with Relativity Mechanics, or otherwise, why …? ;
or what is the true meaning & value of Time, Space, & Energy of the vast Universe with respect to humans on Earth,
so the Earth will be safe to live, why… etc., etc.; we all need to know all these… up to the required period of time…
that is linked to (1.3)
1 2 3 4 5 6

The Universe & Its Center (1&2)….The Great Attractor…Dark energy & Black hole (3&4)…Hidden dimension(s): (4, 5 & 6) What for? Life of Adam & Eve at root center (WEB) of the Cosmos
Figure _ A page of a professional Textbook
on University Physics w/ Gpw BBR quibbled
notes of corrections, including “Big Bang”
which concept needs technical correction &
fine-tuned mathematical configuration re: The
creation of the Universe (and NOT Evolution).
This Figure more or less depicts the GOD’S
Blueprint [Nature’s Blueprint of Creation]
The Stages of the creation of the Universe,
via MCP-5 {Mathematical Chain Principle
No.5) connecting all dot-creations from
smallest to the biggest in 6 Periods based on
GOD’S SCD-6 Design Code Principle
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 What are the connection(s) [of these all] with respect to the balanced GTA & GTR between physical & non-physical dimensions of
both Adam & Eve in the center of the Universe, @ the heart of the Cosmos …?
 Is the Unity of Mind & Body of every human being [Adam & Eve] the key to these balancing GTA & GTR between the physical &
non-physical dimensions of Adam & Eve on Earth – with respect to the 52 dimensions of the Universe @ the heart of these
connections mentioned above? With respect to the so-called Religions [in search of the ultimate source of true: life, love & lineage
The Global Unity of (IDEAS) Mind and Body And when this Global Unity of Mind (Non-Mechanical)
[is exercised w/ respect, understanding, communication (RUC)] ... & Body (Mechanical) is achieved – this sparks Mankind’s
The Key to True Global Peace – to live and not to survive true search for One Absolute Being - GOD
1.3 To-day, in the Topological Space, Time & Energy Dimensions of our thus far advanced
known sciences of the modern world as seen in the magnifying glass of human perspective; in our known
human <actual> contact with & to the “realities” of both non-mechanical <mathematics> &
mechanical <scientific> subtleties of the Duality Attributes of Nature, in the Context of The
Physics (Physical Attribute: Body) & The Metaphysics [Spiritual Attribute of Nature] of natural human
senses (: 5 Physical Senses + 5 Non-physical Senses) capable to discern matters of truth & facts of natural
phenomena in & of GOD’S Creation …
of what we see, feel, smell, hear, taste as we pass directly through the physical realities of
the present myriads of miserable conditions of global poverty, hunger, diseases, wars, crimes,
global warming, heat waves, tsunami, pollutions of different kinds, and so on and so forth;
that – despite the tears, tortures, inhumanity of such human stories of our lives – still we all must muster (our inherent true, original
character of <GOD-Image-Nature>) deep our hearts in order to know & understand just as well the true road to reality of the true
world… to finally realize the true unity of Religions & Sciences & the true unity of all Mankind beyond Religions, &
Sciences, & make this one human planet Earth in the Universe a beautiful place to live & not to survive.
The Questions & The One Key Solution @ the Root: The Unity of Mind & Body:
The Way to Achieve Unity of Mankind for True World Peace & Cosmic Balance: Religion & Science
Why? What do all the above phenomena have critically important relative significance & value in our addressing
the crises of Global Energy Issues, Global Poverty, Global <Pandemic> Alien Viruses or global bio-invaders & the
rest of the 36 World Emerging Crises? Are these two realms (Sub-Item-1.2 & Sub-Item-1.3) above related &
inter-active & complete fundamental knowledge & understanding of both realms are a key Answer & Solution(s) to:
1. Dr. Albert Einstein’s Dream of Theory of Everything (TOE) that has many facets of implications:
Mein Weltbild (My World-view) (1931); The World As I See It (1949): Mein Weltbild (1931); The Real Problem Is in
the Hearts of Men, The New York Times Magazine (June 23, 1946): “Without "ethical culture," there is
no salvation for humanity, (5 January 1951)”; the full remarks can be found in Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein
and Carl Seelig). Hence, to Einstein, his GUT is the TOE itself nevertheless limited to existing forces that time &
unification field concept based on James Clerk Maxwell’s EMT Field Equations 1865; hence, Einstein kept this deep
sentiment, even up to his dying moment in April 18, 1955, 1:07AM, as when he was murmuring in German all alone
at sickbed w/ attending Nurse: Ms Alberta Rozsel at his side holding Einstein’s weary head & mind … those German
words, that become Einstein Credo of TOE: thus: (translated)
“I want to know how God created this world. I'm not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the
spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts ...” *1d
- As quoted in "A Talk with Einstein" in The Listener 54 (1955) p.123 & is included in: Albert Einstein, The Human Side, edited by Helen
Dukas and Banesh Hoffmann, Princeton University Press, 1946-1955. And Albert Einstein, The Human Side: New Glimpses From His
Archives (1979), Princeton University, USA. [Note: *1d
I asked Einstein what he told his nurse – Gpw BBR, Sept. 16, 2005 …
Question: “Bernard, did you talk w/ A Einstein …How?” Answer: Yes. No words spoken; we looked thru eyes straight & talked via spirit minds. And,
 Similarly, to ICUS Blueprint (of Creation) Assignment, 1975, New York, USA: ICUS. The International Conference
on the Unity of Sciences, which Participants in one or more of the conferences included Nobel Laureates John
Eccles (Physiology or Medicine 1963, who chaired the 1976 conference),[2] Eugene Wigner (Physics 1963),[4] and, economist
& political philosopher Friedrich Hayek,[5] ecologist Kenneth Mellanby, Frederick Seitz, pioneer of solid state physics, Ninian
Smart, President of the American Academy of Religion, [6] and Holocaust theologian Richard Rubenstein,[7] . Also, lately this
Nobel Prize 2008 (Physiology or Medicine) Dr. Luc Montagnier, attended 23rd ICUS as Presentor/Speaker: “Science
Unification to meet Social & Environmental Challenges of Our Century”, Feb. 4-5, 2017, Lotte Hotel World, Seoul, Korea.
 Highlight Theme ICUS: Historically, the ICUS Founder & the most controversial World Christianity Evangelist Central
Figure of all times on Earth since Christ Jesus, the late Rev & Dr. Moon believed that religion alone cannot save the
world,<< [8] Tingle, D. and Fordyce, R. 1979, Phases and Faces of the Moon: A Critical Examination of the Unification
Church and its Principles, Hicksville, NY: Exposition Press ISBN 0-682-49264-7 p86-87>> thus, Dr Moon’s belief in the
unity of science & religion was reportedly (the) a main motivation for the founding of the ICUS. [9] >>.
Thus, historically, for some 40+ years hence back till 2015 AD, & up to the present TODAY, the Blueprint
Assignment given to ICUS – perhaps forgotten in midst of World’s stubborn (time-hatred-history based) wars
[Muslims, Christianity, Israelites, Palestinians, etc. world-wide], Topics of Modernization Confusions, Events
clamoring w/ urgency for Solutions – unfortunately still remains the Founder’s Dream & sadly its Founder Rev. Dr.
Moon, the most mis-understood human being on Earth, died on September 3, 2012, 92 yrs old, of complications
with pneumonia, & still the ICUS he founded has not yet produced [the Nature’s] Blueprint -
2. The 4th ICUS, Nov.27-30, 1975, New York, USA, the late: Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon’s lifetime Quest for a
True World Peace via ICUS: The Centrality of Science and Absolute Values - Sun Myung Moon: The Founder’s Address:; The Centrality of Science and Absolute Values. Sun Myung Moon The Fourth
International Conference on The Unity of The Sciences, November 27-30,1975. Waldorf Astoria Hotel New York, New York. Thus,
“In order to integrate all the specific fields of research, we are in need of a larger design or blueprint. In this way, we may have a
common ideal before us as we proceed to achieve this integration. The main purpose of this Conference on the Unity of the Sciences
is for us to produce that blueprint … ” Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, 4th ICUS, Nov.27-30. 1975, New York, New York, USA
Albert Einstein: as the GOD’S 2nd
Coming John The Baptist of the
20th Century Completion
Testament, 1945 – 1952 AD.Plan.
Two of the Most Important sons
(the other is Gen. MacArthur) of
GOD, to support the LSA in 1945-
1952 Last Days Providence. But
“Human failures” destroyed GOD’S
Plan 1945-1952 AD., totally ….
GOD is in deep deep pain by Heart
This is a picture taken from the 4th ICUS:
International Conference on the Unity of the
Science, November 27-30, 1975, Waldorf
Astoria Hotel, New York, New York USA.
Extreme Left & Extreme Right: Dr. Moon &
his wife: Mrs Hak Ja Han Moon, respectively.
In this Conference, Rev. Dr Moon gave ICUS
the most challenging Assignment: to
produce the GOD’S Blueprint (of Creation),
pls visit connecting page Truth: see p.42
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Why all these (conflicts between mind & body desires) do take place as they are & have long been puzzling <which means there
is a definite problem or problems in > our human minds and bodies?
Yes, our original mind & original body have been affected badly otherwise it is our fallen human mind & fallen human
body do affect us all, humans, as we live here on Earth in two conflicting conditions: rich & poor; happiness & misery, and
so on & so forth…whether we like it or not …?. Is humanity created in order to survive & suffer on Earth… while other
humans are seemingly blessed in the confine of their 4-walled, closed-door luxury-filled mansion(s), condominiums, etc.,
etc.? Is this the truth of life? World leaders speak of world peace…but where here on Earth can we find, think, feel &
experience true global peace? Do we have any solution(s)? Ultimate Solution?.. What? How?
Come to think of it – to find complete solution(s) to & for our global problems in the context of existing fallen man’s point
of view-based explanations in Old Science, Old Mathematics, Old Technology along the existing, old metaphysical
perspective of relative human knowledge until to-day… is no less than a useless... illogical exercise of human
responsibility & freewill… & yet coming from still fallen human nature of human existence since 4026 B.C.E. in what is
known as the Fall of Man. How … do then we resolve these … ?
The 5 Non-physical Senses (Subject – Spirit Body: Cosmos) & 5 Physical Senses (Object –
Physical Body: Universe): The 1st Approach to Unity – The Ultimate Proof of Nature’s Blueprint
Solution – The GOD’S Blueprint of Creation: The GBtZ Solution for True World Peace
Do we need another 6,043 years since the Fall of Man to put man to test in midst of Nature’s Judgment of the Law of
GOD’S Reward for Good & Punishment for the Evils in so desperate & most trying times of of human quest for order
& law to be able to see & feel true peace? Do we need another Noah’s Flood Judgment in 2370 BCE., in today’s Climate
Change Judgment? GOD is consistent in in HIS Plan Formulae of Providence of Restoration to correct the 4026 BCE Fall of
Man. How about man? Is man consistent? GOD is consistent in HIS 95% Responsibility to execute His Providence of Restoration
Plan [ = GOD’S 95% Responsibility + Adam&Eve 5% Responsibility  100% Total Restoration Achievement to establish
True Unity of Humanity, True Global Peace] It is GOD’S Responsibility (95%) to prepare the time-bound conditioned Appropriate
Environment in sending HIS Son-Messiah to save/restore humanity from the Evil Effects of 4026 BCE Fall of Man; and it is
Man’s 5% Responsibility to fulfill 100% GOD’S WiLL to recognize, accept & ultimately unite globally in total 100% Unity of Mind
& Body in welcoming, accepting completely w/ absolute vertical faith the GOD’S Son-Messiah as Mankind’s Leader to defeat,
eliminate all Evils from the Earth, using the Science + Technology and Religion & establish True World Peace in GOD’S
Appointed Time. Have we done – since Christ Jesus Lord of the First Advent Time: 30CE–37CE/AD – our 5% Responsibility?
Historically, try to think & imagine we go back in Christ Jesus Time, during those extremely critical Jesus’s Ministerial Messianic
(The GOD’S 7-Year Providence of Restoration/Salvation Period: 30 CE to 37 CE/AD). Is GOD’S Original Purpose of sending HIS
Son JESUS to the World is for Christ JESUS to be misunderstood, be killed, by the Jews/Israelites (GOD”S yet Chosen Peoples
themselves)? Is it “To kill JESUS] to save humanity” a GOD’S WiLL? And that Crucifixion is GOD’S WiLL?? To think that GOD
took more than 2000 years to prepare for His Son Messiah: Jesus arrival on Earth in Jan.03, 1CE/AD to his birth in Mother
Mary, who was at Jesus Birth some 15 years, 3 Months & 26 days old [more or less exact age of Eve1, when The Fall of Man
took place in 4026 BCE.], & yet only to be murdered – is this all GOD’S WiLL? [GOD does things on Earth w/ full surprises]
The Answers to all those Questions above are absolutely in truth: NO! No. No.
It is all against GOD’S WiLL to disbelieve JESUS & Kill JESUS in Jesus’s Providence Messianic Period: 30CE – 37 CE.
Further the truth is there was some 4 years delay when Jesus started his Messianic Mission in 30CE., or, to be exact, on GOD’S
appointed Time: September 3, 30 CE/AD, when John The Baptist, 6 months older than Jesus, baptized JESUS at Jordan River;
that’s the start of Jesus Messianic Mission & it was late starter; when in fact, GOD wants HIS Son JESUS to start his Messianic
Mission a bit earlier in 25 CE (Jesus @ 25 years of age) & finish his Messianic Mission in 7 years by 32 CE! But then, human
failures took place in Jesus’s Family & extended families that failed to support Jesus; hence the delay. The Truth? In truth, John
The Baptist, 6 months older than Jesus, must unite w/ & go with Jesus to stand 1st Witness to Jesus right after Jesus Baptism in
September 3, 30CE. But John The Baptist failed in all his 5% Responsibility! Well, certainly, try to if we do so – in human
viewpoint, in human perspective – take YES as the Answers, then, we can only end up similarly in deep agony; very much in
pained condition deep into our 5 physical senses; not to mention the other 5 non-physical senses …deep deep regrets when we
expire on Earth & we enter the Spirit World !
Proof? Answer: Do you think it is GOD’S WiLL for some 6 Million Jews to suffer & be
tortured to extremely inhuman deaths/murder in Hitler’s Time back in 1941 to 1945AD?
Does it – (the said 6 Million Jews & more than millions of Jewish Clans tortured in death;
suffered in miserable lives, then & then, through time after Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion; as
did so historically in GOD’S Dispensation for the Providence of Restoration in the Last
Days in Jesus Time back in Jesus’s Crucifixion in April, 33 CE/AD…connecting to/till
1941–1945AD?)– have providential connection/mathematical connection for reason why
Jews suffered so deeply in history? The Answer to this is that JESUS Crucifixion or,
murdering JESUS is NOT GOD’S WiLL, and so on. It is because:
Today, & all times, it is GOD’S WiLL for all Mankind to love one another on Earth: all Jews, Israelites, Palestinians; Muslims,
Christians to respect, understand & love one another – all humanity beyond religions, politics, cultures … beyond colors, languages,
beyond nationalities and so on – to love one another because the ENEMY is not us, is not any human being on Earth; but Evil; the
Enemy is Evil; and GOD created all of us on Earth as human beings as brothers & sisters and NOT animals; NOT Evils. We are
all human beings and NOT Evils; therefore all of us on Earth MUST recognize, respect, care for, & LOVE each other for the welfare
of All Humanity to live on Earth and NOT to survive.
This is the reality. This is the fact. We all live & are surviving, & struggling in the complex, chaotic events of such facts of phenomena
right here in our one home Planet Earth. Again, why all these mess? What is the truth of all these? What is the absolute truth? Is
the Universe created for each human being to suffer & survive? Is each human being created to suffer & to survive …? And so on.
Therefore, the Book Project directly presents the GBtZ Solution(s) in 6 parameters as stated above in the context of non-
human perspective-based explanations of Truths of Highest Perspective: The GOD’S New Science, New Mathematics, New
Technology via both the absolute Nature’s hidden dimensions of facts of phenomena; of essence of existence, of life on Earth
This proves, once & for all, to all of us that all our actions here on Earth consequently do account for our own physical
conditions on Earth as governed by the Laws of the Cosmos, the Laws of the Absolute Intelligent Design, the Laws of the
Absolute Being, Who is known to three (3) of the World’s greatest scientists: to: Dr. Albert Einstein, this Absolute Being,
the “Old One”; and to Sir Isaac S. Newton, the “Good LORD”; to Sir James Clerk Maxwell, our “Dear Lord
GOD Almighty Creator”! and to GF Bernhard Riemann: the “Most Powerful LORD GOD”.
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This is what exactly had happened for the rest of <both of them> 40 years remaining of their
lives on Earth < Dr. Einstein, after his 1915 General Theory of Relativity tiLL his death in 1955;
Sir Newton, after his universally acclaimed 1687 Principia tiLL his death in 1727> . Both had
been in the thousand-year-old quest for the complete explanation of the Cosmos beyond the
physical realm of the Universe known simply to-day as the Blueprint of Creation!
Again, this Book Project #1, with all humility, needs to be published globally soon to
address & resolve <both in function-internal; and structure-external dimensions> not just
the Global Warming but all the 36 World-scale Issues as may be found in Gpw BBR’s
previous earlier Paper in this “New & Complete 2019 World Edition Invite:… ”
[Now, today 2018-2019, this original 2007 World Edition has been subject to time-
needed-revision: 2019 Thematic Objectivity – scientifically, mathematically to address
the core Issues mentioned earlier & brings out timely Nature’s Solutions to human
follies deeply imbedded at the roots of the 36 World Emerging Issues. Why? How? Who?
As mentioned, human ignorance & human opinion are the greatest obstacle in the
attainment of True World Peace & in the solution to the 36 Global Issues. That is, the
Book Project totally presents that human ignorance does not have even the slightest place
in all the operating laws of space, time & energy of both the non-mechanical <function-internal>
& mechanical subtleties <structure-external> of the Principles of Creation in-where the so-
called very, very subtle, highly Supreme Intelligent Plan is…
What ? Why? When? Where? Who? … and How?...>>> {Cont’n. from the <<< 1.2, p.5)
The context of perspective-understanding & continuity of perspective-knowledge of the above questions do present to us
basically “why” the preceding facts make us think that in one crisis creates another crisis, etc. to objectively know & understand
that Global Warming is eating us all to extinction. Why? It is because Energy Crises in the standpoint of existing power
plants to generate electricity strongly appear to be irreversibly irreconcilable with environmental issues. Yet, painfully we are still
searching for the solutions. Why? How come?
Consequently, poverty exists because only the few can afford electricity to generate economic
income for lesser rich; that is why the inhuman wars still are here on Earth that make lives of
millions & millions the world over very miserable. This is further linked to the fact that Religions
claim to know GOD but in truth, still do not know what, why, when, where, how & who the Absolute
Being – GOD is. Unfortunately, religion is thought of that which cannot be reconciled with
To this point, one very religious scientist of note – pardon me for a simple thought that a highly
religious person to me is the one who thinks to act & to act to be able to help others whether people
or nations beyond faith! – Dr. David King, British Government Chief Scientific Advisor who
considers global warming a bigger threat to human life than terrorism, has urged rich nations to
help the poor & developing nations prepare for an imminent worst weather shift that could put
millions & millions of human lives at risk.
And so, To-day, 2005 …. 2007, & 2015, & onwards, whether we like it or not, a little more than 100 years after 1905 as
we go back to what Dr. Nigel Calder wrote in the last paragraph of the last Chapter of his notable book: “Einstein’s
Universe”, does remind us all, emphatically, of the need of the modern times for a concrete, ultimate Solution. Now is the
time to solve the riddles of the present crises of phenomena. Today, these crises are what we have them all in the 36
World-scale Emerging Issues, much more complex, much more complicated and delicately serious.
In all humility, I, a one small voice from Southeast Asia, am declaring to the world: the Hidden Cosmic Laws of Nature &
The Principle of the Blueprint Creation of the Universe as revealed to me by GOD, have long since 1987 been quietly setting me
up & putting me, all alone, in painful loneliest & most miserable solitary studies & research w/ guidance from Spirit World in the
context of a highly complex, grandest Plan of Nature, a Gift from GOD, above all to all, to all of us … to all
mankind remindingus all that GODcreated all of us: human beings and NOT animals, beyondcolors, beyond cultures, beyond
language, beyond nationalities, and above all, as GOD’S children …
“I plan my work & work my plan … with GOD …”
Professor Gpw Bernard Bautista Riemen-tilla 2011-2012 AD
GOD did not & does not create Evil … Just as darkness is the
absence of light; Evil is the absence of GOOD … is the
absence of GOD
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This is infindingfrom Nature’s hidden Lawsunknown to humanity a complete answer to Dr. Albert Einstein’s Grand
Unified Field Theory 1951-‘53 (GUT) since his 1905-‘15 Theory of Relativity & Sir Isaac S. Newton’s Holy
Grail of Metaphysical Unity of Gravitational Force & All the Forces of the Universe since his 1687 Principia
& Sir James Clerk Maxwell’s Electro-Magnetic Dynamics Theory of UF Equations, 1865.
1 2
It is strictly based on what all Nature’s secrets of hidden phenomena operating in all-pervading, unchanging yet hidden
laws of Nature do reveal to my empty mind & open heart beyond human experience, beyond humanity. What? How? Why ?
This is being done by finding the correct & holistic <mathematical, scientific & metaphysical> approach to solve Stephen W.
Hawking’s long timed ultimate goal, as expressed implicitly & explicitly in his 2005 Edition book w/ a great scientist Dr.
Leonard MLodinow: “A Brief er History of Time” , p.137, Par.2, Chapter 11: The Forces of Nature & the Unification of
Physics, that says:
“ A complete, consistent, unified theory is only the 1st step; our goal is a complete
understanding of the events around us, and our own existence.” - Stephen Hawking
Also, we find in the words of Dr. Hawking in The New York Times Magazine publication: “The Universe and Dr. Hawking,”
by Michael Harwood, January 23, 1983, p.53
“The more we examine the Universe, we find it is not arbitrary at all but obeys certain well-
defined laws that operate in different areas. It seems very reasonable to suppose that there may
be some unifying principles, so that all laws are part of some bigger law.”
Why Gpw Bernard Bautista Remen-tilla is stubbornly steel-hearted to go on? Why? Gpw BBR’s Answer
…comes from his 1987 Dream and “it” visited him again in his 2005 Dream: [ 1987 & 2005:  GOD’S abs.# 7]
[And so that lately sometime in the First Quarter in 2004, I only came to know that such grand plan <a much biggest Law of
Nature> I have been working on is none other than the Nature’s Blueprint of Creation. And having done so in the process,
my whole family & I underwent incredibly difficult circumstances beyond human, beyond death. I may be lucky more than enough that
it is a miracle until now I am still alive & that me & my whole family are intact. This is not all by chance or coincident. GOD is
always there & here protecting me & my family. I can feel it; GOD is always there with me …Nevertheless, the most difficult
situation in my life came in 2005 when my 1987 Dream re-visited me … that time GOD first time gives me the Title: “Gpw”
…Why? I don’t know ….Only GOD knows then .. as much as only GOD knows this Gpw Title today …2012: (abs.# 5  )
Now, who on Earth in his/her right mode of senses, in his/her correct frame of mind, still braves to go out of his/her way to still
ask this GOD’s power-energy writer ….
“ Professor Gpw Bernard, what makes you do so, and why & how come you let you & your family undergo all those most
unspeakably trying times at all odds against you for more than 18 years – absolutely – and stiLL you stubbornly proceeded
to work, finish and produce this Nature’s Blueprint of Creation ? … Why? ” (2004-2005 They asked me.)
In all humility & honesty, this Invite is my ultimate answer … no less no more. That is:
If a single ordinary person on Earth has understood the content of this Invite & in the process has completely changed his/her view of life in
this World after reading this content from Heart. And then he/she starts to do only what is good for others & lives the rest of his/her life for the
sake of other human beings on Earth, then it is more than a sufficiently rewarding gift to me that he/she has already invested in this Invite,
with GOD, above all. …Today, 2019, I was more than …strongly asked in Question: Why? ; to which my Reply, pls see p.68 …is:
Kindly please let me proceed:
Figure _ The Illustrated A Brief History of Time & the Universe in a Nutshell by
Stephen W. Hawking (Jun 7, 2007)
Figure(s): 1 & 2: The Universe & our one Human Solar System @ the center vector field of
Interconnecting Web-fibre of Life-Force & Life-Energy Fields permeating the Cosmos that
breathes thru every Black Hole of the Universe.
The greatest human act by Science & Mathematics render most significantly close to
Blueprint Perspective did Newton, Maxwell & Einstein invaluable justice upon Nature
creation in bringing out mathematical facts & scientific truths & laid the root-foundation of
the unity of energy & forces; humanity benefited so greatly from the works of the unified
1861-‘65 Electro-magnetic Dynamics Theory by James Clerk Maxwell to begin man’s long
Journey to the Unity of Physics & Metaphysics … as started earlier by Sir Isaac Newton,
1687 Principia; thus so made manifest strongly in the core implication of his quest to find
the ultimate purpose of the creation of the World (Universe) in the context of order & peace
in human life on Earth from the perspective of the Relativity Theory (1905-1916) & GUT
(1951-‘52) by Albert Einstein. Nevertheless, despite Albert Einstein’s success in extracting
Nature’s secrets in Relativity; he died in April, 1955, still pursuing to find Nature’s GUT @
the core…& eventually left dimensionless scientific & mathematical inquiries of loaded
works to clarify, discover & to complete the Science Quest for Nature’s Final Law … has
kept succeeding mathematical scientists very busy to catch & formulate the GUT & TOE.
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Today, more than a century after 1905, to Dr. Nigel Calder and the rest of World scientists, and world citizens, I am, with all
humility, further affirming the truth that I know with certainty that world fellow scientists, engineers, mathematicians, architects, & others
do agree with me to believe in conviction & say that :
“…before any actual creation or invention of, say, constructing a bridge, a machine, or a
building, etc., there must be a plan or a blueprint. This blueprint precedes all actual creation & if
something went wrong in that creation resulting to problem or problems, it is, and it must be, the
corresponding plan or blueprint which must be the over-all basis of rectification or restoration
in and of the damage(s) in such creation – permanently.”
How exactly certain am I in all of this GOD’S Blueprint?
There exists a hidden, profound logic & reason inherent in the above perspective which exactly suggests a powerful subtle change in
higher dimension (there are 52 dimensions in space, time & energy combined!) so that the solution can unify and unifies the 3 Natural
Vector Fields of Scientific Phenomena: 1. Physics 2. Biology & 3.Chemistry <<in a new Vector Non-geometrical
Unification Matrix Mechanics that functions in non-mechanical subtlety of a new mathematical principle, as exactly predicted by Dr.
Roger Penrose,a former counterpart researcher to & of Dr. Hawking >>. This intrinsic logic as completely captured by new scientific
& mathematical principle mentioned does strongly imply nothing else but a non-arguable manifest: a direct existence of Intelligent Plan
or Blueprint.
It is not surprisingthat several highly notable scientists in the world like: Nobel laureate neuroscientist, Sir John
Eccles; Nobel laureate astronomer, Sir Fred Hoyle; Nobel laureate physicists, Dr. Eugene P.
Wigner, & Dr. Murray Gell-Mann; a few most original & noted mathematical scientists: Dr. John A.
Wheeler, Dr. Freeman Dyson, Dr. Werner von Braun & the rest of a few great living biologists, chemists &
physicists, today, do acknowledge the existence of Intelligent Plan or Intelligent Design inherent in
every function & structure of the highly complex physical phenomena of Nature.
On Earth, any slight deviation from the laws of these physical phenomena, a Physical Universe at macro-scale – not to
mention the other yet phenomena involving the non-physical dimension in the non-physical Universe or we may call it the
Spirit World – makes human life suffer or die from painful physical deterioration like sickness or diseases, tsunamis,
earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.
Therefore, what is this Intelligent Design, or Intelligent Plan or what we can call a Blueprint? How?...
2.0 The Direct Manifest & Confirmation of the Blueprint or Plan (of the Creation) –
The Proof(s) in the face of concrete evidences from Nature: There is Creator-GOD
 The Scientists’ Applied Implication of the Theory of Intelligent Design in the context of the Natural
Principle of Creation; the Complex Operating Principle of Nature in the Context of Dr. Alexander
Polyakov’s ‘GOD created the Universe’, or Dr. Stephen W. Hawking’s ‘the mind of GOD’, or Dr.
Steven Weinberg’s ‘ handy-work of GOD’, and so on & so forth…:
 The Metaphysical, Scientific & Mathematical Truths of the Nature’s 3 Essential Blueprints of
Solution to All the 36 World-scale Emerging Issues based on the Original Perspective of the Theory of
Intelligent Design as a Direct Mathematical & Scientific Manifest of Exquisitely Delicate
Function & Structure < Essence & Facts > of the Laws of the Universe…
The undeniable yet phenomenal emergence of the “Theory of Intelligent Design,” in all its richly diversified and yet superbly
complex forms of natural manifestation of the Laws of Nature. Such laws are most delicately operating in every subtly mathematical
system of the unified biological Universe where you & I, non-arguably, do exist complete with 5 physical senses and 5 non-physical
senses to live and to live and to live … but not to survive.
That is the Law; that is the Natural Principle of Creation. To survive on Earth that is designed for all biological forms to live,
including every human being, is against the Natural Law of Creation, against the Theory of Intelligent Design or Grand
Plan of the Creation. To survive on Earth is a complete violation of the Natural Principle of Creation – the Blueprint of
Creation. It is because the Universe is designed for all biological forms to live, yet specifically more so with the creation of the
Earth that is designed for all humanity to live … in True Life, True Love & True Lineage.
Therefore, it is a fact in the bio-physiological study of human being – of all other creations in the world – that each of us is endowed to
ask; to ask questions about things we want to know because every human being is the only special biological being that is concerned
with the future of our Universe. Hence, no less than a leading mathematical physicist Dr.Lawrence Krauss wrote:
“ …We are emboldened to ask questions about things we never see directly because we can ask them
… we are endowed with imagination … beyond instinct … it is because we are designed with the Laws of
Nature …created to look into the future of our Universe….”
And to which no less than Nobel Laureate, Sir John Eccles referred for this phenomenon as a highly unique ability in human being
alone as he said :
“ … exhibited even by 3-year old children with their torrent of questions in their desire to know understand their world…
by contrast, apes do not ask questions…”
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Hence, Rocket Scientist Dr. Werner von Braun went a step further when he said:
“ The natural laws of the Universe are so precise that we have no difficulty building a spaceship to fly to the
moon & can time the flight with precision of a fraction of a second. These laws must have been set by
Therefore, no less than Dr. Albert Einstein is convinced that the Universe is a manifest of intelligence in nature in his words:
“ …To try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifest in Nature.”
Dr. Albert Einstein, reflecting on the …..infinitesimal part of intelligence … in Nature
Infinitesimal Intelligence inherent in Nature …
If we take literary pieces of scientific discussions from the authority of sciences & mathematics in thecontext of numerous phenomenal evidences
of such intelligent design surroundingus [ practically everythingthat surrounds us is apart of Nature’s Intelligent Design mathematically
connected to the primary operator of Nature’s Biosphere Vector Field Energy Balance – Human Being: Adam & Eve ] in
endless variety & amazing intricacy of complex forms of life – from the smallest to the biggest biological functions & structures of Natural
Phenomena – then all these certainly leave us no doubt to conclude that there exists Cosmic Intelligent Design (CID) or
Grand Plan in all natural things we sense in life.
Specifically, let’s take the view of: Dr. Robert Jastrow, a highly distinguished Professor of Astronomy &
Geology at Columbia University, USA, who wrote in his good book The Enchanted Loom – Mind in the Universe:
“ The astronomical proof of a Beginning – the sudden birth of the Universe that becomes a proven scientific
fact – places scientists in an awkward position, for they believe that every effect has a rational cause… That
is, the natural intelligent cause…”
Hence, a brilliant mathematician Dr. William A. Dembski stated:
“ … that the intelligent design evident in the observable features of the natural world … can be adequately
explained only by recourse to intelligent causes.”
The complexity of the mathematical designs of the natural world appears so subtle before human
senses that it looks so intricately incomprehensible.
However, this critical fact is completely presented, unraveled & explained in the Book Project #1 Proposition.
It includes incredibly amazing dual characteristics of the physical features of every biological system – from the smallest to the
biggest in the Universe, including the Universe itself – beyond the 3.6 billion years ago when the first unequivocally recognized
life form <extremely tiny ranging in size from 0.000018 to 0.0006 of a millimeter> appeared on Earth. It brings out & presents
the plain truth that any subtle fact of Nature deemed by scientists as mysterious cannot be explained any more in any scientific or
mathematical tools other than the tool of the metaphysical logic of extraordinary intelligence inherent in all manifestations of
biological designs in the Physical Universe – including you and I.
That is why no less than the great astronomer Dr. Allan Sandage who said:
“ It was my science that drove me to the conclusion that the world is much more complicated than can be
explained by science. It is only through the supernatural that I can understand the mystery of existence.”
This mystery of existence rests in the metaphysical logic of extraordinary intelligence, that is the
Supreme Intelligent Design. Why?
This Intelligent Design has the ultimate hidden framework plan, very subtle, very intricate which in the lens of human eyes makes
completely hardly plain & simple to know & understand the meaning of all intricate, complex biological forms of creation. It is
because human viewpoint can hardly comprehend the meaning of both absolute values of biological systems of Nature and
Nature’s original universal intelligent design<u-ID> & symmetry creation design codes <SCD-6 & SCD-9> intrinsic
in all that exist in the Cosmos. These are the issues to be addressed which can only be done using not human viewpoint.
These issues & facts are evident of the discussions coming from the authorities themselves, such as:
The scientific & metaphysical arguments of diverse issues on physicist Dr.Stephen Hawking’s the mind
of GOD; the highly subtle expression of the mathematics of the Theory of Everything (TOE) as directly
expressed in the original mathematical formulae of Modern Quantum Mechanics by mathematician Dr.
Alexander Polyakov; neuro-scientist/brain surgeon Dr. Robert J. White’s acknowledgement of the
Superior Intellect responsible for the design & development of the incredible brain-mind relationship of life;
molecular biologist Dr. Michael Denton’s exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular
systems … in DNA …, in his book: Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.
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Also Dr. Steven Weinberg’s the handy-work of GOD in his simple yet profound addressing the intricate
points of working parameters of natural laws of the Universe, pointing to the existence of universal code of design
inherent in Nature, in the book chapter: “…What about GOD?” from his book: Dreams of Final
Theory, 1994 Edition.
Or the mathematical explanations of Nature’s Subtle Laws of Phenomenal Reality of the Universe in Dr.
Roger Penrose’s book: “The Road to Reality – A Complete Guide to the Laws of
the Universe”, 2004 Edition, among others.
All these do all imply, manifest <not just simply suggest > very strongly & point to us a certain, most
profound truth in Nature: in the face of the ultimate reality of creation – in the words of world’s authority
on Astrophysics, Sir Fred Hoyle:
“ … it seemed better to suppose that the origin of life was a deliberate intellectual act.”
“A deliberate intellectual act …” – Sir Fred Hoyle. “ … the Mind of GOD …” – Stephen Hawking.
In answer to ‘Can Science lead us to GOD?’ In search of TOE, Mr. Hawking couldn’t
help but keep on mentioning “GOD”.
And this strongly suggests that ‘there exists an intrinsic, highly Intelligent Cosmic Plan in the Universe’, which in the
Words of Dr. Penrose himself, is expressed completely, as follows:
“… will take us in the directions significantly different from those currently being pursued.
Perhaps what we mainly need is some subtle change in perspective – something that we all
have missed …”
Dr. Roger Penrose & his Book” The Road to Reality”
Current Most Notable Scientific & Mathematical Studies & Research –
In search of the Grand Unification (Field) Theory <GUT> & The
Theory of Everything <TOE> to define the subtle design of Nature
In Mathematics known to Human Reason & Human Perspective …
Also, equally most notable & very important current research & studies on natural phenomena in the perspective of unifying intrinsic &
fundamental underlying principles Classical Sciences & Modern 21st Century Sciences & Mathematics, to include most difficult &
extremely subtle operating phenomena of nature from the perspective of mathematical intricacies of natural behaviors of matter &
energy inter-actions to describe & define the holistic attributes of a GUT & TOE of Natural Phenomena, as follows:
The GUT-CP works of Dr. Randell MiLLs, at best figuring out equally most remarkable &
important mathematical results in the interpretation & formulation of integrated mathematical
relationships of Classical Physics from the context of existing & well-established principles of
classical sciences but still lacking in comprehensively new technical approach & innovative
mathematical underpinnings of re-solving the problematic conflicting nature of unification of force
field strength, energy field strength, to fully embrace all these physical constants of Classical
Physics, Quantum Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc., from the point of view of mathematically
unifying the basic principles of Biology, Physics, Chemistry in more than 11 dimensions of nature
<<the M-Theory’s 11 dimensions cannot & is therefore incomplete>>, in at least 52 dimensions
of space-time-energy of matter & energy, of force field & energy field, of the Universe & Cosmos
inter-acting in harmony & order. That is, it lacks to finally re-solve all these conflicts, or unsolved
problems in mathematics & sciences thus far known to us, humans, in order to solve true World
Peace & all the rest of 15 Questions given above, including finally re-solving Climate Change.
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One of the best & most likely but partially correct GUT & TOE Works thus far
surfacing over & above the rest of world’s outstanding scientists’ &
mathematicians’ combined works in the present time, this 21st Century, is the
work of one of the most brilliant mathematical scientists – the M-Theory, the
mathematical integrating M-Theory of Dr. Edward Witten. However,
sadly it still – besides falling short of completely answering the 15 Greatest &
Most Important Unsolved Puzzles presented in separate paper – hardly re-
solves the conflicts of unifying the mathematics of the Two Basic Aspects of
Reality of Nature: Force Field & Energy Field; Physical Energy &
Non-Physical Energy.
That is, it still has to solve the conflicts between Matter & Energy, & Body &
Mind of each human being that exists & lives in a 52-dimension space-time-
energy. [Hence, the M-Theory, being mathematically theoretical-ized within
the mathematical structure of 11 dimensions, can hardly re-configure the unity
of physical energy & non-physical energy; between force field & energy field;
between male human being & female human being because each reality of
Nature in the context of a Human Being is mathematically configured in Duality
Principle of Male & Female created being that exists & lives in 52-dimension
of the Universe; and so on.]
Dr. Alexander Polyakov's problems & the
rest of Scientists' quest for TOE are resolved in my Global Book Project #1
Proposal. He is very honest to himself & to GOD.
The Resonance Project - Rise to the Equation. The Unification of
Sciences, etc.
This Project is spearheaded by Prof. Nassim Haramein, & is purposed to
geometrically <or otherwise> configure The Grand Unified Theory; has given his
fundamental concepts in series of presentations in "Crossing the Event Horizon:Rise to the
Equation," and his international speaking tours. However, the geometrical structure &
mathematical ramifications of his theory haven’t still yet re-solved the 15 Greatest
Unsolved Puzzles presented in separate paper – up to down the 6 Levels going to Zero
Point from the 7th Level of Quark Group of 3 Pairs, and the like … Then up to the macro-
scale of the Cosmos, including & beyond the dimensions of the Physical Universe.
New Progresses in Solving Einstein’s Equations … etc. , in addition to Author Dr. Reinhard, we have the following:
1. The most beautiful theory - General relativity - The Economist
Nov 28, 2015 - He had been searching for a new solution to Albert Einstein's equations of general relativity,
and at last he could see in his numbers and symbols a precise description of how space-time—the four-
dimensional universal fabric those equations describe—could be wrapped into a spinning ball. He had found ...
2. Modified Standard Einstein's Field Equations ... - Progress in Physics
Nov 5, 2017 - Modified Standard Einstein's Field Equations and the Cosmological Constant. Faisal A. Y. Abdelmohssin. IMAM
... new modified field equations emerged, one type of these field equations are Rastall's gravity equations. ... In his search for
analytical solution to his field equations he turned to cosmology and ..
Nature's Wake up Final Call. the GBtZ solt'n to True World Peace, 6th Global Mass Extinct'n.._a Final (Intgratd) 2nd Series Paper. an Intro. [rev.2_01b, (c) 2012-'19]
Nature's Wake up Final Call. the GBtZ solt'n to True World Peace, 6th Global Mass Extinct'n.._a Final (Intgratd) 2nd Series Paper. an Intro. [rev.2_01b, (c) 2012-'19]
Nature's Wake up Final Call. the GBtZ solt'n to True World Peace, 6th Global Mass Extinct'n.._a Final (Intgratd) 2nd Series Paper. an Intro. [rev.2_01b, (c) 2012-'19]
Nature's Wake up Final Call. the GBtZ solt'n to True World Peace, 6th Global Mass Extinct'n.._a Final (Intgratd) 2nd Series Paper. an Intro. [rev.2_01b, (c) 2012-'19]
Nature's Wake up Final Call. the GBtZ solt'n to True World Peace, 6th Global Mass Extinct'n.._a Final (Intgratd) 2nd Series Paper. an Intro. [rev.2_01b, (c) 2012-'19]
Nature's Wake up Final Call. the GBtZ solt'n to True World Peace, 6th Global Mass Extinct'n.._a Final (Intgratd) 2nd Series Paper. an Intro. [rev.2_01b, (c) 2012-'19]
Nature's Wake up Final Call. the GBtZ solt'n to True World Peace, 6th Global Mass Extinct'n.._a Final (Intgratd) 2nd Series Paper. an Intro. [rev.2_01b, (c) 2012-'19]
Nature's Wake up Final Call. the GBtZ solt'n to True World Peace, 6th Global Mass Extinct'n.._a Final (Intgratd) 2nd Series Paper. an Intro. [rev.2_01b, (c) 2012-'19]
Nature's Wake up Final Call. the GBtZ solt'n to True World Peace, 6th Global Mass Extinct'n.._a Final (Intgratd) 2nd Series Paper. an Intro. [rev.2_01b, (c) 2012-'19]
Nature's Wake up Final Call. the GBtZ solt'n to True World Peace, 6th Global Mass Extinct'n.._a Final (Intgratd) 2nd Series Paper. an Intro. [rev.2_01b, (c) 2012-'19]
Nature's Wake up Final Call. the GBtZ solt'n to True World Peace, 6th Global Mass Extinct'n.._a Final (Intgratd) 2nd Series Paper. an Intro. [rev.2_01b, (c) 2012-'19]
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  • 1. Page 1 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro … The 2nd & Final Series (Integrated) Paper World Edition Invite: (Gpw BBR A 2012-‘19 World Edition 2nd Series) A Gpw_BBR-26’s Intro, 2nd Series Final Paper on Two World-scale Key Solution Projects In Total Quest for Ultimate GBtZ Solution to Climate Change @ its Root Condition & the Rest of the 36 Global Issues, to Address World Peace & The 6th Global Mass Extinction o The 6th Global Mass Extinction1a is a real artificial (not Natural) threat to all biological life forms, including, human life & end-result of the most destructive forces – the combined effects – of the 36 World-scale Emerging Issues1 <<one of which is the facts-based, mind-boggling World issue: Climate Change/Global Warming1a, pls. see pp.2,3; Subject-Item# 2: 1a Notes: >> Public Web Profiles:;;; 1 Note: Pls see a separate Attach-2a, page 4, for Complete List: “The 36 World Emerging Issues” w/ Notes. Climate Change or Global Warming as actually felt on Earth: ‘artificially generated’ (anthropogenic) more than 63% of the total causality factors combined (90+% content anthropological includes CO2, etc.) by which human footprints do notably mark this Climate Change causality @ 96+% certainty an anthropocenic activity! Worst, CO2 levels SURGE! In 2016 at new highest “record breaking speed” according to WMO/UN; up by more than 400+ppm compared to 2015! Sadly makes it alarmingly high risk. What happens to almost 200 Governments of Nations’ Pledges & Commitments made in COP21 in Paris…???: NASA: Climate Change and Global Warming; The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) deals w/ Climate Change into “five grounds for high risk concerns’’: warning signals: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal: (IPCC); Infographic: Earth’s carbon cycle is off balance. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change urges each nation’s involvement & engagement & negotiations among delegates on climate change platform: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Climate Change: “off balance” approaching critical tipping point) is deeply rooted… Linked Question:Is the Solar System already disturbed within @ point & time as Its 6 Nature’s Balancing Operating Parameters have been disoriented more than 26% on critical level – when & where our One Human Planet Earth is exposed to highly risky, artificial condition? Yes, artificial since the Earth’s breathing mechanism [Its black hole: Oceans] has been alarmingly disrupted @ worst scenario by pollutions – globally. Worst, if the 36 World Emerging Issues have not been yet acted upon by us – at The ROOTS right in the next <<(2.6) [3x] years>> for accuracy resolution since 2012 Tipping Point Alarm Clock! Doomsday Wired Clock? Thereafter, the following 26 years will be extremely difficult for human life by engagement in survival … by 2046 to 2050 AD. Humanity is mathematically linked to this phenomena at the roots (4th Figure Ext. right). Human footprints deeply felt in the webs of causality of Climate Change Data Index of combined ave. temperature over Earth’s land & ocean surfaces alone tipped @ 2016 highest record in 136-year period of Global Temperature Ave. Index Indicator passing the record highest 0.972 O C (1.754 O F) off above the 20th Century Global Temperature ave.level of 12.903 O C (55.213 O F). Note: The Figures from Nature that go w/ natural operating phenomena still follow the Vector Matrix Numeric Control of GOD’S 2 Major Mathematical Design Codes of Creation: SCD-6 & SCD-9, together w/ other GOD’S Laws introduced here.  T O : ALL Conscientious Citizens of the World who Believe in Nature’s Law, and in GOD … A Final Wake up CaLL to seriously think & ACT … to save our only one Home-Planet in the Universe – Earth and All Mankind living in it, from the Imminent 6th Global Mass Extinction1a which can destroy major biological species, including Human Life on Earth in the next 26 years (2045) some 15 yrs before 2060 AD! (SCD-6 & SCD-9) Subject: A Lifetime Joint Win-win Invite for Global Human Response – A Final Wake-up Call to Action: The Two (2) GBtZ Proposition Solt’n to Climate Change @ the Root & True World Peace 1. A Book Project #1 <<The unpublished original manuscript is already in Final Stage of update completion for Global 2019-2020 World Edition Publication 100%. It has the Solution from Nature, from GOD …[in 6 parameters of system (Function) & methodology (Structure) of the Laws of Nature – to 1what, 2where, 3when, 4why, 5how, &6who] to the 36 World-scale Emerging Issues1, including the: GUT2 & TOE3 Quest(s) of World Scientists. The Issues are inherent in ever changing conditions of still misunderstood Topological Time, Space & Energy of the delicate, hidden Biological Mechanism, including that of the Universe via unchanging Laws of Nature in ever dynamically changing, highly intricate aspects of human life in the matrix-based biological system – planet Earth. It’s all new in perspective <technical thinking concept> from Nature. And for the 1st time, the Nature’s only Blueprint < or the so-called Blueprint of Creation>, the grandest Plan of the creation of the Universe from the smallest to the biggest, from & by GOD, is revealed in this Book Project #1. It exactly addresses & resolves mathematically & scientifically the truth-searching perspectives of John A. Wheeler, Steven Weinberg, Leon Lederman, Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, Edward Witten, David J. Gross, Brian Greene, & the rest of World’s great scientists. It transcends human perspectives for it is the prerequisite to solve World Crises. To achieve this purpose & a True World Peace on Earth is to know & act on: 1what, 2where, 3when, 4why, 5how & 6who the true Cosmic Intelligent Design<CiD> is – first. Then what does this Book Project #1 propose to solve with Proofs …? Pls see pp. 13-31. © 2012-2019 Gpw Bernard Riemen-tilla NASA & IPCC: Advisory I The Earth @ Off Balance Level – CO2 Emission Health Risk!
  • 2. Page 2 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro … The Book (Project#1) proves once & for all, this new perspective from Nature’s Law & with it a new Nature’s mathematics & science plus factual evidences <the Facts of Phenomenal Events at global scale: Object> & essential specimens <the Truth of Laws of Phenomena: Subject>. Both do unravel the sheer, subtle complexity of the physical Universe & mathematically explain the amazing discoveries in Modern Geology, Paleontology, & Archeology that ultimately unravels the Darwin Theory of Evolution incomplete & flawed; & the complexity of Uncertainty Principle, including Schrödinger’s Cat, & Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem do lack physical (Object) & non-physical parameters (Subject) & therefore, incomplete & this Book’s nature’s new thinking perspective reveals the corrective (Subject & Object) parameters – key to unification of Religions & Sciences to achieve the unity of Mankind & True World Peace. The Book shows humanity is mathematically linked to Time, Space, & Energy Equilibrium of Nature. The purpose is: to see & to know this CiD & to remove human ignorance & human opinion – man’s greatest obstacles to a True World Peace & to experience to ‘feel & see’ GOD …& do good to all peoples. 2. World’s 1st NRE Ocean Power Plant: 100Mw; 200Mw & 300Mw via RR-VHHD Design System: & Capable to Generate More than 106 Mwatts! in Power Design Capacity based in Pacific Oceans, etc. The Most Advanced Nature’s Design based NRE Ocean Power Technology: The RR-NEG VHHD FPD System1b! – Inexhaustible, safe & the most powerful NRE Ocean Current Power Plant<s>: it safely & naturally contrapts & activates or re-cycles as much as it integrates to sustain the Nature’s hidden matrix force field operators of the balance- energy generating mechanism built in the combined C.i-D.M. & CHP <Energy & Power> Unification Technology. It thus creates a clean, inexhaustible natural electricity generating technology via the 3-Pair Gyre Circulation Phenomenon of Earth’s Hydrosphere. It is the new Unified Ocean Physics that makes it work! – as long as the Earth rotates & revolves. It even completes the Global Energy Balance Topological Mapping <> of Chevron Texaco Hyper-spectral Integration Technology via the Earth’s New Renewable Black Hole Energy “from a perch under it ”! A starting most logical point to solve step-by-step the Global Warming Issue…. 1b  1a Notes: Pls see pp. 18-20, 25.& pp.59-60. 1b Pls see separate Intro Paper (1st 22+1 pp of 100-page doc Rev.-01.: Attach -#1a Dear World Leaders, Heads of States, World Institutions, Businessmen, Scientists, Engineers, Architects, co-Investors; & the rest of fellow citizens of the World: In all humility, our very own one & only one human Planet Earth is sick… very much sick. What I am revealing to you is deeply rooted to the facts of global, un-natural phenomena. Un-natural phenomena in the sense that the events happened or have been taking place outside the realm of balanced operating parameters of normal, natural life conditions or biological systems. We are approaching the critical limit <crucial danger level> of the threshold point of Nature’s Biosphere Vector Field Energy Balance at 90%. Currently, we are around at 60++% Warning LeveL! & is deteriorating. Non-arguably, each human being is thus, too, being involved in all these un-natural, disturbed phenomena: These 36 Global Emerging Issues, cause us to feel & to think that all these unparalleled & difficult world-wide, un-natural phenomena are not all a theory, normal events. Therefore, this Invite is more than a proposition. It is very painful to know the fact that the root of all these global problems is human ignorance, or, human opinion; which dis-respects, rejects GOD’S 1st Law: Gen.2: 16-17, at the Fall of Man in 4026 BCE1c How do we respond & support these 2 GBtZ Solution(s) …in resolving 6th Global Mass Extinction @ the root of Climate Change ? Pls see p.68 @ the root We, humans in all our fallen human nature, do pretend, assume or presume to know that our individual ideas are the best on practically any issues discussed on round table of debate or fora; but well in fact, we realize later to know & understand that it is not the case in point. No less than two of the greatest mathematical scientists of all time: Sir Isaac S. Newton & Dr. Albert Einstein did affirm this sad fact in their scientific writings in full acknowledgement of human follies to warn humanity: human ignorance is at the root of grandest destruction to all mankind. To remove human ignorance from all humanity is no less than to face & to act on the reality that you & I, all of us, need & must find the correct, complete & ultimate <absolute> solution with concrete, seeable, understandable blueprint; yet that is mathematically, scientifically, metaphysically & technologically coherent, unified & basically inherent in all Nature’s known & hidden Laws. In the Gpw BBR Book Project #1 being introduced here, these known Nature’s Laws <scientific, mathematical, technological & metaphysical> are clarified & made complete mathematically; whereas the hidden Nature’s Laws are, for the first time in human history, being revealed to mankind in simple possible presentation in similar contexts familiar to us, humanity: scientific, mathematical, technological, & metaphysical. All these matters are put into ultimate conclusion of all things that exist in Nature according to the Original Theory of Everything, and the Original Grand Unification Field Theory of Forces in the Universe, coherently unified in one complete knowledge & wisdom of creation – The Blueprint of Creation. (pp.63-65), in re-solving Climate Change …@ its root.. This Nature’s Blueprint of Creation - totally comes from Nature’s. , from the One GOD …. Why? How? Who? Pls see pp.46-63 In similar logic that the Solution to all the 36 World-scale Issues – the subject matter of the heart of the problem this Invite proposes to solve permanently – does not come from this poor writer but from the hidden natural configurations of the Creation’s most subtle, hidden Function & Structure Designs which both Dr. Albert Einstein & Sir Isaac S. Newton had been looking for in the last remaining 40 years of their lives since Einstein’s 1915 General Relativity & Newton’s 1687 Principia. Until this 21st Century, the search has been more than seriously manifest in the works of Dr. Leon Lederman, Dr.Stephen Hawking, Dr. Edward Witten, Dr. Roger Penrose, Dr. Alexander Polyakov & the rest of the World’s mathematical scientists – but then, more or less quite succinctly at the standard level of complete mathematical & scientific configurations by consensus of world scientists, to no avail. Why….? How come? Let’s continue …. Figure _ The 36 World Issues: Climate Change, etc., pls see p.4 in Attach-2a, Covering Letter. If & when not re-solved @ roots, strongly from facts & data of world established research centers (as provided in Gpw BBR Papers in; results to 6th Global, Mass Extinction! Pls see pp. 67 & 68 Figure _ pril 26, 2007. AFP News. Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA. Dr. Hawking says: “Life on Earth is at ever increasing risk of being wiped out(!) by disasters such as, global warming, wars, g. viruses, & others dangers.”  That refers to phenomena: The 6th Global Mass Extinction!! may have caused by 36 World Emerging Issues/Climate Change Pls see: Climate change: Mass extinction already happening, scientists say Jul 13, 2017 - HUMANS have damaged the Earth's ecosystems so badly that we are facing the biggest mass extinction since the dinosaurs were removed from the ... EARTH is already in its sixth mass-extinction event, meaning three-quarters of all species could soon disappear from our planet, scientists have warned. Pls see the damage: pp.67, 68
  • 3. Page 3 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro … Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) & his 1687 Principia James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) & his Electro Albert Einstein (1879-1955) & his 1905 & Magnetic Theory 1865 [a Pioneer work on GUT] & 1915 Relativity Theory + 1951-‘52-‘55 GUT A Paper on Theory of Everything Review, 2011 New Scientist Expert 12 Review by Michael Duff that presents one of the most remarkable Unification Theories to formulate/configure a Theory of Everything (TOE) thus far: Theories by Edward Witten & Juan Maldacena. Ref.: Instant Expert: Theory of everything | New Scientist "The membrane at the end of the universe" by Michael Duff and Christine Sutton, New Scientist, 30 June 1988, p 67 "The theory formerly known as strings" by Michael Duff, Scientific American, February 1998, p 64 "The illusion of gravity" by Juan Maldacena, Scientific American, November 2005, p 56. The Elegant Universe: ... Why the Present 21st Century Anthropogenic Theories on GUT’s & TOE Hardly Resolve The 15 Greatest Unsolved Puzzles & The Most Intricate Conflicts in Unification of Most Subtle Phenomena of Nature: Spirit Realm & Physical Realm & The Unity of Religion & Science? Why? - that are not yet explained by these thus far anthropological & anthropo-centric scientific theories advanced today – as presented in here (Invite) … nevertheless, such theories do fail to unify Non-physical Energy (Cosmos) & Physical Energy (Universe)…in the context of the Unification of Mankind, ultimately from the perspective of the Blueprint of Creation …. Why? The ultimate answer or solution does not come easily. It is totally a different, new perspective-solution, yet scientific, mathematical, with reality of the metaphysical dimensions of topological inter-active mathematical energy, space & time of the natural phenomena. Since all these global problems are with us, in us, in every human being on Earth that is surviving, at present condition; in every institution on Earth that is surviving, in every organization on Earth that is surviving, etc. It is because problems like global warming, global bio-invaders, pandemic viruses, health, poverty, tsunami, earthquake, wars, crimes, energy crises, and the rest of the 36 World-scale Emerging Issues are, indeed, beyond the scope of human-perspective based knowledge - yesterday & today. And No.1 Issue: Climate Change: Global trends in climate change legislation and litigation: 2017 update ... May 9, 2017 - This report summarises key trends in climate change legislation and litigation. It is the sixth stock-take in a series of global Climate Legislation Studies that dates back to 2010 Therefore, similarly & deeply rooted & linked in the most basic yet the most delicately complex biological system of the Planet Earth & the Universe itself of which more than 95% is non- arguably hidden; hence, new to all of us – which we all ask with one most startling, over-used, mis-used & mis-interpreted/misunderstood question: Why…? In focus, let’s seriously think & feel about these most critical matters, since as a whole it spells the difference between life & death in every biological system operating on Earth – both in function- internal aspect, & structure-external aspect of Nature: Why are all these natural calamities happening? Why poverty in the face of those rich & highly industrialized, developed countries world wide? Why do tens of millions & billions of people suffer or die in sickness, in pain, etc., despite advancement in science & technology in our human culture, & seemingly advanced civilization? The ultimate Solution(s) ??? Is the Formulae Mechanism based on Socio-Economic Grass-root Level Enterprise & Innovation Working Models, or Antro-political Economy- based Governance beyond Keynes, Friedman Models, etc., or simply Global Perspective Excellence, either in Bio-Fuel Technology, Modern Technological Edge-based Education, Economic Darwinism, or Globalization Reforms & Challenge, etc., the complete answer/solution to the 36 World-scale Emerging Issues? Is it or isn’t it? Again, what? Why? How? You & I, all of us do see these dire conditions – everywhere. Hence, it is all non-arguable that our Planet Earth is biologically out of normal condition, or is sick; and the 36 World-scale Emerging Issues are real. But why all these have long been happening since the 4026 B.C.E. Fall of Man1c? Whether we like it or not, all these are problems that we, all humanity, cannot escape from & which all more than 6.3 billions of peoples world over are affected – to the detriment of the Earth’s Bio-ecological Mechanism. This is the fact. But we need to find the Truth. Again, what about the Issues or Problems...? How? Quite indeed, yes, the problems all over the world are … “…biblical in character..” – UNDP’s Mark Malloch Brown; & their “ scope & scale of damages are beyond human comprehension…”, former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Why? Let me proceed. Let me present these extremely delicate matters concisely in subject-text-outline format to simplify the core-message of this Invitation because the truth of the issue in this Invite is life & death condition for every biological system existing on Earth, including human life system – our human system. We all need to know this and understand the consequence of our own fallen human irresponsibility if we still fail to respond to this information of most critical significance to every human life on Earth …. Hence …. Let’s start “seeing thru” discussions w/ the BooK’s 1st Five (5) Key Subject-Items next pages below after 2 ff. pages, as follows:: 1c Figure. The “Fall of Man” in 4026 BCE, took place 3x: 1. The 1st Attack by Satan (Fallen Arch-angel Lucifer) to Eve1 is on April 7, 4026 BCE; failed; 2. Then the 2nd attack @ full force. Aug.3, 4026: the Fall between Satan & Eve1 happened! Next, 3. Eve1, feeling guilt in her heart alone, w/ her mind disturbed & afraid, left off to infamy by Satan; initiated the “fallen act” w/ Adam1 & succeeded, Sept. 2, 4026 BCE. All the three (3) dates [of the Fall] posses: GOD’s precious numerical values of creation: 23  Eve1; 23  Adam1; 23  5; 6 & 9; 1 & 5, etc. Again, the computations to specify some details of the 4026 Fall of Man are based on GOD’S Mathematical Dispensation of Restoration w/c Chart sampled on p.47 and pp.40-48, 51-63.
  • 4. Page 4 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro … Gpw Bernard Bautista Rementilla Manila, Philippines Mobile No.: +63 995 879 6507 (Globe); Phil Headquarter Center Office Contact No. +63 909 622 1471 (TNT) National Capital Region – Philippines, 012345; 1st Electronic & Paperback World Edition 2018-2019 World Publication The Universe is like to A Bible written by man and is authored by GOD, the One Original Absolute Being Who created Adam1 & Eve1…in 4042 BCE & 4041 BCE, respectively, after some 26+ billion years of mathematical creation .... The Center of that Universe is the Center of the Bible at its heart of Natural Operating System (Phenomena) of the GOD’S Divine Relativity Principle that breathes thru Duality Law of Creation...via Riemann Hypothesis (GF Bernhard Riemann Zeta Function:1.5 ... 0.5 ... Zero ... ...Infinity ... 1.5  ... Question: By all faith, what Chapter is in the Center of the Bible? Answer: Psalm 118. (Law of Unity: 1, for the Unification of Humanity) Facts: There are 594 (SCD-9) Chapters BEFORE Psalm 118; similarly, there are 594 Chapters AFTER Psalm 118. Hence, by GOD’S Mathematics, We add: 594 + 594 = 1188 (still by GOD’S Design: SCD-9) Question: What is the center-verse in the Bible? Answer: Psalm 118:8 [  still based on GOD’S Duality Design Law: SCD-6 & SCD-9: Do you think these are all ‘accident’? Evolution? No…no, …no.] What does it all mean to imply to say to act in faith ... by all Religions and Science in True Unity? “... It is better to take refuge in the Lord GOD than to trust in men ...; ... but the .... Lord GOD is against those who do evil. ”  1 Peter 3:8-12 [NIV] What does it all say to imply to mean to do ... to act by all faith ... to live on Earth in Truth, Beauty & Goodness? “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear GOD and keep His Commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. For GOD will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil ”  Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 [NIV] ISBN 00-139-12345-9 e-ISBN 00-139-12346-8 BBR-ACR 09.1659/139-12346-8 GOD/Gpw BBR Unification Field World Printing Library of Congress Control Number: 000139163369 © 2012–2019 Gpw Bernard Bautista Rementilla & GOD: Head Author All rights reserved This humble work is a new & first Gpw BBR World Edition 2-Series Paper [ the previous 1st, and this 2nd & Final Series Paper] a 2012-2019 Copyright Publication – all Gpw_BBR World Edition Series Papers subject to every inherent International Protection Copyright on World Intellectual Property Patents in the context of the natural protection of the Author’s purpose & objectivity of this World Series 2012-2019 Paper Edition & its future’s edition(s) [as may be needed depending upon the phenomena] up to one’s application, use, & adoption of the same under similar “Original Intellectual Literary Production Patents”, to include but not limited to, International Copyrights for Intellectual Property Protection Laws, exclusively for what is Truth, Beauty & Goodness for the sake of mankind. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically: the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Therefore, duplication of this publication or parts thereof in any manner as stated earlier, is permitted only upon request in writing addressed to this Author under all copyrighted protection provisions of the International Copyright Protection Law as respectfully committed to implementation in International Protection Support by the United Nations (UN) Member Countries. Therefore, such specified written request for permissionfor usemust always becommunicated with & obtained from this Author/Gpw BBR. By all legal implications & accountability of & to non-compliance thereof, to such violations under all applicable International Laws, are liable to prosecution under the same International Protection Copyrights on World Intellectual Property Copyright Law. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, special nomenclature citations, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and Ģtherefore are similarly protected from irresponsible & corrupted inhuman practices of free adoption, application, etc., for general use, including but not limited to, such use to advance personal irresponsible motives harmful to human life. Cover design: eStudio GOD/Gpw BBR/ACR World Print Media Review Philippines Printed on acid-free, environmental-friendly recycled paper A Research Journal of Applied Ocean Physics, Ocean Engineering &Technology and Nature’s GUT/TOE Review & Study Center - Conducted, prepared & produced by Gpw Bernard Bautista Rementilla: www.bbr-acr-bookcenter_for_review_gut/; (in process) The Truth & Facts of GOD’S creation of the Universe and Its Cosmos – by Duality Law is all mathematically encapsulated in the Design & Creation Plan of the Human being: both in a man & his pair: a woman (Adam1 & Eve1). It’s all in SCD-6 & SCD-9, MCP-ns:05 & its pair: SCP-ns:0-5; Law of Unity: 1; etc. The purpose is to protect Adam1 & Eve1 & all their Children & children’s generation. The Over-all Objective is to achieve True Love, True Life & True Lineage for GOD. But Adam1 & Eve1 disobeyed GOD in the Fall of Man (4026 BCE. Gen.3:6-7) & this makes the World trouble in pain by the Law of Cause & Effect. & since 4026 BCE., human history becomes story of struggles.. Why? And the Universe suffers from Climate Change at micro- scale w/ man @ its center. Why?
  • 5. Page 5 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro … “Hi, Gpw BBR-26: I do not have mathematics background; and I am afraid of mathematics… What will I do? I want to know, pls…” – asked my Readers. To my readers who do not have practically mathematics background, first of all pls forgive me; but be happy; nevertheless don’t be afraid, pls., here is the secret: [Note: Pls kindly visit connecting insight of this nature in pp.: 69 & 70] USE, APPLY & ACT with and on, your HEART:♥ like to an innocent child … do it honestly, conscientiously & faithfully with prayers to GOD, in reading all pages, especially in pages w/ numbers formulae or, equations, and so on: and you will feel inside & come to clear spiritual sensitivity to become aware of your being at Zero & you start to know & understand what the Formulae or, Equations indicate & imply by heart.. to connect the New Perspective of Nature’s description of: True Love, Protection, Compassion, Humility, Understanding, Considerate, Loving, Simplicity, True Life, & True Lineage and the rest of Nature [Mathematical Character of GOD] manifest of the Original Purpose of Creation centering on Adam & Eve. This is the Principle of the Mathematical Creation of the Cosmos & the Universe. This indicates: Remove Adam Formulae & Eve Formulae from the Principle of Creation, then GOD’S Creation is reduced to nothing … no value at all, meaningless: this is the core-mathematics of all mathematics of creation. This is the basic knowledge & understanding of the mathematics and/or the mathematical creation of & by GOD with respect to the Principle, The Principle of Creation, The Divine Principle, & the Unification Thought – relative to the Principle of Quantum Physics, Relativity (Special & General); Relativistic Mechanics of Physical Sciences &Thermodynamics; and the Basic Mathematical Principles of Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Thermodynamics – all of which embraced in Unity by GOD’S Absolute Purpose of Duality via The Law of Cause & Effect; this is possible because GOD’S Creation basically operates in both the Principle (Subject: GOD’S Mathematics: The Logics of Nature in Absolute Truth, Beauty & Goodness of Creation) and the Law [Object: GOD’S Science: The System Mechanics that operates in & through Degree, Intensity, Direction & Objectivity of Natural Operating Phenomena of Creation]. Both Subject & Object interact (GTA&GTR) mathematically with the GOD’S Purpose of Creation at its Center, mathematically represented by Adam & Eve Integrated Formulae in GOD’S Heart. The result of this Inter-action (GTA&GTR) creates True Life, True Love, & True Lineage mathematically centering on the Original True Adam & Eve. When we focus on this [mathematical] perspective of GOD’S Creation mentioned above, just the basics, only the fundamental perspective, then & then we start to naturally want to reach to embrace Nature [the Mathematical Character of GOD]; & this is the 1st key step to know & understand mathematics by heart & be able to visualize the true connection of thinking perception to truth, beauty & goodness + prayers to GOD (either in equations, formulae, figures, or pure number relations) in visualizing the mathematical concepts via child’s imagination & child’s wonder & desire to know … capable to build up perception & understanding of mathematics. Questions ….? Why? How? Who? Again, this is necessary & a must to feel by heart inside in order to know & understand GOD’S Mathematics of Creation. We all must go back to Zero: the Zero of Mathematical Balance Principle @ the Center of Creation with the 5 Laws of Thermodynamics of Human Life & all biological created beings support this. The GUT & TOE mathematically support this; the Vector Topology Symmetry Mathematics of James Clerk Maxwell Electro-Magnetic Unified Field 4-Formulae support this; the Vector Topology Unified Field Force Mechanics of Albert Einstein’s GUT @ the Core of Relativity Principle & Its Duality Law support this. Fairly good enough, we have 1 Model of this Perspective @ its core mentioned above & in here given [to be able to grasp realistically what this Perspective is all about:] this Model had once lived with us on Earth: I’m referring to the greatest Physical Model of this Perfect Adam Creation Formulae that GOD created first & foremost of importance above all & before all of His creations. This Model Adam (Formulae) is perfectly & mathematically connected with & wired into the Nature’s blueprint creation parameters from the smallest created being to the biggest created being found in both the Cosmos & the Universe creation, that includes the Earth, the Universe & the Cosmos. Yes, I’m referring to the True Adam that blends perfectly with the GOD’S Blueprint of Creation & that True Adam gives life & meaning & value of Truth, Beauty & Goodness in GOD’s Creation for “he” (The True Adam) ‘co-creates w/ GOD in the mathematical context of True Life, True Love & True Lineage, which is the Purpose of Creation, above all: he is the GOD’S Son: Christ Jesus. Inside of Christ Jesus himself do synchronize, harmonize, unify all the “5 Laws of Thermodynamics to Zero Balance”. Yes, it is for the above technical accounts as bases, that Jesus Christ of Nazareth more than 2,000 years ago who exemplifies all his life of action & thinking both in the Cosmos & in the Universe strictly in the Unified Heart & Character of GOD; hence, Christ Jesus is mathematically & scientifically 100% wired into the Zero Metaphysics of GOD’S Nature [Nature is GOD’S Mathematical Character; hence, Nature is not equated to GOD]. GOD is the Absolute Subject Center, unchanging, transcendent, all-knowing, all-wisdom; all-most powerful Original Absolute Being: The One Original Creator: GOD, The Original Author of Blueprint Creation Plan that GOD conceived in His Heart as He planned it in His Intellect more than 26 billion years ago; Jesus the Perfect Adam Model Blueprint of Creation: the Central Thematic Creation of the Cosmos, The Angels, & of the Universe & all things in it – hence, all creations formulae are based on & are found in Adam Creation Unified Formulae; hence, before the Creation, before the Creation of the Cosmos & the Universe the Earth, Adam is already existing in GOD’S Heart. Therefore, mathematically, it is correct to say that before all this creation, Jesus Christ “is”... And patterned after Adam Model of Creation Pair is Eve, following the absolute creation principle & law: The Duality Mathematics; hence JESUS Christ is the Perfect Original Adam; and all Formulae Creation of all things in GOD’S Original Blueprint of Creation are found in the Original Adam: historically, that Original Adam is, Jesus Christ @ Zero Metaphysics of Creation; hence, so pure in physical & spiritual personality that embodies & has both the GUT (Eve: Mathematical Formulae Creation) and the TOE [Cosmos + Universe Mathematical Formulae Creation) Therefore, It is for this basic reason: both mathematical & scientific, that Jesus can command & control nature; he controls all natural phenomena, all created beings, including storms, earthquake, tsunami, and all acts of nature, he can do miracles of nature <<shortened scientific & mathematical process of creative acts to achieve results from nature>>; if he wants to he can stop the Crucifixion at his own command … but … but Jesus is 100% one w/ his Father GOD JEHOVAH; he is 100% unified with GOD; and therefore, by & in GOD’S Command & WiLL & Instruction: Jesus obeys 100%. Therefore, when Christ Jesus says [absolutely he has not violated any Laws of GOD in doing so; in fact: he proves there is GOD]: this is the Truth: “If you see me you have seen my Father (GOD) in Heaven”…. “I am the Way, the Life & the Truth: No one comes to my Father GOD except through me … ”) – yes, that’s Adam Perfect Character @ Zero before the 4026 BCE Fall of Man – and is the Principle Standard to define True Humanity by all respect to Zero Thermodynamics of Pure Heart, like to a child very sensitively vulnerable to clean environment, clean air, clean living in true love, true life & true lineage of Truth, Beauty & Goodness. Only then when you have this Perspective that you can grasp the Mathematics (of GOD) revealed in this GpwBBR-26’s Book Intro; and only then, YOU will appreciate & can know to understand all these things from natural phenomena, from Nature, and from GOD.
  • 6. Page 6 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro … 1.0 What is this Ultimate, Complete Perspective-Solution…to our present global problems @ the Roots? Is there inherent, hidden Logic of Nature & a strong Scientific Fact of Phenomena to support this as a Complete Ultimate Solution…? Is this the Blueprint? Is it comprehensible to us humans..? Can we do it…? How? Is originally Albert Einstein’s GUT in 1945-1952AD., the Blueprint, today? Dr. Nigel Calder – who wrote a most notable topic on the subject, “Einstein’s Universe” in 1979 – is predicting that after 1905, it will take a century or so to supersede or integrate at higher level both Quantum Physics & Relativity Physics & come out with a complete, unified mechanics. This is directed specifically, today, to answer more complex Nature’s crises of phenomena: Energy Crisis, Pollutions, the Universe’s final fate, Black Hole, GUT’s & the rest of current & emerging scientific crises. All these are too perplexing for us humans to grasp. It is exactly the point that the World renowned & respected by government leaders world over, the late Rev. Herbert W. Armstrong has this to say in his book, “Mysteries of the Ages”, page xiii: “ …this world’s humanity has been blinded to who, what, & why man is… how man appeared on Earth. Man has been mystified by his inability to solve his problems, or find the answers to the perplexing questions of mankind and the world he inhabits…. All these mysteries were long ago revealed by the One Supreme Authority of All Knowledge, but in a coded message not allowed to be revealed & decoded until our time.” Quite indeed, perplexing questions in Rev. Armstrong’s quote above directly refer to World Crises today! And the One Supreme Authority of All Knowledge is directly pointing to the Origin of the Universe, <with all due respect to Leon Lederman,Roger Penrose, & Edward Witten, etc.> that refers to the 6 parameters of the Cosmic Intelligent Design (CID) is to all of us humans. This coded message is Nature’s inherent, hidden logic. It resides in the blueprint of all things that exist & by which all of us need to know & understand within the realms of our physical & non-physical senses – according to 6 parameters of the Cosmic Intelligent Design (CID) of Nature’s Internal & External Laws, Essence & Facts <of natural phenomena> within the field of 3 absolute values of Nature’s wisdom and knowledge: the Mathematical Character of GOD: absolute & eternal Truth, Beauty, & Goodness. Yes, this inherent, hidden Logic of Nature is today, and now – decoded in the Blueprint of Creation that can be concretely, & physically seen for the first time in human history in this Global Project # 1. How is then this hidden Logic of Nature – that exists in this Blueprint of Creation – linked to our present 36 World –scale Problems? How ? Quite exactly today, more than 100 years after 1905, with the appearance of much more complex natural catastrophes, highly perplexing phenomena in the form of global crises like poverty, climate change, crimes, pandemic viruses, global bio-invaders, heat-wave, tsunamis, etc., still Nature is consistently speaking to us, humans, to wake up and act correctly to restore our Planet Earth & all its inhabitants. In science & technology alone, it is strongly implied that the same is manifest in the collective scientific observation of World’s most notable mathematical scientists like Hawking, Weinberg, Penrose, Lederman, Witten, Greene, Polyakov & others. They all agree that there is the need in this modern time to resolve all these complex facts of phenomenal crises at global scale. These modern scientists are in consensus that there must be a new mathematical model or a new but hidden Nature’s code from the standpoint of blueprint to be discovered & consequently to be revealed in due time – THAT IS EXACTLY THE POINT in this Invite… and much more than that … the only one book on Earth that, as soon as it is published 100% (Target: 2019; or, 2020 AD) globally brings out concretely the GBtZ Solution at the roots to the  1. The 36 Global Issues. 2. The Base Platform Mechanics for True World Peace on Earth. 2. Unity of Religion & Science; & 3. The 15 Greatest Unsolved Puzzles of ALL Times (separate Paper document & included in here) The BooK Poject 1: The Blueprint of Creation, pp.62-65, is presented in the Book Project introduced here. The objective is to effectively solve, among other crises or problems at world-scale level, including all Physics crises! and beyond the physical phenomena of Nature to remove “human opinion & human ignorance. This Book Project goes beyond the physical implication(s) of this scientific objective of my fellow scientists just mentioned above. How come? The Book Project presents exactly the Blueprint that shows to prove human science, human mathematics, human technology, & human metaphysics do lack the true wisdom of the absolute, new knowledge <of the highest dimension> from the Highest Cosmic Intelligent Design of Nature. This Blueprint reveals to us, the humankind, for the first time the Six (6) Parameters [why, how, when, where, what & who] of Absolute Truth, Absolute Beauty, & Absolute Goodness in the context of the purpose of the Principle of Creation & Re- creation. It completes & transcends the principle-motto of Knowledge-Understanding Integration via experiential information approach designed by The Wall Street Journal as much as it sensitizes and comprehensively resolves, once & for all, in 6 parameters the Moral Dimension Missing Link of Humanity. Hence, in the process, it addresses salient issues of and completes the restorative context of Elie Wiesel Philosophy in the perspective of creating a global peace & order. This naturally corrects or rectifies the Machiavellian Philosophy of Human Activity which has, until now, damaged the human quest for physical & spiritual dimensions of order & law in the perspective of moral function & structure of three (3) most important Values of Humanity: 1. True Life 2. True Love and True Lineage. 1.1 The 1st Most Critical Step in Approaching the Blueprint: Heart [ Heart (֎)♥ (֍)  {ΑΩ:♥}] Dr. Roger Penrose himself, in a nutshell, puts it perfectly & concisely in his book, “The Road to Reality – A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe”, 2004 Edition, page 1045, Chapter 34: “ …we shall need powerful, new ideas which will take us in the directions significantly different from those currently being pursued … some subtle change in perspective…” referring to the resolution to inconsistencies in Physics Crises – alone, this has exactly hit to the bulls-eye of the heart of the problems as what had earlier been contemplated on by Nigel Calder back in 1979 as mentioned above as critically more estimated it is today, that yet much more than complex & much more than perplexing & more too complicated than we can realize & imagine … Why? And why? Figure _ The Nature’s Blueprint of Creation: The 1st Phase, done w/ in Period: 1987 – 1996, etc. It is executed to completion under extreme difficult conditions in 5 periods till 2005 AD., in one rectangular some 3 m x 9 m (cor. meter not ft) old pasted split sheets of used-up bond papers showing 5 Columns of GOD’S Creation. Pls see pp.63-65
  • 7. Page 7 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro … It is because, today, as far much too critically pressing & seriously urgent more than any other in the context of Water Crises worldwide on account of currently insufficient scientific knowledge, a fact grimly confirmed by no less than World’s authority in environmental science & hydrology, Dr. Keith Beven. Dr. Beven is also the author of Time, Science, & Water Framework Directive <a Reference Standard Guide in Europe, & elsewhere>. This phenomenon in global Water Management Crisis is further affirmed by equally an authority in the field, UNDP expert Kevin Watkins who says: “ … we need a new model of water management < at global scale > for the 21st Century water crisis…” The Core-Key: The Heart of the Blueprint: Two-way – Duality Law: Physics of Nature <Newtons’ 3rd Law: Principia>: The Give & Take Action; Give & Take Reaction Mathematics <Geometry> of Nature <Einstein’s Cosmic Law of Interaction: Relativity Theory: Extended>: The Final Law of Nature lies deep into the Mysterious Order (A. Einstein), Balance (I. Newton) & Unity of Forces [J. C. Maxwell, A. Einstein, I. Newton, Euler, Gauss, Riemann, Planck, Lorentz, De Broglie; J.L. Langrange; S. Weinberg, A. Salam, S. Glashow; E. Witten, B. Greene, D. Gross, N. Haramein; etc.] in the Universe that manifests hidden Cosmic Intelligence Design (CID) w/c proclaims most conscientiously at the core of humanity’s Life: The Metaphysics of Nature: The Golden Rule of Duality Law of Nature @ the Root  Long timed (2000+years) grossly mis-understood Son of GOD: LFA: Lord of the First Advent: The Messiah Jesus Christ (up today, 21st Century, Christ Jesus is still mis-understood!) – “Love your neighbor as you love yourself …”  Modern Time’s the most controversial GOD-Advocate’s Evangelist & Founder of ICUS (pls see p6, Item #2: ICUS) : Rev.Dr. Sun Myung Moon – “Live for the sake of others …” Please note that Water is the key to Balance Energy Equation of the Earth’s Biosphere Metabolism System <E-BMS>. Yes, our Planet Earth is breathing, & has geo-thermodynamic conditions which are mathematically connected to the Spatial Vector Balance Interaction of 3 Planets in the Solar System: Mars, Earth, & Venus. This phenomenon creates mathematical stability in the Inner Core Field of the Solar System, together with Mercury, very much like to that of interaction of the 3- Phase Phenomena of Nature: Earth <solid>, Ocean <liquid> & Air <Gas>. The same is true with the Universewhich is breathing thru the black holes at, not one hole as currently known but two, etc., etc. >, which is mathematically connected to the Total Balancing Energy Equilibrium Interaction Mechanism <T-BEE-iM> of the Earth’S Three (3) System Operators: Air System Operator – Gas Vector Field Earth System Operator – Solid Vector Field Water System <Oceans> - Liquid Vector Field – The Core of External Solution Balancing Field Any disturbance on such highly delicate balance in the water system destroys the equilibrium of the whole Earth’s Total Balancing Energy Equilibrium Interaction Mechanism <T-BEE-iM> resulting to natural occurrence of destructive phenomena like Tsunami, Heat Wave, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Droughts, Floods, Pandemic viruses, etc., including the Global Warming or climate change. From the bottom to the top of all these crises, scientists admit that Time is the essence in terms of repair, to which Mexican Environment Minister, Jose Luis Luege, in a recent International Conference on Global Warming & Greenhouse gases held in Mexican City, Monterrey this December 2006, warns the delegates: “ Time is running out and the size of the challenge is enormous..” At the very least, today, whether we like it or not, we all pass these conditions without exemption & yet we need to solve problems that we naturally understand in our human perspective. As much as we must have a concise picture of what our condition of life is on Earth in the face of the harsh reality of the worst & greatest challenge we, all of us on Earth, are facing against the backdrop of such global crises in two realms of reality: < this point is very important … as briefly presented below> - the Internal (Subject: Heart w/in the Mind & New Thinking Perspective) & the External (Object: Physical Body & Water) Realms <<<1.2 Either in the known field of Physics or Cosmology via the non-mathematical, & mathematical realms of existing, known knowledge of natural phenomena beyond the reach of our limited physical senses to that extent that still we all want to know such as: what is this Great Attractor @ the heart of the Universe, or a black hole, dark energy, dark matter, the WIMPS, the MACHOS, etc., up to Quarks & beyond deep into the existence of UPE & Interactive Prime Energy & Prime Matter & beyond ? What is it that exists into the core of life-force & life- energy of what is of true existence, for our very existence, for us humans as we live on Earth, a Physical World, in connection to the unseen World of different dimensions out there in the Cosmos, why…?; is the Universe going to implode & collapse by big crunch to our physical extinction, or otherwise, why…? Or that the unity of all forces cannot be possibly unified because Quantum Physics is currently thought that it cannot be reconciled with Relativity Mechanics, or otherwise, why …? ; or what is the true meaning & value of Time, Space, & Energy of the vast Universe with respect to humans on Earth, so the Earth will be safe to live, why… etc., etc.; we all need to know all these… up to the required period of time… that is linked to (1.3) 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Universe & Its Center (1&2)….The Great Attractor…Dark energy & Black hole (3&4)…Hidden dimension(s): (4, 5 & 6) What for? Life of Adam & Eve at root center (WEB) of the Cosmos Figure _ A page of a professional Textbook on University Physics w/ Gpw BBR quibbled notes of corrections, including “Big Bang” which concept needs technical correction & fine-tuned mathematical configuration re: The creation of the Universe (and NOT Evolution). This Figure more or less depicts the GOD’S Blueprint [Nature’s Blueprint of Creation] The Stages of the creation of the Universe, via MCP-5 {Mathematical Chain Principle No.5) connecting all dot-creations from smallest to the biggest in 6 Periods based on GOD’S SCD-6 Design Code Principle
  • 8. Page 8 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro …  What are the connection(s) [of these all] with respect to the balanced GTA & GTR between physical & non-physical dimensions of both Adam & Eve in the center of the Universe, @ the heart of the Cosmos …?  Is the Unity of Mind & Body of every human being [Adam & Eve] the key to these balancing GTA & GTR between the physical & non-physical dimensions of Adam & Eve on Earth – with respect to the 52 dimensions of the Universe @ the heart of these connections mentioned above? With respect to the so-called Religions [in search of the ultimate source of true: life, love & lineage The Global Unity of (IDEAS) Mind and Body And when this Global Unity of Mind (Non-Mechanical) [is exercised w/ respect, understanding, communication (RUC)] ... & Body (Mechanical) is achieved – this sparks Mankind’s The Key to True Global Peace – to live and not to survive true search for One Absolute Being - GOD 1.3 To-day, in the Topological Space, Time & Energy Dimensions of our thus far advanced known sciences of the modern world as seen in the magnifying glass of human perspective; in our known human <actual> contact with & to the “realities” of both non-mechanical <mathematics> & mechanical <scientific> subtleties of the Duality Attributes of Nature, in the Context of The Physics (Physical Attribute: Body) & The Metaphysics [Spiritual Attribute of Nature] of natural human senses (: 5 Physical Senses + 5 Non-physical Senses) capable to discern matters of truth & facts of natural phenomena in & of GOD’S Creation … of what we see, feel, smell, hear, taste as we pass directly through the physical realities of the present myriads of miserable conditions of global poverty, hunger, diseases, wars, crimes, global warming, heat waves, tsunami, pollutions of different kinds, and so on and so forth; that – despite the tears, tortures, inhumanity of such human stories of our lives – still we all must muster (our inherent true, original character of <GOD-Image-Nature>) deep our hearts in order to know & understand just as well the true road to reality of the true world… to finally realize the true unity of Religions & Sciences & the true unity of all Mankind beyond Religions, & Sciences, & make this one human planet Earth in the Universe a beautiful place to live & not to survive. The Questions & The One Key Solution @ the Root: The Unity of Mind & Body: The Way to Achieve Unity of Mankind for True World Peace & Cosmic Balance: Religion & Science Why? What do all the above phenomena have critically important relative significance & value in our addressing the crises of Global Energy Issues, Global Poverty, Global <Pandemic> Alien Viruses or global bio-invaders & the rest of the 36 World Emerging Crises? Are these two realms (Sub-Item-1.2 & Sub-Item-1.3) above related & inter-active & complete fundamental knowledge & understanding of both realms are a key Answer & Solution(s) to: 1. Dr. Albert Einstein’s Dream of Theory of Everything (TOE) that has many facets of implications: Mein Weltbild (My World-view) (1931); The World As I See It (1949): Mein Weltbild (1931); The Real Problem Is in the Hearts of Men, The New York Times Magazine (June 23, 1946): “Without "ethical culture," there is no salvation for humanity, (5 January 1951)”; the full remarks can be found in Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein and Carl Seelig). Hence, to Einstein, his GUT is the TOE itself nevertheless limited to existing forces that time & unification field concept based on James Clerk Maxwell’s EMT Field Equations 1865; hence, Einstein kept this deep sentiment, even up to his dying moment in April 18, 1955, 1:07AM, as when he was murmuring in German all alone at sickbed w/ attending Nurse: Ms Alberta Rozsel at his side holding Einstein’s weary head & mind … those German words, that become Einstein Credo of TOE: thus: (translated) “I want to know how God created this world. I'm not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts ...” *1d - As quoted in "A Talk with Einstein" in The Listener 54 (1955) p.123 & is included in: Albert Einstein, The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffmann, Princeton University Press, 1946-1955. And Albert Einstein, The Human Side: New Glimpses From His Archives (1979), Princeton University, USA. [Note: *1d I asked Einstein what he told his nurse – Gpw BBR, Sept. 16, 2005 … Question: “Bernard, did you talk w/ A Einstein …How?” Answer: Yes. No words spoken; we looked thru eyes straight & talked via spirit minds. And,  Similarly, to ICUS Blueprint (of Creation) Assignment, 1975, New York, USA: ICUS. The International Conference on the Unity of Sciences, which Participants in one or more of the conferences included Nobel Laureates John Eccles (Physiology or Medicine 1963, who chaired the 1976 conference),[2] Eugene Wigner (Physics 1963),[4] and, economist & political philosopher Friedrich Hayek,[5] ecologist Kenneth Mellanby, Frederick Seitz, pioneer of solid state physics, Ninian Smart, President of the American Academy of Religion, [6] and Holocaust theologian Richard Rubenstein,[7] . Also, lately this Nobel Prize 2008 (Physiology or Medicine) Dr. Luc Montagnier, attended 23rd ICUS as Presentor/Speaker: “Science Unification to meet Social & Environmental Challenges of Our Century”, Feb. 4-5, 2017, Lotte Hotel World, Seoul, Korea.  Highlight Theme ICUS: Historically, the ICUS Founder & the most controversial World Christianity Evangelist Central Figure of all times on Earth since Christ Jesus, the late Rev & Dr. Moon believed that religion alone cannot save the world,<< [8] Tingle, D. and Fordyce, R. 1979, Phases and Faces of the Moon: A Critical Examination of the Unification Church and its Principles, Hicksville, NY: Exposition Press ISBN 0-682-49264-7 p86-87>> thus, Dr Moon’s belief in the unity of science & religion was reportedly (the) a main motivation for the founding of the ICUS. [9] >>. Thus, historically, for some 40+ years hence back till 2015 AD, & up to the present TODAY, the Blueprint Assignment given to ICUS – perhaps forgotten in midst of World’s stubborn (time-hatred-history based) wars [Muslims, Christianity, Israelites, Palestinians, etc. world-wide], Topics of Modernization Confusions, Events clamoring w/ urgency for Solutions – unfortunately still remains the Founder’s Dream & sadly its Founder Rev. Dr. Moon, the most mis-understood human being on Earth, died on September 3, 2012, 92 yrs old, of complications with pneumonia, & still the ICUS he founded has not yet produced [the Nature’s] Blueprint - 2. The 4th ICUS, Nov.27-30, 1975, New York, USA, the late: Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon’s lifetime Quest for a True World Peace via ICUS: The Centrality of Science and Absolute Values - Sun Myung Moon: The Founder’s Address:; The Centrality of Science and Absolute Values. Sun Myung Moon The Fourth International Conference on The Unity of The Sciences, November 27-30,1975. Waldorf Astoria Hotel New York, New York. Thus, “In order to integrate all the specific fields of research, we are in need of a larger design or blueprint. In this way, we may have a common ideal before us as we proceed to achieve this integration. The main purpose of this Conference on the Unity of the Sciences is for us to produce that blueprint … ” Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, 4th ICUS, Nov.27-30. 1975, New York, New York, USA Albert Einstein: as the GOD’S 2nd Coming John The Baptist of the 20th Century Completion Testament, 1945 – 1952 AD.Plan. Two of the Most Important sons (the other is Gen. MacArthur) of GOD, to support the LSA in 1945- 1952 Last Days Providence. But “Human failures” destroyed GOD’S Plan 1945-1952 AD., totally …. GOD is in deep deep pain by Heart This is a picture taken from the 4th ICUS: International Conference on the Unity of the Science, November 27-30, 1975, Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, New York USA. Extreme Left & Extreme Right: Dr. Moon & his wife: Mrs Hak Ja Han Moon, respectively. In this Conference, Rev. Dr Moon gave ICUS the most challenging Assignment: to produce the GOD’S Blueprint (of Creation), pls visit connecting page Truth: see p.42
  • 9. Page 9 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro … Why all these (conflicts between mind & body desires) do take place as they are & have long been puzzling <which means there is a definite problem or problems in > our human minds and bodies? Yes, our original mind & original body have been affected badly otherwise it is our fallen human mind & fallen human body do affect us all, humans, as we live here on Earth in two conflicting conditions: rich & poor; happiness & misery, and so on & so forth…whether we like it or not …?. Is humanity created in order to survive & suffer on Earth… while other humans are seemingly blessed in the confine of their 4-walled, closed-door luxury-filled mansion(s), condominiums, etc., etc.? Is this the truth of life? World leaders speak of world peace…but where here on Earth can we find, think, feel & experience true global peace? Do we have any solution(s)? Ultimate Solution?.. What? How? Come to think of it – to find complete solution(s) to & for our global problems in the context of existing fallen man’s point of view-based explanations in Old Science, Old Mathematics, Old Technology along the existing, old metaphysical perspective of relative human knowledge until to-day… is no less than a useless... illogical exercise of human responsibility & freewill… & yet coming from still fallen human nature of human existence since 4026 B.C.E. in what is known as the Fall of Man. How … do then we resolve these … ? The 5 Non-physical Senses (Subject – Spirit Body: Cosmos) & 5 Physical Senses (Object – Physical Body: Universe): The 1st Approach to Unity – The Ultimate Proof of Nature’s Blueprint Solution – The GOD’S Blueprint of Creation: The GBtZ Solution for True World Peace Do we need another 6,043 years since the Fall of Man to put man to test in midst of Nature’s Judgment of the Law of GOD’S Reward for Good & Punishment for the Evils in so desperate & most trying times of of human quest for order & law to be able to see & feel true peace? Do we need another Noah’s Flood Judgment in 2370 BCE., in today’s Climate Change Judgment? GOD is consistent in in HIS Plan Formulae of Providence of Restoration to correct the 4026 BCE Fall of Man. How about man? Is man consistent? GOD is consistent in HIS 95% Responsibility to execute His Providence of Restoration Plan [ = GOD’S 95% Responsibility + Adam&Eve 5% Responsibility  100% Total Restoration Achievement to establish True Unity of Humanity, True Global Peace] It is GOD’S Responsibility (95%) to prepare the time-bound conditioned Appropriate Environment in sending HIS Son-Messiah to save/restore humanity from the Evil Effects of 4026 BCE Fall of Man; and it is Man’s 5% Responsibility to fulfill 100% GOD’S WiLL to recognize, accept & ultimately unite globally in total 100% Unity of Mind & Body in welcoming, accepting completely w/ absolute vertical faith the GOD’S Son-Messiah as Mankind’s Leader to defeat, eliminate all Evils from the Earth, using the Science + Technology and Religion & establish True World Peace in GOD’S Appointed Time. Have we done – since Christ Jesus Lord of the First Advent Time: 30CE–37CE/AD – our 5% Responsibility? Historically, try to think & imagine we go back in Christ Jesus Time, during those extremely critical Jesus’s Ministerial Messianic (The GOD’S 7-Year Providence of Restoration/Salvation Period: 30 CE to 37 CE/AD). Is GOD’S Original Purpose of sending HIS Son JESUS to the World is for Christ JESUS to be misunderstood, be killed, by the Jews/Israelites (GOD”S yet Chosen Peoples themselves)? Is it “To kill JESUS] to save humanity” a GOD’S WiLL? And that Crucifixion is GOD’S WiLL?? To think that GOD took more than 2000 years to prepare for His Son Messiah: Jesus arrival on Earth in Jan.03, 1CE/AD to his birth in Mother Mary, who was at Jesus Birth some 15 years, 3 Months & 26 days old [more or less exact age of Eve1, when The Fall of Man took place in 4026 BCE.], & yet only to be murdered – is this all GOD’S WiLL? [GOD does things on Earth w/ full surprises] The Answers to all those Questions above are absolutely in truth: NO! No. No. It is all against GOD’S WiLL to disbelieve JESUS & Kill JESUS in Jesus’s Providence Messianic Period: 30CE – 37 CE. Further the truth is there was some 4 years delay when Jesus started his Messianic Mission in 30CE., or, to be exact, on GOD’S appointed Time: September 3, 30 CE/AD, when John The Baptist, 6 months older than Jesus, baptized JESUS at Jordan River; that’s the start of Jesus Messianic Mission & it was late starter; when in fact, GOD wants HIS Son JESUS to start his Messianic Mission a bit earlier in 25 CE (Jesus @ 25 years of age) & finish his Messianic Mission in 7 years by 32 CE! But then, human failures took place in Jesus’s Family & extended families that failed to support Jesus; hence the delay. The Truth? In truth, John The Baptist, 6 months older than Jesus, must unite w/ & go with Jesus to stand 1st Witness to Jesus right after Jesus Baptism in September 3, 30CE. But John The Baptist failed in all his 5% Responsibility! Well, certainly, try to if we do so – in human viewpoint, in human perspective – take YES as the Answers, then, we can only end up similarly in deep agony; very much in pained condition deep into our 5 physical senses; not to mention the other 5 non-physical senses …deep deep regrets when we expire on Earth & we enter the Spirit World ! Proof? Answer: Do you think it is GOD’S WiLL for some 6 Million Jews to suffer & be tortured to extremely inhuman deaths/murder in Hitler’s Time back in 1941 to 1945AD? Does it – (the said 6 Million Jews & more than millions of Jewish Clans tortured in death; suffered in miserable lives, then & then, through time after Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion; as did so historically in GOD’S Dispensation for the Providence of Restoration in the Last Days in Jesus Time back in Jesus’s Crucifixion in April, 33 CE/AD…connecting to/till 1941–1945AD?)– have providential connection/mathematical connection for reason why Jews suffered so deeply in history? The Answer to this is that JESUS Crucifixion or, murdering JESUS is NOT GOD’S WiLL, and so on. It is because: Today, & all times, it is GOD’S WiLL for all Mankind to love one another on Earth: all Jews, Israelites, Palestinians; Muslims, Christians to respect, understand & love one another – all humanity beyond religions, politics, cultures … beyond colors, languages, beyond nationalities and so on – to love one another because the ENEMY is not us, is not any human being on Earth; but Evil; the Enemy is Evil; and GOD created all of us on Earth as human beings as brothers & sisters and NOT animals; NOT Evils. We are all human beings and NOT Evils; therefore all of us on Earth MUST recognize, respect, care for, & LOVE each other for the welfare of All Humanity to live on Earth and NOT to survive. This is the reality. This is the fact. We all live & are surviving, & struggling in the complex, chaotic events of such facts of phenomena right here in our one home Planet Earth. Again, why all these mess? What is the truth of all these? What is the absolute truth? Is the Universe created for each human being to suffer & survive? Is each human being created to suffer & to survive …? And so on. Therefore, the Book Project directly presents the GBtZ Solution(s) in 6 parameters as stated above in the context of non- human perspective-based explanations of Truths of Highest Perspective: The GOD’S New Science, New Mathematics, New Technology via both the absolute Nature’s hidden dimensions of facts of phenomena; of essence of existence, of life on Earth This proves, once & for all, to all of us that all our actions here on Earth consequently do account for our own physical conditions on Earth as governed by the Laws of the Cosmos, the Laws of the Absolute Intelligent Design, the Laws of the Absolute Being, Who is known to three (3) of the World’s greatest scientists: to: Dr. Albert Einstein, this Absolute Being, the “Old One”; and to Sir Isaac S. Newton, the “Good LORD”; to Sir James Clerk Maxwell, our “Dear Lord GOD Almighty Creator”! and to GF Bernhard Riemann: the “Most Powerful LORD GOD”.
  • 10. Page 10 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro … This is what exactly had happened for the rest of <both of them> 40 years remaining of their lives on Earth < Dr. Einstein, after his 1915 General Theory of Relativity tiLL his death in 1955; Sir Newton, after his universally acclaimed 1687 Principia tiLL his death in 1727> . Both had been in the thousand-year-old quest for the complete explanation of the Cosmos beyond the physical realm of the Universe known simply to-day as the Blueprint of Creation! Again, this Book Project #1, with all humility, needs to be published globally soon to address & resolve <both in function-internal; and structure-external dimensions> not just the Global Warming but all the 36 World-scale Issues as may be found in Gpw BBR’s previous earlier Paper in this “New & Complete 2019 World Edition Invite:… ” [Now, today 2018-2019, this original 2007 World Edition has been subject to time- needed-revision: 2019 Thematic Objectivity – scientifically, mathematically to address the core Issues mentioned earlier & brings out timely Nature’s Solutions to human follies deeply imbedded at the roots of the 36 World Emerging Issues. Why? How? Who? As mentioned, human ignorance & human opinion are the greatest obstacle in the attainment of True World Peace & in the solution to the 36 Global Issues. That is, the Book Project totally presents that human ignorance does not have even the slightest place in all the operating laws of space, time & energy of both the non-mechanical <function-internal> & mechanical subtleties <structure-external> of the Principles of Creation in-where the so- called very, very subtle, highly Supreme Intelligent Plan is… What ? Why? When? Where? Who? … and How?...>>> {Cont’n. from the <<< 1.2, p.5) The context of perspective-understanding & continuity of perspective-knowledge of the above questions do present to us basically “why” the preceding facts make us think that in one crisis creates another crisis, etc. to objectively know & understand that Global Warming is eating us all to extinction. Why? It is because Energy Crises in the standpoint of existing power plants to generate electricity strongly appear to be irreversibly irreconcilable with environmental issues. Yet, painfully we are still searching for the solutions. Why? How come? Consequently, poverty exists because only the few can afford electricity to generate economic income for lesser rich; that is why the inhuman wars still are here on Earth that make lives of millions & millions the world over very miserable. This is further linked to the fact that Religions claim to know GOD but in truth, still do not know what, why, when, where, how & who the Absolute Being – GOD is. Unfortunately, religion is thought of that which cannot be reconciled with Science…? To this point, one very religious scientist of note – pardon me for a simple thought that a highly religious person to me is the one who thinks to act & to act to be able to help others whether people or nations beyond faith! – Dr. David King, British Government Chief Scientific Advisor who considers global warming a bigger threat to human life than terrorism, has urged rich nations to help the poor & developing nations prepare for an imminent worst weather shift that could put millions & millions of human lives at risk. And so, To-day, 2005 …. 2007, & 2015, & onwards, whether we like it or not, a little more than 100 years after 1905 as we go back to what Dr. Nigel Calder wrote in the last paragraph of the last Chapter of his notable book: “Einstein’s Universe”, does remind us all, emphatically, of the need of the modern times for a concrete, ultimate Solution. Now is the time to solve the riddles of the present crises of phenomena. Today, these crises are what we have them all in the 36 World-scale Emerging Issues, much more complex, much more complicated and delicately serious. In all humility, I, a one small voice from Southeast Asia, am declaring to the world: the Hidden Cosmic Laws of Nature & The Principle of the Blueprint Creation of the Universe as revealed to me by GOD, have long since 1987 been quietly setting me up & putting me, all alone, in painful loneliest & most miserable solitary studies & research w/ guidance from Spirit World in the context of a highly complex, grandest Plan of Nature, a Gift from GOD, above all to all, to all of us … to all mankind remindingus all that GODcreated all of us: human beings and NOT animals, beyondcolors, beyond cultures, beyond language, beyond nationalities, and above all, as GOD’S children … “I plan my work & work my plan … with GOD …” Professor Gpw Bernard Bautista Riemen-tilla 2011-2012 AD GOD did not & does not create Evil … Just as darkness is the absence of light; Evil is the absence of GOOD … is the absence of GOD
  • 11. Page 11 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro … This is infindingfrom Nature’s hidden Lawsunknown to humanity a complete answer to Dr. Albert Einstein’s Grand Unified Field Theory 1951-‘53 (GUT) since his 1905-‘15 Theory of Relativity & Sir Isaac S. Newton’s Holy Grail of Metaphysical Unity of Gravitational Force & All the Forces of the Universe since his 1687 Principia & Sir James Clerk Maxwell’s Electro-Magnetic Dynamics Theory of UF Equations, 1865. 1 2 It is strictly based on what all Nature’s secrets of hidden phenomena operating in all-pervading, unchanging yet hidden laws of Nature do reveal to my empty mind & open heart beyond human experience, beyond humanity. What? How? Why ? This is being done by finding the correct & holistic <mathematical, scientific & metaphysical> approach to solve Stephen W. Hawking’s long timed ultimate goal, as expressed implicitly & explicitly in his 2005 Edition book w/ a great scientist Dr. Leonard MLodinow: “A Brief er History of Time” , p.137, Par.2, Chapter 11: The Forces of Nature & the Unification of Physics, that says: “ A complete, consistent, unified theory is only the 1st step; our goal is a complete understanding of the events around us, and our own existence.” - Stephen Hawking Also, we find in the words of Dr. Hawking in The New York Times Magazine publication: “The Universe and Dr. Hawking,” by Michael Harwood, January 23, 1983, p.53 “The more we examine the Universe, we find it is not arbitrary at all but obeys certain well- defined laws that operate in different areas. It seems very reasonable to suppose that there may be some unifying principles, so that all laws are part of some bigger law.” Why Gpw Bernard Bautista Remen-tilla is stubbornly steel-hearted to go on? Why? Gpw BBR’s Answer …comes from his 1987 Dream and “it” visited him again in his 2005 Dream: [ 1987 & 2005:  GOD’S abs.# 7] [And so that lately sometime in the First Quarter in 2004, I only came to know that such grand plan <a much biggest Law of Nature> I have been working on is none other than the Nature’s Blueprint of Creation. And having done so in the process, my whole family & I underwent incredibly difficult circumstances beyond human, beyond death. I may be lucky more than enough that it is a miracle until now I am still alive & that me & my whole family are intact. This is not all by chance or coincident. GOD is always there & here protecting me & my family. I can feel it; GOD is always there with me …Nevertheless, the most difficult situation in my life came in 2005 when my 1987 Dream re-visited me … that time GOD first time gives me the Title: “Gpw” …Why? I don’t know ….Only GOD knows then .. as much as only GOD knows this Gpw Title today …2012: (abs.# 5  ) Now, who on Earth in his/her right mode of senses, in his/her correct frame of mind, still braves to go out of his/her way to still ask this GOD’s power-energy writer …. “ Professor Gpw Bernard, what makes you do so, and why & how come you let you & your family undergo all those most unspeakably trying times at all odds against you for more than 18 years – absolutely – and stiLL you stubbornly proceeded to work, finish and produce this Nature’s Blueprint of Creation ? … Why? ” (2004-2005 They asked me.) In all humility & honesty, this Invite is my ultimate answer … no less no more. That is: If a single ordinary person on Earth has understood the content of this Invite & in the process has completely changed his/her view of life in this World after reading this content from Heart. And then he/she starts to do only what is good for others & lives the rest of his/her life for the sake of other human beings on Earth, then it is more than a sufficiently rewarding gift to me that he/she has already invested in this Invite, with GOD, above all. …Today, 2019, I was more than …strongly asked in Question: Why? ; to which my Reply, pls see p.68 …is: Kindly please let me proceed: Figure _ The Illustrated A Brief History of Time & the Universe in a Nutshell by Stephen W. Hawking (Jun 7, 2007) Figure(s): 1 & 2: The Universe & our one Human Solar System @ the center vector field of Interconnecting Web-fibre of Life-Force & Life-Energy Fields permeating the Cosmos that breathes thru every Black Hole of the Universe. The greatest human act by Science & Mathematics render most significantly close to Blueprint Perspective did Newton, Maxwell & Einstein invaluable justice upon Nature creation in bringing out mathematical facts & scientific truths & laid the root-foundation of the unity of energy & forces; humanity benefited so greatly from the works of the unified 1861-‘65 Electro-magnetic Dynamics Theory by James Clerk Maxwell to begin man’s long Journey to the Unity of Physics & Metaphysics … as started earlier by Sir Isaac Newton, 1687 Principia; thus so made manifest strongly in the core implication of his quest to find the ultimate purpose of the creation of the World (Universe) in the context of order & peace in human life on Earth from the perspective of the Relativity Theory (1905-1916) & GUT (1951-‘52) by Albert Einstein. Nevertheless, despite Albert Einstein’s success in extracting Nature’s secrets in Relativity; he died in April, 1955, still pursuing to find Nature’s GUT @ the core…& eventually left dimensionless scientific & mathematical inquiries of loaded works to clarify, discover & to complete the Science Quest for Nature’s Final Law … has kept succeeding mathematical scientists very busy to catch & formulate the GUT & TOE.
  • 12. Page 12 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro … Today, more than a century after 1905, to Dr. Nigel Calder and the rest of World scientists, and world citizens, I am, with all humility, further affirming the truth that I know with certainty that world fellow scientists, engineers, mathematicians, architects, & others do agree with me to believe in conviction & say that : “…before any actual creation or invention of, say, constructing a bridge, a machine, or a building, etc., there must be a plan or a blueprint. This blueprint precedes all actual creation & if something went wrong in that creation resulting to problem or problems, it is, and it must be, the corresponding plan or blueprint which must be the over-all basis of rectification or restoration in and of the damage(s) in such creation – permanently.” How exactly certain am I in all of this GOD’S Blueprint? There exists a hidden, profound logic & reason inherent in the above perspective which exactly suggests a powerful subtle change in higher dimension (there are 52 dimensions in space, time & energy combined!) so that the solution can unify and unifies the 3 Natural Vector Fields of Scientific Phenomena: 1. Physics 2. Biology & 3.Chemistry <<in a new Vector Non-geometrical Unification Matrix Mechanics that functions in non-mechanical subtlety of a new mathematical principle, as exactly predicted by Dr. Roger Penrose,a former counterpart researcher to & of Dr. Hawking >>. This intrinsic logic as completely captured by new scientific & mathematical principle mentioned does strongly imply nothing else but a non-arguable manifest: a direct existence of Intelligent Plan or Blueprint. It is not surprisingthat several highly notable scientists in the world like: Nobel laureate neuroscientist, Sir John Eccles; Nobel laureate astronomer, Sir Fred Hoyle; Nobel laureate physicists, Dr. Eugene P. Wigner, & Dr. Murray Gell-Mann; a few most original & noted mathematical scientists: Dr. John A. Wheeler, Dr. Freeman Dyson, Dr. Werner von Braun & the rest of a few great living biologists, chemists & physicists, today, do acknowledge the existence of Intelligent Plan or Intelligent Design inherent in every function & structure of the highly complex physical phenomena of Nature. On Earth, any slight deviation from the laws of these physical phenomena, a Physical Universe at macro-scale – not to mention the other yet phenomena involving the non-physical dimension in the non-physical Universe or we may call it the Spirit World – makes human life suffer or die from painful physical deterioration like sickness or diseases, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. Therefore, what is this Intelligent Design, or Intelligent Plan or what we can call a Blueprint? How?... 2.0 The Direct Manifest & Confirmation of the Blueprint or Plan (of the Creation) – The Proof(s) in the face of concrete evidences from Nature: There is Creator-GOD  The Scientists’ Applied Implication of the Theory of Intelligent Design in the context of the Natural Principle of Creation; the Complex Operating Principle of Nature in the Context of Dr. Alexander Polyakov’s ‘GOD created the Universe’, or Dr. Stephen W. Hawking’s ‘the mind of GOD’, or Dr. Steven Weinberg’s ‘ handy-work of GOD’, and so on & so forth…:  The Metaphysical, Scientific & Mathematical Truths of the Nature’s 3 Essential Blueprints of Solution to All the 36 World-scale Emerging Issues based on the Original Perspective of the Theory of Intelligent Design as a Direct Mathematical & Scientific Manifest of Exquisitely Delicate Function & Structure < Essence & Facts > of the Laws of the Universe… The undeniable yet phenomenal emergence of the “Theory of Intelligent Design,” in all its richly diversified and yet superbly complex forms of natural manifestation of the Laws of Nature. Such laws are most delicately operating in every subtly mathematical system of the unified biological Universe where you & I, non-arguably, do exist complete with 5 physical senses and 5 non-physical senses to live and to live and to live … but not to survive. That is the Law; that is the Natural Principle of Creation. To survive on Earth that is designed for all biological forms to live, including every human being, is against the Natural Law of Creation, against the Theory of Intelligent Design or Grand Plan of the Creation. To survive on Earth is a complete violation of the Natural Principle of Creation – the Blueprint of Creation. It is because the Universe is designed for all biological forms to live, yet specifically more so with the creation of the Earth that is designed for all humanity to live … in True Life, True Love & True Lineage. Therefore, it is a fact in the bio-physiological study of human being – of all other creations in the world – that each of us is endowed to ask; to ask questions about things we want to know because every human being is the only special biological being that is concerned with the future of our Universe. Hence, no less than a leading mathematical physicist Dr.Lawrence Krauss wrote: “ …We are emboldened to ask questions about things we never see directly because we can ask them … we are endowed with imagination … beyond instinct … it is because we are designed with the Laws of Nature …created to look into the future of our Universe….” And to which no less than Nobel Laureate, Sir John Eccles referred for this phenomenon as a highly unique ability in human being alone as he said : “ … exhibited even by 3-year old children with their torrent of questions in their desire to know understand their world… by contrast, apes do not ask questions…”
  • 13. Page 13 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro … Hence, Rocket Scientist Dr. Werner von Braun went a step further when he said: “ The natural laws of the Universe are so precise that we have no difficulty building a spaceship to fly to the moon & can time the flight with precision of a fraction of a second. These laws must have been set by somebody…” Therefore, no less than Dr. Albert Einstein is convinced that the Universe is a manifest of intelligence in nature in his words: “ …To try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifest in Nature.” Dr. Albert Einstein, reflecting on the …..infinitesimal part of intelligence … in Nature Infinitesimal Intelligence inherent in Nature … If we take literary pieces of scientific discussions from the authority of sciences & mathematics in thecontext of numerous phenomenal evidences of such intelligent design surroundingus [ practically everythingthat surrounds us is apart of Nature’s Intelligent Design mathematically connected to the primary operator of Nature’s Biosphere Vector Field Energy Balance – Human Being: Adam & Eve ] in endless variety & amazing intricacy of complex forms of life – from the smallest to the biggest biological functions & structures of Natural Phenomena – then all these certainly leave us no doubt to conclude that there exists Cosmic Intelligent Design (CID) or Grand Plan in all natural things we sense in life. Specifically, let’s take the view of: Dr. Robert Jastrow, a highly distinguished Professor of Astronomy & Geology at Columbia University, USA, who wrote in his good book The Enchanted Loom – Mind in the Universe: “ The astronomical proof of a Beginning – the sudden birth of the Universe that becomes a proven scientific fact – places scientists in an awkward position, for they believe that every effect has a rational cause… That is, the natural intelligent cause…” Hence, a brilliant mathematician Dr. William A. Dembski stated: “ … that the intelligent design evident in the observable features of the natural world … can be adequately explained only by recourse to intelligent causes.” The complexity of the mathematical designs of the natural world appears so subtle before human senses that it looks so intricately incomprehensible. However, this critical fact is completely presented, unraveled & explained in the Book Project #1 Proposition. It includes incredibly amazing dual characteristics of the physical features of every biological system – from the smallest to the biggest in the Universe, including the Universe itself – beyond the 3.6 billion years ago when the first unequivocally recognized life form <extremely tiny ranging in size from 0.000018 to 0.0006 of a millimeter> appeared on Earth. It brings out & presents the plain truth that any subtle fact of Nature deemed by scientists as mysterious cannot be explained any more in any scientific or mathematical tools other than the tool of the metaphysical logic of extraordinary intelligence inherent in all manifestations of biological designs in the Physical Universe – including you and I. That is why no less than the great astronomer Dr. Allan Sandage who said: “ It was my science that drove me to the conclusion that the world is much more complicated than can be explained by science. It is only through the supernatural that I can understand the mystery of existence.” This mystery of existence rests in the metaphysical logic of extraordinary intelligence, that is the Supreme Intelligent Design. Why? This Intelligent Design has the ultimate hidden framework plan, very subtle, very intricate which in the lens of human eyes makes completely hardly plain & simple to know & understand the meaning of all intricate, complex biological forms of creation. It is because human viewpoint can hardly comprehend the meaning of both absolute values of biological systems of Nature and Nature’s original universal intelligent design<u-ID> & symmetry creation design codes <SCD-6 & SCD-9> intrinsic in all that exist in the Cosmos. These are the issues to be addressed which can only be done using not human viewpoint. These issues & facts are evident of the discussions coming from the authorities themselves, such as: The scientific & metaphysical arguments of diverse issues on physicist Dr.Stephen Hawking’s the mind of GOD; the highly subtle expression of the mathematics of the Theory of Everything (TOE) as directly expressed in the original mathematical formulae of Modern Quantum Mechanics by mathematician Dr. Alexander Polyakov; neuro-scientist/brain surgeon Dr. Robert J. White’s acknowledgement of the Superior Intellect responsible for the design & development of the incredible brain-mind relationship of life; molecular biologist Dr. Michael Denton’s exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular systems … in DNA …, in his book: Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.
  • 14. Page 14 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro … Also Dr. Steven Weinberg’s the handy-work of GOD in his simple yet profound addressing the intricate points of working parameters of natural laws of the Universe, pointing to the existence of universal code of design inherent in Nature, in the book chapter: “…What about GOD?” from his book: Dreams of Final Theory, 1994 Edition. Or the mathematical explanations of Nature’s Subtle Laws of Phenomenal Reality of the Universe in Dr. Roger Penrose’s book: “The Road to Reality – A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe”, 2004 Edition, among others. All these do all imply, manifest <not just simply suggest > very strongly & point to us a certain, most profound truth in Nature: in the face of the ultimate reality of creation – in the words of world’s authority on Astrophysics, Sir Fred Hoyle: “ … it seemed better to suppose that the origin of life was a deliberate intellectual act.” “A deliberate intellectual act …” – Sir Fred Hoyle. “ … the Mind of GOD …” – Stephen Hawking. In answer to ‘Can Science lead us to GOD?’ In search of TOE, Mr. Hawking couldn’t help but keep on mentioning “GOD”. And this strongly suggests that ‘there exists an intrinsic, highly Intelligent Cosmic Plan in the Universe’, which in the Words of Dr. Penrose himself, is expressed completely, as follows: “… will take us in the directions significantly different from those currently being pursued. Perhaps what we mainly need is some subtle change in perspective – something that we all have missed …” Dr. Roger Penrose & his Book” The Road to Reality” 21st Current Most Notable Scientific & Mathematical Studies & Research – In search of the Grand Unification (Field) Theory <GUT> & The Theory of Everything <TOE> to define the subtle design of Nature In Mathematics known to Human Reason & Human Perspective … Also, equally most notable & very important current research & studies on natural phenomena in the perspective of unifying intrinsic & fundamental underlying principles Classical Sciences & Modern 21st Century Sciences & Mathematics, to include most difficult & extremely subtle operating phenomena of nature from the perspective of mathematical intricacies of natural behaviors of matter & energy inter-actions to describe & define the holistic attributes of a GUT & TOE of Natural Phenomena, as follows: The GUT-CP works of Dr. Randell MiLLs, at best figuring out equally most remarkable & important mathematical results in the interpretation & formulation of integrated mathematical relationships of Classical Physics from the context of existing & well-established principles of classical sciences but still lacking in comprehensively new technical approach & innovative mathematical underpinnings of re-solving the problematic conflicting nature of unification of force field strength, energy field strength, to fully embrace all these physical constants of Classical Physics, Quantum Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc., from the point of view of mathematically unifying the basic principles of Biology, Physics, Chemistry in more than 11 dimensions of nature <<the M-Theory’s 11 dimensions cannot & is therefore incomplete>>, in at least 52 dimensions of space-time-energy of matter & energy, of force field & energy field, of the Universe & Cosmos inter-acting in harmony & order. That is, it lacks to finally re-solve all these conflicts, or unsolved problems in mathematics & sciences thus far known to us, humans, in order to solve true World Peace & all the rest of 15 Questions given above, including finally re-solving Climate Change.
  • 15. Page 15 of 70 © Gpw BBR 2012-2019 The 2nd & Final Integrated Series re. Gpw_BBR DuaL Project GBtZ Solution(s) to Climate Change & True World Peace: The Intro … One of the best & most likely but partially correct GUT & TOE Works thus far surfacing over & above the rest of world’s outstanding scientists’ & mathematicians’ combined works in the present time, this 21st Century, is the work of one of the most brilliant mathematical scientists – the M-Theory, the mathematical integrating M-Theory of Dr. Edward Witten. However, sadly it still – besides falling short of completely answering the 15 Greatest & Most Important Unsolved Puzzles presented in separate paper – hardly re- solves the conflicts of unifying the mathematics of the Two Basic Aspects of Reality of Nature: Force Field & Energy Field; Physical Energy & Non-Physical Energy. That is, it still has to solve the conflicts between Matter & Energy, & Body & Mind of each human being that exists & lives in a 52-dimension space-time- energy. [Hence, the M-Theory, being mathematically theoretical-ized within the mathematical structure of 11 dimensions, can hardly re-configure the unity of physical energy & non-physical energy; between force field & energy field; between male human being & female human being because each reality of Nature in the context of a Human Being is mathematically configured in Duality Principle of Male & Female created being that exists & lives in 52-dimension of the Universe; and so on.] Dr. Alexander Polyakov's problems & the rest of Scientists' quest for TOE are resolved in my Global Book Project #1 Proposal. He is very honest to himself & to GOD. The Resonance Project - Rise to the Equation. The Unification of Sciences, etc. This Project is spearheaded by Prof. Nassim Haramein, & is purposed to geometrically <or otherwise> configure The Grand Unified Theory; has given his fundamental concepts in series of presentations in "Crossing the Event Horizon:Rise to the Equation," and his international speaking tours. However, the geometrical structure & mathematical ramifications of his theory haven’t still yet re-solved the 15 Greatest Unsolved Puzzles presented in separate paper – up to down the 6 Levels going to Zero Point from the 7th Level of Quark Group of 3 Pairs, and the like … Then up to the macro- scale of the Cosmos, including & beyond the dimensions of the Physical Universe. New Progresses in Solving Einstein’s Equations … etc. , in addition to Author Dr. Reinhard, we have the following: 1. The most beautiful theory - General relativity - The Economist Nov 28, 2015 - He had been searching for a new solution to Albert Einstein's equations of general relativity, and at last he could see in his numbers and symbols a precise description of how space-time—the four- dimensional universal fabric those equations describe—could be wrapped into a spinning ball. He had found ... 2. Modified Standard Einstein's Field Equations ... - Progress in Physics Nov 5, 2017 - Modified Standard Einstein's Field Equations and the Cosmological Constant. Faisal A. Y. Abdelmohssin. IMAM ... new modified field equations emerged, one type of these field equations are Rastall's gravity equations. ... In his search for analytical solution to his field equations he turned to cosmology and ..